#also!!! ft. red robin kitty
pokeberry5 · 6 months
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red robin in his hot girl summer era
alts + closeup:
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amorest-viesse · 8 months
[To The World Of Our Friends] - Chloe SSR Card Story Translation
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Ft. Akira
An Incredible Night Beneath The Stars - Chapter 1
[Living Room]
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Kitty: I haven't seen you in a while, Chloe, Akira. How have you been?
Chloe: I've been great~! I’m so glad we get to see each other again, right, Master Sage?
Akira: Yep! It’s incredible to be able to sit down with you again.
That day, Hello Kitty and her friends found that they could suddenly use magic and came to this world to see us.
Kitty: I wanted to see everyone again too. We probably can’t stay long, but I’m grateful for the time we can spend together.
Chloe: In that case, we better make the most of it! I wanna do lots of things together like, “Yay! You’re really here!” kinda vibes, y’know?
Akira: Agreed! Let’s have as much fun today as we can. What do you guys want to do?
Chloe: Hmm, let me think… Ooh, I wanna make something for Miss Kitty!
Kitty: Why, I would love that!
Akira: It’s something only you could do for her.
Chloe: Ehehe, I’m glad you like the idea! What kind of clothes do you want? I can make anything, so don’t be shy!
Kitty: Hmm, I wonder…
Kitty: I would love a pretty dress to wear for a piano recital, but a cute apron for making sweets also sounds nice.
Kitty: Oh, I just can’t decide.
Chloe: Alright then, let’s make both!
Kitty: Will you be fine with that?
Chloe: Of course I am! Just leave it to me! We can get started right now, actually. Do you guys wanna head to my room?
[Door Open]
Cock Robin: Master Sage, are you here!?
Akira: Sir Robin, what’s wrong?
Cock Robin: My apologies, but we just received an urgent request…
Akira: …! Understood. Oh, umm….
Chloe: We can get started in the meantime. Good luck on the mission!
Kitty: Good luck, Akira! Let’s meet up again once you’re done, alright?
Akira: I’m so sorry about this, but I’ll head back as soon as I can!
The two of them waved me goodbye, and I headed out for the mission.
Akira: (It’s a bit late now… I better hurry to Chloe’s room.)
Akira: It’s me, Akira. Can I come in?
Chloe: Of course!
Akira: Alright then…
[Chloe’s Room]
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Kitty: Welcome back, Akira!
Wearing an elegant dress, Kitty greeted me with a spin, twirling to show off her outfit.
It was red with a matching ribbon and delicate lace accents around the collar to match. The entire composition felt balanced, yet elaborate all at once—a perfect fit for Hello Kitty.
Akira: Wow, you look beautiful…! Compared to your usual cutesy style, this outfit is so chic! I love the new look!
An Incredible Night Beneath The Stars - Chapter 2
Kitty: Ehehe, thank you. This is such a beautiful dress. It makes Kitty so happy! Chloe is amazing as always, isn’t he?
Chloe: All I’m doing is bringing out your natural charm! I had a ton of fun making it too!
As the two of them complimented each other back and forth, their voices seemed to skip and dance merrily.
Akira: (I’m sure they had a great time talking to each other while Chloe was sewing. They both love fashion after all.)
Chloe: Alright, now let’s model the next outfit.
Chloe: <<Suispicibo Voitingoc>>!
As Chloe cast his spell, both of their outfits changed into clean, white aprons.
Akira: …Oh?
Then, when I looked down, I noticed my clothes had changed to match theirs as well. All three of us were now wearing aprons embroidered with apples and piano keys.
Kitty: Chloe granted my wish. I wanted to have matching aprons with you and the other Western wizards too!
Akira: Kitty…! Thank you so much. I absolutely love this…!
Chloe: Miss Kitty was the one who came up with the design. Isn’t it great?
Akira: It’s greater than great! I love how it’s both cute and casual at the same time, nice going.
Kitty: Ufufu. It makes me happy to be able to wear such lovely outfits with my friends ♪
Kitty: Now, we can accomplish the last thing I want to do together.
Chloe: Oh? What’s that? I wanna know!
Kitty: I’d like to make sweets with everyone.
Akira: Wow, that’s a great idea!
Chloe: That sounds super fun! I don’t bake very often, but I’d love to try it with you.
Kitty: Thank you! Next, we have to decide what to make. Is there anything the two of you would like?
Akira: Not really… Anything would be fine by me.
Chloe: Tarts, muffins, apple pie… Everything sounds delicious. I can’t decide either…
Kitty: Ufufu, it’s okay to take your time. Kitty can wait.
Saying that, Kitty began to hum a little song. It was a bright and cheerful tune.
Kitty: ~♪ ~~♪
Chloe: …Oh! Weren’t you humming that earlier when we were coming up with the apron design?
Akira: I’ve heard that melody before! It’s strangely familiar for some reason…
Kitty: Oh? Do you know it? It’s the song I like to sing when I’m making sweets.
Kitty: Especially when I’m making popcorn. I like to think it gives the corn a little extra pop!
Chloe: Haven’t you made us popcorn before, Master Sage?
Akira: Yep. It’s a treat made by heating up corn kernels—
Suddenly, we made eye contact—like the same thought just crossed our mind—and smiled.
Chloe: Miss Kitty!
Akira: We know what we’re going to make!
An Incredible Night Beneath The Stars - Chapter 3
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Chloe: Thank you for teaching us that song, Miss Kitty. It was super fun singing while we made popcorn together.
Akira: The other Western wizards seemed like they had a pretty good time too. Murr was bouncing around like he was popcorn the whole time.
Kitty: I had a lot of fun too! I’m so glad we got to spend this time together ♪
After a successful world-hopping trip, it was now Kitty’s turn to invite us to Puroland.
To thank us, she wanted to give us a tour in exchange.
Chloe: If you ask me, just getting to wear these cute fits is plenty!
Kitty: Ufufu, thank you. However, I want to do even more for you to show my appreciation.
Kitty: Could you two come with me? There’s a place I want to show you.
As we followed her, the landscape transformed into more natural scenery as the trees grew into a forest around us.
Kitty: This is the place. The night sky looks especially beautiful from here, so I wanted to stargaze with you.
Looking upwards, my breath was taken away.
Chloe: Whoa…!
Akira: Amazing! The sky is filled with stars…!
Kitty: Isn’t it wonderful~♪ And there’s one more surprise too.
Kitty: <<Makkuromi>>!
Kitty casted a spell, causing something to appear.
Chloe: Is this… a bonfire? Oh! And marshmallows!
Kitty: Let’s make this the best night ever by telling stories and toasting marshmallows under the stars.
Akira: Wow, it’s a picture-perfect scene…!
Chloe: This night is gonna be incredible! You’re the best, Miss Kitty!
We sat ourselves around the fire with excitement and began skewering marshmallows.
Akira: There’s nothing quite like toasted marshmallows.
Chloe: Right, right? They’re so much fun every time.
Chloe: Oh, I have an idea. Since you have a popcorn song, why don’t we make up a marshmallow one too?
Kitty: That’s a great idea! I’m sure it’ll make our treats taste even yummier.
Kitty: I wonder what the lyrics should be. If we’re describing marshmallows, “white” comes to mind…
Chloe: And fluffy…
Akira: Then they get all sticky when you heat them up. The way the texture completely changes makes it fun. It’s almost like magic.
Chloe: Oh that’s a great line! It is almost like magic!
Kitty: I agree, it’s wonderful! I suppose we have our lyrics then.
Kitty: White and fluffy~♪ Sweet and tasty~♪ Let’s cast a fiery spell on our marshmallows~♪
Kitty: Alright everyone, together now!
Chloe & Akira & Kitty: Yummy magic~♪ Yummy magic~♪
As we sang our new song under the stars, toasting marshmallows together, the smiles we shared shone brighter than the bonfire.
Sweet Memories Together - Card Episode
Chloe: Hmhmhmm~♪
Akira: (Ah, it’s Chloe. He has his apron on, so maybe he’s making something?)
Akira: Good afternoon, Chloe. You seem like you’re in a good mood.
Chloe: Oh, Master Sage! Did you catch me humming? Ehehe, that was a bit embarrassing.
Akira: I’m sorry for surprising you like that, but you seemed like you were having a good time. Are you making… popcorn?
Chloe: Yep. I was thinking about when Miss Kitty visited and how much fun I had with her and the other Western wizards.
Chloe: It made me miss her all of a sudden, so I decided to make some popcorn in her honor.
Chloe: I was also going to try the secret ingredient she told me about while we were toasting marshmallows!
Akira: Caramel, right? You’re supposed to heat up some butter and marshmallows to drizzle over the mix…
Akira: Then, you sing the song she taught us.
Chloe: Exactly, If I do all that, we’ll definitely meet again right?
Chloe: But when I tried singing, it was difficult for me to replicate the chants by myself, so I ended up humming it instead.
Akira: Ahaha, is that what happened? In that case, I’ll sing with you. Just leave the chants to me!
Chloe: Really? Thank you! I feel a lot better singing with you here too.
Chloe: Alright then, let’s do this! One and two…!
Home Screen Voice Line
“Miss Kitty was the one who came up with the apron design! Isn’t it cute? All of the Western wizards wore this while we were making popcorn together. Hey, do you wanna sing that super fun song Miss Kitty taught us? I’d love your help with the chants!”
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idiotwithanipad · 23 days
Beyond the water
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(Slight continuation of a requested fic written by @shebeafancyflapjack, where My OC, Amy, moves on. Ft her OC's Silver and Elysabeth)
Yesterday, one of them moved on. The one they least suspected, given that she was the most recent member of the group. Some even put metaphorical money on the cynical teen being one of the last to go. But she did. Snatched away while no one was around, save for one of the bumbling plague ghosts, the only person who could actually confirm the truth.
She wasn't entirely close to most of the group, but the loss still hit them for what it was: a loss is a loss. Especially to Humphrey. Since the morning after the girl's departure, he'd barely said a word. Even when Pat approached to extend condolences, or when Kitty picked up his discarded head and gave his hair a gentle stroke, he didn't seem to react. Like they weren't there at all. Like he wasn't there at all.
A mere mention of the girl's name would either see the Tudor slip into silent sobs or launch a venomous threat to keep her name out of their mouths, depending on who it was. Even Captain didn't dare attempt to correct Humphrey's foul mood with a stern warning or snide remark about how 'Amy was a bad influence to them all'.
But Humphrey wasn't in the house to help with the phone call to Alison. In accordance to Silver's last request before her monthly rest, Robin had brought Humphrey's head to Silver's sleeping place and set him atop a mossy tree stump, Humphrey being the closest thing to Amy Silver had left. It lasted for a few hours. The Tudor waited until Silver had difted into sleep, a single tear left to dry on her tinted red cheek, puffed from crying.
His eyes slowly and lifelessly scanned and surveyed over the girl's boots, keeping his sights on them just incase they should disappear also; that would truly be nightmarish.
"Alison want talk on phone..." Robin's sullen voice cut softly through the air, shaking the Tudor from his empty trance. In a rare moment, Humphrey could've sworn he'd seen a glimmer of sincere pity and hurt in Robin's eyes as he stepped over the leaves towards the stump where his detatched head rested.
Robin was careful and tender when scooping Humphrey's head into his hands, almost as though he feared that Humphrey's emotions were tangible and liable to shatter if handled too roughly after what had happened.
"How d'you do it?"
Robin glanced down at the back of Humphrey's head, perplexed by the idle question.
"Do what?"
"How d'you just- watch. Sit there and watch the things you loved fade away? How are you not completely doolally?"
Even Robin wasn't sure he completely understood how he managed either; he'd lost so much so many times. Friends, family, homes. Places that felt like home, anyway.
"It not easy. It never easy. But like I say before, more good things come along". Robin tried to reassure.
Humphrey's head sighed in his hands.
"That's the thing. There won't be anything on this earth that could be better than Amy. Not to me"
That hit close to home for the caveman. He still remembered his devotion to his many children, and during his time alive, some sadly didn't make it very long. Horrific. Nightmarish. Like throwing a block of ice on a tiny candle; absolutely zero chance of that flame of life continuing to burn on.
Robin turned the head in his hands and looked sincerely into his eyes.
"That pain- that not go away. Won't ever go. But you keep memory of them, and nothing take that away".
Humphrey blinked and let his jaw drop slack. He didn't want to hear that, but he knew it was true. He knew nothing could be done. After a few moments of walking in silence, Robin slowly and carefully turned Humphrey's head away again, no more pressure to make conversation or humiliate him by watching him cry.
Making his way into the house, Robin decided to avoid the Tudor staircase and opted to take the main stairs, the Tudor stairs being one of the very first spots Humphrey and Amy had spoke and vented to each other.
Behind the glistening waterfall, Amy still sobbed and watched. Everybody gathered in the Higham Suite by a little coffee table standing around and taking turns to talk to Alison on the flip phone. The hopelessness was sickening, just watching them grieve and struggle to find the words to explain their situation. It was like dying all over again. That same desperation and frustrating despair as she watched the paramedics bag her up and wheel her out. Now she was watching her friends, now looking back, realised she'd treated them more like obstacles to avoid or just another tiny, annoying pebble in her shoe that she couldn't shake away. They still cared enough to arrange a funeral.
She was ashamed.
"I'm sorry, guys. I'm so sorry..." Amy wept, her face drifting closer to the cascading water. Mary, stepped closer behind Amy and leant forward to watch.
"I's not seein' head bit nowhere..."
Amy glanced back at the woman, a wide eyed glimmer of hope.
"You think he's-?"
"Oh no, pet. When a person gets sucked of, the sky above does sparkle and and sing like angels" Mary aided her point by softly lilting a whimsical and slightly off key note and flourishing her pleasantly curved forearms towards the sky. Annie, standing on the bank of the shallow fool of water around them, mimicked Mary's gesticulation but held her tongue.
Amy watched on.
"Then they just- appears. Anywhere's. You did arrive the same way as all who's come to the land of the sucked off" Mary explained, lowering her arms to her middle where her plump fingers toyed with the now pristine lace of her faded Royal blue stays. Amy sighed and sloppily rose from the water, remarkably, her skirt and tights remained dry.
Mary gave a pitiful but hopeful smile and held her hand out for Amy to take, but the bereaved teen shook her head and trudged over the small stones and pebbled under the clear water and stepped up onto the bank a few meters from Annie.
Before the waterfall's clarity faded back to being just that, normal water, Mary watched on as Robin slunk into the room carrying the aforementioned Tudor's head. Mary let out a beaming cry of triumphant glee, like she had been waiting for this moment, as though she had just rolled a ball down the alley and scored a strike. But, the look on Humphrey's face was enough for even her to immediately pity and even worry about; she'd never seen him so glum and lifeless. She didn't want Amy to see him that way.
Amy and Annie snapped their head's back to Mary.
"What?" Amy asked, looking again, sickeningly hopeful. Curse it.
Mary paused like a small creature under a spotlight that had realised it had been caught.
"... O-oh, I just thoughts I's seen a deer..." Mary lied, pointing off past Annie's shoulder with her pinkie. Amy blinked and let her risen eyebrows fall, lifting her hand into an 'ok' sign.
Amy turned on her heel and started to depart through the thin forest. Annie threw a look back at Mary as though wondering if she had lost her mind; if Amy had somehow caught a glimpse of Humphrey's sullen and life stricken face, God knows how she would be right now. Mary understood and nodded, gathering her skirt and stepping from the pool herself, hooking her hand into the crook of Annie's arm.
"What be your plan now, girl? Any sights you wish to see? Any lands you've wished to traverse?" Annie asked, hoping to lighten the mood. Amy didn't take her eyes from the trees ahead with an empty thousand mile Kubrick stare.
"Nothing. I don't want anything"
Mary hadn't felt her heart crack that hard since seeing Silver cry in agony when finding out Mary had been taken away. Annie just gave a perplexed glance over to Mary as though wondering if Amy was even seeing the beauty which surrounded them. She couldn't be THAT miserable? Surly?
Weeks later, Alison kept her end of the bargain. She returned, without Mike, to the house to help the ghosts arrange a small service for Amy. Alison decided to schedule it on a day when Silver was due to wake up; remembering all the events Silver had unfortunately missed, Alison didn't want Silver to miss her final goodbye to her friend. Everyone gathered, once again, in Higham Suite, Alison wore all black, traditional, but fitting given Amy's appreciation of the dismal colour.
Majority of the shock had passed, but not from Humphrey who, for now, was whole. He sat beside Kitty at the foot of the bed glancing idly out the window at the branches of a tree outside gently waving in the breeeze. The group all rose and joined hands in a circle.
"Amy was- strange in all the best ways. She was funny when she chose to be. Grouchy.... Stubborn, but she wasn't spiteful. I know she cared, really..." Alison spoke, her elderly yet ripe voice was full of wisdom. Silver's head dipped forward as she stifled a whimper. Robin's hand squeezed her's slightly tighter and he swung their arms forward softly to settle her.
"There was no malice in anything she did, really-" Alison continued before Julian cut in with a soft chuckle.
"Apart from scaring me to the ends of Savile Row and back" He finished with a single nod and a genuine smile before bowing his head again, hoping that he didn't come across as too arrogant or relieved that Amy was out of his hair. A series of soft chuckles and fond nods of agreement rippled amongst the group. But one stayed completely silent.
Robin rose his eyes to Alison.
"Stompy was a good girl in heart. She laugh with me lot of times. I teach her how to smell things, 'member?"
The group each smiled at the recollection and Pat reached behind Julian to rub at Robin's shoulder.
"She was very fond of you, Robin" Fanny affirmed with a warm yet slightly crooked grin. Cap cleared his throat.
"Well- not a bad young lady, actually. Despite her, at times blatant delinquency-" He was cut off.
"She was like that because of everything she'd been through..." Humphrey growled, his face turned to the boards beneath their feet, but his eyes flicked up with a vengeful grimace directly at the soldier, daring him to slander his girl. Captain caught onto the Tudor's glare and conceded, nodding his head and adjusting the placement of his heels.
"I suppose I had been a little ignorant of her circumstances. But no. She wasn't a bad person. We're all happy to have known her".
Only after Captain finished his sentence did Humphrey lower his glare, spurning Kitty to temporarily let go of one of Silver's hands to stroke his arm, reassuring her with a nod to let her know he was alright.
"Amy was such a sweet girl, she did look a little scary in the dark, but aren't all things quite scary in the dark? Once you shine a light on it, it's nothing like what you thought" Kitty spoke, a tearful yet fond smile spreading onto her lips. The group seemed to understand Kitty's way of summing up Amy that way. She was right.
"Maybe she liked people thinking she was scary?" Silver added.
"She told me that part of the reason she- looked like that- was because she wanted people to-" In unison with Humphrey, the two uttered.
"Leave her alone". Silver and Humphrey glanced at each other, Silver mildly shocked, and Humphrey with a warm sense of closure; Silver really was a good friend to Amy if she knew that.
"Defense mechanism". Humphrey started, everyone turning their eyes to him.
"Reverse peacocking, if you will. She told me if she dressed and acted like that people might think she's dodgy and avoid her. She was scared of it, see? People, bullies, the kind who can't keep their impulsive thoughts to themselves... ". Humphrey finished, bringing his thumb to the corner of his eye and rubbing a tear away as his throat caught in grief.
"She told me everything. Some of it was even from her own family... The things they called her, the roumours that got spread around. The things they did to 'er-". Humphrey stopped, lifting his hand to his brow and turning away to hold his breath. Everyone bit their lips and averted their eyes to spare Humphrey any humiliation. In preparation, Robin gripped onto Silver's hand again, either to comfort her, or to ground himself. He wasn't sure which.
"We all know that she loved you dearly, mate". Said Pat, smiling gently and nodding. The group couldn't have agreed more. Humphrey found the strength to turn back into the circle and tighten his lips beneath his moustache, giving Pat a thankful nod in return.
Alison waited for a moment and reached into the deep pocket of her woolen cardigan, bringing out the unmistakable blue can with sugar skulls and a distinct and bulbous 'M' in the center. Alison wiggled the can in her hand briefly.
"Her favourite after all" She smiled, cracking open the colourful can and holding it up to her nose, taking a sniff. Her eyes screw shut as though she had accidentally breathed in lemon juice, but smiled on and went from ghost to ghost, letting them pretend to take a whiff of the liquid themselves.
Only Robin seemed to react as his eyes popped open wider and his jaw set in mild horror, staring at the colourful can trying to decipher whether or not Amy had been completely insane to put something that smelled THAT potent into her body. Each ghost took a sniff and gave differing reactions. Some assumeing that it would smell a little bit like lemonade, others like plain uncorroborated mango extract, other's just nodded. Silver just imagined Red Bull but mango flavoured.
"Don't throw it away, Alison" Humphrey pleaded.
"Just leave it there next to her certificate. Please. It's where she'd put it".
Alison glanced one more time at the can and nodded. Leaning down and reaching into her bag, Alison pulled out another wooden photo frame.
The witchling looked over at Alison and took note of the frame.
"I'm still not the best artist, but- I drew this for you to put by your bed if you want it..." Alison suggested, producing the frame and revealing to Silver a small charcoal drawing of herself and Amy walking side by side, seemingly laughing and talking about an undisclosed topic.
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(Shameful replug of my own drawing🫥)
"Thank you" Silver smiled, warm memories flooding just by looking at the little frame.
"She's been there for a Moon's cycle now, Mary. Can't be good for her" Annie muttered into Mary's ear, the two women watching from a distance as Amy sat on the bank of the pool of glass-clear water beneath the waterfall, her boots dipping into it.
Mary tutted.
"I knows. T' place doth not seem to jolly her in any ways". Mary fiddled with her lace once again and tilted her head, trying to decipher whether or not Amy would've been better off stuck at Button House or free from it all.
"She's been carrying that there rock around in hand. Reminds me a lot of-"
"Humphrey...". Mary finished Annie's remark for her.
"She doth miss him so... ". Mary spoke gently.
"But she hath not conjured the fall's magic to looks in on him. Just been sittin' there..."
Annie sucked at her bottom lip and stepped away from Mary, carefully approaching the bank.
"You's been sat here a greater time than many, girl". Annie chimed.
"Yeah" Amy responded blankly, sounding about ready to drop off to sleep. Seemingly dazed and delirious, her fingertips grazed gently over the top of the pumpkin sized rock in her lap. Annie may have been a stoic woman, but she wasn't heartless, and right now her heart felt as though it could rupture at any moment.
She clenched her fists and jaw.
"I pray you, tell me how we can help, girl.."
Amy got up and took the rock with her, never daring to make eye contact with the Puritan, and set herself forward in a slightly quicker trudge than before, trying to get away. Through the trees, two voices sung what sounded like either a drunken bar song or a very outdated nursery rhyme.
Amy glanced up, still devoid of emotion, human nature forcing her to check for what was making the monotone yet lively melody. Through the trees, casually walking forward with a spring in his step, a portly man with shoulder length hair which almost looked black, a thick beard and a dark olive green houppelande secured with a hefty leather belt. Sat perched on his shoulder was a younger woman, possibly an early teen given her stature. Golden blonde hair braided and thatched with beautiful lavender flowers and a faced lilac tunic atop a white undershirt with loosely frilled sleeves.
They seemed very playful with each other, yet many generations apart. They laughed and chanted their tune waving their hands and swaying their heads as though at some music festival. Amy stepped aside a few yards ahead of them, hoping for them to just ignore her and pass by. But the man stopped dead in his tracks and gasped.
"Amy Bone?! Slice my scabs, thou hath transcend at last!"
What the fuck?
The blonde girl, looking confused at first, soon leaned her head closer to inspect Amy and soon sat bolt upright, climbing down from the man's shoulder and standing in the grass beneath them.
"Lord of mercy, 'tis her, an' all!"
Okay, seriously, is this a fever dream?
"The fuck are you? How d'you know me?" Amy asked, bluntly, robotic and annoyed. The large man held his belt and leaned forward.
"We did come to know you from our blessed fresh water over thy shoulder!" He bellowed, pointing a pudgy finger past Amy towards the waterfall.
Amy rose her eyebrow, full of scepticism.
"Trust sweet William's words, miss. We's not spying on thee, we merely come to the water once in a moon to pay respects to our old friend. That's how we's come to recognize thy face and name" The girl, a head shorter than Amy explained.
The man patted the girl's shoulder boisterously, so much that she jolted down a full inch.
"Young miss Elysabeth speaks the truth. Our old companion still dwells on dry land. You know him. Has hair and a beard quite like myself, only without the clothing and good looks" The man joked, earning a sharp slap to the gut from the blonde girl.
"William means to say, our beloved Rogh. He hath not yet ascended to us. We do miss him from time to time, so we watch him from our new home" The girl smiled, flourishing her arms through the air. That name rang a bell.
"You mean Robin?" Amy asked.
The man, William, clicked.
"That's it! That be the fellow"
"I is ever proud of his progress, Amy. He hath learned much in his time in the land of the dead. I is glad he doth not dwell alone" The girl, Elysabeth, said, her voice full of fondness and pride.
"When I did meet him, all those eons ago, he spoke in no more than grunts and growls like a wee puppy. But now he hath grown into a man of knowledge and wisdom. He was perfect in his natural way, but he hath bettered himself more that I did think possible"
William nodded.
"A new man, he is. Put the other ones there to shame" He smiled, nudging Elysabeth's side playfully.
What's that supposed to mean?
"Good for you." Amy grunted, stepping past them and walking away. Elysabeth pondered and stepped forward.
"Where do you flee to? Is there nobody for you to see beyond the water? We is about to see Rogh, if you wish to join?"
Amy paused. Maybe it was time for her to face her fear and check in on everyone, see how they are. Hopefully she'll catch a glimpse of Humphrey. Peace of mind, or torture of the heart.
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miss kitty | jjk
pairing(s): jungkook x reader
summary: Oh, Miss Kitty, you're so bad but so good, so damn beautiful that you make me sick, ah, for real tho, Jeon Jungkook swallowed too much alcohol and ice-cold chaser at once and now he's sprinting to the bathroom to vomit. But, oh, he does want all those kisses so damn bad.
warnings: language; alcohol consumption; pining what's new, it's JK; vocal line ogling Miss Kitty, what? she's in a bikini, we know she's doing it on purpose; if the outfits sound familiar, refer to the original ITS outfits, lmao; literally just crack + fluff; mentions of a blowjob and sex daydreams; non-idol!BTS - a mess (of bad decisions)!Jungkook x noona!reader, ft vocal line shenanigans, mentions of Joon + Hobi, and Yoongi appearing at random inappropriate times; JK's POV with a tiny bit of Seokjin's POV
ofc inspired by 'bad decisions' by benny blanco, bts, and snoop dogg
“You’re kidding me.”
“She never comes to these things.”
“The hell are you guys looking at – holy shit.”
“Are those cat ears?”
“Who gives a shit about the cat ears? She’s in a goddamn bikini!”
“What is her tongue doing?”
“Can you be jealous of air? Because I’m jealous of air right now.”
“I heard she bites into her popsicles.”
The four heads admiring the woman in a black bikini and fluffy cat ears snapped to the side in unison where a bored voice sat under them, using the four men as his personal shade. Sunglasses, wide-brimmed straw hat, watermelon popsicle, wearing a long-sleeved white shirt and black pants at a pool party, nodding sagely as he continued.
“I lied. I’ve seen it. It’s hardcore,” Min Yoongi said with about as much enthusiasm as a rock.
“Where’d you get the hat, hyung?”
“Hoseok put it on me. I don’t know where he went.”
Kim Taehyung put his large hand on Min Yoongi’s straw hat and patted the golden-yellow circle. Yoongi continued enjoying his popsicle and squinting at the sun. Well, it was hard to tell because of the sunglasses, but that was what Jeon Jungkook assumed because he had seen Yoongi’s disapproving face enough times to see the wrinkle of distaste in his otherwise neutral, slightly upturned mouth.
Strangely cat-like.
“She’s crawling on people and pouring their drinks into their mouths,” Park Jimin suddenly said.
Kim Seokjin made a choking sound and covered his eyes, looking straight through his fingers. He was also wearing a straw hat that coincidentally matching Yoongi’s – or, rather, previously Jung Hoseok’s. He was looking handsome in a bright pink tropical-print shirt, robin’s egg blue t-shirt, and white shorts, itching closer to the drinks table to grab… something.
“What are you doing, hyung?” Taehyung suddenly piped up, making Seokjin squeak and send the red plastic cup he had been reaching for shooting across the table.
“Bring her over here, Tae,” Jimin hissed, taking his sunglasses off his head and hiding his eyes, as if he could hide in his royal blue shirt and distressed denim shorts that showed off his powerful calves.
“How? Your face, bro!”
Taehyung was apparently completely unaware of how naturally handsome he was, but he was also the guy in a half-unbuttoned lemon-print collared shirt with green shorts that exactly matched the shade of green of the leaves, so it was pretty obvious that he was pretending for the sake of his dignity. “My face? What am I supposed to do? Smile?”
“It works on everyone else!” Jimin retorted.
“It kinda does,” Yoongi agreed, licking his popsicle.
Jungkook chanced a moment to stare at her.
This was bad.
Firstly, she was definitely out of his league. Those full, shapely lips in that teasing half-smile. Eyes that promised making secrets if you got her alone. The movement of her hair cascading over her shoulders as she walked. No makeup – he could tell because the small mole under the left side of her lower lip was visible. So fucking pretty that he wanted to throw up. Soft little cat-ear headband giving her a demure look even though there was nothing demure about that sleek, sexy body tucked into a simple black bikini. Clean lines, nothing fancy, but a million bucks because it was on her, perky ass and long legs ending in strappy heels.
She bent over and Jungkook had to stare at her face to avoid thinking about ramming his hips into that plush booty.
Secondly, she was older than him, which was not a problem except it was a problem because Jungkook was trying not to be that guy, you know, the kind of guy that went after older women because they most likely knew how to suck dick better or was that just his brain trying to justify watching her tongue dance across her lips as she leaned in and poured a drink into some girl’s mouth. The girl looked like she was about to orgasm.
Same, miss, same.
Thirdly, women like that had a reputation for only appearing when they wanted someone to prey on and Jungkook didn’t want to be that guy, you know, the one that was eagerly waiting to be preyed on every day of the week, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, I mean what, no, but, well, he had to admit that there was something sexy about letting it happen even if it was clearly a bad decision.
She looked up and made eye contact with him.
Jungkook threw himself behind Taehyung and stumbled right into Seokjin’s midsection.
Jimin gasped.
Yoongi scooted out of the way and finished his popsicle.
He wouldn’t. No, of course, no. It was a terrible choice. And what was he gonna do? Those legs around his waist and that insane confidence all up on him – no, Jungkook didn’t believe that he could survive. And the whole situation was even worse because one time he accidentally overheard some noises and saw something at the back of another party, at the gazebo in the lavish garden. Surrounded by trees and dark wood, there it was, Kim Namjoon’s dick down her throat and her tongue flashing against his crotch, her hands clutching tan shorts that were still-half-on.
Nope, Jungkook would die if she came within ten meters of him.
He didn’t want to be that guy.
God, she was so fucking hot that Jungkook wanted to die.
He grabbed Seokjin and dragged him around the large table of drinks and coolers, grabbing a cold glass of pink ice and pouring two shots of vodka down his throat, chasing it with the frozen slush.
Okay, it wasn’t two shots of vodka.
The soju bottle was half-empty in his hand.
A bad decision.
Jungkook choked at the ice-cold sensation and Seokjin, instead of helping him, snatched the glass from him and chased down whatever god-awful burning fire he also ingested, leaving them both collapsing and dying under the table. Taehyung rushed over as Jimin scooped up an ice tea-looking drink that definitely didn’t only have ice tea in it.
“Guys, are you okay? Drink this!”
“What happened, Jungkook suddenly malfunctioned…!”
He didn’t have time to explain through his blurred vision and inability to feel his throat that was both hot and cold at once, thoughts swimming, those legs popping into his head again, the soft curve of that v-line, hips that begged for hands, tiny waist trapped between his arms, okay, fine, Jungkook had sex dreams about her, but who could blame him, he accidentally watched her give a blowjob! At a public party! Not in public, but… basically! And she had that beautiful face, he hated how she could look sexy and cute at the same time, and he didn’t see her often enough even though he went to these parties with Taehyung and Jimin in attempt to see her again, just to see her body line and her smile, not to touch, of course not, he couldn’t.
She was there only rarely, but.
He wanted to make out with that mouth so bad.
Feel those kisses on his skin and squirm in a dark corner, trying to hide from everyone but also not, at this point he didn’t have shame anymore, he was clutching Seokjin like a life raft on the patio under a table and drunk on his thoughts, in another dimension where this sexy noona in a black bikini and cat ears was crawling over him, her fist on his chest mimicking a kitty cat as she leaned in and pressed that underlip mole against his skin, lips and tongue connecting with his.
He had never even spoken one word to her.
No, one time he said, hi.
That was a strong enough foundation to at least hold hands, right?
Jungkook felt a hand on his right leg.
“Hey, you alright? Should I call paramedics?”
Everyone froze.
Jungkook felt his eyelids stretch into huge, geometrically correct circles around his large eyeballs.
She was kneeling under the table, staring at Seokjin and him.
Holy fuck, I can see her nipples.
Her hair framed her face perfectly, wispy tips around her cheeks and over half her forehead. Inquisitive eyes with a piercing shape, the kind you would always remember. Soft pillowy lips slightly parted with that small mole slightly to the left of that full lower lip. The cups of the bikini molded perfectly to her breasts, but this angle showed off the peak of each mound, sticking out very obviously because she was on her knees on the wooden deck, under the plastic table, tilting her head as her left hand rested on his right calf.
The cat ears gave her gestures a feline playfulness.
She crawled over a little more and Jungkook nearly threw up, the alcohol suddenly hitting him like a truck. Or she was so damn beautiful that his body was physically rejecting the liquid poison so he could maintain an erection.
One of those.
“I’m gonna be sick,” he wheezed.
He threw Seokjin aside and his hyung yelled as he was caught by Taehyung, but Jungkook was too busy scrambling to his feet, losing his sandals in the process, a blur of topical yellow shirt, black t-shirt and blue shorts, throwing himself into the open patio door and hastily stumbling into the nearest bathroom to retch.
Kim Seokjin never made bad decisions.
He only made good decisions, like pretending to play dead as the sexy woman crawled over him and placed her hand on his forehead, asking Taehyung if he was okay. He let Taehyung sputter as he cracked open his eyes to peek at those boobs and those supple legs between his legs. Could feel her soft skin against his and the pads of her fingers stroking his brow. He heard them suggest going inside to lay down for a bit. Saw Jimin helping her up, so Seokjin did what any person attracted to nice ass would do.
Stare at it.
Her back was turned. She wouldn’t know.
“I’ve been here before. For a vacation last year. The bedrooms are this way.”
The air conditioning felt nice actually.
Jungkook lost them.
How could he lose three men, especially with one with massive shoulders, one of the sexiest men alive and… well, Jungkook often lost Jimin but that was because he didn’t have a reason to look down that often. Kidding! Anyway… after gargling an obscene amount of sink water and reconfiguring his swirly vision, Jungkook emerged from the bathroom, expecting to see three concerned faces looking for him, but there was nothing but bouncy club music and summer outfits on bodies that weren’t the ones he came with.
He didn’t even see the straw hat hyung.
He came because Jung Hoseok had asked him to come and celebrate summer, renting out a huge vacation mansion to do so. He had no problem coming over to help set up, but he told his hyung that he was going home right after, he wasn’t the party type, not really, oh, well, maybe stay for an hour, ah, okay, two, holy shit, cat ears and a bikini and Jungkook was doomed.
Damn you Miss Kitty.
In his defense, Jungkook had never seen her in a bikini before!
And it was glorious.
His dick was wet thinking about it.
Jungkook jerked and went back into the bathroom.
Reemerged after cleaning that up. Anyway. No. Jungkook was not gonna be that guy. Hooking up at a party? No, that wasn’t him. He was the kind of guy to dance in a corner and stay in that corner with his friends. His friends would wander off to take photos and make small talk, but that wasn’t him. And he certainly couldn’t chat up someone he was interested in, especially someone so damn beautiful that it made him sick.
Jungkook found his sandals. Someone must have collected them and put them by the patio door. He was about to put them on and check outside, but them he spotted something in the mess of shoes. Dainty, strappy black heels in the rays of golden hour barely starting.
He whipped his head around and went back into the house.
Friends? What are those? They would find him eventually. He scanned the party, looking past the glowing faces, peering at the tops of heads for fuzzy black cat ears. He was just looking. He wasn’t going to do anything. He was just checking out what she was–
Perky faux animal ears bobbing past his vision, coming from the kitchen.
Jungkook’s brain told him, this is a bad idea.
Jungkook’s dick told him, looking at those nipples poking out of that bikini one more time couldn’t hurt.
Jungkook’s legs were already walking very fast.
In hindsight, he knew why he was hesitating. He was a simple guy. He liked what he liked and, when it was a person, he didn’t want to let go, especially when that person was cool, capable, and stunningly attractive, someone who did whatever she wanted but never at the expense of others, someone who tiptoed the line of what was proper, breaking those rules so casually that he fell deeper and deeper for that teasing half-smile, but they hadn’t even had a real conversation yet and what if he was in delulu land all this time?
But Jungkook couldn’t just let her walk away.
If it was a bad decision, then…
Fuck it.
He saw her enter a room, leaving the door partly open.
“I brought a cold cloth and some water.”
Jungkook slowly peered over the doorframe.
Seokjin was half-propped up on a bed with an obscene number of pillows as Jimin and Taehyung crowded around him, lifting his hair as she placed a damp washcloth on that handsome forehead, handing him the glass of water.
“Should I bring some hangover cure too?”
“Ah, aren’t you cold, noona?” Taehyung asked worriedly, placing a light hand on her shoulder. “We should find a jacket or something…”
“It’s so nice,” Seokjin suddenly said very loudly. “When you’re all sitting next to me.”
The eldest shot a murderous look at Jimin and Taehyung, wordlessly telling them both to not have her move from his vision again. She seemed not to notice, patting Seokjin on the head with her thigh against his, scooting closer to the pillows.
“Don’t worry, we’ll accompany you until you feel better.”
Miss Kitty – not her name but what Jungkook was calling her in his head now – leaned over to the pillows and placed her forearms on them, turning to Jimin to ask how he knew Jung Hoseok, but Jungkook had no idea what she said because he was staring at her ass nestled in the bedcovers and that gorgeous back half-covered by her hair. She was having an entire conversation with the three of them as Seokjin sipped on his water and acted as if he was slowly but surely recovering from some mild distress, and yet Jungkook was hearing none of it, tuning out their joyful laughter as he gawked by the door. She turned to speak to Taehyung.
Jungkook stared at her stunning profile, dying slowly but surely on the inside.
She leaned over to Seokjin and kissed him on the cheek, turning him instantly red.
“Feeling better?”
Jungkook nearly broke the doorframe as he threw himself inside the bedroom.
“Hey, I’ve been looking for you guys!”
That sounded way more aggressive than he meant it to sound, but Jungkook didn’t care about those sudden fear in three collective pairs of eyes because her head turned in slow motion, cat ears and all, looking over her shoulder, and then those inquisitive eyes were on him, just him, Jeon Jungkook.
“Oh! I know you. Ah… what was it again…?” She scrunched up her face a little in adorable thought. “Aah, Jeon Jungkook! Yes, Namjoon told me a lot about you.”
Everything but her saying his name went over his head.
She turned slightly, her chest against Seokjin’s arm and his hyung turned even redder, abruptly freezing in place and not moving. Her arm shifted and she borrowed that broad shoulder, smiling at him and Jungkook felt his mind turn into a puddle of mush, forgetting all Korean as she said, “He said you’re good at everything. Especially sports. The complete opposite of me, heh.”
“I’m not good at sports,” Seokjin blurted.
“Me neither,” Jimin suddenly added.
Taehyung was not one to be ignored. “I could teach you golf. It’s easy.”
“Is it?”
And she looked away from Jungkook.
That does it.
There was a certain bro code. Don’t make moves unless alone. Simple common courtesy. Group settings should be chill, not a competition. But all was fair in love and war and this was war, so Jungkook slid out of his yellow short-sleeved button-up and walked forward, placing his knee on the bed and draping it over her shoulders in the middle of their conversation.
She turned immediately, her hair bubbling in the collar, kissable lips parted in surprise.
“You’ll get a cold,” Jungkook said quietly. “That wouldn’t be good, noona.”
There was a second too long, a pause that seemed to linger.
“… Thanks, Jungkook.”
She patted the spot on the other side of her.
“Come a little closer.”
“You can’t be serious.”
Somehow it was already dark. The party was winding down. Everyone was finding corners to sit in. An old-school, feel-good movie played on the massive television screen in the living room that people occasionally glanced at. Seokjin got hungry and left with Taehyung to order something to be delivered. Jimin got whisked away when someone recognized him from the door. Must have been someone that he hadn’t seen in a while because he was glued by the door now, leaving Jungkook sitting with his noona wearing cat ears and his shirt over her bathing suit.
“Over a perilla leaf? Isn’t that a little too extreme?”
She was laughing at him. Jungkook puffed his cheeks.
“You don’t understand!”
“No, I don’t. It’s just a leaf,” she chuckled, shaking her head. “You think too much about a simple gesture. What, you let me borrow your shirt and I should expect us to kiss?” She grinned, anticipating him to answer with something silly.
Jungkook opened his mouth but nothing came out.
The reality of their moment alone suddenly hit him.
The corners of her lips faltered, noticing his hesitation. He swallowed quickly and shifted his eyes, begging Jimin to come back and break this sudden tension, but Jimin was too absorbed in his friend reenacting a funny story and now this was getting too weird, he had waited too long to say anything and so he willed his head to turn and at least look in her direction but he couldn’t for some reason, his neck and ears turning hot as he sputtered then almost full-on threw himself onto the floor when her hand touched his thigh.
He jerked robotically and laughed awkwardly, the noise immediately dying when his eyes made contact with hers.
She tilted her head, cat ears and all.
Don’t do that, Miss Kitty!
Her hand shot back like he was made of hot coal.
“Sorry. Sorry, I was… well, you acted a little weird there.”
Wait, don’t do that either.
Jungkook cleared his throat, swallowing his nervousness. “No, I…”
He suddenly noticed the placement of her hands on her lap, her fingertips rubbing the hem of the shirt against her thigh. She hummed along the bass of the song playing outside, looking away from him, and suddenly he felt bad. His odd behavior probably made her uncomfortable.
“Hey, uh, noona?”
She turned her head and gave him an attentive look, so pretty he nearly became tongue-tied again.
“What’s with the cat ears?”
She ticked her chin and gaze upwards as if she was glancing at them even though they were on the top of her head. “Oh, these? I just felt like wearing them.” She grinned, creating little bread-like puffs of her cheeks. “I felt like I should have a little fun so why not look the part too?” She raised her hand and lightly bonked the side of her head, letting out a half-sigh, half-laugh. “I’m always fighting between, am I too much or should I let myself go wild? ‘Cause I want to do things but people might misunderstand me.”
Her fist curled a little and her expression became one of cat-like mischief, his shirt falling open a little and exposing part of that tiny bikini top.
Jungkook was going to faint from her cuteness.
And losing blood in his head because it was rapidly shooting down to the lower half of his body.
She laughed, dropping her hand and waving it around. “Just ignore that, hahaha! I do whatever comes to mind that feels like it might be fun, heh.”
“No,” Jungkook heard himself saying. “That was cute. Do it again.”
Holy shit. He was smiling like a dumb idiot. Where did this confidence come from? He must be drunk. Never mind that he emptied the contents of his stomach earlier. Never mind he definitely spent the past three hours talking and drinking nothing but water. He must be drunk. Fuck, why was she so cute and sexy? With those expressive eyes and that smooth skin with the little dot of a mole underneath her lower lip on the left side, a half-smile as she raised both hands to mimic little two paws and went…
Her knuckles brushed against his collarbone lightly, smile turning into a playful smirk.
Jungkook died.
Not literally.
But, well, Jimin was still right there, people he didn’t know were right there, Seokjin and Taehyung could come back any second, and if he wasn’t in heaven, he was at least in a fever dream and somehow previous knowledge of late-night dramas popped into his head, generally not advice he would ever take in real life, but, all of a sudden, he was compelled to reach up and grab her hand, covering her make-believe cat-paw with his larger hand, tattooed fingers over her knuckles.
She froze, eyes widening.
“Hey, noona.”
Her eyes darted from his hand to his face.
This was a bad decision.
Jungkook let himself smile because he didn’t care.
“I wish you would kiss me, but that’s crazy, huh?”
What the hell am I saying? Abort! Take it back right now – wait, why was she getting close–
She leaned over and her lips touched his.
Now Jungkook was sure he died. Maybe literally. Ceased to function at least. It was only a simple press of lips to lips and then she drew back a little, tilting her head a little and smiling. He was dead. This must be heaven.
“Just one? Or more?”
He was speaking but it was more like barely intelligible mumbles. “B-But… I… You… me…”
She tapped his own hand against his chest, mischievous sparkle in those eyes.
“I mean, if you think helping someone peel a perilla leaf is going to lead to holding hands, to kissing, to straight up marriage, what does borrowing your shirt lead to?” she purred against his lips. “It smells just like you, like you’re right against my skin, giving me a hug from behind.”
His brain immediately went to delulu land. A back-hug? In her bikini? With his nose nuzzling in between her fake cat ears? And everyone knowing they were together?
He would just have to convince her to be his.
Jungkook closed the distance between them and she smiled against his colliding kiss.
In hindsight, this was a bad decision. Now Jungkook was going to have to lie and tell his children that he asked his mom out on cute dates instead of the truth of becoming obsessed with her little by little, oh, and accidentally seeing her suck his hyung’s dick, and, ah, now making out with her on a bed that wasn’t his while she was in a bikini and cat ears wearing his shirt, her thighs squeezing his waist as he gasped into her mouth.
“What are you guys doing?”
Jungkook yelped and clutched her waist, shoving his face into her clavicle as she laughed and turned her head to the bored voice beside the bed. A peek over her shoulder and there was a straw hat and a pale hand holding a slice of pizza.
“Seokjin-hyung and some guys bought pizza,” Min Yoongi announced, chewing slowly as he stood there beside the bed, pointedly not explaining how or why he suddenly got there. “You should eat it while it’s still hot, Jungkook.”
“What about me?” said the laughing voice above Jungkook’s head. “I want pizza.”
“Apparently you’re eating men,” Yoongi countered. “I’m not worried about you being full. Jungkook will fill you up as soon as you let him.”
A full minute of dead silence that was filled with outside laughing and loud music. Yoongi casually munched on his pizza as Jungkook grabbed her hand and mumbled something about getting food, he couldn’t stay here any longer, he was going to expire of embarrassment, practically fusing with the wall to get away from that judging look. He didn’t regret it but it was still mortifying, all this a bad decision but bad as in bad meaning good, and he froze up as her fingers turned and intertwined with his, her body leaning against him, lips pressing to his cheek.
“Don’t worry. We’re accomplices now, you and me.”
Jungkook turned his head, staring into her eyes.
Miss Kitty and me.
The straw hat popped into his peripheral vision.
“I’m still here.”
Jungkook sputtered and ran, her laugh right by his side.
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