#also 6/8 of these are interracial which is /very/ impressive
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aion-rsa · 4 years
The Star Trek: The Original Series Episodes That Best Define the Franchise
By the time my generation got to watch Star Trek: The Original Series, the episodes often were being presented in top-ten marathons. When I was ten-years-old, for the 25th Anniversary of Star Trek, I tape-recorded a marathon of ten episodes that had all been voted by fans as the best-ever installments of The Original Series. Later, I got lucky and found Trek stickers at the grocery store and was able to label my VHS tapes correctly. But do I think all the episodes that were in that marathon back in 1991 were really the best episodes of all of the classic Star Trek? The short answer: no. Although I love nearly every episode of the first 79 installments of Star Trek, I do think that certain lists have been created by what we think should be on the list rather than what episodes really best represent the classic show. 
This is a long-winded way of saying, no, I didn’t include “Amok Time” or “The Menagerie” on this list because, as great as they are, I don’t think they really represent the greatest hits of the series. Also, if you’ve never watched TOS, I think those two episodes will throw you off cause you’ll assume Spock is always losing his mind or trying to steal the ship. If you’ve never watched TOS, or you feel like rewatching it with fresh eyes, I feel pretty strong that these 10 episodes are not only wonderful, but that they best represent what the entire series is really about. Given this metric, my choice for the best episode of TOS may surprise you…
10. “The Man Trap” 
The first Star Trek ever episode aired should not be the first episode you watch. And yet, you should watch it at some point. The goofy premise concerns an alien with shaggy dog fur, suckers on its hand, and a face like a terrifying deep-sea fish. This alien is also a salt vampire that uses telepathy that effectively also makes it a shapeshifter. It’s all so specifically bonkers that trying to rip-off this trope would be nuts. Written by science fiction legend George Clayton Johnson (one half of Logan’s Run authorship) “The Man Trap” still slaps, and not because Spock (Leonard Nimoy)  tries to slap the alien. Back in the early Season 1 episodes of Star Trek, the “supporting” players like Uhura and Sulu are actually doing stuff in the episode. We all talk about Kirk crying out in pain when the M-113 creature puts those suckers on his face, but the real scene to watch is when Uhura starts speaking Swahili. The casual way Uhura and Sulu are just their lovable selves in this episode is part of why we just can’t quit the classic Star Trek to this day. Plus, the fact that the story is technically centered on Bones gives the episode some gravitas and oomph. You will believe an old country doctor thinks that salt vampire is Nancy! (Spoiler alert: It’s not Nancy.)
9. “Let that Be Your Last Battlefield” 
There are two episodes everyone always likes to bring up when discussing the ways in which Star Trek changed the game for the better in pop culture’s discourse on racism: “Plato’s Stepchildren” and this episode, “Let that Be Your Last Battlefield.” The former episode is famous because Kirk and Uhura kiss, which is sometimes considered the first interracial kiss on an American TV show. (British TV shows had a few of those before Star Trek, though.) But “Plato’s Stepchildren” is not a great episode, and Kirk and Uhura were also manipulated to kiss by telepaths. So, no, I’m not crazy about “Plato’s Stepchildren.” Uhura being forced to kiss a white dude isn’t great.
But “Let that Be Your Last Battlefield,” oddly holds up. Yep. This is the one about space racism where the Riddler from the ‘60s Batman (Frank Gorshin) looks like a black-and-white cookie. Is this episode cheesy? Is it hard to take most of it seriously? Is it weird that Bele (Frank Gorshin) didn’t have a spaceship because the budget was so low at that time? Yes. Is the entire episode dated, and sometimes borderline offensive even though its heart is in the right place? Yes. Does the ending of the episode still work? You bet it does. If you’re going to watch OG Star Trek and skip this episode, you’re kind of missing out on just how charmingly heavy-handed the series could get. “Let that Be Your Last Battlefield” is like a ‘60s after-school special about racism, but they were high while they were writing it.
8. “Arena”
You’re gonna try to list the best episodes of Star Trek: The Original Series and not list the episode where Kirk fights a lizard wearing gold dress-tunic? The most amazing thing about “Arena” is that it’s a Season 1 episode of The Original Series and somehow everyone involved in making TOS had enough restraint not to ever try to use this Gorn costume again. They didn’t throw it away either! This famous rubber lizard was built by Wah Chang and is currently owned by none other than Ben Stiller.
So, here’s the thing about “Arena” that makes it a great episode of Star Trek, or any TV series with a lizard person. Kirk refuses to kill the Gorn even though he could have, and Star Trek refused to put a lizard costume in a bunch of episodes later, even though they totally could have. Gold stars all around.
7. “Balance of Terror”
The fact that Star Trek managed to introduce a race of aliens that looked exactly like Spock, and not confuse its viewership is amazing. On top of that, the fact that this detail isn’t exactly the entire focus of the episode is equally impressive. The notion that the Romulans look like Vulcans is a great twist in The Original Series, and decades upon decades of seeing Romulans has probably dulled the novelty ever so slightly. But, the idea that there was a brutally cold and efficient version of the Vulcans flying around in invisible ships blowing shit up is not only cool, but smart.
“Balance of Terror” made the Romulans the best villains of Star Trek because their villainy felt personal. Most Romulan stories in TNG, DS9, and Picard are pretty damn good and they all start right here.
6. “Space Seed”
Khaaaan!!!! Although The Wrath of Khan is infinitely more famous than the episode from which it came, “Space Seed” is one of the best episodes of The Original Series even if it hadn’t been the progenitor of that famous film. In this episode, the worst human villain the Enterprise can encounter doesn’t come from the present, but instead, the past. Even though “Space Seed” isn’t considered a very thoughtful episode and Khan is a straight-up gaslighter, the larger point here is that Khan’s evilness is connected to the fact that he lived on a version of Earth closer to our own.
The episode’s coda is also amazing and speaks of just how interesting Captain Kirk really is. After Khan beat the shit out of him and tried to suffocate the entire Enterprise crew, Kirk’s like “Yeah, this guy just needs a long camping trip.” 
5. “A Piece of the Action”
A few years back, Saturday Night Live did a Star Trek sketch in which it was revealed that Spock had a relative named “Spocko.” This sketch was tragically unfunny because TOS had already made the “Spocko” joke a million times better in “A Piece of the Action.” When you describe the premise of this episode to someone who has never seen it or even heard of it, it sounds like you’re making it up. Kirk, Spock, and Bones are tasked with cleaning-up a planet full of old-timey mobsters who use phrases like “put the bag on you.” Not only is the episode hilarious, but it also demonstrates the range of what Star Trek can do as an emerging type of pop-art. In “A Piece of the Action,” Star Trek begins asking questions about genres that nobody ever dreamed of before. Such as, “what if we did an old-timey gangster movie, but there’s a spaceship involved?”
4. “Devil in the Dark”
When I was a kid, my sister and I called this episode, “the one with giant pizza.” Today, it’s one of those episodes of Star Trek that people tell you defines the entire franchise. They’re not wrong, particularly because we’re just talking about The Original Series. The legacy of this episode is beyond brilliant and set-up a wonderful tradition within the rest of the franchise; a monster story is almost never a monster story
The ending of this episode is so good, and Leonard Nimoy and Shatner play the final scenes so well that I’m actually not sure it’s cool to reveal what the big twist is. If you somehow don’t know, I’ll just say this. You can’t imagine Chris Pratt’s friendly Velicrapotrs, or Ripper on Discovery without the Horta getting their first.
3. “The Corbomite Maneuver” 
If there’s one episode on this list that truly represents what Star Trek is usually all about on a plot level, it’s this one. After the first two pilot episodes —“Where No Man Has Gone Before” and “The Cage”—this was the first regular episode filmed. It’s the first episode with Uhura and, in almost every single way, a great way to actually explain who all these characters are and what the hell they’re doing. The episode begins with Spock saying something is “fascinating” and then, after the opening credits, calling Kirk, who is down in sickbay with his shirt off. Bones gives Kirk shit about not having done his physical in a while, and Kirk wanders through the halls of the episode without his shirt, just kind of holding his boots. 
That’s just the first like 5 minutes. It just gets better and better from there. Like a good bottle of tranya, this episode only improves with time. And if you think it’s cheesy and the big reveal bizarre, then I’m going to say, you’re not going to like the rest of Star Trek. 
2. “The City on the Edge of Forever”
No more blah blah blah! Sorry, wrong episode. Still, you’ve heard about “The City on the Edge of Forever.” You’ve heard it’s a great time travel episode. You’ve heard Harlan Ellison was pissed about how the script turned out. You heard that Ron Moore really wanted to bring back Edith Keeler for Star Trek Generations. (Okay, maybe you haven’t heard that, but he did.)
Everything you’ve heard about this episode is correct. There’s some stuff that will make any sensible person roll their eyes today, but the overall feeling of this episode is unparalleled. Time travel stories are always popular, but Star Trek has never really done a time travel story this good ever again. The edge of forever will always be just out of reach.
1. “A Taste of Armageddon”
Plot twist! This excellent episode of TOS almost never makes it on top ten lists. Until now! If you blink, “A Taste of Armageddon” could resemble at least a dozen other episodes of TOS. Kirk and Spock are trapped without their communicators. The crew has to overpower some guards to get to some central computer hub and blow it up. Scotty is in command with Kirk on the surface and is just kind of scowling the whole time. Kirk is giving big speeches about how humanity is great because it’s so deeply flawed.
What makes this episode fantastic is that all of these elements come together thanks to a simplistic science fiction premise: What if a society eliminated violence but retained murder? What if hatred was still encouraged, but war was automated? Star Trek’s best moments were often direct allegories about things that were actually happening, but what makes “A Taste of Armageddon” so great is that this metaphor reached for something that could happen. Kirk’s solution to this problem is a non-solution, which makes the episode even better. At its best classic Star Trek wasn’t just presenting a social problem and then telling us how to fix it. Sometimes it was saying something more interesting — what if the problem gets even harder? What do we do then? 
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The humor and bombast of “A Taste of Armageddon” is part of the answer to that unspoken question, but there’s also a clever lesson about making smaller philosophical decisions. In Star Wars, people are always trying to rid themselves of the dark side of the Force. In Star Trek, Kirk just teaches us to say, “Hey I won’t be a terrible person, today” and then just see how many days we can go in a row being like that.
What do you think are the most franchise-defining episodes of Star Trek: The Original Series? Let us know in the comments below.
The post The Star Trek: The Original Series Episodes That Best Define the Franchise appeared first on Den of Geek.
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pussymagicuniverse · 6 years
American Horror Story Seasons Ranked from Best to Mediocre
Practically every TV series has a season that you don’t feel overjoyed about. Very few shows that have multiple seasons will impress you every time, unless you’re a super fan that finds no wrong even in what you love. It doesn’t make you less of a fan to critique and notice what could have been done better.
With American Horror Story it’s a different experience in regards to critiquing each season because it’s an anthology series. Despite American Horror Story: Apocalypse’s crossover with American Horror Story: Coven – every season has its own theme, plot, and characters. That alone brings on a plethora of possibilities each season, especially when we’re given weird teasers and minimal information.
Despite my love for AHS, there have been seasons that were quite sloppy or just not my speed. Below you’ll find my own personal ranking and if you’re a fan then you’ll understand all of what I’m saying.
1. Coven (2013)
While it may not seem like it, this season gets bashed on occasion. Some arguments on why it wasn’t the best were valid, but not enough to change my mind about this season.
Was it perfect? No, but nobody can say this wasn’t a nail-biting season. Not only did it have bad ass witches but Angela Bassett (Marie Laveau) and Jessica Lange (The Supreme, Fiona Goode) stole the damn show! A lot of the memorable moments featured one or both of them. Unless Stevie Nicks’ cameo appearances are more your speed. Which, in my opinion, were iconic and can’t be touched.
All in all, the season explored racism, what it’s like being black and a witch, depictions of Marie Laveau, Madame LaLaurie and the Axeman, as well as other topics. In my opinion, this season deserves better treatment than it’s received.
2. Murder House (2011)
This season was the perfect one to rope us in for this anthology series. It gave us the right amount of drama and plenty of horror. Of course, Jessica Lange (Constance Langdon) was stellar in this season, but the performances from the rest of the cast were on point as well.
The Harmon Family, which this season focuses on, keeps us on the edge of our seats throughout. Not many things will have you saying “totally saw that coming,” from the twists and turns to what transpired in that spooky ass mansion. While there were a handful of things that still disturb me, it’s still a top season for me and is undoubtedly a successful one within the series.
3. Apocalypse (2018)
Having Murder House and Coven crossover is something I have to applaud Ryan Murphy and Brad Falchuk (the show creators) for. Not only that but casting Cody Fern as Michael Langdon (aka the Antichrist ) was a big thumbs up. His performance throughout is no joke and it held me til the end, even when his character had me unimpressed, which unfortunately happened more than I’d like to admit.
Some parts of this season were dragged out to me and some characters felt pointless by the end. And that’s just some of what could have been done better in my opinion. Nevertheless, seeing my favorite witches again and witnessing many explicit scenes and having certain gaps filled helped the slow parts of the season.
4. Roanoke (2016)
Weird as hell. That’s the easiest way to describe the overall vibe of this season. In the beginning it seems confusing because of the set up. Though soon enough you come to the conclusion that it’s a TV show within a TV show.
It starts off being about an interracial couple, Shelby (Lily Rabe) and Matt Miller (André Holland), Matt’s sister, Lee (Adina Porter) and their experiences in a farmhouse that’s situated on the land where the Roanoke Colony disappeared in the 1580’s.
It was an interesting way to explore a real-life mystery and bring something new to the table for the series. What can be considered memorable is how many times Matt’s name is said from start to finish, the crazy ass ghosts, Scáthach or that British accent from Sarah Paulson in the final few episodes.
5. Hotel (2015)
This season is one that you either really didn’t like or you liked for the most part. For me, it’s re-watchable and holds my interest every time, even with the jacked up and bizarre happenings that occur in the Hotel Cortez. Though, I’m one for weird and batshit crazy stories, so maybe that makes me slightly biased in this instance. Mostly the season focuses on serial killers, supernatural occurrences and beings and a whole lot of mystery.
Lady Gaga, who had never appeared on the show before, gets to show off her acting chops as The Countess, a vampire who’s endured decades of the Hotel Cortez, and it’s creator. She can’t be compared to Jessica Lange but she wasn’t a disappointment either. Essentially she brought a different flavor that you either like or don’t. Regardless, it may not have been amazing but it wasn’t the worst either.
6. Asylum (2012)
This season does way too much and it overall feels like the wrong type of chaos. Whether it’s the alien abduction, “Bloody Face”, the consistent bullshit Lana Winters (Sarah Paulson) endures, Briarcliff Manor overall, the demonic possession, or the other craziness within this season.
I just can’t bring myself to actually consider this season the best one. Meanwhile, other fans most certainly will give it that title. The cast does help keep the season afloat and that does help save the season for me. Without a solid cast, this season would been a huge dumpster fire, which is the short way of saying it. If anything, it’s very much memorable for “The Name Game” scene, as well as watching a possessed nun act high-key explicit.
7. Cult (2017)
Ahhh, the results of the 2016 presidential election. I despise thinking about the rigged and undeniably corrupt results. The same ones that made that orange fool the president. We already deal with this reality and the horror of it all. So having this season be so realistic was... awful.
Instead of wacky serial killers, vampires, possession, bad ass witches, ghosts, or anything else that American Horror Story has given us – we get the horrors of our present day, such as: violence coming from Trump supporters and the right-wing in general to how progressives are painted as too radical and sensitive. In addition to how even white progressives can flip.
Not much about this season is unrealistic, which made it hard to watch. Normally I would be all for symbolism and realistic aspects, but Cult wasn’t as gripping as previous seasons. Not even Evan Peters (whose character I really hated in this season) helped.
8. Freak Show (2014)
Unfortunately there’s not much to take away from this whack season. Yes, the title should have given it away. Though it was given the benefit of the doubt and became a let down.
Maybe the first episode showed some potential, yet from there it was just a weird chain of events within the plot. No one was prepared for a choppy story or the most irritating character that is Dandy Mott (Finn Wittrock).
This season is indefinitely my least favorite and not even a few re-watches can change my mind. Not even the gay content within this season made it any better, which is saying a lot. So it makes the bottom of this list, will stay at the bottom, and won’t crawl up from the abyss.
Vanessa Maki is a queer writer, artist & other things.
She’s full of black girl magic & has no apologies for that. Her work has appeared in various places like Really System & others. She is also forthcoming in a variety of places. She’s founder/EIC of rose quartz magazine & is involved in other literary spaces as well. 
Follow her twitter & visit her site.
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charminglatina · 5 years
Birthday Profiles Of Riverdale Actors Based On The Secret Language Of Birthdays Concept! (Part VI)
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What Is The Secret Language Concept?
The Secret Language scientific personality reports have proven to be over 90% accurate after 21 years in use by millions of people in a dozen languages worldwide. Our data comes from Gary Goldschneider’s 40-year empirical study of the life stories of more than 20,000 people, analyzed by date of birth. Gary looked at 50 people born on your birthday and found the personality traits held in common by 45 of them. Then he created personality profiles from those traits for each day, week, month, season and year and I further combined those profile names into the ultimate distillation of your personality - your Secret Language Name. Combining astrology, numerology, and pure psychic intuition, The Secret Language of Birthdays is a wholly unique compilation that reveals one’s strengths, weaknesses, and major issues while providing practical advice and spiritual guidance. Many have suspected that your birthday affects your personality and how you relate to others. Nineteen years and over one million copies later, The Secret Language of Birthdays continues to fascinate readers by describing the characteristics associated with being born on a particular day. The 366 personality profiles are based on astrology, numerology, the tarot, and Gary Goldschneider’s observations of more than 14,000 people. Your strengths, weaknesses, and major concerns will be illuminated while you are given practical advice and spiritual guidance. After you study your profile, it will be hard to resist examining those of family, friends, colleagues, and even celebrities.
The Personality Periods
The forty-eight personality periods, made up of twelve cusps and thirty six weeks, are units between six and nine days in length. Personology predicts the personality characteristics of anyone born within these dates. In other words, those born in the same period will share certain predictable character traits. While this may not completely represent ever individual, it is sufficient to provide an understanding of his or her basic energies. Extrapolating from the personology periods, it is possible to predict the nature of the relationship between any two people. Thus, The Secret Language Of Relationships combines each period of the year with itself and every other period to predict the nature of the resulting relationship. For example, a person born on March 31 falls into the Aries I period. This is the Week of the Child which symbolizes the freshness and openness of early childhood and of the spring season (lasting from March 25 to April 1). People born during this time are characterized by a childlike, enthusiastic orientation. This in contrast to a person born on November 10, who would be a Scorpio II (encompassing November 3 to 11). Born in the fall, which is symbolically likened to middle age, this week takes Depth as its central symbol. Thus, it becomes possible to consider the theoretical implications of an Aries I-Scorpio II relationship.
The Fourty-Eight Periods & Cusps
1. Pisces-Aries Cusp (Mar 19-Mar 24) – The Cusp Of Rebirth
2. Aries I (Mar 25-Apr 02) – The Week Of The Child
3. Aries II (Apr 03-Apr 10) – The Week Of The Star
4. Aries III (Apr 11-Apr 18) – The Week Of The Pioneer
5. Aries-Taurus Cusp (Apr 19-Apr 24) – The Cusp Of Power
6. Taurus I (Apr 25-May 02) – The Week Of Manifestation
7. Taurus II (May 03-May 10) – The Week Of The Teacher
8. Taurus III (May 11-May 18) – The Week Of The Natural
9. Taurus-Gemini Cusp (May 19-May 24) – The Cusp Of Energy
10. Gemini I (May 25-Jun 01) – The Week Of Freedom
11. Gemini II (Jun 02-Jun 10) – The Week Of New Language
12. Gemini III (Jun 11-Jun 18) – The Week Of The Seeker
13. Gemini-Cancer Cusp (Jun 19-Jun 24) – The Cusp Of Magic
14. Cancer I (Jun 25-Jul 02) – The Week Of The Empath
15. Cancer II (Jul 03-Jul 10) – The Week Of The Unconventional
16. Cancer III (Jul 11-Jul 18) – The Week Of The Persuader
17. Cancer-Leo Cusp (Jul 19-Jul 25) – The Cusp Of Oscillation
18. Leo I (Jul 26-Aug 02) – The Week Of Authority
19. Leo II (Aug 03-Aug 10) – The Week Of Balanced Strength
20. Leo III (Aug 11-Aug 18) – The Week Of Leadership
21. Leo-Virgo Cusp (Aug 19-Aug 25)  – The Cusp Of Exposure
22. Virgo I (Aug 26-Sept 02) – The Week Of System Builders
23. Virgo II (Sept 03-Sept 10) – The Week Of The Enigma
24. Virgo III (Sept 11-Sept 18) – The Week Of The Literalist
25. Virgo-Libra Cusp (Sept 19-Sept 24) – The Cusp Of Beauty
26. Libra I (Sept 25-Oct 01) – The Week Of The Perfectionist
27. Libra II (Oct 02-Oct 10) – The Week Of Society
28. Libra III (Oct 11-Oct 18) – The Week Of Theater
29. Libra-Scorpio Cusp (Oct 19-Oct 25) – The Cusp Of Drama & Criticism
30. Scorpio I (Oct 26-Nov 02) – The Week Of Intensity
31. Scorpio II (Nov 03–Nov 11) – The Week Of Depth
32. Scorpio III (Nov 12–Nov 18) – The Week Of Charm
33. Scorpio-Sagittarius Cusp (Nov 19–Nov 24) – The Cusp Of Revolution
34. Sagittarius I (Nov 25–Dec 02) – The Week Of Independence
35. Sagittarius II (Dec 03–-Dec 10) – The Week Of The Originator
36. Sagittarius III (Dec 11-Dec 18) – The Week Of The Titan
37. Sagittarius-Capricorn Cusp (Dec 19-Dec 25) – The Cusp Of Prophecy
38. Capricorn I (Dec 26-Jan 02) – The Week Of The Ruler
39. Capricorn II (Jan 03- Jan 09) – The Week Of Determination
40. Capricorn III (Jan 10-Jan 16) – The Week Of Dominance
41. Capricorn-Aquarius Cusp (Jan 17-Jan 22) – The Cusp Of Mystery & Imagination
42. Aquarius I (Jan 23-Jan 30) – The Week Of Genius
43. Aquarius II (Jan 31-Feb 07) – The Week Of Youth & Ease
44. Aquarius III (Feb 08-Feb 15) – The Week Of Acceptance
45. Aquarius-Pisces Cusp (Feb 16-Feb 22) – The Cusp Of Sensitivity
46. Pisces I (Feb 23-Mar 02) – The Week Of Spirit
47. Pisces II (Mar 03-Mar 10) – The Week Of The Loner
48. Pisces III  (Mar 11-Mar 18) – The Week Of Dancers & Dreamers
Birthday Profiles Featured:
31. Matthew Yang King (5/6 – Taurus II) 32. Robin Givens (11/27 – Sagittarius I) 33. Martin Cummins (11/28 – Sagittarius I) 34. Reese Alexander (3/19 – Pisces-Aries Cusp) 35. Brit Morgan (9/24 – Virgo-Libra Cusp) 36. Jordan Connor (9/17 – Virgo III)
#31. Matthew Yang King (Birthday: May 6, 1974 – The Day Of Materialized Fantasy; Personality Period: Taurus II – May 3 to May 10 – The Week Of The Teacher; Place Of Birth: New York City, New York, United States)
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Those born during the Week of the Teacher are mainly involved in the development of ideas and techniques. No matter what their vocation or avocation, they have a message to share. Verbalizing their ideas and observations, generating discussion, and leading by example are all favorite activities of theirs. It can be said that they have a calling for imparting information and, more importantly, presenting it in a manner that others can understand. It is not surprising that they have a strong need for teacher-student–type interactions. They intuitively sense that teacher and student are two sides of the same coin, and that this coin is one they wish to invest in their future. They generally do well enough at school, but fare best as students or teachers in one-on-one learning or small group situations such as in dance, music, sports and the visual arts. For them, being a good student is the first step toward becoming a good teacher. They also know the value of learning on one’s own and, instead of binding students to them, will encourage them to teach themselves. They are movers and shakers, and, since they rarely deal with flighty or superficial topics, they are capable of influencing others. Part of the key to this lies in the fact that they live so much of their lives in the realm of ideas, of ideologies. Excellent entrepreneurs, they can set up both businesses and families without an excessive need to dominate or impose an inflexible structure on those with whom they live and work. They do, however, often establish lines that should not be crossed. These people are very interested in the living conditions of those around them, and particularly in social groups that are foreign to them. How and where others live, work, play, eat, worship, vote and exercise has enormous fascination for these people, who also tend side with the underdog and to feel all forms of unfairness and discrimination keenly. Not surprisingly, interracial or cross-cultural relationships are common. Similarly, older Week of the Teacher folks may be attracted to younger people and younger ones to those much older than themselves. The moral stance of the these individuals is usually strong, even unyielding. They have firm ideas about right and wrong, which they do not hesitate to express. Although you probably wouldn’t call them straitlaced, they may exhibit prudish or even puritanical tendencies, particularly when young. And such early tendencies, even though outgrown, may surface in times of stress when they are adults, much to the surprise of those who know them as free-thinkers. The area in which the ethical orientation of these people is most unequivocal is their insistence on fairness. One might say, in fact, that they are obsessed with injustice, prejudice and discrimination in all forms. Their reaction to any form of racism is scathing, uncompromising and immediate. Actually, anger may erupt suddenly in almost any area of their lives, and they must learn how to handle their upset feelings in healthy ways without suppressing them. Physical activity, whether sports, dance, music, or fitness training, comes naturally to these folks, yet they do not convey the impression of being earthy, sensuous types. They generally create a strong first impression, and make a heavy impact on their environment, but this may be due more to their mental qualities than to their physical ones. Even those of a small or average body type often project an image far greater than their actual size on first meeting. Although excellent bosses, parents and teachers, they are not always the easiest people to be involved with day-to-day as mate, lover or friend. Demanding and critical, they make their dislikes known sharply and incisively, often alienating or insulting those of a softer or more sensitive disposition. Their insistence that people be hard and tough, able to take the truth in a straight dose, is not everyone’s cup of tea. When they become happier and more comfortable with themselves, and as they grow older, many of their critical characteristics will mellow or even disappear. With their love of beauty and their great charm and personal magnetism, these individuals often have a host of admirers. They are not really comfortable with a great deal of attention, however, and do not like finding themselves imprisoned in a social circle of their own making. At such times they have little choice but to withdraw into a more isolated existence. The more successful of them therefore learn to control their own attractive powers and to create fewer problems for themselves. Those who relate best to those born during the Week of the Teacher in personal relationships are those who understand their need to be left alone rather than being fussed over or spoiled. These folks prefer their mates to show their enthusiasm for the relationship simply by upholding their share of it rather than by displays of gratitude or affection. In intimate situations, they can be extremely passionate, but in their everyday routine they insist on a certain distance. They prefer romance to sentimentality, but like a realistic and frank approach to love and sex even better. They do not generally react well to others’ requests for attention or affection, even when those others are intimates; anything that looks like pleading or begging usually turns them off completely. They like their partners to be strong and dignified above all.
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Those born on May 6 seem to be in touch with how fantasy, imagination and the unconscious work. This understanding generally manifests in one of two ways: in being sympathetic, even empathic with others or in embodying the fantasies of others, in essence, being a star. The teachers, counselors, and sympathetic parents of the first type are expert in guiding people through difficult times and helping them to understand their motivations; the star type is obsessed with the realizing of dreams, daring to live out fantasies that most people keep bottled up. This tapping in to the imaginative process is a special gift and must be managed wisely. If May 6 people use this talent amorally or without a goal, they may wind up manipulating the lives of others for their own benefit or forcing themselves into a career or marriage that was never meant to be. The most successful May 6 people are those who recognize their limitations and are able to treat both their goals and those of others objectively and ethically. May 6 people often experience difficult or traumatic childhoods, which they manage to overcome with great courage and tenacity. These difficulties can lend them insights into life which people with more normal upbringings or less sensitivity may never know. If those born on this day utilize such insight with compassion and empathy, they will be truly valuable individuals to society. It is often the case that May 6 people are of great service to others while still remaining the victims of their own private sufferings, which they usually hide from the world. Because they are so sensitive, and perhaps driven by the workings of destructive unconscious drives, those born on this day are particularly prone to emotional instability as well as to physical discomforts and pain. The theme of repeatedly striving to overcome obstacles is a constant in the lives of many May 6 people. In an effort to control their destinies, they may become unduly compulsive, structuring every moment of their time as if they are afraid that if they don’t, things will fly apart somehow. A seemingly efficient and reasonable lifestyle may thus be hiding a volcano of seething emotions of which May 6 people themselves are not always aware. On the other hand, those born on May 6 are most understanding of the irrationality of others, having a kind of sixth sense for it. They can be depended upon in difficult emotional situations for their wisdom and courage. Often they will take the side of the underdog or victim, whose psyche they understand only too well. Attractive people born on this day must sometimes guard against those they seek to help falling in love with or idolizing them. Although such attention can be gratifying to the ego, it only slows down a May 6 person’s own process of self-realization. The highly imaginative and intuitive people born on May 6 are often acutely sensitive to the feelings, dreams and hopes of others, especially those less fortunate. Fascinated by the human psyche and keen to learn what it is that motivates and inspires others, they often feel compelled to pass their wisdom on to others. If they aren’t guiding and directing others, they will be inspiring them by living out dreams and fantasies that most of us repress. As well as being finely tuned to the feelings of others, they are highly sensitive themselves; this can lead to misunderstandings and hurts that really aren’t necessary. They should learn to be objective in their dealings with others; otherwise they will experience insecurity, uncertainty and disappointment. Between the ages of fifteen and forty-five there is an emphasis on communication and the exchange of ideas, so they should not take everything so personally. After the age of forty-five these people focus more on emotional closeness, family and security. Their interest in human nature can take them beyond social interaction and business to a deep desire to do something meaningful in the world. This may involve fighting for a cause in the world and will stop them feeling unfulfilled. The most common block to their progress is a lack of faith in their own abilities; this can trigger sudden changes of mood and bouts of indecision. Being prone to excessive highs and lows, they need to turn the understanding they have of unpredictable behavior in others upon themselves. If they can do this, they will see that much of their emotional instability stems from their lack of self-belief. Their self-doubt may also result in their taking a secondary role rather than making full use of their creative potential. They do, however, respond extremely well to advice and encouragement; reading self-help books or biographies about people they admire will help them gain control of their lives. They should remember that every step they take toward fulfilling their ambitions and dreams works to inspire and motivate others. People born on May 6 are unwilling to commit to a relationship unless they feel it has the potential to be a perfect union. This means that they may spend many years searching and waiting, but when they finally find their soul mate they are at their happiest and their best, because love and giving to others is a strong motivating force in their lives. People born on this day tend to suffer from a lack of self-confidence and they need to find ways to build their self-esteem. Food is a passion, so they should keep an eye on what they are eating and make sure that they do not seek refuge in comfort eating. Listening to their hunger signals, and putting their knife and fork down between mouthfuls, will help them feel more in control. Regular exercise is also essential, not just because it will boost their immune system and sense of well-being but also because it can help them cope with excessive worry. Wearing, surrounding themselves with or meditating on the color orange will boost their self-esteem and encourage them to feel more positive, as will mind-training therapies such as cognitive development therapy or hypnotherapy. People born on this day will often find career fulfillment in the medical, psychiatric or caring professions but they may also be well suited to politics and the arts, both areas in which they can use their sensitivity and desire to help or inspire others. Whatever career they choose, be it public affairs, caring or the world of entertainment, their natural psychological skills will be of great assistance. The life path of people born on this day is to learn to believe in themselves. Once they have developed greater self-confidence, their destiny is to direct their prodigious energy toward the progression of others, be that in a practical or an inspirational way. People born specifically on the 6th of May are envisioned to be charming, warm and cooperative with the typical bull placidity and determination. Venus is the ruling astrological planet dominant for this particular day and also the zodiac sign of Taurus, intensifying your levels of curiosity and intuition. If you have this birthday a highly sociable, diplomatic, outgoing temperament is bestowed upon you along with a dislike of being or feeling alone. Your natural eloquence often assists you to be able to talk your way in and out of situations and instinctively seek the balance you crave. You have stylish tastes that are usually reflected in your choices of home and dress sense. Entertaining and bringing others together are things you are inclined to enjoy and be good at. Individuals with a May the sixth birthday possess a wonderful imagination, are capable of recognizing their limitations and tend to usually look at everything fairly objectively. Job choices can sometimes be far from easy to a person born on the Sixth of May as conventional career options rarely seem to appeal to you. Although you are usually fully aware of your best abilities this does not prevent you from being attracted to work that is rather specialized or unusual. Financially you are prone to be once in a while frivolous or under estimate the expense of something you desire. You are quite impulsive over bargains and willing to pay for quality but it can occasionally cause fluctuations in your finances. Sensible budgeting should allow for your small extravagances. For a Taurus, the person born on the sixth day of May is typically stubborn but with a high degree of patience and emotional understanding. When it comes to love and romance you can be hesitant to make the first move but fall in love deeply and ordinarily flourish within the security and stability of a long term relationship. You need a loving partnership that is very evenly balanced physically and mentally with plenty of common interests and ambitions. Someone that is as loyal and committed as you are who ignites your sensual passion and is on the same intellectual level is perfect. Your belief in soul mates and true love helps you put your indecisiveness aside if you feel you have met your destined partner. You can be possessive and inflexible at times but loathe arguments so will frequently be the one who initiates making up and restoring harmony. Physical healthiness experienced by those born on May 6th appears to be easily disturbed by nutritional deficiencies. You are disposed to have a healthy appetite but a tendency to have your favorite meals and eat too much of the same thing sometimes leaving you short of something. You can in addition be susceptible to coughs and colds so eating a wider range of foods could help you avoid succumbing to viruses. People born on this day may find that their mental health, general sense of well being and self esteem is also noticeably improved by consuming food types known to boost mood and concentration. Your main strengths of character are noticeable in your unique mix of charm, warmth and cooperation gaining you many friends and admirers. Your other major fortes of sensitivity, astuteness and diplomacy help you normally approach everything impartially and make you a fabulous mediator. The personality weaknesses for those born on May 6th expose your changeable emotions, seemingly more frequent if you have worries. This negativity can surface as self indulgent and pitying behavior causing you to also be much grumpier and uncharacteristically sulky. Not letting anxieties build can reduce this negative trait. Being born on the 6th of May gifts you with an intense appreciation for beauty courtesy of Venus’s double influence. This perception may add a touch of idealism and fantasy to your dreams but you attempt to keep these sleep induced wishes separate from important life objectives. Your need to be taken seriously sees you setting realistic goals for desired personal and professional achievements. Helping others to realize their potential can often be more rewarding to you than your own accomplishments. All your wished for aspirations are hardly ever selfish or entirely materialistic. As you were born on the sixth day of the month your birth date figure of Six is also your Root number. This numerical reference to your birthday has the keyword ‘Social’ emphasizing your responsiveness to others and fondness of company. The 6th Tarot card in the Major Arcana characterizing the Lovers is closely linked to your birthday. It strongly reflects your penchant for the aesthetic and requirement for closeness and companionship. The gem imagined luckiest for May the sixth birthdays is Turquoise, it is thought to mystically attract positivity and happiness into your life. The probable favorable and unfavorable thoughts and actions of all Taurus personalities are believed influenced astrologically by Venus. As this celestial body also rules the actual day you were born, the sixth of May, it is doubly influential on your possible nature. Your easygoing sociability and fine mediation skills accentuate your superb command of language. This talent and your insistence on fairness let you interact with almost everyone and be understood plainly. Your calm intuitiveness is an excellent guide if you listen to and trust your inner voice. If you can manage to steady your emotions and pay more attention to your dietary needs it could stop anxieties building. A well meant thought for people born on May the 6th is to consider waiting for others to ask for your assistance instead of offering and do not be fearful of asking for help yourself. 
#32. Robin Givens (Birthday: Nov. 27, 1964 – The Day Of Electrifying Excitement; Personality Period: Sagittarius I – Nov. 25 to Dec. 2 – The Week Of Independence; Place Of Birth: New York City, New York, United States)
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Those born during the Week of Independence are hard to control. In many ways the most independent people of the year, they must feel free to act on their impulses and intuition. People who try to exercise power over them in personal relationships are in for a rough ride. When these people respect their spouse or living partner, they will cooperate, sharing their feelings and dividing the chores. When they feel that their respect has not been earned, though, or when it is lost, expect constant conflict and strife. Honor and trust are high on their list of priorities; without these, they feel, life ceases to have meaning and reverts to the law of the jungle. These individuals have a thing about fairness, expecting it not only of themselves but of others, too. Their nurturing side is particularly evident in their relations with animals, small children and the less fortunate members of society; they simply will not tolerate mistreatment of the dependent or helpless in their presence. They often act impulsively to protect the defenceless, without a thought for their own safety. They try to project an air of self-assurance and confidence, but behind this facade there often lurks a sensitive and even insecure individual. This becomes quickly evident when they are put under stress, either through negative criticism or through some challenge to their character. In such situations they can easily and instantaneously fly off the handle, drowning those around them with their anger. Those alert enough to see the storm clouds gathering will try to avoid unleashing their emotional thunderbolts. These people have enormous willpower. Their loyalty is a matter not only of principle or of emotion but of stubbornness; sticking to their guns is a character trait. In fact, they very often get their way, simply because they allow no other possibility. Anyone deeply involved with them is likely to know their highly competitive nature since they feel winning is essential. Learning to submit, and to accept defeat graciously, is not usually possible for these dynamic individuals. Those few who do learn this lesson may have succeeded in meeting their greatest challenge, and thereby gain a high degree of maturity. At times they can be unreasonable, but they are usually open to discussion. Actually, these quick, witty individuals thoroughly enjoy verbal repartee and debate. This can become a problem if they reach a subject that sticks in their craw, when they can easily become contentious and argumentative. Friends know what subjects to avoid and how to smooth over rough spots through playfulness, but those meeting them for the first time are sometimes taken aback by their forthrightness and their at times outrageous observations and proposals. Many have a greater need to give than to receive. Their generosity is directly related to their feelings of self-worth and self-esteem, for they have a need to see themselves as caring rather than needy people. There are also those who are not at all bashful about stating their demands, and who will not object to being served by others. Both character types, however, will often occupy an indispensable position in their family: shouldering substantial responsibilities, but on their own terms, is extremely important to them. They generally have only one or two people—whether friend, mate, co-worker or family member—with whom they feel close enough to share their innermost thoughts. The bond between these people and their parents or their children is extremely deep, and may be considered a true friendship. Such soulmates know them as highly ethical individuals who value integrity and character more than anything else, except, perhaps, their freedom. If they feel betrayed by a family member or close friend they can go through untold agonies of evaluation, judgment or rejection. In these struggles, assessing the intentions of the person in question is usually of great importance. Those who want to spend time with them usually have to be able to keep up: their friends and lovers must share the fast pace they set, whether in sports, travel, work or hobbies. A special person for them, however, may also be someone who sticks close to home or place of business. They have an acute need for stability; an individual who is always there to return to may prove to be the anchor in their lives. Although most would be capable of living alone, and in fact are well suited to it, they will generally make a firm decision to be a person’s spouse or living partner and then continue in that role, even if they outgrow the need for it.  Those born during the Week of Independence are ardent and unconstrained in their emotional expression, particularly in the sexual arena. They make the intensity of their energy fully apparent to their partners, who will remember vividly the full-bodied encounters in which these types engage. They take pride in their sexual desirability or prowess, often exhibiting quiet confidence in their ability to satisfy their partners. They are extremely giving of their feelings but demand a great deal in return.
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Those born on November 27 either generate excitement or are drawn to exciting situations, or both. They are quick on their feet and an electric quality seems to permeate their endeavors. Those born on this day can be extremely impulsive and rarely stop to ask themselves if they are headed on the correct course. Often their intuitions are correct, but they can also get themselves into plenty of hot water, fast. November 27 people often strike others as nervous types—both internally and externally they seem to be in constant, rapid motion. They are capable of exerting tremendous energy in order to meet a deadline, and therefore are excellent additions to a work team. They also have an instinctive feeling for what their co-workers need both technically and emotionally, and for this reason make excellent bosses as well, although as non-authoritarian types they tend to rebel against restrictions placed on them and are likewise uncomfortable in roles where they must discipline others. Absolute freedom of action is their primary requirement, and only those who understand this are able to live with them in harmony. Frustration is evident in any November 27 person who is tied to an inflexible lifestyle or rigidly moralistic partner. Such frustration can burst forth suddenly in fits of impatience and temper. Anger is often a serious problem for those born on this day, whether overtly expressed or hammered down inside. In the latter case, such emotions can easily turn to depression and feelings of low self-esteem. The highs of November 27 people are stratospheric and the lows catastrophic. Usually, however, those born on this day do not swing back and forth cyclothymically—a good or bad period lasts for some time; however, it is very difficult for November 27 people to stay with a situation that is clearly not working for very long and, thankfully, their up-tempo periods seem to be longer lived. November 27 people can do surprisingly well in family situations, since they love children, animals and making their homes comfortable and secure. They are happiest when they have both this stability and the freedom to roam as well, an unlikely combination, unfortunately. Because of their non-authoritarian attitude, they may feel more comfortable in treating their children as friends or siblings. This can cause real problems for those children who feel the need for a strong father or mother figure and have to look elsewhere. Violence is a theme that figures prominently in the lives of many November 27 people. Either they are prone to violence themselves, or inexplicably call it up in the environment around them. Learning to even out their energies, to deal with upsets and upheavals, and calm troubled waters is a great spiritual challenge for them. Their personal evolution will usually grow in direct proportion to their capacity to understand and channel these energies. People born on November 27 are vortexes of energy, enthusiasm, and excitement. Fiercely individualistic, they go where their imagination leads them, preferring to seek out knowledge and truth for themselves and then formulating their own opinions and plans. The only trouble with this wildly spontaneous approach is that they often have no idea in which direction they are heading, and their enthusiasm tends to overwhelm their common sense. They are not afraid to listen to their instincts, and although this intuitive approach can bring them spectacular success it can also lead to disappointments and rejection. It is important for them to learn to distinguish between intuition and wishful thinking, and the only way to do that is to try to understand themselves better and to take a more realistic view of situations before they decide to throw themselves in at the deep end. Although they will encounter setbacks along the way, they are remarkably resilient, possessing a buoyant spirit in the face of adversity. However, their self-reliance can also work against them; they are extremely proud and don’t like to ask for help. This significantly decreases their chances of success. Until the age of twenty-four they will probably keep their career options open, preferring to experiment, travel or study to broaden their horizons. However, around the age of twenty-five there is a turning point when they are likely to become more pragmatic, focused and orderly in order to realize their goals. Another turning point occurs around the age of fifty-five when they may feel a growing urge to be more adventurous and independent.Whatever age they are, however, the secret to unlocking their potential for success and happiness will be their ability to control the powerful energy within them and direct it to a worthy cause. Once they are able to do that—and to ask for help and advice along the way—they will still be vortexes of dynamic energy and originality but this time they will be vortexes who know where they are heading, and that is usually to the very top. People born on November 27 tend to rush into relationships very quickly and to idealize potential partners rather than look at them in the cold light of day Although they tend to jump from relationship to relationship, they rarely fall completely in love because their freedom is so important to them. They are drawn to creative and hardworking individuals, but need to find someone who is solid and dependable enough to give them the support they need in good times as well as bad. People born on this day are fast eaters and this can cause trouble with their digestion, because digestion starts in the mouth. Taking time to chew their food thoroughly and put their knife and fork down between mouthfuls is therefore recommended, as is dining at the table rather than eating on the go. When it comes to their physical health, they also need to slow down, allowing plenty of time for rest and relaxation. If they don’t they could be in danger of burnout because even their incredible energy reserves can run low from time to time. As far as diet is concerned, spending more time cooking is highly recommended as it will encourage them to think about the quality of their diet. Moderate exercise on a daily basis is advised as it will help calm their minds and boost their immune system. Carrying a malachite crystal around with them will bring calmness and a sense of ease into their lives. These people will thrive in any career in which they can pursue their quest for knowledge unhindered. They may therefore be drawn to the worlds of sport, art and entertainment. Their desire to benefit others may incline them toward politics, education and social reform. Other career choices may include writing, tourism, advertising, and working for themselves. The life path of people born on this day is to understand that they are in charge of their emotions, not the other way round. As they develop greater self-awareness and control, their destiny is to enlighten, inspire and invigorate others with their positive energy. People born specifically on the 27th of November are conjectured to be clever, perceptive and rational with the typical Sagittarius caring generous disposition. The ruling astrological planet for this particular day is Mars making you deeply sensitive and compassionate but also a bit dreamy, impulsive and impatient too. If you have this birthday your forward looking inventive mind is very alert and usually full of independent yet imaginative thoughts and ideas. Naturally outgoing, sincere and friendly you are inclined to be physically active with an avid enjoyment of travel and practical jokes. Honest with a keen sense of fairness and a tad of idealism you will ordinarily be fairly assertive and quite protective of loved ones. Individuals with a November the twenty seventh birthday are intensely curious and loyal and while they may be quick to anger they are also just as speedy with their forgiveness. Somewhat confident you are likely to possess strong moral judgment and principles but can sometimes be a little blunt with your advice. The high levels of compassion and sincerity characteristic to a person born on the twenty seventh of November can help draw them towards suitable preferable careers. Care work is a popular option but your cleverness and perception give you the ability and potential to do well in any occupation. Your deeply inquisitive streak can attract you to detective or research focused jobs. Despite being good at acquiring money you tend to be totally useless at holding on to it. You have the inclination to be rather careless and reckless concerning personal finances so therefore you are unlikely to see the benefits of saving for unexpected expenses to avoid borrowing. For a Sagittarius, the person born on the twenty seventh of November is typically someone for whom loyalty is a big issue in a personal loving relationship. Faithfulness is something you will give and demand profoundly in a long term committed love partnership. You are highly likely to seek and need more than just a physical connection to contemplate complete devotion in a union with a lifelong partner. You are mainly straightforward and easy to live with but once in a while you could be a little tactless. In addition to this as you are nearly always in a rush you are prone to, on occasion, neglect domestic tasks causing some slight problems. However you are inclined to mature early emotionally and be quick to adopt a family orientated approach. Energetic, lusty and romantic you like to be the center of your soul mate’s attention but this does not stop you from being very eager to please between the sheets. Keeping active and eating well are probably the best ways to retain the general healthy state usually experienced by those born on November 27th. Having regular sleeping habits and learning to pace yourself can further improve upon normal healthiness. Nervous stresses and muscular weakness are common complaints so plenty of relaxation and ensuring you are always warmed up before exercise could help prevent these vulnerabilities. People born on this day should perhaps avoid spending lots of time alone as this is particularly bad for you. Your overall health appears to fare much better when you are living with somebody you love as part of a couple. Your main strengths of character are expressed in your intelligence, rationality and generosity. These positive qualities are accompanied by your anticipated secondary fortes of assertiveness, alertness and your intense curiosity. All these agreeable characteristics are commonly intensified by your likelihoods to be intuitively spontaneous and stick to your morals. The personality weaknesses for those born on November 27th are usually a result of your tiny temper or a knock to your spirited confidence. Your unfavorable tendency for obstinate bluntness once activated can then incite you to act in a negatively moody, rash, rebellious and frustrated manner. Being born on the 27th of November means you will usually view the attempting of any goal with careful planning and precision. This usual approach is coupled with your ample levels of certainty, efficiency and endurance ensuring you are typically quite successful in accomplishing wished for ambitions. Your sense of humor can prove useful to help you keep your spirits up while attempting to achieve an aspiration. Dreams are vivid, conceptual and futuristic as a consequence of your expansive imagination. As you were born on the twenty seventh of the month the two and seven in your date of birth add to generate a Root number of Nine. This numerical reference to your birthday has the keyword 'Seeker’ highlighting your heightened inquisitiveness and avid fondness of travelling. In Tarot the 9th Major Arcana card symbolizing the Hermit is associated with your birthday. This is an indication of your organized, principled, productive disposition and your wish to do things your way. The lucky gemstone for November the twenty seventh birthdays is imagined to be a Bloodstone, to be worn for a boost to vitality and to help in the overcoming of any obstacles. The probabilities of all Sagittarian personalities are believed to be astrologically determined by the influential planet Jupiter. The actual day you were born on, the twenty seventh of November is governed by Mars’s influence modifying some of your probable thought processes and attributes. Your great mix of perceptiveness and friendliness enhances your kind and supportive sensitivity. Your moralistic but forgiving attitude and visionary outlook keep you balanced and full of positivity. If you can manage to minimize being temperamental over dints to your ego it will allow you to gain emotional strength. A culminating thought for people born on November the 27th is to try and understand yourself better for added self control. 
#33. Martin Cummins (Birthday: Nov. 28, 1969 – The Day Of The Lone Wolf; Personality Period: Sagittarius I – Nov. 25 to Dec. 2 – The Week Of Independence; Place Of Birth: North Delta, British Columbia, Canada)
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Those born during the Week of Independence are hard to control. In many ways the most independent people of the year, they must feel free to act on their impulses and intuition. People who try to exercise power over them in personal relationships are in for a rough ride. When these people respect their spouse or living partner, they will cooperate, sharing their feelings and dividing the chores. When they feel that their respect has not been earned, though, or when it is lost, expect constant conflict and strife. Honor and trust are high on their list of priorities; without these, they feel, life ceases to have meaning and reverts to the law of the jungle. These individuals have a thing about fairness, expecting it not only of themselves but of others, too. Their nurturing side is particularly evident in their relations with animals, small children and the less fortunate members of society; they simply will not tolerate mistreatment of the dependent or helpless in their presence. They often act impulsively to protect the defenceless, without a thought for their own safety. They try to project an air of self-assurance and confidence, but behind this facade there often lurks a sensitive and even insecure individual. This becomes quickly evident when they are put under stress, either through negative criticism or through some challenge to their character. In such situations they can easily and instantaneously fly off the handle, drowning those around them with their anger. Those alert enough to see the storm clouds gathering will try to avoid unleashing their emotional thunderbolts. These people have enormous willpower. Their loyalty is a matter not only of principle or of emotion but of stubbornness; sticking to their guns is a character trait. In fact, they very often get their way, simply because they allow no other possibility. Anyone deeply involved with them is likely to know their highly competitive nature since they feel winning is essential. Learning to submit, and to accept defeat graciously, is not usually possible for these dynamic individuals. Those few who do learn this lesson may have succeeded in meeting their greatest challenge, and thereby gain a high degree of maturity. At times they can be unreasonable, but they are usually open to discussion. Actually, these quick, witty individuals thoroughly enjoy verbal repartee and debate. This can become a problem if they reach a subject that sticks in their craw, when they can easily become contentious and argumentative. Friends know what subjects to avoid and how to smooth over rough spots through playfulness, but those meeting them for the first time are sometimes taken aback by their forthrightness and their at times outrageous observations and proposals. Many have a greater need to give than to receive. Their generosity is directly related to their feelings of self-worth and self-esteem, for they have a need to see themselves as caring rather than needy people. There are also those who are not at all bashful about stating their demands, and who will not object to being served by others. Both character types, however, will often occupy an indispensable position in their family: shouldering substantial responsibilities, but on their own terms, is extremely important to them. They generally have only one or two people—whether friend, mate, co-worker or family member—with whom they feel close enough to share their innermost thoughts. The bond between these people and their parents or their children is extremely deep, and may be considered a true friendship. Such soulmates know them as highly ethical individuals who value integrity and character more than anything else, except, perhaps, their freedom. If they feel betrayed by a family member or close friend they can go through untold agonies of evaluation, judgment or rejection. In these struggles, assessing the intentions of the person in question is usually of great importance. Those who want to spend time with them usually have to be able to keep up: their friends and lovers must share the fast pace they set, whether in sports, travel, work or hobbies. A special person for them, however, may also be someone who sticks close to home or place of business. They have an acute need for stability; an individual who is always there to return to may prove to be the anchor in their lives. Although most would be capable of living alone, and in fact are well suited to it, they will generally make a firm decision to be a person’s spouse or living partner and then continue in that role, even if they outgrow the need for it. Those born during the Week of Independence are ardent and unconstrained in their emotional expression, particularly in the sexual arena. They make the intensity of their energy fully apparent to their partners, who will remember vividly the full-bodied encounters in which these types engage. They take pride in their sexual desirability or prowess, often exhibiting quiet confidence in their ability to satisfy their partners. They are extremely giving of their feelings but demand a great deal in return. 
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The highly intense individuals born on November 28 must pursue their own course. Living paradoxes, those born on this day are complex individuals who never cease to amaze their family and friends with their unique combination of aggression and sensitivity. Their ideology is extremely important to them, but it can change in a bewildering fashion, its twists and turns leading through a maze of irony and high seriousness. For example, it may be difficult to determine whether a November 28 individual is conservative or radical, right- or left-wing, an upholder of the social order or anarchic rebel. Ultimately such terms have little meaning in reference to November 28 thought patterns, which must be understood on their own terms. Although November 28 people appear to others as physical types, the primary thrust of their day is mental, even intellectual. No matter what their walk of life or profession, they can often be found arguing their case, refusing to submit to any ready-made dogmas or belief systems. They are basically self-taught thinkers, and for many, school is at best an annoyance and at worst an imprisonment. They have a strong penchant to take the opposing point of view due to their resistance to absolute statements and generalizations of all types. November 28 people enjoy pointed humor, and will use wit and irony as powerful weapons against their opponents and also as a means to clarify and give shape to their own views. Most often, however, they make an impression of forthright seriousness. Emotionally, November 28 people are usually caught up in their own personal maelstrom. Romantic relationships may surface with frequency, but those born on this day have enormous difficulties in maintaining stability in this area. Their friendships, on the other hand, are usually rock-solid, and highly meaningful. Those who are involved with them will never forget the experience—difficult, maddening, recalcitrant and paradoxical, they go their own way and do their own thing. For example, they can be among the most generous of individuals and yet at other times the most selfish. Often their goodness and true nature is more easily understood by animals and small children, on a purely intuitive level, than by a critical, analytical adult mind. A love of nature and of the animal world is in fact sacred to them, being their one constant refuge from disappointing and uncertain human experiences. Perhaps the greatest problem for November 28 people is coming to understand themselves, and being able to straighten out their complex, difficult personalities. Usually it is seething emotions which keep them from viewing themselves in a more objective light. Many born on this day use their work as an escape from what seems an excessive self-involvement. Concerning the four major faculties of perception—intellect, emotion, intuition, sensation—a titanic effort must be made by November 28 people to bring these into balance. Only then can they progress in their personal development and come to terms with the society around them. Those born on November 28 are free spirits with a thirst for knowledge. They are natural philosophers and their aim is to broaden their vision and sense of possibility. They are the scientists who never leave the lab, the composers and writers who labor late into the night, and the workers who stay late at the office—and forget to clean up their mess when they leave.Filled with natural curiosity and eagerness for the future, there is a tendency for these people to overextend themselves with too many activities. Not surprisingly, they can be flirtatious—with ideas as well as people—tending to show their enthusiasm at the start of new endeavors or relationships but then withdrawing it as the project progresses into details, or the relationship settles into a routine. They need to learn that commitment and freedom are two separate entities that don’t have to be mutually exclusive. Despite the sparkling wit and apparent flightiness of these people, they have a deeper and more complex side to them. As they tend to feel their way through life, their emotions can go up and down, so it is important for them to find a trusted friend who can gently warn them when they are heading off track. When hurt, they withdraw into a cloud of silence, eventually emerging from their reticence with sarcastic comments that can be blunt, insensitive and tactless. Too emotionally honest to hide their feelings, whether disillusionment, frustration or boredom, they can’t help but “say it like it is.” Others may criticize them for their moodiness and messiness, but they don’t hold grudges for long and it’s always a creative and innovative mess. But if they want to achieve the success and recognition their talents deserve, they need to combine this with dedication and discipline. Fortunately after the age of twenty-four there is a powerful and significant turning point when there will be greater emphasis on responsibility and the work they need to do to achieve their imaginative and progressive goals. 
#34. Reese Alexander (Birthday: Mar. 19, 1968 – The Day Of Dogged Persistence; Personality Period: Pisces-Aries Cusp – Mar. 19 to Mar. 24 – The Cusp Of Renewal/Rebirth; Place Of Birth: Toronto, Ontario, Canada)
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Those born during the Week of Renewal are unusually direct in their approach to life, and their outspokenness can make them alternately admired or misunderstood. These are basic, elemental individuals. The puzzling thing about them is that although they themselves think that they see things in a simple and unclouded way, those who know them well often describe them as unrealistic dreamers, unable to get a handle on the harsh realities of the world. They outwardly present a dynamic directness that often belies a sensitive, emotionally complex, even troubled inner life. Thus they are doers as well as dreamers and have a no-nonsense, “what you see is what you get” attitude that actually tells only part of the story. Misunderstandings about them abound. Out of the purest motives possible, for example, they may make a generous offer, perhaps of time or money. Yet before you know it, they are being accused of acting holier-than-thou, or of behaving condescendingly when those on the receiving end feel resentment. Meanwhile, they feel bewildered and hurt. Such scenarios are not uncommon in their lives. As a matter of fact, the more simply and directly they behave, the more others misread their intentions. This directness inevitably arouses antagonism. However, those who are unwise enough to oppose them directly will quickly regret it. In addition, because of their quickness in grasping concepts and, often, in implementing their intuitive hunches, they may encounter resistance from those who move more slowly. Such a response has little effect on them, only arousing their impatience. Thus, particularly in group endeavors they must learn to curb their impetuosity, to listen to the often helpful suggestions of others, to slow their tempo and come into synch with the group rhythm. Ultimately, they must learn to weigh alternatives carefully before speaking or acting. Once they accomplish this, their logic can be remarkably persuasive and their thoroughness compelling. Although their effect on people should teach them that something about their own behavior is amiss, they generally refuse to change. They cannot really see any fault in what they do since, in their view, they are acting out of pure intentions. In the end, they often do get their way, whether by forging ahead without letup or by just sticking to their guns until the other party gives in. Dealing with failure can be particularly difficult. Since outright failure is not really in their vocabulary, when confronted with unavoidable defeat they are often baffled and bewildered. But their defense mechanisms in this respect are superb, and they are often spared defeat simply by their refusal to recognize it. They are not usually so unrealistic as to mistake losing for winning, but they do often view losing as just a partial setback on the way to a victory only temporarily postponed. Others can learn, however, how to deal with them successfully. One of the main rules is not to dig too deeply into their motives or to urge them to explain themselves. Another is not to try to analyze their personalities, or even to push them toward self-analysis. Yet those who use example rather than precept in encouraging them gently to be more objective about themselves can meet with success. This is not to say that they can’t learn from their own mistakes, simply that they must from time to time be encouraged to do so. Another, even simpler route to getting along with them is just to do what they say, at least for the time being. If you can come up with a better idea later, they will be prepared to listen, but rarely if ever in their first burst of enthusiasm. It is important to recognize how important impulses, hunches, and first actions are to these individuals. Blunting or negating their intuitions with advice and alternative suggestions can easily alienate them forever. Rarely, however, will anyone succeed in breaking their spirit or damping their forward movement for long. In relationships, they can be faithful partners, although their faithfulness may be more emotional than literal. They can love deeply and passionately, in other words, giving a great deal of attention to their love object, but at the same time they are not always monogamous; their intuitive, fiery side is always vulnerable to some exciting new prospect that suddenly appears. Their partner is generally the one expected to play the more stable, long-suffering role. Not that they themselves demand monogamy from their mate; actually, in many cases, a relationship that is more open on both sides suits them better, since it allays any guilt they might feel about their own indiscretions. Those born during the Week of Renewal generally function better as parents than they did as children, feeling more loyalty and responsibility to their offspring than they did to their elders when they were younger. Family can have surprisingly strong meaning for these highly independent souls, but family in the larger sense, including friends and associates as well as kin.
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Those born on March 19 have the dogged persistence needed to achieve their ends and know how to use their charm and allure to help them. These highly directed people are both dreamers and doers. They are able to translate their imaginative ideas into reality. Though assertive, March 19 people may not be the most self-aware individuals, and indeed a strong unreality factor may be at work here. March 19 people are outwardly directed and intent on winning others over to their viewpoints. But what those born on this day may be attempting at times is to change external reality to conform to their inner picture of it. This may sound like a dubious proposition, but through their tenacity, those born on March 19 are surprisingly successful. March 19 people possess very pure and childlike qualities. But though they are expansive types who sometimes give the impression that they are in another world, they are in fact forceful and businesslike. Thus they are a bit paradoxical in nature, and can appear to others as being alternately dreamy and fiery. Some March 19 people are explorers who break new ground and go where no one has dared to go before, but more often they are pragmatic individuals who proceed methodically. Whatever the nature of their undertakings, March 19 people usually move in a straight-line fashion, convinced that their principles are just—as a matter of fact they may even see themselves as reformers, putting everything right after years of neglect by others. Due to a lack of objectivity, however, they can well be headed off track or in the wrong direction. It is indeed important that March 19 people chart their course with care, because once they are convinced they are on target they will want to follow through to the end. They are also extremely diligent and capable of operating on a personal level with little need for fanfare, reward or acclaim. They will doggedly pursue their goals, even though it may mean endless repetition of tasks. They never seem to tire of their own activities, perhaps at times even going at things too slowly. This thoroughness is one of their most basic attributes and usually guarantees a successful outcome to their ventures. As hard-nosed and hardworking as March 19 people can be, they must learn to be more realistic about who they are. Acquiring self-knowledge and an awareness of limitations is extremely important. Part of their development will inevitably include learning not to overreach. They must make an effort to keep their egoism and egotistical impulses under control. By adopting a modest attitude, they may prove to be still more successful in their efforts. People born on March 19 are blessed with considerable motivation and vitality. Others are often drawn to them because they possess a childlike energy and openness. Although they may give the appearance of being dreamy at times, they are extremely practical and determined. Once they have settled on a goal, these people will work tirelessly to achieve it. They are a brilliant combination of imagination and action, creating a mental image of what they want and then taking assertive, methodical and practical steps to achieve it. In fact, they are virtually unstoppable when they have put their action plan in place, and however difficult, mundane or repetitious things are, they will see it through. This determined approach is a recipe for success and—if directed toward a worthy goal—can take them not just to the top but to new ground. It can, however, also backfire. When their goals can’t be realized, it can leave them feeling disappointed and depressed. Part of the problem is that many of their goals and dreams are based on material success and the recognition of others. They need to learn that fulfillment does not just come from outward things but also from inner contentment. Only when they are able to look within and understand the importance of both personal and professional satisfaction will they achieve lasting happiness and success. Until the age of thirty-one there is a tendency for these people to be active in the pursuit of their goals. From the age of thirty-two to sixty-two they may be more relaxed but may also show signs of stubbornness. These are the years in which they should not neglect the importance of their inner life or stop sharing their feelings with their numerous friends.The blend of vision and action that people born on this day possess is a powerful and seductive combination. As long as they remember to keep their ego in check and acquire a degree of self-knowledge, they have both the fantasy and the fire to make their dreams come true. Romance and intimacy are essential to people born on March 19. They can put their relationships at risk by appearing to place more importance on their professional goals but, once they understand how important it is for them to share their feelings with loved ones, they make loyal and imaginative partners. Their ideal lover would be someone who believes in their goals and their ability to make them come true. Because people born on this day tend to be outwardly focused and successor goal-orientated, they are often prone to stress-related disorders such as headaches, fatigue, comfort eating, and insomnia. They will probably need to find ways to ease the tension; regular massages, walks in the fresh air as well as soothing herbal teas, such as chamomile, will be beneficial. As far as diet is concerned, they should make sure they don’t neglect to eat healthily. Plenty of nutritious snacks, such as fruit and a handful of nuts during the day, are recommended to keep their energy levels constant. Vigorous exercise isn’t recommended because so much of their life is competitive, but moderate to mild exercise, such as jogging, walking and swimming, will help them feel and sleep better. Wearing, meditating on or surrounding themselves with soothing shades of purple will encourage them to look within for answers. Whatever career they choose, once these people devote their prodigious energies and powers of organization to it they have the potential to be highly successful. It may not be their first choice (business or management may initially appeal) but they are often at their happiest when working in fields in which they know they can do some good, such as politics, the military, science, social reform, the arts, the healing professions, or education. The life path of people born on this day is to learn to get to know themselves better. Once they have acquired a degree of self-knowledge, their destiny is to use their prodigious determination and talents to effect social improvements. People born specifically on the 19th of March are imagined to be powerful and persuasive go-getters but also dreamers as is typical of this fish zodiac sign. The ruling astrological planet for this particular day is the Sun making you kindhearted, generous and full of pioneering spiritedness. If you have this birthday your determination and creativity are in abundance and you will be caring and considerate. An idealistic reformer you are generally much more outspoken than the majority of your Piscean counterparts. As you are not as reserved this can sometimes manifest itself in bossiness but your subtle charm often lets you get away with it. Your high idealism and touch of rashness may see you sometimes a little disillusioned with the world yet your sunny, positive outlook keeps you well balanced. Individuals with a March the nineteenth birthday are temperamentally intuitively sensitive and impulsive but also have a commonsensical grounded nature. Work choices are usually an easy decision to a person born on the nineteenth of March as you tend to be aware of your talents from an early age. Knowing the things that you are best at and your weaker abilities and limitations helps you easily identify the most suitable occupations. With this birth date you are likely have a common dislike of money and all the negative aspects of its existence as well as others who may worship it. Despite this you seem to understand that finances are a lifestyle necessity and so when dealing with financial matters you will employ your common sense and competency. For a Pisces, the person born on the nineteenth day of March is typically highly responsive and a bit too idealized concerning love. You have huge expectations when it comes to matters of the heart and are ordinarily soon disappointed and only really interested in forever relationships. Your impulsiveness encourages you to be very romantic and frequently a believer in the possibilities of love at first sight. Kissing, cuddling and closeness is personally important in a love partnership as you require a strong emotional bond in addition to a physical attraction. However your impetuous side causes you to sometimes rush into personal relationships and commitment. With a soul mate you are extremely loving, protective and receptive to their needs, wishes and desires. Your slight streak of independence can nevertheless make you occasionally moody and argumentative. Health issues experienced by those born on March 18th often center on your ambitious pursuit of ideals and determined stance. This stickler for detail drive and your emotional sensitivity can create bouts of stressfulness provoking headaches, allergy proneness and insomnia. For relieving tensions people born on this day should find that massage or spa treatments are particularly effective. Exercise of any kind may also help if you have problems getting to sleep. You are usually careful to eat sensibly and are often a dab hand in the kitchen enjoying experimenting with new tastes. Your main strengths of character lie in the convincing eloquence you possess and within your tireless, thorough approach. These qualities and your persevering positivity assist you in reaching your desired destination in life. The negative side to your temperament exposes the probable personality weaknesses for those born on March 19th. These include the tendencies to sometimes be bossy, stubborn, impatient and inattentive. This kind of behavior is more likely when you are tired or are overloaded with things on your mind. Keeping your energy levels steady should minimize these unfavourable traits. Being born on the 19th of March bestows you with a reformist ideology, outspokenness and plenty of intuitiveness. These firm perceptive characteristics and your willingness to make sacrifices for the things you want in life all help to shape your goal orientated disposition. With all your aspirations you tend to put in maximum effort and not quit easily. Your creative imagination directs you to have fanciful dreams about an ideal fair world and maybe the opportunity to travel and educate yourself on different cultures. A common wish is to simply to have a nice home and children with someone you adore. As you were born on the nineteenth day of the month, the one and the nine in your birth date equate to a birthday Root number of One. This significant numerical reference has the keyword 'Drive’ emphasizing your notable resoluteness and articulation. In the Major Arcana Tarot deck the 19th card, the Sun, is connected with your birthday. This is a symbol of your charming intensity and desire for knowledge. The lucky gemstone for March the nineteenth birthdays is a Ruby, wearing it promises more than good luck. Rubies are also believed to be exceptionally favorable for dispelling fears or sadness. As a Piscean your fundamental personality is thought to be astrologically predicted by the influence of the planet Neptune. The actual day you were born on, the nineteenth of March is ruled over by the governance of our Sun. So your uniqueness is primarily the result of the combination of these two influential planetary forces. Your dreamy, kind honesty and charismatic mannerisms present you as a lovely caring individual who while occasionally a bit blunt and impetuous is nevertheless very nice to know. Your ample generosity and optimism are brilliant attributes and your impulsiveness is generally fairly well directed. Conquering your weak spots could be simpler if you can regulate your ideals and contemplate lowering them a little in certain situations. A few final pertinent thoughts for people born on March the 19th are to not push too hard, simplify your life for less stress and try to avoid being egotistical.
#35. Brit Morgan (Birthday: Sep. 24, 1987 – The Day Of The Wanderer; Personality Period: Virgo-Libra Cusp – Sep. 19 to Sep. 24 – The Cusp Of Beauty; Place Of Birth: Marlton, Evesham Township, New Jersey, United States)
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Those born during the Week of Beauty are powerfully taken up with the pursuit of an ideal. Attracted to physical, sensuous beauty, whether in art objects, nature or people, the lure of color, shape, form, texture and the intriguing sound of music or a voice pushes all their emotional buttons and brings them creative inspiration. They are extremely sensitive to external stimuli, react strongly to unusual tastes and smells, and are easily jarred by disturbing sights and sounds. These people, then, must create a highly aesthetic environment for both their living situations and their work. They pride themselves on being up-to-date and aware of the latest trends in fashion, design, art and technology. Others may see their interests in these areas as merely trendy, but there is no denying that their information and taste can be extremely valuable to the organizations with which they are affiliated. Often, they also have excellent executive, marketing and management skills, in which their sixth sense for current developments in their field stands them in good stead. Because of their interest in the outward appearances of the physical world, they may be seen as superficial and glitzy. Sooner or later in their lives, they will have to address spiritual matters, for they usually discover at some point that their love of externals is an inadequate preparation for the more unpleasant, yet inevitable, aspects of life—disease, accidents, suffering, death. Classically, they will encounter one of these areas unprepared and will feel bewildered and inadequate. As a result, they will be impelled to scratch a bit deeper beneath the surface of existence. Such individuals are fun to have as friends. Imaginative and free-spirited, they lend life to any gathering. Yet they also have an emotional dark side, which their friends and mates have to cope with. In times of financial stress or emotional turmoil, addictive tendencies may surface, for they have a tendency to turn to drugs and alcohol rather than encounter and overcome the vicissitudes of life head-on. It is here, in particular, that their sensuous nature can be most self-destructive. They must also beware lest the healthy expression of their sexuality be sublimated into neurotic and possessive drives, in an attempt to flee from reality. The most successful do not lose the common touch or forget their origins, no matter how humble. Yet they have a tendency to isolate themselves in an ivory-tower situation in which they become increasingly out of touch with the more basic aspects of their fellow human beings. This can work at cross-purposes with their ability to keep abreast of public taste, and it can undermine their usefulness. In extreme cases they may become snobbish and elitist, only associating with individuals they feel are worthy of their attentions, or through whose influence they can advance socially. Heralding the arrival of autumn, the fall equinox takes place during the Week of Beauty, symbolizing the harvest. Perhaps John Keats’ poem “To Autumn” with its opening lines, “Season of mist and mellow fruitfulness, close bosom-friend of the maturing sun” best expresses the mood and images of this time—the energy of these people is indeed “mellow.” They will avoid arguments, confrontations and unpleasantness in general whenever possible. Their lovers, co-workers and family members know how sensitive they are to irritating or jarring elements in their immediate surroundings. Similarly, they usually require that the people with whom they choose intimate involvement are very good-looking. The one exception to this tendency occurs when they happen to be extremely attractive, in which case their partners can be of the most unusual physical types. Actually, they have an ambivalent attitude toward physical deformity in others, finding it both repugnant and fascinating. They may often make a connection with a stable and powerful figure as a mate or friend. Indeed, they may need to maintain a close partnership of some kind with such a dependable figure throughout their lives, if not in their personal lives then perhaps at work, with a co-worker or partner. However, these relationships are frequently affected by psychological projections of parents or family members. Although those born during the Week of Beauty periodically need to indulge their sense of touch, they may appear removed or untouchable themselves, and may only allow physical contact at special times. Many are content to admire beauty from a distance, seeing it as a quality to be adored or worshiped from afar, rather than one to approach or possess. For them, platonic relationships often have a special appeal. 
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Those born on September 24 are wanderers by nature and therefore either love to travel, or are somehow driven to do so. This theme of wandering or travel in their lives usually takes a real form, but can also be a metaphor for mental and emotional adventures as well. Indeed the literal and figurative are not mutually exclusive here. Reading, thinking, dreaming, traveling—both physically and psychically wandering—these are the kinds of activities which interest those born on this day. Some September 24 people travel when young and later commit themselves to what appears to be a settled existence. Others get bitten by the bug in their middle years and are capable of dropping everything for the call of the road. Most September 24 people never completely settle down, even though it may be what they think they want most. Often they move on to the next place, person or project each time thinking that this is finally it—where they want to be for a long time. The more aware individuals born on this day usually come to realize that there is no real permanence for them and that their wanderings are due to continue for yet a while. The happiest of those born on September 24 may reach a kind of compromise with themselves where they establish a relatively permanent living situation but make small trips whenever they can. Even when tied down, such September 24 people find an outlet for their restlessness in reading, films and TV, and also a rich fantasy life. In relationships and family matters, September 24 people may well be difficult to please. They are not at all easygoing people to live with and demand lots of time to themselves. Their mates must be understanding of their need for change and variety, and their often open flirtations and sexual attractions of all sorts. As to this latter area, September 24 people can seek out highly unusual forms of sexual expression, if not in their daily life then in their reading and mental imaginings. Indeed, those born on this day have little interest in mundane activities or in ordinary people for that matter. September 24 people clearly have a need for greater stability. They must beware of overly intense emotional and mental stimuli that can push them off the deep end. The problem is that their minds are so active and their tastes so out of the ordinary that they have real difficulty embracing any kind of normal lifestyle. Some of them can be space cases with their heads in the stars; others can be surprisingly together in technical areas. Often they are a combination of the two. Though they may be known as oddballs to some, they nonetheless make faithful friends with their hearts in the right place. They also bring their sense of enjoyment to bear on most any situation, and allow others to enjoy themselves too. People born on September 24 tend to be hard to catch or pin down because they are nomads at heart. If their restlessness doesn’t manifest externally in a love of travel or movement, they will be travelers in their minds, constantly reading, thinking and jumping to original conclusions.Their desire to seek out the new will be a dominant theme in their lives, alongside their powerful desire to love and to be loved. Although they will naturally express themselves in different ways, they often tend to be orientated by an urge to discover and an urge to help others with their resourceful and creative efforts. Considerate and empathetic, they have the almost psychic ability to detect unhappiness in others, even if that unhappiness is unspoken, and this is followed up by a desire to relieve feelings of distress. Despite their concern for the well-being of others, they also find it hard to commit to a settled existence. A part of them longs to feel secure but another part of them is always wondering whether the grass really is greener on the other side. As a result they vacillate a great deal. The key to their psychological growth will be when they are able not just to choose goals that inspire them, but to stick to them.Before the age of twenty-eight they are likely to experiment in their social life, forming friendships and relationships with people from a wide variety of different backgrounds. There may also be numerous career changes or a spell of professional uncertainty. After the age of twenty-nine there is a turning point which highlights issues concerning emotional change, creating a desire to find deeper meaning to their lives. This is an extremely powerful and positive influence for them, because once they learn that discipline, perseverance and commitment can be liberating rather than restrictive, these versatile, progressive, humanitarian, and multi-talented people will discover within themselves the potential for tremendous power, which can both move and inspire others. Although people born on September 24 love to be admired, and their company is much sought after, few people get close enough to them to become really intimate. This is because they often have a fear of commitment and may find it hard to feel comfortable with intimacy. However, once they do find an intelligent partner who can teach them about intimacy, they blossom into passionate, supportive, generous, and loyal lovers. People born on this day need to be careful that their tendency to comfort eat when feeling low or bored does not lead to weight problems, especially as being overweight is linked to high blood pressure and other disorders. When they are feeling restless they need to find healthier ways to satisfy their “hunger,” such as phoning a friend, writing in a journal, exercising, and so on. If emotional intimacy is a problem they may benefit from counseling or therapy to get to the root cause of their discomfort. If they are unable to open up they may be prone to stress, anxiety and depression, so taking this step could be very important. They also need to avoid any dependency on alcohol or recreational drugs, and should aim for a healthy, balanced diet with regular snacks and mealtimes, regular mild to moderate exercise, and plenty of quality sleep. Finding a creative outlet for their wonderful imagination, such as art, writing or design, will also be extremely therapeutic. Wearing, surrounding themselves with and meditating on the colour gold will encourage them to commit to and persevere with their dreams. These people will often be drawn to social, political or humanitarian causes but they may also excel in artistic endeavors. Career choices might include events organization, diplomacy, networking or fund raising, law, social reform, writing, drama, music, photography, or the arts. The life path of people born on this day is to learn to focus their energies in one direction. Once they have learned to commit, their destiny is to realize their progressive ideals by means of direct action. People born specifically on the 24th of September are envisioned to be highly intelligent, creative and imaginative with the usual Libran strong sense of fairness. The ruling astrological planet for this particular day is Venus bestowing you with musical and artistic talents and a fondness for tranquil pleasant surroundings. If you have this birthday your friendly approach and flexible viewpoints make you generally fairly easy to live with. Although a bit of an idealist you tend to usually look for the best in everything and everyone and be naturally optimistic, charming and family orientated. Cooperative and compromising you are likely to have an open minded view of the world yet be no pushover and stick strongly to principles. Individuals with a September the twenty fourth birthday are inclined to be very loyal natured and fun loving but a touch of restlessness and a need for variety. Emotionally you are quite sensitive and may be slightly dependent or overly demanding due to a craving for stability. Writing, photography or fashion design are often popular work choices to a person born on the twenty fourth of September. Your gift of creativity and appreciation of beauty and harmony steers you towards any career that allows expression of these qualities. Your high levels of sociability and flexibility make you a great workmate and you are ordinarily able to handle a varied workload with ease. Managing your finances is usually easy but you can be a big spender and you should try not to rely on credit too much. For a Libra, the person born on the twenty fourth day of September is typically someone with a busy social life yet a preference for the simple comforts of home too. Your huge heart has a strong desire to love and be loved and along with the natural charm in your nature makes you very attractive to others. In a steady secure long term relationship you will be deeply considerate, caring and understanding and will value and adore your soul mate partner. A faithful, dependable and generous temperament guides you to be extra attentive while your imagination helps you think up lots of romantic ideas to keep a loved one happy and content. You are inclined to yearn for a deep mental and physical closeness to help you overcome any emotional barriers and fully open up. Illness experienced by those born on September 24th is sometimes a result of your usual slight difficulty in moderating anything. You seem to try and make an effort to be fairly sensible with your eating habits but other commonsensical health routines are likely to be occasionally neglected as you tend to find them boring. It often takes a lot to motivate you in terms of participating in exercise and its benefits but your wish to look and feel healthy is a common form of encouragement. People born on this day are advised to discover effective relaxing ways of dealing with stress overload to prevent it impacting on your overall healthiness. Your main strengths of character are displayed in your free spirited intelligence and visionary optimist based outlook on life. These favorable traits along with your additional fortes of loyalty, impartiality, receptivity and ability to compromise make you lovely to know. The personality weaknesses for those born on September 24th focus on your reactions to emotional insecurities and tendency for restless behavior. If you are upset, unhappy or bored the negative side to your personality is exposed. This negativity if full force can include nervous, unsettled or neurotic displays of emotion, totally unlike your usually cheery self. Being born on the 24th of September gives you the skill to easily imagine and visualize the things you want to achieve in life. You will normally utilize your intellectuality and common sense as well as all your other resources to accomplish an important goal. Being very responsible and honest with a strict adherence to your convictions means it is unlikely for you to take shortcuts if they present themselves. Nurturing and expressing your potential gifts in music and art will sometimes be in your list of desired ambitions. Dreams have the inclination to reflect your wishes for a comfortable home base with someone special. As you were born on the twenty fourth day of the month the total of the two and four in your birth date grant you a Root number of Six. This numerical reference to your birthday has the keyword 'Social’ pinpointing your warmhearted friendliness and regard of togetherness. In Tarot the 6th card symbolizing the Lovers in the Major Arcana is closely associated with your birthday. This symbolism represents your required reassurance levels of warmth and security in your environment. The lucky gemstone for September the twenty fourth birthdays is Turquoise for boosting energy and promoting happiness and long life. Astrologically, the celestial body Venus is believed to be the strongest influence on the probabilities of all Libra personalities. The actual day you were born on, the twenty fourth of September, is ruled over and so influenced by this same planetary force. As a consequence this planet is the primary authority on your uniqueness. Your easygoing positivity alongside your sensitivity and touch of dependence are a fine combination of attributes for coping with life’s ups and downs. Your determination, cooperation and idealism are not self centered and can therefore usually gain you many rewards. If you are able to conquer your propensity to be slightly self doubting there is not much you cannot succeed in doing. Two ending thoughts for people born on September the 24th are to not be afraid to use your plentiful talents in addition to aiming to be a tad more decisive.
#36. Jordan Connor (Birthday: Sep. 17, 1991 – The Day Of Perseverance; Personality Period: Virgo III – Sep. 11 to Sep. 18 – The Week Of The Literalist; Place Of Birth: Calgary, Alberta, Canada)
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Those born during the Week of the Literalist are willful and generally persist until they get their way. Yet long periods may go by in which they refuse to take any sudden action. Their goals are so tangible to them, so real, that they may express their confidence in the final outcome through a kind of procrastination. They know that a strong mental orientation can often have a decisive influence on the events unfolding around them. They have a practical emphasis in their characters that can make them easily puzzled and even angered by irrationality. But since they usually control their feelings well beyond an immediate expression of irritation or disgust, it takes an especially annoying or upsetting stimulus to bring their true emotions to the surface. Even the more easily aroused usually mellow out with age. They feel emotion deeply, but may be stirred up only by the most personal encounters with lovers and mates. For the most part, they do not like emotional displays, particularly public ones, which they see as a sign of ostentation and a lack of self-control. They also dislike phoniness and pretension. True literalists, they like folks to behave as they really are, and to be truthful to themselves, no matter how difficult this may be. On the other hand, they do not like trouble or unpleasantness, and feel that a modicum of courtesy, consideration and gratefulness is demanded in almost any human situation. They are sometimes torn, then, between their love of truth and their need for harmony. These people have a definite flair for the sensational. At times highly dramatic, they seek to uncover the truth and to reveal it to the world. Such individuals can be fearless and courageous in confronting social mores, perhaps promoting ideals of free speech, free lifestyle and free love; revolutionary fervor often runs high in this group. They should not succumb, however, to the lure of sheer rebelliousness in their moral crusades. Otherwise calm, their passions ignite around a cause or an ideal more often than around a person. Shrewd evaluative instincts are among their strongest suits, but they must be careful not to let their acuteness in this area get out of hand. Professionally, they may be put into executive positions in which they are called upon to judge their colleagues on a daily basis, and in doing so they must try to be sensitive to the feelings of others, in whom they can easily engender feelings of rejection and disappointment. Resentment of these people may build to a pitch of negative energy that can become destructive and debilitating. Few achievements arouse their admiration more than the mastery of craft. Role models are thus extremely important to them, and may prove a direct inspiration and stimulus for their own success. They can make excellent partners in creative, business and practical endeavors of all sorts, particularly when their partners are capable of producing high-caliber work. They can put up with a lot, both in their career and in personal relationships, if the quality of their work or love life is high enough. In relationships, they are highly demanding, expecting the very best for themselves. Their lovers and mates will have to get tough in order to handle their energies. However, they are often affectionate and caring people, particularly in times of adversity. They have strong nurturing and protective instincts, which emerge strongly when their loved one is suffering or under attack. Extremely capable, they can keep troubled or problematical relationships alive for years through their perseverance and dedication. Facing and overcoming obstacles, in fact, can be a specialty of theirs in all aspects of their lives. Their need for order and their striving for fulfillment usually find special satisfaction when a particularly challenging task or project is at last completed. Results are important to these pragmatic personalities, who are likely to lose interest or walk away when the fruits of their endeavors are regularly denied them. They have an ethical feeling about what they are entitled to, and may suffer terribly under unfair treatment. These people must be careful not to succumb to selfish and manipulative drives. Friends, co-workers and employers may at times find them ruthless in cutting off personal and work relationships that no longer suit them. In their mind, this is usually justified as realistic and fair, but it can also indicate a blindness in seeing the other person’s point of view. More successful persons will learn to bring relationships to a close more gracefully, without leaving a bad aftertaste. The most positive human traits of those born during the Week of the Literalist often emerge in family life. They can make excellent parents and loving and dutiful children. For all of their independence and iconoclasm, they are usually quite conventional in family matters, particularly enjoying holiday dinners and outings. Actually, they have a great respect for authority, as long as it is honest, caring and just. All forms of favoritism, discrimination or unfairness in the treatment of children and parents are highly objectionable to them.
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Whether creative or not, September 17 people are known for their perseverance in achieving goals. Although it may take them many years (they seem to like it that way), they are not only capable of building a career and attaining stature, but also managing to stay on top for some time. Those born on this day are heavies, difficult to get around and even more difficult to suppress. Once their course is set for an objective, no matter how high or humble, they are virtually unstoppable. Although they can be very enthusiastic, for the most part a high seriousness and commitment colors practically everything they do. Facing obstacles and overcoming them is par for the course for September 17 people. They are not typically ones to crush opposition with a lightning blow, but rather wear their opponents down with relentlessly applied pressure. They themselves operate very well under this same pressure, and are rarely prone to nerves or a fatal lack of self-confidence in critical situations. It follows that they can be relied on to perform in difficult and trying times. Although they can be creative, most September 17 people are physically tough, admirably stubborn, left-brained logical thinkers; they organize their thoughts consequently, and reason that if A is true then B must of necessity follow. Those born on this day have a strong feeling for justice and a fair settling of disputes, and will not only insist on being treated fairly but also on being recognized for their accomplishments. Not surprisingly, September 17 people can make excellent lawyers or arbiters. Generally September 17 people favor the status quo, although they may work for gradual change to better existing institutions. Even the most radical people born on September 17 will eventually find their place in the Establishment. Perhaps this is due to their feeling for structure, literal expression, and dislike of disorder and anarchy. Those born on this day can often be found on the side of conservationists who value the preservation of living things and folk traditions. Despite their conservatism, September 17 people have a strange sense of humor that sets them apart from their fellow man. They are capable of doing the most ordinary things in an eccentric way. Usually they are not as serious as they seem and if in relaxed company can be a lot of fun. They do not reveal this side of themselves spontaneously, however, so particularly those who work with them may never see it. September 17 people rarely go out of their way to impress, shock or attract others. They are highly self-contained, having little need for the kind of adulation or nursing that could leave them vulnerable to the vagaries of human whims and feelings. For them, emotion is a serious thing, and not to be expressed at the drop of a hat; therefore when they say “I love you” the words carry some significance. People born on September 17 are strong, tough and determined individuals with a clear sense of right and wrong. They possess a heroic spirit, stamina, courage, and no fear of hard work. In fact they can easily take on tasks that make others cringe and perform them with little effort. Control is important for people born on this day, and in anything they do their steady discipline and commitment to the smallest detail shine through. They can be imaginative but their preference is to organize their approach and their thinking logically; the facts, justice, fair play, tradition, and maintaining the status quo matter greatly to them. There is a fun side to them but it takes a lot to reveal it spontaneously; the downside of this is that they can come across as serious and heavy, but the upside is that when they do open up, others can be assured of their absolute sincerity. Until the age of thirty-five there are opportunities for them to develop the more creative side of their personality, forging relationships with others both professionally and socially. They should take advantage of these opportunities to be less self-contained and more expressive, as they offer tremendous potential for happiness. After the age of thirty-six there is a turning point which stimulates them to seek a deeper meaning to their life and emphasizes the power of personal transformation. Whatever age they are, they often do well financially in life, and enjoying a good standard of living is one of their first priorities. They will probably achieve their material goals, but to reach their full potential they should ensure they don’t neglect their spiritual and emotional life; money alone will not completely satisfy them. Above all they are determined people, so when they do realize the true value of things money can’t buy, their steady and resilient star won’t just light their own path. It will inspire others to take a more disciplined, responsible, compassionate, and honest approach to work and to life. People born on September 17 are passionate but reserved individuals, and it will take a while for them to reveal their thoughts and feelings. They need a loving relationship built on trust and understanding before they feel they can open up. They can also be impatient and judgmental of others at times, and need to show themselves and others more patience and understanding. People born on this day can have workaholic tendencies and may be prone to stress, headaches, backache, and sore eyes, especially if they spend long hours at a desk or computer. They may also lead quite sedentary lives, making weight gain likely, so it is important for them not only to be more active but to make sure they cut down on the amount of saturated fat, sugary and salty food, animal products, and alcohol they eat and drink. If they suffer from concentration problems they would also benefit enormously from deep-breathing exercises as they tend to breathe quite shallowly, and this can deprive their brains of oxygen. Regular massage suits their sensual nature, and wearing, meditating on and surrounding themselves with the color purple will encourage them to focus on higher things. These people have a strong sense of fair play and are well suited to careers in law, accountancy and law enforcement. They can also excel in science, research, writing, economics, education, or in the news and media world. Computers and engineering may also appeal, as might the healing professions. The life path of people born on this day is to open up emotionally and spiritually. Once they are able to tap into their latent creativity, their destiny is to bring about concrete progress which inspires and benefits others. People born specifically on the 17th of September are destined to be cleverly inventive and resourceful with the typical Virgo purposeful attention to detail. The ruling astrological planet selected for this particular day is Saturn giving you the ability to easily solve problems with careful analysis and logic. If you have this birthday your serious, thorough and persistent nature is usually trustworthy, helpful and dependable. Resolute, levelheaded and naturally intuitive your friendly compassion is likely to be practical and commonsensical. You will possess a youthful attitude and are quite sensitive emotionally with a preference to always take your time with important decisions. Individuals with a September the seventeenth birthday have a strong will making them courageous and full of stamina. You are calm and collected with an excellent memory but you can get into a real flap if things are unorganized. You can also be occasionally judgmental and intolerant too. A fondness of being in charge usual to a person born on the Seventeenth of September can sometimes direct their career choices. Along with your precise organizational skills and quiet yet reassuring presence you often make a great manager or supervisor in any workplace. Your meticulous sense of purpose and flair for problem solving guide you to be a wonderful productive worker to employ or work alongside. Financial matters are usually easily understood by you and you tend to favor and follow smart investments and be good at spotting opportunities to boost your income. You also have the common sense to save money for the future. For a Virgo, the person born on the seventeenth day of September is typically responsible, rational and affectionate natured with lots of modesty and sensitivity concerning affairs of the heart. Strong close communication is an essential in your ideal relationship as although not very demonstrative with displaying affection, you are not afraid to talk about feelings. You need someone who shares your inclination for high standards and will be as loyal and steadfast as you in an intimate love partnership. You may have to build up a lot of emotional trust with a partner so you require a mate who is fairly patient and understanding. You need a soul mate lover who is capable of seductively unlocking your touch of adventurousness between the sheets and ignite your latent passion. In a long term loving relationship you are rather sentimental and especially good at remembering special anniversaries. The usual robust health experienced by those born on September 17th is a consequence of your young and buoyant vigor and outlook. You are ordinarily not a big eater so usually manage to burn off excess calories from your healthy appetite and energetic approach. Bones and teeth could be weak spots in healthiness so plenty of calcium in the diet is advisable. People born on this day should consider slowing down a bit in addition to remembering to regulate meal times and sleep patterns. Following this advice could give a real boost to vitality plus help you retain your natural youthful looks and spiritedness. Your main strengths of character are disclosed in your persistence, purposefulness and practicality. These positive traits are fine accompaniments to your helpfulness, dependability and careful thought. Extra fortes are seen in your finely tuned intuition and likelihood to have an even temper allowing you to get along well with others. The personality weaknesses for those born on September 17th appear to occur more frequently if you are especially tired, agitated or stressed. These negative traits of a fussy or stubbornly fixed manner are additional to a proneness for your intolerance levels to really rise in these circumstances. Being born on the 17th of September usually makes you fabulous at choosing perfect times to take advantage of chances to achieve. Determined and persevering you are inclined to follow advisory guidelines and adhere to your principles concerning the achievement of aspirations. You are prepared to work hard and wait patiently for the success you seek and appear to be fairly resilient to small disappointments or setbacks. Your inclination to be organized and attentive to detailed accuracy always assists you to accomplish much. Dreams are mostly concentrated on wishes for your private life and coming up with clever inventions. As you were born on the seventeenth day of the month the one and seven in your birth date generate a Root number of Eight. This numerical reference to your birthday has the keyword 'Leader' relating to your logical inventiveness and resourcefulness along with your thoughtful decision taking. In Tarot the 17th Major Arcana card illustrating the Star is associated with your birthday. This identifies your ability to not be deterred by and rise above the majority of restrictions. The lucky gemstone for September the seventeenth birthdays is a Black Pearl to be worn for emotional happiness and stability as well as favorable fortunes. All Virgo personalities are presumed to be mainly astrologically influenced by the planet Mercury's authority. The actual day you were born on, the seventeenth of September is governed by Saturn's rule. Hence the influences of these 2 planets are imagined to determine your probable uniqueness from others with this virgin symboled zodiac sign. Your analytic brave approach and methods and your strong trust of your instincts will usually take you far in life. Your capable, calm composed mannerisms and skill at memorizing help you express maturity beyond your years. Taming your weaker characteristics of stubborn fussiness and lack of toleration it should help you progress and grow emotionally. A finalizing thought for people born on September the 17th is to aim to curb your habit of judging others. Try to be more accepting of differences of action and opinion and make time for more fun.
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ramajmedia · 5 years
The Brady Bunch: 10 Jokes That Have Already Aged Poorly
In an era where New Hollywood films and Norman Lear's socially-conscious television shows were driving American media in a more serious direction, Sherwood Schwartz's family sitcom, The Brady Bunch, was a bit of an anachronism, a throwback to a wholesome, campy style of TV that had quickly gone out of fashion.
RELATED: The Brady Bunch: 10 Rules Members Of The Family Have To Follow
The show never garnered much respect from critics, either when it originally aired or in retrospect, but that didn't stop the show from gaining a significant following in syndication among teenagers and children. The show was so focused on family values that it's no wonder that teenagers who loved it grew up to be Reagan Revolutionaries. Like much of the media from earlier decades, the show and even its parodic film spin-offs display attitudes problematic to modern audiences. Here are 10 Brady Bunch Jokes That Have Aged Poorly.
10 Jungle Fever
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In one episode of the original show, Mrs. Brady tells her husband that a case of Asian flu is going around the neighborhood. Mr. Brady responds that "jungle fever" is also common, but not in the neighborhood. Unless Mr. Brady is referring to a Spike Lee movie that wouldn't be released until years after the show was cancelled, he's probably using an offensive term for interracial relationships.
9 Charlie Chan
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Charlie Chan is a fictional detective who was the protagonist in many Old Hollywood films. While beloved in the 1930s, in part for being portrayed as kinder than most East Asian characters in America movies, the character has incurred more and more controversy in recent years for reinforcing East Asian stereotypes and often being played by Caucasian actors in yellowface makeup.
RELATED: 10 Jokes From Modern Family That Have Already Aged Poorly
Mr. and Mrs. Brady are apparently not  concerned with this controversy, as they once did impressions of Charlie Chan in front of their children, complete with faux-Asian accents.
8 Stalking Wolf
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In one episode, the Bradys visit a Native American reservation and a tribal chieftain honors the family by giving each of them tribal tattoos. He names Peter "Stalking Wolf" and the young man replies "That's what all the girls call me." Jokes about stalking are a touch taboo in a post-MeToo world. While standards were different in the 1970s, it's still odd that The Brady Bunch, a show that was sometimes derided for its complete lack of edgy humor, featured a casual joke about stalking accompanied by an enthusiastic laugh track. The joke probably would feel more natural in Family Guy than in The Brady Bunch.
7 General Custer
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General George Armstrong Custer was an American general who is often seen as a villain due to his role in the Indian Wars. In an episode of The Brady Bunch, Alice compares the boys to Indians who are trying to "attack" the girls by ruining their sleepover.
RELATED: 10 Jokes From 30 Rock That Have Already Aged Poorly
She then compares herself to General Custer, which is certainly a joke that would likely offend modern audiences, or at least the rare modern audiences who have any knowledge of General Custer beyond his comedic portrayal in the second Night at the Museum movie.
6 Harassment
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In the 1990s, teens were too hip for The Brady Bunch, so The Brady Bunch Movie is more a mean-spirited parody of the Brady Bunch series than a traditional adaptation. Much of its humor is derived from juxtaposing the wholesome, square Bradys with the cynical world of the 1990s. Viewers tend to find it clever or insulting - perhaps it's both. But one scene in the film that has aged poorly involved an older woman expressing her amorous feeling for one of the Brady boys by putting her hands down his pants. Yikes! Watching that sequence, it's incredible how much societal attitudes surrounding this sort of humor has changed over the years.
5 Jan Vs Marcia
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In an age of Katy versus Taylor and Nicki versus Cardi, there's been lots of discussion of society's insidious desire to pit women against each other. The Brady Bunch only adds to that problem, with Jan Brady seeing her sister Marcia as a rival and feeling intensely jealous of her and her looks.
RELATED: Everybody Loves Raymond: 10 Jokes That Have Already Aged Poorly
The Brady Bunch Movie may have its issues, but one of its better moments is the joke at the end of the film where Jan's grandmother gets her to finally stop comparing herself to her sister.
4 Schizophrenia
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Now to counter some mild praise of The Brady Bunch Movie with some harsh criticism. In the movie, Jan is depicted as a schizophrenic whose internal voices drive her jealousy of Marcia. Somehow, Jan's schizophrenia spreads to Cindy.  In 1995, this joke seemed cleverly transgressive, as took Jan's attitude towards Marcia in a very dark direction. In 2019, the there is much media discussion of a mental health crisis, so this joke seems insensitive and uncomfortable.
3 Marcia And Greg
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In A Very Brady Sequel, Greg and Marcia realize that they're in love with each other - despite being half-siblings - and share a kiss. This whole subplot was inspired by the fact that the actors who played Marcia and Greg on the original show became a couple.
RELATED: 10 Jokes From Gilmore Girls That Have Already Aged Poorly
To some, this use of meta-humor might make the subplot less upsetting. After all, the writers of the film probably weren't trying to encourage any immoral behavior between siblings. To others, this subplot is pretty gross.
2 The Bradys: Anti-Vaxxers?
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In one episode of the show, the kids catch the measles and it's not really an issue. They're all cured without the help of vaccinations. One shouldn't get their medical knowledge from sitcoms, but in the modern age, some anti-vaxxers are pointing to the episode as proof that vaccines are unnecessary.
RELATED: 10 Jokes From New Girl That Have Already Aged Poorly
How ridiculous. It's inexplicable why this episode even exists, as it was behind the science of the time, although it was ahead of its time in that it predates that modern anti-vaxxer movement.
1 Male Doctor
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In that same putrid episode about measles, the Brady girls are pretty uncomfortable at the prospect of seeing a male doctor to rid them of their malady. When she meets said doctor, Jan says that he shouldn't get too close to her, followed by a laugh track. There's a joke that's so disgusting it warrants no further discussion.
NEXT: 10 Jokes From Will & Grace That Have Aged Poorly
source https://screenrant.com/brady-bunch-jokes-aged-poorly/
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luckylagerlegacy · 7 years
Lil Uzi Vert “Luv Is Rage 2″ Album Commentary
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I’m excited that this Album is here… But at the same time it makes me a little bit sad that the twitter jokes about it never being released will cease now. I think I put the first Luv Is Rage mixtape as my rap album of the year in 2015, which makes it hard for me to know what to expect from this one. It’ll either be a classic, or an audio version of whatever Lil Uzi’s hair is doing right this very moment. Let’s not waste anymore time here, and instead just shoulder roll our way into Luv Is Rage 2:
1) Two:
Calling the first track on your album “Two” is a piss off, Uzi… But this song’s beat got the trademark accordion over it and I am instantly lulled into being okay by it. This track leads off right where Luv Is Rage ended,which is fire.. Sure, now he’s rapping about fame being poisonous and money being evil BUT shit slaps stupid hard and I can suspend my concern for his personal well being for at least as long as this song lasts.
2) 444+222:
EITHER SLOW DOWN WITH YOUR DIRECTIONS OR DON’T TELL ME WHAT TO DO, MR UZI VERT. I’m also not doing math so your probably clever song title is completely lost on my dumb ass!!!!! This song has me voguing into a broken mirror while thinking about all the girls who have ever wronged me. I’m flash dancing in my back yard, nae naeing at the thought of my own death. This is a total stripper joint, but don’t be surprised if some of them dancers recognize the sadness in Lil Uzi’s voice and shake their titties wild mournfully and make all of the perverts watching reflect on their own shit.
3) Sauce It Up:
Coincidentally, this song title is exactly what I tell the drive thru dicks at Wendy’s when they ask me which one (1) sauce I want with my six (6) orders of the dollar menu  Five (5) piece nugget. This song is sort of about nothing, but it has the cutest fucking line lmao check it out: “I WAS ON THE PHONE, YEAH WITH PLAYBOI CARTI - COMMES DES GARCON, HEARTS ALL ON MY CARDI” lol that’s silly as hell I love it, who the hell calls a cardigan a cardi? Tegan And Sara fans do. I do. This is the first song on the tape that hasn’t made me want to call a distress hotline on Lil Uzi’s behalf.
4) No Sleep Leak:
This song stupid as fuck but in a good way. I just woke my dog up dancing to this song. That’s a real thing that happened. He raps about recouping all of his wealth in the span of a single night which is tight, but I often do the same. I can go from like .34 cents in my bank account to uhhh like a few hundred when it’s payday. It’s not that impressive, Uzi.
5) The Way Life Goes:
My girl is at her Aunt’s house in Maryland this week (holler at me if ur tryna rob her house while she’s gone just hmu she has an xbox) and I’m actually glad now, cus you have got to be missing somebody to truly grasp whatever the fuck Lil Uzi Vert is going through right now. Who the hell hurt you Lil Uzi Vert? Your hair dresser? Reese La Flare when you ripped his whole existence off and added KPOP to it?? Who the fuck did this to you lil guy??? Lmao this song goes hard as hell though I’m pouring out a tear for my guys rn over it. This one is hilarious to me tho cus he samples an “Oh Wonder” song, and it’s adorable to me that Lil Uzi Vert knows about some fabulist ass pop duo like the rest of us sad schmucks do.
6) For Real:
I’m assembling an interracial squad of dance teens to perform funny looking dance moves to this song while I stand behind the camera and jerk it side to side (not like that) whenever they do the dab. This song is the most stripped down, “normal” on the project I guess. It’s cool, but I like my Lil Uzi Vert to be manic and sad and weird. NEEEEEEEEXT
7) Feelings Mutual:
Oh wow we’re diving back into the sad drug stuff pretty abruptly here. Hold the fuck on I’m gonna google “Who Did This To Lil Uzi Vert??” gimme a second. Okay, nothing came up… But damn we gotta get this guy some mood stabilizers and a workout routine so he can start to turn that frown upside down. Nobody getting double toppy from models and driving ferraris should be sad. Even if he is like, five foot minus five. Nobody who’s friends with The Migos should cry, ever! They have their own chips! This song is very good though. Again, his sad shit is really effective so even tho he’s crying for help I’m gonna pretend he’s asking me to ignore his situation and dance instead!
8) Neon Guts (Feat Pharrell Williams):
Two things: I misspell Pharrell’s name every single time I type it, and whoooo shit Pharrrlel can make a goddamn track, even now that he’s more of a spiritual guide to XXL’s freshman classes than a hit maker. He took his gigantic cowboy hat off and donned the BDBC fitted for this one. This is gonna be the biggest song off this whole album, mark my words. Shit slaps dummy hard.
9) Early 20 Rager:
Oh hey, Lil Uzi named this song the same thing as my friend’s name their Birthday events on Facebook! Hopefully this song doesn’t make me get dressed up and go to 3 bars I don’t like. He says “FUCK YO GIRL ON CAM, GOPRO” which is hilarious. I want my POV porn to have an extreme sports edge to it now. I wanna see Mia Malkova giving head while jumping out of an airplane ASAP.
10) UnFazed (Feat. The Weeknd):
Dog I fucking hate the weekday. I -oh wow this shit slaps nvm I’m wrong.. Still tho if I catch you out here with XO gear on I am throwing it high up into an unscalable tree. One with mad prickles. He does say “Take three Xannies like a hattrick” on this which is super fucking lame and ultra Canadian of him. I know I said that the Pharalel track would be the biggest song on this album, but every white girl I know who does blow loves The Weeknd so this track is gonna go quadruple platinum.
11. Pretty Mami:
               This song boring as fuck! Maybe Lil Uzi not liking rapping anymore… Isn’t a good thing? I thought disenfranchisement meant bangers that would make me wipe tears away in secrecy at the club… But maybe, instead it means a lack of bangers?????????????????????????? Fuck man… I hate whoever made this man so sad.
12) How To Talk:
THIS BITCH! This song starts with the audio of some woman calling Lil Uzi Vert out for some shit that uhhh I’m not paying attention to. Somebody on 4chan analyze this woman’s vocality n stuff so we know who to speak to about making this guy sad. This song slaps tho, he’s all apologetic about treating her badly and jealous that she’s talking to a ball player. The beat is rad as hell. This is the mood I think of when I think of Lil Uzi’s music. More of this, less Pretty Mami.
13) X:
Metro Boomin and Pierre Bourne co-producing a Lil Uzi Vert track? I’m in clout heaven. Somebody fetch me a pair of those dumbass glasses that every future dead kid wears while they nod out on xanax. You know the ones? The Fallout 4 fancy lady joints. Thanks. Okay this song is golden and I will defend it no matter what the hell happens with the next two tracks. I’m doin all of Uzi’s dances as best I can to this, eating gummy bears, feelin cute.
14) Malfunction:
               In the first verse on this dreamy lil song Uzi says “ALL MY GIRLS DRESS LIKE THEY WORK AT HOOTERS” like it’s a good thing. If I’m worth millions of dollars, my many, many girlfriends would all be dressed in differently themed designer garb: One goth model with diamond encrusted tears, one pioneer thot with a golden pitchfork, a pair of ghost women wearing spooky Red Bottoms, etc. Let’s have some showmanship, please. This song is good though, the last ¼ of this album is picking it up.
15) Dark Queen:
Dark Queen is my favourite race in World Of Warcraft, so I’m stoked on this. The song is all about his relationship with his mother, and how it relates with his relationship with the music business instead of sick raids and fuckin uhhhhhhhh killin monsters? Idk I never played WoW I was too busy playing other videogames u fuckin dorks.
               *Crying* SHE SAID BABY I AM NOT AFRAID TO - *still crying* DIE! I forgot this song was on the album. Wow, what a fuckin banger. I want whoever reads this to make sure the lyrics to this song are etched into my gravestone (if I somehow don’t end up buried in an unmarked grave by a jilted lover and her new, tougher boyfriend) Ugh this goes so fuckin hard. This is one of the only songs that, if you have it as your ringtone and it goes off really loudly while we’re sitting next to each other on the C-Train, won’t earn you a dirty look and a subtweet. I want to celebrate the sadness in this song. You did it, Lil Uzi.
 FINAL SCORE: 7.8/10
This shit had some up and down moments, I’m not gonna lie. But, the good outweighed the bad. I hope Uzi finds the help he needs before his hair gets any more neon than it already is. We believe in you, lil fella.
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