#also Arnie had a boyfriend named Michael
blacksharoncarter · 3 years
If I have to hear about how MCU Bucky is ‘basically Arnie Roth’ one more time as if the only thing they took from the character is that Bucky was childhood friends with Steve now because it wouldn’t look good for marvel to show a whole child soldier on screen or to have robin comparisons.
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margokesses · 4 years
im not trying to dig up old drama i promise but i actually looked up arnie roth- i presumed since he was in so much drama there was smth substantial abt him in the comics, but you know what i found abt him? only 20 appearances during the 80s or whatnot, and a boyfriend who showed up for one appearance, which he also died in, before arnie completely just blipped out himself- i dont wanna be mean but, i think everyone discourcing was reaching a little bit too much abt this lmao
It was a reach honestly. And they keep using this tweet as proof that mcu bucky is based on arnie roth:
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When it clearly says "backstory".
Mcu bucky is just 616 bucky but aged up and with a few traits of arnie roth thrown in bc they couldn't do the whole "teenage sidekick" storyline in the mcu.
Also in the 1610 ultimates comics (which is what early mcu is based off of) bucky was the same age as steve and they were childhood best friends.
So really with mcu bucky they could be mixing up 2 versions of himself from the comics. Which is what they do with everything else in the mcu.
Could they have brought arnie roth into the mcu? Yeah but that clearly wasn't gonna happen. Also arnie roth wasn't "in love with steve" (I heard that argument before) he had a whole ass boyfriend named Michael lmao.
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rosecolouredash · 5 years
Querencia CH. 5
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Summary: A prince and his sword faces his enemy.
Warnings: Violence and a lil bit of blood
Notes: HEY WHAT’S UP? I know it’s been a while! I return to work, after a week+ vacation, on Sunday but I’ve found myself inspired to write again. Was it because I saw 5SOS in concert? Maybe?? Either way, I’m running with it. So here’s the next chapter to Querencia. The longest chapter so far. I’m hoping to work on the hockey!au too so keep your eyes 👀👀 Thanks to everyone who’s stuck around ♥️
With the help of the Royal Liberation Army, the civilians that lived in the South end of Ardglas were saved from the raging war. After their encounter with Luke, the White Mage who governed the area, the Army allied themselves with him and his Mages known as the Morning Doves. Together, they ventured to the Black Mage, Delara’s, home territory to seek the truth behind the attack—not before leaving the injured Knight, Ashton and Gryphon Rider, Dionne, back at Luke’s domain.
The group was immediately confronted with danger as they neared the manor of the Midnight Crows. Together, the Royal Army and Morning Dove alliance stormed the building and made quick work of the grunts that occupied the front portion of Delara’s home. Familiar with the layout, Luke led the way to the grand ballroom where he sensed his cousin’s magick—though it was very faint.
While Michael’s crew of bandits dealt with the enemy, the King of the Wastelands, the Prince and the scion of the South of Ardglas entered the ballroom.
When the White Mage pushed open the set of giant wooden doors, they were greeted by a large man stood at the center of the room—as if he were expecting them.
“That man,” Luke’s voice was lost when he suddenly noticed an unconscious Delara at the enemy’s feet. He felt his heart almost stop as his eyes searched for movement—any sort of movement—coming from his cousin but he did not. Even the feeling of her magick was gradually fading.
Calum shifted in his place and continued speaking for the mage who stood frozen at his side. “It’s Garrick.”
Michael was not familiar with the name. “Come again?” The Bandit looked towards both Luke and Calum for answers since they seemed quite familiar with the man. Between the three of them, the mage was the tallest. This man, though, looked as if he could tower Luke by half of a foot.
“He’s one of Lorian’s trusted generals and a fierce warrior.” Not an ounce of emotion was heard in the Prince’s voice at the statement. He then took a deep breath to calm himself. “Garrick was there.” Calum’s hand shook at his side as the other creeped up to grip at the hilt of his sword, in brewing rage. “He helped Lorian kill my father.”
The bandit frowned at the newfound information. This was not good.
“He’s also Dela’s boyfriend—” The Mage gritted his teeth as the crystals on his circlet began to glow. “—and he’ll be a dead ex-boyfriend when I’m done with him.”
The Bandit’s frown deepened. This was really not good.
The Royal Army and White Mages had long disappeared into the line of trees that surrounded Luke’s manor—yet Ashton still looked on, in hopes of their quick and safe return. From the doorway, Dionne watched the Knight with slight intrigue but mostly boredom. The manor was empty save the two, her gryphon companion and the Knight’s mare. She let out a sigh, finally addressing the head of the Third Cavalry. “You know, staring at the forest won’t bring them back any sooner.”
Ashton turned towards the Lady Bandit, a subtle smirk on his face. “You’re one to talk, Gryphon Rider.” He knew she stood at the entry for as long as he gazed upon the forests.
Dionne scoffed at the Knight’s almost smug, though admittedly charming, expression. She could not deny her apprehension. She needed to be there for Michael and the bandits’ return.
“They’re my family.”
“So, you should understand.” Ashton paused, his hazel gaze meeting hers of dark brown. “Calum is to me what Michael and the bandits are to you.”
Dionne let out another scoff, something the head knight had come to realize she did often at him, the twins and most especially the Prince.
“Is that so unbelievable to you?”
She almost rolled her eyes at his inquiry but kept herself composed. “Nothing you’ve been through with the Prince could ever compare to what Michael, the bandits and I have gone through.”
The Gryphon Rider turned her back to the Knight before finally stepping into the threshold of the mage’s home.
It was quiet but he still heard her speak under her breath. “I’m disgusted that you’d even think we were remotely the same.”
“Come, Arnie.” She called out to her companion who diligently followed his rider into the manor.
“Dionne, wait!” Ashton had moved too quickly and groaned at the soreness of his injuries. It was at that moment that he was reminded that to get Calum home to the capitol, he was at the mercy of the bandits and their help—which included the somehow resentful lady bandit.
As the Knight rushed after the Gryphon Rider, to make some sort of amends, the white mare, Peggy, let out a noise. Her rider called out his return to her in a moment.
It was when Ashton disappeared into the home that the horse’s ears twitched—at the slight rustle of the bushes outside.
“How long has it been, Luke? Since the family reunion?” Garrick laughed at the white mage—Luke’s teeth gritted and brows furrowed. “Some kind of family—what is the meaning of this, Garrick?” The crystals in Luke’s circlet began to burn even brighter—matching the burning rage brewing within him.
Garrick ignored the Mage’s question, fully. “Emperor Lorian has some big plans for this place—” the General’s eyes shifted to the Prince.
“—and even bigger plans for you, your Highness.”
Calum unsheathed Zephir from its scabbard. “Well, he’ll have one hell of a time.”
To everyone’s surprise, Calum suddenly lunged forward, slashing at Garrick with his magick blade. At the General’s cry, more grunts entered the room so Michael and Luke also went into battle.
The Prince parried the attack returned to him by Lorian’s General while the Bandit King charged into the midst of imperial soldiers, his battleaxe, Chasm, wreaking havoc on the enemy’s numbers. The Mage was right on the Bandit’s tail. Thanks to the circlet, his already deep magick was amplified tenfold. He was able to cast spell after spell to not only keep the fight in his favour but brought him closer to his unconscious cousin.
The Prince matched Garrick blow for blow, channeling his anger and hate for the man.
“You fight well—” the General dodged a swipe aimed for his neck. “—just like your father though I’m sure you remember how that ended.” He jeered, seeing Calum’s expression at the reminder. Garrick used this opportunity to strike.
With a gasp, the Prince fell to one knee as a searing pain shot through his leg. The cut, made by Garrick’s heavy blade, was deep—the Royal’s blood spilling onto his pant leg and the floor of Delara’s ballroom.
“As much as I’d like to finish you off myself, I was actually here for another reason.” Garrick smirked at the kneeled Prince as he made his way back to the Black Mage—thought forgotten on the floor.
Michael and Luke had been so close—successfully battling their way towards Delara—but the Easentian General had gotten to her first.
Garrick’s eyes gleamed with malice and something else. “I didn’t leave her soon enough so she knows too much.”
Calum could only gape at the scene as Garrick lifted Delara by her dark hair and he saw the birthmark on her arm, in the shape of a heart, as if it were almost mocking him.
Amidst the cries of battle, the resounding noise of gallops filled the ballroom when Garrick was suddenly rushed by a black blur.
Michael dived for the Black Mage—successfully catching her before she hit the ground. He cradled her as he looked up to find that it was one of the twin knights and his black stallion who plowed over the Easentian General.
Garrick narrowly escaped the plunge of the stallion’s hooves to his chest, if it were not for the figure who appeared out of thin air.
Her blonde hair fell in waves over the rich wine-coloured velvet of her dress as she delicately held the General by his shoulders, on the floor. “It seems you’re in a bit of trouble, Garrick.”
The General sneered at the Witch’s taunting gaze. “I have it under control.”
Estelle’s eyes surveyed the area. A number of their soldiers were down—outdone by a mere bandit and the white mage. The Prince, though injured, was still alive. The Emperor needed to be notified.
“Let us take our leave.”
Before they could be stopped, both General and the Empire’s Court Magician disappeared in wisps of smoke.
The Bandit peered down, only to be captivated by bright blue eyes—unlike those of the White Mage yet somehow the same. It was probably due to their close ancestry.
“Not quite, sweetheart but he’s on his way over.”
Though the mage cursed as he watched Garrick and the Witch escape, it was forgotten at the sound of his cousin’s voice.
“Thank you, Bandit.” Luke gathered the barely conscious—but thankfully alive—Delara, gently from Michael’s grasp. He smiled at his cousin as she tiredly grinned back.
“We can call it even, Mage.” Michael replied, referring to the help he had received earlier from Luke in town. He gazed at the two mages, the blond beginning to look over the dark brunette for injuries that needed immediate tending to—the warm glow of Luke’s magick enveloping the girl. The Bandit watched them for a moment, smiling at their reunion before turning his attention to one of the twin knights. “Great timing, Rome! You saved the princess—er, Black Mage.” Michael gave the boy a heavy pat on the back which made him lurch forward—not expecting the force on his armor.
Heat rushed to the young boy’s cheeks at the praise. “Thank you Sir Bandit but—” He laughed, the crinkles by his eyes becoming apparent. “—I’m actually Remy.”
Rome, who joined the group with an arm slung around Calum, to support the Prince’s leg, jeered at the bandit’s apologies to his baby brother of five minutes.
For the first time since arriving to the Black Mage’s home did Calum crack a smile at the scene in front of him. Although Garrick had escaped with Estelle, they were fortunate enough to have not lost anyone on their side during battle, most especially Delara.
As the twins continued to joke with Michael, a sudden thought came to the Bandit’s mind. “Hey, how did you two know we’d be here?” Last he checked, the twins were in charge of bringing the people of the South end to safety.
The twin knights stopped their banter and looked at each other with a grin.
“Actually—” they began, in unison.
Dionne aimlessly roamed the hallways of Luke’s manor. She had left Arnie to feast in the White Mage’s kitchen. She happened upon a large painting—a family portrait, it seemed—that included the scion of the South and who she assumed were his parents and brothers. She was lost in their brush stroked smiles when a hand suddenly covered her mouth. Before she could utter a word, a soft hush and warm breath caressed her cheek. Dionne relaxed when she was pulled around the corner of the hall and realized it was the Head Knight of the Third Cavalry when she caught his reflection in a decorative vase stood on a pedestal next to the painting. She angled her head to hear as Ashton let her go and let out a sigh. The worried expression on his usually calm facade did not bode well with her.
In a low tone, he uttered, “we’re not alone.”
Tagged: @irwinkitten @calpops @rosecoloredash @gorgeouslygrace @rainingcalum @cashton-dolan @lockthisheartinchains @lovableah @cals-eyebrows @quintodosuniversos
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5dollartuesdays · 7 years
Spotlight: John Carpenter
We all know that Stephen King is the master of horror, but there is one other man who I feel deserves to share that title with Mr. King. His name is John Carpenter.  
John Carpenter’s “big break” came when he made Halloween in 1978. He worked with a cast of young aspiring actors, and of course the legendary Donald Pleasance to create a horrifying theatrical experience for its time. To this day, I have not attempted to watch that film alone, at night, in the dark.
Halloween had a small budget of a mere $325,000. $325,000 is all it took John Carpenter to formulate a masterpiece that would define the term “cult classic.” The iconic Michael Myers mask was made from a mask of William Shatner’s face from Star Trek. Carpenter stripped off the eyebrows, painted the whole thing white, cut the eye holes a bit bigger, and messed up the hair. That was it, and suddenly the nation was terrified. 
John Carpenter learned from and was inspired by Alfred Hitchcock’s Psycho--so inspired even, that he named Donald Pleasance’s character after Sam Loomis, Marion Crane’s boyfriend in the 1960 horror flick. Carpenter knew that this new genre of realistic horror was the perfect way to go with his movie.
Halloween was the definition of simplicity in a horror movie. It was babysitters on Halloween being stalked by an escaped mental patient. Carpenter didn’t need an elaborate origin story for Michael Myers. He didn’t need pointless love stories for each of the babysitters. Halloween was a pure, simple, horror film.
Funny enough, when Carpenter showed the movie to a group of critics they told him it was no good. It was laughable, in fact. John realized his problem was that the film lacked any sort of soundtrack! He went back and wrote and recorded the entire soundtrack in 3 days. Upon showing critics the now finished product, he was pleased to see that they had been left shaking in their seats upon the sight of that “blank, pale, emotionless face.”
Halloween is what allowed John Carpenter to get a foot in the door of Hollywood, but also the confidence and the ability to make more incredible films in the coming years.
Flash-forward to 1982, when Carpenter releases his remake of the 1951 film, The Thing. This movie took the somewhat cartoonish nature of its predecessor and turned it into a psychological thriller, constantly leaving you wondering who to trust and who to watch out for. The Thing used cutting edge special effects to create a disturbing and horrifying experience. 
John Carpenter did in fact, though, bring one of Stephen King’s books to the big screen. In 1983, Christine hit theaters. This blockbuster made audiences everywhere fall in love and fear the “bad to the bone” cherry red Plymouth Fury that ultimately stole Arnie Cunningham’s heart. 
John Carpenter has more cult classics under his belt than any other director, and while I could sit here and discuss which ones are my favorite, I’d rather just list them:
1: Halloween
2: The Thing
3: Big Trouble in Little China
4: Halloween 2
5: Christine
6: Escape From New York
7: The Fog
8: Village of the Damned
I am eagerly awaiting the long-anticipated John Carpenter reboot of Halloween, which will hit theaters hopefully next Fall. Thanks for reading! Remember, it is Halloween, and “I guess everyone is entitled to one good scare, huh?”
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