#also Drusus is an asshole
diagoose · 10 months
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Griffin's guardian Drusus Sullivan, a depressed bloodhunter charged with raising and training the baybe boy.
he took one look at Griffin and was like, "anyone else gonna push all their internalized Catholic guilt onto this teifling?" and then didn't wait for an answer.
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elainesknight · 7 years
censor for Social war, please? also magister equitem and princeps senatus.
censor: pitch a tv show for Social War: UH. This would make a great tv show! I think you could start with the last year(s) of Marcus Livius Drusus as a tribune, get in some kind of court drama & some Caepio/Drusus family drama. For a tv show it would be best if Silo was at first introduced as a supporter of Drusus and the Italian citizenship and it is slowly revealed that he has given up on the idea and is arming Italy for war against Rome. (Maybe with a little Drusilo on the side?) The first season could end with the murder of Drusus (like HBO Rome and the murder of Caesar). Then the actual war from the perspective of the Roman commanders and Silo&Mutilus. There could be some subplot directly in Rome so it doesn’t loose too much focus. Midseason finale is Marius’ illness after he and Sulla cooperated for the last time. Finale would probably be Sulla winning the grass crown! But the real question is: Who is sexy enough to play Sulla?
magister equitum: an Awful historical novel/movie: “Sulla. Roman über die Spätzeit der Römischen Republik” (”Sulla. Novel about the late Roman Republic”) by Jutta Deegener. tfw you’re deparately searching for novels about your faves. I think I actually managed to finish this book, but I disliked the style and the plot was absolutely weird. I don’t remember much because I read it some time ago but it’s…really not good. I think at one point Sulla has a strange triangle relationship with Metella and some other dude (can’t remember who and I don’t have the book with me right now). Metrobius murders people all the time. Valeria is kind of boring and not good at dancing. Marius is completely weird and goes from friendly to absolute asshole in five seconds. At the beginning Sulla is writing plays and has his own group of actors, I think? Oh, and he has some issue with his balls (I think he only has one?) and that’s a huge plot point and is mentioned at least once every three pages. Not good. 
princeps senatus: which province should have destroyed rome: I’m not sure if I understand this one correctly. Just for the record, I like Rome I don’t want it to be destroyed. But I’m kind of torn here. Spontaneouly I can think of four: Hispania and Sertorius; Egypt and Cleopatra; Britain and Boudicca; Palmyra and Zenobia. They would make for an interesting alternate history. (Even though the whole Alarich I. story is tragic enough already.) 
Thank you!
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