#also I don't have exact nationalities for them so it's up for your interpretation :)
purplesound · 1 month
my attempt at humanizing horse girlies✨ I'm not a character designer so I have no idea what I'm doing but it IS a lot of fun to mess around with different stuff <3
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mthenvs3000w23 · 1 year
Animals of the North
In my opinion, the most important part of being an interpreter is having passion for whatever you are teaching your audience about. When an interpreter is passionate, often it is contagious and is something that cannot be faked. It doesn’t really matter what you’re talking about, as long as the audience is engaged. We have talked a lot about how to interpret in this course, but haven't actually done too much interpreting yet. Personally, I find arctic animals fascinating; I spent my summer working with them! My aim in this blog post is to get you excited by learning about two of my favourite arctic animals, by incorporating topics, lenses, and techniques we have learned about this semester. 
Firstly, I’ll introduce you to musk oxen:
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Retrieved from Mark Newman/FLPA/Minden
Musk oxen, though sometimes a little hot headed, are some of the most fascinating Arctic animals. They are native the true North - the Arctic circle that is nearly nothing other than snow and ice, meaning they must adapt to harsh conditions (Woodford, 2021). Qiviut, the undercoat of the musk ox, is one of the warmest (and in turn most expensive) materials that can be found (Woodford, 2021). This insulating wool is part of the musk oxen's two-layered coat, allowing them to stay toasty up at the top of the globe.
Though musk oxen are fast, when a predator approaches them, they don't have many places to run to in their plain landscape. Instead of flight, musk oxen opt for fight, in which they form a circle, put their young on the inside, point their horns out, and charge any brave predator that comes too close (NPS, 2020). 
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Here are the regions musk oxen are found. Most of this is in the Arctic circle, though they can also be found in other regions such as the Yukon. Retrieved from https://www.researchgate.net/figure/Current-global-distribution-of-muskoxen-The-exact-distribution-of-muskoxen-around_fig1_317268906
Next, we will discover the many ways in which Canadian lynx have adjusted to their cold environment: 
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By Keith Williams - originally posted to Flickr as Lynx Canadensis, CC BY 2.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=11394713
Lynx are a great example of the extreme adaptations that animals must have to thrive in Arctic conditions. Their paws are massive in proportion to the rest of their bodies; it reminds me of a German shepard puppy however, lynx do not ‘grow into’ these paws as they stay this large as adults. These paws act like snow shoes to allow these cats to walk gracefully on top of deep snow, rather than sinking down into it (Vea, 2014). Lynx also have beautiful tufts of fur on the tips of their ears which is believed to aid in their hearing (San Diego Zoo, n.d).
Their coat acts as camouflage, allowing them to be ambush predators. Ambush predators sit and wait for prey to approach them while they blend in with their surroundings. Once the prey is close enough, a short burst of energy is used and soon enough it’s lynx dinner time. In other cat species, their long tails are used for balance, especially when running long distances. However lynx run sprints, not marathons; having a long tail would serve little purpose and just be another extremity to keep warm in the cold, so they have short tails instead (Vea, 2014). 
I hope you learned something new about these beautiful mammals. I’ll leave you with a question to think about - what other adaptations may be vital for the survival of some Arctic animals? I’d be happy to answer any questions about lynx or musk oxen, I could talk about them all day!
Note: All the facts I listed are things I’ve learned across 4 months this past summer. Below I included a few sources to back my claims, though they are not directly where I retrieved any of this information.
National Parks Service. (2020). Circle defense. https://www.nps.gov/gaar/learn/nature/muskox-circle-defense.htm 
​​Woodford, R. (2021). Captive muskox and exquisite Qiviut, Alaska Department of Fish and Game. Captive Muskox and Exquisite Qiviut, Alaska Department of Fish and Game. https://www.adfg.alaska.gov/index.cfm?adfg=wildlifenews.view_article&articles_id=1009  
Vea, T. (2014). Animal Guide: Canadian lynx. PBS. https://www.pbs.org/wnet/nature/animal-guide-canadian-lynx/1228/ San Diego Zoo Wildlife Alliance Animals and Plants. (n.d.). Lynx and Bobcat. https://animals.sandiegozoo.org/animals/lynx-and-bobcat
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Waking up, Next to Peter
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Tom Holland!Peter Parker x SHIELD Agent/Mutant!F!Reader(Both readers are adults)
Waking up is hard, leaving Peter is even Harder. This fic strays from the MCU timeline(Tony Stark is still alive).
Warnings/Topics: Use of powers, mentions of sexual situations(if you interpret it that way), and some angst(let me know if there is anything else I missed. Also no spoilers for SM:NWH
A/N: So this is straying away from my typical star wars writing. But I recently saw Spider-Man:NWH and wanted to post some of my old writing from a blog I deleted a while while ago(Webs&Co).
Reblogs, comments and shares are always welcomed
The irritating sound of the alarm woke you up from your peaceful but rather too-short of a slumber. It was early in the morning, too early to be exact. The sun hadn’t even peaked out yet.
You knew the sound of your alarm meant Fury had queued another mission for you. While your job was way more exciting than sitting at a desk all day, it was hard to do it on three hours of sleep.
You sat yourself up, throwing your sheets off, careful not to hit Peter who was still softly snoring next to you.
Then you swung your legs around to hang off the side of your bed.
Your hand mindlessly waved at the motion detector that was sitting on your nightstand to quiet the alarm that had still been beeping.
You yawned with an open mouth as your hands started to sweep through your messages. Only pausing once. A message from Fury.
Opening the message there was no memo or note, just a file attached labeled Confidential: Winter Soldier Information Recovery. Another mission for Bucky. This time following a lead to uncover more of James’s past that he had forgotten while he was in HYDRA’s captivity.
Incoming Call: Director Fury
You audibly sighed reading his name but waved your hand to accept.
“Agent (Y/L/N),” Fury’s stern, no-bullshit face projected off the wall, “Are you up yet?”
His voice spit full with impatience and little compassion for how early it was.
“Yeah I’m up,” You rubbed your eyes and stretched out, still trying to not to bother Peter.
“I need you in DC,” His voice ordered. There was no budge in it for compromise.
“Yeah I’ll be there in four hours,” You sighed, calculating the time it would take you to get from your apartment in Queens to the Nation’s capital.
“I need you here in two,” He ordered, “Already got you a readied plane at JFK and there’s a car waiting outside your apartment to drop you off at the airport”
Without another word he ended the message.
You huffed in frustration. Going to DC meant you would be gone for at least a week, if not two.
“Fury has an interesting way of saying good morning,” Peter’s raspy morning voice said.
You turned around to face him. Seeing his eyes were still closed and his lower torso was still sloppily wrapped up in your sheets. You reached over and ran your hands through his tangled curls that were in desperate need of a shower.
You started to pull away, but his hand caught yours as it grazed his cheek. The look in his eyes, you knew he had heard the whole conversation. You knew the next words that were about to come out of his mouth, stay here. You knew he wanted it to stay like this forever.
But both of you knew that you would have to leave sooner rather than later.
“He’s my boss Peter, the Avengers don't pay me to stay in bed with you,” You tried to explain yourself before grabbing last-night’s pair of pants off the floor and shuffling them on. You the found the shirt you had discarded last night sitting on your nightstand.
“They should though,” Peter whispered in your ear as he sat up, his arms wrapping around you, preventing you from pulling down your shirt.
“Peter I have to get going,” You said, unwrapping his hands away from you and pulling on your shirt. You pushed yourself off your bed, your feet hitting the cold laminate floors, reminding you of how early in the morning it actually was.
“No, stay,” He muffled into your shoulder, rewrapping his arms around you.
“Peter, you’re gonna get me fired,” You tried to shake off his tight grip around you, a small giggle slipping from your lips. However, part of you knew it was useless to fight back. Your powers didn’t translate into any kind of physical power or vitality, while his superhuman strength and laser fast reflexes now binded your arms down as if they were toothpicks.
“That’s okay, the rest of the Avengers will understand,” He brushed off, pulling you back into your bed, “You are the best thing to ever happen to me, you know that?”
You were thankful it was still dark out as a smile crept onto your face. If Peter would have seen it, he would’ve never let you live it down. Any other morning you would’ve stayed with Peter, as he knew exactly how to keep you close.
His lips traveled down the back of your neck, your back to his chest. Occasionally he whispered how lucky he was to have you or exactly how much he loved you and You found it hard to protest against his words, as you could’ve easily been caught saying the same things if the situation was reversed.
His hands loosened up against your wrists and you turned over to face him. He lied flat down on your mattress and you lingered over him. His hands were quickly drawn to your waist like magnets.
Your lips connected with his. A slight sigh coming from Peter as your hands ran through his hair again. Your hand traveled down right over his temple.
“I love you Peter, but we’re going to have to continue this when I get home,” You whispered to him.
He paused, pulling back from your kiss. His eyes widened, knowing exactly what you were about to do.
“Sleep,” You said in a soft tone, a slight glow coming from the palm of your hand, resting over Peter’s temple.
His hands dropped from your waist and his eyes started to droop.
You almost smirked, pulling your hand off of him.
“You’re gonna get it when I wake up,” Peter teased in a drowsy voice. His eyes now struggling to stay open.
"I know," You kissed him one last time, “Goodnight lover boy,”
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nightswithkookmin · 3 years
I saw this question n i really want to know yout pov . JK is a troll and he's using both JM and Tae. Lets see. JK wears a purple and green shirt the other day. Purple and green earrings during Muster and purple and green bracelets. But then he says Purple goes best with Yellow and wears matching clothes with JM. He grabs Tae away from Jin, but then grabs JM from people. So is he purposely being a fan service troll or is he stringing them both along? I don't think he knows what or who he wants anymore. he's just enjoying the attention from Vmin.
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I feel like I've answered this Ask before.
I think the problem with such rhetorics for me is, it strips Jimin and Tae completely off their self agencies and reduces them to a bunch of fabled dickmatised pick me hyungs waiting on a patriarchal head with a self acclaimed big dick who then is Jungkook to choose between them to move the plot.
If that is true, then I recommend Vmin go and love themselves or better yet fuck eachother to liberate themselves from this mental hebetude.
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Photo: Two pathetic dick whipped men comforting each other over a piece of dick
What at all makes y'all think that Jimin who have categorically stated he doesn't share his friends, would be ok sharing his boyfriend with his bestfriend and soulmate?
Didn't you hear BTS, Suga complain that Tae's friends are like unicorns and that he talks about them alot but none of them have seen those friends ever in one of the team building run episodes they did recently?
What makes y'all think a man who tries to keep his intimate friendship groups separate and compartmentalized from his work friendship groups- what makes you think he would be ok dating a bandmate in the first place much less share his partner with another bandmate?
Y'all make it make sense to me please.
Y'all create this rhetoric of V and Jimin so in love with their Maknae they would allow this goofy ass gen z to play them like booboo the fool. But frankly I think none of them would shed a tear over a piece of dick. I'm sorry but I just don't see them that way.
Jk barely has the reins on Jimin, how he's gone manage Tae and all these other idols yall ship him with on top🤣
Jimin is slippery than y'all think he is. He'll be gone before JK makes up his mind chilee. And if he won't go, I and JK's mom will carry him kicking and screaming cos we love us some self confident self respecting Park Jimin.
May be I'm gay but I don't think dicks are all that great for two full grown adults like Tae and Jimin to sob over. The misogyny of it all!
Now this whole fan service troll bit however...
I think I have said a couple times that Jikook, Jk especially do intentionally troll us from time to time with certain things he does with Jimin- the tissue thingy he did with JM, the pinkie ring thingy, the bottle thingy and certain "fan service" interactions with Jimin and certain members, blowing Jin a kiss and making sure it was captured etc.
It's all part of his persona I suppose and I think it's cute frankly. I just know he laughs his butt off at certain edits and analysis we throw out there. He does. Lmho.
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Photo: Jimin and Jungkook watching shipper armys be clowns
Do I think he trolls us from time to time? Yes. Sometimes we catch on, sometimes it flies over our heads completely. I guess we need to pray for the spirit of discernment to be able to clock these moments cos 👁👄👁
That however doesn't take away from that he has genuine interest in his relationship with any of these men. It in no way invalidates what he has with Jimin. Or Jin. Or Tae because like I said, his right to be a fuxkboy is contingent on the self worth and agencies of these autonomous human beings with brain and self determination.
He can be a fuxkboy just not in Jimin's space. I would fight him otherwise 🤺
Jungkook is not a fuck boy. He values the people he loves- y'all uWu and akekeke when he shows loyalty and commitment in caring for Army's health and often praise him for how thoughtful and empathetic he is but then somehow y'all imagine the exact opposite of him in his private life. That he is a community penis who doesn't care about hurting his boyfriend, someone he claims he loves and goes ahead and falls in love with his bestfriend anyway.
Worse, those two besties obsequiously wait on him to choose between them.... why?????
Now, I don't think it's fair for OP to opine on the aesthetics Jungkook gravitates towards in this way. It feels like they are stripping Jk off his agency and self determination and reducing him to a caricature who exists solely for a ship and thus everything he does is interpreted from a ship lens. I think that's a low blow.
BTS have said their looks and style are often curated by staff- they have stylists for a reason you know? Granted, these stylists often make sure Jikook or other pairs are matching clothes or wearing complimentary outfits or hairstyles most times- like JM says, there is a reason for that.
And yes, sometimes they do make their own decisions as to what they want to wear and how they want to look- because again, agency. We've seen it and the stylists have said so themselves.
How you interpret these clothing choices is totally up to you. But do not judge them for the interpretation you give to these choices they make. Sometimes they wear stuff cos they like it. It may coincidentally be your faves favorite color- it don't mean they were trying to imply subtext.
Sometimes too, they do that to actively feed a ship agenda- like Vmin and their soulmate agenda or Jikook and their I am you you are me agenda or even Sope or Namjin.
It behooves you to discern and to be able to discern the intent behind such decisions and choices. And when you do, understand it's only speculation.
I think Jungkook knows who and what he wants. You corny for saying he don't. So cheesy. Lmho.
He has shown that again and again y'all just wanna act blind. Jimin is not confused between Jungkook and Tae. JK is not confused between Tae and Jimin- for the simple fact, they each bring something different to the table.
He can have a boyfriend and have a partner in crime. Just as Jimin can have him and have a bestie he calls soulmate. Jungkook is also, a complex human being with complex emotions. He is capable of having different emotional depths and connections that don't at all necessarily mean he is fucking them all or wants to fuck them all. Hell is wrong witchu?!
Perhaps, rather than brush Jimin and Tae as occupying the same spot in JK's heart and wants, try and understand what each mean to him because trust me they don't mean the same thing to him at all.
Personally, I think Jimin is the love of his life. Period. Tae is his childhood bestie whom he grew apart from and have in recent times rekindled that friendship. He is not fucking Tae and he doesn't want to fuxk him. We DO
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I'm calling Jesus on y'all cos the things yall be imagining in this fandom is hell worthy🤧
Besides, Jk is not at the center of VminKook. Jimin is. Vmin are not vying for Jk's affections, but Tae Kook are vying for JMs you coconut head 🙃
Tae: Jimin I like you the most
Y'all: 🥥🥥🥥🥥🥥
This man don confessed his whole chest on his feelings for JM on national television and yet yall gonna act obtuse.
When Tae wanted to fix his relationship with JK he said it to y'all's hearing in Soop. When he wanted to confess his feelings about Jimin he did that too. He is not hiding his feelings for Jk or Jimin for yall to concoct these elaborate theories about him and JK.
If I master black magic, I will turn y'all into coconuts so your insides can match your outsides😫
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(pt 1) i really enjoy all your atla analyses & you've done a great job breaking down the usual arguments re how eip shows that kataang shouldn't have happened. i'm curious about your take on one specific argument that i just saw today, in an analysis of the show by a zker that was otherwise quite good and respectful (i know you've already talked about eip a lot, so no problem if you don't feel like rehashing). the premise: aang didn't just pressure katara in eip, he threatened her.
(pt 2) they point to when katara joins aang & asks if he’s alright: “aang: no, i’m not! i hate this play! katara: i know it’s upsetting, but it sounds like you’re overreacting. aang: overreacting? if i hadn’t blocked my chakra, i’d probably be in the avatar state right now!” the suggestion is he’s threatening her when he says ‘i’d probably be in the avatar state right now’ to describe his anger. i think this take exaggerates and oversimplifies it, but interested in your thoughts on it.
Hello my friend!! It is true I am Old inside and don’t like rehashing dhdlksjslks BUT your comments on my posts are always incredibly kind and insightful so I am more than willing to do a bit of rehashing for you ���� Besides! I’ve seen this general take before a few times and it’s always irked me for the exact reason you point out - it simultaneously exaggerates and oversimplifies the situation (and honestly that’s an impressive duality since it’s seemingly contradictory, so hats off to them lmaooo) - and now is as good a time as any to address it. So, for starters, let’s go ahead and get the excerpt they love to focus on so much:
Cut to Aang standing alone on a balcony. Katara enters and walks up to him.
Katara: Are you all right?
Aang: [Angered.] No, I’m not! I hate this play! [Yanks his hat off and throws it on the ground.]
Katara: I know it’s upsetting, but it sounds like you’re overreacting.
Aang: Overreacting? If I hadn’t blocked my chakra, I’d probably be in the Avatar State right now!
Here’s the thing about so-called analyses of this excerpt: in a manner extremely convenient to the poster, they never seek to contextualize this moment. (I mean, to do so would deplatform their entire “argument” - perhaps that’s why they avoid performing a full analysis?) So let’s avoid that pitfall from the start.
Firstly, below are some links to related posts; I’m going to do my best to summarize the most relevant parts, but for anyone who desires greater detail, I gotchu 😤
This post explains why EIP (the play, lol) is imperialist propaganda and is intended to belittle the entire Gaang.
This post explains how Aang never acted “entitled” to Katara’s affections, particularly in regard to EIP.
This post breaks down the infamous EIP kiss like Snopes Fact Checker, covering common misconceptions, important perspectives to consider, etc.
Alright. With that out the way, it’s time for some context.
Aang and Katara have this conversation on the balcony after watching 95% of “The Boy in the Iceberg,” a play chock-full of Fire Nation propaganda that demeans the entire Gaang in order to prop up the Fire Nation as superior (hence why the play ends with Ozai’s victory). Here is my general breakdown of Aang and Katara’s treatment in particular from a previous post:
- katara, an indigenous woman, is highly sexualized and portrayed as overly dramatic and tearful, because the fire nation objectifies women not of their own people and views them as less intelligent and less emotionally stable
- aang, the avatar, the sole survivor of the fire nation’s genocide of the air nomads who is incredibly in-touch with his spirituality and femininity, is portrayed as an overly-airy and immature woman. the fire nation portrays him with a female actor to demean him (like, that’s classic imperialistic propagandist tactics) and furthermore writing his character as a childish airhead reinforces the fire nation sentiment that the air nomads were weak, foolish people who did not deserve to exist in their world
In other words, these kids have just watched almost an entire play that preys upon their insecurities and depicts them using racist and sexist stereotypes about their respective nations. It is completely understandable that tensions might run a little high and that their interactions would not be as balanced as usual (Katara and Aang have a great track record of communicating well with each other, as it happens!).
So we have to keep that in mind when examining the aforementioned excerpt. But there are other factors to consider, too! Namely: they are kids. Children. Teens. Aang is 12, Katara is 14.
If we want to be scientific, a person’s brain doesn’t finish developing until they are 25, lmao, and the preteen/teen years are when the prefrontal cortex that controls “rationality,” “judgement,” “forethought,” etc. is still developing. This doesn’t mean Aang and Katara are irrational and make poor decisions 24/7 (obviously not), but it does mean that in an intense, highly emotional situation, like after watching a play that intentionally demeans them and depicts them as inferior, they are more likely to overreact, more likely to be emotional, and more likely to make mistakes. Like, I’m serious, lol. “Teens process information with the amygdala.” That’s part of the brain that helps control emotions! It’s why teens sometimes struggle to articulate what we’re thinking, especially in situations that require instinct/impulse and quick decisions, because we’re really feeling whenever we make those choices. Acting more on emotion. Our brains simply haven’t finished developing the decision-making parts, lmao.
In sum: Aang and Katara are both kids, not adults, and should be interpreted as such. This doesn’t negate their intelligence, because they are both incredibly smart and Aang is arguably the wisest of the Gaang, but they are human. Young humans. They have emotions, and we should not be so cruel as to assume they’d never act on them.
So taking that all together, we can now acknowledge the high stress Aang and Katara are under, understand why they might be upset (*cough* imperialist propaganda is hurtful *cough*), and examine how their youth might play into their emotional reactions. And funny thing - all analyses that come to the conclusion of Aang “threatening” Katara here do not usually bother with this context. I can’t imagine why!
And you know what, let’s add one more piece of context: Sokka states that Aang left the theater “like, ten minutes ago,” which is what cues Katara to go look for him on the balcony. The reason I mention this line is because to me, it suggests Aang knew he was more worked up than usual! He chose to separate himself from his friends so he could process his frustration! He did not take his anger at the play out on them; instead, he purposefully took time and space to be alone.
With that in mind, I don’t understand at all how Aang’s Avatar state quote could be interpreted as a threat? Canonly, Aang is someone who was aware enough of his frustration to separate himself from the others - yet the logical next step is him threatening Katara as a result? He knew his intense emotions were because of the play (which he says himself), so the logical conclusion is that he then pinned the fault on Katara? What?? Sorry, that interpretation has no textual basis, lmao. But I digress!
Aang tells Katara, “If I hadn’t blocked my chakra, I’d probably be in the Avatar State right now!” As you said, this is the line people point to in an attempt to justify their (baseless) conclusion that Aang is “threatening” Katara. So let’s bring in the two key pieces of context: imperialist propaganda and age. Given that Aang is 12, and given that Aang has just watched almost a full play that demeans him and everything his people stood for (and let’s not forget it also mocks his and Katara’s love for each other)…
His reaction is understandable. An exaggeration and needlessly dramatic, but understandable. He feels vulnerable and insecure and Aang is human. He is human and flawed and he overreacts here and I love that A:TLA shows how even our heroes, even people who are truly good at heart and in soul, can get overly upset (especially given the aforementioned circumstances!). Would Aang actually be in the Avatar state at that moment, had it been possible? Of course not! He’s young and he’s hurt and as such he says something dramatic to convey his anxieties and frustrations. The line is not meant to be taken literally, and seeing people do so despite all the factors that should be taken into consideration when analyzing it… Cue a long, tired sigh from me and so many other A:TLA fans.
And to be honest? I cannot fathom how people watch this episode and come to the conclusion that Aang is “threatening” Katara. To me, this episode - besides being a recap episode - is one that humanizes our cast even further. Aang snaps at Katara, kisses her when he shouldn’t (which the story appropriately treats as wrong). Katara pushes down her true feelings and retreats into herself, afraid to start a relationship with the boy she loves because she’s already lost him once before and can’t bear to do so again. Zuko further confronts the hurt he’s enacted upon others, especially upon Iroh. Toph practices being vulnerable and accepting vulnerability from others by conversing with Zuko. Sokka witnesses how others have erased his contributions and labelled him as nothing more than the token nonbender in the group. Even Suki learns that she is not the only person who holds a place in Sokka’s heart and that she can never replace what he has lost.
To watch this episode where our heroes must come to terms with how the Fire Nation deems them inherently inferior, with how they have more fights to overcome in the future with the Fire Nation than a single war, and to come to the conclusion that… that what, Aang is abusive? A monster? Irredeemable? That he would threaten his best friend, someone he loves in every way?
Wow. That says more than enough about the viewer, doesn’t it?
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Your word for today
  Question: What is the mark of the beast (666)?
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Im using this question to deal with a lot of questions I have been asked by fellow belivers.
These questions are many but almost all of them point out to one thing; do we know what the mark of the beast is or we are ready to believe anything that anyone says about it.
When you ask me should I as a christian take the vaccine or will I loose my salvation if I take the vaccine or Pastor what's your comment on the vaccine?
To me you are simply saying, I don't understand the mark of the beast, please explain it to me.
Im going to do my best and pray that God help us understand more.
I posted this under Q&A about twice when I did the Foundations of our faith series in 2019 and sometime after.
Those of you who keep records you might be able to remember it.
The main passage in the Bible that mentions the mark of the beast is Revelation 13:15-18.
15 And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed.
16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:
17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six. (666)
Other references can be found in Revelation 14:9, 11, 15:2, 16:2, 19:20, and 20:4.
This mark acts as a seal for the followers of Antichrist and the false prophet (the spokesperson for the Antichrist).
The false prophet (the second beast) is the one who causes people to take this mark.
The mark is literally placed in the hand or forehead and is not simply a card someone carries.
The Setting for the coming of the mark of the beast is where the false prophet cause all whose names are not found in the lamp's book of life to worship the beast (Rev 12:12)
This must say something to you about the saints.
They are not candidates for the mark of the beast primarily because:
Their names will be found in the lamp's book of life. ( woe to you if your name is not in that book)
And because it seems this happens after rapture and during tribulation.
The recent breakthroughs in medical implant chip technologies have increased interest in the mark of the beast spoken of in Revelation chapter 13.
It is possible that the technology we are seeing today represents the beginning stages of what may eventually be used by the false prophet to give people the mark of the beast.
It is important to realize that a medical implant chip is not the mark of the beast and neither is a vaccine or technological implant chip.
The mark of the beast will be something given only to those who worship the Antichrist.
Having a medical or financial microchip inserted into your right hand or forehead is not the mark of the beast.
The mark of the beast will be an end-times identification required by the Antichrist in order for people to buy or sell, and it will be given only to those who worship the Antichrist.
This will happen during tribulation.
Many good expositors of Revelation differ widely as to the exact nature of the mark of the beast.
Besides the implanted chip view, other speculations include an ID card, a microchip, a barcode that is tattooed into the skin, or simply a mark that identifies someone as being faithful to the Antichrist's kingdom.
This last view requires the least speculation, since it does not add any more information to what the Bible gives us.
In other words, any of these things are possible, but at the same time they are all speculations.
We should not spend a lot of time speculating on the precise details.
The word of God does not speculate, it says what it means.
The meaning of 666 is a mystery as well.
Some have speculated that there was a connection to June 6, 2006 (06/06/06)
However, in Revelation chapter 13, the number 666 identifies a person, not a date.
Revelation 13:18 tells us, This calls for wisdom. If anyone has insight, let him calculate the number of the beast, for it is man's number.
His number is 666.
Somehow, the number 666 will identify the Antichrist.
For centuries Bible interpreters have been trying to identify certain individuals with 666.
Nothing so far is conclusive.
That is why Revelation 13:18 says the number requires wisdom.
When the Antichrist is revealed it will be clear who he is and how the number 666 identifies him.
2 Thes 2:3 Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;
4 Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God.
I want to clarify here that I dont believe the current vaccines, medical implants chips and technological implants chips are NOT the mark of the beast.
I also dont find any biblical basis to claim 5G or any other new technological breakthrough as the mark of the beast.
However since the devil will use anything he can access to his advantage, these implants and chips can be taken advantage of by the false prophet to prepare for the actual mark of the beast.
The bible is very clear on one thing; The mark of the beast will not be secretly put on people's foreheads or arms without their consent.
Either under duress or forced or maybe left with no option they will accept the mark fully aware of what it is.
The devil is not going to vaccinate you claiming he is curing a disease then you wake up tomorrow with the mark of the beast. No!
The False prophet will say something like:
"You have to take the mark of our Master (the anti christ) so that you can get his benefits, anyone who doesn't take the mark will be excommunicated from the society and deemed a traitor"
You have to make a choice to take the mark or suffer.
The next thing you need to remember as said earlier is the mark '666' is a name.
So the 666 on your forehead or arm will be a name or a number of an actual name.
It will be clear for all to see and not something hidden that needs a scan.
You can't buy or sell without it.
You will be under total sanctions from the system of that time.
Remember people have been speculating and teaching a lot of conspiracy theories from as long as I can remember and all of them were liars.
Some said Bush was the anti christ, some said Nelson Mandela, some said Barack Obama, some said Putin and many other world leaders bad and good.
These theories had one thing in common, none of them were true.
About the end time events I have one method of judging those who claim to have the latest revelation:
Anyone who gives specifics, names and dates where the bible never gives such is not telling the truth.
The same goes for the mark of the beast, no matter how spiritual any man sounds, they can't be more spiritual that the bible.
Sometime ago when I was in Primary school, I can't remember which year, we were literally forced by teachers and superstitious relatives to put on a wrist band made out of sack material.
Someone had claimed that on a particular date it will rain and lightning will strike anyone without that specific sack wrist band.
The message was circulated wide and far even on radio.
On that particular day, on leaving school most of us stubbornly threw away the sack wrist band and ran home as we normally do.
What happened?
No rain, no thunder and lightning.
And as you can see im pretty much alive today.
Anyone giving specifics where the bible doesn't and claiming what scripture does not claim is either speaking frim his own mind for whatever reason or speaking by another spirit other than the spirit of God.
You are safe when you stick to scripture.
I hope you are encouraged and all confusion is dealt with concerning the mark of the beast.
I repeat as i conclude and I have said this I think twice before on this platform since 2019 "I do not believe medical implants, technology chip implants, vaccines are the exact mark of the beast"
The anti christ may one day take advantage of these just like he does anything to prepare for the actual mark of the beast.
But these technologies and vaccines we see now are not the mark of the beast
Much blessing
© Pst Brucely Hanya
August 2021 daily word.
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videntezoraia-blog · 6 years
Top 3 Reasons to Buy Tarot Cards
A tarot card reader is historically a person who has studied the art of cartomancy and tarot. Normally, a cartomancer (more commonly referred to as a fortune-teller) has his or her shop arrange in the city close to the purchasing districts. Psychic tarot studying used to be a novelty, and anyone who wants a reading has to travel by car or on foot to the psychic's shop.
Now that nearly everyone has internet entry, on-line cartomancy computer programs have been invented to assist folks learn tarot cards themselves. These cartomancy instruments out there online or those that can be purchased for fast download are an excellent help for tarot fans or training cartomancers. In the event you're not a daily practitioner of tarot, however you are excited by studying extra about it, is it advisable to obtain a tarot card reader? Consider the following...
The Objectivity of the Reading
The accuracy of a tarot studying partly depends upon the spread you are utilizing and the symbolism depicted on the card. But the main factor that impacts the accuracy of a reading has something to do with the ability and understanding of the person doing the studying. In case you're doing the studying for yourself, objectivity may become an issue.
When reading tarot cards, you must be ready for any card which will seem. For example, the loss of life card. Though it is now common data that the Loss of life card just isn't all the time a bad omen, anybody can be greatly surprised when it seems in a spread. When this happens, don't panic. The exact which means of the studying relies on the cardboard combinations as well as card positions, not just on one card that appears in a variety. Easy spreads that reply yes-or-no questions will be carried out using an internet software, however extra in-depth interpretation of the that means of a spread needs to be objective.
The Depth of the Studying
For instance, the spread you came up with utilizing a web-based tarot card reading tool may point out the arrival of a lover in the close to future but when the unfold is just too simple, it can't describe the sequence of occasions that will result in your fated meeting. Spreads just like the Celtic cross and even the Zodiac (the 12-card unfold) are more difficult but they reveal many issues, particularly some details on the chronological order of occasions that could lead to your assembly along with your soul mate.
In fact, you may preserve shuffling and altering the questions, to provide you with different card matches, but a complex spread using precise tarot playing cards and a guidebook may reveal greater than the much simpler on-line counterpart.
The Worth of the Software program
An actual reading with a psychic may be expensive, however in some situations, fortune tellers learn at no cost. Some travelling gypsies go to nation gala's to learn cards and inform fortunes, and there are those who get invited to learn at events and events. Some settle for cash donations in alternate for their services, like horoscopes tarot readings and love tarot. Contemplate the price of the software program, and the price you would need to pay a fortune-teller to interpret your unfold, before you buy a downloadable on-line tarot card reader.
In conclusion, you might have to ask your self if a do-it-yourself tarot card reader is admittedly for you. In case you have misgivings about working towards tarot reading, or you're not snug about what you might find out about your future for those who keep utilizing the software program, it is perhaps better to entry a browser-based program whenever you feel like doing a studying than downloading one that you can use on a regular basis.
Marie-Anne Adelaide Lenormand was a French cartomancer - the art and talent of fortune telling by the use of a deck of playing cards - during one of many revolutionary durations in France's history. She also used tarot and palmistry among different tools to practice her art, her services being sought by a few of the most influential individuals of the time.
Early psychic skill - and her first spot of trouble!
Lenormand was raised by two mother and father who, by the tragic loss of her own dad and mom, weren't her blood kinfolk. Nonetheless, they taken care of her and her siblings well, sending them to highschool. Exhibiting psychic abilities from the age of seven years, she predicted the downfall of Mom Superior at her college in addition to who her successor can be. Despite coming true, it nonetheless landed a young Lenormand in hassle.
At 14 years of age, Lenormand was apprenticed to a milliners in Paris however quickly set up herself up as a bookseller and secretary, which was a entrance to her true career - that of knowledgeable fortune teller.
As her enterprise grew, so did her fame. Lenormand was a clever young woman who realised early on that for her enterprise to develop she needed to advertise herself - as well as purchase the 'proper' purchasers. Her checklist of noble and notable purchasers is prolonged and consists of Tsar Alexander of Russia, French influencers of the time resembling Robespierre, Talleyrand and Princess de Lamballe, to name just four.
Lenormand was imprisoned on quite a few events but it surely was the first stint in prison that introduced her into contact with a girl that may change her from a 'backstreet' fortune teller, to a girl who was each admired, yet viewed with suspicion.
Approached by a lady in prison who had heard of her extraordinary reward, Lenormand quickly discovered this lady had a tremendous future; predicting a terrible misfortune, followed by re-marriage to a man who would rise to the top, Lenormand found she was to be the skilled fortune teller and confidante to Josephine Bonaparte.
Fortune teller, spy or fraud?
Not everyone agreed that Lenormand was endowed with psychic powers, with Napoleon himself detesting the ability that he felt she exercised over his huge. Nevertheless, in Lenormand defence, she was did not have prices of fraud levelled at her, as a few of her up to date 'psychics' had.
She loved a protracted and illustrious profession at a time and in a rustic that was rife with unease, in addition to being a fortune teller, a practice that on the time was illegal. She retired again to her native village, rich and comfortable in later life.
Fortune tellers, psychics and mediums can learn a fantastic deal from the conduct of Lenormand, especially how she continued her follow within the face of opposition and criticism. After her demise, a deck of tarot playing cards had been named in her honour, an accolade surely all mediums and psychics would aspire to?
If you end up studying cartomancy, it is important to perceive that there are several different meanings for every card (all the identical however totally different). You have to be taught to make use of your instincts. Take a look at each card, and focus. If you happen to see the queen of diamonds, what involves your thoughts once you first draw the cardboard? Do you consider an older woman with mild skin? Maybe you see something completely different than the general that means. You possibly can see a lady that is money wise. You must always trust your instincts when drawing cards. You're the reader, and playing cards are a instrument. You will have all the data inside you; the playing cards simply pull the information out. Be taught to hearken to your self. You will notice issues in a unique gentle than anybody.
There are lots of completely different practices if you find yourself studying cartomancy. Some readers won't let anyone else contact their deck, and will cleanse the deck of all energies after each studying.
Cleaning a deck of cards will be executed in a number of alternative ways. Some cartomancers will retailer their deck with a crystal, some will use incense and meditate, and a few will retailer the playing cards beneath moonlight at evening. When you select to cleanse the deck (which is very smart) use a way that you're most snug with.
Take note of all of the cards in a structure so as. The playing cards will tell you a story. Words in this sentence have more which means collectively, than they might if I have been to solely write a sign phrase. The same applies to cartomancy. If I see a queen with a king subsequent to it, I can see these playing cards collectively in a unique mild than if I have been to see a king or queen alone. I can see a queen and king as two individuals which might be about to get married. I would additionally have a look at the encompassing cards to find out if that is true or not.
Combinations in cartomancy also have meanings. For instance: if you see two queens in a reading, it may well mean a get along with a good friend. When you see three queens collectively in a studying, it may well indicate slander or gossip.
Everything in a structure for cartomancy has a which means. I had an aunt once that looked at my mother's playing cards. My mother was a huge skeptic. My aunt told her a number of things that might come to play in my mother's life. She informed her every little thing, right down to the sex and number of her kids.
My mom blew her off, and did not imagine any of it, till ten years later. It began happening. I might say that it form of freaked my mom out. I grew to become inquisitive about reading cartomancy at a very young age. I tracked my aunt down to get some information on reading the cards. I read professionally for a couple of years, for a really good wage. I simply got drained at one level, and gave it up for some time. You can get burnt out if you end up reading cartomancy. Studying the playing cards takes time, focus, and energy. You have to be extraordinarily cautious should you decide to learn the cards for another person.
If you happen to determine to learn on a professional level, please get further coaching, and certification. You must be taught the do's and don'ts of reading the playing cards. There is a code of ethics that you must observe when you find yourself reading the playing cards. They are not simply toys, and neither is a person's thoughts. Individuals are impressionable. Folks normally search for readings when they are concerned about something in their life, or enthusiastic about one thing.
Some persons are hesitant to purchase tarot cards for quite a few causes. Possibly they're scared of what they could uncover about their future. Possibly their faith dissuades them to interact in such practices. Or, cartomante possibly someplace deep inside their consciousness, they assume they're doing something mistaken. Freedom of alternative has always been a part of humankind and no one can dictate somebody to like one thing.
So, does this mean that everyone who appears for tarot cards for sale is a believer of the traditional art? This is not true both. There are such a lot of reasons to personal tarot playing cards. These are collectibles which will have been revealed once and by no means published once more. There are additionally limited edition cards that may function great investments. It isn't unusual for people to put some antique cards on auction and ask exorbitant prices for them.
Here are among the main reasons why individuals purchase divination tools like tarot cards.
3 Causes People Buy Tarot Decks
How would you prefer to read your personal horoscope on a regular basis simply by doing one unfold in the morning? This is normally the way cartomancers (individuals who make predictions by studying cards) divine horoscopes. They are not pulling anybody's leg, they've a basis for coming up with horoscopes for signs. The perfect half is that the tarot card readings they do for horoscopes are often on the dot. Coincidence? It relies on your belief.
It can't be denied that it might take some time to totally perceive what all of the playing cards are about. But there are so many ways to make the process easier. One can use a web-based tarot card reader so that he can just level and click to search out out the which means of the cardboard. You too can do with an excellent tarot guide which you can download from reputable web sites.
Art Collectibles
Most individuals who buy several forms of tarot decks are doing it for the divination potential, but there are some who do it for the Art. For example, award-winning artist and director Dave McKean created a tarot card deck based mostly on Sandman characters (the ebook by Neil Gaiman). Simply the truth that you may personal a bit of the work of a terrific artist is reason sufficient to purchase your own tarot deck.
If you're into angels, there is a tarot card deck with angel art. In truth, there is a couple of. Tarot playing cards are collectibles you may preserve and treat as particular classic objects in a while. In case you bought your playing cards for this reason, it is best to study the most effective methods to maintain the beauty of the cards. Wrap them in silk and hold them boxed in varnished wood in order that they won't gather moisture. Some playing cards are so fragile, they must be maintained and cleaned a number of instances a yr for preservation.
Resolution Making
As you'll have heard from others who buy tarot cards for divination, the message you'll get from a reading or two may help you make choices concerning pressing issues. This idea applies if you're torn between two lovers, or two profession paths. You will also get to know the elements which will come into play whenever you select one determination.
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