#also I kinda feel like nicknaming them Midas
mcyt-crack · 8 months
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CEO of sex bunnies and money
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moltenraider · 6 months
Fortnite mains
Having a main on Fortnite is something special, loving and caring about a skin that has little to no story and yet playing as them everyday really is different than the normal fandom brainrot experience
And today I want to talk about the character that was my Fortnite main
This is Sig
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He was introduced on Chapter 2 Season 2, the Spies! Season (known to be the Midas Season and one of the best season)
I have NO IDEA why I started liking him, looking back at his design, he is pretty boring(? Nor even handsome, I do think his model was used for more skins(? Maybe to ones with the face covered. But as you can see looks weird
I really don’t remember why I just connected with him, not even with the first time he came on the item shop, it was later because I remember I waited for months for him to come again, and man, the day I bought him, since that day I used him non stop until I quit playing fortnite on chapter 3 season 3
Naturally, I also drew him a ton
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And a lot of things happened since then, I created lore for him, I named him (his name is Sig, in my head his whole nickname was “Signature” and his real name was Edén)
I remember I used him to roleplay, which was what really made me create a deep story and give him characteristics. For example, I explained his white hair and skin by him having albinism (which is not that creative lmao) I also explained that he is always wearing dark glasses because his eyes are very sensitive to light, he was mainly a hacker. And probably one of the most important things I HC for him is that he loves frogs
This was before Fortnite added animals, and when the animals came on the Primal season I WAS SO DAMN HAPPY LMAO
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So then, that I made this drawing of him as a frog
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And I continued using him, playing with friends, having fun, all while I was going through some hard stuffs on my life (pandemic included)
So Sig really became a HUGE comfort character for me, it’s probably the character that I’ve feel more comfort with, and when I think about him to this day, I still smile by just remember the good times I spend while wearing him on Fortnite.
Of course there was some shitty things happening (like people calling him one of the ugliest skins hfjfh. I mean, kinda) but honestly I don’t care anymore haha
At the time I was so pissed tho, but I understand now.
When I had my 20 birthday I even asked a frog to be drawn on the cake, and it was because of him. I don’t have a pic of that, but that happened fr.
And another important thing about Sig is that he was actually the character I used to learn how to draw nsfw and suggestive stuffs, which to me is REALLY important, cuz this might sound crazy but learning that helped me improve my art an insane amount (just think that at the time I didn’t practice much naked human figure. And when I started doing so, my anatomy learn when to a peak. Yes, drawing nsfw helps with learning anatomy)
So he was also important to me artistically speaking
And while writting this I just realize how important he really was to me in so many ways, and for a character that only has a name and one stupid sentence for description, that is…
At last, when I was stepping away from fortnite for personal reasons (and also because my switch was dying) I really wanted to keep Sig in some way
So I made this character, which is clearly based on everything I did with him so far
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His name is Caesar, he is a frog
And he was going to be just that, but after all this and him carrying everything that Sig means to me. He is not just a frog character
He is my sona, my second sona to be exact, being the first one The Vicepresident
And that’s the story of how a fortnite skin became so important to me that I made them an actual original character
Right now, playing fortnite again… it might sound weird, but I don’t use Sig anymore, it doesn’t mean I don’t love him anymore, I still do. But his period as my main skin ended years ago, and I don’t want to ruin those beautiful experiences I had with him back then
That’s why he was my main, and now, I’ll wait for other skin to come and be my new Sig.
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worldismyne · 4 months
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Bella's fairy form when she's not attacking people!
Her design is inspired by the Fox Glove flower (a poisonous plant).
According to the formspring fairies are a canon creature in the world or warrior u that can be dried out to use in potions. I immediately thought of my collection of dehydrated flowers and old pressed fairy books from when I was growing up.
I always loved fairies that were a little more inhuman in appearance.
She is inspired by a combination of British and Scottish fairy lore. (She’s a combination of a Pixie and Leanan Sidhe) I’m going with the term ‘changeling’ as it refers to human/fae hybrids and fae as a term for her kind since it’s a general term.
For this issue, fairies are emotion eaters; which is why plants inform their design. Rather than draining a human of their emotions, they try to do things to create an excess of this emotion (kinda like tending a garden). The flower they take after is affected by their preferred food. In an ideal world, house fairies try to cultivate admiration/happiness. However, the most common unions are between humans and fae that like to eat depression/anxiety. (Used as an explanation for why humans are warned to stay away from the fae). 
Gifts = Contracts. Accepting a gift/food without clarifying what is owed gives the fae a blank check they can collect on later. 
Never give your full name; it’s a means of summoning. Finn and Bella both go by nicknames for this reason.
Bella can not cross running water unless invited/carried. The mote around the family home keeps her trapped there.
Bella can not touch anything made of iron
Fairies can smell lies
(Apparently fairies hate “Thank yous” and apologies. Basically anything that sets up a debt) Bella will not overtly thank people or apologize; but will use extremely polite passive-aggression. Ex: “If I did anything to offend you, I regret that you feel ill toward me.” = “Sorry I hurt your feelings.” Ex: “You’re too kind.” = “Thank you.” 
In Finn’s family, house fairies preferred admiration or envy; and would give gifts/talents to the humans in exchange for being “trophy wives” It was a mutually beneficial arrangement for years until the world around them changed and suddenly all magic is considered ‘evil’. The human side of the family started carefully cutting out the fae side. Until the grandparents generation goofed real bad.
Since fairies seem to also be hunted by humans for things, I wanted to lean into this sort of parasite/vampiric vibe. As Bella stated, she's been forced to live off a poisonous diet of resentment and fear. It's helped her survive, but has corrupted her magic down to the core. Were she in a kinder environment, she would have grown into a different kind of flower.
There was a lot of headcanon lore that had to be cut from the comic for pacing. If you look at Finn's family tree, you can see quite a few names that are derived from plants. This is because, when the world was more magical, they had garnered favor from the fae. Though as unicorns, witches and fairies started to get hunted down, they cut ties with the fae and have been suffering ever since.
(He is distantly related to King Midas' daughter, who ran away from home after being rescued from being a golden statue. Gold is a prominent feature in anyone from the family with the potential for magic.)
All we had to work on for Finn's family was one painting a few formspring questions about Leenan's childhood. I knew for sure, since there were three sisters, that all of them had to be different in typical fairytale style. And that all of them had to have 'failed' the family in different ways. They are all different examples of how a toxic family can break you down.
Senna, Freya and Leenan were the last to receive fairy gifts. Senna was given the gift of wisdom. Freya was gifted with fruitfulness and Leenan was given the gift of beauty.
Unfortunately, fairy beauty standards are different than human beauty standards.
So when her parents tried to reject the gift, all their gifts twisted into curses. Senna's a shrewish smartass that no one listens too. All of Freya has a huge family, but could only even have daughters and died trying to have a son. Leenan's siren-like beauty also marks her as uncanny and easy to spot in a crowd.
After rejecting the fairy gift, the magic side of the family put a ‘curse’ on the household. Unless a fae born heir becomes head of the family, the family name will die. 
It’s been 30ish years and two generations of only girls and it’s clear it will be the last if nothing changes because their surviving daughters are unmarried and plan to stay that way. And of their grandchildren the only ones within the Ashenburough bloodline are Bella (a changeling) who would marry out of the family anyway or Finn (disowned nobility) with 0 viable marriage partners both without fathers. 
Ways to break the “curse”.
Recognize Senna (Leenan’s sister) and her female “friend” as head of household; in which they could name an heir of their choosing.
Recognize Rose or Clarice as head of household, marrying them to a noble and passing the family title to a union outside of the family bloodline. (Senna's been pushing to make Rose the heir, since her parents have soft disowned her)
Recognize Bella as head of household; marrying her to a lesser noble who would be willing to take over the acreage (or lord forbid let her leave the house).
Admit they were wrong in disowning Leenan, restore her and Finn’s noble status. Either of them could carry on the bloodline and title.
Finn’s grandparents refuse to do any of these. Their pride will end the Ashenburough name.
One last bit of lore that was alluded to, but not delved to deeply in. We showed Freya getting hit in the face with a potion, and in a different flashback that the potions Leenan was messing with were magical dyes.
IF Freya hadn't been so vain, the worst that would have happened was a weird discoloration to her face and eyes. But, being the carry know it all she was, she tried to fix it herself. The end result was something far worse than where she began, and Bella's abundant magic was also a consequence of this.
Her cursed design was inspired by my other favorite Cinderella variant All-Kinds-of-Furs. Only, in her case, it isn't a coat so much as a monstrous appearance. Rose's father was a hunter sent to slay the beast and fell in love with her instead. After such a humbling experience, she was actually a very kind step-mother to Rose and Clarice, perhaps too kind, as she favored her human daughters. Between the curse, her first marriage getting annuled and settling down with a peasant; she was arguably the biggest embarrassment of the family in the end.
She never did swallow her pride enough to seek out her sister for help though. In death her parents have tried to rewrite history. There is one tapestry in her room of her and her husband together after she was cursed, but all other images of her in the house are from when she still looked 'normal'.
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Me taking a break from JSR stuff to do some Clicker Heroes things
And what I mean by that I mean dilly dallying with my thoughts and headcanons of the characters and the story.
Cid, the Helpful Adventurer - A helpful and optimistic fighter, albeit only one of the few people to work at a ripoff Walmart. Most of the time, she's seen with the Power Five and fighting alongside with them.
Leon - Likes knocking over stuff from a high area, like a cat.
Wandering Fisherman - He uses his boat to travel and fish most of the time. He doesn't mind freeloaders on the boat.
Betty Clicker - Usually can be find in her own little shack where she can serve you food. She's very fascinated by monsters and their biology.
The Power Five (a group nickname given by people because they're the most efficient in early to mid game, I think this has led me to see them as a literal team):
Treebeast - Does NOT have a proper house, in fact, they have a small tree hut in the Great Forest. That was their home until he moved in with the Power Five in their house. I have a feeling he has connections with the Great Forest Seer.
The Great Forest Seer - Kinda acts as Treebeast's father-figure most of the time, he also accidentally sparked beef between a few people. No one knows why. They're pretty much the wisest (and the most sane) of the Five.
Ivan, the Brawler who's also a beverage-liker - He has two moods: very sleepy or has lots of energy, it kinda depends on the time. Ivan makes a lot of weird concoctions in his free time, most would make you question your decisions. He sometimes likes to babble and gossip with Britanny (since she's the only one willing to listen), some of these conversations can be really deep or flat out bonkers. And yes, he does have a punched hole in his wall.
Britanny, Beach Princess - No one actually knows where she got the title as 'Princess' from. It's unsure if she's a pageant princess, from a royale family or both. She has a bit of a friendly rivalry with Cid, mainly from their tastes in style.
The Masked Samurai - The Power Five all know he's a big loser and they keep it a secret from him so he doesn't feel embarassed.
I'll probably leave it at here since I don't wanna spend too long on this. But I think part 2 will mainly focus on Team Something??? (name might change later), a team consisting of Natalie, Bobby, George, Midas, Referi and Broyle (and others).
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tabletopjourneys · 4 years
Session 29 Notes
Completing fae deals and sailing out to sea with magic whales and a fortune in ambergris. Tags: @aradow @gher-bear @telurin @epimetal
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On this day we successfully trick our way into completing Ixayl’anu’s bargain with Diem’s patron without having to fight anything. Said patron then immediately turns around to have Diem hold on to the item retrieved for awhile - the chaotic deck of many things. Diem and Ixayl’anu then deliver the fungus sample and make arrangements for possibly more samples and by-journal communications with the fungus expert, Professor Whitskey. Afterwards, we all set sail the next day for Anesh to continue our main quest. On the voyage, we encounter weirdness that includes a vanishing crew member and a group of whales doing ancient singing magics alongside and under the ship for a part of the voyage. It doesn’t seem to have anything to do with the meteors though. Ixayl’anu helps us discover and haul in some ambergris that’s gonna be worth tons of $$$$.   *Details below the “Keep Reading” break*
(Additional details noted before we knock on Dima’s door.) We agree that at some point while we’re all in the room, Phi found a good time  to tell us about Averni being run by vampires. This will possibly get threaded into a previous notes session if I find a good place. Either way, it happened.
Phi would have also told us during fae deal planning that Dima is a follower of Selune the moon goddess and that he’s pretty much not very tolerant/caring about other religions/gods/goddesses
Together we all figure out what Selune’s about, slightly a trickster (but not really the aspect Dima follows), for sailors, the moon and the night, etc.
(The visit with Dima - ‘Waiting Room’)
Ixayl’anu walks up to the door, Alfred the butler opens the door and looks at our ragtag bunch, spotting Phi in the back. “Yes, can I help you?”
Phi: We were wanting to talk to Dima, something’s come up.
Butler: Mr. Lenkov is in a meeting with Aristin Pilwickin (cousin 2nd removed) currently, but you can certainly come in and wait until they are done.
Phi: Yes it’s that important, we can wait.
Rest of us: Yeah we’re okay with waiting.
Phi: How’s it going Alfred? 
Al: *steps back opens door, responds*
Phi continues making small talk.
As we walk past the doors down the long hallway, past the doubledoors Phi gets whispered what’s going on because she’s the only one with perception for it and on high alert.
The exterior walls are def stone, but interior walls are plastered wood slats (a note for Rana)
As we reach the room we’re ushered to we see a scholarly blue and white dragonborn and fucked up gnome chick, not related to Phi, def looks like she had a hard life, low London rough and tumble accent.
Phi parses this as odd because she doesn’t really ever see these two together and they were both doing whispery voiced arguing that clams up when we enter.
Gnome lady stays quiet
Payton (scholarly dragonborn): Ah, leaf pick, haven’t seen you in awhile.
Rana gives Phi a confused look because this is like name #15
He’s one of the more stable potion makers of the group (Payton) soooome minor enchantments
Phi: Hey! How ya doin, Payton?
Rana and Diem hug the wall together not feeling great about the group’s chances in this situation.
Phi and Payton have awkward chitchat.
Phi gives Bamfina Lockley (the rough and tumble London gnome) a nod: Hey.
Lockley gives her a cool look in response, something of a glare.
Payton glazes over that about how great it’s going, lots of shipments and good time for working on my projects.
Phi: Have you heard anything about the weird meteors we’ve been having, lots of sciencey people talking about that?
Payton: I have seen them but I’ve been really busy this past week so I haven’t been...why have you heard anything?
Phi: We were talking to some people at the university and it just sounded pretty crazy, right?
Payton: *quetioning look* I didn’t realize you were so interested in astronomy
Phi: New hobby of mine, been spending a lot of time outdoors looking up at the sky and it’s just become fascinating to me.
Neither Payton nor Bamfina look like they know what to do with that.
Payton takes interest in Phi’s friends, we briefly greet back.
Phi asks if they’re waiting to see Dima
Oh we’re just gonna go in then
Lockley stroms off
Rana: Bye!
Phi’s cousin walks out from a door in the side hall on the east wall. “Oh, Selphina! I haven’t seen you in forever!”
Phi: Oh, hey *nickname for level 2 familiarity* Small chitchat in the hall about wishing their loved ones well follows.
He gives the rest of us a wtf are these people doing here look as he goes by but Diem doesn’t even notice him until he’s already past them while Rana tries to start obviously awkward conversation with Payton after Phi dropped him like a hot potato. (The meeting with Dima)
Phi knocks on door where Dima is waiting.
Dima: Enter
Phi peeks in “I brought my friends with me this time, is it okay if they come in?”
Dima gives her a look: It’s better than having them in the hall.
It’s a cozy little office with french doors leading into a garden/well area. 20x30 office
Diem comes all the way in and crosses with Phi to the french door area to allow room for Rana and Ixayl’anu, then sits in the chair on that side of the office.
Dima thinks this is unusual that Phi’s brought people in, but she’s not in trouble for it. He casually closes his books and sets them aside as we come in.
Dima: Phi what is this about, I thought we’d spoken earlier?
Phi: Yeeeeah, but it turns out my friends realized they have something to talk to *you* about and so I brought them here to talk about it.
Dima: Interesting *makes go on hand gesture*
Ixayl’anu: (rolls a 10 on persuasion) and she says something to the effect of “I’m on a mission from Selune, and you have something she requires to complete my quest.” Dima is intrigued
Diem doesn’t think he looks intrigued enough and decides to use phantasmal force to convince Ixayl’anu Selune is now talking through her to tell this story, and hopefully Dima that it’s true/help really sell the story. Sleight of hand casting succeeds/Nobody notices Diem cast it, but Ixayl’anu makes her save enough to know what’s going on and let it happen.
Ixayl’anu then rolls a nat 20 on persuasion with the rest of the story, letting herself believe she’s possessed by Selune. Diem adds a little moonlight prestidigitation to Ixayl’anu’s eyes to really sell it. Both trickstery deities involved probably fully approved and thought this was great fun (Dima’s and Ixayl’anu’s)
Dima: Yes, Ixayl’anu, whatever you need, name it.
“Selune”: Ixayl’anu will know it when I see it through her eyes.
He leads us to the basement where there’s a sleeping black dragon it looks up and snorts.
Peace Antimony, (words I missed).
It hisses some toxic green gas and lays back down.
Dima leads us around. “This is just general storage, but I’ve got a vault down here.”
Rana and Phi have been flabbergasted. We all stand back and just act like we’re not interested in snooping. 
1st item: metal globe with protection runes “thaumaturge’s orb.”
2nd item: A staff with a golden hand at the end with one finger extended “Staff of Midas”
3rd item: Multi-faced star-shaped cut glass/shimmery crystal reflecting light in prismy way “The sky crystal focus” about the size of a basketball.
4th item: Beautiful finely made silver circlet with a large multi-faceted, mostly purple gemstone in the middle with 3 little motes of light that float around it in diff shifting colors “Arcanist’s Circlet”
5th item: A tiny hummingbird out of enamel or jade, in flight “Valonte’s vitalium”
6th item: Another orb, jet black with 2 copper bands runes carved into the orb. “Orb of passage”
7th item: A sword longsword with kind of twisted metal and hilt is standard wrapped hilt that merges into the base of the blade like grasping vines, cross blade is thorny “constrictor blade”
8th item: Just looks like a deck of fine playing cards, kinda plain. “The Deck of Many Things”
9th item: Amulet on a jeweler’s bust, inside is a beautiful topaz (yellow), large cut to shine brilliant, around it 2 sphinx’s and a four winged angel on top with sunrays behind it. It looks very ornate. “The Sunheart medallion.”
If Rana was looking she might be able to say more about it, but she isn’t.
Dima: I did just acquire this as well. 
*shows wine decanter sized crystal vial with a metallic, shimmering in all the colors kaleidoscopic liquid, I’m not exactly sure what this does yet, I haven’t had it identified, but it may also be what you seek.
Arcana check of 22 to see if I know any stories about the item names: Enough to Cross off staff of midas, volantes vitaleum, and constrictor blade.
Diem manages to sleight of hand cast message to share not these 3, but my patron said you would know it when you see it, so maybe...communicate with your god in front of each one or something? “You can respond to this message”
Ixie: Maaaybe.
Rolling a d6 at a 5 (for where she’s drawn): Ixie narrows it down to the skycrystal focus, the arcanist circlet, and the deck of many things.
Ixayl’anu tries to use divine sense in front of the 3. It doesn’t tell her any more.
She’s doing the slow loop around the room kinda thing, holding a hand out, dowsing rod kinda passing each one. Loops back around to the deck, decisively points at the deck “That one.”
Dima: Yeah, that completely makes sense, let me unlock that for you.
Phi rolls investigation to see if there’s a magic component to these keys or anything. As he puts in the key and turns it there’s a faint puff of coloured magic smoke that comes out, and she knows it’s just like a simple alarm spell - it would make a noise to alert something or someone elsewhere. Takes out the deck and hands it to Ixayl’anu.
Phi notices the back of these cards is an exact match to the card she’s been carrying. Dima’s deck is complete, Phi got it within a year, but not from Dima. Meta info none of us realize: Vizier: At any time you choose within one year of drawing this card, you can ask a question in meditation and mentally receive a truthful answer to that question. Besides information, the answer helps you solve a puzzling problem or other dilemma. In other words, the knowledge comes with Wisdom on how to apply it.
Ixayl’anu tries to give him a good faith I know it’s not enough token of 100gold
Dima: No, this is between us and the deities. (but he appreciates the gesture)
Ixayl’anu: May her light shine on you.
Dima: And you as well.
We don’t linger and follow Phi out.
He invites us to a drink after with some chitchat. With as little detail as possible and as much truth as possible (not sure what I meant by this statement lol). We get very good bourbon.
Charisma check for how Dima views each of us moving forward: Rana 15, Ixayl’anu 15, Diem: 10, Phi: nat 20 (22 total).
Level up!
We go back to the inn and Rana buys us dinner.
We talk about when we’re doing the professor meeting and will they meet us at night.
We both are like as soon as possible, but we’ll say it’s an emergency.
Rana exchanges a look with Phi.
Diem: What? Wait did you guys get message while I wasn’t paying attention?
Rana: Yes. Phi tells Diem the truth though (no, we didn’t)
Diem talks about maybe appearing on the boat after it’s already set sail - they don’t know how these things work.
Rana: Won’t the captain have questions?
Diem: Well we’re already paid for so it’s not like we’d be stowaways.
Rana and Phi talk about how mad her mentor might be, they talk about not knowing it wasn’t an actual message from Selune and what if Dima finds out. Rana doesn’t for a moment believe Selune was involved. 
Phi: That won’t be explained until the future either and if a catastrophe was averted by then it could make him less mad.
Rana: Let’s hope it was worth it.
Phi: Yeah, let’s take it one day at a time. Cross that bridge when we come to it.
Rana: Let’s just hope we don’t burn that bridge.
*cut to Diem and Ixayl’anu for a deal’s a deal scenes*
Diem does as last time, with the sense Ahrune heard.
Ahrune pops in “That was fast, what have you brought for me?”
Diem: We may have convinced him it was ordained by his goddess.
Ahrune: More interesting than what I had in mind.
Ixayl’anu *huffy*: It wasn’t exactly clear, but I brought you these.
Ahrune: *examines them* Yes, these will do quite nicely *hands them over to Diem* Why don’t you hold on to these for me.
Diem: *thanks in shock*
Ahrune makes us a door directly to the guy, and hands Diem a return portal orb to the inn when we’re done. “Forgive me if I don’t want to stick around for this part.” *disappears*
*Diem tucks the cards into their inner suit pocket before following Ixayl’anu through the door.*
As soon as we walk in he looks up: Oh! Hello I didn’t...office hours are closed!
Ixayl’anu: Forgive the intrusion but I need to talk to you.
Whitskey: You don’t look like one of my students…?
Ixayl’anu: No we haven’t met before, I have an unusual question...well...maybe *looks at all the vials of fungus and thinking maybe not* Wondering if maybe you can identify something for me.
I’m given to understand you’re professor Whitskey?
Whitskey: Yep that’s me.
Ixayl’anu: Do you...I think this question is self evident but do you happen to study lichen and fungus and things?
Whitskey: That is my specialty
Ixayl’anu: I have a substance that I - well a group of us found recently and I was hoping you’d know more about it.
Magical lichen - you understand magical lichen very well?
Whitskey: Yes do you have one you want me to identify?
Ixayl’anu digs in her pack and pulls out the vial to hand over
Diem: before you open this you should know *tells about it briefly and where it was sampled from*
Whitskey: Yeah I recognized it so I wasn’t going to throw magic at it but thanks for the warning.
You said you found this in the shadowood? You’re quite far from home.
One of us: We spoke to professor Leonis he wasn’t sure if it was native here or if they came with the meteors, he kind of led us to think it was native
Whitskey: Professor Leonis, I can’t say that I’m too familiar with him but I don’t get out much. I have heard all this hullabaloo about these meteors but I didn’t realize it would have anything to do with my work.
We talk about it growing directly on the meteor.
Diem illustrates it for him.
Whitskey: Hmmm *adjusts glasses* (has very large eyes behind the glasses)
Ixayl’anu brings up the dwarf too.
Whitskey: There was a dwarf? Tell me more about this.
Diem does a 22 on telling the story again and all the details they can remember.
Whitskey looks at the lichen in the jar and studies it. His excitement continues to grow as he looks up things in books and compares, etc. 
He keeps it in the jar and he brings the mage light closer to the vial. *Diem steps back*
The lichen grows toward the source of the magic with quite a speed, spindly bits and deeper colored. Whitskey quickly separates it out again.
Whitskey: This is quite a find! This is a very...I haven’t actually seen this before!
Diem would let him know what officials in Miova know, what little they don’t, or even the local Miovan professors about this fungus and that he might want to put a team together to stress the importance of this to his local magistrates/officials/etc, asks whether it might be wise to take a protected sample back there as well.
Whitskey: If I’m correct this line is very aggressive. Transporting it could be quite problematic, we’d have to set up a containment field, quite frankly I’m surprised it stayed in this method of containment.
Diem agrees on the point of transporting it back through another, different magical door and that it’s probably best to leave the whole sample with Whitskey after all.
Diem and Ixayl’anu talk about her mission and what they can do if they encounter more of it. Whitskey gets excited about the possibility of more samples then and happily gives us containers of his own.
Tips for future encounters: Bring someone who can create a null field, anti-magic area to contain it, and it is best you get the samples when they’re small, when they’re large they have a self-fulfilling mist about them and they become quite difficult to contain. At that point it can do certain things, take over other living organisms.
Diem: Like that dwarf - oh and maybe those gnolls.
*tells him about the gnolls now too*
Whitskey: Oh yeah some cults do use them to infect themselves with various forms of these lichens to become part of their deities. Usually those cults get found and irradicated. Some small discussion about that. We find out it’s common though with known species and not necessarily tied to this new one.
Diem asks about the care of the vessels
The containers are inert until you open them and put something inside, and once you shut them they become their magical versions and he wouldn’t recommend putting them in magic holding things like bags of holding or anything like that, but near those bags is fine.
(Rana:This guy is totally going to turn out to be evil
Leonis: "I can't just hand out University materials, I'd have to get permission."
This guy: "Take my personal vials.")
We get 3 containment units.
He goes around to the other side of his table and give us a small book of sending so we can keep in touch and we can coordinate how to get samples and such back and forth.
We verify we can send warnings through and not just notes, and he will contact us too about things he learns.
How durable are the contaminants?
More durable than glass, they can break, handle them with care, don’t smash them on the floor or throw them at things. They’re made of magical pyrex. Thick enough to drop from waist height and they’ll be fine.
Whitskey: You’ve made my whole night, my whole year, I have so many things to do!
Ixayl’anu has something else she wanted to ask but can’t think of it right now.
Diem makes sure it’s okay to ask him a question in the book later if she thinks of it.
Whitskey: Oh yes, so long as it pertains to all of this.
Diem: Can this book be stored in a bag of holding?
Whitskey: Yes absolutely.
Ixayl’anu: Anything else you can think of?
Diem: Nope I think we did a pretty good job.
Ixayl’anu smashes the portal and we go back to the room we were in, taking 45 minutes total.
Rana and Ixayl’anu played with their rats. *rewind a little (to prevent potential disaster lol)*
Before we left, Phi brought up that she had a similar card to the deck we got and she tells us it’s a deck of many things that have wildly varying effects that could be really good or really bad and she knows you have to declare how many cards you want to draw and select them. She has an enchanted card to be whatever card she needs and now that she knows this it’s revealed its true nature to her so now it probably doesn’t work as intended.
Phi asks if she can see the deck and Ixayl’anu hands it over (in the velvet bag Dima had tucked them in).
She puts them face down on the table “I have one of these cards that I thought was just a trick card. I use this to turn into a different card *she tells it to change by illustration* the fact my boss had cards like this tucked in his treasure room tells me this is more than just a simple trick.”
It’s def a trickster element to it. Diem realizes they know stories about these cards (21 arcana check), gives some examples of people dying, being lost, become more powerful or rich, getting wishes granted.
Rana makes a face when the wish spell is mentioned.
Phi: Sounds super dangerous but also kind of fun
Diem: Yeah, but also the epitome of fey fun, so it makes sense why you picked that one, Ixayl’anu.
Phi: *tucks her card away and talks about getting it identified*
*Phi and Rana time while Ixayl’anu and Diem are at Whitskey’s*
Rana: So how do you and Dima know each other?
Phi: He’s the head of an organization I used to be a part of.
My family is very involved still so I kinda don’t talk about being involved with it anymore so I kinda just go off and do my own thing but Dima is one of the people who knows I don’t wanna be a part of it anymore. He makes sure I don’t get any heat from not wanting to be part of it now.
Rana: Well your sister seems nice and he seems nice
Phi: He’s NOT nice, but my sister doesn’t know much about it, she’s just a family person, focuses on that. Her job’s not so intense (I have a lot of sisters though).
Rana: What do your other siblings do? *confused*
Phi: You know
Rana: No, I don’t.
Phi: Just stuff that isn’t necessarily on the up and up, you know, like...below the law things that you may not wanna do if you have kids you gotta feed. I don’t know, she’s just a different person.
Rana: Is that why she had so many kids?
Phi: Oh no that’s just normal and they’re not all hers.
Rana: Dima did help us. Well, we tricked him into it but he really did help us.
Phi: Yeah I was actually a little surprised by that. I think he’s just very devout so I don’t think he saw an option to not help if that makes any sense?
Rana: Either way if he’s been supporting you and he’s willing to help us out, he can’t be that bad right?
Phi: Sure. I mean he’s not supporting me out of the niceness of his heart, we made a deal.
*I missed Rana’s response, sorry*
Phi: It wasn’t like a favor it was a trade
Rana: At least we’re not making deals with the fae
Phi: That’s some crazy shit right? I’d never do something like that.
*Back to the present*
Diem stores coffee can sized containers in their bag with a tight fit and takes the sending book downstairs to meet the others after we decide to tell them about the deck in addition to the meeting with the prof.
They are cuddling very fat very happy rats right now when we find them.
Diem: Good news and...interesting news.
*we tell them*
*we go over our primary goal*
We decide to let the local lawmaster know our statement too and told the front desk lady. Rana didn’t come along, she went to bed.
Diem mentioned meeting them again for breakfast because they have last night of potential company.
Phi asks about that on the way and Diem dishes about the sexy librarian with his dark teal skin. 
Ixayl’anu got a 13 on her insight check to the first story she overheard.
Contested against 23, she believed it all, but it was definitely just singing the praises of Teagan and nothing revealing at all about Diem themselves. (Insight checks were arranged after, Phi’s is yet to be determined)
(Getting on the boat)
Next day Diem doesn’t make it to breakfast but they do make it just in time.
Rana on stone: I have your stuff and bringing it with me to the boat, be there.
Diem: I’m already on my way I promise, I’ll be there soon *flying clothes on totally not already on the way*  Diem also manages to get a pearl on the way for their new identify spell.
Rana is a bit grumpy as she eats her breakfast taco
Ixayl’anu tells Rana she has something that might help, even though she seems to have a handle on water forms now *hands over water walking ring*
Rana: If you don’t mind I would like to hold on to this for the journey.
Ixayl’anu: Sure
*brusquely nods*
Diem: Oh my pack is making up, you guys <3
Rana spent all night preparing all the water spells.
Ixayl’anu dumps 4 shark teeth
Phi: What’s with that?
Ixayl’anu: It’s so we have a safe trip?
Diem: What? What’s what about?
Ixayl’anu: Don’t you have anything to give too?
Phi and Diem: No, do we need to?
Ixayl’anu looks worried and gives us shark teeth and tells us to throw them in too.
We do so and I’m totally interested in the story behind it. Tell me Ixayl’anu, pretty please!
Ixayl’anu: You just do it for safe passage from the spirits.
Clearly the guardian spirits of the ocean are the sharks. This just insures nothing that’s beyond the sailors skills will happen on this journey.
Diem talks about that being fair - no shark teeth is probably why they ended up overboard in a barrel their last trip to sea.
*Ixayl’anu hands Diem a small bag of shark teeth just in case.*
Diem: Do I dump all these in now or for later?
Ixayl’anu: Later, you shipwrecked seems you’ll need them. Diem gives a fair point shrug and happily holds on to them.
During all this talk, Rana has tossed in one of the prettier stones from her pocket and while stressing out, is looking to spot it in the water. Rana manages to spot her offering.
Phi tries to distract by asking Rana about her homeland.
Diem internally pouts over not hearing Ixayl’anu’s story about how she lost her body guards the first time around that didn’t go so well, but is also interested in stories about Rana’s homeland (and distracting her). (I think I missed some of the initial talk)
Rana: Don’t wanna be caught out in the desert without protection either from the sun, cold at night, etc.
Phi: Well you just have to trust the experts that know about the place we’re in, like we trust these experts in the ship we’re in.
Rana looks over like “I know what you’re doing” Yes we do don’t we, let’s get on this boat before I change my mind. *Throws in all her shark teeth too*
When we get on, we mostly get ignored by the crew.
(Aboard the ship, talking about Anesh, Rana sees a new animal form!)
Phi does 14 perception, few new faces, mostly the same crew. “Hey how many shark teeth did you throw in the water today?” to the one she knows to be the nicest/most tolerant.
Person looks at her with sheer incredulity “what are you talking about?” and walks away.
Phi 11 retro-active perception checks superstitious stuff among this crew, but hasn’t noticed any.
When shown their rooms, Diem asks Rana if she wants to share a room since there are only 3.
Ixayl’anu attempts to bring her elk aboard and gets a few looks from the crew, but they don’t deny her. The captain is nowhere to be seen. It can roam around 9 or put it in 12 (the actual hold). She bought elk supplies bedding/food for the trip.
On their rush to the boat, I did manage to buy a pearl because my patron tipped me off to check my spell book.
We all hang out on deck, Diem tries and fails to come up with positive ship stories to distract Rana.
Ixayl’anu asks Rana about where they’re going.
Rana rolls 14 history check: She knows it’s a port town (Farford), they do a lot of the trade that comes in from Petarus rather than overland - specialty seeds, various animals (not the metals which come from Bouldergap). She didn’t stick around too much. Before she met us she didn’t stick around anywhere very much, sold her goods and moved on.
Ixayl’anu: What’s it like in Anesh?
Rana: It’s pretty dry, it’s a desert - most of it, near the mountains you have more brushy cover. You don’t wanna go to Lake Nitron.
Phi: Why not?
Diem: What’s wrong with Lake Nitron?
Rana: It’s pretty deadly, only a few birds can survive out there it’s not really a place that you’d want to live. Sunhame is right in the middle of it all but most of the towns are either on the coastline or nearer the mountains where there’s cover.
Ixayl’anu: And that’s where your home is, up in the mountains?
Rana: Yeah, that’s where I learned all my druid craft at too
Ixayl’anu: What do your parents do?
Rana: It’s just my mom, she’s a tailor. My dad died before I was born so I can’t really tell you much about him. My brother is a blacksmith.
Sunhame is not as large as Miova but the rest of the towns are about the size of Budelia.
I’ve been to Sunhame a few times, it’s heavily religious. I spent a lot of time traveling between them all between my mom’s business and my brother’s blacksmithing. We don’t have anything like the shadowood where we’re from though, that’s a you guys thing.
Ixayl’anu: Do you have trees?
Rana: Some, a few up in the mountains scattered near them, but not a lot of them. It’s not as green, you guys have a very green country
Diem: Do you prefer it that way?
Rana: I like both places, nature exists (I missed the rest of this) yeah it’s not as green as Rethwellian but I think you guys will like it, it’s a nice place.
Ixayl’anu: I get the impression it’s really hot though
Rana: Yeah, it’s warm. It’s a desert.
(Established that Rana’s staff is made of hazel, found in the mountains.)
(I may have missed some more things. You’ve probably guessed but even when I don’t note this, it’s probably true even for conversations that seem whole.)
Rana talks until someone stops her, but we’re all on team distract Rana, so we encourage it.
We have occasionally seen the captain if we notice.
Calm sailing so far.
Ixayl’anu rolls a d20 for us for mysterious reasons.
About 3 hours into the day, noonish, we see a pod of killer whales hanging out with the boat. 
Rana ventures closer to the rail by then and adds it to her animals seen list.
Diem asks how her animal form hunting went.
Rana: I found a loud seal.
Diem: Did you try swimming?
Rana: No I just transformed into one so I know I can do it and watched them swimming so I’m sure they can. It’ll be fine.
Diem: Yeah, I’m sure it’ll be just fine. (As text this sounds like sarcasm but it wasn’t lol)
Rana: Yeah we’ll be okay.
Diem: We will absolutely be okay. (Also not sarcasm, but let’s not point out she didn’t try swimming in that form)
(Aboard the ship, Diem has identify now!) 
Before the end of the day, Diem picks a time when everyone’s near enough to hear them to tell Phi “guess what I learned how to do?”
Phi: What?
Diem: *brandishes pearl* I can identify things now!
Phi: And what’s that?
Diem: Oh the pearl I need to cast it.
Phi: So does that mean you could find out what this card can do?
Diem: Maybe, wanna try?
Phi: Yeah *hands it over*
Diem starts trying 
Phi: Oh but I also wanted to ask you how your night went.
Diem: *tries to concentrate on ritual but gives up to just answer the question* do you want to know that now or after I cast the ritual?
Phi: Oh later is fine.
Phi leaves so they can concentrate.
Diem finds it out after 15 minutes instead of just 10 and tells Phi it is the vizier and what it does.
Phi looks disappointed (I think because the card also lost its ability to be any card she wanted at a thought but all I literally wrote here is “Phi looks disappointed scene” and then failed to remember details I was so sure I could fill in later :P) (Aboard the ship: Keeping company with spiderwalking elks, Phi and Diem have a talk)
Ixyal’anu goes to keep her elk company after awhile.
Before the end of the night, Diem and Phi go to Phi’s room to dish the details on Diem’s last night with Teagan. By the time they get there, however, Diem has a more serious, related topic on their mind that alters this discussion (Sorry at the time I was stuck in the “no live awkward rated R details” mode and forgot something happened that would give Diem pause over the “after hours” story time).
Rana casts spider climb on the elk again to make herself feel better.
Ixayl’anu, confused, asks it “did you do this? How do you do this?”
Elk: I’m on the ceiling, it’s great!
Unfortunately realizes he can’t swallow upside down so comes down to swallow his food.
Ixayl’anu: You need to teach me this trick
Elk: I don’t know how I do it, it just happens.
Ixayl’anu insight checks 18 *stares down the elk*
Elk: Sometimes when your friend comes around I can do this.
Ixayl’anu: Which One?
Elk: The copper one
(Aboard the ship - next day shenanigans, I think? Day 3 shenanigans? I didn’t make the timeline very clear in these notes) At some point during the day, Diem snuck in Phi’s room to take back the doll from her packs, then tried to sneak it into her arms that night 20 stealth vs 25 perception, Phi wakes to see Diem looming over her, reaching out. 
Diem quickly hides doll behind their back and is very awkward about this. Rana doesn’t cuddle and I wanted to see if you would.
Phi wants to know what they were doing, why they were reaching out for her face though.
They awkwardly try to explain that there was something on her face.
Phi tells them they’re being creepy. Diem: Oh, and who snuck into my room in Budelia just sitting on the end of my bed watching me? That wasn’t creepy? Deflection fails so Diem shows her the doll and pretends they were trying to get rid of it for her before she woke up and freaked out.  This backfires as Phi gets really really freaked out and Diem decides they can’t go through with that either and admits that they did it, they were actually trying to *leave the doll in her arms* to find later and it’s just one of those normal dolls of the queen they were handing out at the festival.
Phi: I changed my mind, you’re not getting cuddles tonight.
Diem *crushed to lose cuddles*: I’m sorry, I didn’t realize you were that scared of it - What if I throw it overboard right now - an offering to the sharks?
Phi agrees to cuddle after all if Diem throws the doll overboard. We do so and then go sleep in the same room with Rana. Note: I think I forgot to note the passage of some uneventful days mixed up in this trip somewhere because otherwise we’d have only 2 full days out to sea, arriving in the morning of day 3. As such, I went back through the notes to note when an (the?) uneventful day(s?) might’ve occurred. (Ocean Voyage Day ?: What happened to Kelly?)
By the time the rest of us wake up, Rana is probably already on deck sitting miserably.
Diem tries to cheer her up but it’s mostly cause she’s not feeling well.
Ixayl’anu begins to notice how weird it is that this crew is quiet and antisocial
Diem doesn’t really notice but tries to encourage sea shanties. A few look my way (19 persuasion) and catch themselves humming before quickly cutting off and going silent again.
Ixayl’anu starts talking to phi about how strange this is
Diem agrees, noting how the ships they’ve been on always sing shanties and clearly some of this crew knows them…
Ixayl’anu: and they’re usually shouting back and forth about things they’re doing/seeing.
Phi: Maybe they don’t need to communicate like that?
Diem: Yeah maybe they all follow old ones...? Wait that sounded way more ominous out loud than in my head.
Rana is glaring at us.
Ixayl’anu: *Grumbling* it’s usually more lively than this, I just don’t like it.
Phi realizes something about something Tel whispered her: Wait a second guys, I wanna go ask somebody something *goes to find the guy who thought the whole shark teeth thing was weird*
Phi makes a 17 investigation roll, she does not see the person she was looking for, but she had seen him since launch.
Phi returns and tells us she can’t find the guy she spoke to yesterday when we set out.
Diem: Are all the little boats still here?
Ixayl’anu casts divine sense but doesn’t sense any celestial, fiends, or undead: Do you know his name? Maybe you could ask about him?
Phi doesn’t know why we’re worried, but she knows his name (Sean something I missed) and could go asking even though she’s not worried.
Diem messages: Are you really not worried or are you saying that for Rana’s benefit, you can respond to this message.
Phi: Well I’m not worried but I’m getting worried that you’re worried. You can respond to this message.
Phi goes off to ask the captain and knocks, hears sigh.
Cpn: What can I do for you Selphina?
Phi: I was gonna ask Kelly a question but I can’t find him, do you know where he is?
Peter gets quiet and then says “Oh no, Mr Kelly had other engagements and didn’t join us this go around.”
Phi: But I saw him yesterday…?
Cpn: You must’ve been mistaken.
Insight check 10. She knows he’s lying but doesn’t know anything else about it, only that something about this is not right. It’s also suddenly degrees colder in this room.
Phi: I guess I was mistaken.
Cpn: No worries it happens to everyone
Phi: How’s the trip going, are we on schedule?
Cpn: Oh we’re making excellent time, we should be there by morning.
Phi: Excellent
Upon returning to us, Phi: Guys I don’t think we should be talking near the captain’s door in the future, but I was clearly mistaken
Phi actively tries to get out of the conversation and drop it.
Diem suggests maybe it’s this crew’s own superstitions like “quiet passage for quiet passage.”
Ixayl’anu says maybe she’ll be be less worried about it then. (Aboard the ship: Ambergris!)
At some point during the day we see a lump of grey goo overboard about the size of 2 milk crates. Definitely smaller than a chair.
Ixayl’anu notices it first, rolls a 12 on nature check, it’s not something her culture uses but it’s whale vomit and worth its weight in gold.
She points it out, gives fancy ambergris name to us and looks for a bucket, Phi tries to help.
We found a bucket, it’s probably not big enough for this. Ixayl’anu hits the thing, but realizes the bucket is too small.
Rana casts control water to keep it with the ship. Diem runs to get their special rope. 
When they return with rope, it ties off successfully and Ixayl’anu manages to get it up to the boat, with all four of us pulling we successfully get it on board (mostly Rana’s 21 and no thanks to my 2 lol).
It smells not great.
Diem: Oh that’s awful *prestidigitations it to smell like flowers* (Except it’s old enough to be hard and not smell too awful anymore)
We talk about getting it in the black of holding and breaking it in pieces so we don’t rip our bag.
Rana asks about what it’s for, is it part of the meteor?
Ixie: No, it’s...well it’s whale vomit.
Diem: Oh, gross... *looks at their hands and casts prestidigitation*
Rana goes back over to sit where she was before like oh my god as the rest of us talk about it being valuable. She leaves the bag of holding with us to break it and stick it in the bag.
Phi: This is awesome, the best day ever, I’m going to throw shark teeth in the water every time!
Ixayl’anu: *excited* yeah the teeth just show up on the beach it’s so easy to find them. (not knowing if that’s true everywhere).
Diem: Or maybe the whale just saw that doll (as an aside to Phi)? 
Phi laughs.
We have a pleasant evening, no plans.
Ixayl’anu gives a heads up to the elk: Watch listen tonight so you can stay up. Keep your ears open.
Evening perception checks: me (literal 0), Ixayl’anu: (nat 20), Rana: 21, Selphina: 10. (Ancient Whalesong Magic!)
Rana can’t sleep tonight. She hears a low wailing that goes into a series of clicks. She hears it all night long.
Rana goes to Ixayl’anu’s room and asks “What is that?” It sounds like they’re following the boat or just all around us.  A lot of them and very close.
Ixayl’anu: It’s whale song
Rana: Why are they so loud?
Ixayl’anu: Well it’s...I don’t know what they use it for, but it’s communication
Rana: But why are they so loud?
Ixayl’anu: I don’t know *both go above deck to check it out*
Rana makes 7 perception, Ixayl’anu a 14. She knows what to look for - occasionally she sees a spout but they’re not hanging out at the surface, only coming up to breathe and going back down, unlike what she’s used to.
Looking out over the water for a little bit they speak with animals at about the same time. About 10-14 whales.
Rana or Ixayl’anu: What are you singing about?
A whale: We’re working
Another whale: We’re busy
Now that they can hear what they’re saying, it doesn’t make sense at first, it has a weird strange poetic cadence to it, it kinda sounds like chanting or a ritual spell.
Ixayl’anu makes an 8 on arcana check
Rana wants to see if this is natural and rolls an 18 nature check. It seems like a natural thing, these are natural whales.
Ixayl’anu: What’s the song about?
There are words they can recognize, but she didn’t pre-arrange the song (Bless you if you know what I meant at the end of this statement).
19 perception from Ixayl’anu to get the meaning through the overlapping song. It’s about wrapping something around things and tying things together and binding something, repetitive in the round song way (row row row your boat lol) about keeping something together, apart from everything else.
Rana is leaning over the railing intrigued by all this.
Ixayl’anu is looking for any visual signs, 14, little waves, but not enough to disturb the pretty view of moonlight on the water. She doesn’t hear any birds or any other splashing. Very quiet other than the whale song.
Rana excitedly runs below deck to wake Phi and Diem up to experience the whales too! Diem actually does manage to perceive whales. It is very cool.
Rana (to whales): Are you coming with us?
A Whale: No we have our own business to attend to
Rana: Where are you going?
Whale: Here
Ixayl’anu: Are you hunting?
Whale: No, we are not hunting. We are very busy.
Rana: Do you need help?
One of the whales spy hops, large whale between humpback and blue whale (fin whale).
Diem: Wow that is so cool.
Rana gets the sense it’s looking at her and comes back down with a snort: I don’t think you could.
Rana: You’d be surprised. I might be able to help if you need help, but what’re you doing?
Whale: It is old magic for our kind.
Ixayl’anu and Rana ask them more about it, find out they’re doing some kind of binding ritual.
Rana casts locate object looking for pieces of the meteor.
She does not sense anything within a thousand feet of her. 
Rana: Is it about a rock?
Whale: It is about the project
Rana looks at Ixayl’anu with an unspoken question.
Ixayl’anu shrugs.
Whale clarifies: The Great Project
Rana: Good luck!
One whale acknowledges with a little fin wave
Rana: They clarified it wasn’t about a rock
Diem knows of sailors telling a few tales of whales helping shipwrecked people and other species and some people say the whales seem to be very benevolent forces, not really heard of magic, just weird sailor tales.
Diem suggests maybe the great project has to do with the sharks teeth thing.
Eventually over the next half hour we get out of immediate range, but we hear them for the rest of the night.
Phi dozed off leaning against something.
We go back to bed and the whole thing puts us at a later rising time. (Farford on the horizon!)
When we wake up we see Farford in the distance.
We’re gonna get 30k platinum for the amber gris (7500 each)
Next session: Jan 14th 5pm. (But really...tomorrow, it’s tomorrow!)
We don’t need to rp out selling whale vomit.
Phi kept a little jar of amber gris for future trade options.
Ixayl’anu tries to find more shark teeth.
(Omitted notes to self with note of omission so I remember to reference them for establishing some previous details)
Diem promises when they receive their cut of the amber gris, to name their firstborn after Ixayl’anu lol.
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