#also I love how drawing for this fic had Regained my art jam back
evanescentsun · 6 months
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Dee finally succumbed to his grief and laid his bare shell down on top of Lee’s discarded blankets, body pencil straight and arms stiff at his sides. Angie followed him down, clinging to one arm and bawling his little heart out.
—Wow, what a coincidence chapter 14 by @mathmusicninja (aka. one of the best crossover fics ever in the world PLS GO AND READ IT NOW !!!!)
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eequalsmcscared · 7 years
Sander Sides Appreciation Month: Logan’s Week Pt. C
Day 1: The First Day of School | Monday, July 31st, 2017
c. Write a fic or draw art of what you think would happen on the first day of school if Logan happened to be your teacher. (Go wild!)
(Okay so I’m going to change the prompt a little bit because I feel uncomfortable writing myself into a story so I hope ya’ll don’t mind. Also, you can find the list here! Seriously, I can’t thank you enough for creating this, @cefmua56 , I’m having so much fun with this and it’s just the first day!!! )
Title: You
Prompt: Virgil is a new student at Seymour High School and has an unexpected run in.
Warnings: Mentions of Panic Attacks, Panicking, and Dead Naming
Word Count: 1,650 (Which I’m pretty proud of)
A/N: This is my first fanfiction I’ve ever written so please be gentle with them! I didn’t bother to go through and edit it so apologize if there are any mistakes. Enjoy! (And please leave feedback! I’d love to hear what I need to improve on.)
Abstract: When a person you thought was gone from your life comes back unexpectedly.
Virgil let out a breath that he didn’t know he was holding as he looked around the new school that was small yet jam packed with too many students. The halls were packed, everyone was in a rush to get to their classes before the first bell rang causing them to be reckless and run into their classmates. Virgil lost track of how many times he has been touched or shoved. His mind was screaming at him as he pushed through the flood of the people, praying he could make it to his first class. Virgil’s heart was in his throat restricting his breathing as he felt time close in on himself. He slipped through the doors to his Algebra II class and moved quickly to the far back of the class, slipping into an empty desk.
Virgil all but relaxed as he heard the first bell ring. The class was silent; except for the couple of students who were seated by, what Virgil assumed, their best friends. He felt his leg bounce up and down as the general anxiety of being a new student in his first class set in. His mind was currently riding the ‘what if…?’ train as it forced him to watch every scenario it came up with end in disaster. Virgil took another deep breath, closing his eyes as a memory came to the front of his mind.
“I don’t want to go to school,” Virgil whined as he looked to his father with a pleading look.
“Look, kiddo, I know you don’t want to go to school,” Patton wore a frown on his face as he looked at how terrified his anxious son was, “but I need you to go.” Virgil shook his head and crossed his arms, staring down at his worn out shoes. He should’ve gotten some new ones for the school year but these should last him another month or two.
Roman walked into the kitchen, rubbing against the legs of Patton then jumping up onto Virgil’s lap. He smiled and rubbed the cat’s white fur that had an odd red strip around his torso. Patton claims that it's natural but Virgil knows for a fact that this was when he was dying his hair red for the first time. He was around fourteen and wondered if the cat’s fur would take to the dye. It was successful.
Patton smiled at the scene before taking a deep breath, his tone showing a bit of his distress, “How about this?” Virgil looked up, “You can try school for about a month and if you still dislike it as much as you and are still struggling, we can switch you to online school.”
Virgil smiled slightly as he hopped off the counter and hugged Patton tightly. Patton wrapped his arms tightly around his son, rubbing Virgil’s already messy hair. “And remember kiddo, breathe in for four seconds…”
“Hold for seven. Breathe out for eight.” Virgil muttered to himself, following his father’s advice to calm down his anxiety.
His attention was turned back to the present when he heard the door open. In walked in their teacher, a man Virgil thought he'd never seen again. “Logan,” he whispered to himself. He felt his body begin to break down with anxiety, panic causing his chest to tighten. He was actually glad he choose to sit at the back so he couldn't recognize him instantly. He relaxed and thought the crisis was averted until Logan began to call of the names of the students. He felt his fear run down his spin.
“Allen, Gregson.” Logan called out by last name, then first.
Virgil’s heart began to beat rapidly.
“Anderson, Taylor.”
“Brown, Mackenzie.”
“Clark, Kent.”
His breathing began to fasten.
“Davis, William.”
“Garcia, Lopez.”
“Hall, Aaron.”
He’s only at the eighth letter in the alphabet, he won’t get to ‘s’ for a while. Virgil tried to reason with his anxiety.
“Martin, Greg.”
“Martinez, Venezuela.”
His heart was bounding, his blood was running cold.
“Miller, Thomson.”
Any second now, my name is going to be called.
“Sanders, Ann-” “It’s Virgil,” he interrupted before Logan can finish his name. Logan looked at the younger teen with shock, not expecting to see anxious kid again. Virgil could see how Logan hesitated before he called out another student's name. Smith, something was what Virgil caught as his mind went on overdrive. None of the scenarios his mind had thought up earlier didn’t add up to this. He felt his whole body tighten as his mind threaten to push in into another anxiety attack. Not again, not again, not again, was repeatedly quickly in his mind slowly becoming his new mantra. He did not want his first day at a new school to be ruined by a panic attack from a guy he thought he’d never see again. He could get through this. “I can get through this,” he whispered.
It took Virgil a couple minutes to regain his posture, but his father’s breathing technique helped him calm down enough to where he could focus on what Logan was talking to the class about. Some stupid introduction thing that Virgil didn’t have to do since Logan already knew him too well. He tried to stay quiet for most of the class, trying to make himself invisible to Logan’s stare. He looked over at Virgil a lot causing him to grow more uncomfortable than he already was. “This is is going to be a long class,” Virgil muttered to himself as he worked on the ‘Get To Know You!!’ worksheet Logan had passed out.
The bell to signify that first period was over rang and half the students quickly left the classroom. They had already packed up their supplies as they noticed the time was nearing the end of that period. Virgil was not one of those lucky students. Instead, he was stuck with the slow ones as he tried his best to pack up quickly and leave. His shaking hands didn’t aid in that matter nor did his uncooperative brain. Instead, it took him a few minutes of slow packing and doing breathing exercises before he was finished.
Virgil felt a bit of relief as he slipped his bag over his shoulder and rushed to the open classroom door. He had almost reached it when
“Ann-,” Logan stopped himself, quickly correcting to, “Virgil. I want you to stay after. I need to talk to you for a few minutes.” The few students that were in the class looked at Virgil with curiosity. The stares and looks caused his anxiety to spike again but he stayed near Logan’s desk as the two waited for the kids to leave the classroom.  Those minutes stretched to hours in Virgil’s mind. Every second feeling like an eternity. But he waited, he waited until the last student left the classroom and closed the door behind them.
Virgil turned around to look at Logan but his eyes fell short of the teacher’s face. He couldn’t look at the man who hurt his father. After a couple of seconds, Virgil hissed out, “What the hell do you want?” “Annabel-” “It’s VIRGIL!” He shouted at Logan, causing the adult to take a step back. A shocked expression was written all over his face. “It’s Virgil,” He said softer. He didn’t mean to shout at Logan but he got so angry when he heard a name that is long since dead to him.
Logan nodded and fixed his tie. He’s nervous, Virgil noticed as he witnessed the action. “I apologize, Virgil. It’s been awhile since I’ve last see-”
“Since you walked out of on us,” Virgil corrected.
“Please, I allow me to speak.” He just rolled his eyes at the statement. “As I was saying, it has been a long time since I’ve been with you or Patton. And I wanted to apologize for just leaving. I now realize I could’ve handled that situation in a more mature and sophisticated way.” Virgil was listening but he tried to keep his emotions hidden. But he knew Logan could tell what exactly was going through his mind. “I understand that you guys are hurt,” Logan took a deep breath, “and I want to make it up to you. I’m inviting you and your father to dinner with me this Saturday at the restaurant of your choosing. I wish to discuss the situation we were placed in and hear my side of the story. I know it’s not going to fix the damage I caused.” He looked down at his hands, twiddling with the black whiteboard marker, “I don’t think anything could but it’s the least I can do for all the trouble I’ve caused.” Logan looked back up to Virgil, “so what do you say?” Virgil didn’t know what to say. His mind had a million things to say but he couldn’t decide. “Well...uh...I-I’ll talk to my dad and see what he says,” he muttered quietly. Logan gave him a simple nod.
Virgil turned around, getting ready to leave the classroom again.
“Hey Virgil?” Virgil turned around and saw Logan with his arms open slightly. A hug, his mind recognized the gestures. This shocked the teen to say the least, Logan wasn’t much for physical contact and hugs were a rarity. He only reserved them for Patton mostly which caused a smile to break onto Virgil’s face. He quickly ran over and hugged Logan tightly. It hurt his heart to be near someone who had left a huge impact on his family but Virgil couldn’t help to forgive him. Even if it was tiny a bit. He pulled away with a wide smile on his face, glad to see that Logan was matching his expression.
“Now get to class.” Maybe this wouldn’t be a bad school year after all, Virgil thought to himself as he hurried to his next class.
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