#also I'm just gonna put this in the tags right here: stop putting your flour in the refrigerator
an-aura-about-you · 4 months
so MY day blew absolute chunks!
under the cut for sickness both human and animal, vomit mention, family trouble, a near accident, and general unpleasantness.
-started the day kinda lazy and late since I was sick Sunday and part of Monday. ended up starting it so late that by the time I fed the cat he wolfed it down too fast and vomited it back up. :( so that was a thing I had to clean up before leaving.
-got a message from my sibling that our mother is Losing Her Goddamn Mind. what's going on is she's started drinking again, and this is apparently the final straw for Dad, who has decided a separation is in order for him to establish proper boundaries. so he and my sibbie are moving out into an apartment. so our mother swung right into angry and controlling and straight up said my sibling was "trying to steal her husband." a quick bullet list on that:
anyway, I told my sibbie they could use my spare keys to stay at my place if they like while I'm out at the office.
-leave for work with the bare minimum of what I need for the day to be okay: my laptop, lanyard, phone, headphones, cane, and half a bottle of Gatorade. I don't bring a lunch, a reusable cup, any of my herbal teas I use to make flavored water, and my money situation is so tight that buying lunch means it's going on the credit card. but at this point I'm like, "fuck it, I'll buy lunch."
-one bit of luck: at the lunch kiosk they're selling chicken gumbo, so I get a cup of that and it's not too pricey AND it tasted good. also earlier I overheard the lady who works there talkin' nice about me behind my back after I came in and wished the crew there good morning. (I pass the lunch kiosk on the way to the elevators.)
-the site to clock in and out was malfunctioning for me most of today. I had to send an email for FOUR missing punches, the most I've ever had to deal with. at least I can back up my presence with the group chat, my badging in and out of the office, and witnesses.
-I got some texts from the social committee, which was fine that they got to do the Valentine's Day treat bags for all our neighbors, but I was sad that I was too sick on Sunday and working yesterday and today, so I couldn't help put them together or pass them out. :( (I did get mine when I got home and it was very cute!)
-lunch time rolls around, so I go out to a nice coffee shop and get some tea. there was construction on my way, so I try looking into an alternate path back to the office. once I realized that path would take longer than going through the construction again, I turn around and on my way back I NEARLY GOT HIT BY A CAR TURNING LEFT INTO THE ROAD???? AND THEY HAD THE NERVE TO HONK AT ME LIKE I WASN'T SUPPOSED TO BE THERE WHEN THEY WERE THE ONE TURNING?????????
-I get some extra work tonight because even though I'm not doing my day team's banks this week, I'm learning how to hand them out AND a night team coworker had some connection issues so I had to do two of her banks.
-I also found out that the coworker who does the day team banks this week will be out tomorrow, so I WILL have to do the day team banks then.
-all after my last break, I heard my bothersome coworker talk on and on about her conservative politics, cooking info that I know from my Le Cordon Bleu background doesn't work with the science, and medical misinformation that will likely get her killed. this is the same person who has a "strongly held religious belief against wearing masks" and "believes parasites cause cancer." her latest take is that sugar causes all ills. arthritis? sugar. dementia? sugar. glaucoma? sugar. like, what????? is any of this actually proven? by a reputable source?
-when I got home I found that the cat coughed up a hairball on my comforter. :(
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khoicesbyk · 1 year
The Royal Romance.
Love Everlasting.
A/N: I had a different name and plot for this fic over a year ago. But after being in the RP community for more than a year, I've decided to write the current Royal Life of my favorite OTP.
Rated: Mature (at times can and will be Explicit. I'll be sure to change the rating when and if that happens). | Contains sexual content and strong language. (You know? The usual. Y'all should be used to this from me by now 😁) | Bolded and/or italicized words are conversations and thoughts of the characters. | Main Characters: King Marquise Rys (LI) and Queen Shanelle Miller-Rys (MC) | All Characters and names: (except MC and original characters created by me and/or other authors [their characters have been mentioned and/or used in the story with their permission] ) are property of Pixelberry.
Current Word Count: 40K words. (may be slightly more or may be slightly less. Look, I stop counting after editing and re-editing and driving myself insane. 🤷🏾‍♀️)
If you’d like to be added to my tag list. Just reblog or dm me and I will gladly add you! 😁😘
This series is rated Mature and/or Explicit. It is NOT reading material that is safe for those under 18. Reader discretion is STRONGLY advised!
Missing a chapter or want to read a chapter again? I got you covered! Click ——> Here!
Tag List: @choicesficwriterscreations
Chapter 7.) One Last Goodbye. Part 4.
When she woke up the next morning, she had vengeance on her mind. After jumping in the shower and throwing on a charcoal gray sundress, Shanelle was ready to give Marquise a piece of her mind. She stormed down the back stairs to the kitchen, only to find him shirtless and in an apron and jeans. He was fixing them breakfast.
“Oh good! You’re awake. I thought I was gonna have to come wake you up. By the way, how do you like your eggs, love?” he said to her.
She was stuck. Every ounce of rage she had drained out of her the minute she saw him. He looked at her with a teasing smirk.
“See something you like, Princess?” he asks.
She crossed her arms and huffed.
“Take a picture, love. It'll last you a lot longer than staring at me will.”
“Why are you not wearing a shirt?” she asked.
“Well for starters, this is my house. Which means I don't have to wear a shirt. But since you asked I got flour over it when making scones or what you Americans call biscuits.” he replies as he puts the biscuits in the oven and sets the timer for 15 minutes.
She couldn't help but look him up and down.
“Come here, Shanelle.”
She huffed.
“I'm not one of your subjects. You don't get to order me around.”
“Is that what you think I'm doing?” he asks.
“Why not? You wouldn't be the first Royal to try and tell me what to do,” she replies.
“No, I wouldn't. But I'm also not your father and I'm certainly not your uncle. Now come here. You’re too far away.”
Shanelle unfolded her arms and walked over to him.
“Much better.” he said as he moved a few strands of hair from in front of her face, “now did you sleep well?”
“Yes. You know I love that bed,” she replies.
“Good. Now breakfast will be ready soon. I hope you’re hungry because we have much to discuss.”
“We certainly do.” she agreed.
He wrapped his left arm around her waist and pulled her closer to him. While holding a strawberry in his right hand to her lips.
“Bite,” he instructed.
She looked him in the eye as she took a bite of the strawberry. She watched him eat the rest of the strawberry.
“Sweet enough?” he asks.
She nodded her head yes.
“Good.” was all he said before he pulled her tight to his chest and kissed her deep. He knew she was angry with him, but he also knew how to disarm her. Their kiss was also sweet thanks to them sharing a strawberry. They also began to intensify and become very heated.
“How do you do that?” she asked breathlessly in between kisses.
“Do what?” he replies.
“Make me want to take your head off in one breath then make my heart stutter in the next?”
He smiled against the spot just below her right ear.
“It's because I know you, Shanelle. I know what buttons to push to get the reaction that I want.” he whispered before nipping her earlobe, “I know where to touch. I know where to kiss. I know how to make you mine.”
His lips traveled from her ear to the crook of her neck. He would've kept going if the timer he set hadn't gone off. When he pulled away from her, she had a glow to her from the cold sweat on her skin.
“Have a seat, love. Breakfast is just about done.”
She blinked before taking a deep breath and taking a seat at the kitchen island. A few minutes later breakfast was served and she was impressed.
“This is like the breakfast we had in Cordonia at your duchy. And you did all this yourself?” she asks.
“With my own two hands. Mostly everything is homemade and handmade. Except for the eggs, the thick-cut bacon since I couldn't find pancetta, the potatoes, onions, and peppers, the shredded Gouda, the brioche to make the Pain Perdu, and the yogurt to make the parfaits with. Those I had to go to the store for. Now eat up.” he replies.
Shanelle inhaled her food right in front of him.
“Were you hungry, love?” he asked.
“Just a little. Are you gonna eat that last biscuit?” she replies.
“All yours. I've learned to never stand in the way of you and food.” he replies.
He watched her polish off the last biscuit.
“So how’d I do?” he asks.
“You did a lot better than I thought,” she replies. “Now you said something to the effect of we have business to discuss?”
“I did. And we do. It's about your role as the next Queen.”
“Okay. Can I ask questions?” she asked.
“Always,” he replies.
Marquise opened his laptop to her.
“Now this is a list of every council, commission, guild, charity, and club in Cordonia. I want you to go through all of them and pick your top 10.”
“Why?” she asks.
“Because every Queen has to have a cause she believes in. Even you,” he replied.
Shanelle nodded as she went over the list. After 30 or so minutes she had her favorites picked out. Half had to do with Education and the other half had to do with Healthcare in Cordonia.
“That didn't take as long as I thought it would.”
“How long did you think it would take?” Shanelle asks.
“At least half a day. I am curious as to why you chose those as the causes you believe in,” he replies.
“Because of my mom and my grandmother. My mom is a teacher who has always fought for education. And my grandmother was a nurse who believed strongly in healing.”
“Those are excellent reasons to choose the causes you chose.”
“Now I have a question for you.”
“Ask away love.”
“Who would actually rule Cordonia? Me or you?” she asks.
“That's two questions. But to answer them both, I would,” he replies.
“What?! Why you?” she asks.
“Hierarchy. Although you and I are the oldest heirs in our families, I am still older than you. Thus…” he replied.
“You get to be King.” she pouted.
He smirked before kissing the back of her left hand.
“Now now, no need to pout or feel jealous love. You will always be my equal. I would never allow anyone to treat you less than you deserve to be treated. You are the Queen Of Cordonia. I will be damned if anyone were to ever disrespect you.”
“You can't control how the world sees me, Marquise.”
“True. But that would never stop me from trying.”
She smiled softly at him.
“Come here,” he said as he hopped off his stool and pulled her to her feet.
“Do you know what I see when I look at you?” he asks.
“What?” she replies.
“I see a gorgeous woman with a courageous and loving heart. I see a fighter who would never give up fighting for what she believes in. I see a beautiful soul who lights up every room she's in. That's what I see when I look at you.”
She couldn't help but blush.
“You know what else I see?” he asks.
“What?” she replies.
“I see a woman who is destined for greatness. I also see a woman who will one day be an amazing mother.”
“Me?! A mom?!” she asks.
“Yes. Unfortunately there is one non-negotiable caveat to being the next Monarchs of Cordonia. We would have to produce an heir.” he replies.
Shanelle let out a breath.
“Nobody told me that.”
“I'm sure and I'm sorry for just dropping a bomb like that on you. But I do strongly believe that you would be a great mother. You have this incredible maternal instinct to nurture, love, and protect like no other.”
“Thank you. My mom and grandmother always believed that family is a community and that community is family.”
“They taught you well.”
“Yeah, they did. So what do you think we’ll have? A little girl or a little boy?” she asked.
“I'm praying for a boy, one of you is more than enough,” he replied.
She sucked her teeth before playfully shoving him.
“Getting handsy are we?” he asked with an eyebrow raised.
“Uh oh.”
“Yeah. Now’s the part where you run from me.”
He chased her around the island until he had his arms around her waist and both were breathless and laughing. He moved her hair out of her face.
“This is where you belong, Shanelle.”
“And where is that?” she asks.
“In my arms,” he whispered in her ear.
She had to close her eyes and take a deep breath to stop her heartbeat from racing. It did her no good once he started nipping at her earlobe. He went from her earlobe to the crook of her neck across her left shoulder. That's when he noticed something.
“You're not wearing a bra, are you?”
“You just now noticed?”
He groaned.
“You could've told me.”
“You would've pouted if I told you instead of letting you find out for yourself.”
“True. Well now that I do know, I can do this…” he trailed off before pinning her against the wine cellar door. She had her palms braced against the door. He tilted her chin up so she was looking him in the eyes.
“Don't move. Think you can do that?” he asks. She nodded her head yes. “Good girl.”
He traced her neck and shoulder with a finger exposing both and followed that finger with his lips, making her tremble. He slowly pulled the strap of her dress down her arm, kissing and grazing her skin with his teeth. He repeated the process on her right shoulder, exposing her chest to him.
“Beautiful,” he said before placing light kisses across the top of her sternum. He listened to her take slow breaths. As he kissed her skin, he slowly slid his right hand up the slit on the side of her dress.
“Thank God this dress has slits on the side. You wore this dress to tease me, didn't you?” he asks.
“No. I'm wearing it because it was the first thing I grabbed out of my closet.” she replies.
She felt his hand graze the inside of her thigh and had to bite her lip. He swirled his tongue around her right areola and swirled the fingers he had on her thigh the same way. The sensation gave her a very heady feeling. She let out a breath as his hand slipped into her panties. With his thumb on her clit he slid two fingers inside her.
“Shit!” she breathed out.
It felt good. He felt good. His mouth was warm and his fingers were magic. She wanted more. More of his warm touch. More of his intoxicating kisses. More of him. She pulled his mouth from her breasts to her lips.
“Should I stop?” he whispered against her lips.
“No,” she replied.
As they kissed again, she felt his fingers move causing her to moan loudly. Which is exactly what he wanted. He worked the fingers he still had inside her and went back to sucking on her nipple. The pleasure was so intense it caused her to curl her hands into fists with her nails digging into her palms. He continued to drive her up a wall as he played with her. Sending her orgasm peaking higher. He loved the sounds she made as he teased her. When he felt her thighs clamp shut around his wrist and her walls squeezed around his fingers, he knew she was getting close. That's when he stopped cold.
“No! No!” she protested.
“Shhh! You'll get what you want. But first I want you to go upstairs and take a hot shower or a cold one whichever you prefer, I want you to find something to wear with a little less fabric, and I'll be upstairs to finish what I started once I'm done cleaning the kitchen. Do you understand?”
“Yes what?” he asked with an eyebrow raised.
“Yes my Prince,” she replied.
He tilted her chin up, while he rubbed his thumb across her bottom lip.
“King, my love.” he corrected her, “from this moment on, I am your King. Is that clear?”
“Why would I call you my King?” she asked.
“Because you are my Queen. And it's time we learned and spoke our titles into existence," he replied.
“My uncle won't like that. Neither will your father.”
“I don't give a damn what they like or what they think," he growled. “We are the future of Cordonia and they are the past, my love. It's time for us to take the helm.”
Shanelle nodded.
“Now go upstairs, I'll be upstairs soon.”
“Yes, my King.”
He smirked as he watched her go up the back stairs.
“Quit staring at my ass you creep!” she yelled over her shoulder as she walked up the steps.
He returned to the kitchen to begin cleaning up. After about 45 minutes he was done and on his way up the stairs to her. When he got to the top of the stairs, he heard the shower turn on. When he walked into the Master Bedroom, she was getting undressed.
“Didn't I tell you to take a shower before I got up here?” he asks.
“You did. But then I decided for myself,” she replies.
“What did you decide, my Queen?” he asks with an eyebrow raised.
“I decided I didn't want to be in the shower alone. So get undressed. We have a shower to take.” she replies.
A slow grin bloomed on his face.
“As my Queen commands,” he said as he started getting undressed.
He followed her into the bathroom. They spent an hour in the shower. She couldn't keep her hands off of him and he couldn't keep his off of her. Every touch was just as heated as the water and every kiss was more desperate and hungrier than the last. They couldn't get enough of each other. They finally washed up and then exited the shower. She stopped long enough to spray herself with a little perfume. He brought her left wrist to his lips and kissed it lightly catching the scent of her perfume. She grabbed her lotion and went to sit on the bed after drying off. Just as she was about to apply her lotion, he snatched the bottle away from her.
“My job," he said to her. “Now hold your arms out.”
She held out her arms as he gently applied her lotion. Slowly massaging it into her soft skin. He slowly opened her towel revealing all of her to him. He continued to apply lotion to all of her exposed skin. His touch was warm and gentle and sensual. When he was done, she was ready to pounce on him. When he went to lotion himself she stopped him.
“My turn,” she said to him.
“No. My Queen. You serve no one. Not even me.”
“But I do serve you. The same way you serve me. We serve each other. My King.”
He smirked.
“As you wish, my Queen.”
She was just as slow and sensual with him as he was with her. Taking care to leave goosebumps on his skin. When she was done, they crawled under the covers and were snuggled up together.
“So is this what we're doing all day? Just laying in this bed naked?’ she asked.
“Yes. I just want you safe in my arms,” he replies.
She sighed contentedly.
He kissed her forehead softly as they spent the day curled up in bed together, only leaving to order from his favorite Greek restaurant around the corner from the brownstone. The more time she spent with him, the further she fell in love with him. She started to believe she found the one she loved.
Marquise hated having to split his time between his home in Cordonia and the home he was starting to create with Shanelle. So he decided that it was time to propose. He couldn't wait any longer. He needed her. He wanted her. While in Cordonia he picked out the engagement ring of her dreams. A 12-carat Princess Cut Canary Diamond. He knew her ring size because while she slept he would sneak and size her ring finger. His plan was perfect. He was flying into Boston the day after having the ring shipped there and would surprise her with it.
There were just two problems. Her ex and worse: his.
When Naya found out Marquise had plans to formally propose to Shanelle, she was livid. It was unacceptable. It was unfathomable. It was not going to happen. He couldn't propose to her. But no one would talk to her. That's when she cornered Maxwell.
“Where is he, Maxwell?! Where is my husband?” Naya demanded.
“At home waiting on you obviously,” Maxwell replied.
“You know what I mean!”
“No, I don't.”
“Where is Marquise?!” she asked.
“I don’t know, I haven't seen him. Not lately anyway,” he replied.
“You're lying Maxwell! I know you've seen him! So where is he?!”
“Even if I knew, I couldn't tell you.”
“You couldn't tell me or you wouldn't tell me?” she asked.
“For the sake of my sanity both,” he replies.
“Whatever! Just tell me everything you know about this girl.”
“I don't know anything about her.”
Naya was losing her patience.
“Maxwell…I will have you castrated if you don't tell me everything that I want to know.”
She forced Maxwell to tell her everything that Marquise was doing and had done. It broke her heart but Naya was determined to make sure that they were never to be engaged. All that was left was for her to convince Marquise to break off this engagement.
She tried everything she could think of but none of it deterred him. She was getting desperate. So she tried one last time to convince him. She reached out to him and asked him to join her for dinner. He agreed. He didn't want to hurt her but this had to end. He also wanted to be transparent with Shanelle. So he let her know the minute he said yes to Naya’s invitation.
“And you’re sure this is just dinner?” Shanelle asked.
“Yes, love. It's just dinner. I owe her that much.” he replies.
“Okay. Where are you going to dinner?” she asked.
“At one of her favorite places in the city center,” he replied.
Shanelle nodded.
“Well have fun, Your Highness.”
Marquise can hear the tone in her voice.
“Shanelle. I swear to you, nothing will happen.”
“I just don't want her to guilt trip you.”
“Don't worry, my love.”
“Okay, I won't worry. I do hope that you have a good time.”
“Thank you, beautiful. I'll call you later.”
She smiled at him softly before hanging up the FaceTime call. Marquise made his way to the restaurant which was empty. He found Naya sitting on a bench waiting for him.
“Good evening, Your Highness,” she said as she greeted him.
“Good evening. You look absolutely beautiful tonight,” he replies.
Naya smiled softly.
“Thank you. Please let's take our seats.”
They walked to their seats, where he made sure to pull her chair out. When he sat across from her, she felt the butterflies in her stomach flutter. He noticed her perfume.
“Is that the perfume I got you for Christmas last year?” he asked.
“No, my birthday. It's my favorite. You always knew what I liked.” she replies.
“I hope you don't mind. I ordered for both of us.”
He smiled softly.
“Not at all. Now, why are we having dinner?” he asked.
“I just…I need to talk to you,” she replies.
“About what?” he asks.
“About us,” she replies.
“Naya. We've been through this. There is no us.”
“No. You've just avoided me left and right. You won't even talk to me.”
“You know that I don't like repeating myself. And I've told you that we are no longer together.”
“But why? Why don't you love me?!” she asks.
“My dear. I care about you. Deeply. And I would never want or intend to hurt you. But I'm not in love with you. I need you to understand this. Then there's the fact you are already married.” he replies.
“You know I don't love him.”
“I know you don't. But it doesn't matter. You still married him. And you know damn well that I don't play second to any man.”
“Okay fine. I'll leave him. If that'll make you stop this madness.”
“You know you can't do that.”
“I can and I will.”
Marquise exhaled slowly.
“Okay let's say you do leave him, what will you do about your father’s debt? Because if you think for one second that my father won't force him to pay it out of spite you’re sadly mistaken, love.”
“I can't be in a loveless marriage, Marquise. I can't.”
“You said he was good to you.”
“He is good to me but he doesn't love me. Not like you would love me.”
“I'm sorry, Naya. But you and I just aren't meant to be.”
“So that's it? You’re just going to throw me away? After everything?” she asks, holding back tears.
“In another life Mi Hermosa, we would be perfect,” he replies.
“But we are perfect. And we can still be perfect. I know you want to be King. I understand that. I commend that. And you can do that. With me. We can rule Cordonia together. You don't have to choose her.”
Marquise rubbed the knuckles of her left hand, toggling her diamond wedding band.
“I do have to choose her. She and I are destined for each other. This kingdom deserves us. I deserve her. I need her. I have never met anyone like her. She's what Cordonia needs. And if anything, I love her Naya. I am in love with her. That's not to say that I don't care for you. Because I do and I always will. But I'm not in love with you.”
“What's so special? What does she have that I don't?” Naya asks.
“She's kind. She's beautiful. She's smart. She makes me smile. She has a heart of gold. She's a fighter, Naya. She never gives up. She's always fighting. I can't stop thinking about her. I always want to be around her. She's everything I could ever want. I love her. I'm in love with her.” he replies.
Naya dropped her fork.
“I am begging you, Marquise. Don't marry her. Please don't break my heart. You are the love of my life. I am begging you. Come back to me. Be mine.”
“Naya…Mi dulce amor. I can't. I can't be with you. I'm so sorry. I love you. I care about you. But we will never be together.”
Tears in her eyes, Naya pulled her hand away from Marquise.
“Fine! Since you want to be a stupid stubborn fool, be my guest! Just know that I will make your life a living hell!” she hissed at him.
She stood up and turned to walk away but his guards stopped her.
“Get out of my way!” she yelled at his guards. They didn't budge. “I said move!”
“You know they don't listen to anyone but me,” Marquise said to her.
“Then tell these baboons of yours to move!” she hissed.
As she stood there fuming, Marquise walked up behind her and wrapped his arms around her. She stood there trembling in his arms. He buried his face into the crook of her neck.
“I want to leave!” she said to him.
She felt his lips softly kiss under her left ear.
“My beautiful love. You know you can't threaten me and think you can just walk away,” he growled in her ear. He felt her flinch in his arms.
Slowly he turned her around so she could face him. He watched silent tears stream down her face.
“You would never hurt me,” she said tearily.
“You're right. I would never hurt you. I couldn't. My love for you…my love of you would never allow me to harm you. That's how much you mean to me. But you need to know that I will not ever be threatened. Not even by you. Now, I understand your anger and your heartbreak. You have every right to be angry with me. But no matter how angry you are at me, you will NOT defy me. You will NOT stand in my way. Do you understand Naya?”
She whimpered.
“Yes. I understand,” she replies.
He tilted her head up so she was looking him in the eye.
“Yes, what?” he asks.
“Yes, my Prince,” she replied quietly.
He kissed away her tears.
“King, my love. From this here on out, I am your King.”
Naya nodded slowly.
“Yes, my King.”
“Come here,” he said to her.
He wrapped his arms around her as she burst into tears.
“Shhhh! Don't cry. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you.”
“I'm not in trouble?” she asks.
“No love. You’re not. Now it's time for you to go home. Don't worry about the check. I'll pay for everything.” he replied.
He rubbed her back as she started to calm down.
“Are you sure?”
“Yes, Mi Amor. I'm sure. My guards will make sure you get home safe.”
Naya looked up at him, as he kissed her forehead gently. He watched her follow his guards out of the restaurant. Marquise let out a breath he hadn't realized he had been holding in. As much as he loved Naya, his heart belonged to Shanelle. And for him, it was time to make it official.
Later that night, Marquise was on a red-eye flight to Boston. He couldn't wait to see her, to hold her, to kiss her slowly, and to finally make her his wife. He took a good nap, he wanted to be in tip-top shape when he finally saw her. As he got closer to Boston, he called her.
“Helluh…” she answered half asleep.
“Good morning my love. Did I wake you up?” he asked.
“Mmmhmm,” she replies as she sat up with a stretch.
“I'm sorry, beautiful. I didn't mean to wake you up but I have a surprise for you and I need you to wake up.”
That's when Ozzie woke up with a loud yawn and a shake of his head. Ozzie laid his head in her lap.
“Uh, is your dog in my spot?” he asked.
“Yes. He kept me company last night,” she replied.
Marquise shook his head.
“I've missed you.”
“I've missed you too, my love. I'll see you soon. In the meantime, I want you to get up, go get in the shower, and get dressed and I will see you later. Sound good?”
Shanelle nodded.
“Good. I'm still in the air. So I'll see you in an hour after I land.”
Marquise ended the call and took a deep breath. This was it. She was about to be his wife. There was just one problem. Naya had one more card to play. A few days before she had dinner with Marquise, she had contacted Cassian under a fake name and convinced him to save Shanelle from Marquise.
When Marquise landed in Boston, he went and picked up the ring. Holding the ring box was a sobering reminder that he was about to make Shanelle an honest woman. And she's about to make him an honest man. The drive from the jewelry store to the brownstone had his mind and emotions all over the place. He was so close to being King but more importantly, he was close to being with the love of his life for the rest of his life.
When he pulled into the garage he started to see the light at the end of the tunnel. When he walked into the house, Shanelle had just come down the back stairs.
“Hey, beautiful,” he said as he greeted her.
“Hey yourself,” she replied.
When she got to him, she couldn't wait to throw her arms around him. Feeling her in his arms made his heart flip.
“How was your flight?” she asked.
“It was alright. It's better now that I'm here,” he replied.
“How was dinner with your ex last night?” she asks.
Marquise let out a breath.
“It was…hard. I hated seeing her like that,” he replies.
“Like what?”
“Come sit down,” she said to him.
They sat down at the kitchen island.
“Tell me what happened.”
“I'm surprised you want to know.”
“Of course, I want to know. Because I know it's bothering you.”
Marquise took her hands in his.
“I hated it Shanelle. I hated every minute of it. I hated seeing her like that. She was desperate. She was hurt. And when she started to cry, I almost lost my nerve. I love her Shanelle. I always have and I always will. She's a good woman. And I care about her deeply. But as I have said before I'm not in love with her. I'm not. I wish I could be. I never meant to hurt her. And I hate myself because I hurt her.”
“I understand. I understand why this bothers you. You’re right, you never meant to hurt her. But you told her the truth. And I'm proud of you for that.”
“You should've seen her, Shanelle. I could barely look at her. And then she went off on me and she threatened me.”
“She threatened you?!” she asked.
“It's not as dramatic as it sounds. She was angry and hurt. And I wasn't in any danger but my guards didn't see it that way.”
“Hell hath no fury.”
Marquise chuckled.
“True. I want her to be happy. She and I just aren't meant to be together.”
Shanelle nodded.
“I'm proud of you and you did the right thing by telling her the truth.”
“Thank you, my love. Now onto better things. I have a surprise for you.”
“What kind of surprise?” she asked.
“If I tell you then it's not a surprise,” he replied.
“If you tell me, I'll still act surprised.”
“Oh, you are a naughty girl! The surprise is for later. Now I hope you’re hungry because I am starving.”
“Didn't you eat on the plane?” she asks.
“Airplane food is upscale hospital food,” he replies.
“You've had hospital food?” she asks.
“I had my tonsils taken out when I was 9. And I had appendicitis and had to have my appendix removed a few years ago,” he replied.
“Oh okay. So what's for breakfast?” she asks.
“Every college student’s midnight savior, Tina’s” he replies.
“Well, what do you know? The Prince does have good taste,” she replies.
He smiled tightly.
“Shut up and walk out the door.”
Shanelle put on her shoes and out the door, they went. They spent the morning having breakfast and he took her to his favorite park to watch a youth soccer tournament that the foster homes he sponsored were hosting.
She loved seeing him with the kids. He came alive around them. Teaching, encouraging, and training the children. She especially loved when the kids tackled and piled on him. When he finally emerged from underneath the pile, he was out of breath and smiling.
“Having fun, Your Highness?” she asked Marquise.
“I…love…this!” he replied out of breath.
“You looked good out there.”
“Thank you, beautiful.”
That's when Marquise’s friend Tommy jogged up.
“Marquise! Thank you again for coming! I truly appreciate it.”
“It's always a pleasure to be here. Let me introduce you to Princess Shanelle Miller. Shanelle, this jackass with a heart of gold is Tommy Mason.”
Tommy snickered.
“You spoiled bitch!”
Tommy turns to Shanelle.
“It's a pleasure to meet you Shanelle.”
“Likewise, Tommy. I've heard nothing but great things about you.”
“Oh so this asshole with a scepter stuck up his ass, actually said something nice about someone who isn't his ugly reflection?”
Marquise rolled his eyes good-naturedly.
“How are you doing on the Christmas toy drive, Tommy?” Marquise asks.
“We're doing great. Thanks again for securing everything.” Tommy replied.
“It's a joy, Tommy.”
One of the kids called out to Tommy.
“Duty calls. I'll see you soon.”
“Of course Tommy.”
Marquise watched his friend jog off toward the kids before he and Shanelle headed back to the brownstone. The more time they spent there, the more it felt like home and a refuge to him. Unfortunately for the Prince, that home and refuge were about to be tested.
As they made their back, his phone buzzed, it was a notification from the security system. Someone had tripped the silent alarm and motion sensor on the kitchen door. And when he pulled into the garage he was ready to fight, but he didn't want to scare Shanelle so he acted like nothing was wrong. As they walked into the house, he pulled her aside.
“I have a job for you,” he said to Shanelle.
“What?” she asks.
“It's about your surprise. But first we need to get changed,” he replies.
Before going up the back stairs she had a question for him.
“Hey, Uncle Scar! Will I like this surprise?” she asks.
“Simba it's to DIE for,” he replied.
She snickered before both headed upstairs. While he watched her disappear into the shower, he heard a noise coming from downstairs. So he snuck out of the Master bedroom and headed toward the stairs by the front door. When he walked into the living room he didn't see anything. But when he walked back into the kitchen, he was greeted by the barrel of a gun.
“What the fuck?!”
At the other end of the gun, stood her ex Cassian.
“Where is she?!” Cassian demanded.
“What the fuck are you doing here?” Marquise replied.
“Where is Shanelle?!”
“She's upstairs!”
“I swear to God if you did anything to hurt her, I'll be the last thing you ever see in life!” Cass seethed.
“You're not too smart, are you? You’re threatening the son of a foreign diplomat!”
“I don't fucking care! Far as I'm concerned you've earned it! Especially after everything you've done!”
“Put the gun down!”
“Not until you tell me where Shanelle is!”
“I just told you she's upstairs!”
“Prove it!”
“Put the gun down and I'll prove it.”
“Yeah, no!”
“Fine, then we’re gonna be standing here.”
“No. I'm gonna be standing here and you’re gonna be bleeding out on the floor from a gunshot wound.”
“Are you seriously threatening to shoot me?!”
“It's a promise, not a threat.”
That's when they heard footsteps coming down the stairs.
“What is all that racket going on down here?” Shanelle asks.
“Shanelle, stay where you are!” Cass told her.
“Cass?! Is that you?” she asks.
“Yeah, it's me. Stay where you are,” he replies.
“Do not stay where you are! Get down here and stop this idiot from doing something incredibly stupid.” Marquise piped up.
“Shut up!” Cass hissed at Marquise.
When Shanelle got to the bottom of the steps she couldn't believe what she saw.
“What the hell is going on?! Cass, why are you pointing a gun at him?!”
“Are you alright?” Cass asked her.
“I'm fine. What the hell are you doing?! Put the gun down!” Shanelle replied.
“Not until I know you’re safe.”
“Cass you have until the count of 5 to put the gun down otherwise I will make you swallow it! Put it down!” she yelled.
Cass finally put the gun down on the island countertop and everyone took a breath.
“Oh. My. God. Cass…WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU?! You know what? Scratch that I don’t care about that right now. Why are you here?!” she asked.
“I came here looking for you,” he replied.
“Looking for me for what?” she asks.
“I got a tip that you were in trouble so I came here to see if you were here and if you were okay,” he replies.
“How noble.” Marquise mocked.
“Shut up before I shoot you in front of her.” Cass hissed.
“Cass if you shoot him and I will have you sent back to your daughter in pieces. Do not touch that gun!” Shanelle warned.
Cass looked back at her.
“You know what? Hold on! How in the hell did you get in here, Cass?” Shanelle asks.
“Oh I can answer that. He tripped the silent alarm and motion sensor.” Marquise replies.
“What are you talking about? What silent alarm and motion sensor?” Cass asked Marquise.
“The one on the kitchen door genius,” Marquise replies.
Shanelle looked back to the kitchen door then it dawned on her.
“Oh no! No! No! No! No! No! NO!”
“What?” the two men ask.
Shanelle took a deep breath before balling her hands into fists and glaring at Cassian.
“Cass, I will only ask you this once, did you pick the lock on the kitchen door?”
“I didn't have a key so I had to get in somehow,” Cass replies.
Shanelle wanted to scream.
“So you broke into someone else's house. Is that what you’re telling me?” she asked her ex.
“When no one answered the front door, I came around back to see if there was a back door or something. I found it and picked the lock to gain access,” Cass replies.
Shanelle could feel her blood pressure rise.
“Oh my God. This is a nightmare. It has to be. I must be dreaming. That's it. I'm dreaming. I must've slipped in the shower and hit my head. Because that's the only plausible reason this shit is happening. Because this is not real life.”
“It's real Princess. I'm here. The question is what are you doing here?” Cass asked her.
“I live here you green-eyed airhead! I've been here for months,” she replies.
“Okay, then why is he here?” Cass asked.
“He owns the house!” she replies.
“When were you gonna tell me you moved back to Boston?” Cass asked her.
“I wasn't,” she replies.
“Why?” Cass asks.
“Because where I go, who I'm with, and what I do is none of your fucking business anymore.” she replies.
Shanelle exhaled before sitting down at the kitchen island.
“Cass, do you have a warrant?” she asked.
“No,” he replies.
Shanelle screamed silently.
“Cassian. Sit. Down. Now!” she instructed.
She watched him sit on the stool next to her.
“So you might wanna holster your gun, Cass,” Shanelle said to him.
“Why?” Cass asked.
“Because if you don't you'll more than likely, wind up getting shot by your own service weapon,” Shanelle replies.
Cass grabbed the gun off the island and holstered it.
“I have told you that you have an unnatural lust for violence before, right?” Cass asked her.
“Whatever. Where did this tip that I was in danger from?” she replies.
“That's confidential. I can't tell you.”
“You have two choices. You can either tell me where you got the tip from or I can call your superiors and ask one of them. Because I'm sure they'd love to know why you’re here WITHOUT A WARRANT!”
Cass groaned while Marquise snorted. Cass glared at the Prince over Shanelle’s shoulder.
“Some girl who claimed she was from Cordonia said that the royal jackass over there was dangerous. And she gave me this address.”
“She give a name?” Shanelle asked.
“Nyla something,” Cass replied.
“Nyla? Who the hell is that?” Shanelle asked.
“Ask the Prince. She said you and her are on his list of people that he's hurt.” Cass replies.
Shanelle looked back to Marquise who was equally confused until it dawned on him.
“You've got to be fucking kidding me!” Marquise hissed.
“What? What is it?” Shanelle asked Marquise.
“Her name isn't Nyla, it's Naya. She's the one who called.” he replies.
“Your ex? The one you saw last night?” Shanelle asked.
“The one and the same. She called him and he came running,” he replied.
“Okay. Here's what's gonna happen. Marquise you go deal with your ex. And Cass you stay where you are.”
Marquise got up with his phone to his ear and went upstairs without looking back.
“Look Princess—” Cass started to say before she cut him off, “whatever excuse you’re about to give me, don't! Because I'm not in the mood for you.”
“It's not an excuse! You need to listen," he said to her.
“Listen to what?” she asks.
Just as Cass got ready to respond, Marquise’s voice boomed from upstairs.
“Whatever she did, he deserves it,” Cass muttered.
“Stop it! No one deserves to nearly be shot, Cass.”
“I wasn't gonna shoot him.”
“Yes, you were. You had every intention of shooting him.”
“Okay fine so what if I did?” he asked.
“How?!” Cass asks.
“You could've killed him! And if you did that would have caused his father to declare war and we’d all be in some shit!” she replies.
Shanelle let out an explosive breath.
“Do you know how much trouble we could've been in?” she asks Cass.
“We would've been fine,” he replies.
“No, we wouldn't have. You'd be locked up here in the states and I would've either been locked up here or worse I would've been locked up in Cordonia.”
Shanelle shook her head.
“So why are you here, Princess?” he asked her.
“Because I have to be. I can't be in New York anymore. Too many memories. Too much heartbreak. I needed to get out. And he gave me that way out. He's letting me stay here for however long I want.”
“That's not why you’re staying here, and you know it.”
“You're right.”
“Then why Princess? Why are you here?” he asks.
“Because I love him, Cass. That's why,” she replied.
“You love him?!” he asked.
“Yes. I love him. So much. He's been everything to me.” she replies.
“Everything, how?” Cass asked her.
“When I needed someone to be there, he was there. He's been so patient with me. We've gotten to know each other. I've gotten to see sides of him that no one gets to see. He's gentle. He's kind. And he makes me feel loved. He loves me. And I love him. I can't help it. I can't fight it anymore.” she replies.
“He's not who you think he is.”
“He's not who I think he is or he's not you?” she asks.
“He’s the reason why I left you!” Cass replies.
“I know.”
“What?!” Cass asks her.
“I know he forced you to leave me,” she replied quietly.
“How?! How did you find out?” Cass asked.
“Nina accidentally let a small part slip a couple of weeks ago and when I asked her what she meant, that's when she told me everything. Including you making her promise that she wouldn't say a word to me about it. It didn't take long for me to put two and two together after that.” Shanelle replies.
“I wanted to tell you, I swear.”
“You should have. It would've saved me a whole bunch of trouble.”
“I'm sorry, Shanelle.”
“Why didn't you trust me enough to tell me the truth?” she asked.
“I didn't want to stand in your way. I wasn't going to come between you and your destiny,” he replies.
“That's not your decision to make.”
“I know and I'm sorry. I should've told you.”
“Cass I pleaded with you hell, I begged you to tell me what was wrong! And you chose not to. That is what broke my heart. You wouldn't say anything. You didn't trust me enough to tell me. That's what hurts.”
“All I can do is say that I'm sorry, Shanelle.”
Shanelle took a shuddering breath.
“I know. And I'm not saying that I'm not pissed at him. Because trust me I am furious. But still, you could've told me. I had a right to know.”
Cassian nodded.
“So now that you know the truth, what happens now?” he asked Shanelle.
“He and I will be having a long conversation. But ultimately I'm staying. Besides, I can't go back to New York. There's nothing left for me there. My life…my new life is here. In Boston. With him.” she replied.
“Do you love him Shanelle?” he asked.
“Yes. I do. I love him. I am in love with him. Despite everything, he's the one for me. But please don't think that I don't love you. Because I do. I always have and I always will. We've known each other since we were kids. A love like that doesn't just go away overnight. But I have to move on. I can't stay stuck in my feelings for you. It's not fair. Especially when I have a chance at true happiness, devotion, and love.”
“Okay. If this is what you want, I won't stand in your way. I won't stop you.” Cass said to her.
She smiled softly at him.
“This is what I want. This is where I'm meant to be. He's who I'm meant to be with.”
“So if he were to propose to you, you'd say yes?” he asked.
“Yes. My life and my future involve and revolve around him,” she replies.
Cass nodded.
“Then I guess that's it. I feel like an idiot.”
“Don't. You did what you've always done Cass, you protected me. Now go home. Go back to Bella. Go back to her.”
Cass looked at her quizzically.
“I know about your girlfriend. So go. Go make her happy. You deserve to have that happiness.”
“Does this mean you forgive me?” he asks.
“Of course I forgive you. I have to. I can't move on with hate in my heart for you.” she replied.
“You're way too forgiving. You know that right?” he said to her.
“I could always take it back.”
The two laughed.
“Come here,” he said to her.
She stood up and then threw her arms around him. She did love him and he loved her. And they cared deeply about each other. But they both knew that the relationship between them was over. He had his life and she had hers. But no one could take the bond they created from either of them. They both knew that they had to let each other go.
“I love you,” he whispered to her.
“I love you too Hotshot,” she replied.
They stood there quietly in each other's arms. Until he broke the silence.
“I should go.”
Shanelle nodded.
“Before you do, take this.”
She walked over to her purse and pulled out two wads of cash and handed them to him.
“Shanelle I can't take this.”
“Take it anyway. For all the trouble you've gone through.”
“Are you sure, Princess?” he asked.
Cass shook his head.
“You always were a good one Shanelle.”
“So are you. You're a good man. Impulsive and arrogant at times. But you’re a good man. Just let me know that you got home safe.”
“Will do.”
“One more thing…” she trailed off before she kissed him one last time. One last chance. One last goodbye. To an old life. An old love. To an old chapter in her story.
“Take care of yourself, Princess.”
“I always do Hotshot. I'll walk you to the door.”
Silently they walked to the front door and with one last look back, Cassian was out the door and out of her heart. Shanelle felt numb as she walked back to the kitchen. She had just said a final goodbye to everything she ever knew. She knew she had to do it but that doesn't mean that it didn't hurt. She was so lost in her thoughts that didn't hear Marquise come down the back stairs.
“If you came down here to gloat, save it! I'm not in the fucking mood.” Shanelle said to him.
“I'm not here to gloat, Shanelle.”
Shanelle took a deep breath.
“You know. Cass is a lot of things. Impulsive and arrogant mostly. But when it comes to his instincts about people, 9 times out of 10, he's never wrong. He told me you aren't who I think you are. So is he right about you? Are you not the man you've shown me?” she asked.
“I've always been that man. I have never hidden who I am from you.” he replied.
“Then you tell me what in the hell were you thinking when you interfered in my life?!” she asks.
“I was only thinking about one thing. You. Being with you. Needing you. Loving you. Wanting you.” he replied.
“So you accomplished this by ruining my life?” she asks.
“Please let me explain. I've known for years that I was destined for greatness. For love. And that love is with you. I couldn't let you slip away. I couldn't let you stay with a man who was never going to love you the way you deserved to be loved.”
“That's not your decision to make! Only I get to make that decision! Not you! Not my father! And certainly not my uncle! None of you have even stopped to consider how I would feel or if this is what I wanted!”
Shanelle stood up and started pacing.
“I knew something always felt off about you. I thought maybe I'm tripping. Maybe I just hadn't gotten over Cass. But no it was you. It was always you. You were perfect. God, you were everything I could have ever wanted. And I should've known that when I couldn't put my finger on what it was about you that always felt like a question mark, I should've put one foot in front of the other and took off. And kept running til I got away from you.”
Shanelle shook her head.
“You were a unicorn. Someone so unlikely. Someone, I didn't think I could ever have. But then I met you. And slowly I started to believe in a love I never thought was real. And then you showed a world I never knew I was worthy of. And now, I don’t know what to think anymore.”
“I need you to know that I am sorry,” he said as he got closer to her.
“Sorry for what?” she asked.
“I'm sorry for making you feel like you have no control over your life and who you are. That was never my intention. My only intention was to show you the life and love that you have always been worthy of and that you have always deserved to have,” he replied.
“I want to believe you. But it's hard to believe a man who sleeps with his ex.”
“Shanelle, I told you why that happened. I didn't lie to you about that.”
“I believe you. But that doesn't mean that it doesn't hurt knowing. You willingly slept with her. And okay, I get why. She was vulnerable at that moment. But at the same time, this is the same woman you had dinner with last night. How do I know your feelings for her have changed?” she asks.
“Because I'm here with you. Because I am terrified that I have lost you forever. If I wanted her I wouldn't be here. My chest wouldn't be tight right now if I didn't want you. I can't even breathe right now, that's how scared I am. I don't want to lose you, Shanelle.”
“You should be scared. Because I should be running out of this house right now. I should be running back to New York. I shouldn't still be standing here.”
She felt his arms wrap around her gently.
“I shouldn't still be here. But I'm here. Whether that's out of love or fear I can't quite tell. But I'm here. I'm still standing in this kitchen. I'm still calling this house my home. And I don't understand why.”
She felt his breath warm her left ear.
“You're here because this is where you belong. This life is the life you have always deserved. You’re here because this is the love you've always wanted.”
“How do I know you love me? Just like my father, you would take my autonomy, my anonymity, and especially my freedom away from me. What kind of life is that? What kind of love is that?” she asked.
“I would never seek to take any of that from you. If anything I want to enhance that for you. I want to make sure that it will never be taken from you. I want the chance to prove that being with me isn't a prison sentence but the one fairy tale that you've always hoped for and wanted to come true.”
Slowly he turned her around to face him.
“Close your eyes.”
Shanelle closed her eyes.
“Now I want you to follow my voice and out every sound around you. And then tell me what you hear.”
Shanelle blocked out everything until the only things she heard were her heartbeat, that small voice in her head, and Marquise’s heartbeat.
“What do you hear Shanelle?” he asked her.
“I hear this tiny voice in my head that is screaming for me to run and not look back because you aren't worth it. Because all I'll ever be is invisible. And that's not who I am. Then there's my heart.” she replies
“What does your heart say?” he asks.
“My heart…says you. It screams for you. It's yearning for you. It's telling me to trust you. To trust this. To trust us. It swears that you’re the man I want. The man I need. The man I…” she trailed off.
“The man you what?” Marquise asks.
“…the man I love,” she replied quietly.
“Open your eyes, Princess.”
When Shanelle opened her eyes Marquise was down on one knee. Gingerly he took her left hand into his.
“What are you doing?” she asked.
“Trying not to lose my nerve,” he replied with a shaky breath.
He rubbed his thumb over the knuckles of her left hand.
“I love you. I am in love with you. I want you in my life. I want you as my wife. I want you as my partner. You have become my refuge. The source of my joy and happiness. I can't function without you. If I'm not around you I can't think straight. You are everything to me. my life has been made so much better because of you. I am better because of you. Yes, I fucked up. But if you'll have me, Shanelle I swear to you, I will spend the rest of this eternity proving to you that I am yours wholeheartedly. Just please…say you'll give me that chance.”
She looked at him with tears in her eyes. She knew at that moment this was where she was meant to be. He is her forever.
“If you are doing what I think you're doing, then you have to promise me something first,” she said to him.
“If you are indeed proposing then you need to promise me that if I give you my heart and my trust that you won't ever betray them. That you will care for and nurture them both. Because Marquise if you ever do anything to break both, I swear with God as my witness, I will bring hell down onto you.”
“Shanelle I swear to God and my Mother that for as long as I live on this earth, you will be my top and foremost priority. I will do more than talk about my devotion to you. I swear to always prove it in every way possible.”
Shanelle nodded tearily.
“Then I guess you have a question to ask me, Your Highness.”
“Before I do, I need a little help. So come walk with me.”
He took her hand and they walked outside to the patio, where he had a picnic under the setting sun waiting on them.
“How the hell did you have time to do all of this?” she asked.
“This was my plan all along. But to answer your question, I had a rental company come by and set everything up. Which is why I'm glad you used the front door and not the back door. That's why I was so quiet upstairs. I was looking out the window to make sure they didn't tip you off.”
Shanelle shook her head.
“I should punch you in the jaw.”
“You would but you aren't going to.”
Shanelle smiled.
With a loud whistle, Marquise summoned Ozzie from the house. The adorable ball of fluff made it halfway down the patio stairs before tumbling down the last four steps
“Did he just?” Marquise asked.
“Yup," Shanelle replies.
Marquise shook his head.
“Dumb dog,” he muttered a little too loudly.
That caused Shanelle to pop him in his head.
“Ow! That hurt!”
“Good! That's what you get for calling Ozzie dumb.”
With a shake of himself, Ozzie was right as rain before trotting over to Marquise.
“Good boy Oz. Now let's see your collar.”
Shanelle watched Marquise detach a small black box from Ozzie’s collar before he turned his attention to her. He inhaled and exhaled slowly before taking her left hand in his again.
“The only question I have is this one. Shanelle Dominique Miller, Princess of South Cordonia and Brooklyn, will do me the honor of being my wife. Will you marry me?” he asked.
“Yes. Yes. I will. I will marry you. I will be your wife.” she replied.
It felt like life was going in slow motion as she watched him carefully slip the ring onto her finger. It was official. They were engaged. He would be the next King of Cordonia. And she would be the next Queen. As he stood up, he took her gently in his arms. They were finally together. And nothing and no one would change that.
“You have no idea what this means to me, Shanelle. You have no idea what you mean to me,” he said to her.
“Then show me. Show me what I mean to you, my King.”
He kissed the back of her newly adorned left hand, before turning it over and softly kissing the palm of her hand.
“As my Queen commands. But just not out here. Wouldn't want us to be arrested for indecent exposure.”
“Let them watch.”
Marquise smirked before picking up the picnic basket and blanket and leading her back into the house. He set the blanket and basket on the counter closest to the door. When they walked inside, he took her hand and twirled her into his arms. When she looked up into his eyes, she saw her future and her home.
He kissed the back of her left hand again then continued to kiss softly and slowly up her arm. Each kiss raised goosebumps on her skin. She was thankful to be holding onto his arm. His kisses grew more heated and hungrier as he got closer to her neck. He grazed the top of her shoulder with his teeth. When he got to her left ear he could feel her shiver underneath him. He pinned her hips between him and the edge of the island. They were both still dressed, which simply wouldn't do for the Prince. With his lips still on her neck, he sat her on the edge of the island before he reached behind and pulled the zipper of her dress down.
“As beautiful as this dress is, it's got to go. I do appreciate the colors. Navy Blue and white looks beautiful on you.” he whispered in her ear as the top of her dress fell between them. He slowly let his hands travel to her ass.
He sucked on her neck hard as he slid his hands to the bottom of her dress. He gathered up the bottom until it was bunched at her waist. With her dress bunched at her waist, he had free range to palm her ass. He loved the feeling of her ass as he kneaded, squeezed, caressed, and rubbed her ass. He couldn't help himself. He couldn't control himself. He had to have her.
When she finally looked into his eyes, he had this look that was one part carnal, one part obsessed, and one part possessive. He stepped back to admire her beauty. Her hair was down just barely covering her breasts, her legs dangled over the edge. She is perfection in human form to him.
“You are a Goddess, my Queen.”
“Prove it.” She challenged him.
She watched him sink to his knees and place her feet on his shoulders. He took his time slowly licking, sucking, kissing, and grazing her feet and toes. He wasn't ready to be rough with her yet. There was a spot on her left foot that he sucked that nearly made her jump out of her skin. It felt so good she had to clamp her thighs shut to trap the growing heat.
“Who knew the Prince would be so kinky,” she said to him.
“Most women would call me weird. Hell, even Naya thought I was weird for this.”
“Why because you have a foot fetish?” she asked.
“Yeah. I can't help it. What started as a fondness for women in heels blossomed into this.” he replies.
“No judgment here. You aren't the first man I've met with a foot fetish.”
Marquise looked at her with an eyebrow raised.
“No. Not Cass. He’d think it's completely gross.”
“But you don't?” he asked her.
“Nope. You forget I started here in the Boston Kink scene,” she replies.
“So out of curiosity, if I wanted to…” he trailed off.
“Yes. You could suck on my toes. Any time you wanted. Hell, you even kiss my feet as I walk on the ground. And if you’re a good boy I might even be nice to you and…”
She watched him shudder in delight.
“You are my life,” he whispered.
“Show me, my King.”
With a sound that was a half moan half giggle, she ran the bottom of her right foot across his tongue. The wicked grin on his face excited her.
“Now that I know I don't have to hide who I am from you, I have so many wickedly fun things planned for you, my Queen.”
“I hope fucking me within the next 5 minutes is in those wickedly fun plans of yours. Because I'm getting really needy over here.”
“But of course Mon Amour.”
“But first, we have to get rid of all these clothes. If I have to be naked, so do you, my Prince.”
“But you’re not naked, my Queen.”
“Not yet.”
“Touchè Mi Amor.”
They made quick work of each other’s clothes. Tossing them wherever, before sending Ozzie upstairs to lie down. He let his eyes roam over her body slowly.
“I thank the Gods above for giving me a Goddess here on this earth.”
“Quit thanking the goddamn Gods and fuck me already!”
“So bossy, Princess.”
“You know how I get when I want you.”
“True. Now I get to claim you for myself.”
“No, you don't. I'm not property. You don't get to claim anything. I'm not a trophy. I am a Queen.”
“True enough. Please accept my apology, my love. I meant no disrespect.”
“Good. See that it never happens again.”
He nodded as he placed himself in between her thighs and planted her with a kiss that could've stolen her soul. It was so deep, passionate, and powerful that it took her breath away. She felt his tongue wrestling with hers for control. Meanwhile, he ran his hands up and down her body. Touching her everywhere all at once. It was driving her crazy.
He broke their kiss just so he could drag his mouth from her chest along her neck. He wanted her and he wasn't about to wait much longer. He pulled her off the edge of the island and spun her around so she was pinned between him and the island.
“This is how I want you. Underneath me. Desperate. At my mercy. Needing and ready to be fucked into oblivion.” he whispered in her ear.
His hands traveled the length of her body, sending a delicious warmth coursing through her.
She moaned softly after he started kneading her ass again while kissing the back of her left shoulder.
His left hand stayed on her ass, as his right hand traveled up her body. When it reached the base of her skull, he rubbed his thumb in a soft sensual circle, sending electric pulses shooting from her neck to her toes. She shivered at his soft yet pointed touch. She felt his fingers walk and then tangle themselves in her hair.
“I came here to please your body, my love. I know I’ll satisfy your every need. All you have to do is trust me. Love, I’ll take you to ecstasy.” His voice was low and husky, sending shivers winding down her spine.
She felt him smile against her neck. This is what he wanted, to have her in a frenzied heaven. His right hand went from being tangled in her hair, to resting on her hip. He was more than ready to take her.
“Now my love, what do you think is about to happen?” he whispered to her.
“You’re going to stop torturing me now?” she replies.
“Torture you? My love, I would never do that. I may tease you quite a bit but I would never torture you.”
“Then what would you call all of what you are doing, now?” she asks.
“Driving you crazy. Now close your eyes my love, and brace yourself.”
She closed her eyes and bit down on her bottom lip. Eager and scared to know what he would do. She could feel his breath on her neck, it was making being trapped between him and the kitchen island extremely hard. She was so focused on his warm breath, that she missed his fingers sliding between her parted thighs.
She moaned softly as she felt the fingers of his right hand brush against her slick folds. As he kissed the spot behind her left ear, his fingers dipped inside her. Her eyes snapped open as he started fingering her.
She shuddered as he continued to touch her. She wanted him to take her right then and there. But he had plans for her and he was determined to stick to them. With his thumb circling her throbbing clit, he slipped into her hot entrance. She gasped as his fingers filled her.
“So wet for me. Just how I want you. All for me.” he purred in her ear.
Between his right hand between her legs and his lips on her neck, she was steadily unraveling. Every whimper, broken moan and strangled scream made him harder than before. He brought her closer and closer to her orgasm climaxing. She was trying to but failing to hang on. She could feel her body starting to give out and so could he.
“That’s it, my love. Don’t hold back! Cum for me! Give me what’s mine!”
Hearing his husky voice mixed with his right hand driving her crazy, was all it took for her orgasm to explode. She watched stars burst in her eyes as she rode the wave of her orgasm. When he let her go she was shaking and out of breath. But he still wanted to feel himself inside her. She leaned against the counter to steady herself.
“Take a moment to catch your breath, my love, because we aren’t done.”
“You’re insatiable. But I don’t need rest. I just need you.”
He slid between her legs and lined himself with her hot entrance. With a kiss on her right shoulder, he entered her.
“Shit!” she hissed as he slid inside her.
“Fucccckkkkk!” he growled.
He felt amazing to her and she to him. Their bodies were in sync with every thrust of his hips. He would pull out until just the tip remained then surge in deep, filling her completely. She clawed at the countertop as he took them both higher and higher.
“Say that you belong to me, Shanelle.” He said to her.
“Marquise I—”
To illustrate his point, he pumped his hips fast and hard. Hitting her G spot with laser precision. It caused her to cry out from how good it felt. He kept at it, causing her to ruin her nails on the countertop as she tried to hang on. It was starting to become too much.
“Marquise! I…I can’t hang on…shit! I can’t take much more!” She cried out. She was desperate for release.
“Then say it, Shanelle!”
At that point, he could’ve asked her to run the Boston marathon butt naked on a Tuesday. She didn’t even care. She would’ve done anything he wanted her to do, as long as she got what she wanted from him.
“Say it Shanelle!” He growled.
“Marquise please!” She begged.
“Say! It!”
She wasn’t one to just give in. But this wasn’t the place for stubborn pride. She knew she had no other choice but to tell him what he wanted to hear. Especially if she wanted to cum.
“I belong to you! Only you! My King! My heart! My love! I need you! I want you! I have to have you! I love you! I love you! God I love you!” She said as he continued fucking her senselessly.
“Yes, my love! You belong to me! You will always belong to me! You are my Queen! My Goddess! I worship you! I love you! I love you! I! Love! You!”
With one final thrust of his hips into her, her orgasm shattered and it swallowed her whole. He wasn't too far behind her as he succumbed to his own orgasm. They stayed still for several minutes both breathless and deliriously happy, before he pulled out and pulled her to the kitchen floor with his arms wrapped around her.
“It's still early. We can go grab a bite to eat like I had planned to do all along.”
She shook her head no.
“I don't wanna go anywhere. I just want to stay here in your arms where I'm safe.”
He brought her left hand to his lips and kissed her engagement ring.
“As you wish my Queen.”
After months and years of chasing her, the Prince finally got the girl of his every dream. And now, nothing and no one could ever stand in his way.
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jackrrabbit · 3 years
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cooking at 3am /// Osamu x f!Reader
Request: Imagine cooking together with Osamu at 3am because neither of you could sleep (or because ‘Samu got the midnight munchies lol). You don’t have anything specific in mind; you’re just playing around and feeding each other little bits of what you make.
A/N: bruh you said munchies and my mind said [[ h i g h o s a m u ]] sorry this went in a kinda different direction? but still fun 3am cooking project vibes :P
Tag/warnings: fluff, light drug use (weed), you and Atsumu are lowkey Bros™️, Osamu's kinda baby 🤧
Osamu’s not good at smoking.
He doesn’t really know how to inhale—you know, hold it in his lungs so it can soak in or whatever—and when he does, he coughs. Except he tries to repress the coughs. Even if he wants to hide it, he’s always close enough to you that you can feel his chest moving from trying not to cough when he takes a hit.
And also, like every baby smoker, he can’t really tell when it’s kicking in until he’s off the deep end.
“Can you feel it yet?”
You shoot Osamu a glance where he’s sitting on the ground in front of the couch, watching a nature documentary on Atsumu’s TV with a glazed-over look on his face. “You sure? Your eyes are super red.”
“I can’t feel it. Give it—“ He holds out his hand and honestly you’re pretty sure he’s had plenty, but it’s Atsumu’s vape so who cares. You hand it over and Osamu holds it up to his mouth and sucks, eyes fluttering closed as the light on the side of the Pax glows yellow.
God, he looks hot when he does that. Something about a hot guy smoking, yeah? Actually, no. Something about your hot boyfriend smoking.
Except 'Samu holds his breath a second too long and you can see the urge to cough hit him… Wait for it, you think to yourself, and a second later he hacks and wheezes the vapor out in a wispy cloud that reflects silver against the semi-dark. You coo in sympathy and pat his back. “Want some water?”
Osamu shakes his head, hand over his mouth to stop the coughing. On the tv, David Attenborough talks about penguin courtship rituals and Atsumu (who’s been draped on the couch next to you for the past few hours) gives a light little sigh in his sleep. You check the time. 3am. Bedtime. Too bad you and 'Samu are both too high to drive home…whoops. Guess you’re spending the night at Atsumu’s place.
Osamu rubs his bloodshot eyes like they’re itchy, which they probably are. “Hey, can we— uhh… Do we have pancakes.”
“Pancakes, babe? You mean the ones you made for breakfast?”
“Yeah, there’s leftovers…I made you extra and you didn’t want them.” He twists around and gives you an incredibly dirty look, like this is something you did on purpose to hurt his feelings. “If you don’t want them I’m going to eat them.”
“Wait, 'Samu—“ But Osamu's already getting up off the floor to wander over to the next room. You debate pausing the show—it’s a really good scene—but you leave it going for Atsumu's sake because you’re pretty sure the narration is the only thing keeping him asleep. He’s kinda drooling on your shoulder and you have to push him off to go follow your boyfriend to the kitchen.
“What is all this stuff? Ugh…” Osamu's pawing through the fridge. There’s a lot of crinkling, plastic sounds—you catch a glimpse inside and all of the shelves are stacked up with plastic bags and styrofoam containers.
You yawn and hop up to sit on the kitchen island. “Takeout? I don’t think he cooks.” Atsumu's going to get a lecture tomorrow for keeping 2-week-old Indian food in his fridge. God knows you heard it way too many times before you and Osamu moved in together. You don’t envy 'Tsumu.
Osamu sits down in front of the fridge, fumbles with a drawer, and pulls out a bag of moldy grapes. “Gross…who lives like this…”
You snicker into your hand.
“I can’t find the pancakes.” 'Samu's pulling the plastic drawers all the way out now, setting them down on the floor as he inspects the contents of the fridge.
“They’re not here.”
“You ate them?”
“No, I— Hey, put those back in,” you tell him helplessly as he shuts the door of the fridge, ignoring all the leftover food he took out. Yeah, half of it was probably off anyway, but Atsumu's gonna be pissed if he wakes up and there’s takeout going bad all over his kitchen floor.
“You threw away my pancakes?” Now the look on Osamu's face is utter betrayal. He stands up off the floor and glares sulkily at you. “I made those for you…”
“I didn’t throw them away, they’re—“ You hold back a laugh and wish you had your phone on you (where did it go?) so you could take a picture. He’s so cute when he smokes. “—they’re at home.”
“At home?”
“Yep, at home. The place where you and me live, remember?”
“Oh.” Osamu pauses, reaches out absently to grab the edge of your sleeve. You’re wearing one of his hoodies. “We’re not at home?”
“Nope. We’re at Atsumu's place,” you tell him through a giggle.
He plays with your sleeve, contemplating. “Why?”
“Because we’re out of weed and he said he’d smoke us out. And we like hanging out with him.”
“Oh. We do?”
“…’Kay.” It takes Osamu a second to accept this, but then he nods seriously. “(Y/N), I'm hungry.”
“I know. What do you want to eat? You could probably have any of that stuff, I don’t think he’ll miss it.”
'Samu thinks about it for a moment, scanning the array of takeout containers spread out across the kitchen floor. “I want pancakes.”
“The pancakes are at home, remember?”
“Yeah…” Osamu flips over his grip on your sleeve and traces his thumb down the lines in your palm. “I could make some?”
More pancakes? “I don’t think 'Tsumu has eggs, babe. Or flour. Or…baking soda?” You’re not really sure what ingredients go into pancakes. Whatever cooking skills you possessed pre-Osamu have deteriorated significantly since you moved in together and he took over any and all food preparation for your household.
He pouts at this, and his hair is a little messed up, and he’s so pretty that you can’t stand how much you like him in that second. Mine mine mine, something in the back of your brain says. He’s mine.
You reach up and Osamu obediently ducks his head down so you can smooth his hair back into place and fix the bits that are flipping over his part. “Is there anything else you want to eat?”
“Oh…” Well, at least Atsumu probably has rice. “Sure. Ok. That’s your specialty.”
“I want ya to make it for me.”
“What?” You frown and pull your hand out of his. “You know my cooking sucks.”
“No it doesn’t. (Y/N)’s food’s the best.”
“You own an onigiri shop, come on—“
One of his bangs falls back in his eyes and without thinking you reach up to put it in place. “Okay, fine. But you can’t complain about it if it’s not good.”
He smiles and you want to blush. “Yes! I promise.”
So you do it for him. Even though you’re high too. You measure some rice and water into the rice cooker (Osamu has to give you pointers on how much of each to put in) and you scrounge around Atsumu's depressingly bare kitchen for a few sheets of seaweed and some easy fillings. Osamu pulls a stool up to the island counter and rests his chin on his hands so he can watch you with a bleary look of adoration on his face.
It takes you…maybe half an hour to be done? It’s hard to gauge time when you’re high. You and 'Samu both jump when the rice cooker finishes and plays the little rice cooker song, which will remain stuck in your head for the foreseeable future. 'Samu hums it in a loop while you shape the rice into lopsided triangles and wrap the nori around it.
“Here,” you tell him when you set the plate down in front of him. He looks entirely too happy to be eating your mediocre food for someone who literally does this for a living, but who cares.
He picks one, takes a bite, swallows. And blinks.
“What do you think?” you ask in spite of yourself.
“Umm…salty,” Osamu says.
You grab one to try yourself and it’s salty. Like, ocean salty. Yuck. “I told you it would be bad,” you complain, trying to tug the plate away but Osamu grabs it and pulls it back.
“Noooo…it’s good,” he lies, although his face is giving him away. Still, he takes another bite and chews enthusiastically.
“Shut up.” You tug a little harder but Osamu doesn’t let go.
He swallows, pulls a face, and takes another one. “So good. I love it.”
“Shut up. You sound so fake. You’re going to get sick if you eat that.” You keep pulling, but he insists on pretending it’s edible so you admit defeat and help him finish the onigiri off. God, they’re awful. But he keeps eating and so you do too.
When you’re done, your mouth feels dry as fuck and you want to sleep almost as much as you want to drink about a gallon of water. “Is it bedtime yet?” 'Samu asks, wiping his mouth and then rubbing his eyes again.
The clock over the oven says it’s past 4. “Yes. It’s bedtime.”
“Wait—we’re…we’re not at home, right? We’re at 'Tsumu's?”
“I prolly drove here…I dunno if I can drive now,” Osamu tells you slowly, like he’s apologizing. “I think I'm kinda high.”
“Oh yeah?” You hold your laugh back and put your hands up on his cheeks. “How do you feel?”
“Dizzy. Blurry? Like…you’re in slow-motion.” His hands come up to layer over yours. “You’re pretty in slow-mo.”
“Prettier than usual?”
Osamu closes his eyes, scrunching them up to think and then looking over your face intently. “Same amount, just slower. So it’s easier to see.”
“That so?” You slip your hands around to drape over his shoulders and get up on your tiptoes to give him a little kiss on the cheek, because he’s earned it. “You know what, I think I'm kinda high too. I think we’re going to have to have a sleepover.”
“On the couch? S’not big enough for us both.”
“You can sleep with 'Tsumu in his bed…or I guess you could sleep on the ground?”
'Samu's mouth twists and his brows draw together. You can practically hear the gears in his mind turning while he considers alternatives. “Can we share the bed?”
“I think Atsumu's gonna want it. It’s his house.”
“But he’s already sleeping.”
True, you can hear Atsumu snoring lightly from the living room underneath David Attenborough’s description of endangered falcons in the Philippine rainforest. You should really wake him up—matter of fact, you should really clean up the kitchen because it’s a huge mess—but 'Samu's already pulling you away. And you’re so sleepy.
“He’s going to be pissed tomorrow,” you tell Osamu through a yawn, but you let him steer you in the direction of Atsumu's bedroom, holding your hand.
“Don’t care…I hate sleeping without you.”
“Yeah,” you say, and you squeeze his hand and he looks back at you like you’re the literal best thing in the entire universe—and you decide you should get him high more often. “Same.”
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mminhos · 6 years
🍒Soft Bias Tag🍒
I was tagged by the lovely @pikachulein to do this tag! so thank youu hunnn 💕💕
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🍒Who is your bias? 🍒
My bias is a hardworking man who I have nicknamed as 'Mango'. He's an amazing vocalist, dancer, rapper, and has probably the cutest laugh I have ever heard. He always makes me laugh and its of course, Lee Minho 😘
🍒What made you notice them?🍒
I mean, its always been Hyunjin that I've considered my main bias in Stray Kids. At first, Hyunjin was my bias but I'd always liked Minho for his dancing and singing, then i watched 'Hellevator' and his visuals hit me right in the face. I started considering him as my intense bias wrecker and it took lots of gifs from my gc to make me bias him. even though I still didn't. I don't know what happened, but one day I just said, "fuck it, he's my main bias" and here we are today.
🍒What's your favourite thing about them?🍒
e v e r y t h i n g. I do have a real soft spot for his laugh though. Like its so cute and funny and its one of those laughs that make you laugh because of it and I just find that really lovely. Its no secret that he was born to dance, and I think the passion he has for it is another thing I love about him. Minnie is so hardworking and determined and that's another thing i love about him. One thing that made me start to bias him even more is his sarcasm and sassiness. Like its really funny seeing him sass the members and, TBH, I'm kinda like that too, so that drew me into him as well. And Minsung. I cannot leave out Minsung because I think my friend would kill me lmao.
🍒Who would initiate skinship more?🍒
I mean, most probably him. Have you seen the way he is with Jisung?😂 All seriousness though, I do love hugs and if I got the chance, I think I'd non stop hug Minho. Like follow him round in a backhug, actually, I would probably just want to backhug him 24/7 because he seems really cuddly to me. Minho's also always trying to kiss the members, so if I'm behind him, he wouldn't be able to do that :).
🍒Who would hog the blankets more?🍒
I tend to roll around a lot and the blankets get caught up in my legs because they're so d a m n long and annoying, but sometime during the night, I'm going to end up basically on Minho's side, so he can take the blankets back if he wishes. Mind you, I'm a hot, temperature wise, person, so i get warm really easily, so he can have them all. Apart from in the Winter, because they're all mine then.
🍒Who would be more clingy?🍒
Hmm.... that depends. I feel like him? I'm not a naturally clingy person when it comes to anything, apart from hugs, so I feel like he'd always be trying to give kisses, like he does to Jisung. But ngl, I'll accept them anytime of day. Even if its past midnight.
🍒Who would be more flustered?🍒
Me 100000x. The boy doesn't even blush s l i g h t l y when he's trying to kiss or hug a member. I also think he likes to do secret aeygo and his American dancing. B o i , if he does his American dancing anywhere near me, I'm going red as a tomato and running out of there. Plus, I'm five years younger than him which is the age gap between my parents just saying I feel like he'd like getting me to blush because he's that type of person.
🍒What cuddling position would you two have?🍒
Well, we're the same size as each other, so I believe I'm going to permanently back hug this bean. I also really want to like play with his hair because he seems like he'd fall asleep to that and I want my boy to get rest. But then, i also like my hair getting played with, so the classic lying head on chest thing, because I fall asleep like that a lot. So basically, any cuddling position, I will not care, because its my baby mango.
🍒What colour reminds you of them and why?🍒
Pink. Not because of that video where had changed all his bedding to pink, but because he just seems so soft and and his sassiness reminds me of pink. So lets say like a light pink, because that's a good colour, and I think it matches Minho well in my opinion.
🍒Which season would you like to spend with them?🍒
Well my favourite season is Autumn and his is as well, so why not Autumn? You can go for walks in the parks and I would really like to do that with Minho tbh, and I always see cute dogs running after leaves so I'm going over to stroke them all. And then we can go to a café and order a takeaway hot chocolate and walk back through the woods and just have fun.
🍒Who would bake the cookies and who would steal the batter?🍒
I mean, I'm clumsy af, and I think Minho is as well. So, uhh, how about TRY to make the cookies. I mean, I can cook, I just burn myself a lot, so I feel like Minhi would be in the kitchen to make sure I don't burn myself and in the mean time, start eating the cookie batter, to which I throw flour at him for. Then I'd probably start eating the batter, so we ain't gonna be having cookies.
🍒Which one of you would make bad puns and how would the other react?🍒
I mean, we all saw how he reacted to "Lee Know, You Know?" and bad puns make me cringe so we'd both probably avoid them. Although, i will say one from time to time, just to annoy him. He'd probably just stare at me like he did with Chan, so I'll just walk off and do something, sniggering to myself because I'm lowkey evil.
🍒Who would want to adopt 50 dogs and cats?🍒
Minho already has two cats, and I have a cat and a dog, so probably both of us. He'd probably want the cats so I'll take the dogs and just cuddle them instead of him because I adore dogs ask anyone in my gc @uselessflower-pan
🍒Which one of you would nearly burn down the kitchen trying to microwave a poptart and who would come to the rescue?🍒
Lowkey probably anyone of us. I tried putting a plastic cup in the microwave when I was half asleep, so I'd probably try a poptart and then he comes in and is like "I don't think we do that babe" and I'm like "sure whatever , I'm going back to sleep"
🍒Who likes to lean over tall railings and who pulls them back?🍒
Well this is obviously going to be me. Minho, the poor baby, doesn't like heights while I don't actually mind them. I do have a habit of leaning over railings but I feel like he'd just pull me away because he's more scared for me than I am for myself😂
🍒What would watching a horror film with them be like?🍒
I l o v e horror movies. I can watch them all day. I feel like Minho isn't the biggest horror movie fan, but because I'm such a loving person, I'm gonna make him watch them with me. However, I am a very jumpy person, so he has to be prepared for me nearly knocking him in the face with my arms and nearly making his hand lose all blood circulation.
🍒Who would be the cheesy flirt and who would be the smooth flirt?🍒
Him for both. I can't flirt to save my life, so he's gonna be doing all the flirting. Sorry Mango
🍒Who is more competitive?🍒
I mean, both of us? I feel like we'd be competitive with each other. Also, I'm going to be doing Just Dance with him. Just saying.
🍒Who would have to be given reminders(remember to eat, don't forget your keys, etc.)?🍒
Both of us? I feel like it might just be a thing we do, like I'd remind him not to forget to eat and take breaks, he'd remind me what books I would need and that i do need to drink more than one drink a day. I guess it would just be a couple thing.
🍒Who sends memes and who sends cute things like "I miss you" texts at 3am?🍒
You see, this is where I said that me and Minho are similar, comes into play. I feel like we'd both spam each other with memes and then he'd say something like 'I miss you' and then I'd say 'I miss you too' and then its 'nah i don't actually' and then me calling him about fifty swear words and then spamming with a bunch of love hearts because I'm soft for one man, and that is Lee Minho.
So that is it, damn this was long, but i ain't lying when it comes to my special mango.💞💖💓💘💕💗💝
And Chan or Seungmin or any of you, if you're reading this, tell Minho I love him very much and am proud of him. Thank you 💗
I'm tagging: @ultrasoftstraykids @uselessflower-pan @brini144 @strawberry-jaehyun @magicaldreamfox1 @stray-kz @taetaejagiyaaa95 @bloomingfantasy @renjuncoven @junguwuz @miatsubaki23 @bndnsclf8 @dreamsaboutnct @uwu-seungminnie @yeehawnana and anyone else who wants to do this!
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acescreations · 6 years
Moody Manipulations - Patton
[Part 2 to the Connected Youtuber Ego Universe(CYEU) stories I'm doing on Amino.]
Characters: Logan Sanders, Patton Sanders, Virgil Sanders, Roman Sanders, Thomas Sanders, Elliott (Cartoon Therapy), Kai (Cartoon Therapy), Lauren (Cartoon Therapy), Missy Sanders [background character], Pranks Sanders [refrenced], Mitchell (Cartoon Therapy) [mentioned]
Warnings: Patton has a really bad day, cries, and hides his emotions, Patton also has a retail job I feel like I should mention that, Mitchell is implied to be a little b*tch, Patton gets verbally abused
Word Count: 1798
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It really didn't take me long to figure out what my emotions do. Whenever I was happy, things went right in the world, and when I was sad things went wrong. At first I thought it was a coincidence, but the correlation was too obvious to be chance. After that, I always did my best to stay in a good mood. I'd do things I enjoy, and avoid people and things that upset me.
I have to admit, staying happy became a lot harder. It almost seemed like a job at this point, since it was my responsibility to be happy. I still tried my hardest despite this, and when I was happy, hearing about all the good things happening in the world put me in an even better mood. Though that did go both ways, and hearing about bad things happening made me more upset, so I eventually decided to not look at the news when I was already uspet.
This was all a pretty good strategy for keeping my mood up, but one day everything went wrong, and I had no idea how to stay happy then.
I was heading down to my job at the local retail store and I bumped into someone on the street. "Whoops! Sorry about that." They said nothing, and just kept walking. I was surprised I didn't see them sooner. They had a head full of messy green hair along with bright blue eyes. I didn't really think much of it, after all, it was a busy street, people run into each other all the time. Once I got to my job, I saw my best friend getting his stuff. It looked like he was leaving, but we were supposed to be on the same shift today. I walked up to him as he was putting his hat on. "What's going on Chase? Are you leaving?" He turned to me with a sigh. "Yeah, I just got fired. I have no idea how I'm gonna pay for my date with Stacy now."
"Oh, geez." I was pretty disappointed myself. I always looked forward to the days when we worked together. "Well, good luck on finding a new job, I guess." Chase nodded as he walked past me. "Yeah, I guess."
I sighed as he left. This job was going to get a lot harder without him here. But, I still had my job to do, so I put on my name tag and I clocked in.
After a while of uneventful work, a woman came in and slammed a box of party supplies onto the counter. "I need to return these," she demanded.
"Okay ma'am," I said, a little nervous, "do you have the receipt?"
"No, but I don't need this anymore. I never needed it, so give me a refund on it!"
"I'm sorry, but can't return anything without proof of purchase." I had never had one of these conversations before, and this lady was really intimidating.
"I'm not keeping stuff my husband bought as a prank! Of course you teenagers don't care about how much money all this costs, you probably get handed money just so you can spend it all on stupid parties, don't you?"
Of course, I didn't actually do any of that, but she didn't know that, and I wasn't allowed to tell her that. "I want to help you, but I can't give you a refund on anything without a receipt."
The woman let out a frustrated growl. "I don't have time for this." She stormed out of the store, leaving the box on the counter. I allowed myself a sad sigh as I picked up the box and moved it off the counter, putting on a brand new smile as the next person in the line brought up their stuff. "Good afternoon, did you find everything you were looking for?"
~ ~ ~
By the end of my shift, I was exhausted. I wanted to call someone for a ride home, but my phone had died, so I had to walk. To make matters worse, I saw a cat that had been hit by a car on the side of the road. By that point, I was barely holding back tears, although I kept telling myself to stay cheerful, which only made it harder. I decided that I'd have a few cookies to cheer myself up when I got home.
I walked through the door, and saw Logan and Thomas sitting on the couch, watching the news. Obviously, it was all bad news. Logan turned off the TV as they both turned to me. "Bad day?" I must have looked pretty upset, because I never told Thomas about what my emotions do, but something must have prompted him to ask that. I just shrugged. I didn't want to talk about it, because I felt like I'd break down in tears if I did. I walked past them wordlessly and went into my room to change out of my work clothes. When I walked back out, I was determined to improve my mood, so I put on a smile and went to get that cookie, but I opened the cookie jar to find that it was empty. "When did we finish the cookies?" I asked to anyone who was listening. Thomas spoke up from the living room. "I'm pretty sure Lauren finished them with Roman and Virgil." I wanted to be upset about this, but I was determined to stay positive.
It's okay Patton, you can just make some more. That should be fun, that should make you happy.
I began taking out ingredients, but it turned out we were out of a flour, sugar, and eggs. That was definitely a disappointment. I told myself I'd be able to get through it anyway.
After that, though, was when I completely lost composure. Elliott walked out of their room, their shoulders hanging as they sat down next to Thomas on the couch. Logan looked up from where he was reading on the other end of the couch. "Mitchell left another message today." I overheard them saying. My heart broke in sympathy for my parent, and I quickly walked out of the kitchen and into my room, barely even trying to hold back tears anymore.
As soon as I was alone in my room, I collapsed to the floor, letting out all the sobbing my day had been leading up to. I don't know how loud I was being, but after wiping tears from my eyes, I looked up and I was surrounded by my family, all with faces of varying levels of concern and sympathy. Once my crying slowed, Virgil, eho was sitting in front of me, said "Hey, what's wrong?" I lowered my head onto my knees. "Bad day," I muttered, overcome with guilt for how many people I must have gotten hurt today. "Patton," I heard Logan say at my right, "you can't keep getting upset at yourself for being upset." I shook my head. "No, you don't understand," I said.
"I'm pretty sure I do, and Patton," Logan continued, "you're going to have your ups and downs, and it'll be less... disastrous if you just let the bad days be just a little bad. The world can take a little bit of misfortune, believe me."
I looked up at him, confused. "Are you saying you-"
"Yes Patton, and for your information I regularly keep up on the news so I can tell how your feeling. And yes," Logan continued, "everyone else knows too."
"Oh." I looked around at everyone, unsure of how I never found out.
"So why don't you just tell us what's going on today?" Virgil asked, scooting over to sit next to me. I shrugged, not really sure when exactly my day started going terribly. "Well on the way to work I bumped into this guy, which I really didn't mind that much, but after that I found out my friend got fired," I then just started stating everything that happened that day. I didn't mean to, really, I just started talking and then I couldn't stop myself. Once I was finished, Roman gave me a thoughtful look. "What did the guy on the street look like?" I blinked at him, confused as to why he was questioning that. "Well, he had blue eyes, and really messy green hair."
"What was he wearing?"
"I dunno, this big wavy coat?"
"Roman," Logan sighed, "what does this have to do with anything?" Roman didn't answer, despite everyone beong equally confused. He just stood up, muttered something about "Marvin" and walked out. "I have a hunch about something, I'll be back, hopefully with good news." Thomas sighed and shook his head after Roman left the house. "That boy, honestly. Anyway, how about me and Elliott go get those ingredients you were needing? You can just stay here and relax."
"No!" I said, a little too frantically. "I-it's just," I mumbled, "you could get hurt."
"It's fine," Logan said. "Camden's got an eye on the TV, and things are improving. They should be able to get there and back safely." Camden was the name Logan gave his familiar. I slowly nodded, and Virgil stood up and grabbed my hand. "All right, now you come here and watch some TV." I stood up and followed him as he led me to the couch, Logan, Kai, and Lauren following behind while Thomas and Elliott got ready to go to the store. Me and Virgil sat next to each other on the couch, Logan sitting a small distance away while Kai and Lauren sat near us.
After a while of watching Steven Universe, Roman burst back through the door. "Patton, you will have to worry about this misfortune no longer!"
"O-okay. Um, what did you do?" I asked.
"Well that person you bumped into, I'm actually acquainted to him. He calls himself Marvin the Magnificent. He claims to be a magician, but for as long as I knew him he couldn't do any actual magic. Turns out he got magic powers through a deal with a demon or something, and he had to agree to curse you with misfortune." He sat down on my other side, so now I had one sibling at both of my sides. "I talked him into releasing the curse," he said, probably more casually than what the situation would call for.
"Okay, thanks then," I said, despite Roman already being immersed in the show. We continued watching until Thomas and Elliott returned with the baking supplies, then Virgil, Thomas, and Lauren joined me in baking cookies. Once I tasted one of the cookies from out of the oven, I figured that the day wouldn't be as bad as it had been.
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