#missy and pranks
Hot-est "Side?"
Last time (without polls) the results were a battle to the death between Logan and Janus. Logan won by the skin of his apparently sexy sexy teeth. I feel its time for a rematch without room for human fallacy (me literally just going through the notes and counting) LETS GOOO: (Including some bonuses for fun)
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dragonsaphirareads · 4 months
Question for my more dedicated archivist Fanders out there - is there a list anywhere of all the original shorts characters and the fanon names they've been given? I'm talking about like, Magenta the printer, Steve the stove, etc.
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ravensmadreads · 2 months
It’s time for the Pedro party awards! 🏆 your category is:
Prankster award
Who is the winner??
There is an obvious answer and im going with itttttttt
My pretty little biting baby menace!!!
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He's a frat boy of COURSE he's got the best pranks. That is after we got free from *coughs* yoga..
Edit: i pressed answer too soon sorry!!
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gonzodangerfeels · 7 months
The Kool Aid Pop experiments morphed into a confirmation bias of the Schuman resonance
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obsessedwrhys · 1 month
hi baby, you can make an hcs of the characters from The Boys with a Harley Quinn! readers?? With all characters including Soldier Boy
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ᯓ★ looots of goofy shit, dark humour, gore, sensitive topics (abuse, toxic relationships, etc), toxicity, reader is fem!!
ᯓ★ Characters included (I couldn't do everyone so I just did these guys, I know yer kind missy 👴): Homelander, Black Noir (Old and New), Butcher, Soldier Boy
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He's honestly so fed up with you.
Sure he loves watching you mess with people but he does not like it when YOU DO IT TO HIM!!!
"Quinn!" He'd shout for your name and you'd open the door to see him standing outside your room. You laugh when you see him covered in ketchup. One of your many pranks.
"What?? You needed the upgrade for the suit cupcake" You smiled all innocently.
That being said you LOVE pulling pranks on him.
Whether if it's putting hair dye in his shampoo or stealing his suit so he wakes up searching for it.
It's just your favourite thing to do.
There have been times he's tried to kill you due to his rage but it takes every cell in his body to stop himself because he knows that he's not able to do that.
Because why? Because he thinks you don't even deserve to be killed by him directly.
You disgust him that much.
He just wishes that you weren't such a pain in his ass.
If the pranks weren't bad enough that it had him double checking every item he uses, AKA worsening his trust issues. You've also came up with nicknames to mock his superhero status.
"If it ain't the flying dick!" You'd address his entrance to everybody the moment he walked in the meeting room.
Just imagine him suddenly stop and standing at the door like 🧍‍♂️
If you wanna know more nicknames, we've got captain narcissist, america's buttplug and sperm cell.
Trust you are never sent on safely planned missions, only the ones he knows are highly dangerous in hopes of you dying...
There was this one time he sent you on a suicide mission and he was all proud of himself, but just as he thought he finally got rid of you, the elevator door slides open to reveal you, some fabrics of your clothes were ripped and there were bruises all over your body but it didn't seem to bother you.
"What's up toots?" You'd smile even though your nose was bleeding. That's when he looked down to see the head of the guy he asked for you to assassinate.
Who also happened to be one of the most protected men in the nations by the way.
Like how the fuck did you do it?
You're not even an ACTUAL supe!!
Regardless, he has his respects for you but really why WONT YOU LEAVE HIM THE FUCK ALONE.
You once did that during a meeting and the sight of him yelping as his body jumps was unforgettable!!
You're JUST like a bee addicted to its pollen. P.S, he's the pollen.
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He.. doesn't... understand you??
Why do you enjoy showering him with love??
You say it's in your nature but why do you always ask to be carried around the tower??
And why does he obliges each time??
Apparently how your mindset works is that you find extremely deadly things to be adorable.
In this case, he's the extremely deadly thing.
With his silent nature, you just NEEDED to get a reaction out of him.
You tried tickling him or making him sneeze but he always just stares at you in confusion.
You can't see his face but you can tell he's giving you the "What are you doing?" Face.
That's when your bright ass thought of a plan.
A dumb and reckless idea... but hey! You have suicidal tendencies so this is fine!
You'd put yourself in danger on purpose just for him to always come rescuing you. He has lost many body parts when doing so but you could care less, you would give him those heart eyes as he carried you back to Vought in bridal style...
Just for the managers to lock you up in a small prison cell to prevent you from pulling more of these stunts.
Though they were never enough to hold you back.
Naturally there would be rumours in the industry if you two were dating and you never hesitate to push those rumours even more.
Imagine for a premiere for your movie, you'd walk on the red carpet in a dress with Noir beside you, still in his signature suit.
"You're looking real good tonight, handsome. I'm liking what I see" You'd say with your arm wrapped around his. He looks at you as you winked at him seductively.
Someone save this poor boy from your endless flirting.
Jokes aside, there has been times he's seen you in your lowest, like that time you trashed your room with your makeup melted from your tears.
Apparently you got rejected from a movie role you wanted to get so badly. Which was Mario but stupid Chris fucking Pratt got it instead.
Seeing the state you were in, he'd grab you by the shoulders firmly and make you sit down, then putting a blanket around you. He'd leave the room for a couple of minutes... to come back with a bucket of ice cream for you to happily snack on as you rest your head on his shoulder.
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"EW!! Get this mo'fuckin' bastard away from me!" Literally your words when you heard about the replacement.
Is a bit hurt by your disgust towards him??
But that just means he knows what he's doing right or wrong with this new role.
No because seriously everything he does, he would stop to watch for your reaction, most of the time you are never impressed.
Like how he killed those homelander fans to frame the starlighters. He'd hold the bat, his mask all bloody as he turned to see you, arms crossed, no reaction to his performance.
UNTIL at the end of season 4 where he began killing people within the company, that was what got you to start growing interest in his character.
Even though you're fine with him, for now, you really don't like it when he pushes things.
As in trying too hard to replace the old Black Noir. You just don't fw it 😡
"Hey! Hey! Harley wait up!" He'd call out for you while you ignored him and decided to speed walk away. Anyways, he manages to catch up with you.
"The team wants us to attend the premiere of your next movie together.. since.... y'know... we're rumoured to be dating??" He said and you had to stop walking to put your entire energy into giving him the most NASTIEST look. The second he sees you take a deep breath, he knew it was over.
"I ain't yer GODDAMN babysitter, and don't you think that for a second that wearin' the suit makes you my damn boyfriend, alright? I ain't here to hold yer hand and coddle you. I got better things to do than listen to yer constant whining and need for attention. So knock it off, ya copy-cat!" You'd point at him before walking off, hand on your hip.
You can bet that he asks Deep for advices on how to win your heart.
That's why he thinks making you fall for him is one of Noir's characteristics.
You love mysterious and threatening looking people? Okay gotcha.
You want hyenas for pets? Cha-Ching! Got it!
But seriously someone please tell him to stop before he gets his ass beat. He does not want that Brooklyn smoke.
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Ah great another crazy chick.
The only possibility to why you'd be apart of the boys is if someone vouched for you.
50/50 it's either Hughie or Frenchie.
Though surprisingly enough, you were the first to notice the symptoms of his virus. Like he could be fidgeting at the office and you'd point it out so casually that everybody turns to look at you in confusion.
Everybody thought you were crazy at first, it's to be expected, but the second his virus was confirmed to be lethal. Everybody has started to take you a bit more seriously.
Read carefully. A bit.
He finds your weapons fascinating though. Like how your gun has words engraved in it, your initials being the biggest. Not to mention the designs being the inspiration of poker cards.
"That must make you the clown" He once said when you whipped it out to shoot someone. You smile mischievously at his remark.
"Oh you'd better watch your tongue before I make you the punchline of my next joke!"
He likes you.
ONLY if you don't fuck anything up.
Sure you guys do argue a lot but theres also strange moments of understanding between you two.
There was this one time he found you alone in the office, your legs placed on the table and you were literally downing a bottle of alcohol. It was when he came closer that he noticed the bruises on your body.
"What the hell happened to you?" He said and you sniffed as you quickly wipe away the tears in your eyes.
"Oh, I'm just peachy, tough guy... Can't you see I'm having a little cry-fest over here after a lover's spat with my oh-so-darling ex-boyfriend. Yeah, he just looooves to use me as his personal punchin' bag, y'know? But don't worry 'bout me. I'll be back to my ol' crazy self in no time. Just need a minute to let the tears dry and the bruises heal"
For the rest of the night he'd stay to talk about how shitty both your lives are. You guys actually BOND over your past traumas.
The booze just making the conversation ever more fun.
Will go out of his way to take you to places for shopping or eating at a restaurant to make you feel better.
After understanding you better, he realised you're just a once normal person who became a psychotic sociopath after whatever the supes did to wrong you.
He may not show it to you but he really cares about you and would not hesitate to protect you despite how much he says he wish you'd just fuck off.
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You have to be some kind of masochist right??
He says the most disrespectful shit to you and you just squeal in excitement from it.
It's starting to weird him out.
Everything he does or say, you love to mock him, like he could be giving orders and you'd be at the back using your hands to mimic his talking like a puppet as you mouthed along and made faces.
But he has to say, he finds your insanity amusing. Because deep down, he sees a tiny bit of himself in you.
He calls you Looney Tunes. Why exactly? Nobody knows its for his own entertainment.
He's into older women but that doesn't stop you from flirting with him. He finds your efforts interesting.
"You're a tough nut to crack, Soldier Boy, but I'll get you to crack a smile eventually" You'd say and it'll be enough to have him grinning at you.
"You gonna tickle me?" He'd say, returning the same energy.
But that doesn't mean he's interested in you, he's just toying with you.
AND YOU KNOW IT. But apparently red flags just look like a go flag to you 🤷‍♀️
Despite that, if any other guy did the things he did to you, he would be fast to knock out the fucker. That's because he knows you value loyalty and he does too.
Everything aside, he really appreciates it when at the end where everybody turned against him you stayed by his side. Just imagine him driving the car while you're in the passenger seat singing your heart out to Cherry Bomb by The Runaways.
He'd simply shake his head with a smile on his face.
But the more relationship develops, he'd actually start to show you his softer side. Not soft side. Soft-er side.
Will literally lecture you into standing up more for yourself and stop being a doormat for every man in your life.
How ironic huh?
"You might act all tough and macho, but I see that big, marshmallow heart under there, sweetheart" You'd boop him on the nose that has him rolling his eyes with a smirk.
"You already said that. Are you a broken record or just dim?" He said.
If you stay obedient and don't push the wrong buttons, he might just keep you around.
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norman-fucking-reedus · 7 months
Thinking a lot about GirlDaddy Daryl… like nobody can convince me that he wouldn’t be absolutely soft for his daughter
When she’s a baby his heart is just so full, the first months after having her he just cried everytime he held her. He’d think about how he has a family of his own to protect, and how he’s gonna work his ass off to be a worthy father unlike his own.
The toddler stage catches him way off guard. He now has a walking talking mini female version of him tailing along behind his every step. She follows him EVERYWHERE its absolutely adorable. He spends every day playing questionnaire.
“Daddy wha’s tha?”
“Don’ touch tha’ ya could get hurt”
Yes she would definitely pick up his accent, and yes it is the cutest thing. She lives up her nickname Lil Dixon all the way.
When she reaches the tween stages, tempers start to flare and arguments ensue, only unfortunately for Daryl his daughter is, well his, and not Judith, so instead of walking away she bites back, and surprisingly hard.
“Dammit girl jus’ listen ta me alrigh’?!”
“Fuck you!”
“Aye! Watch yer damn mouth missy- Don’ walk away from me!”
The conversation ended with a frilly bedroom door being slammed in his face, leaving him more grounded more than anything. He obviously ends up feeling horrible about, almost spiraling in your arms as he sobbed about how he was ending up lile his dad. You had to reassure him that “Good parents can still argue with their kids. Give her some time and then go talk to her”
Daryl may or may not have felt slightly sick when he knocked on her door a few hours later, but it was quickly washed away when the door open and she jumped into his arms.
“M’sorry fer swearin’ daddy”
“M’sorry fer yellin’ at ya kiddo”
Can you blame the man for crying a little? He didn’t get apologizes as a kid and right now he was healing himself.
Surprisingly the teenage stage ends up being the best, her having gained your sense of humor and a laidback personality, also not being afraid to speak her mind and defend her thoughts.
“Dad, yer gettin’ prettyy fuckin’ old. What am I gon inherit from ya?”
“M’not dyin’ any goddamn time soon girl, get away from me”
“Hey! S’rude to push women! Didn’t moms teach ya anythin?”
“Ya ain’t a woman, yer a girl. Now scram”
“Why are ya tearing me down?”
“Are ya gettin’ a kick out of botherin’ me?”
“Yes very much so”
She becomes his second best friend, constantly getting on his nerves and harassing him throughout the day. Having grown up with Merle, Daryl was used to some of her antics, at one point starting a prank war against her.
“Daryl, do you wanna explain to me why you’re filling balloons with glitter?”
“Yer daughter is gon have some real sparkly hair”
。・:*:・゚★。・:*:・゚☆ 。・:*:・゚★
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Matching - Portgas D. Ace
Find more of my work here: Tumblr MasterList
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This is a little idea I had for a larger Ace fanfic I'm working on. I might revise this! Please let me know if he's in character or not...I'm starting to have my doubts.
It had been the better part of a week. No, maybe a whole week at this point. While before you’d spend most of your free time around him, now you were constantly “busy.” Heck sometimes he even finds it difficult to find you on the Moby Dick! Was this the end of the honeymoon phase everyone warned him about?
Were you starting to get tired of him?
You kept sneaking around...without him! Before you used to sneak around together! Worse still is…every time he pops up to see you, you always seem like you're hiding something. It's like quickly stashed papers, and tightly clenched fists. It’s the way you spin on your heel, and tense up, when you used to not do that at all.
What was maddening was how when the evenings would hit, or even at random parts of the day, you’d run and crash into him with a huge hug. You’d beam at him bright and genuine just upon seeing him, heck you’d be practically vibrating with joy as you’d squeeze the life out of him. He’d almost turned to fire once.
Maybe you weren’t tired of him?
When you did cuddle with him, your eyes seemed to linger on the tattoo on his arm. He’d even woken up to you tracing it with your finger once before. You’d looked sheepish that he’d caught you admiring it…actually you looked a little…panicked too…
You’d squirmed in his grasp when he asked you about it. Saying things like how it’s pretty, and how it’s a tattoo unique to him, so you were admiring it. You're pretty good at dodging his line of questioning whenever he voices his suspicions about your behavior. You were also incredibly sneaky about distracting him with your affections, and by the time he’s regained his original line of thought, you’d already be gone. 
There's something fishy in the air and it's not the sea king he caught the other day.
He only finds out what it is you'd been scheming behind his back when he gets back from a mission. He was so distracted for most of it. He couldn’t figure out why you were so clearly avoiding him sometimes…were you having second thoughts? What was going on? Was this an elaborate prank?
He was still in a daze as he made his way back to the Moby Dick. You used to bring peace, yet right now you’d thrown him into turmoil. He hated the way he was doubting you. He hated not knowing what was wrong.
“Hey look Ace’s back!”
“How’d it go champ?”
“Aaaaaaacee!” It was your voice that pulled him back completely.
He’d barely had a moment to look up than you’d thrown yourself on him with a hug. The force of it all almost send him toppling backwards. His hat had been knocked off his head, and he could feel the press of its medallion on his throat. He's relieved at how genuinely happy you are to see him, yet still an unease twists up his stomach in knots.
You pull away much too quickly, pulling his arms and rotating them, checking for any damage. The way you're checking up on him to make sure he's not hurt and that he's okay floods his entire system with warmth. Yet he can't help the constriction in his chest and the nagging as to what it was that had you sneaking around before he left if you missed him this badly?
He can hear the crew laughing at the obvious display of affection.
“Being bold there little missy,” they taunt you.
You shrink in on yourself a bit, embarrassment catching up to you. However when you take his hand in yours, and whistles and cheers break out, “I was doing it for Ace,” the timidity in the lines of your shoulders and face brings the heat to his own face, “I thought he might like it.”
He squeezes your hand in his. Yet his brain screams at him, then what was all that sneaking around about?
Unsure how to deal with things, he just studies you closely as you ask him about how things went and how the mission was. You're not up to anything really, or at least it doesn't seem like it. You're as attentive and engaged as ever, things are just as they used to be before.
You drag him to the kitchen, knowing he must be hungry as he usually is after a mission. You even sit with him in your little corner of the mess hall while he eats, something you hadn’t done much prior to his departure. He's talking to you about the guy with the interesting abilities that he'd fought with his mouth full, and you're indulging him.
Yet even as he tries to fall into your old pattern, the confusion only festers further. What had been going on with you?
He feels absolutely awful, doubting you with the way you’re listening to him like he's the most interesting guy in the world. To be fair, to you, he really is. He keeps talking and chewing and answering your questions, yet the thing he really wants to talk about is bubbling just below the surface. Somehow all the tension and excitement peaks and he goes head first into his plate of food.
When he finally comes back to, there’s no food on his face, and he’s resting on his arms on the dinner table, his plate off to his side. You’re still next to him, gently brushing your fingers through his hair, patiently de-tangling any clumps you come across. He groans while sitting up and blinking the sleep away.
“You’re up,” you observe aloud, “here let me clear these out of the way for you.”
You get up from beside him, unthinkingly pulling your sleeves up your forearms, and reach for the plates around him. He notices something odd about one of your hands as you walk away with the stack of plates in your hands, but before he can say much you're already on your way to the kitchen counter. He watches you, lethargically shoving food in his mouth as you hand the dishes over to Thatch, who looks at your hands, then looks his way for a moment with an amused grin.
He could actually hear the next thing as the cook raised his voice, “nah leave those dishes to me, go hang out with your loverboy.”
Had the pirate not shoved you away with a plate of food in hand, Ace got the feeling you would have pointedly ignored Thatch’s teasing to do the dishes. You walked back, your brow and lips pursed in a kind of indignation. He couldn’t help the little huff of amusement. You’d gotten much better at handling their teasing over time, but he wouldn’t deny it was cute how it would get to you sometimes.
You took a seat beside him again, sliding the plate the cook had given you towards him. Your…well he could only hope he was still really your beloved, just stared at you in silence as he chewed. For some reason it made you squirm.
That’s it. He’d had enough. He has to figure this out. You’d said it yourself, it’s really important to communicate things! That’s how relationships last!
“You’ve been real weird lately,” was what came out as he grabbed the new plate of food, “you been avoiding me?”
His brow furrowed at the way your gaze immediately fell, taking your expression with it, and how you began to fidget with your fingers - a nervous - wait. Ace’s hand extended to grab your left one, bringing it up to his face.
There on your left wrist, right where your pulse sat, in black ink sat the letters ASCE, arranged horizontally and smaller, but a perfect replica of his own otherwise. Instinctively he rubbed his thumb across it, almost as though he was checking to make sure this wasn’t an illusion and that wasn’t just normal ink from a pen.
You were looking back at him, he could see it in the way your shoulders bunched near your ears, and the wobble of your lips, and how you couldn’t keep eye contact for too long, but kept glancing back at him…you were nervous. He absentmindedly began drawing circles on your wrist, just staring at you.
“I was avoiding you, I guess,” you admitted, “I was hoping to surprise you with that,” your free hand moved to play with the hem of your shirt, as you shrunk even more, “was it presumptuous of me? Should I have asked first?”
“For a second I thought I’d managed to chase you away,” he admitted quietly, looking back down at the mark of permanence you’d etched into your skin, “that you’d gotten sick of me.”
You snatched your hand away before he could think, moving in to embrace him, “get sick, of you? Then I’d be a tasteless heathen or…whatever, unworthy of you- totally - completely - absolutely unworthy of you!”
Your arms tighten around him, “I’m so sorry I put you through that love.”
“All that sneaking around was for this tattoo?” He couldn’t help the involuntary little crack in his voice. “You really did surprise me darlin’.”
He pulls away from you first and his hands find your wrists, and his eyes again fall onto the symbol, the symbol of him, lovingly tattooed into your skin. A mark to let people know just who put the ring on your finger. 
He didn’t look up from it, even when you spoke up again, “Ace,” he just traced circles over the mark that sat proudly in bold black letters, “I’m really sorry that I made you feel that way - wait does that sound? It’s not-no wait. It’s my fault!” He glanced up at you for a moment as you struggled to put what you wanted to say into words, working strenuously to apologize sincerely.
His lips wobbled upwards.
He couldn’t help it.
You’d gone out of your way, to tattoo his mark onto your body. He couldn’t help but stare at it as he continued to rub circles with his thumb. Not only that, you were straining yourself so much all because he voiced that damned insecurity of his.
“I didn’t mean to put you through that?” You tried again. “I wanted it to be a surprise, but I didn’t want to hurt you.” You paused, and he felt you move closer. “I’m sorry if what I did hurt you-no-I’m sorry that I did hurt you.”
There was a pricking at the corners of eyes, as he finally took his eyes off your little gift to him to look at you. There was a kind of relief, or maybe it was appreciation? Maybe even a tinge of surprise? He was touched, that was one thing he knew for sure-if the fire that burned in his chest was any indication. He was a sick bastard for appreciating this, wasn’t he? Seeing you so genuinely apologetic - it was alarming really, did he really deserve this apology when he was doubting you? How could he ever hope to compete with this?
“You’ve got nothing to apologize for, doll,” his voice was uncharacteristically quiet as he continued to rub circles into your wrists.
“No I do,” you insisted, “Ace, I’m happy you’re communicating how you felt to me,” you responded quietly, but firmly, “so don’t downplay how it felt when I was the one being sneaky.”
“You didn’t mean any harm though,” his lips pull into a gentle smile as he slowly brings your tattooed pulse up to brush his lips against it before flicking his gaze to meet yours, “you were here prepping this lovely gift for me and I was only thinking of myself.”
A smirk tugs at his lips at the way you have to shake yourself out of whatever spell he’d placed you under, “just because I didn’t mean any harm, doesn’t mean I didn’t do any harm,” you press on, shuddering a bit when he brushes another kiss to your pulse, “if you did the same, I’d probably have felt the same way too, you have nothing to feel bad about.”
“Forgive me for doubting you, cariña?”
He almost laughs at the affronted look you give him, firing back a, “forgive me for hurting you, love?”
“Nothing to forgive,” he’s smiling more now, “I’m glad you were being so sneaky, made this surprise all the better.”
“Don’t downplay your feelings Portgas D. Ace,” he could hear your frown, “your feelings are important to me, you’re important to me.”
“My full name cariña?” He couldn’t help but tease.
“Yes,” you answered immediately and he looked up to see how upset you looked - it was almost annoying - he’d rather not dwell, “I want you to get just how upset you were off your chest.”
That got a chuckle out of him, despite the irritation that was rising.
“I don’t want to think about it too much,” his smile fell for a moment, “I don’t want to ruin this happy moment with stupid emotions in the past.”
“But I don’t want them to fester-” 
“Mi amor,” he looked at you, almost pleading, “it’s true I felt like you were ignoring me, but seeing your little surprise makes me the happiest man on the five seas.”
Seems that was enough to quiet you. Though… “six, if you include the All Blue.”
When you chuckled at him, he felt his smile returning. He honestly couldn’t care less about the past. He’d said his piece, you’d talked it out, he didn’t care anymore.
“So, you know I love you right?” The timid way in which you asked was enough to knock the wind out of him.
Yet, he grinned, and brought your marked pulse up to lips again, “I love you too.”
“Oi get a room!” The two of you startled at the sudden shout coming from the other end of the mess hall. “Sure we can barely see you in your little corner, but the lovey-dovey energy in here is off the charts!”  
“Shut up Thatch!” Ace fired back. “You’re just mad you can’t gossip to Marco about it!”
“You’re the one blocking the show!”
“It’s real funny though,” there was a pause, “who’d have thought the wild Fire Fist was actually a huge pile of mush!”
With the newfound yelling, people started to file into the mess hall. Which was when he noticed it was mostly empty prior to that. Of course among the people who filed in was the aforementioned first division commander.
“You like your little surprise Ace?” He asked the younger man.
“Wait you knew?”
“Who else would she ask yoi?” The medic gave him a lazy grin before turning to you. “So, did you get to say what you wanted to say yoi?”
Ace studied you as you shook your head looking both disappointed and sheepish.
“What did you want to say?” He couldn’t help but ask.
You huffed, a sheepish smile wobbling your lips, as you moved to his left side, your right hand pushing his upper arm to show more of his tattoo.
"See,” you held up your own tattooed wrist next to his arm, “now we match."
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Ace later: “I’m gonna marry her.”
Marco (who is next to him): “aren’t you already married?”
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ledder4 · 3 months
simon ´ghost´ riley hates you so mutch yet cant keep his hands to himself...~
wordcount: 2695
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God, he hated y/n
Her annoying, overly high-pitched voice, her bitchy attitude, the idea that she is better than everyone, and her absolutely fucking awful ideas. Once he almost got killed over her stupid fucking attitude.
And of course, he let her know that. "You look like a slut." He'd say, so low no one heard, and he'd grin at how pissed off little missy wissy would complain and whine, only for Price to throw him a glare and nothing else. She really thinks she's all that? Price would never believe her.
Being around her was like being in a storm. But unlike the peaceful type where it soothes children to sleep and holds couples dancing within the raindrops, she was more like a tornado or something. Only brought chaos and disturbance wherever she went. Apparently only for him, though. Soap fucking loved her ass, and so did Gaz. The three would always have something to gossip about. And he seriously wishes he had invested in noise-cancelling headphones, because her voice annoyed the living fuck out of him.
And he swears he tried liking her. When she first joined the Task Force, he treated her like any other human being. But her eye rolls and, what Soap called, side eyes, got on his nerves. Normally, he doesn't specifically hate anyone.
But her smart mouth always had a fucking comeback for everything, didn't it? Whether it be her snicker when he got one wrong shot or a nasty comment about his dead eyes. That dumb fucking mouth would get her in trouble one of these days. And they'd bicker. Like teenagers, at times, and sometimes, like drunk men at pub fights.
Sparring which turned a bit too real, blood and spit mixing into one as she landed nasty fucking punches, and he did the same. He, despite his bleeding nose and his bruised jaw, would always smile when she winced with a breath too deep. He knew her ribs had been at least matching his jaw, and maybe, if he was lucky, he'd get to check if her back hurt too. Her whines about it instantly got a smile to light up his face underneath the balaclava.
And, when the guys were out either on missions or just hangouts, the two of them raged war at each other. Like that time the little shit hid his towel. Little fucker had also once hid his underwear. Not fun. It was hard to find more.
Besides dumb pranks, they also got physical. When they'd talk back a bit too loud, how he'd shove them into the wall and get a punch in return. And sometimes, just sometimes, he'd be sitting, muttering something snarky, and before he knew it, a hand was on his face. A slap. A sharp one. That instead of sending a jolt of anger, sent lust rushing through his veins, redirecting the blood flow straight to his cock. And how she'd choke him, too? Fuck, it got him dizzy. Had him smiling like a stoner underneath the mask as she shook his head back and forth by the neck, yelling about something he couldn't even remember about in his face, and all he could think of was her trying to be this bitchy when he's balls deep in her cunt.
And when the rest of the task came back, they'd always be scolding the two for beating the fuck out of them. Too bad they didn't believe his cheap excuse of her 'falling' and that's how she got a bloody nose and a cut eyebrow. And the blood staining his balaclava? Ah... what a coincidence, eh?
It didn't take a genius to realize that she hated him, and he hated her. It was like saying the sky is blue, or the water is clear. And sometimes, Price came all father-like, trying to get them to make up, but it just wouldn't happen. In fact, it only brought more snickers and snappy attitudes for both of them. Soap, that little fucker, would always say: 'The line between love and hate is thin!', which is unlikely considering that, for them, the line between love and hate is about five miles long.
Call it hatred, call it anger, call it grudges or jealousy, the pair would never get along. No matter how many times they were forced to go on missions together, or how often the two would spar together, no one could make them bond. The only thing that truly made them be together was the anger. The constant fire when his eyes met hers. The eye-rolls. The pure, unfiltered hatred when she would try to pin him down.
Her hands wrapped tightly around his neck and, despite his size, he just couldn't get out of the damn chokehold she had on him. He thrashes and finally ends up giving the side of her skull a blow, blood running down his nose, making her drop to her side as a nasty cut spews out blood. It makes him smile and burst into laughter when her not-so-weak hands try to get him. Disorientated, that's where he's got her. Weak punches and weaker reflexes. Easy as that, he had her pinned underneath him. Blood dripping slowly, mixed with sweat, as he stares down at her. He tugs his balaclava off, and the red liquid now pours on her cheeks while his hair, damp with sweat, sticks to his forehead, and he can only grin, a mouthful of blood when her eyes blow wide and her cheeks taint pink. "Little missy forgot how to speak?" He teases.
"Fuck you" she mutters.
"You wish" he whispers back.
Simon only narrows his eyes before his thumb swipes at the blood running down from her temple. The harsh leather picking up the blood with ease, and his eyes glint when she winces and whimpers, a noise that sends a jolt straight to his cock. Without speaking, he makes sure his thumb is coated with blood before writing a big "R" across her forehead. Riley was here. And when he's about to wipe his thumb off on his jeans, her annoying voice booms, insulting him for all he's worth. So, naturally, he gathers more of her blood and some of his, stares down at her, and pushes his thumb in her mouth.
Her protests dying on the stip of her toungue, lips that not-so-eagerly wrap around his thumb, and a tongue that licks his glove clean make him groan. Her eyes, now fluttering shut, snap open when he pushes his thumb further in. Inspecting her mouth. Feeling her tongue, and testing her gag reflex. "Hm. Now you're quiet. Can't be loud when you're sucking my thumb like a cheap whore, can you?", and her widened eyes tell him everything. Only when she chokes does he pull his thumb out and, with his gloved hand now dripping with her spit, he gives her two easy slaps on her cheek and stands.
She was frozen on the spot, staring up at him with a sort of desperation and hatred he had only seen in movies. Kind of turned him on, if he were to be honest. How her eyes were so big, lips lightly parted as if begging to be pressed against his. But no, what he does instead? His eyes flicker over her body in disgust and he wipes the tip of his boot on her crotch, watching her shiver and buck as he walks away, chuckling to himself.
"Fuck you!" was all he heard before the door slammed shut, and grunts of anger were heard. With the mugest expression and the proudest bleeing nose, he walks away. Price, who stared at him confused, was surprised when all Simon did was smile at him, rather than offer an explanation.
Later that night, in the shower, he watches as blood from the fight runs down his nose and down the drain. Pride swells in his chest, and a wave of lust hits him. How she sounded. How she had whimpered. How she sucked his finger like such a good slut. And before he knew it, he was hard as a rock. Biting down on his bottom lip, he curses himself before fisting his cock. His knees buck underneath him, and his free hand slaps the wall, trying to grasp at it when he pumps his cock once.
His eyes flutter down, and he strokes himself yet again, beads of precum already running down to his fingers. His eyelids set shut when his eyes roll to the back of his head, and he could all but replay her whimpers and ttry to recall the sensation of her hands around his neck. The filthy noise of him pumping his cock filled the air, along with his heavy breathing and the occasional moans leaving his lips.
Her hands around his neck, until he couldn't breathe. His hands on her hips, pulling her down on his cock as she whimpered and begged for more. Her lips messily meeting his as his cock spurted cum inside of her warm, wet, cunt. Her lips parting for him to spit in her mouth. Him smearing his cum all overher face using his cock. Her gargled moans when he fucks her throat like a slut. Her teary eyes when he nibbles at her clit. The sensation of her thighs around his head as he rut himself against the bed, and-
The white-hot sensation of an orgasm crashing through him pulls a loud groan from him, cum spilling from his cock down his abs, and all he could do was watch as water cleans away the filthy images his mind has conjured. Shame filling each corner of his soul, and he washed his hair before forcing himself to sleep despite the images swarming his mind.
And of course he had the luck to land a mission with her not even a week after whatever that had been. As much as he hatesher, he can't lie: he admires her abilities. How, for even just five or six hours where they need to get along, they manage to. Running shoulder by shoulder, ducking shots and him having to drag her along while her leg had been injured. All examples of when they managed to get together and set aside their mutual hatred.
He had been waiting in position as she scurried off to clear the building, and he hated to admit the pit in his gut whenever he heard gunshots, it only letting loose when he heard her high-pitched tone come across the speaker. Clutching his gun to his chest, the task force run to where they should find their main goal: a shit ton of civilians and some assholes who has decided to terrorise them. Soap, who slapped him on the back and flashed him a smile, and Gaz, who bumped his shoulder against his when he had stood still for a bit too long. A bit dissociated, maybe? Who knew.
And after some hours of careful analysis, they had managed: only a couple injured, maybe one or two deaths, and a sucessful mission. His heart felt light, and he let out a shruddery breath when they got to base. Price, who skipped formalties and gave each of the soldiers a tight hug, had also announced: "We're going drinking, people. Let's fucking celebrate, because all of you, and I mean all of you-", he had noticed Price's eyes were on him, "-did a hell of a job. In two hours, does that sound good?"
He didn't want to go. Not only was he tired, but he was pissed off. y/n's snarky comment hadn't missed him: "He even needs validation. Ugh. Reeks daddy issues." She had muttered, and his fists clenched, eyes flickering to hers. She had a glint in them, a sort of defiance he wanted to punch out of her, or fuck, maybe both.
And asthe night progressed, he could only take so much. The alcohol was rising in his head, and so was in hers. Her snarky comments getting louder, and his comebacks matching hers. Her shoves harsher, and his slaps more real. Thank God, he was still sober enough to drag the pair outside to at least leave the rest of the task force alone.
"Won't you shut the fuck up?" He snaps, and her pushing him away was his last straw. "You fucking bitch-" he murmurs, pushing her against the wall. She somehow didn't stop snapping at her, and her mouth was running a bit too fast and too drunk, and before they both knew it, he had his lips on hers. "Won't you shut the fuck up already?" he says against her lips, and her teeth sinking into his lip made his breath stutter, before a deep inhale through his teeth and his hand went around her throat.
"Little bitch. That's all you wanted, eh? To be-" cut off by her tongue shoving into her mouth "to be treated like a whore? Yeah? Wanna be fucked against the wall?"
Somehow, that didn't shut her up, either. Instead, her hands had gone to the back of his neck and tugged at the strings there. He hisses at the pain, andhis his knee shoves itself between her thighs, rubbing at her clit through her clothes. Her mewls make a fire be lit in his eyes, his cock twitching to life. "Hmm. That's what you want, isn't it? Ooh, look at how needy that cunt is... I can feel it through our clothes, you know? This desperate cunt begging to be stuffed?"
That's how they ended up here, her splayed across her lap as his hand came down on her ass, again, and again, and again- "That's it... Hmm.. Count." When she got off track and started babbling, he had to stiffle a moan. "No. Bad whore. Bad." An idea struck his mind, and he pushes her panties aside. "Oh fuck, that pussy is fucking drooling" his voice sweet as honey, fingers plunging deep into her warmth. "Holy shit, you're so fucking tight." He mutters, landing a slap to her clit.
Pushing the whimpering woman down on the bed, his hands push her thighs back as he watches her squirm and try to get away from his hungered gaze. A line of spit dripping from his lips and onto her puffy folds, before he laps at her cunt. His eyes roll back and a moan leaves his lips when she lets out a moan that really didn't match her voice. Her thighs trying to snap shut, calves shivering on either side of his head as her back arches and her hips buck into his face. His forearms go around her waist, and pushes her down, forcing her to stay still and take it. One of his arms go up, and he shoves two fingers in her mouth, smiling against her cunt as she whimpers and her hole clenches. "Shut the fuck up, y/n, can't a man eat?"
As she moans around his fingers, her cunt gushes out against his tongue. He lets her ride out the orgasm against his mouth, and once he's done, he sits up on his knees, tugging her by her calves as she whimpers and complains. "Even after being fucked silly ya can't shut up, eh?" He smiles down at her, and groans when he feels her slick against his cock. He teases it up and down her slit, bumping it into her clit over and over. "Fuck, y/n, you're fucking dripping for me." When she shook her head, he dipped his cock into her folds, only to pull out. He does it over and over, until he's satisfied with her pleas.
Slowly sliding into her, stars grow behind his eyes as he feels her warmth around him. His head tips back, and his hand wraps around her neck, in a grip. Her bulged eyes and throaty moans made him smile. When her mouth opens to try and breathe, he leans down and spits.
"Swallow. Like a good fucking whore, you're going to swallow my spit, won't you?" He murmurs, bottoming out inside her. "Won't you?"
made by ledder4
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porcelain-rob0t · 8 months
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i thought about how fun it would be to turn the girl from this post into an OC
she is a MSP also known as a Missy Pixels, she exists as a sentient computer program as a companion and helper for digital artists. a Missy Pixels can have any appearance based on the options set up by the artist and which art program she is put into. you can draw her an outfit, you can sketch up some enrichment for her so she doesnt get bored and play a little prank on you. just a silly little pixelated girl to help you draw :^D
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could u do reader calling xavier another boys name as a joke/prank
pairings: Xavier Thorpe x Reader summary: ^^^^ warnings: nothing really pretty short.
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you felt arms wrap around you as you sat at a table, reading
"hey" he whispered
"hey Kent!" you giggled mischiefly, flipping the page of the book
"what did you say?" Xavier questioned, spinning your chair around for you to face him
"whoops, sorry baby" you smiled at him, leaning up to kiss him
"no" he shook his head "you're not kissing me until I get some answers young lady"
"I'm sorry, I just thought it was Kent" you shrugged
Xavier took a deep breath through his nose while he clenched his jaw, leaning down to come face to face with you
"you think you're being funny?" he asked rhetorically
"what's there to be funny?" you tilted your head
he licked his lips, letting his dimples become more defined
"so you're telling me that Kent wraps his arms around you? is that why you thought it was him?" he chuckled angrily
"it's not that big of a deal" you rolled your eyes playfully, spinning your chair around to continue reading
"hey, we're not done here, Missy" he stated, spinning you back around
"I'm sorry ok, I didn't think it was you" you apologised
"you say that as if I don't do that on a regular basis, what else does Kent do, mh?" he leaned down, his jealousy was showing as he stroked your cheek
"nothing" you denied cheekily
"does he make you smile the way I do?" he inquired
"no" you laughed
"hm, does he make you laugh the way I do?"
you shook your head, looking down at your feet
"does he make you nervous the way I do?" he whispered
"no, Xavier" you looked back up at him
he sat on the chair next to you, resting his hands on your thighs as he looked at you
"so what does he do?" he questioned
"he does nothing, I was joking around, Xav" you giggled, placing your hands on his
"oh, you better be, Missy, or I swear to god you'll pay for it" he shook his head in disappointment
"I am. I promise, I wouldn't do that" you smiled softly
"can I have my kiss now" you pleaded
"you can have more than a kiss" he pulled you in.
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lilmisssona · 7 months
𓍢ִ໋🀦 CHAPTER 1: An Intruder 𓍢ִ໋🀦
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𓍢ִ໋🀦 PAIRING: Vampire! Hyunjin × Witch! Fem Reader
𓍢ִ໋🀦 GENRE: Supernatural AU, SMAU, Enemies To Lovers, Murder Mystery AU
𓍢ִ໋🀦 PLOT: You're accepted to The University Of Magicks" You thought it was just a fun prank, a spam ad even. But when you get actually accepted, things start to get real....You move across the country to start your new life, only to get on the nerves of a certain vampire.... Join on this magical journey as you navigate through life, friendships , love and maybe even an ancient curse ??!! Will you be able to thrive or will this be a battle to survive ?
𓍢ִ໋🀦 A/N: Someone's here. Except they are not someone you know... Is there an intruder ?
Let Me know what you think! New chapters every week!! ⸜(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝♡
𓍢ִ໋🀦 WARNINGS: Cussing, Painful memories of yn, platonic fluff
" And, the last bag is packed" You heaved a sigh of relief when you finished packing the last bag.
It was the dawn of 19th, you have to reach your destination by 21st evening.
Scanning your room, you made sure that everything is packed and tucked away.
As you won't be available for atleast an year or two. As that's what the curriculum says.
Seeking some well deserved rest, after the exhaustion of packing everything, you plop on your bed.
Sleep taking over your body quickly as your eyes grow heavy....
Weird sounds from your window, woke you up. It was already dusk when you opened your eyes.
You groaned in frustration as you heard the scratching sound again. Squinting your eyes and looking around, you spotted something dark at the window.
You gasped as you noticed there was something glowing outside. Fear engulfed your body, as you shivered looking at the mysterious figure.
Slowly, you approached your window, carrying your pepper spray and the bat you kept around for self defense.
With one swift motion, you opened the window and were about to scare it with the pepper spray, when you looked at the black blob.
It was not something... moreover someone. A cat. A black one at that with beautiful glowing eyes.
You smiled at your cute intruder as it looked at you with its huge eyes.
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" Who are you missy ? " you petted her head.
Welcomed by your warm gesture, your new guest invited herself in the house.
" I didn't say you're welcomed in! "
She purred and shuffled around your feet.
" Are you the neighbours cat love ?"
" Did you run away from home "
The kitten meowed at her, as if answering " yes " to the last question.
You smiled at her and crouched down to her level,
" Where do you even belong to kitty ? "
There was no answer from her side.
" Well, I don't see any name tag on you "
" So you're a stray kitten ? " The kitten meowed shyly.
"Well that makes the two of us honey."
You patted her slightly on the head.
" I don't have any food on me love " you sighed.
" I am moving far far away honey and I have tucked away all of my cookware in the cupboard. "
" But..." you suddenly remembered smiling,
" I do think I have a can of tuna in the fridge "
" Will that be enough for you love ?"
The kitten meowed a lot in reponse while rubbing her body against you.
" Ok, I'll bring it "
You went up to the kitchen and she followed you.
Opening and pouring the can of tuna in a small plate you handed it to her,
" Here you go missy "
The kitten chewed it hungrily.
" Hungry are we ? Eat well love! "
You smiled at the kitten eating well. A single tear dropped from your eye.
You always wanted a pet of your own. But never had the courage or time to adopt them and take care of them.
This one right here, is the kitten of your dreams.
Inviting herself in, she already made herself at home and also creeped your way so soon into your heart.
" I can't take you with me baby. " You sniffled.
" They won't allow any kind of pets "
" You have to go after finishing this ok honey ? " you fought back tears....
As if on cue. A message popped up again on your laptop.
You wiped your tears and walked towards your bed.
It was another email from the said University you're leaving for, on the 21st.
This is to inform, that all novice witches, necromancers and elves/fairies, are equired to bring one familiar with them.
They can be any animal and shouldn't be harmful to other students.
Example include - Cats, Dogs, Birds, Butterflies, badgers to name a few.
We are looking forward to your visit on the 21st!"
A bright smile formed on your lips as you closed the laptop and looked at your self invited guest.
You patted your head as you spoke to her
" Looks like you're coming along with me! "
The kitten meowed in response.
"You do require some stuff though" You told her as you scanned the room.
" Hmm, a blanket, a carrier, some pillows, cat food, litter box, some treats, toys to play, and most importantly a name tag. "
You searched and found a list of cat supplies online.
" How does the name Miss Tuna sound like ?" You asked the kitten who was sitting on yout lap now, comfortably.
" Meow ?" She half meowed in a quizzical way
" Miss Tuna is cute right ?" She purred in response, as if in affirmation.
Soon she fell asleep in your lap as you softly petted her head...
You ordered everything online and it was at your door in the morning.
Thankful for the quick deliveries in Korea, you opened the packages and made everything ready.
Slowly, you scooped Miss Tuna from your bed where was sleeping comfortably and placed her in her new bed.
Clad with soft mini pillows and a warm blanket. Her eyes shot open as soon as she felt unfamiliar grounds.
She meowed a little in response.
" This is your new bed baby. You booped her tiny nose.
" Sleep for tonight we have to leave early tomorrow alright ? You scratched her head a little.
Ms. Tuna, purred and instantly became comfortable at your touch, beckoning you with her tiny paws to scratch her more.
" You need more petting love ?"
" Meow " A soft but eager voice escaped her mouth.
" Alright baby but only a few minutes more ok ? "
" I am gonna have to work a little after that mhm ?" She didn't say anything.
Just looked at you with her big shining eyes as if nodding in agreement.
Hours turned into minutes, minutes into seconds and now its already the morning of the 21st.
You woke up early to pack everything left for the last minute.
Aka the plates, glasses, bathroom supplies to name a few.
Lastly you got ready and got Ms. Tuna, comfortable in her carrier.
She was a little grumpy this morning. But its obviously due to the sudden change.
So you made her carrier as comfortable as you can and placed her in.
Now it's already time for your cab to arrive, so you looked around for any last minute things left.
After making sure everything is ok, you grabbed your suitcases. There were three in total.
All your life packed in three suitcases and one new carrier for your newest member.
You still were unsure of keeping Ms. Tuna with you. But since childhood you were affectionate of animals.
As they are the only ones who didn't judge you....
They just silently listened to all your woes without looking at you with a sense of pity or shock.
You remembered the time, when your adoptive mum and dad had a cute beagle Cooper.
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You adored him to death and did your best to play with him and take care of him.
You told him stories and he just silently listened. Sometimes even nudged you for cuddles.
When they gave you away for adoption, your heart broke...
Cooper tried his best to block the door so that you can't leave.
Poor dog loved you to death as well. You were crying at his efforts.
But he was a mere small beagle and nothing your adoptive dad's hands can't hold.
He picked him up and sedated him for a couple of hours, as your mum forcefully left with you, to hand over to the social workers.
That was the end of your relationships with animals. Until now....
You tucked your last suitcase in the trunk of the cab and grabbed the carrier to sit with in the backseat.
Taking one last content look at the apartment that has been your home since a year, you instructer the driver your location and drove off…
The wind was crisp as it blew in your face....
The train ride to Namsuhara was really peaceful in a way.
No one to talk to. No one judging you. Only the curiosities about your new life.
Beautiful view on top of that.
And the company of your new familiar, Ms. Tuna, who was comfortably sleeping on your lap now.
A part of you wanted to preserve this moment forever.
This was much needed you believed....
A new beginning.
Not that you didn't like your freelance job or your achievements.
But this was a Something else altogether.
A beginning of a "new you".
A "you", no one will make fun of, or be terrified in a way they saw a ghost.
A "you" who'll be the on the same level as her peers.
A "you" who'll hopefully make new friends.
And lastly a "you" who won't be.... your thoughts, trailed off.
A blush creeped on your cheeks as you thought of the dark haired boy you stalked on instagram.
Something or everything was so ethereal about him, that you don't even beleive he's real.
His gaze intense, yet his smile ? enough to make your heart flutter.
Thinking about all of this, you relaxed in your seat and waited to reach your destination.
The sun was setting as it coloured the sky different hues of pinks, yellows, oranges and purple.
You got down from the train at your final destination- Namsuhara.
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The station was quaint and peaceful and you can spot distant mountains everywhere.
It was really refreshing to see such a beautiful place in real life.
As you've only seen it in videos and travelogues online.
You looked around to find someone who was from the University as they told you, they'll pick you up from the station.
But there was no one....
Only passengers who are either walking away with their families, or people who are waiting for the next train or just chilling around...
You put your head down and were about to contact on the number provided to you when you heard a scream!!
" You're here!! Yess! I'm so excited!"
Someone ran towards you and you were so scared they might bump into you and Ms. Tuna, you just quickly ducked.
You ducked down and squeezed your eyes shut, bracing for impact.
Yet there was nothing but deafening silence....
So you opened your eyes and saw two girls staring at you. You noticed their features, so distinct...
One was wearing a beautiful sage dress with little flower petals printed on it.
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She was looking like a fairy to be honest. The second wore a black crop with blue denims and a leather jacket.
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Both had such different aesthetics yet they looked comfortable in each other's company.
" If you're done checking us out, move your ass and get up ? We're actually getting late!"
The girl wearing a leather jacket spoke.
" Hey, she's overwhelmed hun don't speak to her like that."
" I am sorry she's moody like that sometimes...
" The girl wearing the sage dress spoke after defending you.
" Are you guys from the University ?" you asked them curious.
" Oh yeah we forgot to introduce ourselves, am I right ? I'm Yunjin and that's my friend"
" Karina, you can call me Rina or short. "
" Nice to meet you two." You sheepishly replied to them as you shook their hand.
" Let's get going then ? Our carriage is here" Yunjin smiled at you.
" Carriage ?" You asked surprised.
" Yeah it's on top of the mountains remember ?" Karina replied to you, half annoyed.
" Yeah, I'm sorry I forgot" you smiled at her as you three exited the station and walked towards a different path.
Yunjin grabbed your hand whispered,
" Don't mind her, she tends to get a little overwhelmed around new people."
" Its, ok I understand that. I have social anxiety as well" you whispered back.
" I love your familiar btw, very witch esque." She smiled at you as she glanced a look at Ms. Tuna.
" Thank you Yunjin, '' you replied.
" You're a fairy ? No way!" You gasped as you looked at Yunjin.
" Yes, a garden fairy hun" she replied smiling.
" And you're a Necromancer?" you smiled at Karina.
" Yes and I am also learning sword fighting. So if anyone bothers you let me know" Karina winked at you.
"This is an interesting start," you thought as the carriage moved away to the rockier higher terrains of the Enchanted peaks….
𓍢ִ໋🀦 OUR ETERNAL ALLIES: @atinyniki @kailee08 @writingforstraykids
@cheesemonky @skzoologist @minholing
@michelle4eve  @jinnie-ret @thatonedemigodfromseoul
𓍢ִ໋🀦 NEW RECRUITMENTS: @star92  @arloo00 @dabiscrustyfeet @loxgirl2004 @lakoya
@kpopmenace143 @avokralaim @i2nsstuff
@yasssposts @kopikokrunch @wa-wandavision @nlr1606 @kangyeonie
@niaalove @bellandxx @annybah
@kaiyaba @seungminindabuilding
(Taglist is closed!!)
𓍢ִ໋🀦 ENDNOTE: Everything Here is a work of fiction and my own imagination. This does not represent the real life characteristics of Stray Kids.
Make sure to like, reblog, follow and turn your notifications on to get updated whenever I upload a new chapter!!
⸜(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝♡
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marvelobsessed134 · 1 year
How about an NSFW one where Paul Stanley gets pranked by a rocker dudette fan (I'm talking leather jacket, jeans, wristbands, band t shirt underneath, the whole nine yards) but then it turns into a little something spicy *Wink Wink*🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
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Prank call gone wrong
Pairings: Paul Stanley x Fem!reader
Warnings: smut, rough sex, degradation, dumbifacation, size kink, and I think that’s it.
A/n: this might be my longest one yet
Summary: your prank on Paul Stanley goes amazingly wrong.
You’ve found the number to Paul’s hotel room. You’re still stoked that you’re staying in the same hotel as him! You had a couple hours to spare before the Kiss concert and you wondered if he was still in his room or if he was at the stadium. Either way, you wanted to prank call him.
Having thought of a script before hand, you excitedly dialed the number. How you got the number? You overheard a groupie telling it to her friend. And you have a pretty good memory.
It rang for a few seconds before he answered, “Hello?” His voice sent chills down your spine. God you love his voice. “Oh my god, Robert is that you? You’re with another girl aren’t you?” You responded trying your best to sound like an angry girlfriend.
“Umm my names not Robert I think you have the wrong-“
“Okay, so you’re just gonna pretend it’s not you. I’m not stupid, Robert. You’re with Brenda aren’t you? That skank.”
“We were supposed to get married, Robert. How could you? I hate you so much pack all of your shit and get out of my house.” You fake cried before slamming the phone down. You laughed maniacally before deciding to go down to the hotel restaurant to get a bite to eat before the concert.
Paul was confused. So he asked Gene about it. “You’ve been prank called.” The bassist replied simply.
“‘Prank called’ what does that mean?” The singer asked.
“You can’t be that stupid. Put the two words together. Prank and call.”
Paul then realized what Gene was talking about. “So some chick just prank called me that’s great. Who was it? Because she woke me up from my sleep.” He grumbled. The other man shrugged his shoulders.
-at the concert-
You standing amongst the rest of the screaming fans as Kiss made their grand entrance onto the stage. As usual it was epic. Pyrotechnics, lights, dancers. And of course, the music. You were right up against the barricade. “Wooo! Hell yes!” You yelled as you did the rock n roll sign with your hands.
For some reason during the show, Paul kept looking at you. Which made you flustered. Who wouldn’t be? The show went on and after it ended, you waited to be one of the last to leave so you wouldn’t have to deal with the crowd.
You walked, the stadium was pretty much empty, you were alone. You felt someone grab your shoulder. You turned to see non other than the Starchild himself.
“Holy shit Paul Stanley!” You shouted but not too loud. “Shut up, people will hear. Now come with me.” He hissed before gripping your arm tightly and dragging you to his dressing room.
He slammed the door shut and pushed you against it. His grip firm on both of your arms as he looked down at you. “So, you’re the one who prank called me?” He asked.
“How’d you find out?” You asked in response.
“I have my ways. I just want you to know that you disturbed my sleep and you should know I need every hour of it.”
You rolled your eyes, “Okay? So you dragged me all the way here just so you could complain that my little call woke you up?”
“You better watch that mouth, missy.”
“Oh yeah? What are you gonna do about it?”
“I’ll give you something better to do with it.” As he said this, Paul undid his belt before pulling down his pants and boxers. His large cock sprang free and your eyes widened. He used his other hand to pulled you down onto your knees.
“You gonna suck my cock like a good girl?” The singer asked as he stroked his large cock in front of you. You were shocked by the whole situation. How did it lead to this? Not like you’re complaining, though.
You moved to grab his thighs to stable yourself but was quickly stopped. “Ah, ah. Hands behind your back.” And so, you put your hands behind your back allowing him full control over you. Paul grabbed your hair and pushed his cock in your mouth. You closed your lips around his length before he began bobbing your head back and forth.
“Fuck, you have such a good mouth, baby. This is all you’re good for isn’t it? Such a dumb little thing that only knows how to suck dick.” The singers’ filthy words made you extremely wet. He continued to fuck your face before pulling you off his cock. “I see my cock barely fit in your mouth, didn’t it? You’re so fucking tiny it’s pathetic. I can rip you in two if I wanted.”
Paul grabbed your hair to pull you up, and he dragged you over to the couch and sat down pulling you onto his lap so you were straddling him. You could feel his hard cock through your leather pants. You started to grind on him as the two of you made out.
The singer began to kiss your neck down to your collarbone before throwing your leather jacket off your shoulders. A tank top with his face on it was underneath. He smirked, “Well, I see you must really like me huh?”
“I just like your voice.” You lied.
“Are you sure you don’t like my dick too?” He chuckled when your face went red. He pulled his shirt off before pulling yours off, groaning when he saw you wore nothing underneath. The raven haired man massaged your breasts, tweaked your nipples and bit and sucked on them. You were in complete bliss.
In one swift motion you were laid on your back. He was roughly taking your boots off and pulling your pants and panties down. You instinctively spread your legs.
“You think I’m gonna lick that pussy after what you’ve done? You’re just gonna lay there take my cock like a good slut.” He said before ramming into you without warning. You squealed in both pain and surprise. “Oh my god you’re so fucking tight. My cock can barely even fit this tiny pussy.” Paul moaned as he began to pump in and out of your tight wet hole.
You couldn’t think straight at all. You only laid there as Paul fucked you, used you. But oh you fucking loved it.
He pulled you up so you were straddling him again, his cock still inside you. The singer gripped your hips and slammed you up and down on his large cock.
“You like this baby? Bet you didn’t think about this when you called me today huh?” You couldn’t respond to him, and he was getting a kick out of it.
“Aww is my baby going all dumb on my cock? You had so much to say moments ago.”
You gripped his shoulders as he used you as a flesh light, feeling yourself get closer and closer to the edge. You finally clenched around him, “Ah!” You screamed in surprise.
“Fuck that was hot. Get on your knees again.” The singer commanded. You quickly got on your knees and grabbed his cock, putting it into your mouth sucking hard and fast, wanting his cum more than anything.
Paul put his hands behind his head as he leaned back with a cocky smile. “Yeah, you want my cum don’t you? Pathetic, really.” You jerked him off a couple times before his cum squirted all over your face.
Tears were in your eyes cause some of it got in them. Your mascara was smeared and so was your lipstick. Your hair disheveled and cum all over your face. “You look so fucking beautiful like this. Get cleaned up, I’ll give you my number for next time.”
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shyficwriter · 10 months
8 & T - Yondu X daughter reader ❤️
Thanks for the prompt! 8. Snow down back of neck T. Tickling [Send me a prompt and I'll write a drabble]
"Zip up your jacket." Yondu scolded you flatly as he locked up the ship.
You ignored him and continued chattering about the winter festival that would be happening in the nearby town the next day and how excited you were to see the lights. "I read that the trees look like mini nebulas they're so bright!"
Yondu had decided to take the crew on the rare vacation that wasn't on Contraxia. Currently most of his men were in the town drinking it up and the two of you were heading to join Kraglin and Peter by an out-of-the-way ice-fishing hole that Yondu was familiar with. He had sent them ahead to set up while he and you stayed back to repair your collapse-able fishing rod.
Yondu knew the repair would have actually only needed maybe five minutes to complete, but hey, it got him out of having to saw holes in the frozen lake and he knew you wouldn't complain either.
Now the two of you were on your way to join them, following the tracks they had left in the snow.
"Eh- probably exaggerated to bring in tourists," Yondu said, responding to your earlier comment about the lights.
"Can't you let yourself be excited for once?" you half-whine, half-tease.
Yondu glanced at you with a grin. "Nope."
You playfully punch him in the arm.
He returned your playful punch, and told you again to zip up your jacket.
Again you ignored him, a mischievous grin forming on your lips as you allowed yourself to fall behind in your pace just long enough to quickly grab some snow from the ground before recovering your pace to rejoin him at his side.
You turn the subject towards a job you knew was coming up after this vacation would be over, asking about the planet it was to be set on. This, of course, was just a means of distraction before you enacted your mischief. Nothing big. Just a little snow down his back... heck, you could probably blame one of the trees overhead for it.
Yondu starts to answer, and you think you're in the clear to pull off your prank, but the second you go to raise your arm he reaches out and grabs your wrist, making your hand open on instinct and drop its snow.
He turns to you with an eye roll and a smirk, still holding your wrist. "Did you really think I wouldn't notice? You gotta be sneakier than that, kid."
It takes a second for the shock to wear off, but once you recover you return his smirk with one of your own. "Or have a good backup plan!" and with that you swung your other hand up over his shoulder and shoved the other handful of snow you had grabbed down the back of his coat, sure that you possibly even made some of it go down into the back of his shirt.
Yondu's eyes widened and he recoiled as soon as the cold hit his skin, immediately releasing your wrist so he could reach back and attempt to fish out any un-melted snow- though of course that was a lost cause.
In the meantime you just stood there, laughing your ass off.
After a moment Yondu turns back toward you and narrows his eyes. "Betcha thought that was real funny, didn't ya? Real proud of yerself, ain't ya?"
Still giggling, you nod. However, your giggling slows once you notice the look on his face.
He steps towards you and just glares at you for a moment. By now you had stopped giggling and started to wonder how many toilets he was gonna make you clean back on the Eclector for your little stunt.
The silence hung for a good couple moments before Yondu spoke. Eyeing you, a playful smirk played on his features as he asked, "Thought I told you to zip up your jacket?"
You only just had time to look down before Yondu lunged for you, his hands quickly flying past your open jacket, latching onto your ribs, and sending you into hysteric laughter as you tried to fight him off.
You squealed out a "No! No fair!" as he continued to tickle the snot out of you.
"I think it's more than fair, missy!" he laughed. "You ignored me twice about zipping up your jacket, and then you shoved snow down my back! Far as I'm concerned that's three strikes against ya right there! If anything I'd say I'm going soft on ya!" with that he moved his hands up to tickle under your arms, which practically made you scream as it was one of your worst spots.
"Sorry! I'm sorry!" you squeal out, grabbing his wrists, but unable to push him off you.
"Yeah, bet you're really sorry. Sorry that you got caught, and sorry that you didn't zip up your jacket when I told you too!" he laughed.
Through your hard belly laughter you manage, "I give! I give up! I'm sorry!"
"Ya gonna do it again?"
Yondu finally released you. "That's what I thought. Now get your jacket zipped, it's cold out here."
Still giggly, you finally obey his command and zip up your coat. "That was so mean!" you whine, punching him in the arm again.
"Yeah, you deserved it, brat." He answered with a smile and pulled you into a side hug and ruffled your hair. "You're lucky I didn't decide to bury you in the snow and leave ya there."
You simply stick out your tongue in response, and after he playfully shoved you in the shoulder in response to that, the two of you continue on your way to meet the others at the fishing hole.
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midnightmah07 · 11 months
Template can be found here.
Character info:
As a kid, Daisy's parents always read her fairytale stories, teaching her through them to be kind and courageous throughout her life; after the passing of her mother, and soon after her father, Daisy was left alone with her abusive step mother and step sister; after a particular episode where she was humiliated, Daisy remembered how her and her mother wished upon stars when she was little, and trying to comfort herself, she did exactly that and wished for an opportunity to find a happier life, with people that love her and where she can find peace. The next day she wakes up in a coffin at NRC.
Daisy is kind, quick to empathize and forgive, which makes her stand out at NRC — she's often labelled with Kalim and Silver as the odd ones out; despite that, Daisy is never really kind to herself, and because of the many deprecating words she has heard from her step family, Daisy unconsciously started believing she didn't deserve happiness nor love, she also started viewing herself as ugly and unwanted, even though all of these things couldn't be farther from the truth.
Fun facts: she has learned to make a lot of different potions because she wants to help whenever trouble comes even if she doesn't have magic; her real name is actually Eléa, but she goes by Daisy because most people can't pronounce her name correctly (with the exception of Trein, Rook and if Rollo ever got to know her real name, him as well)
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Basic info:
Height: 165cm
Age: 18 years old
Grade: freshman (1st year)
Nicknames: Mademoiselle Trickster (by Rook), Shrimpy (by Floyd), missy/missy Daisy (by Jasper and Angus), flower/pumpkin (by Ruggie)
Birthday: May 19th
Dominant hand: right
Favorite food: pumpkin pies
Best subject: alchemy/potionology
Club: pop music club
Hobbies: singing and cleaning
Homeland: France, Earth – during the 1950s decade
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Relationship dynamics:
Grim & the Ramshackle ghosts: their relationship is pretty similar to what happens in canon, though I believe that Daisy won the ghosts way sooner than in canon because the ghosts immediately feel drawn to her, she has a charisma that immediately draws (most) people in; Grim and Daisy's relationship develops as it is in canon, if not a bit faster. Daisy's only friends in her old world happened to be animals since she lost contact with most of her friends after her step mother took over, so she feels really at home with Grim. At the end of the day, Grim would give his life to protect her and she would do the same, they're a duo and cannot be separated.
Mozus Trein: Trein and Daisy's relationship began as just a normal teacher-student relationship, however it started changing towards a more dad-daughter relationship as time went on; Daisy is, as Trein says, his best student, — never let Azul nor Riddle hear this. — he recognizes how hard she works to understand magic and the new world she is in, and he admires how much she's learned and is always hungry to learn more; Daisy lost her parents at a young age, and her step mother was never really a good parental figure to her, so when Trein starts warming up to her, she feels the love of a father she hasn't felt ever since her own biological father was alive.
Ace & Deuce: putting these two into the same thing because it'll make things easier since the development of their friendship with Daisy is pretty similar. it's basically what happens in canon with a few changes here and there; Ace is always getting scolded by Daisy for messing around too much or not studying enough — Grim is with him on that — while Deuce often gets praised by Daisy for giving his all; Ace also loves pranking Daisy, which makes them fight constantly, but they always make up by the end of the day since it's never that serious. Deuce on the other hand is the "good guy", and Daisy often praises him for being so nice to her and always supporting her — think of the meme "good cat (Deuce): cuddled nicely; bad cat (Ace): bit my ass".
♡Ruggie Bucchi: since I always talk about him and Daisy I'll just say the essential: Daisy and Ruggie did not like each other at all at first, she thought he was just a selfish coward and he thought she was just a goody two shoes, but after the events of book 2 and 3 took place, they grew to understand more of each other, see each other as friends and after a while they started having feelings towards each other. They're extremely close and despite Ruggie's busy schedule they can often be found together around school.
Leona Kingscholar: I was considering whether or not I should include him but why not? Leona and Daisy started similarly with how Ruggie and Daisy started: they didn't like each other, having a wrong view of who the other was, but later got to know each other and started actually being friends; Daisy really admires Leona's intelligence and is often encouraging him to do his best and try hard. At first he thought that was annoying, still kinda does, but he appreciates that she at least cares enough to do this for him. He will never admit but he views Daisy as the younger sister he never got.
Kalim Al-Asim: different from the others Kalim was kind and friendly from the beginning, and that was very refreshing for her. During book 4 and after, Kalim quickly became one of her most important friends and someone she trusts with her eyes closed. He also helped her in book 5 with her insecurities about her appearance together with Vil and Rook.
Jasper and Angus: Daisy and the Souris brothers met when Portfest was happening; Jasper was a bit wary of Daisy at first but eventually both of them ended but falling in love — platonically duh — with her. Jasper and Angus adore Daisy as if she was part of their family, they often visit her and make small handmade gifts for her, which makes her extremely happy and welcomed in Twisted Wonderland. Their bond is really strong and loving, almost at the same level of Daisy's love for Grim and the ADeuce duo. You can often see them around Port o'Bliss proclaiming how the most beautiful woman on earth (Daisy) is among them and no one's even batting an eye!! Outrageous!!
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Character references:
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Character cards:
Dorm card (Ramshackle) [old design]
Club card (Pop/Light Music Club)
Lab wear card
Glorious Masquerade card [old design]
Platinum Jacket card
White Rabbit Fest card
Twisted Tsumderland card
Stitch's Tropical Turbulence card
Glimmering Soirée card (fan event by @starry-night-rose )
Tamashina Mina/Cloudcalling on The Savannah
Other trivia:
Daisy's (+ Ruggie and Maggie) adult design
Glorious Masquerade redesign
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scftm1ttens · 1 year
young sheldon modern au:
missy is addicted to social media (especially tiktok and instagram) and she also says alot of tiktok slang words (for example: bombastic side eye)
meemaw has a tiktok account (with the help of missy) and she will occasionally say some tiktok slang words
georgie 100% has tinder
mary is one of those homophobic conservative people who complains alot
george doesn’t really use social media alot, but he has one of those middle aged dad facebook pfp
sheldon thinks social media is a waste of time, he only uses his phone for calling or texting
missy uses atleast 3 emojis in every message
billy loves memes and will often send some to missy
georgie, missy, billy and paige have a discord groupchat and they sometimes play games together (and spam the gc with random stuff)
like missy, paige also loves social media, and she loves to post dance tiktoks
billy sometimes pranks sheldon and posts it on tiktok
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meowlod · 11 months
focalors x fem!reader | a prank that goes a little too far.
warnings: nothing much, just fluff and annoying someone.
One day, you had an idea to annoy someone, and the target was Focalors. You were walking towards the courtroom, walking inside, opening the doors only to see her talking with the chief justice. Perfect!
You run towards the stage, seeing your lovely girlfriend smiling at your sudden appearance. But she doesn‘t know about your pranks, yet.
”Oh? Is my love asking for attention again? What a surprise to see you here. In fact, i was just about to walk home to you.“ Her mismatched blue eyes staring gently at you.
You ignore her words, attention only on her white dress, the center of her dress exposing her neckline, chest and stomach while fastened by a gold and blue metal ornament. You grin as you walk towards her, the Chief Justice staring at you in confusion, but curiousness. Focalors looks back at you curiously. What are you going to do? Kiss her? She thought to herself.
You stand in front of her with a confident face as you‘re right in front of two powerful beings, while you‘re the only weak one, with no powers. You have confidence, atleast.
“..Mon amour, is everything okay? Are you really craving that much for a kiss?—“
Before she could continue speaking out her sentence, you pour cold water all over her dress and her face then gently push her down, making her grunt as she falls down on the slippery ground, getting herself even more messy. She looks at you with a slight angry glaze you‘ve never seen before. ”..I’m sorry that had happened, let me help you up.“ The Chief Justice held out his hand to help her stand up while you are quickly walking down the stage to run away, giggling and laughing quietly to yourself so they won‘t hear it, but they have good ears.
”Stop. And come back here.“
Her voice sends shivers down your spine. It sounds stern and deep. You know you are dead after you heard it.
”..H-haha..u-uhm..I..I have to pee—“ You find a excuse to tell her.
“No excuses. Come here, now.“ she demanded.
You grin nervously back at her, your hands between your legs as a fake sign to show that you have to pee, but she doesn‘t buy your excuse.
Quickly, she teleports behind you and grips your hair firmly to pull you back, making you look right into her eyes. You gulp at the sight of her eyes narrowed, mouth formed into a frown, hair and dress wet from the water you poured all over her earlier, and her other hand turning into a fist.
You quickly shut your eyes, putting your arms infront of you to protect yourself, preparing for it. But you seriously thought that she was going to hit you? Oh, no. She sighs and picks you up, waving and saying one last goodbye to the Chief Justice before walking out of the courtroom, seeing that its dark outside.
“F-foca— what are you g—going to do with me?“ You nervously ask, voice shaky with a little bit of fear in it.
“..Tsk, my love, you‘re getting a punishment. What are you expecting? Did you think i would let you go so easily? Tch, think twice, my dear. Even in front of your Chief Justice? I‘m amazed that you‘re not embarrassed yet.“
A punishment? You get scared yet your face burns up in embarrassment from her words. She smirks at you, knowing that she has you in your arms, meaning that you can‘t escape her now. She sighs and pats your head.
“..Not a rough one, don‘t worry. But don‘t do it again, before i‘ll get my revenge and do the same.“
To the way home, you play with her hair, caressing the fluffy white and blue curls while she carries your body.
”I love your hair. I think i‘m jealous..you‘re sooo hot.“
“I know you are trying to talk your way out of this, missy. Just to tell you: you won‘t.”
You whine at her answer and give up, letting yourelf get punished once you arrive at your destination.
“Now that is my good girl. Going to accept the punishment, yeah?“
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