#also I've heard a lot of 'don't complain about this; at least it's gay' and like
olderthannetfic · 2 months
Update on the Bridgerton stuff: the online fandom is so homophobic and horrible, and the mods of stuff like the main subreddit refuse to do anything about it (but will remove comments by people upset about the homophobia for "generalizing") that LGBTQ+ fans have had to make their own spaces. There's a whole separate subreddit that bans homophobia called r/bridgertonlgbt, and of course the ones from the main one keep trying to get it banned with false reports by accusing them of "heterophobia" and "doxxing" (re: complaining about their homophobic comments in their own spaces). Assholes who are mad about them making a straight romance from the books lesbian in the show are also doing petitions and flooding like every Instagram post including one by the original author about how she was initially skeptical about such a big change from her books but she's had lots of talks with the showrunners and she trusts them, and has always supported greater diversity in the series. People keep misusing that stupid fucking George R.R. Martin quote (about how creators these days don't do anything original but just warp other people's existing works) when he himself has condemned "the show must be exactly like the books" fan attitudes, especially the racist tantrums around House of the Dragon casting a couple years ago. And on a post by the author HERSELF where she explains why she gave the go-ahead, supports these changes, and condemns homophobia in the fandom! How is she "warping" her own work???
I've heard about this all secondhand from my friend and it just makes me so glad I don't go on Insta or Reddit and instead keep my fandom activities to Tumblr or AO3. Where for all the drama over other things, at least this kind of rancid homophobia you get in spaces where everyone is cis and straight feels entitled to only ever consume straight and cis romance stories (they'll claim they "are okay with gay characters but new ones!" but their example is always like a side character who has an unhappy ending, can you really not get why queer fans are not satisfied with that?) at least that's not so much a thing here. Instead I'll be happily writing Francesca/Michaela and Benedict/male characters slash and ignoring and blocking the haters. And remembering that that show has way more fans than use social media and everyone involved is continuing to refuse to listen to the loud idiots online. Like everyone I talk to about it who isn't super online, most of whom are straight women, think the change is really cool and can't wait to see what they do with it. Some of them have read the books, but most have not.
But god, it just seems like toxicity from top to bottom over there. I really wish a lot of the straight women fans would just admit they don't like a lesbian romance because there's no one for them to find hot. And maybe consider why it's not a big fucking ask to "find something relatable" in gay romances, like gay people have had to do with straight ones for all time. Why must we continue doing that but you're entitled to whatever you want all the time? It's just so weird to see these attitudes still and in fandom in 2024!
These attitudes never went away.
On the fanfic side of things, the slashers just happen to have built the currently-popular platform, so the haters have to deal.
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tostadamika · 8 months
Daniel Watches She-Ra & The Princesses Of Power
-S1E1- 'The Sword Part 1'
Today's She-Ra Watch Art: This shitty Glimmer doodle.
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Look I promise they won't all be garbage ;-; I promise
Okay I wanna preface: Not every post is gonna be this detailed, I didn't even intend to go on this long with just one episode but I lost track of time. Some posts I'll be short & sweet. Some I'll be long winded to a comical degree. Depends on my feeling.
I think I'll just keep it to one paragraph per episode, & only pull out the long rambles when I finish a season. I think that'll work. Yeah.
Okay so I have no idea who any of these people are because I literally just started but one of these guys is a lizard. I'm a huge sucker for lizard people in anything ever so I immediately like this fucker. He's a lizard, that is all I need. He's just instantly cool because lizards are fucking rad as hell dude.
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So Cat-Ra speaks, that first fucking line of hers.
The fucking "Hey Adora"
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The first fucking thing I said to myself, out loud, was the immediate reaction I had to that line: "Oh so they're gay."
I don't know if it's like canon or not but one of the things I know about this show is people ship them a lot. I have no idea if that's actually like a canon thing in the show or not but I've seen a lot of fanart of them so I know people at the very least WANT them to kiss or hold hands or get married & buy a house in the suburbs & raise like 5 kids & watch Shrek on VHS & talk about doing their taxes or whatever idk.
That being an actual thing in the show itself? Uh I guess I'll see what happens so who the fuck knows man. Maybe they just explode idk.
But like....dude. DUDE. The fucking way Cat-Ra said it was just....
SO fucking extra like that immediately felt fruity to me. I'm already getting that vibe from her. On top of that, the way her & Adora continue to interact in the episode also give off a very distinct vibe, a rather, ahem, 'fruity' vibe. I think I'm already getting the idea of why this ship is popular. I do believe I see the vision.
Also, quick tangent, I LOVE the way the animators animated Cat-Ra like an actual cat. Her hair getting puffed up when she's agitated, her ears moving to reflect her mood. Her eyes dilating like how cat eyes actually do. THEY EVEN ALSO MADE HER PURR LIKE AN ACTUAL CAT, LIKE SHE AUDIBLY CAN BE HEARD PURRING. THAT'S SUCH AN ADORABLE DETAIL & IT MAKES HER IMMEDIATLEY ENDEARING AS FUCK.
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Also I guess it makes sense Cat-Ra would be into women, yeah?
Because it makes sense that CAT-Ra would be interested in PUSSY.
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(Please Laugh) (I'm desperate please think I'm funny I need this)
Now moving on, let me talk about this BITCH.
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One. Compared to the original Shadow Weaver, they sure did make her a way more intimidating villain.
Hi so I immediately love you?? Like instantly my favorite character just from the design alone. Glimmer is so real honestly.
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I also like Bow, like, Bow is just so fucking cool & nice? He's such a real one, I wanna be best friends with him & hang out he's just so lovable like he's just awesome. I love this man immediately. He deserves all the good in the world actually.
Also holy shit the contrast between Bow in the original show vs this reboot design.
It's funny, the original design WAY more gay than the new one.
The new one that a lot of people (and by people I mean homophobic douchenozzles.) complained about, the design for Bow in this supposedly 'woke tumblr sjw cartoon' has a design that is far less homoerotic in it's design & feel.
The original Bow just outright looks like a fucking gay pornstar.
He's got the trademark 'Gay Porno Mustache™' & everything.
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Okay so there's a magic sword or something, etc.
They mentioned Eternia.
Okay so, one of the reasons the original she-ra was lame as fuck compared to He-Man? No Skeletor.
Hordak & literally all the villains in the original show suck ass.
They fucking suck. Hordak is just Skeletor but boring & shitty.
Why the FUCK did they not take the oppurtunity to replace Hordak with Skeletor? You don't even need to add He-Man, I'm fine with that.
But You could have just taken She-Ra & added a better villain because Skeletor fucking rules. He calls people boobs. That's fucking awesome & cool. WHERE IS HE? WHERE THE FUCK IS SKELETOR? LOOK SHOW. HORDAK WAS FUCKING LAME AS FUCK.
I mean, so far they managed to make me actually LIKE Cat-Ra, & the original Cat-Ra fucking sucks. Shadow Weaver sucked & so far at least this reboot Shadow Weaver is actually intimidating. But man, you better fuckin' impress me show, because the lack of Skeletor is felt deep within my soul.
OH wait hold on.
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Okay I see why everyone said this show is gay now.
Anyways I didn't mean to ramble on this long about the show in just one episode, I promise this is gonna be a rare occurrence. I think from now on, I'll keep it shortened to just one paragraph per post. I'll only pull out these long posts when I finish a season or something.
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Anyways uh:
-Glimmer is the best
-I'm sorry but I'm not over the skeletor thing WHY DID YOU NOT USE HIM HE WAS RIGHT THERE-
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unhappy-last-resort · 2 months
thoughts on latest cn chapter? If you read the translations
Because it's WILD
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Okay, so I do try to avoid a lot of stuff on the CN story, unfortunately, I have been made to see some of it anyway and I've been wanting to talk about the way EN players have been acting for a hot minute.
Spoilers ahead, if you don't wanna know, don't read. I'm also forgoing my usual hand written note for this because I have too much to say
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Before I start, if I have gotten something about the game story wrong, please don't tell me or be kind enough to hide it under a keep reading divider, I really do not want to know more about the story than I already do. This is the second time I have been spoiled about something I really wanted to experience first hand, thank you.
First of all, I do not understand the freak out about the kiss. Lucia has always been romantically interested in the Commandant, her Affection story in Plume is basically her working up to asking you out on a date, it has been well known and established that this woman loves you, this isn't coming out of left field and the people who are complaining it's destroying her character are people who likely didn't pay attention to it in the first place.
Secondly, the way people are acting like two fem characters confessing suddenly makes all their headcanons invalid, or is going to stop the masc characters from having a chance...ridiculous. It's literally implied that Camu was going to kiss you, if not more, in his affection story and if he wasn't interrupted. He's also not the only masc character to be implied to have feelings towards the Commandant and they all still have those romantic tones in their past, current, and future events (and in some coating descriptions too).
Calm down please and go write/draw your Commandant having hot gay sex instead, what happens in the game has as much affect on your daydreams as you want it to.
Thirdly. The complaining about the writing suddenly being bad.
Do you think the CN players would also not be complaining about it? I've been in a few gacha communities and this attitude of acting like the CN playerbase is too stupid to know what a good game looks like is racist.
Yes, they're from a different culture from you, but we're here to play a video game. Do you think they don't like the game for the same reasons you do? Do you think they can't tell when something is poorly made, or poorly written in a game that has been flourishing for months?
If the story was genuinely badly written, I think we would see a lot more of the CN playerbase complaining, but what I've seen instead are people being moved by it.
Aside from that, stories in live service games don't usually become "suddenly" bad, there are generally signs beforehand and you'll notice it starts to taper off before it hits rock bottom. If it was bad, then there should have been some complaints about it dating several months prior to now.
Lastly, and most importantly. We don't have the full story yet. I just heard the rest of the story, or at least the second half, just became available for CN players. Why are we spending so much time crying about a story that isn't finished and that we can't even read for ourselves yet? We're only getting little snippets of the story and we're already making judgements while not having context and you would be surprised how much having the context and being able to follow the events of a story by yourself instead of hearing about it from someone else changes how you view it.
I highly doubt that they're going to leave so many drastic changes, or deaths, of characters and not explore them. I doubt they're actually throwing these characters away, let's wait and see where this goes because they're clearly gearing up for something big.
Tl;dr relax, go enjoy the stuff that's on global instead of freaking out about stuff that's ten months away, if the story or game actually does go downhill, you won't be the only player in the world who will be upset and Kuro is known for taking feedback, we can deal with it when it comes up.
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crystallinestars · 4 months
"Bullying into submission" is unfortunately an excellent way to put it 😔 People really need to learn that while feeling the need to vent is more than okay (just look at how much I've complained so far lol), making posts / snide comments with the sole aim of creating Drama or Discourse or straight up jumping into someone's space to berate them for quietly enjoying themselves in a way you don't approve of is truly the best recipe if your goal in life is to be miserable 24/7, on top of being a huge dick move.
I was also thinking about what other anons have brought up (how they feel straight up alienated by popular hcs always being one 'extreme' or another with no in-between) and I feel like these discussions (including the ones on social constructs, loved your input about that btw) are all linked by a common factor: some people try to draw hard lines in the sand in order to neatly categorize stuff in easily identifiable boxes or tropes. Sometimes what we could call "the norm" seems so ingrained in people's minds that it does not even occur to them to try and question this status quo, and so a lot of nuance is either lost or not even explored to begin with. At least that's how I see it, I still need to think about this some more.
I'd say that these "hard lines" aren't only drawn between all we've mentioned, but between communities too. I'm going to say this kinda clumsily but like, why are we treating anyone who isn't "just gay / lesbian / straight" as if they were an enemy and/or a threat? Is it some kind of insecurity that can only be soothed by constant validation? Why is it that when someone dares to make something slightly different, we're bringing out the pitchforks?
This hostility (and just the fact that these discussions / this Discourse seems very cyclical) kind of reminds of a tweet I saw a while ago. I unearthed it for the occasion lol:
"People love to pretend it’s so weird that others get upset when you claim something they like is bad lol.
Slandering something that another person appreciates is akin to insulting/questioning their intelligence, especially when it comes to a piece of work."
The original post was about slandering works as a whole, but I think it can also apply to more specific aspects, like enjoying something in particular in a given work. Why are we pretending it's weird that people get upset when you keep telling them (explicitly or implicitly) that their fun is lame at best? I know people love to say "that's just how the internet is, Get Used To It" but honestly? It's such an empty excuse and it makes me want to bang my head on a wall, because why couldn't we just all keep our manners to begin with??
I feel like I'm answering everything in a weird order lol but about Welt, that's pretty much what I had heard about him! I've been thinking that I should at least look into Hi3 a bit, just to see the links between the games and Mihoyo's overall evolution 🤔 And I didn't know about that lore book! I don't even know if I'm surprised about this reaction but I do know that fandoms sometimes confuse the hell out of me because I've seen just as much Guizhong enjoyers as I've seen people shipping Zhongli with Childe??
I'm just going to say it bluntly: people should REALLY pick a struggle and/or another hill to die on, because having a meltdown for something like that is just embarrassing. It does prove your point about the shipping lenses tho, because I can't think about another reason why a LORE BOOK would have made them feel so threatened 💀 I had seen the tantrums about Dottore (apparently he's too evil??) and Raiden (she's not evil enough??) but this?? MAN.
Kind of makes me think that people are lowkey hypocritical with their need to have canon confirmations, because they love to brag about THEIR pairings but as soon as the possibility appears that the devs MIGHT offer some kind of confirmation on one they don't like, even if it's one as 'marginal', for lack of a better word, as this one, they break out in hives. And the Thoma and Ayaka situation is just another proof that 1) YOU SHOULD NEVER FULLY TRUST LEAKS and 2) the bar we talked about keeps getting lower in hell.
And YES! I also felt like there were a lot of things about Alhaitham that were there to tell the players that while it's true he comes off as odd, eccentric, blunt, etc., he's rather kind all things considered! He's letting Kaveh stay in his house even if they don't particularly get along, he sticks to his moral code, he recognized Dehya's capabilities, he helps Tighnari with Collei's education, and so on. He seems to be the type of person that won't go out of their way to be palatable to others, but he also never goes out of his way to hurt anyone? And what's more, if you're willing to hear him out and truly pay attention to what he says, you'll realize that he's actually quite helpful? In a way that he's giving advice and letting people come to their own conclusions? At least that's what I can think about off the top of my head, so it's kind of hysterical to me that he gets reduced to "That Asshole Feeble Scholar".
This ask is getting long again (and messy) but I still want to add that I've seen your discussions about Nilou, Candace and Kokomi with Kaveh and it might be biased and/or controversial of me to say this but honestly? I think people, no matter their identities, just don't like women / don't even acknowledge how much they dislike women. As you said, same-sex pairings (and i'd say BL pairings in particular) are that much more popular and I'm getting pretty sure that it's in part due to the fact people don't pay attention to the female characters because they might be assuming they'll be boring. I've seen so many people bashing Kokomi, especially her story quest, yet they praise characters like Itto to high heavens? I know that it's 'to each their own' but sometimes I do feel like people don't give some (female) characters much of a chance to begin with.
At least to me it's pretty funny to see the difference between how you and the others have talked about your ideas for ships, and how the fandom talk about haikaveh lmao.
Kavelou shippers: I think they could bring out the best in each other, they could bond over their shared love for the arts and share ideas for their respective fields of expertise!
Loud Haikaveh shippers: omg they're roommates lol, when do you think Alhaitham will impregnate his 'c a n o n' malewife?? Why are kavelou idiots such snowflakes, 'conflict' is essential to make a pairing worth it and we're allowed to enjoy some fictional toxicity
Also, a bit of a side note, but it hasn't escaped me that people love to say that "toxic pairings are valid" for their BL preferences, but Acheron and Black Swan get exactly 1 deadly dance video and suddenly it's the most disturbing thing they've ever seen??
Anyway, I've seen you mention at least twice that you're thinking about making either a different blog or creating a discord server for all these rants you receive, and I think it's a lovely idea! I'm pretty sure I have an account on discord that I haven't touched in years so it has probably been deleted by now 😭 If there's anyone else interested in it would be a great alternative for you to separate your writing from the rants :)
Once again, I hope you're having a wonderful day or evening!
There is a lot to unpack here, but I will try my best to respond to everything. I'm sorry in advance if I don't touch on every point.
Regarding your "hard lines" comments. It's true that people draw boundaries between what they find acceptable and not, and while this would ordinarily be a good thing, here it's more to do with controversial topics like race, sexuality, gender, etc... and I can't help but wonder if the reason for such behavior is due to politics.
Most of this behavior is present in the western and english-speaking parts of the internet where American politics reign supreme. From what I have heard and seen, the progressive side deems everything that is considered the majority (heterosexuality, white skin, male gender, etc) as the opposite of what they stand for, therefore it must be conservative, which is bad. There's a lot more at play here than just progressive vs conservative, but I am not well-versed in politics, so I won't speak on it too much. Plus, this is all just a theory. But as I've said before, the West loves to drag politics into every aspect of their lives, fandoms included.
The quote you found is actually spot-on. Acting surprised when you insult something people enjoy or relate to is surprised pikachu behavior. Though I suspect these people aren't actually surprised, but are just trolling the people they offended, and are gleeful they managed to get under the skin of those whose views they dislike.
I think the lore book tantrum is another example of people wanting their characters to be "shiny toys", as you put it. Having an indication for a NL relationship between playable characters is a no-no for gacha games. It offends a lot of groups of people. For example, those that want to pair Zhongli with Childe, or self-ship with him, and the same applies for the Guizhong side (even though we had no idea what she looked like at the time). For some reason, there's not as much negative reaction if the ship being teased is same-sex though. Might be because it offends less groups, but it's still a baffling phenomenon for me.
Which brings me to the point about female characters.
I agree with you that female characters get hated on. In the anime and manga spheres, have seen a lot of comments about female characters from various fandoms, and the main complain with them was that they are not as fleshed out as their male counterparts. Female characters lack complex writing and character development, and get reduced to plot devices or love interests for the MC. Even in media made by women for women featuring female protagonists, some of these protagonists are pushovers that rely on male characters to save them. There is a desire for women to be equal to men in media, but it's not common to see.
It doesn't help that in Genshin, the first three chapters had bad writing, especially for female characters. Though not all, majority were were one-note characters with not much complexity or plot behind their actions, unlike male characters. This has improved significantly since Sumeru's debut, but I doubt it's enough to change the minds of some people.
So to make my point; female characters get hate for being boring. I also feel like women are the ones who hate on female characters the most? I have seen both fujoshi and yumejoshi communities hate on female characters for being the love interest of their favorite male character and getting in the way of their ships.
I am hesitant to delve into the topic of why some fujoshi hate female characters since it's not something I completely understand. I did a bit of research into why they prefer BL over NL, and while the gripe about female characters being boring was a main factor, there was also a lot of misogyny. I'm sure there are some other reasons aside from these as to why women hate female characters, but this topic is too complex for me to navigate just yet.
I will defend Kokomi with my life 😤 She got a lot of hate even back in her beta, and her story quest came under fire, as well. I thought her story quest was decent, though maybe my judgement is clouded because I love her so much. Regardless, her character is awesome and I relate to her a lot, so Kokomi slander will not be tolerated 😤
Regarding the difference between haikaveh and other Kaveh ships, I can only think that one is a fetishization of a gay relationships, while the other is a genuine appreciation for the dynamic between characters.
I actually saw only positive comments under the Acheron and Black Swan dance video. Yeah, there were jokes it was toxic, but I didn't see anyone complain about it, though I believe you when you say some people found it problematic. BL gets a lot of special treatment, I would say. Everything that's deemed bad/boring in GL and NL pairings is often painted as being better/good if it's BL. I've only seen a couple of "omg toxic yaoi ❤️" posts, and while those were jokes, it's shocking how much people love to pair enemies together. I see a lot of depictions of abuse in BL, and the shippers love it, so I suppose it's not that surprising? I find it concerning, though.
Anyways, thank you for your well-wishes, and have a great day as well!
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rabarbarzcukrem · 11 months
My thoughts on The Irregulars
Okay, I've just binge watched Netflix's The Irregulars. To be honest I didn't know pretty much anything about it before I started, I decided to check it out because I had heard Watson was canonically queer in this version. Glancing at the synopsis made me think that it would be a story of Sherlock Holmes's cases told through the perspective of the members of street gangs he hires to find information for him (which I thought was a cool idea with a lot of potential). So I was pretty disappointed when I started watching and found out that 1. it was fantasy and 2. it had nothing of the iconic cases from the original source material. I hate when shows take crime cases and add ✨ supernatural ✨ twists to them for no reason, because what's really fun about this particular genre is gradually figuring out how the crime was orchestrated. When you add the paranormal to that, it's harder to look for clues and draw conclusions yourself because magic makes anything possible and you need to wait for the show to explain it to you.
But I was really pleasantly surprised that the show didn't take the "crime but with a magic twist" route and committed to the idea, making everything revolve around the supernatural instead. So Holmes and Watson aren't regular detectives, they specifically deal with paranormal cases, Mycroft isn't just working for the government, he's a member of a magic cult.
I've seen many people complain that this version makes Holmes, and especially Watson completely unlikable, but this darker characterization is actually the thing I enjoyed the most. When it's done in the usual way, with Holmes as the brilliant detective and Watson as his companion, the narrator and a stand-in for the audience, he needs to be passive to some degree, because the structure of the story demands that of him. But by placing them in the background, you can stop treating them as narrative tools and actually focus on them being characters. And when you take this approach, and look at the things Watson actually does - choosing to associate himself with an eccentric drug addict and lead a particularly dangerous lifestyle - it starts to make sense that he's a little bit fucked up, actually. Also I'm a sucker for unrequited love and gay yearning, so he was bound to be my favorite.
Sherlock disappointed me a little bit to be honest. He's alright I guess, I just wish they'd do something more interesting with him. But they gave him a cunty earring, so that's a plus. (Also the actor reminded me of Taika Waititi for some reason...?)
A small part of me kind of wishes that instead of changing their characterization so drastically they'd simply make their own characters... But in that case I would have probably never watched this show, so I guess it works as a way to draw attention.
The main characters are... fine? A very typical YA fantasy team (*cough* Six of Crows *cough*). I liked how casually yet maturely they handled the sexual stuff between them, I liked Billy's struggle with his trauma. Most things about them was done well, although it was nothing revolutionary.
What really bugged me was the costume design. I won't be complaining about historical inaccuracies because it's clear the show wasn't going for realism, but why couldn't they have just chosen 1 time period (or a set of silhouettes at least) to take inspiration from and commit to it? The fashion is all over the place.
All in all it was okay? Definitely better than Warrior Nun, another cancelled show - very flawed and clumsily written but still close to my heart. It's a shame there won't be a continuation, but I don't think there needs to be.
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pa-pa-plasma · 1 year
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okay, I didn't see this until now (& op turned reblogs off apparently) but I'll address some stuff under a readmore just to clear stuff up.
"one piece has multiple queer characters" One Piece literally has a gay club that hands out free transitions to transgender people. I am not making this shit up. Also, Luffy is asexual & aromantic. "multiple" doesn't really do it justice
"the whole "tumblr crossing the picket line" thing in promoting it (i think? i've heard people talking about it at least)" tumblr didn't cross a picket line. tumblr is allowed to advertise, as they (as in the website & the people who run it) are not planning to be part of the writer or actor unions. this is just regular advertising that other movies & shows have done & are doing.
"the strangeness of what things tumblr decides to promote and in what intensities they do for which things" again, tumblr was paid to promote One Piece. yes, there are problems with what tumblr pushes & what it hides, but it was paid to do this. it isn't favouring One Piece for no reason. it is favouring One Piece because it was paid to. if Our Flag Means Death wanted to advertise on tumblr, they could.
"the fact that what little i know about the original one piece is sexism" the series started in the 90's in Japan, so yes, there is a lot that isn't great, but for a lot of us it was our first experience of seeing openly queer characters & women who can beat the shit out of you. for the bad stuff (basically just out of date shit) the live action series does fix this, but I think it would be good to consider that it was 90's Japan when Oda wrote it with queer & strong (as in, power level type shit) women in mind. this isn't fucking Harry Potter we're talking about, where all the bad shit is a fundamental part of the creator's worldview & personality. this is like, some old shit that didn't age good like everything else that exists ever. his art style is kinda fucky & I won't defend it but like. we're talking about the live action which negates all that. also, as someone else pointed out, the women are drawn sexy, but so are the men. have you seen Zoro's massive tits?
"and the fact that netflix remakes in the past usually aren't well received." the One Piece Live Action series not only has fans involved, but the creator of the original series working on it. they also made the physical sets (most of which are ships on the water) & only used CGI when they literally couldn't use practical FX (Luffy stretching, for instance). if you looked into it at all, you would've seen that this is not the same as, say, The Lion King. people tend to forget that it isn't the "live action" itself that is bad, but the execution. One Piece Live Action was executed very, very well with what it had to work with, & we could see this ahead of time, not just when the show came out. I literally teared up at parts because I felt like I was watching One Piece again for the first time. All the important scenes were 1:1 with the original, & they even played the original theme song We Are (instrumental version). That is how good it is. It was made with love & you can clearly see it.
I appreciate the apology, but the fact that you didn't know anything about it (you're allowed to look stuff up) before putting this post in the main tags is like. why. people (not just the op in the screenshots, as I've seen this multiple times in different fandoms) need to learn that if you hate something, block the tag, don't go into tag complaining about what you think the series is. this is how you ruin the experience for fans--& yourself. you are doing the exact thing you are complaining about tumblr doing, except worse, because you're just ignorantly shitting on it, & not even in a funny way.
anyway, go experience some childlike wonder & watch OPLA, or don't. I literally don't care.
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marzipanandminutiae · 5 years
Marzi, I love you, but sometimes I feel like you pick stances on things just to be angry about something. Dickinson (the show staring Hailee Steinfeld) is a comedy. It's made with the general intention to not be /super/ historically accurate. At the very least Dickinson's relationship with Sue is depicted in actuality. The fact that the showrunners decided to make her family disapproving of her writing was a stylistic choice, and there are much worse interpretations of Emily to gripe about.
I appreciate your support, first of all. I really, really do.
I would love to be angry about fewer things, and especially this thing in particular. But making things up whole-cloth about a historical figure is not “a stylistic choice.” It’s lying. It’s misrepresenting the truth of a real person’s real life, in a setting where it’s not made entirely clear to be false. As far as I can tell, it’s not even played for laughs.
Look, if there was a Funny Or Die sketch or something that depicted Emily Dickinson stomping around in a Joan Jett “I don’t give a damn about my bad reputation” way while her ogreish parents try to force her to be more ladylike by giving up everything she cares about, I wouldn’t be complaining. That is media that’s well and truly understood to not be historically accurate. Dickinson is different in that a lot of it is being played straight (no pun intended).
I think people know the twerking and modern music/slang aren’t accurate. The rest...people don’t go home and look things up, generally. Oh, they all say they know what isn’t real, but it still winds up shaping their perception of a historical figure. I spend my days at the museum listening to people bring up firmly held and totally incorrect beliefs about history they got from the media. Because like it or not, that’s where  a lot of our “common knowledge” about history comes from.
Everyone thinks they know that all Victorian parents would disapprove of a daughter who wrote poetry. Of course they would! It’s well-known that respectable women never did anything back then besides sit still in one place, unable to move because corsets and skirts, until they were married off to men 50 years older who beat them, and then died in childbirth. If they did anything else, well, they must have been Badly-Behaved Rebels Making History, scandalizing all around them with their shocking displays of agency.
Gods forbid audiences be forced to confront any reality more complicated than that. Gods forbid we be asked to realize oppression isn’t always being locked away for Hysteria(TM); that being happy and having societal approval doesn’t negate it.
Sometimes it’s someone removing an em dash, erasing a name from a dedication, banning Whitman while encouraging one to read Latin, spinning lies about "The Belle of Amherst” even while she happily fed the neighborhood children pastries and told them tales about the spices in her famous garden.
And sometimes rebellion is flying under the radar, keeping all the little rules while quietly breaking the big ones, to have your gingerbread and eat it too. Telling all the truth, but telling it slant.
After a century and more of “The Myth,” we owe her better than flying straight to the other extreme of stereotyping.
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socksnstuff00 · 2 years
Gay anime recs for that one Annie :)
hii Annie, sorry this took me so long, ended up working til late and then i was dead after lol.
speaking about gay Anime or Yuri as the connoisseurs call it, i've seen them ALL, and im not even exaggerating lmao, i've seen almost every anime in which two girls kiss or end up together. but when ppl think about those is always the same old ones on every list cause for a LONG time those were the only ones aviable until recently that somehow the creators became more committed to these stories and have been giving us quality content. here's where my personal preference interferes .. i only go for happy endings lmao i don't waste my time on depressing shit lmao. life is depressing enough as it is lol. so yeah, lets start from the beggining.
Strawberry Panic. - you've probably heard about this one but is a classic and a master piece for a reason. very light and sweet but also a good share of drama. all girls school, gay for days, great ending :)
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2. El Cazador de la Bruja. - the third on a trilogy of non connected pieces about gay protagonists. imo the best of the 3 cause is the one who actually ends on a good place :) and that place is Mexico lmao. extremely interesting adventure story, VERY gay and a easy to watch.
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3. Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha. - a very special piece, very close to my heart, in which in a course of 3 seasons you get to see the rare occurrence of a relationship between these two girls since they're kids all up to when they get married and acquire a kid lmao plus magic and monsters and all that jazz lmao. te longest of the list but also one of the bests.
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4. Assault Lily Bouquet. - one of the most recent entries. very gay, very dramatic but also very short D: again all girls school, everyone is gay, the end lmao
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5. Bloom Into You. - cause of course this one cant be missing from this list. IMO the best yuri anime in modern times. easy watch, gorgeous artstyle, school coming of age, actually gay, very good ending, i cant literally praise it enough. and the anime only goes half the way of the original manga. i HIGHLY recommend reading the manga which is finished <3
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6. Citrus. - this might be controversial for some but in the core is very sweet and well executed, the manga keeps on going but the anime stops on a really good place. very interesting and over all sexy.
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7. Fragtime. - very cute movie about two girls in school who fall in love with each other under weird circumstances. i loved every second of it. my only complain being that it could have been longer D:
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8. Princess Principal. - the only entry in here that isn't "explicitly" gay lol or at least not in the conventional way cause the main girls are literally dating in secret. cute, romantic period piece with awesome music and effects. and also still ongoing in the form of movies. if they end up confirming it remines to be seen. but c'mon, this is official art.
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9. Yurikuma Arashi. - beautiful work of art from the same ppl behind the classic UTENA. a wnderful representation of the phrase "again but gayer" the story is kinda cnfusing like everything they do lmao but once you really get into it, it slowly consumes your soul.
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10. Adachi and Shimamura. - super cute and relatable depiction of ones first crush. light and beautiful with nothing to waste. fuckin adorable man
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i have a lot more but i wanted t cut this at ten so i don't overwhelm you. feel free to talk to me about any of these cause id love to revive the experience through new eyes.
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wavebiders · 3 years
F(h)atewatch Part 2:
How Is Not One of These Girls Likable?
The only thing I will give this show points for is glowy eyes when magic. The cartoon should have had more of that
Oh hey, starting with a sleeping Bloom. Should have done that in the pilot tho. Now that would have been a nice nod to the og
Plus this is only driving home how freaking boring this Bloom is. Where is my girl freaking out trying to get dressed as fast as possible?
Ok but seriously why is the only bit of backstory for Aisha we do have that she was on the swim team, when that just goes against the most vital point of Aisha's story in the cartoon? Are they actively trying to butcher these girls?
Wait, if Stella couldn't afford to lose that ring why did she give it to Bloom? This isn't even about her potentially losing it. She meant for Bloom to just not come back. How exactly was she planning on collecting it before?
Also this is still a bad plot! I know it all sucks but that moment where Bloom gives up that ring to save Stella's life is one of my favorites in the cartoon
It just sucks that instead of a storyline that shows how much they've come to care for each other, they're just using the ring for more catiness between them
If they had to center Terra's storyline around her insecurities couldn't they have at least found a way to do it without making it seem like she's never dressed herself before?
Man, fuck this knock-off Avatar stuff. Where's my cool hair color changing classes?
You know Bloom feeling betrayed by not-Faragonda would hit a lot harder if they had had more scenes together and it was established that she was someone Bloom trusted deeply
...I will never complain about the specialist scenes in the cartoon being boring ever again
Jesus, I knew I was gonna hate Stella. I knew I wasn't gonna vibe with white Musa and Flora. But for all I knew I would not care for this Bloom, I was not expecting to hate her this much
he is so fucking rude to and about everyone. It's a little hard to feel for her being an outcast when she clearly doesn't like anybody anyway. I miss the girl who was so happy to finally have friends she made them a group logo after one (1) hang-out
At this point I have to believe they're trying to make these people as unlikable as possible
Stella and Bloom are still sorta gay? The wrong kind. I don't care for the whole "she's mean to her bc she secretly likes her" trope even with good writing, and this ain't that. But it's good to know their gay energy is strong enough to transer even to the shittiest most ooc adaptation imaginable
Plus this show is 200% gonna pretend they're friends next season, so it's good the actresses have some amount of chemistry to make thsir scenes enjoyable without context if nothing else
This scene is still awful tho. Literally just let girls support each other jesus christ it's not that hard. Also Stella would be all about otters holding hands. Stella and Bloom basically are a couple of otters holding hands smh
White Musa has a point. Why is Aisha so commited to being friends with asshole Bloom?
I've never seen a piece of "lgbt rep" so obviously written by queerphobic people
The concept of white Musa and Sam(who the FUCK is Sam)'s dynamic is actually kinda interesting. Too bad every scene with this girl pisses me off on principle
I can see now why even my mother picked up on how bad the black best friend trope in this show is, when she normally doesn't notice that stuff as much as I do(not that she doesn't care, she's very vocal about it for a middle aged mostly white woman. But with online fandom I just have more oppurtunities to learn). Like this is just excessive
Actually since I mentioned my mom. She's as Asian as I've heard people say Elisha is and she straight up laughed at the implication that that would somehow qualify her to play a character like Musa. So that sums up how I feel about that defense
Is that a voice calling Bloom? No fucking way did they keep Daphne. She's one of best, most emotional parts of the cartoon. She's so vital to Bloom's story. There's no way they wouldn't get rid of her
"Thank you" Come on asshole Bloom say it with me. This girl just saved your life, you can handle a simple "thank you"
Good to see this version of Sky is also the type to get emotionally invested in a new girl while still dating someone else. I mean don't get me wrong I despise mean girl Stella, but he is being a fucking tool about this
I mean he wasn't flirting with Bloom in front of Stella earlier but that shit was not innocent. And you can't have a guy seeing his distressed girlfriend, ask about her dormmate that he likes before asking how she is, and expect me to see him as a good guy
And of course that's exactly what they're going to do. Sky is the swell guy caught dating the bitch, but is secretely in love with the girl next door(who is also a jerk but whatever)
Lane markings do tell you what to do tho? Isn't that kinda the point?
Ooooh scary blank eyes Im shaking in my boots
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Rio & Buster
Rio: Out and only got spotted by your nosiest neighbour Rio: 👋 Doris, don't give Nance my deets and we're sweet, babe 😙 Buster: 😂 Buster: Didn't doubt you could handle it Buster: I've had girls do it still off their heads, like so Rio: Yeah, but they probably wanna be seen Rio: think they hot shit out here laying claims by getting caught Buster: They do like to try and leave shit behind Buster: I ain't gonna call you back babe I'll just throw it out Rio: Cold 😂 Rio: Hope they ain't leaving anything worth having Buster: Feel free to go through it next time, babe Rio: 😑 Buster: Come on, we got some Chanel, YSL, all the classics Rio: I told you before, I don't want your sloppy seconds Rio: even if they branded Buster: Suit yourself Rio: That's the idea, yeah Buster: 😂 Buster: You going home? Rio: Yeah, I got hoes of my own to kick out, apparently Rio: Picking up food first 'cos priorities Buster: I would've fed you if you let me Rio: Just checked her snap and she's been having a feast so fuck it Imma treat myself Rio: No need, plus if Nance saw two lots of stuff going up, she'd wanna peep the talent coming down Buster: She don't do sloppy seconds either, don't worry Rio: Charming, not gonna insist she'd make an exception for me though 'cos weird Buster: Don't take it personal, ain't never seen her with a girl since she said she wanted one Buster: That's weird if you ask me Rio: Well, it's not like she's got unlimited options Buster: Dublin's well gay what you chatting Rio: The clubs aren't really her scene are they Rio: so that leaves her with whatever gay girls are at School, maybe they're ugly idk Buster: How does she know she doesn't like clubbing if she's never even been? Rio: I get you, but I think you can imagine being in a room with loud music and lots of sweaty drunk people without doing it, you know Buster: Whatever Buster: It's not like there's only clubs as in clubbing anyway Rio: She'll find someone, in her own cute, dorky way Rio: You should tell her 'bout it, she might not be in the know Buster: Yeah that's a convo I wanna have Rio: I'll tell her then, always in other people's business me, idc Buster: At least you said it Rio: It isn't a bad thing wanting to help people, you know Rio: if she don't want it she can tell me to fuck off, like, if she appreciates, i'll give you the credit Buster: I never said it was Buster: Well, only when I didn't mean it Rio: I mean, it's not a bad thing about you Rio: grant you, Nance probably would be weirded out on this score but you can show you care still Buster: I can't show what I don't feel Rio: Sure Buster: I get that you're about your sibs but me and her aren't like that Buster: Got more in common with the cleaner and see her more when we're both around Rio: You've not always been like that though Rio: Do you miss it? Buster: I've not always been fucking you either but that was then and this is now Rio: Yeah, things change Rio: doesn't exclude changing back, that's all Buster: There's nothing to change back Buster: We aren't kids anymore, that's all Rio: Okay Buster: I can't still hold her hand through everything and she doesn't want it, yeah? So it is what it is Buster: What are we talking about my sister anyway for? Rio: Of course not Rio: but it doesn't have to be that or nothing, like Rio: 'Cos I just had to play hide and seek with her, duh Rio: Still shook Buster: You love it Buster: Dangerous woman, like Rio: And you don't, I suppose? Rio: Everyone likes the idea of being caught, as long as it doesn't actually happen, lemme enjoy it 😜 Buster: We can let it happen, just not by her Buster: Plenty of strangers around you can get the thrill from Rio: You make it sound like it was my idea to go back to yours Rio: not my plan Buster: You make it sound like you want me to regret it Buster: I'm not sorry I can't get enough of you Rio: Me either Rio: You can be obsessed with me if you like, I won't complain Buster: I know you wouldn't Buster: You'd be moaning but not like that Rio: Promises, promises Buster: When haven't I kept one? Rio: Your records pretty good, can't lie Buster: 😏 Rio: As for the sex Rio: all wins there, spotless, like Buster: I'll put you down as 10/10 in my little black book, like Rio: I'll call you out if you give me anything less Buster: I don't need to lie to motivate you, don't worry Rio: your usual tactic, is it? Buster: I've done it Buster: Not like I've got a set strategy though Rio: Tailormade Rio: You do spoil us Buster: Aiming to please, as standard Rio: Well you've got my review now Rio: Use it as you need Buster: Cheers, babe Buster: Stick it on my apps Buster: Dates will be rolling in Rio: You're so welcome Buster: Yeah Buster: How's Inds? Rio: She's loving life but grilling me on mine Buster: What's the story now? Rio: I figured don't tell any lies but be vague Rio: not gonna get caught out Rio: never gonna assume it's you, we're golden Buster: Good Buster: Don't need her to be the one catching us for you to live you fantasy either Rio: Oh hush Rio: not totally fucked my brains out, please, make it sound like I've got some sense Buster: You better turn back around then Buster: I'll do you again Rio: Don't worry, babe, not gotta be braindead to want you 😉 Buster: Too kind Buster: Must be why I miss you already? Rio: Must be Rio: nothing to do with how great I look morning after 😜 Rio joined the chat 7 hours ago Buster: You're never gonna look as good as you do when you cum but you don't look bad, like Rio: I'll take it Rio: since we couldn't round 2 before I left and really 🏆 Buster: Since you couldn't trust yourself to stay quiet any longer, you mean Buster: When can I see you again? Rio: Didn't reckon you'd wanna risk Nance OR the cleaner hearing those adorable lil noises I get you to make Buster: Babe, come on, we both know it's really about how you want me to say your name Rio: 😳 Buster: So answer my question Rio: I've got work at 4 Rio: but sounds like I'm going to need to clean up the flat so Rio: tomorrow, maybe? Buster: I'll send the cleaner over when she's done here Buster: She's seen worse Rio: Boy, no Buster: Babe I'm joking I ain't got her as well trained as you Buster: She's not just gonna do what I tell her Rio: She better not Rio: and you better stop Buster: Stop what? Rio: I don't know Rio: stop being so distracting Buster: If I was trying to be distracting you wouldn't be able to ask me to stop Rio: Buster Buster: Yeah, baby? Rio: You're making me wish I never left Buster: Then come back Buster: Whenever you can Rio: How am I supposed to wanna get anything done when you exist and I could be fucking you instead? Rio: Might still have a brain but I got no sense Buster: When your break? Call me and I'll come find you Rio: Usually take it like 8, before the night crowd comes in and shit gets hectic Buster: Alright Rio: just me and the 'quick one after work' knobheads 'til then Buster: Is that you saying you need me to entertain you? Rio: Don't let it go to your head Rio: but sure even you've got better craic than the bankers, christ 🙄 Buster: I can easily promise it's not my head it'll go to Buster: Especially if you keep giving me compliments like that 😂 Rio: 😂 Rio: Watch this Guinness be ALL head if you're gonna make my thoughts wander like that Rio: soz lads Buster: I can't help it, you're such a sweet talker, Cavante Buster: The punters won't blame me, sure they know it Rio: You know Rio: If I'm gonna serve shit pints, gotta be the best barmaid some other way Buster: Nobody can take that from you whilst they're also taking those shit pints Rio: Exactly Rio: Tell me we should share the tips out evenly again, Tina Rio: put in half my work and we'll talk, babe Buster: I've seen her, she's got no room to be trying to tell you anything Rio: Ain't heard I'm 👵 obvs and reckons just 'cos she's got 20 years and double the pounds on me she can tell me shit Buster: 😂 Rio: God, I can hear myself btw Rio: Not the moaning anyone is after but at least I'm saving a poor punter by doing it digitally Rio: you can always leave me on read Buster: you wish, babe Buster: You think you're suffering now wait until I properly start distracting you Rio: Please Rio: Wait 'til you go Home and I'm racking up airmiles like no one's business Buster: Technically I am home, just the 2nd Buster: I can stay as long as I want Rio: Well, 'til September Rio: really got me out here feeling like a pervert, McKenna 😏 Buster: The uniform not one of your fantasies then? Got it Rio: Not's a bit strong Rio: all about that role reversal, doing it for my sistas, obvs Buster: I'll just bring the tie then Buster: See I can't make you change your mind Rio: 🤤 Rio: One way to make me stay, babe Rio: 👀 you Buster: I've got plenty of others too, like, you'll see Buster: There's no way you'll be ready to go anywhere Rio: I wasn't ready today Rio: Stupid life and other people Buster: You can say it, sisters. who'd have 'em, right? Buster: Couldn't let me be an only child, like Rio: 😂 Chat to me when you've got 5 Rio: Poor Nance, I can't kick her out her own gaff and you couldn't kick her out the womb, like Buster: I did try, on both counts so it's your turn to be fair Rio: I'm good, not sure I'm THAT good Rio: arrange a playdate for her and June like 👋 Buster: She'd love it Buster: Those two sneak around together more than us Buster: Never out the corners at fam functions Rio: Bless them Rio: Gutted they ain't straight so they can't do it forever, like Buster: They might Buster: Not like either of them are hooking up with anyone Rio: How do you know? Rio: Sneaky, like you said Rio: didn't bump into any babes on the stairs but Buster: Shut up Rio: Awh babe Rio: 😚 Buster: Don't Buster: Anyway you're at school with her, you'd know Rio: Yeah but I've been slipping lately Rio: well out the loop Buster: I can get her and put her on if you want a catch up, like Rio: Didn't say I was mad about it Rio: love her like but, you're more fun Buster: I better be Buster: Don't be trying it on with my twin, cheers Rio: Don't be gross 😂 Buster: Thank Christ I don't have an identical brother Buster: Still the hot one, like, but closer race Rio: Willing to kick it that cliche, not too proud Rio: maybe he'd have a great personality tho Buster: Yeah 'cause who wants a shy ginger lesbian Buster: Unlucky Nance Rio: Stop being rude, honestly Rio: She's beautiful, I just don't fancy her myself, like Buster: Shut up, she looks like my mum, you gonna say you would? Rio: So do you though 😂 Rio: Strong genes and a strong lewk 👌 Buster: Seriously, draw the line at working your way through my fam, yeah? Buster: Stop yourself Rio: I think I'll manage Buster: Cheers Rio: You're still my favourite, don't worry Buster: Good Buster: 'Cause you're mine Rio: 😋 Rio: Gonna be smug about it Rio: not just 'cause it means i get you all to myself but 'cos that makes my odds shit hot, like, damn i'm 🔥 Buster: You can be Buster: You know I don't wait for anyone, they come to me Buster: And I don't jump through this many hoops to fuck a girl either Buster: I'm breaking all my rules for you Rio: Yeah, not to mention the unspoken one we both are Rio: Worth it though, yeah baby? Buster: Yeah Buster: You know it Rio: Yeah I do Rio: I still want reminding Buster: Me too Buster: Nance may have done it first but still tempted to play her game and leave my London life like Buster: You'd miss the uniform, obviously, but I'd make it up to you Rio: 😏 Rio: The pipes are calling, boy 🍀 Rio: What Unis are you applying to anyway? Buster: The best of course Rio: Expect no less Rio: Could end up anywhere then Buster: Yeah Buster: If only to piss Nance off like Buster: I'm tempted to be here 😂 Buster: No other reasons Rio: 'Course Rio: Whatever motivates you 😉 Buster: 😏 Buster: I won't be getting top marks if I keep letting you distract me though Buster: Well, not at school at least Rio: We already got plans for you, me and your desk Rio: You got this Buster: Don't put them in my head when you haven't scheduled them in yet Buster: Fuck Rio: Gotta, then you'll be wanting to study ALL the time Rio: not gonna give you room to say I drag you down, boy Buster: But I wanna give you all the room to drag my head or my hands down if that's how you want it Rio: Baby Rio: you're killing me Buster: Not yet Rio: You are though Rio: don't even have to touch me and I'm there Buster: I'm there with you, babe Rio: Good 'cos my break ain't long and I want to cum with you Buster: It'll be long enough to me to cum with you and make you cum again for me Buster: Don't worry Rio: I'm not Rio: You're so good to me Buster: You're just so good, end of Rio: Do my best Buster: I know Rio: Only for you, though Buster: Good Buster: I'll fight for you if I have to but Buster: You're all about this cute face so Rio: Yes, boy! 😍👏😂 Rio: Keep it in the ring Buster: Should hit the gym today really Rio: Think I've worked you out enough you don't need to be too worried Rio: do it for the 'gram tho Buster: It's better than the one at home too, one thing Dublin does right Rio: You love it Rio: so 💚 Rio: get sweaty Buster: 🍀 Buster: Shame you won't be with me Rio: Honestly Rio: no chance of me keeping up on that score but catch me out here like 🤤 you want me to spot you??? come bench press up on me daddy! 💦😍 Buster: Well now that's all I want Rio: Same Rio: Gutted Buster: Fuck tomorrow, give me tonight Buster: I don't care how late you're working Rio: Fuck Rio: Yeah, okay Rio: Can be home before Inds wakes up, that Summer life got her sleeping 'til tea time basically so Rio: why not, I need it Buster: If you don't want to come back here again, I'll book us a room Rio: I don't care either way, down to sneak and be good for you if I have to Rio: but if you wanna hear how you're making me feel properly then Buster: Christ Buster: You're so fucking sexy Rio: It's how you've got me Buster: I wanna hear everything. I don't know how I got this far not having you any time I want Buster: We should've been doing this for so much longer Rio: I know Rio: now all I wanna do is be your little fuck doll Rio: make up for the lost time and then some Buster: I need it Buster: I need you Rio: Go get all worked up for me, baby Rio: then you can come and take all your frustrations out on my body Buster: You're gonna be the death of me, Cavante Buster: You know that, yeah? Rio: If that's how I gotta go Rio: I'm not mad about it Buster: I'm only mad when I can't have you Buster: And nobody can blame me for that, like Rio: I'll keep you smiling Buster: 😏 Rio: Welcome, world Rio: that little face 😚 Buster: You're an idiot Rio: Ha, you love it Buster: Yeah Rio: Drew's here Rio: What does Ro think he does all day, genuine question? Buster: What? Buster: Are you joking? Rio: No? Buster: Embracing that sad old man stereotype Buster: What's he want? Rio: Just a drink, I guess Buster: He can get a drink anywhere Buster: And with Indie, like Rio: Not if I'm serving 😂 ain't getting the sack for her Buster: You know what I mean Buster: He's there 'cause you're serving Buster: Without her Rio: Nah Buster: Babe, yeah. How are you looking today? Catch yourself on Rio: Not special enough to make a point of it Rio: no doubt got loads of customers 'round here Buster: We'll see Buster: I bet he'll come at you with his chat Rio: It's chill Buster: Says you Rio: What? Buster: Don't you want you and Indie to stay good Rio: Of course Rio: but she don't need me to be drama about it Rio: it's fine, I've got it handled Buster: She don't need her dad staring at your tits but it's still happening Rio: So that's my fault is it? Rio: Find my cardigan hold on Buster: I'm not saying it's your fault Buster: I'm just saying tell him to fuck off Rio: and I'm saying I can't Rio: not when he's just being friendly Buster: Bullshit is he Rio: Please don't make a fuss Rio: I'll just pretend I've gotta go change barrels or something, sure he'll be gone before I'm back Buster: I ain't, I'm reacting how you should be Buster: If one of your friends was like this with Indie you'd lose it and he's a grown man Rio: That's different, not like he's a random Rio: it's just Drew, s'what he's like Buster: Yeah it's different, it's worse Buster: Fuck's sake Rio: It doesn't matter, it doesn't worry me Rio: just forget I said it, yeah Buster: No Buster: If he was like that with my sister he'd be fucking dead Buster: And I don't even like her Rio: Yeah, he's a bit of a dick but Rio: what can we do? He's always gonna be around, like Rio: just gotta deal Buster: I could tell my aunt, for a start Buster: Or my mum Buster: Or yours Buster: I can't kill him but they would Rio: Well, don't do that Rio: Nothing's happened, I can't be out here saying it has Buster: Yet Buster: And look where saying nothing about Ryan got you Rio: That's completely different Rio: and has nothing to do with this Buster: Yeah but the point's valid Buster: How bad to you want things to be before you admit it is Rio: Nothing's going to happen Rio: I'm not going to let it, even if that is what he had in mind Buster: I know you don't want it to, that's what I'm saying Rio: He's not that dodgy Rio: we're fine, trust Buster: It's not you I don't trust Buster: He shouldn't even be looking at you like that Buster: It's fucked Rio: Can't expect him not to, yeah? Rio: kinda my vibe, how I dress Buster: Don't Buster: I mean it, it's not your fault Buster: It's mine for being jealous Rio: Nah, you've got some points Rio: I just don't know what to do with them Rio: and idc if you're jealous, just get to prove you don't have to be Buster: I just hate him thinking of you how I do Rio: I know Rio: I don't want that either Buster: Why can't he just leave? Do everyone a favor like Rio: Go where? Rio: Only leaves to go Prison, like Buster: I don't care and who else would, anywhere that ain't here Rio: Indie would Rio: still her Dad, even if he don't act it Buster: Yeah but you know it'd work out better for her in the end if he wasn't around Buster: She'd smoke less if nothing else Rio: Yeah Rio: I know Rio: you reckon he'd've been kneecapped by now Rio: definition of 🍀 Buster: Tempted to do the honors for him Buster: Cunt Rio: I know you're being serious right now Rio: but it's hot Buster: I know you don't need me to but I'll still protect you, babe Buster: Like you said before, there's so much lost time Buster: If I'd got my act together before you wouldn't have to deal with Ryan Rio: Babe Rio: You don't need to feel bad about that one, not like you could've done anything about that Buster: I know Buster: Sorry Rio: Shh Rio: You don't need to be sorry either Buster: We'll just forget it, yeah? Rio: Yeah Rio: Already have Rio: Only you on my mind, I've told you Buster: Thank fuck you can't tell anyone what a twat I am Buster: Secret's safe like Rio: Promise Rio: I like having it just for me too much Buster: Yeah? Rio: Yeah Rio: Show me all the shit no one else gets to see Rio: I want it all Buster: You've got it, babe Buster: Can I come and see you if I promise not to knock Drew out Buster: I know it's ages until your break but Rio: 'Course Buster: I'll fit right in, won't I 😂 Rio: Totally Rio: so in touch with your roots rn, babe 🍀 Buster: Is that why you're so hot for me? Buster: I'll do the accent if it helps Rio: Nah, sick of locals Rio: I like yours, can close my eyes, pretend it's Prince Harry 😉 Buster: Fuck off Buster: I knew you had a thing for gingers Rio: 😂 knew you'd say that Rio: it was that or having a thing for receeding hairlines so Rio: i made the best choice i could tah Buster: You've already made it, just keep your eyes open and be with me Rio: 😍 Rio: can't even be mad Rio: that was smooth Buster: Yeah, well Buster: I am Buster: And I'm getting ready so what do I wear for this shithole? Rio: Since you've promised no fighting, don't have to worry 'bout blood stains Rio: Just jeans and a button-down would cut it, no need to go OTT Buster: Unless you've got some kind of vampire fantasy on your list, like Rio: It ain't 2009 Rio: though you've got the hair and the abs Buster: Fuck off Buster: I'm way sexier than that twat Rio: 😂 Rio: You gonna be jealous of Edward Cullen now? Buster: Like I said, I don't need to be Rio: What happened to him anyway Buster: Maybe he'll stop buy for a pint of your finest Rio: Ooh Rio: I can only hope so Buster: 😒 Rio: 😘 Buster: Alright I look good Buster: On my way Rio: 🙌💃 Buster: [Sends a selfie that's not as posey and just generally better than his insta snap] Rio: okay you cannot be coming in here looking like that Rio: imma die 😍 also have to jump you immediately sorry Buster: Babe, I'm out the door I can't be running back to change now Rio: Don't you look so fine Rio: gotta practice being stealth appreciating Buster: Practice all you want but how you look at me is already perfect Buster: I don't care if a few old blokes know how that I wanna bend you over the bar Rio: PLEASE Rio: So sad I ain't closing now but not 'cos we're still gonna have fun Buster: You'll forget all about what could've been in a second 'cause I'm not far
0 notes
omglr · 5 years
You're now chatting with a random stranger.
You both like feminism.
You: hi
Stranger: m
Stranger: hi
You: F
Stranger: age
You: 34
Stranger: what do you think of men
You: meh
Stranger: what do you think of women
You: yeah!
Stranger: is this what feminism is about?
You: no i'm just a lesbian
Stranger: hahaha you know our conversation up until now can be a great meme
Stranger: with 'lesbian' as the perfect punchline
You: well, we do like fisting
Stranger: why are lesbian lol, why dont u switch to me haha
Stranger: are u*
Stranger: men*
You: idk, thats how it worked out
You: women are attractive to me
Stranger: Is it you being a lesbian a display of resistance against patriarchy?
You: its a perk
You: but i'm not a "political lesbian"
Stranger: what kind are u
You: a lesbian,
You: also, fairly political,
You: but in the 70s there were a variety of 2nd wave feminists who swore off men even though they were straight and became "political lesbians" even though they weren't atttracted to women
Stranger: you mean turning lesbian as a resistance to patriarchy was really a thing?
You: yeah
Stranger: damn. Did it work?
You: eh... idk
You: its similar to MGTOW
You: but with gay lady sex
You: and forrest communes
You: it was a whole movement
Stranger: tell me this. when you talk to men. what emotion do you internally go through? Do you feel prejudice against him? Or Is it something like 'I gotta be on guard I dont know whether this person is rapist', or '
You: eh, yeah, i sometimes worry about violence or rape from dudes, but i can get along with a lot of guys fine,
Stranger: the ones you get along with, do you interactions with them any different than with other women? or do you have certain coldness towards because you know this is the gender that oppressed you all history?
Stranger: are interactions*
Stranger: towards them*
You: eh, not really, i can be friendly and affectionate with guys i like, i generally want to like people
You: but like, i don't hang out with rich dudes or loud jock dudes
You: and yeah, i'm way more upset at the rich for their oppression than men at this point
Stranger: how is the rich oppressing u more than men
You: capitalism man
You: i live in an oligarchy
You: rich people can do what ever they want and shape society to benefit them
You: we are probably all gonna suffer greatly due to climate change cause the people who are making money off of how the system works now, don't want to give up their power or change anything
You: so its butts
Stranger: you can't change this tho. better be mad about things that can be changed
You: nah, i'm gonna be mad about shit that is effecting me and my loved ones, its healthy to be aware of what the cause is
You: and direct my anger to the cause, other wise i'm gonna misdirect it towards my friends
You: plus, its not hopeless, we can stand up to rich
You: folks
You: we have numbers, and most their money is digital / artificial
You: anyway, that's basically what feminism is for me
You: its a useful tool for class analysis
You: and a guidance for justice
Stranger: feminism isnt related to class
Stranger: as far as i know
You: c'mon bud
You: have you heard of intersectionality?
Stranger: I stopped paying attention to terms now
You: well it came in big during 3rd wave feminism in the 90s
You: when feminism was trying to refocus to cover more understandings of oppression than like white lady feels
You: thinking about the intersections of sexism, racism and classism,
You: as well as ableism, homophobia, transphobia, and so on
Stranger: did that start in the 90s?
You: i'm sure convos were happening earlier too
You: roughly late 80s early 90s is where i would put 3rd wave
Stranger: I don't know, but I think current one now has refocused purely on lady issues again. atleast that's the kind that stays in the spotlight
You: well, i think that's mostly the click bait phenomenon
Stranger: look at twitter
You: like shit that is sorta outrageous sounding gets a lot more attention
You: like, "manspreading"
You: like, men taking up space in general is an issue, but the politics of crossing your legs on a bus gets clicks on both sides of the issue and is talked about way more than the complex economic trickery that rich people can do to avoid paying taxes
You: and one is kinda more important than the other
Stranger: how're the women around you? are they like the manspreading feminists or they're more like you?
You: eh, idk, a bit of both
You: like i get bored and can use shit i've learned about feminism to analyze situations and can come up with hot takes that are at least 50% stupid cause society is atleast 50% stupid and ridiculous,
You: so idk, if my shitposting tweets ever went viral or got shared on mra forums maybe i would be the postergirl for how ridiculous and pointless feminism is too
You: sorry, i am just ranting now
Stranger: it's alright. so you're part of the man hating culture of twitter too huh? :p
You: sure
Stranger: do you feel when u do that?
Stranger: feel good*
You: nah, i mean i try not to get into shit on twitter
You: i kinda use twitter to get out my energy that might be put towards flame wars
You: its not a good feeling to get involved in
Stranger: ok, do you atleast get the psychology of them that do these? Why do they do it? Is it the loneliness or something?
You: oh, yeah idon't know.
You: probably boredom, or for building social capital
You: for the lolz of ammusing their friends/followers
You: but some folks are crazy dedicated to twitter fights and ideological warfare
You: like terfs or gamergaters or fandoms
Stranger: I mean how do they have meaningful relationships in real life after all the flame wars. Aren't their relationships affected?
You: i am not sure
You: i mean, i stopped getting into fights on facebook over concerns for a larger community
You: but my personal relationships aren't really effected
You: cause i'm super smart and my loved ones agree with me
You: lol, that's a joke
Stranger: where are you from
You: canada
You: you?
Stranger: I see. Canada is a very pro-women
Stranger: uk
You: it tries
You: what time is it there?
Stranger: I see countless answers on quora of men complaining that men are becoming second citizens to women now. is it true?
Stranger: 6 am
You: its 1:17am where i am
You: i think that's some kinda weird bias
You: like, where if women talk 30% of the time, men come away with the impression that women were talking much more than 50% of the time
You: idk if that's true, but that was a study that was popular on social media a few years back
Stranger: it's not about talking, i see them mostly talking about rights, and in general specialised treatment of women.
You: anyhoo, i'm getting real sleepy
You: yeah, idk,
You: i am gonna head out, nice chatting with you
Stranger: sure, it was nice talking to you!
You: :) take care
You have disconnected.
0 notes