#also Riju shows where I realized I went hard
blueblend · 1 year
Help. He's too cute.
Less angst for Link, please.
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ixtaek · 4 months
May as well post my TotK rewrite ideas which I largely was freewheeling while playing with my sister then tried to write while half asleep.
Under the readmore because it does get long and ramble-y due to being written while I was sick.
Rauru is Hylian and explicitly descended from the Link and Zelda in Skyward Sword, Sonia is now Sheikah (who are native to the surface). There are no Zonai.
First parts of the story basically the same. Zelda vanishes. Link gets a new arm. Ganondorf suavamente (sorry my siblings and I have been watching a lot of terminal-montage lately)
Rauru is a little more proactive telling you about the imprisoning war and directing you to find new Sages. He appears more often in the plot to greet the new Sage. Also you keep the master sword and with each stone you reclaim, it heals more.
Lightning is removed—Riju is Sage of Spirit because that's what the Gerudo were originally. Instead of Mineru surviving till the present as a Sage, Paya is the Sage of Shadow. Mineru is still a character though!
The memories shown to you by the Sages as you gather secret stones vary more—they show the struggles their people faced and their interaction as individuals with Rauru and Sonia. Each faced unique hardships, which almost parallel the disasters occurring in modern Hyrule but not exactly, before pledging their people to join Rauru’s nation and them becoming a Sage and using that power to save their people.
Mineru is a researcher studying the Sheikah tech—it’s implied or outright stated she is the nexus of the “new” tech we get in the game. She still put herself into a machine, but she is immobile and acts like Cherry as a source of Ancient Hylian Tech weapons.
The Divine Beasts are crashed around Hyrule, as well as the Sonia-Rauru shrines and temples. This isn’t plot relevant it just bugged me. Also some shrines will have puzzles that are already completed—this is randomized on each playthrough. At least one boss will be missing a chunk of health when the fight starts. There’s no explanation as to why.
The underground is now more populated—there’s at least one proper town down there, with wandering merchants and quests…. But almost every friendly NPC is a ghost. It’s hard to tell till you talk to them though, so Yiga still blend in. It quickly becomes clear the ghosts range in eras (maybe some even resemble NPCs from former titles?) but most are from Rauru’s era. All of Zelda’s memories are in the Depths.
Penn still exists as does his quest (see below). But Kass does too. Because I love him.
Here’s where I actually plot: Back in the imprisoning era, Ganondorf emerged as a threat. The Hylian king, accompanied by his Sheikah wife, had the blood of the goddess needed to seal him, and managed to do so without using the Master Sword. This elevated him to a hero status, and the various leaders swore fealty in exchange for his aid in lingering crises. All was well, and a child was even born, named for her fabled ancestor, Zelda. Unfortunately, the praise began to swell the king’s head. He became more demanding, wanting to build a grander Temple of Time to secure his legacy, raising portions of land to recreate his ancestor's home (Skyloft), exacting larger tributes to build his castle, and eventually letting his suspicion of the Gerudo lead him to declaring them outcasts and trying to slay the Gerudo sage. Sonia stood against him, and in his rage at her “treason” he struck her down. Rauru went mad with grief, revealing the sacred stones to be a method of controlling those whom he gave more power to. Realizing the danger of the king’s madness, the princess’ Sheikah nursemaid spirited baby Zelda away to keep her safe. Enraged at this kidnapping and believing that Sonia’s people would try to avenge her death, he used his Sages to betray the Sheikah and kill many, which is the betrayal that led to them adding the tear to the crest. For years he ruled as a bloody tyrant, leading to the ghosts in the underground, before he was opposed by a mysterious Sheikah warrior, one whom he called “the Sheik”. The Sheikah rebellion grew, stopping the Sages and rallying the people behind Sheik. In a desperate move, Rauru released Ganondorf and tried to control him through his sacred stone, but both were sealed under the king’s castle by Sheik herself, who of course was the now-grown Princess Zelda, Rauru’s daughter. You find all of this out by discovering (your) Zelda’s memories—when she fell into the Depth she was gravely injured and put her body in stasis, but because she was in the Depths her ghost was able to split form her body to roam freely and research this. The shrines that you’ve found finished and bosses that have health missing are her handiwork. The Penn sightings aren’t evil Zelda (or at least the ones that aren’t Yiga…) but people literally seeing her ghost. She didn’t talk to Link because she knew seeing her like that would distress him. You reunite her with her body and the Sages heal her, then go face Ganondorf. The fight is normal at first, except Zelda and the Sages get to help till Ganondorf knocks them all out except Zelda. But instead of the Dark Dragon, Ganon suddenly crumples… and the Sages rise up and attack you instead. You and Zelda fight them off and Rauru appears, wondering how you can be bathed in his power but still keep your wills. Zelda asks what he hopes to accomplish, and he dismisses her, saying he is creating the Hyrule he and Sonia deserved—one where his will is absolute over all, till even death will bend to it. Zelda pleads with him, saying Sonia wouldn’t have wanted this, but he grows delusional and confuses her for Sheik. Saying she’s made a mistake, he seizes control of her through the sacred stone from the beginning of the game and turns her into the Light Dragon, which becomes the final boss. The reason he could not overcome Link was Fi—the sword of evil’s bane rejected his control while absorbing his power the whole game. You fight the Light Dragon, and as you hesitate to land the killing blow, Sonia’s ghost appears and turns Zelda back with her Time power, with the overwhelming power Rauru had forced into her snapping back to him. Rauru reaches for his wife, being consumed by the power coming off Zelda, but she refuses his hand, not for what he did to her, but for what he’s done to everyone. You catch Zelda as in the end of the game. Also you get to keep your house. That was messed up man.
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So I Don’t Forget Again: A Breath of The Wild fanfiction
Entry 205: Zora’s Domain
 The party was so fun. After vows were exchanged we had a feast, and there was lots of music and we danced through the night. The town was lit up with candles and colorful lanterns. I got to help with the cooking, actually I was cooking most of the time and Sidon helped me. I got to teach him a lot! Sidon actually took over towards the end of the night so I could join the others and chat for a bit. I’m not used to dancing, but it seems you kinda just move however you want, so I think I was okay. There was also a lot of drinking so almost everyone was acting a little off. They kept inviting me to join them, but I have to keep my mind sharp at all times, you never know what could happen whenever. Bolson told me the construction on my house was going well so far, it should also go even faster after the party since he and his team can now get supplies from here. Though he also said that he probably didn’t have to tell me since I’d be coming back soon anyway. It was then he got the idea I go with and the others back to Hateno, everyone back home would certainly be surprised and happy. Unless he felt he needed my protection to get back I declined.
I’d love to go back, but… even if Sidon believes in my strength, I need to believe it. Doubting myself will just get me killed. Before home, I’m going to learn from Shikah and Zora.
Hudson and Sidon overheard and joined in. Sidon wondered aloud if perhaps I could have a have a second home for storage or something here, it’s close to the domain so Sidon could visit me more often than he can when I’m at Hateno, it could also just be a place for me to take a quick rest when traveling. Bolson practically sold Sidon a house on the spot. While they were talking Calisa approached me. She said that she herself had officiated many weddings for fellow travelers so if we happened to bump into one another, she could do it for Sidon and I. She then said even if we don’t wed to keep him close, we seem really good for one another.
So I guess this is a shared house since Sidon got it for me, but he’d probably get use out of it more often than I. Though I guess I will be storing some miscellaneous things here like the iron boots, weapons I have not been using, things like that so Bossa Nova doesn’t have as much to carry. Since we got to town he kept wandering off to the lake below to go swimming. He usually returns by nightfall but I think the party may have been a bit loud for him so he dug a hole and laid in it, resting his head in the deepest part.
By the time the first signs of dawn were showing most were asleep or were off doing their own thing. Sidon and I were sitting by the edge of town just talking. At some point I asked Sidon what zora weddings are like. There are more so two separate sections, the celebrating with others part and the lovers making their vows part. Celebrating with others is similar with food and music, but the dancing is a little different, and the music itself is admittedly slower and not a peppy as what we had here. As for the vows part… well he started speaking but then quickly grew quiet. When he spoke again he was rather sheepish, I only hard part of it due to him mumbling. It went along the lines of the new pair make vows to one another or of the future as they fall from a great height or waterfall into water together, then something about riding through treacherous rivers or facing some great challenge to represent how they’ll stay together no matter how harsh life may become, to prove they can and will rely on one another, and support the other. Then… Sidon wondered aloud if facing something like a Divine Beast would count as that “challenge”.
I… was not sure what he was talking about.
Kapson said facing the Divine Beast, let alone managing to fell it would most certainly count. We didn’t even realize he was near by and his abrupt answer startled us senseless. Sidon than asked him to not tell his father or anyone that he got secretly married.
I mean… I wasn’t planning on doing anything like this till the Calamity was defeated.
I was just, my mind went blank and it took me a few moments to realize what had happened. I am so slow. Only just then did it click and I kind of shouted “WE’RE MARRIED!?” They both just stared at me for a moment before Kapson said he wouldn’t tell, but everyone would probably find out from me. Calisa was also around because I heard her chuckling and she said that we didn’t need her services after all.
Sidon excused himself as he picked me up and took me to our house. He first asked me if we could agree to only be “kind of married- engaged, how about we are engaged” since if we were to get married for real we’d have to have his people there to celebrate and he knew I’d want Kass, the people of Hateno and others there, a wedding between us had to be perfect for both of us. He also wanted it to be at a time when we both felt ready for this, not before facing the Calamity of all things. And most importantly before we can get married, if we ever wanted too, he placed a big emphasis on the “if” he just really wants to make sure I don’t feel pressured by this, that he properly court me so that I’ll be just as much in love with him as he is with me. I’m pretty sure I like him more than he likes me, but he said that could not possibly be true and we kinda got into a competition over who loved the other more? Now we’re going to court each other to see who the winner is? So… we’re going to go on lots of outings together I guess. In the end we wound up cuddling for a while. He just kept hugging me and running his fingers through my hair and talking about how kind, and strong, how great I am and how he was so glad he got the chance to meet me let alone gain my affections and how much good I’ve done and how I don’t treat Sidon as a prince or Mipha’s brother, with me he’s just a person who I happen to think is amazing, he’s not different from others, he’s just completely and unabashedly accepted, and how I wasn’t like that with just him but others like how I write of Riju and Zelda now. And he just really likes me, that I’m capable of that.
Sidon was late getting back to the Domain so some guards came to collect him. He didn’t want to go back yet but did. He refused to leave before giving he a long tight hug and told me he’d be waiting eagerly for my return.
I can’t lose to him, he had been so affectionate the whole time, I never got the chance to prove I love him more! It’s always like this, he always does so much for me, he helps me get up when I’m hurting, he looks after me when I’m ill, he even made me armor and just spends his time with me. The very least I can do is force this world to be one where he can be free and travel without worry and make sure he knows I appreciate everything he does for me and that I love him so, so much! But I don’t know how to do that. What could I possibly ever do to show him all that?
The best I could do in the moment was give him a kiss and tell him he didn’t have to wait at all, that I’d accompany him back, I was planning on going there after visiting the spring of power anyway. I swear his eyes sparkled, he had such a bright smile, lifting me off the ground in a tight hug and spinning around, he was so giggly. He nuzzled into me saying he was so excited.
The trip was uneventful except for Bossa Nova wading down a different river and us having to drag him back.
And now, here we are. Sidon had a room set up for me by his. He’s busy since he didn’t get to work when he should have before.
First thing he had done though was send me to the doctors to check on my arm.
The new medicine I have has this, weird, awful taste. I hate it. And there are also going to be other tests and check-ups tomorrow. I hope the medicine is changed to something better. I also sent Amali a letter so she knows my arm is being looked after again!
I guess I’ll sleep for now, then after the tests go see the guards, ask if I can join in on their training if Sidon is too busy.
He did say he’d get back to me as soon as he could and that he would sweep me off my feet. I wonder what he has planned.
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only-by-the-stars · 4 years
the annotated Tome of the Wild
Part 7: The Wild!
- Link didn't open his eyes. A twist on the beginning of BOTW, where you hear Zelda telling Link to open his eyes. I couldn’t resist.
- Hestu’s cameo was a lot of fun to write too. I always found him adorable, first in BOTW and then in AOC as well, and the idea of him waking up Link with his maracas was too amusing not to do. I also had to include his “shimmy shimmy” battle cry from AOC because I always laugh my head off whenever I hear it.
- This also reveals that Midna brought Link to the Great Deku Tree, a character that debuted in OOT and made further appearances in WW and BOTW.
- Something tickled her arm, breaking her out of her gloomy thoughts. Midna lifted her head and looked down. New growth was sprouting from the branch she was sitting on, wriggling its way up onto her. Nothing like this happens to Beatrice in the show, but I had to put in this chilling little moment of Midna nearly succumbing to the dekuwood. It provides a way later to introduce Rhoam’s presence in his scene, as well as some horror at what could’ve happened to her here.
- Note to self: never visit Tabantha if you can help it... Tabantha, of course, being a very cold region in BOTW’s Hyrule. Link’s newfound hatred of snow mirrors my own, and now he’s going to associate it with this horrible experience.
- “It's a bad habit, I guess.” He laughed softly. He’s referring, of course, to how he casually greeted Riju and Medli back at the school pool and they gave him a bit of a hard time about it.
- “You...” Midna stared at him for several seconds, stunned. “You...” She slapped his hand away and starting swinging her tiny fists at him, which he easily dodged. “You oaf! You idiot! What the hell—what the hell is wrong with you? How can you forgive me so easily, when you're still in a shit situation because of me? Neither one of us would be out here groping around blindly in the fucking snow if not for what I did!” I set up Midna and Link to be parallels of each other in a couple ways. One of which is that while Link has isolated himself from Mipha, hurting and confusing her, Midna is on the other end of something similar with Zelda. And here we see something they both struggle with: forgiving themselves. Midna can’t understand how Link can so easily forgive her actions towards him, while Link utterly despises himself for his actions towards Mipha and cannot forgive himself for causing her pain. He’ll later struggle with the fact that Mipha forgives him easily, just as Midna is having trouble understanding his forgiveness of her here. All of them find it easier to forgive their loved ones than to grant that same grace to themselves.
- “She told me that while she appreciated how much I cared, I should think a little more and be less reckless. I know she'd never call me stupid, but...” Link shrugged. “Honestly, I kind of am.” Another reference to Mipha calling Link reckless, and how she hates seeing him get hurt. He is indeed not the smartest guy around, but she does describe him as being very kind and determined to help those in need, so I tried to emphasize that aspect of his personality in this story. Although the “I kind of am” line is also intended to be a subtle red flag. We’ve already seen that Link thinks very little of himself and his abilities, even when it’s clear from the words of others that he’s very talented. And we’re about to soon see him use a bit of intelligence he very much does have, in order to save the day. He would never believe himself capable of such a thing, but he does it anyway.
- “Even just a few branches could be processed... enough to get us through this storm...” Note the use of the plural here. This is leading up to the revelation about his belief that Zelda is in the lantern. His desperation to find more oil anywhere is because, of course, he believes that if the light goes out she will die. And he wouldn’t be in this scarcity if not for what happened back in chapter one, with Link and Aryll and the dog accidentally wrecking the mill and his oil supply.
- He was soon rewarded with a most welcome sight: a single dekuwood branch, growing out of that of a normal tree. It seemed sickly, withered, and it waved feebly in the air, but he rushed forward and hacked it off anyway. The very same branch that tried to attach itself to Midna, sickly and withered precisely because of that failure.
- And now we come to the confirmation that the dekuwood is made from the people who succumb to despair and exhaustion in the woods, right as we see it growing all around Aryll. Rhoam has been unaware this entire time of all the souls he’s sacrificed over the past several months, and now that he knows, he refuses to do it any longer. For he, like Midna, recognizes that Zelda would never want anyone to be harmed for her sake.
He’s also right that Link would never leave Aryll to such a fate, recognizing Link’s love and protectiveness towards his little sister. This is a point where my characterization of Link wildly diverges from that of Wirt, the protagonist of OTGW. I pulled some things from Wirt for Link and his arc, but one thing I didn’t keep was the resentment and initial callousness that Wirt displays for Greg, who is revealed in the tavern sequence to be his half-brother thanks to his mother remarrying, something Greg frowns at when Wirt mentions it. Aryll is also technically Link’s half-sister, as I revealed in the letters that his mother remarried some years after his father’s death and had Aryll with her new husband, but I could not for the life of me see him being resentful or unkind to his little sister. Whatever his faults, I’ve written him as being, at his core, an incredibly kind and deeply loving person, and his adoration of his sister is a part of that. He doesn’t view her as a “half” anything, she’s just his sister and he’ll do anything to protect her. Which of course is a big part of what led to his breakdown: his feelings of guilt over not doing as good a job of that as he thinks he should be doing.
- “Link, I don't... I don't think that's natural light. It looks more like...” This has a double meaning. The fire in the lantern is not the “natural light” of the sun, and it is also deeply unnatural, given that it’s the Beast’s soul in there.
- Speaking of that! The confrontation with the Beast plays out a bit differently here than it does in the show, thanks to Midna’s personal connection to all this. Rhoam’s mention of Zelda gets her attention, and the Beast uses her love for Zelda as a way to try and turn her and Link against each other with his attempt to make them choose which soul will go into the lantern. He’ll get fuel and kill Aryll either way, but why not pit these two against each other as a way to manipulate them into doing what he wants? Except it backfires, because Midna won’t harm anyone for Zelda’s sake, and Link figures out what’s going on anyway, thanks to remembering the words of Rhoam and Telma.
- Link stood up, his mind racing. It was like when the solution to a puzzle finally presented itself in a moment of stunning clarity. For all that he’s not that bright in so many ways, it’s important to remember that he’s canonically able to solve all those tricky puzzles we do, without benefit of a guide, just using his wits and the tools he has at hand. And so too does he solve this particular puzzle, by remembering what he’s been told and piecing it together with what he sees here, thinking about the fact that the Beast’s story doesn’t add up. Which saves the day, in the end.
- “Am I wrong?” Link repeated, his voice shaking with barely suppressed fury; he took a few more steps, forcing the Beast to retreat further. “No more lies. Tell the truth for once, Beast.” Referencing, of course, the fact that Telma told him the Beast lies. He’s absolutely furious right now because of the attempt on Aryll’s life; you do not mess with Link’s loved ones. The Beast, too, fucked around and found out the hard way.
- In the show, Wirt gives the lantern back to the Woodsman to blow out after the delivery of the “Are you?” line that I kept (and had Link nail the delivery of on his first try, unlike Wirt, because that’s what makes sense for both their characters). Here, I chose to let Link kill the Beast, because he is, after all, the legendary hero who slays the villain. But even more importantly, I felt he deserved and had earned such a moment with his growing courage over the course of the tale.
- “See you later, Link.” Hey, remember how Midna broke all our hearts by saying a similar line to Link in TP as she broke the mirror and went back to her world? I sure do!
- “Sleepers wake, dreams will fade... although we cling fast..." This, and the lyrics that close out this section, are the first few lines of the vocal version of Ballad of the Wind Fish that was done for the LA remake.
- There were lights and shadowy figures coming closer, and voices—was someone calling his name? As I would later reveal in the prologue of a place to start, Mipha was screaming his name as she ran down the hill towards him.
- The words he wanted so badly to say to her hung on the tip of his tongue And it shows on his face, that desire to express the love for her that is all but bursting out of him in this moment, and Mipha sees it. She sees that love shining in his eyes as they stare at each other, giving her her hope back and then some. In a way, Link was right: if he hadn’t hidden from her, she would’ve realized what his real feelings for her are. He just didn’t know how happy it would’ve made her. But he will soon.
- “—and that's how we got away from the evil possessed lady!” Out of the corner of his eye Link saw Aryll shake the frog triumphantly, and Mipha, distracted by the sudden commotion, looked away from him. A small, muffled chime sounded, and the amphibian's stomach glowed. “The ringing of the bell commanded her! Though she wasn't really evil, just...” The series is never clear on just what the otherworld the brothers enter is, but it is clear that it really happened to them, and I preserved that ambiguity in the same way, by showing the bell as still being in the frog’s stomach.
- Link nodded. “Yes.” It didn't matter anymore how it'd gotten into her pocket; he'd made it, and brought it with him tonight, with the intention of giving it to her. There was no more question of taking it back or denying it. Courage has been achieved; he’s no longer going to hide or pretend, or try to take back the gift he worked on so hard. Midna is right: he’s been so brave in the Wild, and it’s time to apply that bravery to confessing his feelings to Mipha and letting her know that he loves her. The words will have to wait till the next day, but for now he’s doing all he can to face his fears and stop running, by hugging her and holding her hand and wiping her tears away, letting his love show in his expression as he looks at her without avoiding her eyes. Plus, of course, admitting to his intentions with the tape and inviting her over to listen to it together. They’re finally getting a breakthrough after two months of separation and pain.
- The doctor, Syrup, is a recurring NPC throughout the series, a witch who brews up helpful healing potions for Link to use on his adventures.
- I'm home, Mipha. Calling back, of course, to Midna’s line about there being someone waiting for him and to go home to her. Not only that, but in Mipha’s letters, I had her mention wanting him to “come back to her”. And now he finally has.
and that wraps this up, as the epilogue is composed strictly of Miphlink fluff and sweet, sweet payoff. if you took the time to read the fic and these write ups, thank you, I hope you enjoyed them! ❤
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wildshero · 3 years
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@hyruleir​ said: aloe, amaryllis, anemone, begonia, lavender, mint, poppy, snapdragon, zinnia
{ x - accepting }
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aloe - how does your muse handle grief ?
He takes it all in internally. This part of the silent knight that continuously will stay with him. His grief is silent, but do not mistake it for not feeling. Link internalizes it so as to not burden others with his grief. When he regains his memories fully, and learns fully of who all has died because of his failure he grieves. When he goes through the Champion’s ballad after the final blight fight is the first and potentially only time he has ever openly grieved. Learning exactly what they went through and barely making it out himself it tears him up both inside and out and he cannot control that grief. Hyrules knows this day as everything seemed dull in a way that it never had before.
amaryllis - what is something or someone that your muse takes pride in ?   how do they express that pride ?
He takes pride in his duty as a knight for sure. But that is obvious I would like to think it is at least. However post Calamity he takes pride in how Hyrule is flourishing again with the wilderness and civilizations as few as they are working in tandem in a way that hasn’t been seen before, the proof of this is with the growth of the Silent Princess. They express their pride by embracing what they are prideful in. He embraces the role of Zelda’s knight, and he embraces the wild land that he is the hero of.
anemone - how does your muse view the world ;   as a cruel   &   unforgiving place ,   a land full of wonders ,   or something in - between ? where does that world view come from   (   what experiences ,   life lessons ,   etc .   ) ?  
Oh definitely a land full of wonders. This comes from his own desire to explore and be one with the land, but it also comes from the ability to do so, so freely once he wakes up after one hundred years. He is still Zelda’s knight but he doesn’t have the same pressure on him he once felt. It is completely different. I also think part of it is sparked from Zelda’s love of research of the land. He matches that with his love to explore and collect things for her. But it is definitely something from within after all he is dubbed as Hero of the Wild.
begonia - how cautious is your muse ?   are they prone to noticing red flags ,   or paranoid to the point of untrusting most everyone ?   why or why not ?  
Link isn’t really cautious at all. He is cautious around travelers on the road because they could be Yiga but they have a very large tell which is the Banana question or typically asking about the Hero so directly. Link is though a generally trusting person and willing to help anyone and everyone. After all he ends up helping build a town, only Link would be roped into doing that. But further he’s not cautious, he is strategic but not really cautious.
lavender - how easy is it to gain your muse’s trust ?  once their trust is broken ,   how might one go about mending it ?  
Gaining the full force of Link’s trust is very hard. Getting Link to trust you, not so much. But gaining all of Link’s trust is not an easy feat, very few have done it. Those people are the original champions, Zelda, the champion successors, Bolson. I’d say the Sheikah but Link has a very complicated relationship with them so they don’t have the full force of his trust, I also think they would be the first to break it due to differences in how Zelda should be protected. If his trust is broken mending it isn’t easy. Its never been done, but also his trust has not ever been broken. But mending it would take a literal act of Hylia for it to happen. Link is a kind person at heart, and to betray that openness he has, its not something Link wants to forgive.
mint - does your muse view themself as virtuous   &   moral ?  what do these words mean to them ?
I like to think he is. I’m not sure what he thinks. I think everyone in Hyrule both pre and post 100 years definitely thinks he is virtuous and moral and it is definitely how he comes across to citizens with his willingness to help them in their needs. To him they don’t really mean anything but a title he carries, and I feel that it is a weight that he will realize is weighing down on him, at least he did before the 100 years. After the 100 years he stopped worrying so much about what others thought, but I think it definitely has an ability to creep again especially with breath of the wild 2 on the horizon.
poppy - what comforts your muse ?
The sounds of nature. Link likes being out in the wild. He likes the wind in the trees, the crickets, the sound of a waterfall. His house is just far enough away from Hateno that he gets that, without being totally separate from society. But he loves the sounds and smells of the forests. Korok forest and the Faron region jungle and grasslands. Also Zelda. In Creating a Champion with the original translation of the text Link says he wants to see Zelda smile again, and that he is doing this to see her smile again. So I think in part is seeing Zelda smile, but also just her as a person. Before the Calamity Mipha was someone who he found great comfort in as he grew up around her. I also think that both Urbosa and Daruk were two that Link also found comfort in because both of them allowed him to not be a knight, and they saw him for more than the knight he was, but the person he wanted so desperately to always be.
snapdragon -  is your muse merciful ?  why or why not ?
It entirely depends on the person. Link is not merciful to the yiga or the monsters, but other citizens in Hyrule, other people he gives multiple chances to. He gives ways to correct their wrongs a notable example of this is the Gerudo who is littering in the water source. However, when it comes to combat and fighting an enemy Link does not hesitate.
zinnia - how has the loss of fallen comrades and/or loved ones affected your muse ?   has it taught them anything or given them any new perspectives ?
It tears him apart. Upon regaining his memories he feels immense guilt. As stated above when he finishes the last blight fight from the Champion’s ballad he is in pure anguish over his failure over how he lost them. It tears him apart, and nothing can ever fill their roles. He is lucky their abilities and their spirits are their as a guide because at least he has that. It is not them, it does not make him whole but he fully feels their loss and always will. It like the scars from the guardians will always mark him out. Loosing them taught him it is okay to not only be emotional over what he loss, but rejoice in their legacies. He knows Urbosa would be beyond pleased of Riju and her bravery. He knows Daruk would cherish Yunobo and his courage. He knows Mipha would be proud of her brother Sidon and his heart. And he knows deep down despite all the irritation he and Revali had for each other, he knows Revali would be puffing out his feathers in satisfaction at Teba and his power. While the champion’s successors might not be the champions they may never take that place in Link’s heart, loosing them only showed Link just how big his heart can be. Love for his friends and family is never lost, even if memory fades, there will always be something to help you remember along the way.
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dinra-al · 7 years
after Breath of the Wild
I don’t know, just some stuff about what would happen after defeating Calamity Ganon + If the spirits of the king and the champions stuck around to oversee the rebuilding of Hyrule/train their successors
First thing Sidon did when he saw Mipha is start crying and try to jump-hug her (he was a lot smaller last time they actually saw one another...) 
He ended up going right through her though
but it’s alright because now that Mipha’s spirit is free, she can visit her dad and make sure the rest of the domain is in good shape!
She cried when she saw the statue of her. in fact, there was a lot of crying from everyone because they just really missed her, but it’s good now because she’s more or less back.
She spent days in the throne room with her father, just catching up with all that’s happened in the time that’s passed. Luckily, the domain remained decently similar, and many of her old companions were still there to see her return.
After agreeing that Sidon should take her place as the Zora champion, She’s started teaching him how to pilot Vah Rutah, and he’s learning exceptionally fast. She’s really proud of him
She’s also teaching him some first aid. it’s no Mipha’s Grace but he’s got the basics down!
Sidon is honestly thrilled to be following in his sister’s footseps, but naturally he still has doubts and anxieties about the future. In times where he needs comforting, Mipha is always there to listen to his worries and guide him towards becoming a great king some day
whenever Link and Zelda visit, the whole domain throws a lovely party and feast to welcome them (there may or may not be some arguments over who gets to sit next to link)
The whole domain just really feels like the loving and wonderful place it once was. Mipha spends a lot of her time with Vah Ruta, just like she used to, only now with much more company. Sidon is quite the enthusiastic learner after all
Even though she’s happy to be back, Mipha seems to be the only one of the champions who has acknowledged and accepted the fact that she’s going to have to pass on eventually; her people can’t rely on her forever. She finds comfort in the fact that she’ll at least have said goodbye and prepared them for when that day comes
As soon as he got back he immediately went to find Yunobo; he may or may not have given the poor boy quite the scare
but Yunobo is still thrilled to meet his ancestor! 
honestly he’s actually a little afraid that Daruk will be dissapointed in him for not being big, strong, and courageous, even though he isn’t as much of a wimp as he used to be
Daruk is actually overjoyed to find him and the rest of the gorons in such good shape, and he certainly couldn’t be more proud of his great great (?) grandson for all that he’s done to help
Daruk doesn’t want the others to know he’s back just yet, though. it’s gotta be a surprise at just the right moment, he says.
Yunobo really wants to spill the beans, but he doesn’t because Daruk is having a lot of fun appearing to the village children in secret and telling them cool stories about himself
In turn these kids went blabbing to the adults about “how they saw the great Daruk in person”, and of course they had to tell the children that that can’t be true because Daruk isn’t here anymore
it’s around here that Daruk rides Vah Rudania down the mountain and shows up with all the glory he can muster. For him I think it’s go big or go home
Obviously he chooses Yunobo to take the role of champion in his place
Yunobo learns to pilot Rudania a bit faster than Daruk did, and he manages to become even more confident with his success
Daruk praises him as the pride of the gorons for becoming so strong and brave, but also remaining soft and nice
Everyone still uses him as a canonball though
Daruk just spends his time joyfully regaling the whole village and all passing travelers with stories passed down through the gorons for ages. He’s also the best person to go to if you need a really motivating pep-talk.
None of the Rito actually know he’s back, because so far he’s been chilling in Vah Medoh and basking in his glory
He realized he needs someone to shower him in compliments carry on his legacy, so he picked Teba, thinking he was the most suitable choice
of course, since Teba wants to be a great Rito warrior he would never deny the offer of training, and from the great Revali of all people!
Teba quickly finds himself... surprised that the old stories he was told growing up forgot to mention the fact Revali is kind of... well, a jerk.
He’s finding it harder and harder to believe this boisterous guy training him to pilot a DIVINE BEAST was actually a well respected warrior, let alone his hero and inspiration basically
but he can’t deny the training has really paid off; his archery skills have never been this good and he’s never flown so smoothly.
and he might not say it explicitly, but Revali is really proud and he really starts to see Teba as his apprentice
the only other’s in the tribe who know about Revali’s spirit are Saki and Tulin. but there’s been rumours going around the village that if you look hard enough into the night sky, you can see a ghostly figure pulling off some admittedly cool tricks
Revali isn’t the absolute best with children, but he’s taken a liking to Tulin and helps train him when Teba can’t. Tulin started calling him “uncle” and honestly Teba is afraid he’s lost his son’s favour
Link and the princess stop by on occasion to check up on things and provide maintenance to Medoh, Revali still tries to one-up link every time (and fails every time)
at this point, Kass is also back home with his family and has started writing songs of his own. when he has the chance, Revali swoops down to listen to the music. he found most of the songs are about the hero of legend, which actually irritated him a bit, but he was beyond delighted to find Kass has written a whole song dedicated to him and his accomplishments. no he’s not crying, there’s just dust in his eye ok
man Urbosa is happy to be back. she was worried sick about her people, how could she not be? But now she’s gotta pay visit to the new chief and make sure everything’s running smoothly
Now that she’s face to face with Riju, she can really see just how young she is. Urbosa is honestly upset someone who is barely just a teenager got forced into a position of power, and by losing her mother no less. She’s seen similar happen with Zelda, and she’d hoped she wouldn’t have to see it again.
anyway, she struts in Riju’s room as cool as ever. Riju is, understandably, in awe
Urbosa takes it upon herself to see that Riju gets the proper upbringing she deserves to grow up to become a good chief
She doesn’t want to stress her with the whole “becoming the new champion” thing until she’s older and can handle something like that, but Riju has been begging to start learning more about Vah Naboris. Urbosa can’t quite say no, so slowly she’s been teaching her about the divine beast’s history and how it works; she’ll save the actual piloting work for another time.
Every day Riju becomes stronger and more confident as a chief, and it shows! the whole town is very proud of this recent development, but they can’t help but wonder how she managed such progress all of a sudden
Urbosa makes sure Riju gets her break time too, though. Riju was embarrassed at first about her sand seal plushie collection and what Urbosa would think about it, but she was actually delighted in her interest for the animals. long story short, now they spend their time together talking about seals and making bad puns
Urbosa gives really good sand seal surfing advice too; she knew how to ride the dunes better than anyone in her day
on the side, Bularia is afraid she’s being replaced, but can’t be too mad because this is Urbosa we’re talking about here. Her fears are put to rest once the champion actually approaches her just to tell her she’s doing a great job, and that she’s thankful for her service. (she cried)
quick bonus:
The king is back too and he made things right with Zelda. he’s super proud of his daughter, and this time he doesn’t make the mistake of not telling her.
since she’s normally out and about with Link, trying to assess the damage and start the repairs on the kingdom, He hangs around what’s left of the castle until they return
Now that the whole apocalypse thing isn’t in the way, he finally has the chance to properly teach Zelda about running a kingdom
Zelda managed to recreate a bond with her father, and she put his advice to good use when restoring Hyrule to it’s former glory
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So I Don’t Forget Again: A Breath of The Wild fanfiction
Entry 101: Toruma Dunes
 Before going to bed, Chief Riju and I took a trip to the spa. It was absolutely amazing. I was so relaxed my mind just kind of faded? My right arm was a little sensitive, and was very tense according to the… Spa ladies? Masseuses? I’m not sure what they’re called. The spa is attached to an inn so right after the massage I was given a room to stay in for the night. With my body so relaxed I actually fell asleep.
While I was sleeping, I had a dream. I think it may had been a memory. We were watching the courtyard from high above. A Sheikah was demonstrating some of the guardian’s functions to some knights. My heart leapt in my throat despite it not doing anything. Just walking around. The princess eagerly watched. She spoke of how it was incredible how we could now control them and added that it shouldn’t be long till we know everything about them. When she spoke, she was interrupted by the King. He asked in a demanding voice what she was doing here. His face was stern unlike now that he’s a spirit. The princess spoke of how useful learning about the ancient technology would be for driving back the Calamity. Once again, she was interrupted by the King. He said he already knew that and elaborated on how as princess there was a duty she had yet to fulfill, gaining her spiritual powers. He told her to stop treating that as some game to which she retorted back saying that she was already trying her best. She spoke of how she prayed tirelessly at the spring of courage. Once more she was interrupted. He said she was wasting her time. She needed to unlock her power and dedicate her time to nothing else. She said she was, there was nothing more she could do. She wanted to now focus on the technology since it was something she could do, but the king said that she is the only one with the power that can seal the calamity away, it was paramount that she finally unlock it. He then decreed that she have nothing to do with the technology anymore and commanded that she focus on her training. He then spoke of rumors that were being spread about. About how she is the heir to nothing but failure. She had to prove them wrong or else there would be nothing at all. I believe having read so much about her trying and failing caused this to resurface.
When I woke up Bossa Nova had his head resting on my chest. I wanted to get up, but he was just too cute, I couldn’t wake him! Once he did, I went looking around the bazaar for something he could eat. There wasn’t that much vegetation for him to just graze on whenever he wanted. I got him a Hyromelon since they also have lots of water in them so in a way, I’d be making sure he got something to drink as well. Even with it’s hard outer shell he scarfed down the whole thing right away. He must have been very hungry. I apologized by getting him another one. I tried hugging him, but he knocked me over, laid on top on me and kept rubbing the top of his muzzle on my face.
I went to The Noble Canteen for a Noble Pursuit but the woman behind the counter said that I looked much too young for that drink. Then the person behind me said that I’m much older than I look. It was Calisa! After getting our drinks and some mushroom risotto we sat in the lounge area and ate. I thanked her for vouching for me, but she said that the least the Gerudo could do for the person who saved them was let them have a good meal.
It was really nice chatting with her. We talked about traveling for a bit before we started talking about the town. Since it had been so long since she was last here, it felt brand new to her. I asked her if she had ever taken the cooking or wooing classes. She told me that every Gerudo takes those classes. A saying around here is that the best way to get to a person’s heart is through their stomach. It’s but one way of wooing a person. She regaled me with her early days where she first set off out of the town searching to get caught up in a whirlwind of a romance and passion. That she did find, not in a voe, but exploration. Before then she had never even set foot out of the town. Then suddenly she was thrust out into the world only armed with what she had learned back home. She spoke of her many failed romances. The wooing classes did help, but she felt that if anything it was more so of a class about how to interact with someone even with the culture shock of them not being raised Gerudo. Though she did add that the classes may have changed over time.
She then told me of a communal kitchen area where anyone one could cook anything they wanted and said that she could teach me recipes which are good to know for travelers. After getting a stone pot and ingredients we made many dishes, like chilly simmered fruit, mushroom risottos, curry rice, omelets, and some clam chowders. It was so fun learning from her. I told her about my time in the Sheikah Village and how I wound up learning from Koko. I should go back so I can teach her what Calisa taught me. It’ll be so much fun!
Calisa wondered what we were going to do with so much food. In the end I ate all of it. She commented on my appetite. I told her how I never get hungry or full. I just eat when I need to heal and not much else happens, though… now that I’ve eaten more dishes, I forgot how delicious food can be. And cooking in of itself is so fun! I think I’ll eat something at night when Bossa Nova is asleep. Though the smell of the food may wake him. I guess I’ll just have to figure it out when we leave here.
As I was dinning, we overheard a conversation between a woman with a guard. She had found the man of her dreams and soon after getting married he fell terribly ill. The only thing that could cure him is a certain medicine, the medicine is made from the innards of a molduga a giant and mighty fish/worm like creature which burrows through the sand. She wanted help killing one but none of the guards are to leave the town. The Yiga had been acting extremely aggressive since their leader was killed and they didn’t want to risk any of them getting in.
Sidon better make it home safely. And the Gerudo women with him hopefully are safe too.
I didn’t notice myself until Calisa placed a hand on my shoulder. She told me that before I go running off into the desert, I should protect my skin. She found an alovera plant and snapped a piece off and told me to rub the goopy inside on my exposed skin to protect it from the sun.
Bossa nova and I ran around for a while searching. When we noticed the wind picking up, we started heading back to town but before we knew it, we were surrounded by a sandstorm! I would have used the Sheikah Slate’s map, but it wouldn’t do anything. The side that showed the map and the frozen time images was just blank and no matter what I did it wouldn’t do anything. Bossa Nova buried his paws into the ground, and I held on to him. This way we at least weren’t being tossed around by the wind as much.
When the wind died down we were finally able to see. The Sheikah Slate was working again, so we made our way back to town, but as we did so the ground began to quake. The sand next to us began to pick up. It then leaped out and when it came crashing back down it almost swallowed us whole! Thankfully I was quick to draw my bow and shot it in that maw with a bomb arrow. I had Bossa Nova keep running as I shot at the thing. I decided to try shooting it when it was in the sand. It didn’t get hit but I think I discovered something. I think it senses vibrations on the ground. When I shot a bomb arrow into the distance moments after it exploded on the ground the creature leaped up there. After using up most of my bomb arrows the creature was finally felled. Using the Sheikah Slate I found it was the molduga we’d been searching for!
After taking out it’s innards I found it hard to leave. Unlike the moblins and bokoblins who’s bodies turn to smoke upon death this creature’s corps just laid atop the sand. It felt like such a waste to just leave it there.
I gave the items to the woman and she was so thankful. She was instant on giving me three hundred rupees. Calisa approached me asking why I looked odd. I told her about the molduga. She then stared at me for a moment before saying I certainly hadn’t traveled for long, but I had the soul of a traveler. She had us take her to the body.
She had me make a fire and taught me how to figure out what meat on an animal is salvageable and how to turn the meat into jerky. As for the scales and fins we could use them to make cloaks to protect Bossa Nova and myself from sandstorms and other elements. She told me that I could bring the bones to Death Mountain and have the Gorons reforge my weapons with the bone to make them more durable and stronger. If I couldn’t do that then the bone still could be used to make arrowheads. As we were making the jerky some Yiga attacked. Working together we were able to fend them off. She said I was more of a warrior than a traveler, then asked why I’m traveling. I told her everything about saving the champion’s spirits including the princess’, finally defeating the Calamity… about fulfilling my duty as her guard. I hadn’t realized it till talking with her, but I don’t think of this as my duty anymore. I just want too. I want to learn more about my past, who I used to be, who I knew, and I want to learn about this present, it’s future, the people here now, and who I can be.
With so much meat it took a while to make it all into jerky. There was still more meat even late into the night. Calisa left to sleep in the town while Bossa Nova and I are still out here. Bossa Nova doesn’t care for the heat, but he seems to resist the cold well. Perhaps it’s because he’s lived in Zora’s Domain. The water can be freezing there at night.
Maybe Sidon is there now? Deep in those waters, those little spots and his fins so gently glowing. Maybe he’s writing me another letter saying he’s alright, of battles he and the Gerudo had against the Yiga and were victorious.
I miss him. And with Bossa Nova nearby I miss Friend.
The day was alright, fun even, so why do I feel so alone now? I hate this.
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