#also Stig is there
andysanimation · 2 years
I wish there was a Mythbusters x Top Gear.
No no no, what I want is a episode where the teams meet and go bat shit crazy on a car theory that will, at least, lead to a destruction of small private property, is that so much to ask for?
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jaaisofficial · 2 months
I win
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jade-of-mourning · 10 months
Ok so I saw your post :3
Go to sleep!!! Sleep is important!!!
Can you draw some Stigal please 🥺👉👈
Ignore my blatant conflict of interest. I hope you are well
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i feel like this looks like one of those shoddy wattpad covers that have been recycled over at least thirty truth-or-dare fanfics and have increasingly poor pixel quality from the screenshotting done on it, but yee here u go please enjoy
stig has been through Too Much Shit(tm), please let him get a hug idc that he's tall n stuff tall people need hugs too (i say at a grand height of 5'2)
also hey look it's not even midnight as i do this one anyway i'm gonna go do important work stuff now <3 (i'll try to be in bed before 2 am this time though promise i swear i swe
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im not sure if you still do moodboards but could i pretty please request a stig one?
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So just carry on and I’ll ride it - Til i've gone too far - And just tell me where your heading - And I won’t be very far (Mad at the Man by The Takes)
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nimblermortal · 9 months
I would like reading recommendations for older fantasy & sci fi - things I am likely to be able to get as an e-book, but that are available now.
I'm trying to hoard the < 1/3 of a physical book I have left for the up-and-downs of flying later this week, and I'm not in a place where I can read anything at the bookstore.
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mostlyonthefloor · 7 months
So about the mirror thing... Stefan dragging Stig over to a washbasin, gently touching the water's surface to make it still and smooth as glass, and gesturing.
"See what everyone means, Stiggy?"
I......... IM SHAKING
What would Stig think about his appearance? Would he see what Hal sees - the faint heterochromatic eyes, the cheeky smile constantly waiting for an opportunity, the love, the joy? Would he see what everyone else sees - the broad shoulders, white-blond hair, bright blue eyes, the perfect Skandian?
Or would he see his father?
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thelastranger · 7 months
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stig-ishness · 1 year
my friend showed me hunk resident evil and immediately he became blorbo and then I made this venn diagram. tumblr ate the quality but check it out
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(this is stig related I swear look he’s on it)
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stigmatamars · 2 years
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pov: iceberg lounge bathroom
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livvyofthelake · 2 years
another one of my sunflowers grew taller than jodi :( she’s no longer the tallest girl </3 anyway i named her stella. after stig’s sister from tall girl 2 obviously. DID have to look up her name but whatever. anyway stella’s like literally 7 feet tall it’s crazy.
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tantoknives · 2 years
need more tattoos, not a want but a need
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nimblermortal · 2 months
Why are there wraiths in my gardening game?
A Wildmender review
The point of Wildmender is that you are given a big ol' desert, and some plants and gardening tools. The plot is superfluous.
So why do the wraiths keep attacking me?
I beat the game! I murdered their leader! Why are they still staging attacks at regular intervals!
Okay, that said, the difficulty settings are super easily configurable in many different ways, so you can turn wraith damage off, etc, to make the game fit your needs and desires. I haven't actually messed with this because I'm cool with smiting a wraith every so often. Also, on standard difficulty you can just surround your home base with tower defense sigils and they will literally take care of everything up to and including the final boss for you. With the teleportation system, all you have to do is go home when a wraith attack occurs, and then lead the attackers to their doom. So the wraiths don't have to be a problem.
I really like climbing around a 3D world building my garden. I think there's a lot of end game potential - I really want to see if, if I upgrade all the springs fully, I can fill the channels of the salt flats with water, for example. (In which case I will need some sort of swim mechanic to get more pearls to upgrade the rest of the springs in the game.)
I liked how you can just garden your way past the game's obstacles. You're supposed to have a special bracelet for the salt flats to keep them from draining your water, but if you just fill your inventory with acorns and revive every spring you come across, the water drainage is manageable without that.
I think there should be more plants. There are a lot at the beginning of the game, and then toward the end it starts to feel kind of repetitive, you've got some half dozen base plants that come in different skins and all the loot is the same. You could get some really cool DLC in there by adding end-game quests to revive old strains of plants, explore seed bunkers, etc.
It's also a very lonely game. You are literally the only living creature in the world when you start. Oh, there are the gods, and your tutorial leader, but once they run out of tutorials it's just... you and the plants. Which is great! It's exactly what I'm looking for! but the loneliness creeps on you. Maybe I'm not hugging my frogs enough.
(Pro tip: Collect pearls from the salt flats and feed them to your frogs not for the upgrade capability but so that they glow purple and you can find them more easily.)
I had a lot of fun, but it would be more fun in co-op. I really want to play with Tea, but Tea cannot handle combat at all - I was hoping for a combat-free game, and then I was working on my save to beat the final boss so that the wraiths would go away so I could get Tea to come garden with me. So that's really why I'm upset about the continued wraiths. (Mind, Tea doesn't have a Windows operating system to work with, so the day is far anyway.)
Blooper Reel
It's about impossible to play the game without a mouse. You can't strafe without one, and even climbing the spiral staircases was extremely difficult. (The difficulty level dropped dramatically when I plugged in a mouse. Wraiths were a minor concern compared to getting the timing right to WASD myself around a spiral staircase with no rails.)
The game does not prevent you from going off the edge of the map, it just puts a really big cliff there. So if you want to push your boundaries, empty your inventory of important material first. I do not recommend jumping off the cliff with all the easily-obtained instances of the most difficult resource in the game. Usually you can reclaim your body, but not if it's rolled off the bottom of the cliff into doesn't-exist land.
The game tells you that you can cycle through tools using the keyboard shortcut T. It does not tell you that if you have a mouse with a scroll wheel, you can also use that scroll wheel. For a long time I thought it was the worst glitch in the game (there are others) and also that the game was poorly designed in terms of giving you about a dozen tools that you have to keep jabbing T to get round the circuit of. I still think a hotkey system with numbered tools would work better.
It took me a really long time to find out the cape of winds was useful. I got it to tick off the quest box, and then kept on climbing and using the vine bridge mechanism. Once I figured out the cape holy crap were the salt flats less miserable. up down up down up down infinite umbrella mushrooms...
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lemonlovemeanslove · 1 year
All humans belong to one of two categories, those whose name can easily be used in a chant, and those whose name will not allow for that
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thelastranger · 2 years
The first Brotherband fanfic I ever read was I've Turned Into a Monster by smug_albatross on ao3 and even though that was seven years ago, it still has a small rent free place in the back of my mind.
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stig-ishness · 11 months
omg hIII BESTIE!!!
been a hot second, hope you're doing ok! :]
hey saturn!!!
yes it has, haha!! i’m doing well, thanks for asking!
i’m at a summer camp right now and it’s keeping me busy, so i haven’t had much free time lol :3
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stigmatamars · 2 years
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messy firebird doodle bc they dont get enough love <3
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