#also TotK fucks up the timeline so badly it makes me sooo mad
pa-pa-plasma · 1 year
zelda blasted moldugas in the gerudo assault scene, it was a group effort between her sonia and rauru. you can see the light coming from her hand. they just channeled it through rauru bc he was/is the chosen hero from that era
I saw that as them just giving him the power to preform such a massive attack rather than Zelda herself blasting them (probably supplied by the sage stone thing which i cant remember the name of). I'd have to rewatch the scene to check (the only one I rewatched was the one where Fi's theme played) but if she seems surprised I take it as more of a "oh shit i/we have that much power??" rather than a "holy shit my attack personally killed all those moldugas" kinda thing. it was Rauru's attack, Sonia & Zelda just supplied an extra power source.
#also when does it say Rauru is a chosen hero#Rauru is just. Rauru. he's just a guy. Link specifically is the chosen hero. he was chosen by Hylia. like. specifically#it isn't just any random guy who fights Ganon. it's Link. like. specifically.#if it was anyone who fought Ganondorf then Zelda would be the chosen hero. & the sages. & everyone & their mother & dog & goldfish#okay as much as i love TotK all i've seen in the fandom so far is Zelink shippers being weirdly rude & people making up information#also TotK fucks up the timeline so badly it makes me sooo mad#TotK has done irreversible damage to the LoZ timeline man#if Ganondorf has been sealed under Hyrule castle since before Minish Cap how the fuck did he reincarnate in OoT#who the fuck is the OoT Ganondorf? which btw is in 3 other games#that specific Ganondorf is in THREE OTHER GAMES! WHO IS THAT IF GANONDORF IS SEALED UNDER HYRULE CASTLE#as a fan of Skyward Sword too this is just. what the fuck. what the actual fuck#if i think about it for too long i start foaming at the mouth & growling & shit#only thing i can think of is this is an entirely new timeline#or the team just honestly doesn't give a shit & is just making games man#btw constructs/robots that are fuelled by magic blue power have existed since before Hyrule was created#they're in Skyward Sword. but their creators have vanished (presumably the Sheikah &/or the Skyloft people)#there's so much information & although a lot of it matches up so much of it conflicts with known accepted information#also people have different interpretations of the shit happening#i could say that actually Zelda wasn't a dragon. she just switched places with one. she was just possessed by one. you can't prove me wrong#it's the same shit with saying ''this facial expression means this thing specifically & i will die on this hill''#brooo stoppp--assuming everything in this series makes perfect sense & can be proven without a shadow of a doubt makes you look stupid
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