#if Ganondorf has been sealed under Hyrule castle since before Minish Cap how the fuck did he reincarnate in OoT
pa-pa-plasma · 1 year
zelda blasted moldugas in the gerudo assault scene, it was a group effort between her sonia and rauru. you can see the light coming from her hand. they just channeled it through rauru bc he was/is the chosen hero from that era
I saw that as them just giving him the power to preform such a massive attack rather than Zelda herself blasting them (probably supplied by the sage stone thing which i cant remember the name of). I'd have to rewatch the scene to check (the only one I rewatched was the one where Fi's theme played) but if she seems surprised I take it as more of a "oh shit i/we have that much power??" rather than a "holy shit my attack personally killed all those moldugas" kinda thing. it was Rauru's attack, Sonia & Zelda just supplied an extra power source.
#also when does it say Rauru is a chosen hero#Rauru is just. Rauru. he's just a guy. Link specifically is the chosen hero. he was chosen by Hylia. like. specifically#it isn't just any random guy who fights Ganon. it's Link. like. specifically.#if it was anyone who fought Ganondorf then Zelda would be the chosen hero. & the sages. & everyone & their mother & dog & goldfish#okay as much as i love TotK all i've seen in the fandom so far is Zelink shippers being weirdly rude & people making up information#also TotK fucks up the timeline so badly it makes me sooo mad#TotK has done irreversible damage to the LoZ timeline man#if Ganondorf has been sealed under Hyrule castle since before Minish Cap how the fuck did he reincarnate in OoT#who the fuck is the OoT Ganondorf? which btw is in 3 other games#that specific Ganondorf is in THREE OTHER GAMES! WHO IS THAT IF GANONDORF IS SEALED UNDER HYRULE CASTLE#as a fan of Skyward Sword too this is just. what the fuck. what the actual fuck#if i think about it for too long i start foaming at the mouth & growling & shit#only thing i can think of is this is an entirely new timeline#or the team just honestly doesn't give a shit & is just making games man#btw constructs/robots that are fuelled by magic blue power have existed since before Hyrule was created#they're in Skyward Sword. but their creators have vanished (presumably the Sheikah &/or the Skyloft people)#there's so much information & although a lot of it matches up so much of it conflicts with known accepted information#also people have different interpretations of the shit happening#i could say that actually Zelda wasn't a dragon. she just switched places with one. she was just possessed by one. you can't prove me wrong#it's the same shit with saying ''this facial expression means this thing specifically & i will die on this hill''#brooo stoppp--assuming everything in this series makes perfect sense & can be proven without a shadow of a doubt makes you look stupid
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the-game-spirit · 1 year
I have been going so insane over the zelda timeline regarding totk like I am LOSING my mind
like. either 1. botw/totk is a completely new continuity. worst option. boring.
2. it is SO FAR in the future of the (probably downfall) timeline and there has been SO MUCH canon-typical time bullshit in between that the other two either bleed over OR the ever-funny hyrule warrior's convergence theory happens that it may as well be just a soft reboot and history is just. repeating endlessly. also kind of boring imho
OR 3. totk memories happen sometime after skyward sword. interesting. also a completely fucking insane idea.
it's a misconception that SS zelda and link founded hyrule! they almost certainly didn't!
did the zonai make the timeshift stuff in SS? the tower of the gods in WW? the ooccoo? a fascinating concept!
what about the triforce? who knows! i don't think minish cap has anything to do with it either and it does get sealed away at some point sooooo
but more importantly
is there a fucking dehydrated ganondorf sealed away underground for every single zelda game
most people would be like, 'no, of course not, thats so stupid how does oot ganondorf exist if totk ganondorf is in hand jail already' and 'ganondorf has a history of reincarnation/revival but that can't happen if he's still alive ya dingus' and normally I would agree! I did agree! I've been scratching my head trying to make this work since I started playing totk
except!!! except!!!!!! we have literally already seen this happen before!!!!
so. skyward sword.
skyward sword is a closed loop time travel story. I cannot stand when people try to shoehorn another timeline split in SS because no split happens. that's the point. that was hylia's plan. the first hero? before skyward sword link? hylia's chosen knight that defeated demise? that was always skyward sword link in the past. demise even confirms this in dialog. something something he's 'never seen a hylian stand up to him before.' idk the exact quote but it Very Much Implies demise has never encountered any incarnation of link before.
so. how do we kill the imprisoned (demise) in the future and then go back and kill demise again in the past in a closed loop?
because we seal demise's consciousness in the sword, and his body in the ground
the imprisoned is clearly mindless. even more mindless than downfall timeline ganon post-resurrection. it has one single goal, which is to reach the temple and.... the master sword. with the consciousness of demise sealed within.
we have confirmation that two versions of the demon king can, technically, exist entirely separate from eachother.
it isn't a stretch to think that if his body is sealed away, effectively dead and unable to spread his malice, that the spirit of demise's hatred (if its not sealed with the sword, like in totk) would reincarnate until the time comes that the seal weakens enough (the first calamity) that it doesn't need to.
obviously there are still problems here like. where are the rito? (personally I think they just fuck off to hebra, which only barely exists in any other game, and I wholeheartedly believe the WW rito are a completely different species)
if totk ganondorf is sealed under the castle before oot, but the great plateau is implied oot castle town, why didn't we find dehydrated dorf there? uuuuuuuhhhhhhh next question
(listen the great plateau doesn't really match up with oot castle town anyway, no other details really match, definitely not the typical 'death mountain to the north(east), lake hylia down south' geography we usually see)
is rauru totk and rauru oot the same or different? zelda actually calls the sages 'ancient creators of hyrule' in oot, and since rauru is the only actually ancient one there.... uh. its entirely possible! why does he look hylian in oot? uhhhhhh? magic? because seeing some giant talking goat person that has never been seen before might not inspire trust in the traumatized monster-fighting 9 year-old-turned-16-year-old. also isnt oot rauru ALSO the owl? its been a LONG time since I played oot so I genuinely don't know if I just made that up but if so the guy has a history of changing form I guess
honestly I think we do have to allow for a certain level of handwavy 'new game' leeway, just like we do with EVERY game, in order to make this work. the map is always different. some things are introduced that have never once been heard of before in any other game. some things DONT exist that have in other games. some things are so different they're nearly unrecognizable. there are little easter eggs and no, they don't always have to mean something.
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