#also ada and mila are siblings
bobbiedebruyn · 7 months
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@lgbtqcreators creator bingo - mythology
club07 as demigods [insp]
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spookymvlders · 4 years
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The Vulchanovs; a peaky blinders inspired family.
Meet the Vulchanovs, your friendly neighbourhood Russians / casino-owning troublemakers! This lot has been in Haven for quite some time now, with a handful of them having immigrated from Russia during childhood and the rest being born and raised Canadians. Their story is a bit long and twisty so I’m gonna keep this fairly vague and if you’re at all interested in learning more or potentially participating, just shoot me a dm on discord!
So, for starters, most everything about the characters are up to the players. The solid canon, however, is this:
They’ve all got a lot of darkness in their blood.
Their father’s a career criminal and their mother has, unfortunately, passed away. They currently own a casino which they not only use to launder money for one of Haven’s most prominent families (possibly more tho?), but also to conduct their own not-strictly-legal enterprises (drugs, illegal sorts of betting, etc). However involved your character would like to be in all of that is up to you, and I’m absolutely not opposed to there being one or two on the outskirts or even directly opposing their family in some way! Have fun with things and make them yours!
The plot/family dynamic is based on Peaky Blinders, which is excellent and you should watch it if you haven’t, but we’re playing nice and loose with things so don’t feel like you have to at all stick to series canon! Names, ages, and fcs are open - however I’d really love it if the Arthur remained the eldest of the siblings!
Here’s who we have filled so far; anyone not listed is open!
Arthur Shelby: played by Oracle
Tommy Shelby: Misha Vulchanov (38), played by Sis
Ada Shelby: Sveta Vulchanova (32), played by Joey
Finn Shelby: Mila Vulchanova (22), played by Esti
Polly Gray: played by Tanya
Grace Burgess: Josephine Preaker (32), played by Nora
Lizzie Stark: Marie Léonie Le Livre (33), played by Mimi 
Freddie Thorne: Tomas Gustafsson (37), played by Violet
Inspector Campbell (minus the gross): Ian Triggs (42), played by Levi
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madpanda75 · 5 years
“Game Day” Part of Hostage Series
It’s been sooo long since I’ve written about my Barba family. I’ve had this idea in my head for awhile (it’s what I do during staff meetings, daydream about fic ideas). 
It’s Mila’s first tee ball game! Also Rafael and the reader defend their marriage. Get ready for some domestic fluffiness, Queen Bees, misogynist pigs, and feisty comebacks 😍❤️
Disclaimer: I haven’t been to a tee ball game since I was a kid so forgive me for my inaccuracies in the art of tee-ball.
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Saturdays were typically filled with pancakes, cartoons, and if you and Rafael were lucky, lazy morning sex, but today was different. It was opening day for Mila’s tee ball team and the Barba family was in full swing, preparing snacks and wrangling three kids to make it to the game on time.
While you were in the kitchen getting everything ready for the day, Rafael sat in the middle of the living room, keeping an eye on Mila and the twins. A smile slowly spread across his face as he watched Rory rock back and forth on her hands and knees. “Y/N! Come here! I think this is it. I think she’s gonna do it! I think she’s about to crawl!”
Rafael was determined to witness his daughter’s milestone. A few weeks earlier Ben began to crawl but unfortunately Rafael was in court and missed the event. Although you had taken a video, it wasn’t the same as being there to see his son scoot across the floor. He now understood why you were so upset when you had missed Mila taking her first steps.
“You can do it! Come on muñequita,” Rafael cooed.
Mila stopped practicing her swings and tapped on Rafael’s shoulder. “Papi, that’s wrong. I your moony-quita. Not her!” She furrowed her brows, placing one hand on her hip while the other pointed to her baby sister.
Rafael turned towards his oldest daughter, running a hand through her curls. “Of course you’re my muñequita. But so is your sister. You’re both my muñequitas, ok?”
“I guess that ok,” Mila mumbled, glancing between her sibling and her father with a look of skepticism.
“You’re still my number one girl.” He reassured her, kissing her cheek before turning back to Rory, outstretching his arms towards his daughter. “That’s it! Come to Papi!”
Rory grinned, drool dribbling down her cheek as she babbled at her father. Anticipation hung heavy in the air. Just when it looked like she was about to crawl, Ben beat her to the punch. The baby boy had been happily sucking on his toes when he decided to roll over and crawl towards Rafael, giggling as he scooted across the floor.
Watching her brother crawl into Rafael’s arms, Rory plopped down on her belly and began to cry. Her tiny face turning red as crocodile tears streamed down her cheeks. At the sound of his sister’s cries, Ben’s bottom lip quivered. It wasn’t long before he joined in, both babies crying and screaming, creating a cacophony that would wake the dead.
Mila covered both her ears. “Uh oh, they broken.”
Upon hearing your children wail, you ran into the room to find your husband with both babies in his arms, trying to calm them. “What happened?” You shouted to Rafael above the screams.
“I don’t know! One minute Rory was about to crawl, Ben got to me first and now this!”  Rafael looked bewildered, motioning to the chaos surrounding him.
You sighed, shaking your head slightly and took Rory from Rafael, rubbing soothing circles on her back. Now that the twins were getting older, their personalities were shining through. Rory may have favored you looks-wise but she was all Barba. You knew the reason for her outburst was because her brother had gotten to Rafael first, leaving her behind. While your sensitive baby boy was crying simply because his sister was.
“Aww pobrecita,” you cooed, bouncing your baby girl up and down. “It’s ok, mi amor. No more tears.” You glanced down at Mila and smiled, watching her put on her tee ball helmet. For the past few weeks, the tiny toddler insisted on wearing it around the house, only taking the helmet off during bath time. “You ready for your big game, baby?”
“Yep, we gonna crush them!” She exclaimed, jumping up and down.
You bit back a laugh. Who knew that four year olds had such a ruthless competitive streak. “Just remember to have fun. It doesn’t matter if you win or lose.”
“Yeah! Have fun crushing them.” Mila bared her teeth and growled before going back to practicing her swings.
Once the twins quieted down, you and Rafael placed both babies in their activity centers, hoping that would keep them entertained. “Mila, keep an eye on your brother and sister while Papi and I finish getting ready.”
You scampered off to the kitchen to finish preparing snacks for the game while Rafael retrieved the cooler from the hallway closet. He stopped in his tracks when he spied you standing on your tiptoes with your back to him, trying to grab a box of ziploc baggies from the top cupboard.
You were in full momma-mode, wearing a t-shirt that had Mila’s team name emblazoned on the back, a pair of denim shorts, and canvas sneakers. The casual outfit proved alluring to Rafael. It was simple yet sexy. Of course in Rafael’s eyes, you could be dressed in a potato sack and be sexy. A smirk tugged at his lips as he looked you over, drinking in your long legs, admiring your ass and the way your shirt rode up, revealing a strip of bare skin on the small of your back.
Rafael snuck up behind you and playfully tugged on your braid. He reached up and grabbed the baggies, handing them to you before winding his arms around your waist, dropping a kiss right below your ear, inhaling the sweet scent of your vanilla body spray.
You softly moaned in response, leaning back into his touch as his fingers skimmed the waistband of your shorts. “Excuse me, sir. My husband will be home any minute.”
“Your husband, hmm? You didn’t mention a husband last night while you were riding me,” Rafael purred, playing along with your little game.
“Must have slipped my mind.” You giggled and tilted your head, granting him further access as he continued to kiss down your neck.
“Does your husband make you come as hard I can,” he whispered, gently biting down your earlobe.
You turned to face him and wrapped your arms around his neck. “I don’t know. He’s pretty skilled.”
“Skilled? Well I guess I’ll just have to fuck you again. Make you forget all about that husband of yours.” He pushed you up against the counter causing you to gasp in surprise.
“Guess you will,” you whispered against his lips, kissing him deeply, tasting the remnants of coffee and mint on his tongue. “But later. Right now I need to place organic non-GMO fruit in baggies for a team of four year olds.” You reluctantly pulled away from Rafael and began to place dragon fruit and kumquats into the cooler, also sneaking in some extra baggies of grapes and orange slices. If your suspicions were correct, you knew the majority of the team, including your four year old, would be less than enthusiastic about the pretentious unusual fruit.
Rafael picked up a thick packet of paper that was tossed aside on the counter and snorted a laugh. “Dear Lord, what is this?”
You rolled your eyes. “Ugh a list of pre-approved snacks for toddlers, courtesy of Missy Schultz.” Missy Schultz was the Queen Bee in your neighborhood. She was leader of the Booster Club for Mila’s team, President of the PTA and a colossal pain in the ass. When you were pregnant with the twins, she stopped to lecture you for an hour about the benefits of eating your placenta. It took all your strength not to punch her in the face whenever you encountered her at any school or team function.
“The bar exam wasn’t as complicated as this,” Rafael mumbled, flipping to the back of the packet to review the appendix section.
You finished packing the cooler and looked over at your husband. He was wearing khakis shorts, a blue polo, and boat shoes. Even after six years together, it was still strange to see him in such a casual look. Rafael dressed to impress. His sharp tailored suits combined with his silver tongue was part of what defined him in the courtroom. His suspenders alone were enough to turn you into a puddle. But at home Rafael was more than an ADA, he was a husband and father. At home, he could relax.
Sensing your eyes on him, Rafael glanced over at you. “What?” He asked, popping a grape into his mouth.
“Nothing, it’s just...well look at us. Scrambling to get out the door before 9 am on a Saturday,” you said. “Remember when we used to have naked weekends?”
Way back before kids came into the picture, you and Rafael would spend your rare weekends off completely naked. Your Saturdays and Sundays would be spent having sex in every room of your apartment, cuddling and ordering takeout whenever you needed nourishment for the next round of lovemaking. You loved your lazy weekends with Rafael. It was a chance to escape from work and responsibilities, where nothing else mattered, just the two of you, living in your own little world.
Rafael groaned and playfully pinched your ass. “How could I forgot naked weekends. In fact, I vote we bring back naked weekends.”
“Papi, I don’t think we’ll be able to have a naked weekend for at least 18 more years.”
“Mami has been asking to have a sleepover with the kids,” he purred, snaking an arm around you. “I can’t promise a naked weekend, but how about a naked Saturday?”
“You got yourself a deal, Counselor.” You kissed him hard, your tongue snaking into his mouth, running your fingers through his hair. Pulling back, you straightened the collar of his shirt, looking him over one more time. “When did we become such parents?”
He grinned and rubbed the back of his neck, looking towards the living room. “Call me crazy but I think it’s when we decided to get married and have kids.”
Following his gaze, you came across a sight that made your heart melt. There was Mila standing in between the twins demonstrating to them the perfect pitch. Rory and Ben intently watched their big sister, babbling and sucking on their teething toys while she pretended to hit a home run.
You softly smiled at your children before glancing at the wall clock. “Oh we gotta go. Don’t wanna be late and face the wrath of Missy Schultz.” You walked back to the living room and picked up the twins. Rafael followed with the cooler in his hand, ushering Mila out the door for her first game.
After dropping off Mila and a quick diaper change for Ben, Rafael walked over to the bleachers. He sat down next to you and Rory, warily watching the group of tiny toddlers on the field. “Oh God, I’m getting little league flashbacks. Of all the sports, Mila could pick from, why did she pick this.” He shook his head. “We shouldn’t be subjecting her to this type of pressure at such a young age. I mean one wrong game and you’re called “Bad Ball Barba” for the rest of the season.”
You snorted a laugh, playfully nudging his shoulder. “Papi, our little perfectionist has been practicing for weeks, I think she’ll be fine and besides maybe Mila will take after me and actually know how to hit the ball.” You winked, bopping Rafael on the nose with your index finger.
Rafael placed a hand over his heart, feigning offense. “That’s cold, baby.”
Just then a pungent smell hit your nose. You and Rafael exchanged a glance before looking down at Rory who was in desperate need of a diaper change.
“First Ben, now you,” he mumbled, his eyes darting between both babies. “Do you think they plan this?”
The twins giggled and for a split second you could have sworn you saw matching mischievous expressions on their faces. “Oh definitely. We’ll be right back. I told Sonny I’d meet him at the front anyways.” You got up with Rory and walked to the bathroom.
Rafael sat with Ben on his lap. The baby grinned and stared up at his father with big green eyes, reaching up with his chubby hands to grab the gold cross hanging around Rafael’s neck. A smile tugged at his lips as he snuggled closer to his son. “Hey, mijo. Papi loves you so much,” he softly said, kissing him on the forehead.
“Hi guys,” Olivia waved and walked up to Rafael, grabbing a seat on the bleachers.
“Liv, what are you doing here?” He asked, surprised to see the lieutenant at his daughter’s game.
She quirked an eyebrow at him. “Nice to see you too, Barba. Your wife invited me.”
“Sorry, I just wasn’t expecting you to be here. Where’s Noah?”
“Noah is at day camp right now and the house is way too quiet without him so I thought I’d stop by and get some baby time in.” She smiled at Ben and reached out to take him from Rafael. “Hi Ben. You’re getting to be such a big boy!” She cooed, bouncing the baby in her lap.
Rafael smiled and watched his son giggle with Olivia when he heard someone call his name. Turning towards the voice, he inwardly cringed when he saw his old partner, Blaine Driscoll. He and Blaine worked together at a private law firm before Rafael joined the District Attorney’s office. Blaine was a materialistic lecherous creep. He was greedy and shallow, caring only about making money and chasing tail rather than getting justice. It was people like Blaine Driscoll that made Rafael leave the private sector.
“Rafael Barba, you ol’ son of a bitch!” Blaine practically yelled causing a few parents to stare disapprovingly at the person who was cursing feet away from their children.
Rafael let out a long breath and plastered a smile on his face. “Blaine, what a surprise to see you here.”
“Yeah, my niece or nephew or god-whatever is playing so I thought what the hell and get this whole family function thing over with,” he mumbled, rolling his eyes. “What about you? Don’t tell me you have a kid.” He playfully punched Rafael in the shoulder a little too hard.
“Actually I have three. My oldest daughter is playing. It’s her first game,” Rafael nodded towards the field, rubbing his shoulder a bit.
“Well fuck me gently with a chainsaw. I never would have pegged you for being a family man.”
“Life is full of surprises,” Rafael replied who took a fussy Ben back from Olivia.
“That it is.” Blaine smiled and observed Rafael with the baby before looking Olivia over. “So how’d you nail down this son of a gun?” He asked the lieutenant.
Rafael and Olivia turned towards each other and laughed, shaking their heads. “No we’re not together. My wife is over there.” Rafael pointed to where you were standing next to Sonny talking to a tall blonde woman. From a distance he could see how angry you were and wondered if everything was ok.
Blaine followed Rafael’s gaze and whistled when he saw you. “Damn Barba, you’re batting WAY out of your league. I see you got yourself a little trophy wife. How the hell did you nab that hot piece of ass?”
Rafael’s eyes widened. “I beg your pardon!” Olivia’s jaw dropped, she could see smoke practically fuming from her friend’s ears.
Blaine ignored him and continued. “She played her cards right, snatching up an older man and saddling you with three rugrats.” He clucked his tongue and shook his head, looking sympathetically at Rafael. “Tough break, but take my advice and stick through it. Alimony can be a bitch in the state of New York.” He looked around before leaning closer. “If you ever need a little honey on the side. I can hook you up with someone hotter and younger.” He winked at his old partner. “Well, I better get going. See ya’ around, Barba.”
A heat began to creep up on Rafael’s neck. He saw red hearing his old partner talk about you in such a degrading manner. As Blaine walked away, Rafael gave Ben back to Olivia before standing up and grabbing him by the shoulder. He turned him around and got right in the man’s face.
“What the hell, Barba!” Blaine tried to move away but Rafael had a vice-like grip on his shoulder.
“You listen to me and you listen good. I don’t ever want to hear you talk about my wife. That’s the mother of my children and my family. You do it again and you’ll regret it,” Rafael told the man in a dangerously low tone.
Blaine smiled and shrugged Rafael off. “Is that a threat?”
“It’s a promise,” Rafael calmly replied, although his fists were shaking with rage. “Leave my family alone. Don’t talk to us. Don’t even look at us, you got that?”
“Sorry, won’t happen again.” Blaine held his hands up in surrender and walked away.
Rafael let out a shaky breath and ran a hand over his face, sitting back down and taking his son back from Olivia. “Wow, I’m impressed,” she said with a smirk. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen you like that before, not even in the courtroom. You really told that creep off.”
Rafael nodded and held Ben close, stroking his dark curly hair. “Y/N and the kids, they’re my life. My heart. I would do anything to defend them especially from misogynist pigs.”
“I know, Barba,” Olivia softly said, squeezing her friend’s shoulder. “I know.”
You changed Rory in record time. Placing her back in the baby carrier, you walked out of the bathroom, meeting your partner. “Hey, Sonny! Thanks for coming!”
“No problem. I wouldn’t miss Mila’s first game. What kinda godfather would I be, huh?” He tickled Rory’s feet causing the baby to squirm and giggle in delight.
Just then a shrill voice called your name. “Mrs. Barba?!”
You closed your eyes and groaned. “Is there a tall blonde woman in athleisure wear running towards me?” You asked your partner.
He nodded his head. “Yep, right behind you.”
You turned around, coming face to face with Missy Schultz. “Hi, Mrs. Schultz. How can I help you.”
“I was just heading back to my seat and I couldn’t help but notice that you use a baby carrier. You know researchers say you should really use a baby wrap. Not only is it environmentally-friendly but it holds the baby in a comfortable position, very similar to the way the child was in utero. It also strengthens the bond between mommy and baby, and-”
“Thank you, Mrs. Schultz,” you politely interrupted, knowing that you would be standing there for an hour listening to her praise the benefits of baby wrapping. “I’ll take that into consideration but I really need to go. I don’t want to miss Mila play.”
“Oh of course. We can talk after the game.” She smiled and looked over at Sonny, extending her hand to him. “Forgive me for being so rude. This must be the famous Mr. Barba. Mila talks about you all the time. You’re her hero.”
Sonny and you exchanged a glance and laughed. “Actually this is my partner from work and Mila’s godfather. My husband is over there with my son.” You pointed towards the bleachers where Rafael was talking to another man.
Missy’s eyes widened as she looked over Rafael. “Oh...yes. I noticed him dropping Mila off this morning. That’s...uhhh surprising.” She gave you a tight polite smile.
You knitted your eyebrows in confusion “Why would that be surprising?”
“Oh it’s nothing.” She waved you off. “Forget I said anything.”
You took a step towards her and continued. “It doesn’t seem to be nothing. Something seems to be “surprising” about my relationship with my husband.”
“It’s just hearing you and Mila talking about your husband. I was expecting someone younger, not someone who is about to qualify for his AARP card. I guess I’m different and didn’t want my kids raised by someone old enough to be their grandfather, but to each their own.”
“Excuse me!” You shouted.
“Y/N,” Sonny warned. “Let’s forget about it and go.”
“Not a chance! Take my baby!” You handed Rory to your partner before getting right in Missy’s face.
There was a twelve year gap between you and Rafael. At the beginning of your relationship, you heard concerns about your age difference from friends and family but you let it roll off your back. Age didn’t matter. You knew in your heart Rafael was the only man for you. But hearing Missy make snide remarks about your husband caused something inside you to snap.
“Let me tell you something, Missy. That man is my husband and the love of my life. He’s also an incredible and dedicated father. If I ever hear you say anything about him or my family again, I’ll shove that pre-approved snack pamphlet so far up your ass, you’ll have paper cuts on your tongue,” you threatened. She gasped in horror, clutching her chest. You walked away before turning around to make one last point. “Oh and one more thing, Rafael is dynamite in the sack. He makes me scream so loud even you would be able to hear it from your little Park Avenue palace. After a night with him, I’m lucky I can even walk. Remember that next time you want to comment on my man.”
Sonny’s jaw dropped, blushing profusely as he tried to cover Rory’s ears. You smiled at Missy and walked back to your partner, taking the baby from him. “Let’s go, Sonny.”
Sonny shrugged at Missy before following you to the bleachers. “Wow!” He whistled, his mind completely blown at your tirade. “Barba is one lucky guy to have you defend him like that.”
“I’m the lucky one, Sonny.”
He smiled and nodded his head. “Just do me a favor. Don’t ever tell me what you two do in the bedroom. I don’t need that image seared into my brain.”
“You should have seen what he did to me last night,” you teased, nudging his shoulder.
Sonny groaned in response. “Stop, I’m gonna be sick.”
While making your way to the bleachers, the man you saw Rafael talking to earlier brushed past you and Sonny. He looked visibly shaken. “Hey guys. Everything ok?” You asked, sitting next to your husband.
“Everything’s good,” Rafael replied. Olivia smiled and nodded her head in agreement. He took hold of your hand and interlocked his fingers with yours. “Are you guys ok?”
“Never better.” You glanced over at Sonny who was still blushing from earlier and winked. Turning your attention back to the field, you watched as Mila came up to the plate. “Oh she’s next!”
The little girl smiled brightly and waved at you and Rafael. “Look, that’s your sister.” He pointed Mila out to the twins. Rory and Ben shrieked with excitement, bouncing up and down in your’s and Rafael’s laps when they saw her. Rafael held his breath as Mila swung her bat, smacking the ball and sending it flying across the field, hitting a home run. You, Rafael, Sonny, and Olivia stood up and cheered as the toddler ran the bases.
“Way to go, muñequita!” Rafael exclaimed, capturing it all on video. He wrapped an arm around you and planted a sweet kiss on your lips. Pulling away, he couldn’t help but stare, completely mesmerized by you. Years ago, Rafael had made peace with the fact that he was going to end up old and alone, married to his job. Then one day you came and changed everything and here he was married with three beautiful children. The happiest he had ever been in his life and it was all because of you.
You blushed under his gaze. “What?”
“Nothing, it’s just...I love you.” He smiled, kissing each of the twins before kissing you one more time, gently caressing your cheek.
“I love you too,” you replied, nuzzling your nose against his before resting your head on his shoulder, watching the rest of the game.
Neither of you would ever tell the other what happened with Missy and Blaine because it didn’t matter what people thought. The only thing that mattered was your love for one another and the family you created out of that love.
@glimmerglittergirl @southern-magnolia @sweetcannolicarisi @delia26 @obfuscateyummy @sass-and-suspenders @eclecticminded @thatesqcrush @katmstanton @amirightcounsellor @beltzboys2015-blog @letty-o @sonnysdoll @lyssa1385 @sweetsummertime99 @burningsorr0ws @gibbs274 @izzythefanfreak @riodallas @babypink224221 @livxrafa @esparza-army @obsessionprofessional @ottosuricato
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