#searching for moments without subtitles is hard
bobbiedebruyn · 7 months
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@lgbtqcreators creator bingo - mythology
club07 as demigods [insp]
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lunarlianna · 2 years
Angel asteroid
Angel asteroid through the signs: You can search it on astro.com, extended chart selection, additional objects and add the number 11911. Angel asteroid is usually how your angels communicate with you and through which signs. Depending on the aspects in can symbolize sometimes that you have an “angel like energy”. For example, if angel conjunct Sun, the person may do good things to others out of pure love. If Angel Conjunct Moon the person may have a calming presence, and embody those qualities in their close relationships, they may practice a form of spirituality as well
Angel in Aries: Your angels are not subtitle in their communication with you. They are the ones that appear in your dreams or they may send someone that is very direct in their approach with you. They usually appear when you are doubting yourself and need a hard push in the right direction.
Angel in Taurus: Your angels will communicate with you through art and beauty, they are not so direct in their approach. They may send you messages through a song that you can’t get out of your head and have a meaning to you. Usually they will intervene when you feel like your life is a mess.
Angel in Gemini: They may speak to you through your teachers and professors. They encourage you to speak your truth and be vocal about your needs and wants. They will comfort you in times of need or will send just the right person to help you move through hardships of life.  
Angel in Cancer: Your angels will talk to you through your intuition, they will signal you when something is not good. This may manifest in a physical way as well, for example you may get a horrible headache or you feel sick to your stomach in specific situations or around specific people. They are warning you in those moments.
Angel in Leo: They will intervene in your life when you are in identity crises or when someone wants to put your light down. They want you to shine and light all the rooms that you enter and they won’t allow someone else to belittle you. They are pretty loud in their expression.
Angel in Virgo: Your Angeles are helping you and are protective of you but from a distance. You won’t realize when they are present but they will give you subtitle hints, like you have an unsettling fear without a cause or your intuition is telling you that something is not right.
Angel in Libra: They want you to learn to trust yourself, they won’t communicate with you as often as other will. They will give you very subtle hints. They will encourage you from a distance to you trust yourself and be your own person.
Angel in Scorpio: You Angels will send you very cryptic messages, they won’t show up, sometimes you may even doubt that they are there, but you need to have faith in them. They are always protecting you and they will show you the real face someone has. Is like you meet this new person and you can see right through them. 
Angel in Sagittarius: Your angels will send you this little riddles for you to solve. They want to teach you in understanding and seeing the bigger picture in life. They may help you and show up more to you when you are either traveling or through school exchange programs or school activities.
Angel in Capricorn: Your angels are a bit stricter and traditional. You may have met them when you were very young and thought they are your imaginary friend. They will intervene just when they have clear instructions that they have to. Is not that they don’t love you but they know you have to grow on your own.
Angel in Aquarius: Your angels may show up to you through angel numbers (repeat patterns as 11..., 22..., 33...). They may show up through your friend group as well and they will surprise you with different changes in your life so you may not get bored. Angel in
Pisces: Your angles are quite found of you; they will show you almost daily interaction in some sort of way. They care for you deeply and are very involved in your life. You’ll never feel alone; they will make sure to show their presence to you.
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atl0sss · 1 year
I was on Twitter yesterday, and I saw someone talking about #qBBH wanting the old #qForever back. Unfortunately, this qForever no longer exists. I really hope that people inside the island start to notice who our president is now. It's sad to see, but q!Forever died when he saw Richas's shirt on the bed.
He was literally driven crazy. Honestly q!Forever started to die during the election arc. With all the distrust they began to place upon him, seeing his best friends moving away from him, seeing Richas moving away from him after he became president. Everyone was leaving, and then his son was literally gone. He spent hours and hours waiting for him to come back. When q!Forever needed someone to actually ask if he was okay, the only ones who did were q!Tubbo (Because he didn't have an egg to look for) and q!Pac (Because they are family.)
And man, watching him freak out was really something Intense, you know? He started looking madly for Pomme and Dapper, clinging to the hope that they were still there, that he still had something to protect, but, he hadn't. And the only thing that kept this man sane was having something to protect. Q!Forever has always been like this. That's why he built the N.I.N.H.O. and it was for this same reason that when he invaded pomme's room to look for her and the "voices" started to complain, he said "There's no reason to protect N.I.N.H.O. anymore, the eggs are gone." And everything he did over the months, all the paranoia and overprotection towards Richas were in vain. The promise which he did for Chayene and Talulah in the last night was useless . He began to slowly succumb to madness. He knew that q!Aypierre was lying to him. And the only thing on his mind was to kill him. He hid in Richas's room and begged q!PAC to appear. And told him that.
I decided to subtitle this conversation, because it's really interesting. Q! forever tells Pac everything he's feeling at the moment, this was the last time he spoke openly about his feelings. He talks about the 2000 mines, about the voices in his head He talks about wanting to kill q!Pierre when he realizes he's lying. It's hard to control his impulses now that he no longer has Richas. Unlike q!Cell, q!F never went to therapy, lol. The voices in his head are out of control, searching for something.that makes them feel relief. When you meet q! Forever long enough, you realize that these laughs he makes aren't his normal laughs. He's always laughing and smiling, but this here My friends, it is a demonstration of a mad man.
(Tumblr won't let me upload more than one video, so I'll leave the link to my Twitter post here, so you can see the entire conversation: https://twitter.com/Atl0sss_/status/1709774361408741873?t=bhD9XtHh0a29yCqREP5KfQ&s=19 )
This was one of the few moments where he said things without any filter. About the desire for death and revenge that he has, without caring if it was correct to direct that towards q!Ayp. He just wanted Take out the anger. So he has these daydreams, and talks about it with q!PAC, Because he's the only one who Q!F knows will listen. And he listens, and plays with q!F, makes jokes and deals with the matter calmly, which makes the president calm down.
But unfortunately that wasn't enough. After that, q!Ever is alone again, he isolates himself in the presidential room. And he waits. (It's very interesting how cc!Forever leaves the character positioned, so that we can see the days passing inside Minecraft. )
and days pass, and he waits. He doesn't sleep, he stays awake, just talking to the "voices" and waiting. At some point, he starts listening to the clock, over and over again. He tries to blow up the clock in the room, but it's not enough. The clock is inside his head.
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This man literally went crazy from waiting so long. Do you understand this?
And he says this, which was definitely one of the things that marked me the most in this whole arc of the disappearance of the eggs:
"Everything that has moved my character so far, What made us do things, and His entire universe revolves around the son he loves so much, circles around Richardlyson. I won't be able to ignore the fact that Richarlyson disappeared to play with capybaras, or anything. [...]"
Anyway. This man will then meet with the cucurucho. They talk, Q!Forever threatens to blow up the entire island, tells Cucurucho to try to kill him, tries to blow up the federation office and finds the live promising to blow up the entire island the other day. And then he builds a TNT plane to blow up the island, and chases Cucurucho with a chainsaw (both things are canon) What do I mean by all this? I want to say that, since the moment that Richarlyson disappeared, that q!Forever no longer exists. The man who Built N.I.N.H.O, the man who was close to q!Bad, started dying during the elections and ended his life when his son left. But, in the end, was he ever real? That man existed because of Richas. That personality was completely shaped so that Richarlyson would be safe.
His paranoia, his way of relating to other islanders, his candidacy and presidency, everything was ALWAYS for Richas. Who is he without his son? If the eggs die, what will happen to q!Forever? Q!Forever president and QForever island are the same person. But, Q!Forever without Richas and!Forever with Richas are completely different people. Whether he is president or not. He had power once and continues to insist on being honest. But without Richas, how long will he maintain this pose? How long will he accept being disrespected if he has nothing left to protect? He is trying to protect the people, without anyone better for the inhabitants, but they are not Richas. And at some point, he will give up.
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mediaevalmusereads · 2 years
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Cinnamon and Gunpowder. By Eli Brown. Picador, 2013.
Rating: 4/5 stars
Genre: historical fiction
Part of a Series? No
Summary:  The year is 1819, and the renowned chef Owen Wedgwood has been kidnapped by the ruthless pirate Mad Hannah Mabbot. He will be spared, she tells him, as long as he puts exquisite food in front of her every Sunday without fail. To appease the red-haired captain, Wedgwood gets cracking with the meager supplies on board. His first triumph at sea is actual bread, made from a sourdough starter that he leavens in a tin under his shirt throughout a roaring battle, as men are cutlassed all around him. Soon he’s making tea-smoked eel and brewing pineapple-banana cider. But Mabbot—who exerts a curious draw on the chef—is under siege. Hunted by a deadly privateer and plagued by a saboteur hidden on her ship, she pushes her crew past exhaustion in her search for the notorious Brass Fox. As Wedgwood begins to sense a method to Mabbot’s madness, he must rely on the bizarre crewmembers he once feared: Mr. Apples, the fearsome giant who loves to knit; Feng and Bai, martial arts masters sworn to defend their captain; and Joshua, the deaf cabin boy who becomes the son Wedgwood never had.
***Full review below.***
Content Warnings: violence, blood, Orientalism, slavery, references to child prostitution, incest, and bestiality
Overview: I don't remember how I came across this book, but I was in the mood for some swashbuckling, so I gave it a go. Overall, I was surprised by how much I liked this book; in my opinion, Brown does a phenomenal job of mimicking the literary style of the 18th/19th century, and that made the book all the more immersive. The style/voice does mean that there are things I didn't like, mainly the use of outdated, Orientalist terms and other not-so-great attitudes towards Black and queer people, but it felt less like the author was trying to be "historically accurate" and more using these things in order to ultimately critique them, so I'm not coming down as hard with my criticism. Brown clearly has a talent for writing historical fiction, so this book gets 4 stars from me.
Writing: The thing I liked most about this book was that it successfully imitated the prose style and structure of 18th/19th century novels. Chapters are given little subtitles that give you a brief summary of the following pages, and the syntax feels archaic in a way that I found incredibly immersive. Of course, Brown is also careful to move the narrative along, and all descriptions felt evocative without bogging down the pace. As a lover of old lit, I enjoyed every moment of my reading experience, and I'd definitely recommend this book if you like stories written in an "old timey" voice.
However, because of the style, Brown did use some terms to describe East Asians, Africans, and queer people that don't sit comfortably with modern readers. I don't think Brown does this to be "edgy" or "historically accurate"; this book is told from the first person perspective of a character who makes a lot of assumptions about the people around him, and over time, his assumptions are challenged and changed. For example, the narrator assumes that Opium addiction is an indictment against the Chinese moral character, but he over the course of the novel, he is shown how the opium trade is a product of colonialism, imperialism, racism, etc. I thus got the impression that Brown was taking what could be "conventional" 19th century views on race and sexuality and showing the realities of history. Your individual sensitivity my vary, however, so I encourage you to make this call for yourself.
Plot: The plot of this book follows Owen Wedgwood, a chef who is taken prisoner aboard a pirate ship after his employer is brutally murdered. Wedgwood's captor is Mad Hannah Mabbot, and she makes Owen a deal - if he cooks a magnificent meal for her on Sundays with no repeated dishes, Owen will get to live another week. Left with little alternative, Owen takes up the challenge all while accompanying Mabbot on her relentless pursuit of someone called the Brass Fox and avoiding the clutches of her pursuers.
What I liked most about this plot was the focus on destroying a powerful imperialist corporation. Though much of the story is about Owen adjusting to pirate life, a lot of it was also about Mabbot trying to right the wrongs of her past. That past, it turns out, is tied up with the Pendleton Company - a sort of fictional analog to the historical East India Company. I liked that Mabbot was constantly pushing herself to do right while also balancing the desires of the crew, and I liked that the horrors of imperialism were conveyed without lingering on scenes of human suffering.
I do think, however, that Brown could have done more with the connection between Owen and Mabbot. While I really liked the witty replies Mabbot gave and their eventual comradery, their romance felt forced and I think Brown should have spent more time describing Owen's inner thoughts. I also think the end was a little rushed, and it didn’t feel as satisfying as it could have, but I’m also picky.
Characters: Owen Wedgwood, our narrator, is at once sympathetic and unlikeable. His distress at being captured and enthusiasm for cooking are both strong emotional situations that make him compelling as a character, but his attitudes towards non-white, non-straight, and disabled characters feels like it carries an air of superiority. To give Brown credit, Owen does have his views and assumptions challenged, so he does experience some character growth, so I can't complain too much. I also wasn't the biggest fan of the fact that a lot of Owen's thoughts are preoccupied by his dead wife, but if we have to have a dead woman in his past, I'm at least glad Brown tried to make it a constant part of Owen's character (rather than empty manpain). Lastly, I think Owen's character arc could have bent more strongly in the direction of learning to see the world as it is, not just through his colonialist lens, but he does come around somewhat, so I can't complain too much.
Mabbot, our fearless lady pirate, is incredibly likeable. She is not only confident and ruthless, but she has strong moral values that involve punishing capitalist overlords for exploiting the working poor of India and China. I loved that she was constantly pushing back against Owen's views of the world, and I loved her enthusiasm for the philosophical aspects to Owen's cooking. I also found her connection with the Brass Fox to be quite touching, and I wanted her to succeed more than anything.
Supporting characters were a mixed bag. Mr. Apples (the first mate) and Joshua (the deaf cabin boy) felt fully-realized and played interesting roles in the plot. Non-white characters, however, seemed to be on the margins, existing but never really speaking. Bai and Feng, for example, could have been great for representation, but they speak so little that it's hard to see them as full characters.
TL;DR: Cinnamon and Gunpowder is a well-crafted swashbuckling adventure complete with anti-colonialist undertones and a lady captain that is sure to charm readers’ hearts. While I do think Brown could have done more to make his romance and ending feel earned, and I do wish he’d dialed back some of the 19th century Orientalism, this is a strong novel and a fun pirate adventure that kept me entertained from the first page to the last.
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nettchan01 · 3 months
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photography artists
Some of the artists from this project have yet to do so. I really know where, or I just need to recognise it. John Berger is a familiar artist. In my college years, I studied his ways of seeing things. So, it's like a different perspective as an artist, photographer, painter or sculptor artist. So, these last three and two weeks, I have researched all of these artists using the images I had Photoshopped. I just searched for some on Wikipedia because some have extended bibliographies. Cindy Sherman, I researched from the library archive.Interestingly, the library archives had many images collected digitally from these artists' photography work. Unfortunately, I asked for a library in the university material room, but I need to have it recommended that I look up the library archives. So it touched it out, and many artists' works have been posted without any text or history, like Vivian Maier and Francesca Woodman. Francesco Woodman doesn't really have too much information because of her work.
Published by her husband because she passed away in her early 20s and couldn't publish her work. Also, only a few people wanted to be there when she lived there. Publishing or exhibiting her photographs, unfortunately, In Myers. She's more like an experimental lady who likes to be explored outside. She went to be a nanny and worked as a nanny for children, and whenever she went outside to travel around, she studied people around countries and places and photographed there. I also inspired John Burgers and Susan Santage, who are John Broker. Like I mentioned in my notes like, he's more reflecting on painting and photography, like how to compare with each other and how much time they battle between them, and also mentioning the Renaissance times about like that time, they just started to be experimenting the 17th and the 15th century. So it's interesting. I only remember a little. That's the only thing I memorised from John Burger's book about oil paintings and photography's revelations and similarities. Susan Sontag also had a similar expression. But Susan Santiago, I couldn't research her that much of her book because I could only listen to her audiobooks and didn't see any images or pictures of her works. So, explaining her works and meanings took a lot of work. So I will be.
Looked back at the audio guides. About her work, it was hard to find on the library arch, and I will check later. Um, in the library. I least checked Wikipedia and the interview with John Burger. And they are likely to show sympathy for others when they see something from the images. It's more like a sympathetic conversation about the pictures, as it seemed to me the first time. But I plan to look back and understand what they would try to explain. One of the videos I had been checking was like speaking in French, so I didn't realise what was happening.
I checked out the subtitles, but there is no chance of having the English titles on. They also just had similarities. Uh, deviant. Um. Work. So photography. Photography of people. Photography of outside. It seems more like expression, and molecular expressionism was more like impressionism at the time. Realism is also compared with these images. And also the moments.
It was Hasam's serialism bar. In my notes, I'm mentioning John Schizag. I did a little research on John's image, the type of photographer who created photographs of celebrity posters or single people who got like photographs. They cut their faces out, put the landscapes in, and make a serial image. So, it was complex and challenging to explain. What exactly were they presented with? John Schizax was his one. He is one of the photographers who inspired me when I was in college or studying art.
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It would be fun and inspiring to look at these two landscape images. So, combining images like the female and male images of the celebrity pictures that were so inspiring in college, I did the same thing I combined mine. Faces with the with my. grandmother's face in the old photographs from when I was in college. So it was fun to try out this kind of. This kind of image.
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mochalate · 5 months
[1] new notification!
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msby!atsumu x reader || w/c: 1.9k ft. questionable methods of contacting the paparazzi. [<- read intro][ch 2->]
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Atsumu’s last elementary school report card— faithfully stored by his mother in a sturdy carton in her closet, along with her other important documents— has near perfect grades, and only one comment from his teacher. 
Atsumu chooses to deal with matters, both academic and personal, in an independent and determined manner.
By the time middle school was over, Atsumu hadn’t changed; but the comment sure had.
Atsumu prefers not to ask for assistance even if he is having trouble with his work. I would like to see him asking for help or clarification when required.
Then in highschool, he’d learned how to bite back his pride enough to earn an approving ‘Atsumu is an active participant in his learning’ by the end of his third year.
And now look at him, asking strangers online for help without a second thought. Old Mrs. Yamada from Yako Middle School would be so proud. 
Atsumu wonders how she’s doing. He idly types her name into the search bar, and immediately finds an obituary. 
He blinks at the pixelated picture of her sweet, smiling, deceased face; and tries to decide if he should take this as a portent regarding the consequences of asking for help, or as a reminder of the relentless march of time.
Time, which you and Osamu were spending together at this very moment.
Atsumu has to resist the urge to bang his head against one of the lockers. 
 He tries his best not to think about it; but it’s early afternoon, he’s done with practice, the last one in the locker room, and unfortunately, has far too much time to not only think about it, but vividly picture it too. It’s like a goddamn movie in his mind, complete with subtitles. 
(They’re hard coded in; because of course, he’s third wheeling so hard in this scenario, he had to resort to watching said movie on the shadiest of websites, battling the pop up ads telling him about the hot singles in his area— just to rub salt in the wound.)
It went like this: you and Osamu are baking a cake together. You tell Osamu he’s got flour on his face, giggling for some reason, and he asks where. So you point to your nose, and he smears some on your face with a grin. Barf. 
Oh Osamu, you’re so much more fun than Atsumu, you say, all doe-eyed. Your subtitles are pink. The sweetest thing I’m allowed to make him is sugarless raisin bran cookies.
Yer damn right about that, Osamu replies (looking right at the camera, deadpan), Let’s get married just so we can not invite him to the wedding.
Okay, maybe Osamu wouldn’t go that far. 
And maybe it wasn’t fair to hold the raisin bran cookies against you like that. He really did think they were chocolate chip; but in hindsight, it wouldn’t make much sense for his nutritionist to be giving those to him when he was supposed to be on a high-protein diet.
(Sue him, he thought you had enough of a soft spot for him to sneak him a treat.)
Atsumu sighs, and unlocks his phone again to pull up the post from last night. There are a few more replies— some calling it a fake story, a few asking for an update, and one person inexplicably telling him to go no contact with his brother. 
Ridiculous. The whole idea was ridiculous; and surely msbygirlie (bless her) would eventually see through his half-assed attempt at disguising who he was.
His index finger hovers over the delete button. 
And then his eyes land on that reply he’s been thinking about since last night. 
well you don't have to talk to either of them... you said someone took the original photo. maybe they're still stalking?? ask them what they think?
It was insane. He’d be adding fuel to a fire that was dying down. It would drive the publicist crazy. 
He wants to do it.
(Fuck, he’s going to do it.)
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Atsumu Miya’s Guide to Finding and Trapping Your Local Paparazzi
Set a live trap in the location you expect your target to be.
“Shoyo,” Atsumu calls out, as he spots his wing spiker near the gymnasium exit, “ya free right now?” 
Hinata comes to a halt with a little hop, somehow still full of energy despite the full training session. “More or less. Why?” 
Why? Because Sakusa would scoff and walk away, stopping only to report his plan to Meian; and because Bokuto would accidentally blab and give him up, probably during a livestream. (She reprimanded them a lot, but really, it was him and Bokuto keeping the publicist employed.)
“I need yer help catching a pest. Want to take a walk with me?”
2. Bait the trap.
Atsumu stops abruptly at the crossroads. He snaps his head toward the convex mirror on the corner just in time to see a nondescript man, with a baseball cap pulled low over his face, ducking into the small general store just behind them. It’s quick— the doors are already propped open since it’s not quite warm enough to justify running the air conditioning.
Hinata nudges his elbow. “Why did we stop? Do you want something to drink?”
Atsumu takes a deep breath. “Do ya trust me, Shoyo?”
He looks perplexed at the question. It’s not an expression that’s often on Hinata’s face, so Atsumu takes a moment to appreciate the novelty.
Of course, it’s gone in a second; replaced with his natural enthusiasm. “Oh, did you want to practice at the park? I see, you wanted to bring me to a different environment because our rapport on the court was—”
Atsumu claps his hands over Hinata’s shoulders, lowering his voice. “If ya trust me, do exactly as I say. Go to the park. Got it? Do not follow me. Go straight to the park.”
“Aren’t you coming with—”
Atsumu fills his lungs with air, and firmly plants his feet on the ground. 
(A quick glance in the mirror at the man with the baseball cap. Still there. Good.)
Forgive me, Shoyo.
“GOOD LUCK ON THE DATE!” he says as loudly as he can, before it's shouting. 
Hinata goes red, sputtering. “Huh? Date?”
Atsumu claps his shoulders again, and gives him a subtle push. Hinata, still wide-eyed, stumbles along in the direction of the park, glancing back over his shoulder a few times. 
3. Wait.
Atsumu jogs the long way around the block to get to the park. 
It only takes five minutes of lurking behind a row of vending machines, and feeling a little sorry for Hinata who’s sort of nervously wringing his hands on a bench— he's the only other person in the park at this time on a school day— before the man in the baseball cap shows up. 
A camera is slung casually around his neck. The recording light is taped over. He’s so fixated on Hinata, he doesn’t notice Atsumu as he saunters up the path towards the machines.
(Which, all things considered, was quite surprising— Atsumu is not a small man.)
“Hey,” Atsumu says, once Baseball Cap is close enough. “Long time, huh? Two things. One, give me your camera. I know it's recording. And two, I have a few questions.”
4. Dispose of your paparazzi responsibly and ethically.
Fifteen minutes later, Atsumu is no closer to the truth; and is considerably more irritated.
“What am I supposed ta do with that?”
“Is he going to hit me?” Baseball Cap anxiously asks Hinata, “Can you hold my camera if he’s going to hit me?”
“Atsumu wouldn’t hurt anyone,” Hinata assures him. 
“I ain’t gonna hit ya, ya scrub! Don’t you go writin’ that up on yer damn blog next.” He pinches his nose, trying to calm himself. “I’m done with ya, go home. But wipe the memory card in front of me first.”
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r/relationship_advice • 1 hour ago
UPDATE: I want to ask out my twin brother's girlfriend.
I didn’t want to come back here again, but I don’t know what to do.
Like one of you suggested, I asked the guy who took the picture. You were right. He's been following them.
(Creepy as hell, to be honest, but he didn't seem like a bad dude. And he was pretty skinny. Guess being a privacy invading douche doesn't pay well. I think even my female colleague could take him down if she tried, so that's fine.)
What he told me is this: she stayed overnight at his place twice this week. 
Now I know what you're thinking. It's a lost cause. Pack it up and move along. Right? 
Here's the thing— I was worried my brother was developing feelings for her, and I still am, but if they were already sleeping together he would have told me. There's something else going on here. I mean on top of the fake dating bullshit.
And for some reason, they're not telling me.
How do I find out what without telling them how I know?
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u/unicornpoodle • 4 minutes ago
dude, are you sure you want to keep going through with this? There's a lot of things you can unsee but walking in on your  brother fucking your crush is probably not one of them...
(and you're a twin to boot! You'd see exactly what could've been. Now that'll mess you up!)
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u/fattytuna95 • 4 minutes ago Shut up!!! I don't want to think about that!!!!!! ↑ 10 ↓   •••
u/guiltyassassin_ • 10 minutes ago
lol I was lowkey joking about asking the guy, didn't think you'd actually do it. good for you. but uh, I might be with poodle on this one. you don't want it to be true, sure. but maybe they just didn't tell you? so it wouldn't be awkward at work?
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u/fattytuna95 • 9 minutes ago I shared a womb with the guy. I'm sure. You're an only child, aren't you? ↑ 12 ↓   •••
u/msbygirlie_13 • 5 minutes ago
This is exciting!! I don't agree with everyone else, I think you should get to the bottom of it!!! Like atsumu said in his volleyball monhtly interview in june '21, the game isn't over until the ball falls to the floor!!!!! the ball is NOT on the floor yet!
maybe you should go over to your brother's apartment and see if there's any evidence.and you should just show up. don't give him any time to clean it. you can do that right???
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u/fattytuna95 • 5 minutes ago Hmm that could work actually. I've been there so much, I'll definitely notice if something's out of place. ↑ 10 ↓   •••
u/unicornpoodle • 3 minutes ago are you saying this because you believe in it, or because you want more update posts? this shit is going to be hilarious ↑ 5 ↓   •••
u/msbygirlie_13 • just now ofc I believe in everything atsumu says, omg!!! he's the best, fattytuna will agree with me. ↑ 1 ↓ •••
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Osamu frowns at the cloudy night sky as he pulls the shutters down over Onigiri Miya's window. The moon is hidden, only a hazy hint behind the grey.
"Looks like rain," he comments, glancing over his shoulder. "Sorry I kept ya waitin'. We should've just done it another night."
Behind him, standing under the streetlight, you can already feel the tiny droplets drizzling on your face. But you shake your head. "I can just stay over again. We always end up losing track of time, and your place is closer to work than mine anyway."
The lock in Osamu's hand clatters against the corrugated metal. "Want ta move in and really sell it?"
You roll your eyes. "I would, but we're not a good match. We'd feed each other too much and end up gaining so much weight."
He chuckles. "Hey, at least I can appreciate raisin bran cookies. Ya won't catch me spittin' food outta my mouth."
You laugh at that. It wasn't his fault, you want to say, smiling fondly at the memory. He didn't realise I was joking about it being chocolate chip.
"Hey, Osamu?"
"Should we just tell him?"
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now what could they be up to? [my other fics->] please leave a like/reblog/reply/send me an ask if you enjoyed! <3 divider @/cafekitsune
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madekerlon · 2 years
Elmedia player pro 7.0 1615
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The app integrates web-browsing support to watch online media without leaving the application. To make things easier Elmedia enables you to search playlists. You can populate playlists with local or online content, store the lists on your hard drive or export them to an online storage service like Dropbox. This media player helps organize audio & video content on your Mac by enabling playlists compilation. Make sure to use your Apple RCU and standard Mac media keys – this free media player fully supports them. It supports subtitles and their editing, aspect ratio change and playback speed adjustment.
This media player for Mac OS X also includes a graphic equalizer with 10 carefully chosen frequencies for you to shape your sound. The app features video tuner to adjust brightness, contrast, saturation and other related parameters.
Throw any movie or animation at it – the video player will play it back on your Mac. Playback movies & animations of any formatĮlmedia is a universal player for virtually all media formats – DivX, WMV, FLV, SWF, AVI, MOV, MP4, MP3, etc.
Download, Install or Update Elmedia Player for Mac! However with Elmedia Player for macOS a perfectly smooth HD experience is guaranteed, this Mac video player is equipped with everything to provide it. HD content playback is a resource-intensive task, and if a media player is not capable of coping with it well, expect choppy, jittery or slow playback. This player also boasts a number of handy features such as built-in web-browser and Open URL option that allow you to watch online videos from the app window. It can play virtually all media files on your Mac. * Take the most out of virtual surround and speakers emulation.A multifunctional free media playerfor Mac, Elmedia Player for Mac supports a wide range of common and not so common audio & video formats, including FLV, SWF, XAP (Silverlight), WMV, AVI, MOV, MP4, MP3, DAT and more. * Make a screenshot of any moment in the movie or make the entire video a series of pictures with adjustable interval. Choose one of existing presets (Large Hall, Party, etc.) or create your own unique sound. * Make the sound perfect for your ears with a 10-band equalizer. * Adjust brightness, contrast, saturation, and more even during playback. **Extra useful features of Elmedia Video Player PRO!** * No conversion needed to play a DVD or a video that was copied from DVD. * When watching a movie with subtitles Elmedia Video Player can put them in perfect sync with the video in case there is some mismatch. *Subtitles: utf, srt, ass, smi, txt, ssa, smil, jss, rt, idx, sub, xml *Video: 3gp, avi, mp4, mpeg, vob, flv, mov, mkv, 3iv, asf, fli, m1v, m2t, m2ts, m2v, m4v, mp2, mpg, mpg2, mpg4, mpv, mqv, nut, nuv, nsv, qt, ram, rec, rm, rmvb, ts, vcd, vfw, wmv, webm, rv, f4v, ogv, ogm, divx, asx, dat, tp, mjp, yuv, xvid, vc1, mtv, mxf, qtz, dv, hdv, 3g2, mts *Audio: mp3, m4a, wma, aac, ac3, aiff, ape, flac, mka, ogg, pcm, ra, vaw, waw, wav, aif, oga, caf, midi, mid, acm, dts, mpa, webm Elmedia Video Player Mac Elmedia Video Player is an all-in-one solution, that doesn't call for any additional plugins or codecs. Elmedia Video Player is an all-in-one solution, that doesn’t call for any additional plugins or codecs.It can play pretty much any file type, be it AVI, MP4, FLV, WMV, MKV, MP3, M4V etc. It can play pretty much any file type, be it AVI, MP4, FLV, WMV, MKV, MP3, M4V etc. Elmedia Video Player Pro 7.8 is a free media player for Mac OS. Elmedia Video Player is an all-in-one solution, that doesn’t call for any additional plugins or codecs. Elmedia Video Player Pro 7.7 (MAS) Elmedia Video Player is a free media player for Mac OS. Elmedia Player Pro 6.8 Overview Elmedia Player is a video and audio player that will play virtually any file you throw at it, be.
It is full offline installer standalone setup of Elmedia Player Pro 6.8 crack for macOS. Elmedia Player Pro 6.8 freeload Latest Version for MAC OS. Adjust brightness, contrast, saturation, and more even during playback. No conversion needed to play a DVD or a video that was copied from DVD.Extra useful features of Elmedia Video Player PRO!. When watching a movie with subtitles Elmedia Video Player can put them in perfect sync with the video in case there is some mismatch. Elmedia Video Player Pro 7.8 (MAS) Elmedia Video Player is a free media player for Mac OS.
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0 notes
fuckyeahficrec · 2 years
Geraskier (Geralt x Jaskier)
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I will add more in a near future
Please, give me suggestions for this blog and submit your own fics
These are listed by size - wordcount
Don't Die on Me - by Cmakesp - Rating: Explicit - Words: 1236
Summary:  After a near-death experience, Geralt and Jaskier comes to blows, and later...to an understanding. [Subtitled/Captioned Video Inside]
Your role - by Ineedtherapy (gethelp) - Rating: General - Words: 1643
Summary:  A month had passed since Geralt had finally found the courage to kiss his bard. He’s bad with emotions, but the Witcher is very happy to have his lover by his side: But is that also how Jaskier sees it?
“You’ve also told me several times how much you wish for me to leave you alone and be out of your life. You’ve not asked that of me a single time since I started spreading my legs for you.” Jaskier finally broke eye contact and shrugged. “It’s not the way I’ve hoped for, but seems like you found some use for me.”
Penance - by tupti - Rating: General - Words: 2342
Summary:  Because Jaskier deserves a proper apology for the mountain and proper treatment for his burned hand and also a proper hug.
It's Not Fair How Much I Love You - by Fireshadowktreva - Rating: Teen and Up - Words: 2780
Summary:  I started with let's send Jaskier back up that mountain to yell at Geralt like he deserves and it just kind-of went from there. Jaskier is angry, Geralt is sorry (but won't fucking say it), the dwarves are good friends. Summaries are hard.
The Tentakel - by Cmakesp - Rating Explicit - Words: 2899
Summary:  A monster gets too handsy ( or more like tentacley) with Jaskier...much to Geralt's annoyance.
i'll list off all the ways i love you (but i won't say a word) - by  haleofStilesheart - Rating: Teen and Up - Words: 3067
Summary:  Geralt's searching through Jaskier's bag for a recent contract when he finds a list instead. A list full of warnings Jaskier's written himself and they're all about Geralt.
Here We Are - by Cmakesp - Rating: Explicit - Words: 3320
Summary:  Jaskier's flirtatious attitude pushes Geralt to admit his attraction to Jaskier. [Fully voiced acted Podfic]
What you deserve - by Wians - Rating: Explicit - Words: 3506
Summary: When he and Jaskier become lovers, Geralt doesn't expect it to last. Or, Geralt's insecurities and self-loathing meet Jaskier's flightiness in romantic relationships.
Get Used to It - by Melimelo - Rating: Teen and Up - Words: 3705
Summary: Jaskier was used to be asked to leave, or shown to the door without sparing his feelings. So it didn't surprise him when Geralt finally snapped and pushed him away, at the top of a mountain. Didn't surprise him in the least. To the witcher's credit, he'd stayed the longest.
take my heart and make it strong - by deadpooled - Rating: Teen and Up - Words: 4185
Summary: Jaskier actually understands maybe a quarter of whatever the hell just happened, and that’s being generous as is. Call it shock considering, as used to near death as he is from all those years chasing after a Witcher, having the Reaper herself flaunt in front of his face on several occasions in just a few minutes is a bit more draining. And there is the unspoken topic of what to do with him now that he doesn’t have a use.
Music is no solution - by TheCrownprincessBride - Rating: Teen and Up - Words: 4318
Summary: “The same people who just insulted you, sang ‘Toss a Coing’ with me in chorus just a few moments before that. Do you understand? I’m casting pearls before drunks! The stories I’m singing about, the messages I want to convey, they…” he gestures at his head, “they don’t stick. Lost in ale and stupidity.” He lets himself fall backwards, and Geralt winces when his head thumps against the wooden floor. “I thought I had the solution. I believed in the power of words, the power of music. But it’s a lie.”
*Jaskier has self-doubts, and Geralt is there for him.
he loves me, he loves me not - by jaskiers - Rating: Teen and Up - Words: 4898
Summary: “Your boyfriend has gotten really good with his weapon.”
Geralt hums in agreement. “Hm. He’s a very fast lear– wait, what?”
“What?” Vesemir repeats.
“That thing you just said… about Jaskier being my boyfriend.”
“Jaskier’s not my boyfriend.”
There’s a pregnant pause.Vesemir blinks. “Oh.”
(or the one where everyone realizes Jaskier has feelings for Geralt... except for Geralt, because of course he’d be the last to catch on.)
(Have you ever held your breath and asked yourself) Will it ever get better than tonight? - by xianvar - Rating: Teen and Up - Words: 6250
Summary: Geralt looks down at Ciri with his face so soft that Jaskier knows his own smile must go dopey, but, well. He can’t really be blamed, can he, with a display of such open affection in front of him? It makes his chest go all weird, so painfully sweet that he just wants to keen. Geralt meets his eyes, still with that same soft expression, and Jaskier — Jaskier has to look away, because otherwise he’ll do something stupid, like walk over to Geralt and kiss him, or confess his undying love, or all sorts of things that could destroy their newfound friendship in a heartbeat.
born to blossom (bloom to perish) - by MissDinahDarling - Rating: Explicit - Words: 6458
Summary: Jaskier thinks he has a pretty simple relationship with sex. Until he begins sleeping with Geralt. Until he begins falling for Geralt. Until. Geralt says the wrong name in bed.
Of Idiots, Icicles, and I Love Yous - by onwardorange - Rating: Teen and Up - Words: 6787
Summary: When Geralt shows up at Kaer Morhen one winter with Jaskier in tow, Eskel and Lambert assume they're in a relationship. The only problem with that assumption is that Geralt and Jaskier are not, in fact, in a relationship. Or, the one in which everyone at Kaer Morhen is an idiot.
Purple Honeycombs - by TheBobblehat - Rating: Mature - Words: 7249
Summary:  After a particularly disgusting tussle with a water hag, Geralt takes a bath in a nearby stream, leaving Jaskier to wander in his leisure time. He finds a beehive chock full of the most delicious honey he's ever tasted. Soon after, however, he begins to feel funny. And Geralt, naked in the spring, had never looked so positively scrumptious...
I’m Following You - by jeffersonshattricks - Rating: Mature - Words: 7330
Summary:  Jaskier has been traveling alone since the mountain. Moving from town to town, never settling, always alone. Refusing to deal with his feelings, and what happened with... the witcher. He's been wallowing in his feelings, drinking, being sad. Until one night in a tavern. He turns around, and Geralt is there, looking at him. Jaskier wants nothing to do with him. But Geralt won't. Stop. Fucking. Following him.
well, maybe we got lost in translation - by rcfthns - Rating: Not Rated - Words: 7900
Summary: They sleep with each other a lot more times after that. It always ends the same way. Jaskier has yet to stay with him in bed; as soon as they finish, he’s gone, taking care of himself, leaving the place next to Geralt cold and empty. He’d lie, if he said, that it doesn’t hurt. Geralt thinks, they’re in love. Jaskier thinks, they’re just sleeping together.
Sex Spices (Grounded) - by cortexikid - Rating: Explicit - Words: 9228
Summary: “You’re fine, it’s fine,” Jaskier muttered under his breath as molten heat began to warm him from the inside out, “it’s just some...some silly magic, you’ve had worse. Gone through worse. You can—" Geralt leaned down to speak to the inn-keeper, stooping over at an angle.Jaskier’s eyes locked on the line of his shoulders, trailed down the length of his back to halt over his ever-surprisingly bountiful derriere.“Shit.”
aunt flo(wers) - by PenAndInkPrincess - Rating: Mature - Words: 10513
Summary: Jaskier is twelve the first time he doubles over to retch and brings up only flowers. His nanny comes running when she hears him screaming between mouthfuls of petals, and she clicks her tongue when she finds him doubled over in a pool of flora, eyes wide and streaming with tears. He’s convinced he must have done something very naughty and been punished by the gods for it. He had felt a new way when he saw a new stablehand through a window, and the gods must have thought he was being bad, and now he’s going to die from flowers of all things.“Oh lovey,” his nanny says sympathetically, rubbing his belly where the muscles ache already, “it just means you’ve got a very special heart.” Jaskier gags again, spitting up daffodils and forget-me-nots into a basin, the entire room filling with a cloying floral scent. “I don’t want it,” he says firmly. If this is what having a “special” heart means, he wants one that’s mediocre. He’s never seen his sisters throwing up flowers. He wants one of those hearts, instead.(Jaskier has had an affliction that makes him vomit flowers since he was a child). (He finds the entire thing obnoxious, frankly).
Revived Promises - by frogcryptids - Rating: Teen and Up - Words: 12212
Summary: Jaskier took a step forward, almost bumping his knee to Geralt’s. He handed him the deep brown box, unaware of how familiar it had become to Geralt’s eyes. Without another word, but with one last small wavering smile and glance at him, Jaskier turned around and left. The door softly clicked into its lock after it closed behind him. — Jaskier came back one spring carrying a small box he tries to hide from Geralt. Geralt’s curiosity won’t let it go.
Morning Star - by coffeeandcas - Rating: Explicit - Words: 12635
Summary: Jaskier and Geralt have parted ways, for the final time as far as Jaskier is concerned. Hurt and bitter, he wants to forget all about Geralt of Rivia and move on with his life. The trouble is, Geralt just can’t let him. Set immediately after the events of S1E6, Rare Species.
Pale Shadows Of Forgotten Names - by kissesntea - Rating: Teen and Up - Words: 12935
Summary: He knows Geralt came back for him, knows he was at least not lying when he said he missed him (though how much is anyone’s guess), knows he trusts him to travel with his…his little family, to help keep them safe or at least not make things worse, but he never assumed it went beyond that. — In which Yen is a good bro, Geralt Can’t Fight This Feeling Anymore, and Jaskier loses his mind. And Ciri sleeps through it.
With a Sigh and a Smile - by SoldierOfMyShadowyMind - Rating Teen and Up - Words: 14043
Summary: “If you’ve twisted your ankle, pride won’t heal it.” As soon as the words are out of his mouth, he wants to bite his tongue at his harsh tone. His punishment is instant. “Pride?” Jaskier echoes sharply and a flicker of pain passes across his face when he turns around and puts too much weight on his right leg.Geralt knows that Jaskier won’t come to him if he’s hurt. The knowledge sits bitter in his mouth. Slowly, he reaches out a hand and takes a step forward until he can touch Jaskier’s elbow. “I merely worry.” After a moment, Jaskier nods but then tired blue eyes meet his and Geralt doesn’t know if it isn’t all slipping out of his grasp. “I know. I wish you wouldn’t, sometimes.”
Or: Jaskier decides to learn how to fight. Geralt doesn’t take it well.
place your hand in mine (how long can this last) - by Curlscat - Rating: Mature - Words: 15089
Summary: "What does the spell do?” Jaskier asks desperately. “Other than make Geralt cling to me, I mean?” “Nothing else,” Yennefer says. Saintly. Smug. “You’ll be stuck with a second shadow for a week or two, though.”“You can’t fix it?” Jaskier asks. Geralt’s hand is firmly inside Jaskier’s chemise, now, and he tweaks one of Jaskier’s nipples. Jaskier slaps at him and says, “Stop that!” // Jaskier accidentally gets Geralt cursed to want to touch him at all times. Since they still haven't really talked since Geralt broke Jaskier out of jail, this means Jaskier is doing a lot of pining. Geralt's probably having a rough time, too. Not that he'll say it out loud.
Sun & Moon - by ontheskyidance - Rating: Mature - Words: 16619
Summary: Geralt has allowed Dudu the doppler to escape in Novigrad. Months after, this decision comes with consequences.
Or: The Witcher and The Bard are forced to realize they have feelings for each other.
Notes Too Low To Play - by WithThisShield - Rating: Explicit - Words: 16923
Summary: “Jaskier,” Geralt says with thinly veiled exasperation. “Tell me you did not inhale it.”“I didn’t inhale it…?” Jaskier laughs nervously. Geralt sighs. “For a bard, you are remarkably unskilled at lying.”He can smell the pheromone shift already, as the spores take effect inside Jaskier’s body. The scent clouds his thoughts, and he struggles to focus on anything except… well. Gods-damn, it’s going to be a long night.
religion's in your lips (even if it's a false god) - by rcfthns - Rating: Mature - Words: 18192
Summary: “Fuck,” Geralt groans, “You’re beautiful.”“Eh,” Jaskier dismisses, as he gets up. “He’s fine, but I wouldn’t go that far.” The witcher gapes at him, his mind going blank.“…What the fuck, Jaskier?” he chokes out after a long pause.
Jaskier hasn't been himself as of late and Geralt is afraid, he knows just the reason for it. (No, he doesn't.)
louder and louder - by smolpot8o - Rating: Explicit - Words: 37852
Summary: Geralt tries to puzzle out why Jaskier keeps following him into danger after danger... completely missing the obvious. There's too great a gulf between what his witcher senses pick up, and what his damaged heart is willing to accept.
// "The bard’s heart always beats faster whenever the witcher draws near. That isn't unusual. So do the hearts of most humans he encounters. Not only do they blanch and recoil at the sight of his white hair and amber eyes, but they begin to sweat, the stench of their fear a sour tang at the back of his throat.But the bard never seems to reek of fear."
What for do you yearn? - by s_a_b_i_n_e - Rating: Mature - Words: 25575
Summary:  In the aftermath of the fight against Voleth Meir, Geralt is busy cleaning up the mess around him and planning his next moves. Too busy to realise that a very important part of his plans has disappeared—Jaskier.
overcome - by PenAndInkPrincess - Rating: Teen and Up - Words: 38136
Summary: “I’m not planning on leaving you,” Geralt says on their fourth evening. The witcher doesn’t look up from the bestiary he’s been scrawling corrections in, a pastime of his that Jaskier knows drives other people crazy when they get their books back.Jaskier blinks at him in surprise. “Since when was that in question?” He asks, slightly alarmed at the idea of it.Geralt makes a noise of frustration.“It wasn’t,” he says, his face creased in the way it always is when he has things he wants to say but doesn’t know how to. He sits back and gestures at Jaskier with a vague hand gesture. “You’re just…clingy. Like you’re afraid I’m going to try and leave you.”
(Drawn by a competition but afraid of a dark figure from his past, Jaskier manages to convince Geralt to attend with him) (Now if the witcher would just stop asking why)
Value - by didoandis - Rating: Explicit - Words: 43184
Summary: “Seriously, brother,” Teodora says, “you’re wanted for treason, what in Melitele’s name did you do?” “Nothing,” Jaskier tells her. “It’s just that my soulmate’s the warlord of the north.” She stares at him, open-mouthed. And then she begins to giggle. “Only you, Julek,” she says when she finally has some control back. “You did always like to be dramatic.”
The four lives of Julian Alfred Pankratz: noble, sex slave, soulmate, bard.
No Chance, No Way - by faghalforc - Rating: Explicit - Words: 43327
Summary: A year has passed since the mountain. Since he last saw Geralt of Rivia. He's been... coping, how he can. Then, he helps Yennefer, and gets locked up because of it. Now, all Jaskier wants is out of this god damned cell.He gets out. Just... not how he planned.
Refuge in Lettenhove - by Descarada - Rating: Explicit - Words: 65566
Summary: Geralt and Ciri are on the run from Nilfgaard. After a narrow escape from certain death, they seek refuge in a Lettenhove court. Geralt is shocked to find that the viscount, (and secret leader in the resistance) is none other than the man he scorned on the mountain. But Jaskier is acting as though he’s never met him before in his life.Is this is the chance Geralt needs to set things right?
Cause with You, I'm More than Good Enough - by DianaMoon - Rating: Explicit - Words: 67654
Summary: "Every insult, every criticism will be marked upon you, forever reminding you that you are nothing but a simple, pathetic human, who thinks too grand of himself." Well, it was a good thing young Julian was already used to being criticised on a daily basis. "If life could give me one blessing, it would be to take you off my hands!" Jaskier wasn't sure if the pain crackling through him was from the curse or his heart breaking.
Or: How Jaskier was cursed from childhood, and manages his way through life, seeking a cure, and finding the White Wolf instead.
lost souls and reverie - by  glorious_spoon - Words: 5248 - 2 Parts (1 is Mature, 2 is Explicit)
Colors of Attraction - by senashenta - Words: 8597 - 6 Parts (1 - 5 are Explicit, 6 is Teen and Up)
Flora - by chaya - Words: 55253 - 3 Parts (All Explicit)
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crisperia · 3 years
Aaaa I feel like I'm missing so many additional KnY clips, including the scene where Zen shows Nezu the fishbowl 😭 Where should I search them on YT if you don't mind me asking :")? I also wonder where do the Giyuu's past clip where Tsutako appears and Kimetsu Academy having sports competition come from?
Oh, yes! Sorry for the late reply, I had to find them all again! 😅 Those are extra clips released during the recent broadcasting of season 1 in Japan again. There are five and you can find them both on Twitter and Tumblr thanks to the wonderful @ultra-violet-heart :
KNY extras
1: Special Tomioka Giyuu (Giyuu's past)
2: Special Asakusa Arc (Lady Tamayo's tea)
3: Special Tsuzumi Mansion Arc (Inosuke and Zenitsu appear) (I could only find it on Tumblr)
4: Special Mount Natagumo (Giyushino)
5: Special final (Zennezu)
Sadly this was deleted with English subtitles but I found it without subtitles on YouTube. Basically they talk about happy moments at butterfly mansion, Tanjiro remembers the caterpillars gave him food for working hard, Zenitsu remembers that he showed the goldfish bowl to Nezuko and Aoi scolded him, Zenitsu says Aoi is scary, Tanjiro says she's not scary at all, she's very kind because she fixed Nezuko's box after Sanemi stabbed it. Finally, Inosuke says those are all lame and that his happy moments are the best because he rode a deer. Finally Tanjiro says they will go to Mugen train and asks people to watch it.
About the Kimetsu Academy sport clips, those are an older special edition of three episodes, some lovely person uploaded them all together in a video on Google drive here.
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canary3d-obsessed · 4 years
Restless Rewatch: The Untamed Episode 06 part two
Warning: Spoilers for All 50 Episodes!
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Bathing Boy Beauties
So, now we and Wei Wuxian get to see Lan Wangji with his shirt off. Eventually Lan Wangji will realize that his brother set this up, and will think of some way to get back at him, possibly by spending three years being stubborn in a cave or maybe by chopping an arm off of someone his brother cares about. 
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This is A+ Yibo fanservice but it's also a male-male version of a trope that's ubiquitous in c-drama, in which the male lead takes a bath and the female lead sees him. The purpose of the scene is almost always so a woman can look a man’s body over and decide, not to put too fine a point on it, whether she wants to fuck him. 
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The Pillow Book - “Which part of Shen Ye is better than me?”
Women’s sexual agency is not often at the forefront in c-dramas, but the bathtub scenes are an acknowledgement of the female gaze, and of male objects of desire being subject to evaluation & approval.
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Tientsin Mystic is a show with a lot of muscley swimming in it, In case you’re looking for your next Netflix show. 
As a CGI artist I have to mention that water does not reflect or refract 100% of light. If you look at a naked dingle-having person in a bathtub full of clear water you will definitely be able to see their dingle. But C-drama water is magic and nothing is visible below the waterline, to the point that Bai Yu is modestly covering his thoracic surgery scar chest in Detective L while leaving his lower half uncovered.
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Note: that caption isn’t fake; she is really saying this on her way out the door, after having a long chat with him in the bathroom. You can find the whole series on YouTube.
Seen in this context, The Untamed’s two bathing scenes are saying quite a lot. Wei Wuxian, being a boy, doesn’t display any female-encoded shyness or modesty, but he and his sword pause for a moment of admiration.
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(more after the cut!)
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16 years later, Lan Wangji will sit quietly in this pool and let Wei Wuxian examine his wet body thoroughly from multiple angles, in a more prolonged invocation of this C-drama mating ritual.
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Carrying on - was Xiao Zhan supposed to kick his boot in the water like that? Because if not, he rolls with it like a champ.
Wei Wuxian starts trying to be direct with Lan Wangji, giving him the worst, most neg-filled compliment ever, bless his heart.  
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Then he says that there are benefits to being his friend, and starts taking off his clothes.
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Wei Wuxian here takes his first step into the bold new world of respecting Lan Wangji’s boundaries, asking Lan Wangji to stay and saying he will keep his clothes on. 
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Lan Wangji actually does stay, so he's apparently not too angry with Wei Wuxian about the drinking. Wei Wuxian invites him to visit Lotus Pier sometime (see my gifset here), but the promise of lotus pods doesn’t impress him. Then Wei Wuxian tries to tell him that the Yunmeng chicks really knock me out, they leave the rest behind. This also doesn’t impress him. 
You could read this macking-on-ladies talk as a sign that Wei Wuxian is oblivious to LWJ's feelings for him. But I read it as a bisexual boy being horny on main with a boy he likes, not  understanding yet that some boys don’t share all of his turn-ons.
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Lan Wangji is sort of mildly startled when Wei Wuxian disappears under the water. His eye makeup is good here, isn’t it?.
Ice Cave
They end up in an ice cave and both spend the rest of the episode showing how good they look with wet hair. 
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When the guqin starts attacking, Lan Wangji is only mildly perturbed about Wei Wuxian getting his shit rocked over and over.
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Eventually he sends Bichen to protect his very bedraggled date. Lan Wangji’s sword is faster than the speed of a very slow sound wave.
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Beauty's where you find it not just where you bump and grind it 
Gusuship Down
I feel like there are a couple of things in this show that are so problematic the fandom has silently agreed to never discuss them. Well, I’m here to talk about this one:
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There are rabbits in this ice cave and they are wearing headbands. HEADbands. On RABBits.  
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*deep breath*
Are these rabbits lineal Lan descendants? Who makes the headbands? How do they stay on because “headband” here means “glowing cloud on forehead” without any actual band.  When rabbit babies are born, how do they stay safe while they’re waiting for someone to make them baby-sized headbands? Do these rabbits adhere to the other 3499 Lan Clan principles or just the headband one? Is any ol' rabbit allowed to touch a rabbit’s headband or is it limited to parents and significant others and is that even relevant when presumably these bunnies are all fucking each other like...bunnies?
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The characters are like “oh, the rabbits are wearing headbands; killer guqin problem solved.” And then they move right the fuck along with their lives and the rabbit headbands are never seen or discussed again and I just want a hit of whatever the author or creative team was smoking when they came up with this whole idea.
Headband Sharing
When Wei Wuxian tells Lan Wangji to hand over his headband, Lan Wangji understands his entire rabbit-based thought process without asking
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Gen-X Joke Alert
Wei Wuxian is awfully impressed by this sword-recall trick, considering that he did it himself when they went to the lake.
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I see you know your way around a sheath
Killer Guqin
When they approach the guqin I hope that the subtitles are mistranslated, because Wei Wuxian keeps promising not to touch it and then says he can't look at it without touching it. I'm not going to touch it, I just need to touch it. 
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Lan Wangji is going to teach Wei Wuxian some goddamn boundaries no matter how many times he has to make him fondle his sword.
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Nothing suggestive here
Lan Wangji sits down to play the guqin and immediately goes off into the ether where there are seagull noises and plenty of fans. This is either a state of pure bliss, or he just really likes seagulls.
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Did Lan Wangji just have a stealth orgasm?
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Speaking of getting off, get your ass off of my desk
The Yin Iron
Lan Wangji does some spirit whispering, and suddenly the cave starts yelling at them. A bunch of clans are chanting in unison about a plan, which is the cultivator version of a battle cry.
Lancestor Lan Yi shows up. She is elegant and has a combination of sweetness and gravity that is similar to Lan Xichen’s. And none of Lan Qiren’s douchiness.
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Search Party
Lan Qiren is worried and Lan Xichen is worried and they have sent people to look for the boys. It's really too bad nobody around here knows magic.
All these powerful cultivators search for missing people by running around outdoors yelling for them. 
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Yanli is excused from PE class because she’s not feeling well, so she sits on a rock in the woods instead of, you know, staying home in the first place. She gets bored sitting down and unwisely decides to walk two or three steps. Xuan Lu, seen here competing in a gymnastics event, gamely pretends she can’t climb a small rock. 
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Yanli falls into Jin Zixuan's arms and they gaze at each other for a long heterosexual moment. 
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No homosexual explanation possible
This means two things: 1. he isn't looking very hard for her brother if he's hanging out here catching wobbly girls 2. soulful longing looks from him ain't shit, because he's going to dump her in the next episode.
Lanny Granny
Lan Wangji intros himself to Lan Yi and does a full prostrate bow. Wei Wuxian does a standing bow since he's not a descendant, just a future in-law.
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No I mean come on, HEADBANDS
Lan Gran explains the entire history of the yin iron. It's bad, it's full of resentful energy, no-one should use it. She’s going to dump it on a couple of 16 year old boys, one of whom has a woody for using resentful energy, because it’s destiny and her battery is about to run out. 
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Props to the Prop Department; this thing does look pretty cool
Xue Chonghai was the most problematic cultivator back in the old days. He killed a lot of dudes and fed their resentment to...a turtle? To the disk? I don’t know; I literally am unable to pay attention when anyone is explaining the intricacies of the unobtanium Yin Iron. 
Anyway there’s a disk and it’s soaked up a lot of resentment.  
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Using it makes people evil. Well except..clearly this dude started off evil, yeah? If he was feeding people to his turtle.
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Side effects may include: being fucking crazy
Here Wei Wuxian brings out his "resentful energy is awesome" theory and has an experienced grown-up grand master tell him that she also thought this, and has spent 100 years locked in a cave with headband-wearing rabbits because she was super fucking wrong. Does this deter him? ...nope
Baoshan Sanren
Now she name checks Baoshan Sanren, and Wei Wuxian has a big reaction and Lan Wangji has a big noticing of Wei Wuxian’s reaction. He’s very attuned to Wei Wuxian’s emotional state, in the moments where WWX lets his actual feelings show through the sass and swagger.  
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Lan Gran talks about her search for the Yin iron, and Lan Wangji wisely says, if you can't neutralize it, why look for it? And she says, I was filled with hubris just like ya boi Wei Wuxian.  Lan Wangji points out the exact same shit he will later point out to Wei Wuxian.
So now we have a parallel in which Lan Yi is just like Wei Wuxian and Baoshan Sanren is just like Lan Wangji, yeah? Which is kind of sweet; it shows how these types are drawn together and how your clan doesn't determine your personality. Also it shows how the Lan clan has room for an unorthodox clan leader. Also it shows how the Yin Iron causes some really bad breakups. 
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These boys are standing on snow barefoot which has got to take a pretty high cultivation level. Look how short Lan Wangji is without his stilettos, aww.
Flashback to Baoshan Sanren, just long enough to appreciate how beautiful she is.
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Did OP give up on recoloring that flashback-blue-hazed image and just start fucking around with random filters? Yes she did. 
We also get to see that Lan Yi and Lan Wangji have more common than just guqin, because they both like to solve problems by kicking them.  
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So after breaking up with her girlfriend, Lan Gran became invisible in this cave for 100 years while trying to contain the Yin iron and put headbands on rabbits. 
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Soundtrack: Vogue by Madonna Writing prompt: Watership Down rabbits meet Lan rabbits
Bonus extended bath clip:
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Bai Yu, Detective L
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nbrook29 · 3 years
robbe 1️⃣8️⃣
Warning: This is smutty, proceed with caution if it’s not your jam ;)
If anybody asked Robbe, bad weather in the summer should be illegal. Because what the hell? He needs sun rays and blue sky like he needs oxygen, he wants 30+ degrees temperatures and not a single cloud above, and he always welcomes it with all the small inconveniences it brings along, like clammy skin mere minutes after showering or freckles covering his nose and arms. So when it’s August and it’s raining, sorry, pouring buckets, sue him if he turns into a whiny mess for a bit. That’s just who he is.
Or, that’s who he was. Because right now, lying on a soft cloud-like throw blanket in a not-his t-shirt and sweatpants, head a mess of wild damp curls, fuzzy socks on his feet tangled with another pair, he’s feeling pretty good.
Even though the original scenario for his birthday was supposed to be different.
It all started at 12:00 am sharp with a dorky text from Sander because of course it did.
Sander: Hey there you sexy thing
Heard you're legal now 👅 
Robbe: Omg sander 🙈 
Sander: Yes, that's what you'll be screaming today during our own little celebration 😈
 Robbe almost spat out the water he was drinking, face burning hot as he tried to assess whether anybody was paying him any attention.
Sander: I'll do that thing you like 😏👅 
Sander: Am I bothering you cutie? 😏 
Robbe: Yessssss 😩 my face is all red they're gonna know what's up 
Sander: I think *I* know what is up 😏🍆 
Robbe: 🤣 GO COOL OFF 
Sander: Hehe
No but for real now
Happy birthday! 🥰🥳😘❤🎂
I love you SO much ❤❤❤💯 
Robbe: Thank youuuu baby 😊😘 
Sander: Can't believe you're an adult *wipes a tear*
You'll always be my baby tho ❤ 
Robbe: Haha yes ❤❤ 
Sander: I'll be waiting for you at 4 pm 
Robbe: But where?? 
Sander: 😌 
Robbe: Sanderrr tell me 
Sander: Nope 
Goodnight 😌
 Sander absolutely loves to tease him and keep him at the edge of the seat which is why he told him the place only half an hour before their meeting, for which Robbe intended to tell him off. That is until he actually got to Park Spoor Noord and saw his boyfriend lounging on grass, blanket underneath him, surrounded by Robbe’s favorite food and wearing the most charming smile as soon as their eyes met.
And he got him a sunflower. A sunflower. How cute is that?
Needless to say, there was no telling off, Robbe didn’t exactly find time for it between kisses and laughs and Sander feeding him croques and fries and cupcakes (which Sander baked and decorated himself, swearing for dear life the small thingies made from frosting on top were not dicks, but Robbe knows him too well to believe him).
And then all hell broke loose and the storm that had been loudly talked about in the media came to Antwerp and made a puddle out of the two of them.
They looked really miserable, but somehow Robbe couldn’t care less as they were running to Sander’s house holding hands, water in their shoes, the sunflower cradled carefully underneath his shirt, huge smiles on their faces as they finally got there, tripping in their haste to get inside.
The hot shower that followed next and Sander taking the lead oh so well will definitely rank in the top 5 moments of Robbe’s life. He’s very grateful Sander’s parents are on holiday in London because he’s not sure he’d ever be able to look them in the eyes otherwise.
Afterwards, Sander made them ice coffee and handed Robbe his real gift which turned out to be a long weekend in Paris a week from now, shutting him up with a kiss when Robbe was about to protest and complain about it being too expensive.
Since the concert they were supposed to go to was canceled due to poor weather conditions, they resorted to eating cake in Sander’s bed and watching the show Robbe had been talking about for weeks now. Sander, being the thoughtful and amazing boyfriend that he is, graciously agreed to Robbe’s birthday wish and sat him down between his legs, kissed the side of his face, brought his laptop closer and pressed play, as Robbe made himself comfy in his arms, the smile that originated at midnight not slipping off even for a second.
Another thunder strikes the night sky and Robbe jumps involuntarily, only a little, more from shock than actual fear, but it doesn’t stop Sander from tightening his arms around him, lips grazing delicately the lobe of his ear.
“Don’t worry, Robin, I will protect you,” he whispers with a teasing note in his voice, grunting when a well-aimed elbow meets his side.
“Shut up, I’m not scared.”
Sander’s only reply is a low chuckle and a kiss on that sweet spot under Robbe’s ear that never fails to send a shiver down his spine. Without barely having to move at all considering how close they are, he tilts his head and noses along Sander’s defined jaw, leaving a peck or two on his cheek.
“Now shush, I can’t focus.” He unceremoniously turns away from Sander’s searching lips, a sly grin on his face when he hears an affronted huff.
“Oh I see how it is, you-”
“Shhhh, Wille is talking.”
Robbe loves to be a little shit sometimes, especially if he wants to get a certain reaction from his huffy other half.
“Look how cute he is.” He has to press his lips hard to keep the giggle in when Sander whines in protest.
“Stoooop, why are you being mean to me.” He now has a full-blown pout on his face. “Jerk.”
The laughter finally comes out and Robbe pauses the show, cooing at Sander’s little frowny face and brushing the runaway strands away from his forehead, leaning up to press a kiss there too.
“It’s okay, I still think you’re the cutest prince in the entire kingdom.” He runs a thumb over his jutting lower lip, kissing it once, twice, three times, until the corners of Sander’s mouth pull up.
“Whatever. Simon is cuter than the other one anyway.”
Robbe grins cheekily. “You just think that because he has curly hair like me.” Sander’s jaw drops at that.
“Wow,” he exclaims, voice faux-scandalous as he shakes his head at Robbe. “Someone’s cocky today.” 
“It’s my birthday so it’s allowed.” Winking at him obnoxiously, he turns back to the screen, hands reaching for Sander’s arms to wrap them around himself again as he settles in his embrace with a content sigh before pressing play.
Sander’s quiet behind him for a second, and then his lips touch his ear again, tongue slightly peeking out to play and lick the shell of his ear with just the tip, hot air hitting Robbe’s skin turning his insides into mush, butchering his focus again just as Sander purrs, “I think it’s hot when you’re like that.”
There’s something important happening on screen, but Robbe can’t make any sense of the subtitles because Sander’s lips continue their path down the column of his throat, stopping for a second to suck a kiss in the middle, killing any rational thought Robbe might have had. His hand rushes to Sander’s head to keep him there without his permission, eyes closing as he sighs when the kiss turns into licks and nips to the thin skin.
“Do you think he could kiss you and touch you like that?”
The question breaks the fog in Robbe’s brain for a second, and he barks a laugh at the slight possessiveness in Sander’s voice that’s poorly hidden under a joking tone. 
“Like what?” He presses, excitement bubbling in his stomach when one of Sander’s hands sneaks underneath his t-shirt, fingers grazing the skin and leaving goosebumps in their wake as they finally reach the place Robbe needs them most. 
“Like that.” He flicks his nipple with those black-polish covered nails of his that make him look so hot Robbe’s head spins. “For starters.” He keeps it up, tugging and pinching unhurriedly, with a dirty smirk growing on his face that Robbe can just feel on his collarbone, and he pulls on his hair as he arches his back a little, seeking more of those skillful fingers.
With his hooded eyes, he can see Sander closing the laptop and putting it away quickly before his other hand joins in the fun, a featherlight touch to the growing bulge in his sweatpants, nothing more than teasing for now.
When Sander’s teeth tug at his earring, Robbe lets out a frustrated whine because it’s too much and not enough at the same time, and his boyfriend reads him like a book because he pulls the t-shirt off him to gain full access, mouth latching on his neglected nipple just as his hand dives inside his pants. It doesn’t grant him any relief though, bypassing his dick completely and traveling lower, caressing the soft skin, one finger running back and forth without reaching any further, and Robbe grabs Sander’s thigh in desperation.
“You didn’t answer me,” Sander whispers in a sweet sweet voice.
“Whaa?” It takes a second for Robbe to understand what he’s asking and he would laugh if his body wasn’t on fire, Sander playing him like a violin.
Also, this playful possessiveness is getting to him, whether he likes it or not.
He does though. Like it.
Oh fuck, he likes it so much.
“Tell me, baby,” Sander breathes into his mouth as he reaches for something Robbe doesn’t see, and he can hear in his voice how it affects him too, can feel him against his lower back, rubbing himself off with minuscule moves, clearly struggling to hold back. 
“You, just you-, fuuuuck,” Robbe’s cut off when two lubed fingers press inside him at the confession, back arching slightly, the feeling so intense he keens and searches blindly for Sander’s lips. Thankfully, Sander doesn’t waste any time and plunges his tongue inside his mouth, swallowing the little whines that escape them with each twist of his fingers.
The rocking behind him gets faster and this is not how Robbe wants this to end so he breaks the kiss, ignoring Sander’s protests as he pulls away from him, only to pull his pants off completely, green eyes following his every move like he’s ready to pounce, and the need inside Robbe’s stomach only grows. He tugs impatiently at Sander’s sweatpants, biting his lip when his hard cock slaps his abdomen, the smirk dancing on Sander’s lips at his reaction liquefying his insides and he crawls closer to him, needing his touch to ground him. 
“You’re still good to go?” He loves how even when it’s hot and heavy Sander still remembers to check in with him.
“Uh-huh,” is the only thing he can come up with now, especially when Sander’s hand settles on his hip bringing them so close there’s no space left between them, guiding his movements just like Robbe likes. He kisses his glistening neck, licking the sweat of his body as Robbe reaches behind to position his slick cock at his entrance, forehead resting against Sander’s as he sinks down fast.
He gasps at the feeling of fullness because it’s always a lot, but Sander’s hands are always there, brushing his sides in a comforting motion, even when his own body is probably screaming at him to move.
“Happy birthday to me,” Robbe lets out a shaky chuckle that ends up in a gasp when Sander laughs too and involuntarily moves inside him. He’s quick to lick into his lips and distract him from the momentary discomfort, and once he’s done with him, the overwhelming need is back double force. 
Sander notices right away, guiding Robbe’s hips to keep grinding for a while before planting his feet on the bed and holding them in place giving several hard jabs that make Robbe hide his face in his neck, cries leaving his mouth with each thrust.
“Like that?”
Robbe just nods helplessly, mouth leaving a wet trail on his skin, but Sander doesn’t seem to mind because he continues his pace, completely taking over once Robbe’s thighs give out and turning him into a mess.
“You’re so hot like this, fuck.” The strain in Sander’s voice tells him he’s getting close so he goes back to bouncing, meeting him in the middle, and it only takes a minute for things to become too much, Sander’s uncoordinated jerks when he’s coming triggering Robbe’s orgasm too.
They stay like that, cooling off while kissing lazily, tongues sliding against each other, but without a rush for now.
Sander pulls back first, their lips smacking when they disconnect. "I'm sorry today didn't work out." Scrunching up his face, he reaches to comb through Robbe's hair consolingly. He leans into the touch before cuddling even closer, seeking warmth when the cold air makes goosebumps appear on his heated skin.
"But I loved today, really. We can go to a concert another time." He kisses the underside of his jaw, sighing dreamily. "And I can't wait for Paris with you."
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pregnant-piggy · 4 years
Snowed in
Hermione Granger x reader
this is part of All I want for Christmas is fanfiction
this is written for @coffee--writes​ writing challenge
words: 2.1k
A/N: I love the snow, but sadly it rarely snows anymore where I live. I would absolutely not mind if I got snowed in with my crush and I would mind even less when it was Hermione
prompt: ‘Why can’t you just tell me how you feel?’ ‘It’s not that simple’
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It was dark when you woke up. But not dark because the sun hadn’t risen yet, you realised when you looked at the clock on the bedside table. It was dark because there was something covering the windows and it were not your curtains.
You stepped out of bed and immediately were greeted by an embrace of coldness. It felt like stepping into an ice bath on a hot day. Frantically searching for warm clothes, you hopped closer to the window on one leg, as the other was in the air trying to put your pants on. You pushed the curtains aside and saw nothing but snow.
The whole window was blocked by a layer of snow. The light barely came through the blockage, only through the spots where the layer of snow was thinner. Your bedroom was lit up only by a hazy, pale light.
You opened the window and watched the layer of snow slide down the glass and fall down on the snow on the ground. With a jolt you noticed that the snow was not really on the ground, but it had built up to halfway through the windows on the downstairs floor.
There was movement in the shadows on the snow and you realised that Hermione must have gotten up already. Quickly you closed your window and got dressed further, so you could go downstairs.
‘Good morning, y/n,’ Hermione said when you opened the door to the kitchen.
‘Morning,’ you mumbled back. You sat down at the table and reached for an apple.
‘We’re snowed in,’ Hermione said and she pointed at the windows behind her. The same kind of snow that had been covering your window, blocked half the windows. All you could see outside was the light grey sky and the tops of the white trees that stood at the edge of the garden.
You walked closer to the window and stood beside Hermione. You took a bite of the apple and stared outside. Hermione turned around to the window too and she stood with her shoulder against yours. Her body warmth brought the heat that you were so desperately trying to find this morning.
‘I don’t think we can go anywhere,’ Hermione said and you nodded slowly.
‘Yeah, no, the door must be frozen shut,’ you mumbled.
Hermione’s low hum, made your inside turn and you stepped away from her. Your fingers shut around the apple you were holding tightly and you took a deep breath.
‘Are you alright?’ Hermione asked worried and you flashed her a smile.
‘I’m fine, I just- I don’t know, I think I pulled a muscle when I stepped out of bed or something,’ you lied, rubbing your leg to make it more believable.
‘Can I feel? Because I had the same a while ago and I found a way to relieve the pressure on it…’ Hermione said and she came closer to you.
‘No!’ you quickly said and Hermione’s face cramped together at your loud voice. ‘No, I mean- I think I’m fine. I just… I’m going to put something warmer on, I’m cold.’
You left the kitchen swiftly and tried to ignore the sting in your chest that you got from being so mean to your friend. But you just had to. You were afraid that if you let her come close to you she would notice that there was more than just innocent platonic feelings on your side. The friendship you had with Hermione was one of the most cherished things you had and you didn’t want to lose it. The fear of losing her was bigger than the courage to confess.
In the safety of your bedroom you let out a loud sigh and dropped on your bed. You despised yourself for your behaviour. You wished there was a way to get rid of the feelings, but they only seemed to be getting more intense. Tears pooled in your eyes as you thought of the sad face of Hermione. You didn’t want to hurt her, but you also didn’t want to get hurt.
Maybe you fell asleep or maybe you just stared at the ceiling for a while but after some time Hermione knocked on your door and she came in. She sat down next to you and stroke your hair lovingly. You closed your eyes at the warm touch of her hand and for a moment you let yourself enjoy.
‘I’m sorry,’ you muttered and opened your eyes. Hermione was staring out of the window and you only saw one side of her face. She said nothing but you could see the glimmering of the tears in her eyes.
You sat up and wrapped your arm around her shoulders. She looked at you and smiled sadly. You pulled her close and rubbed circles on her back. ‘I’m sorry,’ you said. ‘The snow just stresses me out a little. We don’t know how long it will last. I shouldn’t have outed that on you, sorry.’
Hermione looked up at you and smiled more genuinely. She sniffed and you wiped the tears from her face, trying so hard to ignore the butterflies in your stomach. You felt your cheeks growing hot and you hoped to all the spirits in the world that Hermione wouldn’t notice.
‘Come on, let’s go do something fun!’ Hermione said with a happy grin on her face.
* * * * *
The rest of the day you spent watching films and baking cookies with Hermione. It was nice to once do something without the stress of your normal daily life. It was for the first in a long time that you fully relaxed, though at all times still careful not to get too close or not to stare too long.
Over time you had learned how to suppress your feelings for your best friend. Day after day you had pushed them down, hidden them from everyone. There was no one who knew about your crush and no one who suspected anything. At least, that you knew of.
A day passes quickly when you do nothing. Before you knew it, it was after dinner and you were sitting on the couch under a blanket, staring mindlessly at the film that was playing on the TV. While the main character confessed his undying love for woman whose life he had saved, Hermione sighed happily next to you.
There was so little space between you two that you could feel the warmth radiating from her arm. A part of you wanted to get closer to her, but the other part of you wanted to be on the other side of the couch. You longed to hold her closer, but you feared she would notice. As your mind and heart were in battle you lost focus on the film and your surroundings. All you noticed was the warmth on the left side of your body and the angel and devil on your shoulders.
But the battle was stopped when Hermione put her head on your shoulder. As a reflex, that was the result of the inner battle, you pulled away. Hermione’s head shot back up and without thinking you got up from the couch and walked to the window.
There was someone in your head screaming at you, cursing you for your brute response, and that voice sounded an awful lot like your own voice. A shiver went through you and for a moment it seemed like you were going to break down just right there, like you would fall through the ice and drown in the cold water.
But a warm hand held you above the surface. Hermione’s soft hand on your shoulder was enough for you to hold yourself together. Or maybe she held you together.
‘It’s wonderful, isn’t it?’ Hermione whispered as she watched the snow.
You looked at her and hummed a response. The contours of her face were lit up by the light of the setting sun reflecting on the white snow outside. The lines of her face were as a golden thread spun around the beauty of her appearance.
Hermione’s eyes were still fixated on the snow outside as she spoke to you. ‘Why can’t you just tell me how you feel?’
Staring at your hands you swallowed. You should have known that she would eventually see through you.
‘It’s not that simple,’ you whispered, your voice barely audible over the sounds from the TV.
‘It is,’ Hermione said and she turned to you. She took your hands, forcing you to look up to her. ‘You make it more complicated than it is. Please tell me.’
You closed your eyes and shook your head. For a moment you felt like a small child, not knowing how to put your feelings to words. There was a fire inside you spitting words to your mouth, but they didn’t leave your lips.
‘I don’t know how to,’ you whispered. Your throat was squeezed shut by the tears that were threatening to fall. There was a lump in your stomach but you knew that if there was ever a moment you had to confess, this was it.
‘Take your time,’ Hermione said and you took a deep breath. Her hands were rubbing up and down your arms softly and when the first tear fell she was quick to wipe it away.
It was now or nothing and you decided to throw it all out in the simplest way possible. You feared for the outcome, but this was what eventually would give you peace.
‘I love you.’
With closed eyes you listened to the silence that followed after. The music from the TV at the subtitles of the film was the only sound that was in the room. You couldn’t even hear Hermione’s breathing and you were pretty sure you had stopped breathing yourself too.
The hands on your arms had stopped moving and the fingers were drilling into your skin. The warmth from them had disappeared and your arms grew numb the longer the silence lasted. You didn’t dare to open your eyes, afraid that you would be faced with your worst nightmare. You couldn’t lose Hermione, you just couldn’t, but now you feared that you had messed it all up.
After what felt like hours there were more sounds in the room. Hermione’s breathing got deeper and you could hear your own breathing too. The warmth from her hands got back on your skin and sparkles were sent throughout your entire body.
‘I love you too.’
All the dark wall around you collapsed and you stood in the clouds. The sun was shining brightly on your face, warming up your entire body. The beams fell on your cheeks like soft hands caressing your skin.
Before you had opened your eyes you felt two soft lips brushing over yours, forming a smile as your hands found Hermione’s hips. Her hands went from your arms to behind your neck and she pulled you closer, pressing her lips to yours.
It wasn’t fireworks, it wasn’t electricity or sparkles but it was ethereal. It was the softest silk and the most velvety clouds. It had the taste of cherries and rosé wine, the scent of peony roses. It was a kiss in the sky, above the tops of the highest trees and passed the mountaintops. It was higher than the clouds, in the pink light of the setting sun.
It felt like all your dreams had come true and for a moment there wasn’t any fear anymore. Hermione and you were all that mattered in that moment, nothing more, nothing less. A bubble of protection and trust was built around you and there was nothing that could burst it.
As you pulled away you could only smile. Hermione’s plump lips smiled back at you and you wished that this moment would stay forever, that the time would stand still and nothing had to change.
There was so much that you wanted to ask, but all that passed your lips was a content sigh that was answered with another kiss. Hermione’s hands raked through your hair and your fingers squeezed her hips lightly. One tap of her tongue against your lips was enough for you to open your mouth more. The divine feeling rushed through you in waves, knocking you off your feet further with every second that passed. It felt like your legs would bail on you, but you didn’t care.
Hermione would be there to catch you.
- - - - - - - 
general HP: @kitkatkl​ @girllety​ @yuptha-tsme​ @sleep-i-ness​ @iamak20​ @thefuturelawyer​ @weasleydream​ @missmulti​ @deafgirltingz​ @moonstarrnghtsky​ @mytreec​ @lilulo-12fanfiction​ @emmaloo21​ @kashishwrites​ @ananad1​ @figlia--della--luna​ @kylosleftbuttcheek​ @mrs-malfoy-always​ @thefandomplace​ @magicwithaknife​ @mt2413​ @aesthetically-hailey​ @superbturtlemakerathlete​ @the-natureofme​ @missswriter​ @hahee154hq​ @chloer1275​
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gillianthecat · 2 years
The Devil Judge: Episode 12
I just finished The Devil Judge and something about this show compelled me to take copious notes - it had emotional intensity and layers of mystery. These are long and rambling, so they're likely not of interest to anyone else, but since I spent all that time writing it I decided, why not post it. Perhaps someone will find it interesting.
Below are my moment-to-moment reactions, predictions and analysis as I watched episode 12.
eps 1&2  ep3  ep4  ep5  ep6  ep7  ep8  ep9   ep10  ep11  ep12  ep13  ep14  ep15  ep16
I wrote about my initial impressions, up to episode 5, here and here.
This is cleaned up only slightly. I followed the spelling given in the Viki subtitles. I mostly don't explain what I'm reacting to, so this will probably only make sense if you've seen the episode recently. Occasionally I give timestamps. 
YSH making this choice!
G and M.A. convo in the car. They've barely talked, but can relate. Hollowness at the death of your long time enemy
YSH! So betrayed 
The way Y is touching G here. He wants to pull him close and hold him tight and comfort him but he feels he needs to shake him into just following the plan. You have to follow my plan! His face as he watches G walk away. Heartbroken by trying so hard not to be. 
He had nothing without his plan. He doesn't even have friends to play cards with. He can't let it go even now, especially now. 
I think his first reaction to seeing G search the body for the files was he was heartbroken and/or appalled that G had become someone who could be so callous. The way Y just stood there and looked at him. Then when YSH got there he switched into action mode, but I believe he was legitimately stunned. And he'd seen people die before. I'm not sure if he directly killed anyone, but he indirectly killed at least that firefighter. And we didn't see his reaction after he walked away, but I'm betting it wasn't this. Now, some of that is due to plot relevance. Cha's death will hit even the characters harder because she's more plot relevant. But I think a lot of his heartache is over seeing how it's hurting G. And changing G. And then on top of it his desperate fear of losing G.He was clinging to his jacket and trying to pretend it was a demand. But it was a plea. They even had him shorter then G, when previously they've been the same height or an illusion of Y being taller. 
It's quite possible that G is the only friend Y has ever had. 
This scene with G and E. Heartbreaking, but it's also very 'dad broke up with his boyfriend and now I'm losing him too. '
Oh right, the look-alikeness. I guess that's the justification for all the intense emotional emotions and strength of connection. So maybe this is censored bromance if they're going to explain it away like that. 
Fuck. Yo-Han's face outside Elijah's door. Broke my heart made me cry. (Min 24). And "you never apologize" wow so much in that. 
But also, this is a breakup scene. It's not a fight between close colleagues or even between friends. It's a romantic breakup. It's this new world that Y never even intended to build coming crashing down 
And then there were 4...
Seon-Ah all in red. Is that high neckline hiding the cross pendant? 
She is slipping in power too. I think because she's forced (?) not to play her own game but to protect Yo-Han. But maybe she's rattled by Cha's death? Or maybe the men are emboldened by it. 
Gender thoughts, gendered insults. 
First mention of sex? 
Battle with Prof Min over G's soul. I don't think I will be able to fully evaluate until the end. 
Prof Min is trying to operate in the real world, where making change is hard enough, especially if you don't have any allies. Poor guy doesn't know he's really in a drama world, where the rules and consequences all bend to fit the protagonist or the plot. (This is why he has no allies.) Here having an effect is literally impossible. 
I suspect this conversation between Yo-Han and Prof. Min is revealing the the competing moralities the show is examining
Y:  (32:50)  "I have never mistaken myself to be just.  I'm just making a choice. So far, I haven't had that many options. It's either just accept everything or fight everything, and that fellow [Ga-On] also made a choice by himself"  "That choice is for him to make."
Min: "Fight everything? You seem to think you're fighting a monstrous world. If you look into the abyss for a long time, the abyss will also look into you. You have to stop.  You are ruining the world."
Y: "I think you're misunderstanding. I am the abyss."
Yo-Han is so heartbroken at feeling like he can rely on Ga-On any more.  And Mysterious Assistant looks heartbroken for him.
Breakup breakup breakup 
(34:30) Long long sequence of memories. Everything reminds him of him. He prepared food for you! 😟
Ga-On changed him! He's trying to connect with Elijah and the housekeeper, trying to create the same family that Ga-On was helping them build. but they're not used to it, he seems weird to them.  He's lost and floundering, he's just started the processing of changing and then the underpinnings of that new identity got taken away from him.
I like how these memories imply a full domestic life that we only got glimpses of.  I like when the flashbacks are things we haven't seen before, or slightly new angles on previous information.
"It's ok if humanity gets destroyed as long as you guys are here." (38:56)
(39:47) the colors.  the cold reflective look to the kitchen in this lighting, but then this warm pink lamp in the foreground feels... hopeful? or indicative of Yo-Han's softening?
Y lost his only 
G lost 2 people in this.  It makes sense to think of her. At one point not long ago she was his whole world. And he betrayed her. 
(42:20) this implies that Su-Hyeong, unbeknownst to us, has been investigating the fire for a while
Who is this dude? lawyer? reporter? Will he be important? (yes, if my track record continues)
(44:15)  All a very accurate description of the trials, prof. Min.  I'm fascinated at how the show keeps having characters point out the flaws in the show that I see.  things I was willing to ignore under suspension of disbelief.  But I still have no idea if they're going to do anything other than have a character talk about it.
they're deliberately filming this threatening caller to make it look like it could be Yo-Han.  my guess is it's bamboo spear guy though
Afternoon of a Faun! that's what Seon-Ah's theme music reminds me of
that scene cut! from her dropping the cross pendant to the burnt cross on his naked back. (52:45)
Yo-Han, why are you always so sad when you're shirtless and flexing your abs?  Now I feel bad for lusting after you.
(57:00) I was about to say, one of the reasons the politics of this show feels hollow is it's all been mob violence, there hasn't been state violence.  (the only cop we meet is Good.) but i think this actually is state violence here?
I like the way Yo-Han and Seon-Ah's relationship is such a parody of romance that it highlights the romance of Y & G in contrast.
I'm starting to hate the fact that they made Isaac look exactly like Ga-On.  I feel like the only reason for it is homophobia, to give an excuse for Yo-Han's (and Elijah's) intensity about Ga-On.  they could have made them similar without having them played by the same actor. it does create a few nice moments, like in this memory/imagination, where we're not sure if Yo-Han is thinking of Isaac or Ga-On.  but not worth the homophobia/weird incestous implications
the other reason is the government is so small?  Judge Oh is he one announcing this?  I understand they've gotta keep the character list and moving parts from ballooning out of control, and this is not a show about bureaucracy, but it has the side effect of making the worldbuilding feel slightly hollow.
the sets they've found/built/cgi'd for this show! (58:00)
(1:00:30).  oh fuck
another reveal of their different goals/philosophies
oh my god.
her face. a lot going on there. and she walks away
loneliness quote
oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck
Yo-Han's face.
loneliness theme
I don't want him to be dead :-( We never even learned his name.  We haven't seen the body yet, but that looked and sounded pretty unsurvivable
eps 1&2  ep3  ep4  ep5  ep6  ep7  ep8  ep9   ep10  ep11  ep12  ep13  ep14  ep15  ep16
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nettlestonenell · 3 years
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(above, an unpopular opinion?--if so, the first of many)
The King: Eternal Monarch Catches Plenty of Hate Online Why That Is, And Why You Should Ignore It Part I
(to be posted in several parts, spoilers possible, but will be limited)
Subjects of the Kingdom, Citizens of the Republic, and (as always) Gentle Readers:
If you’ve spent any amount of time searching The King: Eternal Monarch, Lee Min Ho, Kim Go Eun, or various other adjacent topics online since 2020, the fact that Kdrama The King: Eternal Monarch is more likely to be associated with negative coverage rather than positive, is far from news to you.
Just the other day, @dumbassdictionarysds popped into my DMs and asked if I might have a post in me to explain what I thought the roots of this heated rejection of the show might be.
“I was thinking of making a video on TKEM and its criticisms and why people didn't like it and why I liked it,” they wrote, “I would really appreciate if you could give some insight into what common criticisms you saw and what you thought of them.” 
It should come as no surprise at this point that, as someone showed up wanting to talk about--and hear about--TKEM that my responding was an absolute no-brainer, and a welcome moment of elation.
As we dive in, let me give two (sorta three) shout-outs to places I’ve read meta for TKEM, whose thoughts on the matter and the show have no doubt helped shaped my own opinions and understanding of it: bitchesoverdramas.com and thefangirlverdict.com, with a nod to TKEM’s Wikipedia page as well. For the record (because it seems it might prove germane here) I am neither Korean nor have I/do I live in Korea (nor the Kingdom of Corea, for that matter).
Okay. Many people (perhaps most people?—at least online fan people) really, really have issues with TKEM. Writer Kim Eun Sook’s shows, while generally well received by fandom and critics, are no strangers to occasional controversy-- particularly of her two most recent dramas available through Netflix, Mr. Sunshine and The King: Eternal Monarch. 
Research seems to show that KES tends toward being something of a polarizing figure in fandom. Those that love her don’t just love her a little, but will die on this hill, and those who dislike what she does can really, really, REALLY, not stand it (and are also ready to die on that hill). 
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That’s a lot of people camped out, ready to die on their respective hills. For every person that thinks Goblin is the greatest kdrama ever filmed, there is a person ready and waiting to dismember Heirs’ Kim Tan.
No one should be surprised that KES’ new show would prove polarizing.
So let’s get down to business. Why all the hate?
Expectations Deliberately and Consistently Subverted
Was this Lee Min Ho’s Regarding Henry-moment?
WRT TKEM, let’s start with the elephant/top star in the room: stratospheric Hallyu star Lee Min Ho’s return to viewers’ screens following his two year absence due to mandatory military service (and removal from public life). 
There is a weight added, then, to fans’ expectations for the show. It’s not just LMH’s next project, it becomes his MOST IMPORTANT project, his ONLY new project. (Since 2016′s The Legend of the Blue Sea, I believe).
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Don’t ask me to react to this photo. I’ve been processing its existence for months now, no conclusions to share yet in sight.
These are fans of Boys Over Flowers’ Goo Joon Pyo, of Heirs’ (also by KES) Kim Tan. These are die-hard viewers who know how they like to consume their LMH on-screen. But KES (and LMH, b/c he’s actually spoken directly to this) aren’t interested in handing out on-brand LMH anymore. Therefore, his Corean King/Emperor Lee Gon is much more in line with the mature, controlled, focused and kind Joseon magistrate Dam Ryeong (from The Legend of the Blue Sea) than the out-of-touch disaster boy chaebols like GJP and KT that rocketed him to global stardom and notoriety.
For instance, TKEM has its hero Lee Gon (LMH) experiencing an epiphany moment of actually understanding and feeling deep empathy for what the female lead is going through—an understanding and an emotion that that utterly evades both GJP and KT (and let’s face it, the majority of kdrama male leads) throughout their entire series.
Do people perhaps hate on LMH in TKEM just as they hated Harrison Ford’s attempt in Regarding Henry to choose projects that artistically interested and challenged him but were found NOT to interest movie goers that rather wanted to see (what they expected from) “a Harrison Ford film”? Is it that viewers wanted to watch (what they expected from) a LMH kdrama?
Had the character of Lee Gon been written and performed as more of a GJP-role would the show’s reception have been more robust and less controversial?
Thankfully, for this viewer, we’ll never have to know.
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You cannot truly address LMH’s return to screens without bringing up TKEM episode one, and the way the writing chose to handle what surely had been incredibly hyped in Korean media (LMH’s return). 
Does LMH storm the screen in the first moments, triumphant? Is his face the first thing we see? Not even close. The show begins in a muddle for viewers, not sure where we are or what’s going on. And then it…doesn’t do much to clear that up. [more on that in a later section] 
Essentially, the show begins in a police interrogation room, during a scene that actually takes place in the penultimate episode of the show. It then proceeds to a seminal event that happened 25 years BEFORE the main timeframe the show operates in. 
Neither of these things involve a visible LMH. IN FACT, it is more than 37 minutes into the first episode before he’s acting on-screen. [Yes, I know he’s shown in a 10 second lightning flash right before the show’s 4 minute mark—but that’s blink-and-you’ll-miss-it, and barely even counts as an amuse-bouche.]
When we do see LMH as the grown Lee Gon (a child actor having portrayed him for the prior 37 minutes), if a viewer is holding entitled golden boys GJP and KT in their mind, it changes their potential reading of Lee Gon’s entire introduction to us as king. The humorous sniping between him and Court Lady Noh over getting married and producing an heir might take on a (misinterpreted) nasty edge, if one is predisposed to expect LMH to portray an temper-tantrum-throwing male character of great wealth whose character arc is to redeem him from his bratty nature through finding the love of an average good woman [Hint: that’s not at all what’s going on here.]--if that’s what a viewer showed up for, they’re going to have those expectations disappointed. And if they can’t shed them, they are going to hate this show.
...to be continued in Part II  “Subtitles? More like Sub-par-titles“
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5ds-sub-vs-dub · 2 years
Sub vs Dub Notes
Prior to the actual reviews, I want to take a moment to talk about changes that apply to the series as a whole and don't need to be talked about every single episode because that would just be tedious. These things may still come up as a comment here and there, but won't be addressed in depth every. single. time. There are probably also more than just the these things below, but going into it, these are things I remember off the top of my head.
So let's get in to it!
What's up with the names?
Maybe it's just because I don't watch that many dubs and the ones that I have are slice-of-life explicitly set in Japan rather than the more ambiguous, futuristic city displayed in the Yugioh franchise, but most of the time names are left in tact. So what's up with the localization of Yugioh when it comes to names?
I'm sure it's mostly because of the younger target audience, but let's face it: Japanese names pronounced by English speakers are butchered a lot. (This is true for any name spoken by a non-native speaker for the most part and doesn't just apply here, but I will digress before I end up going on a long tangent about one of the reasons for this happening in particular here is because Japanese names stress the first vowel and English names stress the second more often than not.) I can absolutely understand why names like Mikage and Ushio were changed for that reason.
In a similar vain, I'm sure Aki with an English pronunciation would sound more like an adult telling their toddler not to put something in their mouth because its "ucky (yucky)" so, uh, yeah, I definitely also get adding that extra syllable, as well as changing her surname to something more easily pronounceable. Additionally, considering the fandom at large can't even decide if the twins' names should be spelled as "Rua and Ruka" or "Lua and Luka" (the official subs take the latter), that change also makes a ton of sense, and in both cases the names ended up honestly being very similar anyway (which isn't always the case, see the change from "Saiga" to "Blister", lol).
The thing is, they can get away with it without causing a huge problem since not all the names in the original are Japanese anyway, so these types of changes for localization don't stick out or really detract from the content in any way.
But then you have Godwin. Like, hey, 4kids, that's an honest-to-goodness real surname. Quick google search gave me a dude who plays football and a gymnast, both with that surname. It's not a weird name. It's not even a hard-to-pronounce-for-foreigners Japanese name. So why on God's green earth did they feel the need to add that extra 'o'? It baffles me. It was unnecessary.
Moving on.
Similarly, there are the names of cards. All card names are the official names from the game, which means some of them differ depending on the version. Which, in some cases with the sub, is actually annoying because monsters like Red Demon's Dragon are already in English but the subtitles still say "Red Dragon Archfiend" because, ya know, that's what the card name actually is here. That aside, I will not be pointing every card that's name is different between the version because there are A Lot.
Characters and Personalities
I'm just gonna say it: some of the dub characters are entirely different characters from their sub counterparts.
This, I feel, is most noticeable with Yusei. Please understand, I don't dislike either one. I saw the dub first so dub!Yusei is the one I originally fell in love with! I love snarky characters, and I am a very pun-y person myself, and it makes for good humor! But dub!Yusei's snark and puns are vastly different to sub!Yusei's quiet stoicism. Now that I'm an adult, I appreciate sub!Yusei in a different way than I loved dub!Yusei initially as a teenager, in part because as an autistic adult, I see more autistic-coding in sub!Yusei than in dub!Yusei. Neither one is worse or better than the other, but they are very different.
This is less noticeable in other characters, but other characters definitely fall into this still as well. Ushio, for example, has an entirely different start with Yusei depending on which one you watch and that affects their character interactions -- I have an entire post in the works on main and I'll talk a little about it in the review so I won't go into detail right now on that, though. Jack, as well, has more of a change than just his accent to the point that I can tell which character version is being referenced when I read fanfiction based on how the dialog plays out, even when all sub names are being used.
To a certain extent, I'd say that most -- if not all -- of them have at least a noticeable change between the two versions. Some of these changes are small enough to be negligible, but many of them are quite noticeable.
(This will definitely be brought up in reviews in terms of changes made to dialog but I wanted to throw this out as a general point first, anyway.)
Thought bubbles
This...may only be true of the first two arcs. I have not seen the dub, save for a handful of random episodes, since it aired in 2008 to 2011. But it seems to me that most of the dialog presented as thoughts in the dub is original to the dub. I watched the first episode not that long ago and I know it's true for that episode at the very least. I feel like there are more "thought bubbles" in the sub from the third arc on, but basically any thoughts from the first two arcs you can probably assume don't exist in the sub. (There are a few, but there are very few.)
These will get commented on in reviews but only if it's a relevant or drastic change and I will not be pointing out every single one that is not present in the sub. Because that would be tedious.
The soundtracks are vastly different. Generally speaking, the music is much less noticeable in that the volume is much quieter. I do not know why this is, it just is. I am not going to comment on the differences in score because that would be every score and I honestly don't really notice the dub score overly much when I'm watching anyway. (The sub score, on the other hand, can actually be distracting at times. Not because of volume, though; just because it's so freaking good. And because of the volume it's more noticeable. But I digress.)
Thanks for reading, and please stay tuned for the review of episode one on Monday, August 8th!
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taekooktimeline · 4 years
May 15 ~ 23, 2020:
BTS film Run episodes 126-127. This was days before the filming of Soop. 
Episode 126 starts with Tae and Hobi revealing the pictures selected to serve as their punishment for losing a previous game. Joon wonders what Tae will showcase and Tae tells them to guess.
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On the other hand, with apparent privileges, Jk announces that he’s already seen it and gives the rest a clue.
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Jin recalls a memorable incident and asks: “red glasses?” -
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Jk confirms -
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Jin goes “ahhh, it must be”, clearly having a moment of realization since he also had to guess, unlike Jk.
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They start explaining what happened. Everyone was familiar because he accidentally posted the pic on twitter.
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(Timestamp 1:18; Link ep 126: http://www.vlive.tv/video/233369)
In episode 127, a lot of the members struggled with rolling the hoop. Tae mentioned earlier that he had done this before, so, after succeeding himself, he stepped in to explain to Jk how to best complete this mission. He asked him if he got the hang of it, saw he did well, and left them on their own to proceed with the decathlon, Joon and Jin still struggling as they threw the hoop flying across the room and “fished” it.
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Tae makes sure he’s good to go -
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(Timestamp 12:20 ) 
Once Jk completed what they thought was the last mission, he got excited to go home. Jimin then tried to make eye-contact with him to send him an indirect message, or reminder, but he was having a hard time due to Jk stumbling and being in a hurry to exit the small space. Jimin stuttered while saying “let’s go home”, in plural form.
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Jk says his goodbyes with confidence -
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This prompts Jimin to call out his name and directly tell him to wait for him. He pulls at his ear while doing so - which could be a sign of unease and being worried about Jk’s behavior and the unfolding of events.
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(Timestamp 21:07)
Despite the request, Jk is still occupied thinking about how he could’ve “gone home” sooner than Yoongi if he had done it just a tiny bit faster, which tells us that he was excited about beating the rest rather than going home soon. As explained below, he had to wait for Jimin either way.
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On the way out, Jin - who owns an apartment in BTS’ dorm complex - catches up to Jk and casually offers to leave the building together, meaning it was a reasonable option and a real possibility under normal circumstances.
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He’s met with a lamenting “Aaayy” as Jk cries out in humorous despair. He wished he could say yes and get off already.
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Jin then begins to knowingly and animatedly affirm “It’s this!” mixed with “Aaah”s of realization. Jk confirms.
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An amused Jk let’s us know that the situation is so obvious and planned out that they were able to read each other’s minds. Jin isn’t part of the suspected plot so he doesn’t necessarily need to be informed of the details in terms of execution and timing, but he certainly has to be aware of the general plan of showcasing that Jimin and Jk live together, separate from the rest (whether that’s strictly true or not).
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They talk in code, per se. The wording changes from “it’s this” to “it’s that''. Jin probably meant that “this” situation was part of “that” plan, and used these words interchangeably.
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Jk groans, expressing some level of annoyance / sorrow -
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Jin continues making a show out of it, acting silly and bringing a smile to Jk’s face. This is reminiscent of the time Tae said “we can’t be friends” in Taekook’s recent vlive and they both laughed. Jin changes the verb tense and says “it was that?” –we suspect referencing Jimin’s request.
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(Behind the scenes: https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x7z410v, Timestamp 3:48) 
Jk sticks to the plan and waits.
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(Timestamp 26:25)
When Tae and Jimin compete to decide who’ll go home sooner, Jk implies he’s rooting for Jimin because they are heading to the same place, unlike Tae. At least that’s what they want everyone to clearly understand. The point is that, regardless of what their actual living situation is like, even if it hypothetically were to be true - this was the start of their multiple efforts to highlight that Jikook were each other's only flatmates. The authors must remind the readers we do not know the exact living situation of the members and are open to any and all scenarios. Jikook are very close friends and could live together, taking into account Taekook’s restrictions. However, based on some events mentioned further down this paragraph, we speculate this run moment is highly showcased and planned with the intention of furthering the closeting strategy with taekook, as many would think it’s incompatible with them being a couple. After all, Jk could’ve shared a car with Jin. Keep in mind this was the month the strongest closeting strategies were put into effect (tk’s “awkward” vlive, jikook’s living situation, Soop’s “reconnecting” talk...). Additionally, BTS’ first contract was about to be replaced by the new one and, apart from that, dispatch started to act hostile towards the group, although it didn’t last long. BH could have been trying to cut ties with the dreaded magazine responsible for exposing celebrities, but it didn’t go well and kept relations ongoing later in the year. These strategies must’ve still been helpful though. 
Jk awkwardly exaggerates his body movements while saying the next sentence:
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Tae loses. Captions -
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(Timestamp 30:40)
Tae is last in the group and has to spell out BTS in dominoes before going home. Jk checks up on Tae while Jimin changes his outfit.
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Without being asked, he gives him tips and describes how he should do it.
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Tae suddenly asks him to do it for him.
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Jk complies without protest.
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Jk and Jimin end up staying to help. Tae even takes advantage and quickly changes clothes while the other two work on the dominoes. 
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(Timestamp 33:56)
Once back, Tae joined them on the task while supporting his weight next to Jk’s inner thigh.
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As Tae finishes the task and gives his ending speech to the camera, Jk runs his fingers through his hair, playfully trying to hide a domino in it.
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Jk then accidentally drops the domino, almost causing the hard work to collapse. Tae pauses in his speech to share a bright, fond smile with Jk. Tae coos something to him, though subtitles don’t pick it up (some say he said “did you?”. Sara hears 괜찮아 = Gwaenchana= “it’s fine”).
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Tae then proceeds to run his hand up and down Jk’s inner thigh, going way up his thigh. The movement is a soothing one and could be read as “It was a close call, but it’s fine. Just be careful”.
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(Timestamp 34:47)
Close up -
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Closer -
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Tae starts slapping Jk’s thigh loudly. You can see his arm moving, and the sounds, though you can’t actually see the action.
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(Timestamp 35:09) 
Thread for reference - https://twitter.com/tkkfrvr/status/1356588457779372033?s=21 
The maknae line all join hands in solidarity. Tae’s luck was at stake. 
Jimin initiates the gesture in support of Tae, who in turn asks for Jk’s hand. The youngest intertwines it with his, but they change the approach to turn it into a group hand hold, which momentarily confuses Jk and it’s the reason his hand searches for Tae’s -
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Group hold -
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(Timestamp 36:00)
Sadly, the dominoes didn’t fall all at once, so Tae stayed overtime. Jimin tells him he loves him before leaving with Jk.  This goodbye was given a main focus, making it a successfully completed mission. The narrative was being set.
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(Timestamp 36:35; 36:55)
Link episode 127: http://www.vlive.tv/video/234891 
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