#also also more dungeons let's gooo <3
paris-in-flames · 8 months
Armadillo sweep let's gooo!!!!
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chucktaylorupset · 4 months
9 People to Get to Know Better (Tag Game)
tagged by @immortaljailor thanks for tossing me a free one, badumtss
3 ships you like:
Kabru x Laius Touden (Dungeon Meshi) Autistic narrative foils who fuck. One is a blond bombshell of a knight and the other is a short king (well, not literally, but). I love ships where one is like, internally tearing apart their mental furniture about their dick getting them into this situation, and the other one is like hee hoo i love you!
Keeley Jones x Roy Kent x Jamie Tartt (Ted Lasso) Everyone here is hot and prone to hilarious stupidity. Roy is almost definitely internally screeching about willingly sticking his dick in Jamie.
Louis de Pointe du Lac x Daniel Molloy (Interview With the Vampire (TV)) Listen. Listen I know the entire point of this show is that Louis does not get better with every old man he hooks up with. I know that. But hear me out: third try's the charm
First ship ever:
This memory could not be retrieved. If you go in my blog archive, Cassian Andor x Bodhi Rook (Rogue One) is there pretty early tho
Last song you heard:
all eyes on me - bo burnham transposed to his original voice the way this hits different than the original haunts me
Favorite childhood book:
Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Waterson I don't know which volume, we owned a lot when I was growing up, but my dad would read them to me and my sister, and he would do voices. It made reading the hamster huey and the gooey kablooey comic very meta. The irony is I was very much a Susie growing up, and now I am nearly ideologically identical to Calvin. I did like the jokes, but also I just really liked Hobbes because he was a tiger.
Currently reading:
TCGF book 1 recommended by @sidecharactersdomatter, just want to be able to hang out in the same fandom/narrative spaces Babel by R.F. Kuang, given to me by a friend
Currently consuming:
Dungeon meshi anime, the magnus protocol kinda? I'm behind on both. I have a bunch of series I have ADHD wandered away from like the Bear s2, despite it being very good. I have entered the workforce and the things I do has decreased to focus on facillitating that. It is very sad.
Currently craving:
More Labru. More blonde bombshell knight bottoming. I know the labru fandom has mercifully universally agreed that the tall one gets to be the bottom this time, but I need more! (i have more, i just lack the mood and the willpower to write. i should probably post the concepts as bullet fics)
we're going to my extended family's soon for a belated lunar new year and i wanna eat my ba ngoais curry and the family egg rolls. let's GOOO
my mood's been in a gully lately but i wanna get back to the part where i'm ENERGIZED and DOING THINGS and it's not SO FUCKING COLD OUTSIDE
@sidecharactersdomatter, @fratgrl, @unbenchthekench @captainjonnitkessler @liesmyth @belovedblabber @professorsparklepants @twyrrinren @dabidagoose and anyone else who wants to join in!
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Oh, top five boss fights? Like, the whole experience - gameplay, narrative, and the character(s) in question all taken together
HHHOH BOY this is interesting sdnff mostly i have. SO many bossfights i adore, so with just one (1) exception i could literally write so many other ones here let's gooo
spoilers obv
5. hehe doing this like a real top 5 so starting with 5 buuuuut I'd say Reflux from Rayman 3, and after some thoughts I decided to go for the final boss rather than his first fight. Rayman final bosses are always a little underwhelming to me, but this one REALLY gives everything it got. you're going against a god and it SHOWS, it's a continuing growth and each phase makes things more threatening. Big Love for this one and hint hint it's exactly why i love #1 so much so :^3c
4. Pontiff Sulyvahn in Dark Souls 3. I was this 👌 close to put the Abyss Walkers because, to be fair, with Artorias I think it's the most emotional fight in the series, and if it was just for that I'd totally put them here, but. b u t. Sulyvahn is one of the VERY few real bad guys in the series. His influence is seen in so many areas and even in other bosses, and taking him down makes me feel like I'm actually putting an end to someone who fucking deserves to have his ass kicked.
3. ohhhh I was so close to put KH1 Riku/Ansem in here, ppl who played it know which one I'm talking about, you'll never take kairi's heart yadda yadda, or final Xehanort in KH3, but. Listen. Listen. I waited for YEARS to play as Kairi, and when I do I actually get to actually super murder the one asshole who's been ruining everyone's lives? As my daughter who deserves to kill murder and maim??? Yeah it's Armored Xehanort in KH3Re:Mind. Go queen give us everything
2. ofc I'm gonna put Gehrman from Bloodborne here. It's left pretty vague of why he's an antagonist, but from what I got he's. Pretty much the reason anything happened, even if it's not out of malevolence but just as an act of desperation. Taking him down feels right not only for Yharnam, but for him, too. He deserves to rest, and maybe it's just me but in Bloodborne I find battles with other hunters to be much more engaging than the beast battles, as much as I adore them too. Like the Moon Presence and Mergo's Wet Nurse are ok final bosses but Gehrman is just. So good. It's so good it actually made me walk through the entire fight, bow down when it started and kind of "mimic" him, using two-handed weapons and special moves only when he did too. It had to be a fair fight between hunters at the same level.
1. this is the only one I wouldn't change at all and. Kefka in FFVI. The whole thing. Starting from the very bottom until you reach him, it's such a good crescendo, especially considering the final dungeon in itself is already SO long and difficult and. idk fighting not to stop someone, but to put an end to his domination is so good. the series often puts the character against gods, but I feel like FFVI really nailed it. Eps with the whole "if someone dies they're replaced by someone else" thing going on, it really makes you feel like every single character you grew to love through the game is giving their all and it slaps. Also I still think that Dancing Mad is THE best final boss theme in anything, it's just so good. Literally the cherry on top of one of the best games out there
SPECIAL MENTIONS: Muggshot in Sly 3, Keiki in Touhou 17, Kuja (any fight, really) in FFIX and Emperor Griffin in Dark Chronicle
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simuran · 3 years
Varya, baby, it's valentine's day so you should have seen this coming: say good and positive things about your favourite ships 💖🌹
Ooooh, that’s an interesting one! Let’s gooo!!!
HarlIvy - the absolute perfection of friends-to-lovers genre, plus the whole let’s-burn-the-world-together-(or-at-least-the-parts-we-don’t-like) schtick is amazing. Fanfics where Ivy helps Harley to beat the Joker black and blue make me soft 😌 Kudo for being canon!
Frostiron - usually has the best Loki hurt/comfort there is. The jokes are endless. Also love it when they create something scientific+witchy together. The height difference makes for hilarious fanart sometimes. Generally speaking, frostiron fandom provides me with happy Loki the way no one else does, bless them for it. I also enjoy the headcanon that Loki was Tony’s bi awakening, because it’s fucking hilarious
Frostshield - mhm, the slow burn of learning to trust each other... Nice
Thorki - Very Hot. So much passion, this fandom has The Best PWPs
Though basically any mlm ship that comforts Loki will do (because I firmly headcanon MCU!Loki as gay, it’s a long story why).
Natasha/Sharon - basically lives in my head only, if there is a fandom, I wasn’t able to find it. But Natasha learning to form relationships with a woman she won’t be made to kill... Sharon not fully trusting her at first but being able to see past her crimes and reputation... Yes 😌 (Also Sharon telling Peggy about this annoyingly hot Black Widow, and Peggy DYING internally, because wow, some things are sure genetic. Like, for example, the weakness for these shady spy ladies sksksks)
Natasha/Yelena Belova (from comics) - the tension! the jealousy! the resent! the hatred! the sympathy! the understanding the way no one else could! the shared trauma! the growth! the affection! Queens <3 Who does it like them <3 <3 <3
Natasha/Nakia - again, haven’t seen much of a fandom, but the potential of jaded, bitter, and cagey postCivilWar!Natasha vs hopeful yet not naive and very loving Nakia is enormous. I just wanna read a slow burn of them on a long spy mission having philosophical debates about Truth, and Lies, and Purpose, and The Nature Of Humanity. I’d read it even if it’s gen!
We need More Natasha in femslash, is what I’m saying, and not just Natasha/Pepper as a background for stony (even though it is lovely)
Yennefer/Geralt (The Witcher) - because Yen Deserves Nice Things. I wasn’t awfully interested in Geralt for most of the show (they really should've introduced the tragic backstory earlier, it kinda hooked me), but he made her smile so sweetly 💜💜💜 Also can’t believe that I’ve finally fallen hard for a m/f ship that’s supposed to be the endgame sksks
Nomi/Amanita (Sense8) - as my tag for them states, The Relationship Goals. The way they support each other unconditionally and make each other so happy is extremely heart-warming. Kudo to writers who knew how to write an established couple entertainingly without breaking them up.
Parker/Hardison/Eliot (Leverage) - what’s to say what hasn’t been said before? Found Family soulmates, who Are Gay and Do Crime together
The Old Guard:
Andy/Nile - Very Hot. I haven’t yet found any PWPs, and I am Disappointed
Andy/Noriko (from the comic) - I’m probably gonna write a bit more about them later in a post with highlights from the second mini-series, but I’m just 💔💔💔 they 💔💔💔
Andy/Quynh - the dungeon scene just broke me, okay, it broke me.
Andy/Achilles (her late boyfriend from the comic) - he 😖 made her want to live again 😖 but then 😖😖😖 she had to leave him 😭😭😭 10/10 heartbreak, would recommend
(I love suffering in The Old Guard fandom, okay)
Phew, done! I thought about including my fave platonic ships, but this has gotten way too long already 😂
Thank you so much for the ask, Giada, I had enormous fun! I love talking about fandom things that make me happy, it seems 😄
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chibi-encubierta · 4 years
Trials of Mana, Session 7: “Benevodon Rush!”
Apparently Tumblr ATE the real session 7 post I made past Sunday...  It is not published nor in the Drafts or Queue.... weird.... Luckily I got  half of the text because I write some notes on paper, save screenshots and then make the post :D So... I’ll write everything I can remember of this session again (UUUGGGGHHHHH I HATE YOU TUMBLR!!) ===============
My brother told me that this part was “pretty fast” as the dungeon were ultra short and there is no need to grind for anything at all, that he just escaped every single battle after lvl 42, So here we go! Let’s see if I can beat them all in one sit.   - In the end I decided to go with Land Umber first because I hate poison damage so much and those slimes are the worst... I hate them!!!
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Woah, pretty! Don’t take me wrong but it would be more pretty if the gems were different colored. you know, like a rainbow :D, still like this.
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...Mmmm I wonder if Defense Down+ Lighting Saber+ Werewolf Kevin can... YEP THE BENEVOLON DIED IN LIKE 6 HIT! (is this hard mode?) And finally got 2 “??? seed”!! I'm lvl 42 and still cannot change class because I didn’t have these damn seeds. Well  just my luck, got items for the classes I don't want hahahaha
Now let’s go for Fiegmund!
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Aaaaand is down! (Same Strategy: Defense Down+Fire Saber+Werewolf Kevin) =============== - Already got to lvl 44... I need  more “??? seeds” right now... Probably going to grind them because I got all the items for the classes I don't want! (the 3 of them!) . .. ... ...... Ok, finally got all the items I wanted, time to class change!... AT LVL 48 OMG!!
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Dragon Master, Fatal Fist and (smol Satan) Sage. Oooohhhhh yeaaaaahhh
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Just posing with the fresh team before this place get totally destroyed. I love my team :D
And now more Benevodons, This time lets go for Xan Bie!!!
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(I never expected this one to be a screamer... Welp is some kind of bird soooo) aaand the same strategy works again! (defense down+ Ice saber+Punch it like there is no tomorrow with Beast form, now this has become easier with the extra combo given with the class and saber to all of the Sage)
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Same Kevin! I cant wait to kick Deathjester Goremand so hard into whatever hole he came out from Mavolia since the part he almost ate Kevin pure cinnamon roll soul (thanks again Ludgar). ===============
mmmm... I want to go for the Lightgazer now, you know, a real challenge without a saber against it, lets do it!!
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The puppy likes places with environmental enrichment, cute af!!!
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Ugggh I hate that this one heals itself, turns you into cute moogles... And does light saber on your party, luckily I got a Sage for... WHAT DO YOU MEAN THIS TUMOR IS INMUNE TO FIRE!!?? aHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH oh, is dead, nice four more to go!!
=============== - Time for those Damn Damn Drums again. WOOOOOOOO!!! I love what they did with the Woods of Wonder!! Mixing sidescroll with normal ma....OHH already reached Mispolm!!? Nice, time to beat it.
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I just love how in almost every cutscene of the God Beasts Kevin has a serious face >:(  but then he says something like this! I just can’t express enough how he is the biggest cinnamon roll of the game (and can actually kill you). Already did a separated post about this when I was playing, hahahha Kevin want to eat this Pumkin... aaand he ate it :D
=============== - I really don't know if I picked a broken op team with this combo, remember how to play this too well or just have overleveled for this part at all, anyway...
Next Benevodon.... mmmm..... Dangaard!!! Sure why not Lets gooo gogoo! (Is kinda cool that I don’t have to repeat the entire Corridor of wind and can just skip to the boss room).
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I love how Flammie here went from >:)
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to  ^w^, she is just the cutest, just lovely. Lvl 54...okeeey... I might be a little bit too overleveled for this part?.... That was... fast and easy; And I have not even unlocked attack saber II yet!!  Ups!? I blame de “??? seeds” for this. =============== 
That leaves Dolan and Zable Fahr left for a beatdown, but for you-know-what-reasons, it is time for Dolan!!!
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(I’m still totally biased how this Benevodon have one exclusive theme but the rest just some other bosses themes)
Wow this was a hard battle!!! I liked the battle overall, and avoiding attacks was difficult!! Only one left... And I just noticed I NEVER bought anything of the NEW equipment from Josephine and Chikeeta OMG!! (only pre upgrade)
- Time for another place with Damn Damn Drum !!!
like, have you noticed how many times this Melodie appears in the game? Including the part of the prologue with Hawkeye??? I’m not complaining I love that theme and I also know they wanted to keep this as a 1:1 Remake but I think they could have changed this one Damn Damn Drum with “Illusionary Fragment” as both: A prelude to “Ancient Dolphin” and a “cameo/easter egg” of Heroes of Mana, but then I remember:
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will put this one on a separate post. ===============
Time to go to Pedda!!
hahahhaha... You don't know how hard was this with no instructions reach the city (I always flew away to other cities to restore the team), now faerie literally goes "GO TO SLEEP IN PEDDA" hahaha!
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Dude, let me tell you the forbidden story of how Pedda got destroyed and you are actually dead. - Wait there is no seed pot in the Pedda Inn??? Why?? - I bought weapons and armors from the kitties... and now IM BROKE AF!!! No money for Pedda equipment. =============== Aaanywayy TO THE JUNGLE OF VISIONS WITH NOT NEW EQUIPMENT!!! WOOOOT! I think it is really cute how Kevin tells Charlotte that he will help her to save Heath.
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Hello darkness my old friend 🎵 Im not scared, not like the first time I played this game so many years ago.
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NOPE NOPE NOPE NOPE NOPE NOPE                              
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                                     DARKNESS INTENSIFIES
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THIS IS FINE, THIS IS TOTALLY FINE (not even the spawn of Satan was spared).
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fgfghjjjfgkj!!! Second game over of the playthrough! This is what happen when you get distracted pressing “Ctrl+Print Screen” and let go the controller. =============== I think this was the  entire post. Hope that this time Tumblr doesn’t eat it. Next Session: “We will actually buy the new Armour and Weapons before the Rematch with this God-Beast”
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mushuzen-blog · 7 years
moo-shoe review: royal survival contestants!
well well.. guess who’s back from saving china, i mean south korea!! it’s ya bicc boi aka big daddy mushu on the stage~ i figured i’ve been missing out on a lot so i decided to run a marathon on the first three episodes on the royal survival, seems like there’s a load of beautiful girls who are trying to make their dreams country.. hummmmm this is me when i first saw so jisub tryna put these girls down!! like are you serious you big balonga?? we get it that you’re some big kind of c e o but you ain’t tryna play the role of big daddy.. THAT’S MY ROLE!@#^%$^
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see that big ol’ fat angry mean statue right here? that’s so jiseob.. jisub.. geez sub, whatever you say his goddamn name!! ffs
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i’m the big dragon here! anyways let’s start.. with ma big opinions for a small lizard.. (don’t call me that!!) i’m a dragon.
ahn hyojin (elly) - trainee for one year, three months
wOOW look at this beaut-i’m at loss for words at her talent but she apparently seems to be a scandalous girl? issues with texting bUT YA KNOW WHAT?? i like this girl cause she gives me the vibe she likes to be who she is and don’t give a f*ck. i think she’s pretty badass and gives me the vibe that she’s just not like your ordinary idol. she’s an all-rounder, i’ve grown fond of elly! her rapping flow entices me, she spits dragon fire when she raps. ooo~~
jegal seoyoung - trainee for eight months
she has these cute cheeks and this girl has a lot of cuteness to her.. she seems like she could go on variety but there should be more to her personality than just looking.. cute? i think she gives me that natural kind-of vibe you wouldn’t find elsewhere, like she’s a down-to-earth girl and not just trying to show off. she’s who she is and she does her best at being naturally cute but would i say she’s more of a vocalist or dancer? she’s a decent dancer but not like jazz (HOT MAMA CAN WORK THOSE HIPS, THEY dON’T LIE LIKE SHAKIRA OH MA LORDE!!) i mean.. jazz dances really well cause ya’know, jazz! but her voice doesn’t captivate me like jihyun or dawon would.
jo eunae (bekah) - trainee for nine months
ooo this girl is different!! she’s a cali girl and that’s cool, you stay cool like the cool weather in cali! she seems to be a strong candidate. man i think jisub’s bringing these girls down with their confidence but i like how strong and fierce eunae is. i’m curious what else what she can bring in the potluck! too many girls in this show are so quiet that i’m starting to fall asleep in my tomb.. liek the time my ancestors were nagging to me about how i don’t clean the pagoda and stuff. need more girls that are lively like eunae, yeah!! btw you rock that eyeliner girl #slay
jung soojung - trainee for one year
i think she’s the youngest but she seems to have the most mature vibe from the girls, she’s pretty bland and boring though. i think she was a lot better on the mgas than now, seems like she’s just pulling through. she’s got a great voice, not going to lie and she can dance just fine but there’s something off about her. the ice princess isn’t doing so well.. so far. she shone brighter a year ago but it seems like these girls are have the extreme limelight than she is hMMM WORK ON YA VIBE GIRL, YOU NEED TO SING MORE THAN JUST BALLADS! ffs
kim seolhyun - trainee for one year
she’s.. on this show oh waOW WHAT A HOT MAMA! i think she was on a dating scandal with somebody named.. bacon? oh yeah i remember bacon, that old greasy bacon be doin’ something with this rare beauty named seolhyun. she’s really different from the other girls, she’s really good at what she does and is versatile but there’s something i was expecting more from miss seolhyun. i can’t say i’m too impressed but i’m not disappointed either. i think i have to see more from her, she has almost the same vibes from the mgas and bIGGG DADDDY NEEDS MORE FROM YA LIKE.. werk that body girl. seolhyun works out yee, you can tell. she’s got the bod, the face, and the visuals. hot damn
kim yubin - trainee for three years
she’s another rapper.. what happened to the other rappers? i feel like there should’ve been more rappers but there’s only like 2.. or 3? THERE’S SO MANY VOCALIST IN THIS SHOW AND they’re mostly quiet personalities hOLY HELL?? i heard she’s been in many scandals.. damn these rappers don’t joke mang. they’re pretty headass, so cool!! suspicious and scandalous just makes everything interesting. she has the personality of queen b, but i think i’ve expected more from yubin than you know.. what she does cause she is a triple threat for a reason. at least, from what i’ve heard? am i missing out on something? ALSO I’M DIGGING THAT TAN GIRL YOU GOOO!!
lee jieun (jazz) - trainee for two years, four months 
SNDFOISNFOISDNF!@#$%#^% SO JISUB YOU COW HOW DID THE BEST DANCER OF THE SHOW GET ELIMINATED? she’s one of royal’s gemstones!! are you flippin’ serious you whoohaA? i’m so mad!! this girl doesn’t deserve to be treated like this. seriously, she was complimented so much and only to be eliminated and walk away? i’M CRYING ON MY TOMBSTONE, i can’t take this no not my heart.. JAZZ WHY?! 
lee jihyun - trainee for three years
wow.. jisub are you saying jihyun is predictable? okay um.. hold on, give her voice some praise more than you’re putting her down. she’s been loyal to royal and you’re just going to treat her out like that? come on man.. you’re not fair towards these girls at all. you sleep on some of these girls and you neeDA STOP THAT. istg mnet’s new cow is you!! jihyun has amazing technique and beautiful vocal prowess. it looks like if she was to ever debut, she’d be the leader despite how you say she’s predictable with her performances. okay, for three years you’ve had her, why don’t you cherish her more? >> 
lee soohyun - trainee for two years 
she’s definitely cute but her looks apparently don’t match your regular idol type.. i think that’s the sweetest thing about her, she’s unique and not just some plastic surgery butchered-beauty. i’m glad she’s the way she is, she’s a sweethEART AHH YOU REMIND ME OF MULAN WHEN SHE WAS A LITTLE GIRL!! my heart is melted she’s too sweet *sniffle sniffle* her voice sounds lovely too!
manoban lalisa (lisa) - trainee for eight months
jisub says that this girl doesn’t have all-rounded abilities and that she doesn’t do what she does precisely.. well he’s wrong, i think she’s one of the most hard-working girls out there and she deserves more credit than what gee-sub gives her. lisa, you deserve to shine bright for who and what you are!! keep up that charisma girl, you’re more than just a pretty face as he says! if she was put in a girl group, she’d have the greatest variety personality.. like she just appeals the audience so much.
nam dawon - trainee for one year
oo.. another quiet girl? she seems really quiet but like.. she’s just there? i wish i got to see more of her. not gonna lie but she has a pretty voice but like soojung, she just seems too quiet beyond belief. she’s shy and there’s nothing wrong with that bUT I WISH THESE VOCALISTS were a little more out there!! like.. she’s a sweetheart but we need spicy fire on the show. i love her technique, she seems like a very strong singer.
park chaeyoung - trainee for eight months
i’d have to say that rose is like a rose, beautiful and one of my favourite flowers! i remember the days scrollin’ through her instagram and twitter (okay i’m kind of a stalker) AND SHE HAD THIS BEAUTIFUL ORANGE HAIR THAT WAS LIKE A FIREY BREATHING DRAGON! rose has earned her place as one of my favourites. i can’t wait for her to play the guitar and sing! her voice is unique and what’s even more awesome is she’s from australia! ooo dat accent got me like #waowgirl
yang jiwon - trainee for three years
she’s been training for so long and hasn’t debuted yet? was she in trc’s dungeon for the longest time ever? i’m not going to label these girls as “backstabbers” but some of them have been training so long with high hopes and dreams, only to be let-down by their company. yo this girl is one of the hottest, along with seolhyun. she might not be the best vocalist, but i can’t put ma finger on it, she’s has something special about her! we’ll just have to see it! 
stay tuned for more mushu reviews for episode.. 4! I’M OUT AND REMEMBER THIS SO JISUB, GET ROSE, SOOHYUN, ELLY, JIHYUN OR ANYONE ELSE I LOVE OUT OF THE SHOW, YOUS THE nEW COW OF MNET!! ya stupid piece of cow!!
so jiSEUB i AM YOUR..
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