#also also: goddamn! this is a full sized gorefic!
[arthur found itself dreading sleep mode. but it was told that it had to do this for its mental and physical health, so it braced itself for another nightmare and went into sleep mode.]
[spybot found itself kneeling in front of grey mann, fingers laced as though it was praying to a god]
[it hated this. it hated this with every fiber of its being.]
[grey mann held a remote control. it would only be able to move when he said so, only be able to do what he wanted]
"go on then," he spoke, his smug victoriousness practically tangible "go kill everyone you ever cared about, and then come back to me. i have something special planned for you."
[and so, spybot got up, and it did as it was told, despite everything in it screaming not to, to deck the old man in the jaw and run away.]
[the first place it was forced to go was soldiers room. it found itself cloaked and crawling in through an open window]
[it hoped grey was going for a simple backstab, but no. spybot drove the knife into soldiers arm, forcing it to decloak]
[soldier turned around as spybot pulled the knife out. betrayal flashed across his face, before quickly turning into anger]
"you traitor!"
[all spybot wanted was to say it didnt want to do this, to tell him to kill it because it was being forced to buckle under greys will. but it stayed silent.]
[soldier, unarmed, threw a punch, which spybot dodged with suprising grace given that it was being puppeted by someone who had presumably never done this before]
"i knew you would do this, you commiebot freak!"
[soldier kicked spybot in the groin to little effect. spybot punched his kneecap, shattering it and leaving soldier limping]
[but this did not discourage soldier. spybot wished it would, wished he would just lay down and die quickly so this was as painless as possible.]
[soldier retrived his shovel and swung it at spybot, who dodged.]
[a second swing. spybot grabbed the shovel and snapped it in half, using its half to swiftly lift soldiers helmet and drive the splintered end into his eye, half-blinding him even as it fell to the floor uselessly]
[soldier was stunned for a second, clawing at his eye. spybot took advantage, driving its knife into the shoulder of his shovel arm and slicing through the muscles that allowed him to control that arm, leaving a bleeding stab wound.]
[soldier was half blind, limping, and effectively down an arm, but he did not give up, lunging at spybot and screaming]
[spybot dodged, allowing soldier to ram into the opposing wall]
[quickly, it kicked soldiers good leg as hard as it could, forcing him to buckle and fall to the ground as the bone shattered.]
[spybot flipped soldier over and recived a punch to the face. it did nothing, but still hurt.]
[so spybot broke the rest of his limbs.]
"you motherfucker."
[soldier said the swear with as much hatred as he could possibly muster, and spybot couldnt blame him. as much as it wished it wasnt doing this, it was killing him, and it was doing it painfully]
[even though his limbs were broken and useless, soldier still struggled. spybot could admire that, in a way.
[spybot used its knife to carve soldiers skin, a thousand bleeding cuts soon dancing across his flesh]
[soldier called out for help, a last resort. spybot cut him off, driving its blade into his throat and leaving him to bleed]
[spybot walked until it found a corner where two worlds intersect, the dark sticky feel of janes reality eminating from it]
[it entered, hoping to find itself far, far away from jane, hoping grey would give up on finding him, leaving somebody alive.]
[but no such luck. spybot found itself standing in an open bedroom closet.]
[looking around, jane was clearly visible in the other room through an open door, his back turned to spybot.]
[it didnt want to do this, but it especially didnt want to do this painfully. jane had been through enough.]
[spybot walked into the room with jane, suprising him.]
[jane quickly turned his chair around, pointing a shotgun at the intruder. he lowered the gun when he realized it was just spybot.]
"spybot? how did you get in here?"
[spybot offered no awnser, simply swinging its knife at him]
[the first thing jane did was dodge, rolling backwards]
"you dont have to do this."
[he was trying to reason with spybot. of course he was trying to reason with it]
[it wanted to scream, cry, do anything that would alert jane that it wasnt doing this of its own free will, but its body remained silent]
[the two repeated this process for a while, jane moving around his dodges and trying to reason with spybot.]
[until, eventually, jane raised his shotgun and fired it]
[the shot missed spybot, and it had the feeling that was on purpose. it wished the shot had hit, put an end to this]
"i..i dont want to have to do this."
"you dont have to do this. things will be ok."
[spybot cloaked. it seemed grey was tired of this game]
[jane spun slowly, trying to keep his back away from the spybot]
[he went limp as the knife was driven into his back, just like anyone else]
[spybot guessed that, if he couldnt cause physical pain like the others, the emotional pain was enough for grey.]
[mechanic was next. its body was already stained with blood from its previous two kills.]
[mechanic was sitting in a swivel chair. at the sound of spybots footsteps, he swiveled around, and the first thing spybot saw was the pure fear in his eyes. it wanted to say sorry, give any indication that it didnt want to do this, but nothing came.]
[mechanic was frozen in terror as it grabbed onto his arm and snapped the bone in two, remaining still even as it repeated the process with his other arm and remaining leg.]
[tears began to stream down his cheeks, and spybot stabbed both of his eyes in response. this death would not be painless, either. none of them would be]
[spybot dug its knife into his stomach, not enough to damage anything, but enough to cut the skin open]
[spybot pulled the wound open and began tearing out mechanics organs, mostly haphazardly but making sure to leave the heart and lungs for last. it wanted to throw up.]
[to finish him off, make sure mechanic was completely and utterly dead, it pulled him off the swivel chair, cracked his skull open on the floor, and punched his brain into an unrecognizable pulp]
[spybot wanted to scream. it wanted to cry, and it wanted to throw up. but more than anything, it wanted this to end.]
[but no, there was still one left. otto, its brother. it prayed to whatever god was listening that grey would let this be quick, painless.]
[but of course he didnt.]
[spybot tried to tackle otto, but he dodged out of the way]
[spybot wanted to tell him that he should be terrified, should roll for his life. but of course, it remained silent as it swung its blade at otto]
[spybot danced around otto's dodging, slowly but surely leading him to corner himself]
[it was only then otto realized what was going on.]
[he became visibly distraught as spybot kicked his leg out from under him and stomped on it with all his strength, ]
"..... I TRUSTED YOU."
[spybot couldnt bear to see its brother like this, but it had no choice but to continue watching itself kill him.]
[the first thing spybot did was drive its knife into ottos shoulder and pry a panel off, all while otto struggled.]
[spybot severed the wires connecting its arm to its main body, essentially parylizing it before repeating the process with its other arm]
[otto still writhed, desperately trying to get spybot off of him as it slowly peeled off every plate of his hull, leaving only the faceplate intact]
[his brother was begging for his life, and there was nothing spybot could do as it slowly removed every wire and electronic component from otto's body, leaving only the bare endoskeleton.]
[it tore his still intact head off and began to crush it between its hands] "I STILL L-LOVE YOU..."
[those were the last words out of ottos mouth before he was crushed between spybots hands]
[will broken, spybot returned to grey mann. it hoped it would be dismantled]
[but no, it wasnt so lucky. grey had spybot stand by his side, his personal guard]
[arthur awoke with a start.]
[it lacked the physical equipment to cry, but the wailing and sobbing that came from its mouth sounded for all the world like it]
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