#ooc: btw anyone can reply to these if they want
doublejango · 3 days
So you are smut free or what? You want everyone to be?
Not in the slightest. I love writing smut--once the thread gets us to a point where it makes sense. Then, however in depth you want to go, or however funny, goofy, absurdly kinky, etc, I'm here for it. I just like us to have that character dynamic first, because smut scenes feel really out of place to me without that. If they're anchored in a dynamic, cushioned by plot, then hell yeah, I gotchu, let's do this. But when they're out of the blue, or it feels like someone just keeps pushing me OOC to do it while pretending to be respectful? That's my hard No. Maybe I'm too aroace tbh, but it is what it is.
I don't even mind when blogs feel like a thirst trap. What matters to me is how interacting with the mun leaves me feeling. If they leave me feeling like their "respect" is backhanded bs, like they're always sniping, always pressuring, if I end up feeling drained whenever the topic of smut comes up because there's just some weird vibe there OOC? I'm never going to feel safe writing it with them. Ever. It's kind of funny I guess, because the best way to make sure I never write smut with you is to constantly make it an issue that we're not writing it yet, while pretending to be fine with it. If you want to write smut with me, just let scenes unfold naturally, and I'll happily be a little filth-potato with you. I don't write smut unless I feel comfortable with you. If you make me feel uncomfortable over it? You will never, never be writing that with me.
I can absolutely still care about people without being mutuals with them, and will. They're not bad people or anything, it's just sometimes a bad fit for me. And I absolutely don't want anyone to avoid putting their sin and thirsts on the dash! Do it! It's beautiful! I just need to feel safe when it comes to smut between our babies... and not that vaguely predatory pseudo-safe vibe that some people give, where they'll say it's fine, but then constantly needle and pressure about it, is all.
Sorry for taking so long to reply btw, I had to get some sleep. And I'll be honest, I deleted the rest of the Asks that came in with this one, and seriously thought about deleting this, too. But it seemed fair to answer at least one. Just please, leave it there, yeah?
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[arthur found itself dreading sleep mode. but it was told that it had to do this for its mental and physical health, so it braced itself for another nightmare and went into sleep mode.]
[spybot found itself kneeling in front of grey mann, fingers laced as though it was praying to a god]
[it hated this. it hated this with every fiber of its being.]
[grey mann held a remote control. it would only be able to move when he said so, only be able to do what he wanted]
"go on then," he spoke, his smug victoriousness practically tangible "go kill everyone you ever cared about, and then come back to me. i have something special planned for you."
[and so, spybot got up, and it did as it was told, despite everything in it screaming not to, to deck the old man in the jaw and run away.]
[the first place it was forced to go was soldiers room. it found itself cloaked and crawling in through an open window]
[it hoped grey was going for a simple backstab, but no. spybot drove the knife into soldiers arm, forcing it to decloak]
[soldier turned around as spybot pulled the knife out. betrayal flashed across his face, before quickly turning into anger]
"you traitor!"
[all spybot wanted was to say it didnt want to do this, to tell him to kill it because it was being forced to buckle under greys will. but it stayed silent.]
[soldier, unarmed, threw a punch, which spybot dodged with suprising grace given that it was being puppeted by someone who had presumably never done this before]
"i knew you would do this, you commiebot freak!"
[soldier kicked spybot in the groin to little effect. spybot punched his kneecap, shattering it and leaving soldier limping]
[but this did not discourage soldier. spybot wished it would, wished he would just lay down and die quickly so this was as painless as possible.]
[soldier retrived his shovel and swung it at spybot, who dodged.]
[a second swing. spybot grabbed the shovel and snapped it in half, using its half to swiftly lift soldiers helmet and drive the splintered end into his eye, half-blinding him even as it fell to the floor uselessly]
[soldier was stunned for a second, clawing at his eye. spybot took advantage, driving its knife into the shoulder of his shovel arm and slicing through the muscles that allowed him to control that arm, leaving a bleeding stab wound.]
[soldier was half blind, limping, and effectively down an arm, but he did not give up, lunging at spybot and screaming]
[spybot dodged, allowing soldier to ram into the opposing wall]
[quickly, it kicked soldiers good leg as hard as it could, forcing him to buckle and fall to the ground as the bone shattered.]
[spybot flipped soldier over and recived a punch to the face. it did nothing, but still hurt.]
[so spybot broke the rest of his limbs.]
"you motherfucker."
[soldier said the swear with as much hatred as he could possibly muster, and spybot couldnt blame him. as much as it wished it wasnt doing this, it was killing him, and it was doing it painfully]
[even though his limbs were broken and useless, soldier still struggled. spybot could admire that, in a way.
[spybot used its knife to carve soldiers skin, a thousand bleeding cuts soon dancing across his flesh]
[soldier called out for help, a last resort. spybot cut him off, driving its blade into his throat and leaving him to bleed]
[spybot walked until it found a corner where two worlds intersect, the dark sticky feel of janes reality eminating from it]
[it entered, hoping to find itself far, far away from jane, hoping grey would give up on finding him, leaving somebody alive.]
[but no such luck. spybot found itself standing in an open bedroom closet.]
[looking around, jane was clearly visible in the other room through an open door, his back turned to spybot.]
[it didnt want to do this, but it especially didnt want to do this painfully. jane had been through enough.]
[spybot walked into the room with jane, suprising him.]
[jane quickly turned his chair around, pointing a shotgun at the intruder. he lowered the gun when he realized it was just spybot.]
"spybot? how did you get in here?"
[spybot offered no awnser, simply swinging its knife at him]
[the first thing jane did was dodge, rolling backwards]
"you dont have to do this."
[he was trying to reason with spybot. of course he was trying to reason with it]
[it wanted to scream, cry, do anything that would alert jane that it wasnt doing this of its own free will, but its body remained silent]
[the two repeated this process for a while, jane moving around his dodges and trying to reason with spybot.]
[until, eventually, jane raised his shotgun and fired it]
[the shot missed spybot, and it had the feeling that was on purpose. it wished the shot had hit, put an end to this]
"i..i dont want to have to do this."
"you dont have to do this. things will be ok."
[spybot cloaked. it seemed grey was tired of this game]
[jane spun slowly, trying to keep his back away from the spybot]
[he went limp as the knife was driven into his back, just like anyone else]
[spybot guessed that, if he couldnt cause physical pain like the others, the emotional pain was enough for grey.]
[mechanic was next. its body was already stained with blood from its previous two kills.]
[mechanic was sitting in a swivel chair. at the sound of spybots footsteps, he swiveled around, and the first thing spybot saw was the pure fear in his eyes. it wanted to say sorry, give any indication that it didnt want to do this, but nothing came.]
[mechanic was frozen in terror as it grabbed onto his arm and snapped the bone in two, remaining still even as it repeated the process with his other arm and remaining leg.]
[tears began to stream down his cheeks, and spybot stabbed both of his eyes in response. this death would not be painless, either. none of them would be]
[spybot dug its knife into his stomach, not enough to damage anything, but enough to cut the skin open]
[spybot pulled the wound open and began tearing out mechanics organs, mostly haphazardly but making sure to leave the heart and lungs for last. it wanted to throw up.]
[to finish him off, make sure mechanic was completely and utterly dead, it pulled him off the swivel chair, cracked his skull open on the floor, and punched his brain into an unrecognizable pulp]
[spybot wanted to scream. it wanted to cry, and it wanted to throw up. but more than anything, it wanted this to end.]
[but no, there was still one left. otto, its brother. it prayed to whatever god was listening that grey would let this be quick, painless.]
[but of course he didnt.]
[spybot tried to tackle otto, but he dodged out of the way]
[spybot wanted to tell him that he should be terrified, should roll for his life. but of course, it remained silent as it swung its blade at otto]
[spybot danced around otto's dodging, slowly but surely leading him to corner himself]
[it was only then otto realized what was going on.]
[he became visibly distraught as spybot kicked his leg out from under him and stomped on it with all his strength, ]
"..... I TRUSTED YOU."
[spybot couldnt bear to see its brother like this, but it had no choice but to continue watching itself kill him.]
[the first thing spybot did was drive its knife into ottos shoulder and pry a panel off, all while otto struggled.]
[spybot severed the wires connecting its arm to its main body, essentially parylizing it before repeating the process with its other arm]
[otto still writhed, desperately trying to get spybot off of him as it slowly peeled off every plate of his hull, leaving only the faceplate intact]
[his brother was begging for his life, and there was nothing spybot could do as it slowly removed every wire and electronic component from otto's body, leaving only the bare endoskeleton.]
[it tore his still intact head off and began to crush it between its hands] "I STILL L-LOVE YOU..."
[those were the last words out of ottos mouth before he was crushed between spybots hands]
[will broken, spybot returned to grey mann. it hoped it would be dismantled]
[but no, it wasnt so lucky. grey had spybot stand by his side, his personal guard]
[arthur awoke with a start.]
[it lacked the physical equipment to cry, but the wailing and sobbing that came from its mouth sounded for all the world like it]
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ode2rin · 1 year
by design, you became mine
pairing. mikage reo x gn!reader
genre. fluff & highschool or teenage romance !
warnings/content. 3k+ wc | profanity | mentions of food | timeline is set before blue lock ! | reo and reader is in their sophomore year in highschool | reader is a bit mean to reo (not in an extreme way, just in a normal teenager-y way) and reo is a sore loser in love | and this is me trying the grumpy x sunshine (obv reo) trope ! | half-assed proofread btw | some parts might be ooc reo but it's fine hehe
summary: reo asks you to tutor him after failing an exam in which he oddly looks happy about
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“the teacher said i need to be tutored,” a voice tinged with amusement reached your ears.
looking up, you saw reo mikage standing right in front of you, his million-dollar smile lighting up his face, as he held out a math test paper marked with a big, bleeding red ‘F.’
and for someone who had just allegedly received the lowest score possible on such an important exam, he was definitely grinning a little too much.
“and why should that concern me?” you shot back, hoping to hide your indifference. 
your annoyance seeped into your words, not meant to sound rude, but you craved some peace during your lunch break. hunger gnawed at your stomach, and this interruption wasn't helping.
he shrugged casually, as if the situation were no big deal. if you had received such a grade, you would not be smiling right now, let alone treat this situation nonchalantly. “well, the teacher did mention i could ask anyone. and since you're undoubtedly one of the smartest in the class, it only makes sense to choose you, right?”
with sarcasm making its way to your tongue and translating to your voice, you retorted, “oh, is that so? do you find me worthy of your esteemed company, young master?”
as the son and sole heir of the mikage corp, reo was trained to be an exceptional conversationalist, and there had been only a few instances when he couldn't form a response right away. this one, however, might be the longest he got a cat to get his tongue. reo feels like he’s having a heartburn from your remark, it’s pathetic.
ever so impatient, you, who only wanted to get back to your lunch, beat him to a reply, saying, “what if i refuse?”
quickly recovering from the unexpected turn of events, reo let out a dramatic gasp, “do you not care about my future? what if i don't graduate on time and can't get a job?”
that must be the most bullshit reason you've ever heard from the heir of a business tycoon. you're pretty sure his future is much clearer than any blue sky. but sure, you can play along.
sensing an out-of-place joy in his tone, you raised a brow. was he that thrilled to be tutored?
“i'm sure. now, can i return to my lunch?”
reo's eyes widened a bit as he realized that he was interrupting your meal. hurriedly, he bid you goodbye with a smile.
even with your sarcastic retorts, he walked away, still smiling. his grin was a telltale sign of how much trouble you had just signed up for. 
stupid reo and his stupid, handsome smile.
smiling to yourself, you couldn't help but wonder how he managed to receive such a mark in the first place. you had known him since freshman year (it’s hard not to know him), and you knew that the mikage heir was a born genius. so, could this be a mishap? probably. oh well, he couldn't be so difficult to teach.
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you’re wrong.
reo mikage is the worst fucking student.
not only does he seem uninterested in your explanations, completely disregarding all the equations you painstakingly lay out for him, but he also has the audacity to stare at you the entire time.
with that shit-eating grin that never leaves his face.
sure, he's cute, but right now, he's nothing more than a damn thorn in your side.
“is there something on my face that bothers you this much, or do you simply have the attention span of a goldfish?” you said, frustration evident in your tone.
“you're just a bad teacher, i think,” he quips, smugness dripping from his words.
“and you're the worst student, i'm sure,” you fire back, refusing to let him have the upper hand.
“well, how about you give me an incentive?” reo suddenly exclaims, his excitement evident in his sparkling purple eyes.
“and now you're asking for more as if you're not already taking up too much of my time?” you reply sarcastically, but your words carry no venom.
“come on! if i get a high mark on the next exam, you'll give me your number!” he eagerly proposes, his enthusiasm contagious.
do all rich kids have the tendency to want mundane things? 
“what are you going to do with my number?”
“networking! it's a thing in my world. expanding social circles and all that,” he explains, trying his best to come up with excuses that sound remotely plausible.
reo, well aware of the fact that he can only fabricate bullshit excuses in your presence, hopes he's not being too obvious. unfortunately for him, you see right through it, but it doesn't bother you all that much.
“better show me that A+ then,” you challenge, your expectations clear.
oh, it’s on. he’s going to ace that exam, one way or another. not that it’s actually hard.
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mikage: hello y/n! mikage: do you have some notes from the discussion from yesterday? mikage: hello?
so much for networking.
mikage: and they finally read my messages! the crowd cheers!
what led to this moment is, once again, reo mikage standing in front of you, grinning from ear to ear, eagerly holding out an exam paper marked with what seems to be the biggest A+ you've ever seen.
that was three days ago, and sure enough, he got the incentive he asked for. and in those days, you damn sure experienced the ‘networking’ he speaks of with how often he texts you.
you: yeah, let me just take pictures of it to send you. mikage: NO you: ??? are you yelling at me mikage: i mean no, don’t take pictures of it. i’m a visual learner. i have to see your notes in person.
is he fucking serious right now?
you: and what do you suggest we do about that? it’s saturday, we won’t see each other until monday, genius. mikage: how about i’ll come to your house? you: how about you try asking nagi for notes instead?
after sending your last message, you put your phone down despite it continuously buzzing, signaling reo's discontent with your suggestion. you did a commendable job of ignoring him until he grew tired of sending unread messages and decided to call you instead.
“what?” you answered, picking up his persistent call.
“the probability of nagi having notes is lower than the probability of cows flying ten years from now!” he exclaimed, and begrudgingly, you admit he sure does have a point in that.
sighing into the phone, you reply, “you can't come here, it's a bit busy.”
“we'll meet up then! i can pick you up?” reo suggests eagerly. the ‘q’ in reo mikage sure does stand for ‘quitter’. 
“do you text and call everyone in your networking circle this much?” you ask, slightly amused.
“what do you mean? we're friends!” he protests.
“did i miss a few pages, young master, or did you get hit in the head with a soccer ball and become a bit delusional?” you tease, unable to resist.
“how about you stop being mean to me?” you could almost hear the pout and the mock hurt in his voice.
you can't, not when you get cute reactions from him in return.
you can't help but find his cute reactions entertaining, and you smile at the phone, even though he can't see it.
“i'll think about it,” you concede.
“okay, you have enough time to think about it while i'm on my way to you! bye, see you in a bit,” he says cheerfully before hanging up.
looking at the phone, you wonder when exactly you agreed to this.
stupid reo and his stupid persistence.
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reo is once again in front of you, a scene that has become quite familiar over the course of your friendship.
however, this time you find yourselves in a cozy cafe near your house instead of on the school premises. he’s sitting in front of you, skimming through your notes, probably visually learning, while you sip on the drink he insisted on ordering for you. you gave in, because reo is not a quitter of any sorts. fighting him on the bill is futile and definitely a waste of effort. 
“i’ll pay you back,” you state firmly.
“i asked you here, so i should pay,” reo insists.
“i’ll feel bad.”
“if that’s the case, i guess you can treat me next time?” he suggests with a playful smile.
“you practically dragged me here, and you're already talking about a ‘next time’? you're not being slick, reo mikage,” you retort, not letting him get away with his charm.
“a man could try…” he whispers, hiding his face behind your notes, although you can see his neck turning red.
shaking your head, you shift your attention to the busy street outside the cafe. however, your ears catch the faint hum of a familiar song coming from reo. you know that song — it has been stuck in your head since a famous girl group released their album.
unable to contain your amusement, you chuckle, causing reo to look at you with curious eyes.
still smiling brightly, you remark, “didn’t know you're a fan too,” and laugh once more.
reo, on the other hand, feels starstruck.
he made you laugh for the first time, and was it the prettiest sound he ever heard? it sure is. it feels as if his heart beats in harmony with the rhythm of your laughter. it takes his breath away and brings him back to the present, all at once. it's intoxicating in the best possible way.
once he gets home, he's going to memorize the discography of this girl group. nothing will stop him. he will hum every single one of their songs in your presence.
reo would do that and even more if it means hearing you laugh again. this shouldn't be the last time he gets to experience it.
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you had fun with reo last saturday. 
but right now? you sure don’t.
he’s avoiding you, like a fucking plague. and much to your chagrin, you miss having him around, despite his annoying antics. all with his stupid excuses and stupid grins.
he’s physically avoiding you, but you've noticed him stealing glances at you multiple times during this boring history class, his guilty expression not going unnoticed. it's time to put an end to this charade once and for all.
as soon as the bell rings, you quickly stand up and make your way towards reo before he can leave the classroom. looking around to ensure you're alone, you confront him.
“what’s wrong with you?” you demand.
“what do you mean?” reo feigns innocence.
“you’re avoiding me. you did something, didn’t you? did you spill something on the notes i lent you and you can't bring yourself to tell me?” you accuse, trying to get to the bottom of his strange behavior.
reo wishes it was just that. but it wasn't. it was much worse, to the point that even seishiro nagi called him out on it. and seishiro nagi? a man who couldn't care less about anyone because it's a hassle, calling someone out? you know you messed up if he does.
and reo believes he did.
“you're smiling at your phone too much, ‘s creeping me out,” nagi remarked, looming over reo’s phone.
reo shrugged, trying to hide his excitement. “stop being a hater, nagi.”
curiosity piqued, nagi caught a glimpse of your contact number on the screen. “oh? you finally made a move? about time.”
“i didn’t... they're tutoring me,” reo replied, a hint of sheepishness in his voice.
nagi raised an eyebrow, clearly intrigued. “huh? for?”
“uh, i failed a math exam.”
“you?” nagi chuckled, finding the situation rather amusing. 
“okay, fine, the test paper wasn't mine or anyone’s.”
“normally, i won't give a damn, but tell me about it,” nagi said, genuinely interested.
it was an understatement to say that nagi was borderline amused after hearing reo's story, so amused that he had to unintentionally slap reo with the truth.
“basically, you tricked them. should’ve just said that.”
it's safe to assume that nagi's words had struck their way into reo's mind all throughout that day until now.
once again, and perhaps for the last time, reo stood in front of you. but this time, there was no smile on his lips nor a glint in his big purple eyes. he took a deep breath, gathering the courage to confess.
“no, i didn't spill anything on your notes. but i did something to you,” reo admitted, his voice trailing off. seeing your raised eyebrow, he continued, “i tricked you.”
"i didn't fail any exam. i didn't need tutoring. no teacher told me to approach anyone. the test paper i showed you wasn't mine. i wasted your time, and i..." reo's voice faltered, barely above a whisper, “... tricked you, because i didn't know how to approach you after having liked you since first year.”
reo panned his eyes to the floor, unable to meet your gaze while his heart sank.
he hasn’t even started yet it's done. he should've come clean. he should've just told you he liked you since freshman year. he should've just asked for your number like a proper man. but he was so fucking shy, unbearable to think of being rejected by you. he could only think of coaxing you to talk to him.
and now his own foolishness was paying the price.
it's over. you and him are done for. he's not going to hear your laughter anymore. he won't ever receive a sarcastic retort again. all those moments of bliss, gone —
“i kinda know.”
reo's eyes widened, and he lifted his gaze to meet yours. how?
“did you forget that the teacher congratulated the class for having good results on the exam you showed me? no one got a score below B+, reo. so imagine my surprise when you came, interrupting my lunch, showing me a paper with an f mark claiming you flunked it.”
god damn it, reo mikage.
it's either you're joking or reo just made the most foolish mistake known to mankind. and none of the former is evident in your face. 
he should really pay attention in class, not on your side profile from where he sits across you. 
a grave grave mistake. can the ground swallow him whole? or can someone shoot him —
no, actually, wait a damn minute.
it was as if all the clogs in reo's brain got a huge power-up as he realized something so spectacular.
“then why did you not say anything?”
you... from the start, could've just refused him. if you knew the entire time. so why did you agree to tutor him in the first place? 
perhaps…? no, reo didn't want to get his hopes up.
he shifted his weight from one foot to the other, his nervousness evident in his fidgeting. it was as if he had been caught in a whirlwind of emotions, trying to make sense of it all. the weight of anticipation hung in the air as he waited for your response, his heart pounding in his chest.
and then, you smiled.
you and your stupidly bright smile that feels like a ray of light on a freezing cold skin that reo is having right now.
he really did not want to get his hopes up, but how in the hell would he do that when you just smiled at his question?
“what does that smile mean?”
“well, it means that maybe you're not the only scheming lovesick fool here, pretty boy.”
you knew it all along that he was scheming his way into your heart.
you knew the entire time.
and you let him.
what the fuck. reo was having a heartburn, literally, figuratively, and madly so. all because of you. 
reo snapped out of his thoughts when you waved a hand in his face, vying for his attention. you spoke, “is this everything you’re guilty about? i thought it was something grave. if you told me you spilled something on my notes, i would have started swinging at you, actually.” your laughter filled the room, lightening the tension.
the second time reo made you laugh was because of a scheme that he expected would end whatever beautiful thing you had between you two. not that he’s complaining.
“so you like me back?” reo finally gathered the courage to ask, his voice tinged with hope.
“if we get some food right now, i might answer that coherently. scheming or not, you really do have the habit of interrupting my lunch,” you playfully replied.
“i’d buy you the whole cafeteria if you answer me right now,” reo declared, a touch of desperation in his voice.
the ‘o’ in reo mikage sure stands for ‘overspending’, you’re convinced.
giving in to his request, you took three steps closer to him, barely a foot distance between you. softly, you declared, “yes, reo mikage, i like you too. but i must say, you, making me starve right now, is reducing your chances of being my actual boyfriend.”
“let’s get you some food.” reo said, holding your hand and leading you out of the room like he was on a mission. amused by his sudden swift pace, you let out a laugh.
and suddenly, all tension left reo’s body. his heart once again beat at a normal rhythm. that’s the third time reo made you laugh. surely, it’s one of many more to come.
a minute after walking side by side, you broke the serene silence surrounding you. “not gonna lie, the networking excuse is kind of funny.”
“but it worked. a win is a win,” reo smugly said, showing you your intertwined hands. “see? a win.”
you shook your head at his remarks. your stupid reo and his stupid scheme.
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note. hello lovely ppl ! thanks for keeping up w me this far and for following me! as a thanks, here’s a reo fic since i’m missing him so much and emma has been feeding me ideas abt him <3 this is actually the longest i’ve written (i’m so normal abt reo i swear), hope you like it! (btw it goes without saying that this fic, is in fact, another TS inspired hehe love lots!)
𓆩♡𓆪 for one of the best people i met here, @saetorinrin
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rweoutofthewoods · 3 months
just saw the ask about someone discussing ur characterisation of James in young blood and how they thought he wasn’t a ‘baddie’ and that he was ‘not cool’ (btw this isn’t like hate to the person who asked this or anything incase u reply to this publicly and they see this, ik they said they don’t mean it as hate, I’m just saying what I was thinking cause I think the difference is interesting I guess🫣 so all love!!! ANYWAYS.)
I just thought it was interesting cause I did not get that vibe at all from James in the story. What I got from it was that James was actually cool in juvie, in a lowkey probably a little shit, who is funny and annoyingly endearing kinda way. I also thought he was a ‘badass’ in his own kinda way. But I don’t rlly think ‘badass’ is the best way to describe him in this fic tho, i think it’s more he is very capable and able at holding his own but he’s not like some intimidating, cool and mysterious typical badass (I’ve written this word too many times I hate it now😔) like what I feel Regulus is more like. And I also did get the impression he was a ‘bad kid’ but in a more ‘ I was a good kid and I’m a good kid in my core but something shit happened to me so now I’m acting out and doing bad things cause I don’t know how to properly deal with what’s happened to me , people expect it of me and this is my coping mechanism plus the whole getting myself hurt makes me feel better in a way kinda way (that doesn’t make sense I don’t think BUT WE MOVE) and he doesn’t come across as supposed to have been some teen who was out here doing all this mega bad boy (ew I don’t like that phrase but I’m using it anyways) crimes, but more like enough to get u in juvie ones and be significantly concerning. I could ramble more cause that fat ass paragraph doesn’t even fully express what I got from the way u wrote James. But just overall I think it’s interesting how ppl can get different things out of the same piece of writing. Also sorry if what I interpreted it as, is not what you were looking for, it probs did come across the way u wanted I’m just shit at explaining well and concisely lol.
ALSO (sorry if u hate me for this 10k essay oopsies) the thing about u worrying that James seems OOC but saying he’s not, ur just portraying the effects of childhood. I PERSONALLY DID NOT READ IT AND THINK HE WAS OOC, PLEASE DO NOT STRESS ABOUT IT UR WRITING IS FABULOUS AND IM VERY MUCH GETTING WHAT UR PUTTING ACROSS. Like u can tell by the way James acts with his friends and his internal monologue that he would be what some people more typically see James as, but it’s his trauma which is preventing him from properly being so. Like it’s just this road block. AND EVEN IF HE DOES GET OOC ITS REALISTIC WHO CARES, ILL FIGHT ANYONE WHO DOES, ITS UR FIC(unless you care then I apologise queen) but it’s so realistic like I went through a rlly shitty thing in my early teenage years and personally I think I’m a completely different person cause of it, and it’s interesting to read the way James changes because of what happens to him. Personally, I rlly like the way u write James (omd especially in EOITV I just want to gush over that fic for a second, it’s chefs kiss I love it so much, thank you for creating it, your mind is a wonderful place) I like how he can be a bit more messy, it’s interesting (also that reminds me another reason why I don’t think he’s spineless in young blood, cause he had a go at Regulus when they were fighting and I was like YEAH I KNOW U CAN SAY UNFAIR THINGS BUT ALSO STANDING UP FOR URSELF AND ACTING OUT AND NOT BEING PERFECT YAY, cause sometimes I do see James written in situations like that where he just takes it (nothing wrong with that I just personally prefer where he can gives just as good as he gets sometimes!:)))).
I need to stfu this is way to long, I’m actually embarrassed and scared u think I’m like some obsessed weirdo, I’m not I promise, it’s just 2:30 am and the most common feedback I get on school essays is ‘stop the waffle’. So long ass pieces of writing tend to be a bit too familiar with me 😔
okay last bit I promise, but THE AMOUNT OF NEW FICS U HAVE AND THE RATE U BANG THEM OUT?!?!, whenever I come to your blog and see a post about a new fic, I’m like wow your insane but in the best way possible cause how is this possible?! How are you able to do this?! This is so impressive ?!😭 Cause ur fics r to such a good writing standard and each one is so unique and different to each other, I run around my room in excitement each time u post a new chapter.
I could go on but I won’t because the fear of appearing a tinsy bit insane is real and idk if this is overwhelming, but yeha sorry, my waffling tendencies can be my downfall 😭
but uhhhhh Yeha overall, your writing and ability to write is very impressive, bye 😗😁
Hello!! I can’t answer you privately bc ur anon so I’ll start by saying: that ask? No lingering thoughts or feelings about it whatsoever and this reply is not even going to be about that, just what you’ve said. I can’t imagine how much time it took you to write all that because it takes me FOREVER to write replies to asks, so I appreciate your time and ofc have to write you a response because I’m honored <33
Just on the subject on Youngblood James. You put it perfectly and I think I said this in my end notes vaguely—childhood trauma changes EVERYTHING. Exactly as you said, I myself had a pretty shitty childhood and I think I’d be an entirely different person if I’d grown up differently. I got BPD out of it (😭) and Youngblood James got some pretty fucked up mental health and coping skills. And it was my hope that seeing James thru Reg’s POV and seeing his relationship with his friends etc. that you’d be able to see there’s still some of that James Potter we know and love, BUT part of James’ canon character (or fanon idk) is that he grew up comfortably, privileged, with two loving parents, getting whatever he wanted. We see it in canon with how cocky and in need of some humbling he was, and Youngblood James got way more than humbled, his life got blown to bits and while he was very, very, young. Before he even would have been Hogwarts age in canon. SO, I don’t think he’s OOC at all, I think he’s exactly who he’d be if those things happened to him. And I put a lot of thought into his character and his actions. So me fearing him seeming OOC is really just that I can put things out into the world but I never have any idea how it will be taken or if my intentions will be realized.
I didn’t intend for him to be badass at all because like… James’ crimes were all really in efforts to self-destruct. Him fighting people he did because he wanted to be hurt. Stealing a car? Well… we know by now how that ended. I also will note I didn’t intend reg to be badass either (tho maybe his character naturally is a little bit) because Youngblood isn’t about that, or how cool it is to commit crimes. it’s about how fucked up the system is, how childhood trauma lingers, how we need to do more to support and help kids in need instead of writing them off. So many kids act out or get in trouble because of much deeper reasons than them just wanting to cause trouble. And I say this as someone who was a kid who acted out, and who also recently as a more straight and narrow adult now, had their car fucking vandalized and literally SHOT AT by a bunch of kids. But I can look at those kids in real life, in my town, and I know the families they come from, I know there’s things going on behind closed doors. And yeah, was I pissed? Ofc, actually I was pretty devastated. I worked 7 days a week to buy that car and it was my first. there being reasons doesn’t make their actions okay, but I can also see that here in real life, children are being failed when they’ve barely had a chance at life yet. And Youngblood is really my attempt to humanize these issues and draw light to how we may be failing children. ANYWAY there was my long winded rant. I lost the plot a bit tbh but I could go on about Youngblood 😭
So in short, James in my opinion is not OOC, and ur right he is not weak either, because trauma and mental health issues doesn’t equate to weak. I think you exactly hit the nail on the head and it’s always appreciated when I feel like someone really gets my characters. My James is my James, and he’ll always be so special to me, every single version, because no matter what universe I throw him in, I always know exactly who he is and what makes him that way.
This is so long, I don’t really expect anyone to read this but you (hopefully), but this is just for you anyway <33 I appreciate all your kind words and interesting thoughts and I love how you said it’s interesting that ppl can read the same thing and get something different out of it. Because the amount of times I’ve written something and realized ppl got something entirely different than I’d expect honestly shocks me. And sometimes it’s sad if ppl miss my point, but mostly I think it’s beautiful that we can all interpret things differently.
Hope you have the best week and life is treating you warmly xx
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nearestend · 14 days
btw i just want to throw this out there. like it's okay to not reply to my dm or disco message even if you're active on the dash. i think people tend to get anxiety about whether or not they should be active on the dash if they haven't gotten back to private ooc stuff, but i think it's okay? posting stuff publicly takes a whole different kind of energy than a one on one convo so i don't expect anyone to ever give me more than they can manage. i'm saying all this because i do this too and i see folks sometimes apologize for being active on the dash but not answering dms. literally don't worry about it at all and don't let people make you feel bad about that
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thaumatology · 3 months
Behind the Muse meme.
tagged(sorta) by @esotericjerks
Name: Nate
Age: 27
How old were you when you first started RP-ing: I'm pretty sure I started at 15, maybe 16. (That was a mistake btw, I do not recommend it.)
Height: 6'3"
OC’s or Canons: OCs, though I have a couple OCs who started out as borderline expies of canon characters just because I liked their vibe but I am allergic to actually playing canons because I feel like I will get them wrong.
Prefer to play females or males: I think if you looked at all the characters I have ever created there would probably be a slant towards male, but in terms of my currently active characters it's a pretty even split (though Colin still gets more of my attention than any of the others.)
Favorite faceclaim to play: I don't really use faceclaims, at least not directly. I'll often pick an actor with a similar facial structure to use as a reference when drawing a character from different angles, but I'm usually not trying to recreate them 1 to 1.
Least favorite faceclaim to play: N/A, see above.
Worst RP experience ever: Hard to pick. I've been in a lot of different rp communities and most of them have ended up eventually melting down over some OOC drama and it sucks every time.
Fluff, angst, or smut: Any and all as long as its interesting! (and tbh I'm kind of a sucker for domestic fluff even when its not.)
Most overused FC: I don't engage with the concept enough to know.
First character you ever made: God I don't know. I was making characters years before I ever started rping and I can only remember a fraction of them.
Worst character you ever made: If we're talking in terms of personality and morals then its probably my version of Beelzebub. The man responsible for Colin's birth and childhood is pretty up there too, but he at least had an (arguably) noble goal when he set out, he just lost it in the ends justify the means thinking.
Favorite type of plot: I love long term slowburn shit (not just in terms of shipping) that builds up on stuff established in previous threads over time. In terms of themes I really enjoy taking two characters where at least one of them is initially distrustful and having their relationship build into friends or lovers.
At what time of day is your writing the best?: In terms of actually putting things together, mid day. in terms of coming up with little tweaks that elevate what I've previously written? Just after I go to bed unfortunately.
Are you anything like your muse?: Oh for sure. A lot of my characters get little bits and pieces of my personality through osmosis, and Colin got more than most. In particular one thing I drew heavily on when writing him was how growing up with autism made it really difficult to relate to a lot of the experiences my peers were having, and while he is probably not autistic, he experienced a similar thing due to his condition.
Worst thing about RP (in general or on Tumblr): Imposter syndrome. I will spend like two hours writing up a starter or a reply and think I really cooked with it and then my partner will respond with something that feels like it just completely blows my stuff out of the water. I have to constantly remind myself that if someone is choosing to rp with me it means they probably enjoy my writing.
To end on a good note — best thing about RP?: Meeting people with similar interests and getting to see all of your writing (and especially worldbuilding for those who have it, please share your worlds with me I want to learn about them!!!). So many people here are super talented and creative and it's a joy to get to write with you all.
Tagging: Anyone who sees this and wants to do it!
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ivycopper · 8 months
I'm tempted to write bad, way too emotional fanfiction abt P&T... The good thing being that with P&TGK existing, it technically wouldn't be an rpf. Nothing against rpfs btw, they can be done well and ethically, I just don't necessarily trust myself with them. Plus, sometimes I feel like my understanding of the actual ppl differs too much from my ideas, and I don't want to compromise on the ideas but I also don't want to write stuff that's ooc for the rl ppl.
Also, I don't usually write a ton of smut but I'm open to smutty scenes if it fits the fic. Another thing I don't like to write if it's an rpf (though I don't judge writers who do).
I've never written P&T fanfiction, and there's not a lot on AO3 either. Anyone have any input and/or opinions on what's already on AO3? Reply, dm or ask <3
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aventurins · 4 months
author's portrait.
— basics.
name. wen age. 27 pronouns. she/her + any years of writing. um. i started rping on [redacted] in the khr fandom and eventually caved into joining the tumblr rpc in 2012. so.. 12 years now i guess. that's wild
— reflection.
why did you pick up writing? at first i really enjoyed the community aspect of rping! it was fun just playing a character and getting to meet new people and developing relationships, both ic and ooc, that way. do you have any writing routines? yes step one is my writing partner tells me they want to see [x] or they miss [x] or they're thinking about [x]. and then usually i sit down and write it. i do have a playlist that occasionally helps facilitate writing but it's not a requirement for it per se, and also the playlist rotates every few seasons and/or when my current favorite genre of music shifts. for the real answer: when i'm actually writing i try to picture the scene/setting first, and from there i tend to hear what my muse is saying in the dialogue before writing the rest of the scene around it what's your favorite part about writing? getting to read my partners' replies. hope that helps<3
— three things you like about your writing.
i do want to preface this by saying that i don't mean this in a self deprecating way at all. i'm generally pretty satisfied with my writing, especially with regards to achieving what i want to convey. but. i will always derive most pleasure from how my partners respond to what i've written. so. three things i like about my writing is 1. i (try to) write in a way that reflects my partner's writing, especially when it comes to setting the tone, so that the thread feels more cohesive as a whole, 2. (i hope) i'm good at setting up each reply so that my partners find it easy to pick out something to bounce off of in their response, 3. my partners enjoy writing with me. so i must be doing something right because i love and trust them unequivocally
— question(s) from @slaygue.
who was the first character you ever picked up and why? if we include off tumblr, it was probably half the khr cast but most prominently bel. at the age of 15 i just thought he was so cool. on tumblr it was (to my chagrin) mukuro. was it because you related to them or the opposite? i think when i was choosing who to write back then it was more "who do i think the community would want to interact with" and less "who do i want to write the most". sure, there was a certain intersection between that and the flavor of characters i liked, but it was. yeah. mostly that. and then mukuro grew on me. i don't relate to him at all btw . loser. bonus answer: my muse type varies wildly on the spectrum of relatability. i'll write any character at all if i think they're fun or fascinating or if anyone asks me to do you still write them today? if you want me to<3 (barring that, rarely)
— new question(s).
what do you enjoy writing the most? (whether in terms of genre, plot device, character; however you'd like to interpret this question is correct.) when you write, do you focus more on introspection, narrative, dialogue or a secret fourth thing? what do you enjoy seeing in a partner's writing?
tagged by: @slaygue ♥
tagging: i follow two people on this blog so @soterion hi. also starr i'm not letting you cop out on three things you like about your writing. can you do this again and say three things you like about MY wri- (this is a joke). also @aicidos and @piliyi hi haha i won't subject you guys to hsr (this blog) but you can do this if you want<3
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ramen8baka · 2 years
Itachi x reader
~party~ summary: it’s your birthday and itachi just wants to do something special for you. but he doesn’t have any ideas so he ends up asking your best friend…
A/n: some cursing, also itachi is obviously aged down a bit to fit readers age. btw Konan is gonna be a bit ooc in this
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”are you doing anything for your birthday y/n? cus if not maybe you and me, itachi, and some of our other friends could hang out!” your best friend konan suggests. “well I dunno… I thought maybe itachi was going to plan something nice for me but he hasn’t said anything yet.” you say sadly
“come on I’m sure he’ll do something romantic” she wiggles her eyebrows at you. “girl, don’t pull shit like that I know yahiko’s a simp for you” you laugh
“yeah, yeah” you and Konan hop up from the stone ledge near the river and start walking home.
“my birthday is in 3 days. don’t you think he would’ve said something?”
“I told you already! I’m sure you’ll be fine y/n.” I smiled at you
“aight well then I’ll see you at training tomorrow bbg” you wink at her. It was always a joke that you both ‘flirted’ with each other.
“back atcha” she does those cringy ass finger gun things and with that she shuts her door.
•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Itachi hesitated as he held up his fist to konan’s door. he finally knocked and braced himself for the usual stone face expression.
“hello?l she asked in confusion as she opened the door.
“hey, i uh wanted to ask you something.” Itachi scratches the back of his neck.
“oh sure. well let’s make it quick. I was working on something earlier.”
“yeah but can I come in here? I just don’t want anyone else to hear.” Itachi whispers.
“alright come on in.” little did they know that you were watching the whole interaction from afar with wide eyes.
•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• “hi baby how was your day?” Itachi walks up to you.
“eh” you reply dryly
“do anything fun?” “not really”
“are you ok?” Itachi’s voice was laced with concern. this was weird to him. Usually you were talkative or even all over him especially if you hadn’t seen him all day. something was up.
”nah I’m just tired. I’ll probably go to bed soon.” just like that you disappeared into your room for the night. Itachi sighed and got up. he figured he should rest up because he had a lot of things to get done tomorrow. like prepare for your surprise birthday party.
Itachi awoke the next morning feeling energized and ready to plan your party. He had went to Konan’s room last night to ask her about things you like so he could make your party extra special. since you were both part of the akastuki you could never really do anything fun like this so he thought it would be nice.
He took off his akatsuki cloak and put on regular ninja clothes to go into town to pick out a cake, decorations, and your present.
after he got all of that take care of, the uchiha talked to the rest of the akatsuki members. (they were all your friends since you obviously lived together) and told them about your surprise party. you were training with Konan at the time as you’d promised yesterday. when the day was over itachi went to your room to hopefully cuddle tonight. You guys did have your own rooms but you’d mostly sleep in each other’s rooms so you could cuddle. “Did you have good training time today y/n?” He asks
“yeah” you were again being very dry and you overall just seemed annoyed to him. what did I do? He thought to himself. “well… since we haven’t in awhile maybe we could cuddle in here tonight?” “I’m kind of sick so maybe not.” You never once looked at him the whole conversation. You were getting changed and didn’t blink an eye the poor uchiha.
“oh, alright. goodnight then baby” he pressed a kiss to your temple and walked away. •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• it was officially the day of your party (aka your birthday) and itachi wasn’t sure how it’d play out. After all, you’d been ignoring him for days. “deidara, pull this up!” Sasori yelled to the blonde. “what’s this?” He asked.
“they’re just streamers now come on i can’t stand here forever!” meanwhile hidan and Kakuzu set the table. Everyone had a job to make your party perfect. “alright everyone we have-“ Joann checked her watch- “6 minutes left!” Itachi left Konan in charge while he distracted you. “Y/n can i show you something?” Itachi asked you.
“what do you want?” You reply snarkily.
“wow, what’s going on? The past few days you’ve been mad at me for no reason.” Itachi says carefully, as to not poke the bear.
“‘wow what’s goin on?’ You know damn well what’s going on itachi!” His face went pale right then. How could you know about the party? And why were you upset about it? Did you not like surprises? Did you- “well? Are you just gonna stand there or what?” You put your hands on your hips. “y/n, i didn’t know you didn’t like surprises i-“
“surprises? Oh yeah you cheating on me with my best friend was definitely a surprise!”
At this point you didn’t realize everyone was standing fr in your doorway until Konan Said
“what?” “you know damn well what I’m talking about!” She grabbed your shoulders and pulled you to see all of the decorations.
“surprise?” she and a few others said weakly. “oh my goodness” you cover your mouth with your hands and look at itachi
“I never… I didn’t- why? how?” “I don’t know where you were going with itachi cheating and everything but the only reason you might’ve seen him come to my room was so I could help him plan all this.” Konan explained.
“I am so so sorry!” You started sobbing until you felt a warm hand pull you into their chest.
“shh, it’s ok. I know it might’ve seemed sketchy that I was hiding things from you. But I love you so much and you deserved this special party.” “oh, ‘tachi will you ever forgive me?” You ask quietly
“y/n.. it’s ok, really.” He chuckled. “oh, itachi don’t you wanna..” konan trails off. “Oh, right!” He ran over to his room to pull out a.. blanket? No. A ball of fur? A puppy! “OH MY GOSH!” You run over to him.
“you really shouldn’t have!” Itachi smiles again.
“well I know you’ve wanted one forever. And you could let him roam around if you want. He’d be kind of like all of ours pet in a way.” You kiss itachi. For the first time in awhile.
later that night you and itachi were cuddled up in his nice warm bed with your new puppy, aika, laying in sulfur lap. “Hope you had a have decent birthday”
“it wasn’t half decent. It was the best.”
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findroleplay · 1 year
hello! 23 fem here looking for m/m or f/f oc roleplay plots. i have a few ideas under my belt, fantasy and modern alike, so lemme list them:
* (modern) muse A and muse B are childhood best friends. muse A's biggest dream has always been to lead a famous band; muse B has no talent or enough interest in music to pursue it, but they decide to support their best friend by becoming their manager anyway. fast forward to now, after many bumps on the road, muse A's band is finally starting to gain traction. with it comes groupies, new friends and new deals with big people. muse B sees themselves getting left behind, and don't know what to do about it. (maybe muse B is secretly in love with muse A, but they don't feel like they can tell muse A so. maybe muse B leaves first and muse A has to come begging them to come back. lots of potential here!)
* (fantasy) my oc is a prince from snowy, northern land... and he doesn't know it. it's all because centuries ago he's been cursed to take the form of a dragon and forget all about his human life. your character, however, finds him wounded/captured and takes care of/frees him. somehow the bond that grows between them is enough to break part of the curse--my oc reveals he's (at least partly) human, and your character just can't leave this guy who's unable to wrap his head around the concept of shoes on his own. (angsty, funny, with a healthy dose of adventure. that's what i want out of this plot tbh. also some monsterfucking if anyone is interested 👌)
* (either fantasy or modern) muse A and muse B are married. muse A works for some sort of law enforcement and muse B is wanted criminal of varying offenses. but the thing is, muse A has no idea they're married to their masked nemesis whom they've been trying to catch for years. (very bare bones that can go anyway tbh, this one needs more intense plotting!)
* (fantasy) i also have this one (other!!) dragon oc i made when i was obsessed with xianxia danmei novels so if there's anyone out there interested in that... come at me, please.
i'm fine with any reply length, just no one-liners. i also tend to gravitate a loooot more towards drawn fcs than irl ones because i'm extremely picky. but heck, i don't even care about fcs--give me a written description and we're good. very nsfw-encouraging and if this is important for you, all of my characters are switches. yours can be anything as long as they're not doormats. ideally my partner would be someone who's fine with being friends ooc, sharing headcanons, boards and everything else. i can reply a couple of times per week so i'm not the most active partner out there, but also not super dead, you know. we're going to write and talk on dc btw! if interested, please like this 🍃
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thenasoneshots · 1 year
Blaine Oneshot - Some Secrets are Worth Sharing
Requested?: No
Prompt: None
Type of oneshot: Fluff
Reader's Relations: None of importance
Warnings: None I can think of
Other notes: 1) You’re the principal of Dalton’s daughter. 2) You’ve been pretending to be a guy for a while. 3) Sebastian is in this, but i haven’t actually watched any of the episodes where he’s in (i’m only on like season 2) so he’s prob going to be ooc, but even then he only appears for like a minute, and you’re really good friends with him. 4) (M/n) means male name (cause you’re pretending to be a guy.) 5) Kurt doesn’t like Blaine in this (Kurt is my special lil bean and I don’t wanna make him sad)
“Can I ask you a question? Are you guys all gay?”
I let out a small chuckle at Kurt’s question, before taking a sip of the (insert drink) in front of me, as Blaine answered his question, “Uh, uh, no. I am, but no, these two have girlfriends.”
“I’m bisexual,” I spoke up, after swallowing the mouthful of (drink).
---------------------------BLAINE’S POV (After Kurt has transferred btw)
“Seb! Come back here! I told you to stop stealing my things!”
I turned around and got out of the way just in time so I didn’t get knocked over by Sebastian running, however, (M/n) did bump into me, “Sorry! I wasn’t looking where I was going. Sebastian stole my comb again and he won’t give it back, gotta run!” before he ran off chasing Sebastian again. Kurt helped me stand up and I thanked him, “Kurt, can I tell you something? I’m in love… with (M/n).”
“I’m happy for you Blaine, really! Just tell him!”
I shook my head, “I can’t.”
“Why?” Kurt asked, “It’s not like he’s straight or something.”
“It’s not that. It’s obvious he likes Sebastian, and I can tell Sebastian feels the same.”
“How do you know for certain? Because of the amount of time they hang out with each other? I’ll ask (M/n) if he likes anyone and try get him to tell me who, then you’ll have your answer.”
—-----------------------YOUR POV
“(M/n), question. Do you like Sebastian?”
“Well, yeah. Of course, I do! He’s my best friend.”
Kurt just let out a groan, “I mean romantically.”
“Oh… No, I don’t. Plus he’s gay anyway,” I replied, staring up at the clouds.
“But you’re a guy too…. Wait a minute, (M/n), are you a gi-”
“SHHHH! Fine, yes, just don’t tell anyone.”
“How though? Dalton’s an all-boys school.”
“My dad’s the principal. To be honest with you, Kurt, I got bullied at my old school because I was bisexual. I begged my dad to let me come to Dalton because of the ‘No bullying’ policy and he did immediately say no, due to Dalton being an all-boys school, but I told him that I could pretend to be a guy. I would take cutting my hair and wearing a binder over being bullied any day of the week, so my dad agreed, and I’ve been going here ever since. You and Sebastian are the only two that know I’m a girl, that’s why Sebastian keeps stealing my stuff. I’d like to keep it that way if you don’t mind, so please don’t tell anyone! Please, I’m begging you.”
Kurt just gave me a hug, “I promise I won’t say a word.”
“Where is it? Where are you, you stupid binder?!” These were some of the questions that were floating around my head as I searched my room, almost turning it upside down trying to find it. I eventually gave up and growled to myself as I buttoned up my Dalton blazer, fixing my hair in the mirror, “Well, I guess I’ll have to roast today,” I told myself as I looked out the window, seeing that the sun was shining brightly. I sighed and left my room heading to my first class of the day.
“Curse you, sun!” I growled, lying on my back, fanning myself with my hand, “Why does it have to be so hot?!”
I heard Blaine chuckling beside me, “Just take your blazer off, (M/n). We’re allowed to if it's this hot.”
“NO!” I exclaimed, swatting his hand away as he placed it on my shoulder, shocking him and Kurt, “I-I mean… I don’t want to get it dirty… So I’d rather keep it on.”
“Then just unbutton it.”
I shook my head, “No.”
“What are you hiding? (M/n), I know you’re hiding something from me… Tell me,” Blaine protested starting to poke me, knowing it got on my nerves. I rolled my eyes and mouthed to Kurt for him to help me. He smirked and just gave Blaine a nudge, pushing him into me, causing us to fall onto the grass. I felt my face heat up and I saw Blaine’s eyes widen when we realised where his hands were: on my chest.
“Y-you’re a girl?!”
I immediately pushed him off me and ran off, ignoring his shouts for me to come back, and ran back to my dorm room, shutting myself in.
A few minutes later, I heard a knock on the door of my dorm room, “(M/n)... You in there?”
“Go away!” I replied, “I know you hate me or not telling you-”
“I don’t,” I heard Blaine reply from the other side, “I want to talk to you. Please?” I sighed and stood up, opening the door, and letting Blaine inside. I encouraged him to sit next to me on my bed and spoke quickly, “Yes I am a girl, my real name is (Y/n), but you can’t tell anyone else, please. I’ve been pretending to be a boy cause I persuaded my dad, who is the principal, to let me come here because I was bullied for being bisexual at my old school, so when he let me come here, I cut my hair and started wearing a binder so I’d seem more like a boy. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you, but my father didn’t want me to tell anyone.”
“Does anyone else know?”
I nodded, “Sebastian and Kurt. Sebastian because he walked in on me getting dressed once, and I’m sure the image still hasn’t left his brain, and Kurt because when I was telling him I didn’t have romantic feelings for Sebastian, I said “Plus he’s gay anyway”, and Kurt figured it out from that that I wasn’t a boy. I pro-”
I was cut off when he took my cheek in his hand, kissing me. I was shocked due to the fact that I’d thought he liked Kurt, but wrapped my arms around him, kissing back, something I’d wanted to do for ages. When we broke off, I spoke up, “B-but I thought you were gay.”
“I thought I was too. When I realised I was in love with you, I thought I was gay, but now, at least bisexual.”
“So, even though you know I’m a girl, your feelings haven’t changed?”
Blaine nodded and I smiled, “Does that mean I can kiss you again?”
He chuckled and nodded, kissing me again.
-------------------------------END OF ONESHOT
More oneshot…
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lovetals · 2 years
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coming out as asexual
synopsis: you and diluc aren’t dating despite it being somewhat obvious that you like each other, yet there’s something holding you back. not wanting to stop yourself any longer, you finally come out
character: diluc
deets: fluff, he accepts you dw :), diluc is ace btw (canon) /hj
notes: hehe, happy pride month! i wasn’t planning to make this my first post/story, but i don’t mind O(≧▽≦)O. plus, i’ve been wanting to try this idea myself since i’m also asexual!! i can’t make the ending work for me so it kinda falls flat 😓 ah, well, if i ever find a way to improve it i’ll just edit it ^^ also, diluc feels way too ooc for me, sorry about that ugh (⇀‸↼‶)
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❀ it’s beginning to grow dark as diluc walks you home, a gesture he’s repeated for months. you definitely don’t mind being able to spend more time with the man with your crush on him only growing bigger and worse. once, his hand brushed against yours on accident and you let out a squeak out of surprise and happiness
❀ for so long you’ve wanted to confess to diluc, to finally have the opportunity to call him yours, but there was just too much holding you back
❀ the main one? you being asexual
❀ it wasn’t common to find someone that fit the definition, making it a rather obscure label to the public. many times you’ve met people that would reply with “what’s that?” when you would come out. the question wasn’t what annoyed you, really, it was their response after your explanation
❀ “oh, you just haven’t met the right one, yet.” “give it time, you’ll feel like that one day.” “you’re just confused.”
❀ yeah… you stopped coming out not long after
❀ it contributed towards your hesitation to come out to diluc, constantly you’d wonder how he would react. was he just like them and would pass it off as you just being confused? maybe he’ll roll his eyes and ignore you?
❀ these thoughts plagued your mind often and would even slither their way in during your time with the redhead, who noticed
❀ “(first name)? is everything alright?” he asked and stopped walking
❀ you can try and pass it off, try to brush off his worries with a few words, but you’d be mistaken to think that he’d let you go
❀ “you’re clearly not. you’ve been rather quiet as of late and don’t seem to notice what’s going on around you—i’ve been talking and not once did you chip in with a reaction like usual.” he pauses as you avoid his gaze, finding the dirt road more interesting. eventually, he says, “is it because of me?”
❀ your head shoots back up with widened eyes as you assure him otherwise. “no, no! of course no—well, actually…”
❀ it technically is because of him and you’re so focused on trying to figure out what to do that you don’t see his frown
❀ “oh? would you like to tell me why?”
❀ you stop for a minute to figure out how to say what you want to get out, but how can you as your crush stands in front of you, staring directly at you while waiting for a response
❀ fuck it, you think as you take a step back
❀ “ok, diluc, i want to say that i really like you!”
❀ he smiles
❀ “but—!”
❀ nevermind
❀ “before you reply i want you to know that i’m asexual! i don’t feel sexually attracted to anyone and i never will! i won’t sleep with anyone ever no matter what they say! and-and-“ you pause to figure out how to end it, but you don’t get to as diluc speaks up
❀ “i really like you too.”
❀ …huh?
❀ did—did you hear him correctly?
❀ diluc lets out a small smile as he approaches you and grasps both of your hands, his gloves bringing heat back to your cold hands (and making your face warm up as well heheh)
❀ “you being asexual doesn’t affect how i feel about you at all, i’m actually pleased to hear that you’re the same as i.”
❀ were you going deaf or did you actually hear diluc say he was asexual too??
❀ diluc gently squeezes your hands as he continues
❀ “you don’t ever have to worry about me pushing your boundaries or to force you into something you don’t want to do. i want you to know that whatever you feel i feel the same way.”
❀ he lets go of one hand and turns towards the direction of your house, a sign that he wants to continue walking you home
❀ “would you like to discuss more about this on the rest of the walk? i want nothing more than to make sure you’re comfortable and happy in our relationship.”
now, onto the hcs of after coming out! ( •̀ω•́ )σ
❀ diluc takes no shit from anyone that tries to tell you that you aren’t really asexual, his glare from behind you is more than enough to make them shut up
❀ if someone were to use the “you haven’t met the right one yet” line he’ll show up right behind you (with an arm over your shoulder if you said you were fine with it) and say, “are you saying that i’m not the right one for them?”
❀ diluc isn’t really one for pda in general so if this is something you don’t feel fine with then this works out! but good luck if you are someone who adores it, you won’t get them often unless someone ticks diluc off
❀ if the label is something you’re really proud of then diluc might make a drink after it, most likely naming it “ace” or something. flavor is up to you of course :)
❀ when someone tries to ask way-too personal questions about your relationship diluc shoots it down immediately. if you’ve said you want others to know about it he’ll explain that you’re ace, not letting them butt in with their own objections. if you’d rather keep private, he’ll just say that it is none of their business
❀ bonus: if ace colors are a thing in genshin or you introduce him to them he’ll remember it when buying something
❀ if he ever struggles between picking a gift for you that comes in various colors he’ll remember how you described the flag and choose the one that’s available in that shade
❀ tries to make the ace drink match the flag colors, too :)
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Coffee Stains
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OG!Muscle Daddy Kim Rok Soo x Reader
Everyone genuinely feels like this hostile(?) atmosphere between Team Leader Kim Rok Soo and [Name] [Last Name] is going to last forever.
@calesleftboob as promised, i put muscle daddy krs there lol
i genuinely just want to write smut because of lily. we talked on twt too much about of krs and we strayed away from god's light with every message. so...
@bomiflower , as we have discussed...
WARNING: NSFW CONTENT BELOW. SMUTTTT. also KRS is ooc because i just want to write some action for him.
btw i'm gonna be out the whole day and wont be able to see everyone's messages after this🥲
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"You should start on those, you know."
Everyone in the room immediately turned to look at Kim Rok Soo after hearing his voice. They see him walking past your desk as you sat there, sipping your coffee calmly while a stack of papers sitting on your desk.
"Get your nose out of my business, Rok Soo," you replied, not even turning around to face the man, keeping your eyes on the papers in front of you as if someone would snatch a handful of them at any moment.
Kim Rok Soo glanced back at you before continue walking to the break room, most likely going in to make himself some tea so he can enjoy it while working himself.
Everyone quietly went back to their respective work after seeing the two of you continue yours instead of immediately having a banter like usual.
Everyone had always wondered what exactly caused a rift to appear between you and the man, but you never disclosed anything personal to anyone and Kim Rok Soo himself always avoids talking about you in detail.
Kim Rok Soo never showed any hostility to you — it had always been your attitude that will incite some sort of chaos in the office, but never to the point that everyone else will be bothered by it. Everyone is baffled with your attitude towards the man considering you had always been someone kind.
Meanwhile, Kim Rok Soo had always been someone to look out for others, you yourself included despite not being his subordinate, but your attitude perhaps got even more hostile whenever he does.
'Well, she probably hates me,' he thought, heating up some water. 'I still don't know why, though.'
There was a reason why Kim Rok Soo was looking out for you.
You had been one of the people who were close with Lee Soo Hyuk, having been one of the people he saved before being assigned to a different team.
Despite being on a different team, you were always hanging out with the three of them, though you were distant with Kim Rok Soo due to his indifferent nature.
When the two died, you had been there beside him with a tired expression on your face, still wet with tears you had shed when you had been alone.
When he had looked at you that day, you returned his stare for a couple of seconds before looking back to the frames of Lee Soo Hyuk and Choi Jung Soo.
"I'm sorry."
He remembered saying those words to you once everyone had left. You stayed with him until late at night at the office even though you were tired and light-headed.
He was apologizing for returning alone.
You had glanced at him for a moment and clicked your tongue.
"What are you saying sorry? There's nothing to feel sorry for," you mumbled. "Being alive isn't a sin."
Kim Rok Soo remembered those words, storing them in his records along with so many images of you whenever you return injured from a hunt, apologizing to family members during the funerals of your deceased team members, and the way you'd slump on your desk whenever a hunt has gone wrong.
"They won't be happy to hear you say such a thing," you continued, packing up Choi Jung Soo's things. "Lift your chin up and just stay alive to remember them."
"Let's..." You heaved out a sigh. "Let's stay alive for them. To remember them."
Kim Rok Soo remembers your defeated face as you spoke those words. You didn't sound upbeat and positive — why would you? The people you both look up to had died — but instead, you sounded like being alive is the only choice you had now.
Which wasn't exactly wrong.
"You shouldn't forget to live for yourself, you know."
You flinched a bit at his voice, finally hearing him say a full sentence for the first time that day. Closing the box that were full of Choi Jung Soo's things, you smiled at him.
"I won't."
That was perhaps the last proper conversation that the two of you had after the two's deaths.
Lee Soo Hyuk and Choi Jung Soo had been the people that connected you and Kim Rok Soo together, though even when they were still alive, you and Rok Soo weren't close but not like this.
When they died, you strayed further away from him.
'Well, I can't force things,' Kim Rok Soo thought, pouring his tea into a mug he had taken out of a cupboard.
Though he may have seemed like he was brushing this issue like dust, he wasn't.
He was quite... disturbed with the fact that you hated him. It leaves a bitter taste in his mouth every time he thought of it.
Lee Soo Hyuk had introduced you to Kim Rok Soo and asked the two of you to be friendly with each other since the two of you were around the same age.
You were a part of Kim Rok Soo's world when things were slightly better back then despite the two of you being distant with each other at that time. Either way, it didn't change the fact that he had lost so much people from that time and you were perhaps the last one to remain.
Seeing you so easily brush him away made him feel a bit bitter.
Watching you by the sidelines as you began to grow into an amazing individual — not that you weren't amazing before — was something he had choose to do as you no longer allow people from the past to get through you.
"Do you think Team Leader [Name] is single?"
Kim Rok Soo stopped stirring his tea for a moment
"Damn, you too?"
Kim Rok Soo glanced at the two men walking into the break room, both of them looking for food in the fridge as Kim Rok Soo focuses on his mug.
The one who had asked about whether you were single or not let out a laugh. "I mean, she's quite pretty, isn't she?"
Kim Rok Soo went back to stirring his tea. 'That's true.'
Beside being an outstanding individual, you were known for your mature and kind disposition to others — Kim Rok Soo not included — and those qualities of yours made you appear more physically appealing to everyone.
"I didn't know you liked older women."
"You have to try it out, man. They got so much more experience—"
Kim Rok Soo pulled out the spoon he was using and used it to click the rim of his mug several times, making sure the clink was as loud as it can be.
"Since when did the break room become a locker?" he asked out loud without turning his head, licking his spoon, and tasting the sweet tea. "What's with the locker room talk?"
"T-Team Leader—"
Kim Rok Soo turned around with his mug of tea in hand. "Next time, don't share your thoughts out loud. They're disturbing. Have some respect."
The tall man walked out of the break room and when he was about to turn to his desk, he bumped into someone.
"Oh, sorry—"
You stood in front of him, your button-up now drenched with a dark liquid that most likely came from the mug of coffee you were holding in your hand. You looked up at him, the frown on your face as you stared at him made him think you were going to tear him apart.
You turned around and walked away from him and he froze a bit, thinking about what he should do. You were angry at him and while he does not want to face your wrath, he knows he shouldn't just leave you be and not take responsibility.
'She'll probably hate me even more if I did that,' he thought. And then cursed when the realization hit him.
"Shit," he murmured, hurrying over to his desk and placing his mug down.
Everyone eyed the man as he cleaned up his desk as quickly as he could before he followed you down to the hall.
"[Name]," he called for you, seeing you walk hurriedly. "[Name]."
"You've done enough damage, Rok Soo," you gritted out. "Asshole."
For a moment, Kim Rok Soo was so shocked that he could've swore his brain stopped circuiting for a moment. He had known you for years and he had never once heard you cussed someone out with such distaste.
He questioned whether or not this much hatred you have for him was normal. How did he accept such an attitude when he had done nothing wrong to you?
He rushed over to you, grabbing you by the shoulder. "[Name]."
"Let me go, assh—"
You shut up when Kim Rok Soo pushed your shoulder and your back immediately hit the wall. His face was stoic and he looked down at you. "Was that necessary?"
"What?" You questioned. "Calling you an asshole?"
Kim Rok Soo frowned a bit. What had he ever done to you to invite this type of dislike from you? He usually would brush things off easily whenever people would call him names, but he can't stand it when it's from you.
"God, I nearly had a heart attack when I realized he was there, too."
Both you and Kim Rok Soo snapped up, hearing the same voice from the break room from the end of the hall. Kim Rok Soo looks around the hall for a moment and when his eyes landed on the door not far from the two of you, he grabbed your arm.
"What the—"
He opened the door and pulled you into the small room. He shuts the door as quietly as he could while you're frowning at him.
"What the hell? What did you do that for?" You asked, watching as the dark-haired man runs a hand through his hair before he turned to you.
"We're settling this for once and for all," he told you. "What did I do wrong?"
Your frown turned into a look of confusion. You gestured to the coffee stains on your shirt and then spoke with clear confusion, "You made me spill my coffee–?"
"No," he cuts you off. "No, that's not what I'm talking about."
You closed your mouth, now realizing what he was talking about.
"We've known each other for years and I can't recall a time where I've ever done something so horrid to you that would have you hate me this much," he started. "Tell me what I did wrong so I can fix it. I want this hostile atmosphere between us to be over."
You stared at him for a few moments and then shake your head. "You're crazy. Let me out."
"[Name], I'm serious."
You stared at his reddish-brown eyes and his expression. He had always looked stoic, but the aura he was exuding this time was stifling. You looked around the room and hugged yourself, noticing that he had shoved you into a cramped janitor closet.
"Why did you pull me here...?" You complained instead of answering him, leaning back to the wall. "Gosh, was this really needed?"
"Yes," he answered you with no hesitation. "Tell me."
"Can't I change first?"
Kim Rok Soo suppressed the urge to let out a groan. He approached you quickly, considering his long legs and how cramped the closet was. When you're both nearly chest to chest, you looked up at him.
He stared into your [e/c] eyes. "You're not leaving until I get my answer."
The two of you held eye contact for a while and Kim Rok Soo tries to dig into his records to see whether or not has he seen you this close. He could smell the smell of the bitter black coffee that had stained your shirt and the faint smell of jasmine, most likely from your shampoo or soap.
He can feel how warm your body was despite not touching it.
"Fuck." You rubbed your face, averting your eyes first from the intense eye contact. He watched you seem to contemplate something before you lowered your hand and look back at him.
"You want your answer, right?" You asked him. He nodded silently.
"Fuck you, Rok Soo."
You stood on your tiptoes and placed a hand on his chest, leaning forward so your noses touch. Your other hand placed itself on the back of Kim Rok Soo's head and pushed it down so your lips can finally reach his.
You closed your lips as you moved your lips against his slightly chapped ones, tilting your head to the side and pressing your body to his.
You immediately pulled away and let go of him. "There you go, asshole."
Kim Rok Soo's eyes widened as he stared at you, his lips slightly apart. What the fuck?
Your face reddens and you immediately regretted what you had done in the heat of the moment. "Now let me leave."
You walked to the door and when you were about to turn the handle, Kim Rok Soo spoke, "Are you kidding me?"
He turned around to look at you with a disbelieving look on his handsome face. "[Name], are you fucking kidding me?"
"I'm sorry!" You exclaimed, letting go of the door handle. "I-I got too carried away! You can press charges if you want or whatever. I'll take the responsibility—"
"What the fuck is that supposed to mean? How does this answer my question?" He asked you again. "[Name], what the fuck was that?"
You stared at him, face red and [e/c] eyes swirling with bitterness. "I like you, you dumb asshole! Have been for the last few years!"
Kim Rok Soo nearly had a whiplash from how hard he had shaken his head out of shock. "What the fuck? But you hated me."
"Yeah, because you're an unapproachable bastard," you defended yourself. "I can't get close to you because you're literally so distant. I hated you because of all people to like, I somehow chose you."
"That--" Kim Rok Soo stopped talking for a moment and then let out a big sigh.
What the fuck? So you've liked him all this time? Was he blind all this time or did you just cover it up really nicely by hating him? More importantly, what does he feel about this situation?
Oddly enough, he doesn't mind it. It's a good boost for his confidence because he had always thought he was an average Korean man and to be liked by you felt like quite the compliment.
But does he return your feelings?
You who had turned quiet and were only looking at him waited patiently for his next words.
"[Name]," he finally spoke. "Can I try something?"
You blinked, a bit apprehensive. "Try what?"
Kim Rok Soo leaned toward you and you froze. What was he doing?
He raised one hand to cup your jaw and lean down to your face. He glanced at your eyes for a moment and his thumb caressed your face, asking for permission. You gulped and nodded.
Kim Rok Soo gently placed his lips on top of yours, moving them slowly against yours. Despite you tasting like the bitter coffee you had earlier, he does not pull away. Having your lips against his felt good and when he pulled you closer by your waist, he can feel the pounding of your heart and his own.
As corny as it was, Kim Rok Soo could feel it.
He could feel sparks as he brushes his lips against yours. The smell of roses from you was almost intoxicating and your lips were impossibly soft against his. Your body feels so perfect against his and he couldn't help but to hold you close and never let you go, craving the warmth of your body.
You placed your hands on his shoulder before slowly wrapping them around his scarred neck, returning his gentle kiss with your eyes closed. You press yourself against him, tugging at the hair at the base of his neck and then feeling his big hand squeezing your hip.
"Fuck," you murmured against his lips. Kim Rok Soo opened his eyes a bit -- when did he close them? -- to look at you. He can see your closed eyes and flushed face as you kiss him fervently.
When you bite onto his lips, he pulled away but he kept his arm around you to make sure you stay in your place. You opened your eyes, dazed and confused. "Wh-what's wrong?"
"I can't believe you acted that way because you liked me," he murmured, brushing his lips against your cheek and temple. "You could've just told me instead of making me think I did something wrong."
He gave you no chance to reply as he went back to kissing you. He squeezed your hips and then moved them to your back, pulling you closer to him. He traces his tongue along your lips and gently nibbles on your lower lip.
You opened your mouth, letting his tongue probe into your mouth. You let out a strangled moan when the tip of his tongue swirled around yours and Kim Rok Soo held you tighter when your knees nearly gave out from the stimulation.
He pushed you against the wall, causing a broom to fall over. He accidentally stepped on the broom, the wooden handle breaking underneath his weight. "Oh, fuck."
"Fuck that," you told him, pulling him to you again and opening your mouth for him. He kicked away the broken broom and shoved his tongue into you, beginning to explore your mouth using his tongue.
"R-Rok Soo," you whimpered, words slurring as Kim Rok Soo kept on swirling his tongue with yours. You sucked on his tongue gently and heard him let out a groan.
He pulled away from your mouth for a bit, kissing your lips once before going down to your jawline. You gripped at his shoulder, throwing your head back to give him more access.
"H-hah," you huffed as Kim Rok Soo kisses a spot underneath your ear. He placed light kisses here and there before his tongue began to lick up several spots that had you writhing a bit in his arms.
"Rok Soo," you called for him, feeling his tongue swirl on a spot before he placed his lips on it, sucking and nibbling on your skin. "Hahh, fuck."
"Mhm." The man hummed on your skin, hands going up to your ribs. "Can I touch you here?"
"Yes," you whispered. "Yes, please."
You used one hand to start unbuttoning your stained shirt, sighing in relief when Kim Rok Soo helped you to take off the sticky shirt completely.
Your hands went to your back, taking off the clasp of the bra you had on and letting him tug the straps from your shoulders and let the bra fall to the floor. He stared at your naked chest and placed his large hand on the underside of your breast, massaging them gently.
You bit your lip when his coarse fingertips pinched on your nipple, pulling and rolling them to his heart's content.
"I can kiss them, right?" He murmured, lips pressed against your cheek and placing soft kisses every now and then. You nod your head, closing your eyes and letting out a sigh when you feel him grind his bulge against your damp pussy. "P-please do whatever you want."
Kim Rok Soo kissed your jaw lovingly. "I won't disappoint you, Team Leader."
He lowered his lips to your breast, wrapping his lips against your nipple and sucking on them as his other hand is busy massaging your other tit. You run a hand through his hair when you feel his tongue swirling around your nipple before he caught it with his teeth, pulling on them which resulted in you hissing.
He'd move his lips around your areola, kissing and sucking on the soft skin there to leave hickeys that no one would ever see. As he switched to the other breast, your hand went down to his crotch, palming the growing bulge he had.
"F-fuck." He bit onto a spot on your breast, sucking on them before pulling away to look down at you.
"I want you," you murmured, staring at him with lust-filled [e/c] pools, one hand palming him and the other one pulling on his belt. "I want you in my mouth. Can't I do that?"
Kim Rok Soo's face reddens hearing you speak like that. He let out a shaky breath before kissing you again, his hand going down to take off his belt. He pulled down his pants and you tugged on his boxer briefs, pulling them down. You flinched when his cock sprung out, semi-hard but its size already intimidating you.
"Y-you're big," you blurted out, looking down at his erection with wide eyes. You gulped a bit, trying to imagine what it would be like to have him inside of you.
"Not your thing?" Kim Rok Soo asked in a low voice, kissing your jaw and making more hickeys around your neck.
"Bastard," you mumbled, wrapping your fingers around his thick shaft and began pumping them.
"Hahh, shit," he groaned out against your neck, frowning as he suppressed the loud groans that were about to leave his lips. He bit onto your shoulder as your hand began to quicken its pace until he was hard and a bit of pre-cum leaking out of his slit.
You kissed his neck before kneeling down in front of him. Kim Rok Soo looked down at you, topless and covered with hickeys and his saliva. He activated his Records, keeping this image forever ingrained in his mind.
His eyes went from your bruised lips, your neck that had a slight sheen from his saliva and covered with hickeys, your naked chest that was moving up and down, and your fingers around his cock.
You kissed the tip of his cock as he tucked a few strands of your hair behind your ears. Looking up at him, you opened your mouth and wrapped those pretty lips around the mushroom head. Kim Rok Soo lets out a grunt and as much as he wants to throw his head back and close his eyes to enjoy the moment, he couldn't.
He kept his eyes on you as you kept yours on him, recording every second of this moment.
You moved your tongue up and down his slit which had his breath hitch before you swirl your tongue around the head. Kim Rok Soo placed his hand to the back of your head, pushing your head to take more of him.
You let out a moan as you slobber all over him, fucking your throat with his cock. You'd pull back a few times to take a breath and the way Kim Rok Soo would cup your face with his palm and caress your jaw with his thumb had you eager to continue.
He watched as you rub your flushed face against his cock with a hazy smile, his body running hot as he records that image. That alone had him nearly coming and he let out a groan when your hands came up to massage his balls.
He places both hands into the back of your head and moved his hips while also guiding you down on him, fucking your throat slow and deep. His breath labored and he grunts when he could feel your saliva running down to his boxers.
He lets out a snarl as he fights to keep his eyes open and trained on you, his lashes nearly fluttering close when he felt your throat spasming around him in tight, wet heaving gulps. He bit his lips, reminding himself that the two of you were still in the office and were going at it in the janitor's closet.
Tears started appearing in your eyes and running down your cheek. Your hands stopped massaging his balls and instead were gripping at his muscled thighs. When he came, he grinds his hips deeper into your throat, spurting hot fluid down your throat and you swallowed every single drop.
"Ohh, fuck," he cursed as he feels you swallow, throat moving around his cock.
When he finally lets you go and you pulled away from his cock, you wiped your mouth that was slobbering with saliva and some of his cum. You looked up at him, watching him take deep breaths to control his breathing.
"S-shit," he cursed again, gathering himself to try and not jump on you immediately. "Come and give me a kiss, pretty."
Your face reddens and your eyes twinkle at the nickname. You do as he said, kissing him with a smile on your face. When you pulled away, his hand dug into his back pocket and took out a handkerchief.
You looked at his face as he wiped the tears and saliva away from your face, his hand touching your jaw as he does so.
"Did I do good?" You asked and Kim Rok Soo frowned, "Why are you asking? Of course, you did. I'd like to pay you back for it."
You gave him a smile, unbuttoning your pants and leaning to the wall. You let them fall to the floor along with your underwear before stepping out of them, watching Kim Rok Soo kneeling down and looking up at you.
"Put your leg here, baby," he said, moving your left leg to dangle over his shoulder.
You let out the sweetest sigh Kim Rok Soo had ever heard when he kisses your leaking pussy. He hums, running a thick finger through your sopping wet folds. You covered your own mouth and Kim Rok Soo thought to himself that it was a damn shame the two of you weren't in his apartment right now where he could make you scream and turn you into a mess.
He kissed your thigh before pushing his face against your pussy, tongue pressing against your clit and finger slipping into your cunt. You let out a yelp and could feel the twitch of his lips moving upwards before he began to flick his tongue against your clit.
"O-oh, Rok Soo," you murmured warmly, running a hand through his hair as he looks up at you, Record working as he memorized your expression. "Oh, please, please, please..."
Kim Rok Soo opened his mouth, gliding his tongue along your folds before sucking your clit. You gripped at his hair, letting out a quiet moan when he nibbled on your clit and pulled on it.
"R-Rok Soo, I'm gonna cum," you mewled, feeling another digit of his finger entering you before the began to pump them in and out -- his other hand gripping at your hip.
He laps at your arousal, lips moving against your folds as he ate you out like a starved animal. His tongue was exploring your cunt, fervently savoring the taste of you as he pumps his fingers in and out to push out more of your slick, groaning in approval when you began to squirm underneath his grip.
When he slid his tongue down your slit and wrapped his lips around your cunt, your knees nearly gave up on you. "Rok Soo, baby, ohh..."
You feel his tongue swirling around your hole and nearly missed the heavy breaths he was letting out as he does so. You arched your back as you lean to the wall while Kim Rok Soo continued his onslaught on your cunt. His skin felt hot against yours and with every movement of his tongue against your cunt, you could feel yourself getting closer to your orgasm.
You nearly let out a yelp when he pushes his tongue inside of you, the wet muscle lapping at your insides. Your legs were trembling and when Kim Rok Soo's thumb began to circle your clit, you eventually tip over the edge and came, letting out a low whine as your body twitch underneath his hold.
He lapped up your cum, letting out a low growl as he continued licking and sucking on your cunt as you squirmed. "R-Rok Soo, stop..."
He wrapped his lips against your clit and licked up the length of your slit before pulling away from you, a string of your cum connecting his lips and your cunt. He licked his lips, staring up at you who were trying to breathe properly. He kissed your thigh, rubbing your shaky thigh as you try to gather your bearings.
"You okay?" He asked you.
You nodded, gulping. "Y-yes."
He removed your leg from his shoulder, standing up to his full height. He buried his face to your neck, placing butterfly kisses there. You leaned to him, nuzzling your cheek to his jaw and humming as he lift your leg again, pushing his erect cock against your cunt.
"You smell nice," Kim Roo Soo commented, letting your cunt coat his cock with your slick.
You wrapped a hand around his shoulders, humming. "I smell like sex and sweat, Rok Soo."
"Mhm, exactly why I said that." He kissed your jaw. He pulled away from tou before pushing his cock into you.
You gasped, eyes rolling into the back of your head as his thick cock filled you up. His broad chest was pressed against your tits as he pushed into you. You could feel him up to your stomach and the stretch was borderline painful, his tip continuously pressing to your G-spot.
"Y-you're 's big," you slurred, mewling when Kim Rok Soo began to move his hips.
"Ssh, don't let the others hear you," he murmured, picking you up by your thighs and wrapping them around his waist. You placed your hand on his shoulders, throwing your head back and letting him to kiss your neck.
He grabs you by your ass, guiding you to move on his cock as he kiss and suck on your neck. You can feel every bulging vein he had on his cock and the slight curve on his dick made it much more pleasurable.
"R-Rok Soo—!" You moaned out and immediately swallowed your words when he slammed you to the wall, one hand leaving your ass to cover your mouth.
"Ssh," he shushes you, now his hips moving to fuck his cock into your cunt. "They'll hear you."
"Let's get this done quick," he added, pressing his hand to your mouth more before he moved his hips quickly, pumping his cock in and out of you in a pace that had you squirming and writhing, pain and pleasure mixed into something that has you curling your toes and tears running down your cheeks, wetting his hand.
"R-Rok Soo—" You slurred underneath his palm, sniffling as he fucks your pussy, the sound of skin meeting skin everytime his crotch meet yours only driving you to the edge, more slick dripping out of you and wetting his boxer briefs.
"F-fuck—" Kim Rok Soo nearly let out a whine when your walls throbs around him, sucking him in the best they could despite being so slippery due to your previous endeavours. "You're so warm, [Name], so good for me."
"You like to be filled with my cock, right?" He continued, hand still covering your mouth. You feel your abdomen began to contract, something pooling to the bottom of your stomach, ready to burst.
"You like it when I fuck you like this, yeah?" He murmured, voice husky and breathy, his cock pumping in and out of your slippery hole. "Maybe I should just let you scream for me here. Let those guys know I'm fucking you inside some old closet. What do you think, huh?"
You shook your head, moans muffled underneath his palm. Your legs were trembling and when you came, your whole body limps on top of Kim Rok Soo.
"Done already?" He questioned you, hips still moving and you whine, the overstimulation stinging and your abdomen quickly contract again. "One more time for me, baby."
Despite still being muffled, you still spoke. "R-Rok Soo, please, I'm going to—"
You let out a gasp when Kim Rok Soo slammed his hips to you as hard as he could and you immediately came again, squirting a bit when you did so..
"Come on, come on," he murmured, quickening his pace. "Give me more, [Name]."
"Rok Soo—!" You mewled, helpless as he try to chase his own release.
"Fuck, I'm close, [Name]," he grunted, pressing himself closer to you, a ring of white now gathering at the base of his cock and some of your fluids running down his balls. He removed his hand and placed them back on your ass, guiding you to his cock as deep as he could. "Can — hahhh, shit, shit — can I come in you?"
You squeezed your eyes shut, nodding your head. Kim Rok Soo slapped your ass and you gasped at the sting. "Use your words, [Name]. Can I come in you?"
"P-please," You moaned, sniffling as you buried your nails into his shoulders. "Please come in me."
Kim Rok Soo groaned at your words. "Give me a kiss, pretty."
You pressed your lips to his, dazed and delirious. Kim Rok Soo quickens his pace as he shared a heated kiss with you, swallowing your moans and whines as you began to twitch and tremble.
"Mhmm, ahh, Rok Soo," you moaned against his lips. "I'm coming, please, please—"
"With me, [Name]," he whispered. "Come with me. You can do it."
You curled your toes when you felt the pressure on your abdomen began to build up higher and higher. When you finally came, you felt Kim Rok Soo bursting into you.
"Ahh, hahh," he huffed, slowing his pace before he completely stop.
You fell limp within his hold, head on his broad shoulder. "R-Rok Soo..."
"Sshhh," he murmured, pulling out of you slowly and letting his cock out, covered with both of your cum.
Your cunt began to leak out your mixed fluids and dripped down to the floor. "Fuck," you murmured. "I don't think I can walk."
Kim Rok Soo gulped and let out a quiet chuckle. "Fuck."
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xiaoshng · 3 years
Hi hii!! I just stumbled upon ur blog, and really fell in love w/ it, ur writings are so good plss 😣💛 You can ignore this if you're uncomfy with it, but can i request a xiao x yaksha reader oneshot? Where they've been pining for each other for so long ( like before to after archon war ) but they havent gotten together yet because they're scared ( karma debt thing 💀 ). And zhongli/ganyu/any of the adepti ( you can decide ) got fed up with their mindless pinings, and push each of them to confess to each other.
This is so long omg :')) I'm so sorry if my req was too complicated or if i said something wrong. thank you sm if u accept this btw!! Have a good day today! (๑°꒵°๑)・*💛
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“ over-dued yaksha's pining ”
pairing : xiao x gn!reader
warnings : cheesy , a bit ooc xiao
word count : 769
a/n : im actually back this time I swear !!! Im so sorry if this wasn't what you had asked for, im also so sorry if xiaos a bit ooc, please forgive me
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ganyu was over this.
having lived for ages now, you’d think these two wouldn’t be so afraid of something so measely like love.
It wasn’t like a mouse, nor a spider that scared you, no.
It was feelings.
you, as a powerful yaksha had wondered years with your heart heavy with only one person that was able to hold it. the anemo yaksha had stolen your heart over the past millennium, and you didn’t think you’d be able to stop anytime soon.
scared for rejection, you both cowarded into staying as working acquaintances as you both worked under liyue’s name, protecting it as it was only the place that had kept you sane throughout these years of long living.
It was hard being immortal sure, but you were never going to allow anyone to get past the point of drowning the whole beautiful city, as a point to also disappointing your silly little crush on a boy.
both of you talked on a daily, It was evident in everyone’s eyes that you both felt at least something for each other.
xiao had looks of longing, he always dreamed about what it’d be like to be in your arms just once, even if he knew he didn’t deserve it. he felt a sense of security near you, knowing you could protect yourself, he couldn’t help himself but worry over you still.
how’d you get here?
well ,ganyu had simply invited you both out to a nice dine in the peaceful city, “claiming” that she suddenly had plans, but in all seriousness, did she really? she was hiding somewhere behind the walls hoping to get a glimpse of what was happening at the small table of three.
you were nervous, speaking up “...sorry about that xiao, Im sure ganyu had a good reason for leaving a bit early…” swallowing down the refreshment left on the table.
xiao didn’t seem very bothered by this, but of course was tremendously cautious of what to respond to you with.
“she better have some explaining to do after this…” In all honesty, It seemed like xiao was more nervous then you were. Its not like both of you guys never were alone together, so why were you both getting clamming all of a sudden?
you had peaked over xiao shoulder for a few seconds noticing the light blue haired goat. curse her, she knew what she was doing.
it was so sudden for ganyu’s leave that it almost seemed suspicious to the fellow yakshas, but maybe this took a step in the correct direction?
ganyu had her head popped out of her hiding spot, giving up on the fact that one had already spotted her. trying to give encouragement, she had started throwing up a thumbs up, signaling you to finally release the stress that had been on your shoulders for ages.
both of you had been staring at your own feet for a while now, but it was almost in sync that you had both looked up at each other in the eyes. It was flustering, as you both stammered out.
“xiao-” “y/n-”
“ah no you can go first.” xiao had replied faster than you could, probably awaiting for your statement to spill out, maybe almost scared of what you were about to say.
“...I think that we’d both had spent such a large amount of time together that maybe, just maybe, we could be together if the heavens just allowed us this once.” you were terrified, of what could happen in the future. there was a huge loss thag you were willing to take just for him, you couldn’t help but be selfish for him.
xiao felt conflicted. he loved you, maybe a little too much, but he felt that all of the misfortune was caused by himself, he couldn’t help but falter a bit.
“I...I can’t, I love you y/n, but all im going to do for you is-”
talking nonsense was always what’d he liked to do, telling you that he was worthless and that he didn’t deserve to live. you had to shut him up, just this once.
It was so quick, how your lips and landed softly on his, how time had stopped just for a quick second. It was soft, just like how you imagined it would be, how you wanted to do this for so long and now you have.
this couldn’t be a dream. dreams never came this easy to you both, how you had set yourself free from all the nightmares and realized
how you both deserved something so special, just this once.
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lupinzapezit · 3 years
hello i thought it was probably time for a state of the blog update so,,, if you wanna know where ive been and whats happening read below (tw for mental health / s.uicide mentions)
if you do read, please like this post just for my own knowledge
okay so first of all i rly hate to be making this post because i absolutely hate being that person in the rpc who just constantly whines and guilt trips people over their own mental health without taking steps irl to work on it. im not gonna go into a lot of detail bc frankly its a lot and i dont super feel like it. (also i feel like its only kinda acceptable when the Big Blogs post a lot of ooc which i am definitely not, like my value is only tied to how much content i output but thats something im working on in my own time and not anyones fault persay)
basically i had a lot of shit happen at the end of 2019 that cause me to go into a very low period and while i was working on improving from that time, obviously the world had different plans plus last year was my final year of uni. i moved out in february this year in the hopes that it would continue to help me heal but along with the fallout of some other events, it’s left me incredibly alone and with a fraction of the support network i once had. june was extremely rough for me where i attempted twice and nearly didnt make it to my 21st birthday.
pretty much with working in customer service and australia being in and out of lockdown constantly (which makes my work much busier because people contact us when they cant go into stores), ive barely had any room to breathe or to try and work through things? and because writing is tied to my goal career of film and thats been difficult as well, you can probably guess why ive been struggling lately to be on tumblr and to write.
now dont get me wrong i adore my muses and being able to write. bucky has been an extremely fun and interesting character for me to explore. i literally never thought i’d end up writing a marvel muse and its caused a lot of hesitation due to how i approach him and feeling insecure. which is fine! thats natural! and ive been doing my best not to project those insecurities onto the dash and my partners but because of how poor my mental health is lately, that means ive just been very inactive. tumblr has always felt like a place where if you’re not constantly active then you lose people and while i know that’s not necessarily the case, it’s still a struggle. when i am here, it just feels like yelling into a void which is not a great motivator.
so what does this actually mean? tbh i’m still trying to figure that out. i made this blog initially with the intent of it being quite small and focused on character exploration n the like and i do still want to keep that goal. there’s a lot to bucky i still very much want to write and explore which i havent because of various reasons. i dont necessarily want to leave but i feel increasingly unsure about my presence which sucks because i have made some very good friends in the last year and a bit stint ive had on tumblr since leaving my old main rpc. i dont really want to give up this passion. 
for the time being, i’m probably still going to be low activity and my presence on the dash will be minimal. if that turns you off, feel free to soft block or unfollow. you can tailor your own experience the way you want. replies are probably going to be more queued and i wanna put a stronger emphasis on longer threads and character/dynamic development as i originally intended. again thats not everyone’s cup of tea so if you wanna leave then feel free. but atm i dont really feel connected to my partners and mutuals which sucks and i wanna improve on that. btw if you are reading this and youre down with this, message me and say hi!! i know that tumblr rp has developed this culture of not approaching people (and i struggle w this too) but the easiest way to plot with me is just to ask.
so yeah! tldr; brain extremely sucks, been feeling very disconnected and uncertain about my muse/writing capabilities/general self esteem, trying to work on that by taking things at my own pace and having bigger threads/metas more infrequently. i’ll still be more active on discord of course but hopefully these steps will help me feel a bit better about being here. 
thanks for reading all of this if you did, i really appreciate it :)
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courtgossip · 3 years
An Announcement!
We at The Moon have an important announcement to make!
We've been working hard behind the scenes to streamline how we receive tips on all the hot gossip going on in court that doesn't require every one of our reporters to surreptitiously distribute their email addresses or phone numbers. Plus the cost of all these burner phones are starting to pile up!
So we have opened up a tip line! Send your stories, rumors, sneaky photos, et. all here and our intrepid team of reporters will sift through them all and publish the juiciest ones!
See something? Tell us all about it!
And make sure to mind the guidelines listed below!
Happy gossiping!
OOC time: Hey y'all! I am so happy that this blog has been so well received! And I thought, what could be more fun than all of us contributing to the tongue-in-cheek madness that is this already crazy idea I had?
Of course as with anything fandom related, there should probably be guidelines to keep things from falling completely apart.
So here's how I think this could work:
1) You can send either on or off anon. I leave that to your discretion. I won't be editing any usernames out so it's up to you if you want your blog to be associated with a fledgling in the SS-Universe. Your call.
2) The blog exists as tied to my versions of these characters. So if you submit a rumor that contradicts something I have planned or think is OOC for the characters as I'm writing them, they won't be published. It's not personal, I just am already having a difficult enough time retrofitting and retconning the shit that Anne herself has come up with, y'know?
3a) The above stipulations don't apply to just Armand and Marius. I've hinted at different things going on with different background characters, which I am planning on writing at some point.
3b) But be aware: If you submit a rumor (specifically for background or minor characters, as I already have Armand and Marius's arc plotted out) that I particularly love, I might use it as a prompt. It's not a guarantee that I will, but it is a possibility. So if you're not comfortable with that prospect, then please don't submit that rumor!
3c) "What will you do with all the unused rumors?" you may be asking. I'll save them and when the fic is finished, I'll publish them for everyone to enjoy! I was thinking once the fic was done, the previously unpublished rumors could serve as prompts for anyone who wants to use them, if everyone is cool with that.
4) You can reblog whatever you want from this blog, btw. You don't even have to react to the post in character if you don't want to. Or you can reblog reacting to the posts as you would if they were detailing the lives of real people. Again, your discretion. But if you reblog in character, I might reply in character as well. So if you don't want that kind of interaction, make sure to reblog OOC.
All that being said, have fun!! This blog was meant to be a gift to anyone and everyone who has been reading my fic. A sort of thank you, if you will. So I would be thrilled if you interacted with it. And no worries if you don't have an idea for a rumor to submit: You can also react to a preexisting post with your own theories on it if you wish! Remember: This is supposed to be fun! So let's all have fun laughing at and dunking on overly dramatic vampires, yeah?
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