#also another shout-out to my first latin teacher. she was amazing. we all loved latin back then and the entire class had As and Bs
I whine a lot about latin and being graded on it sucks and grammar is hard and annoying BUT i just saw someone be a dickhead about learning latin so GUESS WHAT MOTHERFUCKER i'm gonna list everything i love about it.
even before we could translate shit and just wrangled dry grammar and vocab i have such fond memories (well credit goes to our teacher there)
like the entire class just marching around the classroom all chanting "is ea id! eius eius eius! ei ei ei!" etc it was so much fun
stopping the time to see who can decline a noun the fastest! to this day if i get stuck i just mentally chant "imperator-imperatoris-imperatore-" suuuuuper fast
also so many words just make sense! like some vocab is literally just like in my native language or in english. and other have helped me so much while learning french and some spanish! it's all! the same! roots! and for my language-loving ass this is actually paradise!!
one we *were* able to translate shit we got to translate actual. texts.
caesar!! an annoying bastard with six-line run-on sentences where nothing makes sense but we literally read THE ORIGINAL CAESAR BOOKS. in their original language. the way he wrote them. that is SO COOL and impressive!!!
the same applies to cicero! and catull! they are so well-known and i read their original texts without error of translation or nuance lost to language differences
i read about the eruption of mt vesuvius in the original, ORIGINAL actual source used by historians to learn about this!! i literally read the original wording of pliny's letters *AND I UNDERSTOOD* (mostly)
martial was a funny motherfucker and i analyzed his poems in their original language! i could see (if not necessarily understand) ever linguistic twist and joke he wrote into them! the ones that can't be translated! i read those!!
almost every time i see latin out in the wild i can just. understand shit?? there's some weird stuff above the door of that super old interesting church how about i translate that and know what teh fuck it says i can literally do that
like FUCK people who think otherwise! it can suck in class but latin is an amazing language to learn! yeah it's dead, but GUESS WHAT it influences so many things still! it's so important still! and interesting! and if you think something sucks just bc it's old and no longer directly present, well, rip to you and also dinosaurs. LEARNING LATIN ABSOLUTELY RULES. I HAVE LOST SO MUCH SLEEP AND SWEAT AND TEARS TO THIS LANGUAGE BUT I AM SO GLAD I GOT TO LEARN IT FOR FOUR YEARS REGARDLESS. I HAVE LEARNED SO MUCH. THIS WILL ALWAYS BE USEFUL IN SOME WAY
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Sirius Black’s Day Off
author’s note: this is a collab of 80′s movies with the lovely @probably-peeves@thegrxywitch @flymyhp @quadrupledeckertaco @shaynawrites23 please go check out what they wrote for this!
word count: 2.6k~
summary: imagine ferris bueller’s day off.... but with sirius!
"Rise and shine beautiful!" Sirius sprang up, flinging my curtains open. The reddish gold morning sun greeted me. In my opinion, it seemed angry and pushy but many might call it 'gentle' and 'beautiful' I knew better.
"No," I grunted. I placed the pillow over my face to block out the sun, and Sirius's loud announcements. Who really knew what he was up to?
"That's the spirit, now I'm going to transfigure some nice yellow warts on your face and you have to cough occasionally. Okay?" Sirius continued bounding around the room before finally leaping onto my bed and planting a kiss across my cheek. I tried to shove him off, but my morning fog finally cleared enough to let me remember why I loved Sirius: it was an adventure every day with him.
"Fine,"I sat up rubbing my eyes, and gave Sirius a morning kiss. "Good morning," He leaped off of the bed, happy to have completed a succesful mission.
"Fantastic! So I'll transfigure us both to-"
"No," I said again, thinking a bit about this plan. Whatever it led to, we certainly would not be taken siriously if we both showed up to Madam Pomfrey with a bizarre illness at the same time. "We need to go in separately or she'll get suspicious."
Sirius nodded, considering.
"You're right!"
"I always am, love," I winked as I pulled on my comfiest trackies. "So are you going to take me to breakfast if you got me up this early?" With a cough, Sirius fell dramatically on to my bed.
"I can't, I'm sick!" he cried, practicing his fake illness.
"Breakfast in bed it is then!" I decided, as I summoned a house elf. Over jammy toast and Beatles tunes, Sirius explained his idea.
"Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it." He began. Of course this was going to be a dramatic monologue. When wasn't it with Sirius? I brushed the toast crumbs from my lips as he spoke, excited to here the rest of the plan. "And so, today we are going...." He paused and appeared to be doing some difficult mental math.
"Actually, it would be quicker for me to say where we aren't going!"
"How are we doing this with classes though?" I frowned. Clearly Sirius had banked on me asking this question, and he began to preform various charms which were set to give me an extremely ill appearance in the first class of the day.
"I am excused from class due to a death in the family." He said much to happily, and I recalled that one of his pure-blood supremacist great-aunts had died recently.
"Sorry for your loss?" I said trying to hold back giggles at his jubilant behaviour.
"Don't be!" He shrugged, "Anyways, you'll be sick. And we'll call Remus out with some message from a teacher once I pick you up!"
"Remus is okay with this?" I was incredibly confused now. Typically Remus steered far away from anything which would cause him to miss classes due to his... unique.. schedule.
"Once he knows I'm sure he will be!"
"Famous last words my love, famous last words."
Midway through charms, I noticed a couple of strange glances coming my way. I paused my readings about The Art of Life in Inanimate Objects and looked around for anything that was causing these looks.
I quickly figured it out as I realised multicolored spots were popping up all over my arms, and I realised slight puffs of steam were currently exiting my ears. Godric Sirius. Madam Pomfrey was going to have some issues with that one.
"Professor Flitwick?" I raised my hand and waited a moment for him to notice.
"Yes Ms. y/n!" He responded in concern.
"I think I need to see Madam Pomfrey,"
"Yes, right away!" He agreed in his high pitched voice. I raced into the hall with my bag and bumped into Sirius straight away. He pulled me into the nearest secret passage way.
"Oh bloody merlin, my charms actually did work!" Sirius exclaimed, sounding extremely surprised at their success.
"How do we make them un-work?" I begged, uncomfortable at the site of pulsing pustules that were spotting my arms.
"I don't know y/n I think the multicolored look kind of suits you!" He smirked, raising an eyebrow.
"Fine." I crossed my arms. "But no kisses until I'm back to normal," I challenged smugly. A horrified look crossed Sirius's face, and he quickly got out his wand. After a few muttered spells, I was good as new.
"Thank you darling," I kissed his cheek softly before stepping into the corridor. He blushed and quickly followed me. Pulling out a piece of scrap parchment, aka the Marauder's map, we expertly dodged Filch on our way to  Remus's classroom.
"You go in," Sirius suggested, quickly forging a note if needed. Given it was the arithmancy teacher, I was sure it wouldn't matter. She was usually too focused on the topic to break away from it.
"Pardon me?" I knocked lightly on the door as I came in. "Professor Binns requested I borrow Remus for a while, he needs quite a lot of help with something." I carefully laid the foundation for a long absence to be suspected of Remus. He was currently eyeing me suspiciously, no doubt seeing right through my preformance. I threw him a wink and he simply rolled his eyes.
As we got into the hall he checked his suspicion.
"So, I'm guessing Professor Binns doesn't need my help?"
"Ah, you are smart!" I said in feigned surprise. Remus's lips twitched, nearly smiling.
"And where's Sirius?"
"Proving your smarts again!" I teased. "He's right round this corner, in the Hogsmeade secret passage." I whispered and tugged Remus into the hidden tunnel. That was where our adventure truly began. Huddled between the stoney walls of yet another secret passage.
"So!" Sirius clapped his hands together softly, before letting one hand fall down to hold mine. "Where do you guys want to go today?" I looked at him in amazement, as I had thought we'd be going to Hogsmeade at most.
"We're leaving Hogsmeade area?" I clarified. I glanced at Remus, and saw he shared my expression of shock. Sirius nodded with a glow of glee in his eyes.
"That we are!" He announced dramatically. I giggled while hushing him, sure that Filch would somehow here through the stone wall. Remus shrugged, unsure of where on earth he'd like to go.
"Oh!" I exclaimed, suddenly remembering one of the wizarding villages I'd heard about. "What about Pitlochry?" The small scottish town actually had a thriving wizarding community living right under it's very nose. It's actually where the famous wizard, Michael Scot, spent many years.
Remus's eyes lit up "Oh yes! Let's go there!" He agreed, eager to see what is said to be a beautiful town. Sirius was ecstatic, and jumped at the idea as well.
“Well?” Remus asked, trying to sound slightly bored with the lack of adventure he’d been forced to miss class for so far.
“Well what?” Sirius asked, glancing up from the Marauder's map he had been studying while we discussed where exactly to visit.
“Well how are we getting there dummy?” I grinned with a hint of mischief.
“Hey! You’re my girlfriend, you don’t get to call me dummy!” Sirius yelled indignantly.
“On the contrary darling, it’s one of my special privileges!” I smirked. “Like this!” I gave him a quick peck on the lips, and then raced raced down the passage with a smirk.
"We could apparate?" Remus suggested, but I shook my head slightly. Despite passing my test, I freaked out about trying it with anything farther than a couple of feet away.
"Perhaps use the Floo?" I thought out loud, hoping this would be the chosen idea.
"Or," Sirius began with a gleam in his eye, "We could use my motorbike." Sirius's cherry red motorbike had been bought last summer, and was currently stored in Hogsmeade. It was practically begging to be used. There was just one little snag:
"It's not like it flies or something," Remus shook his head with a small smile. "It would take ages to get to Pitlochry on it!" Sirius's smile grew all the wider. I could practically predict what he was about to say, but I wasn't sure I'd be able to believe it.
"Ah, but my friend, it does fly!" He exclaimed triumphantly. My eyes must have been boggling out of my head, because I simply could not believe it. For some reason it was perfectly logical that magic could give me pulsing polka dots all over my skin, but complete unbelievable that it could make a motorcycle fly.
"Wheeee!" I shouted gleefully as we soared through the clouds. Remus also looked like he was loving it, especially since he got the beautiful view out of the side car. He laughed along, as Sirius grinned proudly. As we began our descent, I wrapped my hands slightly tighter around Sirius's waist.
"Be careful!" I gasped as we pointed towards the ground. It was fairly terrifying to be staring straight down to the ground. I pressed my forehead against Sirius's back.
"Alright love?" He turned slightly, a note of concern in his voice.
"Yep," I squeaked while taking a few deep breaths. I was a Gryffindor. I was brave. I was completely fine with being a few thousand feet off of the ground.
After many impromptu loop de loops, we finally landed in Pitlochry. My feet sunk into the soft snow, and I felt more grateful than I’d ever admit to be back on the ground again.
“Where to first?” Sirius clapped his mittened hands together in anticipation.
“The museum!” Remus suggested straight away. I nodded, thinking it would be fascinating to learn more about Michael Scot.
The museum was filled with fascinating Latin texts, of which a few had been transcribed into modern English. I perused these before following Sirius into the next part of the museum.
Remus stayed outside once he caught a glimpse of the starry sky. I patted his back gently, attempting a comforting action, before I went in.
The room was a doom filled with a moving mural of the night sky. The only difference was that it had been painted here directly by Michael Scot during his time studying astrology.
“That’s you!” I pointed up to the star Sirius as I took the real Sirius’s hand. “I think I like you better as a star,” I joked, leaning on his shoulder.
“Well you get the best of both worlds here then, because I’m a star as well as me!” He responded, overestimating his rockstar career for a moment.
“You’re my star,” I smiled softly towards him, and we walked back to Remus. I caught Sirius redden slightly before grinning.
On our path back to the main wizarding village (hidden from the view of muggle Pitlochry), we came across a small scrimmage of community quidditch. After preforming a few warming charms, we stood and cheered for each of the teams.
"Here snitch-y snitch," Sirius started to call, as if attempting to make a dog come to him. I grinned and joined in,
"Who's a good snitch?" I shouted, and surprisingly, the snitch seemed to respond. It veered towards us and whizzed right over the head of a chaser into the hands of Sirius.
An astonished look filled his face, and both the teams swooped over to congratulate him. After a series of pats on the back and handshakes, we finally excused ourselves and continued our walk to the main village.
We spent the rest of the morning wandering through various shops filled with owls, and potions, and parchment until eventually all of our hands were a bit too similar to ice blocks.
“Shall we duck in here?” Remus nodded towards the busy restaurant.
“M’lady,” Sirius bowed and opened the door for me. I giggled and passed elegantly through the door frame.
I wrapped my hands around the warm mug of Butterbeer, and breathed in the sweet, ginger scent. The band was playing a recent Weird Sisters release, and I tapped my toe to the beat.
As the chill wore off, I relaxed into Sirius’s arm which he had wrapped around my shoulders.
“What’s next?” I asked eagerly.
“Going back to Hogwarts?” Remus begged in a tired voice.
“Oh come on! You’ve had a great time Moony!” Sirius slugged his arm, with friendly affection of course.
“I have,” Remus admitted with a sly grin. “But that doesn’t mean I’m not concerned about our grades!” I did see his point, it was NEWTs year. But a little break never hurt anyone!
“Please Moony, your grades are of the least concern. You probably have three O’s and an E or something,” Sirius waved his hand, brushing away Remus’s concerns. Remus looked down bashfully, telling me that Sirius had guessed nearly right.
“Plus Slughorn’s been a real dragon in potions lately,” I recalled the terribly involved animagus potion we had to create last class. Fortunately I was paired with Sirius, which made it ten times easier.
"Fine! Get outta here Abe!" Our cheerful banter was interrupted by the shouts of the lead guitarist of the band that had been playing during our lunch. It would seem that the lead singer had quit for some reason unknown to us. The two other band mates looked shattered, despite their previously amazing performance.
I nudged Sirius. Of all the people I could think of that might be able to help this situation, he was the best fit.
"You should go up there!" I encouraged him. I saw a rare flicker of doubt cross his eyes, but with a friendly smile from Remus and I, he seemed to gather his courage.
"Yeah," Remus nodded enthusiastically.
"I promise to remember you both when I'm famous," Sirius shot us both a winning grin before heading up to the stage. We watched him whisper to the abandoned band members for a moment, who eventually looked enthusiastic.
We heard the energized strumming of a few opening chords, and Remus and I began to tap our toes in time. The song seemed to ring a bill, but I wasn't entirely sure where I'd heard it.
"Well, shake it up, baby, now!" Sirius began to sing. I grinned, realising it was the exact song we had eaten our breakfast to. Pausing to listen for a line or two, I saw how the energy of the quiet pub room changed. Gradually, it came alive. Sirius's energy was contagious. He nodded up to him, and I ran up.
"You know you look so good," He winked, grabbing my hand and giving me a quick spin. As I spun around, I noticed Remus inviting another girl close to our age to dance. And I spied an elderly couple doing a small shuffle together. Something about this tune just brought people together!
After pulling out my finest dance moves alongside a singing Sirius, I collapsed back into my seat and chugged the rest of my butterbeer.
"Merlin," I grinned with a bubbly happiness towards Remus. He grinned eagerly back.
"Don't tell Sirius," He teased, "But I have actually had a fun time today." He admitted slyly.
"I'm glad," I nodded. "I have to hand it to Sirius that this was a pretty fantastic day off."
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rwoolley97 · 4 years
Who is important and ¿por qué?
Heroines, Role Models, and Everyday People
I am heartbroken
Mi corazón está sumamente triste
She was such an AMAZING human being
Un ser humano extraordinario y lleno de amor y bondad
These were some of the Facebook posts in the days after my friend Sandra’s passing on March 31, 2020. According to this ABC news article, she was the first teacher we lost to COVID in New York City. These were early days in our latest collective experience of human frailty brought on by this crazy pandemic. At the time, newspaper articles showed crisp charts with very tall bars for people over 65, but the bar for Sandra’s age group was pretty short. Sandra was my neighbor, my friend, and my peer. At 54 years old, we were the same age. Our kids were the same age, we’d both been dual language teachers for years, and we’d shared our dreams for supporting Sunset Park kids when we retired. My dream was to help kids with all of those little gaps in support as they head off to college. Hers was to start a really great preschool for families that couldn’t afford it. For me, the virus now felt real and personal; I now knew that the virus could take something from me, something important. In addition to the personal impact on me, the effects of Sandra’s death reverberated throughout our Sunset Park community. Sandra was an everyday, regular person in my life. But the way she lived her everyday life, made her special. For many, Sandra was a role model, and even a heroine.
In the days after her death, Facebook was filled with posts about what made Sandra so special (including, She was just the type of everyday superheroine that Dulce Pinzón portrays in her photographs at https://www.dulcepinzon.com/.
 The New York Times, The Daily News, Democracy Now, Chalkbeat, NYSUT, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S-NtmrK-S8g ). One of the posts listed the many awards she won for her teaching. Other posts told stories of all of the special ways that Sandra helped her students, her friends, her neighbors, and her family. Still others just talked about her warmth and kindness. Recently, I was in Prospect Heights and I ran across this mural commemorating Sandra from her school community. (It turns out it is part of a project, Underhill Walls, started by Jeff Beler collaborating with Love Heals to beautify an abandoned building. Sandra’s mural was recently added to the mural.)
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Just to give you an idea, let me go back in time to tell how Sandra and I started to become friends…
Years ago, when my father was ill, we brought him to live with us. Soon after he arrived, my principal called me down to the office. My father had fallen in the bathroom. He hit his head and broke his hip, said the voice on the phone. Under the influence of strong, prescribed medications, my father’s lucidity came and went. The doctors told me I needed a Durable Power of Attorney, if I wanted to be able to make his medical decisions in his less lucid moments. To get that, I needed a notary public. This detail became a stressful task at the time, getting between me and my father’s care.  After all, how can you get a notary public into the hospital and one that will keep coming back until he’s lucid?
Somehow Sandra heard about our situation and she reached out to me and volunteered; it turned out she was a notary public! She came to the hospital two or three times until my father was cognizant enough to go over the paperwork and understand what he was signing. Each time, I apologized and thanked her profusely. Each time she threw her head back, smiled a wide warm smile, and said it was no big deal.
At the time, I barely knew her. But, over the years, I learned that this is who Sandra was. She had two young kids, was helping to raise her sisters’ kids, taking care of older parents, and teaching full time in Red Hook, three neighborhoods away. And, every time I saw her, she shouted across the street and we chatted. 
At the time of Sandra’s death, so early in this pandemic, this was a huge loss for me, a personal, heartbreaking loss. It still is. 
Since then, I have come to wonder if this wasn’t more than just a personal loss, both because Sandra touched so many lives and also because, being Dominican, she was Latin@.
Back then, I was worried about my mother, my aunts and uncles, my friends’ parents, my older friends. I was shocked time and time again, as my friends lost family members at an alarming rate. One of my colleagues at school lost her father and her 24 year old brother within days. Another friend’s husband lost his grandparents and his father was in ICU for what seemed like ages. My student teacher’s grandmother was in the hospital for weeks. One of my professors told us to please be careful over Christmas break, because she had lost 3 family members within a week after  they had a small birthday gathering. At some point, I realized that every last one of these people we had lost were Latin@ or Black.  Before the press started reporting about the inequities of the ravages of the virus, it was becoming obvious to me. 
My white 77 year old mother and 78 year old mother-in law were fine, even though the former kept going out to buy food, shop for non-essential items and the latter lived in a nursing home. My sister-in-law and nephew survived infection unscathed, even though they both had  significant risk factors. In fact, my white family members and my many white friends were mostly fine. I’ve heard of only a tiny handful of white people who have lost family members or friends, mostly older and with quite serious underlying conditions. 
By April 10, 2020, news articles like this NBC article  were starting to pop up. According to the COVID Racial Data Tracker, a collaboration between the COVID Tracking Project and the Boston University Center for Antiracist Research, Latin@s are dying at a rate of 167 per 100,000, while whites are dying at a rate of 121 per 100,000 (Here is the link). 
Sandra wasn’t pushed out of the neighborhood by gentrification and, since she owned her home, she wouldn’t likely have been. Still, she’s gone and I can’t help but think that, if she were white, she’d probably still be here. My anger, frustration, and resentment are palpable as I write this. Sunset Park is less without Sandra. How many other regular people, role models, and heros have we lost in the Latin@ community?
NOTE:  Other challenges for the Latin@ community have been access to educational resources (like waiting so long for DOE iPads and ongoing challenges with Internet access, unemployment, and food insecurity, and access to vaccines).
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leesacrakon · 6 years
Correspondence pt. 2
Part 1
Summary: Virgil despises his life, but when he’s assigned a pen pal from Arizona for his next English project, he decides high school might not be so bad after all.
Pairings: Future Analogical
Chapter Warnings: Bullying and some self deprecating talk
A/N: This Fic is a collab with the amazing @accidental-sanders ! They’ll be writing from Logan’s point of view and I’ll be writing from Virgil’s! They wrote part 1 and will be writing part 3.
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Virgil groaned as his alarm went off and reached around blindly in the dark, finally switching it off when he knocked it to the floor and smashed it. He flinched at the loud sound and mentally kicked himself, turning on his lamp so he could bend down and pick up the pieces. He knew his dad was going to be upset; they had barely any money for food, let alone a brand new alarm clock. Virgil thought absentmindedly about different odd jobs he could do to earn money to buy a new one. In the meantime, he would just use his watch as an alarm.
After setting those on his nightstand, he proceeded with his morning routine. Take a cold shower, brush his teeth, use make up to conceal bags under his eyes. The cold shower usually helped to wake him up. He barely got any sleep, working got hours on homework assignments he could almost never complete. The bags under his eyes were a clear result. Not wanting to be picked on or cause unnecessary worry for his father, Virgil always covered them with makeup. The hardest part of Virgil’s routine was trying to tame his hair, getting dressed, and being force fed by his father, Roman. Especially that last one.
“Son, you need to eat!” Roman insisted, shoving a pop tart into Virgil’s hands as he tried to escape without his father noticing. Virgil groaned and tried to give the pop tart back to his dad, but the experienced father of a growing teenager had some tricks up his sleeves. Roman smiled to himself as he slipped the pop tart into Virgil’s back pocket without him noticing as he ran out the door.
“Have a good day at school!” Virgil merely gave a weak wave in response and sprinted outside, not wanting to be suffocated by his dad’s almost contagious energy. Just as Virgil predicted each and every morning, he almost missed the bus, and had to sit all the way in the back where all the assholes were. What a fantastic way to start his day!
He walked quickly through the halls, keeping his head bowed low, ignoring the students who shoved him into lockers and shouted slurs that made the other kids laugh, ignoring the tears burning in his eyes and his heart thudding in his chest as he rushed to English class as quickly as he could. Virgil pulled his hoodie up, and thankfully the teacher didn’t say anything. He felt a small tap on his shoulder and glanced up to see Emile, the guy who sat next to him that he barely knew (he actually knew him pretty well, they just didn’t talk much at school. He was the closest thing Virgil had to a friend even still), looking at him with concern.
“Hey Virgil, you doing alright? You look like you didn’t sleep again,” Emile commented, brushing some of Virgil’s hair aside. Virgil flinched slightly but just shrugged, giving Emile a smile that he hoped looked reassuring.
“Yeah I’m good, no need to worry. I just had to stay up a little later doing some chemistry homework. I’ll try to get more sleep tonight,” Virgil mumbled. From the confused look on the face of his pink-loving companion, Virgil figured Emile hadn’t heard him, but he didn’t care. It was better that way; he didn’t need Emile worrying about his problems that didn’t even matter.
“It’s that time of year again class! Pen pals!!” Virgil’s over enthusiastic teacher squealed, her blonde curls bouncing as she skipped into the room. Virgil huffed and rested his head on his desk. He really didn’t like Ms. Patterson. Oh sure, she was a nice person and a great teacher, but she was way too loud and too...bright! Virgil only half-listened as Ms. Patterson explained the instructions. They would each get a letter addressed to them, they had to write a response of so-and-so length, no bad language, bladdy blah bleh blah. It was the same old project every year. Sure, Virgil had gotten some responses in the past, but they usually only lasted a couple weeks. The only one that really made a difference was this kid named Remy, who wrote a letter almost every day and ended up living super close by so Virgil got to meet him properly. He knew that this year would be like most years. No replies and no friendships. When Virgil’s letter was set on his desk he opened it without really looking at the address. As he skimmed over the letter he couldn’t help but smile. Whoever this kid was, they were a smartass. Just what Virgil liked. He grabbed his pen and pulled out a sheet of paper, beginning to write.
Dear Logan,
Unnamed student? That don’t do. I’m Virgil, or virge if you’d rather call me that. I’m doing pretty good, I guess. Better than I am most days, although I did smash my alarm clock this morning. I’m writing to you from New York. Since it’s summer it’s about 90 degrees outside or some shit. It can get up to a hundred or more here, but during winter, if there’s a wind chill, it can get in the -30s. I have seen a lot of snow, but nowhere near as much as the people in Buffalo. Did you know they get up to 6 feet? I think it’s cause of the lake. What’s Arizona like? Are there lizards and spiders in your beds?
I’m a junior too. I really like art classes, but I think creative writing is my favorite. Why do you like math? Does it help you concentrate or something? It just stresses me out. I don’t really do many clubs, but I’ve done some choir and tech crew in the past. You kind of remind me of this kid in my English class named Emile. And yeah, that’s a good thing.
Damn, you really are good at math huh? How did you come up with all those statistics? Can you do stuff like that in your head or are you being a smartass and mocking your teacher? I’ve been there, so don’t feel bad.
Virgil stared ay the math problems that his pen pal wrote, completely confused.
When you said you were going to write math formulas I thought it would be funny if I solved them, but I have no idea what the hell these are talking about. Also, surprise mother fucker, you’re letter has been received! I may have anxiety but I don’t think I doubt as much as you do. I get at least a couple replies from my pen pal every year. Have you ever gotten a response back before?
You know, personally I think letters are really cool. They tend to be more personal and it seems more real than getting an email or a text. When you write it’s easier to get your feelings out. You may even end up trusting a total stranger.
Sorry about that, ramble a lot. As for how much snow we get, it really depends. Sometimes it Makes us have to cancel school because the roads are too dangerous, but it’s fun to play in. I like building snowmen. You know what you should try to do since you don’t have snow? Build a man out of clay or something. That would be fun, right?
So, I guess I should ask a couple questions before I wrap up. What’s your favorite color? Have you ever been out of state? What are your preferred pronouns? Do you have any other hobbies?
I’ll think up of more stuff later. I hope I hear from you again.
Virgil Prince
Ps. I actually did know that, I took a Latin class.
Pps. Thanks dude, I’ll keep that in mind.
Ppps. Why the fuck are you writing so many of these? Also excuse my language. If it bothers you let me know. And yeah, this assignment is weird, but who knows? We could end up getting married or some shit. Unless you don’t swing that way.
Virgil folded up the letter and stuck it in an envelope, writing down the address of his pen pal and bringing the letter up to the front. He wasn’t the first person to finish but he wasn’t the last either, which was slightly comforting. He stuck his letter in the basket, leaving it open for his teacher to read, and sat back at his desk. Virgil ignored Emile’s concerned glances as he pulled his hood back up, turning his music up to full volume and preparing himself for another day in hell.
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hyotaem · 7 years
why kim kibum is a RAVENCLAW
first of all kim kibum’s ugly ass can fight me for shoving his “““““““““““slytherin””””””””””” self in my face with all his stupid instagram posts this is the FIRST time i haven’t been excited about him posting. now let’s be real here the sorting hat must’ve been smoking some crack or something if it put kibum in slytherin………. he’s CLEARLY A RAVENCLAW and i have PROOF. SO MUCH proof that i’m about to write six pages of this shit!!!! ten virtual bucks and all of miss sha’s love to you if you actually read all of my anger induced rambling :)
okay!! now let’s get rowling’s awfully one dimensional and un-fleshed-out definition of what a ravenclaw is out of the way : the smart ones. that’s it. “wit beyond measure is man’s greatest treasure” blah blah all of that. basically the way she set it up in the (amazing) shitshow that was the harry potter books, most people interpreted it as “oh you do well in academics and stuff you get straight as and all that cool jazz so you must be a ravenclaw!” EXCEPT. getting good grades isn’t the only type of intelligence you can have and this especially applies to kibum because although i don’t know how well he did in school i do know that he has immense creative intelligence that screams ravenclaw AND NOT FUCKING SLYTHERIN GOD DAMN IT. also point number two!! if that was the only thing that made you a ravenclaw then hermione wouldn’t be a goddamn gryffindor. if you think back to book one (for those of you that have forgotten already, that’s the sorcerer’s stone or the philosopher’s stone depending on where you came from - a completely unnecessary change that still baffles me because despite the fact that americans are dumb i don’t think we’re THAT dumb that we wouldn’t know what a philosopher is but i digress) there’s that scene while they’re in room with the logic test with the poison and she says something along the lines of “yeah logic and cleverness is great and all but bravery and friendship is where it’s at harry!! now go beat voldemort’s ass!” (keep in mind i don’t have the books in front of me right now lol) it’s because she values those gryffindor qualities more than she values the qualities of intelligence that she was placed in gryffindor but that wasn’t very well expanded on in the books and it isn’t super relevant to ravenclaw kibum so i’ll move on.
one of my biggest points is the whole intelligence isn’t limited to getting good grades in school one. so in 1983 a developmental psychologist (don’t know what that is and i’m too lazy to google but i’m assuming he knew what he was talking about) came up with this theory?? idea?? whatever. that there are in fact nine different types of intelligence and you can’t bullet point in essays so bear with me: there’s naturalist intelligence which is like nature and stuff… not my thing and not kibum’s either so we’ll move forward; musical intelligence - let’s stop this list right here so i can point a giant finger at kibum’s obvious musical talent (which fingers crossed we’ll get to see in his solo album which will happen i have hope) - logical/mathematical (it took me four tries to spell that right could you believe i used to be a three time school spelling bee champion hahhahhahah) which is what i believe most people think of when they think “intelligence;” existential (why do we exist? what is our purpose here on earth? what the fuck exactly is a human? what is consciousness? this is for the ones who have existential crises every other day congrats you’re smart). this paragraph is getting too long lemme move to the next one -
yes hi where were we : interpersonal! this is a another one i think kibum has a lot of; he’s really extroverted and have you ever noticed that he knows like. everyone because he makes friends super easily and everything?? he knows how people work and he’s comfortable around them. next, linguistic intelligence, which he possesses a lot of too - we all know the man’s smart as hell when it comes to languages it’s real sexy; intra-personal (this is like…. knowing yourself and your thoughts/feelings which sounds fake to me but whatever); and last but not least (or yes least depending on how much of it you have) spatial intelligence which yeah kibum has a lot of because this applies to visual art and stuff and also comes in handy if you’re an engineer. (shout out to any of those reading this now stop and go do your job or something fucking nerds!)
so we’ve established that kibum is super intelligent, especially creatively, which you already should’ve known if you’ve been a shawol for longer than two seconds or aren’t stanning solely for visuals… my point is : kibum’s a smart dude!! so one box for ravenclaw checked! i’m not trying to say if you’re not a ravenclaw you’re stupid by the way because all of this means jack shit if you don’t value your intelligence, which brings us back to the whole situation with hermione - she was in gryffindor because gryffindor’s qualities were more important to her. but i think it’s clear kibum takes a whole lot of pride in his creative accomplishments and he’s always looking to add more to his loooooong resumé of cool shit i’ve done at such a young age (taemin has one of those except his is cool shit i’ve done at an even younger age). it’s these traits of his that stand out the most in my opinion which checks another ravenclaw kibum box!
completely unrelated to actual house sorting but kibum looks incredible in blue. pretend i attached pictures for reference.
listen being in ravenclaw isn’t all flowers and rainbows (that’s more hufflepuff; you can find them in the kitchens xx). this emphasis on logic and intelligence can often create a chasm between the more human side of things. ravenclaws tend to forget that emotion plays just a big a part in how things work as pure, cold logic does - which obviously doesn’t always apply, because interpersonal intelligence is a facet of ravenclawism?? let’s pretend that’s a word. ravenclaws can also be real perfectionists and super hard on themselves. and don’t forget that they can get big heads too - placing a higher value on intelligence, creative or not, doesn’t make you better than the rest of the houses, ravenclaws.
trust me, i know. i’m a ravenclaw. fuck pottermore.
i just realized something. in any proper school essay, you never just jump into things the way i did. idk if any of you learned tags?? theme, author, general, specific (or something like that; forgive me if i can’t remember, oh sophomore year honors english teacher) but yeah i forgot to do all that and just kinda went KIBUM IS A RAVENCLAW FUCK HIM so…
i’m assuming whoever’s reading this has either read and/or watched at least one of the harry potter books/movies. if you’ve only ever seen the movies (or worse, just one movie) get the fuck out of my sight! nah, just kidding, i’m ready to explain all this shit to y’all. so buckle in, kids and non kids, because you’re about to have a crash course on hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry completely from my shitty memory!
so hogwarts is this amazing school in england that teaches young, impressionable kids magic tricks but with real magic. it’s the wave your wand, say the latin inspired magic words, and boom! you just turned your rat into a teacup (or if you’re ron, you got stuck halfway and now peter pettigrew is having the worst time of his life since [spoiler]). it’s pretty much the most dangerous place you can send your kid especially if one (1) harry james potter is in the student body, because this snake man with no nose is coming to get him because he’s holding a ten year or so grudge that he couldn’t kill him when he wanted to. also [spoiler] plays a part in that lmao voldemort isn’t that shallow. but he is pretty shallow.
on your first day at this super cool school you put a magic talking hat on your head and it compartmentalizes you into one of four houses based on your personality, your values, and your strengths. it’s like divergent except less black and white. (and if you’ve seen/read divergent and not harry potter get your fucking priorities in order wtf???) you’ve probably heard of these houses - gryffindor, slytherin, ravenclaw, and hufflepuff - even if you know shit about harry potter because you’re friend has said to you “oh yeah i’m a hufflepuff” and you went “oh cool haha sounds fucking dumb” and unfortunately for your poor hufflepuff friend most people look down on hufflepuff. thank god that’s changing and fuck rowling for making it that way. no one has time for her silly “all slytherins are evil” narrative.
rowling-wise (hope y’all are realizing by now that i’m not her biggest fan) the houses are pretty much as one-dimensional as divergent was: gryffindor was for the big, strong, brave people; ravenclaw for the smart; slytherin for… well, evil; and everyone else gets to be a hufflepuff and get labelled as nice. nothing wrong with being nice, but if you’re just nice, you’re boring, and hey, hufflepuffs don’t deserve that. maybe it’s tweaking canon a bit, but fandom has collectively shifted away from these stereotypes and effectively (more effectively than rowling, at least) expanded on what actually makes a gryffindor a gryffindor and so forth. (also, yeah, i thought i was a hufflepuff for years before i took a good look at myself in the mirror and realized i’m a lazy piece of shit that doesn’t deserve to be in that house)
off the top of my head, hogwarts was founded by four wizards with varying levels of assholishness, and their last names are where we get the houses. each one of them basically picked the qualities they wanted to see in their students (gg : “i want the loudmouths who are brave and awesome!” rr: “i want the ones who think being smart is sexy” ss: “i want the ambitious prideful ones” and lovely helga hufflepuff was like “cool i’ll just take the rest they’re amazing too”) and so the houses were formed. things quickly unraveled after that because mr. slytherin was a racist piece of shit and he only wanted the “pure-blooded” families to send their kids to hogwarts (meaning the ones wizarding families who were all wizards) and the rest were like “wtf bro?? what about the mixed kids. or the random muggle-borns blessed with the ability to bewitch??” and salazar was like “nah i’m out goodbye fuckers i hate you all for being open-minded and shit.” so, i mean, it really doesn’t come as a surprise that slytherin gets such a bad rep considering the first ever slytherin was on the high end of the asshole spectrum. and then all that shit with the [spoiler] in chamber of secrets happened, so not only was he an asshole, but he was also fucking insane. good riddance. but the rest stayed, and they made hogwarts famous, and then they died and became ghosts to haunt the corridors of the school or whatever.
so now that your brief hogwarts, a history lesson is over, let’s talk a little more about slytherin because i feel like it! also the whole idea about all slytherins being evil, power-hungry, greedy fuckers is wrong and needs to be dispelled. yes, power does play a huge role in who a slytherin is, but it doesn’t necessarily have to be a “crush everyone underneath me” kind of thing - it’s more like an ambition-driven one. sure, a lot of slytherins are bad, like, say, voldemort, who was so obsessed with power and living forever that he pretty much killed himself, with a little bit of help from our lovely hero harry. and like… i could go into detail about how horrible and abusive snape was (yes he did have a few good qualities but they certainly weren’t redeeming ones fuck off) but i’d max out the number of pages for this essay so maybe another time. if you’re a snape apologist…… well i hope you see the light soon. that’s a real stain on your person. but yeah - not every single slytherin you see is pure evil; regulus black exists (please read the books) and like. narcissa malfoy just wanted to protect her son, you know? doesn’t excuse most of the shit she did but her intentions weren’t completely “oh i want to be powerful also i’m better than everyone because i’m pureblood and you’re not haha.”
also taemin!! there’s a lovely slytherin. smart, ambitious, sweet, great smile, i’ll stop before this turns into a soft rant - taemin is textbook slytherin but surprise he isn’t in the game just so he can put other people down. and i wasn’t serious about my other if you’re blank then stop reading this but if you don’t think taemin’s a slytherin you can exit. right now. i’m serious i don’t want to be associated with y’all. AND IT’S EVEN WORSE IF YOU THINK HE’S A HUFFLEPUFF!!! you’re going to put lee “work over relationships” taemin into hufflepuff? he’s pure slytherin; he’s driven by ambition - idk if you noticed when he was talking about his budokan concerts but he mentioned how he worked so hard on it for his own sake. he wanted to prove to himself as well as others that he could pull off something so grand and incredible (and he did but once again that’s soft rant territory so i’ll pull back) and that’s slytherin. this isn’t necessarily in a bad way, but he’s so willing to throw his members under the bus for his own sake - go watch their weekly idol. THAT DOESN’T MAKE HIM EVIL LMAO a big part of being a slytherin is relationships with others!! when the worst comes to worst, loyalty is important to slytherins. it’s not one of their defining characteristics like it is for gryffindor but it’s still super important. that’s not to say he doesn’t have hufflepuff traits (y’know, working hard! being dedicated!) but those coupled with entirely slytherin motivations of proving oneself and becoming the best they can be point him towards slytherin’s direction. slytherins have a tendency of throwing everyone and everything away (including, many times, themselves) for the sake of achieving their goal and taemin is a perfect example of that. sure, he’s as sweet as a person who laughs when other people are crying can be, but that doesn’t automatically make him a hufflepuff. it’s not like everyone who isn’t a hufflepuff is mean or that every hufflepuff is a gooey pile of chocolate and sunshine.
anyway… this is about kibum…
(fun fact : the animal associated with the ravenclaw house is actually an eagle. something about soaring to new intellectual heights or something. would’ve been easier to just make it a raven because it’s not like ravens can’t fly too but whatever.)
probably one of the biggest roadblocks with sorting people into hogwarts houses is the overlap that occurs between traits of different houses. having one trait - or even a few of them - doesn’t automatically mean you fit solidly into a house, because you have to take your own ideals and values into account, as well as the way you approach things in life. it’s not to say kibum isn’t ambitious, because yeah, he is, but the way his ambition is directed towards his creative pursuits for the sake of expanding his creative intelligence is a ravenclaw thing you know?? same with jonghyun (who is also a ravenclaw) - the way he approaches all of his creative pursuits is completely in the artistic sense. jonghyun is creatively brilliant - let’s look at his radio show, or his song-writing, or his composing, or his book writing, etc. - and just because he’s a ravenclaw doesn’t mean he’s not ambitious. sure he’s ambitious but is anyone sitting here calling him a slytherin?? no, seriously - does anyone think jonghyun’s a slytherin? because i’ve never seen that. most people put him in hufflepuff and not ravenclaw… but why? is it because he’s soft? because that’s a hell of a stereotype, too, and it’s not like all ravenclaws are cold, emotionally detached bitches who only care about getting 100 percents on their quizzes.
what i’m trying to say is people can’t be categorized into boxes the way the houses were originally constructed; otherwise, most of the population would just be hufflepuffs. sorting also takes your personal wishes, your goals, what you think is important into consideration. so, yeah, if kibum really wanted he could totally be a slytherin, but it would pretty much be for the sake of being a slytherin because that cunning is not what he deems most important. let’s go back to harry potter himself - the sorting hat was really fucking ready to put him in slytherin, and as much as you can argue that it was because a piece of voldemort, of evil, was in him or whatever, you can’t deny that harry has a lot of inherently slytherin traits. he knows how to work people, he knows how to get out of tricky situations because he’s witty and yeah, cunning as hell. and yes, he asked not to be put in slytherin, but that’s mainly because he walked into hogwarts having heard nothing but stereotypes about the house (like that one line that ron said about how not everyone in slytherin was evil but how everyone evil came from slytherin, the whole square rectangle relationship). and keep in mind that he didn’t specifically ask to be put into gryffindor but that the sorting hat recognized those qualities that he also had and the fact that he valued them more as well and made the decision to sort him into gryffindor.
sorting is a tricky business, thanks to those gray areas. there are ravenclaws that could be academically behind others, but they work their asses off because they want to learn. hard work is, again, technically a hufflepuff trait but their objective, their main focus, is the learning aspect which makes them a ravenclaw! an excellent real life example would be minho, who you can argue has several gryffindor traits, like… he’s loud and i guess he’s brave and all, but hufflepuff fits him a thousand times better. the importance he places on relationships and especially loyalty is purely hufflepuff and he makes a damn good one, too. i think that’s what annoys me most about people who think taemin’s too “sweet” or “nice” to be a slytherin - i hate to break it to you, but not every slytherin is mean and selfish. they just value being at the top because they believe they deserve it, and you can’t really fault a person for that, and it doesn’t mean they think everyone else is automatically lesser, either.
i’m going to wrap this up now because i want to watch final life and i’ve also made pretty much every point i can think of right now. kibum might be out there dropping $100+ on overpriced slytherin wands and parading around in his slytherin scarf but honestly? i’m still convinced he’s a ravenclaw because it just fits him so much better. but i guess slytherin is a good second choice! he really made me angry enough to write an entire goddamn essay about this wow
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