onemsizbirisisblog · 9 months
Güneşin buz tuttuğu yerde yanan bir ateş görürsen bil ki o senin için yanan kalbimdir.
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oldschoolfrp · 10 months
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Magic-users start out very weak but may eventually advance to become some of the most powerful characters in the party -- if they can survive (Cover art by Buz for The Judges Guild Journal #15, aka letter "X," aka JG product #97, June-July 1979)
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yakazakalb · 1 year
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Sermayesi buz olan korksun güneşten. Dağları güneşle eritemezler.
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istanbulunbeyfendisi · 6 months
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Buzda dans yapmaya geldim 🤣
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Milli buz hokey kızlarımız ☺️
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I whine a lot about latin and being graded on it sucks and grammar is hard and annoying BUT i just saw someone be a dickhead about learning latin so GUESS WHAT MOTHERFUCKER i'm gonna list everything i love about it.
even before we could translate shit and just wrangled dry grammar and vocab i have such fond memories (well credit goes to our teacher there)
like the entire class just marching around the classroom all chanting "is ea id! eius eius eius! ei ei ei!" etc it was so much fun
stopping the time to see who can decline a noun the fastest! to this day if i get stuck i just mentally chant "imperator-imperatoris-imperatore-" suuuuuper fast
also so many words just make sense! like some vocab is literally just like in my native language or in english. and other have helped me so much while learning french and some spanish! it's all! the same! roots! and for my language-loving ass this is actually paradise!!
one we *were* able to translate shit we got to translate actual. texts.
caesar!! an annoying bastard with six-line run-on sentences where nothing makes sense but we literally read THE ORIGINAL CAESAR BOOKS. in their original language. the way he wrote them. that is SO COOL and impressive!!!
the same applies to cicero! and catull! they are so well-known and i read their original texts without error of translation or nuance lost to language differences
i read about the eruption of mt vesuvius in the original, ORIGINAL actual source used by historians to learn about this!! i literally read the original wording of pliny's letters *AND I UNDERSTOOD* (mostly)
martial was a funny motherfucker and i analyzed his poems in their original language! i could see (if not necessarily understand) ever linguistic twist and joke he wrote into them! the ones that can't be translated! i read those!!
almost every time i see latin out in the wild i can just. understand shit?? there's some weird stuff above the door of that super old interesting church how about i translate that and know what teh fuck it says i can literally do that
like FUCK people who think otherwise! it can suck in class but latin is an amazing language to learn! yeah it's dead, but GUESS WHAT it influences so many things still! it's so important still! and interesting! and if you think something sucks just bc it's old and no longer directly present, well, rip to you and also dinosaurs. LEARNING LATIN ABSOLUTELY RULES. I HAVE LOST SO MUCH SLEEP AND SWEAT AND TEARS TO THIS LANGUAGE BUT I AM SO GLAD I GOT TO LEARN IT FOR FOUR YEARS REGARDLESS. I HAVE LEARNED SO MUCH. THIS WILL ALWAYS BE USEFUL IN SOME WAY
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gece4517 · 7 months
Kalbim buz gibi sanki.. adeta bitmeyecek bir kışa tutulmuş gibi.. dayanamıyorum nefes alamıyorum.. Her seferinde boğuluyorum sanki..onu çok özledim.. sarılmak istiyorum sımsıkı hem de.. bütün dertlerimi unutturacakmış gibi sanki..
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user89236 · 1 year
"İnançsız bir adamın inandığı tek şeysin Lavinia... "
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oyunabirazara · 2 years
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İtalyan bir heykeltıraş buz kalıplarından kişisel bir sergi yapmış. Adı da "hayat kısa" imiş.
Fahreddin er-Râzî (r.h.) der ki:
“Buz satan birisi pazarda şöyle bağırıyordu:
«- Sermayesi eriyen bu şahsa merhamet edin!...»
Onun bu sözünü duyunca, «İşte bu söz Asr sûresinin mânasını izah etmektedir» dedim.
Aslında insana verilen ömür güneşin altında bir buz gibi hızla erimektedir.
Eğer bunu ziyan eder veya yanlış yere harcarsa insanın hüsranına sebep olur.”
(Fahreddin er-Râzî, Mefâtîhu’l-gayb,
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parcalaryokolus · 2 years
Ruhumun üşümesi tamamen durdu artık buz kesmiş durumda.
14:27 20.11.2022
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"Dinledin ağlamamı sebep sormadın"
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l0velyinc · 1 year
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Bunch of gay monsters. I’m so proud of them. My comfort beast.
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eternalll00 · 24 hours
Stresin mideye vurması kadar kötü bir şey yok. Miden dahil tüm karnın ağrıyor. Bir kusma isteği var ama kusamıyorsun. Ellerin ayakların her tarafın buz kesiyor. Titremeye başlıyorsun içinde ki huzursuzluk giderek büyüyor. Kafanı dağıtmak istiyorsun ama dağıtamıyorsun. Ateşin çıkıyor. Ne yapsan geçmiyor. Peki buna sebep olana noluyor?
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photo-roulette-wheel · 9 months
You are loved bus
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Havaya soğuk demeye utanıyorum şu an çünkü soğuk demek az kalır buz lan buz gibisi olmadan buz
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marstananas · 2 years
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deepestcloudpenguin · 2 years
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Arabamızın üzerindeki örtü açılmış ve arabamız şu an donmuş durumda. Sonra da Kars'ı niye sevmiyorsun? :)
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