#also at some pt i was outside and saw a kitten and it ran up to me and i picked it up
audiovisualrecall · 8 months
Hm keep having the same...Dream? Nightmare? Anyway maybe I should take it as a warning...
#in the dream/nightmare a stranger opens the door and throws a small explosive device into the house and then runs away.#in the dream this time at least he had other people with him behind him but they still left afterwards#hm this time we needed to go drive somewhere for some reason and everything in the area we drove thru were Weird. all the people were scary#like we knew they were a threat and it was palpable#they were also dressed like somewhere between rennie and appropriated and twisted native american outfits#or vikings too but i guess thats why i thought rennie#uh and i hid my star of david. so you can get that the overall tone of the nightmare was antisemitism is a threat#since its a dream things kept changing etc#like it started totally differently jt started w me and steph waiting for a table at a small restaurant and for some reason like#we were kept waiting all the way until they closed#also at some pt i was outside and saw a kitten and it ran up to me and i picked it up#and then i was back inside the restaurant and hm somehow put the kitten down in a space where it wouldnt be able to jump out and run around#and then when dream us realized we weren't going to be seated before they closed for the day we left and walked home#and at some pt later realized id left the kitten but coulsnr go back bc they were closed and went oh i hope it becomes their shop kitten w#and then the scary parts started and it was... hm. and also the restaurant had the same thing happen to it but was damaged but magically w#we were lucky but then the thought was next time it could be much worse if xyz happened and then i pushed my mind to move on#hm but i do remember yelling in the dream that we should do x so it cant happen#and then i started thinking we should have a back door for emergencies but where woukd it go without us having to remove the radiator or tbe#bookcase but we cant do that and then i was like ooh moving bookcase that hides the door frkm the knside idk#anyway weird and disturbing scary dreams
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rorywritesjunk · 11 months
For these foamy green hills are but saltwater desert
Richie, Mohji's lion, isn't doing so well. The crew end up at a small island with a dwindling population to seek help and Buggy meets Midori, the mayor who is far more stubborn and trusting with his crew than he can really comprehend.
Rating: PG-13, gonna have smut at some point later though. Warnings: Buggy being obnoxious, of course. I'd call this a fast paced slow burn. It takes the place over the course of the week and days are split into two chapters. There's also some drama and other pirates. A/N: Full confession. I honestly wrote this because I have been watching the anime and Richie is one of the best characters. Do I know a lot about the anime? No. Is some of this chaotic and characters OOC? Of course! It's a fanfic. Is it self indulgent? Hell yes. I had fun writing this and wanted to share it. Also, I wrote this more with anime!Buggy in mind since we don't get to see Richie in the live action. Title comes from the song "Dryad's Promise" by Tricky Pixie.
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Chapter 3
Day 2 pt 1
Buggy woke up the next morning to the most horrific screaming coming from the barn. He heard the roaring from Richie, and he quickly threw the covers off his bed and rushed outside wearing just his pants, hoping he wasn’t about to come across something gruesome. Midori couldn’t have seriously gone to see Richie without anyone, right? He knew Mohji was staying in the barn with the lion, but that idiot was a heavy sleeper. He wouldn’t hear Richie wake up, or hear the barn door, and probably wasn’t aware his lion was eating their host.
He ran to the barn as fast as he could, a look of horror on his face as he saw Richie on top of Midori. She was thrashing around underneath him, trying to fight him off, no doubt being stubborn about dying from a lion attack.
But as Buggy got up to them, the screams were now giggles and Richie was no longer roaring but purring, nuzzling his large face against Midori, nearly crushing her into the ground. She was trying to push him off while laughing, grabbing at his ears playfully and giving them a tug.
“You silly cat, get off me!” She insisted as he gave her a face lick before finally getting off her. She stuck her tongue out at him and wiped her face with her sleeve. “C’mon, I know you’re excited. I got a cow in the small pasture around the barn for you.” 
“What the hell is this?!” Buggy shouted, startling them both. Richie hid behind Midori. It was almost comical if Buggy didn’t think he was about to deal with a corpse a few minutes before that. “Y-You could have been killed!”
“I woke up to him yowling.” Midori explained way too calmly as she reached back to rub Richie’s nose. “I guess Mohji is a heavy sleeper, huh? Poor kitty wanted out of the barn so I came down to let him out. I guess he’s already feeling better because he practiced his pouncing on me.”
Buggy couldn’t wrap his brain around this. Richie, that fearsome lion, playfully attacking Midori like he was some little kitten? And she was fine with it? She survived the crushing weight of the large creature and laughed about it. This woman was insane and Buggy wasn’t sure if he could handle an entire week in her home. 
Midori led Richie around the barn and Buggy followed after her. He could see the grass stains and mud all over her nightgown, and there were some leaves sticking out of her hair. Richie perked up seeing the cow in the pasture. The cow wasn’t old enough to be on her last legs, but she had definitely seen better days. Midori opened the pasture gate for him and he crept in, body low to the ground as he began to stalk his prey. She shut the gate and started heading back to the house, Buggy following after her in a stunned silence.
She let him into her house first and put her hand on his lower back to direct him to the kitchen table to sit. Besides sleeping or eating, this was the quietest he had been so far. And to her surprise, he allowed her to touch him, her hand grabbing his shoulder and giving it a gentle squeeze before she made her way to the stove. He wanted to feel that again, her hand on his bare skin like that, but he shook his head to clear it. No, no. He couldn’t think that way. Instead his hand grabbed hers, and she turned to face him, expecting to see it unattached from his body, but it was him grabbing her, pulling her back toward him as he narrowed his eyes at her.
“You could have been killed.” He told her gruffly. “What would have happened to your village if their mayor was killed by pirates? Huh?”
She didn’t pull away from him, instead focusing her gaze on his eyes. She swallowed heavily and shrugged. “I don’t fear your lion, nor do I fear you. If he had attacked me with intent to kill then it would have happened and your crew could have full reign of this place, doing whatever you please, but since that overgrown kitten trusts me for some reason, as does Mohji, I had no fear of him when I saw him this morning.” She finally pulled away from him. “Why did you come running in a panic?”
“B-Because I didn’t want to have to deal with your corpse first thing in the morning!” He told her angrily, his voice wavering as the adrenaline coursing through his body finally crashed. He fell back into his chair, almost slumping down to the ground if Midori hadn’t caught him and pushed him back into it. She used her body to keep him up, hands gripping the seat on either side of his thighs while she stood between his legs. She carefully moved one of her hands off the seat and reached up to pat his cheek gently. She hoped no one came up to the window or door at that moment because it was certainly an interesting sight. Buggy, shirtless and slumped back in a chair while she hovered over him in just a nightgown. 
“Buggy? Captain?” She asked softly. “You okay? I didn’t mean to scare you, don’t die on me in here from… whatever it is you can die from. Shock, frustration? I don’t even know.” She sighed and patted his cheek a little harder. “C’monnnnn.”
He grabbed her hand and moved it away from his face with an annoyed huff. “Stop that. I’m not dead.” 
Buggy took a moment to realize what was going on. She was almost in his lap. Her one hand was still gripping the side of his chair next to his thigh while her other hand was near his face. She was still between his legs, and he was feeling a bit uncomfortable with how close she was. The nightgown she was wearing was a thin material, he could feel her body heat, almost comforting, but he didn’t want to be that close to her. He pushed her away from him and looked away.
“I’m fine.” He muttered. Midori studied him for a moment, wanting to be sure he really was okay before she went to the stove to heat up some water for coffee. “I’ve been here barely one day and you’ve almost killed me once. Do I have to worry about my life when I’m around you?”
She looked back at him. Was this an attempt at humor and making conversation? Midori opened the cupboard to grab two mugs down from the shelf, but his hand beat her to it, setting them on the counter for her. She shrugged as she made sure they were clean of dust. “Hopefully not. I’ll try not to accidentally kill you by petting Richie or overfeeding you.” She grinned as she looked inside one of the mugs before wiping it again. “No promises, Captain.”
He put his elbow on the table and rested his head in his hand as he watched her. “Y’don’t have to keep calling me Captain… you’re not on my crew.”
“Yea?” Midori grinned. “I can call you Buggy then?”
“Only when we’re alone.” He warned her. “Around the crew it’s still Captain.”
“What about around Richie?” She asked with a cheeky grin. He glared at her and pointed his finger at her, waving it at her as to make a point.
“Even around Richie!”
“Fine, fine.” She chuckled. “I’ll make sure to mind my tongue, Buggy.”
The crew had yet to drink the place dry and they had now been there 24 hours. Buggy finally recovered from the morning’s excitement, and he chewed Mohji out regarding keeping a better eye on Richie. The lion had definitely perked up since arriving on the island, and with Mohji’s assistance, Midori had the townsfolk - all 14 of them - come up to meet Richie, with the understanding that he was there to recuperate and he wouldn’t bother them or their animals. 
Buggy stood nearby with his arms crossed, glowering at the group as Midori hoisted a small child up to pet Richie. The lion basked in the attention and Mohji had a huge smile on his face, no doubt relieved at his friend’s improving condition. 
“Okay, that was all, everyone!” Midori announced. “Thank you for coming to the town meeting. I’ll see you at the end of the week for the feast!”
Several of the crew perked up at the mention of the word ‘feast’. They were leaving at the end of the week, would they get to participate? The mayor noticed the way they were looking at her and she laughed. “I’ll make sure we have enough food for you guys as well. It’s a fun thing we do every few months, and it’s even better since we have guests!” She looked over at Buggy. “If that’s alright with you, of course, Captain. I would like to extend an invite to your entire crew for the feast.”
He grumbled and looked away, not making eye contact with any of them, even though the crew was looking at him with the same expression Richie and Mohji gave him the day before about staying on land. “Fine, fine! We’ll come to the feast.”
The crew cheered. Midori smiled. 
Buggy took time to explore the island by himself. It wasn’t large by any means and he couldn’t see any way to get lost. There were trees, some hills, and a stream that ran through it from one end to the other. There were birds and small critters that ran about, but no predators, unless he counted Richie who he saw no less than five times, running around the trees excitedly with Mohji nowhere to be seen. Since Midori allowed Richie free reign of the island, it allowed Mohji some time to himself. Buggy didn’t think his first mate needed time to himself, but apparently he did, because he was nowhere to be seen in the forest while Richie sniffed at some birds that were perched on a log.
Buggy sighed and kept walking. 
The mayor was also on his mind and he… he didn’t like that. He didn’t want to think about her. He couldn’t understand her. Why was she insistent on staying on the island even if everyone else left? She mentioned a family was planning on leaving, literally taking away half of the island’s population. What kept her from wanting to leave, and why did it bother him so much?
She was ridiculously stubborn as well, not to mention an idiot from what happened that morning with Richie. She was too trusting around the animal, and far too trusting around Buggy and his crew. They were pirates, they were supposed to be terrifying, but they just got invited to a feast at the end of the week like it was nothing. 
And then being in her nightgown this morning around him, touching him, checking on him, making sure he was okay when she was the one knocked on her back by the giant cat. He hated how warm she felt next to him, and he wondered if she felt that way all the time or was it just from the excitement of the morning? What would it feel like to be skin to skin with her, wake up next to her in bed, touch her-
He stopped in his tracks and slapped his cheeks repeatedly. He was not thinking of someone he just met like that. He let out a frustrated shriek and kicked a rock out of his path. He was supposed to be exploring and relaxing, not thinking about her. She frustrated him, challenged him, and he couldn’t believe how much stubbornness was inside one person. He didn’t want to even have another conversation with her because he would just get frustrated by her again.
Maybe he needed to stay on the ship for the remainder of their stay, but then he wouldn’t get the meals she made, and she was a decent cook. He wondered how she felt about him, though. She said she didn’t fear him, was that true or was it just talk? She seemed more… amused by him than anything, no way intimidated by his actions or how he spoke to her. She just giggled or laughed, and admittedly, he was getting used to her laugh by now. She did it as much as talking.
He hated that he was already getting used to this place after a day.
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angst-king · 3 years
Seeing red pt 1
(TW mention of sexual exploitation/abuse, ablism, physical and verbal abuse, transphobia, homophobia, emotional abuse, & attempted suicide)
(i will also be using she/her pronouns on Kiri for the first chapter and half of the second chapter) “That was fun, damn you were so good for me tonight kitten.” A soft out of breath voice calls out, the girl quickly grabs her things, slipping her clothes back on and she's almost out the door before the girl on the bed adds. “Hey, money’s on the dresser, take what you want kitten, you did so well~” Her voice purs, taking the money she hurried out the door, and soon out of the apartment complex. Walking the cold dark streets in the chilly night, the girl grabs her phone and calls someone. “H-hello?”  Her voice was soft and shaky “hey there Ijima, did you have to ‘go out’ again?” “m-mhm, I d-don’t wanna go home Ashido.” “I know you don’t, just come on over, I’ll get you some clothes okay.” “O-okay, s-see you in a bit Ashi” “See ya Kiri” The two hung up and her steps quickened into a run.
She was so glad the ashido house had always welcomed her, whether it was after school, or late into the night to the ass crack of dawn. Her quiet feet brought her to a familiar street and soon to the house she could finally rest at. She was tired, barely holding herself up shaky legs that were weak from her previous activities. Knocking on the door, she could barely hold herself up, the door had opened just in time. A girl with pink hair and black roots opened the door, she was dressed in her pajamas with a slight look of sleep on her face clouding those bright yellow eyes. “Th-thanks Ashido” She says, hurrying into the house, stumbling. The girl catches her waking up more. “God Kirishima be careful, I’ve got ya, let's get you showered and into some better clothes. Ashido says softly to Kirishima who tries to balance herself but still needs assistance.
“I’ve got ya, now come on, you need a bath hun.” Ashido closes the front door, and leads Kirishima up the stairs and into a bathroom, giving the girl privacy. Ashido found some comfortable clothes for Kirishima.
Kirishima wasn’t in there long seeing as she could hardly stand up straight it was quick but good enough to get the smell of sex, and stickiness of shared bodily fluids. Her hair loosely tied up as she comes out in a towel, Mina hands her the clothes. Kirishima heads back into the bathroom and changes. Coming out once more, she’s shaking but clothed and dry, Mina hated to see her friend so hurt. There was a dull look in those ruby eyes, her lips small and barely able to hold the weight of a smile during a time like this. She was tired, sore, and worst of all, she was numb. She sunk to her knees on the floor in the pink haired girl’s bedroom. She began to shake harder, holding onto herself, fingers tightly gripping her slim biceps. Face towards the floor, only light snivels and whimpers could be heard from the ravenette. 
Coming over to comfort the girl, Ashido knelt down and gently pulled her into her loving frame. Flinching, it only took a second before a choked sob erupted and the young Kirishima started to cry. Her body going slack in her friend’s hold as tears rained down from her eyes dampening the shoulder she cried on. All the other could do was rub her back and hold her close and offer advice. There were moments upon moments of quiet sobbing before her words came out in a stammer. 
“A-Ashido, I-I wanna die, please.” Her voice pleaded, shaking her head the pink haired teen tried to persuade her. “No Kiri, i’m sorry I can’t let you do that-” “pl-please, just give me a bottle of pills, cough syrup, a knife, something! Please Mina! Let me die already!!” She exclaimed, pressing her friend into allowing her to silence her inner demons. “Shhh Kiri, I’m sorry I know you do but, I can’t let you do that please, we’re gonna get you help, i know you need it, but we still gotta figure out a way to do that. Just hang in there please, you’re safe with me.” All Kirishima could do was nod and cry till she fell asleep.
Morning came and Kirishima was soon returned back home against their will yet she knew she couldn’t stay with the Ashidos forever. She already felt like a burden to them for having to come to them for food and clothes and even comfort or a place to escape. Walking up to the door, she knocked and waited for the door to be unlocked. A soft jingle jangle came and the door opened, stepping in she saw her mother smiling. “Finally you’re home, so how’d it go hun, did ya have fun?” She asked excitedly, the memories of the night before made her queasy to think about so she shook her head. “M-mom please I-I need to go lay down, I don’t feel good.” Frowning, the woman closes the door, rolling her eyes. “Oh please Ijima stop that, you’re fine, you’re always saying that or doing that stupid thing where you fall and pretend to have a seizure. I know you’re just doing it for attention.” Ijima sighed, rubbing her temples. “I’m not faking seizures for attention, why can’t you just believe me?” That earned her a harsh shove into the wall behind her, piercing red eyes glaring into scared ones that were once dull a second ago but now filled with fear. “Because I said so! Because I don’t have to believe you, I am the parent and you are MY child!” The more she spoke the louder Ijima’s mother’s voice got to the point of yelling. Ijima began to cower and shake from terror. “Honestly Ijima you have all of these stupid ‘problems’ like your ‘epilepsy’ or you saying you want to be a boy. Do you really think anyone’s gonna love a retarted tranny?!!” The slurs hurt but her phrases hurt the worst “Do you honestly think someone’s gonna wanna take care of you? No one is going to love you like that, no one wants someone like that! Get that through your head!” Her last words, Ijima was grabbed by her hair and her head was repeatedly bashed against the wall. Each slam made her feel weaker and weaker.
Dropping to her knees, Ijima went limp on the floor, the pounding radiated through her skull, causing her hands to tremble but she forced herself to silently walk up to her room. Each step, she wants to cry but biting her lip is the only thing keeping her from letting the floodgates break. She could feel her mind filling with static so she’d better hurry her pace, or if she didn’t she wouldn’t know what hit her.
Once in her own room, she let go, her entire being was weak. She collapsed with a thud onto the floor. Tensed and tight her body spasmed and jerked, eyes rolling back, she was defenseless and unable to do anything if anyone were to find her with plans in their head. Luckily her mother decided to leave her be for the time being. She’d wake up feeling sick, her body sore and tired, her vision gone. She was vulnerable and she hated it, unable to speak properly, ask for help, or even think of it. Who would help her anyway, it's not like she couldn’t do it herself. It took a bit of trying but she’d manage to get herself up right and into bed, which would lead to sleeping the day away or laying in bed until the nausea got worse enough to get sick.
 When she woke up, she had no idea as to where she was. Her vision black, her skin was ice cold, and her stomach was sloshing queasily. Even without knowing her surroundings she forced herself to move. She stretched uncomfortably, her body was sore and achy from the seizure. Once she had stretched, she scooted her way around her room until she found her bed. Blindly searching the climbing up into her bed to lay down. It was exhausting and not to mention her nightly activities from the day before still left her exhausted. She ended up going back to sleep, she wanted to sleep away her days, she hated waking up. She hated opening her eyes and would sometimes pretend to be ‘out’ longer after a seizure just so people would leave her alone but. That didn’t always work, sometimes she would actually have another seizure, or someone would try and hurt her. Mainly the girls at school, they would just watch her convulse on the floor, step on her, take pictures or videos and post them around the school, or just gossip about her in general. Ijima wished she never had to wake up, and those urges grew stronger and stronger with each day until.
Today. She’d slept through yesterday but even now she felt horrible. Her vision hadn’t returned fully yet, it was spotty and blurry. She wasn’t mentally awake yet either, she had such horrible brain fog she could hardly register the screaming coming from outside her bedroom door. It was too late and in came her screaming mother. “IJIMA YOU CAN HEAR ME I KNOW YOU’RE AWAKE!” Ijima flinched, her eyes weren’t adjusting as quickly as she’d like and neither was her brain. Even though the screaming woke her up as the woman came barging in towards her. “WHY THE HELL HAVE YOU BEEN IGNORING ME?!! I CALLED YOUR NAME SO MANY TIMES, YOU OVERSLEPT AND YOU’RE LATE FOR SCHOOL AND DON’T GIVE ME THIS ‘I HAD A SEIZURE' BULLSHIT CAUSE YOU’RE JUST A LYING BITCH WANTING ATTENTION!” The screaming scared her into a panic, she hated screaming, especially when her vision wasn’t right. If her vision was faulty her hearing would pick up the slack and so did every other sense. It made every sound more pronounced to the point where she could feel the venom in her mother’s words. Ijima was shaking as tears unknowingly ran down her face, she only knew this when she pointed it out. “Oh stop acting like this you brat, you’re so pitiful Emma left because of you. She didn’t want someone like you! She’d still be here if you weren’t so selfish!” A pillow was shoved over her face and held there but that didn’t muffle Ijima’s hearing. Ijima although used to hearing her mother say this, always hurt deep inside and the woman knew that. Emma was Ijima’s other mom, Emma joined the military a little after Ijima had started showing signs of epilepsy which only made Ijima more inclined to believe what the other woman known as Ito had told her. It was always a reminder, Ijima always felt responsible for Emma’s leaving but also felt betrayal and pain that no one would love her. Her own mother left her to join the military in order to avoid taking care of her. “Just go, get ready for school” Ito said coldly, getting up and releasing the pillow that suffocated Ijima. Ijima did her best to rise on her feet, steadying herself on the floor as her mother left her to get ready.
 Ijima did her usual routine even when she’d had epileptic episodes that left her still rather disoriented. Though while in the bathroom a little voice in her head spoke to her. ‘Get those tums and take ‘em at school, see how many you can take before you die?’ With the suggestion she went through her medicine cabinet which really only held a bottle of tums, extra toothbrushes and toothpaste. Ijima grabbed the tums and snuck them into her bag before continuing her routine. She skipped breakfast. On her way to school, she always stopped by Mina’s house knocking on the door, it isn’t long before the pink haired girl appears. “Hey there Kiri!” Ijima didn’t bother to make a smile, she couldn’t, the weight of it was too heavy for those weak lips. Her hands were shaky, and her eyes were dead on the outside but if you looked deep enough you could see the pain. Ijima was quieter than usual, all she did was pretend to listen to Mina talk about gossip, magazines, typical girl things that she always spoke of. Ijima wasn’t truly listening, she was spacing out, her mind was filled with static but also the obsession of death. She didn’t want to live any longer and she’d take any out she could. Maybe if she downed the entire bottle of tums it’ll be enough to kill her? Though if another opportunity presented itself to her, she’d take it. She couldn’t stand being on this earth any longer. She couldn’t stand being around girls, they were deceptive, deceitful, demanding, cold, and selfish. The only girl she could trust was Mina, Mina always proved to Ijima that she was a loyal friend. Mina was actually the only one who treated Ijima well. Even though she had met some bad men or boys, awful girls or  women were a lot more prominent in her life. Ijima was done with it, why should she have to suffer due to her mother’s ideologies?!
As they made their way to school they had to cross busy streets that were filled with cars rushing to their destinations. When Ijima got an impulsive thought ‘jump into traffic’ She could hear the cars coming and would Mina even be able to stop her in time? And would the car even stop in time? She’d have to time it just right. The cross walk was still being held up as the car zoomed down the lane when Ijima saw a truck coming barrelling down the street. Her mind raced yet was clouded by multiple loud ones that screamed ‘DO IT! JUMP!’.’DO IT YOU WORTHLESS PIECE OF SHIT’ ‘YEAH DO IT, NO ONE’S GONNA MISS YOU!’ ‘FINALLY AN ESCAPE, YOU CAN’T FAIL NOW!’ ‘DO IT! JUMP’ The truck was getting closer and Ijima didn’t even fight the voices.
Everything was a blur, a scream and sickening thud and crunch. Then it went black.
Waking up to a loud beeping sound, Ijima’s eyes struggled to open and adjust to the bright lights and whiteness of the hospital. The brightness was blinding to her eyes as they’d been used to the dark for some time now. Eyes looking around, they’re met with white walls, white sheets, white bandages wrapped around her wrists and even around some of her torso. As she became more and more awake, Ijima started to feel the pain. It was a dull aching pain, but it wasn’t just physical. Oh no this was mental. Sure her ribs had been cracked, she sustained a mild concussion, lacerations from the truck, and had a few seizures. The mental pain was way worse, she didn’t want to wake up today, she didn’t wanna wake up ever! She didn’t want to make it, this wasn’t her goal to wake up in a hospital! She wanted to be dead! Gone, away from the hell her mother puts her through even if she deserves it! ‘Why?! Why couldn’t they just leave me for dead!??’ She thought to herself as tears welled up in her eyes. Everything was building up at once, her emotions filled her even if she still felt numb to some extent she finally screamed as her emotions spilled like an overflowing sink.
“Why! Why couldn’t you all just let me fucking die!?!! PLEASE JUST KILL ME!” Even with her voice breaking between her words it was loud enough to be heard from out the door. Grabbing harshly at her long black hair, tangling it between her fingers tightly with white knuckle gripping. She cried, sobbed more like it. It was so overwhelming to try and find another way to just end it as she wanted her life to be over so badly. She wanted to bleed out on the floor and never wake up again. Her eyes darted around but she noticed that the only thing in the room was her bed, the vitals machine, and an IV pole with a line or two or fluids that were connected to Ijima. Seeing the bandages around her arms she unravels them revealing several lacerations that were still rather fresh looking. With her sharp shark-like teeth, she raises an arm towards her lips, opens her mouth and chomps down as hard as she could. Blood floods her mouth like an ocean flooding the tidal pools of its beach. The taste of Iron coats her tongue, discolor’s her teeth, and drips down her lips escaping to splatter onto her blue hospital gown. Hearing the screams, a nurse came to check up on Ijima who was horrified to witness Ijima’s desperate method of self harm. She ran to get a doctor when Ijima detached her mouth from her arm. Blood pouring and adding to the small drips and splatters on her gown.  Large splatters of the crimson fluid painted the blue gown discoloring it to a somewhat purple hue. When the nurse urgently returned with a doctor and another nurse the doctor was just as surprised!
First they had to tie Ijima down, placing straps over her to keep her from trying anything else.
While she was being strapped down the doctor and a nurse worked to repair Ijima’s arm, she tried to fight them but in the end she was immobilized. Tired of fighting the doctor all she could do was cry and mutter about why couldn’t they just let her die. The process of actually fixing her arm was a little extensive. They had to stop the bleeding, then see how far the damage went before deciding on what they’d have to do. Even though she didn’t break any bones, the doctor decided to cast both her arms to keep her from trying to bite herself again. She ended up being put to sleep this time.
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Midnight Meadows (Pt.4)
"Of all the times for him to show up again! I cant believe this," Remy said, muttering slightly.
"I should've known it wasnt going to work out, it's my fault for thinking he and I had a shot," Virgil murmured.
"Virge, babes, you already took that shot and it hit, did you already forget that you were quite literally spooning eachother when Janus came to get you out," Remy said, rolling his eyes as he ran another wash cloth over Virgil's injuries.
"He probably just felt bad for me," Virgil responded.
"Oh yes of course that's why he said he was coming over later today to make sure you're alright," Janus said, voice dripping with sarcasm.
"Hes what?" Virgil bolted upright, wincing slightly.
"Virgil dont you dare I just finished reapplying those bandages!" Remy attempted to restrain Virgil back on the couch.
A few minutes later there was a knock on the door, Virgil felt himself tense almost immediately.
"Prince Roman! Please, come in," Janus had been the one to answer the door, Remy was still trying to keep Virgil from running away.
"Virgil are you alright? I'm sorry I couldnt come with you I had to finish something up at the castle- do you feel better yet?" Roman said, taking hold of one of Virgil's hands.
"I- you- y-yeah- I'm fine-" Virgil said, stumbling through his words as he tried to piece together what was going on.
"I understand if you dont want to come back tonight- Lucan's been banned from any future events in the castle, but I know it still must have been upsetting," Roman said, running his fingers through Virgil's hair with his other hand.
"N-no! Of course I'll come back tonight-" Virgil said, noticing the hurt look that had crossed Roman's face as he'd spoken the last sentence.
"Are you sure?" Roman said, still trying to sound concerned, but Virgil could tell he was much happier now that he'd agreed to go.
"Of course I'm sure!" Virgil responded with a hint of exasperation. Roman smiled and continued running his fingers through Virgil's hair, pressing their foreheads together as he did so. Virgil purred slightly at the touch, Roman copying the response soon after.
"Do you want me to help you get ready?" Roman whispered.
"Isnt it bad luck for you to see what I'm wearing before I get there?" Virgil responded with a smirk.
"Well you're already a black cat arent you?" Roman said, placing a kiss on Virgil's forehead and running a finger across one of his ears.
"Alright, if you insist," Virgil responded, running his hands through Roman's hair.
Suddenly he was swept off his feet by Roman, and carried to his room.
"I can walk for myself you know," Virgil said as Roman sat him on the bed.
"You could, or, I could carry you and not risk making your injuries worse while also having fun pretending I just rescued you from a dragon," Roman responded as he searched through Virgil's closet.
"Oh? So you fancy a damsel then?" Virgil said with a smirk before laying across his bed. He draped a hand over his forehead and let his other arm go limp over the side.
"Oh brave Prince Roman I'm so terrified, I've been trapped in a tower by an evil dragon, please help me," Virgil said, letting out a laugh as Roman turned and began to shower his face with small kisses.
"This ones quite nice, I dont think I've seen you in shorts before," Roman said, setting an outfit on the bed next to Virgil.
A few moments later Virgil was in a grey and black striped sweater, black shorts, fishnets, and black boots.
"Roman if I didnt know any better I'd say you just wanted to see me in fishnets," Virgil said, smiling.
"Its not done yet darling, we've got to get some sort of color among all that greyscale," Roman said, finally pulling a purple choker out from Virgil's accessory drawer.
"Perfect," Roman said, walking over to Virgil to clasp the choker around his neck.
"Dont you mean purrfect," Virgil replied, smiling.
"Virgil, please never do that again," Roman said, rolling his eyes.
"Admit it, you think I'm hilarious," Virgil replied.
"Dont we have a party to get to," Roman said, holding his arm out.
"I suppose we do," Virgil responded as he took it.
"Geez Roman if you were going to show up late you could told me," Remus said as Roman and Virgil walked into the throne room. The two human boys Virgil had seen on his first visit were sitting on either side of his chair.
"I see you've finally made some friends hm?" Roman said, clearly redirecting the conversation.
"Mhm, this is Patton Boleyn, his family owns a modeling agency," Remus said, gesturing the the boy with light brown hair and a grey cardigan.
"And Logan Cheshire, renowned space enthusiast," he gestured to the boy with dark brown hair and round glasses.
"Hi!" Patton waved to Virgil as he hopped off the armrest.
"Hi-" Virgil responded, shrinking closer to Roman on reflex.
"I dont believe we've met before?" Logan said, walking over and raising an eyebrow slightly.
"Virgil- Liddell-" Virgil said, hoping they wouldn't ask anything else.
"Nice to meet you!" Patton said excitedly, grinning so wide it nearly took up his entire face.
"You to-" Virgil responded.
"Well Virgil and I have some dancing to get to, dont we darling?" Roman said, Virgil's face went scarlet as he nodded, allowing Roman to lead him back out onto the dance floor.
"Virgil, look at me, I promise he's not here, you can focus on me, he's not going to hurt you again," they'd been dancing for all of half an hour before Virgil had begun glancing at the faces if the other guests, if he had to see those pink-tinted glasses or that smug condescending smirk again it'd be to soon. So instead, with a little more coaxing from Roman, he buried his head in the puffy white shirt Roman was wearing. This was Virgil's favorite shirt, and it was the one Roman seemed to wear most often, there were a dozen just like it in his closet.
"I'm going to get a drink-" Virgil said a few moments later, breaking away from Roman's embrace. Roman stared at him for a few seconds, but eventually let him go.
Virgil hadnt really wanted to let go, but something felt- off- and he didnt want Roman coming with him where it was just the two of them, he was much safer in a crowded ballroom where he could easily hide behind his throne if he needed.
Virgil on the other hand, was quick to find a knife to his throat and a hand over his mouth almost as soon as he stepped outside.
"Seems like the prince's precious pet has gotten himself lost," said a voice from behind him, Virgil's lungs went cold.
"You've caused quite a bit of trouble havent you, kitten," the voice continued, Virgil struggled, he felt more hands try to hold his arms back.
"I think it's time for this pretty kitty to be put down," Virgil made a break for it, he ripped his arms away and ran, he felt the sting of the knife as it cut slightly at his throat, but that didnt matter, he was running, and then he reached the ballroom, and then he saw Roman.
And then his vision went blurry, and he fell to the ground.
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noonachronicles · 4 years
The End of the F**king World Pt. 1
Byun Baekhyun X Reader
Word Count: 8k
Warnings: Language. Violent imagery if you squint.
Genre: Apocalyptic/Alien Invasion AU. Slow Burn (ish?). One pining pup and one idiot in denial to eventual lovers.
A/N: I mean, idk, but do I ever?  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 
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Don’t forget to read the Prologue!
There wasn’t a single cloud in the sky, which left the sun free to beat down on every inch of the city. Showering it completely in light. It was nice, the sun, especially when it had been mostly dark and rainy for weeks. Basking in the light of the sun this city looked like every other city in the world. Absolutely every other city.
Cement sidewalks and asphalt roads with their gaping holes from where bombs and missiles had landed. Skyrise buildings half destroyed by fires or from flooding. Windows covered in plywood, plywood riddled with bullet holes. Not a business in sight that hadn’t been ransacked. Nearly every inch of wall space and every abandoned or crashed vehicle was covered in spray paint. Messages of hope for survivors, warnings about certain spots in the city, brief apologies and goodbyes from those who just couldn’t do it anymore. Plants, weeds, grass, and flowers growing through cracks in cement. Overgrowth in certain places making the city look like a literal urban jungle.  
Every major city in the world looked like this because every major city in the world got hit in exactly the same way. If not in the first wave then the second, and if not in the second then the third. And so on and so forth until they were all just empty shells of what they had once been.
The sound of your boots crunching against gravel and broken glass didn't even register to you any longer as you made your way down the empty street. Finally you found what you’d been looking for. A shop you’d noticed the other week but hadn’t had the chance to visit yet. The toy store was dark inside, left mostly untouched by looters except for the cash register. It had probably been busted open in the very beginning when people thought there would still be a use for money.
Old currency was rendered useless and the only survivors left now were the innovators, you thought to yourself as you peered through the window frame. It didn’t matter anymore what you had. Survival was about what you could do with what you found. The thought left you wondering how many people had walked past this shop without realizing its potential.
The storefront consisted of a three paneled window. Two of the panels had been smashed to nothing leaving an easy entrance into the store. The third window stood untouched, looking pristine. You rapped your knuckles against the completely intact glass and waited. It only took a couple of seconds. You could hear them before you saw them. A low hissing that sounded like getting the drool sucked out of your mouth at the dentists broke up with intermittent clicking. The sound either made your skin crawl in terror or it annoyed you. Today, luckily, it was just an annoyance more than anything else.
Grabbing the knife from the strap on your thigh, you focused in on the shadows of the aisles. There were two sets of four beady, silver eyes lurking in the dark. With a sigh you stepped through one of the broken windows and into the store. The hissing and clicking grew louder and more chaotic at your more obvious presence in the room. Resting the blade of your knife on your shoulder you made your aim. Then with a quick snap of your wrist the knife had shot through the air and projected into the shadows.
What happened next went fast, you knew it had to from your experience. As the first blade slipped from your fingers your hand had already dropped down to grab the second. The blade of the knife stuck between the four silver eyes and they went black. As the first grayish green, scaled beast fell forward into the light it’s counterpart opened its mouth wide to release a shrill shriek. The noise only pierced your ears briefly as you’d already thrown the second knife, the blade catching the beast in the throat. Those silver eyes drained to black as well and then it also fell forward into the light. Reaching into your pocket you pulled out your small flashlight and clicked it on. Quickly, you scanned the other aisles of the store for other Lurkers. You were pleased to find none.
First things first. You moved over to the cash register and searched the shelves of the rounded counter. As to be expected it was mostly tiny plastic trinkets at eye level that children would have instantly fallen in love with and would offer one last minute, desperate plea for. You did eventually find what you were looking for. There on the bottom self seated between a box of rock hard tootsie rolls and several bags of gummy worms that looked like they’d melted during the summer heat and then cooled into a blobby swirl of sugary color. A jar of, likely expired, blow pops. Tearing off the lid you shoved your hand in to grab one. You unwrapped it quickly and shoved the candy between your cheek and teeth with a satisfied sigh.
With your sweet tooth satiated for now you bagged the rest of the suckers as well as a jar of jolly ranchers. Then you went to pull your knives from the Lurkers you’d left bleeding out onto the linoleum floor. Placing one foot against the head of the first Lurker you tugged at the handle of the knife until the blade was released with a nasty squelch. You gagged at the sound, for some reason that was always the worst part for you, and moved to the second. With both blades freed from their victims you stood up and looked around your immediate area. Thick, black, gooey blood dripped from the blades onto the floor with little splats. On the shelf next to you there was a display of stuffed kittens with big, pitiful eyes covered in a thin layer of dust.
“Sorry, buddy.” you said snatching one of the kittens and swiping your blades clean against the soft fur before tucking them back into their holster.
You walked the front part of the store first, making a mental inventory of what was there that you would consider usable. On the other side of the room there was a spinning display rack that had been completely stripped of its contents except for one single package of batteries. That’s what you’d come in for.
“Fuck.” you muttered and snatched the lone package from the rack and tore it open.
At least you could replace the batteries in your flashlight, which had been functioning on borrowed time.
Once your flashlight was back at full power you started to make your way down the aisles. Continuing to take more notes of inventory, you searched for something that would be useful now. Dragging your finger through the dirt on the shelves you passed left a cleared line in its wake. You’d found baby dolls, Barbie dolls, and more stuffed animals. Princess dresses and plastic jewelry. There was plastic, silver tiara on one shelf, with little plastic jewels. You grabbed it and placed it on your head before continuing on.
Basketballs, tennis rackets, and skateboards lined the next aisle. The one after that had action figures and puzzles. You took a mental note to let Baekhyun know about the rack of lightsabers. Though considering how much trouble he’d gotten in the last time he had one you’d have to save both of you the trouble and tell him when Chanyeol wasn’t around. By then you’d nearly given up on finding anything when you reached the back corner and saw exactly the kind of thing you were hoping for. An entire display of toddler toys, each box with a red sticker and bold white letters that read, Batteries Included!
“Oh, jackpot.” you grinned, dropping your backpack on the ground and getting to work.
The first few months after the invasion were the hardest. The stress from uncertainty had aged everyone a hundred years. The four of you had stayed in the safe room for four days before venturing out. It took four days of Baekhyun and Chanyeol watching the security cameras endlessly and listening to the random frequencies the radio would pick up, trying to learn what they could, before they felt confident enough to open the door. It ended up being lucky because the night they decided it was time, was the night the electricity shut off for good. None of you slept that night. You just sat with the flashlight in the center of the room and waited for what you’d hoped would be enough time for there to be daylight outside.
It had to be daylight. If nothing else the guys had confirmed that the creatures never came out during the day. There were hoards of them during the night hours but there was something about the light that made them sensitive. Baekhyun had a theory that there was something wrong with their eyes. He didn’t think they could see or if they could they couldn’t see very well. He felt confident that their strongest sense was their hearing. He ended up being correct, you’d found out after watching them a little longer.
In fact they ended up being relatively ineffective threats once you’d figured them out. They were easy to maneuver around as long as there weren’t too many. They were blind as bats and pretty easy to kill if you got them in any of their softer areas which turned out to be anywhere on their necks and the diamond shaped patch between their eyes. The unfortunate part was that if you found one there were more than likely a dozen more and that’s when you’d find trouble. One or two were easy to kill. Even three was doable for a select few of you, if you were on your own. If you ran into a pack or you ran into them at night however, you were done for. They became chaotic attackers when they had the support of a hoard behind them. Like wild, rabid dogs they would tear their victim to shreds in a minute or less. Which was why they still terrified you even after three years.  
What you’d found when you walked out of the jewelry store on that fourth day was the complete destruction of everything you’d ever known. At that point almost everything still seemed to be on fire. Looters had come and gone, and were likely dead if they hadn’t gone into hiding in time. Buildings were still crumbling, sending debri crashing to the ground. Electricity was out everywhere but you did find that water was still running in some areas. You cried when you washed yourself for the first time in days. It wasn’t even anything nice. It was you in the bathroom of a coffee shop in your underwear, standing in front of the sink and wiping your body down with paper towels and hand soap. Still you cried. You’d cried a lot those first months, that whole first year really. You cried less these days.
Anywhere you walked you could see the creatures lurking in the dark, watching every move you made. Hissing, clicking and waiting for the sun to set. It’s why you’d all agreed they would be referred to as Lurkers, because that’s what they did. You didn’t go back to the jewelry store that night. You didn’t go back for more than a year. Instead the four of you collected food and what weapons you could before finding somewhere new and safe to stay. You did that every night for a week. You didn’t know exactly what Chanyeol and Baekhyun were looking for but you knew when they found it you could finally settle.
Hopping around from place to place is how you found Irene. She was a mess when you found her. Holed up in the corner of a broken cooler at a convenience store behind a barrier made out of boxes of beer. Trembling, sobbing, and dehydrated. It took hours for you to get her to even speak her name clearly. Later you found out her boyfriend had barricaded her in the cooler for her safety after he promised her he’d be back once he found his little brother. Then she watched him get torn apart by Lurkers through the cooler door while having to remain completely silent or risk being attacked herself. After that she joined your family, and the four of you became five.
As the days and weeks passed and you had become more comfortable and confident you started to explore the city. It was less for entertainment and done more so out of necessity. You needed supplies like food and weapons. The more you wandered and scavenged the more survivors you found. Groups of people like yours who’d been together since the invasion. As more people came out from their hiding spots obvious leaders showed themselves within your families, as your groups had been defined.
There were eight families and together you were the Community. The heads of each family met constantly in the beginning, trying to work out how best to work with one another and what they could offer each other. They all wanted to make sure that their families had everything they needed to survive without taking from any other families. In the end the city was separated into nine boroughs, a space for each family, each equal in square mileage. The ninth borough was the city center. All of the major arenas and theatres were there, all of the city's largest buildings. Underground parking lots at every corner. It was a hotbed for Lurkers. Entering any building was more than useless, it was a deathwish. Though it was safe enough to pass through during the day, so long as you stuck to the streets, by night it was wall to wall Lurkers.  
During the first year the Community met once a day after scavanges and doled out supplies. Each family took only what they needed and then the rest was stored by the original scavenger. After the first year half of the survivors were gone. Mostly loss came from accidents or illness. Things that happened that required a doctor, a doctor that you didn’t have. However on the rare occasion someone would walk outside in the middle of the night and scream at the top of their lungs.
Nobody thought them cowardly. It wasn’t an easy life, there was nothing desirable about it. You weren’t even sure where your own will to survive was coming from. It hadn’t been as if there was an expiration date on Lurkers. There was no timeframe for when this would be over. No ETA of your old life getting back to you. No visible end to the invasion. Still you woke up every day and you tried. When you went to bed you went to bed with every expectation of doing it again the next day.
After the first year the Community had become a well oiled machine. Everything had been so well organized. And there were so few people that supplies started to last longer and there was less of a need to meet up everyday. Now the whole Community only came together once a week for a check in. This week's meeting happened to be today.
Once you’d broken apart every toddler toy in the store and collected their batteries, you found a manager's office in the back. You sat down in the pleather chair and pulled your walkman out of your backpack, replacing the batteries that had been dead for a couple days. Having the sound of music flowing through you brought you a sense of joy and content that you couldn’t explain. It was the only thing you’d found since the invasion that could bring you any sort of content or calm. Without it your brain was constantly running a thousand miles a minute with worry and anxiety. You weren’t sure what you’d do when the city stopped providing you with AA batteries.
As the music played you twirled around in the desk chair a few times with a yawn, before deciding to check the room for supplies. There wasn’t too much, a couple things here and there, but in the bottom drawer of the desk you found five of the little airplane sized bottles of whiskey and a dusty, water warped copy of 50 Shades of Grey. After downing two of the little bottles you’d kicked your feet up on the desk and flipped open the book. Then, with a pretty good buzz brewing, you read aloud to an audience of two dolls, a stuffed monkey and three Batman figurines sitting on top of a file cabinet. The next thing you knew you’d amused yourself to tears and were late to the meeting.
Luckily you weren’t too far from the amphitheater where the meetings were held, just a handful of blocks away. You’d even tried to sprint it but were embarrassed to realize that the little amount of alcohol you’d had left you in less than peak condition. In all fairness it had been a while since you’d really had a drink. It had been a long while since anyone had indulged in a drink really. In the first few months a lot of people drank heavily as a way to cope and to avoid thinking about the reality of the situation. Reckless, unchecked drinking unfortunately led to a lot of accidents and those accidents led to the deaths of several people. There had been one night when a member of one of the bigger families drank half a bottle of tequila and didn’t close the door to their shelter well enough. That night twenty people were lost. After that it was rare for people to drink, it was even rarer for them to get drunk.  
The meeting had already started when you’d arrived. You could hear Chanyeol’s voice from outside the amphitheater as you stopped to catch your breath. Catching a glimpse of yourself in the reflection of a ticket booth window, you realized you were still wearing the toy tiara you’d found. Spitting the gum from your blow pop into some grass, you pulled the tiara from your head and shoved it in a trash can near the entrance.
Everyone was already there, which wasn’t a surprise but it was still embarrassing when they realized you’d just come in. Every head turned to look at you. Chanyeol, Hyunwoo, Jihyo, Taeyong, Solar, Hongjoon, Hanbin, and Seungcheol all sat in the center as the representatives of their families, silently watching as you made your way towards the group. You avoided eye contact with Chanyeol at all costs, ducking your head as you made your way to your usual spot next to Seulgi.
“You’re late.” she whispered as Taeyong continued with what it was he’d been saying in reply to Chanyeol.
“Obviously…” you whispered back, she pinched your side until you flinched, “Did I miss anything?”
She shook her head no and you both turned your attention to Chanyeol who had stood again to speak.
“General census has been that all families are low on food and the map doesn’t look great either, we’ve almost scavenged the entire limits of the city with the exception of the red zone. All food source locations are near depleted in zones with larger families, the others are getting close as well. Next week each family will send two members to the Farm for supplies and fresh food. Heads have been discussing that we need to put more focus on our own gardens around the city. We’ll be changing priorities from scavenging to gardening and livestock. The few of us who will continue to scavenge will need to...will need to start moving outside of the city.”
Unease ran through the group, and there was a steady hum of murmurs. Leaving the city limits was a nerve wracking suggestion because no one in the Community had left the city since the first wave. No one knew how things were out there. And of the very few people who had gone to scope it out, no one had ever returned. The only place the Community went that was outside of the city limits was the Farm.
The Farm was a huge compound on a stretch of farmland where an actual family had taken up residence. They had well stocked food storage, thriving gardens, and hoards of livestock. It was also protected under a massive security system. The family who lived on the Farm had come into the city not realizing it was occupied. When they found the Community and what you had to offer, they made a deal . They would exchange fresh fruits and vegetables, and eggs and meat from the livestock where they could spare it for fresh water which was the only thing they couldn’t seem to get steady access to. So twice a month the Community would send a group to collect the food supplies and drop off a water truck with a full tank.
Once the group had settled down after Chanyeol’s announcement there were still a few topics to discuss before the meeting was over. The end of the meeting really only meant that it was time for the group to break off into smaller cliques for further discussions and gossip.
“What if they don’t accept the water after the rain? That was a long stretch, they may not need it. What are we going to do without food?” You heard Sehun say as everyone talked over one another.      
You’d actually been pretty interested in listening in on that conversation but Chanyeol had sat down beside you. “You were late.”
“I know. I’m sorry, Yeol.” you looked up at him with your most convincingly innocent smile which only made him laugh.
“You know I worry. And worse, you know I had to hear about it endlessly from Baek.” he said, raising an eyebrow.
Nodding you pulled one of the suckers from your jacket pocket and offered it to him. “I got caught up and lost track of time. I’m sorry I made you worry. Forgive me?”
He already had the sucker unwrapped and stuck in his cheek when he nodded, “Forgiven. Just don’t be late back home. I don’t need you getting locked out.”
He patted the top of your head as he stood and you watched him take off. Seulgi who was talking in a group a little ways away saw him leaving and ditched her friends to chase after him. You frowned as you watched. It had turned out that they hadn’t been dating before the invasion like you thought. They’d definitely shared some pretty deep feelings for each other, but neither one had the nerve to make any moves. The invasion and imminent threat of death had apparently been the kick in the ass they’d needed to confess their feelings to each other. Still, of everything that had happened over the last few years the one thing you couldn't wrap your head around was people getting attached to each other. You just couldn’t understand falling in love.
Over the last three years the Community had lost so many people from death and disappearance. You had lost so many people. All your friends and family from before the first wave were just gone. Any family and all of your other friends. They were all dead as far as you knew. You would never get to say goodbye, never get to tell them how much you loved them. The hardest out of all of them to get over was Siwon. Things weren’t always perfect between the two of you but you’d been together for five years. As far as you had been concerned he’d been it for you. You’d been ready to spend the rest of your life with him, if he’d ever gotten the chance to ask you to. You’d imagined a future with him, buying a house and starting a family. Then in one day you had it all ripped away from you and the pain of it had been unbearable. You didn’t have a future, you didn’t have love. You didn’t even want it anymore. All you had and all you needed was to survive.
You couldn’t see the appeal of falling in love with someone who could be torn from you at any moment. Or intentionally putting yourself through the eventual pain of loss. You didn’t even like that you had to worry about losing Seulgi. The chance of risk versus the low reward just didn’t seem worth it to you. However, Seulgi was happy and as much as you didn’t understand giving your love to anyone anymore, you were happy for her. She was happy. She had a reason to keep going, and that’s all you could really ask for her or anyone else for that matter.
Throwing your backpack over your shoulder you waved goodbye to the others that were left and took off back up the stairs alone. Outside of the amphitheater you saw Hyunwoo chatting with Hanbin and Baekho, while Taemin and Jongin waited nearby. When he saw you Hyunwoo smiled and said something to the others before hurrying over to where you had been walking.  
“Hey,” he said, catching up to you.
“Hi.” you grinned.
“Hold up a second, I have something for you.” he said, grabbing your elbow.
You stopped walking and turned towards him, “For me? Why?”
“You know why.” he smirked. He moved closer to you so there was hardly any space between your bodies. One of his hands reached into his jacket and he pulled out a small, square, gold box with a red ribbon wrapped around it. “I know you didn’t want a big deal made out of your birthday, but I had to at least get you something.”
“You really didn’t have to get me anything.” you assured him, turning the box over in your hands.
“Fine. I wanted to get you something.” he corrected, “Will you just open it?”
You tugged the ribbon from the box and lifted the lid. A tiny gasp escaped your mouth at the sight in front of you. “Hyunwoo…”
“It’s expired, but only by a few months.”
Your eyes had filled with tears so quickly you couldn’t stop the single tear from slipping down your cheek. “It’s so beautiful. I love it. Thank you so much.”
He grinned as you pulled the chocolate bar from the box. “Don’t share it with anyone, okay?”
“Oh don’t worry, I will not be sharing with anyone. Not even you so don’t ask.” you laughed and wrapped your arms around his broad shoulders. “Thank you so much. Seriously, it means the world that you would give this to me.”
“You mean the world to me.” he said quietly squeezing you back, and then he pulled away, “To us. You mean the world to all of us. You’re always doing so much for the whole Community, my two idiots especially.”
You were grateful for the excuse to look away from him, to look over at Taemin and Jongin as your cheeks burned with a blush. “It’s nothing. You know I love them.”
“Alright.” he cleared his throat and looked over at the still waiting Taemin, Jongin duo. “Get home safe tonight. I have to get the kids home for dinner.”
“You be safe too Hyunwoo, I’ll see you tomorrow.”
Tucking your gift into the pocket of your backpack you smiled to yourself. Maybe...maybe you could see yourself with someone like Hyunwoo. You’d seen him in action, you knew he could handle himself well in a fight. He didn’t need to be protected or taken care of. You wouldn’t need to feel responsible for him all the time or to worry about him too much. Plus he was a sweetheart and absolutely gorgeous, which never hurt.
“What was that about?”
Pulled from the thought you looked up to see Baekhyun. He was sitting on a short, brick wall. His feet dangled from side to side as he chewed anxiously on his thumbnail.
“What was what about?” you asked as he hopped off the wall and fell in line with you as you walked.
“Whatever just happened between you and Hyunwoo.” He was trying to be casual about the conversation but you could feel the energy vibrating off of him.
You sighed, “Nothing, Baek. Don’t worry about it.”
“Are you guys like together? You never said anything. Are you going to leave us? Are you going to stay with his family now? It’s just guys over there, you know? What about Seulgi? Does she know? She’ll be really upset.” he rambled nervously.
“No, Baek,” you chuckled, “I’m not going anywhere. I’m not dating anyone.”
“What did he say? It looked like he gave you something. What were you hugging him for?”
“Baekhyun!” You growled looking over at him with wide eyes, “Breathe. Calm down. Christ.”
He did as he was told and shut his mouth. He stuffed his hands deep in his pockets and took a deep breath. “Okay. I’m chill. You still didn’t answer any of my questions.”
“Well you asked about twenty all at once…” you said sarcastically and looked over at him and his big sad eyes. “Fine.”
Pulling your backpack around to your chest you pulled the chocolate bar from your bag and handed it over to him. He grabbed the candy and flipped it over in his hands.
“Shit. This is like ...European chocolate.” he said in awe, “This is the good shit. I haven’t seen stuff this nice in…”
“Months.” you said quietly.
“At least.” He handed the bar back to you, “God, what did he do? Ask you to marry him with that thing?”
You laughed as you put it back in the bag and then swung the bag back over your shoulders. “No. It was just a gift.”
“A gift? What for?” he asked, kicking a chunk of cement off the sidewalk.  
Baekhyun wasn’t going to let it go. You’d spent enough time with him to know that about him. Taking a quick look around the street to make sure there was no one nearby you said as quietly as you could manage without whispering. “It’s my birthday.”
“Your birthday?” he shouted, his voice echoing against the towering buildings that surrounded.
“Shhh.” you hissed.
“Why? It’s really your birthday?” He asked looking wounded, “You didn’t say anything.”
“It’s not a big deal, I don’t want anyone to know. So please...just shut up about it.”
“Hyunwoo knew. Did you tell him?”
You groaned, “Yes, but it had been by accident. He wasn’t supposed to find out.”
Still he looked upset, “I’m sorry I didn’t know. I would have gotten you something.”
You rolled your eyes subtly. “It’s fine, Baek. I swear it’s fine. I didn’t want anything, that’s why I didn’t tell anyone.”
“No, I should have known already. I should have remembered from before.”
“I’m honestly glad you didn’t.”
“I just wish there was time for me to find you a good gift. I feel like a real jerk.” He sighed, “And Hyunwoo got you chocolate? Damn.”
“I promise you, it’s okay.” You assured him once more as he trudged dramatically down the sidewalk beside you.
Suddenly he lit up with a smile, “What about a joke? Can I tell you a joke? Have you had a really good laugh today?”
You grinned. Secretly you’d become pretty fond of his daily jokes. “That sounds like the perfect gift.”
“Okay…” you watched as his face turned quite serious while he thought of the best joke. “Got it. What do you call bees that produce milk?”
“I don’t know. What do you call them?” You couldn’t help your half smile at the fact that he was already chuckling at his own joke.
“Boo-BEES.” He said with the biggest, cheesiest smile.
The laugh came even if the joke was terrible. A real shoulder shaking, teeth out laugh.
“Oh my god, I hate you so much.” You continued laughing and he just smiled back at you.
“Good. I love you too.” He said, the same way he always did when you told him you hated him. “Happy birthday, Y/n.”
You blushed, the tiniest of blushes. “Thanks, Baek.”
“You’re welcome.” He sighed happily. Pleased, you assumed, that his joke had gone over so well. After that the rest of the walk back was comfortably quiet.
Cordially was a club downtown, or it had been before the invasion. It had been made wildly popular by its exclusivity. It was the only by-invitation-only club you knew of. They would hand deliver invitations every week. White cardstock with red embossment that red simply, ‘You are cordially invited”. Then on the back it either said Friday or Saturday to indicate what day your invitation was for. For a monetary fee an invitee could bring up to ten plus ones. The add-ons were where they really made their money. That and of course the alcohol.
The building was on the corner of tenth and main, which was the most popular area for high end restaurants and bars. It was a two story building that had been built originally for use as a concert hall. It had housed operas, plays, and musicals. Then it had shut down for a couple of years and came back renovated into a burlesque club. After that it became a venue for punk shows. For awhile after that it was a gay bar that played venue to drag shows. And in its final form it was Cordially.
Immediately upon walking into the building occupants would find themselves in what appeared to be one big empty hall. On one side of the empty, dust covered hardwood floor there was a short hallway that led to two restrooms and an office. The big empty space had previously been the dance floor. Along the back wall was a bar and on the other side of the dance floor, opposite the restrooms, was a staircase. Upstairs was a horseshoe balcony. There were two more restrooms, a half bar, and private alcoves that had been reserved for vip invitees who’d paid major money for the privilege. None of that was why the Cordially was so important to you. It was important because, technically, its final form was home.
“Honey I’m home!” Baekhyun shouted as you walked in through the main entrance. “Oh, I forgot...I don’t have a Honey.”
“Is everyone else here?” you asked, ignoring his comment, as you looked outside one last time as the sun set on your birthday.
He looked over at the dusty bar top where five shot glasses had been placed. Three were upside down, two were still rightside up. “Yep. everyone is accounted for.”
With a sigh you let the door close while you grabbed the two by four leaning against the wall. You slide the wood through the door handles, and secured the locks at the top and the bottom of the door, and as a last step unhooked the blackout curtains Chanyeol had installed. The room was still lit with the orange glow of sun through windows that lined the second floor. Moving passed the bar as he whistled a tune, Baekhyun flipped over the remaining two shot glasses. He stopped at the door on the farside of the bar and held it open as he waited for you.
“Thanks.” you said quietly before moving passed him and making your way downstairs to the dark basement.
“Anything for the birthday girl…” he muttered to himself as he shut and secured the door.
“Uh...Baek.” you said stepping cautiously down into the unusually pitch black room. “I thought you said everyone was here?”
“The glasses were flipped. Is there no one down there?” he asked as you felt him step behind you.
“No, everything is off and I can‘t see shit.” you complained, searching your pockets for your flashlight.
“Huh...so weird.” Baekhyun said flicking on his flashlight and illuminating the wall switch. “Hit the lights.”
Flipping the switch up illuminated the bright, white christmas lights that had been strung all across the basement ceiling. The room had also been decorated with streamers and balloons. Chanyeol, Seulgi, and Irene all stood in the center of the room sporting paper party hats and cheerful smiles. They’d been popping poppers and shouting happy birthday, but you could barely register it through your haze of emotion.
Baekhyun had come around you and put a cheap, cheesy sash that said Birthday Princess over your head along with a tiara on top of it. Chanyeol lit candles that had been stuck into the top of a stack of just-add water pancakes that had rainbow sprinkles mixed in. After a moment of genuine shock you realized they’d been singing the birthday song to you and were now waiting for you to make your wish.
I wish I was this happy all the time. You thought to yourself before blowing out the candles.
“I-” you chuckled lightly, “I’m speechless.”
“Do you love it?” Irene asked hopefully, “I know you don’t like to make a big fuss about this kind of stuff. I worried it would be too much.”
“Oh, no! I love it! Thank you,” you said giving her a hug and then giving one to Seulgi too, “I don’t deserve all this.”
“That’s not true.” Chanyeol said wrapping you in a tight hug before guiding you over to the couch where a large pile of gifts were waiting. “You deserve more.”
“Do you like your cake?” Seulgi asked, sitting down on the cushion next to you. “Isn’t it cute?”
You smiled reassuringly, “I really love everything. I swear. It’s perfect.”
“I made it, the cake, but it was Baek’s idea.” When you looked over at him he was leaning against one of the surveillance desks. His cheeks were a little flush as he smiled over at you. “It was actually all his idea. He did most of the planning and the work, but we all helped out a little here and there.”
“You really thought I forgot, didn’t you?” he asked, looking so proud of himself. It was only then you realized he’d been the one that had remembered the last two years. Of course it had all been a show. Baekhyun didn’t forget anything. “Oh man, I really got you so good.”
“Open my present first! It’s the best one!” Irene said with a grin as she shoved a flat, wrapped box into your lap.
After you opened it you laughed immediately and then pulled the diamond chandelier necklace from the box. It had been a running joke between the two of you over the past few years. Whenever a gift giving holiday rolled around the two of you exchanged frivolous gifts. Grossly expensive things that were useless at the end of the world.
“I...It’s beautiful. I can’t wait to have some fantastic event to wear this to. Thank you, Irene.” you grinned.
“I got it at that jewelry store on third street if you want to return it. The receipts at the bottom of the box.” she smirked, “But you should know it was twenty thousand dollars, and I think it’s going to look fantastic on you. You should wear it every day because every day we’re alive is a fantastic event.”
Seulgi’s gift was next. She dragged over a tall box that was wrapped up to look like a gift bag, and that was clearly very heavy. When you pulled the tissue paper from the top of the box you revealed no less than thirty bottles of your favorite shampoo.
“So,” she started, “I have spent the last six months during scavenges looking for this shampoo. I took every bottle from every store in the city that had any. Cherish them, they are probably the last bottles we will ever lay eyes on.”
“I love you, Seul.” you said as you wiped your cheek of it’s tears.
“Love you too, bestie.” She said squeezing you tight, feeling quite pleased.
“Alright, that’s enough of the lame gifts.” Chanyeol said, reaching over Seulgi’s lap to hand you his gift. “I hope you’re ready for a real gift, Y/n. Something actually useful and still very fun.”
“Shampoo is useful!” Seulgi said, pinching his arm, “Dick.”
You laughed at the two of them as they bickered and unwrapped his gift. It really did take your breath away when you opened the package. “Yeol...oh my god.”
“You know I don’t know anything about knives.” he said as you pulled one of the shiny silver blades from its sheath. “Sehun helped me. He promised they were the best knives in the whole city. He said you’d really love them.”
“They’re so beautiful, Yeol. Really, I’m...I’m so happy.” you sniffled as you tucked the knives back in the box, “I can’t even tell you how much I’m looking forward to being able to use them.”
“And!” Irene said enthusiastically, “We’re all giving up our wash time tonight, so it’s all yours.”
Cordially was one of the buildings in the city that still offered running water. The problem was that it was such an old building that too much use throughout the day caused the ancient pipes to groan and when they did it was less than quiet. The five of you learned early on that there was a certain length of time that the water could be used after dark without attracting Lurkers with the noise. That time was divided and a bit of time was allotted to each of you for any night time activities like cleaning up after a long day or even using the toilet.
“No.” you argued, “That’s too much.”
“Yes!” Seulgi said, shooting you a terrifying glare, “Take extra care with the shampoo I worked so hard to get you. Rinse and repeat, for once.”
“It really is too much.” you groaned.
“Just let me know before you want to go, Y/n.” Baekhyun said, and you realized he’d been unusually quiet this whole time. “There’s just one more surprise.”
The group refused to listen to your complaints about wash time so you let it go. Instead you all indulged in your pancake cake and talked about your days. After a couple hours had passed you had to switch from the beautiful lights overhead to your regular LED lanterns so that Chanyeol could turn the computers and surveillance equipment back on for nightly security checks.
Together Chanyeol and you checked the reports from other cities and the surveillance outside of your building as well as the water storage. After your first yawn hit you mentioned wanting to clean up and get to bed soon at which point Baekhyun disappeared upstairs for sometime. You’d been ready to give up on him and crash for the night without even washing when he finally showed up. You grabbed one of your new shampoos, a towel and pajamas before following him quietly upstairs with your lantern in hand.
In the beginning you’d refused to leave the basement at night. The sight of the dark open dance hall creeped you out and you were always worried that there would be something hiding in the shadows. Ironically, it had been Baekhyun that had helped you out of your fear. You’d gotten into a pretty good system of making sure you’d done everything you needed to before the sun went down. It worked out really well for you at first.
That was until you, and everyone else, started to realize that things were changing. With every month that passed you realized that the invasion was having a lasting effect on weather patterns. Even now, after three years, they were unpredictable. Winter had come fast that first year. Sunlight was sparse, nights were seemingly endless. Some nights lasting literal days, as if the invaders were trying to force people out into the night to search for food and water, leaving them open and vulnerable for attack.  
It was one of those long winter nights that Baekhyun realized how uncomfortable you looked. He’d laughed at first when you told him you had to pee, but when he noticed the genuine fear on your face when he suggested you just go upstairs he stopped. You’d been so embarrassed, it felt silly that of all the things left to be afraid of, that the dark was what paralzyed you. Then he offered to take you whenever you needed and promised he wouldn’t tell anyone about your fear. That winter night lasted eleven days and every time you had to go to the bathroom or wanted to wash up, Baekhyun was there to take you. He’d check all the shadows and stand outside the bathroom until you were ready to go back down. Even if you shook him out of a dead sleep you  never heard a complaint.
It had been a long time since you’d needed someone to help you in the dark. On several occasions you’d even gone on scavenges at night. Like for the past four weeks when it rained all day everyday. There had been no sun but you also had no choice, your family needed food. So it seemed silly to you that he had offered to take you upstairs now. In front of the upstairs womens restroom Baekhyun stopped and held out his hand, “Lantern please.”
“I’m going to need it, Baek…” you whispered back knowing fully well the solar powered electricity that Chanyeol had set up didn’t run upstairs.
“Your lantern.” he requested once more, quietly, but sternly. With a deep sigh you handed him your lantern and he smiled brightly. “Thank you.”
He knelt down putting your lantern on the ground and picking up a container you hadn’t noticed before. Standing back up straight, he offered you the container.
“My gift to you.”
“You’ve already done enough.” you said taking the container, “Your stupid joke was more than enough for me.”
“Then this will just be the cherry on top.”  he grinned, “Open it.”
You pulled open the lid of the container to find actual cherries. Cherries, strawberries, and blueberries to be exact. “How? I thought we were out of fresh food until the Farm trip?”
“I’ve been stockpiling my portions for you.”
“No, absolutely not. I can‘t accept this, Baekhyun.” you said shoving the container back towards him.
“You have to. I won’t eat it. I’ll let it all go to waste.” he shook his head defiantly, and you knew he was telling the truth. “It’s yours now.”
“Here,” Pulling open the lid once more you searched for the biggest piece of fruit you saw. You held the strawberry up to his lips. “Just eat one. I won’t be the reason your dumbass gets scurvy.”
He smiled happily, “Okay.”
You moved the fruit closer to his mouth and watched him wrap his lips gently around the fruit, you gulped at the sight but he didn’t seem to notice. “Do I get my lantern now?”
He shook his head as he chewed and swallowed down the berry, “Just go in, you won’t need it. I’ll wait out here on guard, You can have your lantern after.”
You looked at him suspiciously before turning to the door. With your fruit and your shampoo in hand you pushed the door open. You inhaled sharply at the sight. The entire makeshift shower room had been covered in candles and wildflowers. It was the most beautiful display you could ever remember seeing in your life.
“Baekhyun…” you whispered his name, not really knowing what else to say.
When you turned back to him he was smiling from ear to ear and he asked very hopefully, “Better than chocolate?”
You may have rolled your eyes but your smile and bright glow said everything he needed to hear, “I hate you.”
“Ah,” he blushed, “I love you too.”
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Our first Christmas pt 1
The holiday was almost upon them. They all knew the tiny woman had someone coming in for the holiday. They watched with envy as she prepared for her longtime boyfriend to arrive as she would get little things for his stay. Five months ago they knew he had been transferred across the country, and she had made a choice to at least finish the project she was working on for the next year. The long-distance had taken a toll on her as they watched her go through different stages, which had included a weight loss that was showing how much she missed him. The ten-man unit along with their seven-man civilian counterparts watched in silence as she backed away from anyone them as not to give anyone the illusion of anything more. Her leave for the week he would be here was approved, and she was happy to the point of beaming. The men surrounding her daily found a slight hope that she would go back to her old way of bringing light to their days.
She checked out on leave on the Friday he was to arrive. She smiled to herself all day as she waited for his plane to arrive. It had been an ironic twist. She thought that some of his coworkers that were also from the area where booked on the same flight, so she was happy he wouldn't be making the two plane and cross country trip alone. When his plane arrived, and she saw him for the first time in months her smile was breathtaking and true. He, however, didn't seem all that happy to see her as he gave her a side hug and a quick kiss on the cheek. She knew he was not a person that likes public displays of affection, so she wrote it off, but when he walked away to talk to his coworkers instead of talking to her, at all, she started to feel down again. She felt like maybe this had been a mistake, but she couldn't understand why. They talked every day. They facetimed and skyped every weekend. It had never felt like anything was off.
The drive home from the airport had been quiet and filled with tension. "You do know I could have stayed at the hotel, right?" he said out of the blue.
"I thought you were coming here to see me. Why would you be staying in the hotel?" she asked.
"I do have to work.” he replied.
"You have this week off.” she said. "You said so yourself."
"I have some things to finalize and will have to go to the hotel for meetings with them.” He replied. She sighed.
"Do you want to go back to the hotel?" she asked.
"Nah, it's fine. I will figure something out.” He replied. She didn't feel any better, and she went to that feeling in her mind something was very wrong. She wasn't happy anymore as she fought back the tears she didn't know why they were there anyway.
When they got to her house, she opened the door, and he looked around. As he did, he made jokes about the way it smelled and how it looked like she hadn't done much with the place since he had left. She shook her head, knowing that she had melted a wax cube all day and let the smell seep through the house as it was her favorite scent, it had reminded her of him. She had cleaned the house top to bottom in preparation of his trip. She wondered why he was being so judgemental right now. She figured they would be all over each other by the time they got to the house, but he was keeping his distance. She was now feeling rejected and hurt. She couldn't express that though. She asked him if he wanted to go to bed or stay up and watch tv. He chose to go to bed, but it seemed more though he didn't want her there with him.
Finally, when he seemed to close the distance between them, the kiss was lacking and half-hearted. She turned and just went into her room not being able to take much more. She wanted to cry herself to sleep but wouldn't, not in front of him. She woke in the middle of the night as his arm was flung over her, and she felt good for a minute as she went more buried in his embrace, possibly thinking maybe the time and distance had made him take a step back. She closed her eyes and fell asleep again in the place she felt she should be.
By the second full day of his visit, she knew. She knew it all though he hadn't said a word. After she dropped him off at the hotel to work, she went to the building and sat in her office.
"Angel aren't you on leave?” Takada asked as he walked by and saw the light on.
"I don't know why I took leave.” She replied and placed her eyes firmly on the report that was on her desk. She didn't want to talk, and Shingen took note of that as he went on his way.
"Working on leave?" Tokugawa asked as he saw her in the hallways.
"Does it matter?” she asked snapping back at him.
"Kittens claws are out.” Date said as he walked away from the pair.
"You shouldn't be here,” Ieyasu said.
"Why not?” she asked.
"You're on vacation, that's why,” Ieyasu said with a sigh. Down the next hall, she ran into two more and had the same conversation. Only to be cornered by Toyotomi later on, "Why are you really here?"
"Why should I sit at home alone?” she responded.
"Alone?” he asked.
"He has to work.” She replied with the word work dripping with disgust. She knew he wasn't working, but she wouldn't sully his reputation either no matter how much she wanted too.
"Work, huh?” Hideyoshi asked.
"Yeah, work.” She said as she pushed her way out of the corner. She walked down the hall back to her office as Oda and Akechi caught up with Hideyoshi.
"What is she doing here?” Oda asked.
"Troubles,” Hideyoshi said with a shoulder shrug.
"Troubles?” Mitsuhide asked.
"He has to work,” Hideyoshi said in the same tone she did.
"OH.," both men said as they looked at each other.
"She was too good for him, anyway,” Nobunaga said as he walked away.
"I think she would disagree,” Hideyoshi said as he went to follow as they left Mitsuhide standing there as he plotted to end the man who hurt her.
By the fourth day of her leave, she was working as if she wasn't on leave. She arrived in the morning though everyone could see she hadn't slept the night before. Her eyes were blurry, and she had some splotches on her face. It was plain to see what had kept her awake. Clenched fists under the meeting tables and their own jaws flexed as the tried not to say anything that would upset her. As she left to go sit in her office again and go through the mounting paperwork that appeared hourly, they all looked at her retreating back to the safest place for her.
"Does anyone else want to go to the hotel and shove this 'work' down his throat?” Uesugi asked. Everyone knew Kenshin had a soft spot for her, even though he would never admit it to anyone.
"Yes.” was the answer spoken throughout the room.
"At least tonight is the holiday party. Do you think he will be brave enough to come?” Sasuke asked.
"No.," Masamune stated, "This prick won't have the balls to."
"Masa's right,” Sanada said. Yukimura is known for his ability to say exactly the wrong thing to say at the perfect time was almost boiling red. "He won't show. She probably won't either."
"She will come.” Ieyasu said, "If only to keep up her appearance."
"You think she cares about that right now?” Ishida asked.
"No, but she won't want to let everyone down by not showing up,” Ieyasu said. The group of men walked by her office to see her asleep in her chair. "At least she is sleeping now."
"She looks even more like the angel she is when she sleeps. This ass does not  deserve someone like her.” Shingen said as he reached in the office as he turned off the light.
Mitsuhide reached for the doorknob and quietly shut the door. "No, he certainly doesn't."
She drove to the building sometime later where the company holiday party was at. She was there before most of her coworker, but that didn't stop her from downing a few drinks before they arrived. She was still not happy though she didn't feel much of anything at the point they entered either solo or in pairs. She was just sitting there on the stool by the bar as they one by one spotted her and shook their heads. She went outside at one point to light up a cigarette and was slightly taken back when a lighter was lit for her before she knew someone was standing there already.
"Thanks, Mitsuhide,” she said.
"So where is your boyfriend,” he asked, making the words boyfriend sound like a curse.
"He had to work,” she said.
"Is that what he calls her?” Mitsuhide asked.
"What?” she asked blankly.
"You prefer plain speaking, Princess,” he replied.
"I do,” she replied.
"So he is calling his new girlfriend, work then?” Mitsuhide said as his eyes shone in the night like an animal ready to pounce on his prey.
"Yes,” she replied.
"And you think what that by not saying anything, it will go away?” Mitsuhide asked again. His eyes changed but did not soften.
"No.," she replied. "I asked him to leave today when I got back. He was shocked that I even thought he had moved on."
"Oh, you did?” Mitsuhide said.
"I had too. It was plainly obvious, and it seemed the longer I didn't say anything, the more it hurts to even look at him. He didn't want to be here with me. I could see that.” she said as the tears she held onto threatened to spill over.
"Don't waste those on him," Mitsuhide said softly. She looked up into his golden eyes and tried to smile. "You can do slightly better than that, my dear."
"I'm trying Akechi, but it just still hurts,” she said.
"Princess, you have a room full of men, mostly good men, is there waiting for the chance with a woman like you,” Mitsuhide said. "Don't waste your time regretting this bad apple.  He wasn't worth it or worth you."
"Thank you for saying that,” she said softly as she laughed for a second.
"It is only the truth.” He said. He put out his arm to escort her back in the party as she tried to smile again. People looked at the entering pair, and he bowed to her as he released her arm, and she walked around and tried to be social.
Hideyoshi walked up to Mitsuhide, "What the hell was that?"
"I was bringing her back in the building.” Mitsuhide replied.
"What were you doing outside?” Hideyoshi asked.
"Smoking by myself and she joined me.” Mitsuhide said with a smirk. "It isn't like I lured her outside for a quick tryst, Hide."
"One never knows with you.” Hideyoshi said.
"She deserves more than that, even in my eyes.', Mitsuhide said as he moved away from the groups. He watched as she seemed to come back to them as she should be. As the night went on, she was smiling again and slightly wobbly on her feet. She was trying to make her way back to her phone to call a cab as a hand wrapped around hers.
"I will drive you home, my dear.” she heard from behind her.
"You didn't drink?” she asked as she grabbed her purse instead.
"No," he replied. "I was too busy watching everyone else drink and have a good time."
"Thank you, Mitsuhide,” she said as she took his arm if only to steady herself. "My address is."
"I know where you live, mouse,” he said.
"How?” She asked as he opened his car door for her. When he got in, he looked at her, sitting there for a second before he spoke.
"I helped when you moved in,” he said.
"That was years ago,” she replied.
"I never forget important details princess. Every detail about you is important,” he said.
"Mitsuhide.” she choked out.
"It's okay, my dear.” He said as he continued to drive. She couldn't think straight because she knew she drank too much, but this man was sitting next to her was confusing her even more. She looked over to him as he stared at the road before him and was in awe of the man who was playing prince charming. She would have never believed it of him before that night, but now she wondered how she could have missed it as well.
They turned onto her quiet street lined with houses designed for families, not just one person. Her home was last on the dead-end road. She spotted a car in her driveway that wasn't hers. She tensed up, and Mitsuhide took her hand and squeezed it. "Do you want to go home?” he asked.
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The Article | Joker Leto x Reader Pt 1.
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Request:  Oo what about the reader is in college but works at her school's newspaper but the Gotham paper is doing a contest and she wants to win so she tries to interview Mr. J. (Harley is out of the picture). And he ends up kidnapping her for a week yet allowing her to write about him, and possibly some smexi smut. If you're into it -- @ladylucksposts
Notes: This was way longer than expected, with the backstory, and setting everything up. I decided to make the executive decision to split this into two parts. They should be out back-to-back. The kidnapping isn’t the traditional idea of it, given the way I set it up, but I hope it still satisifes the desire.  Warnings: Kidnapping (kinda?), dark topics, swearing. 
Part 2.
You stood outside of Alibi, one of the busiest clubs in Gotham. It was also the most dangerous. Almost every person inside would be guaranteed to be armed, or accompanied by someone who was.  Mob bosses, serial killers, pimps, and hookers all frequented the club. It was a pretty poorly kept secret if a little girl in college knew about it all... The GCPD probably knew about it as well, but if you had to guess, they and all the heroes of the city stayed far away. Going in there and causing trouble was suicide. GCPD would lose a lot of their officers, and vigilantes would get the brave, innocent (and stupid) bystanders killed, as well as others.
You supposed you couldn’t call the club goers who dared to go for a good time stupid... they were just surrounding themselves with some of the most dangerous people in Gotham, but most of the time, so long as everyone behaved and kept their nose out of private business, it was just a night of adrenaline. Sure, every now and then a shooting would happen there, a deal gone wrong, a misunderstanding, a psycho having an episode...  You, on the other hand, were poking your nose where it didn’t belong. You were there to see the owner and the most dangerous man in Gotham. The Joker. 
The Gotham Gazette was holding a contest for people who wanted to work at the paper, and they were offering a big sum of money for the winner to buy the best story. You were studying journalism, and it was your dream job. Working at the Gotham Gazette was the best job journalism job you could get in Gotham, and then maybe you could get out of the shithole town and do something even bigger. There were a lot of talented writers, and you were sure there would be some pretty amazing entries. The only way to win was to do something daring, and a little -- okay, incredibly stupid. 
The Joker was a household name and struck fear in every Gotham citizen. He was also someone people knew the last amount about... Two-Face was previously Harvey Dent who’d gotten injured and lost his mind, Harley Quinn was formerly a psychiatrist who fell for her patient and then was driven insane.. and a variety of other people with known pasts. The Joker was the biggest mystery, to the point, no one knew his name. All official papers had his real name listed as “unknown” and his alias as the Joker. If you could get anything, and make it available to the public, you’d win for sure. If you survived to tell the tale, though.
You stepped into the club, taking a deep breath. It looked like a pretty normal club inside... music played, people danced and drank, there were cages for people to dance in, and a roped off VIP section. But the energy was different and uneasy. The VIP section was where you’d have to go, and where you saw a bit of green hair poking through the beads. A part of you had considered going undercover, trying to get a story in secret, but that was dangerous from start to end... Lying, sneaking around, and then later publishing a story. If you survived enough to get your name out there, you’d be dead before you could ever enjoy your prize. No, you had to be direct, and hope that bravery (and stupidity) would get you somewhere, and that the somewhere wouldn't be a body bag.
You got a shot, downing the liquid and letting it burn your throat, hoping it would give you some courage. It helped a little bit, and you considered doing another, but knew you had to keep a level enough head. If you tried to approach the Clown Prince of Crime while intoxicated, he wouldn’t take you seriously and may kill you just for being annoying. So with the one shot buzzing through you, you walked straight over to the VIP section. Two bouncers stood by, and you were sure there were more inside. The Joker was insane, but he was also insanely protected. 
“VIP only, miss,” one guard said as you approached. This wasn’t a VIP section where they asked your name and checked a list. The list was exclusive, and they’d know if someone was to be expected. 
“I know,” you assured them, squaring your shoulders. “I was hoping to have a few minutes to talk to your boss. I have a business proposition for him, and this is the only way I know how to contact him,” you said. A business proposition sounded way more official and legit than “I want to interview your boss for a newspaper contest.” 
“Is anyone expecting you here?” the same security guard asked, sizing you up. You were in clubwear, something low cut and short in hopes to up your chances of getting your foot in the door. You weren’t the hottest girl in the club but hoped it was enough. 
You shook your head. “No, like I said, he’s a hard man to contact. I assure you, it will only take a few minutes. If he can’t meet now, if someone could give me information to contact someone, I can do it another time.” You hoped being as diplomatic as possible would help. You could still see the neon green hair behind them, but not much beyond that. You had no idea if he was already in a meeting or not. 
The bouncers exchanged a look, before the one who had been addressing you turned into the section behind him. “Hey, Frost. Got a girl here who wants to talk to the boss,” they said. 
A third man came over, tall, not bad looking, full beard. He looked you over, trying to figure out who you were and why you were here. “You want to talk to the boss?” he asked, skeptical, confused, and trying to decide what he should do. 
“I do, yes. Just a few minutes, whenever he has some free time,” you answered, looking him in the eyes. 
He glanced between the two bouncers, before back at you. He almost looked amused. “You got guts, kid. Most people are afraid to get anywhere near the Boss,” he acknowledged. “Alright, I’ll give you a few minutes. If we’re honest, it’s only because I’m curious how this’ll go down, and because he’d be more willing to meet with a hot chick than any other random stranger,” he said. So the tiny dress had been to your advantage. 
The bouncers separated, and you followed Frost into the VIP section. Your nerves were going wild, and you felt like you may vomit or pass out. You got the meeting, but that meant you were getting ready to meet the Joker. Face to face. In his own club. No one was here to protect you, and you were on his turf. If you said the wrong thing or caught him in the wrong mood, you’d be dead in two seconds. Frost stopped in front of you and turned to face you, holding up a hand to have you stop as well. You stopped obediently, looking at him but didn’t speak. You’d speak when spoken to, and try to be on your very best behavior. 
“You mind if I give you a pat down? I don’t think there are many places you can keep anything in that tiny dress, but better to be safe,” he requested. With the way he was eying you, you were pretty sure half of it was his own personal desire. Still, you nodded and shifted so that he could do as much. At first, it was a simple official patdown, your sides, back, stomach... then he felt around your breasts, ass, and even between your legs. You were extremely uncomfortable, but it was over quickly. There wasn’t much fabric, so there wasn’t much room to search. “All clear,” he said, giving you a playful wink, before guiding you through the beads. You almost wondered if he had agreed to let you come back here in hopes the Joker would let him have you before killing you. Frost wasn’t a bad looking guy, but it still skeeved you out. 
As soon as he stepped out of the way, you saw the Joker sitting on a white couch, eyes focused on his phone. He almost looked harmless as he sat there, reading through something with slightly burrowed brows (or rather brow bone since there was no hair except for on his head.) You knew better though, and your blood ran cold. There was no turning back now.
“Hey, Boss. This girl wanted to talk to you about something,” Frost said, almost seeming easy around the King of Gotham. It seemed like he was high up in the ranks so it would make sense. But how could anyone get comfortable around a volatile homicidal maniac? 
The Joker’s eyes moved up slowly, flicking to Frost, before at you. Once he took in your appearance, his phone was set aside, forgotten, and you had his full attention. He eyed you, and you saw a bit of his tongue come out to lick his lips.
“Sit,” Frost told you, motioning to the couch opposite his boss. You complied, holding your hands in your lap, and he sat toward the end of the same couch. “Thought if she was insane enough to come to see you, it may be worth hearing her out. Or at least something pretty to look at,” he commented.
The Joker gave Frost a look of mild amusement, a smile coming over his bright red lips, before turning back to you. “What brings you here, Kitten?” he purred, curiosity evident in his grey eyes. 
The nickname made you further uneasy, but this was your one opportunity. You swallowed down your nerves, your mouth feeling bone dry now. There was no going back though. “I don’t want to waste any of your time, so I’ll cut right to the chase. I go to Gotham University, and the Gazette is doing a contest with the school for journalists. Winner gets a job once they graduate, which is my dream job. I thought a good choice of topic would be you,” you said, trying to get it all out without seeming too rushed.
You could see Frost quirk a brow in your peripheral, but your main focus stayed on The Joker. His head cocked to the side as he stared at you, listening and processing to what you’d said. “On me?” he said simply.
“Yes, sir. You’re one of the most well-known people of Gotham City, but very little is known about you. I thought you may have an interest in controlling the narrative and telling your side. Many people talk about you, and write about you, without ever having even seen you in person. This is my attempt to change that,” you explained. Showing a bit of sympathy, as well as what he’d gain from agreeing seemed like the best way to go about doing it. You had to sell this to him and sell it well. 
“So you’re to play Devil’s Advocate, are you now?” he asked. It was hard to read his expression. He had a great poker face. 
You glanced at Frost as if he would provide any answers, but he wasn’t any more helpful, and you turned back to the clown. “If that’s how you want to look at it, I suppose it’s not far off. You certainly have your ways of sending messages to the media and citizens of this city, but this gives you a more drawn out platform. I already have some questions in mind, but we don’t have to talk about anything you don’t want to, and if there’s something you want to focus on, then I’m more than happy to let you... steer the bus, shall we say?” 
He kept watching of you, and you could see a million thoughts racing around in his head. His henchman was even watching, curious to see what his boss would do. You couldn’t tell if the thoughts were good or bad, blank face still up. Shortly after, a smile lit up his face, and a little laugh came out that sent shivers down your spine. “You certainly have a lot of... guts,” he said, glancing at your torso as if he was imagining tearing you open to see them. “I’ll agree to it. On one teeny tiny little condition,” he practically purred.
You perked, not believing that this was happening. “Anything,” you said, a little too quickly. Perhaps offering to anything for a man like the Joker wasn’t the smartest move, but had you really been smart these past few hours? 
“You will stay here, with me, for the next seven days. You will not leave. If you have work or class, call it off. You do whatever I say, and I decide when we do work. You can ask your questions, but I’m under no obligation to answer any. Your final draft will be finished and submitted before you leave. No recordings, drafts, photographs, videos, anything of the sort will leave with you. I’m not going to make contingencies for what would happen if you were to not win, because I’m confident what you leave here will be a masterpiece,” he was grinning wider now. “That’s my deal. Take it or leave it,” he said. Something about the look in his eye told you that you didn’t have a choice. If you said no thank you, he’d kill you. But saying yes... saying yes meant agreeing to spend an entire week with The Joker, doing everything he said. You had a feeling there would be things to push you, and he’d try to break you. He did it to Harley and a lot of other people. 
“I don’t have any of my things with me, I even left my phone in my car,” you started, wondering how this would go if you only had one dress and that was it. You weren’t planning on this turning into a long, sinister slumber party. 
“You’ll give Frost your keys and address. He’ll pick up clothes, your computer, and anything else you request of him... within reason,” he stated. 
You looked at Frost at the mention of him, and he gave a small shrug. Taking a breath, you made the decision you’d likely regret for years to come. but at least then you’d have years to come. “Okay. Let’s do it.” 
To be continued...
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laceymorganwrites · 6 years
Tragedy´s hot pt.1
Word Count: 1,828
Pairing: Gajeel x Reader (Yay! reader´s pov)
Warnings: None I can think of, slight make out, sadness, Depression
A/N: So I started watching Fairy Tail. This is based on a dream I had and will have multiple parts. The Reader does have Magic power, so don´t complain that she´s in a guild. It does have its reasons and will be explained in the further parts
I sat under a big tree far beyond the guild in a deep forest. Next to it was a lake and the woods protected chirping birds and purring kittens. Here, I felt at ease, as if I finally belonged somewhere. It was long ago since I joined the guild, but still, I couldn´t do magic and the guild would be better off without me. But they all seemed so happy, they thought of me as family, smiled at me and wanted me to join their chanting and laughter. I drank with Cana and could keep up with her, I fought with Natsu, baked cake for Erza and talked to Mira. Levy-chan told me about her books, I randomly found Gray in my home, I ran from Loke´s girlfriends. Lucy let me read her book and asked me for advice in her magic and Happy always told me of all their adventures. I gave him fish and accompanied everyone on their missions, even before I was an official member. But for three years now, I was. It just didn´t feel right, but after all the happiness I saw in the guild, which   should´ve driven out my darkness, I still felt alone. I didn´t belong there, I had no place in the world, but this old huge tree I´d like to hide under my whole life. Sometimes the guild members would come with me and we would talk here, but after they went away, I would always cry. Someday I decided to write it all down and sing it out.
“They will not let you down, Lucy, you´re part of the family, remember?” I reassured Lucy who had the same problems as me, but people actually liked her, she belonged to Fairy Tail. She cried onto my shoulder, where she buried herself and clung onto my neck, sobbing thoroughly. I forced my own tears back and bit my quivering lip. My shaking hands pushed Lucy away from me carefully, before flashing a perfectly fine smile, telling her to go back to the guild, where everyone was waiting for her. She smiled back and wiped away her tears before waving and running towards the guild. I closed my eyes, grabbed my guitar and started playing a song, to which I lowly sang along, until I cried. I cried often these days and I hated it, I hated being weak and unable to do anything, but that was just who I was, the always sad girl with no place in the world. After a quiet while I noticed the cats meowing and seeming excited. That´s when I heard someone coming from behind and I stopped playing the guitar and wiped away the lonely tears, hopefully the person would leave quickly. The person walked past me and didn´t even seem to notice I was there until he knelt down to feed the cats and embrace them in hugs. My heartbeat increased and I unknowingly began to smile. He petted the cats and talked to them with such devotion, then blushed when he saw me. “Sorry...I didn´t know anyone else was here...” he mumbled. I laughed. “It´s alright, it´s nice knowing someone besides me cares about the cats” I told him and now that I got a closer look at his face, I could bathe in his beauty, that was until I caught the tattoo on his right arm and frowned. “You´re from Phantom Lord...” I coldly stated, I needed to find another peaceful place, I redeemed. He raised an eyebrow: “So?” he grunted. “Just heard some nasty things about your guild, is all” I explained. It was said that they were cruel and reputation was everything to them. I never had an encounter with one of their members, but their guild and mine didn´t really like each other and I just hoped to stay out of the little quarrel. I also heard that the guild members were arrogant and dangerous. “As if yours is so innocent” he remarked, pointing at my neck, where my tattoo was located. I blushed, almost as if he revealed some secret of mine, and let my hair fall over it. “You could say we´re overachievers” I giggled, thinking about all the ruckus and destruction we caused. We really were a conversation. “So, who spread those damn rumors about my guild?” He asked roughly, but I couldn´t take him seriously as he still cradled a cat in his hand. “No one particular, I just heard some stories” I held up my hands up in defense, he could as well leave, I wasn´t looking for a fight. “Why aren´t you in your guild? Isn´t Fairy Tail all about that family bullshit?” he tried to provoke me, but I just laughed out loud. “You guys really hate us, don´t you?” I asked him, still laughing. “You didn´t answer my question” he stated, gently putting down the cat, sitting down next to me and crossing his arms. “Well, I just don´t really fit in there, it´s better when I´m alone” I said carefree and received an unreadable look from him. “Why don´t you join a different guild, then?” he asked me, his former rough tone changed into a softer one. “Like I said: I don´t fit in anywhere.  I´m useless in a guild, I don´t want to bring people down.” I explained further, I never talked to anyone about how I felt, some would say it´s stupid talking about it to an enemy´s guild member, but what could he do with that information? “You don´t seem like someone who brings people down, are you sure the guild isn´t bringing you down?” he asked carefully, unsure of how I would react. I smiled at him. “It´s not that, my guild likes me, and I like them, we´re family and we all got each others backs. And that´s great, really, going on missions together, celebrating, breaking up fights and just enjoying each other´s company, I love that and I feel like I´m home, but then again    I´m asking myself if I really deserve being happy or being in a guild when I can´t even use magic. It doesn´t feel like I´m part of all that, it feels as if I´m watching from the outside and that is what brings me really down” I turned away from him, suddenly I felt really exposed. He opened his mouth and then closed it again. “Now that I said that out loud, I realize it sounds really stupid” I laughed, scratching my head, but he looked gloomy. “What´s your name?” he finally asked after a long silence, looking down. “(Y/N)...” I said, confused as to why he would want to know that. He raised his head again and made eye contact with me, then he grabbed my hands and held them in his own, before he said: “I`m sorry that you feel that way, (Y/N), really. I hope you find your happiness someday...”. His hands were cold and his gaze made me feel dizzy. “Thank you...” I whispered, unsure what to say. I let my head sink and held on tighter to his hands, starting to caress them. “I feel happy now, you know...I feel happy in this place, with the cats. It´s so peaceful, I like that...” I confessed, to which he smiled sincerely. “I like the cats too” he said, chuckling, which made me blush. “What´s your name?” I asked him. “Gajeel” he answered. “It was nice meeting you, Gajeel. I think I could get used to having other company than the cats” I giggled. He grinned. “So you´re saying you like my company?” he teased and I blushed heavily as I remembered I was still holding his hands. “Y-yeah...I guess...” I stuttered, looking everywhere but his face, now would be the perfect time to disappear. “You only guess? That´s not good, what if I decide to come here more often now? You´ll always be guessing you like my company, but never know. That´s stressful!” he remarked, winking at me. I swear, I got even redder. “W-well...I mean...I do kinda like your company...” I mumbled. “Oh come on! You can do better than that, that´s not how you tell someone you like their company.” he laughed at me. “Sorry! It´s your fault my brain´s going blank!” I defended myself. “I make your brain go blank? Was that a compliment?” he teased again, wrapping his arm around me and pulled me towards him, to which I let out a squeal. “Cute” he smirked. “Stop it!” I chuckled and he laughed as I wrapped my arms around his neck. Our faces were inches away now I bit my lip at that realization. My face was burning up and Gajeel seemed to enjoy that very much, but there was something about the way he smiled, a certain look in his eye that made me forget about how embarrassing I was. “You said you´d come here more often?” I asked shyly, trying to cover up the awkward silence. “Depends. If you´re here, I´ll think about coming around” he told me and I could swear he had gotten nearer to me. “You´ll think about it, huh? Don´t you like my company?” I wickedly whispered and raised my eyebrow in temptation, if he could tease, I could as well. His smirk got wider and his eyes brighter. “I like your company very much, but do you like mine?” he asked me. “Very much” I repeated. “Good, then I´ll come around more often” he decided. “I´m looking forward to it” I admitted. Gajeel put his arm around my waist and pulled me even nearer to him, I locked my hands behind his neck and began to lean in. There was something about him, a magnetic aura I didn´t want to escape. In this instance Gajeel felt vulnerable, but he slightly opened his mouth and came closer to me, closing his eyes. His heart beat so fast and loudly, his lips were quivering and he felt the last bit of his bravery fade as my lips touched his. I swear he moaned, even if it was so slightly. His lips were cold, as was his hand, which roamed my back and the one coming up and gently caressing my cheek. Gajeel was very careful, he didn´t want to hurt me. I started to apply more pressure to my lips and moved them even closer to his, slipping out my tongue, asking for entrance. He opened his mouth in an instant and happily hummed when our tongues touched. Our tongues were circling around each other, chasing the other and not letting us breathe. I gently bit his lip, signaling us to part and when he moaned, we did. I pecked him one last time before we caught air. Gajeel was speechless and blushing, as I was smiling. “That was hot...” he said. “You´re hot” I corrected him, unlocking my hands behind his neck and grabbing his hand that he rested sweetly on my cheek, kissing it. 
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flamestoflight · 6 years
(happy) Sunday
Woke up this morning in my bed at home, with the rain pouring outside my window and lots of birds chirping. Fed the boys, went back to sleep until like 10:30. Had breakfast, cleaned the kitchen, did my laundry, went and bought coffee, and then settled in my family room with my hazelnut almond milk coffee, a super cozy blanket, the soft, grey, overcast lighting, and my itunes library on shuffle while I worked on prepping for my patients for the week. One kitten curled up on the blanket next to me, one sleeping on the back of the couch just over my right shoulder.
This week is my last week of clinic. I can’t believe I’m actually saying it. It’s been a long time coming. Although now that it’s getting closer, of course I’m getting a bit nostalgic about no longer treating patients. Don’t get me wrong - it was tough shit treating patients in my first year of PT school on top of taking full-time classes. I spent many, many days questioning my abilities, feeling incompetent, shutting my bedroom door after getting home from a long day of classes and clinic and crying. Struggled to keep on top of other life things.
But at the same time...I treated patients. I helped people. Learned to be creative, learned to try new things, learned to apply what I learned in class, learned to customize a plan to a patient. Picked up skills on the fly. I look at notes from some former patients of mine that are still being seen in the clinic but by other staff - and I see real, licensed PT’s implementing my plans, using my ideas/suggestions for patients. I see people that I evaluated being discharged, I see people getting better. And *I* played a role. On Friday I discharged the patient that was my very first evaluation. He was seen for 20 visits and I saw him for 18 of them. He got me a Starbucks gift card and gave me a hug and thanked me for everything that I had done to help him. He said he didn’t want to leave because he liked coming to PT and working with me. He liked the environment, he liked the people, he liked how good everyone was. I teared up after that day too, but out of happiness. Out of fulfillment. My heart felt so full, I felt so accomplished. I felt capable. 
Anyways, this last full week will be a challenge. Which I’m ready to take on. Tomorrow I’m seeing 4 patients that I’ve never seen before: one is s/p scaphoid fracture (I’ve never treated a hand before); one is s/p accessory navicular excision (I didn’t even know that was a thing!? Also I’ve never treated a foot patient before). One is a super interesting neurological case. It forces me to brush up on my anatomy and other related studying. It will be a really good test of time management and clinical thinking. It will be stressful but I just have to keep thinking about it as a good challenge. Later this week I’m seeing an ankle replacement, a post-op shoulder, and getting my last appointment with my post-op knee patient that I have seen improve at every visit I’ve seen her. This week will be a challenge, but it will be a good way to finish out my sports/orthopedic rotation.
My summer schedule came out and I am LIVING for it. M/W I have a gap in classes from 11:30am-7pm; T/R classes only start at 2pm; F I’m done by 11:30 (?!?!??!). What a concept!! I’m so happy to have time to get back to the gym, get some sun by the pool, take naps if I need them, and probably go back to PT for my foot. I have a few 3 day weekends as well. 
Every song that comes onto my itunes library right now is making me feel a typa way. I am glad I came home this weekend, I am glad that I slept in, I am glad that I ran yesterday. I am thankful for my kittens and my parents and my CI and my sports/ortho rotation. I am thankful for the upcoming summer and everyone who has helped me get through the semester. But mostly I am thankful for myself, for my ability to get through this - albeit with a lot of support and a lot of struggle. But the end of the tunnel is one week of clinic + one week of finals away. And then I am a second-year PT student.
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Friends to Lovers Pt. 18
(A/N) I know, this one is late. Like really late! But now it’s here and I hope you enjoy it! <3 I also decided that I won’t stress myself with updating this fic. My insperation isn’t at it’s best right now and I don’t want to post something that isn’t well written or anything, just to post it on time. I hope you understand.
@beltz2016 @sammysgirl1997 @magellan-88 @iammarylastar @scorpio2009 @buried-in-books @supdarling @hello-i-dont-have-a-name @kenzieam @jaihardy @pathybo @letssweetvivialwaysloved @fuckthatfeeling @sister-of-plenitude @mom2reesie @maskedpenman @demonsunshine @sandramaric88 @lacy-love @bookgirlthings @somanyfandoms264 @crazy-fandom-girl1 @emptyswimmingpoolss @somanyfandoms264 @lacy-love
If anyone else wants to be tagged, just say so :)
first part
second part    
third part
fourth part
fivth part
sixth part
seventh part
eight part
ninth part
tenth part
eleventh part
eleventh part (2)
twelfth part
thirteenth part
fourteenth part
fifteenth part
sixteenth part
seventeenth part
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Y/N made it. She finished her final fear simulation a few hours ago, but I finally got the result that she officially made it. All I wanted to do right now, was to find her, kiss her and make our relationship official. I could barely wait until dinner, where all the initiates were told their final rankings, and had to lock myself in my office. Well, I was actually locked in my office by Max and Four. Finally, at five, Max opened the door and together with Four, we walked to the dining hall. Waiting on the stairs, Max began his speech as soon as everyone was there. My eyes immediately found Y/N, who looked rather worried about the results. There was no need to, and I tried to catch her eyes to tell her this, but she wouldn’t look at me. No matter what I did. After a few minutes, Max’s speech was over and the board with the results lit up. Y/N’s eyes widened and a grin took over her face. She must’ve realised that she made it and even was in first place. Xavier and Lucy hugged her and the crowd lifted her up. Smiling at her joy, I ignored Max’s and Four’s stares and walked downstairs, to meet my girlfriend. I fought my way through the crowd, until I reached Y/N, who was still being passed around by the crowd. Pulling her down, her laughter died, but instead a soft smile spread across her lips. “Hey there.” Her voice was quiet and soft and I couldn’t help but smile at her. “Hey.” The crowd around us walked back and gave us more space. I still held Y/N slightly above the ground, my arms around her waist and hers around my neck. “You did well.” “Are you going to reward me?” Not answering, I just put my lips against hers. All around us, cheers could be heard from the other Dauntless. People were throwing their cups around and different liquids were raining down on us. Still, we kept on kissing, until we were out of breath and had to break apart. Putting our foreheads together, we caught our breaths again, eyes still closed. The others were still partying while Y/N and I left. Leading her to the roof, where I prepared a blanket, some pillows and dinner earlier, I didn’t let go of her hand once. We arrived and Y/N was obviously impressed. Her eyes widened and a soft gasp left her mouth. “You did this?” She turned to me, a grin on her face. “Don’t sound so surprised! I can be romantic if I want to. I just never want to.” She laughed and pressed a quick kiss against my lips before she sat down on the blanket. We spent the rest of the day up there and sooner or later, Y/N fell asleep in my arms. It got chilly quiet soon, so I picked her up and brought her to my apartment. Lying her down in my bed, I just stood there and looked at her. I still couldn’t believe she was my girlfriend. She simply forgot everything I’d done to her, and forgave me. Leaving her alone, treating her like shit when she arrived. I didn’t matter to her anymore. I will never deserve her.
 I woke up to the mouth-watering smell of bacon and eggs. I was in Eric’s apartment, he must’ve carried me back here yesterday. Deciding to get up before he ate everything alone, I took a quick shower and pulled on one of his black shirts, that swallowed me hole. Walking into the living room, the smell intensified and so did my hunger. Eric stood in the kitchen, flipping bacon and listening to music that sounded out of the radio. He didn’t notice me leaving the bedroom and I just had to take the chance. Wrapping my arms around his waist from behind, I managed to make him jump slightly. His horrified expression changed into a adoring one as soon as his eyes found mine. “Good morning kitten.” One of his hands found mine and he squeezed them. “Kitten? I think like that…” I smiled into his back, hiding my blush. We continue to chat, while Eric finished cooking. After breakfast, he showed me to Max’s office and told me that he would wait outside for me. Since we left early the day before, I didn’t know what was waiting for me in there.
Entering the office, Max sat behind his desk, smiling at me. “Y/N! How good to see you! Especially after you and Eric walked out early on us.” He hugged me and let me sit down. “Okay, let’s get down to business…” “To defeat the Huns.”  It was barely above a whisper, but Max noticed and smirked. “You’re here, so I can assign you a future job. And since one of our members put in a formal request, not that I would’ve chosen differently, I hereby ask you to become one of our leaders.” Max had a proud grin on his face, waiting for my answer. “I guess I already know that member that put in a request?” Right on time, the door behind me opened and Eric sat down beside me. “Yeah you do know him.” Eric’s voice was teasing. He grabbed my hand and squeezed it reassuringly. “I accept, Sir,”
 I was carefully walking through the Dauntless compound, one hand on my swollen belly, the other held a couple of files. Passing members, smiled at me sweetly and got out of my way. Everyone knew that they would feel the wrath of Eric If they made one wrong move towards me, especially now that I’m pregnant. Or maybe it’s just that I’m nice to everyone. Making my way to the training room, I passed Four and another leader, carrying out a beat-up initiate. “Eric in a bad mood?” Without stopping, they nodded. Oh my. It took me five more minutes to get to the training room. Even a snail would be faster than me. Even from outside, I could hear my boyfriend’s yells. He really was in a bad mood. Entering the hall, I watched the initiates trying to throw knives at the target, but they barely hit it. That’s why Eric was so pissed off. “Eric?” Hearing my voice, he immediately turned around. Shouting one last time at the initiates, he started walking towards me. “Hey kitten. What are you doing here?” He put his hands on my waist and pulled me into him. Well, as far as that was possible at least. “You forgot those this morning. And I got bored.” Pressing my lips against his, I enjoyed the few seconds the kiss lasted. Since the initiates arrived, Eric was barely home. I missed him, but I won’t tell him that. Eric seemed to relax a little more with me next to him, but as soon as he saw the files I brought him, a stone-cold expression took over his face. “Go back. And the next time I forget something, leave it be.” With that he turned around and walked back to the initiates. That…shouldn’t have surprised me as much as it did. I just thought that Eric could be himself around me. Always, not just if he has time and we are alone. Glancing one last time at the father of my child, I left the training room and walked back to our apartment. Halfway there, I ran into Max. I was about to start a friendly conversation, when Jeanine rounded the corner behind Max. And behind her, my father.
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Flower Boy Prince pt.1
Leo (Taekwoon) X You X Ravi (Wonshik)
Genre: Fluff
A/U: You are both theater majors in University. Ravi is Leo’s junior from Highschool but in a different department than you both in University (Creative Writing/Literature).
Summer classes weren’t your idea of the best way to spend the hottest months of the year, but it was completely necessary if you wanted to stay on track for graduation next year. Taekwoon was the same. Fortunately, he was also taking some classes during this summer semester. When he told you over the phone a couple nights before the first day, you were extremely relieved. You were both older than most of the students in your class and that’s actually how you both met. He noticed you didn’t get particularly close with anyone in your classes and always ate in the cafeteria alone before rushing off. Until one day he approached you in the class you shared this semester, Dramatic Literature, asking if you wanted to study together. He said you looked no nonsense about your work and wondered if you could help him out. You agreed, having also noticed his lack of close interaction with other classmates. You wrote him off as a shy, private person. He was also nice to everyone but never really seemed to mesh with the groupings in the Theater classes you had had with him before this year either. After a couple study periods, you had realized he was quite talkative and the passion he put into readings and performances for class, actually came from more than just skill. He was actually quite a lovely person. You both also realized you kept to yourselves mostly because of your age difference with the classmates. While they were all good classmates and you got along well, the somewhat significant age difference felt like a small barrier between you two and most of the class. Not to mention your full-time jobs outside of University kept you both pretty busy.
“Y/n!!” You heard your name being called and lifted your head out of your script and looked around. You noticed Taekwoon walking towards the bench you were sitting on just outside of the performing arts building. The wind rustled his button-down shirt and feathered through his black medium-length hair which he had parted down the middle. He smiled as you spotted him and you found yourself smiling back. “Taekwoon! Hey!” He plopped down next to you with a small groan and let him bag slide off his shoulder. One hand still in his pocket, he used the other rake his hair back. “You have work after class today?” You shook your head, “No. Why?” “Let’s go to a new cafe I found. It’s a kitten cafe, downtown.” Your face lit up at the prospect of a kitten cafe. You put your script down for a moment and looked up at him, eyes full of excitement. He smiled, “You look more excited than I expected.” You laughed. “I told you I love cats. But could never have one-” “Because of your allergies. I remember.” You nodded in confirmation and went back to studying your script. A quick breeze brushed past you once again and it graced you with a strong waft of Taekwoon’s scent. It was a sweet spice of a smell with a fresh crispness to it. “Are you wearing cologne?” Taekwoon turned to look at you with a slight smile of pride on his face, “Yeah. You like it?” “I love it!” You blurted out, surprising yourself and him. You both laughed. “I just mean it’s my kind of scent, is all. I really like deep scents like that. I usually buy them for myself.” “Really?” He raised his eyebrows. You nodded and looked straight ahead. You couldn’t help but think how you wished you had someone else to buy things like perfumes for. “Well, call me when you get out of class and I’ll meet you back here.” Taekwoon said interrupting the comfortable silence. He got up to leave and stopped for a minute. Fidgeting in the pocket his hand was still in before pulling out a small packet of what looked like medicine. “Oh, and take two of these before we leave. It’ll help with your allergies.” He held them out and you felt touched as you took them from him. Your fingers brushed together and he looked at you intently before breaking into a smile and waving goodbye. You suddenly felt your heart beating a bit faster than normal. You checked the time on your cellphone and saw it was almost time for class. You packed your things and walked towards your classroom, finding yourself hoping class would go by faster than normal today so you could meet up with Taekwoon again. You shook your head to rid yourself of the thoughts. “Don’t start playin yourself now Y/N.” You muttered to yourself to stay focused.
After class, you walked back outside to meet Taekwoon at the bench you were sitting on earlier that morning. As you used your shoulder to push the glass door on the side of the building open, you dug around in your purse for the medicine he had given you to take. You felt your shoulder and body weight give way to the door pulling open from the opposite side. You looked up, startled, and saw Taekwoon holding the door. “I thought your class would never end.” Your heart jumped and you couldn’t help but smile. “Me either. How long have you been waiting here?” You asked as you both began to walk off, you still digging through your bag. “About five minutes–what are you looking for?” “Huh? Oh, those medicines you gave me. I dropped them in my bag and now they’re lost in this madness…” “How could you lose something I gave you.” He questioned with a fake pained look on his face. Your eyes widened at the subtle cuteness and you baulked for a second before you spoke again, “I didn’t lose it! I just don’t know where it is right now.” Taekwoon’s laugh reverberated in the air as the sun gently warmed both of your backs. “It’s okay. I bought more. I didn’t know how strong they were. or how strong your allergies are. I thought you’d might need more than two…” “Aww..” You nudged him playfully as you both continued walking away from the performing arts building. As you pushed him lightly with your body, he put his arm around your shoulder. He had only done this once in a while. But every time, for you anyway, it felt like your insides were cracking like fireworks. Taekwoon looked down at you and, almost offhandedly, remarked, “Why am I finding you so pretty today?” Shocked at his words, your lips burst into a laugh. He smiled, surprised at your reaction, “What? Why are you laughing?” “Because I don’t know how to answer that!” Taekwoon bit his lip, still smiling, “It wasn’t really for you to answer. I was just talking out loud.” You nodded and covered your mouth. You wanted him to stop stirring up feelings you didn’t realize you had. You didn’t want to confuse your closeness for a crush on him. You did that with other guys before. It never turned out well. Usually just you, and a one-sides crush. Taekwoon’s phone rang and broke the amiable flow of conversation between you two. He pulled it from his pocket and looked at the screen, “Oh! It’s Wonshik-ie.” He glanced at you, and you motioned for him to answer it. “What’s up? …I’m on campus about to go to a cafe…No…yeah why?….hold on.” He dropped the phone to his side and lowered his voice to speak to you, “He wants to know if he can meet me at the cafe. He was calling to see if I wanted to eat with him.” “Yeah that’s fine.” You nodded. Not minding to meet up Wonshik. You had meet with Leo outside of school plenty of times and sometimes it was completely social. Meaning you had met his friends and he had met yours as well. You had a special affinity for Wonshik however, because he was so friendly and funny. While he had his charismatic, flirtatious side, he also had a natural adorable quality that made him very likable and enjoyable to be around. At least to you. Taekwoon’s face scrunched up and your happily nodding head. “Don’t be so happy to meet up with him.” “Why not?” He dropped his arm from around your shoulders and pulled the phone back up to his ear. “It makes me feel funny…hello? Yeah. It’s alright. Y/N is gonna be there too….yea–what–don’t even think about it….I’ll text you the address.” Taekwoon hung up.
Once you and Taekwoon reached the kitten cafe, you saw an enthusiastic Wonshik waving you over to a booth with a black and white fluffy kitten in his arms. “Over here!” You all but ran over to the table as Taekwoon strolled behind. “Wonshikkkk!” He put the kitten down and came out of the booth to greet you. You both clasped hands and jumped like happy dorks. “Where have you been? I haven’t seen you in forever!” “Brother never invites me out anymore! I’m around!” You whipped around to face Taekwoon who was sliding into the booth nonchalantly. “Is that true, Taek?” You asked lips pursed, eyes narrowed with your head tilted down just a bit as you looked at him. Ready to playfully scorn him. Wonshik giggled at your expression, letting out a soft, “Cute.” Taekwoon sighed and flipped his hair out of his face, preoccupying his gaze with a tan Tabby cat that was lying on the window sill of the booth. “Yes.” He stated matter of factly. You laughed at the bluntness and Wonshik pulled your arm to sit on the inside of the booth on the side where he was sitting. Taekwoon was on the other side, seated directly in front of you. “I ordered drinks for everybody already.” You and Taekwoon thanked Wonshik with smiles and Wonshik proceeded to lean on his arm and watch you as you petted the all white Turkish angora cat that strutted across the table. “You look really pretty today, Y/n.” You felt heat rise to your face. You combatted the feeling with snark. “Did you actually just use my name? and not ‘Sister’?” “You told me to try–” “I said ‘try if you dare!’ and we were drinking! How can you remember that?” “I remember everything you say.” Wonshik commented softly. Taekwoon suddenly sat forward and addressed Wonshik. “Hey, Wonshik-ie. What kind of drink did you get me?” Wonshik peeled his eyes off your avoiding ones and looked at Taekwoon. “A cafe latte. Why? Did you want something else?" “Yeah. Get me a caramel macchiato. and bring a glass of water for Y/n. She has to take her medicine.” “Medicine?” Wonshik’s eyes jumped back towards you, “Are you sick?” “Huh?” You broke your staring contest with the Turkish angora and looked up at both the guys. “Oh, no. It’s for my allergies. But so far so good, I don’t think I need the medicine.” Taekwoon made steady eye contact with you while motioning for Wonshik to go out in the drink orders, “Don’t play around with allergies. Take the medicine anyway, just in case. For me, at least.” He spoke the last part so gently you thought you would melt into a puddle on the floor. “Oh-o-okay…” Taekwoon took your hand and put the extra medicines he brought with him in your palm, his fingers lingering, he started to talk again but Wonshik returned with the water. “They said they’re bringing the other drinks now.” He slid into the booth and placed your water in front of you. He then picked the water back up and took the pills out of your hand, “Should I help you?” Wonshik asked you in a low tone with a small smile flirting on his lips, you could feel his breath on your neck as he leaned in to whisper, “Let me take care of you.” You found yourself laughing as this type of action was not out of the ordinary from Wonshik when you all were hanging out. He was always so extra. You never knew what to take seriously and what not to take seriously, so you figured taking none of it serious was the best bet. Taekwoon suddenly blurted out swinging his long arms in Wonshik’s direction, “Why do you have to sit so close to her all the time! She’s not one of your little play dates! She came here with me!” You cackled and Wonshik’s mouth slightly opened as he exclaimed in half embarrassment, Taekwoon continued, “You come sit over here. Come sit over here.” Taekwoon forcefully switched seats with Wonshik and reclined next to you. Seemingly more relaxed. Wonshik slid so he was directly in front of you as you finished swallowing the allergy pills. You pulled a passing cat into your lap. Wonshik smiled at you, “Thanks Brother. This is better anyway. Now I have a better view of Y/n’s beautiful face.” Your eyes widened. Not only at Wonshik’s statement, but because behind the ball of fluff of a cat you were holding, out of Wonshik’s line of sight, Taekwoon had reached over to hold your hand.
been a long time right? well here’s a new series. I planned to write this weekly, one part for each week of VIXX promotions 😁 so I hope you enjoyed the beginnings of this!! see you next week with part 2!!
Love, Peace, and quick fluff reads!!! ~admin Fluffintine
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