#also bailey and jacob sharing a birthday </3
the fact that both jacob and bailey are geminies AND sam and delainey are both piscies makes me go insane, it was writen in the stars, poetic cinema if you ask me
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meg91596 · 4 years
Were the Lincoln's Chapter 1 Welcome Home
Scout Adam Lincoln- 7
Annabel Joesphine Lincoln- 6
Jacob Abraham Lincoln- 4 ½
Michael Alex Lincoln- 4 ½
Elizabeth Meredith Lincoln- 1
Elsa Grace Lincoln- Newborn
Staring down at the youngest child in the Shepherd-Lincoln household gave Link a feeling of his family being complete. Amelia agreed they had 3 boys, and 3 girls they didn’t need another tie breaker to keep them entertained. Amelia held her daughter who she couldn’t believe shared a birthday with her older sister Elizabeth to the day. They couldn’t wait to go home with Elsa Grace as she was the perfect baby that anyone could ask for.
“Mommy your home I missed you.” Scout said running up to his mother. “I missed you too buddy.” Link and Amelia said. “Momma I see little sissy?” Jacob and Alex asked. “Yes let mommy relax for a few minutes then you can see your baby sister.” Amelia said. “Mommy is Eliza and Elsa going to share a birthday party?” asked Anna. “Yes sweet girl they are.” Amelia said. “Well who wants pizza for dinner?” asked Link. “I do daddy actually I think everyone wants pizza daddy.” Scout said.
As Link was ordering pizza Amelia turned on the Television of home videos of Scout as a baby. Amelia and Link could not believe how old Scout was. Scout watched it and enjoyed watching the first time he ate carrots because he spit up on Ellis. Scout loves his cousins very much. What Amelia and Link didn’t know was that Meredith, Zola, Bailey, and Ellis were coming over to meet little Elsa. Maggie was already there with the kids she was just outside with Elizabeth who was enjoying her time with her auntie.
“Meredith. Zola, Bailey, and Ellis come in. We can't wait for you to meet little Elsa Grace.” Link said. “How are you going to tell Elizabeth and Elsa apart because isn’t Elsa short for Elizabeth?” Zola asked. “Yes Elsa is normally short for Elizabeth but we don’t even call Elizabeth by her full name. Remember we call her Eliza instead of her real name.” Amelia said. “I think she is pretty Auntie.” Ellis said. “Yes she is a sweet girl hey how is the 5th grade sweet girl?” Amelia asked. “Ehh same as last year butI still get to see Scout and Annabel for lunch and recess time.” Ellis said. “I like 7th grade. It's good so far.” Bailey said. “Yes but 9th grade is good too.” Zola said. “I can’t believe that you are in high school already.” Amelia, Meredith, Link, and Maggie said.
Watching the kids grow up was the best moment that a mother and father could ask for. In many ways Amelia wished her brother was there to see his kids grow up and his nephews and nieces. Amelia also knew that he was protecting Christopher who she missed very much and wished that Derek had known about him before he died unexpectedly. After everyone went home Link, and Amelia were left alone with their 6 kids. At first Amelia thought that it would be easy but in reality it was a nightmare. Jacob, and Alex were playing in their room when they were supposed to be sleeping, Eliza was screaming while Anna was trying to sleep. The only children that was following directions that were given were Scout and Annabel. Of course Ameila and Link expected them to do so because they are good kids. Just as Link got Eliza settled in Amelia had Elsa changed, and fed but placed her in the cradle next to the bed. Link then came into the bedroom and fell asleep before the baby woke up again. Amelia and Link were happy with their big family that they couldn’t imagine having just Scout and Annabel like they had thought of.
Here is the Sequel to Growing Up I hope you guys like it because I have a lot of different ideas for the sequel
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btw happy birthday to my favourite birthday twins jacob anderson and bailey bass!!!! invented father-daughterism on screen!!!
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