#also bc they seem to not have as many inhibitions as some of their siblings
i think edd and erik definitely try to look different on purpose. already all the heap boys look pretty similar, and get mistaken for each other. so add onto that someone who shares your exact same face, living space, and eventually occupation. i think both of them try to have very distinct Things™️ about their appearance because to them, they ARE different and distinct people, and even though they love their brothers they don't want to always be considered part of a set, you know? like it's very important for them to be able to match clothes or hang out together without being confused as The Same Guy
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mlynar-nearl · 1 year
ur other ocs sound so neat (very gremlin www its adorable) and its neat !! it sounds absolutely adorable !! (i also find it cute that they seem pretty short www but can i rly say that when im barely that much taller)
i love that one u did w audie cos like its like one of my fav tropes when its the Menancing Tall guy whos the trophy husband and audies just The Capable guy like hell yeah!!! ppl dont expect that !!
and ofc doc and kal divorced r always fun ! doc is fun in general cos u can do wtv and u probably arent wrong (ok except maybe mine bcs i want mine to be a kid for cute reasons) but i think the extra ideas u gave them r cool ! like actually giving reasons for them to wear that stuffy ass outfit, thats cool ykyk
oh and speaking of the banshee gremlin bounty hunter i was also thinking of the same (kind of ocs) like a travelling merc/bounty hunter duo (a phidia and sarkaz) who just go around and do jobs but mostly just whatever they want like !! bounty hunting is a tough job but an ez excuse for making ocs (in my case anyways...) and anyways yeah! theyre cool! everyone is cool! i love it u can always talk more abt ur ocs i love them. they r like precious. im cannot decide on the word but. precious. yes. thank u sm </3
hehe, of course! thank you for enjoying all of em :) kal-doc divorce is the cornerstone of my house.
audie's the one i have the most lore about. he is genuinely on many levels a professional trophy husband, it's just that...he also has a ton of skills that he can whip out like a swiss army knife. a swiss army boyfriend? he's good at business, he's incredibly good at originium arts and swinging a big axe (he would basically be a duelist defender but that specializes in arts damage), and he's way more social than both encio and gnosis, so he fills that role in their team comp... all three of them are equally determined and capable and in a way manipulative, but audie is better at obscuring it by being friendly in a way that neither of them quite have down pat. so as much as they were a little weirded out at his appearance in their affairs, they do kind of need him sometimes. i can never quite decide if they're a V, a triad, or if audie just accepts that no matter what he does encio will be a little bit married to gnosis. but either way, they are quite tight when it comes down to it. because audie's family is minor and he's the only living heir, he kind of understood that he could either work his tail off on building a family legacy (a lot of work, a lot of resources, for little guarantee of reward especially since he would never actually be able to go super far) or he could hitch himself to someone with much more pull, and make himself invaluable. he decided to go for the latter, and so he's had very little illusions about how he does have certain roles this way. he has lower standards of behavior for himself and inhibitions in some senses than, say, shealtiel, who is, well, Catholic. he's the one of them who tries to at least get on with Enya but she's leaving him on read because, well, he can be as nice as he wants but he's still her brother-in-law and not even to the sibling she likes.
audie was educated in leithanien, which is how he got so good at arts. the greataxe, i think, is a notable martial art of the fuchsfrost line. foreign education, martial skill, and general good looks are what got him to stand out as an arranged marriage prospect. (aka, he had the least depressing biodata out of every eligible noble single in kjerag.) the meet cute was that he walked in, sat down, and basically said "you need a partner for political reasons because you're now the most powerful man in the nation and you simply can't keep being the keystone of this entire country, because a human keystone can fail. if you select me as your partner, i will be your right hand arm. man. your silly rabbit. do you call me that? it's up to you" and encio was sold enough to fake marriage about it. (then, of course, they realize they get along quite well and have good teamwork and chemistry and uh oh. thinking about the how do i tell my husband i'm in love with him reddit post.)
again this is all really self indulgent but i just quite like it, lmao. it's my oc and i make the rules. i'm cringe, but i'm Free.
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fuckingfinwions · 3 years
youve talked abt how feanor would not approve of or allow maedhros in the servants verse to impregnate fingon, bc hes unsuitable for producing any heirs & totally beneath maedhros even for breeding. but what if either it was accidental (and not obvious) or maedhros proposed it as a scientific endeavor? would feanor allow it then?
Presenting it as a scientific endeavor might work, but only if Maedhros presents it in exactly the right way.
Maedhros: "So I was doing some research into the soul-body bond as seen during pregnancy, and I thought of an interesting experiment."
Feanor: "Go on."
Maedhros: "If the soul is convinced to be pregnant, it can pull the body along with it; this happens occasionally in women who haven't had sex but gain weight, feel fatigue, and even go through labor, without producing a child. But there's no reason that would be the limit. In theory any elven body could experience the outward signs of pregnancy, and with a second person involved could even produce a child. Even male bodies."
Feanor: "That is a very interesting theory indeed, and if true would challenge many of the Valar's assumptions about how elves ought to live. But it would be dangerous to test; even female elves can pour too much of their spirit into a child, and a male elf's body has no instinct for it. Not to mention the birth would be very difficult."
Maedhros: "The birth could be accomplished surgically, if the rest of the experiment went well. The part about the spirit is very true though. My suggestion would be to have the pregnant male be one who would be no great loss if he were unable to work for a time, or even permanently. Fingon could be spared from his cleaning tasks indefinitely, and anyone off the street could take his place."
Feanor: "And for the other parent?"
Maedhros: "Myself. As the designer of the experiment, it would allow me the closest possible monitoring of the pregnancy, and of the draw on the parent's spirits."
Feanor: "That seems to be going a bit far. Fingon could be under your supervision even without your contribution to a child, with no risk of you overdrawing your own strength, and no need to raise a child from such lowly origins."
Maedhros: "Whatever the origins, I am sure that any child of mine will be amazing. And the child never takes as much strength from the father as from the mother; I would be fine."
Feanor: "There's also the risk of Fingon giving too little to the infant, and them not surviving being physically disconnected from him. You would have sired a child who never spoke or drew breath. I do not wish you to have that grief, if Fingon does poorly at his role. It would be better to involve another."
Maedhros: "Who? None of my brothers should risk the grief either especially for a vision other than their own."
Feanor: "Of course not."
Maedhros: "If we let one of the guards or the normal servants have access to Fingon, it could not be a one time event; a pregnancy requires the involvement of both parents for the duration. Allowing someone to use your private property and then taking away that honor would be an insult.”
Feanor: “Your point is valid, as is the implication that I would not grant access to a stranger forever. But there is another option, that you seem to have overlooked in your eagerness to participate.”
Maedhros: “What is it? My goal is to prove the theory viable; I can already fuck any of Nolo’s family whenever I want.”
Feanor: “You’ve overlooked the other members of Nolo’s family, of course. Turgon or Nolo could serve as the father, with Fingon bearing the child.”
Maedhros: “I thought the issue with that would be obvious - they are family, after all.”
Feanor: “They do not have the inhibitions that normal people do about such things, and I doubt would put up more than token objections.”
Maedhros: “They might not, but everyone else in Valinor does. There are no recorded healthy children resulting from a father and a daughter laying together, or from two siblings, as none are vile enough to attempt it. If I breed Turgon to Fingon and it fails, I will not have proven anything at all. A lesser blood relation has been recorded several times though, so a lack of issue would be meaningful in that case.”
Feanor: “You mean it would prove your theory wrong.”
Maedhros: “Or at least prove that my methods were insufficient, and should be redesigned. I plan for success, but I wish to learn even from my failures.”
Feanor: “You have clearly thought this experiment through thoroughly. I do not wish any of my children to grieve, but I will not stand in the way of you achieving greatness as long as you understand the risks. You may conduct your experiment, assuming the evidence for it is sound.”
Maedhros: “The underlying theory is very well grounded, the body reflects the soul and yet neither are static...”
(Fingon is not going to like this plan at all. But enough threats to his family will make him cooperate.)
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discanio · 4 years
『LUKAS GAGE ❙ CISMALE』 ⟿ looks like MADDOX DISCANIO is here for JUNIOR year as a PSYCHOLOGY student. HE IS 23 years old & known to be AMBITIOUS, CARING, ANXIOUS & OVERBEARING. They’re living in MORIS, so if you’re there, watch out for them. ⬳ mack. 20. est. she/her.
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boink! maddox is easily one of my favorite and earliest muses ( i've been playing him on & off for abt 5 yrs now ). pls love him. tw for adoption, neglect, abuse, alcohol, illness, hearing loss (???), corrupt government systems.
born as  maddox atkins in cincinnati to a mom who was a addict during day and bar tender by night, she had three sons (  twins and an older sib ! ) who she didn’t really know what to do with. in her defense, she was still a kid herself, barely 18 after his brother was born and the twins came along five or so years later.
maddox has never met his father and frankly, hes not even sure where to start. there’s no name on the certificate, and his brother was too young to remember any names or faces.
went home despite doctor suggestions ; rattle in his tiny baby lungs, underweight but not by a scary margin. she took the twins home because she didn’t have a babysitting for his brother, and didn’t want to leave him alone for too long by himself.
he was a pretty chill and easy baby —— kind of an omen for how he is now, really. didn’t cry or make much of a fuss. half the time his mom didn’t pay him any attention anyways, but she liked the quiet he provided late at night. it seemed baby  maddox preferred sleep than crying his little heart out.
his mom, angela, didn’t want kids – but these 3 kids were depending on her now and she wasn’t even sure how to start the whole foster care thing. instead, she really left them to their own devices –  maddox’s brother was the main care taker to his younger siblings. it was rough and things were hard. kindergarten for the older wasn’t even a thought – all he learned was from the tv. eventually, angela had gotten a more stable job during the day, dropping of the oldest off at school while she took the twins to the cheapest daycare she could afford since she hadn’t enrolled him in preschool yet.
illness tw / this was where he had contracted bacterial meningitis – age four. before that came a common old, from being around other kids and his mother had ignored it. luckily, his day care workers had not —  maddox was taken to the hospital after it had gotten worse under their care and he had guardian angels looking out for him that day bc had they not he probably wouldn’t be alive.
a consequence of having this disease is his mild-moderate hearing loss — moderate in the right, mild in the left.
all 3 kids were taken out of angela’s home and placed into foster care after a well fare check, finding things to be out of place and unkept. it was probably for the best.
when he was five, maddox was placed and then adopted by the discanio family – they already had three kids, and maddox fit right in with their perfect image. it wouldn’t be until he grew up later that they’d realize just how wrong they were about that.
elaine was a realtor and lionel was a police chief - before that he was a general in the military. what his kids don’t know was that he was removed with a bad condunct discharge due to previous outlandish conduct during his time serving. 
now - the only reason he was allowed a position on the police force, even more so a high level position, is because the department was already corrupt. filled with evil people who abused their power, and lived by their own inhibitions rather than helping people. it was an open secret in their shitty little town. lionel was definitely the type to take the kiddos on family shooting range days as ‘family bonding’ . just discanio tings
abuse tw / lionel is not a nice man. often times, maddox would have to stand up for his adoptive mother in arguments, which often turned physical. the man scared the shit out of him — and for good reason. 
it was only a matter of time before people in their small town began to notice the lack of care and respect when it came to their department. what was most shocking, though, was that members of said force were helping local gangs ( and some in other cities ) were exchanging information for illegal firearms. one of this people? ding ding ding. lionel discanio.
there’s a trial going on now - but due to the fact that it’s long going and that maddox still isn’t sure exactly how many people are involved in this whole operation and that there’s new evidence of things happening such as fraud and links to murders with said weapons - it’s literally going to take forever. 
eventually, his dad got bing bon boomed into jail — but maddox still is on edge about it.
at radcliffe, he’s a psychology major. so he can deflect in class<3
other stuff !!!
despite his hearing impairments, he never shuts the fuck up — he’s also fluent in asl, but for the most part he settles in just fine with verbal speech thanks to his hearing aids  – just make sure he’s looking at you just in case. deffo has a potty mouth – not sorry ‘bout it either.
very flighty.
alcohol tw // has been using alcohol to self medicate since later high school — teenage rebellion and all that. it’s definitely carried over into college.
the type to be pessimistic & optimistic at the same damn time.
has a crippling fear of abandonment<3
bi baby!!!
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