#also berrys an irl friend btw
happyfunf3tti · 1 year
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i had so much fun 2day!! hung out with the awesome @berryblitzgirl and sum buddiez 4 her birthday!!! every1 go wish her a happy birthday!!
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hey. i know things may get difficult, but you've a strong future ahead of you. i can't wait until i see your photos not just on rotomblr, but irl as well, 'cause you're gonna do amazing. loving your dedenne pics, btw! what a beastie...
[A photo of a Morpeko sat on a grassy field in a park. It's nibbling on a berry contentedly as its owner sits nearby, face not visible.]
and ahh.. the fear of being perceived! you'll find me one day, i hope :)
(and i uh. don't think i'm an alternate universe version of anyone, like one of your friends suggested? scary thought!)
Yeah I guess.
I want to be a photographer, I also want to be a cryptid hunter and an explorer and a gym leader and an astronaut and to think I can only do one of those things - makes me upset. the choice is so overwhelming.
I hope to be as good at photography as you one day
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simcatcher-ts2 · 4 days
In a nutshell:
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i forgot to turn jaloosy off (oops, my bad!) so ACR let Timu flirt with Vhra right in front of Iva. let's say she made it right right away, and Timu's cheek will keep an everlasting memory of that moment.
-also i checked if Vhra was interested in woohooing him, given the circumstances, turns out she's not, proof top right of the screen. lmao basically he's all yours Iva you can keep him!-
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Poor kids (Iva ans Timu's twins from legit 8 years ago) couldn't bear the sight of their parents fighting. Jealousy's off now though.
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That's some hard, unprocessed feelings over there.
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'Oh hey there, pretty. don't mind my woman over there yeah? Hello.'
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i just had to make it right and cheat, because... technically they're not married and that's where i usually draw the line. makes you think, the sims making it legit to throw a tantrum (and a pair of slaps) at your crush for cheating on you.
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Iva still had to go hunting to clear her head though.
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She left as Rhan came back, empty-handed but in a good mood from that body point she gained. Yay girl!
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Iva gone, Timu gave in to temptation, giving way to a -very glitchy- woohoo session.
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That's how you do it!... Or is it?...
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at least one of them has a big smile plastered on their face.
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uh oh!
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conveniently enough, Iva arrived a minute after the deed was done- and because silly me only turned jealousy down a fair while later, i can proudly say she's just the same amount of mad as she was when she left! Also she came back empty-handed too.
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i have to learn what to do with kids when they're home all day cause... i'm not used to having them around at all times. The painter's Hapu, btw, and the other's Kiya. I like to emphasize that they both were born in game 8 years ago, which makes them 8 irl, which is not too far from their ingame age. Pardon my ramble i should go to bed.
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All my - and their- energy was then directed on: fixing their feelingsTM. And!... tadaa!
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aaand she didn't turn that hug down. good thing, i thought!
Why am i so shallow. The whole household was starving out, think i'm in need for a priority check. Once these two made peace i realized removing the social worker was an excellent idea. All needs in red and all, kids and grownups alike.
i, humble simgod, had to take action.
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So i took Vhra to the Gatherer's Garden -or whatever i named this lot- so she could fill her pockets with berries and/or vegetables and legit save her clan from starvation, thanks to the great mods at the PlumbobKeep! Bestest of plan.
ô genuine, demure me. Of course nothing was yet harvestable, but because i am indeed resourceful, i had her fish the night away.
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She caught 3, fell a couple times and all of a sudden, it was 5am.
When she's back home it'll be 9PM of the previous day, thanks to game logic >:) I sure would make a good use of these few hours. Feeding my starving family, for starters.
Que nenni. Totally forgot i had this mod installed, so the sims would get back home at the exact time they left the community lot.
I had a popup telling me sth along the lines of, 'Vhra is due at home in 9h' and i was like qué? she preggers??! did i miss more than just a cheek caress? (that'd tote justify Iva's burst in my book)
Turns out she was not (that i know of at last), and there would be no sight of Vhra for the next 9h. SO the household was basically left to starve, to death. To think Vhra had not less than 3 fishes in her pockets... sigh.
To kill time, i bought a fruit each (cheaaaatttt i knowwww well i'm just getting used to playing again ok? what if they were all dead, would that make you happy? Me, NO) and saved the day.
So, to kill time... >;)
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Well she REJECTED him! after all the cheating and resetting i put them through to save their relationship- well actually THAT'S ON YOU TIMU! You unfaithful piece of pixel.
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So that's when the game crashed.
See you next ;)
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sweet-rintarou · 4 years
trigger warning: mentions of emotional abuse, death.
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If a screen could break from how much someone repeatedly tapped a button, Suna believed that his phone would've shattered in that moment. You were not answering his phone calls, nor Atsumu's, fortunately enough, he was informed by the grey-haired twin that you were accompanied by Mirai, although, you were refusing to eat, drink or even speak after the news you had received.
Please be okay, the thought echoed throughout his head. There was guilt evident within Suna—he never thought this would have occurred on the day you were supposed to meet, he never thought entirely, and yet, he assumed the worst of you when in reality, you were going through an immense tragedy.
Upon arriving to your apartment, everyone was present in the living room of your place. Keiji and Osamu were talking quietly amongst themselves, Mirai was most likely by your side and Yūji had a clear look of worry etched over his features, causing him to be uncharacteristically quiet. He was also the one to notice the two enter your apartment.
"Hey man, she's in her bedroom," the blonde's words were clearly directed to Suna. "I don't know why but I feel like she'll talk to you, because she's definitely not talking to Mirai." Silently, he nodded, reassuring them he'll try as he walked toward your room.
Stealing a glance around, he had to suppress a smile from forming, noting how your room still held the same aesthetic as 6 years ago. Simple but cozy.
"Hey Suna, right?" Mirai purposefully talked aloud, causing your head to perk up a bit. She noticed, a relieved look to see that you weren't completely shut down. Informing you that she was going to get more water, she left the two alone.
He awkwardly stood by the door, unsure of what to do before you spoke up.
"I'm sorry I ghosted you," you uttered, your voice hoarse and weak, a blush forming when you heard yourself. He couldn't help but chuckle under his breath, slowly approaching you from behind and sitting by the edge of your bed.
"Yeah, it sucked to sit alone in a café when everyone working there knew you were waiting for someone," he stated, a dry laugh escaping. It was silent again. Not awkward, but there was definitely tension.
"I didn't cry when I got the news..." You began, your voice beginning to shake. "... I never told you though, the one thing I didn't tell you during our friendship, I wanted to tell you the day you left." He didn't know what to say, so he stayed quiet.
"My parents divorced because my mom was abusive, not physically, just mentally," you explained, causing his breath to hitch, "I guess that's why I always wanted to stand up for people, knowing well enough that I couldn't do it for myself."
"I- I thought that when this day would come... I wouldn't be sad, that I'd finally feel free for the trauma she caused me..." your voice was shaking heavily, cracking in the end. You tried swallowing the bile in your throat, but it was fruitless. "But why am I hurting?" The tears that were building up since the call had finally burst open, Suna immediately pulling you to his chest as you broke down in his arms.
While his hand was soothing your back, as he whispered comforting words in your hair, tears were forming at the brim of his eyes.
You felt relieved. All the things you've bottled up have finally been released, and Suna listened to every single one, sharing his own memories while you both were apart, and soon enough, it felt as if you've never separated. Your other friends had joined in your comfort party, bringing in snacks that they knew you'd enjoy and lift up your mood.
"Gosh, it was getting gloomy with you all sad," Yūji made an attempt to lighten up the mood, unfortunately it backfired.
"Says the guy who cried while she was in here," Mirai teased. "You have no place to speak, Rock B."
"Hey, you were fed a home-cooked meal," he protested. As the two argued, the others chiming in, it definitely felt as if everything was okay. And with your best friend back by your side, you actually felt content.
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masterlist | previous | next
—chapter fourteen; content
author's note: I'm so sorry this took so long 😞 I've been dealing with some irl things and couldn't think about this story for a moment. I hope you enjoyed tho, next chapter's the last chapter btw ^^
taglist: @akaaaashit @chaelysian @onlyskitz @missalienqueen @todobruhski @heyitzwolf @shroom-berry @laughingismorefun @sunatin @sempiternal-amour @mizukisonoda @simp4satori @sandwitchsthings​ (send an ask if you want to be added to the taglist)
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sourpunchsims · 6 years
A lookback at 2018
I’ve been on Tumblr for almost a year now. Wow. It does and doesn’t feel that long at the same time. Very weird concept. I used the mega editor to take a quick look at the overview of my blog and wrote down any memorable moments that stood out to me :)
This was more for myself than anyone else, but maybe you all will find it interesting too.
Feb: I started my blog in February of this year. I had never used Tumblr before then. I had no idea what I was doing and mostly just posted a lot of weird edits.
March: I think this is when I found other simblrs telling stories with their sims and I really wanted to try that out too. I posted Vanille’s intro and tried and failed with the Ice Cream Simdae and BPR that month.. quit them both and deleted the posts... wish I hadn’t now lol..... I also started sim requests and got 6 that month (by the way sim requests are pretty much always open). The tail end of March is when I hit 100 followers, which is still CRAZY to me to even think.
April: More sim requests. A couple that were on Tumblr that on it that persons game <333333. Sienna for @jelizabethmarieb and Orpheus for @seraphinabelle! Also “doot doot” anon was a thing. I requested my first sim from @seraphinabelle, who will still be around a little once I get back to my Musique Des Sims. It was my birthday, I posted my face for the first time, and I hit 200 followers (CRAZINESS)
May: May is when I really kicked it into gear when I started my 100 baby challenge. I don’t think I’ve missed a day by accident since I started posting it. I think. It has been a real blast playing with this colorful family. We’re on gen 3 and honestly, I haven’t gotten sick of it. Some of my favorite sims have come out of this challenge.
Made a request for Porter from @berrybloomsims, who also will show up in Musique Des Sims for a brief period. Introduced you guys to Quartz, the founder for Musique Des Sims and started it. Didn’t get very far though before I put it on hiatus.
June: A few sim requests here and there. Continued on with the 100 baby, started gen 2 in fact, my cat had kittens irl (we ended up keeping 2 of them), @berryconfetti started my challenge, and I started my Seasons of Gnomes challenge. And to kick it all off, I hit 400 followers! I think I must have been busy around the 300 mark and by the time I had time to make anything, I was close to 4 anyway so I waited.
July: 100 baby challenge still going strong, Seasons of Gnomes was continued. I put up a post asking for spouses for the 100 baby challenge (still waiting on those btw @grassamere @samssims xD for real tho, no rush you still have a lot of time <3). @27ccfinds made me made me a cute edit of what used to be my side blog for Big Sister/Runaway Teen! Still can’t believe that, how sweet! <3 I made Cleo and entered her in @ashleysimmer11 ‘s Next Top Model! Hard to believe she’s in the top two! :D and then Ashley binge read my 100 baby challenge xD
August: 100 baby and Seasons of Gnomes still going strong, which is surprising for me, my kitties were growing up, posted my ballerina edit which I still love, had my second binge reader @princesspeach9090, and had my first wedding anniversary <3
September: Still posting 100 baby and Seasons of Gnomes! Go me! I made this sim just for fun and ended up re-purposing an old side blog for a game play based Not So Berry. @jelizabethmarieb made her spouse! Ashley made me pick a favorite Macaroon child. Aaaaand I made a Fall look book for 600 followers, using my gen 2 NSB heir for the model.
October: I participated in Simblreen for the first time. Oh boy, it was fun, but stressful. So. Many. Asks. I made 3 different treats and did it all weekend. (1 2 3). We were just about done with gen 2 for the 100 baby challenge, and gen 2 was in full swing for Seasons of Gnomes uuuntil it went on hiatus that month. I released some of my simmies into the world for my 700 follower milestone.
November: Gen 3 of 100 baby started, Cleo made it into the top 3 of Next Top Model, and I started my Rags To Riches, which you all seem to be liking a lot.
December: Buckle up, I did quite a bit this month xD
- Started my Youtube channel back up and got 20 subs on it! Woop! <3
- Participated in the “log off protest”
- Started a new project with @little-sims
- Started preparing more for gen 2 of my NSB
- Made a cute Poppy and Neptune edit
- Made some of the cutest random sims ever, which will be used for something later on in 2019
- Took one of the cutest screenshots I’ve ever taken.
- Made a new side blog for my story based saves! Which you all helped name :)
- Got the ABSOLUTE CUTEST anon message ever
- Submitted a name for @purpleleopard96 ‘s bachelorette challenge
I have had the BEST time on here this year. Sure, it’s got some drama, but what community doesn’t, especially online, but I’ve made some people I call friends on here.
I’ve started and ended a lot of projects. I’ve managed to keep my 100 baby challenge going without getting bored of it once which is a feat in itself. I hope to continue this for a long time to come. New BPR, possibly 2 actually, one story based, one game play based, Seasons of Gnomes, and Musique Des Sims to come over on the new blog starting sometime in Jan! I finally got most of the character page done for my BPR so I can start shooting it soon.
But at the same time, my posting will probably have to slow down again because I’m going to be trying to get a job soon not looking forward to that AT ALL
But yeah, thanks for sticking around with me and reading my stuff. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do making it. And if you made it this far, you are an ANGEL and I love you!
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