#also dang she's really small or is Joey just really big
aloharyda · 5 months
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slight nudity but it's okay enough for tumblr I think lol. Tati is not listening to this boy at all. In one ear out the other as they say.
both characters are women
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eyelessfog · 1 year
GOOD GOOD YOU'VE BEEN OSMOSIS'D. thats all u need to know about mlb. superhero identities. evil guy who makes people villains. its like that but without the animal fairies. perhaps. havent figured out how katherine becomes a catgirl im working on it now basically its s1 shrub and s2 kath.
shrubs that small town girl in the big city for college (forestry major)
the wolf spirit is something that's been passed down in her family
got that wolf-like abilities and can summon her wolf pack in a if she calls they choose to answer type thing
her family has like a reserve or sanctuary for the pack of some sort. the wolves, they're a little immortal u see.
originally a spirit of vengeance born from the death of lord mars & lady taurus
through the generations has become more of a spirit of protection for the forest but the vengeful spirits still there
and for more recent holders of the wolf spirit, channeling that vengeful spirit can be very taxing on their body & they lose a bit of themselves
shrub especially is scared to use it since that is how her dad passed but she still chooses to be the next holder
also because uh. whoops! bloodline kinda ends with her! fern passed down a family heirloom to a sapphic asexual
she has celebrity-type sort of surface level crush on night hunter as he's seen her on the news
develops into a regular crush once they become teammates
a model. wants to open up a studio
also wants to escape her parents who aren't like supervillain evil just. regular evil.
so she moves to college (fashion major. obviously)
guess who's her roommate
when she's night hunter, she experiments a lot with her costumes as n uses it to express herself
yes ive trans'ed her gender and made her genderqueer
also she has a staff like her inspo chat noir but like. it also turns into an axe and that makes her cooler
it has also made the public question her gender identity multiple times
so theres an ongoing theory is that there are 2 (3?) cat looking heroes running around.
the public altering between diff pronouns when they refer to her definitely gave her that Realisation. not fully. but she's getting there
as night hunter she's a little flirty but like. as a joke kind of flirty. like what do you mean you took that seriously flirty. cause shes a little acearo.
(ive acearo'd her too)
has slowly been developing a crush on shrub since she never heard of katherine before
shes never really had a (proper) relationship like that especially one where they eagerly listen and engage in her ramblings
like to her shrubs the whole package n she's uncharacteristically flustered around shrub as night hunter
to kind of tldr the rest-
xornoth (conan) fills in for that evil guy that makes other people evil.
joeys also here, still has a crush on kath.
they're mainly childhood best friends here bc chloe n adrien were and joey n kath really fit their dynamic
also has a superhero identity thats his pirate guy, goes by a lot of names for the theatrics night hunter calls him "Captain" for convenience
he and night hunter switch from being mlm/wlw teamwork to mlm/wlw hostility constantly
scott n conan had a summer house in shrubs town so they're childhood friends
shrub has a little "i can fix him" complex for xornoth even before she finds out he's conan which develops the complex more
also xornoths kind of a demonic entity conan accidentally woke up now hes possessed and slowly losing himself dang
HES POSSESSED HIMSELF???? yeaahhhh!!!!! i love self possession
this is all sosososososo real shes ace and shes aroace and shes just like me [flirty for funzies sometimes] and i love tbat she just has different costumes n the different pronouns and and and. yeag❤️❤️❤️
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mwolf0epsilon · 4 years
Story about something crashing on little Sammy parents farm. Maybe the government comes and forces them out for a while to collect it?👽
Warning for disturbing imagery and dead animals!
Summary: Joey Drew Studio is snowed in, so while everyone tries to keep warm for the night they end up reminiscing about the oddest things they had ever experienced. Sammy ends up recalling a rather bizarre event from his childhood.
"I'm sorry to impose so much Mrs. Harrison. I trust Abigail will behave, she's a little angel I assure you." Sammy fidgeted with the phone chord nervously as he listened to his elderly neighbor. "Yes, yes thank you... Oh certainly! Let her on so I can wish her a good night..."
Susie watched as the tired look on the music director's face melted away to welcome a gentler smile. She could sort of hear a child's voice on the line (his little sister that he'd mentioned a few times). It was quite endearing to see Sammy with such a calm and content expression instead of the usual grumpy scrawl that scared half the band into submission.
"Good night Abby, be good to Mrs. Harrison." The call was coming to a close. "I love you too."
Susie smiled at him and nodded, taking her turn to call home now that he was finished.
"Wally is heating up soup in the break room. The stove's thankfully working." She called after him as she dialed the number.
"Everyone camping out there?" He asked as he looked back at the voice actress.
"Everyone but Joey, that devil of a man actually has an insulated office... The rest of us are sleeping by the stove." She sighed "Thankfully Norman and Grant thought ahead and brought a few blankets to stay warm."
Clever thinking and also a necessity, as Grant's office was very drafty, and Norman's booth got cold from the pipework frosting over a bit (since the music department had been a repurposed bathroom) in cold weather. Mr. Cohen also knew the likelyhood of Joey having paid the heating bill. Slim to none.
"Great... Just what I wanted, to sleep in a stuffy room full of people and the smell of that rancid soup..." A soup he'd enjoyed at first (due to it reminding him of his father's cauliflower soup which had little bits of bacon in it), but which had lost its luster on the third week of being asked to take a few cans home. Abby hated the stuff so he'd had to eat it himself. "Don't you just love getting snowed in?"
"Only when I was a child. The snow usually meant no classes." Susie finished dialing and waited for her mother to answer.
He left her alone to go back into the break room where Wally and Norman were passing around bowls of soup. Grant greeted him with a blanket, which he graciously took. The damn studio was absolutely freezing in November. The freak snowstorm hadn't helped.
Honestly he'd loved the look of a snowy New York when he'd first moved here with his father. It had looked beautiful and new, almost magical, unlike the ranch he'd grown up in until he was 11. Looking back now, he missed the expanse of snowy fields instead of the cold streets. He also missed watching a few of the animals play in the snow.
Getting stuck in the studio made him a little nostalgic.
"Here ya go Sammy!" Wally passed him a bowl of soup, which he nearly dropped in surprise, and grinned "It ain't my ma's beef stew and it definitely lacks a spoon since we don't got that many of those to begin with, but at least it'll keep you warm from the inside!"
"I, yes at least that." He sniffed it and grimaced. Pork grease and chunky bits that definitely were less bacon and more cartilage. "You ever wonder how they made this slop?"
"I'd rather not think about it. It's like hot dogs ya know... The less you know about it, the better they are!" The janitor shrugged and went to sit on one of the chairs closer to the stove. Everyone was very much huddled close by, swaddled in shared blankets, rubbing their hands together to keep them warm, or drinking soup.
Norman nodded at the music director once he sat down to join the group. Not too long after Susie was sitting beside him, and he offered to share his blanket with her.
"So, what do we do now?" Wally asked as he looked around. The issue would be sorted in the morning but it was still only a quarter to eleven and no one was particularly keen on sleeping just yet.
"I'll tell ya what we could do!" Shawn called out from his spot, voice slightly muffled by his big red scarf. "I say we pass t'time by indulging in the ye old grand art that is story tellin'!"
"Story telling? What, like a sleepover?" Jack questioned. Sammy found it amusing that he'd swaddled himself in his blanket in a way that pressed his hair tight against his skull, to the point where it looked like a makeshift scarf and ear mitts. "Like when we were little kids?"
"Well we're all sleepin' here t'night aren't we? And ya don't need t'be wee little ankle biters t'go tellin' stories." Shawn huffed "Besides, what better way t'know yer co-workers than share some harrowin' tales? I sure got a few that'll intrigue you folks I'm sure."
"Is it about potatoes?" One of the art department workers asked, only to get a slap on the back of the head and an elbow to the ribs.
"Very funny, that muppet over there's a real comedian coddin like that..." The Irishman rolled his eyes. "Right, you folk ever hear 'bout the legend o'the banshee?"
Everyone gave him a peculiar look, which Shawn took as permission to carry on.
"The tale varies some dependin' on t'person who tells ya. But the way me ma told it to me was somethin' like this: The banshee is a sweet singin' virgin, pretty as a button, a real feek." He tapped his chin thoughtfully as he recalled his mother's words. "Sometimes she has long black hair, other times it's a bright red like fire. Always pale... But don't be thinkin' she's just some little lady, oh no. The banshee is a spirit, one that heralds death in the family. Her ghastly cries precede the death o'loved ones and fill ya with a mighty chill o'dread... And I saw one when I was just a wee lad."
"Ya saw... A ghost?" Lacie wrinkled her nose. "And ya sure it wasn't some regular girl you just saw?"
"Couldn't o'been. She was right outside the window Lacie. And me room was on the second floor..." Shawn shook his head "And I knew it had to o'been a banshee. She looked just like me cousin, who died o'the shakes a few months prior. My pa always did say she might come back as the household haunt, she wasn't ready t'leave just yet."
"So, that's it? You saw some apparitions at your window and think it was some folklore horror?" Sammy rolled his eyes.
"Yep. An' then in the morning me grandpa was dead. Dreadful song she went and had t'sing. I was just 5 too! T'damn beour coulda gone bother me brother instead... He was t'one that used to scare us wee lads with these tales o'ghosts n' ghoulies..."
Well, that wasn't a very nice story. And it likely had a reasonable explanation behind it too. Just a small child frightened by tales and likely still coming to terms with losing a cousin.
"Oh, that's nothin'!" Wally grinned. "Ghost stories aren't anythin' compared to what I found in a ditch when I was 8!"
"Oh yeah? Then enlighten us, oh scare Meister!" Shawn barked back, glaring slightly. "What coulda been worse than a banshee?"
"How about a maneater?" The janitor offered.
Shawn fell quiet and others began to whisper among each other at the claim, before Norman began to hush everyone.
"Go on then... Yous can't just say that an' not tell us."
"Oh man, it was the dang scariest thing I'd seen as a kid!" Wally grinned. "Us tykes from Brooklyn? We didn't grow up with monster stories and such. Our mas and pas told us about kidnappers and murderers instead, cuzz those are like, real dangers you know?"
He took a sip from his cooling bowl of soup, before clearing his throat.
"But you know what kids are like. They like adventure and don't really listen too much cuzz, you only believe it when you see it!" He carried on. "Me? I was with a couple a pals exploring this old ditch that had some neat stuff people used to throw in there. Busted watches, trinkets, sometimes a lost wallet with a little bit of cash in it...Well that day there wasn't just goodies."
Sammy sipped his own soup and felt Susie's arm brush up against his as she got on the edge of her seat. She was excited to hear wherever Wally's story was going.
"Local news had like, been going on about this one loon that had run off from the big house or somethin'. Some big mug who was a pervert or whatever. Adult stuff we kids didn't care for." Wally looked around as he spoke. "Only he wasn't no pervert, just really messed in the head. A cannibal. A cannibal that liked eating little tots. You know, stories like Little Johnny went pokin' around where he shouldn't and now there was no Little Johnny no more? Yeah that nearly was us."
"You found the guy in the ditch?" Sammy guessed.
"Nope! Found my neighbor, Sally, partially eaten and all kinds o' messed up." Wally replied "I figured we were in trouble so we ran like our butts were on fire and screamed the whole way back. Coppers caught the fucker and his picture on the paper still gives me nightmares. If we'd found him instead, we woulda ended up like Sally!"
Everyone looked extremely disturbed at the thought of a couple of 8 year olds finding another child's partially eaten corpse.
"Shite... No wonder yer such a mog. Brooklyn's fucked up!" Shawn winced.
"Hey!" Wally pouted.
"Also your story was misleading. You didn't actually encounter the "maneater"." Sammy pointed out. "That's not how you should advertise a tale you twit."
"Would ya rather I have found the creep that did it?"
"No, next time just don't make it sound like an actual encounter when it's an anecdote about another outcome entirely."
"Don't go bein' an ass Lawrence." Norman called out. "I thought the story was good. Messed up, but good... Granted it don't top what I experienced when I was still in the cradle."
"Oh, this ought to be good." The blond smirked. "Word of mouth?"
"My Nanna never told no lie. Yous won't find a more honest lady." Norman smirked back.
At this point everyone had finished their soup and was practically laying or leaning against one another for warmth. It helped that the story telling atmosphere had all but made everyone forget about the cold.
Norman being so tall and obscuring the stove ever so slightly, cast strange shadows on the wall.
"Now, this happened a few months after I was born. My Nanna was lookin' after me while my mama and memaw was helpin' my pops and pepaw out in the cotton fields. My brother and sister wasn't that much older either, not yet ready to go pickin', so they was in their room playin' together." He leaned back in his chair, a content smile on his face "Nanna was just preparin' lunch while I was layin' in this big ol' basket full o' pillows and blankets, just sleepin' away like babies do. She turned 'round to chop up some carrots when she had this weird feelin' all of a sudden."
Sammy put an arm around Susie as he listened. Norman was a pretty good story teller. Had this voice that just pulled you in. He could almost imagine a little chubby baby in a basket while an old lady prepared food in the kitchen.
"Nanna Polk always had a feel for when things were no good all of a sudden. She'd known when Poppop weren't doing well in the head, and she knew how to pop a shot into a big gator when it got too close to the house. She wasn't afraid o'nothin'." Norman carried on. "But she was afraid. She was afraid when the blade o'her knife caught the reflection o'this big brute pullin' my basket out the window."
Sammy winces and Susie tightened her grip on his arm. The others were quite aghast as well, at the thought of an innocent little babe getting snatched away by some stranger.
"Nanna didn't scream. She didn't wanna scare my siblings you see... Instead she tiptoed towards the backdoor, knife in hand, and kept outta sight o'the man that was tryin' to take me away." Norman hummed as he thought back on what Nanna had told him. "You know, they often tell ya 'bout southern hospitality. If yous is friendly and respectful, yous always got a friend. They don't tell yous about Louisiana ladies like my sweet Nanna tho... They is forged of iron and grief. Strong and protective o'their youngins... She knew what that man wanted from me, an' she wasn't bout to let it happen."
"What did she do?" Wally asked, bitting his knuckles as he put his legs up to his chest.
"Put the knife through his back. She pushed him so he wouldn't go an' fall on me, oh 'course, and that basket well about saved my life cuzz it was damn well padded and didn't so much as wake me when it hit the ground."
"Holy shit..."
"Now, that might sound a little extreme to yous, but I trust Nanna's judgement." Norman began once he noticed the horrified looks on his coworker's faces. "That man woulda taken me somewhere no one could'a gotten me from, an' she wasn't 'bout to lose anyone else to them creeps. Nanna was smart, and Nanna was hard workin'. She buried the bastard where he fell, an' planted a tree t'remember it too. I got to put a swing on it when it grew big enough to support the weight."
"Where were they going to take you?" Sammy finally asked, once he realized no one would do so. "The man?"
"Hm, well I don't know exactly. But she did say it was where my Poppop grew up, so I know it wasn't a good place." Norman frowned. "They did bad things to him, made him messed up in the head an' dangerous. Nanna saved me from endin' up the same way... Don't care if it wasn't the right way t'do it, them folks don't deserve no pity if they go stealin' babies from their cribs t'do god only knows what."
"Well... For what is worth, we're glad your nanna saved you Norman. You're a gem." Susie smiled which got the much larger man to chuckle.
"How's that for a story then? Anyone steppin' up to top it off?"
No one seemed to have anything that quite matched the energy of this... What should he call it? Cultist kidnapping story? It certainly sounded that the man was some underground cultist if he was taking babies to indoctrinate, or whatever...
The blond watched, saw no one step up to the challenge, and then remembered.
"Well, it may not be as bad as getting snatched away. But I do recall a rather peculiar set of events from before I moved to New York with my father." He began, the band members snorting and whispering among themselves that it was probably something stupid. He glared their way before looking at Norman who gestured for him to go on.
"Floor's all yours Sammy."
"Right." He thought back, way back when he was 10. Just a year prior to his mother's death. It was all a little foggy but the more he concentrated on what his father had told him about that night, the less his explanation made sense once correlated with his own memories. "I didn't exactly grow up in the city. Not until I was 11 that is... I actually lived in a cattle ranch for a while."
"That explains why you call us sheep." Johnny laughed.
"No, I call you sheep because your job is to follow me, you damn goat." Sammy snarled back at the interrupting organist.
"Ouch." Jack winced.
"Either way, as a child living with a father who raised cattle for a living, one can expect that I was often tasked to help with a few of the animals. Mainly cleaning the pens and, if I was particularly lucky, shearing the sheep." The sheep, he confesses, had been his favourite. They were dumb and cute. "My father usually dealt with the larger animals. When this event occured, he'd just bought a big healthy heifer. His ornery old bull had covered our best breeding cow but she'd not been having calves."
"Was she called Bessie?" Wally grinned.
"The name of the cow isn't of importance!" Sammy rolled his eyes. "It was Felicity by the way."
"My mistake."
"Either way, my father was a breeder, so his breeding female not producing offsprings was a big deal. I was a kid so I wasn't particularly interested if Felicity had issues, I just liked watching her when she had little calves. They were the cutest thing right after the baby lambs." Sammy carried on "The new heifer, Clarabelle, arrived that day and immediately the bull was put to working. My father thought That'd be the end of his problems... An easy fix. Except it wasn't..."
"She sterile?" Norman asked.
"Oh I wish that had been it. I was 10, had seen animals in plenty of states from sickness or wild animal attacks. But never had I seen a cow turned inside out, other than in a damn butcher's..." Sammy shuddered. He could still remember it... Going outside to get the eggs like his father had asked, and just finding this massive dead heifer with no skin on her body. His mother had said he'd screamed like the devil himself had been before him.
"Oh god..." Susie gagged slightly. "That couldn't have been nice..."
"It wasn't. I was freaked out and my father was furious. Clarabelle had been an expensive purchase. And she wasn't the only casualty." Sammy shook his head. "The pen was wrecked, the bull was in better state but no less dead, and poor Felicity must have run into whatever butchered them both because she had a massive wound on her hind. Every animal was spooked out of their minds and even our sheepdog wouldn't come out of the house. Peed himself when we tried coaxing him."
"Did ya find what did it?" Shawn asked.
"No, we couldn't find anything that explained it." Sammy carried on. "No tracks, no trails of blood, nothing. The pen was just ruined, like it had been splintered apart, and Clarabelle looked to have just... I don't know how to explain it. Pop? Like a balloon?"
"I figure your father wasn't too keen on going' about business after that?"
"He wanted compensation, but you can't exactly put the blame on anything if you can't even find a cause." The music director sighed "We eventually just decided to call it quits on figuring out what the hell happened and went on with our lives. But then things just got... Weird."
Strange lights at night, bizarre noises, and horrific night terrors. Sammy's father had lost his patience when he'd found their dog's remains and called the authorities.
"We were all on edge, unsure what was going on at the ranch, and losing animals every night. My father called the cops, saying someone must be playing some seriously messed up joke to terrorize us. He'd made a lot of enemies with his attitude over the years, so I wouldn't have been surprised..." He trailed of, beginning to feel goosebumps as he recalled the final night of these strange occurances. "And then one night I saw something strange out of my window. Stranger than anything else."
Everyone was eager for the conclusion, he could tell. Taking a deep breath, he recounted what he'd been a witness to.
"I wasn't sleeping well, no one was, but I just couldn't settle in bed that night. It felt too warm in my room so I got up to open a window." His 10 year old self had always struggled with the latch on his window, but not that night. That night it opened without a fuss. "I saw... A figure. Out in the fields. Cast in weird green light that I couldn't put a source to. They were tall, and I couldn't tell if it was a man or a woman, but I assumed man because there wasn't a hair on its head... I just stared, and it looked to be staring back. Next thing I know, I'm outside in my pajamas, staring up at this pitch black figure... Taller, imposing, faceless. No eyes, no nose, no mouth... And yet it felt like it was glaring hatefully at me. Frustrated, angry... It pointed at the woods and I don't... I don't know what it wanted and I was just a scared kid."
He gulped heavily as he recalled how oppressive everything had felt.
"Again I blacked out, but this time awoke inside to my mother fanning me. My dad was yelling at the cops and it was morning." Sammy frowns "Yelling at them to get that damn thing off his property, and to fuck right off since they were so useless at their damn job."
A soft amen from a member of the writer's department. Followed by a chuckle from another one.
"My throat was raw, and when I tried to ask what happened, my mom told me they'd found me outside at the edge of the woods, screaming until my voice went. Screaming about wanting out of the woods. Screaming about wanting to go home... Screaming that nothing here was good to eat and that I was going to die... I don't recall doing it, and my father said I'd probably had a nightmare of some kind. A fever dream even, since mom had been trying to cool me down for a good reason." He bit his lip "It's odd, I'd just fallen ill overnight and everything was fuzzy... I asked why the cops were here, and my father said when he'd gone to get me he'd spotted a weather balloon of some kind in the woods. The cops were there to take it away."
Everyone stared, confused and trying to figure out how these events connected. He gave them a shrug.
"I have no idea what was going on, so don't ask. I was 10, animals were dying weirdly, and I got so sick all of a sudden that I started sleep walking and hallucinating demonic figures. No one ever said anything about the weather balloon in the local paper either, so I don't even know what to think of that." He leaned against Susie "It was weird, but it stopped. Still that thing kept appearing in my nightmares for a while... It faded with time but it bothered me while it was still fresh in my mind."
"Sounds like aliens." Wally pips up.
"No such thing." Bertrum laughed at the suggestion. "Just a bunch of vandalism, fallen governament property, animal attacks, and a child's overactive imagination."
"No, I'm serious! Stuff like that happens in farms all the time! Stuff no one can explain..."
"Wally, there's tons o' things none can explain in this world already." Norman pointed out. "I'm not sure what sorta thing Sammy might o' stumbled upon as a kid... But little green men don't sound plausible."
"Oh come on, ain't it obvious? Cows gettin' killed, the strange damages? The fallen thing in the woods? The spooky figure? The one person who no one would believe being chosen to see the alien? Then the cops just swoopin' in and covering it up? Happened just the same to my uncle Paul!"
"What I saw wasn't little or green. Don't make it another one of your outlandish tall tales." Sammy grinned, enjoying how much Wally was puffing up.
"Bite your tongue! It ain't a tall tale!"
"Sure it's not."
"Boys don't fight... Because I've got one heck of a story that'll make Norman's and Sammy's feel like child's play!" Susie cut in, with a devilish grin of her own.
And so the night carried on, with more stories to be shared. All the while Sammy laughed and listened, content with the situation.
Although... He did still wonder what he'd seen out in the field. Surely it couldn't have been extraterrestrial.
Hm... Yes, surely not. Just a bad dream and some sick prank. Had to have been.
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addytheheartbreaker · 5 years
My opinion to all the characters of the Masked Singer (season 1 to 2)
I'll list down my favorite characters at the final bottom with my greatest confession.
Season 1 characters:
•Hippo- he has swagger and reminds me of my oc Ishmael who is into hiphop and loves hiphop aesthetic.
•Pineapple- don't have an opinion of him but he is funny though.
•Deer- his design is so cool. Loved the steampunk and general aesthetic there, he is also one of my inspirations on making Dog (Nicol) since I am a fan of general uniforms.
•Poodle- she is the reason I first got interested on watching the Masked Singer in the first place! I loved this characters because of the pink (my favorite color), the sassy attitude and just ugh so fashionable! I loved it, she even sings "Heartbreaker" that I deeply loving her performance. Great job Margaret Cho, it very funny to trick Ken of not knowing his own sister.
•Unicorn- she is so pretty. I've been seeing unicorns everywhere in my life today and now. She is so pretty and white, I have a soft spot of her singing "Oops I did it again" and "Fight" song because of her sweet voice.
•Raven- she reminds me of my oc Ishiru. Dark, sympathetic, gothic and mourning of someone's death especially her beloved. I feel you girl.
•Alien- Alien is cool, I can see why everyone is complaining/reminded of Zim from Zim invaders (I also remember watching it in my childhood). I can't stop dancing and modelling myself while listening to "Ex's and Ohs". I didn't know Michael Jackson had a sister, I didn't know much to his family since I was so young before his death. Great knowing you La Toya Jackson.
•Lion- I am not a fan of gold though but dang she sings so strong and the tone is just over the top. I loved listening to "A little party never kill nobody" and "California Dreamin". Nice knowing you Rumor Willis.
•Peacock- this man is a living fabulous, prideful, eccentric bird I ever seen. I loved his performance, he is also funny and his voice is like an old famous singer I ever heard of. Loved the characters that Donny did and the signature moves though. Congrats to Donny for beings second place.
•Bee- I am not much of a Bee fan but I am in loved with her performance "Wrecking Ball". I can't stop listening to that song because of the high notes, strong voice and my own heart and soul suddenly clutching for this empress. Oh hail to Gladys Knight!
•Monster- aww Monster my second favorite character! I really loved you and I almost loved all of his performance (the one song I don't like is "I love Rock and Roll"). I am so glad T-Pain won the game to avenge my Rabbit since he is my second favorite. All hail to the Monster, T-Pain. (P.S: I didn't know he are the one who sing the song from my past, I guess I did know you on my childhood T-Pain).
•Rabbit- the last one is the Rabbit. My favorite character and the only favorite celebrity for the first time of my entire life! I loved so much about the Rabbit, I fell in love with madness, his edgy and lovable character, his neck twitch to show of his craziness, his design and straightjacket, his voice and performance, EVERYTHING! I am so glad to watch him performed but it broke my heart when he is eliminated on 4th place, I was devastated so much I would never ever rewatch his elimination ever. The Rabbit leading me to my forgotten childhood favorite boyband NSYNC. Joey Fatone, you are my first ever celebrity in my heart and will forever be the Rabbit I dearly cherish for my life. Stan for the Rabbit!
My top 3 favorite characters is: the Rabbit, the Monster and the Poodle.
Season 2 Characters:
•Panda- I don't have any opinions of her though.
•Skeleton- Skeleton is just so very elegant and funny. Loved his design, it gives me the vibes of Itward from the game Fran Bow. His performance is good yet I did not expect him to get eliminated in episode 4.
•Flamingo- Flamingo is pretty in pink. Welp, the idea of Peacock's sister idea is dead now. But she is fabulous in anyway.
•Ladybug- she is pretty too, she is also emotional and I am touch.
•Eagle- I don't know much of Eagle and when I get to know his he got the swag and stuff. (I ship you and Penguin so much)
•Tree- she looks weird though. A Christmas tree? It so early here on Philippines though (only started preparing Christmas on September before reaching December). When I heard her voice, I know that voice before somewhere and that person is also wearing a Christmas costume I swear!
•Rottweiler- huh another dog for this season like Poodle. I don't have an opinion of him though, I'm not really interested.
•Flower- she looks wow to look at. She is a big gal here. Like her performance and I have a feeling this is Bee's (or Glady's) friend somewhere since the voice is like a goddess. Also, I ship Flower with Nick because they both holding hands. I was like X.X oof I'm dead by love, I ship them so hard.
•Butterfly- Butterfly is just cool and alright to me, I am blown away with her performance of "Bang bang". That's all I could thought of.
•Fox- dude... I have mixed feelings to his gentleman here. The Fox has the sexy cool voice, the swag and the steampunk theme like Deer had but I don't think so. I'm not really interested on him unless he changed my mind by getting to know him every episode so I could concluded my theory. (His dancer and his performance reminds me of me with Nicol on stage. Me as a dancer to Dog's performance, what the fudge O_O)
•Black Widow- dang the twirking and the voice is just give me the face like this O.O . she looks edgy and cool, I don't know whether she will survived through episodes.
•Penguin- aww a cute Penguin~ pretty small though and goofy as well. I also want her and the Eagle together like seriously! OwO who is with me to the ship train of Eagle x Penguin?
•Leopard- oof!!! Right in the dokoro and I went doki doki to this spontaneous leopard ❤! I I can't stop listening to his performance "Somebody to love" and when I first listened, I am in the middle of confusion and shock then went to fell in loved to this character. All hail the queen (or king?), I have a soft spot to who ever he is.
•Thingamajig- Oof! I've been hit! My man is a living angel from heaven. I loved him so much omg. His voice, his character and I sympathies his clue about his darkest moment when he went to rehab. Protect this baby! I couldn't help but thought of Thingamajig is the cousin of Monster. Who ever he is, I'm going to do a headcanon for both Monster and Thingamajig's relationship as cousins from heaven.
•Egg- I never get tired of this flamboyant, sassy and fabulous egg. I loved him so much omg I can't with his sassy and flamboyant attitude. I have a soft spot of guys with flamboyant glamour and stylish taste of fashion. Johnny Weir, you are my god to worship of your egg boi. Too bad he is no longer on the Masked Singer :(
•Ice Cream- he is such a lovable and adorable dude! I loved sweet, I'm a sweet tooth of course. But my man, he is just so sweet and friendly to watch him. Loved the performance "Old town road" you aren't well trainer enough, but I was blown away to reveal Ninja in this. I didn't know youtubers can be also be called celebrities. I just thought youtubers are just people who wanted to expressed themselves for entertainment normally but I wanna thank my friend to explained me that youtubers can be celebrities too. Nice work Ninja!
My top 3... No top 4 favorite characters for season 2 is: the Egg, the Ice Cream, Thingamajig and Leopard.
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steve0discusses · 6 years
Yugioh S3 Ep 11 pt 1: Mokuba Gets Kidnapped (Again)
I miiiight have to split this one in two?
A lot happens this episode, and when I cap things it’s mostly to help summarize what’s going on so these posts won’t be so freakin long but visually--a LOT happens this episode. So...there’s a few caps.
Anyways, I’m still trying to not think too much about what it is that Tristan has turned into. Considering that apparently you can exist here without a body it makes you wonder if their own minds are here at all or if we’re just following some shadow selves but again, it’s--that’s way too deep for Yugioh.
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Been joking about the team getting turned into Heartless for a whole season and it actually happened. Sort of. Being turned into a monkey isn’t exactly the same as being turned into Darkness but if Yugi, Bakura, and Marik are any indication, being turned into Darkness on this show just means your hair gets kinda big and sometimes you almost (and often do) kill people.
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Tristan’s CGI body is now running around and I’m not sure how that works.
Like if Tristan’s ACTUAL body is being stored somewhere, then the CGI body should have vanished, right? Like, his CGI body got incinerated by lava? Anyway, apparently, his body is absolutely fine, and now it’s being controlled by Nezbitt.
I’m glad he found the Kaibas at their familiar territory. Yes, that’s right, they all met up again, reunited after 10 episodes at their favorite place in the whole world. Guess where? Guess where they are?
It’s like meeting at the Cinnabon at the mall. They just all know where to go.
(read more under the cut)
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And then Kaiba just kind of acts like he’s been expecting this for years. I mean...there’s reasons to expect that.
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TBH if Tristan nabbed Kaiba in the shoulder with that broomstick, Would Kaiba even be able to feel it with all that padding? He’s got like football gear for shoulder pads up there.
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We get no explanation of how Blue Eyes Wife made it to the VR zone. Probably willed itself out of pure love or whatever. But, don’t worry, Seto will have to choose cards from a pool just like everyone else at the end of this episode so uh...that’s about all we’ll see from her. Unless she was also in the pool, but I kinda doubt Noah gave Seto a Blue Eyes.
Just so weird that in the same episode she’s clearly here, but in 10 minutes from now, she’s not.
Anyways, everyone else finally shows up and they don't seem to be confused as to how Tristan is just fine when they just saw him die like...just now. They just left the place Tristan was dead and incinerated by 600000 degrees of lava and they were like “Oh good! We found him immediately! Hallelujah!” as if this isn’t very weird.
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And...in a past life, Kaiba was the head of the House of York or...something? Like he was in the War of Roses or something? I forget exactly what y’all were saying Kaiba was up to in a past life in some video game spinoff when he and Yugi were European 500 years ago. Their family bloodline really got around.
ALSO, thing I just realized now I’ve actually read the wikipedia, Kaiba is supposed to have been Christian Rosenkruez in this game, which is amazing. Because, if you thought the Kaiba timeline was effed up before, just you wait, because Christian Rosenkruez was a freakin nut. We’re talking Indiana Jones type of nut. I’m pretty sure the game never brings this up, but Christian Rosenkruez is famous because so many people thought that he was the reincarnation of Lazarus.
Sorry, I’m like...kinda cracking up as I’m typing this. For those who don’t know your Christian/Middle Ages art, Lazarus is this guy, seen on the right. He’s always wrapped up like a mummy and with this expression like “woah, Jo, I’m alive!? Nice!” as at least one guy in the foreground plugs their nose because he smells like so freakin bad.
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Yeah. So now, canonically, a past self of Seto Kaiba swore that he was once Lazurus. Who is...a real freakin nice guy, actually. Which--and this is my favorite part--this means that Lazarus--a real guy from the Bible--was also soul married to a Blue Eyes White Dragon. Hot damn.
I mean, this is a mess, but aesthetically though--Lazarus was a dead guy right? Like a revived mystical dead guy? Wrapped up like a mummy? In a crypt? If you don’t know too much about Christianity, it kinda fits right in with our whole vibe.
And if art twitter is anything to go by, the original fanart was bible stuff anyway, so anime and Bible stuff are absolutely and always interchangeable.
(Sorry, I was about to derail on another art rant hoo boy, a rant within a rant. You know, I hide a LOT of art discourse in these posts. Spicy times. Thanks for bearing with me, I’ve been holding that one in for a WHILE.)
But this is mostly amazing because, completely unintentionally, that means Seto Kaiba’s bloodline met freakin Jesus, y’all.
In fact, lets go over it, so Kaiba’s bloodline was Egyptian wizards who killed Pharaoh Yami (who ends up being Yugi’s bloodline), kinda forgot they were royalty or magical, went up to Jerusalem for a spell, hung out with Jesus and got helllla Christian, then ended up in Germany, fought Yugi who was British royalty for a hot minute, buried Rosenkrueuz in a very weird and mystical spooky sarcophagus, and then both families forgot they were super special royalty and somehow ended up in Japan where Kaiba got orphaned with no knowledge of any of this and got adopted by a crazy Gozaboro Kaiba who is now trying to kill them all with a VR game.
Anyway, if a past version of himself was in the War of Roses, dueling with actual swords should come naturally to him. Or at least would have come naturally if Tristan wasn’t so good with brooms.
(Bro’s Spicy Headcanon: Tristans wooden stick was originally a sword but they edited it out in development. Sure Wtv.)
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And surprisingly, Joey got to do a hit in this version of Yugioh--like actually kicked a guy. On screen. And it was Tristan. Wow. Really thought that would get edited out, and I’m glad they left it in because lol this whole sequence is a mess.
Anyway, Tea gets hella mad at Joey because they don’t want him to kill Tristan although this body was in fact incinerated at the bottom of a lava pool not ten minutes ago, and so she decides to go after Tristan herself? Because she figures that Tristan���s body will not attack her? Maybe because Tristan’s body would be too afraid to attack Tea.
And this is Tea, so she is used to people going ghost, getting cray, and then passing out ten minutes later and being like “Oi, love! I seem to have made quite a fuss, again, innut!”
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Please look at the bottom of this cap and admire that Joey kicked Tristan so hard, that his body bent a metal door completely the other way around.
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That’s right, the motorcycle license is back, and now it gets to serve a purpose!
Guys, when they revealed that Tristan could drive a motorcycle I did not think that later this ability would be yet another insane way to abduct Mokuba.
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Lol what?
Moki just...hanging off the side there. Like...he’s not even strapped in. What is it with the kidnappers in this show having just no idea how to properly hold Mokuba? At least this time he isn’t being suspended from a helicopter but it’s still kind of of a lot?
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And there goes Kaiba.
They reunite again for like...2 minutes after like 10 episodes and then bam, Kaiba is signing out immediately.
Unfortunately, there goes the only two people here that know how to drive motorcycles, so the rest of our team is just kinda stuck back here with Tristan in a monkey suit.
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Because of perspective issues, Serenity appears to be like 2 feet taller than Yugi Muto, dang.
So I think I mentioned before that one of the reasons I was like “Yeah lets watch this show” is because someone tweeted that Yugioh had motorcycle dueling, and so when this happened I was like OMG they’re actually going to do it somehow, right now on this Sonic Adventure Highway. Finally! A motorcycle duel! I thought that was only in the spinoff I’m not going to watch!
I mean look at him go.
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JK no motorcycle dueling in this series. My poor hopes. Dashed.
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And he runs right into Kaiba’s coat from last season who is wearing just the thickest old timey Southern accent. Ah, I miss when his coat color was nearly his font color and it all made sense.
Bro pointed out that the best part of this scene is how small the motorcycle was compared to how big this fire is now. Like...they should just be able to walk around the fire at this point, right? Like it’s a highway with multiple lanes? What was even in this motorcycle? Nitro?
Anyway, this post will be very long if I don’t chop it in half, so get ready for next time, when we find out what this guy and his accent’s whole deal is. How many references will he make to grits and warm summer evenings? A lot, right? Like a lot?
Anyways, if you just got here, this is a link to read the recaps from Ep 1 S1
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silyabeeodess · 6 years
Reflecting on BATIM: Chapter 5
I don’t really have any theories on Chapter 5, and there’s so much with the fanbase taking sides on this sort of thing that I don’t even want to really talk about them, but I do have a lot of thoughts that I feel like I have to get out of my head.  The biggest is that I, like a lot of other people, felt disappointed after the ending.  Not that the ending was bad, (Though it is incredibly annoying and insulting that people who like it want to say that people who didn’t “don’t understand or aren’t deep enough,” like they’re uncultured. No, honey, people have complaints for good reasons: You don’t get to invalidate them.) but that the overall chapter felt lacking. Now, I promise I’ll talk about more than just complaints in this--largely I’ll be bouncing off SuperHorrorBro’s own theories--but I have to get that out of my system first:
1.) We received a lot of hype at the end of Chapter Four and from the preview content for all of the new things that would be implemented into Chapter 5: New characters, new environments, new game mechanics, etc. And for all that we got to see... we barely had the time to see any of it!!  Maybe it was just too much to fit into the timeslot that they’ve been keeping to with the previous chapters, but I would’ve preferred a longer chapter or even waiting months for another one above barely scraping the surface of the new stuff. 
We got Allison Angel and Tom only to see them for that first, long cutscene that took about a fourth (a fifth at least) of the time it took to actually play the chapter, that one fight, and then a little bit at the end. The interactions with them felt rushed, because while Allison was on our side, Tom hated us, and then the next thing we know it’s, “Oh, you hate Sammy too? Here, have an axe. Yeah, bruh, we cool: Nevermind that we left you for dead and I tried to starve you.”  
The trailer made it clear how we would be navigating through flooded tunnels and we only got to use the boat once, granted it was a thoroughly horrifying experience.
We get to see where the Lost Ones are living, but just a small, little area that couldn’t even fill a town square. And not even the full square: I’m talking about that park-like area. “Well, it’s a studio, so it can’t be too big.” After several floors dropping into the center of the earth, I think we’re past that. Then, even with that big fight, we’re promised more chances to fight with Tom and Allison only to fall through the ground and have nothing to do with that ever again. I would’ve rather stuck with them and fought to Joey’s office that way it felt earned rather than play chicken with the Butcher Gang in that weird labyrinth of offices. (The labyrinth was bigger than the Lost One area... :,( )
Then Sammy.  Oh Sammy, I’ve never even really liked you, but you came out of nowhere after all this time has passed full of hints and Easter eggs in previous chapters to all the fans speculating how you’d be back, and then you’re dead just about as quickly and we learn little to nothing about you. 
2.) Ending that previous note with Sammy, I’m going a little further with him. In Chapter 2, the guy tries to sacrifice us (Henry) with the idea that Bendy will set him free if he does, then in Chapter 5... 
“Betrayed! Abandoned! I trusted you! I gave you everything and you left me to rot!” 
...Buddy, I seem to recall you wanting us dead: You don’t get to blame us for crap! If he was talking about Bendy, that’d be one thing, but then that raises some flags as to why he’s associating us with Bendy. I mean, no one else does and he didn’t at first. If he’s not associating Bendy, then he would have to be talking about Henry if he finally remembered him. And if he’s talking about Henry, then he could only be remembering him from a previous ring-around of the story (more on that later) in which Sammy possibly helped Henry under the idea that he was some kind of savior like Allison thought when she said she thought he “was the hope he’d been waiting for.” Seems unlikely, but that’s the only thing that makes sense to me for the 180 degree turn.
3.) Joey. Joey, Joey, Joey... I’ve been following BATIM with one thing primarily on mind: “If Joey isn’t in trouble, then he is going to be...” Whether it was Joey being the victim of his own, inky sins or it was Henry beating him over the head with a lead pipe, I wanted some kind of retribution. And what do we get? “You’re back already? Have a seat... It’s your fault I’m a terrible person because you didn’t stay, so do you wanna go back to your never ending nightmare?” Excuse me? Excuse m-Henry’s fault?! That’s worse than Sammy’s complaint card!!!  No. No! Joey, you do not get to sit around your house drinking coffee in a robe and bunny slippers, after everything you put everyone through, and blame it on Henry! Like, I realize the potential that none of what happened is even real from the storyboard on the desk and the real vs cartoon worlds, but that just makes it worse!!!  And here’s why:
4.) If none of it’s real and it’s just a story, then Joey’s still blaming Henry for all of his own terrible decisions running the company. If Henry’s dead and in some kind of purgatory created by Joey and the Ink Machine, then he’s literally suffering for Joey’s mistakes and getting the blame for them. And if our Henry’s a cartoon creation, then he’s not even the real Henry being blamed for things that Henry didn’t even do in the first place. That one line infuriates me more than anything else that Joey’s done, because it shows that he hasn’t changed at all: He’s still a complete monster!
Now, wrapping up and gearing toward actual analyses/theories, I actually want to bring up the one just released by SuperHorrorBro, as it makes the most sense out of anything else that’s been said.  If you haven’t seen it, you can watch it here:
I see some potential for this theory. First off, because we know the Ink Machine does in fact exist after we see it in the final clip, but also because it would make sense for Tom and Allison to fit the more perfected versions of them that exist in cartoon form if they were invited back to the studio after everything had fallen apart.  One of my concerns in the past was that, if Allison replaced Susie, then why wasn’t Allison the first “Alice” made from the Ink Machine? Yes, the credits show the order in reverse, but we know the demented Alice is Susie due to her own words:
“Dreams come true, Susie... Dreams come true...”
Anyway, what would make Joey resort to turning to Susie after he had already stabbed her in the back and wouldn’t likely be able to gain her trust beyond simply relying on Susie’s clinging to the part? Well, if Allison and Tom had already left the studio--either because of its financial downfall, dealing with Joey, or from their getting married--then they would’ve dodged a bullet while the experiments were taking place. Tom didn’t trust Joey or like being at the studio, so it’d make sense for him to clear out asap. Women in the 30′s tended not to work if they were married in Allison’s case, and judging from her strong personality, I don’t think she’d put up with Joey long either, especially if he wasn’t paying her enough. As for Wally, I’ve got no idea, but I imagine some similar case for him as well--likely that he was let go (I can’t imagine the nearly broke studio keeping a janitor for long given that the place was always a wreck with the ink machine anyway and it’s was probably one of the “least important jobs” at the place in Joey’s eyes. That, and Wally personally sounded like a clutz.) or changed jobs.  
Another thing to consider is the prominence of just Wally’s and Allison’s letters. Not only as people who could’ve potentially ducked out, but also the last few people who Joey had to turn to. Wally had a carefree spirit, and Allison’s also got a nicer, more trusting nature to her as well. Given how we know that Joey is a sweet-talker--though snake is more like it--he could potentially trick them both into coming back at the studio where others who also avoided death would likely hold a greater resentment against him.  Then there’s Tom’s behavior toward Allison: Caring and protective. Like a husband would be toward his wife.  While it’s confirmed that many of the people at the studio have lost their memories, others still at least possess fragments of them: From Henry’s writing on the walls, to Susie remembering who she was and saying she knew why Henry was there at the studio, to the unnamed individual who “still remember their name.” Tom also remembers who he was--or at least his name--and possibly might remember Allison as his wife or at least at he loved her. Which is really tragic and dang it, I want more on this!!   Finally, there’s the fact that you can see names on the coffins that are in Chapters 1 and 2: Norman and Grant.  If it’s all fake, then it seems unlikely that Joey would’ve storyboarded those coffins specifically for those people and even more unlikely that Henry would know even if he did since there’s no names on them without checking Henry’s own messages.  That, and while there’s the parallel with Norman potentially being the projectionist, we have no idea what happened to Grant beyond the fact that it sounded like he was attacked based on his audio log. So how would Henry know who they belonged to?  By potentially checking them in a previous run. 
I also want to bring up a bit of potential with the storyboards we see in the real world. We assume that Joey drew them, but what if Henry did?  I mean, he’s the artist, and we know from Joey that he has stayed long enough before to ask questions.  What if, instead of all of the interactions being planned, at some point early on, Henry drew the storyboards as a means of coping through the horrors he faced? Henry might be numb to them now based on his lax take to events, but one means of people dealing with their trauma is often by using art as an outlet. This lets them describe what happened better than words could and also help them cope with it. Henry made have done the same.
There’s one thing that tosses a wrench into this and that’s how Allison comments how different Henry is from everyone else, not only in his potential to save them, but also how he can wade through ink without it “claiming him.” I mean, we assume anyway that he would’ve had to have been born from the ink like the others, but if that’s the case then the theory wouldn’t make as much sense.  Still, if he was resurrected in this way, then I do have another idea: If Henry’s one of the last people born from the machine, after all of these tests and trials and experiments, wouldn’t that mean Henry is its most perfect product? He could be more stable than the previous experiments, which would explain why he doesn’t melt into the ink and is able to reform quicker/more often than the others do. Maybe he can’t linger in it for long, but he can survive it for extended periods of time. In the very least, we’ve seen other characters than have been able to travel through the ink, like Sammy and Ink Bendy, so I’d leave it open that as one of the final victims, Henry would have the ability to endure the ink longer than the previous creations. 
I can’t think of anything else to say right now, so I guess that about covers it.  Thanks for sticking around this long if you did.
EDIT: Nevermind, I’ve got one more thing to say with the multiple runs!  The note that what Henry needs is “in the vault” and him later acknowledging that Bendy has to have it.  We assume it to be “The End” tape.  What this would allude to is that, at some point, the tape was indeed in the vault, but some point in another run, Bendy eventually got his hands on it and would know to retrieve it before Henry could, or otherwise made that weird prison/throne room for himself that somehow doesn’t reset like everything else... 
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paw-patrol-kiddo · 7 years
2017 for my regressive side
Well guys, this is it; we’re really already at the end of 2017! Hard to believe, ain’t it? Well, I normally don’t do year review thingies, bu’ I figured I should probably do one this year, mostly cause this year’s been the best out of all the years of my life- and that’s saying a lot. I mostly wanna cover what this year has held for my regressive side, also with bits of stuff that happened in my big girl life!
If ya want, I’d love if ya made one of these posts about what this year held for your regressive side and you tagged me in it! Chances are, I’ll be reading it and replying very quickly! 
Anyways, time for the year review! It begins below the cut!
This year’s held a lot of things for my regressive side; a lot more than the previous years. I’m going to try and cover everything, for every month of the year!
January held my fifteenth birthday and also marked four years since I started liking diapers nonstop again, which ultimately led to me beginning to age regress. I discovered that it seems my regressive side is most active this month, something that’s really helpful to know for obvious reasons. I attempted to indulge in my regressive side discreetly to cope with stress, as I was still hiding this whole thing at the time and seldom spoke about it to Kaiya, my younger sister. I also remember that the month before, I stopped identifying as a chireb, and was trying to find a new label for myself, but was failing. This was frustrating to me.
I don’t really remember a whole lot about February! Not much that I can note, that is. Thinking about it, this month is kinda a blurry, confusing mess if that says anything; I just can’t remember a whole lot from it! I think either this month or the month after was when I gave up on finding a label and just settled on the generic age regressor term.
March held quite a bit of things for my big girl side; I began playing baseball, got my own room at last, and mourned the loss of a big part of my preteen and early teenagehood when Club Penguin shut down. Even with more privacy for my regressive side and my life in general, I mostly forgot about my regressive side around this time and moved on with my life.
April doesn’t hold a lot of notable things for agere, either. I do know that starting four months before, I started feeling other ages in my identity (I feel all the ages I regress to in my identity. Like, I feel like them and at times, that for example, I’m a 7-year-old trapped in a teenager’s body. It’s not a fun feeling) and I accepted two without a problem (10 and 11), but I continued to deny and push aside another age I felt, thinking it seemed too young. After all, I was content with my youngest being two-years-old; or so I thought.
I wanna say May started getting a bit tough. As the spring season of baseball drew closer to the end, of course, my regressive side began trying to rise from the depths. The little girl inside me wanted attention and more space. She couldn’t keep sitting back and hiding forever.
The most I could do for my little self was watch toddler and little kid shows in private, play with my toys, play children’s games online, and color. Not a whole lot, clearly, and I was still self-conscious of a lot of this. I am sure this is the time where I began feeling trapped regarding all of this. 
June began to show signs of easier times. Baseball finally ended for the summer, which of course, led to the “Well dang; what am I gonna do with my life til the fall season?” moment. My regressive side, of course, took the wheel for most of the summer at this point. Hiding this was becoming very hard; I had to find some way to cope, some way to be open, anything. My little side could hardly take it anymore; this month or the next month marked four years since she first stepped into my life and you can only hide yourself for so long before it becomes too much (I had been making an effort to hide for a year or two before then).
Towards the end of the month, I finally reluctantly accepted the fact I seemed to regress to age 1 and 4 days later, I finally gathered the courage to make this blog, something I had thought about for a year, but could never do it. I told myself if I regretted it, I could just delete it, no problem; that was what I was expecting I’d end up doing. 
But instead, with a place I could be little, the trapped feeling began to ease. I was scared, of course, but also relieved and very happy. In fact, I was so happy that when I went to the bathroom shortly after a brief flood-reblog, I had to happy stim for a minute or two before I could actually do what I came in there for. I gave Mom and Kaiya the link to this blog. I’m sure making this blog is one of the best decisions I’ve made this year- and I’ve made a lot.
Making the blog reminded of my love for diapers, which brought back a memory of when Mom sneakily bought some for me the summer before. Talking about it here was really hard at first and took a lot of courage, but if you can’t tell, I can do it without flinching or hesitating now. After a quick chat with Mom, I decided at last, I’d finally try them whenever Dad left the house for a few hours (shout-out to the anon who sent that ask after I posted about it, you’re amazing and I hope you had a wonderful year. We need more people like you. Also, I started happy stimming when I reread the ask before linking it here).
Also, I rediscovered Small Elephant (I received the lil guy as a gift a year before and played with him once, but never got too attached to him) around this time and idk what exactly happened or how it did, but apparently, I ended up attached to him and I still am. He’s my lil vacation/severe weather evacuation buddy now.
July was a blast! I finally tried out my diapers shortly after Dad left to help out at a vape and tattoo shop he volunteers at and by the time I finally changed out of my first diaper, I had officially decided I was wearing them for the rest of my life (not as in 24/7, but... I’m sure ya know what I mean). The only problem is that because I was used to seeing what all the a/b/d/l community advertised, I ended up developing a rash the second time I wore and had to learn how to take care of myself properly mostly by myself with the occasional help from Mom and the internet (and literally now is when I see everyone from that community talking about the proper way to do things...).
The day I tried diapers out, I tried out regressing to age 1 to see how I’d like it and well, the rest is history. ;) 
Kai relearned of the diapers this month (read it once somewhere on my blog according to Mom, then I had to tell her about a sample pack on the way, and then Mom had to have a conversation with her about it in the car when they were the only ones in there) and said she was cool with it and briefly even began joking about the whole age regression thing (in a friendly way, mind you).
I told Kim, my older sister, about my regression, and she took it wonderfully, of course. I also told a friend of mine about my regression and liking of diapers, who also took it just fine and showed a lot of support for it. 
I began to indulge more and more into this and I even had a friend who also age regressed by the end of this month (Rayyyyyyy~). 
I went to Florida with Mama, Kai, and a former (? I don’t even know anymore, honestly) friend of Mama’s and it held some interesting adventures there, too! I took Small Elephant places, regressed at the beach twice (@ Kai, psst. Remember when I trapped you in that hug and almost sunk us into the ocean? Well, there’s your reason why), got a Winnie the Pooh book from Goodwill, and indulged in some tasty smiley fries one afternoon! Clearly, this month is one of the best for my age regression. The little girl inside was happy; I was no longer feeling trapped.
August was pretty wild. Small Elephant came with me to Georgia; I don’t think he got to come along on any adventures outdoors, however. I got a jack-in-the-box style toy with a mama kangaroo and her baby joey inside. I also regressed at some point at our cabin and enjoyed running around outside just before a storm blew through. Mom chose to tell someone about my age regression without my permission (talk about a thought to occupy yourself down the lengthy lazy river) and thankfully, that person was fine with it. I was thinking about telling her not too long before, funny enough. I’d prefer permission and a warning before telling someone, though, aha.
I got two “0+ months” pacifiers that month from Mom and literally spent 2 hours sucking on them, save for when I briefly stopped to switch; needless to say, my TMJ relapsed very quickly after around six months of absence of symptoms, aha.
My ex broke up with me (I got with him back in May), despite promising that no breakup would happen 3 days before. This was mostly a good thing, though; no more worrying about how and when to tell him about the diapers and age regression! I’ve been single since and content with it. The thought of telling my future boyfriend(s) this is terrifying, but maybe he’ll be fine with it. Maybe I’ll even meet someone who also likes diapers (nonsexually, mind you) and age regresses as well! I imagine that’s a once in a blue moon thing, though.
We also told Dad about my regression and he took it fine, something that surprised me, as I was genuinely not expecting it. Mom didn’t tell him a lot and eventually, decided to back off for a bit temporarily after mentioning that I “liked to act like a 7/5-year-old sometimes” and that I liked pacifiers and wanted one (this was after I got mine). According to Mom, he didn’t respond to the pacifiers thing and honestly, it’s still kinda scary (if it’s the no reply I think it is, I got him to do it back in October and it’s really unsettling). I don’t know what it means and I don’t think I want to know. He still doesn’t know about the pacifiers to this day. It’s wild.
September held its own adventures. I finally rediscovered an old bag of Mom’s (I mostly remember it because she had it when I was an ‘’actual’’ toddler) and what’s inside? A baby bottle I held on to for three years from when my parents had me treat Puzzle Piece as if he were a baby, thinking it’d rid of my age regression tendencies (if anything, I think this just fed it tbh). I planned to wash it and perhaps try it out or look into a new one.
This also held a notable visit from my older sister. She was told about my liking of diapers and you probably guessed it, her response was coming to my room (I panicked and ran away while she was on the way to the living room after Mom called her in there), giving me a hug, and saying, “I love and support you no matter what you do”. My sisters are great if you can’t tell, and I also mean that outside of agere.
The night before the diaper reveal, Mom noticed me lying on Kim while she rocked the recliner one evening and Mom offered to rock me someday while Dad was gone, something I accepted pretty quickly. I got Mom to rock me for the first time ever two days later. Mom also told me that Dad was fine with the rocking, hence why I was rocked literally right next to him at some point, and he even said he could rock me someday. I don’t think I could do that, though; age regression related stuff is really hard to do around him, and I’d be too worried about his back (he has a bad back).
That month, the day before the rocking part took place, I finally gathered the courage to actually refer to her as “Mommy” on here, along with “Daddy” for Dad. It honestly feels so good to do. I just find it sad I was so scared to use those words at first thanks to the kink/sters. I refer to those two regularly by those titles, mostly to try and reclaim those words as innocent, pure words I call my parents occasionally, rather than terms that are tainted with reminders of ki/nk. Mommy’s easier to use, because I’m closer to Mom than Dad (as of late, that is), and also because “Mommy” isn’t as corrupted as “Daddy”.
I got a Pooh Bear sleeper the day of my second baseball game of the fall season. It’s soft and it makes me feel like a toddler; the only problem is that it’s so easy to overheat in it (which really sucks because I’m hypersensitive to heat and can’t handle getting really hot) and sleepers take up a lot of room in a dresser.
Oh, and this month, Mom called me a nick name she uses for me quite a bit now; “My baby”. Out of all the nicknames I know, I never thought of that. I still melt when she calls me it tbh.
October was a mix, really. I don’t remember a whole lot involving this, really. Rocked by Mom again, got another sleeper, and witnessed Kaiya prove that she was okay with the whole diaper thing by insisting she was fine with it, actually going to the adult diaper aisle with us at Wal-Mart (she stayed a bit away from us, though), and when the cashier bagged the diapers up, she moved so dang fast and had them hidden in no time. I know this because I watched her load other stuff into the cart and she was much more relaxed. I did see her look into the cart at some point before we went to check-out, so perhaps she memorized what the package looked like so she could hide them? Idk if she remembers it or if she’d even want to talk about it, so... Who knows
Towards the end of the month, something began happening. I don’t know what, but it eventually led to me becoming depressed again for a little while, but we’ll discuss that in a few minutes. I discovered I was so indulged in my regression I actually forgot aspects of myself and chose to take a break for a week the next month. I came back feeling better about agere and somewhat better about myself in general. I still don’t understand what happened, but it hasn’t happened again since. Hopefully, it’ll never happen again.
November was a pretty miserable month for me tbh. Has a few good or at least neutral parts, mostly in the beginning, of course. One of these is that I discovered that I can go so deep into my baby mindset (I refer to my 1-year-old self as a baby for brevity) that I’ll chew on things without a thought and well, perhaps that other part’s a bit tmi. I also finally tried out my bottle one evening; very comforting and relaxing.
In the middle of the month, I struggled with accepting that perhaps I did need meds after all (spoiler: I definitely need them) and stress from this, a fixation on childhood trauma, and chores, which were gradually becoming stressful instead of enjoyable, began building up. I began to fall back into a depression, something I was in denial about the entire time.
It was this time that I noticed I was having a harder time regressing, something that was terrifying to me. I was scared that perhaps my regressive side was going dormant; one of my biggest fears is that I stop regressing for good and I was scared that was what was about to happen. That was, until one night, I had an involuntary episode briefly. I didn’t think much of it and went on with my night as normal once it concluded. I don’t know why I didn’t become concerned; involuntary episodes are rare for me, after all. But then, I thought I was about to have a block, so I guess that’s why I thought nothing of it.
I tried my best to cope with everything, but it was futile. One night, just witnessing the dog we were dog-sitting have an accident and having to take all three by myself while they all cried and tried to get out just made me snap, I guess. I fell deeper into my depression, began craving to be an actual baby/young toddler again for the first time in a couple of years, and briefly began having involuntary regression episodes every night. Wearing a diaper to bed and having Small Elephant with me every night for a couple of nights, drinking from my bottle one night, spending more time with my pacifiers, and easing up on everything I could helped pull me out of it.
I still don’t understand what exactly happened, but I hope it never happens again. Also, I guess this confirms that I have involuntary regression episodes when I’m overly stressed. Hopefully the next time this happens, my regressive side will keep me afloat, like it always has.
December was pretty good! I got rocked again by Mom while I was being bottlefed by her, got a new bottle and a toddler snack, and got more toddler snacks later on that day (again, Kaiya moved them to another bag quickly before Mom gave me the bag with them inside). Dad learned about the bottles and snacks and thankfully, is alright with it. I wish it was the same way with diapers. He still doesn’t know about me wearing diapers behind his back, as you probably guessed, and it will stay that way for a while. 
I think I kinda cheated another depressive episode, but? It never came. I was just really grumpy and easily upset for a while, to the point of punching my bed and stomping, which I hardly do (heck, I still am as of right now, but it’s calmed down some). I wish whatever my brain’s doing would stop, because it’s getting rather annoying and I’d rather not spend any longer whining frequently and worrying about getting upset to the point of punching or kicking my closet door off its hinges or something. :’)
Christmas was great; I mostly got big girl gifts (see: My new camera) or at least neutral gifts (see: My stim toys and maybe my Pikachu necklace), but I did get a few things that appealed to my regressive side, like a set of five different Paw Patrol puzzles, a penguin plushie with my name written on its tummy (glitter and everything!), and an Animal Jam playset thing!
To end this year off, I got a sippy cup, one of my most-wanted regression items around that time. Now, if only I could actually bring myself to wash my bottle and sippy cup in the dishwasher (they’re top rack safe)... I guess I can start off the new year washing them after I listen to Bring Me to Life or maybe while I’m listening to it, hee hee hee.
As you can see, I had a pretty wild year full of adventures and experiences! You know what? Why don’t I mention some folks who played a role in making this year the best?
Mom - Mom, I think you know how you’ve helped. You’re literally a big aspect in this post. When I was 12, I thought I’d never have your support about all of this, but now, here we are. You’re my mommy and I’m your baby and I always will be. I love you.
Kai - Sis, I think you see your role here, too. I thought you’d never support me, either, but here we are. Thank you for being cool with the diapers and everything else and always being respectful about it. I love you. Also, sorry for almost drowning us that time
Kim - You don’t get on Tumblr anymore, but I figured you deserved your own spot here, anyways. You haven’t gotten to see a lot, but you’ve still been very supportive of all this. Thank you for being fine with it and loving me for who I am, no matter what I choose to do. I love you. Also, I still can’t get over the fact that you seemed to do so good with little me that one time and you didn’t even know I was regressed at the time and you literally treat me how you treated regressed me all the time, but I still can’t get over it
Ray - You were my first friend who also age regressed. Tbh, I’ve admired ya from afar for like, a year before we started talking, but I was always scared to talk to ya. Thank you for being so supportive, helping me out and offering help for things occasionally. Also, thank you again for the regression moodboard ya made in the past for me! I still think about it a lot, and have looked at it so much that I’m pretty sure I have it ingrained into my brain.
Bug - We haven’t known each other for long, but I wanted to say thank you for taking an interest in me and being my friend. You’re adorable and so sweet (and so is your fursona. I love seeing other people’s fursonas, ahhh). My bumblebee plushie told me to tell you he said hi~
Leah - We haven’t known each other for long, either, but you’ve been so sweet to me the entire time we have. Thank you for the times you’ve checked on me when I didn’t seem to be doing so well. We need more people like you. Honestly, your kindness is goals for me; I’m always wanting to be kind at all times and you’ve got that perfect amount, it seems.
All my other followers - I can’t list all of y’all, so I figured y’all should get your own honorable mention in one go~ Some of you I’ve known almost as long as this blog has been around (6 months!), some of you I’ve only recently gotten to know. I don’t know why y’all followed me, but I appreciate it. Thank y’all for following me, sticking around, and just being all-around cool. Y’all are adorable and lovely and I love y’all (and so is everyone else who got a specific mention. Yes, I love you guys, too).
I think 2017 is the best year for my age regression by far and the best year of my life in general. I’ve learned things, laughed, cried, shook from excitement and fear, grinned, and stimmed in many different ways for many different emotions. I can finally be myself without feeling as much shame. An autistic, ADHD teenage girl who is occasionally in diapers and often feels more like a little girl than a teenager sure is an interesting thing to be, but I wouldn’t change it for the world.
I don’t know what 2018 could bring, but I am ready for whatever it throws at me, whether it be pie (fun fact: I have never eaten pie before), problems with other people about this, or a pack of diapers.
To all my fellow age regressors, I hope 2018 brings you lots of happiness, acceptance for who you are by others and yourself, and anything you may want for your regressive side, whether it be more toys, a sippy cup, or a lot of marathons for your favorite cartoon/anime/TV show. Even if it’s hard for you right now, it will get easier; I promise.
Happy new year!! Stay little/tiny/smol.
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blaperile · 7 years
Hiveswap Episode 1 Reaction Part 9: Power goes out + Exploring the living room!
Day 9 of playing Hiveswap!
I'm very excited about today, now we should be arriving at the ground floor and find some very interesting new rooms to examine!
I'm really curious what we will find there.
The kitchen has been advertised enough in pre-launch material, and the basement too a few times. But I can't immediately recall having seen any of the other rooms on the ground floor? So this should be interesting! Surprises await (and monsters too!).
I wonder how many other rooms there are: we know that other than the kitchen and the basement there's also apparently the trophy room, but other than that? A living room, perhaps? Also, shouldn't there be at least one more bedroom in the house, one where Ms. Claire and Grandpa used to sleep?
Let's see!
Starting at 6:50 PM now.
Okay, so let's first examine that coat of arms, where we left off last time.
PFFFFFF, okay we can't even examine it. D'oh! >.<
Alright, let's move on the-
Welp, that came very suddenly. It's kind of like how Rose started out in her house without any power and had to navigate through it... only this giant manor is of course much scarier in the dark than their house was. :P
I wonder if there'll be a way to turn the power back on again? Maybe that's why we have to go to the basement?
Also, now her flashlight would definitely come in handy!
Oooooh, I like how the music has changed into a darker remix of the house theme.
D'aww, poor Joey. She's back to her scared pose from the beginning of the game. :(
Obviously this means Mom is nearby, only her presence could cause such a blackout! :mspa:
Oh man, after having talked to Jude I kinda want to go back to the previous rooms, to see how they look in the dark now! The zoom-ins should also look ver differently now that everything is dark, eeeeesh.
And this should also mean that now the light switch in her room no longer works!
Okay, let's see what Joey and Jude have to say to each other.
....Pffff, Jude's still remaining very calm about all this.
Also, I'm kinda surprised Joey describes this as late afternoon, isn't it more like early evening/night, what with how the sun has been setting and it's been getting pretty dark outside? That's at least how I'd describe it, personally. :mspa:
...Wow, even the family portraits on the stairs look so much creepier in the dark.
Huh, plainWonder has a good point that Joey's tv and pc shouldn't work anymore now, seeing as the power's out! So the computer, which we couldn't turn off ourselves, should now be shut down, and it should be impossible to start the Bubsy game on the tv again.
Oh wow, the lite brite doesn't work anymore either! So apparently that also works on electricity, I didn't expect that! I would have expected it to work on battery power, but apparently not.
I like how there's more light in this hallway than on the stairs, because of the light shining through the window over there.
Also, I bet the hallway where Joey's room is and especially the stairs to the attic should be REALLY dark now?
...Wait, I take my words back. The hallway of Joey's room looks pretty okay and... There's a big light shining down in the attic hallway? That's weird, I didn't notice there was a window there?
Also, I just noticed the jewelery chest is closed again! Even though it should have remained open after what we did earlier. And now it seems like we can't open it again! Looks like a small bug.
God, I really love the details of the shadows in the dark, even when you zoom in on items to look at them closer.
D'AWWWWW, poor Joey. It's pretty funny and sad at the same time how her animation looks happy when she reaches for the light switch in her room, and then it returns to being sad when the light doesn't turn on. :(
Oooooooh, I like how trying to "play" on the game console now gives a unique piece of narration because the power's off! That's really cool. Same thing with the computer, haha! I really like that What Pumpkin remembered to implement these unique things for when there's no longer power.
Hahaha, so there's a room in the attic stairway that's invisible from the perspective we're looking at it here, but shines down on us! That was really good thinking to provide a window here, to make sure we aren't in the complete dark here in these rooms.
The attic provides an even spookier aura through the window of the attic door now.
On a sidenote, I just had the funniest thought that it would be amazing if their family has a fireplace down there somewhere and all of a sudden it turns on, just like when Jade tried to sneak past Grandpa's stuffed corpse and suddenly the fireplace is lit.
Fortunately, this time there shouldn't be a stuffed corpse there to scare the hell out of Joey.
Or is there?
I just had the grim thought that we don't know yet what happened to Ms. Claire's corpse (if a corpse remained after whatever the hell happened to her). Did she get a funeral (like Jaspers)? Did she get cremated (like Nanna)? Or did she get stuffed (like Grandpa and Poppop)??
I highly doubt her corpse has been stuffed, what with how this game is also targeting some younger audiences, but you never know!
...I'd laugh if plainWonder's right and instead it's Colonel Sassacre's corpse! xD
On the other hand, on the off chance that Joey and Jude DO play Sburb at some later point post-Hiveswap/post-Hauntswitch, I kinda hope for Joey that they do have some sort of remains of Ms. Claire, so that she'd be capable of reviving her as a Sprite.
Anyway, enough of this silly business, let's move further downstairs! :mspa:
Ooooh, there's a piano down there! It doesn't look like someone's played it in a very long time though. Did Ms. Claire perhaps play the piano? That's pretty interesting, considering how playing the piano has so far mainly been associated with the Egbert/Crocker family, but now we've also got something tying it to a different family!
I wonder if Joey and Jude even play any instrument at all, like the B1 Kids and B2 Kids do. Maybe not, seeing as Joey's already got her dancing. I wonder if Jude's got anything?
There's also some weird African mask there apparently? A souvenir of one of Grandpa and/or Ms. Claire's travels?
Oh boy, let's move on to the next room now!
WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW. That is one GIANT hell of a living room!
Looks like there's a fair share of trophies here as well (and unlike the ones in Jade's house, these ones seem to be of real animals :P), so that means the trophy room is going to be one hell of a place.
Pfff, I like how there are some toy darts on the TV as well.
And just look at all those things lying around! Some headphones and a walkman, video cassettes, books, niiiiiiice!
There's also a bunch of stuff still on the table there, looks like they haven't cleaned up after they had a meal there.
Ha, and of course, some blue lady references in the background.
plainWonder just made the observation that that clock in the background is actually ticking! That's actually really cool, what with how far in the background it is.
There's a pretty filled bookcase in the background!
Also, goddamn those squirrels on top of the tv. I know it shouldn't really be that funny, but something about them wearing those Grandpa-like hats just cracks me up.
I just noticed those doors leading outside over there. I guess we probably can't/won't open them, what with the danger outside?
There's also some other doors in here, I wonder if we can enter/examine them all?
Oh man, I also only just noticed that chalk box beneath the piano! And it looks just like WV's and Terezi's boxes, that's really cool.
A very unrelated thought just occurred to me, that so far there haven't been any references to the Wizard of Oz yet in Hiveswap, unlike the abundance of references to it in Homestuck! :O
I wonder if there will be some references to it at some point.
Anyway, enough of that, let's see what we can examine here.
Alright, looks like for now we can just examine this corner of the room, everything up to the tv, and to examine the rest a new room will have to load.
Let's first walk a bit more to the right...
Another bookcase! With a bunch of stuff I would normally not expect to see on a bookcase. :P
Pfff, Joey's descriptions of Grandpa's books are pretty funny and sad at the same time.
Also, the first taxidermy reference in Hiveswap so far! Though I bet there probably won't be any implications about using taxidermy on humans, haha.
Pet treats && bookcase ==> Huh?! Does this suggest Jude's pet might be a cat? I can't immediately think of a different kind of animal that would also chase mice around.
Is that the cat we saw Baby Joey climb on in the picture, or the cat we saw Tesseract jump at in another picture, or another cat entirely?
But... why would Joey be so upset by a cat? Does she just really not like cats or...?
Oh man. Ohhhhhhhhhh man. I really like plainWonder's theory that perhaps Jude's pet is a MUTANT CAT!!!! That would make a lot of sense, considering Mom definitely owned a mutant cat as a child (Mutie), so it's actually kind of likely that she donated a mutant cat to Jude!!!!
Oh man, that's my favorite theory about Jude's pet right now.
Either it's a (mutant) cat, or a snake. Calling it!
Tap shoes && Bookcase ==> Well, that's a mystery I didn't think needed solving, but dang if it didn't just get solved, so nice job. :P
Ballet slippers && Bookcase ==> Looks like Joey's not much of a reader and rather prefers her videogames and TV shows!
Joey's actually got a surprisingly large TV, for being in the nineties. Did rich people (like Grandpa) often own such large tv screens in the nineties already (or eighties even, considering this tv might have been there already since Joey was a baby, before Ms. Claire died)?
Pogs && TV ==> Pfff, I highly doubt throwing a pog at the TV would cause an explosion, Joey. xD
Pet treats && TV ==> N'aww. I could imagine her trying to feed an animal that appears on the TV, just like how she pretends to feed her animal posters. :p
Tap shoes && TV ==> Ooooh, isn't this the first time Fred Astaire is actually mentioned? I remember that we already saw he did quite some stuff with Ginger Rogers when we looked her up on Wikipedia, but I don't think it had been mentioned in Hiveswap yet, right?
Ballet slippers && TV ==> Eesh, poor Joey. It's really sad how she has to spend so much time alone while growing up, because of the abnormal situation she is in and not having any friends at all. :(
Oh wow, so that's not an ordinary remote control! It has so many functions, it actually kind of sounds like more modern technology with the smart homes and all.
Also, apparently they've got a garage! I wonder if there's a car there?  That would be the first time we see a car of anyone other than John and Jane's father.
And we can apparently "scavenge" the remote? ...For the batteries, perhaps? I highly doubt they'll be useful, but let's see.
Actually, let's first try out the item combinations, just in case "scavenging" the remote will make it useless for item combinations.
Pogs && Remote ==> ...That sounds like one hell of a weird pog. I can't blame her for not liking pogs, in that case. 0_0
Pet treats && Remote ==> Well, that confirms something we'd been wondering about a few days ago: Tesseract DOES enter the house normally, it's not that she always remains outside.
Tap shoes && Remote ==> Pffff, that would be pretty weird, to control the TV by tap dance. Good way to get some exercise though. xD
Ballet slippers && Remote ==> Hahaha, to hell with remotes, Joey says! Long live dancing everywhere and anytime.
OH SHIT, we CAN retrieve the batteries from the remote! E-cell batteries, apparently. Gosh, how many different types of batteries are there in this house?!
Also... dear god, that probably means new item combinations? Unless it gives the same information as the other type of battery, for most combinations?
Huh, apparently there is also an option to "heft the remote" now.
Ahahaha, yes wouldn't that be lovely if she could just take some magical remote with her that can help her on her quest. xD
On the other hand, considering this is Grandpa we're talking about, I actually wouldn't be surprised if he built some useful functions into it or something.
Alright, we're quitting here for the night at 8:15 PM. Next time we'll go try out the E-cell battery item combinations, to see if they're any different, and explore the rest of the living room!
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indigo-sails · 8 years
Chiroptera Chapter
START "Woah, where am I?" Demetrie was waste deep in a big, golden field of wheat. --- "Hey Zoey!" "Good morning!" "Notice anything... different?" "Why Demetrie, your hair looks fabulous! I wish my bed head looked that good!" "Notice anything... else?" "To what could you be refering? OO do you have a new power?" "I'm thinking along the lines of something fluffly, drooly, barky..." "Oh you mean Ruben! He's my new doggy and I wove him so much!!" "You're dad won't let you have any pets, remeber?" "Did I say my dog? I meant to say your dog." "I don't want a dog." "Mmm, I dunno, from this angle he looks more like an oversized cat to me." "Zoey..." "Aw fine." ~Let's get him back home.~ --- "Okay so - top five favorite festivals: go!!" "Winter and summer festival, they're not even top two, they are both #1. The tourist festival brings so many cool people, world cultures within summer festial, and spring festival. Top five fav festivals: Go!!" "Fall, summer, spring, tourist, and winter! #1 basically counts for all five. It's just magical, the merry go round is my favorite of all!" "Ugh. On the list of my least favorite things; that forest. It's always so creepy." "Yeah," some sort of dream flash back, "It is." From pov of undergrowth, "It always seems like somethings watching me." shot of dog, speech bubbles in bg, "Same! I always feel that!!" "Tho sometimes,  I feel like I want to go into the-" "--RUBEN!"
"You didn't bring a leash or dog treats or anything??" "No, did you??" "What were you going to feed him??" "Pizza, of course!! RUUUBBEEEN" "H-hey! Not too far ahead!" montage of Demetrie turning round and round, creepy angle and what not. "Wait for me!" Small clearing, Zoey's stopped hands on her head. "Did you see where he went?" "No, I can't find him anywhere." Sudden shake in the under growth, both Zoey and Dem freeze. some sequence of panels and horrified faces, Ruben pops out of the bush with a tennis ball "Do they just inherintly know where to find tennis balls?" "I'm pretty sure that's not how dogs work." something alluding to a giant dark creature luming above them in the dark of the trees. -- some sort of transition. I don't want them walking back *zoey dramaticly fake crys* Good bye, sweet Ruben. -- transition "So you really don't want pets?" "Nope! No pets!" "I mean yeah... Is that weird?" "Not even something tiny? Like a fish?" "Nope. I'd probably forget to feed them. Pets take a lot of work!" "You couulllddd get a cat! They basically take care of themselves!" "No cats. No fish. Hey I'm going this way, you want to come over for some lunch?" "Can't! My dad is going to be home soon! I'm going to clean up, and then im going to convince him to let me have a puppy!!" "Awesome!! Tell him I say hi!" "Will do, take care!! -- Later that day... Dem: "So you're sure you don't wanna come over and play Final Destiny 433?" Zoe: ~"Yeah, my dad said there's a good chance he'll be home tonight, I figured I'd clean up a bit."~ Dem: "Awwww okay," Zoe: ~"Quit complaining!"~ Dem: -beep- "Hold on - it's Joey, I'll patch him through. Hey Joe!" Zoe: ~"Heeeeyyy Joeeeyyy!"~ Joe: "Hey! Are y'all going to the premiere tonight?" Dem: "Premiere? What premiere?" Joe: "Battle Force Galactic Blitztasic, it's in 4-D and they got the Hola-cube back up." D + Z: "SERIOUSLY" ~"OMGGGGG"~  Dem: "How much are tickets?" Joe: "Wait, you don't have tickets? I think they sold out already" "WHHAAATTT" ~"NOOOOOOOooooo"~ Joey: "Hold up, I'll patch Damien through. -- Hey Damien" Dame: "Joey! What's up?" Joey: "I got Zoey n Demetrie on the line - Do you have extra tickets to the premiere?" Dame: "Hmmm. What's in it for me tho?" "Cookies!" "I'll commission you an artwork!" "Am I supposed to contribute something??" -car pulls up in the window-- "Sounds delightful! I'll see what I can do. Deme, in the mean time you owe me one! ‍❤️ -click-" Joey: "I'll see what I can do on my end too." Zoey: "I'll see if my dad wants to come!" -knock at the door- Dem: "I'll... have to call you back." Driver: "Hello Demetrie, the Mayor would like to see you." -- Demetrie is in the back of a limo. He pulls up to a big house, he walks inside. "Hello Demetrie! How are you? Have you been well?" "Yeah of course! If you wanted to check up on me, you could've just called-" "Of course my boy, but where's the fun in that? I called you here for more than that, however. The Gaurd Force Cheif wants to include you on a matter of concern." "Oh" "In the conference room to you're right." -- "As you know, we've been getting more disturbances around the perifery of the forest. This morning, we got a call detailing an attack on the west end of town. No one was hurt, but there was a lot of distruction. Similar claw marks were found at two reported store break ins." Shows pictures of claw marks, windows broken, food eaten and missing. "Demetrie, would you happen to know anything about this?" little shocked, "N-no, sir, I do not." "As you can see cheif, I've already told you as much. "Of course. Well, we don't know what it is yet, but it's big..." -- Some notes for tomorrow: "Between the dream and the meeting with the towns gaurd force, I cant seem to catch a break today" "Demetrie!" Deme hearts n like DAW MA FRIENDS ARE MA BREAK /sobs "Wow, there are so many people!" "This is pretty much the only theater in town, but it looks like people came from over the hill. But any way --- That's not important right now." *clasps shoulders srs face*, "Are you prepared." "I was born prepared." *Zoey geeking out in the background* *wooping and cheering* "Guess it's time!" ----- 27 pages at this point SHots of going inside, future tech. Poster of Battle Galactic Blitztastic. Shot of Giant Popcorn Machine "Snap, I always forget how big that thing is" -- Zoey "Yeah, back in the early 3000s they competed nationally to see how big they could get it. We won, of course." "I thought I was supposed to be the history buff!" "Oh, that's right, I forgot that you're brother used to work here." --Dem Alright - let's get ready - to save - the galaxy! *something about representation and synthetics but bruh its straight up about systemic vioelne and oppression, but because robots and synths dont exist yet, it ends up being an allegory abour race. A relatively explicate one, but like, that seems super sucky. A human element is needed Joseph: "Oh yeah! Allissona Zhang is in this! I've been so hyped for this movie, having diasabled actors play disabled charachers is the only way to go." *cracks open phone screen to look up pictures of Allissona, shows Demetrie* Zoey: "Speaking of representation, have you heard the rumors that a Synth is going to be in this one?" Joseph: "What, you mean the robot?" Zoey: "No, a synth, basically a robot with a human brain, but the original human brain was rejected! It's like a person haunting a robot, so trippy." Joseph: "Nah Zoe, synths were debunked, weren't they? We've never had that kind of tech." Zoey: "Yeah, debunked by the US with the New World Council, but that's exactly what they'd want you to think." Joseph: "Dang, true, very true."
Later that night, the premiere is about to start. Zoey shows up, soft aside about her dad not making it to town. We meet more people/characters? Foreshadowing for shenannigins happinging under the facility. The Bat found its way inside from underground, the large old theater is also connected underground to the clock tower (Yes, the small town has a clock tower xD) Establishing shot of the lobby - the complex is pretty huge! There's a huge fountain of pop corn. As the movie starts, the bat peeks menecingly through the projected screen, everyone panics. As everyones leaving, Joey and Zoey rush to Deme's aide and ask how they can help. The bat squirms out into the lobby, starts feisting on the pop corn. They hide behind a counter on the far side. Demetrie runs with the rest of the crowd, then he slows to a stop. He remembers back to the guard force meeting, he feels intense pressure that he is the one who has to defend against this threat. "I'm the one... who's supposed to... protect everyone." flashback: "I've always had faith in you, Demetrie." Vaugely, fuzzily, he hears his friends calling to him, "Demetrie! Come on!" "I can't go." "Deme, this doesn't have to be your fight." "Everyone's counting on me, I feel like I don't have choice." "Demetrie... Fine. If you stay, we stay." "But-"
"We're here to help, tell us what to do!" "Do??"  "What can we do!! Did you see how big it was??" "Don't panic, let's brainstorm." "Right, right." Zoey: "How did it get in here in the first place??" Joe: "The underground tunnels, it's got to be." Zoey: "The basement has tunnels that lead to the outside??" Joey: "That or the creature burrowed it's way down." Deme: "How do we fight a bat??" Joey: "Bright lights? Loud noises??" Zoey: "Maybe we can lure it outside! Joey: "No, not outside, inside. We'll drive it back underground."
Zoey ends up being the one to distract the bat. She notices that it's sweeping along the floor, picking up popcorn. They are both in the isle near the front, it looks at her, it pauses. The bat poses no threat. Either she reaches over to give it popcorn, or she barely has time to think "Wait... popcorn??" and then the emergency sirens blare inside the theater and she snaps back to the plan at hand. "Wait, popcorn??" The alarm sirens blare, the bat screeches and takes out the whole row infront of it, zoey barely dives out of the way.
They trap them under the theater, then realize that the bat is harmless. To save them, they go either underground or sneak their way out and to the clock tower. The giant bat is trapped under some non essential support beams, and the three are talking about what to do with the bat. Zoey notices that its long tounge is snagging tiny bits of popcorn. She runs over and grabs a bag of popcorn that has fallento the ground. The bat calms down. "Zoey! What are you doing!" "No look, he's harmless. He's just hungry!" -- Bat, Demetire and Zoey are in the bell tower. "So. Now we have a bat." "I think I'll name him Ruben!" Deme face palms, "We're not feeding him pizza." shot of the tower and zoey's speech bubble, "Of course not! Duh, bats are insectovors!" END
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