#also did you know it’s Bautista’s birthday???
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Y’all motherfuckers was really gonna let our special guy’s birthday get away from me??? SHAME-
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"Narcos: Mexico" characters as zodiac signs
So... I did a little something here, guys. I wanted to start by saying I don't really take astrology THAT seriously in real life, but I think it's a fun way to analyse or categorize characters - I see it as something like sorting them into Hogwarts houses, or maybe defining their chart alignment (should I do that too, maybe?). I find it pretty useful when I'm creating characters for my stories or RPGs, lol. 😂  So this is meant to be FUN, okay? Don't take it that seriously.  😌
Some things I would like to clarify:
1 - The rules I set to myself were: I chose 12 of my favorite/more relevant characters, and I did my best to associate each one of them to each one of the zodiac signs. So, OF COURSE, sometimes there were two or three characters that could be associated to the same sign; or signs that I thought weren't clearly related to any of the characters specifically. For example, I could easily see Pacho as a Leo, but Ramón is FIRMLY a Leo to me, so that sign was already taken. 😂 So I placed Pacho in Scorpio. I could see Miguel as a Scorpio or a Capricorn, but, as I decided Pacho was Scorpio, I placed Miguel in Capricorn. Isabella could easily be a Leo or a Scorpio, but those were already taken, so she ended up being a Libra; and so on. Cancer and Pisces were particularly tricky, so I tried to find specific traits from specific characters that I thought could justify my choices. 😬
2 - I focused mainly on characters from season 3, because it's still fresh in my mind. But, of course, I couldn't leave characters like Miguel or Rafa out of it, so they're here too.
3 - I don't know and I don't care about the birthdays or zodiac signs of the real people behind the characters of the show. I focused basically on the personality traits the characters have; and also, of course, on a lot of headcanon, lol. [for my headcanon references, you can blame the amazing @thesolotomyhan​ , who is an incredible writer and the sweetest person around ❤️; and also @narcosmx​ , who is super creative and writes amazingly well too 😌]
So let's get into it!
Aries - David Barrón
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Action, speed and decision
Brave and confident
Determined, persistent
Spirit of leadership
Full of energy
Physically resistant
The "warrior of the zodiac"
Taurus - Benjamín Arellano Félix
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Rational, thinks (sometimes too much) before acting
Patient and helpful
Likes stability
Loyal and protective
Caring and kind to the ones he loves
Gemini - Ismael "El Mayo" Zambada
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Versatile, adaptable and unpredictable
Quickly gets rid of things that don't satisfy him
Sweet talker
Good at negotiations
Doesn't like long-term commitments; challenges authority figures
Cancer - Joaquín "El Chapo" Guzmán
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Emotional and sensitive
Dramatic and a bit cranky
Needs to feel important
Attached to family and to his mother
Dedicated and loyal
Sometimes he forgives, but he never forgets
Diplomatic, but very manipulative
Leo - Ramón Arellano Félix
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Vain, show-off
Proud and authentic
Loyal and extremely protective
Charismatic, cheerful; loves social events
Temperamental and aggressive
Dramatic and authoritarian
Generous; good heart (despite it all, lol)
Virgo - Enedina Arellano Félix
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Rational and cautious
Objective and practical
Organized (mainly with finances), detail-oriented, efficient
Needs to feel useful and productive
Likes to be right about everything and can be a bit overbearing
Attentive to everything and everyone
Extremely loyal to those she loves; shows her love in a practical way, through attitudes more than words
Libra - Isabella Bautista
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Communicative and diplomatic
Charming and elegant
Appreciation for aesthetics, good looks and everything that is beautiful and luxurious
Likes to be treated with politeness and respect
Does not like criticism
Anxious and impatient
Indecisive and influenceable
Scorpio - Hélmer "Pacho" Herrera
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Self-confident and self-sufficient
Intuitive, observant and suspicious
Demanding and controlling
Determined and ambitious
Loyal, dedicated and generous towards the ones he loves
Sagittarius - Rafael "Rafa" Caro Quintero
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Funny; loves parties and social events
Sincere and spontaneous
Bold and adventurous
Free spirit
Restless, impatient and impulsive
Tends to exaggerate or to overreact
Capricorn - Miguel Ángel Félix Gallardo
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Practical and objective
Patience and determination to pursue long-term goals
Mature and independent
Serious (and even grumpy)
Aquarius - Amado Carrillo Fuentes
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Idealist, revolutionary, a rebel
Modern, open-minded; wants to do what no one has done yet
Sincere and communicative
Loves freedom and lives by his own rules
Hates any kind of "limitations"
Pisces - Walt Breslin
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Helpful and trustworthy
"Old soul"
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santiagosfm · 2 years
oscar isaac & he/him / cis man ‷ watch out , santiago rios has crash-landed into roswell !! they look forty two years old and celebrate their birthday on november 30th . they are from guatemala city, guatemala, reside in moonbeam gardens and are currently working as retired hollywood actor & owner of sanders’ autobody. one thing you should know about them is he was a b-list hollywood actor until he decided to retire about six years ago.
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tw: mentions of alcohol, sobriety, divorce.
FULL NAME: santiago esteban bautista rios.
NICKNAMES: santi, sant.
PARENTS: esteban & dolores rios.
CHILDREN: mariposa & esmeralda rios ( with lonette ).
ZODIAC: sagittarius.
AGE: forty-two.
GENDER & PRONOUNS: cis man & he / him.
RELATIONSHIP STATUS: single, divorced.
OCCUPATION: retired hollywood actor & owner of sanders’ autobody.
about santiago.
Santiago was originally born in Guatemala City but his family decided to move to the States when he was just five in the search of a better life. He didn’t grow up poor in any way but he wasn’t blind to just how much his parents worked in order to give him everything he needed, which made him want to help out as much as he could as he grew older. It started out with taking odd jobs during his teenage years and eventually taking up a full time job at the local auto shop that his old man used to work at.
But Santi was ambitious, he wanted more than a barely comfortable life, he wanted to give his parents all that they deserved instead of simply what they needed to survive. That eagerness for more is what drove him out of Roswell right after graduation and into the world, hitchhiking and taking rides with strangers all the way into the land of dreams, a bigger town to find what he was looking for. It took some sacrifices, like leaving the woman he loved behind—even if they kept in touch all the while he was gone—, but he knew that was something he needed to do.
In California, it was tough for a Latino boy that was fresh out of high school, and a lot harder than he thought it would be. That’s what led him into having to resort to more unorthodox methods to climbing his way to the top—or that’s what he used to tell himself, at least. And in between that, he stumbled into a low budget production of Romeo and Juliet, taking the role of Romeo in a desperate attempt to earn money and instead getting called by a talent’s scout that watched the performance only a few days after. A contract for a small indie movie was placed in front of him with talks of having an actual career in the business and Santiago didn’t have to think twice before saying yes. Once the paycheck was in hands, he returned to Roswell and married the love of his life.
Like it was promised to him, Santi’s career pretty much skyrocketed. Not only did he have the looks for it, but he also had the ambition and determination. He never thought that acting would be his thing but as it turns out, life had other plans for the boy that only ever wanted to give back to his parents. He actually lucked out in becoming a big shot in the movie industry, all the while keeping his stay in California as minimal as possible because he had his family and his wife to return to in Roswell, ever the devoted son and husband that he was. It took a while but eventually, Santiago’s own ambition was his downfall.
He started to pick up more and more projects, spending more time away from home and the people that grounded him, growing distant from them. He was constantly tired, constantly homesick, but the want for more was still always there and that’s when Santi turned to drinking. He never saw it as a problem at first, thinking that he’d be able to easily quit whenever he wanted to. But in only a matter of years, that situation quickly got out of hand and Santiago was able to ruin his relationship, his career and himself. It did hit him, though, that he wasn’t the man he should be when he missed his own daughter’s birthday after making so many promises that he’d never do that.
It’s been a while since that now, Santiago has been clean for nearly a decade now and been trying to make up for any lost time with his two kids, being as present as he can and a truly committed father. He decided to leave the acting behind about six years ago, when he returned to Roswell for good. But things weren’t exactly how he left them—his marriage was ruined and in only a few months, his wife was asking for a divorce. He couldn’t blame her, he’d become neglectful and distant from her, and so he decided to let her go. Doesn’t mean that Santiago ever stopped loving her and there’s a part of him that still believes they’ll end up together. Whether it will happen or not, only time will tell.
Santiago got himself a job in the old auto shop he had once worked at as a teenager and eventually bought the thing for himself, seeing as he wanted something to focus on. He spends more time with his kids now, is a more present father than he ever was and is completely sober. He knows he still has a lot to work on when it comes to himself but he’s proud of how far he’s gotten on his own.
wanted connections.
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Character Information
Full Name. Nadia Emiliana Martinez
Age & Birthday. 26. July 27th.
Gender Identity. CisFemale
Preferred Pronouns. She/Her
Romantic Orientation. Pansexual
Sexual Orientation. Panromantic
Hometown. Lemon Grove
Neighborhood. The Junction
Family Information *
Mother. Consuelo Alvarez-Garcia (birth mother)/Stefanie Martinez (adoptive mother
Father. Emilio Alvarez (birth father)/David Martinez (Adoptive father)
Siblings. TBA Martinez sibling #1, TBA Martinez sibling #2.
Pets. A pup named Coco.
Other Family Members of Importance. None at the moment!
Please describe your character’s family dynamics. Nadia is very close with her family. She loves her parents and her siblings beyond anything else, and would do anything for them.
Personality Information
Positive Traits. alluring, passionate, determined, charismatic, confident
Negative Traits. flirtatious, jealous, obsessive, arrogant, reckless
Star Sign. Leo
Likes. pink wine, red lipstick, handbags, shoes, crystals, taking long baths, full moons, catching the perfect candid, body positivity, classic rock
Dislikes. insecurity, bigotry, hatred, prejudice, racism, “conventional” beauty, relish, pork, most vegetables
Pet Peeves. internet trolls, flat tummy teas, fake people
Most Embarrassing Memory. Nadia had a big bed-wetting phase, and one time she wet the bed during naptime in kindergarten.
Hobbies. Drawing, painting, photography, boxing, concerts/musical festivals
Guilty Pleasure. Peanut butter dipped Oreos, chocolate lava cake, wine, bath bombs, candles, crystals
Unusual Talents. Nadia can say any word backwards.
Habits. Taking selfies, posing even when there’s no camera, carrying 39 lipsticks in her enormous purse at any given time.
Occupation/Schooling Information
If your character is currently employed:
Occupation. Model/Makeup Artist
Place of Work. Self-Employed
Character Development
Plans for Development. 
CAREER MOVES: Right now, Nadia is in the “funemployed” sector of life. She is self employed through her YouTube channel, blog, and Instagram pictures, and she works as a model, but I’d like to see her make bigger steps with makeup, whether she becomes a salesgirl at a department store, starts creating her own product, or launches her own brand.
LOVE IS HERE TO STAY: I hate posting this as a plot development because I’m never someone who relies on shipping to keep me going in a group, but I think it would be nice for Nadia to find someone she really hits it off with and who will treat her right, since her last and only major relationship ended up in major flames.
SEXUALITY: Nadia is pansexual but I’d like her to lean towards women. The only relationship she’s ever been in was with a man, so I’d like her to explore her sexuality and reclaim her confidence in that regard.
SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL GIRL GANG: Nadia is a fierce, strong independent woman, and I’d like for her to surround herself with other fierce, strong, independent women who will lift each other up and support each other.
SKYLAR BAUTISTA: Nadia’s abusive ex-boyfriend, who is currently in prison. They met and formed their relationship when they both were in art school. Skylar dabbled in painting but his forte was sculpture. As two incredibly talented artists, they were often put in competition with each other which started out as a sexy tension thing for them before Skylar showed his true colors. They lived together for two years before Nadia’s parents pulled her out of his abusive cycle, and now he’s in jail where he belongs. Boy bye.
Character Biography
Nadia Emiliana Martinez couldn’t tell you much about her birth parents, or about her life before the accident. The road was icy and visibility was poor, so when Emilio Alvarez spun off the road, he and his wife were without a seatbelt. Only Nadia, strapped into the backseat, was left with minimal scratches, but a scar that resides on her scalp from blunt-force trauma to the head. While it was unclear if she was going to make it, she did, and with no other family to claim her, she was put into the foster system. There were two times when she was almost adopted, but things ended up not working out. Nadia felt like she was a used car or a puppy that nobody wanted, and the older she got, the more clear it was to her that she would be without a family until she was eighteen years old, and would be truly alone in the world. 
All throughout her life, she’d been attracted to drawing, painting, and photography. Anything she could get her hands on immediately became something to create. Nadia had nothing and made a habit out of stealing supplies from the art room until one day she was caught by the art teacher who gave her an entire box set of colored pencils, paper, and paints. Nadia broke down into tears that day, and she treasured every single one of those supplies until she used them all up. The only solace she found was in painting, taking the beautiful images she saw in her brain and putting them on paper.
Nadia stayed in the foster system until she was an extremely opinionated fifteen-year-old girl, where she was taken in by David and Stefanie Martinez. Nadia didn’t know what to make of her new family, especially since she was waiting for the day that she was brought back to foster care. Nadia’s birthday came up almost two weeks after she was adopted, and she burst into tears yet again when she opened up a beautiful vintage camera in perfect working order. Then, Nadia knew she’d found her forever home and her forever family. This was the only reason why she didn’t want to leave Lemon Grove when it came time for Nadia to apply for college. She had just found her people, and going far away from them didn’t stack up in the cards, so Nadia went to the Miami Fine Arts Academy less than an hour away. 
It was in college that she met Skylar, someone who was going to become a huge part of her life in a very short way. Even though Nadia was far from an impressionable eighteen-year-old, Skylar played her hook, line, and sinker. Nadia didn’t realize the true chaos that lay within him until her confidence was shattered. He was also an artist, and they were frequently in competition with each other. At first, it was a healthy competition, something that got their engines revving, but Nadia quickly became to blame whenever she had her paintings win a contest. As they got older, it got worse. If Nadia and Skylar’s paintings were both in a gallery and Nadia’s sold first, she was expected to give him the money. Sex, which Nadia had first enjoyed, became a chore and something to dread, and Nadia quickly realized she didn’t like having it with him anymore. The man she thought she loved was gone, and everything between them had become toxic.
Nadia’s parents were worried as their vivacious girl retreated more and more into her shell. She was too scared to talk to anyone about her treatment. Things came to a breaking point when Skylar hit her. That was when the pattern started-- he’d hit her, apologize, take her to a fancy dinner and buy her beautiful clothes, and then he’d hit her again. He forced her to wear a full face of makeup all the time, to the point where Nadia would wake up two hours early to cover up the bruises all over her face and body. She got great at doing makeup.
Eventually, things came to a breaking point, and after a surprise visit from her parents, they immediately took her home. Skylar soon followed, and things got heated in an argument between David and Skylar. Eventually, the police were called, Skylar was arrested for domestic abuse, and sent to prison. Free from her cage, Nadia is slowly getting back into what she loves most: painting, art, and photography. She works as a model in Miami but also has a popular YouTube channel where she posts unboxing videos, makeup tutorials, BTS of her photoshoots, and frequently participates in the “4 Photographers Shoot The Same Model” series. She’s happy, she’s home, and she’s thriving, which is the most important thing she can be.
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sabrina-luz · 3 years
just for nostalgia's sake
17 year old me vs 19 year old me wheeeee let’s see kung may nagbago VS 21 YO ME! versus 22 Y/O versus 28(!)
SELF/////NAME: Sabrina Luz Bautista Buensuceso / Binkyonce Knowles / why was i like this lmao but same
AGE: 17 / 19 / 21! / twenty twooo / 28(!!!!!!) BIRTHDATE: June 16 1993 PRESENT ADDRESS: Beside Ateneo / same same / :D / yup / London :)
Rules: Once you’ve been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 92 Truths about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you.(To do this, go to “notes” under tabs on your profile page, copy and paste this note, erase my answers and enter your own, tag people in the right hand corner of the app then click publish.) WHAT WAS YOUR: 1. last beverage = Water :“> / fit n right! HAHA masarap ok don’t judge / tea.. / water/ a g&t WOW who am i 2. last phone call = Yung hindi missed call? Hahahaha uh.. Jas / mumsy / no idea where my phone is / crissy..?/ err... does my boss on Slack count? haha otherwise, Patrick 3. last text message = Dagdag / majabebs / -_- / also crissy / who texts!?!? counting other apps, papa! 4. last song you listened to = i can transform you - chris brown and lil wayne / wet the bed (uy chris brown again IS THIS A SIGN) / about today - the national / the silicon valley end credits haha / something off TLOP - kanye 5. last time you cried = I don’t cry. :”> Joke lang asa. Farewe11! / i dunno…… i don’t cry na O:-) / :) / hahaha / LMAO LAST FRIDAY @/penes
HAVE YOU EVER:6. dated someone twice = I never. :> Haha no. / no lol / huehue no / no / ahahah yah 7. been cheated on = No. / no / no / no / no 8. kissed someone & regretted it = No. / no / no / no :) / no 9. lost someone special = Special nga ba? :> Joke. Pwede :> / shur / why do i never change.. but ok fine, friends count / hahaha ok / yeah you could say that 10. been depressed = Secretly. :( =)) Aww emo / no…. / i’m not even sure anymore / probably / honestly i probably am haha
11. been drunk and threw up = I’m not sure. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA jk / ye / ya / same(puta walang nagbago dun wahahaha I’M SO FUN) / not since the last time i wrote lolz LIST THREE FAVORITE COLORS: 12. Orange! / orange! / burgundy / yellow / millenial pink 13. Blue / red! / red / red / sage 14. Red / pink! / orange / orange / yellow LAST YEAR (2010/2012/2014/2015/2020), HAVE YOU: 15. Made a new friend = Yes (emo naman kung no) / ye ye ye / i guess? / yup / yeah no thanks to le pandemie 16. Fallen out of love = No :> / no (fuck my life why am i so boring di ako nag-iiba!!!!) / yes.. but is it really love if it isn’t reciprocated / no loool / no naman haha 17. Laughed until you cried = Di ko na maalala mehn. Probably? / ye hahahhaa / i think it’s on video / probably hahaa / i would think so 18. Met someone who changed you = Well :“> Maybeh baybeh / sure why not / no / haha no / let's say yes hmm 19. Found out who your true friends were = This year lang eh :”> HAHAHAH JK / yeah i guezzz / i would think so / it’s a process / lmao same 20. Found out someone was talking about you = Yeah / HAHA ye / no / no / no
21. Kissed anyone on your FB friends list = No :“> / no / no / yes / yes GENERAL: 22. How many people on your FB friends list do you know in real life = A lot.  / siguro… 80%? hahaha i accept kung pisay e.. so ye / like half haha / same? / what is facebook even 24. Do you have any pets = No how sad is my life :( Unless you consider Benjo a pet… / no… bawal haay and i would probably kill it / no / i want one / no thank u mama 25. Do you want to change your name = No. Binky Buensucesobeautiful is da best / binkyonce bryant pwede / haha no, but sometimes i think it would be cool to have an androgynous name.. or one they could spell at starbucks / gurl… / loooool sabrina 26. What did you do for your last birthday = TABOO! / wala sobrang burat ang boring ng buhay ko next bday sure meron na / family dinner yayerz / surprise! / chill in baguio!! i forgot to take a leave tho hahahaha 27. What time did you wake up today = 8? yuck bora changed me usually 2 yan ah / 10! #RESPONSIBLECITIZEN / 12 / 7:30 / 8:45 28. What were you doing at midnight last night = sleeping OMG see!!! i slept at 10! / i got home! YEY / playing hay day / waiting… / think sleeping or tiktok hahaha #genz 29. Name something you CANNOT wait for = CLEARANCE OMG ._. / physics lt <3 / germany to win the world cup!!!!!!!!!! #DFB!!!!!!! / july 21 / my next holiday. or for the pandesal to be over 30. Last time you saw your Mother = Kanina / kanina =)) / kanina =))))) hassle / same =)) / omg in July :( 31. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life = idk… OMG FOR BORA BOY NOT TO HAVE A GIRL :( HAHAHAHA / to be ano.. fit :) / to be less lazy/more responsible / be more proactive / be disciplined lmao 32. What are you listening to right now = black ops commentary on youtube hehehe i have no life / the aircon COOLNESS / guess im doing fine - beck / nothing / the trains outside my window 33. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom? = Maybe. Malay ko ba, may waiter or some shit na may pangalan na "Tom” :> / di ata i’m so sad / no… :( / no / haha that's what you get when you move to the UK.. you meet a few Toms 34. What’s getting on your nerves right now = blood :> gets? ok di mo gets :( / I was so annoying kainis =))))) / brazil is overrated hayz neymar / idle-ness / work haha not much 35. Most visited webpage = Baka FB or some shit. Or Neopets kasi cool ako.  / tumblr siguro or fb or twittah / methinks tumblr.. but i dont go online often na / facebook or tumblr, probably / reddit ata 37. Nickname/s = Binky, Sabrina, Pretty. Yun na lang. I’m tamad to think. / binky binks binkers binkay binkokay binkini binkyonce etc etc gets mo na yan / ya, same / ^^ / binky or sab 38. Relationship Status = Single and looking. :> HAHAHA JOKE OMG =))))) / it’s complicated :-< wahahaha joke di talaga ako nag-iiba :((((( hay life / hayz / hehe / #pinky2016 39. Zodiac sign = Gemini the coolest / gemini! / gemini sun , taurus moon, pieces rising 40. He or She = She :> / she / she 41. Elementary = Saint Pedro Poveda College :“> / same lang 42. High School = Philippine Science High School – the coolest campus  / pota i was a douche 43. College = UPD pero baka Ateneo kung magkakapera ako HAHA joke / UPD yehey 44. Hair color = rainbow /  black like my heart / black na brown "BRUNETTE???” #choz / girl hahahahahah err highlighted blonde basically 45. Long or short = Both. Layered kasi diba? :> / short HUHUHUHU / longish medium / medium / medium still wow! am contemplating a bob again tho 46. Height = 5’6.5" pero in my heart, I know I’m 5'8" para pwede nang VS Angel :> / tangina binky bobo mo =)) 5'5" lang ata ako / 5'6" / 5′6″ CAN I GROW / huhu 47. Do you have a crush on someone? = MNL BOY! :“> / oo putangina pero di na yang manila boy na yun tanginang bading =)) / #cry / yes hehe / always 48. What do you like about yourself? = Everything :”> / my beauty / ? / i’m trying / I like myself when I'm trying, if that counts 49. Piercings = Ears pero feel ko wala na -_-  / SAME HAHAHA i think wala na nga / ears.. / same / same 50. Tattoos = YES ATM! HAHAHA Batman on my back / no…
douchebag ‘ATM’ / no / nooo / am far too indecisive 51. Righty or lefty = Middle-y :o / DOUCHE KO TANGINA….. right / right / righty / right FIRSTS : 52. First surgery = When I was born…. Ewan / la pa ata / none / none / none.. unless wisdom teeth count? 53. First piercing = Ears / ears yun lang eh / same / ya / this section doesn't really change does it 54. First best friend = Asami Kobayashi :“> I think hehe / food / sleep / yes / same 55. First sport you joined = Taekwondo, swimming or basket I don’t remember na / swimming ata! #COOLNESS or ice skating WAHAHAHAHA  / same lang ano ba / same 56. First vacation = Caylabne? Baguio? Ewan ask my momma / basta sa pilipinas sure 58. First pair of trainers = yung may wheels na ilalim. cool girl. / idk.. i trust my old self yun na lang / wow RIGHT NOW: 59. Eating = Air / nothing #PAYAT / still payat / fat but still nothing hahaha / 5 guys cajun fries 60. Drinking = Laway / nothing #PAYATER / still payater / same / a gnt 61. I’m about to = post this… and pre-enlist! haha / sleep O:-) / go watch BRA-NED / go to sleep / go HAM on a cheeky 5 guys 62. Listening to = black ops commentary nga are you short term memory grabe lang / aircon nga ina mo / 9 crimes - damien rice / typing sounds / train noises n Patrick moving around 63. Waiting for = love :”> / u to reply huhuhuh (same lang sagot ko HAAAYZ) / #GER #GER #GER / “… you to come back” / heh YOUR FUTURE : 64. Want kids? = sige ba / oo naman go forth and multiply nga! / ! / not in the near future haha / not really 65. Get Married? = no grabe / ye boi / sometimes, i think i do / possibly / err 66. Career? = geotechnical engineer :> kung di ko feel magshift. HAHA / yun pa rin hahahaha or ye yun lang :)) / something that makes me happy / something that makes me rich HAHA / LOL I want to be an influencer WHICH IS BETTER :67. Lips or eyes = eyes / eyez / eyes / lips / eyes 68. Hugs or kisses= hugs :> i never nga diba / hugs pa rin SAD LIFE NAMAN / hugs / hug sabay kiss / lmao kiss 69. Shorter or taller = grabe shorter para feel ko i’m like a mowdel. joke ano ba, taller / taller!!!!! / taller / taller / taller 70. Older or Younger = Older. / older wahaha / older / HAHA older / younger 71. Romantic or spontaneous = Pwede both? :“> / romantic pakyu / pakyu din spontaneous / romantic / romantic 72. Nice stomach or nice arms = BOTH HEHEHEHE :”> :> :> / arms / arms / arms hahahaha #dadbod / arms 73. Sensitive or loud = both… ? / sensitive ako masyado pero loud din… fuck hhahaha / sensitive / sensitive / lmao loud 74. Hook-up or relationship = Relationship :> / relationship gad / relationship #cries / relationship / relationship 75. Trouble maker or hesitant = pwede in between? / neither… douche ko tangina / hesitant / hesistant nga / troublemaker HAVE YOU EVER : 76. Kissed a stranger = No / neh / no / no / no 77. Drank hard liquor = ay hinde / ye #COOLGURL / yes / mm / ya 78. Lost glasses/contacts = no but i left them at home last week! kakainis / no! HAHA sunglasses ye </3 pero not regular glasses / no / tyg no / no 79. Sex on first date = yes grabe kasi nagka-first date na ako :> / no / no / HAHA no / no 80. Broke someone’s heart = of course ;) joke. maybe? / idk di ako feeler pero baka oo HAHA / yes…. LOL / ??? / oo 81. Had your own heart broken = No. / oo pakyu </3 just go back in time dito magegets mo na yun hahahahha / yes / !!! / yerp 82. Been arrested = No. / no di ako ganun ka-cool / no / nope / no tyg 83. Turned someone down = No. (yuck is that a good thing?) / ye HAHAHAHA ata…… / yes….. HAHAHA / LOL no / yah 84. Cried when someone died= Yeh  / of course di ako bato / yes.. miss u lolo / miss u lolos :( / yes 85. Fallen for a friend = friend nga ba? :> joke yeh / yessir / #cries / HAHAHAHAHA life is funny sometimes / ya DO YOU BELIEVE IN:
86. Yourself = yuh :“> / minsan / when i can / i’m trying / same thots 87. Miracles = Yeah / i guess? can’t hurt right / we were moving mountais long before we knew we could!!!!! / THOUGH HOPE IS FRAIL, IT’S HARD TO KIIIILL / WHO KNOWS WHAT MIRACLES WE CAN ACHIEVE 88. Love at first sight = why not coconut / </3 / no / ew no / no 89. Heaven = yeh / mhmm / yes / i try to / heh yes 90. Santa Claus = OF COURSE MEHN /YE / no / no.. / no 91. Kiss on the first date = depende hehe / OO GANUN AKO KADEPRIVED WAHAHAHAHAHA / yes / haha no / pwede naman 92. Angels = yeh. angel ako eh. VS angel O:-) / yun pa rin! HAHAHAHAHA / :> / no / no
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bollywoodhits · 3 years
Britney Spears Allegedly Strikes Employee, Faces A Battery Investigation
Britney Spears Allegedly Strikes Her Employee As Per Reports(Photo Credit: Instagram)
Britney Spears is in the headlines for over past few weeks, and her father stepping down as her Conservator made the maximum waves. But while it is still a celebration for her fans, that their Queen B is almost free, seems like the pop sensation has entered another controversy. The songstress is now under investigation over misdemeanour battery for misbehaving with her employee at home.
This morning, the world woke up to the news of Britney Spears named as a suspect in a battery investigation for striking her employee during a dispute on August 16. Spears lawyer has called this controversy a sensational tabloid fodder. Below is everything you need to know about the same and also what the attorney to the pop sensation has to say.
A report in The Hollywood Reporter confirmed that Britney Spears has been named as a suspect in a battery investigation. As per Capt. Eric Buschow validated this update and said the investigation began after an employee filed a complaint against her for striking him/her after a dispute while in Britney‘s home in Thousand Oaks in the morning hours of August 16, 2021.
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Britney Spears’ lawyer Mathew Rosengart talking about the same called the news a “sensational tabloid fodder.” Her statement read, “nothing more than a manufactured ‘he said she said’ regarding a cell phone, with no striking and obviously no injury whatsoever. Anyone can make an accusation, but this should have been closed immediately.”
Rosengart added, “To its credit, the Sheriff’s office itself has acknowledged that the incident was classified as a ‘very minor misdemeanour’ and confirmed ‘there were no injuries.’ If this did not involve Britney Spears it never would have been reported at all.”
Stay tuned to Koimoi for more!
Must Read: Money Heist Season 5: Three New Characters Teased By Netflix Toughening The Wait!
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hqdelila-blog · 6 years
about a delight ;
Full name: Delila Catriona Bautista-McIntosh
Nickname(s) or alias(es): De, Dede, Delly, Madame, Frenchie.
Preferred name(s): Delila, De, Dede.
Date of birth: May 12th, 1993
Zodiac sign:  Taurus
Religion: Christian. 
Gender: Female. 
Preferred pronouns: She/her
Sexual preference: Pansexual. 
Romantic preference: Pansexual 
Hometown: Tagbilaran , Philippines
Resides in: The Vally, California.
Occupation: Professional Domme, Porn Star.
Language(s) spoken: Spanish, English, broken Scottish Gaelic . 
Native language: Filipino, English.
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Birth order: Youngest. 
Level of education: Graduate of High School.
How were their grades? Excellent, top of class.
Best childhood memory: Anything about her life in the Philippines, seeing as both her parents were enlisted in the army, she was raised mainly by her grandparents. But her favorite memory, if she had to say one would be Christmas when she was 6, it was one where everyone was together, no threat, no... bad, just together. 
Family’s economic status: Birth family, lower middle class, adopted family, very wealthy. 
Childhood career choice: A solider, like her father.
School subject they excelled at: Anything with numbers, science, math-- she loved knowing there as a right and wrong answer.
School subject they had trouble with: Art, she could hardly hold a brush in her hand without dropping it, let alone create something. 
Birthmarks/scars/distinguishing marks: She has a freckle on her right cheek, but  scarring is more what she has, after a tour overseas,she is littered in them; the worst of them on her right thigh and leg, her shoulders, and forearms. A lot of them look like burns, cuts. 
Tattoos: None.
Piercings: Ears, just the lobes.
Dominant hand: Right. 
Frequently worn jewelry: Her mothers wedding ring on her pointer finger and her fathers tags around her neck. 
Speech style: (fast, monotone, loquacious?) Depending on who she is with and what she is talking about, it varies-- on casual days it is very clear, not monotone, but not so fast you cannot understand her. When she is angry, passionate, scared-- she will speak a bit faster. 
Verbal tics: (do they have trouble pronouncing certain words or getting their thoughts across clearly?)  None. 
Scent:  Tom Ford, Fucking Fabulous.
Posture: Excellent. 
Personality type: ESFJ
Positive traits: Empathetic, Kind, Loyal.
Negative traits: Secretive, Dangerous, Impulsive.
Usual mood: Content.
Insecurities: Her skin color, her scarring.
Fears: Not making her birth parents proud, death, and birds.
Comforts: Physical touch, music, volunteer work. 
Habits/quirks: Foot tapping.
Nervous tics: Playing with hair, touching hair. 
Superstitions: None.
Pet peeves: People who play with food, bad hygiene.
Diet: Generally very good, eats very healthy day to day but does enjoy her fatty foods-- doesn’t restrict much, but doesn’t binge. 
Alcohol Use: Social. 
Drug Use: None. 
Addictions: None. 
Allergies: Coconut. 
Exercise habits: A hug runner, physical strength  training 
Sleeping habits: (Do they sleep well? Badly?) She sleeps terribly most nights, can never fall asleep-- has to take sleeping medication. 
Any physical ailments/illnesses/disabilities? Has a bum leg’, after her return from serving-- during she was sure she had broken her leg, sprained in, done some kind of damage that now she always walks with a small limp.
Any mental illnesses/disorders? PTSD. 
Enneagram Type:  8, the protector.
Moral Alignment: (you can also view this for a simpler description)  Lawful Good, "Crusader"
Temperament: Phlegmatic
Element: Earth.
Hogwarts House: RavenClaw. 
Intelligence Type: Intrapersonal intelligence
• VIEWS ON... •
Life: “People take it too for-granted, they don’t understand that it can be taken away any  moment and it is too short for hate.”
Death: “Something that happens, that... that happens too soon most of the time.”
Love: “Love is... love, love is wonderful and is always there-- it is always there, even in the darkest of times.”
Sex: “Love it enough to make a career out of it.”
Marriage: “Something I do want one day, one day I want it all, a husband/wife, children, a home---I want a love like my mother and fathers.”
Divorce: “An easy way out, there are people that fight for their right to get married only for nearly half of marriages to end in such. If it is for the right reason, a couple that has fallen out of love, a partner beingu nfaithful to the other, it is... just an end people know all too well.” 
Family: “Not always traditional.” 
Friends: “Needed to get by, needed to be not alone-- the platonic love is if not more important than romantic.” 
Politics: “Fuck politics, fuck the fact that peoples voices are taken from them-- you may not want to hear me as a WOC, but you will.” 
Religion: “A comfort.”
Work: “If you enjoy what you do, you will never work a day in your life. Doing what I do, I help those that needed it and that is all that matters.”
Money: “Something that I will never take for-granted,and as someone that is wealthy, I use it to help those that need it.”
Alcohol/Drug Use: N/A
Tattoos/Piercings: N/A
Swearing: N/A
Father(s): Birth Father ;  Ailbeart Lee Paterson ;  Adoptive Father; Jacob Andrew McIntosh.
Describe their relationship: Birth Father, Delila was always a fathers girl, while she didn’t she much of him while he was alive, him serving tour after tour; on the times he’d come back with her mother, they’d be attached at the hip. Her father had a thich Scottish accent, thick hair, and arms that when they wrapped around her, the months away, it didnt matter. Delila is proud of her father,she’s proud to be his daughter and wear his tags with honor. She only hopes that he’s proud of her.  //  Adopted father, The two of them-- they didn’t get along, but they did not not get along, her father was a man of few words, that was unless you did something he did not like-- then the words never stopped. She was thankful for him, he gave her the life anyone could ever want, a big house,money, the best education, but... he wasn’t her dad, she never felt that connection. As of the current moment, Delila has not spoken to her father since coming back from tour,  she saw her parents for a total of 11 minutes and it left her knowing they wanted nothing to do with her.
Mother(s): Birth Mother ; Mahalia Dalisay Bautista  Adoptive Mother ; Rosalinda Lydia McIntosh.  
Describe their relationship: Birth Mother, It was the ongoing thing that Delila was her mothers birthday present, ringing in the womans birthday with her birth there was that bond the two shared that no one could place. While like her father, Delila didn’t see much of her, when she did, her mother was one to always squeeze in as much love, as much and as grand as she could in short bursts of time. The one lesson her mother taught her was to love her skin, love her voice- love everything that made her different. // Adopted mother, If there was one thing knew about her mom it was that she was beautiful, but that was it. And that stuck with her, no one could list a good thing about her mom, unless it was related to her beauty. Delila never understood why she choose her to adopt, why in the states there was plenty of children that needed a home, it wasn’t until she overheard her one day talking to a maid, that Delila was more or less a sign of...charity, that she was the ‘Look what a good person I am, I adopted this brown child.” To say their relationship is strained would be an understatement. 
Pet(s): None. 
Optimistic or pessimistic? Optimistic. 
Disorderly and messy or methodical and neat? A combo of the two, while she is a very neat person, her years in the military taught her, she had a messy side to her, her room the best example. 
Book smart or street smart? Both.
Leader or follower? Leader.
Day or night person? Day.
Cat or dog person? Both
Coffee or tea? Hot coffee, Iced tea. 
What do they wear to bed? Normally nothing, but if something it’s just a big t-shirt. 
Do they snore? No. 
What position do they sleep in? On her stomach or on left side. 
Which side of the bed do they sleep on? Right. 
Can they multi-task or must they focus on one subject at a time? Multitask. 
Do they get restless when things are too quiet or do they favour solitude and silence? Hates silence, gets very restless unless it is silence with a persons she is comfortable with .
What would completely break them?  Being overtaken by her mental illness, never finding love because she is her own worst enemy. 
What was the best thing in their life? Her life in the Philippines. 
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acuppellarp · 6 years
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Welcome (again) to A Cup-pella, Aly! We’re excited to have you and Chloe Anderson in the game! Please go through the checklist to make sure you’re ready to go and send in your account within the next 24 hours. 
Name + pronouns: Aly + She/Her. Age: 27. Timezone: GMT. Ships: Chloe/Chemsitry. Anti-Ships: Chloe/Blair, Chloe/Forced.
Full Name: Chloe Elise Anderson. Face Claim: Shay Mitchell. Age/Birthday: 28/November 12th, 1990. Occupation: Actress (TV shows and commercials). Personality: Charming, Clever, Guarded, Uppity, Secretive. Hometown: Greenwich, CT. Bio: When Richard Anderson met Reyna Bautista, he knew from the moment he’d laid eyes on her that it truly was love at first sight. He’d never imagined himself to be the kind of man to settle down, but that all changed with Reyna. Both were smitten, and when Richard got down on one knee and presented her with an engagement ring only one short year into their relationship, Reyna didn’t even have to think about her response. They were married in a lavish ceremony, paid for entirely by the Bautista family – they were an old money family, the type to flash their cash at any given opportunity – and enjoyed four years growing and learning together before discovering they were with child. Something else Richard had never expected was to actually want children, but he was overjoyed by the news, and just like it had been with his darling Reyna, it was love at first sight with baby Chloe.
With money coming in at all angles, Chloe was spoiled from the very moment she’d entered the world. In fact, even before that. Her nursery was filled with only the finest of toys, furnishings, clothing, etc. It was really no wonder she turned out to be such a damn princess, though Richard would never admit to the fact. His family deserved the very best, and he worked hard to provide them with lavish gifts and expensive things. That was kind of a thing for them; despite the fact that both the Anderson family and the Bautista family were bred from generations of wealth, it was important to both Richard and Reyna that they continued to work and contribute themselves. It was an ethic they wanted to pass onto their daughter, and in fact did so pretty early on in her life. She truly was a beautiful baby, and people would often make remarks on just how adorable she was. Both with performing backgrounds, they had no qualms with putting their baby out there for the world to see, and Chloe began starring in commercials before she was even out of diapers. Before the age of one she was working, too.
Disaster struck when Chloe was only three years old, however. A car accident, a relatively minor one at that, turned out to be fatal for Reyna. While it could’ve been much harder, the impact from the oncoming vehicle, as well as the way she was seated – turned around toward the backseat to hand Chloe the toy she’d just thrown onto the floor of the car – caught Reyna at just the wrong angle. Unknowingly, a clot had formed, and Reyna passed away the following morning with both Richard and Chloe by her side. Of course, the three-year-old didn’t understand the severity of the events; how did she know her mother was never coming back again? It hit Richard hard, though. That was the love of his life, he knew he would never find anybody to measure even closely to her again. Chloe was his last remaining part of her, and if Richard had been a doting, protective father before, that only increased tenfold from then on.
It was a year later that Richard met Pamela. She was easy on the eyes, she enjoyed performing, and she treated Chloe remarkably. It was the last of the three that had Richard deciding on something of a whim to propose to her – his daughter needed a mother figure, right? Didn’t all little girls need one? Of course, Richard loved his second wife, but nowhere near the extent he had his first. Reyna would always be his one true love, and Chloe his golden girl, so when his youngest daughter was born less than a year into the marriage, he clung impossibly tighter onto Chloe. Chloe, who was raised to know that while Pamela was a mother figure, she most certainly was not her mother, continued to rule the Anderson household. She continued to act because she wanted to, not through force, and developed a pretty strong bond with both her step-mother and baby sister. Chloe was loud and vibrant, a “real character”, many would remark. She was charming and poised, even from a young age, and knew exactly how to wrap everybody right around her pretty little finger.
In the private school she and her sister attended, she ruled the roost there, too. Performing was in her blood, and Chloe (and Richard, for that matter) would kick up a fuss if there was ever any doubt as to whether she’d be cast as the lead in any school production. Chloe could be very manipulative when she wanted to be, and knew how and when to turn on the waterworks for her own gain. The amount of times she has used her mother’s death, something she barely remembers given her young age, to get what she wants is truly disgusting, but Chloe isn’t above doing so. Having had her toes dipped into the pool of acting since infancy, she knows that sometimes it’s necessary to play dirty, and she’ll do it without question.
Something Chloe was not above, however, something completely out of her control, was her awkward teenage phase. You know the one where bodies are changing, zits are popping up everywhere? Chloe was not immune to the very human changes, and where she’d had a pretty steady commercial acting career (literally, acting in commercials, small, forgettable guest spots on the odd sitcom and nothing else), the roles began to dry up. Chloe pretended like she didn’t care, and would tell everybody that she was taking a break because she wanted to, but that wasn’t the truth. Still, she was smart, and knew that a backup plan wouldn’t go amiss. Chloe worked hard, despite the large amount of focus she’d put into her social life, and with the money to do so, she chose to go one further than all of her friends who were applying to schools out of state – Chloe chose to attend Cambridge University, all the way in England. It made her the talk of her high school, which is exactly what Chloe always liked to be.
It was in England, while studying Shakespeare and Modern Acting, that Chloe discovered a few new things about herself. Namely, she realized that her sexuality may not have been what she had once assumed. Like many people, she’d experimented with friends at parties in her senior year of high school, but it was in England that she fell somewhat easily into her first relationship with a female. Her girlfriend, Charlotte, challenged her. She didn’t fall for Chloe’s crap, and there was something almost admirable about that, something that kept Chloe hanging on. The relationship fizzled out naturally after about a year, but it showed Chloe that she could love the same sex, and while she was comfortable with doing so, she knew the same would not be said for her conservative family. A talented actress, though, and always able to keep a secret (when she wanted to, anyway) it wasn’t difficult for her to keep it to herself. Why did they need to know, right?
As much as she enjoyed England, mostly because she could brag about all of the fancy things she was doing out there – she totally had lunch with Prince Harry. Like, that totally, one hundred percent absolutely happened, okay? (Oh, Chloe is also a blatant liar, and an annoyingly good one at that.) – she decided that she felt more at home back in the US, though didn’t particularly want to go back to Connecticut. She didn’t plan to stray too far, and decided on New York, where she signed with a new agency and decided she’d like to get her foot back into acting. Her awkward teenage phase was long gone, and Chloe was the ugly duckling that’d truly blossomed once more. Her talent helped her to land roles, and the fact that she’d studied at such a prestigious school in a far off land made her seem interesting, but the roles were much like those she’d had before: Commercials. Chloe wanted more, movie roles to be precise, but perhaps her arrogance and overacting stunted any chances she had of landing those.
At present, Chloe is living in an apartment in the city with a roommate, and refuses to take any kind of “normal” job, since she really doesn’t have to. Her father is funding the lavish lifestyle she lives, and Chloe is continuously landing commercial roles, while working on trying to slide into something a little more. Recently, she had a guest role on Grey’s Anatomy, and she was actually pretty well received by the viewers. It’s a shame her character died, she thinks she really could’ve talked her way into something more from that. And probably married Jesse Williams, because obviously he thought she was the best thing since sliced bread. He told her that. It totally happened, just like her lunch with Prince Harry. Regardless, she’s hoping more will come her way soon, and she’s auditioning left and right in the meantime. While Chloe may seem like a monster, and she really is intolerable at times, she isn’t all bad. In actuality, she can be a good person, and when it comes to her friends, she’s incredibly loyal and fiercely protective. It just takes a while to peel back the layers, that’s all. It’s hard with Chloe, trying to decipher what’s real and what’s fake. But hey, that’s why she’s such a good little actress, right?
Pets: None. Relationships: Blair Anderson’s older half sister & Reagan Lane’s roommate.
[ This is for the masterlist, but also a fun little way to get to know your character! ]
Chloe Anderson/@chloeforreal/description: Describe myself? I don’t do interviews for free.
Five latest tweets:
@chloeforreal: Why anyone would fly anything but first class is beyond me. London, did you miss me? @chloeforreal: [ pictweet ] old headshots… Ugh, so embarrassing. @chloeforreal: The #Coachella lineup this year is pitiful. But I’ll still be there, so you should all still go. @chloeforreal: Acting tip #1: Point. If you’re not pointing, you’re not acting. @chloeforreal: For @beeanders 18th birthday, I gave her a signed picture of me. It’s important to do right by your family. #reminiscing
0 notes
richvalor · 7 years
As a showbiz media cover who wrote some articles for Wazzup.PH and Astig.PH, I mostly covered Abs Cbn blogcons but I was so happy when I found out I will be able to see LeaSalonga and Janina Vela at the I dare to dream Press Conference. This was also the first time I saw Japs aka Julie Ann San Jose.
blog link here:
She seemed like an ordinary star to me though she sang really well.
So after I witnessed a special trait she had, I researched more about her before I go into that.
Here are some information about her from Wikipedia.
Julie Anne Peñaflorida San Jose (born May 17, 1994) is a Filipino singer, actress, model composer and television personality. San Jose is a recipient of the “Diamond Record Award” from the Philippine Association of the Record Industry for her album Julie Anne San Jose which sold more than 150,000 units in the Philippines[2] Her second album entitled “Deeper” also gave her a Triple Platinum Award for reaching sales of more than 45,000 units in the Philippines.
Simply referred to as MYJAPS, made a significant mark in the online world with uStream sessions and YouTube covers that exceeded millions in views. Her cover of Nicki Minaj’s Super Bass views are more than 20 million.
Early career: 2005–2009
At the age of three years, San Jose had her first TV experience when she joined Eat Bulaga!‘s “Little Miss Philippines”.[3] She also competed in Magandang Tanghali Bayan,’s Munting Miss U where she won third runner-up.[4] She also appeared in a TV advertisement with Sharon Cuneta.
Popstar Kids / Sugarpop
San Jose did not pursue show business until 2005, when she joined Popstar Kids, a singing competition in QTV 11 (now GMA News TV) hosted by R&B singer-songwriter Kyla. Although San Jose did not win the grand prize, she became part of Sugarpop, the show’s spin-off child singing group composed of her co-finalists Rita De Guzman (then known as Rita Iringan), Pocholo Bismonte, Renzo Almario, and Vanessa Rangadhol. Sugarpop released two studio albums, Sugar Pop and Sugar Pop Repackaged. The group also had a show on QTV 11 entitled Planet Q, where a young San Jose and her group mates showcased their hosting abilities. Sugarpop also performed weekly on the GMA-7’s variety show, SOP.[5]
In 2008, San Jose made her acting on GMA‘s afternoon soap Gaano Kadalas and Minsan? where she played a supporting character to Camille Prats and Marvin Agustin.
Rise to stardom: 2010–2011
When SOP ended in 2010, San Jose joined its replacement show Party Pilipinas as a solo artist. As she evolved as a performer, San Jose was able to showcase her singing, dancing, and acting abilities onstage. San Jose was also paired with a then-budding artist and son of rapper, Elmo Magalona. Collectively, they were known as the musical tandem JuliElmo.[6] While in Party Pilipinas, JuliElmo starred in five short films, the Red Mask Trilogy and Yellow Note 1 and 2, and the short musicals, Blue Jeans The Musical (2011), Elmo and Julie Anne: A Wazak Love Story (2012), and Status: It’s Complicated (2013).[7]
San Jose became more visible on the television scene. She was included as one of the support casts in the GMA Network shows’ Andres de Saya and Daldalita.[8][9]
Multimedia artist: 2012–present
In February 2012, San Jose signed an exclusive recording contract with GMA Records.[10] Six months later, in August 2012, she released her eponymous debut album, Julie Anne San Jose, which later received numerous awards and is now a certified Diamond Record awardee. Her single, “I’ll Be There”, remains the only single certified quadruple platinum by the Philippine Association of the Record Industry (PARI).[5] Currently, San Jose has released four singles from her album.[11]
After having multiple support roles, in 2012 San Jose finally landed a lead role through the youth oriented weekly show Together Forever. She played the role of Antoinette Escueta, more popularly known as Toyang, a boyish daddy’s girl who fell in love with her best friend.[12]
In 2012, Julie Anne debuted as a movie actress through GMA Films‘ romantic summer film Just One Summer opposite her JuliElmo partner Elmo Magalona. She played the role of Maria Bettina “Beto” Reyes Salazar also sang the movie theme song “Bakit Ba Ganyan?” which was originally popularized by Dina Bonnevie. The film was directed by Mac Alejandre.[13]
In 2013, San Jose had her first major solo concert at the Music Museum in Greenhills, San Juan City. This birthday concert entitled Julie Anne: It’s My Time was a success with tickets sold out just five days after going on sale. Guests include the dance crew Addlib, Fliptop star Abra, Elmo Magalona and multi-faceted performer and good friend, Frencheska Farr. Musical direction was by Marc Lopez and concert director was Rico Gutierrez.[14][15]
San Jose landed more television projects in GMA Network in the following years. She played the lead role in primetime drama series Kahit Nasaan Ka Man where she played a visually impaired but musically talented girl named Pauline Gomez. She was paired with Kristofer Martin who played her love interest. She was also part of the now defunct Sunday musical variety show Sunday All Stars as one of the lead performers. Her hosting skills were also showcased in her stint in the self-titled weekly dance show of Marian Rivera, Marian, alongside her co-host Christian Bautista. She also plays a recurring character named Nikki in Pepito Manaloto who is the love interest of Chito played by Jake Vargas.
In June 2014, San Jose released her second solo studio album, entitled Deeper via iTunes worldwide and spinnr.ph. Her sophomore album under GMA Records received a “Triple Plantinum” award from PARI in January 2016.[2]
In December 2014, following the release of her sophomore album, San Jose had her second major concert entitled Julie Anne San Jose: Hologram at the Mall of Asia Arena. Guests include Sam Concepcion, Christian Bautista, Abra, Jonalyn Viray, and Frencheska Farr.[16][17]
To cap her 2014, San Jose was part of the Metro Manila Film Festival film entry Kubot: The Aswang Chronicles 2 where she played the role of Stacey. Her co-stars include Dingdong Dantes, Isabelle Daza, Lotlot De Leon, Abra, among many other artists.[18]
San Jose released her digital single “Tidal Wave” which was arranged by Sidney Brown, better known as Omen, an American music producer from Harlem who has worked with artists such as Drake, Lil Wayne, and Ludacris. San Jose filmed three music videos in New York City and California in collaboration with Los Angeles-based company, VIM Entertainment Inc. The videos will be distributed worldwide by GMA Records.[19][20]
Because of achieving a much sexier figure,[21][22] she landed in FHM Philippines “100 Sexiest Women” list, where she ranked #60. San Jose was considered by FHM to pose for their cover along with Coleen Garcia and Nadine Lustre. San Jose also became the cover girl for the August 2015 issue of Preview (an FHM sister magazine) as part of their 20th anniversary.[23][24][25]
In television, San Jose replaced Isabel Oli in GMA News TV‘s Day Off. She is joined by her co-hosts You’re My Foreignay finalist Dasuri Choi and Boobay. With Pia Guanio‘s departure from 24 Oras “Chika Minute” segment, San Jose was given a short stint as interim “Chika Minute” anchor. San Jose was part of the afternoon soap Buena Familiaalongside Kylie Padilla, Julian Trono, and Jake Vargas who is her current on-screen partner.[26][27] She is also part of the newest Sunday variety show Sunday PINASaya together with Marian Rivera, Ai-Ai delas Alas, Alden Richards, Jose Manalo, and Wally Bayola, among many others[28]
On July 2016, she released her third solo studio album, entitled Chasing the Light under GMA Records.[29] Her album release event was held at SM Fairview Mall in the Philippines on July 17, 2016 with crowds of thousands in attendance.[30] The album has been well received and continues to hold the top spot on iTunes PH albums.[31] Chasing the Lightfeatures songwriting and a rap feature from Filipino-American hip hop artist and songwriter C-Tru on the tracks “Don’t Make Me Wait”, “Take Me To Nirvana” and “All About You”.[29][32][33]
Lately, she got the lead role in the afternoon soap Pinulot Ka Lang Sa Lupa as Santina Marquez she was also with Benjamin Alves, Lj Reyes, and Martin Del Rosario. The show ended after its 11th week and currently she is working on her new album under GMA Network.
Julie Anne is one of Organisasyon ng Pilipinong Mang-Aawit’s (OPM) active Junior Ambassadors. Her job as a Junior Ambassador is to represent and promote Filipino Music to the young.[34]
San Jose is also the newest celebrity advocate of World Vision, an international child-focused non-government organization which mainly promotes children’s rights, well-being and education.[35]
Personal life
San Jose disclosed on January 7, 2017 that she has been dating model and actor Benjamin Alves since May 2016. The two had met in one of San Jose’s concerts.[36]
Miniso Ambassadors – Japs and Benxalves from Ben Xalves IG.
Congratulations to our @miniso_ph family for another beautiful store opening at @smcityclark! Julie and I don't get to see each other a lot these days so we're very thankful that @miniso_ph brought us together! Thank you to everyone who waited for us. We want you to know how much we appreciate it and how we wish we could've taken every single camera and taken a picture with you. But that's just more reason for us to come visit so we can see each other again… maybe for a mini-getaway? Who knows! Please take care going home and enjoy the long weekend!
A post shared by BENJAMIN ALVES (@benxalves) on Jun 8, 2017 at 8:40pm PDT
One of her latest posts at her IG: with 25,000 likes!
Waves don't die baby, let me crash here for a moment.
A post shared by Jules San Jose (@myjaps) on May 31, 2017 at 4:48pm PDT
But besides her singing, her being an inspiration to many, and here goes what I observed and many others is this: MyJaps is down to earth and approachable. I took a video of her singing at Megamall for an event which I was not assigned to cover but I covered as an audience at the Taiwan Excellence. I saw her sing 3-4 songs with no dead air. She was taking selfies with the fans while singing but not only that, she even took the extra mile by getting their cameras and taking the shots for them. After I uploaded the video, lots of fans took notice and retweeted it. This is the video where I had the most comments too as well at my Youtubechannel. Here are the comments and screenshots of the retweets and likes at my twitter as well.
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The actual video which fans loved!
Comments from the Youtube Video:
Stellar Stellar4 weeks ago She’s really a great performer and crowd pleaser 👏 thank you for uploading her complete performance and for the high quality video 👍👍
Bettyna Mendoza Bettyna Mendoza3 weeks ago Ang bait niya talaga sa mga fans. Ang daming naka pa picture sa kanya while singing.
Fanart Factory Fanart Factory4 weeks ago Thanks for sharing!!! She is so accommodating to the crowd ❤
View all 3 replies Briton Feb Briton Feb3 weeks ago Happy RichTV …thank you po…god bless.ty po Reply 1 ▼
Alma Ponce Alma Ponce3 weeks ago kaw nah tlga ang Asia’s pop sweetheart my idol Julie..love it forever.. ang bait muh tlaga x smin mga fans muh..continue what your doing JAPS..ignore all the basher and hater..i know that your are a good person…love you Julie Anne San Jose Reply 13 ▼
Chinky McGee Chinky McGee4 weeks ago beautiful performances Julie 🙂 Reply 10 ▼
Paul Joseph Vistal Paul Joseph Vistal3 weeks ago Excellent video and audio! Thank you for uploading this and sharing this with us. 🙂 Reply 9 ▼
View all 3 replies Paul Joseph Vistal Paul Joseph Vistal3 weeks ago Sure thing! 🙂 Reply 1 ▼
janet Oirevilo janet Oirevilo3 weeks ago ikaw na po talaga ang the best para sakin ang galig mopong kumanta 🙂 Reply 7 ▼
Carlizaisabel Alcala Carlizaisabel Alcala3 weeks ago gnda n julie super bait p pra xa c carla abellana.npka gnda mla at very down to earth.kya love n lve ko yang dalawang idol k n yan.god bless Reply 7 ▼
Kimly Goloran Kimly Goloran3 weeks ago so professional! Reply 7 ▼
Happy RichTV Happy RichTV3 weeks ago Thanks sa comment! She is! and very accomodating sa fans! Reply 5 ▼
tony y tony y2 weeks ago nice and accomodating girl. keep it up. hope you will go places Reply 5 ▼
Notes Hitter Notes Hitter3 weeks ago my japs!!! nandun ako mung birthday celeb mo sa Eastwood last month!!! ganda mo idol!! 🍤 Reply 5 ▼
frischa go frischa go3 weeks ago Nice!!! Reply 5 ▼
Spoon Feed Spoon Feed3 weeks ago nung pumunta kc dito sya sa SM cabanatuan di ako nakalapit dami tao sana next time makapagpapicture nako sayo JAPS Reply 5 ▼
darlingabbie darlingabbie3 weeks ago Wasn’t able to see her live show. Thanks for posting! ♡♡♡ Reply 3 ▼
darlingabbie darlingabbie3 weeks ago +Happy RichTV Sure! ☺ Reply 1 ▼
Fishing Buddy 360 Fishing Buddy 3602 days ago Julie…how refreshing to see a celebrity who is down to earth! I love how you interact with your fans. Continued success…God Bless! Reply 2 ▼
Danny Solis Danny Solis1 week ago galing mo talaga idol…😍😘😙😚 Reply 2 ▼
Joan Pamplona Joan Pamplona6 hours ago yang ang idol hindi isnabera Reply 1 ▼
Renalyn Puod Renalyn Puod2 days ago adorable julie hehehehehe!!!!! Reply 1 ▼
Ainebixoxa 09 Ainebixoxa 093 days ago Bait nman 😍😍 san kpa..xia pa kukuha ng selfie niu.. selfie while singing 😍😍😍😍 keep it up. Lovelots. Reply 1 ▼
Adeline [Elle] Adeline [Elle]4 days ago Japs…. kawahyy…🙌🙌lablab yan madami…😘😘 Reply 1 ▼
Jeszern Manahan Jeszern Manahan2 weeks ago bihira lng ung mga sikat na katulad nya ..na tlgang iniisa isa ang mga fans nya pra mag selfie ..tpos sya pa tlga ung magcacapture ..kaya love na love kta japs ee .. Reply 1 ▼
Happy RichTV Happy RichTV2 weeks ago Jeszern Manahan thanks sa comment and for watching. please subscribe po sa channel. Thanks! Yup she is unique and awesome. I heard rumors she might transfer to channel 2. Reply 3 ▼
Jeszern Manahan Jeszern Manahan2 weeks ago Happy RichTV ok ..i already subscribed na po .. thank you din ..ahm kht sang channels pa sya magtransfer ..susuport ko prin lagi sya .. ganun ko sya kalove ..hehe Reply ▼
Jeszern Manahan Jeszern Manahan2 weeks ago oh well that’s my idol ..ily Julie Reply 1 ▼
Lyn Dantes Lyn Dantes2 weeks ago japs, Reply 1 ▼
Here are more photos from the Taiwan Excellence event:
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Final words about her: She has a bright future not only because she has the making of a triple threat – Singer, actress, dancer but because she has a golden heart for her fans and that is the secret of most successful artists. More power to you Japs and I hope a lot of other celebrities will follow your wonderful example! – Rich Valor of Happy Rich TV
I wrote this for the fans and I hope they consume this blog as well: Let’s see.
As a return favor please subscribe to my channel. Link here:
I hope to see you miss Japs again soon! More power and continued success to you!
  Julie Ann San Jose – she selfies while singing with her fans! As a showbiz media cover who wrote some articles for Wazzup.PH and Astig.PH, I mostly covered Abs Cbn blogcons but I was so happy when I found out I will be able to see LeaSalonga and Janina Vela at the I dare to dream Press Conference.
0 notes
mvryyy · 8 years
Surviving 2016: Year of the Extremes
Nineteen years of existence and I must say, 2016 really was (so far) the most challenging of them all. I’d rather not bore anyone at all with a detailed story of how 2016 made me experience the best of both worlds so here is a glimpse of the highlights of my year in photographs and a short description:
Angels Walk for Autism - The ASP annually organizes an event wherein its main goal is to spread both awareness and happiness. It was fun seeing people with autism happily dancing with a big smile on their faces. The sweaty atmosphere sure did give off that euphoric vibe.
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Intramuros - It’s been a long time since I last visited Intra. I’ve always wanted to come back now that I’m a bit older and more curious with our history. Luckily, my lola, who worked as a tour guide in her younger years, invited me to go there. It’s nice because as we walk, she always has an interesting fact to tell.
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DLSUST Psych Swap - If you’re unaware, I had a struggle before in choosing what college to attend to. I ended up going to UST. So when the opportunity to become a lassalian for a day knocked, I didn’t hesitate.
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Photo credit: Tina Ocampo
Shiela’s birthday bash @ SUN - During this time while all my friends were getting wasted, I was taking photos using my polaroid. Surprise, surprise, hindi pa ako umiinom nung mga time na ‘to. When my friends and I bought alcohol, she had to buy an ice cream and pizza just for me. Ah, the simple joys in life
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Project SAWI - I was the mastermind behind this event and it was my first time. This event gave me the opportunity to talk to Ramon Bautista, Joyce Pring, etc. I was so stressed trying to look for speakers. Unfortunately, they all had a jampacked schedule. It’s Valentine’s, duh. Ate Pat Yulo even assigned me to lead the prayer before the event. I was so nervous that time. Good thing I listened intently, little did I know I was about to face the pitfall of my relationship a few days later.
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Goodbye, walwal virginity - March 02, 2016 was the very first time I let alcohol in my system. It tasted good but it made my head throb. I felt so dizzy as if my whole world was spinning. There were a lot of crying and laughing. I ended up puking on my friend’s bedsheet. I remember waking up from a sleep, asking Jem for a plastic. And while they were all panicking, voila, I already vomited. Bea ended up giving me a bath and Jem ended up washing his bedsheet. I’m not proud of it, but that was a great first walwal story.
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Cavite Crew - My friends and I went to my friend’s place at Cavite to walwal (March 18-19). Another memorable one for me. I was crying in the bathroom while staring at my reflection, I puked a lot of times, I played beer pong for the first time, and just like any other walwal session with me, there were a lot of crying and laughing. Thankful for my friends.
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Serendipity - I got the chance to be someone’s prom date! It felt like highschool all over again. I also made a new friend, Yana.
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Jumpyard - The inner child in me was jubilant. Although tiring, jumping everywhere was such a fun and thrilling experiencing.
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Kat’s birthday bash - I was shookt. I guess I’ll keep the reason to myself. I’m just gonna leave this here: I never thought I’d survive but I did.
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Comm Dev at Rizal - I really love attending community development activities. It makes me feel like I’m slowly contributing to the betterment of the country. And kasama ko isa sa mga crush ko dito I can’t.
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Spontaneous hangout - “2AM in your car. You pass my street, the memories start.” First time to get out of the house at midnight just to have a mini roadtrip and have deep conversations with someone. We went home at 8AM haha the struggle was real.
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Bea’s birthday bash - Another hotel night with my friends. It was fun, I guess. I didn’t drink at all just so I could take embarrassing photos of my friends and use them as a blackmail in the future. I’m kidding. I did drink, though. Ian went to Pasig all the way from Fairview, idk why, but he did. The rest is history.
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Baccalaureate Mass - Yay I was a staffer here, lol. The fireworks were the bomb. And after everything, I went to Jollibee to eat late dinner with Yana and Miel. So cute kasi Miel went to QPav to give me food just because. Huhu my heart.
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The Big Reveal - I’ve always wanted to go to Barkin Blends. Thanks to Miel for accompanying me. HAHAH after this we went to eat at Buffalo’s then we spent the rest of the afternoon (to night) talking at Sunken Garden. We were both vulnerable, exchanging life stories. That was our first hug (May 30). The next day we went to UPTC for a PsychSoc thingy. We ate at S&R and again, shared life stories. That night he kissed me on the cheek NAKAKALOKA.
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Double Date - I have no picture of the four of us. Miel, Franclem, Nikki and I went to Gateway to watch Now You See Me 2. While waiting we killed time at Timezone
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Girls, girls, girls! - Finally had the long overdue hohol with my bffs.
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Zoobic Safari - A different kind of family date
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sleepHOEver - Fun sleepover with my LOML
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Sleeping with the fishies - Had an overnight stay at Hotel H2O + a visit to Manila Ocean Park. I LOVE ADVENTURES LIKE THIS
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Dorm Buds + BFF4L - First time to live away from home. Best thing is that I’m with my best friend!
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Singapore - It’s good to be back.
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My birthday bash - Along with Kat, Jade, and Abby, Miel surprised me on my birthday too. I actually thought that it was my friends’ plan. I didn’t expect anything from him lol. And he asked me to be his girlfriend.
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Class Pic - I’ll always be home.
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CommDev - Another exciting comm dev activity thanks to Psych Soc!
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Photo Credit: KC Dilla
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Photo Credit: Angel Dizon
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Photo Credit: Angel Dizon
PsychSoc team building - SUPER FUN EXPERIENCE!! Sleepover at Rizal. Plus, I made new friends. Amazing bonding experience for everyone.
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Photo Credit: Irish Uy
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Photo Credit: Angel Dizon
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Photo Credit: Irish Uy
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Photo Credit: Dave Vergara
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Photo Credit: Irish Uy 
Au’tis the Season - Fun experience with the bae. It’s so fun to see the smles on everyone’s faces.
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Power dressing - We’re required to wear a corporate attire for the whole day. V nice
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Mea’s Birthday Bash - Sleepover at Diamond Hotel and walwal sesh at BGC
BatanGang at Tali Beach - V fun semender getaway 
0 notes
bollywoodhits · 3 years
Dave Bautista On Marvel Not Doing Justice To Drax-Thanos Relationship: “Makes Me Shake a F*cking Head”
Dave Bautista Opens Up On Marbel Not Doing Justice To Drax-Thanos Relationship ( Photo Credit – Getty Image ; IMDb )
If there is one actor from the Marvel Cinematic Universe who has never held him back in making fiery statements, it has to be Guardians Of The Galaxy’s Dave Bautista who plays Drax The Destroyer. While the man has made a fanbase for himself and managed to have a high recall value for this particular portrayal, he also has some issues with the studio and the treatment of the dynamics. One such dynamics is with Thanos.
For the unversed, Drax The Destroyer and Thanos are connected in the comics. The two have been pitched against each other time and again. Not just that, Drax has had this big urge to kill Thanos and win the war between the two. The first time they appeared together in the comics was for The Invincible Iron Man #55. The legendary Jim Starlin co-created both characters with Mike Friedrich. Bautista now feels Marvel did not do justice to their history in the films. Read on to know everything you should about the same.
Dave Bautista has now confirmed that he is not returning to the Marvel Cinematic Universe as Drax after Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol 3. A fan on Twitter put out a thought where he wanted to see where Drax is mentally after Thanos has died.
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The user wrote, “Waiting to see where #Drax is mentally now that #thanos is finally dead. With @ Dave Bautista saying he won’t return after the next movie, I’m hoping more and more to see a happy, peaceful ending to The Destroyer rather than dying in battle”
Replying to the tweet, Dave Bautista said that Marvel put the Thanos and Drax history under the rug. “That whole Drax, Thanos history seemed to get swept under the rug. Always wondered why but every reason I could come up with just makes me shake my f*cking head. It is what it is,” Bautista wrote.
That whole Drax,Thanos history seemed to get swept under the rug. Always wondered why but every reason I could come up with just makes me shake my fucking head. It is what it is.
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— Vaxxed AF! #TeamPfizer Poor Kid Chasing Dreams. (@DaveBautista) August 9, 2021
Stay tuned to Koimoi for more!
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