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Y’all motherfuckers was really gonna let our special guy’s birthday get away from me??? SHAME-
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poppitron360 · 3 months
In honour of today being 55 years since the first stone thrown at the Stonewall Uprising, here is some Valgrace fanfiction (definitely that and not the fact that I just happen to have finished it yesterday).
I am so, incredibly grateful to all those people who rioted from June 28th-July 3rd in Greenwich Village, New York, just so that I could one day have the right to post angsty little fics about these two fictional teenagers on my tiny Tumblr blog (That is what they were fighting for, right?). We have come so far, haven’t we? And I think it’s important, next time we read a silly little Valgrace fic or reblog some Solangelo fanart, we owe it all to a Black Trans Woman who threw the first stone (Seriously, guys, read into the Stonewall Riots, they are fascinating).
So the message here is… Don’t be mean, just read Valgrace?
Summary: AU where Valgrace is canon meaning that Leo came straight back to chb after BoO. Set at New Year’s, following the aftermath of the battle with Gaea and Leo’s “Death”. Leo struggles with flashbacks, having just exploded and therefore probably being traumatised. Jason comforts him, and they realise- even though they’re still scarred from the war- just how lucky they are to have each other, and to, for once, not have the weight of the world resting on their shoulders.
CW: Angst I guess
Word Count: 2,084
Jason was swaddled in his scarf and winter coat. Leo had settled for just a jacket and gloves, after much grumbling.
“I don’t get cold like you do!” He’d complained, “I’m toasty warm!!”
He’d agreed to put on the jacket for the necessity of pockets (because his magic infinitely-pocketed tool belt apparently wasn’t enough). Jason, on the other hand, was freezing. He needed a sweater, a coat, a hat, a scarf AND his hot-water-bottle of a boyfriend to keep from turning blue. He’d spent most of his childhood at Camp Jupiter in California, where even wintertime was balmy. Here on Long Island, the air bit like an alley cat.
They walked down to the beach, the cold night air stinging Jason’s cheeks. Jason put an arm around Leo’s shoulders and rested his chin on the top of his curly-haired head, which made it awkward as they walked.
“…What’re you doing?” Leo asked.
“Mmm…” Was Jason’s response, “You’re warm…”
Maybe it was the whole “raised by wolves” thing, Jason had always had the urge to curl up on a comfortable lap and snore.
Leo didn’t push him off.
They stepped gingerly down to the docks, hug-walking as they went. A crowd of people had already gathered along the shoreline, looking out towards the ocean. A large clock had been set up to face them, the time reading 11:52.
“Eight minutes to go…” Jason said, taking his chin off of his human chin-rest and looking at Leo, “It’s been a hell of a year, hasn’t it?”
Leo nodded, “Yeah. I died.”
“We fought giants and monsters.”
“And I made a super awesome plate of enchiladas, my best yet!”
“Those were some really good enchiladas.”
Leo looked down, and Jason could see a little hint of sadness in his eyes. Then he looked back up at Jason.
“I’m glad I have you, Jason.”
Jason put an arm around him and pulled him closer as they looked out towards the clock and the sky and the sea, “I’m glad I have you, too, firefly.”
They stayed there, enjoying each other’s company, waiting for the New Year to drop, and for once, they were just regular boyfriends.
Then the countdown started.
“10… 9… 8…”
Jason looked into Leo’s deep brown eyes and smiled. Everything was perfect.
“7… 6… 5… 4…”
Leo smiled back, yelling the numbers alongside everyone else.
“3… 2… 1…”
They kissed.
“Happy New Year!!!!!”
And then, the first firework exploded, and everything went wrong.
Leo’s face flashed with panic, his eyes darting around wildly like for a moment he’d forgotten where he was.
Bang! Bang!
Fireworks lit the sky, but Jason wasn’t looking. He was watching Leo’s face as the colours flashed across it, reds and greens and purples. The bright twinkle that reflected in his eyes was supposed to be that happy spark of wonder at the fireworks, but Leo’s eyes were filled with utter terror and dread. He pulled away from Jason, and took a few steps back, momentarily stunned by the explosions.
“Leo, what’s wrong?”
Leo yelped and wrapped his arms around his head, covering his ears. He stumbled back, colliding with some other campers in the crowd. They briefly stopped their whooping and cheering to shoot him a disgruntled look, then turned back to the sky.
Jason stepped forward, but Leo was looking around, confused, like his mind had gone somewhere else. His breath was short and panicked. His eyes were watery, staring in fear at the sky.
Bang!! Bang-bang!!!
Leo unwrapped his arms from his head, and used them to push through the bodies of staring people, stumbling and scarpering away from the noise.
Jason chased after him, “Leo, wait! Where are you-“
Leo had disappeared into the crowd.
Jason spent the next few minutes searching for him on the beach, no luck. He ignored the bangs behind him. The crowd ooh-ed and aah-ed at the explosions of light. Jason pushed through them, calling Leo’s name. He was getting worried. Leo knew how to disappear if he wanted to. If he was running scared, Jason wasn’t sure if he could find him before he got himself hurt. Why did he have to end up dating the flight risk? No, that was unfair. Leo’s runaway childhood was through no fault of his own. But if he was frightened, Jason had to find him quickly.
He searched the Hephaestus Cabin. Nothing. The forges. Nothing. The only other place Jason figured Leo would hide was Bunker 9. And sure enough, as soon as he’d entered, the large industrial lighting rig slammed on, and he could see Leo curled up against the wall, shivering. And Leo didn’t get cold.
“Leo?” He asked, “You okay?”
Leo shook his head, his hands still clutched around his ears. His voice was chocked with tears.
“Expl-explosions-” He managed, “Loud… very loud…”
Leo’s whole body was shaking. Jason crouched down next to him.
“When you… when you died? In that blast? The fireworks brought you back to that moment?”
He remembered the confused look in Leo’s eyes as he watched the colourful explosions light the sky- like he was somewhere else, hearing a different bang.
“I… I…” Leo wiped his eyes with the heel of his hand, and took a deep breath. He seemed to regain his composure, enough to look Jason in the eyes. “It was so painful, Jason… I was… and I didn’t understand why everyone was clapping.”
Ever since Leo had come back, he’d kept that same bubbly persona going. Jason hadn’t even realised how much actually dying had scarred him, but of course, it must have done. Leo never let on that he was haunted by that, but Jason could see it now clear as ever. Every firework would bring him back to that morning, when Leo had vaporised Gaea with the force of his own power.
Jason nodded. “I understand. The flashbacks… they’re hard. Particularly when everyone else seems to be unaffected. Your whole life flashes before your eyes and they’re cheering. It’s scary… But you’re safe now. Nothing’s gonna hurt you here.”
Jason wrapped his big strong arms around Leo’s shoulders and pulled him into a hug. Leo buried his face in Jason’s lap and began to sob. Jason stroked his hair.
“Shh… it’s okay… you’re safe now… you’re safe…”
Outside the thick walls of Bunker 9, muffled bangs continued. Leo whimpered at every single one.
“It’s okay, Leo… they can’t hurt you… you’re safe with me…”
“I’m sorry…” Leo sobbed.
“Shh. Shh. Sorry for what, Baby?”
Leo rolled over in Jason’s lap so that he was looking up into his eyes, “For ruining New Year’s with my stupid PTSD. You should be out there enjoying yourself instead of worrying about me, crying like a baby who’s afraid of a little fireworks.”
“No. No. Stop thinking like that. Stop it, right now. As your commanding officer, I forbid it.”
“You’re not my commanding officer!” Leo complained, indignantly, “Those are only to Roman soldiers. At Camp Half-Blood, we’re both head counsellors. We’re of equal station.”
“Fine,” Jason rolled his eyes, “As your boyfriend then. You’re banned from calling yourself stupid. You’re not stupid, Leo. You’re hurting. You’re scared. It’s okay, you have a right to feel those things. It’s totally normal, considering what you’ve been through.”
Leo was silent for a long time. Then he said, “Actually, I have the title of Supreme Commander, so I outrank you.”
Jason chuckled, “How about Prince then? My dad is King of the universe.”
“Holy Hephaestus, you’re right… I’m dating a freaking Prince.”
They laughed and settled into comfortable silence for a few moments. Then Leo’s expression turned sad.
“I know that I- I joke about it a lot, but I was… dead. I was actually dead, Jason.”
“I know… I know…”
“Like, I actually died. And… I can’t help but wonder… how she felt…”
“You mean your mom?” Jason asked.
Leo nodded, “How much pain I was in… I put her through that…”
“No… Baby, no…”
“Yeah, yeah, I know it was Gaea who caused it, but it was my flames that burned her. Or maybe it was smoke inhalation or something, I dunno, but it came from me. The pain she felt was a direct result of something that came from inside me. And I felt it, too. When I killed Gaea. It was horrible. I finally understood how she would’ve felt. Except it would’ve been worse for her, wouldn’t it? Trapped in that workshop, helpless, alone, as the flames rose up.”
Leo paused. Jason just studied him, silently. At the lack of new input, Leo continued, “What was she thinking? Did she see the fire and know that I’d done that? I mean, she didn’t know that Gaea was there. In those final moments, dying by her son’s hand, did she think I’d let her down? Because I couldn’t control it? Did she realise with a sinking feeling that all her worst fears were confirmed, that I really was too dangerous? Was she disappointed in herself for not raising me right? For not teaching me to be more careful? It’s just… once you’ve faced your own death, experienced the thoughts going through your head in those final moments, you start to wonder what other people thought during theirs. I dunno…”
Jason thought about that, “No, no, I get it. I understand.”
It had taken a while for Leo to get to a point where he could talk to Jason so openly like that. Where he could share the thoughts that haunted him, articulate his feelings in a way that Jason could understand. Even if he didn’t understand sometimes, he still listened. But most of the time, he could empathise with Leo- probably more than Leo realised. Jason himself hadn’t been dead, but he’d come close. And what Leo had said about thinking in those final moments… that resonated with him. He thought about his own mom. Did she think about him at all in that car crash? Did she regret abandoning him, not reaching out? Or did she not care?
“I get it,” Jason said again, “I mean, I actually lost you. It might’ve been only for a day or so, but for a few moments you weren’t on this planet at the same time as me. I don’t really want to think about it, the fact that I could’ve…”
He stroked Leo’s hair, as Leo started to cry.
“I’m sorry, Jason…” He mumbled.
“No… No, what’re you sorry for?”
“I don’t know,” Leo admitted, “Putting you through that, I guess.”
“Oh, Baby… No… I mean, it hurt, but you came back. All is good.”
“And I’m sorry to my mom.”
“She’ll forgive you. She knows you didn’t mean it.”
“You don’t know that.”
“I can take an educated guess,” Jason told him, “I’m Prince of the freaking Cosmos, remember? You have to listen to me.”
Jason rubbed Leo’s shoulder as Leo lay in his lap, “Look, Leo, you’re valuable. You’re needed. You deserve love, and forgiveness, and patience, and everything else. You’re brilliant, and awesome, and cool.”
“I know,” Leo said.
“Then why don’t you believe me when I tell you that? This was not your fault. You don’t need to keep kicking yourself about it. You did good. You saved the world. You avenged her death. You are loved. You are cared for. You are forgiven.”
Leo burst into tears.
“Shhh… it’s okay…” Jason soothed, “You can rest, now.”
“You can rest, now…”
Long had Jason waited to hear those words. And now, looking down at Leo, eyes closed, head rested on Jason’s knee, his breathing getting increasingly steadier- he realised how much Leo had needed them, too. And he found, with absolute certainty, that it was true for them both. There were no explosions. There was no Gaea. They were safe, here, at Camp. They had each other. It would take time for the nightmares to end, for the scars to fade. It would mean Leo would not be able to enjoy fireworks for a long time, maybe never. But they were safe. They could rest here, until daybreak. They might even skip breakfast and sleep in all morning. No urgent quests needed to be undertaken. No oracles prophesied their deaths. Leo had Jason to dry his tears. Jason had Leo to keep him warm. They were beaten and damaged, but they were alive. And they could rest, knowing that they had each other. For that, Jason was eternally grateful.
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friendly-books · 3 months
Dresden files Peace Talk Live Blog
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Content warning: Brief mention of SA I go off on a rant.
Dresden files Peace talk live blog
“My brother ruined a perfectly good run by saving “Justine is pregnant.” pg. 1 What a way to start a book
“He was one of the men who were so good-looking that it made people check around to see if they were being pranked.” pg. 1 Bi Harry 45
“Sorry to spoil your man time, Hemingway.” pg. 2 Ha
“I’ll have you know I’ve been a full time dad for well over a month, and Maggie isn’t dead yet. I clearly have mad parenting skills.” pg. 11 Ha and aw dad Harry
“The supernatural world had been kind of topsy-turvy lately. Some lunatic had managed to wipe out the Red Court of Vampires completely, and the resulting vacuum had destabilized balances of power that were centuries old.” pg. 16 Yeah Harry I wonder who would do that. Truly only a lunatic
“Marcone?” I demanded. Gentleman Johnnie Marcone, former robber baron of Chicago’s outfit was now Baron Marcone, the only vanilla human being to sign the Unseelie Accords. He’d managed that a few years ago, and he been building his power base ever since.” pg. 8 First Marcone mention and in the first chapter! Harry you were one of his signatures
“That was all him. Tell me that the Council doesn’t want me to be our emissary.”
Ramirez blinked “Wait what? Oh…God no, Harry. I mean…no. Just no.” pg. 8 Ha
“I took off the weighted vest with disgust and tossed it on the beach. It made an extremely weighty thump when it hit.” pg. 8 Nice Rock Lee moment
“I wonder if Harry Dresden is still Harry Dresden or if the Queen of Air and Darkness has turned him into her personal monster” look
I get that one a lot these days. Sometimes in the mirror.” pg. 9 Aw :( poor Harry
I love Maggie and Bonnie
“As dumpy as it had been, that grotty little apartment had been my home. Damn the vampires, for burning it down. Damn Marcone, for buying the property and putting his new headquarters on the ground where home used to be.” pg. 21 I also miss Harry’s house. Also Harry, do you wonder why Marcone built his headquarters on your own house.
Is…is Harry sick?
“Runes and sigils of green light spangled the walls.” pg. 27 I don’t think Harry’s magic has always been green?
No wait Thomas is here and Eb doesn’t know they’re related oh no is there any chance they can all sit down and talk? Can we please all be grownups and communicate with each other just this once
“What is that thing here?” Ebenezar demanded
Thomas lifted his eyebrows. “Thing? Pretty bold assertion of righteousness from the White Council’s hatchet man.” pg. 30 Eb that’s rude to call Thomas a thing
“There has been a motion raised before the general Council to strip you of your status as a member of the White Council entirely.” pg. 33 Oh no
“If you look up unnecessary risk in the White Council’s dictionary, my picture is there. And my address. And all my personal contact information. And my permanent record from middle school.” pg. 34 Ha
“I’m being set up” pg. 36 Yep
“Stars and stones”
“Don’t say that,” he said, his tone slipping into a more familiar, grouchier cadence. “You don’t even know what it means.” pg. 40 Interesting
“Maggie,” he said quietly. His voice sounded rough. “Hello, young lady.” pg. 41 Aw
“How’d that work out?” I asked him. “Let’s ask Mom. Oh, wait. We can’t. She’s dead.” pg. 43 Poor Harry poor Eb
“Your mother is dead,” Ebenezar said. “Your father is dead. The woman who bore your child is dead. And you are the common denominator.” pg. 45 EBENEZAR! >:(
“but only a fool squared off against Ebenezar McCoy.”
(Yes. I am aware of the implications of that statement; I’d been doing it for like ten minutes.) pg. 47 Ha
“I don’t get to be me anymore,” she whispered” pg. 52 Poor Murphy :(
“So instead, I kissed her.” pg. 53 Harry/Murphy kiss!
“He was on the tall side of medium height, good-looking,” pg. 56 Bi Harry 46
Boo Rudolph
“And Marcone owns Rudolph,” Karrin said. She pursed her lips. “Or so we assumed.” pg. 64 He is!? When was this assembled?
“New colors”
“He made an alliance with a powerful guardian entity.” pg. 68 Interesting
Lara and Mab
“There?” pg. 71 How did Lara get three favors from Mab?!
“The embassy was on fire-and my daughter was inside.” pg. 74 Oh no :(
Earthwalk sounds terrible
“Why is everyone so shocked that I have a girlfriend?” pg. 80 Ha
Hope Carpenter!
Why ware the svartalves trying to take Maggie?
“Who did you lose?”
“Austri” pg. 87 Oh no poor Austri
“It was Thomas” pg. 90 What!? Why would Thomas try to assassin someone?
“And that’s why you’re sending me back?” Maggie asked” pg. 96 Aw poor Maggie :(
I love that Harry has plans for Maggie if he were to die again
“She hugged me tight again” pg. 99 Aw my heart :)
“He says you are,” Maggie said. “That you’re a good man. One of the best he knows.” pg. 99 My heart :)
“Justine went limp and wept.” pg. 106 Poor Justine :(
“My friend. I recall you telling me about how one should respond to loyalty, once upon a time. That when you get it, you gotta give-it back, or else a man starts looking at those people like they’re things to be used.” pg. 112 Interesting shows Ebs teaching
Aw Harry and Eb are fighting :(
“If I do what is right, they’ll throw me to the wolves, huh?”
“Look in the mirror,” Ebenezar said harshly. “You are a wolf. That’s the point.” pg. 114 Ouch
“Outsiders” pg. 117 Oh no
“My mentor, my teacher, the most feared wizard on the planet, was frightened.” pg. 119 Oh no
Eb is so cool
This fight is so cool
Now they’re being chased
“why it’s damned stupid thing to trust vampires’ course.” pg. 126 You’re bringing this up now?! Now?
“Power against the Outsiders” pg. 128 So cool so Harry can fight the Outsiders. Wait did Harry’s mom plan Harry’s birth? Is that why Mab wanted Harry as the winter knight?
“please also observe that every single point of the plan is vampire-free.” pg. 130 Ha
“The whole pack is here. Now they’ll get serious.” pg. 131 The whole pack that’s a lot
“I don’t know.” pg. 133 Oh no
“Conjuritits? At your age?” pg. 134 What?
“Consulere Rex!” pg. 135 What. What kind of spell is this?
“Having a friggin’ Tyannosaurus Rex roaring out the tune of “Happy Birthday to You” at full volume is an entirely appropriate birthday present for Waldo Butters.” pg. 135 Ha
“And many moooooooooore!” pg. 138 Ha and yes I counted the o’s there’s 10
“God, I love working under pressure.” pg. 143 That’s good? Is this sarcastic? I think it’s sarcastic
“And I felt them.
Inside my head.
Felt the Outside.” pg. 145 Oh no
“I saw an image from their point of view-a being made of coherent light, a column of glowing energy centers, and pure dread, standing like an obelisk before the cornerhounds, a bolt of terrible lightning gathered around its upraised fists, head, and shoulders, like a miniature storm front.
I saw what they saw when they looked at me.
And I felt their fear.” pg. 145 So cool
“Because they took someone from me.”
“Mom?” I asked
His jaw muscles tightened. “Her too” pg. 148 Did vampires also kill Ebs wife? Whole family?
“Just…hurt.” pg. 149 Poor Harry
“Okay. So the White Council wants to give you a hard time. So what else is new?” pg. 154 I’m with Buttes this isn’t new behavior from the White Council. This does bring back that quote from Elaine in Summer Knight “God, Harry. You can’t see it, can you? The Council doesn't care about you. They don’t want to protect you. They will only put up as long as you toe the line and don’t become an inconvenience.” pg. 150 The Council has never liked Harry. I’m more shocked that it’s taken this long.
“to recover is a solid sleep cycle” pg. 157 Knowing Harry that’s not going to happen
“He’s an adult human being, guys. And I’m tired. Draw conclusions, Harry.” pg. 159 Ha and throuple?
“Damn. Little guy had gotten all grown up on me.” pg. 160 Aw I’m so proud
Sayna is in town. Something is about to go down
“Who are you, and what have you done with Harry Dresden?” pg. 163 Ha
Riley! My guy you don’t get paid enough. Switch sides. Marcone probably has better benefits.
“Sister?” I asked “Oh, Sigrun Gard?”
“Freydis Gard.” pg. 170 Oh Gard has a sister
“Lara was a beautiful and dangerous as a hungry tigress, and very, very smart.” pg. 171 I’m seeing similar vibes to how Harry describes Marcone and Lara
“I thought it was closed to all outsiders then.”
She grinned and moved her hip in a little roll that made me want to stampede. “Have you looked at me?” pg. 173 Is Lara half Japanese or Korean or Chinese? Or is it because she’s pretty?
“Have you told his grandfather about him?” pg. 175 What!? Lara knows about Ebenezar?!
Okay don’t mess with Lara’s family good to know
“None of them were smiling.” pg. 186 Oh no
“Mistrusting me right from the get-go huh?” pg. 186 Not off to a great start
Can someone please de escalate this situation
“We’re friends” I said
“Then let us be your friends,” pg. 191 This isn’t how friends act. They don’t stalk, pull over their car, pointing weapons at them! Just let Harry explain and trust him.
“The last time I’d faced off with this many Wardens, they’d been there to arrest me, after the death of Justin DuMorne. I’d been sixteen. I’d remember how frightening those grim spartan figures had been.” pg. 192 That’s a lot of wardens after one warlock. Why so many?
Rant start
“He’s been with at least one sexual partner in the past several hours,” pg. 193 What. Is that the spell? Why would you make that spell? Why would you do that to Harry?
“And, as I realized what they’d been doing, my own anger started swelling dangerously. The Council had poked its nose in my business my entire adult life. It didn’t need to start poking it there. My heart started beating faster.” pg. 193 HOW FUCKING DARE THEY. >:( They have no right to know that information. The spell only seems to say that at least one and it seems to make no indication whatsoever if it was consensual. Maybe it wasn’t they (wardens) know that. They’re accosting Harry. Why do they care who Harry sleeps with? It’s none of their business. They don’t react this way to Mab when Harry becomes the Winter Knight. This is such an invasion of privacy. 
“Who was it?” Ramirez asked me, voice hard
“The nerve” I snarled
“Was it Lara?” he pressed. His jaw set like stone. “Harry, has she gotten to you?”
My fingers tighten on my staff until the wood cracked. “You’re crossing a goddamned line, Carlos.”
“Harry,” Chandler began, his tone soothing. He reached out to put a companionable hand on my shoulder.””
I struck it away
Chandler hissed and withdrew his arm, holding it close to his body.
“We have to know, Dresden,” Ramirez said. “Who did you sleep with tonight?”
“Because your sex life is a disaster, you pull this crap on me,” I growled” pg. 193 It’s none of their business. The nerve is right. They are crossing so many lines. Good if Harry doesn’t punch every single one of these Wardens by the end of the book I’ll do it myself and they deserve the backlash/back talk.
“Carlos face drained of color, but his expression never changed. “Believe it. Who?”
“Suddenly I remember why I have authority issues,” I said “Go fuck yourself Ramirez. And tell whoever ordered you to do this to me to pound sand while you’re at it.”
“Captain Luccio ordered me to do this,” Ramirez said quietly. “She’s still your friend. She wants to help you, too.”
“I don’t need this kind of help,” I said. “We’re supposed to be on the same side.”
“We are,” Chandler said emphatically. Then his face fell. “Unless. . . we aren’t, I suppose.”
“Ever word I’ve said to you is true,” I snapped. Or at least not a lie. “I’ve had enough bullshit from the White Council for one night.” pg. 194 Yes Harry has every reason to have authority issues. Tell him off Harry. LUCCIO! Why would you order this? I’m so disappointed in you. Did she think this was a good idea because of what happened to her and Peabody? If that’s why it doesn’t mean you get to be suspicious and be an unreasonable jerk to Harry. Why would the wardens agree to this? I thought they were Harry’s friends. Harry’s actually friends would sit him down and talk to him and trust him. This is an order you have to look at and disagree. You need to think for yourself. Why would anyone think this was a good idea?
Rant End
“Margaret Katherine Amanda Carpenter,” I chanted rhythmically, “I call you.” pg. 200 Ha
“I’m human. But this mantle isn’t like yours. It’s an order of magnitude more complex.” pg. 202 Interesting
“Molly had definitely become someone darker and more dangerous.” pg. 203 Oh no
“And more than anything else, it’s where you build that world that you want.” pg. 212 I love the passage about home
“My comfy, dumpy old apartment was gone, flattened by Gentlemen Johnnie Marcone to make way for his stupid little castle and the Bigger Better Brighter Future Society. I mean, that had only been after the Red Court of Vampires had burned my home down, but I guess I’d settled their harsh not long after. I was willing to call that one even.” pg. 213  Marcone mention! It’s a cool castle.
“I bowed my head at a light and wept.” pg. 213 Poor Harry
“Then perhaps you are the right person, in the right place, at the right time,” Michael said “Again. Have faith in that. And get some sleep.” pg. 218 I love this
Oh dear Molly hasn’t told her parents about being the Winter Lady
Pretty suit
“He’d shaved his head entirely, and his scalp was the color of dark chocolate, covered with beads of sweat, and the blazing afternoon sun shone gratuitously upon all the muscles.” Bi Harry 47
“But knowledge good, too, da?”
“Da,” I said, firmly.” pg. 230 Of course Harry thinks knowledge is good
“And directly through Sanya’s wrist.” pg. 233 Oh dear
“He suddenly frowned. “Hey” pg. 234 Ha
“With an angel inside,” breathed Butters” pg. 239 So cool
“I accidentally ran it through the laundry once.” pg. 239 Ha
“The fete was being hosted at the Brighter Future Society’s headquarters, a small but genuine freaking castle that Gentleman Johnnie Marcone had flown over from somewhere in Scotland, stone by stone, and rebuilt on the lot of a burned-down boarding house.” pg. 242 Marcone mention!
“My old house.
Gone now
In fire
I wanted to go home.” pg. 242 Poor Harry :(
“When it got fully dark, Marcone’s castle would look like it was holding a flashlight under its chin.” pg. 243 Marcone mention and ha
“Technically, this wasn’t my first visit to Marcone’s little fortress, but it was the first time I’d done so physically.” pg. 247 Marcone mention
“M-Baron Marcone, the White Court, and the Paranetters have formed an alliance against the Former here in Chicago the past few years,” I said “Too many kids had gone missing.” pg. 248 Yep and I love that Harry has to stop and correct himself from just saying Marcone
“Wild Bill scowled darkly. “They turned to criminals and the White Court for help, did they?”
I straightened and turned slowly to Wild Bill, lookIng directly at him. “Their kids were being taken. And it wasn’t like we were helping them.”
Wild Bill quickly averted his gaze from mine. There was an uncomfortable silence.” pg. 249 Yep what were the White Council doing while Harry was dead? And the years after. It doesn’t seem like they were helping people. Where were the people supposed to go? Marcone and Lara were offering protection.
German Shepherd! Doggy!
“My employer’s main concern tonight is that no one brings any explosive compounds inside,” he said calmly.
“Yeah. That would suck, if everything blew up and the place burned down,” I said “I speak from experience.” I might have given him a toothy smile as I said it.” pg. 250 Ha and come on Harry’s here. There’s going to be a fire.
I’m halfway through the book
“Marcone keeps a platoon of Einherjaren on standby. Remember?” pg. 251 Marcone mention
“Me, too. Just remember what I taught you.”
“Never start the fight. Always finish it.”
“Not that.”
“Make your bed and do your chores?”
“Not that”
“Something, something, never let them see you sweat.”
A grin flashed over the old man’s seamed face, there and gone. “Close enough.” pg. 252 Ha
“Marcone’s little castle had a large central hall that took up what had to be a goodly portion of its ground floor.” pg. 253 Marcone mention and this castle is so cool. I can’t wait for Harry to get it.
“And apparently, Baron Marcone had convinced them to help him.” pg. 253 Marcone mention and it’s interesting that Marcone got the Summer court to help
“And they were playing for Marcone’s party.” pg. 254 How many favors does Marcone have? And to who? How many did he cash in for this accord meeting? Why?
“I thought about the vaults we’d partially wrecked in the basement of Marcone’s bank, where he’d been entrusted with protecting assets from a dozen different supernatural nations at least. Just how many markers had Marcone given out? How many truly scary beings were in the man’s debt?
I frowned. The robber baron of Chicago was becoming a real concern.” pg. 254 Yep and I can’t wait to see him
“I blinked. Lara wasn’t exactly a ditzy party girl, but she was doing a damned good impression.” pg. 258 Oh Lara’s plotting
Oh interesting that the favor have an effect on Harry
Oh no ghouls are here
“I considered setting them all on fire for a while, until I started getting looks from the table. It was only then that I noticed how wildly I was smiling and moved along.” pg. 264 Harry hates ghouls so much
IVY! She’s here!
Where’s Kincaid?
Has it really been years since Harry saw Ivy?
I want Marcone. Where’s Marcone? This is his event. Hmmm =| 
Ferrovax is here too?!
Genoakwa survived?! He’s here?!
Oh good it’s just RiverShoulder’s
The Forest People are joining the Accords!
Yes Harry is a good friend. I wish Carlos remembered that yes I’m still mad about it
“Blood on His Soul won’t forget.” pg. 270 That’s his name?! And he survived!? Ahhh!!!
“Yeah. Marcone had plenty of people here.” pg. 270 Yep
“Yeah, these parties are a hoot,” pg. 272 Yeah Harry isn’t great at parties
“Beowulf. Vadderung.” pg. 273 VADDERUNG was Beowulf! That’s so cool
River Shoulders is old
“You know what, Hoss Dresden?” pg. 275 So far three people have called Harry ‘Hoss’ Eb, Listen-to-Wind, and River Shoulders
“You pretty good about defying folk who need defying. And you’re getting better about fighting out who those folk are.” pg. 275 Yep
“Sometime, you want to learn more, come find me.” pg. 275 I hope Harry learns from Rivers
“Baron Marcone has given his permission, as host, for me to deal with this matter.” pg. 281 Marcone mention
“Baron Marcone, as host of this gathering, offered to hold my brother prisoner until the matter had been settled through an Accorded  emissary.” pg. 283 Marcone mention
“My read is that this whole conference is Marcone’s baby.”
I grunted agreement. “He’s actually doing what Cristos only thinks he is,” I said. “Building alliances.”
“And if you screw up Marcone’s plan? Karrin asked bluntly.
“His reputation takes a hit,” I said
“And he will respond to that.”
“Marcone is actually aware of the concept of payback,” I agreed.
Karrin glowered. “I don’t know all of the beings you deal with very well, Harry. But I know Marcone. And he scares me.” pg. 286 Marcone mention. Yeah Marcone is scary. So this is Marcone’s pet project.
“I love you,” I said.” pg. 292 Ahhh!!! :)
Yelp now they’re getting tailed
Why is everyone looking at Justine?
How do I only have 12 chapters left?
I like Freydis
“Are you seeing anyone?”
Murphy blinked.
“Mortals cheeks turned bright pink. “Um.”
Freydis frowned slightly and glanced from Murphy to me and back. “I don't mind sharing.”
“I’m . . . I’m Catholic,” Murphy said.
Freydis’s eyes shone with a wicked sparkle. “I don’t mind conflicted, either.”
Murphy gave me a somewhat desperate glance.
Huh. I’d officially seen everything now. Murphy asking for a rescue. From monsters and madmen, she’d never cried uncle.
It had taken a redhead.” pg. 309 Ha and Murphy didn’t say she wasn’t straight just Catholic so I’m putting that down as a Bi Murphy 2
“Marcone owns it.” pg. 317 Marcone mention
“It’s bullshit. However inconvenient you might be for them, whether any of them like it or not, you’re a wizard Harry.” pg. 319 You know what’s bullshit your intervention. I will be forever be mad about it
“Yet a wizard, Harry,” I growled.” pg. 319 Ha
I’m almost done and it’s only been four days
“Point is, I’ve already cast my vote on your behalf. So have most of the other Wardens.”
I was quiet for a second, with my throat a little tight. “Oh. Thanks.” pg. 319 That doesn’t make up for the intervention
“Don’t you like parties, Harry?” pg. 320 Ha and is that an understatement
“Wham. It was nearly audible, how fast his expression became a closed door.” pg. 320 Ah right Bombshell
“Why would he?
He was a friend. He trusted me.
I felt sick.” pg. 321 Is Carlos really your friend after the intervention. Does he really trust you? He was the one to mistrust and track Harry first
“Baron Marcone was a handsome man of middle years dressed in an immaculate gray business suit. Perhaps slightly taller than average, he had barely changed in all the years I’d known him. The few marks of age that had come upon him only made him look more reserved, severe, and dangerous.” pg. 322 Bi Harry 48 and MARCONE my guy is here finally! Look at him! I love him probably far too much. And yes Harry Marcone is handsome.
“Marcone glanced up as the White Council’s delegation entered together, and he looked at me for a moment, his expression neutral.” pg. 323 Marcone mention and I love that Marcone looked at Harry. I wonder what he’s thinking?
“I returned the look with as much of a poker face as I could, and we both looked elsewhere at the same moment, as if we’d planned it.” pg. 323 Ha
“I briefly toyed with the image of Marcone, with several missing teeth, reclining in a dentist chair for repair work while Gard and Hendricks menaced the poor DDS with their glowers, and it made me smile.” pg. 324 Ha
“If any underworld boss in the world had a dental plan for his employees, it would be Marcone.” pg. 324 Yep
“I should probably be looking into a checkup for Maggie before she went to her new school in the fall,” pg. 324 Ha and yes dad Harry
“Oh. You just went from a three to a six, seidermadr. I like men who look past the surface of things. And you can dance.” pg. 328 Ha and yes Harry can dance
“One of Marcone’s people in the in the red jackets looked like he might disagree with me going up the stairs to the gym” pg. 331 Marcone mention
“The guard looked from me over toward Marcone’s camp. Marcone didn’t look up from  his conversation, but Hendricks, his right hand, gave the guard a nod.” pg. 331 Marcone mention and what is he thinking?
Why are Harry and Lara undressing?
“Marcone had to give in with grace and installed dumbwaiter doors.” pg. 333 Marcone mention and ha
Why are they getting in the dumbwaiter? How can they both fit? How can Harry fit?
“Oh. You and the policewoman? Congratulations, wizard.” pg. 334 Yes true love protection
Wait I need to go back I missed Gard and Hendricks description because I was distracted by Marcone
“had grown out a short beard that had come out several shades darker than his hair,” pg. 323 Hendricks has a beard!
“on top of Lara in the boxing ring, making out furiously.” pg. 336 What. Why? Out of all the illusions you go with that one? After that “intervention” if anyone sees it won’t be good for Harry
I hope the guard will be ok
“Because it was my door.
My door, mine, from my old apartment; the door to my sub basement lab.” pg. 347 Harry’s basement! Does Marcone know it’s Harry’s lab? Why did he keep it? Has Marcone gone into the lab? Can he? Ah it’s a piece of Harry’s home.
“Hells bells, I wanted to feel like I was home again. And instead, I was standing in Marcone’s house.” pg. 346 Well it’s going to be Harry’s house soon.
Poor Thomas :(
“You’ve got conjuritis? I’ve heard about how awkward it can be when wizard kids get the disease. Aren’t you a few. . . decades old for that?” pg. 354 Interesting could Harry have gotten it from Maggie? Does being isolated to just him, Justin, and Elaine in their adolescence play a part? Does Harry have a longer lifespan than other wizards so now in his 40’s he still considered young enough to get conjuritis? Why does Lara know about conjuritis? Did Thomas, Molly, Maggie, or Charity? ever get conjuritis? Am I massively overthinking this probably
“The whole time I got dressed, I did my best to ignore the image in the boxing ring” pg. 355 It’s still going on?!? Why?
The potion from Fool’s Moon!
“He loved books.
He took me to see Star Wars movies.
Him and me.” pg. 360 Aw Harry’s dad got him into Star Wars :) My heart
Oh no Ferrovax can see Harry
Oh good Vadderung is helping
“None of the valets or staff survived.” pg. 367 Oh no
Noooo Gwynn ap Nudd I liked you
“YOU DARE! YOU ARE A GUEST IN THIS HOUSE!” pg. 374 Oh dear Mab is mad
“I remember how you wept when Merlin cast you out.” pg. 813 What!? Mab and Merlin
Did the being just kicked Mab through the wall?
Who is the bronze lady?
“Gentleman John Marcone stepped out from the unmoving Gard, impeccable in his suit. He didn’t look frightened, though he had to be. He simply stepped forward, clear of his guards, and said, “Good evening, madam. I am Baron John Marcone. This is my home. Might I have the pleasure of knowing how you wish to be addressed?” pg. 378 Marcone mention and what are you doing Marcone?
“The goddess narrowed her eyes, watching Marcone with the kind of revulsion that one normally sees reserved for a swarm of maggots. She shook her head, dismissing Marcone from her attention as she fixed her gaze on Vadderung again.” pg. 378 Marcone mention and don’t you look at Marcone like that.
“This is your host?” she demanded. “You permit a mortal among you? Where is your dignity? Where is your pride?” She shook her head. “This world has gone astray. We have failed it. And I will no longer huddle fearfully in the seas and watch the mortals turn it into their filthy hive.” pg. 378 Who made you the judge, jury, and executioner? And Marcone is cool.
“The goddess walked forward, starting down at Marcone. She circled him, shaking her head in judgement and still no one moved.” pg. 378 Don’t you shake your head at Marcone
“Chicago fell into total darkness.” pg. 381 Oh no
“A solid quarter minute of stunned silence followed before Gentleman John Marcone hauled himself to his feet, looked around at the destruction and confusion in the hall, and mused, “It would seem we have the Formor’s answer with regards to the peace process.” pg. 382 Marcone mention and yes Ethniu made her statement quite clear
“The dead, it would appear,” Marcone said. He started for the high seat and offered a hand to Molly. She glowered at him but took his hand and rose with a polite nod. He spoke in a low, intent voice that wouldn’t be overheard by most of the room. “Assess Mab, please, Winter Lady.”
Molly stared at him for a second. Then she went over to the hole in the stone wall behind high seat. She stared for moment and said, “What’s on the other side of the wall?”
“Storage,” Marcone said
“On the other side of that,” pg. 382 Let Marcone help you up Molly.
Yes Marcone call out LaChaise
“Are you a coward, sir,” Marcone asked, his voice deadly quiet.
“A question, sir,” Marcone said. “Not a statement.”
“Tread carefully, mortal,” LaChaise said. “I would be pleased to use your own entrails to make sausage links.”
“I ask the question,” Marcone said, “because your next actions will show everyone here what you are, LaChaise.”
“Marcone’s voice cracked out. You are a guest, sir. In my house.” pg. 384 Let him have it! Marcone’s so cool
“Once you awaken them, frighten them, you anger them. They will lash out at any supernatural threat they can find” pg. 386 Yep humans are scary
“It meant that the Last Titan was in league with the Outsiders.” pg. 390 Oh no
Yes Marcone taking control of the situation
“But Chicago’s streets had changed.” pg. 394 Oh no
“And being initiated to the supernatural world was difficult even when it happened gently-much less when it rolled up and ripped someone’s face off.” pg. 396 It’ll be interesting to see what happens when the masquerade comes off
“You fool,” he said. “You damned fool.” pg. 399 Oh no
“Don’t you see, boy? You’ll be vulnerable, compromised. Mab, and this creature, they’re isolating you. That’s what abusers do.” pg. 402 Yep
“And then me and the old man went to war.” pg. 403 Oh no
“But he deserved the truth. Had to have it, really.” pg. 411 This is how you’re going to tell him
“Good talk.” I said. “Wizard McCoy.” pg. 413 My heart :( ow will they ever recover from this?
“It hurts” I said quietly. “Oh God. It hurts.” pg. 416 Poor Harry :(
“The Eye of Balor” pg. 420 The what?
Lara stop
“Murphy was holding a live grenade to either side of their heads.” pg. 439 Murphy what are you doing?!?
“Gods, that’s hot,” pg. 440 Ha
“I’d heard the tone before. Back when I’d had to put the fear of, well me, into a vampire named Bianca. We’d sort of been amicable opponents up until that point. Things changed when I’d made her feel helpless. Things had gotten a little complicated.” pg. 441 Bianca just keeps haunting the narrative she’s been dead for what a decade? We’re still dealing with the repercussions of her party.
Ok so Harry’s plan is to trap Ethniu
“I thought of the hideous scarlet light of the Eye, tearing through Marcone’s little fortress.” pg. 455 Final Marcone mention and how are they going to get Ethniu to DeamonReach?
Final thoughts
Good book. I liked the fights and thought it was funny. I wish there were more Marcone moments but I always want that so that’s not new. We're up to Bi Harry 48 moments and Bi Murphy 2. Not sure how everyone is going to defeat the Formor and trap Ethniu. I’m sad about Eb and Harry’s fight. I was too sad to comment much about the fight. Poor Thomas I’m not sure how he’s going to come back and I have no idea what’s going on with Justine. I want someone to punch Carlos and co. for their “intervention” and I want to punch Luccio. That was such a long rant not sure if it made any sense. I think that was the fastest I’ve ever read a chapter book before. Only six days. While I want Carlos to get punched I am concerned about him. With his talk of pliers in cold case, the talk about lower power practices, and how he’s always been more of the White Council favorite than Harry. I can see him getting more extreme or more in line with the fanatics. I liked the dad Harry moments. I loved the Harry/Murphy moments. I can’t believe I’m saying this but I can’t wait for Harry to be kicked out of the White Council. What have they done for Harry?
Onto the comics. Not sure how I’m going to format that. Yes I’m procrastinating reading Battle ground. I’m not ready.
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warningsine · 3 months
All prime ministers bring their own personality and approach to the job. Each has a different style of leadership, which can shape how things work and what gets done. Herbert Asquith famously summed it up when he said being prime minister is all about “what the holder chooses and is able to make of it”.
When searching for clues as to how Keir Starmer will choose to be Britain’s prime minister, there isn’t too much to go on. When asked directly on a recent podcast, he declared “an inclusive, determined prime minister who will look out for everyone in the country”. This only takes us so far, as it’s rather hard to imagine anyone saying the opposite (except, perhaps, Nigel Farage). But sifting through what we know, we can at least make a start at piecing together the puzzle.
In terms of his personality and approach, Starmer has been described as “methodical, professional, good on detail but lacking in flair”. He is very likely to be what the late MP and historian David Marquand called a “pragmatic operator”. Not for Starmer the visionary appeal or oratory fireworks of a Tony Blair or Harold Wilson. But nor is he simply a “machine politician”.
Starmer comes across as a quiet, experienced man, who speaks of values and of being a socialist (though the public are unsure if he is, or if that’s a good or bad thing). He can justifiably say he has a more authentic working-class background than many of his predecessors.
We do know that Starmer only became a member of parliament in 2015, so, at 52, was a relative latecomer to politics. He has spent the entirety of his political career in opposition. His predecessors, going back to Theresa May, came to the role with substantial experience of being a government minister (though, you may point out, it didn’t do them much good).
Yet Starmer’s time in parliament has been more intense than most. He was deeply involved in Brexit, and then led his party during the pandemic. As leader of the opposition, he saw two prime ministers removed in quick succession (and played a large role in removing at least one, with his methodical lawyer’s approach). Now, he has taken down a third.
Man on a mission
Importantly, Starmer has led what is effectively a large government department. His five years as director of public prosecutions (DPP) means he comes into Number 10 as an experienced leader having, rather unusually, run a state organisation before his political career had even begun.
Starmer’s experience as DPP implies an emphasis on delivering. We can expect him to focus on fixing problems, finding solutions, and getting things done. We can also perhaps expect more emphasis on outcomes and an end to the politicisation and battles with the bureaucratic machinery of government that characterised the previous administration.
It has been suggested that Starmer’s will be a mission-led government, organised around a set of guiding, longer-term missions with the goal of delivering certainty and sustained change. This idea is not new or particularly radical but it may appear so after the seeming chaos and short-termism of recent years.
How, and how swiftly, decisions are made – or not made – will be the crucial test. Starmer’s apparent indecision over the net zero agenda could be the shape of things to come. Being methodical and interested in detail can be shorthand for delay and indecision.
He has hinted at being a consultative leader: “The best decisions I’ve made in my life were those held up to the light and that survived scrutiny. The worst were when nobody said ‘boo’”. However his penchant for “undersharing”, as noted by his deputy Angela Rayner, may mean he keeps decision-making concentrated in a small group of confidants.
Man of mystery
A Starmer-led government is likely, especially with a large parliamentary majority, to be empowered to make changes. As a self-described socialist and progressive, Starmer can hardly avoid it. But how radical will he be? One former Labour minister spoke of how “he is very impressive, but he never strays too far beyond the boundaries. Even when he was a radical lawyer, he was one of a conventional sort.”
Where exactly Starmer sits remains a mystery or “a mystery wrapped in a riddle wrapped in something sensible and beige”. A supporter explained how “one of Keir’s greatest strengths is that he’s never been from, or beholden to, a particular faction of the Labour party”.
But one truism of political leadership is that what begins as a strength ends as a weakness. Lots of the fault lines within the Labour party are already visible, from child poverty to Gaza. Other issues are bubbling away. Starmer’s ability to float above the fray can’t last, and there are likely to be plots and challenges (especially if a large majority means underemployed backbenchers).
Here, Starmer sits within perhaps another classic dilemma of the Labour party and of Labour prime ministers: what David Marquand called the “progressive dilemma”, namely how far can you, and do you, push change, without stretching the support of the broad coalition who put you in the job? The approach has so far been caution, supported by a disciplined shadow cabinet, but a large majority may transform the situation.
Yet other leaders have made huge changes quietly. Theresa May, for example, pushed through a net zero law so silently that “nobody even noticed the Tories’ biggest legacy”.
However, to revisit the warning of Asquith, being prime minister is about what a leader is “able” to do. Events blow all governments off course, and plenty have been overwhelmed by crises. Starmer would do well to heed the warning of boxer Mike Tyson that “everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth”.
After his win, there is a weight of expectation on Starmer. But trust in all politicians is low and damaged. There will be pressing domestic issues over migration, public service funding, and the NHS. Abroad, as one Labour advisor warned, there is a “stormy world” from Gaza and Ukraine to the US election. The true test of what Prime Minister Starmer may be is when his methodical approach meets a messy world.
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pearblossommina · 1 year
ToG Read-a-Long, Queen of Shadows, day 9
I’m so normal about this chapter set you guys
Ch 52
"Not yet," he said roughly, his own breathing uneven. "Not now.”
Rowan you TEASE. How dare you.
Please, my crops, they’re so dry. Please. Chomp down on her neck. Mark her up, be a beast, I know you want to do it, SO DO IT! You think Aedion has never heard the sound of people having sex in the next room?!? It’s fine! He’s a big boy, he’ll get over it!
You can be as loud as the hell you want when you’re making love, don’t let the neighbors stop you from having fun; they’ll have peace and quiet when you’re good and done.
Ch 53
(SJM: hey are you turned on? Excited to read a chapter about Rowan and Aelin dancing around the idea of maybe potentially consummating?)
(Me: yeah yeah gimme gimme!)
(SJM: *writes about Dorian filled with doom and gloom and sorrow instead*)
(Me: *sigh*)
Who edited this. Who let her get away with this. I need to know where to send the bill for my whiplash.
Ch 54
Heyyyy well this is a surprise
Kaltain beat back the demon
(With fire) (mmmm)(sounds good I’m pretty sure we can muster some fire)
Good job Kaltain, can you tell our baby boy Dorian!
Ch 55
Lysandra god damn it
How dare you get kidnapped, my crops are turning to dust in the field and I’m so thirsty, I can’t be concerned for you right now
You better not be about to be killed violently like Nehemia
(I can’t keep going through all this intensity) (I CAN’T)(my feelings are all over the place)(what is even going ON)
Ch 56
I feel like I am actually being pranked right now
There is no way
There is no way she can keep getting away with this
Is the next chapter going to be another sad Dorian chapter, SMH
how much longer can these two possibly hold out! Another temptation and another postponement… yeesh
Ch 57
I’m getting so sick of all the war and high stakes stuff happening in this book
Like genuinely I can tell this is important and I should care about what’s going on right now and yet, HEAD EMPTY, DON’T CARE
Ch 58
I care a little bit
It made me kinda excited when Dorian managed to talk in his own voice, Dorian, what the hell have you been waiting for? The right moment when Aelin happened to be watching?
Is grandmother Matron fucking the king?
Probably not, since he has a wife
I just want to see Manon eat everybody, actually
Ch 59
My how the turn tables, CHAOL WANTS TO KILL DORIAN NOW
Chaol, are you fucking kidding me? This whole time you have been the only one holding onto hope
How could you let your hopes die now? Don’t you believe in good triumphing over evil? Weren’t you fighting for a better world, for humanity or whatever? What happened, Chaol? I thought you were on my side.
I thought we were doofuses together
Don’t leave me here to be a doofus by myself
I find Manon so sexy especially how she just effortlessly holds Chaol captive. I still think Baba Yellowlegs is the silliest name for any villain, it just rolls off the tongue in such a funny way. Shouldn’t Manon be glad that Baba Yellowlegs died, though? I mean maybe it’s bad when a witch dies because they’re so strong, but the fact that she died is what caused her and the other clans to join together and rival for a new Wing Leader, sooooo actually, Aelin did you a service, baby. If you look at the bright side. If you are capable of looking at the bright side.
Yeah! fight each other
Ch 60
“If he had been one inch farther behind, it would have hit his heart.”
Aw shit be careful Rowan! You can’t be out here getting mortally wounded! I am so sick of it! Get your act together, what do you think this is, an action novel? NO, dummy, it’s a steamy romance, I don’t have time for your bleeding heart heroics! Literally!
The Manon x Aelin fight is pretty hot actually
I am here for it
Guys this chapter set gave me hell
It wasn’t a very LONG set but boy was it hard for me to pay attention lmao, and I KNEW, I KNEW the stuff happening after the Rowaelin tease was important but I was like what the actual fuck is this! Get back in bed! No! I hate myself - I hate everything!
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larz-barz · 11 months
~I need more love i just got rejected at school lol~ Can you please write a Oc x canon here who it is:Zenitsu x maki, I loved the other one! It was awesome :>
awh man im sry bestie boo:( for what it’s worth, whoever rejected you doesn’t deserve you anyway<33
i’m glad you liked the other one btw and i hope you like this one as well!!<33 (sry its taking me so long to get to all my reqs btw, im trying to be quick abt these cause i had like 52 notifications, most of them were from nim reacting to posts cause she was catching up lol)
Fear of rejection
Zenitsu came up to his friend, Maki.
Maki, who was usually smiling, was… crying.??
“Maki… are you ok?” Zenitsu asked, his face twisted in worry.
“Y-yeah… he rejected me…” Maki said, referring to Genya, her longtime crush.
She had finally worked up the courage to ask him out and just as Maki feared, he rejected her.
Zenitsu frowned. He gave her a hug. “Maki… you’re too good for him anyway. I’m sorry he rejected you.” He said, looking at her with sad eyes.
Truth is, is that Zenitsu had liked Maki for a while. He was just too scared to say anything.
Honestly, Maki is the only girl he hasn’t tried to flirt with relentlessly.
He’s liked her for basically their entire lives. He didn’t ever want to make her uncomfortable so he never flirted with her.
Honestly, Maki was in a state of denial. She liked Zenitsu as well but she didn’t wanna admit to herself.
She didn’t wanna risk ruining their friendship.
“Hey, uhm. Maki..?” Zenitsu started.
“Hm?” Maki asked, small tears forming in her eyes.
‘Is he about to… no… he doesn’t like me like that.’
“Do you maybe… wanna go out with me for coffee sometime…?” Zenitsu asked, shyly smiling. “I know this is probably a terrible time to ask this, but I have liked you ever since we met-“ Zenitsu started rambling on then got interrupted with Maki’s lips slamming into his own, shutting him up real fast.
Maki pulled away, a smile on her face. “I like you too, Zenny. I’d love to go out with you.”
~the end~
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askseriousrainbow · 2 years
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Numbers 60-51! There's a lot of sequels or spiritual successors in this one. That's just how the list came to be, I have to say.
Link to part 1. Link to part 2. Link to part 3. Link to part 4. Link to part 6. Link to part 7. Link to part 8. Link to part 9. Link to part 10.
60. Left 4 Dead 2
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Left 4 Dead 2 is the better of the two because all of L4D1 is in L4D2. And it's FAN-FREAKING-TASTIC to play with friends (or bots), just do a whole campaign with 3 of your friends shooting zombies, trying to get through to each safe house, getting picked up at the end, it's a great time.
59. XCOM: Enemy Unknown
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The game that really got me into the X-COM/XCOM series. XCOM: Enemy Unknown is Firaxis's first take on the alien strategy game, and refines it so you get a nice streamlined experience, and repopularized the genre. Even with its sequel choosing to go with the bad end, the good end is fun to get to.
58. Theme Hospital
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I love Theme Hospital more than Theme Park. I don't know why, the theme of health care can be very dry. But Theme Hospital makes it funny with Bloaty Head, King Complex, Hairyitis, and Invisibility illnesses. It's a little less hardcore than Theme Park, but that makes it better, in my opinion.
57. Two Point Hospital
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Not to say that the formula couldn't be improved. Two Point Hospital is everything Theme Hospital is, but better. Better room design capabilities, better way of hiring staff, better training of staff, sillier illnesses, easier to get into, more experimentation with levels, just everything's better. I freaking love Two Point Hospital.
56. Two Point Campus
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Not to say it couldn't be refined further. Two Point Campus replaced the health care theme with a university/college theme and adds the ability to build your own buildings instead of having pre-built plots to build within. The new theme allows them to go even zanier, and it's worth it to three-star each university. I love Two Point Campus.
55. The Sims 2
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The Sims 2 is my favorite of the The Sims series, adding aspirations, wants, fears, and giving the game a great feel. Adding the life stages, and making Sims age was a great addition to the series, and it's all-in-all a better experience than The Sims 1.
54. Baldur's Gate 2
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Baldur's Gate was a great RPG when it came out, but Baldur's Gate 2 was better. It had a great main villain, a compelling story, and a great group of characters that are memorable, especially Minsc and his miniature space hamster, Boo.
53. Borderlands 2
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Yes, yes, I know, its humor can feel dated now, but Borderlands 2 is still a blast to play through if you get a group of friends together to do so. Handsome Jack is a fantastic villain, and the guns feel great to use. Well, maybe not Hyperion if you're concerned about accuracy. Anyway, the Vault Hunters all feel unique, and it's fun to play as any of them.
52. FlatOut 2
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FlatOut 2 is a great racing game with stunts and realistic damage. Its AI isn't too bad either, I don't feel like they're rubberbanding when I race against them. The tracks are all distinct and feel good to race on. The stunt mode is also great, trying to fling your avatar into specific places.
51. Rise of the Triad
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Ah, good ol' Rise of the Triad, the progenitor of Ludicrous Gibs. It's not bad, being built on a heavily-modified Wolfenstein 3D engine that allowed height. Its ridiculousness helped it stand out among the so-called “DOOM clones,” what with powerups and powerdowns such as God Mode, Dog Mode, Shrooms Mode, and Elasto Mode. Really looking forward to the Ludicrous Edition.
Part 6 is next!
Link to part 1. Link to part 2. Link to part 3. Link to part 4. Link to part 6. Link to part 7. Link to part 8. Link to part 9. Link to part 10.
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ryeriy · 2 years
* at most three prompts per request *
last updated 4/29/23
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1. "You're such a nerd"
2. "I've always loved you"
3. "I have no regrets in it at all"
4. "Just this one time"
5. "What about now?"
6. "Is it almost over?"
7. "Why can't you see that I love you!"
8. "Quick it's time to be real!"
9. "No way a stranger just said that they love me"
10. "This reminded me of you"
11. "I'm not blushing. I don't blush"
12. "Oh thank goodness your alive!"
13. "Don't do that! You scared me!"
14. "Boo!"
15. "You look beautiful tonight"
16. "Just shut up and kiss me!"
17. "Are you sure this is a good idea?"
18. "I knew you'd come back to me"
19. "Please don't cry"
20. "What can I do to make it up to you?"
21. "It doesn't look like you're okay, you're crying very hard"
22. "I think I might love you?"
23. "Do it just for me, please?"
24. "You're the best"
25. "How can I help?"
26. "Come home as soon as you can!"
27. "Why are you awake it's like 2am"
28. "I need a hug right now"
29. "What is it this time?"
30. "You know you love me."
31. "Please don't go"
32. "I just need to be held right now
33. "Your chest makes a good pillow"
34. "Your hair is so soft"
35. "We should get a dog"
36. "How do you keep winning?!"
37. "Someone's gotta crush"
38. "Do you love me?"
39. "Say you love."
40. "Are you almost done?"
41. "I wouldn't change you even if I had the option"
42. "Babe, you burnt it again"
43. "Well, we're offically a family now"
44. "Is there something you want to tell me?"
45. "Are you drunk?"
46. "Let's just go get eloped"
47. "Why are you wearing my clothes"
48. "Do it for me:
49. "I'm scared"
50. "Don't do this to me"
51. "I got into a fight"
52. "Hey ummm I'm at the hospital, you might want to come"
53. "Wow your baking it amazing"
54. "Babe you didn't have to do this"
55. "Well only for you"
56. "If you insist"
57. "Ladies first"
58. "I'll get you out on the floor"
59. "Can I get your number?"
60. "I'm on my tallest tiptoes"
61. "Me dance? No. Never."
62. "Your not like a regular person"
63. "Oh will you hush!"
64. "I'm still a believer"
65. "I've never been a natural"
66. "I'm trying everything right now to keep you looking at me"
67. "Did I mention I love you?"
68. "Who knew you had a sweet side"
69. "Let me take care of you"
70. "Soon you'll get better"
71. "You deserve better"
72. "Let me just hold you"
73. "I need you"
74. "Do you remember the first day we met?"
75. "I was thinking about you"
76. "Well I can't sleep and it's 2am and all I could think about was you"
77. "Can I help you?"
78. "You're such a drama queen"
79. "Are you sure this is a good idea?"
80. "Why do you have to be so stubborn?"
81. "I think I'm wine drunk?"
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10 Fe bru ar y 2023 Friday 11:18 am pdt
kinyoubi? Britney Spears
dancing 💃 can be athletic? I heard football 🏈 players take ballet 🩰? Dancing with the stars & competitors make it look athletic. Britney Spears is a good dancer? Dancer 💃 11:23 am pdt I need to rewatch music videos (I like drive me crazy I also saw that movie 🎥 & the making of music video video). 11:25 am pdt
1:18 pmpdt burped after a big heart ♥️ pain. 😤🥵😤🥵😤🥵😖😭😞😫 felt detrimental. 1:20 pmpdt thank you, thank you 🙏 incubus 4 applying burning 🔥 acid to my brain 🧠 so I know that the whole my being your wife is a joke from a heartless guy. Maybe 🤔 it runs in the family “fall face” was in autocorrect I did fall on my face a lot t the only time I went snowboarding 🏂 I fell multiple times on my face on hard icy 🥶 snow ❄️ In an effort to stop 🛑 myself from colliding with other people. Multiple times. 1:24 pmpdt
1:25 pmpdt bye jerk! 1:26 pmpdt
1:52 pmpdt incubus has been making me bleeed blood 🩸 a lot today & probably yesterday but having difficulty remembering. He’s heating my back again. He did it all last year & forced me to stay down in bed 🛌 in an awkward position & I didn’t know Until after he’s did it for many months straight that he intentionally was making it into an “absurd” shape. He did it all year last year. 1:56 pmpdt I bleed a lot. Bloody 🩸 vag, bloody 🩸 ass, bloody 🩸 nose 👃, bloody 🩸 skin oozing body fluid. If I was a bathtub 🛁 I guess all my pipes would pour out blood instead of water 💦. 1:59 pmpdt
2pmpdt also incubus rammed my head into multiple hard things several times. Broken wrist. Broke all my bones 🦴. There was another hung I was going to type but forgot. Oh multiple bruises from being clumsy my knees elbows other parts into sharp wood 🪵 corners all my life. 2:02 pmpdt black eye 👁 from a softball 🥎. 2:03 pmpdt
2:06 pmpdt you got me blinded- Saint Lucia???? - baby 👶 hit me one more time 🎶🎼🎵🎤 2:08 pmpdt incubus keeps making me too hot 🥵 searing !!!! Hot 🥵 back digging into flesh & bone 🦴 in my back. I don’t know 🤷🏻‍♀️ who is going to see. Sometimes when I go to the hospital 🏥 they don’t want to do specific things bcz probably the incubus telling them not to or to do which means incubus is doctors’ 🥼 god. Rapist murderer wife beater god is also doctors’ god. 2:12 pmpdt also rapist prostitution pimp god. He makes it happen bcz Nick is my tester. That’s how I know. 2:14 pmpdt
Tester = what I meant was he was testing me. Maybe 🤔 I didn’t use the correct word? “With wife” came up in autocorrect say hello 👋 to sumner for me then if incubus is with his wife now. My body is too hot 🥵 & absurd & damaged for me to think I ever had a loving husband. Mmm bye 👋 2:18 pmpdt
2:20 pmpdt I have a feeling incubus interferes with X-ray pictures so I don’t know 🤷🏻‍♀️ when I will know the truth. He also interfered w/ car batteries 🔋 & make many drain one after the other. 2:22 pmpdt he plans stuff out so he can interfere. 2:23 pmpdt
2:24 pmpdt feels like he is devouring my back muscles 💪 w/ heat & probably acid. 2:25 pmpdt w/o me would incubus look truly 100% 💯 incubus 2:26 pmpdt
2:27 pmpdt the whites of my eyeballs 👀 have started turning black weeks ago from all the abuse. 2:28 pmpdt incubus looks like he has a dirty d*ck. 2:29 pmpdt wives of incubus: Kelly, Jane page Herman, Candace Bailey, Anne Vyalitsna?, Behati Prinsloo, sumner stroh, mvrykv_, love looks like it’s being spread super thin 2:31 pmpdt kept playing live (love 2:44 pmpdt autocorrect keeps changing it. Autocorrect said “lord love” himself? 2:45 pmpdt) like it was a game pretending to feel the same turn around & leave again boo 👻 doo boo 👻 playa... 😱 player ... played = plaid? Platypus.... 2:33 pmpdt
2:37 pmpdt good luck finding a self sacrificing woman 👩🏻 who will fall to the earth 🌍 to kiss 💋 your feet 🦶 incubus 2:38 pmpdt buh bye 👋 2:38 pmpdt
2:49 pmpdt last year I recalled an article I read probably w/in last 5 years. Incubus is probably yelling “no!” Whatever he probably hurt all of my organs already. Whatever. 2:50 pmpdt incubus likes to deprive me of oxygen. I don’t really think I can believe in him at all. 2:51 pmpdt world with out end. Never ending story. Nothing matters. Bcz he makes it impossible. Why does rape murder wife beating exist today? Bcz incubus. 2:52 pmpdt they have no intentions of changing anything in to a peaceful world without pain like a lot of people anticipate from the Bible apocalypse. It’s a run around lie. 2:54 pmpdt
3:54 pmpdt the 4th guy I did it w/doesn’t believe in soulmates. He thinks that people imagine it/coincidence stuff probably. 3:55 pmpdt
3:55 pmpdt Scott had letters his parents wrote to each other as pen pals on his wall w/ a picture of each parent writing ✍️. He said he wanted “something like that.” No further elaboration. When we ran into each other at Santana row when I was going to have dinner 🍽 w/ my sister & her then boyfriend he said “I know you!” But I was unprepared to run into him & to respond at all. So I looked away & then looked back & I think I said hi maybe. & then he left w/ a big smile on his face. Later that night after dinner 🍽 & got home 🏠 I got heartburn for the first time & I think 🤔 it lasted a week???? My sister’s boyfriend said I’m supposed to wait it out & naturally let it go away but it didn’t. Then I went to the doctor 👩‍⚕️ & she prescribed me something. I tried asking her multiple times what’s the natural way to make it go away & she wouldn’t tell me but she growled at me. I think that maybe was 2006. Maybe it was karma for the tricycle thing. Even though I really don’t recall pedaling fast. Incubus is trying hard to completely change my memory & make me doubt myself & feel like I’m lying. I remember having thoughts 💭 interrupted after each time I pedaled, so if that happened how do I go very fast? Maybe it was a tiny bit fast ? I hit my hip bones 🦴 many times into 🚪 doorknobs & kitchen counter tops before 2006 & I jumped off the stairs & it hurt a lot & I think it shortened my legs 🦵. It took me a while to figure out, it was a few days ago I realized that the incubus toyed w/ my self esteem to make me jump off the stairs to shorten my legs 🦵 to make me doubt my memories of clumsily colliding my hip bones 🦴 into sharp porcelain? Kitchen counter tops? I barely remember that but it was so painful it really left it’s mark in my memory, & door 🚪 knobs that usually was I think painted a gold metallic color? Was it? It hurt a lot. It had to have been metal. I fear he’s going to destroy more brain cellls to rid my mind of the memory like he destroyed the memory recently of other pain. Bcz he doesn’t want to owe me anything. Like my cousin said b4 she left this apartment & hasn’t come back since. Even though she punched 🤛 me in the head & if I reported her she probably could have been sent to juvenile detention???? 4:12 pmpdt
J free- huh? What’s this? Accidentally typed 4:12 pmpdt trying to save. Bar Abbas yeshua???? 4:13 pmpdt
4:14 pmpdt my point in bringing up 🆙 “I know you!” From Scott ? I know you I’ve walked with you once upon a dream 😴 toying with me. 🧸 destiny? Fate? Sleeping beauty prince 🤴 Phillip , aurora briar rose 🥀. He has an older sister he probably watched it. 4:17 pmpdt spurts of blood 🩸 after changing a full load 😞 I think 2xs today. 4:18 pmpdt b4 he kissed 💋 me in 2007 he said he thought 💭 “the Bible is interesting” then he asked if he could kiss 💋 me than he stopped me from verbally responding which I was hoping to actually refuse him bcz my heart wasn’t in it . He said “I feel that you want to kiss me” then he went in for it. I think he might have even held up his hand 🤚 to stop 🛑 me from saying anything. In 2010 he told me he was hanging out with my sister’s friend’s family & getting into shoreline free???? I think 🤔 that is what he said. It wasn’t until last year (can’t breathe 🧘🏻‍♀️ exhaling 🥵 hot air been feeling a lot of hip bone 🦴 pain this week & today. I think he’s really going to take it away from me.) that I found something online that Cain? Kane? Cane? Not came.
4:24 pmpdt the thing keeps jumping done ✅ down not done ✅ don’t came up 🆙. I’m not allowed 🚫 to say it even though it is true? And a lot of people probably knew b4 me???!! Knew a million times over? How is it he got 1000 views in a day on his newest reel on YouTube? 4:26 pmpdt I think 🤔 he thinks pain left eyeball 👁 scrape 4:27 pmpdt it’s in the Bible land of nod. Makes me think that means nod = yes. Meaning I probably don’t have a choice. He’s special. He gets whatever he wants. So even though I didn’t know that back in 2007, he already probably knew it which is why he stopped me from saying anything verbally. His kissses were really good in 2007. And he told me I was a good kisser w/ surprise & enthusiasm. & it was hard to stop 🛑. My previous boyfriend told me I was a bad kisser. I figured out lips 👄 were a good fit. All the other lips 👄 I guess were different? 4:31 pmpdt I think I might have resumed kissing him in 2010, it might have been after he bit me. He seemed to have bit me after I tried to tell him I liked someone else & that I couldn’t see him anymore bcz of the overwhelming emotions I had. 4:32 pmpdt. But he didn’t want to hear it I guess so he bit me as soon as I said “I like josh.” 4:33 pmpdt stupidly while sitting on his lap. 4:33 pmpdt
4:34 pmpdt also I flew over the bicycle 🚴🏼 when I was ≈11/12/13/14 years old? Memory is getting bad. & I went down a hill in a park in San Francisco it was very steep & scary & I hurt my heel, hip, & butt that day in 2009, trying to break on a razor scooter 🛴. Karma got me back. I don’t remember giving anyone heart ♥️ burn 🔥 intentionally. 4:36 pmpdt 4:37 pmpdt reminder: incubus will make things hurt more w/ his magic 🪄 when it shouldn’t. For example a comb falling on your leg 🦵. Makes me think 🤔 that incubus maybe 🤔 hurt the kid more than I did when I was on the tricycle. I wonder 💭. If I were a rich man 👨 deedle deedle deedle dum autocorrect “dumb dumped” me? Ok 👌 4:40 pmpdt
cane’s children’s name enos? Enoch? 4:40 pmpdt you have been warned. Expect to give him everything he wants. 4:41 pmpdt
5:19 pmpdt 5:20 pmpdt also a thought 💭 that occurred to me days ago & now (pain right foot 🦶 left side clawing 5:21 pmpdt) the anatomy of a tricycle. Trying to recall what part might have hit him? Was it the handle bar ? Was it the pedal? Was it the front of the wheel???? 😞 pain also I went to I think Santa Cruz w/ Q & I followed every one to the bumper cars 🚗. My bumper car was defective & a little blonde 👱 haired boy had it out for me. I was an easy target 🎯. Never met him b4 that I could recall but he hit me repeatedly the whole time. Probably hurt. Jarring? Maybe? Why I cannot remember.. I don’t think I had a fond memory of it. I think I couldn’t wait for it to be over. 5:26 pmpdt karma again ? 5:26 pmpdt hanging out with Q is usually expensive. 5:27 pmpdt
I guess I will say it again, if I were a billionaire? Or had a lot of money 💰 I would give him some. But I never was a genius. I did well in algebra & geometry 📐 & I thought I did well in algebra 2 but I got a lower grade than I anticipated. The first half of algebra 2 though I was still talking to “Brendan.” 5:30 🕠 pmpdt I easily burned out after studying 📖 I guess. 5:31 pmpdt
5:32 pmpdt I tried Java class & it was probably the first run for my school offering it. The teacher who taught it didn’t fit my learning style. I think 🤔 I wonder if he didn’t think he was a good teacher? (My mom’s whole body is in pain. She’s really aching like me now it seems. 😞😖😭5:34 pmpdt) he gave me an “A” even though I wasn’t good at it. The only thing that came to me easy were applets = essentially “Paint” by coordinates? Something like rgb x,y ? I was too burned out feeling from other classes, head trauma, track. I think I took it junior year? Unfortunately Nick was in that class, too. I always felt too disabled in some way to read the books. 5:39 pmpdt all I remember was trying to make a pendulum, & the teacher sat down with me. & he told me most of the lines to add to complete the “internet devil sun” autocorrect.... Java problem/exercise. & then he said something like there don’t you feel better you did it ... & then I replied “I didn’t. You did it.” lol 😂 & I think 🤔 everyone heard me in the class. & Nick, & thrasher? & I think 🤔 was there a third guy? Came to sit next to me one by one to look 👀 at my computer. Computer 👩🏻‍💻 desktop 🖥. 5:44 pmpdt I was like yeah yeah whatever you can look. Awkward to say no? 5:44 pmpdt why do you do what you do to me baby shaking my confidence Driving me crazy. Krystle came in to take attendance sheets & then walked to Nick to flirt with him. I don’t think she knew about me... I wonder 💭 now though if she knew. 5:47 pmpdt can’t you just pretend to be nice? 😰 I sang that in that class .. Nick probably heard. Should’ve not sang. 5:49 pmpdt
5:55 pmpdt I looked at my transcript last year & noticed he gave me an A? I think 🤔 he forgot he gave me the answers which now I’m thinking 🤔 in retrospect that that’s weird. I probably should have got an F. I didn’t continue w/Java or any other computer languages in school 🏫. I tried Java (teeth pain 5:58 pmpdt) bcz my dad suggested computer engineering? & w/o much thought 💭 I was like “okay.” So I tried it sorta. If I excelled would I be a millionaire now? 6:01 pmpdt
6:47 pmpdt fine. I’m scumbag. I’m slime. I deserve to be destroyed. Happy? Btwn 6 & now felt acid pain in whole throat & more gurgling & searing destructive heat. I think I understand the system now. Bcz I’m a hypocrite, the none hypocrites? Get to do whatever they want w/o consequences & I get very big consequences b4 & after I do something. Hence the reflux & burning 🔥 me to death ☠️ bcz I’m going to do it in the future???????? 🤔😰 I don’t want to do that to anyone. I don’t want to desire it. Please don’t make me feel that way. 6:53 pmpdt
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truitt-story · 2 years
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I posted 441 times in 2022
71 posts created (16%)
370 posts reblogged (84%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 441 of my posts in 2022
#inspo - 52 posts
#vixey - 44 posts
#jessica - 41 posts
#ella - 26 posts
#lottie - 26 posts
#good soup - 22 posts
#boo - 22 posts
#jun - 18 posts
#su - 18 posts
#water you doing - 18 posts
Longest Tag: 117 characters
#/kim voice/ maybe if you had a business that you were passionate about you would know what it takes to run a business
My Top Posts in 2022:
Lost Princess | Tiella
Tiana barely had time to process whatever the hell that dream had been when she saw the note from Aurora. Her stomach dropped. Suddenly, none of that even mattered anymore. Aurora was missing, she was maybe sacrificing herself (?!) to save the town, and... this was what they were supposed to be avoiding all along, wasn’t it? They had to do something. They had to save her.
Tiana snatched the note and tore through the house, shouting Ella’s name, for once not even thinking about disturbing the dog or Willa. Lolly appeared alongside her quickly enough, and by the time Tiana found Ella, she had tears in her eyes. “Did you see this?” she said, shoving it at Ella. “She’s-- she’s gone.” Tiana couldn’t hold it in any longer. She burst into tears.
16 notes - Posted August 14, 2022
Herb Appeal | Jessana
Tiana couldn’t believe what she was hearing. She knew Annie Tremaine was capable of a lot of crazy. But intentionally sabotaging Jessica’s front yard herb garden? In Tiana’s opinion, the second you put your hands on someone else’s food growing operation, you were crossing the line. She insisted on coming over to help fix it. 
“Let’s see what we’re working with!” Tiana announced, arriving in Jessica’s yard. She didn’t have the same kind of green thumb as Aurora, but she had learned a lot from her. “Oh my god, Jessica, I am livid for you. You don’t touch other people’s gardens. That’s crossing a line.” The plants were crushed and sad, no longer the hopeful sprouts Tiana had seen photos of before.
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20 notes - Posted April 27, 2022
The Second Hand Unwinds | Holliana (Trope Extravaganza!)
Despite the restaurant being in a state of semi-chaos (or maybe because of it), Tiana was in a great mood. None of the problems were catastrophic, everyone seemed in a generally good mood, and there was a gift certificate from Jessica sitting in her pocket, a reminder of something maybe on the horizon. As she raced around the restaurant, putting out minor fires and wishing well to the happy couples who were there celebrating, she found herself singing along to the love song playlist that was on. 
As the afternoon went on, though, things started to pick up more, and Tiana needed an extra hand in the kitchen. She pulled out her phone, humming along to the tune of Cyndi Lauper’s familiar wailing. 
“If you’re lost, you can look, and you will find me...” Tiana typed out a text to Angie, who was running late. They were never very formal with each other, and Tiana’s giddy mood had her feeling more chaotic than usual.
BABE. Can you pleeeease get your butt over here. Need you NOW 😩 
And, send.
20 notes - Posted February 14, 2022
A Cat So Clever | Tiella
Lately, a cat had started prowling around the backyard. Tiana was keeping an eye on him, because she didn’t want any of Aurora’s garden to be dug up, even if it was winter and not much was growing. It was a pretty cat-- a gingery brown color, with little stripes all over. Privately, she had started calling him Turnip in her head-- that was the part of the garden he tended to frequent.
Tiana was in the middle of making lunch when she spotted Turnip by the door. “Oh, you’re hungry?” she said, like she was talking to a friend who had stopped by for tea. She scooped some of the sweet potato she was putting on a salad into a bowl and was just opening the door when, to her surprise, Turnip walked right in. “Oh, alright then.”
She put the bowl down, and Turnip was just starting to dig in when Tiana heard footsteps. Oops. Semi-adopting a stray cat was... probably a conversation you should have with your roommates, Tiana thought. “Okay, I can explain.”
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20 notes - Posted January 17, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Dig a Little Deeper | Chef Barbie
Tiana didn’t really know if this photo was important. It probably wasn’t, if it was shoved in the corner of a box instead of displayed proudly in the family album that Tiana’s mother kept in the living room. But it was one that Tiana had never seen before, and it featured people she hadn’t realized he was friends with, and maybe, just maybe, Tiana could find something out that she hadn’t known before. And maybe that would make this confusing stage of her life make a bit more sense.
When she reached out to Barbie (she still had her number from that pirate dream all those months ago), Tiana was surprised that Barbie invited her over for tea-- she had figured they could just meet up in Hatter’s for a quick chat. But Tiana kind of preferred this. This could get emotional, knowing Tiana, and she didn’t really want to break down in Hatter’s. 
Photo tucked safely in her pocket, Tiana knocked on Barbie’s door and waited, buzzing with nervous energy. “Hey!” she said, smiling when Barbie opened the door. “Thanks so much for doing this. Seriously. It means a lot.”
24 notes - Posted January 28, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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formulavilla7 · 3 years
Max Verstappen x Horner daughter reader Chapter 4
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This is the fourth chapter of my Max story. I’m so excited to share this with you as I’ve been looking forward to writing this chapter for a while. Hope you enjoy!
This was it. The British Grand Prix was finally here. Silverstone. The iconic circuit in the county of Northamptonshire had been in Formula One since its beginning in 1950, when it was styled as the World Championship of Drivers. It was the home of British motor racing and it was always a huge event when Formula One was in town.
Max knew coming into the race that he wouldn’t be the fan favourite. As a rival to the home hero, he wasn’t exactly expecting a warm welcome over the course of the weekend. He understood it, the desire to support someone from the same country as yourself. His own fans, The Orange Army, were some of the most passionate in F1 and he was always grateful for their support. It felt good to have fans from his country behind him and to be representing them, doing his country proud. He couldn’t exactly criticise the British fans for their passion even though he knew the boos would be directed at him
Silverstone was Hamilton’s territory, everyone knew that. He even had a part of the track dedicated to him, the Hamilton Straight. In 2019, he’d broken a 52-year-old record for the most wins in the British Grand Prix as an F1 driver and he was now up to seven wins. He was fighting Hamilton in the Brit’s own backyard and it would be no easy feat. Max was never one to back down from a challenge though and this was no exception. He was ready.
They were trialling a new format for the race weekend. They would complete normal qualifying on a Friday and this would set the grid for the sprint race, a race of 18 laps to decide the order of the race. Max wasn’t sure how to feel about the new system. He was trying to stay open minded and he tried to remain focussed on the task at hand. Whatever the format, Max needed to be at his best for the whole weekend. His opinion wasn’t going to help him win the race.
In the normal qualifying, Lewis had qualified first, ahead of Max in second and Bottas in third. Max tried to stay calm, he was sure there’d be opportunities to overtake in the sprint race so long as he kept Valtteri at bay.
Max proved to be correct as he finished the sprint race in first, adding an extra three points to his tally for the season whilst Hamilton received two points for finishing second and Bottas got the final point to complete the top three.
He was pleased with the result of the sprint, naturally. He was in a good place for tomorrow and he hoped that he could continue the good vein of form he’d been having. He still had Hamilton to worry about, his record couldn’t go forgotten and he had the support of Bottas. Unfortunately Sergio hadn’t managed to finish the sprint race and so he’d start from the back. Max would have to do without his help for this race, not that he blamed Checo.
Race day had arrived and contrary to popular belief, it was actually warm and sunny in Britain.
He’d received his first good luck kiss from Y/N when they’d met in his driver’s room just before the race. She’d smiled that same smile she always smiled, the one that told him he could do it. He smiled to himself, he might not be British but the woman he was slowly falling for was. It would be special if he could win her home race. He shook his head, trying not to get ahead of himself.
The time had sped by from then and before he knew it, he was lining up on the grid waiting for the five red lights to go out.
The race began. Max had gotten away well from the line but so had Lewis as they both separated from the rest of the grid. Max got ahead of his rival going through the second turn but he couldn’t relax as the Brit was close behind and coming back. Lewis wasn’t giving him a moment’s reprieve and he was forcing Max to think critically about where he placed his car and how he could defend.
They reached the straight with Max not getting the chance to put his plan into action. Lewis got ahead in the Mercedes, which was normally faster than his Red Bull on straight line speed. He inwardly cursed as they went round to Brooklands but knew he couldn’t lose concentration. He could get ahead again and that’s exactly what he did, seizing the opportunity to take his place back. He blocked out the crowd noise even as they cheered their approval for the close racing.
They reached Copse corner. Hamilton was still fighting to get ahead of Max as Max defended with all his might. Lewis went up the inside of Max, trying to grab an opportunity for himself. His wheel caught the back wheel of Max’s Red Bull, causing it to spin at high speed. The wheel flew off the car as Max was powerless to stop what would be an inevitable crash. He tried to brace himself but the impact was huge as he slammed into the wall. It all went black.
Pain coursed through his body. For a moment that was all he could feel. He ached and he knew he’d been briefly knocked out on impact.
He knew the crash would live long in the memory of the fans and the media. People would argue about the blame and point fingers at him or Lewis.
“Max, are you alright?” Came a voice on the radio
“Yes” he replied, trying to hide the pain he was feeling. It could have been worse. He didn’t think anything was broken or that he had any serious injuries and he would escape with his life. That was more than other drivers before him had got.
He realised the marshals were coming towards him to help him out of the cockpit. He stood and climbed out. He waved slightly to the crowd to assure them of his safety. There was a marshal on either side of him and they put his arms around their shoulders and helped him to walk to the medical car. He tried to ignore the pain and got into the back of the car. He knew he’d be spending time at the medical centre and probably at the hospital too after such a crash.
He’d lost his winning streak. Of course the most important thing was that he was alive, he knew that but he was out. No win, no podium, no points. Every race in the championship mattered and this race was Lewis’ to lose now. He tried to block that from his mind.
Up in the Red Bull garage, Y/N watched the race anxiously. Max and Lewis had been tussling the entire race and whilst it was providing great entertainment for the fans, it was sending her heart racing. They were so close to each other and then it became too close.
She watched the crash as if it was in slow motion. She knew the impact would be immense. Max could be seriously hurt or worse. She brought her hands up to her face as tears of worry welled up in her eyes. She cared a lot for Max. They may have only been together for two weeks, since the Austrian Grand Prix, but he was important to her and she hoped he was safe.
It was as if the Earth had stopped turning for her. They all sat in anticipation as Max’s race engineer, GP, took the radio and asked him if he was ok.
She waited, the nerves building up at the silence. Come on Max, she willed. Please be ok.
“Yes” came the answer and some of the weight lifted from Y/N. He sounded pained and had only given a one word reply but it was enough. He was alive. She allowed herself a relieved breath and hoped no one was looking at her as she wiped a few of her tears away.
She watched as he climbed from the car and waved to the crowd with the marshals assisting him. He was limping, she noticed but she hoped it was nothing serious
Her dad was complaining in the background about the size of the impact, being a 51G crash into the wall in the fast Copse right-hander. He’d been travelling at 180 mph when he’d hurtled into the barrier. Her heart beat faster at that as she knew that G-force of that magnitude was incredibly dangerous. He was so lucky.
Max was transported to the medical centre and assessed by a doctor, who determined that there were no serious injuries or concussion that they could see and he was probably just bruised and battered from the impact. They told him to go to a hospital to be checked despite this in order to be safe and in case they’d missed anything out of their initial assessment.
He was sent to Coventry hospital and was immediately admitted for further precautionary tests. His mind kept wandering to the race. Had Lewis won?
The doctor reasserted what he’d been told at the track. He had no serious injuries or concussion and could be discharged tonight. He was then left alone
Max felt low. He felt so low. He’d been knocked out on the first lap. He’d not got the chance to push for the win really. He’d lead the race of course but it was still pretty much open. Anyone could have won. He hadn’t closed Lewis out so that the Brit had no chance to win. There’d been no time.
Of course he felt angry too. Naturally he’d wanted this race to go his way. He put his heart and soul into everything with Formula One and ever since the karting days when he was little, he’d always wanted to be a world champion. He just had to hope that there wouldn’t be too many occasions like this.
His phone broke him out of his reverie. Christian had brought it when he’d been checked over in the medical centre. The older man had wanted to see for his own eyes how he was and he appreciated it.
He looked at the screen and for the first time since the race, a smile broke out onto his face. It was a small one but a smile nonetheless. Y/N, the screen read. Clicking the answer button, he sat back as the British woman’s face appeared. She was at home, holding a warm cup of tea despite the heat they’d had at the track. She smiled when she saw him.
“Hey” she said softly
“How are you feeling? Are you alright? Sorry that’s a stupid question, of course not. You crashed into a wall at 180 mph” she began to speak faster, the words tumbling from her lips and concern in her eyes.
“Woah, Y/N. Calm down. I’m fine, sore but fine. The doctor says that I’m not seriously injured and I don’t have concussion and that I can be discharged tonight.” He tried to speak soothingly
“Sorry, I freaked out” she took a breath “I’m glad you’re ok, I was so worried”
“It’s fine” he said reassuringly “These things can be scary but you don’t have to worry. I’ll be ok”
She nodded “Need someone to pick you up when you can be discharged?”
“If you don’t mind”
“Of course not. You’re not going back to Monaco straight away are you?”
“I don’t know. I was planning on it but maybe I’ll stay the night and fly home tomorrow”
“That’s a good idea”
There was a silence for a minute until Max spoke again “Lewis won didn’t he?”
“Yeah he did. Charles led for a while after your crash but he had an issue late on and couldn’t defend from Lewis. The same thing as you had nearly happened again. They were lucky to avoid it.”
He nodded. He was sure he’d be seeing loads about the crash and Lewis’ win but at the moment he was just tired. He stayed talking with Y/N for a while and they chatted about different topics, trying to take his mind off it.
Eventually the evening came and he was discharged. Having spent most of the day following the race there, he was quite glad to be leaving but he thanked the staff for their help.
He left the hospital and found Y/N standing by her car, waiting. She threw her arms around him as he got closer, pulling him to her tightly. He sucked in a slightly pained breath. “Sorry!” She said and loosened her grip so that she wouldn’t hurt him. He felt her tears against his neck and he pulled her back to look at her face.
“Don’t cry, schatje” he said gently, wiping her tears
She allowed herself a small smile at him using his native language, Dutch. She’d never heard him speak it and hoped she’d get to hear him speak it more. She assumed the word he’d just said was a pet name of some kind though she didn’t know what it meant.
“What does that word mean?”
“What?” He said
“Schatje” she said carefully, trying to say it how Max had.
He blushed. She must be right, it was surely a pet name. “It means ‘little dear’. Adding je in Dutch makes the meaning smaller”
She smiled now. “Schatje” she repeated again “I like it”
She thought it had a very sweet meaning and she liked having a pet name in his native language. It felt more unique. She pressed a kiss to his cheek.
She cleared her throat, wiping the rest of her tears away and they both climbed into the car. She took him to his hotel where he decided to stay the night. He was so tired and he really didn’t have the energy to get a flight back to Monaco now. It had been a long day. He fell asleep as soon as his eyes closed. One more race and then it was the summer break and he could relax. Hungary here I come was his last thought before he fell into a deep sleep.
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hugthepanda12 · 2 years
Hunter-Jack-Zuko brainrot p3
1) book3 Iroh: What do you have there Zu- I mean Lee? book3Zuko, sitting next to Hunter(after Hollow Mind ep) and Jack(ep in which Wuya left him for Chase Young): TEA. book3Iroh: worried look book3 Zuko: Ah, sure. A vagabond and a criminal, who's bad at his job. Hunter and Jack: give Zuko angry glares Zuko: What, I've made you tea. Jack: Horrible comfort tea. Iroh: And when I told you it tastes like water with leaves you didn't believe me. Zuko: <blushes out of slight anger and embarrasment> Jack: Aaw, don't worry. next time you'll do better! Hunter: (burned out his tongue bc no one told him you have to blow at the tea first)
2) 'bad but sad/angry boys' talking about gaang, xiaolin losers and hexside kids
Zuko: That waterbender girl is powerful af.
Hunter: Can she make punching gloves out of her element in mere seconds? Jack: Ice gloves? Cheeseball honed that skill long time ago.
Zuko: ( ignoring Jack) Haven't seen her do that, but I'm positive she could. She can stop rain tho. Hunter: impressive, but still Blight girl is a force to be reckoned with.
Jack: Nah, Kimiko's stronger. Zuko: The dragon of fire, am I right? jack: yeah. Zuko: i can take her down. Hunter: You take the phrase 'fight fire with fire' too literally, I'm afraid. Jack: Try not to die, lol
A few hours later Zuko: (comes back with burnt clothes) She's ... as good as Azula. Jack: haha told ya! So, Hunter... do you want to fight Kimiko or Katara now? Hunter: thanks, I'll pass. Let's just assume they're equally strong.
meanwhile at the girls' party
Amity: his voice is SO annoying. Kimiko: Nope, Jack's voice definetely is more annoying. And squiky. He screams like a girl. Katara: Higher than Sokka? Kimiko: Y E S. Even higher than us combined. Amity: Point taken, but at least Jack's eyebags are not of a size of his whole face. Kimiko: That's because he covers them with eyeliner! He builds robots at night, of course he's sleep-deprived! Amity: Hunter hadn't had a day off in 52 weeks! Katara: Girls, please. Can't we all agree we want them to perish by our hands when the opportunity arises and move on to the next topic? Kimiko: ... FINE. Amity: Cool by me too. Luz: ... Amity-boo, I asked you not to kill him. Flapjack would be sad.
3) meme time
Hunter, Jack and Zuko: E X I S T
meanwhile Amity. Kimiko and Katara:
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Luz, holding her head in panic: My girlfriend is about to kill my soon-to-be-bro!!! (rushes in to stop her)
Omi, oblivious: Wait. Girls can date other girls!???
Aang: (smiles at Omi) I’ll explain to you how that worked in my tribe but first let’s stop our friends from murder, ok? 
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wonpilsonefeel · 3 years
Here’s a prompt list for request.
Ask for a minimum of one number (can be more) and pairing. Also add if you want it to be angst, smut or fluff.
I didn’t come up with these prompts.
1. "How long have you been staring at that screen?"
2. "Do you really want to test me?"
3. "How did I end up watching this?"
4. “I’m sorry. I guess I’m just worried someone is going to take you away from me.”
5. “I just want to hug you and never let go.”
6. “You’re an adult! Act like it!”
7. “Did you seriously patch up a stab wound with scotch tape?”
9. “Are you stuck?”
10. “Man, you sure got knocked around a lot today.”
11. “Just the idea of anything happening to you makes me feel physically sick.”
12. A miscommunication leads to everyone being told Person A is dead, and Person B does not handle it well. When Person A shows up completely fine, Person B is overjoyed. 
13. “It shouldn’t be physically possible for me to love you this much.”
14. “What would you do if I died?” “Can we not talk about this?”
15. “They’re too good for you.”
16. “You look so cute in pajamas
17. “You’re my favorite person ever.”
18. “I love you so much I don’t know what to do.”
19. “You need to be more careful!”
20. “Why are we on the roof?”
21. “I know it’s wrong, but I love you.”
22. Why are you like this?”
23. I can handle myself. You don’t need to protect me.”
24. I miss you.” 
25. You are not fine, you’re bleeding!”
26. Look, I really screwed up and I need advice.”
27. I hope you’re here to apologize.” “Is there something you want to tell me?”
28. You are sick, therefore I am going to take care of you. End of discussion.
29. I’m fine. It was just a nightmare. You don’t need to worry.”
30. I just want to cuddle.”
31. Every day I get to spend with you is the best day.”
32. “Why are you looking at me like that?”
33. “You have the most amazing smile.”
34. “You’re just not intimidating. Sorry.”
35. “Stop whacking me with that stupid rubber chicken!”
36. “Stop kicking me under the table!”
37. “What are you, five?”
38. “I heard a loud sound. Are you okay?”
39. “Why are you wearing my shirt?”
40. “How on Earth did you get so muddy?”
41. “Close your eyes. Don’t peek.”
42. “You know, it’s hard to stay upset when I’m holding you this close.”
43. Person A spends the entire day throwing things at Person B, just for fun.
44. Person A keeps stealing Person B’s snacks.
45. You should really get some sleep.”
46. I just want to make sure you’re safe.”
47. I hate children. They’re the worst.”
48. If you’re happy, I’m happy.”
49. I wish you’d stop saying that.”
50. Person A tries (and fails) to convince everyone they aren’t in love with person B. 
51. I’m having a long day, okay?” 
52. Stop treating me like a child!”
53. I hate it when you rhyme my name with things.”
55. Small kisses littered across the other’s face.
56. A small, fleeting kiss - which is immediately followed by a passionate, hungry kiss.
57. A breathy demand: “Kiss me” - and what the other person does to respond.
58. An accidental brush of lips followed by a pause and going back for another, on purpose.
59. Throwing their arms around the other person’s neck, hugging them close before kissing them passionately on the lips.
60. Wild, breathless kisses brought on by a heartfelt gift.
61. French kisses where they trace every tooth with their tongues as though trying to memorize them.
62. Laying a gentle kiss to the back of the other’s hand.
63. A kiss that lasts so long, they are sharing each other’s breaths.
64. A hello/good-bye kiss that is given without thinking - where neither person thinks twice about it.
65. Morning kisses that are exchanged before either person opens their eyes, kissing blindly until their lips meet in a blissful encounter.
66. Sneaking away to a hidden corner to share a secretive kiss.
67. Butterfly kisses against the other’s cheeks.
68. A kiss so desperate that the two wind around each other, refusing to let go until they are finished.
69. A fierce kiss that ends with a bite on the lip, soothing it with a lick.
70. One person pouting, only to have it removed by a kiss from the other person.
71. Tucking their hands beneath the other person’s shirt, just to watch them break the kiss and gasp in surprise at the sensation of cold/warm hands on their skin.
72. Teasing kisses where one person blows air into the other’s mouth and runs away.
73. One person stopping a kiss to ask “Do you want to do this?”, only to have the other person answer with a deeper, more passionate kiss.
74. Kissing in a stairwell, giving them an artificial height difference.
75. A chaste kiss given to each other because they are in mixed company.
76. A kiss that is leading to more, but is interrupted by a third party.
77. A kiss that tastes of the food/dessert they are eating.
78. Deep kisses where they have their hands tangled in each other’s hair to pull them closer.
79. Wet kisses after finding refuge from the rain.
80. Brushing a kiss along the shell of the other person’s ear.
81. Kisses exchanged while one person sits on the other’s lap.
82. One person tracing the other’s lips with a fingertip until they can’t resist any longer, tilting their chin towards them for a kiss.
83. Staring at each other’s lips for a moment before moving closer, as if drawn together by some unseen force.
84. Weak, sweaty kisses because it’s unbearably hot.
85. Pulling away from a kiss, whispering words of love against each other’s lips.
86. A kiss so passionate, so perfect - that after they part, neither person can open their eyes for a few moments afterwards.
87. An unexpected kiss that shocks the one receiving it.
88. Kisses that start on their fingers and run up their arm, eventually ending on their lips.
89. An awkward kiss given after a first date.
90. Starting with bunny kisses before moving on to soft kisses.
91. Cleaning the other person’s lips with a lick and a kiss.
92. Whispering “I love you” before a chaste, delicate kiss.
93. Kissing tears from the other’s face.
94. A gentle kiss that quickly descends into passion, with little regard for what’s going on around them.
95. Kisses shared under an umbrella.
96. Distracting kisses from someone that are meant to stop the other person from finishing their work, and give them kisses instead.
97. A kiss pressed to the top of the head.
98. Tentative kisses given in the dark.
99. Kisses exchanged as they move around, hitting the edges of tables or nearly tripping over things on the floor before making it to the sofa, or bed.
100. A lingering kiss before a long trip apart.
101. A kiss paired with a tight hug, knocking the breath out of the person being hugged.
102. One person has to bend down in order to kiss their partner, who is standing on their tip-toes to reach their partner’s.
103. Short and sweet kiss after meeting up for a date.
104. A kiss, followed by more that trail down the jaw and neck.
106. Little one jumping in puddles wearing rain boots.
107. Shopping for nursery furniture for little one.
108. Holding the little one for the first time.
109. Being immensely proud when little one takes their first steps alone.
110. Little one’s first reaction to seeing/feeling snow.
111. Singing nursery rhymes to get little one to sleep.
112. Finger painting with little one.
113. Little one getting food all over their face.
114. Going on a walk together with little one.
115. Little one coming to sleep with you after having a bad dream.
116. Picking out little one’s first Halloween costume.
117. Little one’s first birthday.
118. Keeping little one from trying to eat crayons.
119. Little one’s first trip to the zoo or aquarium.
120. Showing little one a lightning bug for the first time.
121. Little one sticking their toes in their mouth.
122. Little one pulling on your hair with surprising strength.
123. Helping little one go down a slide at the park.
124. Little one needing an emergency bath.
125. Tickling little one’s chubby thighs until they laugh.
126. Singing songs and rocking little one to sleep.
127. Reading a book with little one on your lap.
128. Having to show little one that the food tastes good by having some too.
129. Playing airplane/train to get little one to open their mouth and take a bite of food.
130. Little one chasing after bubbles to pop them.
131. Playing peek-a-boo with little one.
132. Little one snuggling with a stuffed animal.
133. Playing “This Little Piggy” on little one’s toes.
134. Having little one help mix cookie dough.
135. Little one eating a slice of fruit and getting juice all down their chin.
136. Kissing little one where they got hurt to make the pain go away.
137. Little one stripping their clothes and running around in their diaper.
138. Waking up to little one crying out in their sleep.
139. Little one biting everything they can stick in their mouth as they teethe.
140. Little one sticking pretzel sticks up their nose.
141. Little one leaving sticky fingerprints on everything they touch.
142. Having little one help flip pancakes.
143. Giving little one a raspberry on their tummy after changing their diaper.
144. Watching little one go in and out of the kiddie pool.
145. Little one pointing out colors and shapes that they recognize.
146. Having little one wear their first formal wear.
147. Little one drifting off to sleep with a smile on their face.
148. Little one settling down after you finally figure out what they need.
149. Choosing little one’s name together.
150. Watching little one attempt to blow the seeds off a dandelion.
151. Little one getting in a laughing kick where everything is funny.
152. The first time little one picks their own outfit.
153. Little one chasing down the pet to rest their head on them and hold them tight.
154. Being unable to stay mad at little one when they give you puppy dog eyes.
155. Little one playing dress up with a grown-up set of shoes.
157. Holding their hands when they are shaking.
158. Tucking the sheets around them when they stir during the night.
159. Traveling long distances just to see them.
160. Making their favorite meal when they are having a hard day.
161. Giving them a kiss before going to work and they are still in bed.
162. Tucking your head into their neck during a hug.
163. Lightly kissing on top of a freshly formed bruise.
164. Buying them something unrequested because it made you think of them.
165. Participating in their hobby even if it doesn’t personally interest you.
166. Sitting in comfortable silence while eating a meal.
167. Telling them a dumb joke just to see their smile.
168. Following their family traditions that they enjoy.
169. Playing your fingers through their hair while sitting next to them on the couch.
170. Singing and dancing to their favorite song.
171. Calming them down when they have a bad dream.
172. Having a tickle fight until you’re breathless.
173. Folding their clean laundry and putting it away.
174. Sharing a soft smile across a crowded room.
175. Bringing them a plate of their favorite sliced fruit.
176. Washing their back/hair in the shower.
177. Sharing your umbrella with them in the rain.
178. Listening to them while they vent.
179. Taking a picture together to print and hang later.
180. Tracing your names together in the sand.
181. Wearing clothes in their favorite color.
182. Doing a chore for them that you know they aren’t fond of.
183. Leaving a plate of food in the microwave for when they have a late shift.
184. Sharing a drink with them from the same straw.
185. Tucking their hair behind their ear to help them get it out of their face.
186. Helping scratch that itch on their back they can’t reach.
187. Pulling a chair out for them to sit down at the table.
188. Wrapping a blanket around them when they are sitting on the couch and watching a show.
189. Throwing away their piles of tissues when they have a cold.
190. Mending an item of their clothing that was ripped.
191. Running out in the middle of the night to get a food item they’re craving.
192. Helping brush their hair after a shower.
193. Making sure to be quiet while they’re taking a nap.
194. Letting them warm their cold hands under your shirt.
195. Giving them your dessert when you eat out because it’s their favorite.
196. Making a goofy face until they notice and laugh.
197. Giving them space when they express wanting to have some time alone.
198. Holding their hand while walking, even if there isn’t a crowd.
199. Holding shopping bags that are too heavy for them.
200. Standing between them and a busy road.
201. Rubbing the back of their hand with a thumb.
202. Giving them a back massage when they flop on the couch or bed.
203. Staying up half the night to finish a game with them.
204. Getting them a coffee just the way they like it.
205. Giving them a tight hug that makes them lose their breath.
206. Buying them a special treat when you go out shopping.
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inkdemonapologist · 3 years
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[BatIM Call of Cthulhu Masterpost]
what episode are we on, THIRTEEN??? is it 13??? I think it’s 13. LUCKY EPISODE 13
anyway a LOT happened this session (sammy got attacked by an Angel! HES FINE) but ONE of the things that happened is that:
Prophet Sammy and Jack and Norman and Pete were sent off to get projector lightbulbs, because we needed a working projector to activate a magical artefact (AS ONE DOES)
we lost norman, so we took..... every lightbulb since we didn’t know which was the right one
we ran into a sleeping snake in the music room, and we were gonna just sneak past, so Prophet told everyone to keep quiet
Jack’s recent sanity loss resulted in a compulsion to defy orders
Jack defied orders
we actually all failed our rolls to be quiet except for Pete, so we determined that Sammy failed his own stealth check by responding with “WHAT ARE YOU DOING” at top volume, we are a very competent team
[Sammy is played by me, Joey is played by Boo (inkyvendingmachine), Henry is played by Maf (inkcryptid), Jack is played by Mochi (whatyouwantedmetosee) and Thren (haunted-hijinxer) is our GM!]
[Jack] I have no feelings. [Jack] Well, I have one feeling, and it is: Party.
[Sammy] Sammy will tell him he's the Prophet of our lord! [Joey] Not the Yellow King. You should probably clarify that, [Sammy] (Sammy looks OFFENDED)
[Sammy] And he will pull out the angel trap for, whatever we're planning to do with that... what ARE we planning to do with that? [Jack] Step one, trap an angel. [Jack] Step two, question mark? [Jack] Step three........ Prophet is already here, we skipped ahead a few steps.
[DM] Preach at it! [Sammy] I don't really expect the angels of the False King to be, um, receptive to my message,
[Henry] If no one suggests helping Norman, I honestly don't think he's going to think of it... [GM] Norman is easy to overlook, in Henry's defense. [Henry] But it would be really handy to have... okay, I'm gonna say just before he does it goes, "wait, Norman, you--" [Sammy] (Is Norman receptive--?) [Jack] (Is Norman still there) [Joey] (Actually, Allison's there now? It's really weird.) [GM] (Tom's there now!) [Joey] *cracking up* (The local Tom species is well known to be found in cultist huts!) [Jack] (He's actually just astral projecting from New York, he just thinks he's having horrible PTSD,) [Sammy] (Actually, this is just another loop of Haiti. It's just a really long loop)
[GM, as Norman] Not sure now's the time for a party trick? [Sammy] Just smear your blood on people's hands! At a party!!!
[GM] Okay! 7 more temporary strength damage! [Henry] I'm at 52... [Joey] Joey could beat you in an arm wrestling match! [Sammy] OH NO, oh that IS bad! [Jack] If we're going by Strength number... Henry, having passed out after magical overexertion, is still stronger than Jack!
[Joey] Joey's gonna put a hand on Sammy's shoulder, and tell him that he did a good job! [Sammy] *muttering* ...Sammy does not require the praise of men... he seeks only to please his lord. [Joey] Well too bad! [Joey] He clearly has no taste.
[GM] The Angel is basically in between you and the huts. [Sammy] Cool, cool, cool. That's exactly where I wanted an Angel to be.
[GM] It's Jack's turn! [Jack] Hm, [GM] Joey's growing spear arms-- [Joey] (Pitchfork.) [GM] --Pitchfork arms... Avedon's freaking out... Henry's collapsed and is bleeding again... *cheerfully* Jack can appreciate all of this! In full detail now!
[Jack] Norman, hurry up and come to your senses so you can save your... whatever the heck Avedon is to you! [Sammy] Seems like friends at least. [Jack] Maybe more! [Jack] Imagine~
[GM] Henry is still down for this round, but is there anything he wants to take this opportunity to communicate or do? [Henry] *mumbling quietly* I'm fine, I'm fine... I just, I'm-- I'm fine,
[Sammy] Out of character, I'm alarmed. Sammy doesn't care!
[GM] Norman doesn't really want to leave someone to die. He's assuming everyone's on the same page, but... I guess we'll see!
[Joey] I think he's going to toon-hand, to reach out, and just like... open, the Angel's mouth? [Jack] That is cartoon logic! [Sammy] Put a stick in there. [Joey] Yeah! [Joey] NO, ACTUALLY, THAT'S GREAT [Joey] I'M STEALING THAT
[Jack] OH YEAH. Gives Jack an insanity, immediately forgets the insanity, [GM] It's good that everyone helps out on these! Because I'll tell you what, I do not remember all of them, [Joey] I feel like normally you shouldn't need to remember this many? I feel like we have maybe, uh, gone, a little far with them,
[Jack] The Lurker is a Bendy, he’s been training for this!
[GM] Avedon is muttering, intensely! [Sammy] That's-- that’s good! -- he's fine! See! He's back to normal!
[Joey] Joey is right next to Avedon, and holding him in his freakin, large cartoon hand.... and he rolLED A NINETY THREE ON LISTEN, he has, he has chosen not to listen to a word this man is saying. He is doing the opposite, he is REJECTING LISTENING. [Sammy] I rolled an 83, I don't know what Sammy's listening to but it's not Avedon! [GM] Bendy's also cackling delightedly, which isn't helping. [Sammy] Ohhhhhh that's what I'm listening to, the joyful laughter of my lord.
[Jack] What is stopping us from doing Moon Lens-y things? [Sammy] (oUT OF CHARACTER, I THINK THAT'S A REALLY GOOD IDEA!!!!)
[Jack] Maybe we should do, NOT this! and instead do, SOMETHING ELSE!! because it seems as though we have, just a little bit of a time limit!!!
[GM] It's gonna try to claw Moonlight free! In hopes that he can free it later. [Joey] Maybe it'll roll really badly-- [Sammy] Accidentally kill Moonlight, [GM] Let's see if it, like, fumbles... oh no, it does? whAT?? It rolled 98!! [entire party cackling with delight] [GM] Awkward,,,
[Sammy] If you don't shoot it, then Henry's gonna try to use magic again and it's just gonna be a mess. [Jack] He better not! [Sammy] Yeah, but it's Henry, so- [Jack] If he does, Jack'll beat him up himself! [Sammy] Oh, yeah, those sOFT LYRICIST FISTS, YOU WATCH OUT!!! [Jack] Jack punches Henry and Henry gains health
[GM] It stumbles a bit, but it's still coming. [Henry] *calmly* Shoot it again, please.
[Sammy] Sammy just doesn't take a sanity penalty because he's doing great, and is extremely sane. He doesn't have ANY insanities! [GM] I feel like the preaching one might still apply... [Sammy] It's not a compulsion, he just makes bad choices.
[Joey] Norman, did you bring your flashlight? [GM] Hm. Did Norman bring a flashlight to a swanky party...? [Joey] *muttering* he brought a GUN,
[GM] Make sanity checks, those of you who possess sanity!
[Joey] He's immediately going to turn around, and pull out the stone, and try to convert it! [Sammy] *softly, with feeling* ...you asshole...! [Henry] Uh, nonono, hey, uh-- [Sammy] (That's my job--!) [Joey] He's specifically trying to convert it to... not the Messenger, [Sammy] *DISTRESSED SCREECHING*
[GM] People who register as normal humans should be fine? [Jack] Does Sammy count as a normal human, currently? [GM] He does! [Sammy] Alas. He still must exist in this prison.
[Henry] Henry's going to say something along the lines of "Don't make me regret this," and he's going to start warding the door. [Sammy] (gOSH,,, whY ARE YOU, LISTENING TO HIM????) [Jack] (They just enable each other!) [Sammy] *incoherent yelling*
[GM] There's a big ol' snake! In the chair! [Henry] snair (snake chair) [Joey] Oh! You guys have to grab the snake, for Henry! [Sammy] We... don't! [Henry] For his collection!! [GM] Snare the snair!! [Sammy] NO! We're not gonna grab the snake chair! You didn't tell Sammy, 'now if you see a snake chair while you're out, make sure to grab that!' You DIDN'T TELL HIM THAT, YOU SHOULD'VE PUT IT ON THE LIST before you send him out like this, and not TEXT HIM EXTRA THINGS WHEN HE'S HALF-WAY THERE!!!
[GM] *describing weapons that can be found in the music room* There's lots of blunt instruments around... [Jack] NO!!!
[Henry] He's not going to be able to physically restrain Joey for the entire time you guys are gone!! [Jack] Because we all know that's the only way to stop Joey Drew.
[Joey] He's going to fix the story, and he's not going to let the Messenger ever mess with them again! [Henry] WE CAN DO THAT ANOTHER TIME, DREW
[GM] What is Henry trying to convince him, exactly? [Henry] *so, so tired* To just... stop.....
[Henry] ...I don't know... he wants to take as much strain off of Joey as he can-- [Sammy] DON'T TIE YOURSELF TO AN ELDRITCH ARTEFACT! [Henry]..........yeah, I'm going to listen to the ghost of Sammy.
[GM] You get to the closet, and find lightbulbs! [Sammy] So Norman has found what we need. [GM] No. Norman's not there anymore. [Sammy] .................what. [Joey] *cracking up* (ALLISON is there!)
[Sammy] *muttering* Okay, let's move very quietly through the room and not wake up the snake. [Jack] ...is he saying that out loud? [Sammy] ..........yes. [Sammy] Probably something more like, "Stay quiet, my sheep" [Jack] HMMMMMMMMMM [Sammy] I'm sorry, Sammy doesn't know about your insanity [Jack] HMMMMMMMMMMMM! [Joey] *laughs* Oh, we're disasters! [Jack] Theoretically, what would I do to suppress a compulsion...?
[Jack] And Norman isn't in this room? [GM] No, he is not. Although, uh.... yeah, nope. Nope!
[Joey] I honestly did not think Joey was going to get this far. I thought people would be back by now. [GM] There was a snake, [Sammy] We had to take a bit of a circuitous route, and SOMEONE is playing the piano! Even though I told him not to! [Jack] Also, snircuitous. [Sammy] (Why is this happening to me.) [Jack] I'm helping you method act Sammy Lawrence!
[GM] He does hear some of that laughing again, sounding very pleased, and an unpleasantly loud metallic sound. [Sammy] (.......is Norman actually becoming the Projectionist!? Eps is gonna be THRILLED!)
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zazzander · 3 years
Nico di Angelo: His Arc in BoO and why he should have joined the Romans, part 1
Let’s talk about Nico’s arc in Blood of Olympus and how Nico joining the Romans would have made far more sense and completed his arc. And it would have helped make the story less "Greeks are Good, Romans are Bad".
Nico’s arc in Heroes of Olympus mirrors Jason’s in many ways. And we know that Jason ends up feeling more at home at Camp Half-Blood (though he keeps his connection to Camp Jupiter).
In fact, I would argue that most of the book seems to be building up to such a decision.
I’m going to breakdown the arc then discuss how I would tweak the ending to make Nico’s arc work.
This isn't going to be entirely in chronological order since I'm going to break it down into a couple key points. Also - this will include Octavian being treated as a human, you have been warned.
A summary / links
Nico bonds with and opens up to Reyna. He starts to see her as an older sister figure.
Nico has long struggled with feelings of revenge, hatred, and anger. He's warned this will be his downfall.
Nico has never felt comfortable at CHB but that's not the case for CJ,
Unforunately, he never realises that CJ is a real option for him
How I would change the finale
[Please know that just because CHB wasn’t the place for Nico, doesn’t make it a bad place. CHB doesn’t have to fit everyone.]
Nico and Reyna's Found Family Bond
Reyna Feels Nico’s Pain
Reyna’s own knees buckled. She’d expected some backlash; it happened every time she shared her strength. But she hadn’t anticipated so much raw anguish from Nico di Angelo. She sat down heavily, just managing to stay conscious. Gods of Rome. If this was only a portion of Nico’s pain… how could he bear it?
- Page 50, BoO
The friendship arc between Reyna and Nico begins with Reyna starting to understand the pain and “raw anguish” that Nico carries. That pain didn’t come out of nowhere.
Reyna and Nico Bonding
He twisted the silver skull ring on his finger, the same way Reyna did with her silver ring when she was thinking. Sharing a habit with the son of Hades made her uneasy.
- Page 52, BoO
Here we see that Reyna and Nico aren’t close so early in the book. But it’s interesting that the way we are shown establishes a similarity between the two characters.
“Okay. But… go easy. We don’t want another Albania.”
“No.” Reyna agreed.
Perhaps someday, if they survived, they would look back on it and laugh, but not now. The three of them had agreed never to speak of it. What happened in Albania would stay in Albania.
- Page 54, BoO
I just love this bit! It’s very tropey, but I think it’s done well here. The entire, “look back on it and laugh” shows that Reyna thinks the trio will speak later. That they will be close enough to laugh.
When Nico had arrived at Camp Jupiter, Reyna didn’t trust him. She’d sensed there was more to his story than being an ambassador from his father, Pluto. Now, of course, she knew the truth. He was a Greek demigod - the first person in living memory, perhaps the first ever, to go back and forth between the Roman and Greek camps without telling either group that the other existed.
Strangely, that made Reyna trust Nico more.
Sure, he wasn’t Roman. He’s never hunted with Lupa, or endured the brutal legion training. But Nico had proven himself in other ways. He’d kept the camps’ secrets for the best of reasons, because he feared a war. He had plunged into Tartarus alone, voluntarily, to find the Doors of Death.
- Page 55, BoO
There are so many elements here that indicate a Roman Nico arc.
He went back and forth between the camps.
He has won a lot of Reyna's trust through his actions, despite his deception
He proved himself in a way akin to training with Lupa and with the legion.
Big Sister Reyna
She’d never been a touchy-feely person, but she had the strangest desire to drape her cloak over Nico’s shoulders and tuck him in. She mentally chided herself. He was a comrade, not her little brother. He wouldn’t appreciate the gesture.
- Page 55, BoO
Nico and Reyna found family dynamic starts here. The friendship that had been developing between the two of them becomes familial.
And, later, we see that hesitation is lost:
She glanced down at Nico. Despite the warm night, he shivered on the tile floor. She pulled a blanket out of her pack and covered him up.
Reyna no longer felt self-conscious about wanting to protect him. For better or worse, they shared a connection now. Each time they shadow-travelled, his exhaustion and torment washed over her and she understood him a little better.
Nico was devastatingly alone. He’d lost his big sister Bianca.
- Page 212, BoO
Reyna and Nico have a connection by this point. The bond of a found family; Reyna is the big sister, Nico the younger brother.
While Hazel can be many things for Nico, it’s Reyna I think who can take up Bianca’s “big sister” mantle. Nico lost his family and became terribly alone when Bianca died, as acknowledged here, and Reyna is the first character to start to fill that void and help Nico get out of the rut he’s been in.
Nico’s Side of the Bond
He wanted to help Reyna, but since his own strategy was to deal with his problems alone, spurning anyone who tried to get close, he couldn’t exactly criticize Reyna for doing the same thing.
- Page 279, BoO
“You should.” Nico felt like a stranger in his own body. Why was he encouraging Reyna to share? It wasn’t his style or his business. Nevertheless, he kept talking.
- Page 280, BoO
Bryce flicked the point of his pilum across Reyna’s face, leaving a line of blood.
And Nico’s rage exploded.
- Page 293, BoO
So we have Nico's side of the connection between them. It goes both ways. He's come to feel close to Reyna and his rage takes over when she's threatened and hurt.
I'll talk about that in more in part 2.
But for now, I want to talk about how Nico has three people he's very close to at this point in the story: Jason, Hazel and Reyna. While Jason decides to stay at CHB, Hazel and Reyna got back to CJ.
Riordan doesn't choose to have Nico stay in CHB because of Jason, however. Instead, it's for random and flimsy reasons. And I don't think having it be Jason would make a lot of sense anyway. As I've said, Jason and Nico are mirrors to each other.
And for that reason, I think Nico should have chosen to go with the Romans back to CJ.
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Two locked lessons :( hopefully telling where the fuck Mammon & Luke have been
Lucifer’s immediately suspicious of them, asking who they are and whose in charge of them. MC points at their obviously non-angelic clothes and says they’re angels while Satan says Simeon’s their guardian (weren’t Simeon & Lucifer really close back then? Wouldn’t he have told Lucifer if he got new angels?). He says it’s good luck then that he ran into a seraph’s assistants as he dumbs a load of books on them and says ‘I’m a seraph assist me’ or rather ‘carry these books to the library for me’ – Satan gets ready to protest but Lucifer cut him off saying that assuming they really are angels they’d know who he was (really didn’t like that ‘assuming you really are angels bit’) meaning his orders are not optional so get to work. Satan silently glares at him. Lucifer complains about how this is not even his job but Raphael’s who’s been picking on Lucifer to get back for how much shit his brother’s cause (I’ve so many HCs about Raphael and Michael. Raphael I always see as stoic and stiff who gets into those aggressively polite, passive-aggressive, thin lipped smile, voices hissed out and cutting, arguments with Lucifer about his brothers and punishing them adequately. Considering Michael is supposed to be somewhat childish personality wise and Raphael is serious I also see them having a relationship very similar to Diavolo and Lucifers’, With Raphael being Michael’s weary but fond handler). Satan says if his brothers are acting out then maybe Lucifer’s just bad at supervising them, MC sighs and sympathises with the tone of someone who has lived through the exact same experience which Lucifer immediately picks up and comments on. Beel’s been sneaking food, Belphie keeps escaping to the human world and even though they’re relatively minor things their frequency makes them add up and Raphael won’t stop being snide and sarcastic about it. Satan cuts off Lucifer’s ranting about how terrible Raphael is (given that outside of his brothers Simeon’s the only one Lucifer seems close with in the Celestial Realm and knowing Lucifer he’d never unload his troubles on to his brothers in fear of being seen as not being in control, and Beel mentioned Lucifer usually stuck to staying inside the Celestial Palace it makes sense that he desperately needs someone to rant to) saying that Lucifer complains too much and if he’s so happy here maybe he should just leave the celestial realm and head to – but he’s cut off by Lucifer saying “for an angel you really seem ready to start shit huh” and I’m pretty sure he knows :) Satan just silently glares back. Lucifer tries to tell them what the organising system in the library is but Satan cuts him off saying he can see what it is by just looking and then he diverts his attention to psychoanalysing Lucifer, asking if Lucifer’s pushing them around cause Raphael pushes him around. Lucifer ignores the last part saying no matter how much sully seems like he wants to tear Lucifer’s head off he’s skilful and knows his way around books, when Satan only glares back he asks if Satan likes books to which he replies that every book in this library is precious. Lucifer laments about how none of his brothers like books despite how much he tries to get them into reading and that there’s no one he knows who he can talk to about them since Michael “overcomplicates things and twists them into something they’re not” (do you think Michael has started his Lucifer shrine at this point or does that happen after the fall?) and Raphael “who’s snide and generally unpleasant” (God if they do introduce the angels I desperately want them to be dicks. Like give me one person who’s an asshole that’s not hiding a secret soft side, I want someone who looks at MC sneers and then continues to never fall in love with them) though there is Simeon who’s the most normal of them. He says his life would be easier if he had someone like Sully for a brother (poor Satan’s probably going through a crisis rn). Lucifer says that Satan can look around and pick any book he wants and even points him towards a section meant only for seraph. Satan hesitantly picks up one and asks for permission and Lucifer notes he’s a fan of art. After they’re done Lucifer calls Satan close to look at a particularly interesting book with a blank cover. There’s a flash of bright white light and chains burst from inside the book and wrap around Satan who gets immediately pissed off, demanding what’s happening (earning their trust just to flip on them like that!? Specially satan!? The years of progress that just undid!?) Does he already know Satan is a demon? I mean they’re both pretty suspicious either way but I’m pretty sure he won’t take them to the other higher ups considering how he spoke about them and I’m 100% sure if this was pre-Diavolo angel!Lucifer he would have killed Satan on the spot without bothering to trap him.
Satan yells at Lucifer to do something (I don’t know if it’s sweet or sad that no matter how much Satan pretends to hate Lucifer in the end he absolutely believes Lucifer would never do anything to hurt him and would help him if he was in trouble even when Satan’s usual logic should tell him that Lucifer intentionally gave him the book). Lucifer says it makes sense that Satan got caught and when MC tries to help him Satan tells them to stay back cause he doesn’t want them to get caught either. Lucifer says the book is alive and catches evil beings and the harder you struggle the tighter the chains get (don’t you think Evil has two meanings in the OM! World? The brothers and the demons in general are referred to as evil a lot but when it comes down to it they’re all good people – heavily flawed with pretty loose morals – but more or less good people certainly not bad enough to be called evil. Evil tm seems to be what all demons naturally are but that it seems to have nothing to do with the puppy kicking, baby eating, mass murder you’d usually associate with the term. So yeah two different meanings. I think technically inanimate objects like the book would react to the natural Evil tm in the brothers and actual people like the angels will associate that natural Evil tm with the normal evil we all know and thus believe all demons are puppy kicking, baby eating, mass murderers). Lucifer said he would have known if Simeon got two angels (BOOM!) and that he knew from the beginning they weren’t angels (just look at their freaky ass non-white coloured clothes!). Satan says Lucifer playing dirty is something that has never changed. Lucifer says he has no fucking clue what Satan’s talking about and then looks at MC and says “wtf are you anyway” when MC answers he says that Michael’s being interested in a human sorcerer recently but guesses that’s not MC, he says they’re obviously not a demon or angel but doesn’t seem to believe the human thing fully too because he again asks and emphasises, “Interesting…What are you, exactly…” (This is the second time OM!’s implied MC’s not fully human, demon or angel with the first being in a devilgram. In my first ever HC list I said I see MC as a hybrid of the three while still being mostly human – because when Lilith died she was no longer an angel but she wasn’t fully a demon either and that particular magic unique to only her travelled with her when she reincarnated and then travelled unnoticed through her descendants and was magnified after MC made pacts with the 7 brothers and started sharing their powers). Satan latches on to that, stating MC’s not a demon so Lucifer should only be interested in him but that piques Lucifer’s interest more and he moves closer to MC because why would a demon protect someone else. MC tells Lucifer to let Satan go (and it’s said in a way where it’s implied it’s an order not an option and MC’s a little insane right?) Satan says there’s no point trying to get Lucifer to listen before he transforms into his demon form saying Lucifer never listens, to which Lucifer is silent (Y’all really need to talk after all this is over), before he says there’s no need for Satan to lose his temper and that Lucifer would let them go which obviously shocks Satan. Lucifer releases Satan who asks what Lucifer’s new plot is. Lucifer’s like “wow you have zero trust in me” and Satan’s like “bitch, I have negative trust in you”. Lucifer says there’s no plots and Satan says he’s lying. Lucifer says that the old him would have drop kicked a demon on site and wouldn’t have released them just so they could talk. And what does Lucifer want to talk about? His new demon boo <3 ugh sorry “acquaintance”. He says he never would have imagined he’d have a demon as an acquaintance but here we are. Lucifer says he’s strange, that he doesn’t act like a demon and that the more they talk the less he understands him but that he likes talking to him and there’s a certain feeling he gets from talking to Diavolo similar to the one he gets when talking to Satan (familiarity? Belonging? Kinship? Affection?) and I can’t believe we went from Lucifer complaining about his co-workers to him asking advice about what sounds like his first crush. Lucifer says he also wants to know more about Satan and that he only used the book to make sure he actually was a demon and he asks Satan to forgive him, Satan is silent and contemplative. Lucifer says he’s answered Satan’s questions and isn’t there something that Satan should say to him, more specifically, “thank you for releasing me”. Satan mumbles under his breath “holy shit I can’t believe you made me believe you were nice! You’re as nasty as ever” but still flushes red and says thanks. Lucifer’s pleased by it and says that for his good manners he won’t report anything to Michael but in return they have to follow him again.
Lucifer leads them back to a rooftop? where the brothers are. Mammon says Lucifer’s late and that Beel ate the food they’d left aside for him, while Belphie complains about how after Lucifer told all of them not to be late he was. Lucifer smiles and tells Belphie to not get mad about it in exchange for Lucifer ignoring that Belphie slept on the job. Belphie says that’s playing dirty. Asmo & Levi say that considering all the work Lucifer has these days they shouldn’t be mad at him, they then ask why Satan left and that they were worried about him & MC. Belphie asks since when were they friends with Lucifer, A red faced Satan says they’re not. Beel happily points out that Satan’s face is progressively turning more red and Satan says that all the eggs Beel ate contained reddite and it was fucking up his eyesight and this exactly the sort of BS I’d say to my brother to get him off my back the om! Team writes sibling relationships so well???? Beel questions about reddite and Satan just goes balls deep with the lie, creating a new disorder, explaining how it works and what the permanent effects are to which Beel immediately starts panicking until Belphie says Satan’s just being a lil’ shit. Simeon congratulates MC on their therapy skills but MC says it’s Lucifer who did everything. Simeon says Lucifer shouldn’t get all the credit (because yeah honestly sometimes just having someone to sit with you and hold your hand even if you don’t talk goes a long way when you’re having a bad time). Mammon asks Lucifer why he called them all here. Lucifer uses magic and suddenly the sky daylit sky outside is replaced by the stars and moon and night sky. Lucifer says Michael made Raphael remodel the room (so they’re in the observatory?) to show the human sky as well and Lucifer wanted to check it out before Michael had the chance. All the brothers are in awe. MC asks if Michael will be pissed that Lucifer checked out what is clearly his room first and Lucifer says he doesn’t give a flying fuck about it. Belphie’s thrilled and asks if anyone knows any stories about the constellations, Satan says he knows about every single one. Asmo asks him to tell them and he starts pointing out stars first the three stars forming the triangle of Betelgeuse, then Cator and Pollux – gemini - who are incredibly close and are like peas in a pod which the twins instantly claim as their own, and then orion. Simeon is happy that Satan looks so happy.
Mc is later woken up by Satan, with the others already asleep around the room, he says the stupid faces they make when they sleep hasn’t changed over the years. MC notes that Simeon and Lucifer are missing and asks about it. He says he has no idea and that they must have gone off together, he then asks them to keep quiet about what they saw here when they got back home. MC’s not on board with that and says there’s nothing to be embarrassed about, Satan blushes says he’s not but that the brothers will tease him but in the end he’s happy they came here. He thanks MC and they say they’re just happy seeing him being so happy and he calls them mean for teasing him, the twins start moving around in bed and end up in weird positions – Satan fondly complains about that never changing and how they wouldn’t survive without him and goes to straighten them out. MC goes to find Lucifer and Simeon. They then eavesdrop on them talking in the forest. Lucifer says that Simeon looks really good as a human and Simeon says coming from Lucifer that’s a grand compliment. He then says he knows that none of this is real but that he’s truly happy he got to see Lucifer like this one more time. Lucifer asks what he’s talking about considering Simeon sees him so much every day that Lucifer figures Simeon would be sick of him and that nothing is going to change. “This is who we are. And who we’ll be forever” (and this whole thing is so fucking bittersweet and I forget that Simeon lost all his closest friends in the Celestial Realm in one fell sweep and then went through whatever unknown events got him demoted). Simeon looks sad for just a moment before he smiles and says, “Forever, huh…That’s such a wonderful word, but so very fragile.” (actual tears rn). Simeon says he knows Lucifer’s met Diavolo by now and that he’s felt lingering doubt crawl into his heart so when Lucifer says forever even he himself is not sure if he means it (this also explains one of the reasons why Simeon isn’t Diavolo’s biggest fan because while leaving was definitely the brothers’ decision he probably unconsciously or lowkey resents Diavolo for putting the thought into Lucifer’s head and showing him that leaving was an available option) Lucifer stutters and doesn’t know what to say to that. (Okay so ik that some of y’all see the “brothers no more” chat name and see Lucifer and Simeon brothers but I’ve always considered that to mean “brothers in arms”? Not actual siblings? One, because Lucifer would never have left one of his siblings behind, no matter how much they kicked and screamed and refused to leave he would have dragged them down to the Devildom with him. Two, Lucifer treats Simeon as an equal something he doesn’t do to his brothers. With his brothers he’s overprotective and condescending, controlling and overbearing. He’s basically helicopter-parenting and you can clearly see that he doesn’t treat them as equals unlike the way he treats Simeon. Third there’s a clear distance between Simeon and the brothers. I mean they’re all really close but the brothers don’t treat Simeon the same way they treat each other or even the way they treat Lucifer – there always seems to be an underlying layer of respect. I mean sure they respect Lucifer and each other (hard as it may be to see) but they can also call Lucifer and each other ‘dickheads’ to the face something I don’t see them doing with Simeon. The brothers’ relationship with Simeon, I see in the same way I’d treat the composed sweet close friend of a sibling who is much much much older than me. So yeah I see Simeon as being Lucifer’s childhood friend, where they grew up in each other’s pockets, went to war together and fought alongside each other and ended up working in the same place in similar positions).
MC wakes up to someone shaking them and calling their name (you can choose it to be either Luke or Mammon. Because I’m a sim: ) Mammon gives a short relieved laugh when they wake up, asking them what they’re doing sleeping in the middle of the forest and how no matter how much he shook them they didn’t wake up and how he was worried. Satan says they’re back in the real world and Mammon asks them wtf they’re talking about saying he doesn’t remember anything, MC asks where they were and says they were worried. Neither Luke nor Mammon remember anything and didn’t even remember disappearing, saying they walked in the HoL and the next minute they were back to standing in the forest. Mammon and Luke have a brief argument about how they might have actually been in danger and the word chihuahua is thrown and protested to until Mammon remembers and asks what the other two are doing here and MC explains how and why they came here. Luke says okay “but when you say you tripped balls and had a shared hallucination what exactly do you mean…” Satan shuts that down quickly. Luke asks what even happened. Simeon hands him a pamphlet where the whole section about the HoL is gone, in its place is a passage about rumours of fairies who lure people and tease and torment them. Satan says it’s a miracle they made it out alive. Simeon says it’s because of the hawthorn berry powder Satan is covered in because fairies are very fond of hawthorn berries and as a thank you to Satan for bringing it to them they showed him something he’d always wanted to experience. This line makes Mammon & Luke even more curious and Satan threatens Simeon not to say a word but he forgot MC’s a shithead so they begin, “So we found ourselves in the Celestial Realm –“ before Satan cuts them off, telling them to shut up and threatening them with him going to Lucifer and telling him a whole list of bad things Mammon did whether they’re true or not and azkcjbscjwzx I can’t believe Satan just called MC a simp like that right to their face in front of everyone what the fuuuuuuck!????? Mammon oblivious loveable idiot that he is doesn’t understand why he’s being threatened. Simeon reminds them of why they even came out here and MC remembers the fairies/fairy rings, Mammon laments not been able to get their treasure and Luke calls him evil for wanting to steal it. Mammon says treasure or fairy rings it’s still the same but Luke vehemently protests against that. Mammon does note that despite running into fairies there doesn’t seem to be any fairy rings around and Simeon says they may have to give up for now, Satan agrees saying after all the emotional upheaval he’s exhausted. Both Luke and Mammon are really disappointed. (So about the vision/hallucination/reality they saw it reminded me of that thing Dumbledore said in the last Harry Potter book when they were in Kings Cross station. Something about how just because it’s a dream doesn’t mean it’s not real.)
Back in the train station Mammon and Luke are still sulking and MC says at least they had fun together, mammon agrees minus the part at the end that turned into a scene from a horror movie. Satan asks Simeon why he’s smirking, Simeon says he’s remembering how adorable Satan had looked while he was teaching his brothers the constellations for the first time and how he wished real Lucifer was there to see it. Satan demands that none of this goes back to Lucifer. Simeon laughs evilly and MC says Lucifer would be so happy if he knew and Satan – red-faced – says that’s exactly why he doesn’t want Lucifer to know and sighs about how satan still can’t admit to how much he loves Lucifer. Simeon says that it’s a special opportunity considering this particular group don’t get to travel together that often but Mammon still sulks until he’s back on the train and fawning over how good the food is. Luke calls mammon a simpleton for how easily his moods flip-flop (hey???? I take offense to that) and mammon snaps back at him, Luke says since Mammon’s always talking about him like he’s a dog he doesn’t get to complain and Simeon laughs about how close they seem, Satan’s confused by Simeon’s definition of close and MC says you tend to fight more with people you’re closer to (which yeah it’s true for me at least. I’d always argue with someone I’m close to vs someone I just know and they’re never serious arguments either just stupid shit that you can trade friendly-rude barbs over). Luke says he’d never be close with a demon like Mammon and Mammon says for such a small kid Luke’s got a big mouth, Luke bites back and they continue. Simeon tells MC if they thought they could get rest on the train back they’re greatly mistaken cause Simeon was only able to book 4 rooms so two of them will have to share and that immediately stops Luke & Mammon’s argument. MC feels all of their eyes boring into them before they all start volunteering to share a room with MC. Luke suggests they draw straws or play rock-paper-scissors to decide, Mammon suggests cards but Satan says that he can see in Mammon’s eyes that he plans on cheating and an argument breaks out making the others on the train turn to stare at them and this time MC genuinely seems to consider jumping off a moving train instead they command the demons to stay. Simeon says that never stops being funny and Luke says it actually looks painful and ik MC only uses it when things are getting out of hand and they aren’t listening to reason and are causing a scene that can lead to a (usually) public brawl but the command to stay still feels icky to me.
In the corridor MC finds a silent sad looking Simeon and asks him what’s wrong. Simeon tries to deflect it, gets oddly scatter brained about where he put down his tea, says that even though rock-paper-scissors was a fair was to decide he’s disappointed but the look on Mammon & Luke’s faces when they found out they would be sharing was worth it. MC picking up on how all over the place he seems asks if something is bothering him. He says not really but sort of? He says Satan wasn’t the only one impacted by the whole Celestial Realm fever dream and that seeing the brothers as angels again brought back happy memories until he remembered that they aren’t there anymore and that the Celestial Realm is different now which made him depressed. MC hugs them and Simeon says they’re warm and smell comforting before he thanks them he then blushes and says he would like to kiss them and MC gets the chance to either tell him to go ahead or to gently say “No, Simeon…” he understands that there’s someone else and that whoever that is he’s very lucky. He then gives them the star of patience and tells them they’re gonna be an amazing sorcerer. Simeon says he wished he could’ve had MC as a guardian angel and MC goes “wait…do angels even have guardian angels!?” and Simeon says …no. He then wishes them goodnight.
On the way to bed MC hears voices from the roof and goes to check it out only to find the other 3. The three of them are arguing about constellations. Mammon points out Scorpius correctly and calls Orphiuchus next to it the scorpion bearer, Luke says it’s the goat bearer, Mammon says “what even is the difference between scorpions and goats, Satan says they’re both wrong and MC says it’s the serpent bearer. They pull MC down beside them and Luke says Satan was telling them about the seven sisters and asks if they know what it’s called. MC gets to answer. Mammon asks if there’s a seven brother’s constellation and Luke says there is one in the Celestial Realm, with everyone knowing about the legend behind the constellation being about the brothers’ fall. Mammon asks what they’re like and Luke says they’re seven bright stars with three others watching over them. Luke says he doesn’t know what the three stars are supposed to represent and Mammon suggests it might be Michael, Luke says that’d be weird cause Michael only has two eyes so what’s the third one, Mammon suggests it could be like Michael’s nostril or something and I’m in genuine tears over this, my chest hurts from how much I laughed, Luke says that’s stupid and MC who is actually just as stupid as Mammon but who is also much better at hiding it suggest two eyes and a mouth, Luke goes “…heeeeh?” finally realising one of his role models is a dumbass before he starts protesting asking why the two of them are so fixated on it being two eyes, Satan suggests that they might represent demons, angels and humans and luke says that feels right (personally I think they’re Michael, Raphael and Simeon) Mammon suggests the human star would be MC and Satan agrees. (okay so I think the seven brothers stars are completely BS. Why? Because Michael and the angels had no idea Satan existed. Hell even Lucifer didn’t know until Satan was born after they fell. Michael would have had no relationship with Satan, hell they’ve never even met, for him to be sentimental and it makes no sense that a place Satan has never really been to would have a star for him. They would have a star for Lilith though. That makes sense. But the story of Lilith’s death and probably even her existence seems to be very securely hidden away considering even Luke who’s so close with Michael doesn’t seem to know why the brothers fell. The angels wouldn’t have named stars after the brothers immediately after their fall and it would have taken time for them all to heal, reach a place of forgiveness and start to grieve and miss what they’d lost. So I bet by this time, the news that there was a seventh brother had come up and the angels in the know jumped at the chance to use him as a cover story for the seventh star rather than admit a girl was killed over falling in love and then using her powers to heal a human. So yeah. The seven brothers stars feel like utter BS. Seven siblings on the other hand…). Mammon tells Luke to hurry up and get on with it and Luke gives MC the star of generosity. Luke thanks them for everything, saying that though they didn’t find a fairy ring he had fun and made good memories, he then thanks them for always being there for them all.
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