#also didn't put muses i have had but haven't had any interactions with on the list
stcrforged · 6 months
The rules are simple! Post characters you’d like to roleplay as, have roleplayed as, and might bring back. Then tag ten people to do the same (if you can’t think of ten, just write down however many you can and tag that number of people). Please repost, don’t reblog!
CURRENT MUSE(S): (canon muses)
dr. hermann gottlieb (pacific rim)
tendo choi (pacific rim)
monkey d. luffy (one piece)
fíli (the hobbit)
faramir (lotr)
grog strongjaw (tlovm / critical role)
dr. ian malcolm (jurassic park)
the corinthian (the sandman)
varric tethras (dragon age)
dorian pavus (dragon age)
sindri (god of war)
mimir (god of war)
týr (god of war)
viktor vektor (cyberpunk 2077)
WANT TO WRITE: (maybe i will write them someday, maybe not)
james howlett / logan / wolverine (x-men)
dr. hank mccoy / beast (x-men)
piotr rasputin / colossus (deadpool / x-men)
matthew the raven (the sandman)
chato santana / el diablo (suicide squad / dc comics)
pietro maximoff / quicksilver (x-men)
peregrin took (lotr)
proinsias cassidy (preacher)
sasha kaidonovsky (pacific rim)
aleksis kaidonovsky (pacific rim)
peter grodin (stargate: atlantis)
king richard (galavant)
chirrut îmwe (star wars)
qui-gon jinn (star wars)
obi-wan kenobi (star wars)
cassandra pentaghast (dragon age)
oliver queen / green arrow (justice league unlimited)
isolde (merlin)
kerry loudermilk (legion)
cary loudermilk (legion)
shatter (the gifted)
mr. wednesday (american gods)
zorya vechernyaya (american gods)
dr. hank mccoy / beast (x-men)
matthew the raven (the sandman)
Tagged by: @chaoslulled Tagging: @luckhissoul, @caracarnn, @fadedpath, @fenrs, @astraltouch and anyone else who wanna do this!
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gumpistol · 6 months
❤️ + enruiinas
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Send ❤️ + a URL and I’ll write something nice about them/their blog!
♪ never gonna give you up! never gonna let you doown! ♪
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    this is me, hanging onto dear life and clinging to saro whether she likes it or not! she is my ride or die, my brain twin, a fellow member of the AAA ( aro ace audhd ) club! i have so many things to say about her and how much she means to me, it hurts my brain trying to figure out where to start! but knowing me, it will be long, so buckle up buttercup~
    i will never forget our first interaction: i filled out her interest tracker, she came to my discord dms, and i swear we barely stopped talking with each other for the next 24 hours. when i had only known her for a day, it felt like we had been friends for years!! i still don't know what to make of that, but i don't think i've ever clicked with someone that fast. but the rest is history, and now we have so many threads in various verses together! 
    seriously, saro has such a massive brain with so many interests and thoughts and a desire to consume knowledge like i inhale a bucket of popcorn. she is one of the easiest people to talk to and bounce ideas off of. a good chunk of my character and story development for luffy ( and others ) are thanks to her picking my brain and asking the difficult character questions! she's excited to talk new ideas and what-ifs, and LOVES enabling me to write new muses. it is because of her that i ever started writing rosinante, robin, and penguin over on my multi~
    outside of writing though, she always makes me feel more excited to share and talk about my interests, including OP trading cards and my science-y rambles. SPEAKING OF! she loves me SO MUCH that today, despite hating making phone calls, she called her local card shop to see if they had a set of cards that i wanted!! as someone who also hates making phone calls, that is true fucking friend behavior right there ♡
    she really is quick to think about her friends. it could be the little things, like when she saves manga panels of unique luffy faces for me that i might not have yet, sends art of our muses, shares writing resources, or even just suggests reading the same science articles or listening to the same ologies episode together. she's also an excellent listener who gives meaningful words of encouragement, who refers back to things in conversation that i maybe said months ago, and who is a huge help when it comes to getting my brain unstuck on threads. 
    i haven't even touched on her writing and her Law portrayal though! when i say she puts SO MUCH work into doing him justice, i absolutely mean it. she analyzes even the smallest details, and her brain worms when she talks about him and his relationships are infectious. she got me so invested that she is the sole reason lawbin is now one of my favorite ships. she is the reason i put so much time and effort into a side character like penguin. and she is why i put so much stock into law and luffy's friendship. i. am. hooked.
    and i know she gets a little worried about the length of her writing sometimes, but the waiting period is worth it. the quality of saro's writing is so organic and it flows like reading a good novel. i'm convinced at this point that i could come to her with any sort of thread or verse idea and she could weave it into a beautiful story. god i'm so stupidly eager to write with her always!! 
    anyway, i wrote so much, but such is the nature of anything we write for each other. there's a lot that i didn't even get around to talking about, but in summary, saro is incredibly kind, fun, and so brilliant it makes me want to SCREAM! i love her a lot, she is one of my best friends ( if she disagrees then too bad ), and i'm incredibly happy that i get to be her friend :)
sent by: @mingos for: @enruiinas
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april autism acceptance month posting, the musings of (going for Self Acceptance as well) from the desk of milo unproduciblesmackdown....
mostly just having reflected on like, huh, might be that By And Large one is more nonspeaking than one thinks....that i've Been like "well sure in person i'm usually markedly Quite Quiet but also secretly a mile a minute chatterbox." like already aware of factoring in the Quietness in terms of like, generally always having been in everyday situations where i don't Want to talk. which also means being aware of like, someone the other day was talking about how the ""normal"" approach (which is not even simply Non Autistic, just the "ideals" in any sense that are Not That, yet positioned as such, to the disempowering Othering of others/anything else) is that verbal exchanges are often nigh exclusively about coming into it with some Goal in mind and just being dead set on that exact inflexible outcome / the other person's input can probably really only get in the way of that. used to be asked How Was Work by family and if i answered in the accurate negative would be told how it wasn't that bad actually; then why even ask. nowadays i know i'm virtually only spoken to to say something At Me; the other day frustrated by this & had an "exchange" where, when being [Talked At] for a sec, didn't really verbally respond at all, which was not considered a wrench in the proceedings in the least, as i expected........relevantly as well, i'm v aware of Talking becoming markedly more difficult if drained &/or stressed (or, w/immediate relevancy, the Talking being especially miserable atm, causing that exhaustion/stress w/high efficiency). that somewhat more Freestyle "normal" communication can include "you have to speak to acknowledge another person's presence, or its hostile" and that speaking is the especially Hollow Scriptathon of things like, getting hit with the "how are you [misgendering]" which, absorb the punch of misgenderment, gear up for Speaking which also is already "wrong," too much delay, remember that you never answer How Are You with how you are, and sometimes just not Pretending to answer and just repeating the question is not particularly more negatively regarded than any other way you approach it
musing on the [it's all bizarre but definitely getting shit for being audhd / nonbinary] childhood / first twenty yrs of life mysteries, like, well when being lectured as it were, which was nothing if not an intensified hollow scriptathon (see: the perfectly harmonious resonance in "how you navigate existing around an abuser" and "how you navigate existing anywhere but expressly personally friendly/safe spaces, being autistic") too demeaning to be borne, where it would be wrong to not make eye contact, then making forced eye contact (and learning how to just like, approach it as a [go through the motions] detached thing) was also wrong, it was wrong to not seem distressed and also to seem distressed; and it's like oh yeah back then & even now i can be as Stressed as anything but there's always a shift where if i make myself Talk i may cry like immediately, which i virtually never do out of otherwise being unhappy/stressed. there's how one of my most genuine friendships in elementary school (the autistic time as well of: many/more friendships from all public school times were other people Deciding we should be "friends;" sometimes this being like, the friend In Charge, and then: me, conveniently) was one where i don't think we actually Spoke. may not be a typical neurotypical thing. there's also the fact our being Distracted by interacting, that is, [not talking] during not even a lesson where the stakes were like "you haven't put this sheet in your folder at the exact time Instructions demanded you to, no sooner or later???" was punished more dramatically (and individually. classic) than i ever saw anyone get for Being Distracted / Not Paying Attention or certainly for talking. very nd of me for that too; like the Especial disdain teachers would have if i Was talking and too caught up in the exchange to notice it was supposed to be the quiet times now, which of course was wilfull disrespect for authority.....like oh but believe me i have that too lmfao, and these instances do not counter it. f for my friendship with jacqueline b/c we weren't allowed to sit next to each other and the disproportionate/extraordinary qualities of the response made it so it was hardly clear we were even allowed to interact at all, for all intents and purposes. great
certainly verbality at all can be a whole challenge too overall, but w/focus on the speaking....truly the mile a minute speaking / voluminous writing of things Happens, but it's sure when i get to talk About something, and the High Motivation boost of [whatever's being talked about] is quite necessary b/c it sure still takes effort lol....This is taking effort, to be sure. meanwhile there's also the damper of like, people's Disinterest / Dismissal meaning that just b/c you talk doesn't mean anyone hears you, to an extent it's nigh literal lol, beyond double empathy problem misunderstanding (plus that: ppl know they don't have to understand, &/or can choose to (pretend to) misunderstand / know they don't get it, but don't have to) there's also just like, not bothering to process what you say; being the one talked over like you weren't saying anything, lack of any response at all like you weren't saying anything, someone else cutting in and you may as well no longer be here / nth wheeling in any group. the times i've had to say something which needs a response / to be absorbed, and fighting for my life doing so / reiterating like half a dozen times / repeating this later, multiple times, b/c i know someone may give you the "politeness" of Looking At You / nominal spoken stock responses, while not absorbing it / forgetting it after 5 sec..........to be sure, times i've had an extensive, specific, belabored exchange (plus alllll the extra effort to emphasize Amicability in it) that got such responses, only to have it later clear they didn't actually absorb the point they'd apparently gone "right, okay" to. times i've [that] and then 5 min later had the person i'd talked to come over to be like "oh did you say [the thing i said to them]" only b/c some third party had overheard and actually processed it, then in turn had what They conveyed to that person i'd talked to actually listened to; had "i am once again asking" agonies multiple times over months & months only eventually fulfilled, spontaneously, by someone else entirely....
also that, when i Was able to having amicable, comfortable, in-person exchanges, my ""small talk"" friendly engagement to nonhostilely acknowledge someone / have an exchange involves Verbal Bits (running gag for Dinnermaking Convo to pretend to be on iron chef, and all named chef geoff, for example) or Nonverbal Ones (entering one's peripheral vision and dancing until acknowledged, to be funny, or ignored, also to be funny) or even simply that the amicability can come from other people, in spite of it all, by just not interpreting my operating while being myself and not constantly going out of my way to try to expressively reassure someone i'm friendly to them being met with [people just not deciding they hate me and/or i am beneath them] like, some great times lol. friendships where we didn't Really start talking for eons, and i go "guess people gotta be patient" like well sure lol. and then they gotta like how i Do interact
and the next bit of "can't believe you keep learning; realizing things" is just going like "ohh wait, was thinking of one's inherent value within a framework of [noninherent value you can so totally Bootstraps Earn we swear]" lol like....even in terms of like "nd people are the backbone of your fandom" type things like, well yeah they are; and that "sometimes people think it's neat that you can draw" like yeah it is and sometimes they really are; but that it's like, but Forget It re: thinking of that like "well so that Makes Up For [being autistic] as it might usually negatively impact socializing by 'normal' standards" like, to hell with making up for anything. i like to post about interests and draw about them and it's fun when people enjoy them and it can be fun to Talk About something / interact through that; it's not like "ableism: over" nor making up for anything, and what can really come of thinking it has to be Valued by how it might make other people see You as more inherently worthwhile yourself than they otherwise would've, right. i'm like "well i don't always express myself xyz ways but at least i do in other ways i suppose" but end the sentence before the But. i'm not As Good(tm) As Allistic through the [expressing myself] i do through drawing, and that's fine b/c autistic ppl having talents people value isn't the antiableism key lol. next i can be [tfw autistic ppl try to go Above & Beyond at work to "make up for" being autistic] or employers being like "hey maybe hire autistic people" not to be Inspirationally Inclusive in theory or whatever but b/c it's like, they'll be exploitable / valuable as exploited employee. like how autistic people get fired or burned out and then it's like whoops, we need like 5 new hires to replace them; who wasn't promoted, paid, or recognized as doing 6 ppl's work. everything being [popularity contest] actually. not to say Posting For Fun is the exact same as formal job lmfao nor randos like employers; but essences remain, see: that resonance with [reacting to abuser's attention] behavior and [interacting with randos out & about, trying to be deemed Friendly Normal Correct enough] behavior. the throughline that people won't regard you as having inherent value unless they regard people as having inherent value, on principle
i do have peak success like, an art post is very tl;dr billboard for Your Existence lol. and then if people are interested enough in whatever brand of [saying shit] i do? probably promising start to whether interactions with me won't be [their interest is exhausted within a day] lol. find some fellow nd people by crossing paths via interest, which is a Talk About Something thing. and even then, of course, you're not guaranteed friends with every other nd person. Spontaneous Alignments, everyone's friend....while at this juncture it's like, hmm, maybe i Am actually not like. theoretically interested in [i want to have new friendships] lmao. thinking about what they're supposed to be? what i could even think of them hypothetically being? invokes no [i want that] feelings. thinking of someone else saying, in a different context, how he doesn't think anyone's Guaranteed any kind of companionship, which i agree with (vs. ppl talking about it like Bootstraps Merit like yes you can Deserve a romantic partner, and Deserve friends too, and a general appeal/likability/personableness will be concomitant w/a Deserving person); thinking of someone else talking abt, in a different context, how her experience being racially othered means she just doesn't end up liking being around people at all / prefers being alone. the first guy talking about how he doesn't Preclude new relationships but he also approaches w/deliberation like, navigating being content being alone. thinking abt stuff talking about [autistic ppl who want romantic relationships] that mention ppl having to go ahead and work on being okay with the idea they may very well never have one. the questioning of [relationships] and [community] in a consciously political context; what's it mean for someone to have Relationships, be in a Community, would that be Required of them for them to deserve / get to expect to receive [xyz] that everyone theoretically would. thinking of relationality as acknowledgment of the realities of ways things, incl people, affect each other, the results of that
that's about all lol might "ideally" be more nonspeaking than i gave myself credit for; only shifting towards "i give myself inherent value on principle and can only be regarded as having inherent value by others Also on principle" like no [bootstrapping earning shit] as a way to also see value in what i do either lol
#extremely delayed BaDumTsh yesterday like ''oh yeah that fanbase that Was smallish for several years that i Was generally active in and Was#trying to socialize in b/c it seemed like the thing you do?'' like yeah i knew i could barely bring myself to talk in an overall groupchat#(b/c i don't like real time exchanges usually; hadn't really talked directly much w/many of the people in it lol) and i also know that this#trepidation was interpreted as ''well they were invited but guess they don't wanna participate'' lmao like classique. which in turn is like#yeah now i'm really loath to just pop in lol. and say something for a [oh shit did salsa kill someone's parents] effect#and i also already knew that there were like two or three Other groupchats for that fandom i was not at all privy to over the yrs lmao#but yesterday it was like ''oh that was a general groupchat everyone was in? yeah i never even heard of that one lmao''#which if The Person Reading This is who told me: do not be embarrassed lol it is Extremely Irrelevant emotionally#like i Already learned from those experiences [yeah i wasn't in the gcs] and [yeah i was peripheral socially] and [yeah i always felt kinda#out of place / agonized Trying to socialize More / Right b/c it was just clearly: gonna be like that lmao]#like being that backbone of a fandom ndly or being that [your posts are approved] contributor: you're still a rando; still autistique w/it#never ''made up for'' anything and would never have#shoutout to us second graders becoming friends through spontaneous indoor recess lego parallel play#enough of a:#long post xoxox
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avatarskywalker78 · 1 year
Can I ask the basic asks for your Malcolm Thawne?
I love this, someone actually making the point that my Malcolm Thawne is essentially an OC.
What changes do you think would be made between your muse as they exist in your head vs how they would be treated as part of canon?
Malcolm's direct and straight talking tendancies would probably be dialed down a bit- miscommunication is the show's bread and butter, after all, so someone talking sense? No way. And they'd drag out his reconciliation with Eddie too because they love their drama. Ditto his powers - possibly they'd have the Blue Flame healing powers (though place limits on them otherwise it's a deus ex machina), but Malcolm becoming a speedster would probably happen around S2 or S3, because they wouldn't want to take away focus from Barry.
What plot points would change due to the inclusion of your character in canon?
I feel a lot of Team Flash's questionable decisions (pipeline prison) would be sorted out a lot sooner - even a dialed down Malcolm would still the voice of reason, plus it's likely Wells would be uncovered sooner, because Malcolm doesn't have the same kind of respect for Wells as the others do, because as far as he's concerned this is the man who blew up the city and put his brother and countless others in danger. Eddie's capture would also go differently - because Malcolm loves his brother and Eddie knows this, especially after reconciliation, so Eobard's claims that he's forgotten and alone just wouldn't have the same effect of him. And post reveal Malcolm just keeps on reminding everyone that Eobard is time travelling serial killer and a lying liar who lies with a vested interest in making sure things happen the way he wants them to so why the hell would you trust him?? The finale definitely doesn't happen - because Malcolm would point out that yes, saving your family is a good and noble goal, but not when the guy offering is the one who killed them. Which would change S2 by extension...
As for any further plot points, I can't really go into too much detail on that as I haven't really seen much beyond S1 and the crossover parts, but I imagine once Malcolm becomes Cobalt Blue for real it's a major shift - another speedster, someone who can balance out Barry and also a friend, and someone Eddie can talk and connect with who didn't start out a friend of Barry's, because Eddie definitely needed that.
What role would your character play in the story? Are they a major player, or a one scene wonder?
Malcolm would probably be a recurring character in the first half of S1 - starting out with name drops by Eddie in the first few episodes before making an appearance - and then playing a bigger role in the back half of S1 once he reconciles with his brother, and by the time S2 comes around he's a major player.
If there are multiple adaptions/If they are part of a multi-part franchise, which ones would your character appear in?
Definitely the crossovers - though I imagine he'd interact more with the Legends than with Team Arrow.
Besides your face/voiceclaim, who do you think would be cast as your character?
Honestly, I have no idea - like so far the only actor I have is Walker Scobell for a young Malcolm, but no luck on an adult one, so no clue at all who the CW would cast.
If your character had a breakout show/film/comic, what would the plot be? Who would be in their supporting cast?
Probably centering around the Blue Flame - a key part of Malcolm's story is that even he's not sure how he has his healing powers, so that would become be a mystery he'd want to solve, especially as Eddie doesn't appear to have the same powers. Unfortunately he's not on speaking terms with his family, so he'd probably enlist Iris and Ralph's help in his quest for answers.
What headcanons/theories do you believe fandom would invent about your character?
That he never reconciled with his brother in the original timeline, that he was an inspiration to Eobard because he had - in his mind - a worthwhile career in science, and possibly that he'll eventually become the villainous Cobalt Blue he is in the comics, somehow (or was the villainous Cobalt Blue and Eobard's messing around in time changed that)
OC ask game
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skunkes · 2 years
do you have any pointers on making characters that you love and are proud of 🥺 i know it’s kind of a loaded question but i feel like i just Can’t make a whole being that i love and want to expand on! i’ve started on many ocs before but have inevitably abandoned them
This is a little hard to answer! I dont have many ocs, make one every 7 years, and I don't really have that feeling of Love and Pride for very many of em.
(i also end up abandoning em, see: how only Talon and Al seem to exist right now)
but anyway:
The process that I've found has helped me develop Talon (who I'm gonna use as example bc he's The recent oc and muse) and other ocs is...taking time to develop em as if they're Real Persons.
I joked earlier this year when I was starting to develop him, that he was Acclimating to my Brain, and that I was locking him in a room with my other ocs while I figured him out, but that actually also helped!
Im big on daydreaming so sticking talon in "a room" with other ocs kinda of helped build on all parties, as your brain gets to play with surface level interactions.
As for the real persons bit, I also mean this as Figurative language and not "I actually think my ocs are real people :)" but adjacent to the daydreaming, I let my ocs sort of tell me stuff about themselves as time progresses. Like, when I made Talon I didnt scramble to be able to fill one of those character sheets with facts about him on Day One. I couldn't tell you right now what his Biggest Phobia is or whatever. (But maybe some day he'll let me know!)
I feel like that ⬆️ would burn me out or make me feel restricted to whatever I came up with in such a short amount of time (which is also why I can't really Make ocs or focus on all of em at once) but it's like with real persons, you get used to and learn more about them and grow closer to em the more you spend time with them...!
Over time just picking a scenario and reimagining it has helped more facts and tidbits and quirks and such come to light, along with plucking things from media that inspires me, or funny tumblr posts that remind me of him (or get the gears turning in my brain), even really exaggerated joke posts make my brain eager to apply the non-joke elements to him, as well as interesting personality traits I notice in other, real people! Or traits from myself! Flaws (physical and nonphysical!) Insecurities! Things that make up real people you may love!
I realize dis didn't really answer anything but again I don't really know T_T ive just made the one new involved oc this year, for the first time in many years. Ive been "developing" him since april and he's still not a "complete" character (+ maybe never will be) but i Do love and am proud of him. Thats another thing I think, it's Okay if you move on from your attempts. I've had ocs I was once focused on that haven't been seen or thought about in Years. Like who knows, Talon could be put back up on the brain shelf to collect dust in a few months. I think that's fine as long as you had fun with it! I hope you create something that Sticks, even for a little bit!
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spring-lxcked · 1 year
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NAME.  nicole or aspen
PRONOUNS.  she / they (i sometimes have a slight preference for one over the other day-to-day, but overall either is fine)
PREFERENCE OF COMMUNICATION.  if you need me to respond quickly, IMs are probably the way to go. if you want to have a long-term convo/don't care about quickness, discord (nicolenostalgia) is best!
MOST ACTIVE MUSE.  currently it's obviously this rabbit bastard, but my other consistently most active muse has been kokichi (@takinghisbow). outside of him, i tend to go through periods of strong hyperfixation on specific muses. single muse blogs for me are pretty exclusively for muses i don't intend on taking long breaks from ever (outside of necessity)
EXPERIENCE / HOW MANY YEARS.  i've been rping since i was around 9 (and far too young to be freely online, but whatever). i've been on tumblr since i was ~14, but didn't start rping here until like. . . 3-4 years ago? prior to tumblr i rp'd on forums, via email with individual friends, and on furcadia (my longest experience and very defining for me ngl. i know it's, like, cringe or whatever, but <3).
BEST EXPERIENCE.  i mean, generally just the genuine friends i've made and continue to make on here. but also, to be slightly more specific, few things stand out in my memory as favorite rp moments more than the funny, crack-y, shit-posting times where me and some of my mutuals are just losing our minds. i love running jokes on my blogs, i love being @'d, i just love love love that non-serious sort of interaction sm.
RP PET PEEVE.  if you start public shit/write callouts about someone because they were slightly rude to you or you just don't like them? [cocks gun] (legally i'm joking, but i'm so glad i haven't seen this kinda shit in awhile. save it for dangerous people, please). other than that, i've had Experiences where my frequently-thirsted-after-by-fandom male muse just gets an Onslaught of ppl who will absolutely try to force ship with their OC. it hasn't happened here, but admittedly i'm like. sitting on the edge of my seat LMAO. (like, it's kinda funny but it's hella disrespectful).
PLOTS OR MEMES.  memes tend to be a better starting point for me unless you already have a specific idea in mind OR we're working off of one of our wishlist posts. i have this Thing where the moment someone asks me to plot every single idea i've ever had leaves my head fdkshfsd. the only exception to this is if it's not immediately obvious how our muses would meet. at which point, either plotting OR just specifying something in a meme you send would be great.
LONG OR SHORT REPLIES.  cursed to love long replies, forced to have executive dysfunction lmao. i mean, i love interactions of any length, but i do looooove getting really into my muse's mindset and exploring it. because of mental health, tho, longer thread usually = longer wait for my reply. not always, it depends on my muse. once we're getting 5+ paras, it might be a bit of a wait (even tho i still love it).
ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSES.  knee-jerk reaction was to say no abt william lmao. in all seriousness, i'd say. . . we have a similar sense of humor, regrettably. and more than that, i feel like my draw to writing muses in general who "wear a mask" and hide their real personalities has been a bit of an. . . unintentional exploration relating to my own masking. i've a only realized in recent years that i likely have ADHD (and maybe autism?), and the realization that the Me In Public is literally Not Me was. crazy. i think that, even though william is a complete bastard, there's something to writing a muse who is always performing. i mean, before i even understood what masking was i remember telling my mom that being around almost anyone irl felt like putting on a show to pretend to be "normal." so anyway me, kokichi, and william are holding hands (eurgh).
TAGGED BY. @gateway31 ( <3 <3 <3 ) TAGGING. whoever would like to do it!!
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the-haunted-office · 15 days
What sort of arcs would you like to explore most, individually or overall, for your muses after the Retcon?
Ask anything you'd like about my characterization or how I play my character.
Well, first I want to continue with the arc of Stanley leaving the Office and going out on his own into Post-Apocalyptic Fictional Earth. That one kind of stems off from the whole piano plot, which I'm not sure if you're familiar with it, but basically Doomsday accidentally dropped a piano on him, killed him, and then in order to try to save him, Thursday and Cyrus put his body in a freezer since Stanley Johnson doesn't respawn the same way the folks in the Haunted Office do (SJ is from a different Office, as it turns out). SJ's ghost felt that this violated his autonomy and became angry at Thursday, but he didn't realize Cyrus was involved too, so he took it all out on her. SJ's original Narrator, Arthur, eventually showed up and brought him back via cloning, which really messed up his body, and now SJ suffers chronic pain in addition to memory loss and the loss of the ability to speak. Thursday couldn't take SJ being mad at her any longer and spilled the beans on Cyrus being involved, so now SJ is mad at Cyrus too, and that brings us up to speed, where SJ has stormed out of the Office.
That was a wall of text, but yeah! I want to continue with that first, see where that goes. I really think that will provide some interesting character development for Stanley, not for him as an individual muse but also between him and Cyrus (who are kindasorta halfway shipped, they're interested in each other but it's definitely a slowburn situation) and him and Thursday too, who are friends and I'd like to see their friendship healed. Thursday needs to learn to be able to let go of people, and Stanley needs to learn to let go of his biases too, because he sort of held his own bias against his Narrator against her (she sort of reminds him of his Narrator, Arthur, who he despises).
I'd really like to do some arcs expanding my muses' world outwards and possible introduce some new muses. I have loose plans in mind for this. I'd like them to explore more of Post-Apocalyptic Fictional Earth and implement more of that into potential plots and into threads, if others are interested.
I'd really love to be able for them to forms connections with others outside of the Office, too! That was a big driving force behind the whole Retcon plot. I felt that my muses were too difficult to get along with up front and it was inhibiting them from forming bonds with other muses, and because it was inhibiting bonds from forming, it was making it difficult for other people to care about my muses, and because of that, it was just... inhibiting interactions in general. I don't know for a fact if this was the case, but it seemed to be to me, so I thought I'd adjust the dials on some personality traits here and there and see how it went. All in all, my muses are absolutely still themselves, they haven't really changed in who they are, it's just certain aspects of their personalities have been adjusted to make it so they aren't as peevish in threads, if that makes sense.
Like, Doomsday will no longer be going out of her way to antagonize people, especially in response to OOC post, like she would before - unless I know for absolute certain you are okay with it. And she also won't just be picking fights left, right, and center over everything. While I enjoyed this aspect of her personality, I don't believe everyone else enjoyed it. I think it was exhausting to others to have her always coming at their muses and antagonizing them all the time, so I wanted to dial that back a bit and see how that helped with interactions with her. She's still absolutely going to be a pain in the ass at times and difficult to get close to because that's just who she is, but I've dialed it down from like 100 to maybe 75 or something like that haha.
And with Thursday, she had a lot of unprocessed trauma that was making it virtually impossible for her to trust anybody. She just couldn't trust anybody and couldn't open up to anybody in any capacity. I sort of forgot that, hey, I have all these other muses right here in my own arsenal that she can talk to to process her grief and trauma, and that might help make it easier for her to connect with others outside of the Office. So that's what the Retcon has done for her. It's reinforced her connections with the other people in the Office, so now she doesn't feel so alone and disconnected from everybody, and now it's ideally going to be easier for her to open up to others and trust other muses. It doesn't, by any means, she's going to immediately open up and going to take down all of her boundaries, but I do think it will make first interactions with her a lot more pleasant.
That's the idea, anyway! That's what the aim is. If nothing comes of any of it, then that's all right. It's not a huge deal. Ultimately their characterizations are still the same. The Retcon all in all is just minor adjustments behind the scenes that you won't really notice, most likely, and that's all for the best, I think. If the changes were too big, then they'd be totally different characters and that's not what I want.
So, with all that in mind, going forward, what I'd really like for them outside of internal interactions, is to be able to forge better connections with other people's muses. I really would. It's been like pulling teeth for me to find people to rp with, and then it's been even harder than that finding people who want to stick around and who care about my muses enough to plot with me and everything. I know I can't make people want to do that, but I hope that by making the adjustments I've made and taking out some of the things that have been making threads too unpleasant for some people, I can find some kind of a happy medium.
Sorry, I know that was long, and if you stuck around to read all that, then you're real cool! And of course, if you have any follow-up questions, do feel free to send them in, I'd be happy to answer them. :)
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duunswitch · 21 days
puts water gun at you 10-15 go !!!!
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put that away????
if you play original muses with canon roots  ( like oc siblings, coworkers, etc. )  or someone who’s been either just a name or a few lines of dialogue in canon, how do you build that character? do you pick the muse first and build from there, or do you need have the muse ready in your head and only then pick the connection, or a combination of the two?
So to start: I don't pick my muses, they pick me lmfao. I'll feel a spark or whatever you wanna call it, when the muse just kinda moves in whether I like it or not and then I start building. A combination is probably closest to how I do things.
I rarely play OCs related to canon characters, unless they're specifically plotted with a mun (usually a friend) who plays the related canon(s) so the process typically involves talking to the other person and building said ocs together. a good example are the fanchildren for my xiv wol Lumianne and Elidibus that I have with tick's Elidibus blog and we created them together as an indulgence after the children meme we both reblogged lmao. (let this be a warning to anyone who sends me child of our muses memes; if you indicate interest in the resulting children i WILL hand them to u as full fledged muses)
As for the latter, I love characters like that who are basically a blank page even in canon and those I typically ratgrab and then run wild with. There's no real process to turning a blank slate canon character into my own, tbh; I'm more of a "build on the fly" kinda person. I write a character and let them build themselves. I work best when I'm bouncing off of other characters in an organic fashion, rather than building them up and then setting them free in a sterile environment. I'm very character and interaction driven here, rather than plot. So I'm always in the process of building a character, even when they're mostly done.
have you ever built or picked up a muse because you wanted to use a certain faceclaim? how did it go?
Max already existed but only as a background character that was name dropped but never seen, but I had some icons in my Folder Of Many Icons so I decided to bring him around as a guest muse (before giving him a perma place on the multimuse lore sideblog) bc I wanted to use those icons lmao
what’s the weirdest thing that has ever inspired you to make or pick up a muse?
*thinks about this for awhile* I know there's something, but I can't think of any right now tbh lmao.
wait no, i lied - for a short while in the transformers fandom i had a very silly sideblog that existed solely to roleplay as a random buffalo stranded on a robot space ship. i don't remember what inspired it, and it didn't last long but it was entertaining for me and everyone i threw it at
have you ever not gone through with playing / adding / making a blog for a muse because you’ve feared no one would care about that specific muse?
*gestures to literally every muse in my brain that exists but which does not have a blog*
if you see that a friend of yours has just made a blog for a muse you were planning to play, will you still make the blog?
depends on the muse tbh; shenanigans are really fun so if that's an option I will generally take it and I'm not against doubles in general. I have multiple trigun blogs and i interact with doubles on said blogs all the time so it's not an issue for me unless it's a muse i haven't solidified yet and want to avoid accidentally stealing headcanons while they're still forming.
which muses of yours have currently very dead fandoms?
i don't think any have really dead fandoms so much as small, very lightly populated ones? the ones that do come to mind are also muses i no longer roleplay tho, or else they were dead-ish fandoms but recently came back to life
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moonwaltzed · 2 years
3. What’s your story? Give a paragraph statement (or two) about yourself and/or why you are roving the RP internet.
10. What does your everyday, average day look like?
11. Why did you last take a risk and what was it?
20. Why are you really RPing? 
31. When was the last time you did something for someone and what was it? Did you have a motive behind it or was it something you did out of being genuine?
44. Think about some strong opinions (about anything) that you have. Could be about RP, life, school, work, people. Where did that come from; what happened to make you feel or think that way?
57. Name one or two other hobbies apart from writing you have. How did you get into them?
58. How important is writing to you?
3. What’s your story? Give a paragraph statement (or two) about yourself and/or why you are roving the RP internet.
uh. well! i first got into proper roleplaying waaay back when Pokémon X came out in like,,, 2013?? and i figured tumblr was a more ""sophisticated"" platform considering i come from like. msparp and omegle, and honestly i've just stayed because even when i didn't know what i was doing, plenty of people were kind enough to make me want to stay and keep creating and expanding different characters so. i'm still around the rpc because my muses mean a lot to me and i like exploring different scenarios with them 😌
10: What does your everyday, average look like?
boring, basically. it used to consist of me just waking up, booting up Genshin or whatever my hyperfixation was at that time, then playing till i passed tf out, but as of late it's... still that, except now i have to work in the middle of all that
11. Why did you last take a risk and what was it?
well. see, i'm paranoid about everything, so i don't take risks. if there's a chance to fail, i simply will not <3
20. Why are you really RPing?
because i got sucked into the rpc when i was 12 and tumblr's kept me locked in the basement for 10 years so that i could never leave–
31. When was the last time you did something for someone and what was it? Did you have a motive behind it or was it something you did out of being genuine?
just today actually!! earlier in my shift, a little girl came in to buy a candy bar and only had a dollar, but tax made it More than a dollar, so i just used a dollar of my own to cover the rest of it and she looked so happy aaaa,,, technically i don't think i was supposed to do that but. money is stupid and she couldn't have been older than like 12 so it was just a nice thing to do 👉👈
44. Think about some strong opinions (about anything) that you have. Could be about RP, life, school, work, people. Where did that come from; what happened to make you feel or think that way?
perhaps a hot take, but when it comes to headcanons about a character's orientation, i strongly believe that as long as it's unspecified in canon, i don't think anyone should be shamed or made to feel guilty for headcanoning them a certain way. some characters are absolutely coded a certain way, i agree, and there are some characters i personally can't see any other way. but if a mun is more comfortable with muses that match their own orientation or just has valid reasons for writing them that way, then making them feel bad about that is incredibly shitty. have your opinions, whatever, but i guarantee no one wants to hear them if it'll make them upset. just hush <3
also, second opinion no one asked for: shitting on a rarepair because they haven't interacted in canon is stupid and makes absolutely no sense. just because it isn't explicitly shown in canon doesn't mean it hasn't happened, and even if it never does... so what? as long as it's a ship between two adult muses, why is it a big deal and who tf cares?? is rp not like, entirely about putting characters in different situations anyway???
57. Name one or two other hobbies apart from writing you have. How did you get into them?
oh gosh, uh. playing video games and,,, i dunno, watching youtube??? i don't really do much at all man lmaoo. i honestly couldn't tell you how i "got into" youtube bc that's just always been there for me BUT when i was like six or sevenish, i used to watch my step-dad play GTA: san andreas and. i thought the gameplay was fun and so i asked to try it and it all went downhill from there 🧍‍♀️
58. How important is writing to you?
very. i'm the kind of person who's always thinking of something new creativity-wise, and a lot of what i think i feel gets twisted into different stories for different characters from time to time, but i clearly wasn't meant to be a musician or an artist, so writing is basically my only creative outlet and the only way i can properly express myself.
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thehandsomecat · 2 years
controversial RaC opinion: rivchet is a really weird ship. Like... Would you really date your own genderbent clone?
i agree with you so much anon. r/vchet really isn't my cup of tea either, ngl
though i didn't really think about it in the sense that rivet is ratchet's literal genderbent clone... [rambling under the cut]
bear in mind that i haven't played rift apart myself (owning a ps5? in this economy?) and i have the memory of a goldfish, so i might be wrong about this or missing something important:
but i was under the impression that rivet is truly a different person from ratchet, and the main reason she's considered ratchet's (almost) 1:1 dimensional counterpart is the fact that they have so much in common (height, backstory similarities, personality, putting up with nefarious, etc) but beyond that, they seem like separate individuals. but if i missed something that proves that they are clones, that's definitely another thing to consider.
(not trying to be annoying about semantics, just musing about the clone idea - sorry for the tangent)
but anyway - me, being a loser who thinks way too much about the logic behind shipping - my main issue with r/vchet is that the idea of them being together feels like it's being forced onto the characters, even despite ratchet already having a canonical girlfriend, and rivet being a lesbian? i think? (albeit stated to be such outside of official canon as far as i know, thus making the topic of her sexuality - and rivet, the character, as a whole - the subject of many very annoying online debates)
but all of that gets disregarded in the context of shipping them together. because apparently, a woman (especially a ~lombax woman~) just Cannot Exist on screen in ratchet's vicinity without HAVING to be his love interest. because she's Not Allowed to be her own person, independent of the male lead with her own role in the story. she just has to exist solely to play a very specific romantic role towards ~The Main Man~ <3
and - in the specific case of this ship (and ratchet x angela, to a much lesser extent, though i feel like i've seen this too) - there's this weird idea of like, "well, they're the ~last lombaxes~, you know what that means <3" with the implication being that they're somehow "required" to get together for "the future of the species."
...even though the lombaxes aren't in actual danger of going extinct (in fact, they left their home dimension to AVOID that happening), they're just scattered across dimensions and, other than themselves, there aren't any left in either ratchet or rivet's dimension. and thus this gives the appearance that the lombaxes are going extinct, when they really aren't. with the newly repaired dimensionator they can literally Go Find Them Now if they want to.
and so not only does the idea not really make sense in an in-universe context, it feels like it reduces both characters to what they're capable of 'giving' to the universe at large without considering them as individuals with their own wants.
and i'm not trying to say that's the only reason anyone ships them. i'm sure there are other reasons that people have, though i wouldn't know because i just Cannot get into it. and i also don't care That much. but like, i feel like i've stumbled on wayyy too much content of the ship that centers entirely around their status as The Last Of Their Kind, with the running theme being that Repopulation Is Their Sacred Duty or some weird shit. and all in all, it just puts a bad taste in my mouth.
i will give the R/vchet Likers one thing - there's a reason people are shipping ratchet with rivet despite the fact that they knew each other for a very short time canonically, and it's because ratchet and rivet had more on-screen interaction and a vague yet slightly better sense of 'chemistry' with each other (which is really just two people being polite with someone they just met, as they have no reason not to be) than ratchet has with his own girlfriend.
which is a separate issue and ultimately the fault of the writing basically making talwyn a non-presence for several games in the series at this point, and i hate that for her, i really do. but that's a rant for another day. this post is long enough as is.
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ofgentleresolve-a · 3 years
❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ !!
these are cute ferre thinks they should get some :D ( ft. mun positivity meme w/ anon )
❤️ - talk about one of your mutuals/partners and why you enjoy them and their blog!
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first, i gotta start with LENA ( @mythvoiced ) who's so nice?? so sweet?? ngl when i first started following her, i didn't know someone could be that openly supportive of all her mutuals :'D but!! it's always a joy to see her on my dash; her enthusiasm and cheer is infectious and yet she's also very thoughtful of her mutuals...it's not often i see that kind of active caring and concern for her partners on this hellsite. that and she shows genuine curiosity and love for her partner's muses and i really really appreciate that about her <3 it makes writing and plotting with them such a joy!! but onto her writing tho!! her cast of characters are all distinct?? and also every single one of her bios are like detailed- i can get a very clear impression of each and every one of her characters just from reading their bio alone. i'm so excited about our interactions and already and not me also scheming to see how i can get my muses to interact with all of hers JFKLSDJF also her writing?? lemme kiss it, it's LYRICAL AND FLOWS WELL....i'd like to steal some for miself please!!
i don't think we talk enough about how sweet @etherealve is!! i absolutely adore how open they are about supporting their writing partners via commenting/liking their mutuals' posts. it really shows i think, the care and interest they put into their partners not just as writers but also as individuals. they're also very down-to-earth and super fun to watch them banter on dash with our mutuals...and i haven't even gotten to their writing yet. i really really love their ocs or at least the ones i've met!! jay, from what i've seen, is very balanced...like he might've had a rough childhood, he's not angsty. but he's also not completely naive either. he's someone who i don't think can be pinned down with one trope ( despite mana nicknaming him lover boy...sjdfklsj ) as we're already seeing he has multiple layers and sides that come out depending on who he's interacting with. i absolutely love what we have going so far writing wise and i can't wait to see where it goes!!
laney ( @guttersniper ) is also a darling to see on my dash!! they're super chill and friendly which is refreshing see in a space that can get cliquish...laney doesn't play by those rules though and i love how open they are to interacting with all kinds of muses!! but onto mutt, it's difficult and time-consuming to develop any character but to do it for a child muse especially on this hellsite?? that's amazing in and of itself. laney puts so much love and care into mutt's character and it shows. mutt is so realistic and i can tell laney put a lot of thought into how a child would realistically act especially considering the sheer amount of abuse and abandonment mutt has already endured...that and mutt in general?? so much fun to interact with and also so much fun to just watch exist?? and live?? nothing but respect and care for these two really!!
and last but certainly not least synnie ( @eternasci )!! synnie is an absolute joy to see on all my blogs and I'M SO HAPPY I GET TO INTERACT WITH THEM AND LUCI WITH MANA NOW TOO!! they were actually one of the first few people I started writing with when I initially came back to rpc and they were just so chill and sweet?? very reassuring for me since i was a nervous wreck back then sjdfklsjdf anyways, i love how while they are laid-back, they also go hard with character development for luci, sweet bird child who is just so, so wonderful?? first and foremost, i love luci's boundless optimism and their steadfast belief in assuming the best of people- but what really draws me to them is that their character arc puts that to the test and just, wow- that's a character to admire a lot!! but also synnie's writing- also gives it a chef's kiss- it's v lyrical and metaphorical as well, which is something i'd love to try out more in my own writing <3
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cyberfairyblog · 3 years
First Meetings pt. 1
Plot: Vanessa meets the new proprietor to Whit's End who also happens to be Whittaker's son. She's put off by his eagerness to modernize the homely estate - and his devastatingly good looks. But there's something more to him than at first glance, and soon she and the rest of Odyssey find themselves in the middle of international intrigue! Set in the Cartoon continuity.
Early that Saturday morning, Vanessa biked to the Victorian house to prepare the shop for lunch hour. The first thing she noticed was a red sports car parked in the driveway. "That's strange, I haven't seen anyone round here with that kind of car," she mused, wondering who was inside the house. When she got ti the parlor she noticed a ton of boxes strewn all over the floor and bar. She heard muttering behind the counter and spoke up. "Uh hi?"
Hearing her voice the person got up - hitting his head on the bottom of the counter in the process!
"Oh I'm so sorry!" Vanessa exclaimed as she went over to help him. "I didn't mean to startle you!"
"No don't worry I'm fine," said the man as he got to his feet - all six-plus of it. Almost immediately Vanessa felt her cheeks burn. He looked a good decade older, cheeks and chin that only a Renaissance artist could dream of carving. Chestnut hair parted in bangs and the rest of it brushed back in a mullet kind of style. The sleeves of his green shirt were pulled up revealing unshaven arms - man he had been working out she mused as she saw the muscles bulging every time he rubbed the sore spot on his head. He walked straight of a romance novel, he looked that handsome.
"D-do you want ice or anything," she stammered hoping he wouldn't think she was checking him out.
"No, I have a hard head," he spoke. He stared at her for a moment then grinned. "You must be Vanessa! Dad talks a lot about you."
For a second Vanessa was a confused. "Dad?
"Ah right, I guess he forgot to tell you I was coming," he said rubbing his head again. He reached his other hand out to shake. "Jason, I'm Whit's son."
Vanessa took it gently and hitched feeling the warm strength of his palm. Please don't tell me I'm getting turned on by a guy I just met! Then it clicked - his hair specially the bangs looked a lot like her boss's signature hairstyle, only messier and not as gelled up. She should have known having seen all the pictures Whit showed of his daughter and grandkids - they all had similar looking bangs as well! She kinda remembered him mentioning he had a son once.
"So um what brings you to Odyssey?"
"I was supposed to come on Tuesday but I got sidetracked with some, uh, personal problems back home," replied Jason averting her eyes a second.
"Well he did say something about someone coming here this week," Vanessa added tapping her chin. "I guess I know who now!"
"Yep! Say do you think you can help me unpack I've been here for hours and I think I brought to much."
Vanessa's heart kicked up. His eyes were two chlorinated pools - awkward description but they were that clear - and stammered. "Ok!"
As she began taking items out, she analyzed them. "Rapid the Donkey, Myth of Esther, Mega Solomon Sibs," she read the titles. "What are these?"
"Oh those? These are game cartridges, I'm gonna install some consoles in that corner so that the kids could have something to do!"
"Um, I don't think your dad wants these here," she said. "The most he has is a tv and radio but they're kinda old. For aesthetics."
"Outdated aesthetics," Jason mildly scoffed. "Hopefully these games draw in more of the younger crowd."
Vanessa nodded. "I see, and did you talk with Jack about it?"
"No, and don't you tell him either! It's a surprise!" He winked playfully at her before going back to his work.
Uncertainty began to fester inside Vanessa. Mr. Whittaker never allowed an arcade since he believed it distracted patrons from meaningful interactions and relaxation. But maybe it wasn't her place to tell him what to do with his own family property. She just hoped he wouldn't erase all the charm and comfort she grew fond of.
By the time 10 o' clock rolled in the arcade machines were plugged in and most of the stuff were put up. As Vanessa sanitized the tables Jason said he needed to get something out of his car. He got to his car and looked around for a moment before pressing something in his ear.
"Who was that lady?" He heard someone ask.
"Just one of my dad's employees, she's clear," answered the tall man. "Any sign of him yet?"
"No, It's like a game of hide and seek," said the other person. "One minute he appears in public the next it's like he's not even there!"
Jason sighed. "Okay, I'll keepwatch over this area, you go try the farm since that's where he might strike."
"You mean where the other candidate lives? Alright I'll check it out, over."
"Over." After the line cut off Jason sighed again. So much for an easy transition. But he needed to do finish this. He had to. The townsfolk seemed nice enough but even so, he had to remain cautious. Thankfully his father's store was safe, though a small part of him wondered how long that would last.
Since I'm more familiar with the Cartoon than the radio show this story will take place in that continuity. I will bring over elements from the radio show; treat this as an mixed AU or a new season of the Cartoon, only more serialized and with more action moments. Here Tom is running for mayor and his rivalry with Blackgaard still occurs. Yes Jason will be paired up with an S/I if it hadn't been obvious already but I hope to give her some entertaining qualities without veering into Mary Sue territory! Anyways I hope you liked this chapter - don't want to spoil but next we might get more insight on what Personal Business Jason has to deal with, and introducing the other characters.
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