#also do not ask why kags is the moon . i do not have the answer to that
cocogoat · 2 years
here watch this it's so silly so fun so beloved 2 me
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woolieshubris · 3 years
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Aquarium Date Fic !! Kagehina, but kag!asd. Kageyama pov. 2k words, oneshot. Tw : Sensory Overload! (it's present throughout the whole fic) Made partially for @spixi and partially so i could prove to myself that i can If there's a typo no there isnt <3 If you are an IRL this post doesn't exist <3
I typed out my message and pressed send, throwing my phone onto my bed.
Maybe I should go grab a snack or something... I think to myself, when I suddenly hear my phone buzzing against my pillow, and I dive to grab it. He replied to my message. That was fast.
Me : Hey we should go to the aquarium tomorrow.
Hinata : Okay :D sounds good 2 me!
Quickly, with my face quickly going beet red, I drop my phone and go to the kitchen to grab something to stuff my face with. I'm shaking, but as long as I walk quietly, I doubt my family will notice I'm even out of my room.
How should I reply? A thumbs up might be good, but it might be too cold. Any other reply is probably too much... Whatever. I'll go with the thumbs up.
I head back into my room and pick up my phone, typing a thumbs up emoji before covering my face again.
F/ck, I need to come up with something to wear, don't I..?
I arrive at the train station, feeling like I probably packed too much. I brought a backpack with an extra phone battery, 2 charging cables, (because Hinata has an apple phone,) and a bunch of snacks, as well as a water bottle.
Did I put on deodorant today??? I can't tell... If so, I'm probably already sweating through it. I start to feel sick to my stomach, but I don't have time to finish that thought when I spot Hinata walking in from a distance. He seems to be wearing basketball shorts and a t-shirt, and suddenly I feel overdressed in my jeans.
"Hey! Don't worry, I already bought my train ticket. You ready to go?" He asked while walking up to me. He didn't bring as much as a backpack, and I'm suddenly relieved that I brought so much.
"Yeah. It's coming in 2 minutes. I half expected you to be late." I stated, before realizing what I said. Sh/t! That was rude, wasn't it? I have to be nicer. Ugh. Hinata punctures my worries with a laugh.
"I'm not late that often, am I?" He states. This makes me feel a little worse about my comment.
"Hm. Just often enough." I state, carefully picking my words. I can't backtrack now, but I can try to redirect my speech to seem less biting.
"You only say I'm late because of last time!" He keeps laughing, keeping the mood light. I wish I could speak as easily as him.
"And possibly the time before that?" I reply. This is probably what he wants me to say.
"Shhhhh. What matters is I got here on time AND I have my ticket ready. Don't worry, I also brought enough for the aquarium ticket too!" He states, smiling. His smile is adorable, almost cute enough to distract me from what he just said.
"Oh, I was planning on paying for that." I reply without thinking.
"Ehh? Do you owe me or something? Should I be asking you for money?"
"No, no. I just thought...?" I'm really confused now. I was the one who asked HIM out, right? He knows how these things usually go, right? Maybe he just doesn't know...
"By the way, where are the others? I thought they would have arrived by now."
The... others? What others? The team??? This is a date, right? Wait...
"I didn't invite them." I respond, my subconscious taking care of what my brain is trying to catch up to.
"You really find them that annoying? I know Tsukki and Yamaguchi can be a bit much sometimes but...?" Confusion flashes across Hinata's face.
"I just wanted to hang out with you. Is that a crime?" I answered before my brain could filter out that last comment. It would be useful in getting him to stop pushing, but it's far too rude for a date. Not that Hinata knows that last part anyway. I wish I could take my words back.
"You should be honored that I said yes in the first place." Hinata teases, my face turning red.
If only he knew what he said yes to.
Hinata and I managed to keep from fighting on the 30 minute train ride, which was a feat in and of itself.
I can't ruin this date.
"Hey, Kageyama? It looks like there is a student discount, and it also seems like there is a discount for groups. What do you think would be cheaper?" Hinata elbowed me, bringing me back into focus. I look up. He and I are both equally sh/t at math.
"Uh... Let's do the group discount? I'll pay for it. You can pay me back later." As if I'd let him do that. Hinata bought my excuse though.
"Okay! I can buy you lunch or something." He quickly walked up to the desk, and I followed him. "Can we have 2 tickets?"
Wait. Wasn't I supposed to buy them? If I was the one paying, aren't I supposed to ask? Is Hinata planning on paying???
"Oh, sorry, He'll be paying!" Hinata stated, gesturing towards me.
"Yes. Here's the cash." I quickly press down the bills that were almost getting damp from stress. I had already looked online at ticket prices, and made sure to set aside the perfect amount of money for two tickets in my pockets.
"Great! Let's head inside!" Hinata grabs the tickets, holding mine for me. We go up to the metal detector and I get my bag checked. Hinata, possibly because he has my ticket, or possibly out of kindness, waits for me.
"Can you hand me my ticket real quick?" I ask, throwing my bag back onto my shoulder.
"Sure, let's go in." We walk into the main lobby area, waiting to get our tickets checked. The aquarium is beautiful, and oh so huge. The high ceilings, and smell of saltwater, the giant whale sculpture that I can only assume is life size, and the concrete flooring, these things that on a glance are grand, start to give me a pit in my stomach.
"Kageyama! Come on!"
I look at the horizon line, and recenter myself. A quick yet deep breath and I'm ready to go. I walk up, and turn in my ticket in order to get a wristband.
"Kageyama?" Hinata states, causing me to look over at him. "Can you help me put this on? I can never do it by myself." He holds up the paper slip.
"Yeah, sure." I say without thinking. I wrap it around his wrist.
"Hey, make sure not to make it too tight. They are a pain to get off if you don't give them enough breathing room." I nod my head, and make sure to give him a gap.
"There you go." I let go of his arm, realizing just then how warm my hand is. I can feel my face getting warm too.
"Okay, let me do you now." He quickly fits the bracelet to my arm. "It's perfect! Let's go inside. I wanna see this penguin exhibit that I've been hearing so much about. I keep seeing ads for it and I've wanted to see it forever-"
Hinata kept talking. I don't think he ever stopped talking. It's nice though. It makes it easier to not focus on the huge building, or the shifting lighting, or the crowds, or the ambient music that made the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end. Yup. I'm not focusing on any of that. Not. At. All.
My feet keep walking, despite my worrying. Hinata eventually slows, stopping before the largest piece of glass I've ever seen in my entire life. A giant tank filled with fish. The glass is taller than my house, longer than 3 busses, and blue and endless enough to make my heart stop in my chest.
Hinata turns around, and finds a bench to sit on, patting the seat next to him, while staring into the blue void. You feel like you have to bow down to its majesty. It is terrifyingly blue, terrifyingly enormous. I have never feared the ocean before, but I fear it in this very moment. A spotted whale shark swims past, paying no attention to the many people standing right against the glass.
"I could sit here forever." Hinata practically whispers. The giant tank orders your complete and utter silence. Even amongst a giant crowd, even with the littlest of children, everyone is quiet. The large speakers playing calming bass tones over the crowd of people, barely vibrating the floor.
"Hm. Me too." I reply. I could sit here forever, I feel like I already have sat here for infinity. Like its presence is something I could never escape. The pit in my stomach grows further. I break eye contact with the tank, reaching in my backpack. The zipper can barely be heard over the ambient noise of people shuffling. Was there always that sound? I bend down to look in my backpack. What was I going to get?
"Do you want a snack? I brought some granola bars." I state as I feel Hinata's eyes looking down at me.
"Actually, that sounds really good right now. I was just thinking about food." He states, bringing his head down to meet mine. I rustle around in my bag, and grab out a bar. It is barely bent. Passing it to him over my shoulder, he grabs it and unwraps it, sitting on the bench with his legs crossed.
"Sooo, what exhibit did you want to see?" He asks, taking a bite after.
"What do you mean?" I reply, choking down the pit in my stomach.
"Like... you invited me out here. So, what was it that you wanted to see?" He takes another bite.
"Uh. I just like fish, I guess." I look over at the tank, trying to avoid his gaze. I doubt he'll buy it, but it doesn't really matter.
"Me too! Let's go into the jellyfish room next? I can see the entrance to the penguins here and it looks packed. Explains why it's so much emptier here." He set his feet back on the ground and stood up, waiting for me to join him.
I leaned back down to zip up my bag, and we walked through a doorway into a smaller, darker room. Blacklights lit up the moon jellies as they calmly glided across the tank. Hinata seemed to drift off, but I didn't mind. It would probably be a good idea to be apart for a bit. I could calm down and collect myself quickly.
I walk up to the tiny seahorse exhibit, and look into the tank. I can't see them at all... I thought, when suddenly, I felt my forehead bump up against the glass.
How did I get close enough to bump up against it?
I go to look for a wall to lean up against. Leaning against something should help keep the pit down. I do a quick glance around the room. There are no walls. Only glass, and only fish. I hate fish.
Taking yet another deep and quick breath, I go back to meet up with Hinata. He was looking at a different kind of seahorse.
"Okay, I think I'm ready to go to the next section now." Hinata said, glancing away from the fish and over to the exit door. I nodded, and lightened up the scowl that was forming on my face. I didn't even notice it was happening until I felt my eyebrows aching from the effort. I just hope he didn’t notice.
The exit of the jellyfish room led to a balcony overlooking a lower floor. This must be the back of the aquarium. Below us there seemed to be a small cafe overlooking the sea.
"Here, let's go get some food! I can pay you back for the ticket that way." Hinata pulled my arm over to the down escalator. I step on right after him, and look down at the cafe.
It was very large, and honestly reminded me more of a cafeteria than a cafe, with lots of seating. After we reach the end of the escalator, he walked over to stand in line and stare at the menu. Looking for a good seat, I grab one right by the large window facing the water and set down my bag. I pull out the small amounts of snacks I've already brought to claim the seat and go over to Hinata.
"Hey, so I'm thinking about getting a sandwich. What do you want?" He stood, facing the menu.
"Honestly, just get me whatever you think I'd like." I state. I can't focus on the menu right now; I just don't have the energy to.
"Hmmm... Okay!" Hinata walks up to the register, while I go back to our seats. I'll probably regret that choice very soon, but I have backup food anyways, and I'm sure he'll eat whatever I don't, so it's not like the food will be wasted.
What the hell did he order??
I look at my plate, not quite understanding what the dish is even supposed to be.
"You said to get you whatever." He said with a smile, taking a bite of his sandwich right after.
"Whatever I might LIKE. What even is this?" I poked my dish with a spork, and it seemed to swallow it whole.
"No idea. I just pointed at the dish in the buffet." He shrugged. "I thought it might be funny, but it's less funny than I hoped. I expected more of a reaction." He looked up with the last sentence, making eye contact with me, which I broke a moment after.
"Sorry? What are you saying sorry for? Since when did you say sorry anyways?" There was slight worry behind his voice, though it was hard to tell through his wide grin. To avoid answering, I quickly shove the food in my face. It's not great, but it's not really all that bad either. It's a little cold from sitting out.
"It's.... good." I say with a stuffed face. This causes him to start laughing again.
"You look super angry! That's the sort of reaction I was expecting." When did I even start scowling again? When I took a bite of the food, probably.
"You try it." I say, stealing a chip from his bag.
"I was the one who bought it anyway. I was half expecting you to make me eat it." Am I really that predictable? He took a bite, and made a variety of expressions, before settling on confusion.
"I wouldn't call it good. Maybe okay? It's definitely at least okay." He nodded to himself, taking a sip of water after.
"So, where to after this?" I ask.
We ended up on the train home while the sun was setting. It's almost to our stop. It felt so short, but we ended up hanging out for 5 hours. I almost forgot that I wanted it to be a date. I had to give up on that a while ago.
"Hey, we have to get off soon, get ready." I say, tapping his knee.
"Hm? Oh." He wakes up, blinking a few times and leaning forwards in his seat. He glances out the window.
The train stops, and we walk off onto the station platform.
"See you at practice tomorrow!" He says with a large smile, walking backwards towards the exit.
"See you." I reply, gripping the shoulder straps of my bag. I looked down
"I had a nice time on our date!" and with the last word, he turned around, running out of the station.
My head immediately turned upwards to where he was, as I feel my blood starting to rush to my face.
He... HE KNEW?!?
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suganovakawa · 4 years
two anons asked for more introverted and shy! reader .
Omg the headcanon w suga was so good TT I wanted to ask if you could do the same one with kags;-; 💞 like the introverted shy one
Oh my goooddddd the Suga one was so cuteeeee! Can I request the same one w kuroo? ;-; if not it’s totally fine!
and you know what ? i love this headcanon so much so i’m gonna do more of this . i hope you don’t mind i put both in one , it’s easier to post !
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karasuno and nekoma boys protect you because of your shyness !
— check out my masterlist !!
you being a shy introvert has never affected these boys’ feelings for you . if anything , they feel more obligated to keep you safe and protected ! these guys will do everything to make sure you’re supported and loved .
a / n : ehehehehe as a somewhat shy person myself i needed this
holy moly this came out so much longer than i originally planned , especially tobio’s — enjoy 😭
anyways ! if you want to be part of my general taglist - just ask ! and be specific if you want to be updated for certain things ( just headcanons , just scenarios , etc ) 🥺
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tobio kageyama
both of you are extremely shy but somehow you make your relationship work perfectly
well , tobio isn't shy , per se - he's just extremely awkward
shoyo was literally the one who had to do most of the communication between you and him before you two became a thing
kags became brave enough to ask you out himself after countless weeks of psyching himself up for it
he was beyond thankful when you said yes , his confidence was boosted now that he conquered his fear of confessing to you
kageyama is very understanding of your shyness - he won't ever make you do anything you're uncomfortable with , and will always make sure you feel safe when you two are out together
as more of an introvert himself , he prefers to spend time with you in private , so it's a win-win situation for the two of you in that case
you love to cuddle with tobio when it's just you two - he's become accustomed to you just climbing on top of him whenever and just making yourself at home
hinata was the one who encouraged you to meet the rest of the volleyball team - kags hit him on the head when he mentioned it
" no , it's okay tobio !! i'd love to meet your team ! "
he said o-o ??
" really , y/n ? you'll come to practice to meet everyone ? "
" y-yeah ! i'm sure it's not too bad . and maybe i could watch you practice too , if that's allowed ? "
yes you wanted to watch , but working your way up to meet them was a terrifying experience
what if they didn't like you ?
you mentioned your fear to tobio after school , who shook his head with a smile
" they're going to love you , y/n . you'd be surprised with how accepting they are . hinata and i told you about our first day , right ? "
" yes , yes you did "
you jumped behind kageyama as the bald guy started yelling at him about who knows what , you were too spooked to listen
shoyo was already at the gym , and noticed you hiding behind your boyfriend
" guys , guys ! that's kageyama's s.o. ! the one hiding behind him ! "
did hinata forget you're shy or something like wtf dude
you peeked out from behind kags , going pale as a whole sea of tall men stared right back at you
" everyone , this is y/n . y/n , this is my volleyball team . " taking you by the hand , tobio kept you close to him as he pulled you to his side
everyone collectively said hi , quietly to not overwhelm you
" damn kageyama , already cuffed as a first year , huh ? " this short dude with a blond tuft in front of his forehead patted him on the shoulder , and you watched as tobio struggled to reply , his cheeks going pink in embarrassment
you stayed away from the third years , as they had this powerful presence around them that intimidated you - especially that guy in the man bun , he's terrifying
you kept your distance from tsukishima , too - he's tall , sassy , and very scary
thankfully kiyoko was soft spoken enough to make you feel comfortable with being left with her - WTF WHO IS THAT INCOMING GROWN MAN HIDE
wait it's just the coach - NEVERMIND FALSE ALARM
you had never seen kageyama play volleyball until now - you heard about his middle school reputation , but he felt self conscious about it . so , you hardly ever brought it up in conversation
watching him in action was like falling for him all over again
the way he handled the ball so easily ; he could probably set in his sleep if he wanted to
and that quick attack - like damn , shoyo and tobio really are the dream team
after practice , WOOO BOY you were all over your him
practically gawking over everything you saw during practice - like DAMN , that setter is your boyfriend
you begged him to let you watch karasuno practice again , you'd end up warming up to the others eventually - you had him and hinata for support
he felt shy with how excited you were to watch him practice , but agreed to let you come to practice with him from now on
" tobio , you're so cool !! i wanna learn how to do the amazing things you do "
" cutie . i'd love to teach you sometime , y/n .
tetsurou kuroo
needless to say , tetsurou is anything but shy
how you managed to snag a catch like kuroo is beyond you
he likes - no , loves - your soft atmosphere , the peace that your presence brings him
he was literally a magnet to you in his quest of wooing you
the moment you even appeared in the same room for a second he’d end up right there with you
even if he was clingy in a sense , he respected your shyness and your boundaries , and would step away if he felt like you were uncomfortable with him
yes we stan gentleman kuroo anyway
eventually his charismatic tendencies and alluring charms got to you and you began to enjoy his company more and more
yes , you agreed to becoming his s.o. , only if he understood that you would be sometimes too shy to go out places with him
he didn’t care , he didn’t care if all you two did was stay at home — this boy was over the moon that you were now officially his
the first thing he did was brag to his team lmao
did i mention that nekoma was betting on him being able to get you ?
kenma and lev owed yamamoto yen for being kuroo’s only supporter BFHSJNFNF
yaku took it a step further and told tetsu to bring you here — to which he internally panicked
he wasn’t planning on introducing you to the others so early , you two were still trying to get in the groove of being in a relationship
but after being pestered by literally everyone else on the team , he finally gave in and agreed to ask you the next time he saw you
he sugar coated it to the max when he saw you the next day
“ y/n , my absolute darling , i know you said you’re a shy little cutie and all , but — ”
“ tetsu , please just tell me what you need from me . ”
LMAOOOO you can read the third year like a book ; he shut up immediately when you shot an eyebrow upwards
“ i wasn’t planning to introduce you this early but , the guys from my volleyball team want to meet you . today , after school , preferably . ”
y/n.exe has stopped working
“ baby , baby ! you don’t have to , i swear ! i’m not gonna push you to do anything you don’t want , they just want to meet you in person once , is all . you never have to go again if you decide to go only one time , i promise . ”
hhhhhhhhh why is tetsurou like this
“ fine , i’ll go today . i have nothing to do after school anyway . but after that , no more . i can only take so much , you know that . ”
he punched his fists in the air before snatching a kiss to your temple
“ thank you , baby ! you won’t regret meeting them , i promise . ”
it took a lot of psyching yourself up to actually go through with this
but kuroo looked so happy when you agreed , you didn’t wanna let him down :(
so you two met up after school — he was already with kenma
you already met kenma in the past , so seeing him didn’t bother you ; he was an introvert too so he understood how you felt
“ hi , y/n . i’m surprised you can keep up with kuroo the way you do . ”
“ it’s strenuous sometimes , but worth it . ”
aww look at you two bonding — even if it was at kuroo’s expense , he looked like he was about to explode in tears of joy
that moment of peace left the moment the gym doors bashed open — WHO THE FGIDKFK WAS STANDING AT THE DOOR
“ not now , lev . ”
oh my god he saw you
no turning back now
the so-called lev widened his eyes , his jaw dropped for a few seconds before running back into the gym
kuroo appeared like a deer in headlights as you looked at him dumbfoundedly
“ tetsurou . what , and i mean what , is going on ? ”
you watched as someone much much smaller than him — you recognized yaku , he was your classmate — literally kick lev across the back , causing him to fall over
“ they’re a rowdy bunch , y/n . but they won’t lay a hand on you , i assure you . they’ve got much more bark than bite . if they even do have a bite . ”
kenma answered you before kuroo could ; he was blubbering away with incoherent excuses answers you couldn’t even understand
a dude with a mohawk came up to inspect you , and you screamed
tetsurou slapped him away , before wrapping his arms around you protectively
“ don’t go near y/n ! they’re very shy , so please be careful ! ”
this is so embarrassing you might just die
kenma and yaku made sure everyone else yamamoto and lev gave you personal space
once they were all settled down , you actually thought they were a nice bunch — it also helped to know that lev was a first year , it made him appear much less scary
kuroo insisted that you stay for practice , and after some pestering from him and the rest of the team , you agreed
watching them practice was not what you expected
where was tetsurou kuroo and what did they do to him
you didn’t even recognize your boyfriend as he took his rightful role as captain on the court , helping the others and giving pointers wherever needed
the others fell in place , too — watching everyone practice was totally different to how they acted before
you were actually mesmerized , watching them — you didn’t even realize practice was over until kuroo walked over to you and told you that it was over
“ i-it’s over already ? ”
“ yeah , baby . it’s done . did you enjoy it ? ”
“ yeah . . . yeah , i did . i enjoyed it a lot , actually ! ”
“ well , if you’re up for it , the manager spot is very much open . but you don’t have to take it , i know you said this would be the only time you’d come with me . ”
oh no no no you were not gonna miss a chance to be mesmerized like that again
“ y’know what , tetsu ? i want to be the manager . sign me up . ”
cue a screaming yamamoto and long legs lev jumping for joy as tetsurou grinned like crazy at your response
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oikawaplssteponme · 4 years
𝑨𝒍𝒘𝒂𝒚𝒔 𝒀𝒐𝒖: part 4
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✨part 1
✨part 2
✨part 3
“It’s always been you. Has it always been me?”
pairing: Tobio Kageyama x fem!reader
rating/warnings: E for everyone :) [again I think two swear words but that’s it]
synopsis: You liked him. He liked you. Easy right? Well, maybe not as easy as you thought.
A/n: hii again!! 💓i hope you all have been enjoying the fic so far :) i think this is the half way point of the fic, since ive been posting two chapters at a time. just a reminder that my requests/asks are open to anyone who would like to request something (just check out my rulebook first) and the taglist for this fic is still open so just ask to be added and i gladly will add you! okay enough of me talking, enjoy chapters 7&8! xx Willow
Seven: donuts
You two laid in your bed for what it seemed like hours. You talked about everything and nothing all at the same time. You told Kageyama about the first time you saw him, and how instantly intimidated you were.
“Damn, I’m really that scary?” he asked. You laughed.
“It’s just that you were in game mode so you were too focused to even notice me.”
The first time you saw Kageyama was when you and Koi passed the gym to peek in at the volleyball team. You had heard that some first years were in the starting line up but you needed to see it to believe it. You poked your head into the door and there he was: yelling at Tsukishima. You remember asking Koi who he was. She told you that his name was Tobio Kageyama. Your heart was instantly hooked right then and there.
“Well I remember when I first saw you,” Kageyama teased.
“Okay go on.” You sat up beside him.
“It was the first day of school and I was going to turn in my club application to Daichi. I was walking to the gym when I heard you. You had your headphones in so I don’t think you noticed me, but you were singing and dancing, as if no one was watching. You were singing at the top of your lungs. I guess that's when I knew.”
You had completely forgotten about that. You got sucked in your own world that you didn’t even see him.
“Wait knew what?”
“That I liked you.” Your heart stopped. It was one thing to mess around with Kageyama but it was another to actually hear him say that he likes you.
“I’m surprised that you’d like me after that embarrassment,” you joked. You could feel the blood rushing to your face.
“I thought it was cute,” he said with a smile as he placed a kiss on your forehead. You smiled.
“Hey I have an idea. Get dressed.” You got up from your bed and put your sweater back on. Kageyama gave you a puzzled look.
“Where are we going?” he asked, also putting his shirt back on.
“It's a surprise,” you teased. Kageyama rolled his eyes and you two went downstairs.
You noticed that it was starting to snow. You put on your winter coat, a hat and your sneakers. Kageyama put on his jacket.
“Kags you’re gonna get cold,” you said. He looked down at his jacket.
“I’ll run by my house and grab my coat,” he replied.
“Okay, just meet me outside.” He nodded, put on his shoes, and headed to his house. You checked yourself in the bathroom mirror. Not bad. You grabbed your wallet, house keys, and went to wait outside for Kageyama.
It was already dark out. You waited by a street lamp and watched the snow fall. You looked around for Kageyama before feeling a warm presence behind you. There he was, hugging you from behind.
“So where are we going?” he whispered. You turned around and grabbed his hand.
“I told you it’s a surprise. Let’s go.”
You and Kageyama walked downtown, enjoying the snowy scene before you. The moon was a perfect crescent. The street lamps guided your path.
“Almost there,” you said. You pulled Kageyama’s arm out of excitement when you turned the corner. There it was. One of your favorite places in the world. It was a little food cart, painted green with blue flowers all over it. Thankfully they were still open.
“Donuts?” Kageyama questioned.
“Not just any donuts. These very well might be the greatest donuts in the world,” you explained. You got in line to place an order.
“Hi could I get an order of the small sugar donuts please?” You asked. The cashier nodded and you paid.
“Aren’t I supposed to pay for stuff?” asked Kageyama. You giggled.
“Of course not, it’s my treat.” You grabbed your donuts and went to sit down on a bench.
“Here, try one.” you handed Kageyama the bag of treats and he picked one out. You looked at him intently. He took a bite and his eyes lit up.
“Wait these are actually really good,” he said with his mouth full. You smiled from ear to ear.
“I knew you would like them,” you cheered. The two of you sat quietly on the bench ate the rest of the donuts. The snow continued to fall down around you. You could see each individual snowflake’s pattern against Kageyama’s black hair.
The breeze got colder. You started to shiver and Kageyama pulled you towards him.
“We should probably head back before you catch a cold,” he said. You nodded and started to walk about to your place.
Once you got to your house you realized how late it was.
“Kags it’s almost 10 o’clock.” You couldn’t believe how much time you had spent together and how much happened in one day.
“Oh shit really? I’m supposed to be heading home,” he said. You felt your heart sink. You knew he obviously would have to leave at some point but you chose to ignore it. You worried that this would just be a one time thing.
“Oh okay,” you frowned. Kageyama noticed your pout.
He pulled you into a hug, rubbing your back.
“I’ll see you later, okay?” He said, giving you a squeeze.
“Okay…” You didn’t want to let go. “Kags?”
“What is it?” He looked down at you.
“I didn’t get to tell you earlier but I like you too...if you couldn’t already tell.” You could feel your face getting hot. Kageyama just looked at you and smiled. He gave you a quick kiss but you pulled him back in. You wanted to make sure he knew. You finally pulled away, giving him a shy smile.
“I know.” he said, turning around and waking home.
eight: someone like me
The rest of the weekend seemed to move painfully slow. You only saw Kageyama that Saturday and hadn’t talked to him since. You spend the rest of the weekend digesting everything that happened that day. You couldn’t have helped but notice a shift in Kageyama. He seemed to be instantly more confident after the time you spent in your room. You liked this new Kageyama. There was still doubt in your mind regarding the two of you but you knew that it was just your nerves talking. You worried that the second you stepped into school he wouldn’t say a word to you. That what happened was just for that one time. You didn’t take Kageyama for a player though. In all honesty, you were probably the first girl he ever kissed. Regardless, you were nervous.
You got dressed and ready for school. You wore your classic uniform. The weather was getting colder so you once again put on your winter coat and hat. You grabbed your bag and headed out the door. Once you opened the door to leave, there Kageyama was, waiting for you.
“Hi there,” he said. Your face lit up.
“Hey, what are you doing?”
“Walking you to school of course,” he said, grabbing your hand to hold.
“Is this going to be a reoccurring thing now?” You asked.
“If you want.” Your smile was enough of an answer for him.
The two of you walked together until reaching Karasuno. He still held your hand upon entering the school.
“Kageyama!” a voice called. You both turned to see Hinita, Tsukishima, and Tadashi. “Oh hi, Y/N.”
“Hi guys,” you replied.
“Mind if we borrow him for a second?” asked Tadashi. You looked up at Kageyama.
“Oh yeah, that's fine. I’ll see you guys later,” You said. You let go of Kageyama’s hand, giving him a shy smile, and turning to go to your locker.
“Wait Y/N,” Kageyama called back. You looked at him again.
“I’ll see you later, okay?” He smiled.
“Sounds good,” You nodded and Kageyama placed a kiss on your head before going back to his friends. You try to contain the butterflies in your stomach as you grabbed your books from your locker.
“Kageyama I never took you for the romantic type,” said Tadashi. The school day had finished and Kageyama was now at practice.
“I’m not,” groaned Kageyama.
“Well I think Y/N would say differently. You can’t seem to keep your hands off her,” teased Tsukki.
“Come on guys leave him alone,” said Suga.
“Thank you,” Kageyama got up and went to warm up.
“So is she your girlfriend now?” asked Daichi. Kageyama stopped in his tracks.
“Uh no…” he said. Technically you weren’t but now a million thoughts ran through Tobio’s head. He knew it was way too early to pop that question but he didn’t like the idea of any other guys having their eyes on you.
“So you don’t mind if I talk to her?” joked Tsukki. Kageyama didn’t find it funny.
“You wouldn’t,” Kageyama said back to him. Tsukki laughed.
“Come on King of the court, a little hello wouldn’t hurt.”
“Alright guys that’s enough-“ began Daichi.
“I swear if you-“
“I said that’s enough! Now everyone go warm up,” yelled Daichi. Kageyama gave Tsukki a glare before turning away to face the court.
“You’re lying,” said Koi. Your eyes widened. You were at practice and you were telling Koi about what happened between you and Kageyama.
“You think I’m lying?” you asked. Koi chuckled.
“You’re trying to tell me that the same Kageyama that can barely say more than a sentence at a time came over to your house and kissed you? If you are trying to make me jealous it won’t work,” replied Koi. You were so confused.
“I’m sorry, what? Why would I lie and why would I try to make you jealous?”
“Let’s face it Y/N, I don’t think you are really Tobio’s type anyway. I mean if all that stuff actually happened then good for you but I’m not too sure if he actually likes you.” You were shocked at Koi’s response.
“Didn’t you tell me just last week that you thought he liked me?”
“Well what was I supposed to say? I’m your friend, if I told you what I really thought you probably would have started over-thinking it. Anyway since you seemed to have had a fun night with Kageyama, I guess I was wrong. So no harm done,” Koi smiled.
You were still trying to process everything that she had said.
Why would she say that to you? Why would she think you were trying to make her jealous? How did she even know what Kageyama’s type was, or even anything about Kageyama?
You felt uneasy after listening to what Koi had to say. It was a mix of anger and anxiety that she might be right.
“Then what is his type?” you asked, unsure whether or not you actually wanted an answer. A tiny smirk appeared on Koi’s face.
“Oh I don’t know...probably someone like me.”
[taglist OPEN: @vangoghpoets @vangoghmusings @lilnuances @jennasquishy8 @ladybird-00 @moonlightsof]
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thesolitarystripe · 3 years
This was actually one of the first “chapters” I wrote about Tindyl. I started playing World of Warcraft in Legion and haven’t stopped since. For anyone that plays and is familiar with the expansions; this piece took place in BFA. It’s short and simple but considering it was my first time delving into writing about her and my guild, it’s worth a post.  I also profusely apologize that none of her story is posted in chronological order. It is absolutely all over the place despite there being an order, for sure. If there are questions on what to read first, I’m happy to answer. 
There was little land untouched by her feet but, even still, it felt strange being here in this town upon the sea. The sun was hot and the air thick with salt as it wafted through the alleys of the Tradewinds Market. It seemed there was always a distant call of gulls and the noise of trade echoing between the sturdy buildings. The young night elf had not yet found a favorite spot, one that brought comfort and peace of mind—every city she visited had that one place for her.
Tindyl spent many nights when the breeze was cool and laughter dimly echoed from the inn behind her, sitting upon the stone ledge overlooking the harbor. Perhaps it was the sight of their ship and the Alliance sigil floating above the sea that provided reprieve and an ounce of serenity. Unlike many of her allies, Tindyl did not find comfort in the bottom of a bottle; nor did she particularly enjoy the effect spirits had on her. Though she loved them all, she preferred to listen to the waves crash into each other and watch the moon shine bright above them.
In all her excursions with the Alliance, never had she felt so unattached from the mission. She did her duty, as well as she could. She kept her friends alive no matter the cost while they defeated the horde and made their way closer to Sylvanas. Within her, her heart was uneasy.
No matter how desperately she tried, she could not forget the flames or the smoke that engulfed her home. The smell of burnt wood, how the once lush grass crunched beneath her feet, the screams.
Tindyl bowed her head, slender fingers gripping the cold stone as she sat upon that familiar ledge in Boralus Harbor. If she could forget the screams; wipe away the crimson memories that stained the back of her eye lids—maybe, then she could find peace in this new town.
If Tyrande had been there, she hadn’t seen her. With the orders given to her then, Tindyl worked with blinders on—desperate to save as many of her kin as possible. She bandaged until her fingers were numb and called upon her healing powers until her spirit ran dry. Even then, it was all for naught. So much and so many were lost.
She wished she had stayed until the last ember had fizzled out but, with orders to evacuate, Tindyl left behind her home and the shriek of her dying people.
The briny air smoothed over her skin, ruffling silver locks and pushing them over her eyes. They were dark against her pale complexion. Gone was the soft ivory glow she’d been born with. Becoming a Night Warrior was an easy decision. The return to Darkshore weighed heavily on her. Bearing the memories of that night she followed Dori’thur—chills running down her spine.
Once her boots touched the familiar soil, damaged and strange as it was, it felt familiar and welcoming—as if the earth called to her still, as it did when she was a child. She had pressed one palm to the moist sand and soaked in the rage that had seeped deep into the land. Tindyl let it consume her as she and her allies charged further inland to find Tyrande.
Hearing Tyrande bark orders at their sacred Elune struck both fear and admiration within her breast. Why shouldn’t they be angry? Where was Elune when her people suffered and wailed beneath a night sky, painted in flame?
Tindyl accepted Elune’s power, hoping for a feverish moment, that she would be deemed worthy enough to wield it. It scared her now how quickly it was for her to accept death—should Elune’s power tear her apart. She was grateful it hadn’t.
We will Kill them all.
Tindyl stood, shaken but renewed as this celestial power coursed through her veins.
All her life she had lived to save, to heal, to protect. As she stood now, the looming vision of Teldrassil’s skeleton in the distance, she vowed to follow Tyrande’s orders.
The time for mercy is over.
Tindyl’s eyes opened, glistening as new tears formed and slid down her cheeks. She did not regret the lives she took. Over the years of service to the Alliance, she had followed through on every mission, every target. Yet she wept more than ever now.
Her fingers came up to brush her hair back from her face and quickly hide the shimmering droplets as the sound of footsteps padded behind her. A slight turn of her head brought the vision of a familiar face. Tindyl eased back off her knees and sat her hips down in full upon the ledge so that her feet could dangle over the side.
“Out here alone Archdruid?”
The female panda took a seat beside the night elf, she needn’t ask if her presence was wanted. It always was.
“Please,” Tindyl laughed softly, “don’t call me that.”
Both women rolled their eyes and shared another chuckle. Together they stared out over the sea, Tindyl’s heels thumping against the stone as she kicked out her legs methodically.
“Missing home?” The panda asked boldly. Tindyl glanced sideways at her before fixating on the moon above. Only her dearest friend, Kagurah, could speak so blatantly. Everyone else didn’t dare broach the topic.
“Of course,” Tindyl sighed simply.
Kag nodded, she often found her friend sitting out here staring blankly at the rolling waves.
“We’re going to take it back.”
Tindyl looked at the panda with a plain expression, eyes wide with disbelief. People always said that these days, but it was hard to feel its truth.
“The Alliance has always been met with hard times and we’ve always risen above it.” Kag spoke with a confidence that stirred Tindyl’s heart. “But you can’t keep sulking out here until we do,” she chastised before wrapping one strong arm around the druid. “Come have a drink with us, you can sit between Hibikyoku and me. Felwalker and Heftyweizen are in there,” she nodded back toward Snug Harbor Inn. “Everyone, everyone is in there asking about where you’ve gone off to.”
Tindyl struggled mildly against Kag’s hold; she had forgotten there was comfort to be found in the warm arms of the people she loved. The night elf patted Kag’s soft wrist,
“Fine. Only because you asked and just this once.” Tindyl’s voice came in a slightly annoyed grumbled.
Kag hardly noticed and dragged the silver haired elf to her feet. They were in the warmth of the Inn before Tindyl could protest any further. Seated at the tables were the members of their guild. Shamans, warriors, rogues, monks—humans, pandaren, void elves, draenei.
The shaman’s arm was still around her as Kag laughed at something Kreevus had said. Kag released her and took her place beside her husband, paws wrapped around her half-full tankard.
Tindyl felt the fire in her soul stir as the voices and laughter of her companions filled her ears. Maybe she was luckier than all of them. Perhaps Kul Tiras would never give her a place to feel at home but, she didn’t need one.
She was pulled down into one of the wooden chairs by another familiar pandaren and found herself sandwiched between him and Torvamir, their paladin. Hefty greeted Tindyl with a hearty hello; and a drink was set in front of her by a lovely barmaid.
Tindyl felt so silly for forgetting that this familiarity she craved, the warmth and love, the peace—was with her wherever she went, as long as she was surrounded by the people she loved most. A silent vow was lifted, Elune as her witness, that she would protect these special people until she drew her final breath.
“For the Alliance!” Hibi swung a freshly filled tankard of ale and it sloshed over the sides onto everyone sitting near him. A small army of glasses rose to meet his in the air.
“For the Alliance!” Tindyl lifted hers too, a smile breaking out over her face as the whole room chanted and cheered in tandem.
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sayonaraearthling · 8 years
do 1-20 AND NUMBER 46
things that inspire you   
def other fics?? especially one’s with really great prose that make have to lay down and re-evaluate my entire life; also the hellspawn that is my mind that never lets me rest is a thing
      2. things that motivate you
MUSIC this is why 1/3 my music library is just soundtracks lmao, soundcloud is a lifesaver too imo
     3. name three favorite writers
fuck it im just gonna drop some friends, ichinose ;) , safety_dancer & hannahkannao
     4. name three authors that were influential to your work and tell why
TheRabbitWhisperer, I love their prose so much you have no idea its so poetic and its GOALS
buu, once again their prose is really amazing and its just amazingly in character??
accordingtomyresearch, bobbie’s just a really great writer and she’s the only one who doesn’t put me in the shame box when i start throwing out angst lmao
     5. since how long do you write?
oh dear god i remember i was like 15 when i decided to write naruto fic… that was a dark time fuck that
     6. how did writing change you?
I now know what exercises to do if I ever get lung surgery :D
     7. early influences on your writing
      8. what time are you most productive?
12-2am mostly idk why lmao
     9. do you set yourself deadlines?
mmmmkind of?? i give myself like a month tops to hash out a long chapter
     10. how do you do your researches?
google mostly, but if its a sensitive topic, i’ll ask around tumblr (theres a lot of amazing people that actually helped me yesterday for the very same reason)
     11. do you listen to music when writing?
what kind of person do you take me for?? (this is a yes lol)
     12. favorite place to write
My bed??? writing fic in public has a LOT of ways for it to go wrong
     13. hardest character to write
charcters that are too bright and optimistic (lmao) for example HINATA FUCKING SHOUYOU why are you so happy child i can’t understand?
     14. easiest character to write
anyone with a similar aspects to my personality, helps me get into their mindspace like bakugou from bnha
     15. hardest verse to write
im bad at explaining transitions, like trying to build up a scene until it’s at the climax. (ex: man goes to cafe, orders drink, finds guy, argues with him, and he gets decked) i just wish i could say this dude got punched but now i just cant do that and it sucks
     16. easiest verse to write
anything dealing with emotions, im a pro at that shit 10/10 would forcibly make you relate
     17. favorite AU to write 
does angst count as an au becAU S E
     18. favorite pairing to write 
any pair w kags (kagehina, oikage), bakushima, mikayuu
     19. favorite fandom to write
haikyuu definitely
     20. favorite character to write
KAGS (tbh this was probably foreseen before i even opened my mouth)
     46. share a scene of a story that you haven’t published yet
(just a warning its not proofread)
Kageyama blinks once.
His chest feels barren and pulses with dull aches thatsting with each breath he takes, and it burns like the sun. But he likes thefeeling, compared to how full and congested he had trained himself to get usedto for months on end. His stomach feels just as empty. The feeling is lesspleasant. When was the last time he ate? He can’t remember.
The room spins and his head nearly swims with it. It’s darkbut the windows beside him let the moon shine onto his bed and give him somesemblance of where he is.
His head pounds with the beginnings of a headache.
He doesn’t want to be here, shoved and left to rot in ahospital bed with nothing to accompany him other than the heart monitor by hisside. It’s silent, so unlike the fake and plastic hospitals he was used toseeing on television. There’s no one rushing into his room, fussing over him,asking how he feels or forcing him to eat. There are no doctors giving himreassuring pats on the shoulder and no chubby nurses sneaking him snacks fromthe cafeteria. No one walks him down to the over-priced café for the visitorsand no one is sleeping in the chair beside him waiting for him to wake up.
It’s five in the morning and all he has to accompany him isthe thin bed sheets and a bloody bag of bleeding hearts resting on the chairthat serve as a cold reminder of what his fate could’ve been.
He turns his head to look out the window, getting lost inhis head as he imagines the dark, wispy clouds to be fish swimming laps around themoon in the black abyss of the night sky.
He falls back asleep just as the clock reaches 5:14 am.
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lonestorm · 8 years
The Inugami - Chapter 8
Summary: When Kagome Higurashi moved to the bad side of Chicago to help with her grandfather’s restaurant, she expected chaos. Being thrown into a fake gang, caught in the middle of a drug war and grudge that stretches centuries back in time, befriending a grumpy half demon along with a ragtag bunch of three other misfits… wasn’t exactly what she had in mind. High school AU. Inukag. Rating: T (some language)
Pairings: Inukag, Mirsan
Chapters: Ch. 1 | Ch. 2 | Ch. 3 | Ch. 4 | Ch. 5 | Ch. 6 | Ch. 7
Shorts: 1. Sesshomaru
**Also on ff.net here.
“There’s a thing.”
The rest of the Inugami paused in chewing during their lunchtime to regard Inuyasha with an exasperated stare.
Miroku swallowed. “How fascinating. Would you care to enlighten us about a thing?”
Gritting his teeth, Inuyasha grounded out, “A masquerade night this Friday at that nightclub, Gehenna. It’s a known peaceful ground for Spiders and Wolves. They both go there.”
“Good for them,” Sango said dully.
After dealing out a scowl, Inuyasha said, “Well, stay home if you want. Kagome and I are going.”
Kagome choked on her water. “S-since when?!”
“Since I feel like it. What, you don’t wanna go?”
“N-no, I do, but-”
“Okay. Then stop blabberin’.”
Her heart sped to impossible rates and she stared off into the skyline while Inuyasha continued to eat nonchalantly. The others gaped, and Kagome wondered, thinking she might pass out in shock and sheer joy, if this was his way of maybe asking her out.
Kagome took a shuddering breath out and smoothed her red, skater dress for the fiftieth time. Her wide eyes continued to regard her reflection in the mirror. Her red and white bandana circled her throat, white combat boots encased her ankles. A sparkling, snow-colored masquerade mask adorned her face, edges sweeping up like angel wings. “You’re sure this is okay, Sango?”
“Kags,” Sango said for also the fiftieth time in the bathroom, shooting a glance from where she was applying red to her eyes instead of her usual pink. “You look awesome. You’re a hot, cute badass dressed to kill a man. The outfit is fine.”
“Okay,” she muttered. “Okay.” She’d managed to tame her wild bangs slightly, so that she was managing to pull off the ‘shaggy pixie cut’ look. “I can do this. I’m a hot, cute badass dressed to kill a man.”
“Atta girl.” Sango’s hair was curled and hanging down her back. She was in a red, sleeveless top and white skinny jeans with red boots that reached just under her knees. Her red and silver mask curled across and down the left side of her face to her jawline. As always, she looked absolutely gorgeous. “C’mon, the boys will be here soon.”
Of course, Miroku had asked Sango to come to the club immediately after Inuyasha had. (Kagome almost wished that Shippo was coming too, because the little fox boy would relieve her nerves, but he was too young to get in the club.) Neither Kagome or Sango actually knew if those two were actually dating… what with that random battle kiss and stuff. They’d certainly been more flirtatious, and he hadn’t chased other girls since. Sango didn’t seem to require any sort of absolution, though.
“Plenty of time to figure it out,” Sango had told her simply when Kagome asked. “I guess we’re both more focused on getting Naraku now, getting my brother back. After that, we’ll have time for all that stuff.”
But Kagome could tell Sango was excited that he’d asked her to go. She wasn’t worried about whether it counted as a date or simply an outing with friends.
Kagome, on the other hand…
“Is this a date?” she said in anxiety. “It kind of feels like a date. A double one. Does that mean he likes me? Or he still loves Kikyo and just wants to hang out for some weird reason? Since when does he like this kind of stuff? I mean, I like dancing, but-”
“Well, Inuyasha knows that.” Sango had a sweet, half smile. “Maybe he’s counting on having a good time just because you’ll be happy.”
Kagome’s face matched her dress. “B-but… does this mean he…?”
“Honestly Kags, are you blind? He’s crazy about you. Who would want the ice queen when they could have you?” Sango hugged her tightly. “Stop worrying so much! Just have fun, okay?”
Now, she couldn’t stop the grin from taking over her face. “O-okay. Thanks, Sango.”
Sure enough, the boys showed up at Kagome’s doorstep within the next five minutes, Miroku in white t-shirt that matched his simple, white mask, and crimson skinny jeans for once (which should have looked hipster, but Kagome thought in a completely platonic way that it was plenty attractive on him). Inuyasha was in his white washed jeans and jacket as always, but it still made her breath catch. His golden eyes and silver hair stood out even more shockingly with the complement of his blood-red mask.
“Well, you two both look simply stunning,” Miroku purred smoothly. “Not that I’m surprised.” He kissed Sango’s hand, then tucked it under his elbow. “Shall we?”
Inuyasha blinked at her a few times, and Kagome admitted to being slightly disappointed when all he did was gulp and jerk his head towards Miroku’s SUV. But then again, she figured she really shouldn’t have expected him to compliment her or something.
The car ride was filled with their usual banter, debating on how, if Inuyasha existed, surely unicorns did as well. After twenty minutes, they’d arrived, being helped out of the car. The club’s name glowed in green lights, Gehenna, over the entrance that was swarming with excited teenagers that had their identities sealed with a mask. Fog drifted from within, capturing the colors of the flashing lights. All but normal citizens were wearing black and purple or blue and silver. The red and white of the four of them stood out as they strode forward together, causing the crowd to part and mutter in their wake, “Inugami…”
It was Inuyasha who dished out some cash and IDs to get in, and she was surprised at how quickly they entered. Had he come here before?
The four of them pushed through the mass of people until they made it to an opening towards the side. From there, Miroku snatched up Sango’s hand and dragged her, laughing, to the dance floor. Kagome watched them with a wide smile, their happiness infectious. She turned to Inuyasha, a bit shyly, wondering if he could possibly do the same-
“Okay, we’re in,” he said, giving a triumphant grin. “Let’s do this! Faithful Jewel detector, you walk around and scan for Shikon so that no one else gets addicted. I’ll carry out part two… Kikyo is here tonight; I heard them talking about it at school. It’s the perfect chance to corner her and make her talk to me. Holler if you find something; I’ll be able to hear you!”
And he was gone.
For several, long seconds, Kagome just stared straight ahead. Unconsciously, her arms came up to wrap around herself with a suffocating tightness.
Of course.
Of course.
“I’m stupid,” she said aloud to no one, weak voice drowned out by the pumping bass.
Feeling rather as if someone had kicked her in the gut, she numbly began to walk forward. After all, searching the place for Shikon was the smart route. Their hunt for Naraku took priority over all. And their goal to get Kikyo safely back into the arms of Inuyasha. No time for fun or Kagome’s ridiculous, schoolgirl daydreams that he could ever actually want her.
Her eyes dully swept the place from behind her mask, but she honestly wasn’t sure what to expect; if this was peaceful ground between the two gangs to have fun, then surely the Spiders wouldn’t want to risk getting caught addicting others or carrying something illegal? Likely, many of them took some Shikon before they came, but didn’t bring extra…
Sure enough, all she saw were a few faint glows--how it appeared when it had already been ingested, smoked, or snorted. She felt no tugs on her gut other than her own stupid heart ache, saw no pink light other than the ones flashing with the beat that she now only wanted to escape.
With a heavy sigh through her nose, she made her way to the upper level, which wrapped around the club so that you could see into the lower level through the middle. It was near deserted, maybe an employee’s only area. Kagome couldn’t bring herself to care.
Once she’d scanned there too and from above, she found a small window seat, where she settled with her legs off to the side. It was a full moon tonight, casting silver down on her skin so that it reminded her of him.
Everything seemed to.
“-can’t avoid me forever, Kikyo.”
Kagome stiffened at the sound of Inuyasha’s voice, footsteps accompanied by smaller ones close by. She knew this window seat sat close to a corner that led to a hall… he wouldn’t be able to see her from here.
She also knew she shouldn’t eavesdrop. But…
“I know. Once you set your mind to something, you were never able to let go,” Kikyo mused. “Very well. I’ve wanted to talk to you too.”
“You… you have?”
“Of course. But you know the hold Naraku keeps on me. He has eyes all over the school. And… I was afraid that perhaps… you’d grown to hate me…”
“Why would you think that?” he answered aghast.
Kikyo was quiet. “Well, I’m an addict now. I thought maybe you’d be disgusted with me, decide you no longer want-”
“Don’t be an idiot!” Inuyasha all but shouted back. “I could never be disgusted with you… This isn’t your fault! Thinking I hate you… don’t you understand? There hasn’t been a day where I haven’t thought of you!”
Kagome forgot how to breathe.
“Inuyasha…” Kikyo sounded gentle. “Truly?”
“Truly. I’ll always protect you, the best I can. And to do that, I’m going to need to know a few things. Like how Naraku got a hold of you a year or two ago!”
There was a pause, and then, “I went to him.”
“You wha-?!”
“I heard he was an expert in demon energies. It was foolish of me not to learn more about him first, but I was determined to find a way…” “A way…?” Inuyasha prompted.
“A way to make you human. So that we could be together.”
Kagome’s mouth dropped open; she didn’t understand. Why… why would Kikyo want that? Why couldn't they be together the way he was? Kagome had never thought he would need to be human for any reason…
“O-oh,” was his response. “Really?”
“I did it for you,” she told him, which made Kagome want to barf. “And there still may be a way. Don’t you want to be together?”
“W-well I…” he trailed off, voice edging in uncertainty. And then he said nothing.
“Inuyasha?” Kikyo’s voice took a new tone. “It isn’t… that girl, is it?”
“G-girl? You mean Kagome? What about her?”
Part of her really wished she hadn’t been dragged into this nauseating conversation.
“You care about her more than me?” Kagome’s eyes narrowed. Since when was Kikyo the whining, jealous type?
“Wh-what does this have to do with-?”
He was cut off by something, and her eyes widened with realization. Feeling a cloud of dread over her heart, she slowly peeked around the corner and-
Holy shit. Kikyo was kissing him.
The girl was gripping his jacket, eyes closed gently. His own were round and bright in shock, but it only took a moment before he relaxed more--tentatively putting a hand around her waist, tilting his head, closing his eyes…
Kissing her back.
Kagome felt bile rise in her throat, and quickly turned around the corner.
Nope. Nope. Nope.
Somewhere deep in her chest, pain was twisting. Unwilling to make it worse, she made her way to the stairs and hurried down; she needed some air.
Finally managing to push past the mass of moving bodies, and caught sight of Sango and Miroku. Maybe she could put on a brave face, march over, and dance despite whatever was going on upstairs. But Sango...she was laughing, arms around his neck, and his hands weren’t anywhere inappropriate whatsoever. Miroku’s dark eyes shone locked on Sango only as he spun her around. No… she couldn’t ruin this for them, and dancing by herself didn’t sound too appealing, for once. Losing her nerve, she she stumbled to the back door and pushed it open with a breath out. Kagome let it shut behind her after finding a rock to prop it slightly open.
She leaned up against the brick wall of the back alley, tore off her mask so that it clattered to the moist ground, shakily pushed her hair back from her face and gripped it.
Her mind kept flashing back; the words in the hall, the kiss, his determined expression as he left her alone. Kagome drank in the city air--wet, smokey, despairing.
She should have known. She absolutely should have known that this was just another part of their mission. She was here to be the “faithful Jewel detector”, as always.
It was a little cold out; Kagome gave a little shiver and rubbed her arms. But the wind wasn’t as cold as the turmoil twisting across her mind. Yes, it was so much colder when she realized that… even though she’d been so excited to come… she was the only person in the place that wasn’t wanted here.
The thought gave her a wry, snorting laugh. Figures.
Honestly Kags, are you blind? He’s crazy about you. Who would want the ice queen when they could have you?
Why had she believed Sango, who was only trying to be nice and not hurt her feelings? Maybe the blind one was simply Sango, and Kagome had seen the truth all along.
Kikyo had looked so perfect, black dress casting an alluring and delicate spell. Kagome didn’t want to look at herself for a while; she knew all she would do was compare, and that comparison would never measure up.
Kagome didn’t want to be that weak, extra girl whose mood was directed by things one boy did or did not do.
But now, on her own, with only the maddeningly silver moon as witness, she let herself slide down the wall. Maybe Kagome could let herself be that girl for a few minutes. Maybe because he wasn’t just a boy. Maybe he was her best friend, the one she was so ridiculously in love with and didn’t want to spend a day in her life without.
The thought made her choke and lower her head to stare at her boots.
“Why do you keep doing this?” she muttered, talking only to herself. “Hoping for something stupid…”
“A valid question,” came a chilling voice, one that made her bolt up and scramble closer to the door. But it was too late; the rock holding it open was kicked away, and she was shrouded in shadow only lit by streetlight, moon, and glowing, scarlet eyes.
Fear lodged in her throat, and she froze. Kagome knew that there was no way she could outrun Naraku, and sometimes he could teleport, when he could manage to exhaust enough energy to do so. Inuyasha was up and away with Kikyo. He wouldn’t hear her when he was so… busy.
No more safeties--she could take care of her damn self, and if Naraku was so anxious to be her venting punching bag, so be it.
Immediately, she dropped one arm to block and thrust the other up towards his nose, body shifting into battle mode from muscle memory. He dodged, grabbing her wrist, but she used the momentum to knee upward. Naraku dodged that too, but this gave her the chance to throw a left hook that caught his cheek with all her force. Twisting her arm from his grasp, Kagome gave a shout as she kicked his lowered face in the side.
Normally, this would completely take out an opponent. Except Naraku was half demon, and the blows hardly seemed to faze him. Instead, he got back up, tentacles shooting out and wrapping around her body like a boa constrictor. His hand was over her mouth before she could even scream.
“Been training with Inuyasha, have you?” he purred. “Impressive. Lucky he taught you, before he left your silly little band for Kikyo.”
Kagome winced at the tightness of the tentacles, their slimy, gross feeling against her arms and legs, chest, that cut off her circulation. But he didn’t loosen; only roamed his eyes over her face hungrily. “My, you do look so much like her…” Now, nothing was more horrifying than his leer. “Not quite as beautiful, of course, as you well know, and your eyes remain so much more… innocent. Perhaps when you’re a Spider, you’ll be her twin… after all, it isn’t as if Inuyasha is coming to save you. Just realized, haven’t you? That he could never see you when compared to her. But I…”
Naraku stepped closer, and she stopped breathing as if it may lessen his overwhelming, disgusting presence. “Your spiritual power… I must know why you are immune. I can give you a place of importance, make you feel special. You won’t get that with the Inugami, what with Inuyasha using you as a Jewel detector and temporary Kikyo substitute. All that jealousy and bitterness you feel towards them? I can make that your greatest power. You won’t feel weak and useless anymore. I can help you destroy anyone who dares mistreat you. It’s what you want, after all-”
At this point, Kagome had finally had enough. She chomped down hard on Naraku’s hand covering her mouth, biting down until she tasted blood. He let out a shout, jerking his hand back. Taking advantage of his loosened tentacles and surprise, she leapt out from his grasp and punched him in the stomach. She knew the smart thing would be to run around and back into the club, but she was too angry…
“Where do you get off, telling me how I feel and what I want?” Kagome seethed, flipping out the switchblade that had been strapped under her dress. “Messing with people’s emotions to get what you want, trying to turn them against each other like a game… it’s sick! You sound pathetic doing it too, like a jealous teenage girl from a bad movie!”
He snarled, and she fended off a tentacle with her knife. Panting, she spat, “I’m nothing like her! I’m like me, Kagome, and I’m damn proud of it! So what if Inuyasha doesn’t love me the way I love him? I’m not doing this just for him! I hate you and your disgusting existence, hurting people, including the rest of my friends! I’ll never be one of your stupid followers! Because all this bitterness, jealously, it’s just my damn humanity, and in the end, all it means is that I’m in love with Inuyasha! So much so that it doesn’t matter if he feels the same or not, because I will stay with him. I’d certainly never leave his side for a lowly, pathetic bastard like you!” Her knife stabbed down into his next attack. “And for the record, I can take care of myself!”
Pink light exploded from the knife, causing Naraku to shriek and recoil. The light raced up his tentacle and to his body, where it spread white and brightness that made him cringe and cower. Kagome had no idea what she’d done to make it happen, but no time to think about it now; she ran at him and gave a roundhouse kick to the head. His tentacles were thrashing about now as if in pain, eyes were closed, and curses fell from his mouth in torrents. It gave her satisfaction, and yet a tentacle ended up smashing her in the side, sending her head smacking into the brick wall. Pain flashed black and white into her vision--the world became hazy. Her knees buckled, she fell-
Close by, there was a bang, a shout of, “Kagome!” and strong arms catching her round the middle. She was pressed to someone’s shoulder, and she took in the comforting scent of leather.
“You son of a bitch!” Inuyasha roared, and footsteps followed him out the club door. “I’m gonna tear your throat out!”
“You came…” she murmured dazily against his jacket.
“Of course I came,” he said, voice softening. “Miroku, protect her and get her out of here while I dice this guy.”
“Inuyasha,” Sango said, aghast, “look!”
The Inugami finally registered the fact that Naraku was in pain from the light. “He was struck with purification magic,” Miroku said in wonderment. “Kagome… you did this?”
“Dunno how,” she muttered back, words slurring. “Just… wanted him to be gone…”
But then, a pulse of blackness raced through the alley, and the light flickered mostly out. Naraku looked to them, tears of blood staining his face. He advanced on them. “It will take more than a beginner’s attempt at purification power to destroy me. And you will become a Spider, little miko, one way or another…”
“LIKE HELL!” shouted Inuyasha. “Iron reaver soul stealer!”
The claws of wind sliced through Naraku’s skin, sending him flying back--then he was gone, body fading into the dark with a last laugh.
“Fucking coward,” Inuyasha hissed, and then swept Kagome up with an arm under her shoulders and the other under her knees. “What did he do to you? Do you have a concussion? We should get her straight to the hospital!”
“She wouldn’t need one if you were with her!” Sango shouted at him suddenly. “What the hell is wrong with you?! We thought she was with you!”
“Why would you leave her alone in a crowd of Spiders?” Miroku added, apparently not trying to be a peacemaker this time. His voice was stern, almost scary. “It was only a matter of time before Naraku would snatch her up! You’re lucky her miko powers kicked in, or she could be dead right now!”
“Sh-shut up! I’d never mean to put her in danger! I-I thought she’d be fine! No one would take her in a crowd, and she had you guys and all the Wolves-!”
“I stepped out to get some air,” Kagome said, wincing at the pounding of her head as she tried to defend him. “I-I shouldn’t have left the building…”
“Don’t you think for a second that this is your fault,” Sango warned. “It’s even easier to take someone in a crowd, Inuyasha! What the hell were you thinking?!”
“I wasn’t thinking!” he shouted, quieting all of them. “I wasn’t thinking, okay? I was an idiot, and I’ll never leave her alone again! You can beat the shit out of me later, and I’ll deserve it, but right now we need to get her to the hospital!”
“Don’t need ho-pal,” Kagome insisted, shaking her throbbing head. “Just… home. Mom can help if there’s a problem. Please… I want to go home.”
“I saw your head hit that wall, Kagome. You could have seriously damaged-”
“Home, Inuyasha. Please.”
He stopped talking, and then sighed, hugging her closer to himself. “Okay. We’ll take you home. Just keep talking; don’t fall asleep on me. You probably have a concussion.”
But the dizziness was fading. “I-I don’t think it’s that bad,” she managed, as they walked around to the front. “Really, I had him on the ropes…”
“You sure did,” Inuyasha said quietly as he buckled her into the back seat. Sango took shotgun with Miroku shooting a worried glance back before starting the engine. Inuyasha sat beside Kagome, arm around her as she snuggled into his shoulder. “I bet you were a badass, Kagome.”
“I’m always a badass. And Sango said I’m dressed to kill a man; guess I didn’t fulfill that…”
“There was blood coming from his eyes--pretty sure you’re still damn worthy of the title.”
“Good,” she muttered, closing her eyes.
But Inuyasha tapped her forehead. “Nuh uh. Eyes open. You can’t fall asleep.”
“Not falling asleep,” she said. She’d only been trying to blink away tears, but now that her eyes were forced open…
“Oh no… where do you hurt, Kagome?” he said, sounding anxious.
“Not that, I just…” Her emotions were everywhere. She’d been so scared, angry, depressed, and happy in such a short amount of time.
He was quiet, as if he was understanding why. Then-- “I swear on my life, I will never leave you alone again. I-I’ll never be able to forgive myself…”
“You came,” Kagome said. “That’s what matters.” Tears were still dripping onto his jacket. “I’m sorry… I should have been more focused on my job, tonight-”
“Job?” Sango spoke up from the front seat. “We weren’t here to work! We came to have fun…” Kagome saw her swivel around and stare at the two of them. “Right?”
Inuyasha swallowed. “W-well… I thought it might be a good chance to get Kikyo to talk to me, and Kagome to come with to look for Jewel-”
“You two-timing fuckboy!” Sango screamed, causing Miroku to almost swerve out of their lane. “You lead on one girl so that you can come here and slobber all over another? I can’t believe you! Kagome deserves better than this!”
“The hell do you mean two-timing fuckboy?” Inuyasha snarled back. “I’m not dating either one of them, and I’m a virgin! And there was no slobbering involved! I wanted info on Naraku and how he made Kikyo join! Kagome knew we were here for business, right, Kag…?” he trailed off when he saw her lowered gaze.
“Did you bother to tell her why you asked her before we went?” Miroku asked, steel behind his voice as he gripped the steering wheel so that his knuckles turned white.
“Oh.” Inuyasha grimaced, closing his eyes. “Oh damn. Shit. I-I thought…”
“It doesn’t matter, guys,” Kagome sighed, not wanting the remainder of this. “I should have known anyway-”
Sango rounded on her now, danger eyes flashing behind her blood-red mask. “Don’t you dare let him get out of this one. I know how happy and excited you were to come tonight with us, and it’s his fucking fault that you were there alone when Miroku and I thought Inuyasha was with you!”
“Sango…” Kagome said tiredly. “I just don’t want to talk-” “You… were excited?” Inuyasha said, voice unusually timid.
“Doesn’t matter if I was or not,” she told him, watching the city lights out the window listlessly. “Either way, I was clearly the only one in the place that wasn’t wanted there.” Damn, she hadn’t meant to say that out loud.
“Y-you can’t mean that,” Inuyasha choked. “I wouldn’t have asked you to come if I hadn’t wanted you there!”
“You didn’t want me,” she went on tonelessly. She had wanted to drop it, but now it was all flooding out. “You wanted a Jewel detector.”
“W-well you are a Jewel detector-hey!” She’d pushed away from him at those words and rested her head against the window instead.
“Just leave me alone,” she sighed, putting a hand to her eyes so that they wouldn’t show wetness.
“Says the girl that was all cuddly just a second ago,” Inuyasha growled.
“If you don’t shut the fuck up right now, I will smack you into next week,” Sango snapped at him. Kagome thought Inuyasha would protest and start a fight, but instead, he became silent.
They arrived at Kagome’s house not too long after, where Inuyasha finally broke his silence to insist that Kagome be checked for concussion by her mother.
The Inugami then sat around as Mrs. Higurashi asked Kagome questions, shined a light in her eyes. Then- “It does look like she has a minor one; lucky it’s not more, what with that big bump on her head. What on earth happened, dear?”
“Dance floors can get rough,” Miroku supplied. “We brought her home right after we saw her get accidentally hit.” Well, none of that was a lie.
“Thank you,” her mother said. “Well, I’ll give her some pain meds and ice for that bump. Sleep would actually be the best course of action at this point. I suggest you all get home and get some rest.”
“Right,” Sango said gently, putting a hand on Kagome’s back. “Take care of yourself, okay, Kags?”
“You know it,” Kagome assured her sleepily. “Sorry your night had to end early, guys.”
“Don’t you dare think of it,” Miroku said firmly. “We’re just glad that you’ll be okay. Mrs. Higurashi, would you mind if we came to check on her tomorrow?”
“That would be no problem; so sweet of you to offer. Be safe, now.”
“Text me when you get home, guys,” Kagome said as they left. “So that I know you got there.”
“Will do. Goodnight!” Miroku and Sango waved before they left. Inuyasha was still at her side, quiet. His hair had grown out a bit, so that his bangs shaded over his tight face. Standing tall and silent, casting a protective shadow over her, he looked more like a guardian angel than half demon.
“Inuyasha?” her mother said, hinting in her innocent way. “Your brother is probably wondering where you are. Do you need something?”
After a beat in which Kagome felt his eyes burn into her, he said, “No. Thank you. Goodnight.” She heard the door close.
“It seems as if he was really worried about you,” her mother said.
Pressing an ice pack to Kagome’s head, her mother went on hesitantly, “Why don’t you tell him how you feel about him?”
Kagome really hoped he wasn’t listening in. “It wouldn’t do any good. He loves his ex and I can’t compete with her. He wouldn’t accept my feelings and then our friendship might be destroyed.”
“Or,” her mother countered, sitting across from her daughter, “you could just be acting insecure and all your chances to be together the way you both want will disappear because of it.”
“Mom, you don’t-”
“Understand? Sweetheart, no one fully understands being in love. But something I do understand about it is that the most important part of a romantic relationship is friendship. It is the basis for everything, and you and Inuyasha have that.”
“Mama, he doesn’t-”
“No, you’re going to hear me out. Listen, Kagome. If friendship is the most important, than what will make your friendship strong will also strengthen any other bond. And a best friend,” her mother said, “always, always, tells the truth.” Sitting back, she gave a laugh. “Well, if your friend asks you if their dress makes them look fat and you think it does, then honesty isn’t always necessary there. But with the really important things, like how you feel, something you don’t approve of them doing… you always tell the truth, and truth takes confidence. So don’t compare yourself to that girl, and be honest with him, okay? A person deserves to know who loves them and how.”
Kagome didn’t feel like arguing. “Okay, Mama.”
Half an hour later, she was crawling into bed with ice pack still held to the back of her head. Soon after, Inuyasha invited himself in through the window, outside which he normally slept. Ignoring him, she lay down facing the wall--he finally sat himself down with a heavy sigh by her bed, and spoke. “Kagome, I’m sorry.” When she didn’t respond, he went on, sounding slightly more desperate. “I-I’m not… good with words, okay? I didn’t mean to say you’re a Jewel detector as if that’s all I think you are. I meant that you just have that ability. I wanted you there. I would have if you could detect Shikon or not. We make a good team, and it’s not the same if you’re not there.”
She still couldn’t find it in her to answer, but that just made him keep talking. “And I’ll never, ever leave you again. I figured out it was a trick to distract me and ran down to find you as soon as I could. Please believe me.”
Finally, she answered, “I believe you. I just wish you would’ve told me… why we were going. I don’t think you understand how stupid I felt when I realized you didn’t come there to spend time with me.”
“But I did want to-!”
“A good friend always tells the truth,” she bit out, turning to face him. “Don’t lie to me.”
“I’m not lying!” he protested. “I was planning on hanging out with you after I talked to her! You want me to take a polygraph? I’ll pass with fucking flying colors.”
“I doubt you wanted to do that after she kissed you,” she said in return, feeling a little petty.
“I saw you two. Heard you. Don’t play dumb.”
He was quiet, and she was surprised he even understood that it upset her. Eventually, he said slowly, “Kagome, I don’t know why she did that, okay? I was surprised too and didn’t want to hurt her. I just… I think of her every day because… it’s my fault Naraku got her. I wasn’t there to protect her when he forced the Shikon on her. I feel it’s my responsibility to free her from it, because I should have been there to make sure it hadn’t happened in the first place.”
Kagome felt herself soften. “Inuyasha, what happened to Kikyo wasn’t your-”
“I’d fought with her before it happened, okay?” he ground out. “I was mad that she was moving away. I felt like someone else was leaving me and so I lashed out at her. She did something reckless afterwards because she felt guilty, and now it’s my turn. The year she had moved away like her family had planned, she was forced to buy drugs from that bastard and get them shipped to her, forced to join the gang and be his girlfriend when she came back. I can’t let her try to escape this on her own.”
Kagome paused to let the words sink in. “I… understand why you feel responsible. But I don’t think you are.”
“That’s because you’re a fucking cinnamon roll sunshine that rejects all the bad shit in the world.” She glared, but his mouth played with a grin. “Maybe because when you’re here, the shit in the world runs away screaming. That’s what makes you Kagome.” After a moment of hesitation, he leaned up and pressed a kiss to her forehead. “Now get some sleep. I’m not leaving your side, so don’t worry.”
“I don’t worry,” she told him, the haze of sleep already overtaking her vision of his gentle face. “Because I won’t leave you, either.”
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coin-news-blog · 5 years
Manipulations, Turns, Exchanges and 20 Crypto Jokes
New Post has been published on https://coinmakers.tech/markets/manipulations-turns-exchanges-and-20-crypto-jokes
Manipulations, Turns, Exchanges and 20 Crypto Jokes
Well, it was seven days of twists and turns, and we’re not necessarily talking about crypto prices. Tezos rallied on news from major exchanges, an analyst discussed why DOGE is doing better than most altcoins, and a report said that a single whale manipulated 2017 Bitcoin rally, though multiple industry players dismissed it. Roger Ver says Bitcoin Cash may be worth 99,900% more, Stellar price skyrocketed following the burn, and while Ripple’s customer base went up 50%, the CEO believes there are too many cryptos and that a bull’s coming for the market, but XRP dropped among worst performers.
And as that was happening, Trezor denied links to Venezuela, the British government presented new crypto tax rulings; the EU finance ministers might discuss a new draft that advocates a common approach to cryptos; Russia’s crypto law took a confusing turn, but it might stop legal trading in BTC, ETH and other altcoins; China changed its opinion on BTC mining; and Hong Kong published a framework for crypto exchanges. In the meantime, North Korea is turning young talent into elite crypto hackers.
Among a number of exchange news, we learned that BitMEX found malicious groups trying to collect email addresses, DX.Exchange closed temporarily while waiting for a merger or sale, Bittrex and FTX are each facing a lawsuit, and users of Einstein Exchange and ezBtc.ca can’t access their funds. We’ve also learned why crypto business rushes to Turkey, that a law megafirm accepted its first crypto payment, and that there are blockchain-powered kettles and hairdryers.
And now, the jokes. Enjoy!
Let’s start with a then-and-now comparison – crypto edition.
Parents breaking the news:
2009: “kids we’re getting divorced”
2019: “kids, we’re decentralizing”
— Tom Shaughnessy🦉 (@Shaughnessy119) 4 November 2019
And the neighbours are clapping from their bedrooms too.
So, what’s it like they ask…
trading $alts pic.twitter.com/Pn7oSDADmE
— The Crypto Dog📈 (@TheCryptoDog) 8 November 2019
Look, priorities are priorities.
Found ’em!
so this is what the bitcoin whales have been doing these last 2 years pic.twitter.com/bLqMxdKc2Y
— Randy Moish (@nondualrandy) 8 November 2019
Add a bit of the devil one, please.
All’s good.
Stay calm and HODL 😎🍻 #cryptomemes #wethecryptos pic.twitter.com/ucXkKdb8C2
— WeTheCryptos (@WeTheCryptos) 29 October 2019
A rare live footage in their natural surroundings?
Live shot of crypto twitter shilling each other their alt picks. https://t.co/mlKcj7u8lk
— Nick Cote (@mBTCPizpie) 6 November 2019
The face of optimism.
But few are those who dare venture there.
When scroll beyond the top 100 on CoinMarketCap pic.twitter.com/ZKXlg2RniE
— Tom Shaughnessy🦉 (@Shaughnessy119) 6 November 2019
I know it’s among jokes, but I hope it’s an actual joke.
They’re selling 18k watches that have a bitcoin hardwallet built in. I asked the sales guy – what happens when they steal your watch and get your bitcoin? His answer – “damn, we didn’t think of that.”
— The Wolf Of All Streets (@scottmelker) 29 October 2019
Is this supposed to make one depressed? Just me?
When you buy the bottom and sell the top. 🎯 pic.twitter.com/YCj2f4QGkI
— Jacob Canfield (@JacobCanfield) 5 November 2019
For future generations to learn about.
Going into history and biology books from r/cryptocurrencymemes
The realisation is apparently very slimy.
There you go, simple and clear: "a guide to help people interpret the bitcoin price chart back to 2013".
Here’s another type of interpretation.
Interesting how some try to turn everything into "this is good for bitcoin".
Price pump = moon Price crash = accumulate!l ETF yes = herd is coming ETF no = don't need them Regulatory support = finally Regulatory attacks = this is why bitcoin
— Alex Krüger (@krugermacro) 22 October 2019
Paid his dues. That’s all he could pay.
Have you ever wondered what’s it like for dogs?
How it feels to be a dog in CT. pic.twitter.com/eUs0IcMfWL
— Panama ₿ (@Panama_TJ) 28 October 2019
And for pondering over weekend, here’s how crypto and blockchain got into every part of our daily lives. Wait for it.
TONIGHT: After being booed at sports arenas for the last few weeks, Trump finally found some cheers at a MAGA-KAG rally. #LSSC pic.twitter.com/fsHH9BuzAT
— The Late Show (@colbertlateshow) 8 November 2019
Source: cryptonews.com
0 notes
lavendertwilight89 · 4 years
Shelter- 4: What’s your favorite line of dialogue?
....I don’t know if I can answer this HAHAHAHAHAA! This story is just... it’s so big. Honestly?? I think at the very beginning when they first met when Kag is trying to soothe Inu but Inu is being an idiot (but to be fair, a smarter idiot).
I felt like even with them just meeting it was just so them. So in character. So AH! I know it’s long but you made me choose
Also I won’t add a spoiler bar because this is literally the very beginning of the story
Inuyasha awoke feeling groggy. Something was wrong… he didn’t even remember falling asleep. The last thing he remembered it was the new moon--his night of vulnerability. His eyes felt extremely heavy; he must’ve fucked up. Miscalculated. There must’ve been a danger he hadn’t smelled or sensed before he lost his demonic abilities.
Fuck. His body hurt. The question had morphed from what happened to where was he? How was he alive? And why? He listened quietly and heard the pitter patter of rain--likely bouncing off of a roof. He smelled like he was in an enclosed hut. It was old--stagnant. Obviously, it hadn’t been used in awhile. But he wasn’t alone. There was a strong smell of lavender, honey, and jasmine flowers… it was alluring. Intoxicating. But it also scared the shit outta him. He also smelled a lot of blood. Not just his. Probably not just who he shared this little hut with either.
He sat up quickly and groaned from his stupidity. “Fuck…”
“Oh, you’re awake. You need to lie still,” he heard a soft melodic whisper from across the room. He turned to see a young woman in priestess garbs leaning against the wall of the hut he was currently in. He sensed her power and shit--he was about to fucking die. Or fry. Something. He gasped and clutched his gut as he tried to turn and run but his legs failed him.
Her sigh and shuffling made him panic until he heard her whimper. He looked over to her to see she also was grasping her own torso as she scooted towards him. She was pale. Sweating. She… didn’t look good.
“Stop,” he tried to sound threatening. It must’ve worked or she was where she had tried to get to. Water dripping from a bucket made him turn his head and see she was much closer. She grimaced and winced again as she shifted onto her knees and pressed a calming hand on his chest. She wiped the sweat from his brow and smiled softly--weakly.
“It’s okay… I’m not going to hurt you.”
“Get off me,” he said, grabbing her hands and pushing her away slightly. He hadn’t expected her to fall to the floor of the hut and cry out. Shit. He was an asshole. He noticed an overwhelming scent of blood--hers. Shifting he took her in and saw how dirty she was now that she was close enough. She was covered in demon blood--along with his and her own.
She rolled over onto her back and glared at him, “You--asshole! That’s not a way to thank someone for helping you!”
“Never asked for your help,” he shot back. “I told you to stop.”
“I thought you were just scared and confused! Not that you’d throw me!”
“I didn’t throw you, I shoved and you’re just weak.”
“Whatever,” she scoffed and rolled over to her side. She was whimpering as she pushed herself to get up and then made her way back to the wall.
He took the opportunity to see she had bandaged him--”Where are my clothes??”
“Your kosode is ruined but your haori is over there,” she gestured behind him. He wasn’t surprised. Only his kimono made from the fur of the fire rat could withstand damage. Standing uneasily, she remained quiet this time as he began to dress.
“Alright, I’m out of here.”
“I wouldn’t if I were you,” she said leadingly. He glanced back and saw a smug little sparkle in her bright sapphire eyes. He looked to the door and saw her barrier erected around the hut and grew angrier.
“Why the hell not? I’m not staying here with you, you weak ass priestess! You couldn’t even slay me!”
“Why would I want to hurt you?”
“Are you fucking blind??! I’m a demon!!”
“Shut up! Anyway--so you’re a dark priestess then?? Ya wanna make a deal? I don’t really do that kind of shit so you might as well lower your barrier. I’m leaving whether I have to kill you or get zapped.”
“There’s a rather large horde of demons past my barrier. It’s there to protect us… until we heal.”
“Don’t lie.”
“Smell for yourself,” she flicked her wrist and a tiny hole opened and he got a good whiff. Fuck. He’d die the minute he stepped out. There’d be no way he would make it past them.
“Damnit!” he yelled as he punched a hole through the hut. “Why didn’t you kill them, huh?? God, you’re fucking useless!”
“For your information, I was a little busy saving you,” she said in a huff. “For someone who had their life saved on such a time of weakness, you sure are ungrateful.”
“I should just fucking kill you now, bitch. But I need your fucking barrier.”
“Oh goody,” she sighed leaning her head back against the wall and closing her eyes. “Don’t worry. I’ll be out of your hair soon enough.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” he snarled. She was planning to kill him after all! Fuck!
“I may be a priestess but I’m still human. I’ve lost a lot of blood, been using my reiki for three days straight, haven’t eaten anything, oh, and, probably have slept for maybe six hours total,” she said with a heavy groan at the end clutching her abdomen. Okay, he felt like a dick. But he was only protecting himself.
“Why haven’t you been taking care of yourself? You’re of age to be independent. How the hell have you lived so long if you’re this dumb?”
“Gods! I’ve been taking care of you, stupid!!!” She yelled at him with tears in her eyes. “Gods just shut up! I’m sorry I saved you! Obviously I messed up--you clearly were trying to commit suicide. Don’t worry, in a couple hours, I’ll probably be dead anyway, my barrier will fail and they’ll eat us both!”
“Shut up! That’s not what I meant!” Inuyasha kneeled down at her feet, still not willing to get too close to her but she wasn’t going to be able to reach out in her state at that moment.
“Oh??? Want me to use myself as bait so you can escape??? Lessen the guilt so you won’t have to watch me die?? Prefer to think I just waltzed right out of here rather than succumbing to my injuries!!?”
“No! Fuck! Stop fucking talking!!”
“No really!! Tell me what it is you want! What do you need?? I live to fucking serve!!”
He finally lost his temper and slapped his hand over her mouth and glared into her wide eyes, “Shut. Up. Look, I overreacted. I didn’t remember what happened--still don't--I thought you were trying to kill me like every-fucking-one else--and I admit, I’m a jackass.”
She just continued to glare at him and then she did the craziest thing he had EVER had happen to him. She. LICKED. Him. What. In. The. Fuck!??!?!
“Ugh!!!” he yelled and pulled his hand away like it was on fire. “You--you--youuuuu---WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU?!!? YOU LICKED ME!!!”
“Jeez, you’re acting like I just shot you with an arrow,” she mocked rolling her eyes.
“You’re--you’re so fucking weird!! Are you even a priestess?!!?”
“Uhm, duh?”
“Don’t you know demons are inherently evil?? That as a priestess, we are naturally enemies?!" He felt like he was going to explode from rage that was driven by confusion. This woman hadn't tried to attack him yet. No matter how much he cursed her, poked and prodded her, insulted her-- she just took it. Rolling her eyes. Like she knew him.
"Yes-- I'm aware we are 'supposed' to be enemies. I just don't believe in that notion. Not all demons are bad. You exist because a human and demon obviously loved each other to make you. I have demon friends that I care for, well, cared for." She sighed and took a ragged breath. "Look, I don't want to spend what could be my last hours arguing. I accept your lame apology. I forgive you."
"You--you what???"
"You’ve obviously had a rough life to be so callous. I'm just sorry we couldn't have become friends," she added as her shoulders relaxed somewhat.
"Oh fuck no! You're not gonna fucking die on me!"
"Haha, are you a demon of the underworld that can prevent that? I'm also not dying yet. Just resting." Her demeanor didn't convince him.
"No, but I can heal you."
That made her eyes open again. "Hm? How?"
"I don't like owing favors and I unfortunately think I owe you a lot… my uhm… " Well shit. How was he gonna tell her? He doubted she'd accept help. She seemed to have about as much pride as he did. She wouldn't sully herself to be healed...
"How about while I rest, you think of a way to tell me of your little 'secret'," she said as gruffly as a kitten. She was pretty weak, he probably shouldn't let her sleep. If she did, he wasn't sure she'd wake back up.
When she didn't respond he slightly panicked and reached out and touched her to rouse her. Even though he shouldn't care, she rescued him and likely gave her own life for his.
"Hey! You cannot sleep!! Bitch, wake up!!"
"Ugh, I liked you better sleeping. I at least could imagine you being nicer."
He let out a breath he hadn’t known he had been holding and clipped, "Regret saving a half breed already?"
He blinked. Twice. Three times. She opened her glazed over ocean eyes and locked with his, "Why do you assume I'd regret giving my life for yours?"
"I can run off twenty reasons right now."
"Mmmm… I'd prefer not to hear any until after you let me nap. Next time you stir me I may make you regret giving me the idea of zapping you," she smirked weakly before letting her eyes shut again.
"You better just be sleeping," he grumbled.
"Don't worry. I'll see your handsome smirk again," she slurred, finally succumbing to sleep.
Sputtering and blushing from her words he got up quickly and exited the hut. Fuck. She was crazy. All he could do was equate her insanity to her exhaustion, blood loss, and hunger. Yep. That made the most sense. Finally calming his racing heart, he noticed the barrier wasn't just around the hut; it seemed to stretch out into the forest. Maybe he could find something to eat… rebuild their strength. Would animals be able to enter the barrier? How was the barrier able to even be maintained this long? How was this woman so powerful?
I just feel like it really ahhhhhhhh!!!! LOL Thanks for the ask @superpixie42!!!!!!!!!
Wanna read the rest of Shelter? Click here!
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lavendertwilight89 · 4 years
Making Amends
Got an ask like forever ago whooooops for a Sess, Inu, and Kag relationship building one from @inuyashaloverforever
I think it will be two parts but here was a good place to end it for now to give something for her to enjoy and keep her wanting more bahahahaahaha 
Posted to Ao3
I’m sorry but not
Rated Teen
@superpixie42  @cstormsinukagblog @willowandfog @inuyashaloverforever @xfangheartx @clearwillow  @umacaking @bluejay785 @smmahamazing @murdergiraffe @faulkner-blog @sapphirestarxx @swaggingtomboy @sarah-writes-stories @hnnwnchstr @wolverine1092
Inuyasha and Kagome had been mated for about six moons when Kagome noticed some distinct changes in herself. She felt like her hearing had heightened—she could hear people approaching far above what she had used to. It wasn’t as strong as Inuyasha’s, but even he thought it had grown stronger.
Her sense of smell almost grew better. Or worse. Honestly, she felt like the latter. Especially when she found out she was pregnant. That particular change was her least favorite. More often than she liked, she wound up sick and confined in the house making Inuyasha cook dinner at Sango’s or Kaede’s.
At night, she even noticed a difference with her eyesight. It came in handy when a certain half-demon wanted to make love by the Sacred Tree; not that she was ever opposed to that. It was comforting that even after all those years, they found such comfort in the place where they first met. 
Since her first missed bleeding, Sesshomaru had started coming around more and more. Kagome knew from Inuyasha that he had been more present in the village since Rin was left with Kaede. Something that had surprised Kagome since she knew how protective he was of the little girl. But now, it had become like the village was his second home.
While Inuyasha had reservations about Sesshomaru, he had become accepting of his brother and the added protection he offered. Only a few times had the village been attacked in the past three years the jewel had been destroyed, but when they did show up, they meant business. Sesshomaru had stayed near Kagome, keeping her and the demon away from each other. Inuyasha finished it off quickly knowing Kagome was safe.
One afternoon while Inuyasha was working in the forest with some villagers who needed more trees for wood, she felt Sesshomaru’s presence nearby.
She hesitated to call out to him as she stepped out of the hut but decided to test the new waters of the relationship he seemed like he was starting to want, “Brother?”
She heard a quiet scoff but he emerged from the tree line, not annoyed oddly enough, but still fairly unemotional.
“Would you like to join me for tea?” she offered hopeful he would accept the invitation.
“...As you wish,” he said as he made his way towards her.
She stepped back into her hut and poured them both a fresh cup. They sat in silence. To say it was awkward was an understatement. What does one say to a daiyoukai? Small talk was likely out--but with her nerves that was all she could currently think of--Stupid! Think of something!!
“Calm your nerves, miko.”
“Sorry,” she exhaled. “I just, uh, don’t want to bore you or annoy you with small talk but I’m told I babble when I’m nervous. Just something I’ve always done. You should ask Inuyasha about our journey to find the jewel shards. I mean--”
“No need to hide who you are. You are mated to my idiot brother. You are now family.”
“You consider Inuyasha family?” she exclaimed softly.
“He is the second son of the Inu-no-Taisho. He aided in the destruction of Naraku. He unlocked the full power and form of Tessaiga. One cannot overlook such accomplishments.”
Leave it to Sesshomaru to look at this as a logical thing rather than an emotional thing. Well… that actually made her question things. Inuyasha only knew the basics about his heritage and what Myouga had taught him. His instincts were what guided him in other areas, though he couldn’t quite tell her why they demanded certain things than others.
“Sesshomaru… forgive me if this is a rude question but uhm… do demons… have feelings?”
He stared at her impassively. Whoops. Wrong questions?
“I-I-I mean obviously you feel things! God that was a stuid question--what I meant was--uh--how do I put this??”
“Priestess,” he said as if he was exasperated. 
“Right, right, we’re family. I can be myself, hahahaa,” she laughed nervously. When she returned to the feudal era to be with Inuyasha, never once in a million years would she have thought she would be sitting having tea with Sesshomaru. 
“Demons feel things differently than humans,” he offered. She was surprised he answered. 
“What… uhm… what do you mean by differently?”
“Are these questions revolving around your mate? Or demons in general?” 
“No; Inuyasha and I are able to communicate our feelings perfectly fine. This is more of a… question for you and other demons. Uhm, I guess I,uh, also am wondering about his instincts. He doesn't’ always know why they tell him things. Myouga only knows so much about inuyoukai.”
“Do you not house the kit? His scent fills the house. He could have likely explained this to you.”
“Uh, yes, but Shippo is so young. And honestly I’d feel odd asking those kinds of questions to my son.”
“So you’d prefer to ask your ‘brother’?” It was more of a statement than a question but she responded with a nod. “Very well… yes. Demons feel. The emotions are a bit different than in comparison to mortals but overall, similar. Demons become devoted to their partners. It is what human’s refer to as love. When demons decide to mate, it is not a passing or fleeting feeling like some humans often choose to do. Our instincts can sense who would be the most compatible mate and slowly our devotion grows into adoration, or love. It can often be more intense than what humans feel. While a mortal man may defend his family, he could not summon a baser instinct to save the family. Demons will sacrifice themselves by summoning their baser self. Hence why our father died for Inuyasha’s human mother. He was gravely injured but refused to allow her to come to harm.”
“Does… Inuyasha know that?”
“Instinctually, his demon state would take control if you or your pup were in danger.”
“I meant about your father and his mother.”
“No. At least, I have not told him as much.”
“Why… uh, why tell me then? Why not share with him?”
“Our relationship is strained.”
“Why not uhm… un-strain it then?” she prompted.
“The wounds I have once inflicted are not so easily overturned, miko.”
“Kagome. Or sister. But no title references; as you said, we are family.”
“Indeed… little sister.”
“Inuyasha, while he’s still gruff on the surface, has learned to forgive. Trust. I think if you talked to him things would change.”
“Perhaps you are correct.”
“Then you’ll consider trying to mend your relationship?”
“In time… Kagome.”
She smiled at the use of her name. “I will also speak with my mate. I’m sure he’ll want our pup to have as much family that he can,” she added stroking her swollen abdomen. She was already showing at four months in and slightly suspected the possibility of multiple pups but until Inuyasha confirmed it or Sesshomaru corrected her, she would refer to the fetus as a singular entity.
“Pups, you mean.” Whelp. That confirmed that theory.
“I had a sneaking suspicion there were two in there. Inuyasha always got weird when we talked about the pup--well pups,” she corrected.
“Likely fearing you’d subdue him after only being mated for ten moons and already whelped you with multiple pups.”
Oh. My. Gods. Sesshomaru was joking. He was joking with her!!! Yes it was an accurate statement but she could tell her had added just a flare of humor! She giggled in response.
“Is there another reason you’d want to stay? Not that I don’t want you to--I love Rin. She’s become an important part of our pack we made and I know she’s very important to you as well. I’d love for you to join us--not saying you’re not family--or not pack--I mean--”
“Sister…” he looked at her out of the corner of her eye that held a slight glint of laughter.
“Right-right sorry. Pregnancy has made my nerves worse,” she laughed.
“The pups deserve their heritage… as does my brother. He deserves to be trained further. As you do you, sister. After mating, I know you experienced changes.”
“Yes,” she bit her lip. “Myouga was only able to tell us so much since your lord father passed before he could fully mate Inuyasha’s mother.”
“Indeed. The bond you share is allowing your auras to merge. It happens between mortals and demons. It was unexpected to occur between Inuyasha and yourself, miko. But he only continues to grow stronger… something he must credit to you.”
“Thank you for that Sesshomaru. I’m sure you can say the same about Rin.”
She smiled knowing that was as much as she was going to get from the daiyoukai on the subject. Rin was fourteen and a handful. Suitors were coming and going like mad and she refused them all. Kagome held her suspicions as to why and obviously Sesshomaru was going to neither deny nor confirm her thoughts. But the fact he had grown more caring to Inuyasha, saved him from his demon state, spared Kohaku, hunted down Naraku, and gave up the fight to claim Tessaiga for himself all for the little girl was a dead give away.
“May I ask something else?”
“If you must,” Sesshomaru said impassively. 
“Does scent have anything to do with a demon finding the mate?”
“Yes. It is what lures a demon to begin to try and court their mate forming the connection. It is where devotion begins.”
“I see…” She pondered if that was why Sesshomaru kept Rin with him to even begin with.
About to add more to the conversion, she sensed her mate returning. Sesshomaru obviously did as well as he made to stand but Kagome waved her hand down to keep him seated. 
“Now would be a perfect time as any to start mending those bridges, Sesshomaru. Please, stay?” she asked kindly.
For the first time in… EVER she swore she saw the great dog demon look uncomfortable. SESSHOMARU. UNCOMFORTABLE. WHAT WAS HAPPENING?!!?
“What the fuck are you doing here?” Inuyasha said without much gruff as he pushed back the mat as he entered the hut.
Sesshomaru stared at his brother with a hint of annoyance. Kagome sighed and realized it would be harder than she anticipated for them to work out their issues. Sesshomaru was willing to try… he also may have made it clear to her that Inuyasha would do anything for her--or at least his demon side would.
“Inuyasha, why don’t you come sit down and join us?” she asked, trying to add a twinkle to her eye to entice her mate.
He glared at her but huffed as he complied with her request. He took up position behind her and pulled her into his lap and wrapped his arms around her and brushed her abdomen lovingly while he rumbled out a low growl. She looked back and him rolling her eyes. Dominance. Obviously a dog-demon thing. Though it was odd, Sesshomaru did not growl in return, he merely looked on. He just observed them as they sat in front of him.  Did he want a mate? Did he want family?
“Inuyasha, Sesshomaru and I were just talking about demonic traits and how they relate to human things. He also said he could explain the changes going on because of our mate bond,” she said, nuzzling his neck. Her plot to butter him up seemed to be working as he seemed to relax little by little.
“It was just conversation. You know how I babble,” she laughed cheerily pressing a kiss to his chin.
“I know what you’re doing,” he rumbled softly into her ear.
“It’s working so I’m going to keep doing it,” she purred in return.
“Fine… what do you want?”
“I think you two should talk about your relationship.”
“WHAT?!?!” he bellowed.
“I can leave the room if you’d prefer to talk in private,” she offered cheekily. His arms tightened around her and he growled making her giggle.
“If you’re done,” Sesshomaru prompted annoyed at the displays of affection. Inuyasha and her were a little more touchy-feely than they had ever been previously. Well ever. But since she returned through the well, it was almost like they had to--it was the only way to feel whole and safe.
“While demons are more expressive in their mate bonds, I do not need to see a full grown dog drool over his mate like a juvenile.”
Kagome blushed madly while Inuyasha scoffed, “Alright ya bastard… Why are you here?”
“Kagome offered tea.”
Inuyasha’s eyebrow raised in skepticism, “And you thought, ‘What the hell? Why not! Not like I’ve said more than ten words to my brother in the past five years that didn’t involve dying or trying to run him through with a sword’!”
“Inuyasha,” Kagome warned.
“What?! That’s a fair question!”
“It is, little sister. After much thought, I thought we should try to mend our bridges. Rebuild the family. Our Pack… Especially because you are expanding your own.”
“Why care now? You had your chance hundreds of years ago--why now?”
“Because you have proven yourself, idiot. You have proven to be far more powerful than our father. I… was wrong. I was angry our father chose you over me. Is that what you’d like to hear?”
Kagome gasped while Inuyasha was able to keep his composure aside from his eyes expanding. The bastard actually admitted in an offhanded way he was wrong? That he had hated him because he was upset over their old man saving him? His mother always told him the story of his father’s death. He never took Sesshomaru’s feelings into account.
“I, uh…” Inuyasha trailed off uncomfortably.
Sesshomaru began to rise and head for the door but stopped before he left the reed mat to turn back and lock eyes with them, “I would like to correct my mistakes with your pups. They should not grow up without the knowledge of our inuyoukai heritage.” He swiftly left without another word.
“Well…?” Kagome asked pensively to her mate.
“...Thank you,” he said as he kissed her forehead.
“I’m so glad that you’re willing to give this a shot,” Kagome nuzzled her face into his neck. “I’m happy our children will be able to be close to one of their uncles.”
He tensed, “Fuck, he told you.”
“Before you start, I’m not mad. I’m actually excited! We’re going to have twins! Twin brothers that will grow up together and love each other.”
“I’m still saying ‘sisters’ wench,” he said, smirking as he tilted her to lay down upon the floor before kissing down her neck, making her giggle in response. He apparently was very pleased with the arrangement and owed her many ‘thank-yous’.
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