#also don't worry i love morgen just as much
loosesodamarble · 1 year
Some Discount Nacht Fausts
Discount Nacht Classic™
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Herlock Sholmès from the Code Realize series by Otomate and Prince Aurelius from "Royal Alchemist" by Nifty Visuals.
Discount Delinquent Era Nacht™
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Lance from "Nameless: the one thing you must recall" and Jihae from "Dandelion: Wishes Brought to You." Both by Cheritz.
These boys can certainly try but they will never be Nacht Faust. No way, no how.
My beautiful, wonderful, amazing, tortured, hateful, broken, lovely Nacht...
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💖 Man did everything wrong and right. No replacing him. 💖
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squipy-shippy · 5 months
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I'll hold your hand the
whole time
A demencia x morgen au drabble
A/n: heyyy look at me actually doing an event (don't pay attention that I'm late) the idea I had for this prompt was the classic one runs a flower shop one runs a tattoo shop blah blah blah you know the Trope I don't think there's any real cw for thus one just morgen being scared of needles so yeah enjoy :D
Morgen looked at the door of her girlfriend's parlor the two had been dating for two whole years now and to celebrate it they were going to give each other a gift that represented how they met for morgen that was as simple as matching flowers crowns as for demencia it was matching tattoos. At the moment the ideas sounded perfect even creating the tattoo with her lover and watching her hand swirl and twist on the tablet as a good bonding experience however what usually was a good time suddenly felt like walking into the gates of hell as she walked in and heard the door ring.
Demencia's head perked up her long bright neon green ponytail bouncing as she rushed over and hugged her lover tightly kissing her all over and speaking with joy as she explained how excited she was to be the one that not just got to give her a tattoo that has value but also her very first one! As she spoke tho she couldn't help but read her lover's body language she was fidgeting like crazy, avoiding eye contact more than normal, and looking as if she would start crying at any moment. "mi amor de rosa....what's wrong did a customer yell at you again" she said worried for her lover and ready to give a Karen a piece of her mind.
Morgen shook her head taking a shaky breath her blue eyes not daring to look Demencia in the eyes "I umm I know you are excited about this and I know you won't hurt me but umm" she drifted off fearing for what to say next...would demencia think she's weak would she call her a loser all these thoughts ran in her head before she simply blurted it out "I'm scared of needles!!!" She said quickly
Demencia smirked before chuckling and giving morgen an even tighter hug "You think I didn't already know and prepare for that silly gosh what am I a super villain" she said with a laugh before leading morgen back to her station hand in hand while explaining to morgen exactly how it will go and how she will keep her safe and comfortable "so you'll lay here and we can stop as many times as you want I got this lizard plush for you to hold on to and the tv playing our favorite cartoon some snacks and water plus our Playlist" she said with an excited squeak
Morgen could not believe what she was hearing it was as if Demencia could read her mind. Morgen smiled like a dork before taking a deep breath "Okay I'm ready" she said before lying in the chair
As Demencia did her work they talked about life and things they enjoyed. At first, morgen thought she would annoy Demencia with having to stop so much at the start due to her almost having a panic attack but by the end, the two had matching tattoos on her arms a small lizard Inside a Nintendo DS surrounded by flowers and paint to symbolize there love of animals, video games, creating but mostly importantly each other.
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takasgf · 1 year
Acrostic f/o game my beloved
Answers for Rocky under the cut!!
R - Rainbow - what colors do you associate with them and why?
Simple question, simple answer : orange and blue! They are the colors he wears most and I naturally started to associate them with him. Also, he looks really adorable in both <33
O - Online - what is your f/o’s social media presence like, or what would it be like if they had internet in their world/era?
I really don't think social media would be part of his life at all, it just doesnt fit with his character. Probably uses the internet to scam people or for business reasons, but not as entertainment. Still, Morgen always sends him cute cat videos that remind her of him or their relationship (he appreciates the gesture, but he does not like cats OR being compared to one)
C - Confession - which of you admitted romantic interest in the other first (if they’re the flirty type, when did they admit they were really serious about the other?) how did they do it? what was the reaction?
Aw man. The simple questions are over I guess. I want to keep my detailed answer for later, but for the sake of answering, R.ocket is the one who confesses to Morgen, some time after the events of I.nfinity War. At that point they would have known each other for 7 years. Morgen developed a crush on him 3-4 years after their initial meeting (just a bit after/during Vol2) and he came to terms with his own feelings (he was in DENIAL) a few months before he actually confessed. I will elaborate later bc im embarassed and this feels like important information
K - Kiss - give us any kiss headcanon you want. description, reason, location, who initiates it, etc.
EEEEK!!!!! Morgen gives him goodnight forehead kisses always, even before they became a couple. This is big because R.ocket is very distant and grumpy when it comes to affection, but allows this, to somewhat show Morgen that he is more comfortable with her than with other people. On the condition that she doesnt tell anyone or make a big deal out of it, ehehe
E - Emotion - is your f/o open with their feelings or do they keep them close to their chest?
He's got "emotionalistical issues" !! Does not open up at all, especially about his past, not even to Morgen. Over time he gets more comfortable showing her that he loves her and allowing her to take care of him, but directly adressing his emotions in general, his fears and worries is almost impossible to him. If he ever does, he doesnt even take himself seriously and assumes neither do his friends. Morgen is able to approach him by noticing the subtle ways he expresses himself, the hidden meanings behind his snarky remarks and jokes, and his non verbal manners. He won't talk about it. Morgen accepts that, and still tries to help and support him, as much as he allows her to.
T - Teach - what skills of theirs would they teach you? what would you teach them?
Not me, but my s/i. He helps her improve her weapon building skills and he teaches her math!! Morgen has very little math knowledge for a person her age, due to being homeschooled and living in a very controlled environment. All her other skills she mastered "by eye" (i cannot remember the exact expression for the life of me; she just guesses/approximates i mean) which is impressive, but she could use a general knowledge of the subject. He is very patient with her. When it comes to R.ocket learning from Morgen, he jokingly suggests that she teaches him to play the piano - obviously she takes it seriously and shows him how to play from time to time. He is truthfully not very interested in it, he prefers to hear her play, but lets her teach him anyways, when he's not busy with anything else or to cheer her up. This isnt exactly a skill but he consequently learned a ton of bug facts from her, not because he wanted to, but Morgen never shuts up about it and he had to accept that. He's come to really enjoy hearing her ramble about insects though, and all the reasons she finds them endearing. He doesnt want to admit it, but he's absolutely in love with her quirkiness and all of her excentric manners and interests - he thinks its both funny and adorable.
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breitzbachbea · 1 year
13 for the ask game!
Finally getting around to clearing out my inbox! Thank you SO much for asking!
History Ask Game
13. [share some random historical trivia!]
I have to learn more about Frederick II. of the HRE, he is my second favourite swabian (first is my friend Jani, third is Felix Fabri). Because what I do know FUCKS SO HARD, aside from the fact that he was a rip-roaring BANG to end one periodization phase of the German Medieval ages. You basically killed your entire dynasty, but by GOD did you do it while serving CUNT.
My favourite story is the crusade one, the abridged version. So, my boy Fritz had sworn to the Pope that he'd go on crusade some time, but you know, always something better to do when you're the emperor and also King of Sicily. By the time Fritz can finally go, he gets violently sick on the boat that just left Brindisi and goes back home. That's not a good enough excuse for the Pope, who excommunicates him anyways, so Fritz says oh FUCK YOU, I'm going anyways. Goes to the Holy Land, brokers a temporary peace with the local muslim elite and gets to ACTUALLY go to Jerusalem. Absolute king shit, all while excommunicated. I know it's medieval Europe, he probably did some horrendous shit I haven't read up on yet, but he is my favourite. The balls on this man and his love for South Italy which I share. I visited his grave when I was in Palermo, it was ALL I saw of the Cathedral that time around (I will return. And probably look at Fritz again as well as the rest.)
Time Jump! During the Napoleonic occupation, Kassel (the capital of the Landgraviate Hessen-Kassel) became the capital of the newly formed Kingdom of Westphalia and was ruled over by Napoleon's brother Jerome. Or how the Kasseläner_innen called him - König Lustik. Because the only sentence in German he, according to the local tradition, was "Morgen wird wieder lustig" - "Tomorrow, we'll have fun again" (Or to make merry ... It's hard to translate). Also, after Napoleon was defeated and the Landgraf, now Kurfürst Wilhelm I. (Vienna Congress shenanigans, don't worry about it), returned ... they weren't so keen on his absolutistic leanings? So, in 1830, when riots broke out, citizens successfully pressed Wilhelm II to call together the Landtag (not parliament, but a representation of all the people with power in the principality's realm. The estates of a principality, you get it). He did call it together, something that hadn't been done in a long time because absolutism, and they got a constituition, to enshrine rights for citizens and curb the monarchical power! There's a big cutout reproduction in the Kasseler Stadtmuseum of an engraved illustration by Ludwig Emil Grimm! Here's the entire engraving!
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Grimm you may now think ... Grimm like the Brother Grimm? Indeed! He was their youngest brother, with Wilhelm and Jakob being the eldest of six children! He was a famous illustrator and also illustrated copies of his brother's Kinder- und Hausmärchen. The city of Kassel was home to the family for many, many years, with Jakob and Wilhelm studying in nearby Marburg as well. One of the reasons that a lot of 'their' fairytales have French origins is the fact that Kassel took in huge swaths of Huguenots over the course of the 17th and 18th century. They let them settle around the Landgraviate (name for a principality ruled over by the Landgraf, in German Landgrafschaft), in existing places as well as newly founded settlements. That's why there is a small village in East Hesse named Gethsemane, called Getzemich in the local dialect. Of course, named after the garden in Jerusalem in the bible. And because those Huguenots were very industrial and Jakob & Wilhelm weren't really gonna leave their cushy study, lots of middle class Huguenots came to tell them their tales - hence things they had carried with them from France.
I am so sorry, this was so much and I could talk on and on and on about Hessian history, I could dig up funfacts about Sicily or other South Italian places, I could wreck my brain for some ancient Roman or Mesopotamian funfacts, I could even unearth some about Ireland and Great Britain if I dug deep enough. I just ... I love history. It's fascinating. It's all there ever was in human history! It's entirely different cultures from our own and yet many times the answer why things are the way they are today! It's the past, it's the present and we look to it because we ask about the future. Wonderful, isn't it?
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peace-for-levi · 2 years
Hello :)) after I first read your chapters of morgen, I keep coming back because they are SO good. Idk how you do it but you write such perfect angst. (also the romance novel detail was so fucking funny) anyways I just thought I’d tell you how much I love your work..hope you’re having a lovely new year‘s :)
omg EEEEK!!!!
ah, well i am a VERY angsty person who has watched a LOT of angsty shows. any snippets, scenes or dialogue involving levi's leg is inspired by House MD which i rewatched recently enough :D hence all the negativity he has around it, levi feels personally defined by his injuries and i think that would be an accurate, realistic way to feel after the rumbling and after the incident in the forest with Zeke. if you watched House (@maries-gallery mwahaha i know you did bb) you'll know House and Cuddy didn't work out -- don't worry, in Morgen they will!
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loosesodamarble · 5 months
Hello soda, I love your blog. I'm a huge Nacht fan and I want to write a Nacht x reader/oc (haven't decided) fanfic . I'm too shy to post it but I want to write it for myself. Can you give me tips to write fanfic especially about Nacht.
🖤 Anon! The answers you seek are finally here!
It's very exciting that you're writing some self-indulgence! It's one thing to make requests for what you want to see but taking the writing into your own hands is something else entirely! Make the most of it!
(This post ended up being longer than expected so pardon for the rest of it being under a cut.)
First off, reader insert or oc, or heck you could even do a full self insert. Any way you go about it, do what gives you the most fulfillment! You said that you aren't gonna post it but even if you did, your first and most important audience is yourself, so cater to what you want.
Second, when it generally comes to writing fanfic, play to your preferences. Do you enjoy banter or heartfelt dialogue? Then you can easily write scenes that focus more on characters speaking with little sprinkles of scenery and action written in. Or if you prefer prose and detailing the finer details of a moment, feel free to write a fic where you go five paragraphs without character speaking.
(For me, I like fic that's a little introspective. Where prose isn't just about the characters' actions or surroundings but also acts as their inner monologue. And thus, I tend to write fic that's a lot of "their feelings swirled inside of them like a storm" stuff.)
And don't worry about skipping over stuff that you don't feel confident or interested in writing. For me, I can manage a bit of fight scene choreography but it's not my strong suit so I don't write fights often and I usually keep it vague and short. The less interest you have for writing a certain thing, the less you end up writing. (That's not the whole picture since burnout/writer's block can leave you wanting to write but not having the energy or mind to do it.)
Something that I try to keep in mind when writing is the question of "what is the ultimate point of the piece?" It can be anything from a simple "I want these characters to talk/fight/kiss" to a complex "I want to show how a single event is actually a chain reaction of smaller happenings and how they can have massively different effects on people's lives and personalities." For me, the answer should be less a plot summary of the piece you're writing and more your motivation for writing it.
TL;DR for those previous points: write what you like, don't write what you don't like, and know why you're writing (since that can help you stay motivated).
Now when it comes to writing Nacht specifically, I keep these character details in mind:
Nacht has self-loathing issues, making it hard for him to believe he is good.
That self-loathing is projected onto others, mostly Yami.
While he does care for others, Nacht is afraid of loving and being loved. He fears hurting those he loves (see Morgen's death).
Those are probably the most important traits of Nacht's to keep in mind when writing him, pre or post Morgen's death. Although the projection aspect of his personality more shows up afterwards.
I also tend to write Nacht repeating the same mini arc. -He looks down on himself -He resists happiness when he has a chance for it -Someone talks some sense into him -Nacht lets himself be happy
Yes, it's keeping his character kinda in the same arc over and over. But to me, Nacht is a character that I see struggling to accept that he's allowed to be happy despite his dark past. He lets himself be happy but he doesn't want to risk too much good fortune in case it blows up in his face, if you know what I mean.
I think that writing Nacht is about finding the balance between suffering and salvation. He hated and punished himself for the longest time until he finally learned to let go of his guilt. Although I personally like to keep Nacht from fully letting go of the guilt and grief. Because squeezing out angst from Nacht's character is fun. Giving Nacht love and letting him be happy is ultimately more fulfilling though.
Really, like for any character, you have to write what you want for Nacht. And for me it's that ever present sorrow in his life. For you, it could be something else entirely.
You gotta write for you, 🖤 Anon. But hopefully my advice gives you something to work with. Good luck with the Nacht fic and I hope you enjoy what you come up with~!
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loosesodamarble · 2 years
What if Nacht lost in on wey his memoris (Stress ore so psychological ore hit his head ore magic )and forgot Morgan yami and wo he is komplett so Family friend fluff where realy nice can by I littel Angst or what you like to have ☺️
(I have the idea long time on my one but I don’t know too make the idea to my one story and I realy like nacht and Morgan and yami dynamics realy)
Sorry for taking a while to reply, Marune! I was collecting my thoughts on this.
Unlike last time you requested a scenario, I couldn't really find a way to really hit all the points I wanted to touch upon with this concept in a oneshot without it being monstrously long. So I'm going with a ridiculous lot of headcanons/bullet points.
Hope that's okay!
Amnesiac Nacht
Morgen didn't know what would happen when he decided to break the relic connected to Lucifugus. It was hard to think of possible consequences in a tense situation such as the one he found himself in.
The relic did break. The sickening pressure of negative mana faded.
Morgen was about to let out a sigh of relief when he felt Nacht go limp in his arms.
He started to panic, started to fear that Nacht was dead. However, Nacht audibly groaned and his body shuddered. But it was also clear that he was in pain.
Morgen didn't hesitate anymore and rushed Nacht to the Grey Deer base.
For a whole day, Nacht was writhing and crying out in pain without waking. Morgen didn't want to leave Nacht's side, but all his allies insisted that he get proper rest.
The next day, Morgen was woken by frantic knocking on his door and a shout of "Your brother's awake!" And Morgen ran to the infirmary where Nacht was.
Morgen bursts into the infirmary and tackles Nacht with a hug. He doesn’t care how improper it looks. He’s just glad Nach is oka-
“Uh... Who are you and why are you hugging me?”
Morgen pulls away from Nacht and looks him dead in the eyes. Nacht stares back, looking confused and somewhat disturbed. There is no recognition in his eyes.
"Nacht... It's me Morgen. Your brother." Morgen takes deep breaths. Tries not to panic. Maybe it's all a prank by Nacht.
But Nacht shakes his head and scoots away. "I don't... I don't remember you." He looks around and clutches his head. "I don't remember anything at all!"
Morgen grabs Nacht and shakes him, crying out and saying, "No no no! Please, Nacht! Please remember me! We're brothers, twins! We grew up together!"
Nacht panics as he can't get Morgen to let go.
Morgen is begging Nacht to remember him. Nacht is screaming that he can't and Morgen's grip is starting to hurt.
Eventually, Yami gets to the room and manages to pry Morgen off of Nacht. At that point, both of the twins are crying and shaking.
It takes work from Owen and new recruit Marx to figure out what's going on. Nacht and his memories are essentially cursed when Lucifugus' relic broke.
Owen believes that Nacht will never recover his memory unless the curse is broken but he can't even guess how it would be broken.
Morgen apologizes to Nacht for the earlier scare. Nacht says that, as alarmed as he was, he can forgive it.
"I'm scare about losing my own memories. And you're scared about the same thing. I don't know much but I'm pretty sure that means you really care about me."
Nacht is given some time to go over whatever he does recall (his vocabulary is in tact and he's aware of what magic is) and re-familiarize what he's forgotten (he apparently forgot his own attribute and, of course, his loved ones).
Morgen is lowkey forced to take other missions instead of worriedly fretting over Nacht the whole time. He's a bit too worried for his brother.
Not to worry though, the Bremen devils are there to babysit Nacht whenever Morgen is away! The four are really concerned for their master but are happy to see him in a safe place.
Since regaining Nacht's lost memories isn't an option for the time being, the focus is making new memories so his life isn't a complete blank.
There's also the pressure of Nacht suddenly being the head of House Faust since, well, Adela and Vincent are dead... But Nacht's well-being does take priority.
With the memory loss, Nacht is a lot tamer than he once was. His keen mind and natural talent show a lot more since he isn't just goofing off. He was able to tell that he and Yami had a habit of building climbing based on some shoe scuffs on the side of a structure before being told.
Gimodelo and the others are very shocked because they've only ever known Nacht are an arrogant master who would occasionally think of Morgen and Yami in very fond ways.
Nacht is a little hesitant around Morgen at first due to the very dramatic first impression but he warms up eventually. It's easy since Morgen is so genuinely caring.
Morgen will bring Nacht things that he used to like but also suggest they go out looking for new things in case Nacht's tastes have changed.
One day, Nacht asks Morgen if he was a good brother before. At that, Morgen pauses.
"I've always loved you, brother. But, before you lost your memory, it was hard for me to tell if you cared for me back," Morgen would answer, looking sadly into the distance. "You weren't cruel to me, just... cold at times."
Of course Nacht apologizes and of course Morgen forgives. But they do spend some time apart. Nacht needs to process the idea that he wasn't a good brother before. Morgen need time after having to remember the uncertainty and loneliness he felt beforehand.
Overall, Nacht and Morgen try their best to be good to one another. Getting Nacht's old memories back is something many would still like, but until then, the twins are happy to make new memories and rekindle the brotherly bond they had lost.
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loosesodamarble · 2 years
Speaking of Nacht and analyzing, and rambling about blorbos: did anyone ever give you an excuse to ramble about Nacht? If not, I'd like do *dare* you to answer 1 & 10 from the "an excuse to ramble about my blorbo" question list ^^
Not until now...
So with your persmission...
(deep breath)
1. Why they are your favorite?
Nacht Faust is my favorite because he is complex and pathetic (affectionate).
I wasn't exactly a fan of the "holier than thou"-esque persona that put on during his initial introduction. But as he trained Asta and was leading the charge in the assault on Spade, I got used to him. Then when he and Jack were facing Dante only for the devil twins to show up, I started to get concerned because he was showing fear.
And then chapter 286 and 287 came out.
Those chapters were the end for me./j
Morgen with his pure goodness and his love for his brother was greatly endearing and earned a permanent place in my heart. But Nacht was the real star of the show (even though he's clearly better associated with the moon/lh).
He has a complicated history where he was the one doing bad things just because it suited his fancy. Not in a "I love being evil" way but a "this is what I want to do and I don't really care what people think" way. I love the reveal that he always loved and cared for Morgen and it was that love that compelled him to keep his distance rather than be close. Even though Nacht has a soft side, he doesn't show it easily. As much as I like to imagine Nacht showing gentleness to a loved one in a straightforward fashion, it's Nacht's aversion to closeness despite his care that compels me more.
Nacht's struggle with his own guilt and possible hope is interesting too. He says he wants to see good people get rewarded but that ideology leaves himself behind. Because he sees himself as bad, its perfectly okay for him to suffer. It's not true but as I said, Nacht is struggling.
And my character analysis of him isn't the be all, end all but I'm still really invested in the idea that Nacht has been trying to punish himself for causing Morgen's death with endless atonement and avoiding being forgiven. And the ultimate conclusion being an unconditional forgiveness/acceptance/love of Nacht that saves him is so beautiful. Nacht is a favorite character of mine because his story is about how punishment isn’t always what’s “right” and that the power of unconditional forgiveness and love heals.
Yes, Nacht was mean to the Bulls as a result of him projecting his self-destructive ideals outward and an apology is owed. Although I don't think we'll ever get a canon, explicit "I'm sorry" from Nacht to the Bulls because of...
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That. And the fact that canon time skipped.
So to anyone thinking Nacht is gonna “officially” apologize: don’t hold your breath. 😓
I tend to treat Nacht gently and go easy on him (no doubt to the confusion and/or annoyance of others) because that's what I believe his character arc requires.
I do love Nacht for other, less thoughtful reasons too. Don’t worry. 😅
Nacht is just plain handsome. I have a stupid weakness for fictional pretty men with long, silky hair. Nacht’s default outfit isn’t perfect but he makes it work (somehow). But his delinquent look… 😳👀 It was kind of the thing that got me going in the first place… like… that neckline… Also, Canis, Felis, and Gallus’ are looks! (Sorry Equus you just don’t have a sexy factor. 😅)
Also his voice in the anime (Japanese and English)! Sweet mercy when I first heard Nacht I was… a mess.
His magic is cool too. He’s got some cool abilities and there’s potential in his magic that’s displayed in canon and that I’ve personally experimented with.
Finally, the devils. Nacht having the cute little devils as companions is just so precious. 🥺💖
10. Free space (a chance to answer a question of your own, or to just ramble)
I'm dragging Yonzeu back into my talking about Nacht because-
Kenshi Yonezu! Please, just write a song for Black Clover because you're so, unintentionally good at it! Especially for Nacht!
Anyways, the songs...
So there are songs that I think apply to Nacht alone. Those are: Poppin' Apathy, Loser, and Flying Swallow.
Then there are songs that I think capture Nacht's feelings towards Morgen: Campanella, Kind Person, and Sorry
Finally, some songs for Nacht and Yami's relationship: Gray and Blue, Neon Sign, and Stray Sheep.
I won’t dissect the songs in this post. But maybe in the future. Another day. 😏
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loosesodamarble · 3 years
Hey Erikaaaa🥺💕
Can I request a scenario or HCs where the reader calls Julius and Nacht pretty?(separately absbsbsb) thank you🥰💕💕💕
Hiya, @simpingforthisonedeer! And you certainly can make that request! I'll be doing this as headcanons because if I wrote whole scenarios, we'd be here all day./hj
Also, so so so sorry for the wait. This was a long time coming. I really don't know why my writing brain struggled with this. I really hope you like it!
Telling Julius he's pretty
I imagine such a comment would happen while you and Julius are cuddling in bed together, everything quiet except the sound of you two breathing.
You catch him off guard with the whispered compliment.
At first, Julius would ask you if you meant to call him "handsome" instead.
You sweetly tell him that you do mean "pretty" when you call him such.
Yes, Julius is very, extremely, enviously handsome.
But there are beautiful parts of him too, you'd point out.
There is beauty in the way he looks out for others, loves others.
In the way he carries himself. His charisma when he speaks to the public.
In the vivid violet hue of his eyes or his pearly, love-filled smile.
He is pretty, from his physical looks to his personality. And for that, you fell hopelessly in love with him.
Meanwhile, Julius would be losing his mind in the best way possible.
I think because Julius is in the public eye so much, he has a greater appreciation of small, one-on-one interactions.
Sure he gets praised on the daily for being the Wizard King but this is different.
Your complimentary words are yours alone. And they're for him alone.
That fact alone makes his heart soar.
Julius wouldn't try to hide this. He'd be blushing and grinning as wide as his face allows.
He'd be stuck between telling you "keep going" because he loves hearing you gush and "no stop" because he's getting overwhelmed.
He ends mashing them together as "no go, keep stopping" without noticing at all.
Telling Nacht he's pretty
You were lounging on one of the couches in the base while Nacht was walking by with a stack of paperwork in hand (finally taking the job from Finral/hj).
And then, without any prompting, you call him pretty.
Cue Nacht stumbling over his own feet and faceplanting on the floor. Not the reaction one would expect.
Nacht has a strained relationship with his own appearance, to put it mildly.
He shudders at the memory of the "bad boy" looks he used to revel in because of how it was connected to his evil deeds.
I think that a part of Nacht finds comfort in looking like Morgen but another part feels guilty for looking like him, a bad person masquerading as a good one.
His response to being called "pretty" would probably be along the lines of "it's only because I'm Morgen's twin."
You would have to stop him before he self-loathes any more.
There is no denying that Nacht is a gorgeous man. But it's more than just his looks.
To you, there is nothing more beautiful than someone who tries their best and strives to better themselves. And that's who Nacht is.
His good deeds are real and not just him making up for his bad deeds.
And even if Nacht is Morgen's twin, there are differences in their looks that you noticed back in the day.
Nacht's eyes are a little sharper. His lips tend to quirk up more on the right while Morgen's smile was even. You could offer to go on but Nacht is already red to his ears.
You would tell Nacht to take pride in his appearance. Although he's an identical twin, he is still his own person.
Nacht thanks you for your kind words, mentioning that they make him fall for you all over again.
As Nacht walks away, you comment "Don't worry about your old look. I thought it was pretty hot."
Cue a second faceplant.
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loosesodamarble · 2 years
Nacsele Part 1: Headless Cuckoo
Headless Cuckoo (song)
The start of the Nacsele love story begins with “Headless Cuckoo.” On its own, the song is about how love is a difficult feeling that some might not even bother dealing with but that it might be worthwhile to put your heart out there because other people have their own hearts too. For Nacht, this song is about him realizing his feelings for Josele and the anxieties that come up as well. The song is upbeat but it also has elements of dissonance and cacophonous sound which suits Nacht’s chaotic feelings upon having his love epiphany.
Come, come, come, shall we dance? In a hurry, our legs tangle, Resulting in a noisy sound;
Everyone's hearts are heavy, Filled with things they'll never forget
Here, Nacht is his usual self, playing around and raising a little hell for the fun of it. He’s asking Josele to dance with him, to laugh and have fun as they always have been. Nacht wants to pretend that things aren’t changing, like he doesn’t have a care in the world. However, deep down, he cares and his heart is burdened with feelings that aren’t going away anytime soon.
Hey, hey, you, where's your head?
Hey, hey, you, where are your feelings? Show me you can cry, show me you can laugh!
Nacht is talking to himself in this section. Asking himself what he is thinking, falling in love with Josele. He’s wondering why he’s such a fool to fall for his friend who he thinks is too good for him. And he even questions his own feelings, if he really has them.
To want to be loved only makes you sad, So I don't even want to be looked at, But I'm much like you, looking for words, Wanting to kindle a fire and talk…
I was born in an undoubtedly strange form, And though I don't have the means to do it… That I'm much like you, that I have a heart; It'd be nice to know that for sure…
For Nacht, wanting Josele to love him back is a sad thing because he doesn’t believe he deserves that. Instead of a “strange form,” Nacht was born with ominous Shadow Magic, has a troublesome attitude, and is a bad influence. There’s a lot about him that people disapprove of. So he would rather avoid his feelings and not let those feelings be “seen.” Nacht still spends time with Josele as friends, wanting that warmth and connection with her, even if it isn’t romantic in nature. And though it is unknown to Nacht, Josele is in a similar situation of realizing and figuring out her feelings.
With uncertain songs amassing, My voice can't help but tremble,
Ahh, ahh, when I open my mouth, it all turns to ash, All turned to frozen ash, never to be words at all Ahh, ahh, some days my head just falls right off, My little head just falling off, as if it wants to embarrass me…
Things really are a mess for Nacht in his heart. He can’t even fathom the words he would need to confess and be taken seriously. Nacht is overwhelmed by frustration with himself, feeling like a fool in love and not knowing how to express it. And that messes with his head even more. But even if his feelings are chaotic, he still has the heart to care for Josele.
I can't be so certain if I'm being loved, So I'd like it to be something tangible, But any way you see it, that's quite a lie; It couldn't ever be just one thing…
Of course I know that there's dirty air Hanging in the space between Any way you see it, I have a heart;
In all of Nacht’s confused feelings, he would also ask if Josele even loves him back. She’s straightforward and affectionate but that’s just how she is so it’s unclear. And like the lyrics say, it’s more than that. There’s the fact that their friendship is on the line if Josele doesn’t reciprocate Nacht’s feelings. And Morgen harboring feelings for Josele are another thing Nacht worries about. Doubt, fear, confusion. It all comes together and makes things too complicated for Nacht. What results is a “dirty air,” a tension of uncertainty between Nacht and Josele. It doesn’t affect their friendship, for now, but Nacht feels it.
I see the song as Nacht venting about how he can’t really confess to Josele but that he still cares about her. He might be a delinquent and he may hide his emotions away, but that doesn’t make his feelings worth any less. Nacht might disagree but that doesn’t stop him from loving Josele as much as he allows himself. This is going to be the most optimistic song for a while because after this, the pain of Nacht’s unrequited love only gets stronger.
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loosesodamarble · 2 years
Faustsele Part 3: orion
orion (music video)
The next Faustsele song is “orion” and this is where Josele’s feelings start turning romantic. There's a growing sense of intimacy in this song, although it can still be read platonically. There is also a dream-like quality to the instrumental component, capturing the light but fantastical feeling of falling in love.
Your fingers, your chest, your eyes; They're so radiant, some nights they dizzy me a little
This is Josele noting Morgen and Nacht’s features because she’s spent years holding their hands, being hugged to their chests, and staring into their eyes. She’s memorized everything about the twins. Now when she thinks about those simple but intimate moments, in relation to those body parts, she gets a little dizzy from her blooming feelings of love.
It suddenly came falling upon me, all too warm; I gulped down a rainbow-color star Like a popping spark, you firmly confounded me, And that taught me how I could walk again...
Josele’s revelation of her romantic feelings for Nacht and Morgen are sudden to her. But the feeling fills her with warmth and it’s beautiful like the image of “a rainbow-color star.” It’s confusing too, and she kind of has to relearn how she sees the twins in this new light. She happily accepts it all though. Things don’t actually change that much between Josele and the Fausts.
Even in my dreams, I'm not skilled, not in a good state "Don't worry about it" - the things I lamented, the things I cried over
Pulling on frayed sleeve threads, we tried making a constellation, With each other's fingers as stars It was terrible, nonsense, so we laughed together; As long as you were there with me, it's all fine...
This is how Josele is. She will have moments when she voices negativity but quickly pushes those thoughts away with hope. She is human and thus still has her insecurities. But she doesn’t hide that negativity. She still laments and cries but she doesn’t let herself stay worried about them. And if she’s not at her best, then she can improve. All the while, she is with the twins, able to easily laugh alongside them about silly things.
God, please, please - let me hear that voice, If only just for a second... So that we never have to part again, I want you and I, like this constellation... To be tied together...
This version of the chorus is a prayer from Josele. After years with the Fausts, Josele doesn’t want to let them go. She’s stubbornly devoted and in love with them. She wants to have that bond, hear their voices, hold their hands. For as long as possible. The connection between stars making constellations is intangible and in reality, the stars are far apart, but from the view on earth, they’re close together and can create something pretty. That’s kind of how Josele feels about the Fausts. Even though they live in separate classes and didn’t have a lot in common in the beginning, they did meet and bond. She did fall in love with them and it’s a thing of beauty to her.
Now, no matter what difficulties arise, I can still try to love... But too weakly linked, across the dawn, They simply watched... Those blue eyes...
Here we get Josele’s thoughts, that she believes hope and love can overcome whatever troubles she faces. It’s also there that we get a mention of blue eyes. The English translation that’s provided implies the blue eyes to be the ones watching something else but I looked at the Japanese and I read it more as the speaker of the song staring into blue eyes. Either way it works, considering Nacht and Morgen have blue eyes.
One of my favorite parts of “orion” is the star imagery. I associate Josele with stars so it makes it feel more appropriate for the song to be linked to her character. Josele is a star, once alone, now forming a constellation with two people she’s fallen in love with. I simply find the song to be dreamy and romantic, a perfect summary of Josele’s feelings.
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loosesodamarble · 2 years
11, 12, 20 Nacsele OTP 20, (You're not getting out of OC hell😏)
Hello, hello, my dear twin! Thank you for asking some questions.
But also! How dare? You're not going to help me out of my oc hell? I have so many that I don't know what to do with them!
Well, even if you abandon me in my time of need, I shall answer you questions!
11. How do they comfort each other?
Nacht comforts Josele by taking her mind off of whatever is stressing her at the moment. Perhaps he'll take her for a stroll. Playing with the devils is an option (since they seem to like being domesticated, weird little creatures). Josele will talk about what made her uncomfortable in time, but in the moment, she would want her mind elsewhere and Nacht is happy to help with that.
Josele comforts Nacht by bringing him into her arms and letting him make himself comfortable. She'll stroke his hair or rub his back if asked. Josele's warmth and a serene silence are the best de-stressors for Nacht. Eventually, Josele does ask Nacht to talk through whatever is troubling him. He's used to bottling up his feelings but it makes things worse. Josele knows that and won't allow it anymore.
12. What's an ideal evening for them?
Anything that involves the two of them being together.
Though to be a little more specific, they would sit on the roof of the Black Bulls base—or maybe House Faust if they ever get around to rebuilding it—and gaze at the night sky. The moon and stars shining in the darkness is such an enchanting and romantic sight for the two of them. They'd be wrapped in a blanket one of them brought with mugs of tea close by. They've been through so much pain. And spent so much time apart. A little peace and quiet where it's only them is ideal.
There might be some kissing. Which might lead to more. But for the time being, they're just on the roof.
20. What's their stance on having kids?
Josele would love to be a mother and raise children. She wants to have kids so she can shower them in love the way her parents did with her. And she wants multiple children, knowing that growing up an only child can be lonely when not with friends. Plus, she's pretty good with kids. However, she knows Nacht still has Issues(tm) to work through and might not be comfortable raising children. So she'll put her feelings aside for his sake.
Nacht doesn't want to be a father. He worries that any child of his would be cursed from birth because of his tainted soul. And if not cursed, he still fears treating them poorly, the way he did to Morgen. But Josele clearly wants children and she would have his back through the while thing. As long as he's not like his parents, it'll be fine. So Nacht decides he'll give Josele the children she desires.
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