#also dont be surprised if i revisit quinntrevor again (maybe in a different universe but) huh who said that
hischierlovebot · 5 months
▵ tell you soul and ϟ fucked up with a devilish mouth when Luke cannonballs in while they’re making out!! I’ve always wanted to know if they like end up hooking up again or if there are underlying feelings and they end up together??? - @/carouselstars (Annie ♥️)
Thank you so much!!
▵ pick a fic and I’ll tell you my favorite line
For Tell your soul just !!! This one required much hand holding to get posted so I'm glad you liked it!
Regarding my fave line, it's very hard ngl my favourite scene is the edelweiss one, for sure, but regarding lines... It's probably split between these two (under the cut in case any of you don't want spoilers!)
"He feels cracked open, split down the middle, gooey insides spilling between his fingers, and he doesn’t understand, how there aren’t more people making the world bloom around them, if this is what it feels like to kiss someone like Jesper, for whom Nico might give everything."
I don't really edit fics, what I get in the first complete pass is probably 90% of what you will find in the finished version, but scenes might get written and rewritten many times before I'm able to move onto the next one. Some lines stick with me through the process, though, and this was one of them for the ending. No matter how many times I wrote it, this was always what it was going to be reduced to, at its most basic, Nico so in love with Jesper he understands why his feelings were all over the place.
The other line is this one: "They are also the first flowers to appear on a pot, not grow all over the place, and that sticks with Nico, for some reason, has him thinking of what it’d take, for him to care after them."
It's not my best line, the most evocative one, not by a long shot, but I still think it's important, because all the other flowers were static, a reflection of Jesper's feelings at a given moment, and while Nico kept them and cherished them, this is the moment where he starts to think it's not an accident, and he starts to allow himself to think that he might be able to give back, because love can't survive on its own, not without care and nurturing. This is the moment he thinks "maybe this isn't just something that's happening to Jesper, and I too can do something about it"
I'm just honestly really fond of the balcony scene :')
ϟ tell me what moment/scene in [Fucked up with a devilish mouth] made you sicko in the window.jpg to read and i’ll tell you which scene made me feel that way to write
Writing Luke literally dousing them with cold water while they were making out was extremely fun to write, and the moments leading up to that, the teasing and the annoying each other was probably my fave part. It took me such a long time to get it right, or what it felt right, because that is probably one of the things that comes the least naturally to me, but i'm pretty satisfied with it!
And regarding your questions... Oh they absolutely do!
It is not immediate or easy, but they do sneak around at the house during the summer and it earns them some weird looks, Jack and Luke being both "could they...?" and "nah Quinn values his sanity" but it leaves them suspicious, Luke moreso because he remembers that moment at the beginning of the week, but he tries not to look at them too closely because that's /Quinn/, no thank you.
It doesn't go much further than that during the summer and Quinn expects it to be some kind of temporary insanity that took over them but that'll be seasonal at worst, except then Trevor keeps texting him during the season and sending him stupid pics and snaps that make Quinn blush and drop his phone in the plane the first time he receives one (Petey has a field day with this, makes it his life's mission to both see what is going on and tease Quinn mercilessly about it), and he makes plans for them to meet when they play each other and well. It ends up being seasonal, yes, but a season that lasts all year long and that stretches for an even longer amount of years
Luke is amused, Jack doesn't know if he's happy or disgusted (loving)
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