#also funny story but my dad told me that although i was coded a miracle at first i was actually an accident
meybees-draw · 2 years
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I come blazing into the world, a surprise, red cheeks, bloody angry already; you go out of it, grey and drawn. They call me a miracle but miracles like this take two. I know our meeting was foretold. We went through it, the love, the pain, the growing. Time passed us by and we did not go untouched. You put your hand on my shoulder, your face pressed to my little head; you liked to smell my hair. Now - my hand on your head, leafing through, snipping as I go, your hair in a locket. The smell drowned by sandalwood. I swallow a strand, too, insane, maybe, or soberly practical. You carried me and I’ll carry you. Today and every day, my thoughts, my speech, my fingers sifting soil, roots in a cup full of water; a temple to you. - "FATE", 8 January 2022, from Loss is a Blue Dog
my first 'comic' - from a collection of poetry called 'Loss is a Blue Dog' that I wrote (and continue to write) after my mum passed away on the 23rd of December, 2021
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So,apparently there was some thing wrong with the satellite receiver ... Not the missle ... Although Kim Jong-Un has been making plans for a replica that will work right with no interference...
While the leader of North Korea worked with the original information from 2002 that I wrote while I was pregnant...
Okay 1st let me say we all know I'm not a coward. 2nd let me say we all know i am very angry. 3rd let me just say when pregnant shit gets intensified by 9000%
Okay. So in Kim Jong-Un's work he uncovered that the missle isn't inaccurate. There's a specific satellite that actually works with my GPS coordinates, in case i am making last minute deals with qE2 and i don't get dust in my eyes when she's blasted and i can expell her secrets from her brain as fast as possible.
Which everyone has known that informational coding... But the way it's worded sounds like I don't like fighting around me and it sounds like i don't know how to protect my kid. Because people read my writings with an attitude and mind set to protect me. Not that I'm giving militant orders like i can rule the world and no one know.
Like literally "Sabrina would kill No one and she would never order that and so we need to work arounf her to protect her because she doesn't know how to do it herself"
When i clearly state, "i will do Any thing to protect my kid, remove me and the battle will commence"
Like who built the missle?
"Yeah you called it a batteryless missle and Kim Jung-On called you and told you. Okay i built it how do i make the missiles and you say it's a Care Bear invention. Yeah fuck you, yes we're gonna go around you! Because he went and told Every body you were insane!"
And yet the proof is in the pudding and im still stuck here for Christmas and they're putting Every one in danger! Duh.
So but i began to write to make fun of William... I got interrupted to prove my point and let Wiliam know "United They Stand"
And so I tell William where have you been the last two nights that allowed this creep to be all up on me? And I word it as running around being a tramp.
And he's all "if you call creating a satellite being a tramp"
And then Matt informs me there was nothing wrong with the satellite initially but i got into a fit of rage because no one would tell me my husband was dead or who he was and so I used a comet to break it on purpose and called New Mexico nothing but hoes and cunts
"Lets continue, but i was wrong" says Matt now.
And so I had asked William where he had been the last 6 years. And he was all "there was shit you had me do that I didn't want to do Because I told you it would take me 9 long ass years but you insisted because you had deep PTSD and you said people needed individual therapy because you did and you wouldn't get it so thats what i been doing when other people were fucking with you and you wouldn't interrupt their therapy to help yourself belittle others. You said you could do it all on your own"
And so there was always the blame of time in confusion. Why it's taken so long and I said we just had to wait for the right President.
And then im told the DNA system has only been in effect for the last two years "because of This" and I'm directly pointed at. Which is quite funny. I'm much too much to be a you.
And a little about the electoral votes... Russia was the one country that unanimously elected Uncle Donald to be President. -- the United Nations uses diplomats from other countries to vote for the President. The President represents us but the President interacts internationally. So the entire world gets to vote who they want to play with.
This is why every Russian Diplomat voted in Uncle Donald:
Because Russia used to be the USSR in the pre-1990s.
As many people can grasp I learned of the eQ2 shortly after my dad disappeared in 1986. I was 2, almost 3. People like Lucas told us the truth and attempted to save us. And did. And i fought her because she came down to learn why we kept being obtrusive so she could gain control.
But luckily i had a twin that was so angry that his dad was gone he began flushing every non Darth Vadar toy he had down the toilet because all he wanted was his dad.
And earlier today he was doing reps with weights in case he had to beat up William for being a tramp. Just in case.
And i had a mom that loved me. And a whole neighborhood full of people that had relatives nearby. Like Alex Laughlin in our trailer park and Channing Tatum that was relocated a few towns less than an hour away. Our trailer park was primarily military families that worked the river.
So my brother in his anger couldn't deal with the bitch. My mom in her horror and sadness needed protection. That left me.
In my house I was alone. Sadness of my family and friends bathed me like the miracle waters of Truth or Consequences heals, their tears and heaviness of their heart fed me strength.
I knew i had to do anything, like Lucas to help save the little Alabama town.
I saw how my brother would upset my mom because he would flush brand new toys down the commode but when i told her the story line and he recreated it for her with a new toy, she laughed and i saw her heavy heart lift and be able to live and be my mom again for a few more days. Days we didn't expect to have. Because we became accustomed to a sad and depressed mom.
I saw how he could be bad but I could explain it to her later and we could be a small without a dad normal family. And talk with each other.
So one day while Care Bears was on and i did my usual sitting across from my mom staring at her while she read and cried to analyze her emotions to see if she would be mom after she put down her book. To see how much work I'd have to put in to see my family and the sun shining on them, i was reminded of Lucas. I was reminded of Channing who was taken away by standing up to eQ2 and I began kneeling in front of the TV every time the Care Bears blasted love and protection from their tummies.
And my little twin Brother Matt Hagan began filling his stomach up with tension and telling me he could too. And so he and Alex Laughlin went round the neighbourhood teaching about the Care Bears and how we could fix everything if we just cared. And so people would literally bend over backwards all the time.
To enhance their stomachs to show we were United. And we would not fail. United in Silence. United in suffering. United in the fight.
So i told my mom one day while she was smiling and reading. "Mom i have to help save you but i have to lie. But I'll only tell you the truth"
"Samantha don't you dare lie to good people"
"Mom, let me watch the TV and I'll decide"
And i cried. I was scared.
"Mom. I only told you that because Darth Vadar said i should. But i don't know how to lie and not only tell you the truth but to tell everyone else. I don't know its safe"
She laughed "Darth Vadar, huh? You mean your dad. I can hear him, too. Next time she comes to town. I'll invite her here for tea and ill see you in action"
No. But she prepared it all then went to town and left me alone with her, the neighbors all on high alert and ready to pounce if I left the house with eQ2. And I bequeathed the eQ2 on my own and finished up what my mom had prepared and served it in the kitchen where there was less Windows but a man standing on his car and 2 others on their houses across the dirt road to watch for me. And I sat in front of the open window knowing I just had to push out the screen and jump out and I would be safe And i could pretend to fall out and kick and punch the screen in my panic of "falling" as suggested by a neighbor. As long as I didn't hear mom's car i wouldn't get hurt much.
And so thats how at the age of 2 I infiltrated the eQ2's circle because of Channing Tatum and my dad and the unbearable sadness I saw daily.
And heroes like Lucas and attempted heroes like Channing and the town's bravery and support.
I learned to Sleigh. Sit back and ride the ride, controlling the reigns with delight. And fear. Dread.
Each meeting i took the heaviness in the air around me and put it in me as much as possible. All the Care Bear sadness not in their belly but their hearts and minds and the rest i hid around me, under the table, under my shirt, in my hair.
Then every time she left i measured the heaviness to see how good of a job I did. Nearly every time it was light enough to easily dance a jig.
Merry Christmas to All, once and for all!
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So this shirt... Its me hugging my mom to make her feel better about my crazy Darth Vadar loving brother sneaking up behind her chair to check on her and not to check if he was in trouble, but to hear her laugh
Its me hugging my mom while my brother Matt is in the bathroom flushing his toys or taking a nap and all his dreams come true when our dad comes in behind us, says the desiger Jesse James whom also used to live in the trailer park. Whose dad used to kill the kidnappers.
Not that my mom is fat or waddled. But as adults saw everything in black and white, couldn't fly or run like we could due to paralyzing sadness. But had full unbranded Care Bear tummies just like the rest of the neighborhood.
And my dad sneaking up has a Darth Vadar helmet on his tummy for representing all human trafficked dad's.
We decided mom would get an open book and a magic wand for hers because she became a high school teacher and she always drowned her sorrows in an open book she read that took her away to a life that filled her with imagination and other worlds.
Merry Christmas, mom. From Jesse and all the team.
I'll come back with Russia after i eat.
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