#after we found out abt roe v wade
meybees-draw · 2 years
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I come blazing into the world, a surprise, red cheeks, bloody angry already; you go out of it, grey and drawn. They call me a miracle but miracles like this take two. I know our meeting was foretold. We went through it, the love, the pain, the growing. Time passed us by and we did not go untouched. You put your hand on my shoulder, your face pressed to my little head; you liked to smell my hair. Now - my hand on your head, leafing through, snipping as I go, your hair in a locket. The smell drowned by sandalwood. I swallow a strand, too, insane, maybe, or soberly practical. You carried me and I’ll carry you. Today and every day, my thoughts, my speech, my fingers sifting soil, roots in a cup full of water; a temple to you. - "FATE", 8 January 2022, from Loss is a Blue Dog
my first 'comic' - from a collection of poetry called 'Loss is a Blue Dog' that I wrote (and continue to write) after my mum passed away on the 23rd of December, 2021
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allisoooon · 2 years
idk how you feel abt it but i found the diego/lila interactions towards the end of the series to be a bit... sexist? and like, horrible timing with roe v wade (not to get political) and Diego constantly ignoring Lila in favour of "doing what's best for the baby" ...
I get that it's a wanted baby, and if it can survive it would be great, but like, it's 10 cm at BEST (she's 3 months in). you can make another one. you can't make another Lila if she dies in the kugelblitz, or killed by a guardian (which managed to find them where ever they were in the hotel, so a closet door prob wasnt gonna do that much).
and just the total disrespect Diego has towards her asserting her role in actually having that baby in her body for six more months. i don't doubt that he cares, but like, Lila being pregnant shouldn't mean he gets to dictate what risks she takes. plenty of pregnant people smoke or drink or take drugs but they can't be arrested for it bc it's their body their choice. if Lila wants to throw herself into a fight that determines the fate of her, the baby and the entire universe, then fucking let her. this isn't some moral debate, Diego doesn't look better for locking a pregnant woman in a cupboard, he looks worse! let her fight for her baby's survival!!
god and then she forgives him... when she was forcing him out of his machoism in s2 (thank god), now she's letting him get away with his bullshit again... lila got done so badly in the last few eps of s3.
and the writers clearly think that Diego's doing the right thing here. just no! don't frame that as a good thing! he's taking her agency away from her in a situation where the baby probably wont survive anyway. their choices were 1) stay and let the baby die in the kugelblitz (Diego VOTED for this), 2) go and fight the guardians and give the baby a CHANCE.
If we were meant to see Diego locking Lila in a closet as the right thing to do, she would have been punished for escaping the closet. Instead, she and Viktor killed a Guardian. How many Guardians did Diego kill? Same number as his team name: zero.
Diego was raised to be a hero. Heroes sacrifice themselves for their family. This show is all about subverting and deconstructing what it means to be a hero. If this was a show that was really about heroes, Diego would have died in heroic self-sacrifice after that. He didn't. He didn't even run into any trouble on his way to the lobby. Meanwhile, he left Lila locked up, vulnerable, without any powers to copy until Viktor happened by. So no, I really don't think the writers meant for him to be doing the right thing. On another show, yes, it would be framed that way, but not on this one.
He deserved that slap. But then she kissed him to let him know she knew what he meant to do. It's not that he thinks she's incapable because she's a woman or even because she's pregnant. To the contrary, last season, he was pissed when she left him vulnerable in a fight. Really, I think he is the one who is feeling vulnerable again, here. He failed to protect Stan (even though he couldn't, not from the kugelblitz) and he doesn't want to make the same mistake again. It's misguided, but I don't think he's trying to control Lila. I think he just feels helpless.
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