#also hadvar never showed up to the battle of whiterun and i never saw him again
stonerzelda · 2 years
did u guys know u can get kicked out of the dark brotherhood. litchrally like 13 yrs later i only just learned bc i was being polite and listening to veezara monologue abt what a good friend he is to me while the guests at the wedding of the dead bride i killed in front of him attacked us. He was so mad they were hurting him he just stopped fighting and blamed me and now i owe the assassin company $500
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twitchesandstitches · 5 years
Tamitayo and a new adventure:
(Happy Birthday!)
(It should be noted, that i don’t know EVERYTHING about your character, so i had to make some guesses along the way, also this takes place early game still, meaning that Tamitayo is still low level. (as i am/was writing this). While all the mods you have is still at play in this fic, some other mods that’s added are: ApachiiSkyHair, Better Cloth Enchanting, Apocalypse - Magic of Skyrim and a few others you might notice along the way maybe.)
(Hope you like the story! :D)
(Shuvika-Nebuki, Nakila Kaythees and Ciinia Ivywood belongs to me.)
The giant dark elf called “Tamitayo” wandered around like usual. The large curvy lady found a bandit camp, and alongside her housecarl Lydia, she decided to go raid it. Though when they went in, they discovered there was already a battle at play. A large werewolf with tusks and grey-greenish fur was attacking the bandits alongside what appeared to be a female vampire lord. Judging by the vampires appearance, traits and abilities, she must be from the Volkihar clan, and a powerful one at that.
When the werewolf and vampire had killed all the bandits, they looked at Tamitayo and Lydia. Mistaking them for bandits trying to hide or escape, the two attacked them.
Tamitayo may have been bigger than the tusked werewolf, but regular werewolves were known the be able to knock giants around, and this one was definitely no ordinary werewolf, and Tamitayo was more of a magic user then a direct fighter anyway. The best Tamitayo could do was to keep her distance from the werewolf and fire spells at it, either until the transformation wore off, or the beast itself was slain. She seemed to have to go for the last one, as the werewolf would just hurry over to one of the corpses and consume it’s heart both to heal and contain the form for longer, and matters did not get easier when it called forth 2 ice wolf spirits to aid it. It was at this point Tamitayo knew she was dealing with an alpha. She had to admit that even a regular werewolf was she not prepared for, neither in gear, perks or skill, but against an ALPHA werewolf with so many corpses laying around? She knew she was done for, unless hit with HUGE amount of luck all of a sudden.
Lydia wasn’t doing much better, while she had her situation a bit better under control, mostly due to having a bit more experience the Tamitayo, the female vampire lord was almost as powerful as the tusked werewolf. Just like how the werewolf had summons those wolves for aid, the female vampire lord summoned a gargoyle to aid her, along with some bats just for good measure.
It was then that Hadvar came in. He had been sent out to spy on the fortress, as General Tullies had plans on recapturing the fort the bandits were in for future operations. Hadvar was quick to notice the tusked werewolf and Tamitayo and quickly ran over, telling them to stop fighting. Which was a good thing, because the werewolf has Tamitayo overpowered and beaten, but seemed to listen to what Hadvar had to say.
The tusked werewolf removed itself from the giant dark elf and waited for an explanation.
“This lady helped me escape Helgen and she helped Riverwood by warning the jarl as well as dealing with a few issues here and there. She’s no bandit, even if she dresses like one.” Told Hadvar to the tusked werewolf, who looked at Tamitayo and back to Hadvar before reverting back to its original form.
The werewolf turned out to be a strong female orc warrior. While she was no taller than the average orc, you could tell by her muscles that she was stronger than most. She was blind on one eye, while the other was the usual red color that orc eyes tend to be. The orc lady had warpaint on her face that resembled that of a dragon. A few scars ran over her face, one of them right over her blind eye, indicating she had been blinded against a beast of some sort. She had long wild black hair that went down her back and some of it was hanging down from her shoulders.
The orc warrior was quick to re-equip her armor and weapons, which was made in the wolf armor style but instead of being made of steel it was made of orichalcum, and her weapon was a giant legendary deadric/dwemer hammer. Ones the armor came on, Tamitayo could recognize who she was; She was the harbinger of the companions, Shuvika-Nebuki!
“Oh my gosh! You’re the harbinger, Shuvika-Nebuki! I’ve heard so many tales about you!” Tamitayo almost squealed, almost losing her usually flirty and dominating personality and getting it replaced by a child-like excitement.
“Yes-yes, i’ve heard that one a lot.” Replied Shuvika, as she lifted her giant hammer, Volendrung, onto her shoulder. “Sorry for almost killing you back there. Thought you were a bandit.”
“It’s no problem, really. I’m just glad we got that cleared.” she said and gave her a shaky smile.
Shuvika shaked her head a bit. “Hadvar, tell Tullies that besides a few bodies that needs cleaning up, this fort is ready for him to take over. I need to take your friend here for a moment.” She said as she grabbed Tamitayo and dragged her along.
Tamitayo was a bit confused at first and asked “What are you doing?”
“You have great potential, and a friend of Hadvar is a friend of mine. But you still have a lot of catching up to do, and i’m gonna try and help you out with that. First, we’re going to Solitude and getting you some REAL clothes to keep you warm, because i don’t want you to freeze yourself half to death! You’re a dunmer, you’re people deal better with hot weathers not cold weathers.” She said as she continued onward.
Tamitayo whined a bit, she liked showing a bit of skin, but Shuvika was dead-set on this, so she just followed along, and who knows, it might be better then she thinks.
When they arrive at Solitude began Shuvika and walk towards one of the shops. Tamitayo looked around before following. “I have a feeling something happened here…”
“There has. Just a few days ago, a man was executed for helping Ulfric Stormcloak escape.” Told Shuvika in a rather calm voice.
Tamitayo was shocked by this and decided not to ask any further questions about that.
Shuvika made her order for the clothes, though they had to be made from the bottom up, due to Tamitayo’s big size. Both in height and girth. Shuvika told her to send it to Whiterun when they were done, and soon told Tamitayo to follow along as they now were headed for Whiterun. It was a rather strange feeling for Tamitayo to take order from this smaller person and being the “rookie” of them as well.
They jumped on the back of the carriage driver and it slowly began to roll along the road. Tamitayo looked first at Shuvika, then at Lydia then over to the vampire who had transformed alongside Shuvika Nebuki. It was just now she realized she never got her name or who she was.
“I never got your name. Mind i ask what it is?”
The vampire looked up, still having her face covered by the hood, as they were in the sunlight. “My name is Serana. As you can tell already, i’m a vampire. I’m still not entirely sure how long i was locked away though.” She said in a matter-of-fact tone.
The giant dunmer wanted to continue the talk, but then notices that Serana was staring at her, hungryly and licking her lips. She felt herself blush when she saw that. She was not used to be on the prey side of things, and it was now she realized how MUCH she needs to catch up. Sure to the ordinary people and bandits she’s top pred, but for experienced and more advanced people like Serana? There’s no chance there, or at least not yet.
Tamitayo tried to act like she didn’t notice the smaller woman’s “hint” and wanted to change the subject. “So, besides being the harbinger of the companions, what else do you do?”
Shuvika looked up and replied “I’m also a thane of Whiterun. My housecarl, Nakila Kaythees, is currently with Ciinia Ivywood to help her out. Cii’ is still very new to this whole adventuring, but she has a lot of fire despite her worries and fear. I didn’t wish to see her get hurt, so i asked my housecarl to travel with her.”
“You’re a thane of Whiterun too? How did you earn it?” Tamitayo asked excited.
“I went into Bleak Falls Barrow and retrieved the Dragonstone, and later i helped killing the dragon Mirmulnir and absorbed his soul. Turns out i’m the Dragonborn. It was then i was promoted as thane of Whiterun and got Nakila as my housecarl.” She said, rather happy with Tamitayo’s attitude and completely oblivious to Serana’s “teasings” of the giant dark elf.
The big elf was in awe of this, this was the type of badass adventure she could become with the right training or knowledge. The thought made her so happy. “The way i got my title was not nearly as epic. I mostly helped out his people, you know clearing out bandits, finding lost things, stuff like that.”
“Still a good job nonetheless.” Said Shuvika and gave the curvy dunmer a friendly clap.
They arrived at Whiterun. Tamitayo knew the city pretty well, not as well as Riverwood, but still pretty well. Shuvika and Serana began to walk up to Jorrvaskr to hang out with some pals and to wait for their order. Tamitayo and Lydia followed along, and on the way they saw Ysolda, a trade merchant who she had helped out quite a bit and gotten pretty good friends with. Ysolda helped Tamitayo a bit with her speechcraft and likes to teach her a few things from time to time, and Tamitayo has sometimes helped Ysolda travel around safely inside her gut.
Tamitayo also saw Carlotta Valentia, one of the most beautiful woman in Skyrim. She herself had to admit she had a little crush on the small nordic lady, or at least small compared to her massive size at least. She helped her out by dealing with an annoying bard at one point, as well as making sure she gets some rest every now and then, even if she had to eat her in order to do it. Not that she complained, Carlotta was as tasty as she was beautiful, which is why she’s surprised why so far she’s the only pred to have eaten her when she has such a heavenly taste, and she’s not a pred despite her strong attitude. She’s almost like a sea turtle; big, strong, beautiful and can give a nasty bite, but is still a prey.
They all finally arrived at Jorrvaskr, where Shuvika told Tamitayo to sit down and relax and basically just chill. Throughout the whole time they were waiting for their shipment to arrive, did Shuvika not notice, not even once, that both Aela The Huntress, Serana and Njada Stonearm was giving Tamitayo hungry looks and licking their lips which caused the giant dunmer lady to blush. On one hand she kinda liked this feeling, on the other hand she wanna be top pred “again” so to say, so she had to get up in level fast. Or at least in her mind she needs too. Ria was one of the few people who didn’t look at Tamitayo that way. Tamitayo could tell that Ria was a pred to, but a shy one that still had much to learn. It wouldn’t be to hard for the tall dunmer to eat the small cutie, but that’ll have to wait for now.
Shuvika went up to Dragonsreach to buy some magic tomes from Farengar Secret-Fire. She bought from different schools of magic so Tamitayo could get a “taste” of what type of magic she’d use. Some of the spells that she bought included: Perilous Path, Raise Wall, Magelight and Wither from alteration. Soul Cloak, Bound Sword and Conjure Familiar from Conjuration. Ice Spike, Fireball, Lightning Bold and Rift Bolt from Destruction. Clairvoyance, Calm and Curse of the Silent from Illusion. And finally Healing Hands, Steadfast Ward, Sun Fire, Bone Spirit, Circle of Strength and Lamb of Mara from Restoration.
Shuvika was still away when the shipment arrived. The clothes that had been made for Tamitayo was a pair of Boots and gloves made in the thalmor style, which was pretty fancy despite how big jerks those guys usually are. Seriously why does the baddies always get the cool stuff? As for her actual attire, it was one of those “fine clothes” which were yellow-greenish with a fur pelt around the shoulders and other decorations. Lastly there was a gold circlet with 3 emeralds in it. Tamitayo tried it on and had to admit they were pretty nice and warm and didn’t look half-bad either. Now she didn’t need to waste magicka on keeping herself warm. Though she was quick to put two-and-two together and could guess that Shuvika would like to enchant said clothes when she get back. And she would be proven right when that happened.
Shuvike soon returned, both with the tomes and some armor she had made for Tamitayo’s follower and housecarl, Lydia. It was all nordic armor, along with a nordic shield and bow. The enchantments that had been put on said armor included Fortify Block, Health, Archery, One-Handed and various resistances to different magics. The nordic bow and sword she gave Lydia was both enchanted with Fiery Soul Trap and Chaos Damage. Basically, Lydia got one heck of an upgrade from Shuvika. She really wanted to make sure the two of them got a good start so they didn’t ended up in a bad situation, or at least not one they’d have a chance to beat.
Tamitayo gave Shuvika her new clothes so they could be enchanted as well. It was not long before she returned with them. The enchantments they got were mostly focused on health and magicka and regen, since neither of them still wasn’t to sure what type of magic she’d end up preferring. Shuvika also handed Tamitayo a shield. It was a Chitin Shield, which was an light armor shield that was better than elven shields. The shield had Fortify Block and Health on it. Shuvika also handed her the books so she could learn the spells.
Tamitayo pointed out why she gave her both a ward spell and an actual shield. The ward was most effective against magic while the shield was best against physical attacks. So this way, when fighting either mages or dragons, she’d have a ward to protect herself with, while when fighting against creatures or people who used either melee weapons or bows, she had a real shield to protect herself with.
Honestly, Tamitayo was almost close to crying. This “tiny” orc lady, again only tiny compared to her, was being so protective and friendly towards her. She had to admit, she had been kinda lonely up until she started adventuring, and feeling so loved and protected by someone was something she hadn’t felt for a long time, if ever. She hugged the orc close into her belly as she muttered out a “Thank you so much.”
“No problem you big guff.” Said Shuvika and patted the tall dunmer on the side. “Now let’s get started on a few quests to start your training and to get your new gear tested!”
They all 4 went out and walked towards the gate, when they saw one of the guards talk to some strangers.
“Look, you’ve already been told you’re not allowed here. Turn around and go back the way you came.” Said the Whiterun Guard to the strangers.
“We’re causing no trouble. All we ask is to look for her.” said one of the strangers.
“I don’t care what you’re doing, after what happened you’re lucky i don’t toss you in jail. Now get lost.”
“We will be back. This is not over.”
One of the strangers walked up to Tamitayo. “You there. We are looking for someone in Whiterun, and will pay good money for information.”
“Who are you looking for?” Asked Tamitayo, curious as to why these guys were here and what this was about.
“A woman – a foreigner in these lands. Redguard, like us. She is likely not using her true name. We will pay for any information regarding her location. We are not welcome here in Whiterun, so we will be in Rorikstead if you learn anything.”
“Why are you looking for this person?”
“It’s none of your concern. All you need to know is that we’re paying for information. If that doesn’t interest you, feel free to walk away.”
Tamitayo simply nodded and looked at Shuvika. The orc lady had a smile on her face. “Looks like you got yourself a quest Tami’. I’m not much of a detective, so i’ll find something else to do. But i feel like this is something you and Lydia can pull off on your own. So see you later.” She said, waving farewell for now and walked off with Serana behind her. Tamitayo kinda liked the new nickname “Tami”.
Tamitayo was about to turn around to look for clues as to who this redguard woman was, when she heard the gates open again and a cute and slightly chubby wood elf walked in, alongside a tall naga.
Dispite their namesake, nagas looked nothing like either the lamias of Daggerfall or the Tsaesci of Akavir. Nagas were a sub-specie of argonians, who were usually 7-8 foot tall, walked on two legs like their smaller cousins and carried many similarities with them, but had a much more aquatic appearance with fins and webbed hand and feet, as well as whiskers on their snout.
The naga himself was 8 foot tall, dorned in heavy Orichalcum, argonian style armor from head to toe. He carried a large shield, the Shield of Ysgramor, as well as a large powerful mace, the Mace of Molag Bal. He had a scar on his throat, which seemed pretty old. The chubby wood elf lady was wearing a white dress with a big red robe around it, both fitting her body shape pretty well. She also wore some thick boots and gloves, and on her head she wore a beautiful flower crown. Her hair was thick and bushy and reached her shoulders, and her eyes were a beautiful purple. She wasn’t much taller than the regular wood elf, which in Tamitayo’s opinion just made her look more hug-able.
Tamitayo took a moment and was able to put two-and-two together and figure out that these two were Nakila Kaythees, Shuvika’s housecarl, and Ciinia Ivywood, Shuvika’s friend. How jarl Balgruuf the Greater was able to get a naga to work for him was a big question, then again him and Irileth had been all over Tamriel and seen many outlandish things, so picking up a naga who had left the inner regions of Black Marsh may not be so crazy of an idea.
Tamitayo walked up to the small wood elf, which caused the naga to give the dunmer a look that clearly showed he didn’t really trust her.
“You two are Nakila Kaythees and Ciinia Ivywood right? I’m a friend of Shuvika-Nebuki.” She said while greeting them. The nagas expression changed slightly, but it was clear he didn’t really trust her yet.
“O-oh. Y-yes, t-that’s u-us.” Spoke Ciinia shyly. God could that woman be any cuter, thought Tamitayo inside her head. “W-we c-came here for a-a quick rest.” She finished off, looking down into the ground, being pretty shy around the giant curvy dunmer in front of her.
“Nice to meet you, but i have a question. Do you guys know anything about some strangers looking for a redguard woman here in Whiterun?” She asked.
“A-actually, w-we do. W-while t-travelling, we s-saw some Alik'r warriors t-talk to a-a woman, thinking it w-was h-her, u-until one of t-them pointed o-out that she d-didn’t have t-the s-scar. S-so w-whoever they’re l-looking for h-has o-one scar, n-no more, n-no less. A-a g-good place to s-start l-looking would b-be T-the B-bannered Mare.” added Ciinia. Nakila simply nodded in agreement, he didn’t seem to be the type to talk much.
Tamitayo thanked them both and headed towards The Bannered Mare. When inside she took a moment to look around, until Lydia clapped her a bit on the side and pointed at one of the workers in the in. She was a redguard woman, and she so happened to have a single scar on her face. Was Saadia the one those alik'r warriors were looking for? Only one way to find out.
The tall dunmer walked over to Saadia, remembering the description she’s gotten, there could be no better candidate for the one the alik'r warriors was looking for. Just to be sure, she wasn’t going to throw accusations right away and play it simple.
“Yes? How can i help you?” asked Saadia when Tamitayo approached her.
“Did you know some alik'r warriors are looking for a redguard woman?” She asked the smaller woman quietly.
“Are you sure?” Saadia asked, now sounding a bit scared. “Oh no! They’ve found me? I need your help! Please, come with me. I need to speak to you privately.”
Tamitayo and Lydia followed Saadia behind the kitchen and up the stairs into a bedroom, where Saadia pulled out a knife. “So, are you working with them?? You think you can take me? You so much as touch me, you’re going to lose fingers. I mean it! I’ll… I’ll cut you in half! So the alik'r know where i am? What did they offer you? Gold? How many more of them are coming? Tell me!”
“Relax, i’m not going to hurt you.” The giant dunmer who dwarfed Saadia respounded looking at the elven knife the redguard woman was holding in her hand. Lydia had not yet pulled out her sword, but was ready to do so.
“Then i need your help and there isn’t anyone i can trust here in the city.” Saadia said seemingly more calm.
“Maybe. What do you want?” Asked Tamitayo with a shrug that made her chest give a little giggle.
“I am not the person the people of Whiterun think i am. My real name is Iman. I am a noble of House Suda in Hammerfell. The men who are looking for me, the alik'r, they are assassins in employ of Aldmeri Dominion. They wish to exchange my blood for gold. I need you to root them out and drive them away before they find me and drag me back to Hammerfell for an execution.” Saadia, now revealed to be Iman, explained to the dark elf.
“How am i supposed to get rid of them?” Tamitayo asked.
“They’re mercenaries, only in it for the money. They’re led by a man named Kematu. Get rid of him, and the rest will scatter. I don’t dare show my face, lest they recognize me, so you’ll have to find out where they are.”
“Any suggestions as to how i can find them?” Tamitayo asked in.
“I heard one of them was just arrested trying to sneak into the city. If he’s locked up in the jail, perhaps you can get it out of him. Please, i know i’m asking you to do something difficult, maybe even dangerous. I just don’t know who else I can trust.” Saadia said pleading with the dark elf woman.
Tamitayo stood there for a moment, before asking “Why haven’t you gone to the guards for help?”
“You think i’d be in hiding if this was something i trusted the town guards to handle? These men are ruthless. Cunning, deceitful… they’ll pay off whoever they can. I can’t trust anyone here in Whiterun. Guards and jarls can be bought. And the Alik'r are close; I’m running out of time, si i’m choosing to trust you.”
Tamitayo ones again stood there, she felt bad for Saadia, or Imen. Though she still felt there was more to it. “Why are the Alik'r after you?” She asked.
“I don’t know for sure. I spoke out against the Aldmeri Dominion publicly; I suspect that’s why these men were hired to hunt me down.” Saadia said with a certain note in her voice.
Tamitayo decided that was as much she could get right now, and she thought it was enough too. She and Lydia left Saadia and walked out of the Bannered Mare, and went up to Dragonsreach. From there, they went into the area where the jail was located. Sure enough, they found the Alik'r who had been arrested. Tamitayo walked towards the caged door and saw the Alik'r prisoner approach. “I need to find Kematu. Where is he hiding?” She asked the prisoner.
“You have a death with, then?” The prisoner shouted out in shock and surprise. “If you know that name, you must know to meet him would be to meet your end. But it seems we both have needs, friend. Perhaps we can help each other out.” He continued in a much more calm tone.
“What is it that you need?” Asked Tamitayo curiously.
“I have dishonored my brothers by being captured, and so they have left me here. My life with the Alik'r is over now, but i have no wish to die in this gods-forsaken land. If i can be released from prison, i may start over. See to that, and i’ll tell you what you want to know.” The prisoner said with hope in his voice.
“How much to pay your fine?” Asked Tamitayo.
“100 gold will secure my release. You can afford that, can’t you? I suppose you’d better hope you can, if you want the information. Get the money into the hands of one of these guards, and i’ll tell you what you want to know.” He said.
Tamitayo was about to go to one of the guards, when a thought crossed her mind. “Why did they leave you here?” She asked.
“Because o was clumsy enough to be captured. Kematu always says we’re supposed to be the best of the best. I wasn’t.” The prisoner replied, clearly disappointed in himself.
Tamitayo approached one of the guards in the jail room, and bowed down a bit so they were at the same eye level. “I want to pay that prisoner’s fine.” She said.
“Done. Convince him to stay out of the city while you’re at it.” Said the whiterun guard annoyed.
Tamitayo went back to the Alik'r prisoner. “Let’s talk about how we can help each other.” She said to him.
“You buy my way out of here, and i’ll tell you what you want to know.” He replied, waiting for a response.
“You’re fine’s been paid. Now tell me about Kematu.” Tamitayo replied to him.
“Very well. Kematu is west of Whiterun. It’s an unassuming little cave called Swindler’s Den. You realize if you set foot there, you’re never coming back out. They’ll kill you. But that’s your problem, not mine.” The prisoner said.
Tamitayo was satisfied with this information and left. She could hear some banter between the guard, who was being pretty sassy, and the Alik'r prisoner.
Tamitayo and Lydia then left Whiterun and headed west. They travelled over some hills and rivers, and encountered also a few wolves on the way.
When they were close to Swindler’s Den, Tamitayo saw some familiar faces. Four of them. Shuvika-Nebuki, Serana, Nakila Kaythees and Ciinia Ivywood were all present. Shuvika and Serana looked ready for action, Ciinia seemed pretty nervous and Nakila seemed like he just wanted it over and done with and then go back to bed.
“Hey guys! It’s been a while, good to see you!” Tamitayo shouted, as she approached the others. Shuvika gave a quick greeting with a smile, Ciinia just waved shyly at the giant dunmer, Serana gave a quick chuckle and waved as well and Nakila just gave a handshake and a sigh.
“Good to see you too Tami’” Said Shuvika, the orc woman looking ready for battle. “So how’s it going on your quest?”
“Well, i’m looking for someone named Kematu. He’s the leader of the Alik'r warrior and is after this cute woman named Saadia, or her real name is Imen. According to Imen, is the Alik'r mercenaries, hired by the Aldmeri Dominion to hunt her down because she spoke out against them openly. Their leader is someone named Kematu and i was told he resides in Swindler’s Den.” She explained and pointed towards Swindler’s Den.
Nakila’s expression changed to confusion, and so did Ciinia’s and Lydia’s. True Lydia was there, but she didn’t really bother to put the pieces together until she heard it a second time. Neither of them said anything yet though, they wanted to go a bit further first, maybe they could get some info from Kematu.
After a bit of talking, they all decided to go there together, apparently Shuvika had two objective here; finding a mammoth tusk for Ysolda back in Whiterun again, for business, and to also find some ancient technology for Sorine Jurard of the Dawngaurds, most likely to either upgrade their crossbows or make new types of ammunition for them. Ciinia was just there, because Shuvika thought it would be a good opportunity for her to get a bit of experience.
They all went towards Swindler’s Den, and there was a few bandits outside, who they overmanned easily. Tamitayo ate one of them, since she was a bit hungry and forgot to eat anything before she left. After that, they all sneaked inside Swindler’s Den, keeping it low to see and hear anything of notice. They all heard two bandits talk.
“I’m not sure I like these Alik'r warriors hiding out here. They seem like trouble.” One of the bandits said to the other.
“Keep it to yourself. They’re not paying us to talk. They’ll be gone as soon as they’ve found whoever they’re looking for. And we’ll have all the more coin.” The bandit thug simply replied and went back to what they were doing.
This definitely confirmed that the Alik'r was here, and that they were paying the bandits apparently.
Shuvika counted down and all at ones they charged in. Shuvika and Serana remained in their normal forms this time. Swindler’s Den was quite large with a lot of rooms, and a lot of bandits. Shuvika swung around Volendrung and smashed bandits, outlaws and thugs left and right, she also used the fire breath shout at one point. Serana mostly used her powerful magics to deal with the bandits, only using her elven knife when they got a bit to close. Nakila was similar to Shuvika, smashing the bandits to bloody bits with the Mace of Molag Bal, while blocking incoming arrows with the Shield of Ysgramor. Ciinia was much more careful, keeping herself either at a distance or out of sight, as she shot one ice spike after the other at the bandits, while also summoning a flame atronach. Lydia stood close to Tamitayo to help her out, and switched between using bow and arrow and using her shield and sword. Tamitayo herself, used the chitin shield Shuvika gave her to block incoming arrows and melee, while using various of her new spells against them, such as “wither” to reduce their movements and damage, “stoneflesh” to increase her own defences, “soul cloak” so that when the bandits die, one of her soul gems gets filled up, “circle of strenth” to steal the stamina from hostiles that steps inside of it and “lamb of Mara” to steal a bit of the health that her foe is losing. When it came to Tamitayo’s offensive spells, she used both ice spikes, lightning bolt, firebolt and rift bolt, with the latter not just damaging the opponent, but also teleport them a bit backwards to give her some more space and distance.
After defeating the last of the bandits, with the last three being eaten by Serana, Tamitayo and Lydia, they began searching for where the Alik'r were. They searched for a while, but couldn’t find them. It was then Tamitayo remembered the “clairvoyance” spell she had learned. She activated it, and a blue-like mist immediately emerged and made a trail, almost looking like a giant mystical snake. It lead down to a small passage half filled with water with a waterfall at the end. There was a hidden pathway behind the waterfall.
Ones everyone had regrouped, did they all walk through the water and through the waterfall. If the Alik'r was on the other side, they would already know they were there, either by all the sound and noise from before, or by Tamitayo’s clairvoyance spell. Soon they entered the secret room. They heard Kematu yell “Alik'r, hold!” and they saw that the Alik'r had readied themselves, but did not attack.
“You’ve proven your strength, warrior. Let’s avoid any more bloodshed. I think you and i have some things to talk about.” Kematu said in calm, collective tone as Tamitayo and the others approached. “Stay your hand, warrior!” He said ones they were close enough. “It’s no secret why you’re here and you have proven your skill in combat. Let us talk a moment, and no one else needs to die. I think we can all profit from the situation in which we find ourselves. My men will not attack you, if you lower your weapons.” He said in gentle, requesting tone.
Tamitayo and the others lowered their weapons as he requested. “Why are you after Saadia?” Tamitayo asked.
“She sold the city out to the Aldmeri Dominion. Were it not for her betrayal, Taneth could have held its ground in the war. The other noble houses discovered her betrayal and she fled. They want her brought back alive. The resistance against the dominion is alive and well in Hammerfell, and they want justice.” Kematu explained to them.
Tamitayo sat there for a moment. She had known Saadia for a while now, usually she’d sit by the redguard woman and tell her about her latest quest or something she did. To think she’d done this would break her heart if it was true. “I’ve been sent here to kill you.” She simply continued on, trying to ignore the feelings.
“Of course, sent by… what is it that she’s calling herself these days? Shazra? Saadia? One of those, correct? Did she appeal to your sense of honor? Your greed? A more… base need, perhaps? It doesn’t matter. No doubt she’s convinced you that she’s the victim. But, do you know why we pursue her?” He asked them, clearly meaning besides what he’s already told them, that was pretty clear in his voice.
“Saadia told me - you’re assassins.” Tamitayo continued.
“Assassins? No, nothing so crass. "Saadia”, as you know her, is wanted by the noble houses of Taneth for treason. We were hired to see her returned to Hammerfell for her crimes. You can help us with that, and make sure no one else gets hurt.“ Kematu said with a welcoming tone.
Nakila began to talk in a way, and Tamitayo could now understand why he wasn’t much of a talker, because he CAN’T actually talk. The only sounds he was able to make was chirping sounds similar to that of birds and hissing sounds like that of a lizard, snake or crocodile. The cut on his throat had damaged his ability to speak so long ago. Ciinia and Shuvika seemed to be able to understand what he was saying though, and Ciinia began to translate what he said to Tamitayo.
"Nakila s-says that K-kematu h-has the s-stronger a-agument. There’s p-plenty of h-holes in S-saadia’s s-story. People o-often times s-speaks o-out against t-the dominion, e-especially in H-hammerfell, b-but for the m-most p-parts they just i-ignore it, o-or s-send justicars t-to make t-them m-mysteriously d-dissappear.” She translated.
“Not to mention for a supposedly "ruthless Thalmor assassin”, Kematu’s not the one who pulled a dagger on you! Just remember how she claimed to not know of the Alik'r in Whiterun and then she tells you of the one in jail all of a sudden?“ Interrupted Lydia, which made Nakila slap her on the back of the head with his tail for interrupting. He continued to speak in his damaged animalistic language, and Ciinia translated.
"T-the r-redguards had a-a war with t-the Thalmor and n-no Redguard would e-ever s-support the Thalmor l-lest work f-for t-them. T-the T-thalmor have n-no i-influence in H-hammerfell a-as the R-redguards p-pushed them out d-during the w-war. I-it w-wouldn’t m-matter i-if s-she s-spoke out a-against the Thalmor b-because l-literally e-everyone in Hammerfell h-hates t-them a-already. A-also knowing t-the Thalmor, s-she w-would have b-been d-dead already i-if s-she was r-really being h-hunted by t-them, and c-considering t-that t-the Thalmor was c-constantly h-harrashed b-by the Alik'r d-during the war, i-i h-highly d-doubt that t-they would w-want to a-ask t-them of all people f-for help. K-kematu’s story m-makes m-more s-sense as w-well if y-you think about i-it.” Ciinia continued to translate for Nakila.
Tamitayo stood there for a moment. They were right, but it still hurt having to do this against Saadia, she had considered her a friend, but crime is still a crime, especially when it’s so big that it could change a war for the worst. “So, what do you wany me to do?” She asked Kematu.
“She trusts you, at least to some extent. She sent you after us, and has no reason to think that you’d do anything other than that. Convince her that we’ll be coming for her, and she needs to leave. Lead her to the stables outside Whiterun. We’ll be waiting to take her into custody. I’ll gladly share a portion of the bounty for your efforts in seeing proper justice done.” Kematu continued to explain to them.
“All right, i’ll do it.” Said Tamitayo with a bit of pain in her voice.
“Good. We’ll be waiting for you at the stables. It will be good to finally be able to return home.” Said Kematu happily, clearly he just wanted to go home by now.
Tamitayo and the others walked back out of the waterfall entrance. Shuvika just told Tamitayo and Lydia to go on ahead, as she still needed to find those schematics for Sorine Jurard and that mammoth tusk for Ysolda.
Shuvika, Lydia, Ciinia and Nakila all went back to Whiterun after a bit of walking. Tamitayo was still bothered of having to do this.
After a bit of travelling they reached the city. Shuvika halted for a moment and looked at Ciinia and Nakila. “I think i want to do this by myself.” She said in a sad tone.
The other two nodded and walked off. Tamitayo continued towards the Bannered Mare, and as she entered she walked upstairs and found Saadia waiting. She walked up to the redguard woman.
“Any news of the Alik'r?” Saadia asked worriedly.
“I was unable to defeat them all, and they’re coming for you.” Tamitayo lied to her.
“What? How? I thought they weren’t allowed within the city!” Saadia said shocked at the news.
“They’ve found a way in. We need to get you out of here.” Tamitayo continued to lie.
“But where will i go? I can’t keep running forever!” She said to Tamitayo and Lydia.
“There’s a horse waiting at the stables. I’ll make sure you’re safe.” Tamitayo said with a lie again.
“After all this, i have to pick up and leave again? If you really think this is the only way, i trust you. Let’s not waste any time.” Saadia said as she rose from the chair and prepared to head out for the stables. The word “trust” cut Tamitayo right in the heart, and made her feel bad for what she had to do.
Tamitayo and Lydia followed Saadia out of Whiterun and towards the stables. Here they were met face to face with Kematu and some of his Alik'r warriors.
“We meet at last, my dear lady.” Kematu said, with a voice like that of a hunter who’s happy that the hunt was FINALLY over.
“What is this? What have you done?” Saadia asked Tamitayo, who looked sad into the ground, but didn’t answer and was instead interrupted by Kematu saying “Of, come now. You didn’t really expect to manipulate people forever, did you? Your luck had to run out sometime.” before firing a paralyse spell on her, causing her to be stiff like a statue.
Tamitayo walked up to Kematu, and he looked up at the giant dunmer woman. “Now, we’ll take our friend here back to Hammerfell, where she wil pay the price of her treason.” he said.
Tamitayo looked down worried at Saadia and back at Kematu. “She won’t be harmed?” she asked.
“Not on the way back. Once she gets there, it’s not up to me to decide what’s done with her. And as for you, i owe you a portion of the reward, don’t i? Well, here you go. Spend it wisely, and if i may… Don’t allow yourself to be fooled by a pretty face. You’re better than that.” Kematu told her in a polite manner.
Tamitayo watched as the Alik'r left with Saadia. She felt bad and she was going to miss her a lot, but justice had to be done. She walked back into Whiterun and saw Ysolda. She had gotten quite a big belly, and Tamitayo walked up to the nord lady and asked “Who did you eat?”
Ysolda looked up at her giant dunmer friend. “Oh, Ciinia told Nakila to stay back in Breezehome to get the rest he deserves. Her plan was to go to the College of Winterhold so she could learn more about magic. She didn’t know the way so she asked me for help, and you know how persuasive i can be. Shuvika should be back in a bit, she’s on a little errand for me that i hope to get done before travelling to Winterhold with our friend here.” She explained to Tamitayo.
Soon enough was Shuvika and Serana back and walked up to Ysolda. “Here’s the mammoth tusk you wanted.” the orc said happily and handed it to her.
“Thank you Shuvika. Here’s a bit for your trouble.” She replied and handed Shuvika some gold.
Shuvika then looked at Tamitayo. “So what do you plan on doing now my big plump friend?” She asked.
“I’m not entirely sure which direction to go, though now that i think about it, i should maybe get better at using my magic.” The giant dunmer replied.
This gave Shuvika an idea. “Hey, why don’t you take with Ciinia to the College of Winterhold? That’s a place where you learn about different types of magic, how it works and all that” Shuvika suggested. “Just make sure you don’t make Urag gro-Shub mad. He’s the librarian of the Arcanaeum, and trust me, you will NOT win in a fight. Even the Archmage, Savos Aren is scared of making him mad, and even i could not take him on, and neither can Serana, so just for your own safety, don’t make that orc angry.” Shuvika suggested to keep her friend safe.
Tamitayo nodded, but has made up her mind. She was going. She looked at Ysolda. “Think you can take two more?” She asked the nord lady who simply nodded.
Ysolda may be tiny when compared to a giant like Tamitayo, but that didn’t stop her from swallowing both her and Lydia, ones that was all well and done, she began her travel to Winterhold with her passengers. They all said goodbye to Shuvika and Serana before they left.
Inside Ysolda’s belly had Ciinia and Tamitayo begun to talk about what they already knew about magic, and what they might want to wish to explore more of. Lydia just stood there and listened, didn’t say much. This helped taking Tamitayo’s mind off of Saadia.
After a bit of time, had Ysolda arrived at Winterhold. Here she let the three ladies out. “Thanks for travelling with the Ysolda caravan. Hope you had a good trip.” She said in a joking manner before waving goodbye and began to head home to Whiterun.
Tamitayo, Lydia and Ciinia began to walk into Winterhold, when they heard a roar in the distance, a dragon was nearby, and very close. It was actually going to attack the city.
Tamitayo, Lydia and Ciinia watched as the dragon attacked. The town guards grabbed their bows and weapons and began fighting back. Lydia found her bow as well, the one Shuvika had made for her, and began to shoot after the dragon. Ciinia summoned a flame atronach and began to fire spells after the dragon as well. Tamitayo summoned stoneflesh to increase her own endurance and began to use various of different spells, such as “wither” to lower the dragon’s movement and attack, when she was able to hit, “Raise Wall” to create a wall to help protect her allies that was to far away for her to use ward on, “Curse of the Silent” to drain the dragon’s magica when she was able to land a hit with it, “Lamb of Mara” to drain the dragon’s health, and “Circle of Strength” whenever the dragon landed to fight in melee. She switched between using her ranged magic for when the dragon was either flying or far away, to using her bound swords, where she dual-wielded them against the dragon.
The battle was fierce, and even with the guard’s help, the dragon would not go down easily. Eventually though, was the dragon so full of arrows and ice spikes, as well as overall damage by everything else, that it crash landed on the ground. It was angry, all it wanted, was to kill Tamitayo, so it charged directly towards her. She fired all the spells she could on that short while, before it fired a frost breath against her. She was able to block it with a ward in time, but it drained her a lot. Lydia and the guards arrived with bow and melee and helped out in the fight, and so did Ciinia and her flame atronach.
The dragon suddenly shouted “ZUN HAAL WIIK!”, and everyone that was hit by the dragon’s shout was ripped of their weapons, as the shout defied steel and metal. As if that wasn’t enough the dragon let out another shout, “FAAS RU MAAR!”, and everyone that was hit by it, felt terror like never before.
Tamitayo was now alone with this dragon, it was clear that it was a quite powerful one. And it wanted her dead. She tried to fight back, but it charged at her, and while she was good with her bound weapons, the dragon was to powerful for the tall dunmer to handle alone, and even with allies it was still difficult.
The dragon threw her into a building, and now he let yet out another shout. “MUL QAH DIIV!” As the dragon said this shout, it’s entire body was covered in some sort of ethereal armor, and Tamitayo could feel its power increase. The dragon had gotten a 25% increase it’s attacks, a 125% increase to it’s defence and endurance, a 25% increase for fire resistance and frost resistance, it’s shouts becoming more powerful and a 20% decrease in shout recharge time.
Tamitayo had to admit, there was no way, even in the dragon’s wounded stage, that she would win this fight, and she doubted she could even if it hadn’t used this specific shout. A howl could suddenly be heard, and Tamitayo looked out to the side, and saw a grey-greenish werewolf with tusks howling into the sky, summoning other werewolves as well as frost spirits, and besides the werewolf was a vampire lord who had summoned bats and a gargoyle. The werewolves, ice wolf spirits, the vampire lord, the gargoyle and the bats all charged the dragon with violent fury, clawing and biting at it, while the vampire lord used it’s magic against it. Meanwhile Lydia, Ciinia and the guards have managed to free themselves from the shout that filled them with terror. They all looked on as the werewolves attacked. They decided to use long range tactics while the werewolves had the dragon distracted, they could kill them afterwards.
Tamitayo got to her feet, and summoned her own familiar spirit, and began to fight against the dragon as well. The battle was fierce, bloody and intense. It lasted for a long time. Soon the dragon has had enough and ones again focuses on Tamitayo and charges towards her, but she was saved by Nakila, how looked very angry that he never can catch a break. He smacked the dragon in the face with the Mace of Molag Bal. However the dragon was able to hit him to the side and into a building hard enough to make him covered in debris. Nakila looked at the situation. He took aim, and threw his mace in Tamitayo’s direction. She was able to grab it in time, lending a powerful blow on the dragon’s lower jaw. She grabbed the side of it’s head and swung herself up on top of the dragon and first hit it in the eye with the mace. By this point, the mul qah diiv shout had run out, and with one final strike she smashed the mace down into the dragon’s skull so hard, it hit the ground and bounced up into the air again.
She jumped down and looked as the dragon’s body collapsed. However, as the dragon drew its final breath, it began to glow, and a whirlwind of colour erupted from it as it’s body began to burn, and surged towards Tamitayo. Ones it was all over, she felt new power and knowledge inside of her, and everyone around her looked at her in amazement, and she knew what it meant, just like Shuvika-Nebuki, she too was a Dragonborn.
After the amazement was over, had the werewolves and the vampire mysteriously disappeared, and everyone had helped patching and healing those who got wounded. Tamitayo was still in shock and surprise. She was really the stuff of legend, just like Shuvika! She couldn’t believe it. She was both excited and scared for what this would mean for the future. Speaking of the future, Tamitayo and Ciinia looked up at the College of Winterhold. True, she didn’t know what the future had in store, but she knew where she would start, and that would be at the college, alongside her friends Ciinia, who was going to study with her. Lydia, her housecarl who had sworn to protect her and has grown quite close to her. Shuvika, while they’ll not be at the same place, she knew their paths would cross again, and she had a feeling it would be quite often. Nakila, the naga argonian who had sworn to protect both Shuvika and Ciinia, while grumpy, was he still a good friend. And finally Serana, while she hadn’t had much interaction with her as with the others, she still felt kinda close to her.
She didn’t know what the future hold, but so far, it seemed to have gotten a good and interesting start.
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ciathyzareposts · 5 years
Skyrim Day 095 – Regaining the Rift
27 Sun’s Dusk, 4E201 Solitude ~~~
After having been given the toothless title of ‘Praefect’ in the Imperial Legion I was told to walk nearly the length of Skyrim to an Imperial camp south of Ivarstead from Solitude. There was no possible way for me to walk from Solitude to Ivarstead in less than a day, so I simply walked out of Castle Dour and proceeded to Ivarstead without pause or rest as the sun began to sink. The inquisitive fauna of Skyrim become a great deal more inquisitive after the sun sets, forcing me to slay four bears, two sabre-cats, two giant spiders, and half a dozen wolves while on the road. The Dragons once again proved more elusive. Fortunately the constant threats to my life kept me awake and alert throughout the night and the sun rose to greet me as I arrived at Ivarstead early on 26 Sun’s Dusk. I walked through, needing nothing from the sleepy little town, and left the road for the forest at the crossroads leading to Whiterun and Riften. The Imperial camp lay directly south of the town, close to a Dwemer ruin of little note. I found the Legate poring over her maps, as usual, no doubt contemplating how to single-handedly end the war herself…which it feels I am doing anyway.
My orders were brief: Go to Riften, my second-least favorite city in Skyrim. Once in Riften I was to seek out the Jarl’s steward, Anuriel, whose “arrangement” with the local Thieves Guild has been made known to the Legion. I was to find evidence of this arrangement and use it to blackmail the steward in advantage to the Legion. To be fair, this was the first task I have received from the Legion that almost seems suited for my skills. I cannot see the average Legionnaire employing something akin subterfuge, least of all successfully. So as the camp settled into breakfast I left to rejoin the cobblestone road to Riften after walking all the way from Solitude very much aware that I would be walking from Riften to the camp at some point and eventually from the camp back to Solitude. Little wonder this civil war has been dragging on for so long.
My jaunt to Riften occupied much of the morning so I encountered less in the way of hostile creatures, though I was accosted by a self-proclaimed “Fire Grandmaster” who fell quickly to a dagger in the kidney. Less anyone who ever might read this think me a highwayman myself, the mage had a desiccated heart in his pack that certainly belonged to no animal. Late morning saw the road shrouded in the cold fog of Skyrim I have grown to detest, but considering my destination and purpose I suppose it is only fitting.
I spoke with the young son of the Jarl, a man named Saerlund, who groused to a Khajiit he had never met before that he was a prisoner of his own family. According to him he is the only one in his family with pro-Imperial views to the point that his mother, Jarl Laila Law-Giver, believes him to be magically cursed. Much of the court mage’s time has been spent either trying to find the curse or pretending to be working on it, or so Saerlund says. What a confusing mess. But my purpose at Riften was not to heal family ties. No one seemed to notice or care that a Khajiit had wandered into the palace, so I slipped behind a pillar, swallowed an Invisibility draught, and walked into the Jarl’s family’s quarters where I suspected the steward’s would also be. On a hunch I guessed the steward would be on the ground floor, the family above, and I was correct. To my amusement the evidence I needed was hiding in plain sight: a letter written in Black-Briar Meadery’s letterhead thanked Anuriel for her value in their “operation” and hoped the garment which accompanied the letter met to the steward’s satisfaction. As I said: it is foolish to expect subtlety in this land. A Khajiit would have used a competitor’s paper, not their own! I sneaked back into the hall and quietly approached Anuriel. She was oblivious to my presence until I slipped the note into her hand and suggested we talk about her business arrangements. She was not quite as stupid as her co-conspirators and whispered that I should follow her before turning around and starting back to her room. On my way I overhead one of the guards tell another guard that a Dragon had claimed another town, the village of Kynesgrove, but I could not stay long enough to learn when. I will have to make time to visit the area. Anuriel closed the door behind me as I entered, then turned around hissing that an attempt at extortion would only lead me to an executioner’s block. I placated her, saying that I came not in my own interests, but a larger power. She understood what I meant and professed no love for the Stormcloaks nor the Empire, pointing out that her arrangements with the local guild brought benefit to the Jarl and to Riften, though this could never be admitted. She suggested a token of goodwill on her part in the form of a shipment of coins and arms the Stormcloaks were scheduled to move to Windhelm in the next day or so. I felt this was a reasonable offer and agreed to leave her in peace in exchange for the shipment. I expected to be told where to find it, but she provided written orders acquired from a Stormcloak showing the route and inventory of the wagon. Reasonable indeed. With the orders in my pack my work in Riften was mercifully complete in a short amount of time. The weather, alas, had not changed.
My repeated trips along Lake Honrich seems to have thinned the wildlife a bit for the only delay I encountered en-route to the Imperial camp was a foolish Argonian bandit who thought my leather armor signified me as an easy mark and a bloodthirsty Nord in glass armor wielding a poorly maintained two-handed battle-ax. I made good time back to the camp, arriving just as the soldiers were having their dinner. The Legate was not eating, as this would require she pause from the constant contemplation of her map. She was pleased to hear of the shipment, having posted soldiers along the roads and known paths to Windhelm from beyond the province in suspicion of this thing. However, her command was broader than it was deep and she had too few soldiers to assault a guarded caravan without recalling the soldiers posted along other routes. There was no time for this, so I was ordered to proceed to the road between Riften and Windhelm in the hope that I would meet up with the scouts at Shor’s Watchtower, just north of the village of Shor’s Stone. So again I was off to Riften! This time though I skipped entering the town and instead walked around the walls to the northern road. I thought to pass through Fort Greenwall, but when I arrived in the evening I encountered a large patrol of Stormcloaks entering the fort they evidently claimed since I had last visited. Approaching the gates resulted in drawn weapons and threats, so rather than pointlessly slay them I elected to take a smaller foot-trail around the road, making the garrison a bit useless.
The scouts posted between Riften and Windhelm were led by my comrade-in-flames, Hadvar. Upon spying me coming down the road greeted me by asking if it was my mother or father who was the Dragon, a joke I am sure will never get old. He was pleased to see me, admitting that he was a bit nervous as this was his first command following a promotion after the battle at Whiterun. I was surprised, for his “command” was three other men, unless he was also coordinating scouts along other roads.
Apparently news of my coming had not preceded me and he asked what brought me to him. He laughed when I told him I was tracking a wagon of Stormcloak supplies, for he had been doing the same with a wagon guarded by several rebel soldiers. Hadvar was pleased to hear the wagon contained valuables, the capture of which would do very well for his career. Fortunately for Hadvar and his career the wagon had broken a wheel earlier in the day and Hadvar had been preparing to ambush it before I arrived. This was now still the plan, but with the addition of myself. The plan was simple: I was to take out the posted sentry, Hadvar and his men would creep up a small bluff overlooking the wagon, then I was to attack along the road, distracting the Stormcloaks from the Imperial arrows that would rain down upon them.
The plan went well. I eliminated the sentry with my dagger and charged into the camp, killing one surprised Stormcloak with my ax before the rest could rally against me. A few moments later arrows sped from the former sentry’s position, thudding into armor and bodies. Hadvar was extremely pleased at this bloodless (for his side) victory and asked that I return to the Legate with news of the successful capture. He and his men would stay with the supplies until reinforcements could be brought up with a new wagon. By then it was close to midnight, another night of no sleep at all for me. I suffered the walk back to the Legate, again, and was ambushed by a Dark Brotherhood assassin, again. I met the Legate in her tent and reported Hadvar’s success at which point she ordered me to meet more soldiers near Fort Greenwall where I had just been, twice, to take part in an Imperial assault. I am going to have a nap first.
source http://reposts.ciathyza.com/skyrim-day-095-regaining-the-rift/
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