#also hehe the word could for this is exactly 666
inhuman-obey-me · 9 months
Congratulations on a well deserved 4000+!
If you don't mind can I request 😴 with belphie+ Mc?
Thank you so much!! ;//u//;
"Don't you worry about your bad dreams, 'cause I'm not in them." - Belphegor/MC
content warning: psychological horror, blood, implied body horror
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It starts with a heavy pressure on your chest, as if some creature has crawled through the shadows to come and sit atop your heart. 
Then it spreads, an inky dread that slithers its way up to your throat and wraps itself around and around and around. And then it tightens.
Slowly. Suffocatingly. 
‘It’s horrible here, isn’t it?’
Another night, another cruel whisper in your head from a voice you don’t recognize. You can feel sharp claws sink into your flesh, and a haze takes over your mind. You try to fight it, but it only gets worse. 
‘Just open your eyes, you’ll see.’
And so you do, knowing what it is you will see. It’s been the same for the past two nights: a warped version of the House of Lamentation, blood seeping through cracks and running down the walls. A static seems to fill the air, further distorting anything you look at like some unsettling funhouse mirror. The room sways and rocks, but you try to step forward – only for your heel to be met with a loud crunch. With a gulp, you bring your gaze down to see what it is you stepped on.
It’s you. Whatever’s left of you, that is. 
‘You don’t belong here. It’s not safe.’
The voice gets louder, more insistent, more chilling. 
‘You should leave. Now.’
“The only one who should be leaving is you, Milalu.” 
In an instant, the haze dissipates and the horrors fade away to reveal a strange plane of clouds and stars, a comforting blanket of lavender and twilight embracing you. The scream that was stuck in your throat now turns into a near-sob of relief at the familiar voice. You turn to find him, and before a single thought can form you find yourself running straight into his arms. 
“Are you okay?” He asks softly, and you answer with a silent nod.
“Belphegoooor,” The raspy voice calls out, a dark cloud taking the rough shape of a demon before you. “We were just having some fun.”
“We? Do you really think I’m stupid?” Belphegor snarls, tightening his hold on you. “Did you think I wouldn’t notice? You, idiotically waltzing into a dream under my roof? Threatening my human?” 
“I wasn’t threatening.” Milalu answers, their ghostly hands coming up as if to push the accusation away. “I was merely trying to be…influential.” 
“Influential my ass.” Belphegor gives you a squeeze before releasing you, now stepping towards the other demon. “What, trying to scare them away so they leave? You really think you’re that good? That you have any power over them?” 
“All humans are influenceable. It would be a bad dream for me if they weren’t.” Milalu turns to look at you, their sharp eyes trying to pierce your soul, but Belphegor quickly grabs them by the neck and lifts them into the air.
“Oh, don’t you worry about your bad dreams,” he hisses with vitriol, his own demon form shifting into something more frightening as his tail thrashes to and fro. “Because I’m not in them – but maybe that should change.” 
He pauses, then, and looks to you, a gentle command leaving his lips. 
“Close your eyes.”
So you do, a garbled scream from Milalu quickly deafened by warm wind that swirls around you and returns you to the comfort of your bed.
When you awaken, you find Belphegor watching you with a mix of affection and frustration. 
“Why didn’t you tell me?”
“I…I thought it would stop, eventually.” You lower your gaze, embarrassed that he had to see you in such a state. He sighs, cupping your face with one hand.  
“I know you’re strong, but you shouldn’t let anyone mess with you like that.” He sighs, a thumb brushing your cheek. “If something like that ever happens again, you need to tell me right away. Promise me that, starlight.” 
“...Okay. I promise.” You nod, moving closer to him in the bed and placing a chaste kiss on his lips. 
“Thank you.”
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lululawrence · 9 months
Annual Writing Self-Evaluation 2023
Thank you for tagging me @allwaswell16! I am so happy every year that this (I believe) brainchild of @juliusschmidt's from 2016 still exists in various forms! hehe I apparently missed doing this in 2021 and 2022, and I was determined not to miss it again so here we go!
List of works published this year: My Other Half Was You Gemma's Dad (Could Use A Guy Like Me) Quite the Pickle Livin' In A Daydream (Gimme a Solution and) Watch Me Run With It You Are A Song Did You Know I Fit In A Dryer? Were You There On That Christmas Night? Team Gaelic FTW No Constraints Odds Are That We Will Probably Be... Damsel in Christmas Distress Snow In Love
Work you are most proud of (and why): Oof. This is always such a hard question to answer. Almost as hard as the next one, and the next one and the next one....... hah honestly though, I think... I'm honestly sincerely proud of most of my fics from this year simply because I got them written. I'll go more into that later, I'm sure, but maybe... I think maybe My Other Half Was You or Odds Are That We Will Probably Be... and for very different reasons. My Other Half Was You was written based on artwork by @moon-sun-thyme for @1dreversebang and the moment I saw her artwork I had these vague ideas coming to mind and I am quite proud with how I was able to bring them to life so closely resembling what I originally thought of when I saw the art. And for Odds Are, I wrote that for @1dtrickortreatfest so it had to be exactly 666 words and that's always a trick (heh), but in this case I had to completely world build and set up the situation and lead everyone to the conclusion within that word count while making it somewhat compelling... and I think I was able to manage it. I hope I was, anyway haha
Work you are least proud of (and why): lmaooooo usually this answer is really hard for me to answer, but this year it's not haha i have a few fics that I literally wrote to just remind myself that I could. That not everything has to be thought out and polished and pretty, sometimes it's just a matter of getting words on paper and putting them out into the world immediately, hoping for the best, and they absolutely served their purpose! I'm fond of them still, but that doesn't mean I'm proud of them necessarily haha So I would have to say Damsel in Christmas Distress (which I still love dearly, simply for how self indulgent that silly thing is for me haha) and Quite the Pickle. Again, my darling Stylinshaw fics getting the brunt of it here, but they did as they needed to for me. I'll maybe try to write them a longer, more polished fic with some thought behind it this year, as they clearly deserve.
A favorite excerpt of your writing: GAHHHH I hate this question every damn time! Okay, I don't know if this is my absolute favorite thing I wrote this year, BUT it immediately came to mind, and I do very much like it so, here's an excerpt from Gemma's Dad (Could Use A Guy Like Me). I just adore Harry being a fumbling idiot around a pretty boy hahaha Ever since he had dug up his garden, he preferred to start in the back where the job was a lot more complicated to work around and then move to the front, which was far easier.  Now, though, Harry was wondering if this was the right decision because Louis was also mowing his lawn. That wasn’t a problem, of course, except he was shirtless and that only defined for Harry the fact he really had grown up. Louis used to try to show off for the neighborhood by mowing any number of lawns shirtless in middle school and high school, but he had been a scrawny kid with little to no meat on his bones and Harry had thought it adorable back then. Now, on a sweltering day like it was, he was probably shirtless just to be as cool as possible as the sun beat down on him, and Harry’s vision wasn’t as good as it used to be, but he could still tell that Louis had filled out since going to college. He was still a thin man, but as he pushed the mower through the tall grass, Harry could see the muscles he clearly put effort into. Add to it the chest hair that was only growing darker as he continued to sweat and the smattering of tattoos he’d gotten since he turned eighteen and it was clear he had grown up. Harry couldn’t help it when the glint of the sun off Louis’ sweaty skin made him lick his lips without even thinking. Clearing his throat and thankful it was obvious Louis was too focused to notice Harry ogling him from his own yard, Harry pulled the starter and began to work on his own yard.
Share or describe a favorite review you received: I've got three that immediately came to mind, so excuse me while I mention all three as quickly as I can manage lol First was from @allwaswell16 for Gemma's Dad. I'd had a lot of difficulty with a someone reading motivations and meaning in the characters and story that I took a lot of care in ensuring were actually avoided as I wrote it. There were a lot of pitfalls I could have fallen into when writing the fic, but one person just kept asking over and over again for things I thought I had already done and my beta assured me I had sufficiently covered etc, but I still worried so when Anitra gave the review she did of it on her podcast, it literally made me cry a little bit lol Second was @londonfoginacup in response to (Gimme a Solution and) Watch Me Run With It when she commented "Ah so you really just tore your chest open and picked out your beating heart and handed it to me here, didn’t you" because... well I hadn't really considered it when I'd been writing the fic, but I guess I kind of did exactly that, yeah. haha And then lastly I want to thank @tommokat for their lovely comments on Snow In Love regarding the Michigan geography and freak lake effect snow that can be experienced there because I tried my very best to describe the absolute chaos that is that region in the wintertime and they basically affirmed that I had accurately captured it. Genuinely, the best gift I could have gotten haha
A time when writing was really, really hard: Excuse me while I laugh a bit hysterically until I cry alksdhglskfja The last year or two have been incredibly difficult for a whole host of reasons, but the ones that most affected my writing were my lingering (and seemingly unending) burnout combined with an absolute lack of time/energy available to write. There were so many times this year that I thought I wouldn't be able to do it or thought I'd have to pull out of various fests and just... cut down on things, but I kept pushing and kept trying and I did it. I'm so fucking proud of myself, honestly.
A scene or character you wrote that surprised you: Jordan North in Did You Know I Fit In A Dryer? Well, honestly, Louis in that fic too. And the entire premise of the fic. Really all of it surprised me lololol I never expected to write Jordan in a fic. Ever. hahahaa And as I've barely dabbled in a couple of weed candies is all, I certainly did not anticipate ever writing someone as THAT HIGH. sooooo...yeah just all of it hahaha
How did you grow as a writer this year: Psh. Bold of you to assume I've grown as a writer this year when I was merely doing what I could to survive haha if anything I kind of wonder if I went backwards in my writing abilities but who the fuck knows, really haha
How do you hope to grow next year: I just... I dunno man. I just kinda hope I'm in a better place this time next year so I'm just not so fucking tired all the time and so I have actual time to write, you know? lol continued good vibes are always welcome here, folks haha
Who was your greatest positive influence this year as a writer (could be another writer or beta or cheerleader or muse etc etc): Like... everyone. hah I'm getting a little emotional thinking of everyone who helped me keep going this year. but the greatest? probably @londonfoginacup again. She was the biggest influence in actually getting my Big Bang finished because I didn't want to disappoint her (even though?? I know I won't??? like.. anyway) haha and then I wrote like three fics for her/dedicated them to her just because... like. she keeps me going some days honestly so yeah. Emmu. You're the bestest always babes. Love you.
Anything from your real life show up in your writing this year: Listen, all I'm saying is in one of my fics it hits a little too close to home. Like I kind of wrote Harry's starting place... and kinda where he is for a lot of the fic... pretty much exactly how I was feeling, and still pretty much am, though for very different reasons. So it's maybe a little too much of my real life emotionally speaking in there yeah
Any new wisdom you can share with other writers: New? Not so much hahaha just don't give up!
Any new projects you're looking forward to starting (or finishing) in the new year: YES. I was just talking with @moon-sun-thyme this morning that I started the year by posting a fic based on her art, and I'm going out of this year focusing on the fic we will be collaborating on together for the @onedirectionbigbang hehe so I'm very very excited to get started on that one. It's a fic I've been wanting to write almost ever since I first heard the song Satellite, so I am READY to delve in and lose myself to it, honestly. In the whole... one night every week or two I have to write. hahaha Here's hoping I make the deadline haaaaa
Tag three writers whose answers you'd like to read: MAN I have no idea who has and hasn't done this yet! So maybeeeee @justanothershadeofblue, @hellolovers13, anddddd @quotefromthatshow and @louandhazaf if you haven't done it already and want to! And shh I know it’s four but who cares lolol
*All answers should be about fics posted in 2023
Past Years: 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 and 2020 | 2022(ish)
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swishandflickwit · 5 years
Lucifer — ghostin 1/1
Summary: In which Lucifer seeks solace in the darkness.
Ratings: Teens and up
Words: 666
Warnings: S4 spoilers based on the official trailer. No Deckerstar interactions. This is not happy. It’s Angst Galore. Eve/Lucifer.
AN: JUST GIVE ME THIS. I love Eve all ready so please just give me this lmao.
Also this was largely fueled by Ariana Grande's song ghostin backtracked with the sounds of rain trickling in. I highly encourage ya'll to lowkey play those in the background while you read this for maximum feels. Hehe.
Also on ff.net | AO3
Other writing
The Devil’s Lucky Number series: I | II | III | IV | V | VI | VII | VIII | IX | X | XI | XII | XIII | XIV | XV | XVI | [ XVII ]
There are many things Lucifer finds comfort in, merely once dusk descends heavy over the Heavens.
He couldn’t have said it better himself—it’s funny how things seem so much clearer in the dark.
She taught him that, after all.
Her… with her obsidian orbs and her ebony tresses spilling like ink down her back—him a slave to the sinful ministrations of her tongue, to how her fingers knew exactly how to play his flesh and make his blood sing, and how her deep, red lips would drip with wicked delights just as soon as they would deliver a punitive lashing. Yet he would be infinitely tempted by the ambrosia between her thighs and the haven her arms provided, however temporary.
Because Eve was always such a wild thing—a storm in the sea and just as ephemeral, always looking for the next adventure, always surefooted even in the chaos of her endless existence, and the lost thing that he was… well.
He never could resist her.
Of course, he was under no illusion that she was in love with him. Oh yes, how she whispered sweet nothings in his ear, how she touched him with all the affection he shamefully craved yet was too weak to resist, how she assuaged all that ugliness within him he longed to be accepted for, how she purred such pretty lies.
That was all they were though—lies. And most everyone knew how he felt about that.
Except they had an understanding, he and Eve. They’d had it then, and they had it now.
They did so enjoy pretending, see. If he could be the Devil and still be worthy of a love that was pure and true, then surely she could temper the restlessness in her soul—plant some roots and know what it was to stay?
(Was it really a lie if both parties knew the truth behind the charade? He hardly knew anymore. Bewitching him was all too effortless when Eve was around and she was so very good at blurring the lines)
“Could you accept who I truly am?” he had asked, the same question—a different recipient.
“You don’t have to change,” was her answer. “You’re all ready perfect.”
It was everything he yearned to hear, flawless in delivery, awe-inspiring in its execution—from her gentle caress when she cupped his face in her hands to the seduction of her eyes, depthless and tender and ebullient and how easy, too easy, it would be… to fall and fall and fall and never mind at all.
It should have been enough.
And he tried so very hard to lose himself, but her voice, her wretched sob—“I don’t know!”—made it impossible to drown.
“Tell me again,” he groaned as he tore Eve’s dress and palmed at her exquisite curves.
“You’re perfect,” she gasped just as dexterous digits sunk deep inside her. He dipped his tongue in her mouth and ravished her lips, till they were as ripe and swollen as the fruit the mortals all claimed to have been forbidden.
“Tell me you love me,” he cried as he buried sticky fingers into her untamed curls and sheathed himself within her warmth. “Tell me again.”
“I love you,” she moaned, eyes rolling to the back of her head as she quickly crested to her ecstasy. “You’re perfect.”
He took her in all the ways one could be taken that night, his face wet and body unsatisfied, only spilling himself when the moonlight shone across her eyes and for a moment, golden tendrils shimmered atop his sheets and a brilliant sapphire gaze stared back at him, a name that belonged to someone else wrenched gutturally from his throat.
“I’m sorry,” he bawled as she cradled him in the aftermath.
“How things seem so much clearer in the dark,” she breathed, tears clinging stubbornly to her lashes.
She was gone in the morning, but oh, how they had both wept—
The gloaming their solitary witness.
AN: Hey so I know a lot of fans are discouraged about the direction of the new season based on the trailer but I implore you to take heart that that was a little under two minutes of about ten hours of footage. Things might not be as they appeared. It seems like we still have to navigate rough waters before we get to the happy Deckerstar we all crave, but it's always darkest before dawn and it will all pay off beautifully once we get there. Just a little wait left. I for one am excited for the addition of Eve and what she will incite for Deckerstar. Have faith, Lucifam!
That being said, the Deckerstar Fluff Program that I am so known for will resume in the coming days. I think we could all use it, given the reception of that trailer lmao.
The Devil’s Lucky Number series: I | II | III | IV | V | VI | VII | VIII | IX | X | XI | XII | XIII | XIV | XV | XVI | [ XVII ]
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