#also hi I just finished the dlc today uwu
winter-sol · 1 year
still with you
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word count: 1,5k pairing: GN! reader / Leviathan contents: GN reader, SFW. angst and loneliness.
After MC time travels in Nightbringer, they find themselves longing for their loved one's presence and affection. But in the past, things are different, and their relationship with Leviathan is not the same.
Short angsty one-shot. uwu. also at ao3 here ♥
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For some reason, the walls of the corridor seem endless today. Your pace is slow, you’re not in a hurry since his invitation pointed at you to come exactly at 10:20 pm. You were ready to end your day and rest at Cocytus Hall, but apparently this new DLC for a game of his promised to be really good and he wanted to try it with a second player because “It’s not like I’m asking you to play with me, ok? I only need a partner. Though, not that kind of partner!”.
That was slightly nostalgic, but also oddly… disheartening. For him to be so ambiguous and nervous again.
That’s the way things are right now. May as well do something about it and not just keep him at arm length. You could never, not when you miss him so much, even if you see him every day.
“Hey! Another victory for me, LOL, you suck at this game, MC.”
“I- Ah! It’s not fair, you’ve played this one much more than I have!”
“Nope. No excuses, hehehe.”
Yes, you lost again, but not that you really care. You barely know this game, and to be honest, it’s not becoming one of your favorites. Leviathan is a pro at basically every game he lays a finger on, statistically speaking, yes, you were going to lose.
But to think you’d be able to play this game one day… In the present, as he told you once, it had been discontinued for a couple hundred years.
It’s hard to believe, but that’s the reality you had to accept.
The screen is passing some cutscenes recapitulating the fight both of your characters went through, the loud music turning into background noise as your attention has gone to the aquarium. It lacks a certain member. But so do many things in this room, in this house.
Most of them look the same, though. Turns out that the House of Lamentation and every room have looked the way you remember them since the beginning, with small adaptations of course. But you can’t decide if it’s better or worse, to see it all look the same but for everything to be that different.
“…in there… that kick… was not…”
Even that voice. It’s the same tone, the same color. It’s as soothing and pretty as ever. But it’s not his voice. It’s not… your Levi.
“… even there?... MC…”
Of course he is, and you know you’ll fall in love with him again (if you aren’t already), and with enough luck he may fall in love with you too. But it’s not the same…
“What? Ahh… Sorry, I got distracted. You were saying?”
“Oh. Don’t worry” A short pause, and he adds in a fast speech. “I’m not boring you, right?”
You haven’t heard that one in a while, since before you two were a thing. In the present, that is.
“No, of course not. Sorry, I’ve been kinda spaced out today.”
“Oh, s-sure! Uhmmm…” Another moment of silence, a bit more tense. “I’ll go grab some drinks! I think we finished the last can of soda. Uhm, I’ll be right back, stay here!”
Clearly uncomfortable, Leviathan stands and hurriedly leaves his room, leaving you there to wait for him.
Even this awkwardness… It’s been so long since Levi felt that way with you. You two had come a long way, from the demon who tried to kill you for losing a stupid quiz, to your friend, to your best friend, and to your lover.
And now, it’s like everything simply was taken away from you. And you can’t do anything about it, not for now. You can’t even confide in him; share the pain you’re going through like you used to with all your concerns and burdens in the present.
You can’t snuggle with him in his bathtub, closed space making you stay too close to each other while one of you rants about their day, about the council, the exams, the other brothers, about anything and everything.
You can’t hide beneath the covers of your bed when it’s too cold and text him to come with you, to spend the night with you so he can warm you up. To fall asleep in his arms, with the dim lights of the tree and the heat emanating from his body lulling you into your dreams.  Such a simple act, to cherish his company just because you can, just because you want to.
But now, you can only look at the bathtub you forced him to accommodate for you in the present, unable to even think about stepping a foot in it.
You can only look at the similar lights you’ve placed in your new room every night, looking for a sense of familiarity, before you cry yourself to sleep.
Suddenly overwhelmed, you close your eyes.
A strange wave of sadness makes its way into your brain and your heart.
Can you even take this? Deal with this for who knows how long?
How is he even doing in the present? Does he somehow know you’re in here? Or is he worried, anxious and depressed at your disappearance?
He always worries a bit too much, let his thoughts go to the darkest places, expecting the worst. If only there was a way to send him a message, to let him know you’re ok, that you’re right here by his side, even if it’s not the same, even if his past self has no idea who you actually are.
It’s such a lonely concept, to be in the same place as your loved ones, but for them to be unable to see you. You love all of them, in different ways, but you do. You long for those days where everything was lively and chaotic, and they were your family, and you were theirs.
You open your eyes before you let your thoughts consume you.
Right now, there’s nothing you can do but stay right there for them, right there where they need you, and hope you can be a positive presence for them again. For now, you can only confide in Solomon, and that gives some peace to your heart.
But still, if only…
As if on cue, Leviathan enters the room carrying a bunch of cans in his arms.
“Hey! I’m back. Oh? That’s still on the screen?” He points out at the same sequence repeating, clearly indicating you hadn’t touched the game since he left.
“Ah, yeah, well, since I don’t know the game at all, I didn’t want to press anything and mess it up.” You tell him that instead of saying something like ‘I’m so sad I forgot it was even there in the first place.’ He doesn’t need to know.
“Right. Don’t worry, I’ll press it. Here. Also, I brought these ones, do you like that flavor? I heard it’s popular in here.”
You honestly have no idea what flavor of soda that is, as it doesn’t exist anymore in the present. But you can’t tell the truth since you’re supposed to be a native demon.
“It’s ok, but I prefer that other one”.
“Sure! Take it!”
He seems fine now, not uncomfortable anymore so you hide your true feelings at the back of your heart and end up playing again with him.
You guess you can’t really complain, you’re right here by your beloved demon’s side, enjoying your time together. Hopefully, Leviathan will remember a that certain someone used to spend time with him in the past, and that he was never truly alone during such hard times.
You look at his face and you can notice how bright he looks. He’s enjoying his game, laughing, making jokes, trying to sound cocky but ending up teaching you a few tricks. This scene where both of you are sitting right here, in this place, it’s so familiar. It’s nice. He’s happy with you.
He’s still the same, so you shouldn’t be sad, right?
“That was so cool, you got really good at this, you know?”
“Meh, I guess it’s thanks to you. You gave me all those tips. Also, who wouldn’t get better with such a handsome and cool Player 1, right?”
“MC, shut up! Hahaha.”
He laughs and tries to hide his blushed expression at the flirty comment you just threw at him. After he notices you smiling as well, he circles his arms even tighter around you, pressing his head on your shoulder, and gives you a tender kiss on your cheek.
“MC… Don’t ever leave me, ok?”
That was slightly unexpected, but you notice a sweet warmth enveloping you at his honest words.
“Idiot. I’m not going anywhere. In fact, you’ll end up looking for ways to get rid of me.”
“-! No, don’t say that! I would never!”
You only smiled and kissed his lips, reassuring him you won’t leave, not if you can help it.
That was a conversation you two had one lazy afternoon, in the same place you are right now.
But he was behind you, holding you tight against his chest while you played some stupid game together. You were loved by him, not trying to get his trust and friendship all over again.
Turns out you didn’t keep your word. You weren't powerful enough.
What a joke of a sorcerer.
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likes and reblogs are greatly appreciated! ♥ also, if you want to talk and share your ideas feel free to hit the ask button ;)
thanks for reading ♥
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turffieldstadium · 4 years
Now that you're alive and the isle of armor DLC will be here soon, how about we get Piers, Raihan and Leon spending a day at the beach? Or perhaps meeting a Kubfu?
Me being alive is debatable at this point I'll be real
He hates the sun, he hates sand, he hates saltwater, and he hates swimming, so someone has to drag him to a beach cause he Will Not go of his own accord.
Sits his ass on a chair under a beach umbrella and doesn't move from that spot the entire time. He showed up, that's enough. No one told him he had to participate in Beach Activities.
He's equally likely to show up in an old man striped one-piece swimming outfit as he is to wear just a normal shirt and shorts.
When his pasty white ass sees sunlight for more than four minutes he gets a sunburn. He never tans.
Neutral towards Kubfu. He supposes it's cute but eh, not his vibe.
That being said he thinks the Tower of Darkness sounds like the coolest shit n he's kinda mad when he finds out it's just a Kubfu only zone.
After like ten minutes of getting selfies n photos of whoever he's with he remembers he loves the beach and that he's here to have fun.
He can and will pick Piers up bridal style to dump him in the ocean then spend 10 minutes trying not to die afterwards.
He likes to find a quiet spot away from the crowds of people to sit n just vibe for a while by himself. It's nice.
Dude definitely has fuckin. Dragon-type print boardshorts cause he's a dweeb.
Not having a Kubfu when Leon has one is like... violating some part of the rival code. He starts the trials purely to actually make it to a tower cause unlike Leon's dumb ass, Raihan won't get lost.
Probably goes for a Rapid-Strike Urshifu so he can utilise it with a Rain Dance team.
He's the dude who gets buried in the sand up to his neck and falls asleep until the tide starts rising.
Leon can't swim but by god he won't let that stop him. He has his own Squirtle-print arm floaties and an Inteleon inner tube.
He likes looking for shells n other goodies along the shore. This is how he accidentally befriends like Every wild Pokemon in the area too, since he can't resist trying to pat every one he sees.
Wears a regular singlet n shorts but he definitely like ties a beach towel around his shoulders to act like his cape.
Since it's canon Leon never finished the trials cause he got lost on the way to the towers, he still has a Kubfu!
She's his fuckin BABY but he doesn't battle with her often. Not for Champion battles at least. He usually leaves her at home with his mum.
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