#also hi big ball of anxiety at posting anything glad to see you're still there
sch4r4 · 3 years
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There is a strict ban on fire-starting implements in the gallery
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biussworld · 5 years
Iwudhwjskwkjs I loved your last post and I just exploded with uwus. If you don't mind me asking, Aizawa's daughter reacting to her dad getting beat up by the noumu? Sorry, you're writing is just GODLY
hello aaaa thank you uwu i'm glad you liked iiiitttt!!! i hope you like this next one qwq
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as a ua student you were excited the most about the trainings with all the pro heroes teaching in the academy
especially you get to train with your dad the entire time wHICH you think is ur advantage as someone who's been under his wing for their entire life
sO when you get to USJ for your first rescue training you were like :0000 because how is the facility soooo huge you could get lost playing hide and seek there :000 but also you were like ooo this amazing for my capture weapon training
you were prACTICALLY bouncing in your place clutching on your weapon while waiting for your dad and thirteen to finish talking
then sUDDENLY a black shadowy thing materialized at the center of the facility
as soon as those villains emerged from the shadow your dad went and flew to the center immediately!!!
when you saw him jump you almost ran after him if not for midoriya and iida stopping you
there'd been a debate on whether what you guys should do
you didnt even notice that the shadow man was already behind all of you!!! after bakugou and kirishima attacced the hecc out of the man you all were enveloped in a dark shadowy dome
next thing you know you're on the yacht with midoriya, tsu, and mineta
you felt panic rush through you as you assess the situation
you and your classmates are scattered around the facility
the only pro heroes around as of the moment are thirteen and eraserhead
thirteen is at the entrance with the rest of your classmates
eraserhead, your dad, is facing the villains alone in the center
ALONE!!! that had you sweating bullets and just plain !!! !!!
but that shouldnt be your problem now, right? you have villains right in front of you too, you have to fend for yourself too!!!!
you couldn't help worry, still
even after the four of you defeated the villains in the water, your mind was still occupied with thoughts of your dad fighting the villains and how you want to help him
which is why when midoriya said he wanted to help him, you were like "YES HELP HIM LET'S DO IT"
as you emerge from the water after sneaking around, he was already almost done with the villains, slamming one to the floor
and tHEN
this one guy with hands for a face charged at him and had the aUDACITY to dodge your dad's attacks >:((((
and it got you so worried you swore you were peeing in the water
but your dad didnt back down so he ELBOWED the man which made you feel really !!! :DDD THATS MY DADDDDD
the moment his hair fell back on his face, his elbow started,,, disintegrating,,,
you didnt even notice the man's hand on his elbow as it all went too fast. his elbow started cracking and crumpling and it made you sICK in the stomach. SICK.
still, even with his elbow practically decaying he still fought
you wanted to jump in so bad!!! because!!! that's your dad!!! the man who raised you!!! you hated!!! see him like this :(((( your chest felt like it could burst and you couldnt hear anything else around you
a huge humanoid specimen came out from behind aizawa
the creature smashed your dad's head into the concrete multiple times like one would do to a ragdoll
he was treating your dad like some squish toy and it's!!! making your blood boil and your stomach turn
and every sound it makes is making you feel nothing but worry, fear, anger, and anxiety fold upon fold upon fold
you didnt even feel your legs sprint towards the scene, your fist balled up and ready to throw a punch at the creature
you also didnt hear your classmates' and your dad's call for your name just when the creature had backhanded you across the plaza, right before you blacked out
the next thing you know you were in recovery girl's clinic as you only suffered a concussion and a few broken bones. nothing she couldn't fix, is what she called them
your dad, however, was sent to the hospital after sustaining rather,,, well,,, extreme injuries
you were told to go to school the next day
and so you did. your classmates weren't exactly avoiding you, just weren't tryna initiate a conversation which you thank them for because you wouldn't want to talk anyway
when the bell for homeroom, aka iida, sounded you were still zoning out
suddenly the whole class went !!! aizawa sensei?!?!?!?!!!!
and you were like ohhh aizawa- wAIT WHAT
you shot up from your seat and was ready to bolt towards him but he looked at you (even if he couldn't because he has bandages over his eyes) with a stare that said "sit down, we'll talk later"
right after his homeroom announcements he called you out to the hallway
as soon as you two were outside you immediately (but carefully) wrapped your arms around him and cRIED
you went "you had me so worried!!! i was right there when he was beating you up and i swear all i could hear at that moment was the sound of your head colliding with the ground and i felt so scared and anxious i thought i could lose you that moment ;(((((("
when you finished he did nothing but place his chin on top of your head and mumble "i know, little demon. it's part of my job as a hero"
"wELL you could be a hero and not get hurt by some big fat nasty looking creature ;(((("
all he could do was chuckle at your statement, reaching for you with what looks like an attempt to pat your head. "i had to be beaten up to protect you, little demon. it's not like you wouldn't do the same for me"
after ur dad recovered you were still on edge everytime he goes on patrol, when he comes home every night he sees you in your dining area waiting for him anxiously.
as soon as you see him, you come to him and check him for any injuries be it minor or not
and everytime he thinks to himself "man this little one's gonna age pretty fast if she keeps worrying"
but he's super thankful, he knows you're looking out for him
and you best believe he thinks you're going to be the greatest hero
definitely not biased
don't tell bakugou about that
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