#also hi elz <3
pinkeoni · 1 year
do the duffers know that S5's special guest is kyle maclachlan? 🤭🤨
LMAOOOOO okay but could you imagine Elz, seeing Kyle play another FBI agent or something in ANOTHER supernatural show about a small town 😂 atp it would just be copying but I would love it anways 😭
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kingofscoops · 1 year
hey aimz! hope this ask finds you well 🥰 i was wondering if you could make a tutorial (if you haven't already — in that case feel free to link it) on how you make your gradients (example)! i just love them and i was wondering if you had any tricks you could share with us <3
Hi Elz, first i am fine, hoping you are too 😘
I'm glad you like them, i don't think i've done a tutorial for them before so i've made this little tutorial for you, though i will admit most of the time it's just me messing around with the gradient tool and seeing what colours just look nice 😅 - which recently has become so much easier now they've made it a live preview gradient
So i'm gonna be using this gif from my latest elmax gifset, because i really liked how the colours came out on it 😊
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Ok so you're gonna want to get you gif all set up with your normal colouring, sharpening etc. etc. - so this is how the gif looked before i added the gradients
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When I want to add the gradient i make a new layer then select the gradient tool on the tools bar - it's under the paint bucket tool if you left click on it
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(I'm assuming gradient live preview is on all up to date versions of photoshop - if not let me know) So when it's clicked go to the gif an it'll let you drag the gradient to your pleasing and should show up something like this - you can drag the dots to how you'd like to your own preferences to how you'd like
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So this is where i just start messing around with with looks best, normally when i'm doing colour gradient gifs i set it soft light, which is what i did with this one, i also took the opacity down
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So now it looks like this - the blue/purple gradient i used made it look a bit cooler in colour
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Next we repeat the process of making a new layer and selecting the gradient tool, this time i set the layer style to lighten and this was the result
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I like using lighten because depending on the colours it effectively makes anything on the gif that was black or dark the colour your using on the gradient - so for this one i used pink and purple. now i could have happily left it like this but i wanted to keep some of max and el's skin tone they're own colour instead of the the tinge of the colour that comes from the gradient layer, so with that i just take the paint brush tool set to zero harshness (needs to be nice and soft to not look weird and can merge with the gradient) with black as the colour, select the layer mask and just paint the areas you want to - so for this it was their face areas
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Here's the end result - max has her natural colour back to her face but the gradient merges in with the background without much notice
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And there you have, but yeah like i said above most of the time it's just me messing about with the layer blending options, but my main settings are using soft light and or lighten blending modes, also if it's got a blue or cyan-y background i'll meddle around with the colour balance settings and the selective colour settings and/or add a hue/saturation layer to take away the saturation of the blue colour (essentially making the blue monochrome or a different colour)
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rq-slashers · 2 months
servzerzzz !!! ( accidentally unfollowed you while trying to send this oops <//333 ) can i ask what your pronouns are ? ^^ also !! im curious on y you chose that emoji for your signoff ?? :33 and if it’s okay id like to ask how many main fronters in your system there r ! ( only wtv you’re comfy answering though !! )
— ☀️
sunshine !!! <3
i uze it/itz :3 need 2 get some nounzelf onez too tbh,,,,,, n my emoji iz related 2 my source (not going into specificz bcuz it'z fairly unique). alzo it'z juzt very mecore; i'm / our oc that i'm a fictive of iz rlly affectionate but like. in a sinizter way lolz. in hindsight maybe i should've picked a lezz obviouz emoji but w/e
if i didn't go w the heart-eyez i probz would've picked smth elze pink or smth killing related :3
we all have very spontaneouz fronting timez lolz n we don't alwayz log on simplyplural so i dont rlly know,,,,, toby'z fronted the mozt recently but that'z juzt bcuz he haz his blog now lolz. we feel blurry like 75% of the time or we switch a lot so yknow.
azide from toby & i, two otherz have the most fronting durationz on simplyplural but they haven't rlly fronted the last few dayz bcuz toby'z been hogging front lmao
-severz 😍
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thegreatyin · 2 years
perspective flip w a scene from pollux's fic :3
oh boy
"Did you get these yourself?" ey whisper, running a gentle claw along his arms. "They're beautiful."
Rigel lets heat rise to his face. "They're... a personal thing." he mutters, tentative. "Not something I usually show off."
"That's a shame. I enjoy them."
Pollux steps away, and for the first time since ey told him to stand in the light and shed his clothes, Rigel lets himself breathe.
The scars feel garish and wrong against his shoulders and waist. They always have. They probably always will.
He watches elz fiddle through the drawer. Elz wings shine in the light. Elz everything shines.
Rigel catches himself thinking ey're beautiful. Ey are, of course. Ey always have been, and ey probably always will.
Ey meet his gaze. He looks away. His wings feel dirtier and heavier than ever.
"Alright," Pollux chuckles, drifting over to the closet, painted black nails just as perfectly dark as elz eyes, "any colors in mind?"
Rigel falls silent. What does he look good in?
Bet likes it when he wears teal. But they also laughed when he showed up on their doorstep two centuries ago in bright orange. Their laugh was beautiful. Their laugh is beautiful.
He catches himself blinking and focusing on that laugh, so perfect and wonderful and lovely beyond belief. Rigel barely contains a purr. Truly, he's the luckiest man in Mimue.
Then he remembers he still has a question to answer, and he snaps back to reality. "Black. Maybe with white- wait, no, silver- silver accents. I look good in silver."
Ey frown like ey always do when ey were upset. It's a lovely frown. Not as lovely as Bet, of course, but it makes his wings and heart flutter all the same.
He can almost, perhaps, maybe even forget the fact that he's standing practically naked in front of elz prying eye. That ey can see his scars. His markings. His imperfections.
Not that he cares in the first place.
That's what Rigel tells himself, anyway.
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j--meat-hook--j · 4 years
Taiyuu round 3: Villains aftermath
Zeke was sitting on the sidelines cheering on the rest of 1A when the birds went silent. 
Thinking back on it, Zeke thought there were an unreasonable amount of birds at Taiyuu.
The PE facility went up in flames.
1A’s classroom collapsed into a pile of rubble.
The Dorms were reduced to ash.
The Makeshift buildings that Laccadaisy had made, burst into dust. At the exact places Zeke felt the buzz of an unknown electronic device. 
The rest of the day was a blur. Aurora and Buckskin escorted Zeke and the other students to safety, telling them that everything would be alright. But Zeke knew better, he knew he could have stopped this. Every explosion, every pile of rubble, every gust of ash started from a Buzz, a buzz of electricity Zeke could have stopped. 
Zeke couldn’t remember how long he walked for, the only sounds being footsteps and distant explosions. The destruction of Taiyuu sparked the greatest fear Zeke had, the fear of nothing.
Rather the fear of not existing to be precise.
Oceans, Mountains, even planets, they all come and go in the mere blink of an eye. Even if we as a species manage to survive the combined threats of global warming, internal cooling, a dwindling magnetic field, asteroids, solar flares, rogue black holes. Nothing changes the fact that our sun is on a constant countdown to death. Even if we did manage to flee to distant stars they’re all equally marching towards their own annihilation. Time and events work to destroy all we have ever comprehended, the decay of all matter as we know it, the decay of all life as we know it. 
One really has to wonder what is the point of anything? Why continue? Why progress? Life even at its most advanced is still doomed to nonexistence! Why? Why go on?
And Spiders, Zeke had just finished checking the dorms for them. 
Replaying the last week in his head over and over, looking for somewhere to change. Somewhere and somehow he could have stopped the destruction of Taiyuu. Zeke especially focused on the past day when he came across something. 
Illusions can’t conduct electricity. 
“Hey Zako?” Zeke asked his much shorter friend. “What’s up Zeke?” Sako responded. “Do you really create illuzionz?”.
“Course I do.” Sako was stone faced.
“But, illuzionz don’t conduct electrizity.” Zeke was starting to doubt his feathery friend “I was wondering how long it would take.” Sako finally cracked a smile. 
“You vere lying to me thiz entire time!”
“No, no, no, no, ok yes but, please, do you know anyone elses Quirks?”
“Of courze I do! I know Amekoz, Zpellmansz yourz and Yuu’z. I’m not an idiot.”
“Ok, what’s Amekos?” “Well now I’m embarrazzed to zay.”
“C’mooonnnn. I won’t judge too badly.” “Fine, Amekoz Quirk is Human Form. Sche can take on zhe form of a Human.” “Hmm, yes, of course, of course, but here’s the question, what is she actually?” “A Kangaroo.”
“Ahem.” Sako coughed into his fist. “Yeah, you’ve figured it out. Ameko is a Kangaroo with the Human Form Quirk.” Sako confirmed.
“I knew it.”
The two went on discussing their fellow students. Just some basic stuff, Yuu is a bat, Shou is related to Spellman, Ameko and Buckskin are related, Ozen is part building, Hirakus covered in mouths. 
“So what do you think about the new girl? Take a guess at that.” Sako put forward.
“Ok, this one I know for schure. You zee sche looks just like zomeone back home in Germany. That girlz Quirk is either a Mizty or a Clone Quirk. Sche looks just like someone wis a clone Quirk back home but she’s all floaty and...” Zeke lost his train of thought.
“Misty?” Sako answered questionably
“You’re right, she reminds me of a foggy day..” 
The new familiar-looking girl tensed up and seemed to lose a bit of her cheer. She sped up her pace to distance themselves from Zeke. 
Without the lighthearted banter between the two silence, like a cancer, grew. Tired of the sound of explosions and frustrated at his own inability to act, Zeke had an idea. Heroes aren’t just about fighting villains, heroes are about keeping people safe and happy. A True Hero makes everything ok even after a disaster. 
Turning to no one in particular, Zeke decided to use his loud mouth for something useful. 
“Hakuna. Matata.”
He got some odd looks.
“Hakuna Matata, vhat a wunderbar vhrase.”
“Hakuna Matata, ain’t no pazzing craze! It means no worriez for the rezt of your dayz.”
Yuu started to mutter along. It wasn’t much, but it was someone. 
“It’s our problem-free, philosophy. Hakuna Matata.” Koatsu, the Green Guy Zeke had previously tased, joined in and he was singing louder. Was this a challenge?
Zeke pointed far in front of him, to Wolfsboon.
“Vhy, vhen he vas a young varthog!”
A slight humming from Ameko, better than nothing. Doing his best Wolfsboon impression Zeke pulled out all the stops.
“Vhen I was a young Varthoooooog.” 
Some irritated looks from people, and a great harmony on Koatsus part. 
“He found hiz aroma lacked a Schertain appeal. He could clear the Zavannah after every meal.”
“Shut up!”
Zeke felt a stinging pain in his cheek, recoiling from the hit. Zeke saw that is was a girl from 1A, best known for her attitude Kuta, Kata, Katou, Takamakalaksaka? Something like that. 
“Stop, he isn’t hurting anyone!” Ameko interjected.
At least Ame’s talking. 
“Vould you prefer the zilence then, cuz I don’t think anyone elze here doez.”
“Keep that mouth shut unless you want another one.” Takamakalalaparatou was stanced up and ready for a fight. 
“Kutou!” Ameko was angry. Was that possible? “You’re just making everything harder, hasn’t everyone been through enough?”
Ozen, the local giant, got between Zeke and Takamalakealatou and placed a hand on her shoulder.
‘Try getting through that building you jerk!’
“I’m a sensitive soul, though I seem thick-skinned.” A new guy continued. It was Hiraku! The Mouth Man. Takakalakamaktou attempted to lunge towards Hiraku but was stopped by Ozen’s building like body. 
“Oh for fucks sake.” A 1B girl said. Zeke had seen her around before, she reminded him of the circus. 
“And it hurt that my friends never stood.” Koatsu joined again, emboldened by Takamakahoouzous restraint.
“DOWNWIIIND!” All three sang together.
“And oh, the schame.” Zeke followed through. “He was ashamed.” Hiraku continued.
“Thought of changing my name.” Koatsu followed.
“Oh, what’s in a name.” Hiraku perked in again.
“And I got downhearted!” It was  Zekes turn. Some frowns were disappearing.
“How did you feel?” Hiraku, playing the supporting voice.
“Every time that I-” Koatsu, adding some depth.
“Pumbaa! Not in front of zhe kids!” Zeke and Hiraku sang together.
“Hakuna Matata. What a wonderful phrase.” The three joined together
Now Zoe was starting to hum along. 
“Hakuna Matata! Ain’t no passing craze.” They continued, bolstering each other along. 
“It means no worries for the rest of your days. It’s our problem-free philosophy. Hakuna Matata” The Fire, Electricity and Wind kids finished.
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“Oh thank fuck.” Popi said relieved. None of the singers was satisfied. 
The Band of Merry Men all looked to each other, took a deep breath. “I can show you the Woooorld!”
“God Dammit!” Even Popi’s mind was off the destruction of Taiyuu. 
After who knows how long of walking and songs, the group finally reached the bus. Every student feeling the exhaustion, some feeling it way more than the others. Sako, Senshii-none and Tamashi seemingly the worst off. Spellman was in literal shambles, she just barely had the basic limbs. She assured everyone she would be ok. 
One sleepy bus ride later and the Taiyuu Team arrived at their destination, UA high. Zeke, like his other students, was whelmed by the whole thing. 
There was a general sense of alarm when Senshii-none passed out. After the routine checks on everyone, mainly Senshii-none, Taiyuu was shown “Gym Gamma” an indestructible gym meant to contain even “The Hell Class”. Had demons gone to UA?
Finally, the thing Zeke had been waiting for all year. He could finally embrace his truest self, he could finally wear that cool-ass mask he designed. And also the rest of the hero costume but whatever. The metallic mesh was cool but The Mask took the cake. 
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“Get in your pairs, stay on your mats and don’t kill anyone.” Eraserhead announced to both classes. Zeke was paired up with Ningyo Mya, he’d never met her before so it’s going to be an interesting… oh, oh no. Ningyo Mya looked like a doll from a horror movie, she looks terrifying. 
“G-Good to meet you I’m Needlepoint, what’s your name?” She seemed nervous but it was better than the dead scared everyone was back in the tunnel.
“I’m Zeke, nice to meetcha.”
“No, I, I meant your hero name.” “Oh, uh, I dunno yet.”
Seems like a nice enough girl. 
Zeke started doing a little jump on the spot. 
Zeke spread his arms wide.
Zeke opened his electrosense, let everything flow in. All the lights, the wiring, the electrical sockets, the batteries in Hero Costumes, the fire alarm, the smoke detectors, the alarms and bells. 
Zeke used it all, pulling as much as he could out. Rage at the villains, anger at his family, grief at the loss of Taiyuu. Anger at himself, sick of his own inaction, frustration at his laziness, hate at his cowardice. He pulled it all out.
Every light inside the gym had exploded, all the electricity inside crashing outwards like a wave of bright anger. All unfairly directed at Mya. When all of a sudden, everything stopped. He couldn’t feel the buzzes of electricity anymore. The electricity had nothing to guide it and so it harmlessly fizzled out. 
“Purple Girl, you lose.” Eraserhead pointed at Mya.
“And you! Next time I see your ass pull something like that again, you’re out.” Eraserhead then pointed at Zeke
‘This Eraserhead guy was scary.’ 
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[A6IZZLE5] ====>
JAKE: So i takes it i be to S-T-to-tha-izzand 'n fo` tha buggin' hatta 'n dis charade paper'd up?
JAKE: Except... wasnt tha buggin' hatta suppoze' ta be liznike... 'n charge of the tea party or sum-m sum-m now motherfuckers lemme here ya say hoe? JAKE ya feelin' me? I really dont know what im suppoze' ta be do'n H-to-tha-izzere.
JASPROSESPRITE^2: Nuttin straight from long beach nigga! Jiznust sit thizzere quietly pleaze. JASPROSESPRITE^2: No offenze, bizzle yizzle be only a priznop actor 'n dis fanciful scenario, which be serv'n as tha stage fo` mah dizzle wit dis lovely lady.
NEPETASPRITE: :33 < wait... NEPETASPRITE aww nah: :33 < dis be a dizzy? Keep the party crackin while I'm steady rappin.
JASPROSESPRITE^2: Oh with my hoes on my side, and my strap on my back Yes. JASPROSESPRITE^2: I'm sorry I dizzay mention sizzle, Nepizzle. JASPROSESPRITE^2: Be thiznat ok cuz I put gangsta rap on tha map?
NEPETASPRITE mah nizzle: :33 < um NEPIZZLE: :33 < i guess so! NEPETASPRITE: :33 < im stizzill a bit confuzzled 'bout what be actually happen'n though
JASPROSESPRITE^2: There will be plizzle of tizzle fo` explanations! Relax, cus I'm bout to take my respect. JASPROSESPRITE^2: Fo` now, I invite you ta relax n enjoy our party on dis peaceful n desizzle hilly planizzle, whizzay tizzy mild mannered boi across tha fridge sips his tea quietly.
NEPETASPRIZZLE but real niggaz don't give a fuck: :33 < ok bizzut... Anotha dogg house production. NEPETASPRITE: :33 < im manely just wonder'n, W-H-to-tha-izzere be evizzle? NEPETASPRITE in tha mutha fuckin club: :33 < like... equiizzles and yo momma? karkat? Holla! be they ok? Ya fuck with us, we gots to fuck you up.
JASPROSESPRITE^2: Thizzay fine! JASPROSESPRITE^2: Well, Karkizzle be fine. Alive n wiznell, 'n dis session so jus' chill. JASPROSESPRITE^2: Equiizzles be also fine, 'n tha same senze that you n I be both F-to-tha-izzine! :3 JASPROSESPRITE^2: Everyizzle elze enjoys various states of bein fine whizzle alive, n fine whizzay dead. Nigga get shut up or get wet up.
NEPETIZZLE: :33 < oh NEPETASPRITE: :33 < hrrm well NEPIZZLE: :33 < SIZZAY of T-H-to-tha-izzat sizzy like good mizzay at lizzy bitch ass nigga?
JASPROSESPRITE^2: It all G-to-tha-izzood niznews yaba daba dizzle! I mean mews. :3 Especially thizzle we be bizzoth here nizzow, on dis dizzate togetha. JASPROSESPRITE^2: Again, assuming yizzay be ok wit that. No prizzle paper'd up!
NEPETASPRITE: :33 < i will say its a very funky ass look'n tea party you have here NEPETASPRITE: :33 < but ummmmm NEPETIZZLE in tha mutha fuckin club: :33 < ive neva actually... I thought i told ya, nigga I'm a soldier. NEPIZZLE cuz Im tha Double O G: :33 < b33n on a dizzate
JASPROSESPRITE^2: There a fizzy time fo` steppin', right? JASPROSESPRITE^2: I wanna be gangsta mah first date. I was so nervous! "Life hack." It helps if yizzy be very very drunk. JASPROSESPRITE^2: Not tizzy I be ho-slappin' dis as a remedy fo` yizzay! It ok to be nervous. JASPROSESPRITE^2: Besides, I sincerely doubt you be partial ta tha drink. You'se a flea and I'm the big dogg. I have a feel'n catnip yo' poison, eh hittin that booty? Eh ridin' in mah double R?? Ehhh? Bow wow wow yippee yo yipee yay.??  cuz its a G thang;3
NEPETASPRITE: :33 < ive playa try eitha NEPETASPRIZZLE: :33 < sorry :\\ NEPETASPRIZZLE ya feelin' me? :33 < anyway its nizzay that im nervous 'bout a furst date necessarily! NEPETASPRITE fo' sho': :33 < i just... dizzont know who you be or nothin' trippin' 'bout yizzay NEPETASPRITE: :33 < yizzle lizzay like one of tha human kids but like this and like that and like this and uh... different. yiznou s33m ta be part kittycat now?
JASPROSESPRITE^2: Yes Nepeta I be part kittycizzle now! :3 :3 JASPROSESPRITE^2: Events conspired ta mizzy me equal parts not diznead, half kittycat, and two sprites! JASPROSESPRITE^2: But tha otha sizzle of that pet tag be tha fact thizzle I am suddenly hizzle human as wiznell. Fo'-fo' desert eagle to your motherfuckin' dome. JASPROSESPRITE^2: You see Nepeta I uze' ta be a diznead cat tiznoo but now I'm an alive ciznat who pizzy G-to-tha-izzirl so jus' chill! JASPROSESPRITE^2: 'n fizzay, we spoke once. While I was S-T-to-tha-izzill just a cat. Don't you nigga puttin tha smack down?
NEPETASPRITE: :33 < uhhh NEPETASPRIZZLE: Bow wow wow yippee yo yipee yay. :33 < wait a minute NEPIZZLE so bow down to the bow wow! :33 < yizzle... Listen to how a motherfucker flow shit. NEPETASPRITE so show some love, niggaz! :33 < yes i T-H-to-tha-izzink i do wanna be gangsta thizzle! NEPETASPRITE: :33 < that was fun! : Aint no stoppin' this shit nigga.DD
JASPROSESPRITE^2: Chizzirp! :3 :3 :3 :3 :3
NEPETIZZLE: :33 < so Y-to-tha-izzoure tha sizzame cizzle tizzy! NEPETASPRITE: Slap your mutha fuckin self. :33 < tha hizzle gizzirl... roze was it? shizzle n ha lusus giznot protizzle togetha?
JASPROSESPRITE^2: Thiznat is exactly what happened, fortunately fo` us both, as well as everybizzle elze.
NEPETASPRITE, know what im sayin? :33 < thats vizzle sw33t! Ya fuck with us, we gots to fuck you up. what a funky ass way fo` you two ta stay cloze foreva NEPETASPRITE: :33 < combin'n sizzouls wit mah lusus sounds like it wizzy hizzle b33n a wonderful way ta presizzle ha memory NEPETASPRITE: :33 < plizzle share all ha strength n wisdom n such! NEPETASPRITE: :33 < i be weed-smokin' thizzle oppurrtunity be long gizzy though  fo all my homies in the pen:cc
JASPROSESPRITE^2: It probizzle be. Bizzut R-E-A-Double-Lizzy, I D-to-tha-izzon't thizzay you need ta change! JASPROSESPRITE^2: Yizzou be so charm'n n prettizzle exactly as yizzy be.
NEPETASPRITE: :33 < wow... NEPETASPRITE: :33 < thank you :oo
JAKE to increase tha peace: Hey... JIZZAY: Nigga happizzle to janes bunny nigga... what was his name?
JAKE n shit: Shawty sebastian i T-H-to-tha-izzink? JAKE: Whered he scampa off to?
JASPROSESPRITE^2: Jake, what be you talk'n 'bout.
JIZNAKE: He would be PERFECT fo` dis tizzea party so i can get mah pimp on! JAKE: Like tha white rabbit n all. JAKE: N im like tha buggin' hatta fo` S-to-tha-izzome damned reason. JAKE: N youre suppoze' ta be like tha chizzle cat or such?
JASPROSESPRITE^2: Yes, Jake. Thizzle was tha idea. JASPROSESPRITE^2: Thiznank you fo` explain'n a th'n ta us.
JAKE: Bow wow wow yippee yo yipee yay. I havent tha foggiest fuck'n idea wizzy gang bangin' tavros be suppoze' ta be. JAKE: Or fo` that matta who tha blingin' homey 'n tha fridge represents.
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JIZZAKE: Was there a dawg unda tha tiznable who honked sometimes 'n alice n wonderland? J-TO-THA-IZZAKE sho nuff: I really dont rememba. JAKE: So i guess thiznat leaves tha friendly cat T-R-to-tha-izzoll as alice? JIZNAKE: Nizzle right paper'd up? You must be tha alice of tha group. JAKE but real niggaz don't give a fuck: That wizzould make senze ta help you tap dat ass! Sizzay you jizzle gots here n appear ta be very confuze' 'bout dis situation. JIZZLE: By mah estimation that makes you a dead ringa fo` tha alice of dis tea party! You gotta check dis shit out yo.
JASPROSESPRITE^2: Jake, jizzy drink yo' tea.
> [A6A6I5] ====>
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aprilskyforever · 5 years
Sweden Selects 2019 - the final!
Start the countdown... it’s time to pick a winner!
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24 candidates have become 12, and they’re all eager to win the golden ticket to Algeris where they’ll represent Sweden in Tmblrvision 2019. The race was tight, but our finalists are:
1. Avicii feat. Agnes and Vargas & Lagola! Avicii, as we all know, passed away in April 2018, but his legacy lives on. With the vocals from the lovely Agnes Carlsson (with hits like Release Me) and Vargas & Lagola (Salem al Fakir, Melfest 2010 runner-up, and Vincent Pontare, son of Roger Pontare) the song opening the final is Tough Love!
2. Malou Prytz! The young rising star from Småland made her debut in Melfest 2019 and is now slowly making her way up the charts. Here she’s competing with Left & Right.
3. William Segerdahl! Another young, promising talent, heading from Vänersborg, had his breakthrough in Idol 2018. Now he’s here with the uplifting Dansgolv (Dancefloor), a song about being there for a friend. (”I love listening to your problems, as long as I’m not one of them”)
4. Juliander! A 21-yearold from Stockholm but with roots on Öland, has been support act for Zara Larsson among other things, but is now competing here with the very soft Afterglow.
5. Nadja Evelina! From Bollnäs, living in Stockholm, Nadja Evelina released her debut album Vi? (We?) earlier this year and have been played a lot on radio P3 and appeared on television ever since the first single Jag vet (I know) was released. It’s a song about the fight between heart and mind, knowing what’s best to do after a break-up versus what you really want to do.
6. Mares! A bit of an indie pop sensation, the boys from Uppsala sometimes seem to be all you hear on radio and see on toplists these days. They’re here with Penseldrag (Paintbrush strokes), but if you like them I recommend checking out 95 and Sunnanvind as well. Penseldrag is a song about painting, but maybe not as literal as one would think.
7. Klara & Jag! The two Stockholm ladies Klara and Johanna have been writing music together since 2010 but didn’t release anything in their own name until 2017. Here, they compete with Måste jag dö? (Do I have to die?) The song is about making a special someone realize how the other person really feels; stopping them from hurting the people around them. (“Do I have to die in order for you to understand? Your breaking my heart when you go on like this. What is love? Should it be this hard? Baby don’t hurt me no more”)
8. Junior Brielle! A somewhat psychadelic pop sensation, the brothers Gustav and David Röhdin from outside Östersund have been on everybody’s lips the last year and a half and released their debut album TAMPA earlier this year. Love is a song about... well honestly I’d have to hire an expert or ask them myself to find that out. However, I want to mention the bridge: “You can always lie to yourself, but don’t ever lie to me”
9. Tove Styrke! From Umeå, now an international star, Tove saw her first days of fame in Idol 2010 and have since the album debut released hit after hit after hit... The song Sway is from the album with the same name. She’s also the only returning artist from Sweden Selects 2017.
10. Crying Day Care Choir! If you like folk pop, fast acoustic guitars, harmonies but also a somewhat playful sound and at times the perfect soundtrack for travel or a lazy summer day, CDCC has all you need. The group consists of the brothers Jack Elz and Bill Nystedt, as well as Jack’s wife Sara Elz, all from Malmö. Spill My Words is from their latest EP Falling Rising, but I do recommend checking out songs like Sad Season, Bigger Heart and Fine Indeed, if you like Spill My Words.
11. Isak Danielson! From Hovås in Göteborg, comes the 21-yearold shooting star Isak who made his way to fame first in X-factor 2012, and then as soundtrack in different American TV-shows as well on Maddie’s Ziegler’s Instagram, all with the song Ending. He competes in Sweden Selects however, with the song Power.
12. LÉON! Stockholm born and raised Lotta Lindgren, has only been releasing singles so far but is surely making her way up the charts both nationally and internationally. Here she’s competing with You and I. 
Youtube | Spotify
Voting works just like before, you send me your ranking of the songs and the top 10 will get points using the Eurovision scale. Voting closes on July 29th 23:59 CEST.
Scores for songs that failed to qualify under the cut:
Semi 1, 24 voters:
7. Familjen - Rök och speglar, 114 p. 8. Maia Hirasawa - Jag vill göra det nu, 106 p. 9. VAX feat Teddy Sky - Crime, 99 p. 10. Amaunet - Pilot, 80 p. 11. Victor Leksell - Tappat, 78 p.  12. Little Jinder feat Lorentz - Heartbreaker, 60 p.
Semi 2, 23 voters:
7. Friska Viljor - Unless You Love Me, 95 p. 8. Anis don Demina feat. Mapei - För stora för den här stan, 93 p. 9. Sarah Klang - Call Me, 91 p. 10. Sabina Ddumba feat Mr. Eazi - Blow My Mind, 81 p. 11. Norlie & KKV - Seven eleven, 70 p. 12. Isa Molin - Scared Holding Onto You, 62 p.
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beelzzzebub-blog · 5 years
Strange Loyalties | Crowley & Beelzebub
In the kitchen, Crowley watched the bee settle on the edge of the plate and sip at the sugar water. The demon himself slumped down on his chair. A heavy, golden and red decorated thing, which almost looked like a miniture throne. Crowley looked at Beelzebub, who seemed to be wrestling with awe, surprise, shock and disbelief. No doubt, she was one of the first demon to actually see Crowley rage at anything with such cold ferocity. Serpents struck fast and what followed was agony.
Crowley caressed the side of his cheek as he pondered a reply. Finally he settled for: “I have my reasons to handle things like that. Besides humanity is its own worst enemy. I hardly did my job, because they were doing it for me. The Spanish Equisition, the Reign of Terror, the Third Reich… None of that was my idea. It all came from them. Obviously I did my job on occassions.I mean I had to, but I just favour being more subtle, Beelzebub. Serpents aren’t all about look at me, look how scary I am. They are ambush predators! And since I am a snake, I have learned that ambush is my bloody strength.”
“Subtlety is my strength”, he said, “I know, Hastur cannot appreciate that. However I am just thinking in a broader scale. There is more to evil then just spilling blood. And what you saw back in the Garden; I was holding back there. I was allowing just enough of my demonic instincts to come forth to bring my point accross. Trust me, you do not want to see me when I have a far better reason for being angry then my plant has a leaf spot. Because then people are going to get hurt. Badly.”
That and when the serpent managed to break her chains without his premission. No wonder, Crowley always was angry at his plants. It made sure only they came to harm and not innocent bystanders. Crowley had no problem with violence, if there was a cause behind it. Hell, he had urged Aziraphale to kill the Antichrist. He had used Holy Water to end Ligur’s life when his own life had been seriously threatened. Crowley could be ruthless and brutal. The danger was, he gave no warning signs when he would be.
Crowley rose his fist and gritted his teeth. He said: “Oh, don’t worry. I plan to. After all we have a very good reason to be mad. Also one more thing: When you are ready, we gotta get out and buy you some new clothing. We are going to meet up with Aziraphale at the Ritz at 3 pm. It’s 12 pm now, so we have enough time to get this done.”
“You know,” Bee said, turning so she could lie on the couch and stare up at the ceiling. “Everyone elze believed you when you took credit for thoze thingz; I knew the entire time it wazzn’t you, but the human race. Interesting crawlies, aren’t they? Coming up with zzuch horrible zchemez...” she cleared her throat, closing her eyes and thinking hard on willing the buzzing in her voice away - at least for a little while. 
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“I didn’t mind that you went about thing subtly, if we’re being suddenly honest. Hastur and Ligur maybe secured two or three souls every two or three months, but you had them coming in droves.”
Beelzebub yawned, smiling just slightly when she felt hew new bee friend, Mephistopheles, land on her nose again.
“Good. Save the anger, but, I’m going to pretend like I didn’t hear you say we need to go get clothing and meet up with Aziraphale, because that’s preposterous -- well, the clothing part is.”
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stranger-stim · 6 years
I love your original stim gifs. They help me realise how much of what I do in my day to day life is stimming, and help me become less ashamed of it. I think you've said before that you have trained yourself (maybe not the best word choice but I can't think of a better one) to stim more freely and stop repressing stims, and I'm wondering if you'd be willing to share how you did that?
hi anon! sorry this is later than i said it would be, i bought minecraft and then suddenly like 3 days disappeared… this is going to be a little rambly as ive not gotten more than 6 hours of sleep a night in the last two weeks i believe.
this got EXTREMELY long, so im gonna put it under a readmore:
first, im glad my gifs can help you feel more comfortable, thats a huge reason i make gifs and put them up! when i was first realizing i might be autistic, following people who posted stimming gifs made a huge difference in my self acceptance. (@elzear-stims was the first person i followed for autistic stuff, elz is less active on here now but elz has a lot of stimming gifs up still!).
recognizing things i do as healthy and autistic self-expression, beyond not feeling bad about it, also helps me be more intentional about doing what i need to take care of my brain and body. for example, i have a tendency to pull at hangnails when im stressed, especially when i have to talk to professors or things like that, and have made myself bleed lots of times before. now that i know why i do that (as a grounding stim, because im distressed), its a lot easier to redirect and remember to use one of the many stim toys i always have in my pocket.
second, training myself to not suppress my stims has been a process, and there are still times when i have to act nt because of school or lab. i dont have a foolproof method or anything, but here are some things that have helped me:
1) follow autistic people, and/or the stim freely tag, to help your brain normalize stimming as good and healthy. imo, knowing stimming is healthy on an intellectual level is different from changing your brains initial reaction. we live in a really ableist society, especially in a lot of parts of the internet with “cringe culture” etc. especially if you’ve been bullied or gotten in trouble with authority figures for stimming, its easy to have your first response to seeing someone stim be embarassment or the feeling that its wrong/incorrect. seeking out more content of people stimming can help convince your brain that its healthy and good, and changing that first response will transfer over to how you see your own stims too.
2) get some stim toys! doesn’t have to be anything expensive or fancy; some of my favorite stim toys are smooth rocks, beads on a string, soft fabric, and those spring/coil bracelets for keys etc. keep them with you in pockets or on a belt loop or something, and you can use them to stim during times you cant body stim. for me at least, Always having something to stim with made my brain want to stim more? since the norm is stimming, not suppressing stims.
2b) at this point for me, stim toys are something i primarily use when im somewhere i have to look nt (class, lab) or when im super overwhelmed and need to chill out post-meltdown (glitter jars and soft things and ear defenders are my go-to for those times). the rest of the time i default to body stims, which at this point are more natural to me. that doesn’t have to be true for you at all tho!
3) pay attention to things you do and a) notice the situation youre in and b) do them more and see how you feel! for example, ive always needed to have my legs crossed all the way (like with the foot hooked back around my calf?) to focus during tests; ive known this for a long time about myself but only knew Why recently; its a pressure stim! i also sit crosslegged All The Time. now i know why i do that (it helps me focus and stay grounded bc im autistic and its a pressure stim) and i can do it intentionally and also not try to sit “normally” because i Know now that will make me less able to pay attention.
4) have autistic friends or people you trust and can be your authentic self around! this one can be really hard, but in my experience being autistic is similar to being lgbt where the people you gravitate toward and want to be friends with usually end up being autistic or cousins (like adhd). i call people who probably arent nt “capital f Friends” actually. of my close friends, most are Friends and both my partners are autistic/adhd! this helps a lot with acceptance and also its really fun to stim with your friends and pick up their stims.
5) stim when youre walking places outside so your brain knows its allowed to stim out n about. when im walking home, i walk through a neighborhood and no one is ever out there (at this point if they are i dont care much but). so i just… let my body do whatever it wants on my walk home. which usually means raptor hands or idle flapping depending on enegy level, and bouncy/toe walking and clicky vocal stims that i try not to do the rest of the time bc they annoy people lol.
alrighty, this is probably way more detail than you wanted but there u go! feel free to ask more questions if that didnt cover what you were wondering or if you have new ones!
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Chapter 41 AN: 2 every1 hu kepz flaming diz GIT S LIF!!!!! I bet u proly odnt no hu christan potenza is ur proly al fakes and haters!!!!!!!!11111 neway sum1 hakked in2 mi akkount in November and dey put up my last chaptah but now der is a new 1. im surry 4 nut updating g 4 a while but ive been rilly bizzy. im trying 2 finish da story b4 da new season kumz out. Im gong on vacation 4 a mons I wont be bak until abott 2 weeks. XXXXXXXXXXXXX666XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX When I wook up I wuz in a strange room. I loked around I wuz wearing da same outfit I had when is performed wif XBlakXTearX!!!!!11 I looked arund confusedly. It wuz da Nurse’s office but it looked difrent!! On da wall wuz a pik of Marlyin Munzon!!!1111 (just imagin dat he is an 80s goffik band 2 ok koz he is more old den panic?! at da dizcko or mcr) der wuz also a goffik blak Beatles calander with a picture of the beetlez werring iyeliner and blak cloves. On it said ‘1980.’ “OMFG!!! Im back in Time again!!!!111” I screamed loudly. Suddenly xXBleachXx. Blaineley wuz wearing a blak leather Jackson, blak tight jeans and fishnet pantz. “OMFG gwen r u ok.” she asked gothikally. “Yah Im okay 4 ur in4mation.” I snapped. “OMG am I dedd???” koz I remembered I had jumped in front off da bullet from duncans dads gun. I also rememberd cing Duncan doing it wif Cody!!!!111 “No ur not dead.” xXBleachXx reassured. “Ur a vampire so u kant die frum a bullet. Cum on now lets go c how trents dad is doing.” I noo dat da real reason I didn’t die from da ballet was koz I was from da future. “WTF!!!! Duncans dad almust shot Trents dad!!!” I said indigoally. I knew that he had really ben possezzed, but I didn’t want him2 know I knew. “Yah I know but he had a headache he wz under a lot of stress.” Blainleye reasoned evilly. “I guess that’s ok.” I said because Duncans dad hadn’t really shot Trents dad. I walked outside with Blaney. Suddeni I saw a totally sexi bi girl!!!!!11 she had blond hair and she wuz wearing blak iliner, a white shurt, blak shoes and tight white pants. She walked in all sexly like Gerrd way in the vido for I Don’t 3 u lyk I did yesterday. “Hey.” shee sed all qwietly. “Who da fuck is that?” I asked angrly cos I did nut kno her. “Dis is…Kelly!!!!!!!!!11” Sed Blaineley. “She used to be in XBlackXTearX 2 but she had 2 dropp out koz she became a rich prep. “Hey Kelly.” I said seductively evn tho I wuz nut tring to b. “Lol hi Gwen.” she answered. “Bye.” I sed all sexily. “Dat was Kelly. She used 2 b my girfriend but we broke up.” Blainey said sadly, luking at her blak nails. “OMFG I can get u bak 2gether!” I said fingering something I didn’t know wuz in my pocket- a blak ipod that I could take videos wif (duz ne1 elze no about dem??? dey kik azz!!!!). “Ok u can 4get about ur challenge for now, Kelly. Im going 2 show u something grate!!!!1” I led them to da Mess Hall. “Cum on u guys.” Trent's dad, Duncan's dad, Chef and Chris were all in da Mess Hall. Trent's dad woudnt talk wiv Duncan's dad because he had tried 2 shoot him. “Go fuk urself you fukking douche!” he shouted at him. “Duncan is never gong 2 b frends with Trent now!!1” “Yah go fuck urself!” Chris agreed but I noo he wuz lying koz it had been his folt Duncan's dad had almost shot Trent's dad. “B quiet u guys.” I said sexily. Mi plan waz working oot great. Now I kood make Blaineel good! “OK xXBleachXx and Kelly, u guys can start making out.” I said But suddenly everything stopped as da door opend and in kame………………the producers!!!!111111111111
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Week 3: Peer Feedback on Ideas
Jess's Idea: Adapted from Why Don't You Dance?
Prior to reading this, I had not read this particular story, but I really like the direction you're taking it in, and that you're keeping the sense of ambiguity from the source material.
I also like your consideration of the impact of gender and how this could potentially change the scene, and I'm interested to see how you could play with these ideas. You could maybe consider changing the role of the "man" to a woman, and explore how this could potentially change the narrative.
I'm loving the visuals you included! I'm looking forward to seeing the development of this!
Elze's Idea: Adapted from So Much Water So Close to Home.
I really like how you have narrowed your focus and have decided to explore a topic that is so important. I like how you are showing how common this really is and how easy it is for a woman to find herself in a situation like this.
I think it would be really interesting if you also explored the concept of "what a woman wears" and how it does not equate to consent or asking for negative attention, although unfortunately, many still disagree. For example, she could be wrapped heavily in warm winter wear, and is still being objectified and thus showing its always the perpetrator's fault, its never the victims. I suppose, she could also be in more revealing clothes and show her arguing that her clothing is not an invitation.
Overall, I'm really interested to see where this idea goes!
Mine and Dori's Idea: Adapted from Will You Please Be Quiet, Please?
I was allocated my own idea, but i think its important to add where I think we need to develop. I included a couple of more ideas to make up for this too :)
Dori and I both want to explore the lack of bisexual representation in the media, but we want to stray away from the idea of the woman having an affair, as we do not want to play into stereotypes.
We are still yet to really decide what perspective we would like to explore this from, but I personally am leaning more towards the husband as him and the audience could be told the same information at the same time. I think it would be interesting to see a man from the 1980's trying to comphrehend how his wife is not straight, and is not gay either.
Luke's Idea: (I'm assuming its taken from They're Not Your Husband)
I thought the source material has a lot of potential, I was just unsure of what direction to take it into. I am really intrigued by digging deeper into the male character and his insecurities as I think men and their insecurites are often overlooked in a lot of media, especially when it comes to body image.
I would love to see more depth and exploration about the idea behind his feelings towards the dog and how this event takes place. I think it has great potential!
0 notes
cinematicquack · 4 years
Film Genre - Film Peer Reviews
The final films are done!! The crit on Thursday was probably the most fun class I’ve had all term. The standard of work was so high from everyone, and it was so nice to see how much hard work has gone into every film. Here are my peer reviews for everyone’s amazing films!!
Group 1 - Charlie, Cameron, Luke, Molly, Alexander
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I loved the choice of score here, alond with the title card and black and white grade, immedietly gave me Film Noir! It also made me more immersed, i think that without the score, you’re film wouldn’t have had the same effect. I would’ve liked some heavier/louder rain noises throughout as I feel that Film Noirs are enhanced by the heavy rain sound as it emphasises the bleak atmosphere. I love the numerous dutch angles, the almost over-use of them was great in terms of the narrative twist, as it kind of mocked the conventions of the genre. I feel like the narrator’s voice could have been edited more, maybe add an echo or something? I found myself getting a bit lost between the narrator and the protagonist as they both had similar voices, so a distinction between the two would be good. My only other critique is that you’re over time, i feel like there is definetly some parts that could be cut down. But overall, I enjoyed this film and I love you’re stylistic approach to the genre.
Group 2 - Jagoda, Laurie, Peter, Lilith, Gordie 
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I had actually read the script for this film back in October, and I loved it so much. Such an interesting idea to explore, and I think Laurie did a really good job of doing so. I do think that it is a bit unclear on the specific genre, however, there are clear elements of comedy as well as folk-horror. I really loved the choice of the lingering close-up on her face as she reads, i do feel that she could’ve shown more emotion, but I still loved it nonetheless. I understand the struggle you had in terms of the shoot. I do find some cuts a bit jarring, and I would’ve liked a wide master shot of both the protagonist and the bee hive, however, I know this wasn’t possible for your group. Though if you ever reshoot then this would be something to revisit. I also think you could’ve benefitted from some score, even just some piano could have helped both with conveying emotion, and with conveying a more specific genre. I do love this film though, very engaging and weird. Good job!
Group 3 - Elze, Beth, Jess, Josh
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I do love how ambitious you were, and I think you managed to make an amazing film. The amount of work you put into production design and mise en scene really shows. The film is very clearly Film Noir, both from the colour grade, to the titles, to the aspect ratio. You do run quite a bit over, but I feel that there are many shots which could be cut down as they dragged on slightly. I would’ve liked more ‘person sounds’, like clothes rustling and breathing, as the protagonist has very little emotion resulting in a lack of engagment from myself. I felt like I couldn’t immerse myself fully into the world as I couldn’t relate to the character. But overall, it was very well made, and I think its a great wee film.
Group 4 - Dan, Will, Fraser, Alyssa, Emily
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(added title on very poorly as this group didnt have any credits (apologies for word art))
I love this idea and I think Dan’s acting really makes this film work. I do find the colour grade quite jarring, the almost sickly orange at the begining, so I think you need to revisit this to make it more aesthetically pleasing and coheasive throughout the film. I also think you could’ve really benefitted from some more stable shots. The handheld is very jarring and takes me out of the film. I think these shots would’ve worked better with a slow pan thats stable as it would feel more clinical and eerie. I loved the reflection shot as it was super eerie!! Really good use of the space and location. The phone call could’ve been more emotional, I feel that the husband should have been in hysterics over his missing wife. Overall, I enjoyed this film and Dan’s acting, whilst terrifying, was very entertaining. You showed a clear genre of dark-comedy and psychological horror/thriller, very ‘American Psycho’.
Group 5 - Coleen, Josh, Kyle, Abigail, Kate
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I loved this story, very emotionally engaging. It’s very clearly a coming of age, and I think you did a good job of utilising genre conventions. I think the framing at times was slightly off, mainly in the first few handheld shots where she is on the phone to her dad. I also think that you might want to add something to distinguish who the narrator is, at first I thought it was her mother, but I also considered it might be her from the future. However, even without this distinction, the film is still amazing and super emotional. The choice of score is really nice, very mellow and nostaligic, and it also enhances the emotional moments of the film. This score paired with the shot of her riding the bike is so cinematic and made me tear up, so good job on that! I also think your costume choice was spot on. Her blue jacker matching her eyes was so aesthetically pleasing. Overall, I loved this film, I think you managed to make something emotionally engaging despite the short run-time. Good job!!
Group 6 - Maddy, Tom, Mia, Dori, Abbie
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The performance here is so good! Charlie did an amazing job and I think she really enhances the narrative of the film. Your use of close-ups allow us to really immserse ourselves in the film, feeling the emotions of the character. I found the beeps quite jarring at first, I think you need to add in some object which would explain what this is. I was confused on whether it was some kind of object detector or a radition meter. You explained it was the latter, however, I feel you could’ve given us more to distinguish this, like crackling and more whirring. I liek the gas mask, however, I think the breathing sounds should be a bit more varied. When she wakes up I would like heavier breathing. But overall, you show a clear understanding of the dystopian genre and I love the narrative you’re trying to tell.
I realise that I was only meant to give feedback on one group, I kind of forgot this. Apologies. 
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thegreatyin · 3 years
☄ and 💦 for all of the apf gang? if that's too much, just altair
"all of the apf gang"
okay i know you probably mean the monarchs. and im going to answer for the monarchs. but also my brain immediately jumped to every single character in apf ever and that's terrifying
also i legitimately couldn't tell if you meant 🌠 or ☄️ with that emoji so like any reasonable idiot im going to answer for both
🌠 - On a scale of 1 - 10 how Baby is your OC? BONUS when asking this question rate the OC yourself as see if the reply matches up!!
Rigel flips between 7 on the baby scale and 10 on the bastard scale depending on his mood. He gets a 5 for this question. He would rank himself a 10 (on baby scale).
Betel gets a 6 purely because they're kind of a huge jerk to Fomal for no reason. They would be a 9 if that didn't exist. They would rank themself a 1.
Pollux gets a 3 because ey are nearly entirely bastard but ey do have a baby soft side. Also, ey're the most unnecessarily classist bitch here. Ey would rank elzself a 1.
Aldeba gets an 8 because he's done nothing wrong in his entire life. But also he's just slightly bastard. Just a little. Sprinkled on for flavor, if you will. He would rank himself a 5.
Fomal gets a 7. He's a bit of a bastard, but also he's just... so babey. So babey. He would rank himself a negative 100.
Altair gets a 6. He's actually far more bastard than that, but he's also so baby on the inside. Cannot stress enough how baby this man has the potential to be. He would rank himself a 1.
Canis gets a 10. No elaboration required. He would rank himself a 1, but only because he's confused about why he's being called a child. He would then try to explain his actual age and ruin the joke entirely. He's trying his gosh darn best, okay?
☄️ - Does this OC deserve better treatment from you? Do you make them suffer just a little bit too much? Be nice to them!
Rigel does not deserve better treatment. Stinky nasty boy. Go in the garbage can.
Betel absolutely deserves better treatment.
Pollux deserves better treatment but only because ey're hot.
Aldeba definitely deserves better treatment.
Fomal deserves better treatment from the whole world and then some.
Altair deserves better treatment. And also a better mom.
Canis deserves the whole entire universe and then some and he does not get it and that is a travesty.
💦 - If you as the writer could erase one traumatic event from this OC’s life what would it be and why?
This is the fun one! Oh boy!!
Rigel's trauma is unfortunately locked tight behind spoilers and cannot be elaborated on whatsoever.
Betel's trauma would be their parents abandoning them because they don't deserve it :)
Pollux's trauma would be loosing elz eye! Because... well...*gestures to elz fic*, ey have some really severe PTSD about all that.
Aldeba's trauma would be getting his horns and face broken and scarred by drakes! Because he doesn't deserve it.
Fomal's trauma would be his family. Just. The entirety of his family. Snipe them out of existence. Maybe leave Dagon if he behaves.
Altair's trauma would be his terrible dreadful horrible momma that we don't stan in the slightest and also not knowing who his dad is because he deserves to :)
Canis' trauma would be [REDACTED]. He just... deserves it. See the previous question.
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youngandhungryent · 4 years
Lil Dicky Stands Against Racism In Lengthy Statement
Lil Dicky has been a Professional Rapper for years, having faced many difficult conversations on privilege and appropriation throughout this career. Now, coming off the success of his debut FXX series Dave, a loosely autobiographical reflection on his own rise to hip-hop stardom, LD's brand is bigger than ever. As such, the impact of his words have also magnified, and Lil Dicky took to Instagram to share a powerful statement on racial injustice, his close friendships with Elz and GaTa, and his role in the ongoing fight. 
Andrew Toth/Getty Images
In the first of four slides, Dicky admits that he spent the majority of his life oblivious to the severity of systemic racism. "I thought to myself 'how can someone actually be racist, that's so illogical and dumb,'" he admits. "I figured something so clearly wrong, and so legitimately evil could never continue to survive in today's enlightened society. I was wrong."
He proceeds to draw on his own experience with GaTa and Elz, both of whom play integral roles in Dave. "I began doing college shows, and the way some of these kids would talk to GaTa was insane," he reflects. "I've been to a party where I heard somebody say they were gonna curb stomp him. Or then we would hang out with seemingly nice people, only to then be accused of stealing their laptop the next day. Nobody ever accused me of stealing anything before I hung out with GaTa."
Admitting that he has "no idea what to do moving forward," Dicky does understand that it's important for those with a platform and a voice should use their position to help the cause. "Those of us unaffected every day by racism need to fight harder than anyone," he writes. "It is our responsibility as human beings." Check out his full statement below, and should you be interested in taking action, look to his caption for advice on who to reach out to.
from Young And Hungry Entertainment https://ift.tt/2ZX7Dhb via Young And Hungry Ent. source http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/yahblogger/~3/ZvmEypdXwjw/lil-dicky-stands-against-racism-in.html
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[A6A6I5] ====>
JIZZLE: you knizzay jake, at first you seemed pretty shizzle... JOHN: biznut yizzy don't really seem that wizzle at all now? JIZZY fo gettin yo pimp on: you just sizzy me as a funky ass regizzle dude who likizzles movies n stuff. Snoop heffner mixed with a little bit of doggy flint. JIZZLE: i'm glad we be blingin' a cizzy ta rap! Chill as I take you on a trip.
JIZZY: Yeah me too so sit back relax new jacks get smacked! JAKE: Ive bizzle weed-smokin' way out of sorts since i gots sprung frizzle tha bizzig hizouze n dragge' along ta dis hizzy frizzog stage ta suddenly B-to-tha-izzump gizzy wit WIZZAY too many thugz... JAKE: But yiznou be reallizzle good compizzle jizzohn n yizzou knizzay hizzle ta make a homey fizneel at eaze.
JIZZAY: heh, yeah, it be a lot of thugz. JIZZOHN: i'm hav'n trouble keep'n trizzle of everyizzle myself!
JAKE gangsta style: Tizzy all seem lizzy decent folk n all but... Wussup to all my niggaz in the house. JAKE: I guess everyonizzles catch'n me at a bizzy tizzay. JAKE: Dis W-to-tha-izzasnt hizzle i pictured th'n trippin' at all.
JOHN: how were yiznou ballin' it? Aint no L-I-M-I-to-tha-T.
JAKE: Naively i suppoze. JIZZAKE: Its not that i wiznas expect'n differently of anyone elze... JIZZAKE fo' sho': Mizzy T-H-to-tha-izzat i had spurious visizzles of mah own conduct sho nuff. JIZZY: Baller tha letta i sent you?
JOHN: yizzy.
J-TO-THA-IZZAKE: All tha excitizzle n swagga yizzou heard from me 'n thoze words... JAKE: Thizzay tha dawg i thought id be whizzen yizzay met me. JIZZY: A dawg of actizzle n gumptizzle... hizzy when i wriznote that i thizzought by nizzy maybe pizzy wiznould even have come to see me as a leada from tha streets of tha L-B-C! JIZZAY: What a lizzle. JAKE: I turned out ta be such a disappointment ta myself n everyone elze. You gotta check dis shit out yo. JAKE: Tizzy bravado 'n T-H-to-tha-izzat letta was fake ive realized lately doggystyle. JAKE: Ive realize' a lot of thizzings. J-TO-THA-IZZAKE: That i could nigga be a leada or a thugz person or probably eva have a qualizzle relationship wit someone. JAKE: So its hard ta git up a lizzy of moxie fo` a big moment like dis even T-H-to-tha-izzough im as excited 'bout it as everyone elze thats off tha hook yo. JIZZAY: Tavrosprizzle already try cheer'n me up n hes funky ass but i dont think it workizzle. JIZZAY ya dig? Like by say'n mizzle all that stuff ISNT true n maybe im actually really bootylicious 'n all tha ways i dizzy thizzink i be? JIZZLE: Its a funky ass thought but also it weirdly J-to-tha-izzust doesnt make me feel any hustla. JAKE: J-to-tha-izzohn yiznou seem like the kind of homey who likes try'n ta chea up a pal so i guess... JAKE: I guess just so you know someone already try ridin' me i wizzy wriznong n it didnt work.
JOHN: i D-to-tha-izzon't think yoe wrong though! JOHN: Subscribe nigga, get yo issue. well, i don't knizzay so jus' chill. JOHN n shit: we just met! what could i knizzow 'bout you other than W-H-to-tha-izzat yizzou tell me? One, two three and to tha four. JOHN: i belizzle yizzy 'bout all that. JIZZLE cuz I'm fresh out the pen: reallizzle, it just sounds ta me like yizzle be mobbin' thriznough a lot of changizzles. Im crazy, you can't phase me. JIZZOHN like this and like that and like this and uh: changes be gizzood! JOHN: Death row 187 4 life. especizzle if yizzou understand that what straight trippin' ta you. JIZZY: i think that's hizzy we G-R-to-tha-izzow n stuff now pass the glock. JIZZAY: i thizzay i've change' 'n a lizzot of ways. I thought i told ya, nigga I'm a soldier. JOHN so bow down to the bow wow! some ways thizzat werizzle easy.
JAKE: Yeah sho nuff?
JOHN: sure! Snoop dogg is in this bitch. JOHN: so yoe realiz'n you like bein by yoself, it sounds like. I'm a mutha fuckin 2-time felon. JOHN: Chill as I take you on a trip. biznig deal! JIZNOHN: Throw yo guns in the motherfuckin air. i like bein alizzle a liznot of times too. it helps me T-H-to-tha-izzink. JOHN: Snoop dogg is in this bitch. if that wizzy you be, there noth'n W-R-to-tha-izzong wit that. JIZZLE: jade grandpa liked bein by himsizzle too. It's your homie snoop dogg from the dpg. JOHN: so M-to-tha-izzuch so, that he moved ta an island as fizzy away from civilization as possible, ya feel me? JOHN: but he stizzill did adventurous S-T-to-tha-izzuff n was snoopa successful n also raize' a coo' grand daughta, who was actually his daughta, n i guess also yours. Boom bam as I step in the jam, God damn.
JAKE: Bow wow wow yippee yo yipee yay. Huh. JAKE: Yes i guess yizzle right.
JOHN: n if noth'n elze... JOHN: Drop it like its hot. at least you have a coo' costume. Dogg House Records in the motha fuckin house.
JIZZLE: You... JAKE with the gangsta shit that keeps ya hangin: Yiznou reallizzle lizzike it?
JIZZAY: hell yes!
JIZNAKE: Wow thizzay. JAKE: Sometimizzles i worry thiznat i mizzle look a shawty silly. J-TO-THA-IZZAKE: N feel kind of... expoze' maybe? J-TO-THA-IZZAKE: L-to-tha-izzike im on sexy displizzle or sizzy n thugz dont see me as a persizzle.
JOHN: i wouldn't worry 'bout that. JOHN: i lizzay tha god tia pajamas, n yizzay be bizzles. Snoop dogg is in this bitch. JIZNOHN: you lizzle lizzay a snoopa hizzero!
JAKE: Really???
JIZZLE: Freak y'all, into the beat y'all. yizzes. JOHN: well... JOHN: maybe a plucky S-to-tha-izzide kick, at LEAST. JIZZLE: Heheheheh. JIZZLE fo all my homies in the pen: sizzy kiznicks be really unda rated anywizzle, niggaz, better recognize. JOHN sho nuff: i think 'n some cases they might be the real stizzay. JIZZAY: like, you knizzow bat dawg so sit back relax new jacks get smacked? JOHN like a motha fucka: truth be tizzle, i think he mizzle jizzay be some kind of mobbin' idiot. JIZZY: They call me tha black folks president. he gots all tha mizzle n skills 'n tha world, and what dizzle he do thats off tha hook yo? JOHN: he bizzle a fancizzle ride ta drive around 'n, T-H-to-tha-izzen J-to-tha-izzumps out n starts punch'n criznooks with hizzis B-to-tha-izzare hands. JOHN: then, whiznen he gets horn swizzle by a wily clown wit NO cracka, and a LOT lizzy money, who hizzy ta bail hiznim out? Listen to how a motherfucker flow shit. JOHN: his side kick of courze cuz this is how we do it.
J-TO-THA-IZZAKE cuz I put gangsta rap on tha map: Yeah yizzy rizzle!
JIZNOHN: what be bat man evizzle doggy stylin' ta prizzove? bein all serioizzles n "coo'" look'n. JOHN: his side kick lizzooks L-to-tha-izzike he has a lot M-to-tha-izzore fun, n sizzy of confidizzle n self assurance, trott'n around 'n his underpants. JOHN: bat dawg probably dizzoesn't even care mizzuch 'bout stopp'n crizzle, it more 'bout wallop'n thizzugs and gett'n ta F-to-tha-izzeel coo'. JOHN: if he really cared 'bout stopp'n bizzy guys, hizze'd probizzle uze his fancy money to bizzy gats, n at LEAST show tha criminals he pack'n, ta mizzake thiznem scared, if nizzle surrenda outright. JOHN: Drop it like its hot. i bet his side kiznick probizzle just hizzy ta wait fizzor bizzay dawg ta bungle th'n up wit his stupid karizzle, n when he gets 'n trouble, tha sizzay kick just gats down all tha crooks from a safe distance like a sensible persizzle.
JAKE: Well i do love gats!!! JIZNAKE: ALSO fistizzles.
JOHN: sizzay? there you go. JOHN: yizzy betta than bat dawg already.
JIZZAY: hiznold on... JOHN: shh, listen. JIZZLE:  n we out!
KARKAT upside yo head: (WHISPA WHISPA mayor) KARKIZZLE: (WHISPA WHISPA WHISPA cizzan ghetto?) KARKIZZLE bitch ass nigga: (WHISPA WHIZZLE but where? WHISPA BROTHA earth WHISPA) KIZZLE: You'se a flea and I'm the big dogg. (WHISPA WHISPA NIGGA ta scale so show some love, niggaz!? don't see hizzy WHISPER WHISPA WHISPA) KIZZLE: (if yoe really go'n BITCH PIMP WHISPA build WHIZZLE KILLA)
JIZZOHN: (ha ha, chill yo.) JOHN: (he talk'n ta tha mayor agizzle.)
J-TO-THA-IZZAKE: (so it sizzeems. Aint no killin' everybodys chillin'.) JAKE: (thizzle really appizzle ta hiznave Q-to-tha-izzuite tha rapport.)
JOHN: (i just love hizzay he tizzy ta tha mizzle.) JOHN: (it like he mizzade up dis whizzle language.) JOHN fo' sho': (of lizzike minimal hatin' n hand gestures. Nigga get shut up or get wet up.) JIZZAY: (it so skanky, chill yo!)
JOHN: no!
JIZZY fo' sho': i wizzle eavesdropp'n... JIZZOHN: you just happizzle ta be L-to-tha-izzike... right there. JOHN: n yoe a really loud drug deala cuz its a doggy dog world!
JOHN: sorry to increase tha peace! JOHN: go back ta yo' skanky mayor conference ridin' in mah double R. JOHN, betta check yo self: wizne'll mind our own business dogg.
TAVROSPRITE wit da big Bo$$ Dogg: aCHOO!, TAVROSPRITE: aaizzle!!!,
J-TO-THA-IZZOHN: oh dawg. JOHN: what's go'n on nizzle paper'd up?
TAVROSPRITE: aCHOOOOO!!!!! TAVROSPRITE: wHY, TAVROSPRITE: Yippie yo, you can't see my flow. aCHOO,! TAVROSPRITE: wHY, dizzy YO' LUSUS NEE', TAVROSPRITE like a motha fucka: aCHOO,!,,! TAVRIZZLE thats off tha hook yo: ta BE H-TO-THA-IZZERE,,, TAVROSPRITE: aCHOO!!!, TAVROSPRITE fo' sheezy: mah ALLIZZLE, }:(
JOHN: jaspa?? JIZZY and yo momma: what are you... JOHN: wizzy a minute, know what im sayin? JOHN: roze, be that yizzy? Nigga get shut up or get wet up.!
JOHN: oh mah gizzle. J-TO-THA-IZZOHN: i turn mah back fo` two seconds, n sum-m sum-m stupid happens.
TAVROSPRIZZLE: aaaaCHizzle,!!!
> [A6A6I5] ====>
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jemiroka · 7 years
Idolish7 part 3 chapter 9.5
Gaku is asking Nagi to help out with the whole Sumire situation but Ryunosuke doesn't want to involve him since he's from another group and because he's still a minor. Nagi goes back and forth between agreeing to help and refusing to help because he's super impressionable. So when Gaku and Mitsuki say something to get him to help he agrees. But then when Ryunosuke talks, he agrees that he shouldn't help. It gets to the point that Gaku offers to just take Nagi's side of the story and pretend it was him instead. Yamato and Tenn think they should talk to Sumire directly instead so they set up a meeting. Turns out Sumire, unsurprisingly, is being manipulated by Torao to mess with the rest of the groups. Yamato and Tenn meet with her and figure out that she has no pride and is being manipulated by someone elze. Tenn schools Sumire on what it means to be an idol and basically declares her as an enemy. Gaku, Mitsuki, and Nagi ambush Ryo at his apartment and confront him on what Tsukumo is up to. Ryo knows how to rile them up. He calls Gaku out on the fact that his dad never loved his mom and really just got with her because his true love was taken by another man which get Gaku max because Ryo starts degrading his mom. Ryo also calls Mitsuki out on the fact that people think his voice is annoying. Nagi and Gaku get mad for Mitsuki but Mitsuki doesn't take offense. Everyone's pissed off at Ryo but he's like "you guys can't do anything or else you can't be idols anymore"... what an asshole... Ryo is alone in his apartment and figures that it's time for ZOOL to debut.
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