#also his name ended up actually being mabble
bunniepaws · 5 years
oh god i had a dream jenna marbles dog marble died n im just now remembering
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shadowthorne · 5 years
all of them oh god please reveal your cat
Ask me about my catSend me a number and I’ll answer for my cat
I HAVE THREE OF THEM?? God this is going to get long… 
1. Name? 
Sinn, Vertigo and Marble.
2. Fur color?
Sinn; Black, with a tiny patch of white on his chestVertigo; Fluffy orange and white boyMarble; Grey and white
3. Any family you know (other than you)?
They know my partner, of course, and my parents and brother. Though that doesn’t mean they like any of them…. Yikes. Sinn loves everyone, strangers too. Vertigo loves me and no one else. Marble loves my partner and I come in second, and wants to brutally murder anyone else who looks at him.
4. Age?
All of them are about ten years old.
5. Favorite toy?
Sinn’s favorite toy is anything with feathers and his little wand toy thing. Vertigo’s favorite toy is anything with strings to chase, and one of those ridiculous tracks with the ball in it that you buy for kittens a fraction of his size and weight. And Marble’s favorite toy is whatever either of the other two are having fun with, and catnip.
6. Nicknames?
Sinn; Squeeny Bean, just Squeen or Squibbles.Vertigo; Vertibles or Chunky Monkey.Marble; Mabble Babble or Meeble Beeble or just Mabs.
And they each know and will answer to their various nicknames, too lol
7. Cinnamon roll or problematic fave?
Sinn; Cinnamon roll, through and throughVertigo; Somewhere between, leaning towards problematic faveMarble; Problematic fave
8. Length of fluff?
Sinn; no fluff, just fuzzVertigo; No less than three inches, with his tail getting into the five inch rangeMarble; A medium length, like two inches or so, maybe three in his tail
9. Any funny habits?
Sinn; He noodles... And flops onto his side when he wants attention, and just wiggles around and purrs until someone gives him attention.Vertigo; Rolls onto his back and sleeps with his legs straight outMarble; “sings” when you say “Sing sing sing Mables” at him
10. How old were they when you met?
Sinn; about six monthsVertigo; Also about six months (I got him and Sinn together at the same time)Marble; about a year
11. What does their food bowl look like?
Just basic, stainless steel bowls. Vertigo is allergic to everything else and breaks out if he eats out of plastic or ceramic for more than a few days :(
12. Indoor or outdoor cat?
INDOOR. Sinn likes to walk on a leash, though.
13. Recent picture?
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14. Old picture?
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Look how big Vertigo’s feet were as a little kitten, we should have known he’d be a monster...
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15. Cuddly?
Sinn; Y E SVertigo; Covertly, when no one is looking and only with me, and his idea of ‘cuddling’ is just to lay next to me.Marble; Yes, but only when he feels like it
16. Ever changed their name?
All of their names :)
Sinn’s used to be Odin, before I adopted him.Vertigo’s used to be Stanley before I adopted him.And we never knew Marble’s name. He was a stray who’s previous owner abandoned.
18. Eye color?
Sinn; goldVertigo; kind of... hazel? Grey? They’re sort of bluish at times.Marble; Greenish
19. How do they express love for you?
Sinn; C U D D L E S 24/7, whether you want them or not. Will also try to bring you things he catches, which amounts to toys and the occasional dead flyVertigo; Purring so loudly you can’t hear yourself think and rolling onto his back to show you his belly. If he REALLY likes you, he likes belly rubs too.Marble; Giving you an ounce of attention that isn’t him trying to hiss, swat and bite you, and kneading your tender human flesh with his razor claws. Lots of slow blinks.
20. How do you express love for them?
All of the regular human-on-cat smothering, plus too many toys for them to ever use, no less than half a dozen empty cardboard boxes set up randomly throughout the apartment at any given time, access to every surface other than the kitchen counters, and cuddles/pets/playtime whenever they want. 
21. Any theories on what breed?
Sinn; Could get away with saying bombay mix probably?Vertigo; Probably a Norwegian forest mix, he hits all the breed standards but he’s not as pretty and regal looking as registered ones.Marble; LKSJDflkjsdf vague shrugging he’s really long and lean and has a mildly oddly shaped head, so maybe some oriental in there????
22. Do they ever wake you up?
Sinn does constantly, Vertigo will on occasion, and Marble is a Good Boy who never does.
23. How much do they meow?
Sinn; When he wants attention, which is pretty much always.Vertigo; Will literally hold a whole conversation with you, he’s very vocal.Marble; Rarely. And he doesn’t really meow, he kind of. Gargles and gives tiny, high pitched ‘Hhheeeee’s (we call them song mows)
24. Any hiding spots?
Sinn; would never hide ever, how would people pay attention to him??Vertigo; In a random box, where he can watch you suspiciously and like he’s better than you.Marble; In whatever seat you want, so that way he can get pissy at you and have an excuse to make your life flash before your eyes
They all hide under the bed when they actually get scared.
25. Do they enjoy guests?
Sinn; Fuck. Yes.Vertigo; He enjoys staring at them judgingly and yelling when they want to pet himMarble; Nope. He doesn’t even enjoy our roommate of almost two years
26. Lofty objects to sit on?
Cat tree, back of couch, dresser, bathroom sink, table, a particular tall shelving unit 
27. Wear a collar? (and describe collar?)
Sinn; A black, leather, studded collar because he’s a little stud. Vertigo; A fancy blue collar with a reflective strip on itMarble; A bright green collar with a bell
28. How much shedding?
Sinn; a regular amount but his fur is short and black and you never see itVertigo; Not actually that much?? But he has a double coat and LONG ASS ORANGE HAIR so you see it when he doesMarble; A FUCK TON
29. Do they enjoy brushing?
Sinn; God yes. Almost as good at being petVertigo; No and he’ll scream about it, posture like he’s going to fuck you up, and run awayMarble; No, will actually fuck you up (but we’re working on conditioning and he’s getting better about it!)
30. Ever drink from the toilet?
Sinn; NoVertigo; No, but he fell in onceMarble; Will drink literally any source of water he can find (yes)
31. How do they get your attention?
Sinn; forced snugglesVertigo; yelling until you give him what he wantsMarble; puts a dainty little paw on your thigh and then flexes his razor claws until they sink into your flesh while looking up at you very cutely and slow blinking
32. Embarrassing thing they’ve done?
Sinn; Regularly noodles off his perch and acts like nothing happened when he hits the floorVertigo; He’s embarrassed by his whole existence. Marble; He’s ran face first into the window going after birds multiple times
33. Weirdest thing they try to eat
Sinn; nothing, he only eats cat food and meat productsVertigo; granola bars and crackersMarble; the other two cAT’S HAIR?? Please stop that.
34. Are they like your siblings, children, or friends?
Children, but I don’t I don’t really like kids, so better.
35. What time do they eat breakfast?
5:30 sharp, or Vertigo throws a goddamn fit about being late
36. Do you cut their nails?
Yep. Sinn sits patiently and probably just thinks it’s weird cuddling. Vertigo is mostly declawed. He has his back claws and one front claw. I cut the front claw whenever I see that it’s getting too long AND MARBLE tries to kill me, but yes. It takes me three days because we can only get a few toes in at a time, and lots of courage.
37. Do you think they understand you?
Yeah, at least to some extent. They definitely know certain words, including their names, and they’re good at cluing into moods and body language.
38. Ever make fun of them?
39. Do you take their picture often?
Fairly regularly.
40. Ever hiss at you?
Sinn; No, he’s an angle babyVertigo; Not at me, but at my partner, the other two cats, and everyone elseMarble; He’ll his at his own shadow
41. Ever try to scratch or bite you?
Sinn; absolutely not, he’d probably sooner hurt himselfVertigo; No, he puts on a big show, but he always runs the other wayMarble; Oh yeah. He’s the opposite of Vertigo in this respect. No talk; all bite.
42. If you try to grab their paw, what do they do?
Sinn; rubs his face on you and purrsVertigo; pulls them away half a dozen times until he gets annoyed and walks away nonchalantly.Marble; will murder you, your mother, and all your neighbors.
43. Do they ever eat bugs?
Sinn; he likes to bring them to us instead...Vertigo; No interest.Marble; Yes.
44. Canned or dry food?
They eat dry usually, but love canned, so they get it once a week or so
45. Weight?
Sinn; 9lbsVertigo; about twenty poundsMarble; like fifteenish
46. Ever got lost?
Sinn; Nope. He got out once. We didn’t even know, and he got scared and cried at us from under the porch as we were about to leave the apartment. We heard him were just “??? Is THAT SINN?? WHERE?????” and he came running out to us like it was the most terrifying ten minutes of his life.Vertigo; No, he only goes outside if I go outside, and he wont leave a five foot radius of me.Marble; Once. Friends of ours didn’t shut the door all the way and he was missing for several ours. Turns out he made it thirty feet down the parking lot and into a dumpster and was too scared to come out until he heard us calling for him. It was a terrifying experience for all involved.
47. Do you buy them presents?
For every Christmas! And occasionally randomly throughout the year
48. Do they respond when you call?
Yep, they all know their names :)
49. Do they ever see other cats?
Very rarely. Vertigo and Marble hate other cats. Sinn wants to be friends with everything.
50. Declawed?
Vertigo is half declawed. As mentioned above, most of his front claws were removed for medical reasons. He’s a big, male cat with polydactyly, meaning he has extra digits. A lot of polydactyl cats end up with extremely thick, ingrown claws. Vertigo is no exception. His back claws are ungodly thick and grow really long, but luckily don’t curve much. His front claws, however, constantly curved until the points were embedding into his paw pads and would get infected and be painful. After struggling with it for years, we decided it would be less stressful on him to get them removed and we could deal with pain management for arthritis he’ll likely have as a result when he’s older. So far so good, though, and he has no problems with his feets.
51. Funniest expression?
Sinn; full, open mouthed squealing. He’s so dark, but his teeth are so white that it looks ridiculousVertigo; sometimes gets his cheek fluff or chest fluff stuck in his mouth after grooming and it’s so goofyMarble; goes cross-eyed when he yawns
52. Favorite place to be pet?
Sinn; e v e r y w h e r e   everywhereVertigo; his head, or if he’s into it that day, his bellyMarble; under his chin
53. Worst thing they’ve destroyed?
They don’t destroy things, they’re very good boys
54. Give them a head kiss.
Gladly, but I already do more often then they probably want... Except Sinn. He wants all the kisses.
55. What time of the year is most exciting for them?
Sinn; Summer, he loves the sun!Vertigo; Winter, he loves the snow!Marble; I’m not sure he has a preference 
56. Are they good at hunting real prey?
No..... Sinn makes friends with everything. The other two suck. We had a mouse in our apartment once, and had to buy a mouse trap. Three cats, and we had to buy a mouse trap slksjdf They would die if they ever got lose and couldn’t be found
57. Do they ever attack nothing?
Yes! They’ll randomly pounce on nothing, and it usually turns into playing amongst themselves or with a nearby toy.
58. What are they doing right now?
Sinn; snuggling meVertigo; somewhere in a different room, probably sitting in a boxMarble; laying at the foot of the bed, squinting at me
59. How long have you had them?
Sinn; 10 yearsVertigo; 10 yearsMarble; 9 years
60. If you could have them stay as a kitten forever, would you?
Nah. I loved them as kittens, I loved their annoying awkward teenage years, I’m loving their middle years, and I’ll love their old men years. 
61. Ever baby-talk to them?
I mean. You read their nicknames, right...? (yes)
62. Favorite napping position?
Sinn; curled up in the crook of my armVertigo; on his back in the middle of the floor where he can easily be stepped on and yell at you for itMarble; classic cat side saddle lay at the foot of the bed, head either up or on crossed paws
63. Have you ever stepped on their paw?
Yes...... T^T
64. Ever tripped you on stairs?
Yes :\
65. Any ear hair?
Sinn; white ear hair, oddly enough, so his little ears look mostly baldVertigo; all the fluffMarble; some long tufts
66. Favorite view from a window?
They all like the patio door and the humming bird feeder out there, and the front window, where the watch people walk around like it’s a sport
67. Describe why they are precious.
Sinn; perfect, sweet, adorable little angle Vertigo; so grumpy, but when he’s happy, he’s so deeply happy and purrs so loudly and freely and he’s probably the most loyal cat I’ve ever seenMarble; winning his affection is so rewarding and he’s such a sweet boy when it finally happens. He’s also derpy as hell when he’s comfortable around you and will let you lion king him and throw him over your shoulder
68. Fit the cat stereotype?
Sinn; lol noVertigo; yesMarble; Yes, but fierce 
69. Chaotic neutral?
I would say for all three?
70. Do they enjoy following/ keeping you company?
Oh yeah. All three migrate to whatever room I’m in at any given time. My partner says that on my weekends, when I sleep in, they’re lazy and quiet until I get up, then they’re active and playful and want attention. And Vertigo knows my work schedule. He waits by the door for me to get home.
71. Are you their favorite human?
Sinn; probably? It’s hard to tell.Vertigo; Absolutely.Marble; Second favorite, but it’s a close call, I think.
72. Do they like tv?
Neither of them have any interest in the TV
73. Favorite noise to make?
Sinn; happy happy purrsVertigo; He has a really rumbly, adorable, purr-meow thingMarble; Song mows
74. If they were a Neko Atsume cat, what would their momento be?
I don’t know what that is tbh...
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