#animal death m
sevicia · 5 months
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I was sketching out ideassss earlier 2day before I had to stop so I could work on that DAMN PROJECT!!! But that's finished now (all that's left is the presentation tomorrow ><) and I wanna keep drawing soooo bad but I get up at 7 for my 8.30 class, and the class the project is for starts at 10 @_@ ......
Anyways :3 here's an idea for a duo of Mary drawings! Very slightly inspired by some lyrics from X.Y.U by The Smashing Pumpkins (which is literally soooo<3 I'm always like Wow they made this just for me), they're abt the changes she goes thru before the actual story >< I like these sketches a lot so far!!
Also I got these like, thick stacks of post-it notes and today I was like Wait.... I don't have to write ON the drawing anymore !!?!?! so I'm probably gonna be using them a lot from now on LOL @_@
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realian · 1 year
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Joey is having surgery on his spine. the prognosis looks good and he is expected to make a full recovery but I am so worried. he was literally dragging himself by his front legs. he is my little baby boy and is he dies I think I would die too. :(
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bishop-percival · 5 months
(prev) Shamura gives a small smile of pride as Miriam complements their drawings. “Thanks! And mmhm! It’s the Script of the Old Gods, my mentors taught me to read and write it!”
Miriam nodded. “Very nice. You’ll have to teach me some basics.”
She pondered the drawings a few seconds more before making the connection that between the cauldron, lizard, and yellow dotting that might be the turmeric she poured in, it seemed they were interested in the brew.
“Ah… Were you trying to figure out what I’m making?” She looked over at the cauldron. “Here are some more hints. I poured in turmeric, a spice known for helping with pain, swelling, and inflammation.”
She then looked over at the lizard tank. Hopefully explaining their use would help justify to Shamura the demise of the one she dropped in. “Those are Blue Lacersana lizards, a species that is exceptionally quick and efficient at regenerating their limbs should they lose them. That property is very important.”
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humandisastersquad · 9 months
me: *knows that my cats are at the age where they're very likely to develop serious diseases that can affect their quality of life to a point where we need to consider euthanasia as that is the most humane thing to do*
also me: *turns into a snotty, teary-eyed wreck at the thought of it*
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skin-bible · 4 months
I keep having horrible nightmares multiple times per night, and they're revolving around my family, in which I die in front of them or they're killing something precious to me (like euthanizing baby kittens because they don't want them anymore) and it's like
Hell world ! Hell world !
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andiaquarium-moved · 1 year
honestly i have touched roadkill etc on a few occasions but its different cuz im not touching organs and i wash my hands after. i do want to touch organs but not with my bare hands i dont want to get sick and die
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eyeballcommander · 11 months
(Previous) Bishop Percival smiled wide and swayed his legs. “I’m looking forward to that too.” He then glanced up at Lord Hater. “Oh, do tell. Are ya gonna bring out any obstacles? Meat tenderizers, flamethrowers, flying tigers? Oh, oh! Don't tell me actually, I want it to be a surprise!” Meanwhile, the priestess Miriam approached the pile of fried acolytes. She was looking for a good excuse to return to the Glornch. The last thing she wanted to do was go to a loud, chaotic fighting arena with this bunch. They were only in the hallway and were already giving her a headache. She scooped up Sam and slung them over her shoulder, and did the same with Thomas over her other shoulder. She then promptly turned around and left without saying a word.
"Heh," Peepers whispered to Percy with a sly smile. "Masochist."
Hater didn't hear Peepers being a little shit. Not that he knew what that word meant anyways. "I'm just gonna throw you both in the pit. Peepers sold the flying tigers anyways."
"For the last time I rented them because you said you wanted ones just like Emperor Awesome's! How much better could you ge-!"
"Well..." Peepers crossed his arms with a scoff. "They were until they succumbed to a diet of burgers, tacos, and alcohol..."
"So cool..."
"No! It's stupid! See, this is why I was against you get-"
Hater crossed his arms which, coincidentally, put Percy right above Peepers and sternly stared into his eye.
"Annnyways..," Peepers lilted as he stepped back with his hands innocently held behind his back. "May I go grab my weapons? And a coffee?"
"Only if you get me popcorn. And make it snappy!"
"Yes sir! Now..." Peepers glanced at that wannabe prophet before turning towards his followers. "You already know what I can do. So it's only fair that someone tells me about you."
"Eeny, meeny, miny, moe," he said as he pointed at a different one with each word. "Catch a tiger by the-"
"Don't bring up tigers."
"Catch a wizard by the toe. If he hollers end his-
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seasidesapphix · 11 months
i was looking through the jan svankmajer tag and i wish i knew why his name is being treated like a subgenre of coquette
like yes there's a lot of girlhood imagery and feminine touches in his movies, but it's also coexisting with an animated cow skull on wheels and a "snail" made from a bird's skull and a hunk of bleached coral
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librarycards · 2 years
When possums first crawl toward the pouch they are only the size of a bean, and many fail to attach to a teat or secure themselves inside, falling off instead and often forgotten. The mother possum had made that crawl when she was young, too, and then made whatever possum life that followed, which I’m sure wasn’t easy. Is this what it takes to live sometimes? Digging into a pouch, tossing, rummaging, tossing, and running? Leaving what you love, three feet apart? Our own nature can pull us so easily to a horror like this, to throwing to the ground as we flee who we were. It seems unrecognizable to that other sense of nature, the pucker-hugs of cloverleaves over cloverleaves and grass and dirt beneath, but I guess each is a way to live and make more life.
T. Fleischmann, Time Is the Thing a Body Moves Through.
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(Previous) Bert grinned the entire time Teddy was rearranging the fridge contents. “Haha, did not know that being a lieutenant came with a personal housekeeper! Hah! Ohoh! Oh I am joking. I do not mind at all.” Once Teddy settled into his chair, Bert cheekily leaned over a bit. “Do you have to give thanks to Glorn before we eat? Or… Give… ingratitude?” Bert chuckled a bit at himself, but… he almost felt bad for joking about that. Almost.
Teddy gave Bert a relieved smile. Not only did he not mind him organizing his fridges, he was pleased with it.
"Then I'll happily finish tidying up later. The last thing I want is for you to do that snooty bastard a favor and poison yourself."
When Bert asked him about the Glornists' prayers Teddy bowed his head and clasped his hands together.
"Oh glorious, gruesome Glorn. Today I extend my praise to the cramped cage this chicken lived and died in, to the slaughterhouse that deboned it alive, to militant vegans who provided the most sadistic torture methods to Glornist run farms and, most importantly, the exploited workers who made this living hell possible."
"Please allow me to devour this accursed soul to strengthen my body and mind in preparation for unspeakable evils. Ah..." Teddy's shoulders shook. "Amen."
With that Teddy started snickering, unable to hold it back any longer. "Khekhekhe... No! Thank Glorn they haven't managed to corrupt eating."
Then Teddy paused to look at Bert. "...Actually... now that I think about it... That was too plausible for a joke... I hope I didn't startle you."
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ratticusinfernus · 1 year
Hi im truly sorry! I just really need your help. I’m trying to raise some funds for little Olaf’s needs (my cat) as I brought him to the vet yesterday morning because of a really bad diarrhea and im trying to raise some funds as I cannot afford the estimate the vet gave us. 🥲Please help me share the post I made for him, I have pinned it on my blog. I’m hoping that you’ll consider, and sorry again for bothering you and for being this direct! Take care!
Hi Pineapples! Have you considered euthanizing him and getting a new cat? Hope this helps!
[[If this was a real ask begging for donations I'd answer respectfully but here's a quick lesson on spotting these particularly scummy bots:]]
They don't interact with you aside from sending the ask and maybe following you.
You have no interests in common with them and have no clue how they found their blog. (In Veronica's case: Her blog is less than a week old with 5 followers and also she's an animal torturer.)
Their asks follow the same basic format of: A) Telling you their sob story that you may learn to recognize word for word from other bots, B) Telling you to reblog/donate, C) Pretending to be ashamed to guilt you despite having no qualms about blatantly not caring about you outside of this and in particularly insidious ones I saw a few months ago D) Explicitly asking you to not publish their ask.
Their account is less than a few days old. Go to the beginning of their history.]]
[[If you see one of these asks do NOT reblog their donation post. That legitimizes them and they got $50 already. (Note: They may be lying to make it look like others trust them. I hope so.)]]
[[And for the love of god do NOT donate to them. Find a real person with an extensive blog history and connections to actual people.]]
[[Ignore them aside from reporting them for scamming. Except Tumblr doesn't have that specific option so do spam/bot]]
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samble-moved · 2 years
my neighbor guilt tripped me by saying it's personally all my fault if the stray i feed dies from the cold tonight because i literally am unable bring him in because my dad (who owns the house) says no. but it's my fault, not his. what the fuck does she want from me, to see me kicked out for sneaking him inside? she said "well, then you'll probably have to bury him" what a fucking awful thing to say???
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archangel-zadkiel · 2 years
Putting this under a ready more so that those sensitive to the topic don’t have to read
My dog, one I’ve had since I was probably 14 or so is probably not going to make it to tonight. She’s doing really badly and I don’t know what to say…just keep me in your thoughts and send good vibes my way? I’m not well right now mentally not well at all.
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bishop-percival · 10 months
The Rat
[[Hii I wrote another fic. It's about Sherri Jr. Why am I posting it on this blog? You'll see...]]
“Gute Nacht, Sherri!”
Bert gave a few pats to the green three eyed rat curled up on his bed. When she closed her eyes, Bert turned off the table lamp to his side and crawled under the blanket. He was snoring just minutes later.
Sherri Jr. opened her eyes. She turned and looked at the digital clock on the side table. 12:03 AM Skullship time. She then got up and poked her head under the blanket to see if Bert really was asleep. He was indeed. It was go time.
Taking delicate steps, Sherri crawled off the bed and pitter-pattered over to the door. She stood on her hind legs and twisted the lock on the handle to unlock it. She then wrapped both her front paws and her grabby tail around the handle and slowly pulled down. The door opened a crack, enough for her to squeeze out. She pulled it shut behind her with her tail, then took off scampering down the hallway.
Sherri made her way into a stairwell. She jumped up on the railing and slid down each set. Some night owl watchdogs who happened to be using the stairs got quite startled when she slid past them. Others were a bit more accustomed to the sight, saying “see, I told you a giant green rat with three eyes slides down the stairwell railing around this time!” Sherri did this for quite a few floors. Finally, she reached the door for one of the lowest floors- Floor B. 
Leaving the stairwell led her to a very long, tall, dark hallway. It was quite basement-y there. It smelled rather musty and the ceiling exposed piping and wiring. The walls were dotted with electrical boxes and large steel doors, but Sherri darted past them all until she reached the very end of the hallway. And at that end were the beautifully crafted wooden doors of the Glornch, surrounded by stone siding on the wall. It looked like a far cry from the very hallway it was nestled in. Instead of pushing the doors open, though, there was a specific stone close to the ground that looked ever so slightly out of place. Sherri pushed against this stone, which caused an even larger stone nearby to completely pop out of the wall, revealing a small secret tunnel. Sherri crawled in backwards, dragging the stone back into place. 
Deep inside the Glornch, the priestess Reverend Miriam was busy in her personal ritual chamber and brewery. The space was crowded with shelves and cabinets full of all kinds of strange ingredients and artifacts. In the center was a giant cauldron boiling over a fire. She was brewing some refills for the potions that were running low. 
Miriam perked up at the sight of her large potted henbane plant slowly shifting away from the corner it was in. Sherri Jr. emerged from behind the ceramic pot, exiting the secret passageway. 
“Ah. There you are…” Miriam said as she approached the rat. She then scooped Sherri up and hefted her into the air. “...My little familiar! How are you sweetie pie? Did you have a safe journey here?” 
Miriam set Sherri back down and ruffled the top of her head. “Are you hungry? I got a brand new can of your favorite…” 
With Sherri following behind, Miriam walked to a nearby cabinet and retrieved a big tin. She set it on the ground and opened the lid.
“Fresh raisins!” she said with a smile. Sherri eagerly dug in and stuffed the raisins in her cheeks. She was also sure to pick up a few and hold them out toward Miriam.
“Oh, are these for me? Why thank you, sweetie pie.” She popped the raisins into her mouth. 
Then came a knock at the chamber door. The air of joy completely drained from Miriam as she dropped her smile for her usual resting scowl face. She quickly picked up Sherri and the canister of raisins and shoved them both under a table draped with a cloth. “Stay. Here.”
With the giant rat hidden, Miriam went over to the door and ripped it open. “What do you want?” she growled.
Her brother Mike was on the other side. He was unfazed by her hostility, but there was a look of confusion on his face.
“Uh… Percy asked me to give this to you,” he said as he handed his sister a piece of paper. “The schedule for this month.”
Mike then leaned to his side, trying to peer into the chamber. “Am I interrupting something? Are you talking to someone?”
Miriam snatched the paper with one hand and with the other shoved her palm into Mike’s chest. “Buzz off. I was praying to Mother’s Eye.”
Mike took a step back and dusted off his chest. “And… Giving her raisins? And calling her sweetie pie?”
Her eye widened with rage. “You damn eavesdropping creep! I- I… Was. Yes. I was offering raisins to Mother’s Eye.”
Mike stood and flatly stared at his sister. He did not believe her. He tried to push past her into the chamber, which predictably resulted in her trying to push him out, and the situation quickly turned into a fistfight complete with name calling.
Startled by the commotion, Sherri Jr. poked her head out from the table cloth. All she saw was some guy beefing with her friend, so she scurried over and joined the fight. She bit Mike’s leg.
“Ow! What the fuck is this thing?”
Miriam quickly pulled Sherri off of Mike's leg and into her arms. She then slammed the chamber door shut.
“Wait, I’ve seen that before… is that… Is that that one scientist guy’s rat? The one you’re always saying you’re gonna hunt down because it's a rare and powerful witchcraft ingredient?” Mike questioned as he squinted at the rat. “Wow, good job! You actually caught it! It’s a lot bigger than I remember it being…”
“Uh huh. And as you can see,” Miriam pointed at the boiling cauldron, “I’m busy preparing her for a potion. So can you stop bothering me and get out of here?”
Mike sighed and rubbed the spot on his head that got punched during the scuffle. “Fine…” He then perked up and shot an inquisitive glare at Miriam. “Wait. Her? Were you feeding the rat raisins? And calling it sweetie pie?”
Miriam stammered. “I- No- Well-... Ugh, she’s my familiar, ok?!” She hugged Sherri close to her.
Mike’s eye widened. “But… The ingredient potential… You really binded this rat as your familiar instead?”
She averted her gaze and remained silent.
“...Did you not even perform a binding ritual?”
Miriam finally exploded. “SHUT UP! Just shut up and leave me alone, ok? This thing is so freaking cute I can’t bring myself to kill her! And if I try to keep her for too long, she gets horribly anxious and depressed, so I let her go back to that damn scientist guy in the morning! But she keeps coming back at night!”
Mike gawked at his sister for a moment before bursting with laughter. “HAH! You gotta be kidding me! My oh-so evil cold-hearted sis, softened by a rat! Acting like you have joint custody over it!” 
Miriam kicked his shin. 
“OW, fuck!” Mike sharply inhaled before speaking again. “... You know, Percival hates that thing. If he finds out you have it he’s either gonna make you kill it or kill it himself.”
Scritching Sherri’s chin, Miriam narrowed her eye at Mike. “That’s why Percy won’t find out. And if you dare tell him, I’m gonna dismember you for my potions. Though you’ll probably make lousy batches.”
Mike rolled his eye. He was actually kind of glad to see his sister care so much about another living thing. But if this rat got taken away from her, who knows what kind of consequences her grief would bring. 
“Don’t worry. I won’t tell Percy. Though I am surprised you’re betraying his wishes like this…”
“I’m not betraying him. It’s not like he ever told me specifically to go out and kill her.”
“Whatever. So what’s this thing’s name? Sherlie or something?” Mike pointed at Sherri. She tried to bite his finger but he pulled it away in time.
“Mir Junior. That’s what I’ve named her. And she’s not just some dumb cute animal. Watch.”
Miriam set Sherri on the ground. “At attention, Mir Jr. Retrieve for me the ingredients for a simple Scorching Serum.”
At once, Sherri scampered over to a group of cabinets and pulled the doors open with her tail. She grabbed bundles of herbs, a jar of red lizard tails, and a bottle containing powder. She managed to waddle all of it back over to the priestess. Miriam gave her some enthusiastic pats.
“Good job! See Mike? She’s more competent than you.”
Mike scoffed. “How long has this th- …Mir Jr. been coming around?”
Miriam stood up and retrieved the canister of raisins from behind the table. “A few weeks…”
“What’re you gonna do if that scientist guy finds out and tries to put a stop to it?”
“He won’t find out,” Miriam flatly stated as she shoved the canister towards Mike until he took a hold of it.
“You say that, but…” Mike looked down. Sherri had come close to him and was looking up at him expectantly. He took a nervous step back, thinking she might gear up to bite his leg again. She stepped towards him.
“Hey uh, Mir Senior? Why’d you give me these?...”
“Feed some to her.”
“What? No! It’ll bite my hand off!”
“Coward. Scared of a rat? Like Percy?”
Mike wordlessly sneered at his sister before looking back down at Sherri. He scooped a few raisins into the palm of his hand and cautiously held it down to her. 
Mutually cautious, Sherri sniffed and sniffed his hand before coming to the conclusion that, sure, she’ll accept these raisins. They were safe, passed inspection. She grabbed them out of Mike’s hand and stuffed them in her cheeks. 
“Alright. I fed your rat. I’m leaving now. That’s what you want, right? For me to leave?”
“Wait,” Miriam commanded. “Now pet her.”
“I’m not petting her.” Mike handed the canister back to his sister.
“She’s soft. Softest thing I’ve ever felt.”
Mike shifted. “I’m just really not in the mood to lay my bare hand on a rat…”
“She’s clean.”
After a few moments of deliberation and looking over Sherri, Mike finally slipped a glove off and slowly reached down towards her. He froze when she stood to sniff his hand, but she soon leaned into it. Trying to suppress a smile, Mike continued stroking the side of her face.
“She is soft…” he muttered.
Miriam sighed and put the raisins back in the cupboard. She then picked up the ingredients Sherri had fetched for her and took them over to the cauldron. She went to work making her brew while Mike sat enthralled petting Sherri in different spots. It was a peaceful moment. A rare, peaceful moment. 
The clocks struck 5:00 AM. Mike had left a few hours earlier, so it was just Miriam and her so-called Mir Jr. organizing the new potion bottles into their designated cabinets. 
Sherri's antennae perked up, as if she could sense the time. She waddled over to Miriam and stood up. 
“Ah, is it time for you to go? Okay. One moment, sweetie.” 
The priestess grabbed a few raisins from the cupboard and handed them to Sherri.
“Thanks for your help tonight. Come back soon, ok?”
With that, Sherri Jr. slipped back behind the potted plant, into the secret tunnel, and eventually out of the Glornch. She made the trek back up the flights of stairs, down this and that hallway, before finally arriving back safely at Bert's room.
Again exercising caution, she quietly opened the door and even had the brains to lock it after closing it behind her. She crept into the bed, weary, and closed her three eyes.
Then Bert’s alarm went off at 6:00 AM. He sprung up from the blanket.
“Yawn!! It’s a new day!” He nudged Sherri. “C’mon schätzchen! Time to get ready for work.”
She let out a few irritated squeaks and repositioned herself before closing her eyes again.
Bert smiled. “Hehe… you lazy girl.”
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earthwyrrm · 6 months
im not religious but i do hope there's a heaven and i hope that animals get to go there too because its truly too much to think i will never ever see my beloveds again.
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8pm · 8 months
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