#also holy fuck our room is a literal sandstorm
u-know-too-much · 2 years
Just an opinion. Although our school is famous for being a powerhouse for really smart and talented kids, I feel like it relies on the raw talent of the student rather than genuinely nurturing them or at least it's very selective with those it wants to nurture (which are usually the already exceptional kids). Which in turn is what makes it famous and gives it its reputation, and gets parents to enroll their talented kids in. It's not apparent bc well, sometimes, the only thing we qanna do is get the tf outta here lmao.
Rarely does it have qualified teachers that specialise in that particular subject, they just get who they can and teach to get it over with, training for comps are rarely formal, we have to sustain and improve ourselves on our own for said comps, then they get to claim all the credit "school that houses great future writers" or some shit. And then they give us the obviojs excuse of letting us be "independent" bc it "prepares us for college", how about let's do simulations first before the actual thing.
I also got one failed grade and one low grade bc of minor subjects. Now they're going to ruin my average. How am I supposed to compete to bigger, smarter students.
It's so tiring, I'm wasting so much time, I'm slowly burning out.
Our school can go burn down, with all my horrid classmates in it. Whatever prowess and prestige it had when I first enrolled here is nothing but rubble now that I'm almost leaving. Now go and watch them improve this trainwreck of a place after we leave :)
#the treatment of us and tvl vs abm and stem is just wow#the knowledge and teachings we get...i can get this from a google search i dont see what's so specialised ab it#and our section is mixed in with those who are lagging behind in hopes of us helping them are we babysitters??#i regret choosing humss or my school#it's such a pain to endure here#i get good grades but haha it could be better#im not really learning anything#i just know instead of these two years of k-12 helping me it's going to stump me when i get to college#haha how am i supposed to catch up to everybody else#i know neither the school or our adviser or half of our teachers give a shit#but lol this is the only chance i'll get to end my suffering pls give me better education...#also holy fuck our room is a literal sandstorm#stem gets the avr??#abm gets to keep their pristine room??#and when i vent ab it. everyone just talks ab how better they've got it sure?? is that supposed to make me feel better??#thanks for invalidating me ig there is no upside to this#ive been trying my hardest to endure and pretend like any of these minor inconveniences compounding together is okay to me.#when i complain ab grades like i just wanna get the highest like i think i dsserve from the effort i gave#im not undermining the one i got no way is it something to frown on but dont you think they can still give and compensate us thru this#from all the stupid shit we had to sit with#studying here is painful#i had to do this now every day#im honestlh considering if i should start skipping classes
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Sander Sides High School Host Club
Sanders Sides OHSHC-
This is simply a bullet fic for a Sanders Sides version of Ouran High School Host Club. Everyone is Supernatural except for Virgil, and if y’all like it enough, I will turn it into a full fledged fic. Just let me know!!
Original Character= Sander Side -supernatural identity- tattoo that shows supernatural identity Haruhi=Virgil -human- ??? Tamaki=Janus -shapeshifter- dice surrounded by various shapes Kyouya=Logan -vampire- fangs with a moon and cross Hikaru=Patton -Cupid- bow&arrow w/ heart Kaoru=Emile -Siren- musical notes with emoji Hunny=Roman -fae- willow tree and red mushrooms Mori=Remy -sandman- hourglass combines with a sandstorm Renge=Remus -fae- willow tree and green mushrooms
~A bunch of freaking people talking loudly in a freaking library!~
Virgil – [Sigh] ~This place has four library rooms. You'd think one of them would be quiet.~
~How are things in heaven Andy? I can't believe it's been ten years already. I'm beginning to think that rich kids only come to school to have a good time.~
~An abandoned living room. I guess this is the only place I'll be able to study in peace and quiet.~
[Gets buried in an avalanche of petals]
Sides Host Club – "Welcome!"
Virgil– ~When I opened the door, I found the Host Club.~
Janus *background/narration/janus answer to Virgil’s ‘whaaa???’*– "Only those with excellent social standing, filthy rich families, and are supernatural creatures are lucky enough to spend their time here at the elite private school, Sides Academy. The Sides Host Club is where the school's handsomest boys, with too much time on their hands, entertain other handsome boys who also have way too much time on their hands. Just think of it as Sides Academy's elegant playground for the super-rich, supernatural, and beautiful."
Virgil – "This is a cult?"
Patton– "Oh wow, it's a new boy!"
Logan – "Patton, Emile, I believe this young man is in the same class as you, isn't he?"
Emile– "Yeah, but he's so shy and quite! He doesn't act very sociably, so we don't know much about him."
Logan – "Hm. Well, that wasn't very polite." "Welcome to the Sides Host Club, Mr. Honor Student."
Janus – "What? You must be Virgil Storm! You're the exceptional honor student we've heard about."
Virgil – "How did you know my name?"
Roman– "Why, you're infamous. It's not every day that a commoner gains entrance into our academy. You must have a lot of nerve to work hard enough to fight your way into this school as an honor student cutie."
Virgil– "Boi, excuse me?"
Janus – "You're excused. You're a hero to other poor people, Storm. You've shown the world that even a poor person can excel at an elite private academy. It must be hard for you to constantly be looked down upon by others."
Virgil– "Ahhh, you’re that type of asshole. I think you're taking this "poor" thing too far."
Janus – "Spurned. Neglected. But that doesn't matter now. Long live the poor! We welcome you poor man, to our world of beauty."
Virgil– "Bitch, bye. I'm outta here."
Patton– "Hey! Come back here BFF Virgil! You must be like a superhero or something. That's so cool!"
Virgil– "I'm not a hero. I'm an honor student. And who are you calling "BFF Virgil!?"
Janus – "I never would've imagined the famous scholar would be so openly gay."
Virgil – "Openly what? BITCH WE’RE ALL GAY! There are no girls at this school! It’s like, a requirement or something!"
Janus *not listening*– "So tell me what kind of guys you're into. Do you like the strong, silent type? Because we don’t have that. We have Remy instead.
Remy- “You got that right babes. Silence is weakness. That’s why I always be slurping Starbees! *siiiippppp*”
Janus- Then there’s the boy Lolita? That’s Pat and Em! How about the princely type, Roman, or the cool nerd type, Logan?"
Virgil– "None! I was just looking for a quiet place to study."
Janus – "Or maybe... You're into a guy like me. *winky winky nudge nudge* What do you say?"
Virgil– "I will slap you. Back away!"
~Joan enters to see what the club was up too, and hears a ‘crackboom’. He turns to the noise, and sees the club standing over his broken vase.
Joan- “BROOOOOOOO! No effin' way, dude! Who broke this vase? Who broke this vase? Seriously, guys. Everyone who's here at my awesome party... this huge crowd of people that's definitely here right now...”
Virgil- *Mumbling* “Oh my go- wait, are they drunk? Why are they talking like that?”
Joan- “Somebody broke my grandma's vase. And that was the last thing she gave to me... to sell for about 75 thousand dollars! I swear to all things football and/or skateboarding that I will find you. Don't make me cry these incredibly manly tears! Anyone can speak up here and be a part of this scene. Especially those of us who aren't imagined and are actually here on the stage.”
Janus, Logan, Patton, Emile, Roman, and Remy all facepalm.
Joan- “Like, not the people who are imagined to be here through means of suspension of disbelief.”
Logan- I do not understand theatre. Joan, you don’t have to practice your script right now! Besides, you literally watched Virgil break it.”
Joan- “True, but I was very convincing! Now, ima go, but y’all should have the new guy do indentured servitude or something, because that’s the typically way a teenager pays for breaking a vase. Bye!”
All- “Bye Joan!”
Virgil- *gulping and looking around the room*"Uh, I'm gonna have to pay you back."
Remy – "With what money? Babes, you can't even afford a school uniform."
Roman – "What's with that grubby outfit you've got on anyway?"
Virgil- “Hmm, don’t like you either asshat.”
Logan – "Well, what do you think we should do Janus?"
Janus– "There's a famous saying you may have heard Virgil, "When in Rome, you should do as the Romans do." Since you have no money, you can pay with your body!”
Virgil- *raises an eyebrow, flips him off, and moves to leave*
Logan- *grabbing Virgil’s arm and pulling him back* “He doesn’t mean like that! He means-“
Janus- * interrupting* “That means starting today, you're the Host Club's errand boi!"
(Scene change)
Virgil– ~I don't know if I can handle this Andy. I've been captured by a bunch of boys that are calling themselves a host club.~ [Indistinct chattering] Brian– "Um, Janus, what's your favorite song?"
Janus– "What song? The one that reminds me of you, of course."
Steve (the stove) – "I baked you a cake today. Would you like to taste it?"
Janus– "Only if you'll feed it to me darling."
Bill (the drill) – "Oh wow. You're so dreamy."
Chad – "May I have a word with you Janus?"
Janus and Bill – "Huh?"
Chad– "I've recently heard the Host Club is keeping a little kitten without a pedigree."
Janus– "I don't know if I'd call him that. Speak of the devil! Thanks for doing the shopping Count Woe-laf! Did you get everything on our list?"
Virgil– "What? If Roman can’t call me that neither can you. Now here’s your food."
Remy– "Hey, wait a minute, what is this?"
Virgil– "Just what it looks like. It's coffee."
Remy – "I've never seen this kind before. Is this Dunkin Donuts?"
Virgil – *rolling his eyes* "Holy fucking shit. It's just Krueger coffee pods. I even got Starbucks brand!”
Everyone– "It's coffee pods?"
Remy – "Whoa! I've heard of this before. It's commoners' coffee. You just place it into a machine."
Steve – "I didn't know there was such a thing."
Brian – "So it's true then. Poor people don't even have enough money to buy Starbucks from Starbucks!"
Chad – "Mm hmm!"
Virgil- “No, it’s just Starbucks coffee pods. For home. It’s convenient you preppy asshats.”
Logan– *winks* "Commoners are pretty smart and convenient."
Roman – "68 cents per pod?"
Patton – "That's a lot less than we normally pay!"
Virgil – "I'll go back and get regular Starbucks. Excuse me for not knowing y’all orders."
Remy – "No, I'll keep it."
Crowd – [Gasp]
Remy– "I'm going to give it a try."
Crowd – [Gasp]
Remy – "I will drink this coffee!"
Crowd – [Applause]
Remy – "Alright Virgil, get over here and make me some of this commoners' coffee."
Virgil– ~I hate all these damn rich people.~
Chad– "Oh Janus, Logan, now they’re taking the joke too far. His palate won't be able to stomach that crap. Y’all don't have to drink it just because he bought it."
Virgil- "With all do respect, what?"
Chad*verychadlike* – "I'm sorry. I was talking to myself."
Virgil– "Bitc-"
Emile– "Virgil!"
Virgil – "Eh, I'm comin'" "Here."
Remy – "Let the tasting begin."
Brian – "I'm a little scared to drink this stuff."
Jon – "I'm afraid if I drink this my father will yell at me."
Roman– "What if I let you drink it from my mouth?"
Jon – "Well then I would drink it."
Guys – [Squealing]
Virgil – ~This is ridiculous.~
(Scene change)
Emile– [Giggle] "So he had a cookie jar hidden in our room."
Patton– "Emile! Don't tell them that story. I asked you not to tell anyone that. Why are you so mean to me?"
Emile– "I'm sorry Patton."
Guys – [Gasp]
Emile – "I didn't mean to upset you, but you were so adorable when it happened, I had to tell them. I'm sorry."
Patton– "I forgive you."
Guys – [Squeal] "I've never seen roommate love quite like that."
Virgil– "What are they so excited about? I just don't get it."
Roman – [dramatic entrance] "Sorry, we're running late."
Jon – "Hello Roman. Hey Remy."
Apollo – "We've been waiting here for you guys, hi"
Roman– "I'm sorry. I was waiting for Remy to finish his party plans and I simply couldn’t leave a man behind! *wrapping his arms around Remy* especially not the handsomest prince in the world!"
Guys – [Gasp] "So cute!" [Giggling]
Virgil– "Is Roman really a prince?"
Logan – "Roman may seem dramatic, but he is a fae prince."
Virgil – "Really? Damn."
Logan– "And then Remy allure is he’s a sassy, coffee-addicted sandman."
Virgil- "Interesting... tell me more?"
Logan- “Well, Emile is a siren. Patton is a Cupid.”
Virgil-*suprised Pikachu face* “seriously?”
Patton– "Vergie!"
Virgil– [Yelp]
Patton– "Hey Virgie, do you want to go have some cookies with me?"
Virgil– "Thanks, but I don't really like cookies."
Emile– "Then how would you like to hold my Stitch?"
Virgil– "I'm not into stuffed animals."
Emile– "Don’t worry! Stitch isn’t a mere stuffed animal! You look stressed. Stitch is enchanted, he brings luck and happiness to the holder.”
Virgil– [Gasp] "Well, I guess it wouldn’t hurt?"
Emile and Patton– [Gasp] *REALIZATION!* "Take good care of him, okay?" [Laugh]
Logan– "You'll notice that our club utilizes each man's unique characteristics to cater to the desires of our guests. Just so you know, Janus is number one around here. He's the king. Just don’t tell Roman. Janus’s request rate is 70%."
Virgil- "What's this world coming to? So, what is he?"
Logan- “Janus is a shapeshifter.”
Virgil- “Figures”
Logan– "And in order for you to pay off your 75 thousand dollar debt with us, you will act as the Sides Host Club's errand boy until you graduate. You can try to run away if you want to Virgil, but just so you know, I can find you anywhere you go. By the way, do you have a passport?"
Virgil – "Huh? What does that matter? And how could you find me? You never told me what you are."
Logan: “oh, of course. *smiles slowly, showing fangs.* “I’m a vampire.”
Virgil~eyes widened. Crap. Why does the one I like best have to be the most dangerous?~
Janus – "You're going to have to work hard to pay off that debt, my little emo." [Blow]
Virgil– [Hyperventilating] "Please don't do that again. Fight or flight, I will punch you."
Janus– "You need a makeover or no guys going to look twice at you."
Virgil – "You seem to be looking at me just fine. Besides, I’m not trying to get guys to look at me."
Janus– "Are you kidding me? That's the most important thing. You have to learn to be a gentleman and please the masses, like me."
Virgil– "I just don't think it's all that important."
Janus– "Hm?"
Virgil– "Why should I care about appearances and labels anyway? I mean, all that really matters is what's on the inside right? I don't understand why you even have a host club like this."
Janus– "It's a cruel reality, isn't it?
Virgil– [Grunt]
Janus– "It's not often that God creates a perfect person like moi, beautiful both inside and out."
Virgil– "And vein all around?"
Janus– "I understand how you feel since not everyone is blessed as I am, but you must console yourself. Otherwise how would you go on living? And think about this Virgil. Why do you think they put works of art in museums? Because beauty should be shared with the world, and those born beautiful should-“
Virgil-(~There's a word to describe people like him.~)
Janus- “promote other beautiful things. That's why I started this club in the first place. I did it for those who are-“
Virgil-(~Hmm. What is it?~)
Janus- “starved for beauty. For those working day and night, pursuing beauty. And although
Virgil-(~Aw man, I wish I could remember that word. Hmmm~)
Janus-“your looks may be average, and you have a few negative characteristics, I've chosen to share my expertise with you. Here's a tip. When setting down your glass, extend your pinky finger as a cushion, and that way when you set it down you won't be making a lot of noise. Gentlemen do not make loud sounds. Besides,” Virgil-(~"a pain in the neck"?~)
Janus-“a gentleman looks much more refined”
Virgil-(~No, there's something that fits him perfectly, better than that~)
Janus-“that way. I like to check my reflection.., but above all else ? Virgil, you must remember, how effective a glance to the side can be.”
Virgil- “Ha. I got it!”
Janus-“Oh, did I strike a chord?”
Virgil- You’re Obnoxious!"
Virgil – "Uh, I'm sorry Janus. I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings."
Roman and Remy– [Laugh]
Roman– "You're a hero alright."
Remy – "Uh-huh."
Virgil– ~But he is a pain in the neck.~ "I'm sorry Jan, but your lesson did strike a small chord with me."
Janus– "Really? It did? Let me teach you more, my friend."
Virgil– "Well, he got over that quick."
Janus- “Emile!”
Emile – "Boss?"
Janus– "Call me King."
Roman- “Nope, that’s me! Try again.”
Janus- “Fine. Call me Emperor Now where was I?”
Emile– “I think you were wanting to make Virgil a host. You can teach him all the basics of hosting..."
Patton– "But he's not going to get very far with the fellas if he doesn't look the part you know. HE NEEDS A MAKEOVER!!!"
Virgil– "I thought I already vetoed that?"
Roman– "Yes! Maybe if we moved his bangs out of his eyes it could help."
Virgil– "Hey! I happen to like bangs in my eyes! STEP AWAY FROM THE BRUSH! NO!!!"
Remy Attack Virgil with a hairbrush
Remy realization*
Logan– [Gasp] "Remy."
Remy – "Got it!"
Virgil– "Huh? Bitch what the hell is going on??" [Yell]
Roman– "Emile, what’s the number to my hairstylist?“
Patton – "What about me Lolo?"
Logan– "Patton."
Patton– "Yes sir!"
Logan– "You... go make some cookies."
Patton – "Ok! Virgil, what’s your favorite type of cookie?? You know what, I’ll just make them all!"
Remy – "Here! Change into this uniform."
Virgil– "What? Why?"
Remy– "Don't ask questions!"
Virgil– "No way! Screw you! You know what, I'll change, but you have to GET OUT!"
Remy – [Yell] [Stutter] "Huh?"
Logan– [Sigh]
(Scene change)
Virgil– "Um, guys?"
Janus– "Aren't you done changing yet?"
Logan– "Hmmm?"
Virgil– "You sure it's really okay for me to keep this uniform?"
Patton– "Cute! You're super pretty! Adorable!"
Emile– "Verge, you look so cute!"
Roman– "If we had known that's how you really look..."
Remy– "We would've helped you out sooner. You’re actually pretty hot..."
Logan– "Who knows? Maybe he'll draw in some customers. And I agree, he is extremely aesthetically appeasing."
Janus – "You know, that's just what I was thinking. Our errand boy is moving up the ranks. Starting today, you are an official member of the Host Club. I will personally train you to be a first-rate host. If you can get 100 customers to request your service, we will completely forget about your $75,000 debt."
Virgil – "A host? You people are fucking crazy. And I don’t want you to train me. You are an asshole."
Logan- “Janus? Do you mind if I train him? It could be educational.”
Janus- *slightly offended snake sounds* “If you can get the ungrateful, sassy, mean emo to agree, you can train him.”
Logan- “Virgil, can~”
Virgil- “I’ll let the hot nerd train me. I like him.”
Everyone looks between an extremely pleased Logan and a smug Virgil. ‘Interesting’
(Insert fluffy, flirty Analogical scene of Virgil learning how to be a ‘proper host’ and the others spying)
(Scene change)
Alfredo– "So, tell me Virgil. Do you have any hobbies? What do you like to do?"
Herbert– "I'm curious, what kind of products do you use on your skin?"
Boy(I’m running out of Thomas’s male character names)– "Yes, it's so pretty."
Virgil– ~I can't do this anymore. I’m sorry Logan, but I have no idea what I'm supposed to do. And these people are staring to get annoying. And invasive...~
Boys – "So why did you join the Host Club Virgil?" [Giggle]
Virgil– "Uh." ~All I have to do is get 100 customers to request me, and they'll forget about my $75,000 debt. I just have to seem interesting. Oh! I know just the story.~
Alfredo – "I see, your brother was sick and passed away two years ago. Who do you bond with now?"
Virgil– "Oh, I‘m just kind of by myself now. My brother was my best friend and confidante, so I found it hard to make friends since he passed. Now all I have is my Uncle, but he is pretty great, and I have managed to make it through okay."
Herbert – "So uh..."
Boy – "Is it okay if tomorrow..."
Alfredo – "We request to sit with you again?"
Virgil– "Yeah, I'd really appreciate that guys. Y’all are great listeners, and I am interested to hear about y’all next time." *smirk*
Boys- [stifled shrieking]
Roman – "Why is he so popular?"
Logan– "He's a natural."
Janus– "Apparently he didn’t even need training."
Chad– "Have you forgotten about me?"
Janus – "Oh, no. Sorry prince. I'm just a little concerned about our newest host."
Chad – "Well that's obvious Jan. You and Logan sure have been keeping an eye on him."
Janus – "Of course. I have to. I need to make sure he a good host, and Logan is training him to be a gentleman."
Boys – [Giggling]
Janus – "Virgil! Come here for a minute."
Virgil– "What's up?"
Janus– "I'd like you to meet someone. This is my regular guest, Prince Chad."
Virgil– [Gasp] ~It's that asshole from earlier~ "Sir, it's a ‘absolute’ pleasure to meet you."
Janus – "That was so cute! That air of bashfulness was very good! Super good! Amazingly good!"
Chad – "Uh, Logan, what is happening?"
Logan– "Virgil is adorable, so Janus is trying to show affection and make Virgil like him better than me."
Virgil– "Roman! Save me!"
Janus – "Nope, mine now!"
Roman– *Whacks Janus with his sword and grabs Virgil bridal style* [Realization Gasp]
Janus– "Damn it Roman, you didn’t have to go that far. Come on little emo, let your best friend give you a big hug."
Virgil– "Ok. Patton! Janus says I need a hug."
Laughing and offended noises, then Patton jumping in Virgil arms for a giant hug. Guests are very amused, and Chad is very pissed
(Scene change)
Virgil-"Hey, what happened to my bag? [looks out window and sees bag in fountain] Uh, are you kidding me? How did that happen? I didn't think there were bullies at this school. I guess those asshats are everywhere. They’re like McDonalds."
Virgil runs towards the fountain
Chad – "Oh! It's you again. I bet you love having Janus and Logan making you over and fawning over you. It's useless though. You're always going to be a second-class citizen.”
Virgil – ~I bet my Tim Burton posters that he is the bastard that threw my bag in the fountain. I can't be bothered with him right now though. I've gotta find my wallet or I won't have any money for food this week.~
Remy– "Hey, tiny emo! You've got some nerve skipping out on the club like that. Why is your bag all wet?"
Virgil– "It's no big deal. I got it. I just can't find my food money."
Remy– "Hm?"
[jumps into the fountain after taking off his sunglasses]
Virgil– "Hey, you don't have to do that. You'll get wet. And why the hell did you only take off your sunglasses? That does nothing!"
Remy – "A little water never hurt anyone. Besides, people are always telling me that I'm dripping with good looks. Oh, hang on a second. This what you're looking for? What's the matter, you're staring off into space. Ooo! Please tell me your falling for me. Because Logan is gonna be pissed! "
Virgil– "No way!"
Remy– "How did your bag end up in the fountain anyway?"
Virgil– "Well uh, I guess I accidentally dropped it out the window at some point."
(Scene change)
Chad – "Oh really? That must've been terrible. I can't imagine what I'd do if my bag fell into the fountain."
Virgil – ~Why did he request me when it's obvious he doesn't like me? He has a plan. Ima end up decking this guy...~
Chad– "And you actually made Remy search that dirty old thing with you. How astonishing! You do realize he's a blueblood and not a commoner, right? The only reason any of them are paying attention to you is because they’re trying to turn you into a gentleman."
Virgil– [Gasp] ~Dis bitch wanna get punched ~
Chad– "Don't start thinking he cares about you just because he's doting on you."
Virgil– "Now I understand. You're jealous of me."
[grabs Virgil’s arm and yanks to where Virgil knocks the table over and lands on top of Chad]
Chad – [Scream] "No, Virgil! Leave me alone! Somebody help, he just attacked me!"
Virgil– "Bitch please."
Chad– "Somebody do something! Teach this commoner a lesson!"
[Emile and Patton dump water on the two]
Virgil– "Honestly, what the fuck is with you guys?"
Chad – "Why did you do that? Do something, Janus. Virgil just assaulted me."
Janus – "I'm disappointed in you. You threw his bag into the fountain, didn't you?"
Chad – "You don't know that. Do you have any proof that I did?"
Remy- “Yeah, babes, we got proof. It’s called we’re not fucking stupid. Or blind.”
Logan– "You know, you're a handsome guy, but you aren't classy enough to be our guest. If there's one thing I know, Virgil is not that kind of a man."
Chad– "But, why? You are all idiots!" [Cry]
Janus– "Hmmm... Now how am I going to punish you? Because it is your fault after all. Your quota is now 1000!"
Virgil– "Huh? 1000? My fault? Why yo-"
Patton– "Come on. I got high expectations for you, kiddo!"
Virgil– "Really?"
Emile– "Yep! This is the only spare uniform we have. Sorry, but it's better than a wet one, right?"
Virgil– "Thanks a lot you guys. I'm gonna go change."
(Scene change)
Janus – "Virgil, here you go. I brought you some towels."
Virgil– [Gasp] “Please get the hell out!”
Janus blanches and leaves
Virgil walks out in the uniform that shows ones supernatural identity tattoo. It shows off storm clouds and lightning, a rare tattoo but one that’s signifies humanity.
Janus– "Virgil."
Virgil– "Yeah?"
Janus– "So, you're a human?"
Virgil– "No shit Sherlock, yeah. Is there anything wrong with that?"
Janus– “No! I think you are awesome even if you’re human. Who else knows?”
Logan, Patton, Emile, Remy, and Roman all raise their hands
Virgil– "Listen guys, I don't really care whether you recognize me as a human or not. In my opinion, it's more important for a person to be recognized for who they are rather than for what supernatural identity you have."
Everyone nods
Virgil– ([Stammering]) "Uh, you know, I have to say Logan, I thought you were pretty cool earlier."
Logan– [Stammering]
Virgil *blushing*- “Logan, I know that you figured it out as soon as you saw me. Thank you for not saying anything, that was very cool of you.”
Logan *also blushing* -“Ah, umm, ehh, it is no problem. You’re welcome.”
Emile, nudging Patton and both giggling– "Well isn't this an interesting development?"
Roman and Remy – "Oh, yeah."
Janus – "Now, I could be wrong but I think we may be witnessing the beginnings of love here. Can’t believe that nerd stole the hot emo right out from under me with words. Ssssssssuck up!"
Patton- “Janus, kiddo, your name isn’t Jealous.”
Remy- “Yeah! Calm thy snaktitties.”
Roman- “Snake tits. Snake titties. Snitties.”
Roman and Remy- “OH MY GOSH SNITTIES!”
Emile- “Common guys. We are not a love to hate tumblr post.”
Roman and Remy- *chanting* “SNITTIES, SNITTIES, SNITTIES, SNITT-“
Janus- *chasing Roman and Remy around with a broom* “SAY IT ONE MORE DAMN TIME!”
Virgil- “You know, this might be fun, I actually enjoy being a Host...”
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mst3kproject · 6 years
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520: Radar Secret Service
So here’s a challenge.  My stated goal for this blog is to watch and find something halfway intelligent to say about each and every movie the show ever featured. I’m not sure I can say anything intelligent about Radar Secret Service.  I’m not sure I can say anything stupid about Radar Secret Service.
I don’t know if I can even describe the plot. The introduction is pretty straightforward, explaining to us that the men of the Radar Secret Service can find just about anything, from a school of fish to a hidden murder weapon.  I wonder if anybody’s asked them about the g-spot.  With a tool like that, they could go looking for the Ark of the Covenant or Jimmy Hoffa or something, but instead they’re keeping an eye on a shipment of radioactive material.  Some crooks manage to steal the stuff despite the high-tech surveillance… and that’s where the movie starts to lose me.  I can pay attention to this for about ten minutes, and then my brain just shuts the fuck down.
I mean, I keep trying to watch, I really do.  I don’t know why I can’t.  Radar Secret Service is only sixty minutes long, for crying out loud, surely I can pay attention to something dull and stupid for sixty measly minutes!  I watched the sandstorm sequence in Hercules Against the Moon Men.  I sat through the Rock Climbing in Lost Continent.  Hell, last Thanksgiving I listened to my Dad and my brother-in-law talk about their unfinished home improvement projects for what felt like six days.  Surely Radar Secret Service cannot be the thing that defeats me.  I get myself a snack and my knitting and settle down, but without fail, by that ten minute mark I’ve lost track of who any of the characters are or what they’re supposed to be doing.  My knitting’s on the floor and I’m playing Marvel Puzzle Quest.  Shit.
I start over and try again.  This time I turn off my phone.  I close the blinds.  I do my best to remove all distractions.  I still can’t focus.  The walls of my living room are more interesting than this movie.  I find myself looking at them and wondering what happened to that National Geographic solar system poster I had when I was a kid, the one that showed all the moons to scale.  I mean, it’s horrendously out of date now but it was my favourite poster for ages.  Twelve-year-old me named all the characters in half a dozen unfinished fantasy novels after those moons.  Out of sheer curiosity I googled, and found out that holy shit, you can still buy it! Well, damn, that’s kind of tempting, just for nostalgia’s sake.
Okay, no.  I have to watch the movie.  By twenty minutes in, I still don’t know any of the characters’ names but ‘radar’ no longer sounds like a real word.  In fact, it’s not a real word.  It’s an acronym for RAdio Detection And Ranging.  In the UK it’s also the Royal Association for Dis-Ability Rights, and the Feinberg School of Medicine in Chicago has the Research on Adverse Drug events And Reports committee.  I bet either of those would make a better movie.
Wait, I’ve gotten distracted again. This isn’t working.  Maybe I can watch it in MST3K form.  Radar Secret Service is so short that almost all of it got into the episode.  I could cheat and do a review based on just that. I do remember snickering at the skit about the Quinn Martin nature preserve.  I should look up some of those people on IMDB.  Maybe I can find some material for Episodes that Never Were.  It says Lee Meriwether was in a mad science movie called The 4-D Man, which looks remarkably bad.  I definitely need to see that…
God damn it.
Okay, clearly having a computer at all is too much distraction for me to watch this movie.  I’m gonna have to pop the disk into an actual DVD player and watch it that way.  Some kind of drastic measures are definitely needed here because I’ve written almost an entire page of this review and I have not yet actually managed to watch the fucking movie right through in one sitting.  There’s nothing there to watch.  Where are these people?  Who are they?  They all look and dress and sound alike.  They all have identical mustaches and drive indistinguishable cars – I can’t even tell which is the Radarmobile unless we’re in a wide shot that shows the Christmas ornament on top.  The only reason I’m sure that Waitress and Leopard Lady are two different characters is because they had a scene together at the beginning.  Are they both wearing the same wig?  They’re so alike that when one of them shoots the other I’m tempted to say it counts as suicide.
The characters have no character.  The script imparts nothing to us besides minimal so-called plot information and the performances are dismally bland.  The music is boring.  The direction is listless.  It’s no wonder they picked Oh!! There’s a dead man there!!! as the stinger because it’s literally the only memorable moment in the whole film. I’m not using literally to mean emphatically, either.  I’m using it to mean literally.
Why did they make this movie?  I don’t understand.  It’s not an action flick because there’s no action.  It’s not a drama because there’s no drama.  It’s not a comedy because nothing’s funny.  It’s not sci-fi because there’s no science.  What are we supposed to take away from this experience?  What are we supposed to learn?  The movie is like a black hole, sucking in our hopes for entertainment and hiding them away behind an event horizon of boredom and confusion, from whence they can never be retrieved.  I feel actively stupider for having seen even part of it.
Even if I were to make myself watch it all the way through, from the finding of the gun to the final arrest, in a single sitting, even if I were to force my unwilling brain to recognize every frame of it, what could I possibly say?  There’s nothing to analyze here, no meaning, no metaphor. Even on a technical level, there’s not much I could add to what Mike and the Bots already said.  Yes, everybody looks the same.  No, I have no idea which side most of these identical gray suits with meaty 50’s men in them are on.  No, the people who made this movie have no idea what radar is or what it’s used for.  The Radar Men from the Moon were more relevant to radar than this movie and I don’t think they ever even used the word.
I could just talk about the short.  The short!  A shining beacon of something I can actually pay attention to!  Sadly, the very fact that I could fill a review with my thoughts on Last Clear Chance is surely a sign it deserves an entry of its own.  Where does that leave me?
It leaves me sitting on the sofa, realizing I haven’t paid any attention for the last few minutes because I zoned out dreaming up flowery metaphors for my struggle.  I’m starting to think the only way I could actually watch this is to strap myself into a chair with my head locked in place and tape my eyes open, like something out of A Clockwork Orange.  Even then, I might still manage to get distracted. My entire body is rejecting this movie.  I think I’m making antibodies to it.
I cannot tell you how much I’d rather be watching A Clockwork Orange than Radar Secret Service.  Hell, I’d rather be watching Caligula.  Caligula had stuff to look at.  It had characters with names.
Maybe… wait.  What if Radar Secret Service is actually a brilliant work of art and I’m missing it because I can’t pay attention for long enough?  Maybe it’s a satire of 50’s futurism and tedious moviemaking!  Maybe the ultimate-spy-tool-radar premise is a comment on the erosion of our privacy in an increasingly technological society!  Maybe the reason it’s so hard to tell the heroes from the villains is because the modern world has rendered both concepts irrelevant!  There is no good or evil anymore, just men in suits either giving or obeying orders, no one individual identifiable as the reason why something happens!  Maybe the two women are identical because the filmmakers are trying to point out that patriarchal society turns women against each other and ultimately against themselves!  Of course!  It all makes sense!  How did I not see it before?
I have no memory of typing that last paragraph. What’s going on?
Oh my god.  Oh shit. I know what this is.  It’s the hypno-helio-static-stasis!  I’m already in its clutches!  The world is fading.  I need to inject something thoughtful and entertaining directly into my eyeballs immediately.  There may still be time if I can only reach Netflix…
And suddenly, there it is, looming over me like a glittering spaceship above Devil’s Tower National Monument… like a saving angel… could it really be?  It is!  It’s Close Encounters of the Third Kind!  I reach out for it.  I can already hear its dulcet tones ringing in my ears like a siren song… doo-doo-DAH-doo-DAH…
And then the ship wavers and fades away, leaving only a brushed chrome ball.  My browser’s not even on Netflix.  It’s on DailyMotion, and all that’s playing is a shitty print of Radar Secret Service.
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I hope you guys enjoyed my mental disintegration because it’s all the review you’re gonna get.  See you next week.  Fuck this movie.
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truthtussle · 3 years
Ep 2
Las Vegas exists. People scream in a casino. Literally no one cares.
The Fuck Squad decide to fuck off on a Las Vegas vacation. We were gonna stay at a Hilton but once Gabriel saw the Excalibur he got real weeby about it and we just had to stay there.
We walk into the lobby and see the desk worker named Francois. Belle goes to change into resort wear. The rest approach the man and ask when the Tournament of Kings is. There are a lot of shows but not on Tuesday. We get a brochure.
Sepharim starts spouting off random facts from the brochure. We tell him about Wikipedia. It’s lit. Francois asks if we have a rezzie but Sepharim just keeps talking about beans or something. We get a deluxe king suite with 3 key cards made out to the Father, Son and Holy Ghost.
We drop our bags off in the room and Gus and Sepharim  take a bath immediately. Sepharim does it clothed for unknown reasons.We go to the Vagabond and start slingin shots at the bar. Sepharim is still wet.
Gabe orders a bloody mary for Belle. Belle dumps it on Gabe. Belle phases through the bar. Gus tells the bartender he is going crazy and needs to go home. He does and Gus takes his place.
A bachelorette party comes up and orders a Fucked Up. Gus hands her straight vodka in a pineapple. She is satisfied and drunk. Gus plays Darude - Sandstorm. Sepharim and Charlie order nachos. Gus makes himself look like Jeff the bartender. We hear there have been disappearances lately.
We set up Barry the bartender on a date with his manager tomorrow and bounce out to a brothel called Cherry Poppins to investigate said disappearances and for Seraphim to convert sex workers.
Seraphim immediately beefs it and gets turned away. He solemnly looks at wikipedia. Belle feeds him sad wikipedia pages to look up in an attempt to Lee Loo him. The others pretend to be cops and try to investigate. We get Cherise’s address and realize she didn’t do much, just sucked cock and went home. A hooker’s grandpa died and she is sad I guess? Charlie raids Cherise’s room and finds a key.
We start to head to Cherise’s house via stolen hummer. It looks pretty nice for a low class tute. We go to her room. Belle goes in first phasing through the wall. The TV is on but otherwise it is deserted. It seems like a normal high class apartment. It seemed like she just disappeared without taking anything.
Gabe says she was taken and not voluntarily leave. We find out Cherise is in the mob. We decide to do a sting with Gus dressing up as Cherise and trying to get kidnapped. We hid from a distance.
Gus found a leg. He whips out his pistol and realized it was the bartender Barry. He is pale due to vampire attack. Sepharim takes his wallet “respectfully”.
Belle and Gus go get supplies for vampires including wood, wood carving implements, garlic and water. We get the water blessed by an Elvis impersonator priest.
Sepharim and Charlie go to Gamorah or Lust or whatever for religious themed sex peripherals. Sepharim is disgusted at all the sexy crosses and whore beads. They acquire crosses and horny goat weed. Sepharim leaves a Chick Track on a big dildo called “The Evils of Elvis Presley” like a complete fool.
Gabe goes to the museum in the middle of then night to talk to his Order bros. He wakes up the museum director who sleeps at the museum apparently which is very unprofessional. Gabe reports vampire activity. The museum director blesses Gabe’s weapon with the Bless-O-Matic. He also gives Gabe some garlic tipped bolts for his crossbow. The director’s name is Gabe too. Gabe completely ghosts other Gabe.
We meet back at the Excalibur and sleep until 2 PM the next day. We go on a 90s shopping montage and all pick out our own strange flavors of goth vampire outfits. We head to Count’s Vamp’d to get seduced by vampires.
We infiltrate the bar and spot a man who looks pale as hell and also like a gangester. He goes to the VIP room and we sneak back by mentally torturing yet another innocent bartender.
We see that there are at least 5 vampires, 2 guys 3 girls and plenty of sexy normal human ladies. We find out that the vampires hang out here but it’s not the main operation.
Gus goes full ham and starts kicking ass. He straight up killed one of the vamps and the other start to attack. Belle starts a fire. Sepharim pulls the fire alarm. There is a big fight. Seraphim decapitates the vampire formerly known as Cherise. 
The rest of the vampires get away and the Fuck Squad realizes we are missing a Charlie who has been captured by vampires.
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