#ive been trying my hardest to endure and pretend like any of these minor inconveniences compounding together is okay to me.
u-know-too-much · 2 years
Just an opinion. Although our school is famous for being a powerhouse for really smart and talented kids, I feel like it relies on the raw talent of the student rather than genuinely nurturing them or at least it's very selective with those it wants to nurture (which are usually the already exceptional kids). Which in turn is what makes it famous and gives it its reputation, and gets parents to enroll their talented kids in. It's not apparent bc well, sometimes, the only thing we qanna do is get the tf outta here lmao.
Rarely does it have qualified teachers that specialise in that particular subject, they just get who they can and teach to get it over with, training for comps are rarely formal, we have to sustain and improve ourselves on our own for said comps, then they get to claim all the credit "school that houses great future writers" or some shit. And then they give us the obviojs excuse of letting us be "independent" bc it "prepares us for college", how about let's do simulations first before the actual thing.
I also got one failed grade and one low grade bc of minor subjects. Now they're going to ruin my average. How am I supposed to compete to bigger, smarter students.
It's so tiring, I'm wasting so much time, I'm slowly burning out.
Our school can go burn down, with all my horrid classmates in it. Whatever prowess and prestige it had when I first enrolled here is nothing but rubble now that I'm almost leaving. Now go and watch them improve this trainwreck of a place after we leave :)
#the treatment of us and tvl vs abm and stem is just wow#the knowledge and teachings we get...i can get this from a google search i dont see what's so specialised ab it#and our section is mixed in with those who are lagging behind in hopes of us helping them are we babysitters??#i regret choosing humss or my school#it's such a pain to endure here#i get good grades but haha it could be better#im not really learning anything#i just know instead of these two years of k-12 helping me it's going to stump me when i get to college#haha how am i supposed to catch up to everybody else#i know neither the school or our adviser or half of our teachers give a shit#but lol this is the only chance i'll get to end my suffering pls give me better education...#also holy fuck our room is a literal sandstorm#stem gets the avr??#abm gets to keep their pristine room??#and when i vent ab it. everyone just talks ab how better they've got it sure?? is that supposed to make me feel better??#thanks for invalidating me ig there is no upside to this#ive been trying my hardest to endure and pretend like any of these minor inconveniences compounding together is okay to me.#when i complain ab grades like i just wanna get the highest like i think i dsserve from the effort i gave#im not undermining the one i got no way is it something to frown on but dont you think they can still give and compensate us thru this#from all the stupid shit we had to sit with#studying here is painful#i had to do this now every day#im honestlh considering if i should start skipping classes
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