#stem gets the avr??
u-know-too-much · 2 years
Just an opinion. Although our school is famous for being a powerhouse for really smart and talented kids, I feel like it relies on the raw talent of the student rather than genuinely nurturing them or at least it's very selective with those it wants to nurture (which are usually the already exceptional kids). Which in turn is what makes it famous and gives it its reputation, and gets parents to enroll their talented kids in. It's not apparent bc well, sometimes, the only thing we qanna do is get the tf outta here lmao.
Rarely does it have qualified teachers that specialise in that particular subject, they just get who they can and teach to get it over with, training for comps are rarely formal, we have to sustain and improve ourselves on our own for said comps, then they get to claim all the credit "school that houses great future writers" or some shit. And then they give us the obviojs excuse of letting us be "independent" bc it "prepares us for college", how about let's do simulations first before the actual thing.
I also got one failed grade and one low grade bc of minor subjects. Now they're going to ruin my average. How am I supposed to compete to bigger, smarter students.
It's so tiring, I'm wasting so much time, I'm slowly burning out.
Our school can go burn down, with all my horrid classmates in it. Whatever prowess and prestige it had when I first enrolled here is nothing but rubble now that I'm almost leaving. Now go and watch them improve this trainwreck of a place after we leave :)
#the treatment of us and tvl vs abm and stem is just wow#the knowledge and teachings we get...i can get this from a google search i dont see what's so specialised ab it#and our section is mixed in with those who are lagging behind in hopes of us helping them are we babysitters??#i regret choosing humss or my school#it's such a pain to endure here#i get good grades but haha it could be better#im not really learning anything#i just know instead of these two years of k-12 helping me it's going to stump me when i get to college#haha how am i supposed to catch up to everybody else#i know neither the school or our adviser or half of our teachers give a shit#but lol this is the only chance i'll get to end my suffering pls give me better education...#also holy fuck our room is a literal sandstorm#stem gets the avr??#abm gets to keep their pristine room??#and when i vent ab it. everyone just talks ab how better they've got it sure?? is that supposed to make me feel better??#thanks for invalidating me ig there is no upside to this#ive been trying my hardest to endure and pretend like any of these minor inconveniences compounding together is okay to me.#when i complain ab grades like i just wanna get the highest like i think i dsserve from the effort i gave#im not undermining the one i got no way is it something to frown on but dont you think they can still give and compensate us thru this#from all the stupid shit we had to sit with#studying here is painful#i had to do this now every day#im honestlh considering if i should start skipping classes
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still not a forensic lip-reader but-
previously looked at what aziraphale was mouthing in the final fifteen, and whilst im not 100% certain on it, it gave me the hubris to look at the mouthing in 1941. because don't get me wrong, i know that crowley refers to "trust me" later on in the minisode, despite it not being voiced earlier on, and neil confirmed that that is indeed what aziraphale mouthed, but i... do not buy it.
full disclaimer, once again: not an expert in phonetics by any stretch, but was really into it when i was younger, and i have used it occasionally in my job. actual phonetics experts' input is most welcome!!!
so yeah, let's again begin with a capture of that moment, and slowed down to 0.9x, 0.8x, and 0.7x:
because whilst im not certain on exactly what aziraphale's saying, im really not convinced that his initial mouth movements bear much, if any, resemblance to what i would expect from "trust".
"trust" /tɹʌst/ is broken down into multiple movements, which i'll explain in four distinct stages: /tɹ/, /ʌ/, /s/ and /t/.
the first is the trickiest to explain, insomuch that broadly speaking, the /tɹ/ consonant cluster isn't spoken like one might think at first glance - instead of the 'tuh' and 'ruh' consonants merging exactly as they sound individually, it often evolves into a "ch" or "jj" cluster, and instead it sounds like 'chr' /tʃɹ/ (by the by, it happens often with the 'dr' cluster too!). so, in terms of what the mouth is actually doing during this, the tip of the tongue is placed up and resting behind the top teeth on the alveolar ridge (AvR), the teeth are closed, and the lips tense, or tighten, and become rounded. /ʃ/ is a voiceless fricative, and so there is some aspiration as the sound rolls into the /ɹ/. as this happens, the teeth/mouth opens, the lips relax/pull back, and the tongue falls from the AvR and pulls back to prepare voicing the vowel.
'uh' /ʌ/ is technically the open-mid back unrounded vowel; the tongue pulls towards the back of the mouth, it is not-quite-but-biased-towards the bottom of the mouth, and the lips are relaxed (ie. not rounded). so you expect to see a rather relaxed, open mouth with this vowel, just before it closes for the next consonant.
'ss' /s/ is another fricative, and so is aspirated. with this, the tongue tip instead moves forward from the back (where it sounded the /ʌ/ vowel), to behind the bottom row of teeth. the teeth are closed, and the lips are still relaxed/not rounded, resulting in the sibilant sound being made by passing air through the teeth.
to round off the word, we then move the tongue back up to the AvR, and a flick off the ridge/behind the teeth completes the hard /t/ sound. this abrupt movement stems the airflow from the /s/ sibilance (ie. a plosive). the teeth remain closed up until the flick, where they then quickly open for the plosive, and the lips remain relaxed.
and then (very quickly glossing over this for completeness) we have "me" /mi:/, which is formed by contact of the lips together, and the push of the 'ee' vowel behind it (being the close, frontal non-rounded vowel) which opens up the lips as it vocalises.
again... i personally dont see any of this movement in aziraphale's mouth during this scene:
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okay yeah, the lips come together and purse slightly, but that's honestly as far as i can see any resemblance between whatever he's saying, and "trust"? so what could he be saying instead?
it's difficult to say, especially towards the end of the above gif. his mouth moves so quickly, and i think it's a realistic possibility there's more than two words - maybe three, even four? i also think that just before the shot changes, he's not actually done speaking - it looks like he's cut off mid-sentence. and overall, aziraphale is obviously mouthing very 'sotto voce' (literally) - ie. to presumably avoid detection from the audience, his mouth movements are not as exaggerated as they would be in normal, overt speech... which affects how his mouth would normally move to form these words, and therefore how accurately we can read them.
to this end, like a madman, ive a) split the clip into three, and b) slowed them down ever further to 0.3x. first one:
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aziraphale is really slow in forming this first word: its initially hesitant but then very deliberate. but the first thing we see is his jaw drop minutely (i think his jaw even pushes forward slightly?), and his neck tenses.
id also hazard that whilst obviously the quality is pants, and we can't see the placement of the front of his tongue, it's set behind his bottom teeth, and the rest is high and back in the mouth (ie. not behind the top teeth, on the AvR, where the 'tr' /tʃɹ/ cluster is formed).
after this, his lips then purse/round slightly, before relaxing again (again, not what would be indicated by the /ʌ/ vowel).
so all this to me suggests that a) it begins with a voiced sound (the neck tensing implies engagement of the vocal chords), and b) it transitions into a closed, rounded vowel, set in the back. the most logical construction that fits this, for me, is 'you' - /ju:/.
the rest of what he's mouthing? honestly god only knows what's going on here, but im gonna take a stab at it. i think it can be broken down into another two words at least, maybe even three with the middle one being a very short vowel. the issue is that the clip cuts off sharply when the shot changes, which makes it difficult to see how aziraphale's mouth results at the end of the whole thing*.
but let's start from where we left off with the /u:/ sound - where the lips are pursed:
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two thoughts here:
1) after aziraphale says 'you', his mouth just simply relaxes, and doesn't say anything. it's a very quick rest, and the movements that follow it are even quicker, making it (for me) difficult to read.
alternatively, 2) he is saying something. so breaking this movement down, as his mouth relaxes from 'oo' /u:/, and his lips pull back from that rounded position, i think two things happen: his lips pull back, opening the mouth a fraction, and his tongue pulls down and slightly back. both of which could possibly suggest an /h/ sound, which is breathy and voiceless, transitioning into a vowel which in this case is most likely in this case to be open, or near-open, and unrounded - in which case, /æ/ would make sense.
for the next sound, this is where it's not very clear at all - im tentatively saying it's a /v/, which is a labiodental fricative phoneme, meaning that it is primarily formed when the top teeth make contact with the bottom lip. aziraphale's mouth certainly closes back up from the open position, but it's not entirely clear whether his teeth do contact his lip. that being said, if aziraphale is saying anything here, completing the word with the /v/ is logical - 'have', /hæv/.
okay deep breath, we're onto the last couple of movements now-
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im going to scream, this last bit is so difficult-
one thing is that i do think, is that aziraphale is saying two words here: watching closely, his lips part so, so minutely before coming together again, and forming the start* of the next word. most likely? that tiny little word he's forming in that small, minute gap is 'a', which aziraphale has previously pronounced in the show (and i think he is here, too) as 'uh', /ʌ/.
after this, his lips return to contact, before parting again into the last movement that we see - the shot changes, and the word is cut off (so far as i can tell)*. but if you return to the 0.6x gif up above, you can see that all of this movement is so quick that im definitely having trouble being certain on what the last one is. because all of the lip-presses are in quick succession to each other, i think he might be forming a 'ww' consonant - /w/, but can't be sure.
so, possibly: "you have a w-", /ju: hæv ʌ w/
so look - altogether, this is a massive amount of unhinged speculation and, as ive said previously, i am nowhere near a professional at this (fancy terminology is all well and good, but i was just really into linguistics and phonetics when i was younger). im sure i will be eating humble pie at some point over this but... i really don't think, regardless of what he is actually saying, that he is saying 'trust me'.
and in a way - it's the implications of it that are more interesting to me: because if aziraphale doesn't say 'trust me' in this bit, but both he and crowley acknowledge that he says it at some point, when does he say it?
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makers-muse · 4 months
What is Arduino?
Arduino is an open-source electronics platform based on easy-to-use hardware and software. Arduino boards can read inputs – light on a sensor, a finger on a button, or a Twitter message – and turn it into an output – activating a motor, turning on an LED, publishing something online. You can tell your board what to do by sending a set of instructions to the microcontroller on the board. To do so you use the Arduino programming language (based on Wiring), and the Arduino Software (IDE), based on Processing. 
Over the years Arduino has been the brain of thousands of projects, from everyday objects to complex scientific instruments. A worldwide community of makers – students, hobbyists, artists, programmers, and professionals – has gathered around this open-source platform, their contributions have added up to an incredible amount of accessible knowledge that can be of great help to novices and experts alike.  
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Why Arduino? 
Arduino has been used in thousands of different projects and applications. The Arduino software is easy-to-use for beginners, yet flexible enough for advanced users. It runs on Mac, Windows, and Linux. Teachers and students use it to build low-cost scientific instruments, to prove chemistry and physics principles, or to get started with programming and robotics. Designers and architects build interactive prototypes, musicians and artists use it for installations and to experiment with new musical instruments. Makers, of course, use it to build many of the projects exhibited at the Maker Faire, for example. Arduino is a key tool to learn new things. Anyone – children, hobbyists, artists, programmers – can start tinkering just following the step-by-step instructions of a kit or sharing ideas online with other members of the Arduino community. 
There are many other microcontrollers and microcontroller platforms available for physical computing. Parallax Basic Stamp, Netmedia’s BX-24, Phidgets, MIT’s Handyboard, and many others offer similar functionality. All these tools take the messy details of microcontroller programming and wrap it up in an easy-to-use package. Arduino also simplifies the process of working with microcontrollers, but it offers some advantage for teachers, students, and interested amateurs over other systems: 
Inexpensive – Arduino boards are relatively inexpensive compared to other microcontroller platforms. The least expensive version of the Arduino module can be assembled by hand, and even the pre-assembled Arduino modules cost less than \$50 
Cross-platform – The Arduino Software (IDE) runs on Windows, Macintosh OSX, and Linux operating systems. Most microcontroller systems are limited to Windows. 
Simple, clear programming environment – The Arduino Software (IDE) is easy-to-use for beginners, yet flexible enough for advanced users to take advantage of as well. For teachers, it’s conveniently based on the Processing programming environment, so students learning to program in that environment will be familiar with how the Arduino IDE works. 
Open source and extensible software – The Arduino software is published as open-source tools, available for extension by experienced programmers. The language can be expanded through C++ libraries, and people wanting to understand the technical details can make the leap from Arduino to the AVR C programming language on which it’s based. Similarly, you can add AVR-C code directly into your Arduino programs if you want to. 
Open source and extensible hardware – The plans of the Arduino boards are published under a Creative Commons license, so experienced circuit designers can make their own version of the module, extending it and improving it. Even relatively inexperienced users can build the breadboard version of the module to understand how it works and save money. 
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francesblooms · 5 years
Berger & Calabrese’s Uncertainty Reduction Theory
Nicole Frances Yapo, BA Comm II ☽
Back in 2016, I was elected as an officer in one of our school clubs. Thus, I was oftentimes assigned to do tasks like take photos and help in putting up decorations. One afternoon, I was asked to collect funds for each year level along with a fellow club member from another strand. I was taking up General Academic Strand (GAS), while hers was Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM). It was my first time to meet her since I was still a freshman and didn’t know many people. I was slightly hesitant because she looked a little snobbish upon giving her a quick glance. Hence, I didn’t know whether or not I should initiate a conversation since I still had a lot of uncertainties in mind. Anyway, after further instructions, we started to stop by each classroom. At first, we were both awkwardly discreet and distant, observing the other quietly.
After a few more minutes, we eventually needed to communicate because we had to talk about the club funds and list down the people who were able to pay that day. She started to ask me about my chosen strand, and if I was close with one of her friends who happens to be my classmate. I responded and told her that yes; I was friends with the person she asked about. As we continued to walk along the hallway, step up and down the stairs, and gather funds from various club members, we were able to talk about school, our passions and interests in life, and mutual friends.
Upon finishing our task, we went to the AVR where our club leader was situated. My impression of her changed and my uncertainties were somehow lessened because we were able to communicate, regardless if it’s just for a short period of time.
Professors Charles Berger and Richard Calabrese conceptualized the Uncertainty Reduction Theory in 1975. The theory tackles the initial interaction between people which transpires before the actual communication process. Furthermore, the theory states that people often feel uncertainty about others they haven’t conversed with, and are driven to communicate in order to reduce that feeling. 
Uncertainty reduction typically occurs by getting to know new acquaintances in an effort to gather information about them, which can then be used to predict their behavior. This theory is particularly essential in the development of relationships, as the information collected through interpersonal communication can be used to analyze an individual’s behavior.
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steampoweredshow · 3 years
Jesslyn Tannady is a Developer Advocate at Facebook. She creates educational content about Facebook's technologies so that anyone outside of Facebook can use them. In a past life, she worked on video games and augmented reality navigation tools for astronauts for NASA. When she's not thinking about virtual reality technology, she's probably illustrating or voice acting. You can find her on Twitter at @jtannady.
In our conversation, we talk about Jesslyn's past life in Augmented and Virtual Reality, tech communities and democratisation, and reflecting on attending women's educational institutions..
Watch this episode on YouTube. Listen to it on Vurbl, Spotify, Stitcher, Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Breaker, Castbox, Overcast, Pocket Casts, RadioPublic, or RSS.
Show Notes
[00:00:57] Jesslyn's journey to a Computer Science and Media Arts & Sciences double major. [00:01:25] Exploring a variety of subjects in college. [00:02:07] Discovering an interest in programming. [00:03:08] Hackathons opening up the potential of programming. [00:03:51] The intersection of technology and design. [00:05:25] The value of a school that allows you to explore other subjects. [00:07:22] Michele's journey to computer science. [00:10:18] You don't need to have your life planned out. [00:11:09] Feeling as though you need to have conviction about what you'll do for the rest of your life as a teenager. [00:12:23] Passion vs getting paid. Both are valid motivations for career choices. [00:13:48] Where Jesslyn imagined her qualifications would take her. [00:13:58] An interest in video games as a consumer and a creator. [00:15:19] Discovering Augmented and Virtual Reality (AVR). [00:15:57] Learning about photogrammetry and falling in love with research. [00:17:58] Exploring robotics. [00:19:04] Developing augmented reality navigation tools for astronauts. [00:21:20] Finding work with neural interfaces. [00:22:51] Getting acquired by Facebook and becoming a Developer Advocate. [00:23:07] What being a Developer Advocate involves. [00:25:28] Thinking about our privilege, the democratisation of tech, and how we make it more accessible to the community. [00:27:44] The language barriers in technology. [00:29:44] MIT App Inventor talk about teaching kids programming fundamentals through solving real-world problems in their lives. [00:32:20] Women in STEM, belonging, and how one identifies themselves in their field. [00:32:43] The empowering mindset of knowing you can affect change. [00:33:17] Reflecting on attending women's only educational institutions. [00:35:52] On the theory that the comfort of an all women's learning environment will lead to adjustment issues in 'the real world'. [00:37:57] On the impact of our learning environments on self-confidence and impostor syndrome. [00:41:46] Why STEAM? [00:42:35] Michele's A in STEAM. [00:44:53] The ethics in tech. [00:45:48] Where all our science and technology comes from and the ethics of these creations. [00:50:17] Technology, science, and ethics are complementary. [00:53:22] On how everyone has something they can contribute in open source. [00:54:14] On participating in Hacktoberfest. [00:55:37] On our languages and growing up in multilingual households in predominantly English-speaking countries. [00:57:44] On the challenges of passing on a dying language to the next generation [00:59:51] Segue: Taiwanese dramas [01:03:07] Bonus Question 1: What hobby or interest do you have that is most unrelated to your field of work? [01:03:13] Dabbling in voice acting. [01:03:36] Voice acting as a tool for developing confidence skills. [01:05:20] Bonus Question 2: Which childhood book holds the strongest memories for you? [01:06:09] Bonus Question 3: What advice you would give someone who wants to do what you do? Or what advice should they ignore? [01:06:24] Start creating. You learn new skills and create a portfolio. [01:07:38] Be discerning with what you volunteer for and 'going above and beyond'. [01:12:12] Find out more about Jesslyn.
Topics/Resources/People Mentioned
Wellesley College
Augmented Reality (wiki)
Virtual Reality (wiki)
Reality Reflection
Photogrammetry (wiki)
MIT Media Lab
MIT AeroAstro
Electromyography (EMG) (wiki)
MIT App Inventor
Pauline Belford (STEAM Powered (#6))
Scandal in Academia, Heron, M. & Belford, P. (2014). ACM SIGCAS Computers and Society  44(2):20-51
Dr Shelly Lesher (STEAM Powered (#26))
The Thief Lord by Cornelia Funke (GoodReads) (BookDepository)
Additional Resources
Hokkien (language) (wiki)
Meteor Garden (Taiwanese drama) (wiki)
Zhan Shen MARS (Taiwanese drama) (wiki)
Silence (Taiwanese drama) (wiki)
F4 (band) (wiki)
Connect with Jesslyn
Twitter: @jtannady
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billloguidice · 4 years
Pay what you want for the Humble Book Bundle: Programming for Makers
Pay what you want for the Humble Book Bundle: Programming for Makers #sale #book #ebook #make #maker #diy #programming #coding #stem
Here’s the link to check out the bundle options and name your own price!
Learn how to program – the Makers way! Get ebooks like Making Makers, AVR Programming, Make: Arduino Bots and Gadgets, Make: Linux for Makers, and more. Plus, pay what you want and a portion of your purchase supports Maker Ed and a charity of your choice!
Pay $1 or more. Normally, the total cost for the ebooks in this…
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planetarduino · 5 years
Fablab Saigon Celebrates a Belated Arduino Day
Okay, we’ve just left May and stepped into June, why are we talking about Arduino Day — traditionally a March 16th event where makers congregate and share projects? I live in Ho Chi Minh City, and the event tends to take place in mid-May, but the enthusiasm and collaborative spirit are just as strong. Organized by the awesome local maker group Fablab Saigon with the venue provided by Intek Institute, there were some neat projects on display along with some talks from local companies.
The first thing that struck me about the event was how young the maker movement is here – most attendees were still in high school or early university. By contrast, I was 23 when I first learned to use AVR microcontrollers with assembly language (by the time Arduino started to get traction the boat effectively missed me). I couldn’t help but feel like a bit of a relic, at least until we all started talking excitedly about robots (I had brought a couple). It seems that geeking out about electronics is the great equalizer which knows no age limits.
Tesla Coils, Blinking Circuits, and Robot Races
Among the projects on display was this low-power Tesla coil, happily making small sparks, turning on CCFL bulbs in its immediate vicinity, and generating a bit of plasma too.
There was a learn to solder workshop for attendees to join in anytime and produce artful dead-bug style transistor multivibrator circuits.
Many of you will be familiar with the astable multivibrator circuit seen here as a popular introduction to electronics and soldering. But if you’re not, it’s a good place to start as you’ll learn about several different components, and the result has blinking lights… while leaving your Arduino free to be used in other projects! Someone had also brought in a bit of a show-and-tell on using GSM modules here.
Next there was a workshop where rover-style robots were built from a locally developed STEM education kit called GaraStem. Fundamentally, it’s a tacklebox filled with instructions, laser-cut chassis parts, an Arduino compatible board and sensors, and an Android control application for your smartphone. It looked easy and fun to work with, and I wish that STEM robot kits like this were available when I was a kid. I can’t help but feel a little jealous – all we had in my area when I was in high school was the occasional science fair!
Of course, any time more than one remote controlled robot is in the same place, a race is necessary and we got right to that. Entirely by coincidence, the floors were painted in a way that sort of looked like a racetrack.
Talks from Hardware Startups
Besides the projects and workshops, there was a track of talks from local companies on what they’ve been up to. One of them, called Indruino, designs their own Arduino boards for use in industrial environments, along with all the bells and whistles that requires. They had a good demo of a speed controller for a 3-phase motor, and talked about what they’ve done to make the platform suitable for industrial use.
At the very least, I could tell that their boards made ample use of optoisolators, secure connectors, and high quality shielded DC-DC converters. According to their pamphlet, they’ve already deployed in a number of factories, with industrial touchscreens and a freeze-drying system controller — not surprising as freeze dried foods is an industry that has really been taking off in Vietnam the last few years and designing what you can locally is a good move.
Vulcan Augmentics, a local startup that designs modular prosthetic limbs was there to present their work on practical human-machine interfaces. For a variety of reasons, there are quite a few amputees of all ages in Vietnam, and so any effort to better serve them is certainly appreciated. Unfortunately, their prosthetic limbs were either overseas or in use at the time, so I couldn’t examine the hardware. Nonetheless, it’s a nice example of how the skills we learn as a hobby can one day develop to the point where we can make a positive impact on another person’s life.
I presented some IoT use cases and demos, many of which I’ve written about here, along with some notes on the importance and implementation of security such as MQTT with either AES or TLS. I also talked about ways to define reliable failure states for IoT devices in case of loss of connectivity. While it’s an extreme example, you can’t have a large robot plow into a wall because the last command received before a connection loss was ‘go forward’! Of course, there exists the argument that we shouldn’t be connecting dangerous robots to the Internet frivolously in the first place, but it’s not very interesting and the lessons in control systems still apply. It was good fun and no robot, human, or architecture was harmed.
Chúc mừng sinh nhật Arduino!
Even the Cake was High Tech
At the end of the day, there was the requisite cake (strawberry jam). The local bakeries have something like a type of marzipan sheet that they can print on at a surprisingly good resolution, and the cake featured some pretty good imagery as a result.
The event wrapped up with a trivia competition, with some kits that had been donated as prizes for the highest scores.
Overall the sense of community at the event was strong, and despite the fairly high attendance it was well organized. My hat is off to Fablab Saigon for putting it together.
Fablab Saigon Celebrates a Belated Arduino Day was originally published on PlanetArduino
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steampoweredshow · 3 years
Jesslyn Tannady is a Developer Advocate at Facebook. She creates educational content about Facebook’s technologies so that anyone outside of Facebook can use them. In a past life, she worked on video games and augmented reality navigation tools for astronauts for NASA. When she’s not thinking about virtual reality technology, she’s probably illustrating or voice acting. You can find her on Twitter at @jtannady.
In our conversation, we talk about Jesslyn’s past life in Augmented and Virtual Reality (ARVR), tech communities and democratisation, and reflecting on attending women’s educational institutions.
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Show Notes
[00:00:57] Jesslyn's journey to a Computer Science and Media Arts & Sciences double major. [00:01:25] Exploring a variety of subjects in college. [00:02:07] Discovering an interest in programming. [00:03:08] Hackathons opening up the potential of programming. [00:03:51] The intersection of technology and design. [00:05:25] The value of a school that allows you to explore other subjects. [00:07:22] Michele's journey to computer science. [00:10:18] You don't need to have your life planned out. [00:11:09] Feeling as though you need to have conviction about what you'll do for the rest of your life as a teenager. [00:12:23] Passion vs getting paid. Both are valid motivations for career choices. [00:13:48] Where Jesslyn imagined her qualifications would take her. [00:13:58] An interest in video games as a consumer and a creator. [00:15:19] Discovering Augmented and Virtual Reality (AVR). [00:15:57] Learning about photogrammetry and falling in love with research. [00:17:58] Exploring robotics. [00:19:04] Developing augmented reality navigation tools for astronauts. [00:21:20] Finding work with neural interfaces. [00:22:51] Getting acquired by Facebook and becoming a Developer Advocate. [00:23:07] What being a Developer Advocate involves. [00:25:28] Thinking about our privilege, the democratisation of tech, and how we make it more accessible to the community. [00:27:44] The language barriers in technology. [00:29:44] MIT App Inventor talk about teaching kids programming fundamentals through solving real-world problems in their lives. [00:32:20] Women in STEM, belonging, and how one identifies themselves in their field. [00:32:43] The empowering mindset of knowing you can affect change. [00:33:17] Reflecting on attending women's only educational institutions. [00:35:52] On the theory that the comfort of an all women's learning environment will lead to adjustment issues in 'the real world'. [00:37:57] On the impact of our learning environments on self-confidence and impostor syndrome. [00:41:46] Why STEAM? [00:42:35] Michele's A in STEAM. [00:44:53] The ethics in tech. [00:45:48] Where all our science and technology comes from and the ethics of these creations. [00:50:17] Technology, science, and ethics are complementary. [00:53:22] On how everyone has something they can contribute in open source. [00:54:14] On participating in Hacktoberfest. [00:55:37] On our languages and growing up in multilingual households in predominantly English-speaking countries. [00:57:44] On the challenges of passing on a dying language to the next generation [00:59:51] Segue: Taiwanese dramas [01:03:07] Bonus Question 1: What hobby or interest do you have that is most unrelated to your field of work? [01:03:13] Dabbling in voice acting. [01:03:36] Voice acting as a tool for developing confidence skills. [01:05:20] Bonus Question 2: Which childhood book holds the strongest memories for you? [01:06:09] Bonus Question 3: What advice you would give someone who wants to do what you do? Or what advice should they ignore? [01:06:24] Start creating. You learn new skills and create a portfolio. [01:07:38] Be discerning with what you volunteer for and 'going above and beyond'. [01:12:12] Find out more about Jesslyn.
Topics/Resources/People Mentioned
Wellesley College
Augmented Reality (wiki)
Virtual Reality (wiki)
Reality Reflection
Photogrammetry (wiki)
MIT Media Lab
MIT AeroAstro
Electromyography (EMG) (wiki)
MIT App Inventor
Pauline Belford (STEAM Powered (#6))
Scandal in Academia, Heron, M. & Belford, P. (2014). ACM SIGCAS Computers and Society  44(2):20-51
Dr Shelly Lesher (STEAM Powered (#26))
The Thief Lord by Cornelia Funke (GoodReads) (BookDepository)
Additional Resources
Hokkien (language) (wiki)
Meteor Garden (Taiwanese drama) (wiki)
Zhan Shen MARS (Taiwanese drama) (wiki)
Silence (Taiwanese drama) (wiki)
F4 (band) (wiki)
Connect with Jesslyn
Twitter: @jtannady
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