#also how people just makes gudao into some harem protagonist
saeraas · 1 year
10 for jjk and fate, if you want to 🖤
of course I want to 💜
10. Worst part of fanon
the fact that gojo has been mischaracterized to such a degree that it is now a running joke between fans sucks so bad. it also stinks so bad how people just hc and assumed yuki was a piece of shit because of geto (which also ruins his character a lot) but tried to be a little cheeky about it so no one would get on them like the people who blatantly called her evil.
GOD fate has too many but biggest one will always and forever be how people mischaracterize arjuna as some dangerous, obsessive, evil character from his interludes and would sometimes make him aggressive despite him just.... not being aggressive
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magiofdefloration · 6 years
⊱asks for muns with a multimuse or more than one muse⊰
13.what’s a weird headcanon you have for each of your muses?
Merlin (M!M) - Due to higher dimensional and clairvoyant fuckery, Merlin has taken to watching Zelrech as if he was some kind of commedy sitcom. He occasionally sends fanmail
Proto!Merlin (F!M) - She’s a sleepy drunk which really does not help with seduction
BB - She is no longer allowed to go near Visual Novels and certain books while in Chaldea after being suspected of trying to replicate Monika from Doko Doki. First in being her and then by trying to make an Alter Ego with Monika as the base personality
Tiamat - People do their best not to let her get near monster movies and Paun Bunnyan out of fear that some things will be recreated
Julain Ainsworth - Lost his virginity to a runaway classcard of MEDB. It was quite an experiance, but he prefers not to think too much about it
Void Shiki - After an incident after watching Aladin, she is no longer allowed to go with most of the children in Chaldea to the Camelot Singularity. She’s not sorry
Shiki Ryougi - She is the more proactive one between herself and Mikiya surprizingly enough as Mikiya is generally too...meek to do such a thing
Berserkerlot - As it turns out, his Noble Phantasm works on handhelds and games, allowing him to make some basic recoding and repairs. He however is not aware nor capable of learning the finer parts of this and his most notable feats were accidentally making the Kareoke Machine only scream like him (After which he got into a yelling contest with it) and accidentally making a scene not out of place in a creppypasta in a pokemon game
Mana Ryougi - For some unknown reason, Mana has some skill with a naginata. While it isn’t anything too notable, she is still young enough that she could in theory catch up to Taiga’s skill with a nodachi. Most of which would just be Shiki pushing Mana a bit far however and as such could be said to be applicable for most things of this nature, but a naginata was found first
Adult!Mana - As time past and Toukou and Azaka were a bit careless, Mana learned of the existance of Magecraft, but never really got anywhere with it beyond some very very basic things. She uses the basic things however from time to time on Yana while she was still young to mess arond
Fou - He seeks Tamamo to learn the Polygamist Castration Fist from her
Hakuno Kishinami - While playing RPG games she talks to everyone until every dialoge option is exhausted, and while playing Visual Novels she keeps ending up on the Harem Route by accident as long as it exists
Grail-Kun - No one is quite sure why or how, but it can make a five star meal if it ever puts it’s mind to it. The most common question however is about it’s ability to move or lack of, as well as if it has arms and what the arms look like
Meltlilith - From time to time, she asks Archer or Chloe to project her a new pair of stilts for at least a few moments so she can try them out like new shoes
Illya Einzbern (Fate/Kaleid) - She tends to float in her room when no one is home and she isn’t expecting anyone. It oddly helps her clear her mind and think
Chloe Einzbern - Despite all the timelines she visits as a Counter Guardian, she can practically tell her own and people from it by feeling alone and tends to be more closed to the same people she knows from timelines she is not from. As such, she is rather more instinctively closed towards someone like Stay Night Illya compared to her own Illya
Gudako - She actually doesn’t mind the servants that are obsesed with the protagonist by story (Raikou, Serenity and Kiyohime) and even holds them in the night, pretending to be asleep, when and if they sneak into her bed
Gudao - His alarm clock soud is Pillar Man Awakening
Wodime - Secretly hopes he isn’t actually the protagonist with how things have been developing because he is too busy with his plans to even consider one partner in such a way, let alone a harem
Sella - She’s the family hairdresser. No one put her in such a possition, but no one questions her decloration of that either
Leysritt - Despite her face never really showing signs of it, she actually in fact doesn’t even know what is going on half the time and can only stare blankly. Her face cannot betray her on that as she is seemingly always staring blankly
Tamamo - She has a hate and somewhat phobia for bulls because of the extensive battles against them in the Moon Cell
Kiara - Everyone knows she is constantly horny so she does her best not to be constantly horny so people will approach her so she can be horny at them because no one wants to approach her while she is horny
Ishtar - Given the chance, she will play and do nearly anything with Ko-Gil in the want and goal to not only kick his ass at anything but also teach him to respect her when (and if) he grows up
Medusa - Momdusa. If the Chaldea she is summoned in has a lack of other servants to do such a thing, she will help out with the chores and like because of everything she had been put through with Eurayle and Stheno so she feels she might as well help with the skills she has
Gorgon - Lost an eating competion against Saber once and is still upset over it
Vert (God Damn It I Need To Give Her A Bio) - When summoned as a Servant (Lancer Class) one of her first actions is usually checking her Master’s owned games and the like to see if she can entertain herself in downtimes, sometimes even forgetting about the war for hours at a time to complete the search
Olga - Inexplicably melts a little when called “Onee-San” most of the time
Mashu - Despite her best attempts, ends up playing a Support Role in most thing being played one way or another
Irisviel - Ever so slightly Gar for Saber, but unable to voice it as her vocabulary is a bit lacking in such things
Saber - Instinctively punched EMIYA Assassin the first time she saw his bare face. She doesn’t know why, it hasn’t happened before or sense. A one time thing that she isn’t sure why exactly it happened
Saber Swimsuit - Sometimes she ends up standing on top of the water when she is surprised by something suddenly. This extends to baths
Saber Lancer - After a while she grew tired of Tristian actually falling asleep during meetings and started flicking him in the forehead
Saber Alter - After a while she ends up managing to teach her master how to make hamburgers with some level of succsess if the war is uneventful enough
Saber Alter Santa - Has occasionally been summoned in Holy Grail Wars with no real reason, and when she does she holds on to her santa bag with such ferocity people started to mistake it for an extra Noble Phantasm
Saber Alter Swimsuit Maid - Due to her outfit, people sometimes give her dirty looks, at which point she smacks them in the face with her mop a few times to “clean up” their looks
Saber Lancer Alter - She found a way to abuse her Victoria’s Secret Compartment by manipulating her armor and often keeps important things or snacks in it. She does not take constructive critizism about it
MHX - Went to a baseball match during one of the wars. The war ended while she and her master went from game to game and MHX ultimately won her team (that she wasn’t even a part of before) the series
MHXA - She does a lot of things in the dark as she is at times a bit reluctant to get up from what she is doing and turn on the lights. After a while she started calling people over with the sentance “Come To The Dark Side”
Kingprotea - She’s a hugger. Namely, of Tiamat and Bunnyan as they are the only ones nearly tall enough
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