#also i am rereading the defence for my research
ophelias-last-flower · 5 months
Guilty as Sin? is actually for Queen Guenevere (specifically in Morris)
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kiwiana-writes · 8 months
4, 6, 9 and 19- or any combination of those if that's too much!
4. Do you write original stories as well?
2024 is the year of the original novel, baby! I may have done more, like, setting up a website/Substack/Airtable writing tracker/etc than actual writing at the moment, but in my defence I'm still wrapping up my freelancing obligations this month lmao
6. What is a fandom you will never write for?
You know, it's hard to say 'never' because... I never know what's going to grip me. I never would have predicted that I'd write a fic for the TV adaption of The Last of Us, or that I'd walk out of the theatre after going to see a queer Christmas movie and rage-write an alternate ending in three hours.
So I'll take a slightly different approach to this question and instead say a fandom I'll never write for again, and that's HP. I respect the hell out of the authors who have gone full death of the author about it and reclaimed the world they love to make it better, I really fucking do. But I pulled my HP fics down from AO3 when I realised that seeing the author's name on my fandoms list, on my profile, was just... really fucking with my little trans non binary head.
9. What are your favorite fanfics?
This question is cruel. CRUEL. I have never picked a favourite anything in my life. Here's a few things I'm vibing with RIGHT NOW, but the answer may change in a month or a week or an hour lol.
Going Platinum by @cricketnationrise - always, but especially now as cricket works through the sequel. I feel very taken care of by this fic and have reread it a truly embarrassing number of times.
I really hope I can get him alone by @clottedcreamfudge - the Henry POV of Kinda think that I might be his type aka Alex and Bea fake date. I am just. iu4oqhurfriehngfuqernugoenuogre.
In His Wildest Dreams by @myheartalivewrites - I bang on about Oxford Days by this author a lot (and for good reason) but FUCK this one is beautiful. I am forever a sucker for the psychology of kink.
Noble Blood by @orchidscript - currently a WIP, somewhat based on The King's Assassin by Benjamin Wooley which is the book Mary & George is based on. And like... here's the thing. I picked up pretty quickly coming into this fandom that The Thing Orchid Is Known For is researching the absolute living fuck out of her fics, and like... I respect it, but I also didn't really think about it much, because while deep-dive knowledge is fun, as long as something's plausible enough that it doesn't pull me out of the story I'm along for the ride, you know? But this fic. THIS FIC is based in a time period I am very familiar with (my focus was always Tudor England, but you don't study that time period without picking up a lot of knowledge of the decades either side of it) and like... I get it now. Reading a historical fic where you know so much about the time period, and seeing all these tiny little details sprinkled throughout that, like, aren't actually required for the plot but are just weaving the tapestry of the world... fuck me, it's an entire different experience.
Something Borrowed, Something Blue by @anincompletelist - currently a WIP, I believe it's due to be completely posted by the end of January? But y'all it's so fucking engaging and I am loving the journey so much.
When I Met You (I Could Not Speak) by @sparklepocalypse - forever on my fairytale bullshit as y'all know and this one is EXCELLENT.
You love me! You love me? by anarchyat4am - god. GOD. I don't even know what to say about this one other than PLEASE READ IT. Trans Alex and one of my favourite tropes, quietly falling into a relationship.
19. Dead or overused tropes?
I am an extremely firm believer that there is in fact no such thing. People are forever coming up with new twists on tropes, and even fics that play tropes totally straight are infused with the author's voice or experience or whatever. If I didn't want to enjoy the comfort of the familiar, I would probably not be engaging with fic in the first place 🤣
[Ask game for fanfic writers]
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autistic-beshelar · 2 years
gods in the goblin emperor, or, hyperfixation on fictional gods go brr
Hello and welcome to a list of every god mentioned in The Goblin Emperor, a note on every piece of information I could find about them, and some of my own theories. This does not include anything from Witness for the Dead, as I haven’t read it. 
Every introduction to a god is from the list at the end of the book.
Akhalarna: a god (domain unknown)
- "We remember a divine of Akhalarna appeared—a very old woman with the ritual scars. She was making a pilgrimage from her home to Valno, where Akhalarna fell to earth." - It is unclear if ritual scars only exist for this god, or if they are used for others as well. It is also unclear what a ‘divine’ entails.
Anmura: god of the sun and god of war 
- "[Maia describing the sunrise] the glory of Anmura rising from Osreian’s embrace". Anmura being the sun, and Osreian here being the earth. - The Captain of the Untheileneise Guard is a "Knight of Anmura" and wears a sun mask.  - Their devout are involved in funerals and wear 'deep marigold robes'.
Ashevezhko: the Barizheise goddess of the sea 
- Spelled also as "Ashevezhkho" within the text itself. - There is a Convent of Lighthouse-Keepers in Urvekh’ for votaries of Ashevezhkho. They maintain three lighthouses there.
Chevarimai: a god whose cult was suppressed. (domain unknown)
- Suppression led to emperors being non observant in public, possibly this is what led to less piety within the court in general.
Csaivo: goddess of rivers, water, birth, and healing 
- Clerics of Csaivo practice celibacy and work in charity hospitals, tending equally to men and women.
Cstheio Caireizhasan: goddess of the stars, of wisdom, and of magic 
- Described as "the dreaming lady of the stars" and "lady of falling stars". - "Cstheio Caireizhasan, hear me. Cstheio Caireizhasan, see me. Cstheio Caireizhasan, know me.” : a prayer, potentially Barizheise in origin. -  Gift of clear sight (whether she is believed to possess or offer this is unclear, but likely both). - A monastery in Thu-Cethor is dedicated to her, and the monks there take a vow of silence. - Appears to be one of the most popular gods, although it is possible that Maia simply notices her more, as he is her follower.
Orshan: goddess of crops and farmers
[not mentioned in text]
Osreian: goddess of the earth, of earthquakes and disaster, of artists and makers
- Has hymns dedicated to her; potentially Barizheise in origin. - The dawn seems significant to Osreian as well as to Anmura. - Mentioned by Csevet as potentially being a god who offered him a 'blessing' in the form of a staircase (though the staircase is likely not significant). - Appears to be a more popular god.
Salezheio: goddess of wind, winter, couriers, and storytellers
- Mentioned once by Csevet (see above).
Ulis: the god of death and the moon
- "Ulis was a cold god, a god of night and shadows and dust. His love was found in emptiness, his kindness in silence." - He is a god of letting go, and of dreams, death, and rebirth. - Iconography of Ulis depicts him with open hands (presumably, to represent letting go). - Priests of Ulis wear black robes and black veils. - Mazei canons of Ulis (specifically those involved with revethvoran) are described as having robes with black stripes, though it’s unconfirmed if this differs from the priests. - Priests of Ulis can be called upon to be a Witness for the Dead.  - Barizheise custom seems to involve superstition around Ulis, seemingly due to his being a god of death. - Several Barizheise prayers to Ulis exist; one of these is a meant for a sickbed. - Thara Celehar suggests that Ulis offers clarity to the dead. - Celehar also suggests that Ulis offers dreams to his followers - or at least to him. - An “ulishenathaän” is a token of a dead person.
additional notes:
- It is unclear if the gods worshipped by elves and goblins differ - at the least, Csetheio and Osreian are worshipped by goblins also, however Ashevezhko is specifically referred to as a Barizheise goddess, suggesting there are differences. It is likely every other god mentioned here is either an elven god, or both elven and goblin. It’s also likely that traditions and worship differs between cultures. 
- We only have Maia’s memories of Chenelo to go on here, as with most Barizheise customs, but her superstition around Ulis and her reluctance to teach Maia prayers to him suggests that goblins may not worship him (given that her general superstition and spiritual beliefs are framed as part of her culture, not a character trait)
- A revethvoran is always performed at moonset, and the proper time for funerals is sundown. This suggests that time of day is important at least to Ulis’ domain (which would make sense, being a god of death), if not to the other gods. Timing also seems vitally important for the coronation, and this might also be related to Ulis even if the connection is never mentioned - the passing of the crown from one emperor to the next is related to death, rebirth and transformation after all - but it could just as easily be tradition unrelated to religion.
- “Merciful goddesses” is a common phrase (much like ‘good lord’ or ‘oh my god’ in our world) but ‘merciful gods’ does not seem to be. In fact the only time ‘gods’ on their own seem to be invoked in a similar manner is by Beshelar, when he is stabbed and briefly drops formality to say “Oh, gods, sorry,” before correcting himself. Even thinking to himself, Maia only ever thinks “merciful goddesses,” and Setheris uses the phrase numerous times when speaking informally. Given that, it could be argued that invoking ‘gods’ in this manner is a regional thing. Yes i’m inserting my ‘Beshelar is a little country boy’ headcanon into this and you’re all welcome.
- On Winternight, Beshelar mutters about disrespect to the gods. I’m unclear if he’s talking about the musicians still tuning their instruments, or about the emperor not having arrived on time, but either way it seems to be about proper timing, suggesting once again that timing is important to gods.
- The Mich’othasmeire is the Chapel of All Gods within the palace and is ‘not much used’, the reasoning for this being that celebrations for gods are described as ‘too large for a single chapel’. This implies BIG celebrations. Csetheio and Osreian are the most worshipped in this chapel. Though I suspect the reason it is rarely used has more to do with the lack of religious people within the court than the size of the chapel.
- The Untheileneise’meire is meant to be a place of worship, however it seems to be treated primarily as a tomb.
- The Othasmeire of the Untheileneise Court has separate satellite shrines for each god. (A satellite shrine is usually described as a shrine away from the main shrine, suggesting that each god has its own main shrine.)
- The vigil chapel has seven gods Maia is familiar with (among those would be: Anmura, Csetheio, Csaivo, and Ulis, and three others I’m unsure of) and many he is not. Given there are only ten gods listed, this implies there are many more that were never mentioned in the text.
- Csevet states that it is ‘unfashionable’ to believe that gods (namely, Ulis) grant powers to a Witness for the Dead. This is contrary to Thara’s experience, who believes he is sent dreams from Ulis - and given those dreams led him to correct answers, it’s entirely possible that he’s correct. 
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cg29 · 5 years
40 Questions — Meme for Fic Writers.
Thank you to @soniabigcheese @gumnut-logic @onereyofstarlight and Anon for the ASKS you sent my way. Since I wanted to answer in detail, I’ve had more than 1 question, and I’ve not had a lot of spare time today I thought I’d answer all in this one post…
So first up @soniabigcheese sent me: ‘How about ... 9 ... 15 and 19? Please.’
9: Which fic has been the hardest to write?
All have been challenging in their own individual ways. Yet, really thinking about it I’d have to say GONE. For various reasons – It was my first Thunderbirds Fanfic, the longest story I had ever written, at this point the one I’ve had to do the most planning and research, and finally because of the emotions that needed portraying. However, the elation at finally finishing the story was amazing and has certainly inspired me to continue.
15: If you could choose one of your fics to be filmed, which would you choose?
Oh my God, that would be amazing! I would definitely have to go for Bad Day (Virgil’s day keeps repeating. What will it take for it to end and a new one to begin?) I had so much fun writing this, it’s one that I’ve reread a few times since competing, and it still makes me giggle. I’m sure I’d be in stitches if I got to watch it on the big screen. Although due to some of the contents towards the final chapters it would definitely need a UK PG or 12A rating.
19:  Stephen King once said that his muse is a man who lives in the basement. Do you have a muse?
For Thunderbirds fanfiction my muse is definitely Virgil, The-Virg, It’s definitely his creativity and those eyes, plus that mouth, also those eyebrows, and his muscles… Sorry getting distracted – Actually, thinking about it, Virgil’s more of a distraction than a muse. Especially with my new mobile screensaver which I keep staring at.
Okay, back to the question. I don’t think I’ve got a muse – just a little voice in my head that won’t shut up when I have a story idea until I’ve written it down.
Next we have @gumnut-logic who asked: ‘Writer meme question thingy - 1 & 12.’
1: Describe your comfort zone—a typical you-fic.
I always seem to revert to the family dynamics rather than a full-on rescue story (which is probably why I’m struggling with two of my fics which need to  have rescue bits written in) Basically, I love to go deeper into the descriptions of the physical/emotional whump, and how the family deal with the situation (hidden feelings, tempers, how they bond) during and afterwards.
12: Is there an episode above all others that inspires you just a little bit more?
Yes, for both TOS and TAG.
The original series: There’s a few – Terror In New York City (Yep, the beginning in particular) The Perils of Penelope, Sun Probe, The Uninvited, Edge Of Impact. After thinking long and hard to narrow it down I’d have to say that while Terror In New York’s my favourite. The Perils of Penelope inspired my naughty fic The Night of Anderbad (Penelope & Virgil pairing) plus the idea of Virgil having a secret crush on her in later chapters of The Tracy Family and a few other one of fics.
TAG: There are a few earlier ones which have inspired fics – Grandma Tourismo, Flame Out, Hyperspeed, SOS pt. 2, Signals pt. 1, Upside Down. There are probably others and these last few episodes have been really inspiring. However, I think I would definitely have to go for the more recent SOS Pt 1 & 2 and Signals Pt 1 & 2. (I’m sure the finale of Season 3 may change this answer)
Third we have @onereyofstarlight who asked: ‘2 and 37 for the ask meme.’
2: Is there a trope you’ve yet to try your hand at, but really want to?
Yes, I would like to have a go at Were Virgil at some point. Also, would like to try doing the boys ages differently to see how the dynamics changed – Alan as the eldest, next in line is Gordon, then Scott in the middle with John then Virgil as the youngest.
37: Talk about your current wips.
Lol, I have a few so this could take a while :D
I will start with ones that I’ve posted on FF.Net & A03 (Probably also shared them here at some point.
1. Avalanche: TAG.
This story began as a prompt that suggested a story that begins and ends with the same line but the meaning/feeling of the line changes. I started it with the intention of writing just 1 chapter …hahaha… of course I ended the story on a cliff-hanger and couldn’t leave it there, so it’s been continued and I’m so glad I did because I personally feel it is nearing the top of my best written list. The story itself is set when the boys are just children and focuses on the tragedy of the Avalanche and the emotional repercussions. I’ve just reached chapter 14, and probably have another 2-4 chapters left.
2. Lucille: TAG
Synopsis - A story about the unseen woman who watches over International Rescue."I am a wife, I am a mother, and I am the one who watches over International Rescue, making sure I am there to catch them whenever they fall. My name is Lucille Tracy and this, well this is my story!"
A story told through the eyes of the boy’s mother. This is one that I keep stopping and starting, most likely because I hadn’t planned it out. It’s currently on-hold until I finish some others, but I will complete it.
3. The Games: AU - Thunderbirds Are Go mixed with the concept of the Hunger Games. (Although, only Thunderbirds characters will make an appearance)
Here’s my synopsis - Climate change, famine, war. In the end another major war lead to the richest creating the Global Defence Force and 'order' was restored. To celebrate and keep control the Hunger Games were created. This was the 100th games.
The fic started from the Whumptober Prompts and I decided to continue it, wrote half of the 2nd chapter then promptly forgot about it. I’ve recently been looking at this again and have started to reread The Hunger Games for inspiration. However, like Lucille this fic is currently on hold.
4. Virgil Drabbles: TAG.
Started out as a challenge to see how much I could get across in just 100 words. All chapters are based around the lovely Virgil - TAG (but with him being the middle child – started before the Grandma Tourismo episode and apart from a few fics where I write it the other way around I prefer it this way)
The story starts from Virgil’s birth and I’ve now got him attending Denver. I still have a fair few chapters to write but the rest is now all planned out.
5. Reflections: TOS.
Set after Virgil's crash during the Season 1 episode 4 of 'Terror in New York City.' Short reflections from each of the family on nearly losing a brother and son. (Previously Titled, Fallen Brother)
I had always wanted to write something based on my favourite TOS episode. Then Shane Rimmer passed away and this was inspired. Slow updates on this one but I’ve finished telling myself the story just need to edit/rewrite that into something coherent.
And now we’re onto the ones that I may have posted snippets for or just 1 section for on here, but nothing officially posted as yet.
1. Two Untitled Prompts: TAG.
Both prompts were given to me at the end of November and I actually wrote out both (Plotting, thoughts, and telling myself bits of the story) Then December knocked me sideways and my writing suffered. Back to working on these 2 again now and really enjoying them. Without giving to much away, the one features a heart-broken Alan and the other (which with Avalanche is at the top of my pile) features Virgil having a day from hell with added whump.
2. Two Whumptober Fics: TAG.
Posted 1 or 2 chapters for each of these back in October and decided that they could possibly be extended/completed before posting. (All short fics)
The first one is titled Coffee Shot: Virgil gets shot in a café and emotions will run high. Fully planned out but decided to finish some others before I continue working on this.
The second is currently titled Ransom and is set when the guys are children. Scott and Virgil get kidnapped – Only done some basic plotting for this and it’s currently towards the bottom of my WIP pile.
The third is untitled and at the moment my word file is saved under the imaginative title of ‘Virgil Whump’ (Posted 1 snippet that I wrote in 15 mins at the beginning of October then left it because of other projects) In this one the guys are all extremely busy with call-outs and Virgil needs to go to a rescue on his own that involves Fischler. Unfortunately he ends up getting trapped, injured, and because its Fischler left on his own. Fully planned out.
3. Working Title – Shattered Hope. TAG
A story idea that came to me over a year ago, written some short bits, planned out most of the story but because of one small element I need to wait until TAG Season 3 finishes.
Here’s a bit from it that did get shared to Tumblr…
‘How had it come to this?’
Just a short time ago they’d been happy, enjoying some rare downtime in the sun, five brothers together. It shouldn’t be like this… With him cradling one brother who was bleeding from a bullet wound after saving the youngest from certain death. The other two close-by. One with a dislocated shoulder, the other with a broken leg, he himself had a stab wound to his arm... All of them with numerous other injuries… Beaten, bloodied, bruised… And praying that someone would rescue them!
Fourth we have anonymous who asked for ’35, 38 and 39.’
35: Would you ever kill off a canon character?
I’ve killed poor Scott off a few times HERE ... HERE and another time as an old man where Virgil also got killed off. (The fic scarred me – But, at the same time I think it’s the best short I’ve written - It’s called White Light if you want to give it a read)
I’ve not killed any of the others yet, and I keep telling myself that I won’t do it again, but it will probably happen again at some point…
39: Do you ever get rude reviews and how do you deal with them? 
I’ve had a couple, but they are usually anonymous ones. I normally just delete them and move on because people like that have nothing better to do and are not worth any upset. But if it does affect my confidence then I’ll reread a couple of nicer comments, then when I’m ready I’ll continue writing. I think there was only one that really knocked me for six and that was an anonymous rant on my Bad Day fic because I’d dared to pair up Virgil and Brains. (I’m sure you can imagine the content)
38: Talk about a review that made your day.
Even though 38 comes before 39 I wanted to save this one for last.
Every single comment I’ve ever got. No matter how short or detailed has brought a smile to my face and helped inspire me to continue writing – If I had to single out one then it would actually be a private message that was sent to my Fanfiction.Net inbox. It was over 2 years ago and unfortunately I can’t find the message now but whoever sent it to me said that they’d loved my Fics, in particular Gone which they had read several times and that I was their favourite writer. I was beaming for weeks afterwards.
So, whoever you were thank you - and to all who comment, re-blog, like or kudos my stories. Thank you from the bottom of my heart… Seriously you all make this fandom such a lovely place to be!
All my current posted fics and their status can be found via my: Thunderbirds Fanfiction Masterlist 
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therealpigfarts23 · 8 years
Would you ever consider going into politics or law? You seem very knowledgeable and versed at both subjects. Becoming a big fan of your ask answers.
Oh wow jeez!
Honestly, probably not politics? As my prof said tonight, “Aren’t all politicians just criminals?” Also I would never get far in politics. I try to be as clean as possible (hence all the “it’s just my opinions” and “please don’t come after me, I’m not encouraging murder”, etc.) 
As for law? Well, it’s mostly just the field I study, and the course load I took this year (Someone recommended a course and I was like “ok why not #YOLO” and took it! It also worked in with one of my many career options so why not? If i didn’t like the course, I would know that career wasn’t for me!), but probably not a lawyer. I’m not a fan of rereading case law to try and find defences (research just isn’t fun when the case isn’t interesting, you feel?)
I’m so glad you’re enjoying them, but please do keep in mind I am literally nothing more than a student, working with the information that has been given to me via lectures and limited personal experience. So don’t take my answers as law (HAHAHAHAH PUN INTENDED!)
Thanks for the ask
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readingsanctuary · 4 years
The Magical Readathon is a month-long readathon themed around the exams sat in the Harry Potter books. There are prompts for each Hogwarts subject, and a selection of wizarding careers to aim for. This is one of the most creative and well thought out readathons I’ve ever heard of. You can find out more about this readathon and how to participate on the website here. It’s not too late, this wave of the readathon runs for the entire month!
Last year I did pretty well with the O.W.L.s, but sadly didn’t manage to get very far with the N.E.W.T.s later in the year. This year I’m hoping to do better. My goal is to read enough to qualify for the Librarian career. Which means I need to achieve O.W.L.s in:
Ancient Runes
Defence Against the Dark Arts
History of Magic
However, while I will be prioritising those subjects, I’ve set out a plan for what I might read for all of the subjects. My hope is to complete as many of the prompts as I can, because I’ve been struggling to read recently, and I’m hoping this readathon helps push me out of it.
Ancient Runes – Heart Rune: a book with a heart on the cover or in the title
For this I’m going to read Heartstopper: volume 3 by Alice Oseman. I’ll admit I was a little bit worried about this prompt at first, but now I think it’ll be one of the easiest ones for me to achieve. I love the Heartstopper series, and never miss an update. It’s cute, and I already know that I’ll enjoy it.
Arithmancy – Magical Qualities of number 2: balance/opposites – read something outside your favourite genre.
This was tricky, only in that my favourite genre changes depending on my mood, but in the end I decided to go with Clockwork Angel by Cassandra Clare, because historical settings are definitely not normally my favourite, but I’ve been wanting to reread some of the Shadow hunters books for a while now since it’s been so long since I last read any of them.
Astronomy – Night Classes: read most of this book when it’s dark outside
This one is hard to plan for, so I’m probably just going to pick something based on my mood when I have an evening free to snuggle up and read. Most likely I’ll end up reading a graphic novel or contemporary book for this subject.
Care of Magical Creatures – Hippogriffs: Creature with a beak on the cover
I had to think a bit about this one, and I’m still not 100% sure which way I’ll go. It’ll either be The Raven King by Maggie Stiefvater or This is How You Lose a Time War by Amal El-Mohtar & Max Gladstone depending on my mood.
Charms – Lumos Maxima: a book with a mostly white cover
For this one I took the opportunity to pick a cute sounding romance with Get a Life, Chloe Brown by Talia Hibbert. I need something cute that I can get lost in, and I’ve heard so many wonderful things about this book. Also, the cover looks more white in real life, so I’m totally counting it.
Defence Against the Dark Arts – Grindylows: a book set at sea/the coast
For this prompt, I’m delving into my back-list TBR and picking up Roar by Cora Carmack. This is the first book in what I believe is a trilogy that I’ve been wanting to read for a couple of years now. I received my copy in a Fairyloot box a couple of years ago, and have been meaning to read it ever since.
Divination – Third Eye: assign numbers to your TBR and use a random number generator to pick your read
Rather than spending time with all the numbers, I decided to take this opportunity to pick a book at random out of my as yet unused TBR jar. It’s still random, and I’ve been meaning to use it to get my back-list TBR down. The book that I pulled from the jar was Not Your Sidekick by C. B. Lee which I bought last summer after having it on my TBR for ages.
Herbology – Mimbulus Mimbletonia: Title starts with the letter ‘M’
This one had me scratching my head a bit, before I remembered The Midnight Lie by Marie Rutkoski. I have been so excited about this book coming out, and I can’t wait to read it. I loved the Winners Trilogy,
History of Magic – Witch Hunts: books featuring witches/wizards
For this I’m either going to read Serpent and Dove by Shelby Mahurin or Spell on Wheels by Kate Leth, Megan Levens and Marissa Louise depending on how I’m doing for time. Both are books that I bought last year, and haven’t read yet so either way I’ll be happy.
Muggle Studies – a book from the perspective of a muggle (contemporary)
I’ve picked up quite a few books with a contemporary setting recently, so I have a lot to choose from, but I think I’m going to go with A Question of Holmes by Brittany Cavallaro. I’ve been waiting for this book for a while, and am excited to finish this series.
Potions – Shrinking Solution: a book under 150 pages
I’m not 100% sure what I’ll read for this prompt. It’ll probably be a graphic novel, but I have quite a few on my TBR so I’ll most likely end up on picking something based on my mood when the time comes.
Transfiguration – Animagus Lecture: a book/series that includes shape-shifting
This was one of the most difficult topic to decide on. My mind just went blank when I saw it, but then I did some research and remembered that both Fruits Basket and Moonstruck have shape shifting in, so I’m going to pick up the next volume of one of these for this prompt.
So this is my reading plan for April. I’m hoping it’s going to go smoothly, but there’s a lot of uncertainty right now, so I’m just hoping I don’t have to change anything. Before I go I want to say that I know this is a difficult time, and I just hope everyone is staying as safe as possible. Look after yourselves, and I really wish you all the best. And Good Luck if you’re taking part in the readathon too!
Want to chat, about books or anything else, here are some other places you can find me, feel free to contact me:
Twitter @reading_escape
Instagram: @readingsanctuary
Magical Readathon TBR The Magical Readathon is a month-long readathon themed around the exams sat in the Harry Potter books.
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