#also i forget so many supposedly very memorable things that everyone around me remembers but i dont! lol! even if its smn i did
thewickerking · 2 years
sorry for leaving super long rants about my undiagnosed mental illness that ive been silent about my entire life cause i thought if i ignored it i would grow out of it in the tags of my posts. im trying to cut back on long winding posts abt my problems but erm. i still dont have a therapist yet the intake person said itd probably be two weeks before i get matched with a therapist and its only been a week... anyways off to the tags before this ends up too long o7
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Devil’s Backbone
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Devil’s Backbone
Chapter 5 
Story Rating: Explicit, 18+
Warnings: Smut, violence, past flashbacks of sexual assault, descriptions o torture, racial hate and forced abortion. Not Tony Stark friendly.
Relationships: Bucky/OC, Steve/Natasha, Billy/Wanda/Grant, past Clint/Laura, eventual Clint/Yelena and Frank/Karen.
Summary: In the aftermath of the Blip, Bucky struggled to find his place among the world and the Avengers. However, when he is sent on a mission to Madripoor to investigate a young woman, he starts to realize that maybe his past isn’t too far behind him. Co-Written with WalkingPotterGirl14
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Nat was acting weird. Clint usually was a very noticeable guy. He may be the man that never misses, but he was also the man that could read people like a book. And right now, Nat was acting very much not like herself, even with her usual stoic face.
He felt like she was hiding something from him and Laura, which made him conflicted. He knew Natasha's past with the Red Room was horrific, but she was keeping something secret, and had been on the phone to a woman last night. She usually never went on calls late at night. Sighing, he texted Laura to let her know that he was alright and that the kids were settling into school. After Tony had exposed their location to Thaddeus Ross, he'd had to move them to the outskirts of New York. He frowned when he saw Natasha in the conference room, running the facial recognition software. The tech had been created by Pym Industries and X-Con Security Consultants, as Stark Industries' facial recognition software was for more expensive and didn't always work. "What are you doing, Nat?" he asked quietly. Natasha ignored him as he entered the room. She was reading a file that was in Russian. "Trying to find out who this mysterious woman is, Clint. Steve isn't exactly talking to me right now, so I have to do this on my own," she answered harshly, causing him to grimace at her answer. Steve and Natasha's relationship had become strained after she had survived Voromir and revealed that she had been pregnant. Then she had suddenly broken up with Steve, devastating the man. He knew how much Steve loved Natasha. He'd been a shell of himself after Natasha had supposedly died. The man was far more guarded now and simply kept things civil with Natasha. "You should have told him, Nat. He loves you and it clearly shows in the way that he looks at you," he argued firmly, trying to understand why Natasha was acting this way. Natasha refused to acknowledge Clint's words. She knew Steve loved her, but she just didn't feel like she wanted children. She was upset that she had miscarried, but she hadn't been sad in the same manner as Steve had been.
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Ana had gotten ready for Sharon's art gallery. She had decided to wear a red dress for tonight made with red satin and had a V-neck. It would partially show the faded burns on her chest, but no one would hardly notice them. She didn't like thinking about the burns, or the agony they had caused. It was better to just forget about it. She finished applying her makeup, adding some eyeliner and grabbed her handbag. She had put a knife in there, along with her cell phone and lipstick, before heading out. The car was waiting for her outside the building, and with a quiet smile, it drove her across High Town to where Sharon lived.
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Bucky had left Sharon’s after a little but to head back and get ready for the real art show tonight. While he did, he had memorized everything for the mission, including his backstory and the reason as to why he was in Madripoor, looking at himself in the mirror. He'd showered, and let some slight stubble grow on his face for tonight. He was wearing a black blazer, black trousers, and a black shirt. He nodded to himself as he left the bedroom and said goodbye to Alpine. The cat meowed at him affectionately, before going to sit on the bottom of the cat bed. He'd made sure that no one would be able to break into the house, using the security system to its best advantage for heading out. He left his place after making sure he had everything that he needed, including his gun, a knife, and keys. He walked to the motorcycle, getting on, and quietly drove to Sharon's house.
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The party was in full swing when Ana arrived at the house. She smiled at Conrad, who had already arrived and was with his girlfriend. He raised a glass to her from the corner as she approached. Sharon was showing a client some beautiful paintings as she wandered around, admiring the art gallery. She was about to ask Sharon about a Van Gough painting when a strange silence fell over the room as most eyes headed towards the door. Curiously, she turned around to see a young man with short dark brown hair, dressed in clothes that made it clear he was part of the Russian Mafia. Her brow raises in surprise. His eyes though were what caught her attention. They were a dark grey, like a wolf's eyes. She couldn't shake off the feeling…that they had met before but where? No, no way. She hadn't met anyone like that. Or at least…her memory sucked. "Everyone, this is one of my clients who has come from Moscow, Russian. His name is Yakov Surkov," Sharon said calmly, introducing the man, who nods. Ana got the sense that this man was dangerous. "He's a Russian mobster," Conrad whispers to her discreetly as they turned back around. "He doesn't do the usual Mafia stuff, but he sells weapons to resistance groups who fight dictators." She raised an eyebrow at his words, watching the man intently as he walked up to the bar to get a drink. She wasn't surprised when he ordered a Ruskova vodka to drink. The party returned to normal quickly after, with many people returning to what they had been doing. She excused herself from Conrad, whispering that one of the paintings he was looking at would be hers to which he laughed, and sat at the bar contently. She enjoys her glass of red wine, when she got the sense that someone was watching her. She glances up and feels herself smile when her eyes dance across the room at Yakov, who had been looking directly at her. Without breaking contact, he downs his drink before standing, walking over to her. Ah, a man of confidence, she could see. However, as he moved closer, a weird sense of peace settled over her. Conrad had told her who he was, what he did, but coming over to her, she didn't feel fear. In fact, his eyes almost felt familiar. It was such a strange sensation. But even so, she didn't let it show on her face. "You came over her nice and quick," she remarks, her brow raising. "Almost like you're on a mission." "What can I say? When I see something, I like, I know what I want." Okay, now that brought some colour to her cheeks. He was smooth. "For a Russian man, your English is very good." "I've been around them enough in the past for me to know. Takes some practice but you learn to work with it well." He reaches out and holds her hand, bringing it to his lips in a kiss. "Yakov Survok." Oof, he was pulling out all the stops. She couldn't remember the last time she had been treated with such respect from a single man. Surely not of this year, that's for sure. However, she still had her smarts ahead of her, and knew that it wouldn't be too brilliant if she gave out her regular name. So, she instead smiles and states back another name. "Maria Kapitonova. It's a pleasure to meet you." He lowers her hand again, smiling. "A pleasure to meet you as well." He glances around and gestures to this. "You been going to this for some time? I've never seen you around." "You've been here before?" "Couple of occasions," Yakov states quietly. "Usually for business reasons, but I've been to Sharon's a couple of times, trying to find the right piece for back home. However, I recently decided to move here all together." Ah, so he was in the area? Good to know. "To be honest, I haven't been here that often," she states lightly. "I only just recently showed up in the city…had some high friends in some good places so they got me into this big shindig. Sharon is a nice woman…smart one too." "That she is," he agrees before raising an eyebrow at her. "So, you're new to Madripoor?" "I am, yes." "Well, obviously you do know the city…isn't necessarily safe." Ana chuckles a bit. "Trust me, I know. But I think it was exactly what I needed. A change of scenery. Last place I was in was far too cold." The man snickers a bit. "I've heard that the summers in Madripoor are beautiful. I look forward to it." She looks back at him. "Then why did you move here?"
"As you said. A change of scenery," he agrees lightly. "It can be quite cold in Russia too." Ana smiles a bit and nods. "That is true…I've been there as well. All over the world. It's almost like people, in a way." At his furrowed brow, she continues. "Every person has warm and cold parts in a way. When you're close to someone, you get to see their warm parts, but if you anger them, the cold parts emerge, as vicious as ever. But even in the cold you can find warmth sometimes, and coldness withing the warmth – if that makes any sense." She found herself chuckling at the end. "I'm sorry. Maybe the wine is getting to me." Yakov chuckles before shaking his head. "No, I…I get it, really." He glances at the ground. "God knows I've had my fair share encounter with warm and cold places within me." Ana could see a bit of a fight in his eyes, glancing at the ground. He clearly had some sort of past, and for a moment, she forgets that they were practically strangers and reaches out, squeezing his arm. It causes him to look up. "We all do. That's the beauty of people. They're complex and wonderful in every way. If you're not willing to accept all parts of someone, then why even try?" That causes him to smile as well, although this one was smaller. "That is true…a beautiful statement for a beautiful woman." Ana rolls her eyes. "Now you're just saying that." "I mean it," he argues back, but there was a certain twinkling in his eyes that had her smiling. She takes the last sip of her wine, standing. "Well…thank you, Yakov." She clears her throat, remembering that she wasn't here to flirt with men. She needed to focus on actually getting the art she needed. "I have to use the restroom, but after that I plan to peruse the art here. Do you want to join me?" "I'd love to," he answers back with a smile. "Good," she responds back, offering her own grin before turning around, grabbing her purse, and heading to the restroom. Jeez, she hadn't felt something like that in…God knows how long. She wondered what Yakov had to offer her. Maybe being friends with a mafia man would benefit her greatly.
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God-fucking-damn, she was gorgeous. As soon as Bucky had arrived back at Sharon's place for this whole party she was throwing for the art, she had directed him directly to where the mystery woman she knew was sitting at the bar. And while Bucky of course followed up on her and began to talk to her, trying to learn her name – Maria, of all things, but he knew that was most likely a front – and all about her for his own case, he couldn't deny the beauty that she had.
She had the most beautiful eyes that he had ever seen, a light grey that he compared to opals. She had wavy dark brown hair that was almost black but had a mahogany colour. She was tall, but barely reached his height. The red silk dress flattered her figure and emphasized the curves she had. He noticed a few men were watching her as she left for the restroom, her hair glowing in the disco lights. She was most certainly a looker, that was for sure. "Enjoying the party, Yakov?" a voice asked with amusement. He turned around to see Sharon had come over to the bar, and had ordered herself a Piña colada, eying the drink that he was drinking. "It's enjoyable, Miss Carter. And I just met the delightful Maria Kapitonova. She's a charming young woman," he answered smoothly as he saw a young woman with blonde curly hair enter the art gallery and go to the restroom. "That she is. She's friendly with Conrad Mack, the Smiling Tiger, Melissa Gold who is known as Songbird and two hackers called Polina Astakhova and Evan Drake. She's making a name for herself in this city - plus she's laid down some ground rules for everyone," Sharon said impressed. After a moment however, she turns him around, looking at him carefully. "Be careful, Bucky. She's not like most of the people who live here but she's dangerous. She's killed at least three folks who didn't abide by the new rules," she said warningly. Before he could reply, Maria returned from the restroom, her bag in her hands. "I'd love to see the new art collection you've acquired. Sharon, I heard from Conrad and Melissa that you have some art nouveau pieces?" Maria asked curiously. She'd loved the art nouveau art and architecture. Bucky takes her up on that. "I'd like to see this art collection as well, Sharon. I have a deep fondness for Art Deco, and Art Nouveau style," Bucky added, genuinely interested. Sharon smiled, as she showed them the collection upstairs, moving along gracefully through the halls until they arrived where it was. Bucky admired the paintings on the wall, knowing fully well that these paintings and sculptures were the real deal. Most of the paintings and sculptures in the museums and art galleries, including the Louvre, were elaborate fakes. "I'll take those and some of your Asian Art collection as well, Sharon," he answered smoothly, handing her a wad of cash in Russian ruble. She smiled at him as she took it. "You have great taste," she mutters to him, to which he chuckles. Both of them saw Maria admiring the one of the paintings on the wall, before she turns to Sharon. "I'd like to buy this and a few other pieces," she said softly. Sharon smiled and arranged to have them sent to her house, as well as Bucky's place.
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The party continued going on in their absence. Bucky noticed that some people were smoking marijuana. He didn't have a problem with people taking it. He knew Leah smoked the painkiller to help relive her back pain she'd gotten from a car accident during the Decimation. It had nearly paralyzed her. He glanced up at the grandfather clock to see the time and was astonished to see it was 2:30 AM in the morning. He saw a young woman with silver hair that had pink highlights at the front, and she came over to greet Maria. So she was using an alias to keep her real identity a secret? On that he didn't blame her. If Thaddeus Ross found out that there was another survivor of the Red Room aside from Natasha and Yelena, then things would get ugly. He would check in with Steve, Sam, and Wanda along with the others tomorrow. He went to say goodbye to Sharon and Maria, and found them talking to Conrad Mack, his girlfriend Jeannette and Melissa. "You heading off, Yakov?" Conrad asked amused. The Russian mobster had a cat that he was fiercely protective of. God help the idiot who tried to hurt it. They'd have the White Wolf hunting them down, like John Wick. "Tired from the flight. The party was wonderful Sharon. And it was lovely to meet you, Maria," he said smoothly, kissing Sharon on the left cheek. She flushed, chuckling a bit. Deep down Bucky hoped Sam wouldn't get upset about that. He knew there was something brewing between the two. He smiled at Maria, shaking her hand. He could smell her perfume from where he was. It smelt of lilies, red roses, and cherry blossoms. "I hope to see you again, Yakov," Maria said softly. He smiled at her as he watched her go inside and got onto his bike before taking off.
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Steve, Sam, Wanda, Clint and T'Challa were in the conference room with Fury looking over the photos. They had been taken by Bucky when he had been at Sharon's art gallery. "Ok, so I've identified most of the guests at the party. Conrad Mack also known as the Smiling Tiger, was there with his fiancé, Jeanette Deveraux. Now, believe it or not, his criminal record isn't that bad. He sells marijuana to people on low incomes, and he is an arms dealer, but he sells weapons to Algeria, where there is a civil war going on due to the former prime minister coming back and trying to make a dictatorship," Amy explained patiently. "What about the chick with the gorgeous breasts and pink highlights? Did our Manchurian Candidate I.D. her as well?" Tony asked rudely, causing most of the team to stare at him in disgust at his cruel jibe towards Bucky. "Stark, don't call Bucky that. It's insensitive and unkind," Sam said firmly, before Steve could speak in defense of his friend. Tony had becoming very unkind towards Bucky since he had joined the Avengers. Tony started laughing at Sam's words, an expression of disbelief, contempt and disgust on his face. "Oh I'm sorry, Wilson - or wait is it Captain America? You think I shouldn't be unkind and insensitive to the bastard who strangled my mother to death and is the reason the team broke up?!" he shouted angrily, slamming his fist on the table. The piece of furniture rattled violently, and Peter squirmed uncomfortably in his seat. "It wasn't Bucky's fault, Mr. Stark. He is as much as a victim of HYDRA as were your parents," T'Challa said compassionately, but firmly to the man. "I don't care. He killed my goddamn mother! Because of Barnes and the man who I call father, I lost my mother, and Rogers had the nerve not to tell me!" Tony raged, his face turning red with anger. "When could I tell you, Tony?" Steve asks. "I didn't know if Zola was telling the truth at the bunker, and everything was a mess. I'm sorry I didn't tell you, sooner. Truly, I am. But you wouldn't answer my calls after retiring from the Avengers and the Accords happened," he reasoned calmly, trying to keep his temper. "Barnes should be rotting in the Raft or be fucking dead. He's a murdering, sociopathic bastard who ruined my life! He's the reason why Morgan doesn't have a grandmother!" Steve's hands turn to fists, but he refuses to yell. He wouldn't stoop so low as to lose his temper. So instead, he stands, aiming at him. "You don't think that Bucky feels that every day? You don't think he hasn't apologized and tried to make amends with every damn person he's hurt in the past? If anything, you don't even have the right to talk, because you've had so many people that you have hurt in the past as well. Do you deserve to be rotting away?" "You want to know everything I've done for this organization? For this country? I know that we've hurt others and we've tried to redeem that by singing the Accords and trying to make things right! Barnes was a literal psychopath that, just because we choose to believe what the Wakandans did, he's out there right now just living when he could snap at any moment!" T'Challa raises an eyebrow. "Are you questioning the power of Wakandan technology?"
Tony sighs and raises a hand to T'Challa. "I have nothing against you or your power, your highness. Your tech is great. My issue is with the current former assassin that is on the streets!"
"Will you two sit down!" Fury snaps angrily, causing the two of them to let out a puff of anger before doing so. "I know that you two don't get along but for the love of God get your damn selves together, because if don't figure out what is going on, then we might have another fucking breach." He angrily waves his hand. "Tony, the rest of your team head out and do a bit more research on Madripoor. Steve, called up Barnes and get more info. And when we get back, you two act like fucking adults."
"Yes, sir," was a collective muttered response.
Steve saw Tony glare at him before getting up, heading out with the others. Steve goes to talk to him but feels someone reach out to him, and he turns to see Wanda, shaking her head.
"It's not worth it," she says softly.
Steve sighs before running a hand along the back of his head, and turning around. "You're right." He looks to Sam and Wanda, who then he nods towards the meeting room. "Let's go call up Bucky."
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Epic Movie (Re)Watch #109 - Atlantis: The Lost Empire
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Spoilers Below
Have I seen it before: Yes
Did I like it then: Yes.
Do I remember it: Yes.
Did I see it in theaters: Yes.
Was it a movie I saw since August 22nd, 2009: Yes. No.
Format: DVD
1) The early 2000s have a lot of truly underrated gems, especially from Disney. Along with The Emperor’s New Groove and Treasure Planet, Atlantis: The Lost Empire is probably one of the most underrated and overlooked films in their catalogue. Which is a true shame because it is such a great film.
2) This film opens with the city of Atlantis being washed away by a great flood, but if there was originally an alternate opening featuring vikings with the Shepard’s Journal in search of the fabled city. I prefer the opening we have, but you can watch the viking prologue if you want.
3) Michael J. Fox as Milo Thatch.
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I saw this movie when it first came out in June of 2001. I fell in love with Back to the Future in February of 2009. So when I realized Marty McFly and Milo Thatch were one in the same my love for this film only grew. Fox brings a sincere enthusiasm to Milo, and like with the best voice acting you forget that you’re listening to Michael J. Fox. He BECOMES Milo, the guy who has to deal with everyone doubting him while still clinging true to his beliefs. It is a great character supported by an incredible actor.
4) There is a nice juxtaposition between how Helga sets up Mr. Whitmore (“Don’t worry, he doesn’t bite. Much.”) and the quirky little nut Mr. Whitmore actually is.
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An enigmatic man who I would’ve liked to know more of, Whitmore is a little eccentric but comes off as a good hearted man. His relationship with Milo’s grandfather seems to be the defining thing in his life, so much so that he’s funding a multi-million (1914 million) dollar expedition to find a myth. John Mahoney (best known for the role of Frasier’s father on Frasier) gives a strong performance in his little bit of time, but this film is filled with strong voice over performances so it is no wonder his stacks up.
5) This line was improvised by Michael J. Fox:
Milo [after he throws up from being seasick]: “Carrots. Why is it always carrots? I didn’t even have carrots!”
6) Animated films tend to be short and with the added benefit of exaggeration need to establish personalities of supporting characters IMMEDIATELY. This is very true of the expedition’s crew. This starts with Jim Varney as Cookie, a hillbilly type who fits Varney’s comedic styling very nicely. Varney passed away before filming was complete, leaving some lines to have a stand in, but his life is in Cookie all the way.
Helga: “The men need their four basic food groups.”
Cookie [holding up three fingers]: “I’ve got your four basic food groups! Beans, bacon, whiskey, & lard!”
7) Oh my god Vinny.
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Every line out of Vinny’s mouth is glorious! Voiced by Don Novello, Novello makes Vinny his own in the same way that James Woods made Hades his own in Hercules. I saw a behind the scenes featurette for this film way back when that said Novello improv-d a lot of lines and most of them are included in the film. Vinny is hysterical, with his penchant for blowing things up and dead pan delivery. The crew is made up of a bunch of great individuals & Vinny is no exception.
8) Rourke...
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Rourke is the captain of the expedition and - after the film’s twist - turns out to be the main villain. Voiced by James Garner, Rourke is honestly at his most interesting towards the end when he can be a ruthless bad guy. Up until that point he’s a pretty good commander and seems like an honest man. But looks can be deceiving.
9) There are so many jokes you don’t get in these movies when you were a kid (just wait until I do Shrek). For example:
Mole [about his dirt from different countries]: “England must never merge with France!”
10) Although Vinny is awesome, there’s a good chance that Sweets is my favorite crew member in the film.
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He’s fast talking, genuinely kind, a good doctor, and when the crew needs to start acting like bad guys he’s the first to abandon Rourke and his selfish quest (although much more quietly than the other characters). Phil Morris - like the other actors - breathes such life and personality into Sweets that you don’t even question that he’s real.
11) I love the wit in this film.
Sweets [presenting Milo with the vials presented above]: “Here, I’m going to need you to fill these up.”
Milo: “WITH WHAT!?”
12) And to round out the crew, Audrey.
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Like most of the crew, we learn more about Audrey in a pivotal scene later. But when we first meet her she’s already impressive. Just a teenager, Audrey is the head engineer on the expedition and tough as nails. She knows her shit and is tough as hell, but that’s not why she’s awesome. Well, that’s not the ONLY reason she’s awesome. But more on that later.
13) The Leviathan.
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Mike Mignola, the creator and artist behind the character Hellboy, is credited as a production designer on this film. Nowhere is his influence more clearly scene than the leviathan, the mechanical sea beast meant to defend the entrance to Atlantis. It is an impressive feat of imagination and animation, a creature which is truly menacing in both size and design. The leviathan and its attack on the submarine crew could quite well be the best part of this film.
13.5) Why does a science expedition have battle stations? I mean, now we know because they’re mercenaries. But did this not raise any red flags?
14) God bless Packard. I’m not even sure what her role on the ship is besides announcer, but god bless her.
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15) The pivotal scene for so many of these characters in this film is when Milo eats with them for the first time and we get their backstory.
Sweets’ of mixed descent, part black part Native American (I believe he said he’s Navajo). He studied to be a doctor when he got enlisted in the army.
Audrey’s father wanted sons, one to run his auto shop and another to become world boxing champion. Her sister has a shot at the title.
Vinny’s family owned a flower shop and when the business next door blew up, “It was like a sign from god! I found myself in that ‘boom.’”
And then of course we get this line.
Milo: “What’s Mole’s story?”
Sweets: “Trust me on this one. You don't wanna know. Audrey, don't tell him. You shouldn't have told me, but you did. And now I'm tellin' you, you don’t wanna know.”
You see THIS is what fleshes out these characters. Its this one scene which makes them more than jokes or stereotypes or archetypes, but real people. We get their conflict, their history. We learn of Audrey’s family, of Vinny’s boredom with flowers, or Sweets’ history in the army. THIS is what makes the film standout in the way it does.
16) Kida.
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It’s too bad Atlantis didn’t do too well at the box-office, otherwise Kida might take her place among the official Disney Princess line. Along the same lines as Mulan, Kida is a warrior princess. A woman who can kick ass but also loves her father and her people very dearly. Cree Summer is an accomplished actress in the voice over world, with Kida possibly being one of her finest roles. Kida is tough but never mean, curious but never overbearing, capable but able to form a meaningful relationship with Milo (while also not being too over the top lovey dovey), and just an all around great character.
17) Hey look, its Spock!
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Leonard Nimoy has had a number of voice over roles, particularly in the 21st century. Its nice hearing him in this, even if we don’t get to spend too much time with the king.
18) So you know the trope of a 100+ year old vampire forming a slightly weird relationship with a much younger woman?
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19) The betrayal of the crew wouldn’t have hurt nearly as much as it does if it weren’t for the scene where we get all their backstories.
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Notably we don’t get the backstories of the two most evil characters in the film: Rourke & Helga. This is when Rourke becomes REALLY interesting and when James Garner has a lot of fun as the bad guy. He’s a brute! A bully! He’s ruthless, pretty much kills the king, beats on Milo when he’s down, all while cracking a jock and flexing his impressive muscles for a 60+ year old man. Rourke doesn’t get enough credit as a Disney bad guy in my opinion.
20) I love this.
Milo [after Rourke asks him to translate better]: “I know, why don’t you translate AND I’LL WAVE THE GUN AROUND!”
I live for heroes telling bad guys who are “in control” to f*** off.
21) The entire crystal chamber scene is just absolutely gorgeous. The early 2000s were noteworthy for frequent mingling of hand drawn and computer animation, with Atlantis being one of the finest examples of it.
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Also this shot is gorgeous:
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22) I never got this line.
Rourke (after his crew decide to stick with Milo & the Atlanteans): “PT Barnum was right.”
Only now do I know one of Barnum's famous quotes is, "There's a sucker born every minute." And I had to google it.
22.5) Fun fact: Joss Whedon worked on the story for this film! For you Whedonites out there, doesn’t “PT Barnum was right.” sound like a very Whedon-y line?
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(GIF originally posted by @marshmallow-the-vampire-slayer)
23) Okay, as a child and even now I was OBSESSED with crystalized Rourke.
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Like that image is just very memorable to me, especially after Rourke was supposedly killed by being encased in crystal. It’s too bad we only got a minute or so of it before the airship crashed, but damn that’s just the coolest thing to me. If there are any Kingdom Hearts fans reading this, imagine this: A Rourke boss fight, where after you beat him the first time you have to fight his crystal form and its an even tougher fight.
24) And of course Milo stays in Atlantis at the end, because it is what he and his grandfather sent their entire lives searching for. What would be the point of returning to the surface where either A) no one will believe him, or B) people will believe him and try to take advantage of this culture they found? It’s a great ending which makes a lot of sense.
I love Atlantis. It’s one of my favorite Disney films, but it maybe wouldn’t be if it weren’t so underrated. If you’re a fan of action, adventure, Disney, animation, or heck, even Stargate, I think you’ll enjoy this film.
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itsiotrecords-blog · 7 years
Britney Spears was the hottest thing in the world for a long, long time. If you’d like us to be more specific, Britney Spears was the hottest thing in the world from 1999 – 2006. Her debut album …Baby One More Time became the best selling album from any teenager ever. Have you seen her music videos? Girlfriend may not have the best voice, but her music videos are legendary. Britney in a schoolgirl outfit? Britney in a red latex catsuit? Yep, we’re sold. Her world tours were crushin’ it. She performed during the Super Bowl Halftime show. She was on magazine covers. She earned Grammy nominations. She dated Justin Timberlake. She kissed Madonna at the VMAs. She was It. Then, 2007 happened. If you Google “Britney Spears 2007,” you’ll know exactly what we’re talking about. It was a year that included Bald Britney and her trusty umbrella. Many people didn’t think there was any coming back from that, but Britney came back. She now has a wildly popular residency in Las Vegas that is reportedly earning her $475,000 a show. She managed to not shave her head, get arrested, or get married in the past few years. It seems that Britney is back. However, she can never truly be back. Her breakdown is something that taints her image, no matter how much effort she puts into rehabbing it. Yes, she looks great and performs with the same fire she once had, but we can all still recall Bald Brit with her umbrella. Prior to 2007, Britney was on top of the world and there were no bat-shit crazy photos to blemish her image. She was truly perfect. That was when Britney was in her prime. Here are 18 photos to remind you just how on top of the world ol’ Britney was at such a young age.
#1 Wearing A Very Practical Metal Shirt This shirt is not practical in any regard. In fact, we’re betting that a chain mail shirt is pretty uncomfortable and quite chilly. Also, the fact that it’s only being held together by two delicate chains means Britney can’t do much in it. A slight breeze passes and Brit could be showing much more than she wanted. Practicality aside, this photo is vintage Britney. Between the purple eye shadow and glossy lips, she is reminding us just ridiculous some of her looks were… but she still looked perfect. She actually thrives in these early 2000s styles. Oh, and her body is amazing. We’re pretty sure that belly piercings surged 200% from Brit flaunting her always-taut stomach, and belly button ring. Unfortunately, getting a belly button ring doesn’t automatically make you as hot as Britney. There is only one Britney.
#2 As A Gladiator With A Belly Ring Back in 2001, Britney struck an endorsement deal with Pepsi for a whooping $8 million. Considering how iconic the Britney/Pepsi advertisements were, $8 million was actually a steal. While they worked several different marketing spins, the most memorable is Gladiator Britney. How could you forget this commercial? Some people (totally me) would watch TV just hoping this commercial came on. In it, Britney, Beyonce, and Pink come into a gladiator dome and sing “We Will Rock You.” This is all while drinking Pepsi, of course. A mandate for casting must have been something like, “Singer with abs of steel.” All of these ladies have washboard stomachs. While Britney rocked her sexy-Gladiator look, our favorite part is that she’s still wearing her belly button ring. You can take Brit out of 2001, but you can’t take the belly ring out of Brit.
#3 Britney Spears, Sweet As Pie When Britney Spears first hit the scene, she really milked the wholesome thing. In fact, the “…Baby One More Time” music video was originally supposed to be cartoonish to appeal to a young audience, but Britney had a better idea. She pitched her own concept of it being at a school with lots of dancing. They obviously went for this idea, since it is now what we know as the iconic video. Hold on, Britney is even more genius. Upon looking at the wardrobe, which was a t-shirt and jeans, she then pitched the schoolgirl idea. Again, they went for it. It gets better. She thought the uniforms were too dorky and suggested everyone tie up their shirts. Basically, Britney was the mastermind behind the whole music video, which launched her entire career and brand. People often underestimate Britney, but girlfriend is in tune with what to give the public. This photo is from a shoot with Timothy White in 1999. She’s obviously still milking the sweet as apple pie thing, which was always part of her appeal. Britney was always both the girl next door and, uh, the type of girl who dances with a snake around her neck.
#4 That Rolling Stone Cover In 1999, Britney graced the cover of Rolling Stone for the first time. It would become an iconic photoshoot, both for her and Rolling Stone. This particular photoshoot really encapsulated what was so interesting about Britney. She was 18 years old and somewhere between being a girl and a woman – y’know, as she would sing about later. The cover photo (above) showed the teenage Britney in her underwear while holding both a telephone and a Teletubby. It is rubbing both her sexuality and innocence in your face. It was about this time that the American Family Association condemned Britney. They said that the photoshoot was disturbing because of the way it mixed young innocence and adult sexuality. Uh, that was kind of the point, guys. The AFA urged people to boycott Queen Brit. Obviously, the AFA didn’t make that much of a dent on her career.
#5 That Other Rolling Stones Cover Britney Spears went on to grace the cover of Rolling Stone several times. She’s worn a t-shirt and jeans on the cover, a bra and jeans, an American flag shirt and red leather pants. She also wore just underwear and what seemed like a bed sheet. In 2003, she graced the cover in the above photo, which really, really showed off the curves of her body. 2003 was way past the days of her youth. She had already publicly broken up with Justin, supposedly for cheating on him with a back-up dancer. Britney was no longer the girl in a school uniform. She was a woman. That year also saw the release of her 4th studio album, In The Zone. This album would produce four singles: “Me Against the Music,” “Toxic,” “Everytime,” and “Outrageous.” While everyone remembers Britney’s “Toxic” video (how could you not?), it was her “Everytime” video that really had critics talking. In it, Britney plays a star, who suffers under the stress of the media, dies, and is resurrected into a baby who was born at the hospital. It was oddly prolific considering how Britney would soon struggle under the weight of stardom.
#6 No One Has Ever Looked As Good In A Green Bikini You don’t see many green bikinis. Green can be a difficult color to pull off, especially in bikini form. Britney’s always-tanned bod and honey blonde hair makes it easy for her to look good in just about any color. Seriously, she can wear anything from a red latex catsuit to this green bikini. It also helps that her body is perfectly sculpted. This picture is included because it is, again, vintage Britney. While she is flaunting her amazing body, her face is anything but sultry. She is wearing minimum makeup and has the wind blowing through her hair. Her mega-watt smile isn’t seducing anyone. It more looks like a carefree smile of someone about to jump into a lake. Yet, she’s still seducing anyone who looks at this photo. It’s this duality that made Britney a star. Oh, also she’s rocking her belly ring because duh.
#7 Classic Britney With Crimped Hair Britney with the crimped hair was everything. She somehow pulled off crimped hair, even though no one pulls off crimped hair. This resulted in a ton of people copying her style – think of her herds of young girls who crimped their hair in the early 2000s. Little did those young girls know that Britney with crimped hair is much different than the rest of the world with crimped hair. She rocked crimped hair at awards shows, photoshoots, and in music videos. This photo is a great example of Brit rocking something that would look good on no one else. If you ever saw a girl in real life with half-curled and half-crimped hair, you’d just think she looks… well, she wouldn’t look like Britney. That’s for sure. For whatever reason, Britney looks hot. It also helps that she’s wearing a tiny jean skirt and midriff-bearing tank. Also, I spy a belly ring.
#8 No Biggie, Just Chillin’ In A Field Of Flowers This photo may be the height of Britney doing the wholesome thing. She’s just chillin’ in a field of flowers. She looks just about as youthful and innocent as anyone can possibly look. See? This was her appeal. You’d see this photoshoot, but then you’d also see Britney shimmying in a schoolgirl outfit. It was all so confusing, and all so hot. The issue with this specific appeal is that it’s difficult for someone to keep up long-term. Britney Spears is now 35 years old. She can’t do that sweet, small town girl thing anymore. We all know Britney has been through some shit. In a genius way, Britney does dip into a mature wholesome angle through her social media posts. On her Instagram, she posts photos of her family, photos of goofy selfies, motivational quotes. Britney will even post pictures of goddamn kittens on Instagram just ’cause she thinks they’re cute. It’s a new version of her wholesomeness, as she can’t play the wide-eyed young thing anymore.
#9 That Performance With A Snake We couldn’t not include this photo for several reasons. First of all, look at her. The “I’m a Slave 4 U” period was when Britney’s abs were at the top of their game. We know, we know. Girlfriend always had abs. That’s true, but at this point in her career, she was cut. There is barely any fat on her entire body. This particular performance was at the 2001 MTV Video Music Awards. We could focus on how hot she is, because duh. Instead, let’s talk about what a performer she is. Girlfriend went on live television with an albino python on her shoulders. I probably wouldn’t put an albino python on my shoulders… like ever, especially not on live television. Britney is a badass, who is willing to do anything to give fans a show. This is why she has endured as one of the most successful singers of all time.
#10 The “I’m A Slave 4 U” Music Video Britney’s performance with the snake outshined the “I’m a Slave 4 U” music video. I mean, she was carrying a snake around on live TV. There was obviously a ton of buzz around that. However, the music video is not to be overlooked. Britney pumped out several iconic music videos in her time, but this may be the sexiest of all her videos. First, there’s her body. Like we said, this was the top of her ab game. There is also the fact that everyone is dripping in sweat in the video. It looks like a hot yoga studio. If you think about it too much, it’s not actually very sexy with all the sweat, but at face value it’s hot. The sweat was apparently tasty too, since someone straight up licks Britney’s face in the video. Lastly, sweaty Brit was wearing her underwear outside of her pants. That may not have been all that practical, but she was sex on a stick. If you had to show an alien one music video to describe what “sexy” is, it would be this video.
#11 Can We Talk About Her Necklace? This picture has so much Britney going on, it’s amazing. First of all, her half-crimped hair again – YES! We don’t know who kept telling her to rock this hairstyle, but we’re so happy about it. Also, we have no idea what her shirt is doing. It’s pink and see-through. In fact, you can see her bra though it. We’re not even sure why she’s wearing a shirt. Half the time, she’d be in bikini top, so what’s up with the see-through shirt? We don’t know. Okay, moving on. We’re super into whatever denim she’s rocking below. It looks like it’s folded down, so it may be shorts, a skirt, or jeans. We have no idea. Does it matter? Nah, not really. She still looks hot. Finally, we have her famous belly ring. It may be the most famous belly ring in all of history. No, seriously. Has anyone ever rocked a belly ring more? We don’t think so. Oh, and the lips necklace! What is that! It’s so bad and so Britney. We love it.
#12 Covered In Toilet Paper… And Still Hot What is this picture? We don’t know. There are the two things making Britney almost unrecognizable – her head is turned. We know it’s Brit (in 2016), but we are only getting the side profile. The second thing is the lack of the belly ring. Where is her famous belly ring? Was she like, ‘Oh, I’m mature now. I better take my belly ring out, even though I’ve been photographed with it in for, like, a decade’? We don’t know her thought process and we’re slightly disappointed that she doesn’t have her belly ring in. It’s the hottest stomach piercing in history. Moving beyond that, her body still looks phenomenal. Like, absolutely amazing. As good as in her prime. However, who the hell styled her? Why is she wearing a bunch of fabric wrapped around her body? She looks like a girl who wrapped toilet paper around herself so she could be a mummy for Halloween. She’s so hot that she still looks good with fabric dripping off of her body.
#13 A Very Cropped Crop Top Alright, this might be the hottest Brit. This was after she shed her good girl image. She didn’t go full-on X-Tina, aka Christina Aguilera circa Dirrty. Also, have we ever uncovered the mystery as to why X-Tina spelled “dirty” as “dirrty”? Why the extra R? The X-Tina era was a drastic change. What was so fascinating about Britney was that she shifted into womanhood all while still being Britney. Much of her brand was still the same, but she has just shaken free of the schoolgirl we were introduced to in 1999. If any picture shows Britney fully indulging in her sultry, southern side, it’s this photo. She’s wearing the most cropped crop top of all time. She’s still sporting her signature tanned skin, blonde hair, and tight stomach. Oh, and of course – her belly ring! Yas, queen of belly piercings. We love it. Her denim shorts are super short and unbuttoned. We get it, Brit. You’re sexy. Your necklace is longer than your shirt. You’re a woman now.
#14 When Britney Won The Super Bowl There was nothing better than Britney in 2001. Between her Pepsi deal, her hit albums, and the fact that she was the hottest thing in the world, Britney had it all in 2001. All included the Super Bowl Halftime Show. Of course, Aerosmith and N Sync were the headline performers. But, for the finale, Britney, Mary J. Blige, and Nelly joined them to perform “Walk This Way”. Some of the performers she shared the stage with are legendary, but look at her abs! This was 100% Britney. She had random braids in her hair, a cut up shirt and shiny NFL pants on. OH, and she also rocked a random sock on her one forearm. It was weird, but Brit pulled it off. The best part was that this was while Britney and Justin were dating. If you watch the performance, she even smiles every time he sings. Was there ever a cuter couple? Also, belly ring!
#15 The Most Epic Jumpsuit Of All Time We’d love to post the entire “Oops!… I Did It Again” video, because it was epic. Britney. In a red latex catsuit. Say no more. She also rocked a white, cropped turtleneck outfit too, which was totally hot. No one remembers the white turtleneck number, though, because the red catsuit was everything. Apparently, the catsuit was Britney’s idea. See? We told you that she had a sixth sense about what would hit. Per Brit’s orders, the costume designer had to stay up all night to make her catsuit. Uh, thank heavens they did, because it will go down in pop culture history. This video was also at the edge of her wholesome image. With lyrics in this song like “Oops! You think I’m in love/That I’m sent from above/I’m not that innocent” Britney was both indulging her audience in sweetness but easing us into her sexy transition.
#16 Whoopsies, Forgot To Button Her Sweater Here is Britney Spears looking hot as hell. Slightly past her wide-eyed, innocent phase, she was embracing the sultry side, all while wearing a cardigan. Of course, she forgot to button her cardigan, whoopsies! Her shorts (or skirt?) was the shortest thing in the world. She could have been wearing underwear. Her body was flawless. And, you know what we’re totally going to point out right now, right? Her belly button ring! Always and forever. Forget The Beatles. The best group in history is Britney, her abs, and her belly ring. Also, here is a prime example of how Brit mixes the sweet and sexy today. She posted this photo on her Instagram recently, with a caption that read: “My friends sent me this picture today… and it’s weird because I just realized it’s one of the only pictures I’ve ever taken upside down!” The photo is hot, but the caption said something about how goofy it is because it’s upside down. That’s Britney – she posts something smokin’ hot but is like, ‘Golly gee, y’all, I’m upside down!’
#17 When She Was Like, “Hey World, I’m A Woman!” While this picture gives you the gist of the performance, if you haven’t seen it, check it out. Britney comes out wearing a suit and singing “(I Can’t Get No) Satisfaction.” She then removes her suit to reveal a nude, sparkly outfit and sing “Oops!…I Did It Again.” Her performance is flawless. Does she have the pipes that some of the other greatest pop stars have had? No, not by a long shot. But try, just try, to take your eyes off the screen as Britney performs. She is entertainment at it’s finest. Also, can we talk about how genius Britney was? She used this performance to rebrand herself. Before this, she was the schoolgirl from “…Baby One More Time.” She was bubble gum. She was southern sweetness. She was apple pie with a belly ring. This was her saying, “I’m a woman and I’m sexy.” She was done with being seen as the good, little girl. Using a VMA performance to rebrand would be a move that Miley Cyrus stole from Brit. Why did Miley follow in Brit’s footsteps? Because it friggin’ worked. No one thought Britney was a sweet, young girl after watching this performance. She was powerful, sexy, commanded the stage, and owned everything she touched.
#18 Sugar And Spice, Naughty And Nice We’ll finish with this photo, taken before her 2000 VMA performance. It’s the most perfect example of the Britney paradox. It’s both innocent and remarkably sexy. She is wearing a pink tee shirt that’s tied up. With the addition of her black, leather pants and tight stomach, she’s walking sex. However, her face is fresh and happy. She isn’t batting her eyes at the camera. She’s smiling like it’s the goddamn prom. This is what Britney Spears tapped into in a way that no one will ever be able to tap into again. It was a different America. It was an America that was reeling from the Bill Clinton/Monica Lewinsky affair. Sex was not being served up in such a blunt way, especially by a teenage girl. Then came Britney Spears. Since Britney, we’ve had different versions of pop stars. Taylor Swift taps into the wholesome aspect, but fails to be even a teardrop as sexy. Lady Gaga can do theatrics like Britney, but nothing about Gaga is ever wholesome. Katy Perry is sexy and rocks bubblegum pop tunes, but taps into a pin-up vibe instead of innocence. This mixture of sexy and sweet is what made Britney so desirable and entertaining in her prime. While we still love Britney, nothing will ever top Britney in her prime. It was truly lightning in a bottle.
Source: TheRichest
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jillhejl · 7 years
Chris Cornell Part 1
I had to be at work early today--7 a.m., for a special process that needed to be done.  As so happens when you need shut-eye, I instead woke up at 4:15 a.m. and couldn't go back to sleep.  At 6, I finally got up, had a message on my phone that the power was down at work and texted my boss on how we were going to proceed.  At the end of our conversation, I took one of my dogs out, came back in, and saw my phone flashing.  She had typed one more message, "Chris Cornell died?"
I replied, "F#*@ what?"
She knew how much he meant to me.
I had last seen Chris play 10 months ago.  He was as fantastic and moving as always.  Cool, both in control and at ease in his banter, singing, and playing.  It was the sixth, and now I know my last, time I saw him in concert.  The first was on the last tour of Soundgarden in the '97.  They opened for the grandfather of grunge, Neil Young.
The next time wasn't until April 11, 2007 at the Metro in Chicago.  It ranks as my #1 concert experience...and let me tell you, I've been to a lot.  I had begged so many people to go with me (can you believe this), and FINALLY my friend Andrea said she'd go.  The concert was sold out, but we got some tickets from a StubHub type place.  I remember when she sent me an email that contained a copy of the ticket.  I swooned.  I printed out that email and carried it around with me in my wallet.  I loved his voice, his music, his looks, his attitude.  I just couldn't believe I was going. Chris had been through Audioslave by then, and he was touring as a solo act.  His hair was short at that time, really showing off his gorgeous face.
I remember what I wore, how my hair was cut, and that it was raining that night.  I was standing next to a guy who had driven up from Champaign from the University of Illinois.  He had a cold, but he was there.  As we stood waiting for him to come out, my heart was pounding, and I felt myself getting jelly legs!  I turned to my friend and said, "I have to go!"  I just was overcome with the moment.  She said, "Turn around, you're not going anywhere."  And I turned around, and one minute later he came out, and cooly said, "How ya' doin'?"
We were only about 10 feet from the stage, and he could survey the crowd easily.  And at one point, truly, he stared right at me with those blue piercing eyes.  I'm sure he held everyone's gaze at some point, but at that moment it was me, and I couldn't breathe.
The most memorable moment was when he sang his version of Michael Jackson's, "Billy Jean."  It was slowed down into a soulful groove and then crescendoed into his sexy wail at just the time the lights flashed an guitars wailed.  I will never forget that moment.  It was one of those times where I was fully IN it, but also was outside of myself with this knowledge of what I was experiencing.  It was out-of-body is all I can say.  You don't get transported like that at every concert.  Truly, there's just a handful.
I saw him 2 more times that year--once when he stripped his sweaty shirt off, and that was a moment we didn't forget.
But let me make it clear--he had physical beauty, yes, but it was that voice...that distinctive voice--hard-edged but tender and feeling, too--that was the true draw.  Henry Rollins once said that Chris Cornell's voice could peel paint off of a wall.  But it was the soulful side of his slower songs and acoustic performances--powerful, painful, rough-edged, expressive--that was the true draw.  He made you feel it.  Robert Plant of Led Zepplin had that influence of the blues mixed in with rock mixed with Middle Eastern music.  He was bluesy, hard and soft.  That was Chris Cornell.
The strangest thing is that I had been listening to Chris nonstop over the last week.  I had been painting late at night, especially last weekend, and I had Chris playing on YouTube.  I love his combination of the music from U2's "One" and the lyrics of Metallica's "One."  Over and over I played it, along with his version of Prince's, "Nothing Compares 2 U" and Whitney Houston's/Dolly Parton's, "I Will Always Love You."  I listened to Soundgarden's, "Fell on Black Days," and Audioslave's, "Getaway Car."  I always loved "Sunshower" from the movie "Great Expectations" etc.  I could list this on and on.  I'm listening to the latter right now, and my heart is in my throat, because he is gone.  He really is gone.
Maybe that powerfully pained voice had to come from a place of some desperation/depression.  I wouldn't have thought Chris would kill himself.  He had been through so many suicides of friends and contemporaries in his life (e.g., Andy Wood--from Mother Love Bone which caused him to form the group Temple of the Dog and which just recently reformed and toured; Layne Stanley; Kurt Cobain, etc.)  No one knows, though, the depth of someone's pain.  There's an article that states him as saying, "it's harder to get help the more famous you are."  I get it.  You're in the public eye.  You supposedly have everything you could ever want.  That's the worst part of depression.  You SHOULD feel o.k. with all you have.  And when you don't, where do you turn, what do you strive for?  What gives you the drive to put one foot in front of the other when you're in pain?
I knew he loved his second wife and children deeply.  I've watched him carrying his daughter Toni around in videos and at concerts since she was a baby.  She looks just like him and has a beautiful voice as well.  He had to be in so much anguish to be driven to what happened last night.
I've watched videos of his last performance in Detroit, and he looks weary, exhausted.  The songs seem very slowed down.  I read somewhere that some insiders thought he had relapsed with alcohol.  He had been sober for about 14 years.  But this is all supposition--you want to know why now, just like with Prince--another irreplaceable voice.  All I know is, he could not have been in his right mind.  Was he weary from playing the same songs after 25 years?  Was the pressure, and inability to get out of something--a tour--pressures from the music industry just too much?  I don't know, and we probably won't.
But Chris, your talent, your voice, we ache for you, and we are crushed.  God bless you.
From 7/11/16 - the last time I saw Chris in concert.
Some of the better articles on Chris:
Rolling Stone Magazine Chris Cornell
UK Daily Mail - timeline of Chris Cornell post concert
NYTimes Chris Cornell Dead at 52
GuitarWorld-Chris Cornell's Final Concert
Chris Cornell on Fatherhood
Chris Cornell's Final Red Carpet with Family
LATimes 1991 article w/Chris Cornell on making Badmotorfinger
The one below is something I found after I original blogpost.  The LA Times writer wrote the same thing I did, comparing Chris and Robert Plant and Mideastern Influence.  I guess I heard the same thing they did:
Chris Cornell-A generation lost its Robert Plant
LA Times Obit Chris Cornell
Chris Cornell Interviews Jimmy Page, Part 1
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