#and this applies to like. soo many things i say i remember something but i just remember thinking about it in hindsight
casinoquartet · 9 months
okay so I would like to elaborate on a point you made on the swagdoons moments we should talk about more. Specifically the one about red knowing about the wormhole glitch. Also the whole god thing applies to this too.
Ash avoids any reference (and has lied about it multiple times IF red is telling the truth) to red knowing anything and just never elaborates when it comes to this sort of thing. Then red is just so open about it and it kinddd of sounding like he’s bragging when he talks about it. And he told no one?? 🤨 huh? Red knew sooo far back and told no one???
here is an example:
ash commented that red wasn’t in a video because his reaction to the god thing was basically: “cool.” and did not give any other details.
red has AT LEAST said twice that he knew about the god thing from basically page one (because ash told him?? I don’t know if I’m remembering right) and he didn’t hold back from the details
nothing they say lines up 😭😭😭 one of them is lying about this and either way it’s still so 🤨🤨. Why would you need to lie about it huh??? And I am 90% ash knows what red is saying and he isn’t specifically denying anything red says.
I’m sorry they are soo confusing and just making this much sense of something and to not share it with anyone feels like a felony so yeah…
THEN THE “oh I’d do so many things for you ash.” WAS JUST 😱😱😱🫵🤨🤨🤔🤨 IT WAS SO UNPROMPTED. then the SILENCE after ash said the equivalent of my reaction in emojis I just can’t anymore
also can you explain how after the matching sleeve thing ash just kept it for wayyyy too long. Is it still there??? I think it’s still there. It’s like 4am and I NEED to go to bed so I don’t think I should check. But it’s such an easy fix why is it still there it’s driving me crazy
OKAY regarding the "red knew about the plugin" thing, i'm mostly referencing this clip (51:58-52:10)
red: hold on, so did you dupe or...how did you get the crystals? ash: (hums) red: ...or did you get into creative mode, was that the plug-in? ash: no, no. (annoyed) why do you--okay just tell everyone my plan. i'm kidding, parrot just forgot to check my inventory (laughs)
if we take ash's god video at face value, he did know about the essentials plugin since august (though it is debatable if the wormhole team knew how to exploit it then, i'm inclined to believe that they did considering around a month later the comfort vod happened and ash leaked the wormhole plans 4 months early...lol). and having foresight, we do know that creative mode was necessary to get the entire wormhole exploit to work so...that's why i said it was implied red knew about the wormhole glitch the entire time
anyways, adding onto the "red wasn't in the first video" thing, here's ash mentioning it in a tweet on his alt acc, and while red pisses off (/lh) ash in the comfort vod (1:10:05-1:10:44), ash says that that is why red isn't in the video and red goes "i know"
(also i was just watching the vod where red mentions that he knew about the s3 god exploit from the very start and it's also implied here that he knew about the s4 one too?!?! he got an elytra from subz and subz, who was on the wormhole exploit team, asked him if red knew about the exploit, said never mind, and gave red the elytra anyways. red then says that he knew about the exploit the entire time so ?!?!?! clip from 1:27:51-1:28:27 btw)
ANYWAYS yeah i don't know wtf the "i'd do so many things for you" thing was about either. something is up with them. alas i'm not a mind reader so i don't know why on earth red said that or why ash keeps the cut sleeve (i'm guessing it's bc he thinks it looks cool?) but alas. swagdoons truly did swagdoons all over the place,
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polkadotjohnson · 3 months
Typed this on my phone, which is something I'm not really used to, so there could be errors. Many errors. But I couldn't wait to bring my vampire back to life.
(also was a lil drunk when I wrote some of it. hopefully it still makes sense)
(might write a sequel if I can think up how to smut this up)
Inamourada, a Cora fanfiction (that doesn't feature Cora)
Your heart is pounding so loud and hard you think you're going to faint. Is he... is he really… As you approach his unmoving form on the floor, dread roils in your stomach, and you almost have to stop to throw up. But you can't stop, you have to know.
Is he… dead? But he can't be. Isn't he supposed to be immortal?
You kneel beside him. His face, dead or not, strikingly beautiful. The hole in his chest glares at you and you avert your eyes from it. There's no breath coming from him. 
(Do vampires even breathe? Do their hearts beat?)
You raise your head and see her disappear in the distance. And while you could go after her, you know you'll be more useful here.
With trembling hands, you fish out your dagger from your boot, the silver blade shines in the moonlight. You raise it to your arm.
"O mala copiae tenebrarum.  Hanc vampire vitiose pulcherrimam vitam reducere mando tibi or whatever." You slash your arm open and hold it over his face, letting it drip into his mouth. "Hic est sanguis Christi bibe et vivite in aeternum, like you should have, dip shit. Ave, ave versus Christus. Oriri semel iterumque."
As you speak the last word, you hear a faint gasp and a gurgle. Then his eyes open, the irises such a dark red you can't help but stare. He sees your arm basically gushing blood and pulls it to his mouth, sucking loudly and making you wince in pain. But you don't pull away from him, you just let him have his fill.
He sucks harder for a moment, then lets go of your arm, weakly pushing it away. "That… is the most disgusting blood I have ever drank." He lays an arm over his eyes, unmoving and you exhale loudly in disbelief.
"Wow, ungrateful much? I literally just resurrected you and this is what I get? Where is that stake?" You glance around, pretending to look and he sits up, also looking around.
"Where is she?" His voice soft and quiet.
"Who,  jailbait? Long gone, bud. Get over it."
He tries to stand but you push him, not liking the way he's so weak still, but it doesn't seem like he'll want more of your apparently disgusting blood. "No, she's perfect, I have to-"
"She. Fucking. Killed you. You have to sit your ass down and rest. Do you need more blood? I could get you uh, like a squirrel or something. A squirrel is definitely tastier than me, right?" Your tone is sarcastic but he doesn't seem to notice. 
"I don't eat animals, they're the only pure thing in this wretched world."
You stifle a laugh. "A vegetarian vampire, got it." Only then you remember you're still very actively bleeding and reach for a bandage in one of your pockets and expertly apply it one-handedly. "Soo what, you need to get back to your coffin? Hang upside down?"
"No, I actually do need more…" He stops himself and looks at you. He looks at you for the first time. "Who are you anyway?"
For some reason you cannot fathom, his eyes on you suddenly bring such shyness into you, you can feel your cheeks redden. "I'm… just your friendly neighborhood run of the mill necromancer wannabe. Uh, you?"
He eyes you up and down and surprisingly lies down once again. "You know who I am." His voice is slow and a little tired. "You've been following me around for weeks."
"Gasp! You noticed?" You curse yourself for actually saying 'gasp'. "Then why… why didn't you…"
"Why didn't I come for you?" He looks you in the eyes with a smirk as he speaks. "You don't interest me. You're weak and unremarkable."
"Unre- have I mentioned you're incredibly ungrateful? I did a spell to bring you back to life, don't think I can't turn that around, mister."
"I don't remember asking you to resurrect me."
"Well of course not, you were dead! Why do you-"
"What do you want? For your troubles?"
You hate being interrupted, but since he just asked the magic question, you let it go. "Isn't it obvious?" You stand up and do a little twirl so he can see your get up. Your black clothes and chains, your tall boots and dark makeup. "I want you to bite me!"
He has the gall to roll his eyes. "Great. Another goth."
"Excuse me? What do you mean-"
"I don't want you. Biting you means we would have a connection, and I don't…" He looks you dead in the eyes again. "Want you."
You don't know whether to cry or scream. So you do both. "Agh fuck you! Arrogant prick who can't even decide between a teen and a cougar and then ends up with neither that's what you get haha sucks to suck fuck you dick go to hell and die again for all I care…" You breathe in to spew some more insults and turn around but hesitate to leave him despite his words. He decides it for you.
"What? What could you possibly want?"
"Help me get back home and I'll consider it."
"I…" You'll hate yourself for this. But deep down you know that if you don't do it, you'll hate yourself even more. "Fine. Can you stand up, o master vampire?"
He punches you, but it's more of a shove. "Keep up that insolence and see where it gets you."
You hold back a sigh and help him up, his claws dig some into your arm sending an intrusive shiver down your spine. 'What the actual fuck', you mouth. You feel them go slightly deeper and he's up. "Where to? Castle? Cave? Futuristic wood and glass house?"
"Just… keep walking."
"You're fucking kidding me." Calling the house dilapidated would be a compliment. More like decrepit. Rotting. Dying. His house looks like it's dying. "Is it haunted?"
"I live in it."
"Good point." You push the front door and it opens with the loudest creak you've ever heard. "You must have one hell of a security system."
"Yes, it's called being a powerful creature of the night with such a strong aura of terror no one dares to enter." You stop and look at him to see if he's actually serious, but he's rolling his eyes again. "Why would I worry about intruders? If someone enters, they get eaten."
To be fair, the house is so secluded, deep down into the woods, a place you never knew existed, even though you've walked through these woods your whole life. You doubt anyone else knows about it.
The living room is beyond filthy, leaves and dirt everywhere, every item of furniture covered in deep layers of dust. He plops down into a dingy couch, ignoring your horrified expression. When he doesn't say anything else, you take the chance to explore, morbid curiosity winning over your desire to go home and take a long, warm shower.
The kitchen smells putrid, and soon you realize why. The fridge door is ajar and there's nothing but spoiled food in it. Dirty dishes in the sink. Dirty pans on the table. Does he eat actual food?
You return to the living room and notice some pictures above the fireplace mantel. A couple. Man and woman. Three kids. "Was this their house? Did you kill them?"
"You're still here. Wonderful."
You know he's not going to answer you, so you try something else. "Well?"
He sighs. "Well… what?"
"Are you going to do it or not?"
"I said… I would think about it. Go home and leave me alone, I can't stand to look at you anymore."
You shake your head to stop your nerves from shaking too. "After all I've done, all I've gone through, this is how I get repaid. Story of my life."
"I don't care, go away."
You shake some more, wondering why the hell you didn't bring your cigarettes with you. You could really use one right about now. "I hope you die during the night."
"No, you don't."
The only way you can think to describe what you're feeling is that you're falling for him. You're falling in hate with him.
"See you, sucker." You smile through your tears and go home.
You walk through the cemetery every other night, but don't see him again. He used to stalk around, looking at graves and breaking into mausoleums to do god knows what. When you first saw him, he was perched on top of a family grave like a gargoyle. You knew immediately what he was. The rumors were true. Which meant your childhood dream of becoming one could come true. If only you had the guts to approach him.
You followed him around, watched him meet up with the blonde woman, wondering what he could possibly want with her. But other than her, you never saw him bite anyone else.
Then there was the scuffle with the girl and he died, just like that. It surprised you how strong she was and how he seemed to be holding back.
You wonder if you'll be able to fight like that too if he bites you.
You're weak.
His words reverberate in your head.
You're weak and unremarkable.
You know that. You know. He didn't have to say it.
The scar in your arm doesn't itch anymore. You rip the bandage off and throw it aside. It's completely healed. You want to grab your dagger and open it up again. Instead, you light up a cigarette and inhale deeply, keeping the smoke in until you calm down some. When you blow the smoke, it's clear, almost transparent and you do it again, deeper this time until your heart calms down and you feel that sweet lightness all over your body.
One poison over the other, you suppose.
"Where are you?"
You're still looking at the scar when it hits you. Your stomach drops.
I actually do need more…
You jump from the bench but stumble still lightheaded, that head almost cracking open when you hit the ground.
How many days has it been? Six? Eight? The spell doesn't work twice on the same person. If he dies again, it'll be for good.
Your stamina is deplorable, but you're running. Breathless, legs feeling like they're about to fall off but you're running.
You let out a scream of frustration when you can't find the house and search around some more, trying not to fall in complete despair.
Were there any reference points? Any landmarks? Anything different? No. You couldn't remember anything. Nothing remarkable surrounding the mysterious house of the mysterious vampire.
Nothing at all. That was the point. You were looking for something, turning at every tree that looked different, every twisted path you came across. But the way was unremarkable.
Just like you.
In less than five minutes you're there. The door cracked open just like you left it, and you dread peering inside. But you do it anyway.
"Knock knock, Avon calling."
He's still on the couch where you left him to die.
"Hey asshole." You're trembling, your voice is nothing more than a whisper. He was pale before but now his face is sallow and haggard. The smallest crinkle on his brow fills you with such relief that you fall on your knees beside him. "Looks like you've got no choice but to have more of this disgusting meal, huh." You pat your boot but the dagger isn't there. In your crazed rush, you've probably lost it somewhere along the way. "Shit. Uh, stay here." He exhales softly while you run to the kitchen, scouring the drawers to find an at least somewhat clean knife. There's nothing, they're all drenched in the filthy sink water. "Ugh. Fuck." You grab one with the tips of your fingers and wipe it on your clothes as best as you can and make a new cut next to the last one and all but shove the open wound into his mouth. He only laps at it at first, but then his eyes open wide and he sucks long and hard. Instead of wincing, it sends another unwelcome shiver through your body. In a moment, he's grabbing onto your arm with both hands, claws buried in your skin and you turn your head away so he won't see your face.
"Better. So… so much better." His voice is so weak that you almost want to comfort him, but he gets back to it and this time it hurts a little. It should probably hurt more with the voracity he's going at it, but your head is so light that you're not sure what you're feeling anymore.
That's enough, you're gonna suck me dry. The words are only in your head, but he looks at you and keeps sucking. It's like that story about the guy who tries to help out a snake only for it to bite and kill him. 'It's your own fault. You knew damn well I was a snake and yet you've offered yourself to me.'
Was that how it went?
When you open your eyes, you find that hell is nothing like you pictured it. There's no lava pits, no devils with pitchforks dancing around and torturing people. Just decaying flowery wallpaper and dirty sheets. A couple of fresh oranges over a nightstand and a familiar knife.
Your arm is throbbing and you can't move it, but it's not bleeding. Maybe he really did suck you dry.
You devour the fruits without hesitation, even though you don't usually like them. They were so fresh, a complete contrast of everything else in that house.
You get up from the bed when you're done and almost take the knife downstairs to be washed, but then you remember the state of the kitchen, and you really don't want to part with your meal so soon. Soft sunlight dances through the curtains and a warm breeze makes you walk to the window. There's an orchard, and it seems to be well taken care of. Another discrepancy with the rest of the house.
Does he take care of it? You can't imagine that.
You wonder where he is. Probably asleep, since it seems to be early morning. You open the door and it's a long hallway with other doors you're for some reason are weary about opening.
"Vampire?" This is ridiculous, you should know his name. Yet, you've never asked.
"Not now." His voice is soft, but not weak as it was last night. You can't tell from which room it came from and you don't try to find out.
"I'll come back later."
You leave without another word and go about your things in a daze all day. And when the sun sets, you run. There's no need to, not anymore. But you run.
"So it wasn't gross this time?" You've just finished sweeping the floor and now you're seriously considering whether you'll have the guts to brave the sink.
He watches you for a moment, leaning in the doorway with his arms crossed. "Why don't you give me some more so I can decide?"
"Sure. If you take it yourself. With your fangs."
"You're persistent."
"One of my best traits." Not believing your luck, you put on the rubber gloves you've just found. They're somewhat gross too, but it's better than just having to shove your hands directly into the putrid water.
"Why? Why do you want to become a soulless monster who thinks of nothing but making people suffer? Nothing but feeding and spreading discord?"
You glare at him for a moment before turning your attention back to the dishes. "Do you have to do those things? I mean, besides the feeding. Can't you just like, I dunno, live your life without ruining other people's?"
"Where is the fun in that?"
"...You're despicable."
"And yet, you're doing my dishes."
If your life had a laugh track, you're sure it would pop up right about now.
"Been meaning to ask. What's your name?"
A few seconds later he still hasn't said anything, and when you turn your head to look at him, he's frowning and looking out the window. "Stay here." He leaps out the door and you realize you've missed seeing him moving this unnaturally fast. He used to do it a lot on the cemetery and-
Wait. Why did he tell you to stay here?
You glance out the window, but don't see anything, it's pitch black out. Then you hear fighting noises. Oh no, did Buffy return? Like hell you're letting her kill him again. You grab a (now gloriously clean) knife and run outside. But the one he's fighting is not a girl this time, but another man. And they're both letting the other have it. "Hey! What's going on?" The fight stops abruptly, the vampire holding the other man by the neck while said man just stares at you.
"What's that? You got your own Renfield?" The guy sounds amused despite the blood running down his nose.
"I told you to stay inside!"
You scoff. "Are you nuts? Since when do I respond to you?" You approach them with the knife by your side and the vampire tries to push the other man away. The man ignores his attempt and in a moment, he's standing right in front of you.
Oh. He's a vampire too. Handsome, but not quite as handsome as y-
No. You did not just think of him as 'your vampire'. Nope. That's not a thing that just happened.
"So… what's your story, Creature Feature?"
"Don't talk to him." The vampire pulls the man by the collar and throws him on the ground.
"You were always the jealous type, weren't you Vincent? Never willing to share your toys."
Vincent. You have a name now.
"Yes, Sebastian. And as you can see I am not dead, you can go home now." He glares at you, willing you to get inside with his eyes, but now you're too intrigued to leave.
"You were, though. I felt it." Sebastian stands up turning his back to you so he can talk to Vincent. Ignored, as always. But this time, you don't mind.
Also, he felt it? Were they connected, like Vincent said it happens? Did one of them bite the other? You have so many questions.
"I was just weak. Had some indigestible meal and fell sick."
"Who? Renfield over here?"
You decide to interfere, because for some reason he doesn't want the other man to find out that he did indeed die. "Yeah, I'm inedible, apparently. And I was the one who offered, so I felt bad for making him sick and now I'm doing his chores."
"Hmm. I'm not sure that's how it works. It felt just like it did with Chr-"
"I am fine." Vincent smiles, forced and awkward. "I obviously did not die, how do you explain me standing here right now?"
Sebastian looks Vincent up and down. "That's what I'd like to know."
"There is nothing…" His voice is loud, and he takes a deep breath, forcing that unnatural smile again. "To know. You might have felt me fade away for a moment thanks to the foulness of the blood I had consumed."
Sebastian crosses his arms. "Never heard of something like that."
"What are you, the expert in vampire lore? There are many things we don't know, Sebastian. Like what are you still doing here since I already told you that everything is okay?"
The man dusts himself up, eyeing you one last time. "Be seeing you."
"No, you won't." Vincent grabs your shoulders and starts pushing you back inside as Sebastian leaves.
You can't help yourself. "So, what was all that jealousy about? Do I do it for you now? Are you biting me then?"
"My brother has a strong persuasive strength. If he wants, he can turn you into his slave for life. If that is your thing, make sure to have a long, nice talk to him next time he shows up."
Oh, brother. It explains the similar looks. "So, what, you're from a family of vampires? A clan?"
He breathes out a short laugh. "I wonder what kind of fiction you consume. And speaking of consume, it's time for dinner." He raises his eyebrows at you, and you sigh.
"Fine, but you gotta stop before I pass out this time." You cut up your arm and offer it to him. "What did you do before you had your own personal blood bank?"
He looks like he's not going to answer, so you pull your arm back.  "I can persuade people too. But differently. Everyone has different strengths and weaknesses."
"So you could persuade me."
"Why waste energy when you're so willing?" He sucks on the wound with considerably less fervor, but his noises are still enthusiastic. Was it a change in your diet? That couldn't possibly be it, you always eat the same junk. Then…
He pulls your arm closer for a moment and licks the wound clean. Goosebumps start forming almost immediately.
You wonder how healthy it is to lose this much blood so often. "Would you grab me another orange?"
"Help yourself." He turns and leaves before you have a chance to ask him about the orchard.
Next time you visit, he's actually hanging upside down from a tree, and there's a crumpled form in the ground next to him.
"Who's that?"
"Dinner." Is all he says.
You stretch your neck to see the person's face, but don't recognize him. "Is he dead?"
"Probably not. I'll take him back in a moment."
It's out of your mouth before you can think about it. "Was he tastier than me?"
"Not really. Too much alcohol in his system. And probably some illicit substances too."
It makes you happy. You want to kick yourself for feeling this way, but it does. "And why are you hanging like that? Trying to turn into a bat?"
He raises himself on the branch like a gymnast and jumps off. "Just exercising a little. What do you want?"
You almost scream at him. He knows what you want. "...Can I finish cleaning? I don't like to leave it half done."
He shakes his head, throwing the (hopefully) unconscious man over his shoulder. "Suit yourself." In a blink, he's gone, and you stride to the house. You're curious to see more of the second floor, but also weary. Are you going to find corpses on the beds? The house owners maybe?
You examine the pictures above the fireplace again. Man, woman, three boys. There are individual portraits too, which you didn't notice the other day, and you recognize the face in one of them. Large, beautiful eyes, and despite the photo being black and white, you're sure they're not red. Possibly brown. Thin, long, nose and perfect cheekbones, although a little chubby, given how young he seems to be. An innocent smile the type you could never imagine on that wretch's face. "So you weren't always evil." In one of the other portraits you think you can recognize Sebastian, younger too and also smiling like an angel. There's no portrait of the other boy.
So this really was his house.
In another picture, the woman who's obviously his mother is looking after the orchard, and in the next, he and her are playing in it, both with dazzling smiles, and that answers another one of your questions. Maybe he's less of a monster than he lets on, if he wants to keep her memory alive like that.
The bedrooms are considerably easier to clean than the kitchen and the bathrooms, but when you're done, you're still so tired that you fall on the bed, a different room than the one you woke up in the other day. There were a few games and old magazines, some of the pages starting to crumble. You stored them as safely as you could in the closet.
The third brother probably died young. You leave the bed with a start, afraid he'll get mad at you for lying in it. "Vincent? Are you home?"
And because he's answering all your questions today, you follow his voice to the next door, one you haven't been to yet. Maybe he'll tell you more.
The room is a library, and on the few walls without any bookshelves, there are paintings, beautiful works of art from artists you don't recognize. He's sitting on an ancient but comfortable looking chair, the book in his hands so worn out you can't make out the cover. "Would you tell me about your brother?"
He sighs. "I already did, he's an insufferable maniac with a penchant for torture."
You can't believe he's the lesser of two evils. "No, I meant… the other one."
He raises his eyes from the book, staring a hole into you, and you swallow, taking a small step back without even realizing it. "I'm sorry. Forget… forget I asked. Pretend I didn't. I'm gonna go grab the broom so I can clean up a bit in here." Great, look what you've done. Now he won't answer anything anymore.
You don't even look up at him when you return to the library, but you can see he's still sitting in the same place, book now forgotten over his lap. You feel his eyes on the back of your neck while you sweep the floor and you can't focus on it. You're sure you've sweeped the same spot three times and it's still dirty.
"She came in one night and killed my parents." His sudden voice makes you jump, and you're pretty sure you let out some sort of embarrassing noise too. "Ate both of them right in front of us. Then she started feeding off of me and my brothers. Her control was absolute. I was twelve, Sebastian was ten. And Christopher…" He sighs shortly. "Christopher was six. It was like that for years. Years. She'd take turns with us so we wouldn't get too weak. And she taught us things. How to play instruments, how to fight. I guess she wanted to start that clan you're so crazy about. And when I turned fourteen, she taught me something else too and I was in love with her. She was perfect. I couldn't get enough of her. Her cold murder of my beloved parents a distant memory in the back of my mind.
"She let me have a drop of her blood when I was eighteen and it tasted like death and it was exquisite. I started killing for her, bring her victims. Christopher was weak, too weak. I'd bring her someone else on his days or offer myself again. I don't remember how old I was when she bit me. Twenty four? Twenty eight? Sebastian was so jealous of her that he begged her to bite him too and she did. That night she had us both, even though he could barely move as the bite took hold. She didn't care.
"And just like that there were more mouths to feed and we'd have to go far away so the townsfolk wouldn't get suspicious. One week we destroyed an entire village. It sated us enough that we could return and settle down for a while.
"She didn't have any reason to bite him then, we were so full. But she did it anyway. There was no rhyme or reason to her. I knew he wasn't going to make it. He was weak. He was going to perish on the first night, unable to handle the transformation. I fed him all night, holding his hand and wiping his face, and he pulled through. I dreamed of my parents, about how disappointed they were in me. Of what I'd become and when I woke up, her spell was broken. I ran upstairs to my parents bedroom, which she had taken for herself and almost screamed. The perfect creature was nowhere in sight. On the bed there was only an old shroud, filthy and foul, rotting. I touched it and she grabbed my arm. Her face a waking nightmare. There were no eyes, only empty holes. A bat nose, horrendous, wet and red. And her fangs were infinite. Her fangs were eternal. I was falling for it again, staring into them and seeing that beautiful demon again, her soft hair, perfect body. I leaned in to kiss her but was pushed away. I fell hard against the door and Christopher was there and his hand was on the window latch while he pulled her to him with the other.
He smiled and opened it. "I love you."
"He vanished before I could do anything, turned to dust before my eyes, but he'd taken the thing in the bed with him. They were both gone just like that, and I felt like my body was imploding. Coming apart from the inside. In an instant Sebastian was there too and he picked me up and held me tight.
"He was gone the next day and I stayed."
"..." No matter how you try, you can't think of a single thing to say. Your feet feel like they're stuck to the floor. "I… I'm…"
He's in front of you in an instant, his claws softly scratching your chin. "Will I have to spell it out for you? I won't bite you because you remind me of him too much. So you can quit this housekeeping nonsense and leave." He turns to do just that but you manage to grab his arm
"Wait! Can't… can't I keep coming anyway? I won't bug you about it anymore…"
"And why would you want to do such a thing?"
"I like y- your company."
He buffs. "You're a terrible judge of character."
"Yeah, I know. I'm gonna finish up the library now." You push him away weakly and he leaves to do who knows what.
Only then do you try to wrap your mind on everything he's just told you. You can't say it justifies the way he is, but it certainly explains it.
You know your chances of him biting you have dropped considerably, but you don't really care right now. You didn't lie to him, you really do enjoy his company, asshole as he may be.
You can only imagine it has to do with your apparent masochistic tendencies.
You still let him drink from you every now and then, and he isn't shy about letting you know how tasty it is. You are. You'd blush, but your blood leaves your body before it can reach your face.
"Was it really bad the first time you drank it?"
"It tasted like poison." He licks the wound and you watch his tongue, feeling a little thirsty yourself.
He's a murderer. A monster. You really shouldn't be around him. But… you want to be like him, always have. You've told yourself time and again that if your dream ever came true that you'd only go after evil people, rapists and politicians and whatnot. But what if you change too? What if you don't care?
You barely care now.
Maybe the both of you should be locked up.
It's a moot point anyway, since he's adamant about not biting you. Maybe you should prove to him that you could be strong. You're almost sure you've seen some dumbbells when you cleaned the attic.
(He did mean physically strong, right?)
You can barely lift it one inch off the ground. "Great. Uh, maybe I could start with just the bar?"
You hear glass breaking downstairs and freeze. You were sure he was asleep, as the sun hasn't set yet. "Vincent?"
There's a commotion outside, and from the window you can see people. People with torches, and the smell of gasoline reaches your nose. "Fuck! Vincent!"
Your voice draws their attention and a rock flies right beside your head. You step back but it's too late. Everything goes dark.
"Ah…" Why does it hurt so much? And why is it so hot? "No…" You try to get up but there's something heavy on top of you. A beam from the ceiling apparently. But the real pain comes from whatever had impaled your stomach. A… stake? No, it's just another piece of wood. Too big to be a stake.
Is he dead?
"Vin… cent…"
"I'm here."
"You're okay." You taste blood on your cough.
"They're not. And neither…" He comes into view, disheveled and drenched in blood. "Are you." He lifts the beam off of you, and you're pretty sure most of your ribs are broken. "If I remove the other one you'll bleed out almost instantly."
"Then… if you bite me, it'll heal, right?"
He shakes his head, and while the look in his eyes is almost certainly sad, you're pretty sure it's because he's about to lose his favorite meal. "It would take a while for the bite to hold. Days. With Christopher it was fast because she was more powerful." He runs the back of his fingers over your face and you close your eyes.
"Can't… can't you do it anyway? I really wanted to feel your mouth on me at least once." It sounds vaguely sexual, but since you're dying, you couldn't care less.
You're not entirely sure if he kisses you out of pity or because there's so much blood coming off your mouth that he really doesn't want to miss that last snack. You thought it'd be cold, but when his tongue touches yours, it's warm and soft. "Do you think you're strong enough to bite me?"
"H-huh… I…" can barely speak, so no.
He touches one of your piercings but pulls his hand back with a hiss. "Silver. All of them?"
You nod. That is some piece of vampire lore it had escaped you. He can't touch silver. Finally it makes sense why your blood tasted bad that first time when you remember your long lost silver dagger.
"Can you take one off?"
You try to raise your arm. "Can't… move…"
He closes his eyes and takes a deep breath, going back to the piercing, struggling with it due to his claws. When he gets it off, he punctures and rips his neck open with it before tossing it aside. "Have as much as you can." He leans over you, his pale bleeding neck right by your mouth. So you do.
The taste makes you recoil at first, but you keep going and then it's delicious. A nectar. The best thing you've ever tasted. "By the way," his voice is weaker. "I have no idea if this is going to work, and if I pass out, be prepared for a fiery death."
You release his neck. "Then go."
He just shakes his head and kisses you again, and you hold him tight against you.
"Do you think Brazil has a high crime rate?"
"Are you suggesting we move to a place that is known as the tropical country?"
"Hmmweellll… why don't you want to go to Romania?"
He looks at you as if you just asked the dumbest question he's ever heard. "Competition."
"Besides… it's where Sebastian lives."
"Are you kidding me? Then we really should go! We could stay with him until we find some place."
"Have you forgotten?" He pushes you against the side of the burnt house and bites your neck. "I don't share my toys."
"Ah…" His comment should make you want to punch him, but his bite makes your knees too weak for that. "Let's just drive then. We can live in the car until we figure it out." You make sure all the blinds and window covers are in the back seat and open the passenger door for him. "Sorry about the house."
He shakes his head. "It was just a place. They can't take what matters the most." He taps the side of his head with a claw in case you didn't understand. Then he sits down, holding the vase with the seedling, and you almost tell him to put it in the backseat, but the way he's looking at it tells you maybe he wants to keep it closer to him just a little longer.
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the-s1lly-corner · 11 months
Soo i had a very fun ideia
Idk if you know ride the cyclone but basically its a musical theater show where shows a group of dead teenagers who died in a rollercoaster called cyclone and they were in some kind of limbo and they have to decide between themselves whos going to revive since only one can.
Theres this mysterious participant called Jane doe in the musical, nobody knew her when she was alive, no one knew her actual name, no one knew NOTHING about Jane, not even Jane knew herself completely. She only knew very little from her life and that she desperately wanted an identity.
Jane doe type!reader and the gang
Like reader remembers very little from her life but enough to know that they were lonely, and they have this very mysterious personality where they have almost no emotion in their voice and very unaware about how they talk and act, like reader can say the most disturbing thing to others without even noticing. And reader is a doll like character just like Jane, so they sometimes act in a robotic way, almost like imitating a doll.
Example on how they talk:
Someone of the gang brings up something that freaks them out and reader will go like: "you know what really freaks me out? When a lioness and a lion have children the lioness will stop making love to the lion and give attention to the children, the lion gets jealous, sometimes so jealous that he eats the children, you think that would upset the lioness? Far from it, they just go back to making love as if the children never existed. I find that ideia terrifying."
In a full emotionless robotic-like voice without even knowing that they just said the most terrifying thing ever.
But when someone asks about reader's real life, they will go full SAD MODE AND START THROWING VERY EMOTIONAL THINGS.
Saying things like: "i knew very little from my poor life, but i knew that i was just a lonely poor soul. Lost in the way of life, i ask myself everyday, why such misery?" And keeps blabbering about it.
(If you want you can listen to Jane Doe's music to understand a little more better about the voice, its called 'the ballad of Jane Doe')
Sorry for making it so long, wanted to just make things easier for you by explaining everything without you needing to burn your beautiful little brain researching! I love your vlog by the way <3
The rest of the cast x jane doe type! reader!
linking the other post under the cut, but if i had a nickel for how many times someone has made a RTC themed request for TADC i would have two, which isnt a lot but its odd thats is happened; in the same day no less!/lh/nm
i think this is my sign to get into RTC, ive only listen to 3 of the songs (talia, ballad of jane doe, and noels lament)
ballad of jane doe had a choke hold on me in September, as well as noels lament
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aha! haha! i think he would shoot back a fact thats nearly just as disturbing and/or obscure as yours!
though if its something particularly macabre he might look like the gif above. just pauses, speechless, before just
"oh! thats nice reader!" i mean, he might scold you if its too much, afterall the circus is a place for all ages and he would hate that be compromised!
youre in luck, he doesnt really ask you about what your life was like before the digital world, since well, he understands that everyone pretty much forgets everything; i think this applies to everyone tbh
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side note its so hard to find gangle gifs
very similar to ragatha in the regard that she tries to make sure youre not wandering off during a rather hectic IHA
kind of just grins and bears through your "fun" facts, but if her comedy mask is broken shes very bad at hiding some of the shock and discomfort on her face
probably makes a little whining sound/sounds like shes about to cry if you spit out a particularly brutal one
i forgot to mention it in the previous post for ragatha but i think her and gangle would be the ones most likely to try to console you if you begin grieving your lost life and memories
ragatha probably being the more successful one whereas gangle just lets you cry and get your feelings out; as well with some complimentary awkward shoulder pats
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finds some of them interesting! i think i said somewhere that zooble would be the type to be into the dark stuff before getting trapped in the circus, or at least they do to me. so i think you two would be on par with one another in terms of infodumping
unless im confusing them with someone else, i do have a habit of getting my hcs wrong and/or mixed up (looks at my old posts for crp where i constantly switch back and forth on whether or not slenderman would know how to cook)
with that aside, i think if they truly were not in the mood to listen to you or just wanted the quiet they would let you know in the nicest way zooble can
"no one wants to hear your net facts, reader"/ref but in a tired and over it tone whereas in the last post with jax hes kinda mean about it
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do not say a bug fact he will not shut the hell up, he will go on and on for hours about different bug stuff, perhaps you two going back and forth for god knows how long. i dont think he would be too creeped out by the more... creepy facts of the critters, oddly enough, since like, he understands it so why would he be afraid?
probably gets put off by your tone and movements, but its not enough for him to approach you to talk about bug stuff
mf yall are both wandering off during an IHA TToTT
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chonnysinferno · 9 months
miauuuu puts source memory writing under the keep reading thing or whateevr
(note: if you tag this as cj shipping or anything related i will hit you with a bat thank you)
It was snowing outside. It always was.
[Temperature's a good -1.6° Celsius outside.]
(Could you translate that into Fahrenheit? I don't follow.)
[Whatever. That's 29° Fahrenheit to you.]
We were both there, he was always finding something to nitpick about me. He always did. But this time, he was actually curious about how I was. Maybe it was only to find a weakness about me, although there were so many I couldn’t put it all in a list.
(Why’d you have to take me out in the snow anyways?)
It was so funny. It was all before the incident. Even saying that brought it up, fresh, like it was just yesterday. Before he became more of a monstrous machine, hooked up to wires and all sorts of blinking lights. Everything was so bright in there, I guess it had to be in his room. Besides the fact that his eyes pierced in the dark like eyes of a predator watching their next meal, everything lit up now. Before, it was just us. It feels like I’ve somewhat lost whatever humanity he even had to his desire to become perfect. It’s hard to remember anything when he was still alive to me.
[It’s nice out here.]
He preferred the cold comparing to the nice warmth of my room. He always insisted to talk somewhere frigid and freezing, much like his personality. I never got close to him, even if I tried, maybe he was trying to stay guarded, and he saw my attempts to get to know him better as “attacks”. They never were, but it felt like I was trying to fight him every time. It never was easy, but I wish it was. I wish everything could just be how it was back then, but we can never have anything we want, can we?
(You know why I hate being out here. I can’t understand why you’d ever want to be out here anyways, but I guess that comes with the Grinch-like personality.)
He scoffed. Maybe that was his attempt at a laugh.
[Ha ha. Very funny, Heart.]
(Genuinely though, why would you pull me out here? You know this isn’t my domain, and I hate being out of my comfort zone.)
[Good. That makes you more vulnerable.]
(Why are you like this?)
[Don’t ask me.]
(Since we’re being formal for some reason, what do you want, Mr. Mind? To mock me again?)
[No. I wanted to ask about your wings, and the fact you have 2 sets. Maybe you’ll sprout another pair of them, who knows?]
(Was that a joke? You have humor? Shocking. Where’s Mind, and what did you do with him?)
He rolled his eyes, sighing at me.
[I can crack jokes too, you're not the only one.]
(Youuuu sureee? Thought that wasn't in your system.)
[You suck.]
(Thank you!)
[That wasn't a compliment, idiot.]
(I know, but you take comments way too literally, stop being so concrete. Read between the lines! Think outside the box for me.)
[1. Those two lines don't correlate. 2. Thinking outside the box is for being creative and doesn't apply to this specific situation. 3. What lines, and what box?]
(My point is proven, I'm done here. Goodbye, Mind.)
I started to get up slowly, but he pulled on my scarf, a little too hard, forcing me to fall to the snow in an unmannerly fashion. What was he trying to do, embarass me?
(What was that for?? Don't you want me to leave?)
[No! I mean, no, I still haven't asked you my questions.]
(Ohhh, you want me to stay soo bad!)
[You KNOW that's not what I meant, Heart, don't play with me.]
(I know, I wouldn't want to date you anyways. I bet 100 dollars you couldn't even comprehend romance if you tried to.)
[Not like you can either.]
(You little-)
[Looks like I've struck a nerve. How's your love life, since you flaunt it so much?]
He grinned.
(Ugh, you wouldn't understand anyways. Not like it's any of your business, so buzz off.)
[I'll have you know I know more about romance than I let on, so tell me. What of your failures?]
(Uughhhh.. No, I'm not sharing my little stories with you, Mind.)
[Okay, then I'm leaving. Bye bye, Heart.]
(Good riddance.)
[What was that?]
[Okay okay, I'll take my departure.]
He cackled loud. He was only trying to get under my skin, after all.
I layed down on the white snow on the ground, letting the powdery material bury my face and body slowly. Wings outspread, shoes sticking out in the growing mound.
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brick-a-doodle-do · 2 years
7, 24, and 38 for the ask game!
7 : what is your deepest joy about writing?
i guess like just the fact that i can build entire worlds. worlds with new languages, physics, entities, everything. i can completely go off of the rails with worlds and THEN make up a cool-ass main-character lifestyle for a person in that world! i can make people with personalities. i entertain the multiverse theory and i just love thinking about my worlds being real. it's cool!! also like with my own worlds and stuff i don't tell anyone the specifics of these places outside of tumblr/discord and sometimes my worlds are mine. i can see a fucking rollercoaster and imagine it in tiny workers! i can see a bag of wilbur chocolate and smile to myself knowing that almost 100 people have read what i had to say about this bag of chocolate. it's cool as hell!!! also the same thing will apply to songs, i can listen to a song after having made a new wip and go "holy shit, this reminds me of ___!"
ALSO another joy is adding personal easter eggs. (usually; if i can remember) every 1970'th word of my fic, i'll add a word referring to ff1970 because i am soo attached to fics i hate. also my phone password is 8866273 (oops) because spell that out with letters and it's tumoasd (another fic i hate but am attached to dearly)! i am soo attached to lil easter eggs that i and only a few other people can get.
OHHH and another one! this is kinda just for fanfic (as if i write anything else) but i love connecting things to the thing i'm writing for. my absolute FAVORITE one is SO SO SO cool like i will never let myself forget how cool it is is soot house. i won't go into detail about the fic cause yeah but lvjy's song one day fits SO WELL with it. "one day i know that you will be there, one day i'll focus on the future" is one that fits with sh!wilbur, but that's not the cool one at ALL
soot house is a hill house/bly manor au and a certain lil event happens on november 16th 1852 (year was COMPLETELY random) AND AND that happens to be on a TUESDAY. in one day, there's the line "'cause all i want to do is turn back time, at least a couple tuesdays, to before i found one life turn two" WHICH WAS COMPLETELY RANDOM I DID NOT SET THAT UP IN THE SLIGHTEST, IT JUST KINDA FELL INTO PLACE! and it's so cool bc in the fic wil is immortal and the line (while i know that's def not their intended purpose of that line) "before i found one life turn two" KINDAA FITS THAT bc that was the day he went immortal" and to think wil sung that song and he's the main character of soot house and idk it's soo cool how that fell into place bc 1852 was COMPLETELY random. ANYWAYS sorry to ramble like that QASJDGFSD
24 : how much prep work do you put into your stories? what does that look like for you? do you enjoy this part or do you just want to get on with it?
hhh well that depends on the story! i mean look at tiny workers with DAYS of worldbuilding, then soot house which i've never touched an outline for but still have 10k for. it's all really random. but usually planning will all be mental. if it's a larger fic i'll make a pinterest board for it and OCCASIONALLY a playlist. but usually it's just a mental outline, bc if i ever try to write anything down i put it down and try again soo many times with a different approach,,, it's a very messy process sometimes. i do like worldbuilding, it's really fun! but i think unless someone is making me do something specific with specific questions they want me to answer i just can't do anything asdjfh
38 : what is something about your writing process YOU think is really weird? if you are comfortable, please share. if you’re not comfortable, what do you think cats say about us?
hm. i really don't know, i'd have to think about it! i'd say i'm still a pretty noob writer so i don't have a cool unique writing process. butttt if i had to say, maybe the fact that it's so open? that's not necessarily weird in any way but sometimes i just feel like opening a doc on my phone and writing lil words on the way home or when no one is looking. other days i will get all cozied up and make my environment all aesthetic and shit lol (but when i do that i usually cave and just watch netflix or youtube lol)
ask game !!
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thewickerking · 2 years
sorry for leaving super long rants about my undiagnosed mental illness that ive been silent about my entire life cause i thought if i ignored it i would grow out of it in the tags of my posts. im trying to cut back on long winding posts abt my problems but erm. i still dont have a therapist yet the intake person said itd probably be two weeks before i get matched with a therapist and its only been a week... anyways off to the tags before this ends up too long o7
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fanfic-cave · 3 years
Okay. Here’s an idea. Blind s/o or friend (whatever you want) with the bad batch. Maybe they and hunter bond over their heightened senses. They show Omega how to navigate the world without sight. Tell wrecker or echo that they look great (pun intended). Or maybe tech helps them learn to maintain things without sight, something no one has really done.
Didn't See That Coming Pt 1.
Rating: PG
Word Count: 1.0k (just barely)
Pairing: Tech x Blind Reader (platonic or romantic up to you)
Warnings: None
Summary: You've been blind for a good chunk of your life, and haven't been able to read or write for years, an activity you used to really love. Tech decides to find a way for you to read again, hoping that it will help you grow more confident too.
Authors note: I rewrote this thing like a million times sorry for taking so long! I'm gonna make a couple chapters/parts for this because I thought the idea of blind reader with TBB was adorable and contained soo many possibilities. Please enjoy part 1 of "Didn't See That Coming" !!! (thanks @gokyacetakal for the request)
tags: @mangoberry99
edit: part 2 is up! link
“Are you ready Y/N?”
Tech shuffled through his pack as he spoke to you. You listened closely, trying to figure out what he was doing.
“Ready for what, exactly?” You asked him, leaning forward in your seat with curiosity.
“Do you not remember?” You really couldn’t remember at all. You shrugged apologetically.
“I had previously explained to you that I discovered something that would help with your… condition.” He paused towards the end, trying to avoid saying the word. It was clear that he felt awkward talking about your disability.
You smiled in his direction. “It’s okay Tech, you can say it. Blind isn’t a dirty word.”
You hadn’t always been blind, but it’s been this way for so long now that it just felt normal to you.
Tech nodded, then realized you couldn’t see him nodding, and he shook his head at himself. “Yes I understand,” he was ready to move past it and get to the topic he had prepared for.
Tech dropped a stack of books in front of you, and you jumped at the sudden loud noise. He hasn’t seemed to notice.
“Have you heard of the miralukans?”
You reached out to the books as you spoke. “No, why?” Tech took your hand in an effort to guide it towards the stack. It wasn’t uncommon for each of the squad members to do small things like this to help you. You were still appreciative at his efforts nonetheless.
“They are a very unique species. They look almost identical to the human species, save for the fact that they have no eyes.”
You froze. Tech found himself smirking, seeing that he finally caught your interest.
“So they’re blind? Like me?” You found yourself getting excited, and you were speaking quickly. Questions starting to bubble in your head.
“Yes, and no.”
Your eagerness began to diminish. “You’ve lost me. Are they or aren’t they?” You pressed Tech for more details.
“They do not see the way an average species does.”
“What does that mean?” You questioned him.
Tech scrolled through his notes on his data pad as he continued. “The Miralukans are considered force sensitive individuals, and they see using the force.”
Your face fell a bit as he spoke. You weren’t a force user, how was this supposed to help you? Tech noticed this, and he tried to keep explaining.
“But that is besides the point,” he placed a book in your hands and opened the page. “Put your hand on the pages.” He instructed. You felt your curiosity return again, questioning how touching a blank page would do anything.
As your fingers skimmed the pages, you felt an odd texture on the page. There were almost what felt like bumps in it. “What is this?” You raised your head to his direction, showing your confused expression.
“You’ll find out, keep tracing the texture.” Tech turned his attention to the rest of the books, and started organizing the pile.
You felt yourself get a little exasperated. Why could he just get to the point already? You knew he liked to teach, but now you knew he really liked having you apply yourself before he jumped in.
As you traced the texture, you began to recognize something. There were… symbols? No, letters. The language wasn’t galactic basic, but they were definitely words. “Oh-“ the noise escaped you as the realization came upon you.
“Interesting, is it not?” Tech smiled, pleased that you had figured it out.
“What language is this?” You inquired, scanning the raised lettering more quickly, now that you had recognized it.
“Miralukese.” Tech replied. “And you are going to learn it.” Tech placed another book in front of you, getting his curriculum ready.
“Me?” You sputtered.
“Yes.” Tech replied matter of factly. Of course this didn’t bother him, you thought. The genius sitting across from you knew several languages, this must seem easy to him.
You had stopped tracing the raised lettering, and froze.
“Tech…” you sighed out. A frown began to form on your face. This was a lot. Learning a whole other language, just so you could maybe read again? You didn’t feel like you would be able to do it. You had resigned yourself to never being able to read again a long time ago, when you had started losing your sight. Why put yourself through more disappointment by getting your hopes up here, just to fail?
“Y/N.” Techs voice brought you back to reality. You turned your face up in his direction. “You are more intelligent than you are giving yourself credit for. Also, I will be helping you. With both of us applying our efforts to the task, you should be reading and writing very soon.”
A painful smile grew on your face. “I’m not sure that you're right, Tech.”
Tech felt a pang of sympathy. Hearing you doubt yourself like this, made him feel all the more determined to teach you.
“Have I ever been wrong?” He countered your previous statement.
You thought for a second on what he said. “Yes, if my memory serves me right.” You let a soft giggle escape as memories filled your head.
“I know I’m not wrong about this.” Tech spoke with conviction. If you weren’t confident, he wanted to give you a vote of confidence. Tech thought of you as a good friend, at the very least. He knew you were more shy, and he thought teaching you a useful skill would help you grow more. Plus, you had told him before how you missed reading and writing.
You hadn’t witnessed Tech talk to you like this before. He was a person who relied on logic and data, however, you weren’t so sure he was relying on logic when he spoke to you just now.
“You’re sure?” You inquired again. Tech let a sigh escape him.
He reached out and put a hand on your shoulder, both for comfort and encouragement. “Yes, Y/N.”
You smiled to yourself, feeling the excitement return.
“Okay, let’s do it.”
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jimalim · 3 years
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Leatin Fic Rec Friday! #20
Hello!! Just like last week, we have another special edition of the rec list dedicated to a specific author @deadpoetsam  He has so many leatin fics, that per my ‘one rec per author per week’ rule, I’ve accumulated a massive backlog of his stuff. (Plus a special appearance by last week’s author @i-can-see-queerly-now who gifted @deadpoetsam a fic a while back for his birthday!) Catch up on all the other recs here!
are we out of the woods yet? (are we in the clear yet?) by deadpoetsam
Words: 6,186 Chapters: 2/2 Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Archive Warning: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Favorite Tag: fatin is an idiot Summary: And with the others, they had worked together in perfect unison, like a galaxy. Eight completely different planets working together to survive. But after the island, Fatin had fallen out of orbit. Or, after the island, Fatin and Leah lose touch, and after a while, Fatin starts to purposefully avoid her. Maybe with Dot’s help, she’ll figure out why she’s so scared to get close to Leah again. What I personally love about this fic: Sam is so good with metaphors and this fic is full of them! I absoluetly love the way he uses the planet metaphor and the knife metaphor repeatedly throughout the fic to describe their relaitonship!
you never used to blackout (when we went to parties) by deadpoetsam
Words: 2,807 Chapters: 1/1 Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply Favorite Tag: they are stupid but i love them Summary: Despite what she might have had Fatin believe, she didn’t actually mind the parties. Surprisingly, she actually quite enjoyed them, especially with the promise of having Fatin’s company the entire time. But tonight it’s all different. //Fatin starts dragging Leah to her weekly parties once they are back in the bay but as soon as Fatin sleeps with someone at one of them Leah refuses to go to the next. So, Fatin goes alone, and maybe she gets wasted. What I personally love about this fic: The way this whole passage:  “She did it. She kissed her. She kissed Leah Rilke and she can’t even remember it. She can’t remember the taste and the way her lips felt. Fatin doesn’t remember how it felt to kiss her, and that’s just a fucking shame.” DESTROYED ME in the best way!!! It’s soo good!
i see you in the dark (at the dawn of something new) by deadpoetsam
Words: 3,437 Chapters: 1/1 Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply Favorite Tag: N/A Summary: "I see the way you look at me.“//Ever since Fatin met Leah, she can’t help but stare at her, like the girl is a magnet pulling her eyes back every time. However, Leah isn’t blind, and she eventually calls Fatin out on it. What I personally love about this fic: This prompt is so fun! BOLD LEAH!!! I am obsessed with the way that prompt line “I see the way you look at me” was worked into the conversation. It’s so fucking satisfying to see Leah be the one to say such a bold and flirty thing! Great read!
is it chill that you’re in my head? (‘cause i know that it’s delicate) by deadpoetsam
Words: 4,198 Chapters: 1/1 Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Archive Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive WarningsNo Archive Warnings Apply Favorite Tag: Tooth-Rotting Fluff Summary: “You know my answer,” Dot– who is leaning on Marcus, sitting between Fatin and Martha– says, shaking her head and taking another sip from the bottle, “I won’t fuck you, no matter how desperate I am.” “Damn Dorothy, let a girl down easy,” Fatin says, feigning offence at the rejection. “Maybe,” Toni starts with a twinkling in her eyes Leah doesn’t trust at all, “You should broaden your options. Dot isn’t the only one here.”//While celebrating their forty days of survival, multiple secrets are revealed, and as it turns out, alcohol makes Leah more confident than usual. What i personally love about this fic: I still think this is my favorite fic Sam’s ever written! This fic is so so so fun!! The unsinkable eight are there! Fatin is shy! There’s so much pinning!! I love the group dynamic and it’s written so well here!
A very untragic love story by CaptainGay for deadpoetsam
Words: 2,355 Chapters: 1/1 Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply Favorite Tag: Bold Leah and Flustered Fatin Summary: Leah and Fatin have been friends for a while. At a party, the night after Fatin’s first solo cello performance at their university, Leah finally makes a move. What I personally love about this fic: bfahkdsbldsk the shot glasses!!! I am obsessed with Shelby and Leah getting matching shot glasses at pride! All the descriptions are very fun! This fic is too stinking cute!
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tuiyla · 3 years
for send a character: Ms. Quinn Fabray!
My fave walking Greek tragedy!
favorite thing about them
Is it weird if I say all that she goes through? Like, sucks for her but it makes high-stakes television. I suppose I love that there are so many readings of her story and sure, that's because Glee's inconsistent and they legit hated Quinn but let's look on the bright side. I particularly like the queer reading of her story. And then when it comes to her character I just find it inspiring that she keeps on going. She makes tons of mistakes in the process, sure, but Quinn always stands up. Sometimes literally after mere weeks of having been hit by a truck.
least favorite thing about them
She really does make a lot of mistakes though, huh. I suppose, even though it's juicy on a narrative level, I don't like how reverts back to her old ways as a sort of defense mechanism and how it involves her shutting people out. Nooo Queen Bee Quinnie don't do that. Like remember when she came back to Lima for Thanksgiving, Santana expressed concern about Marley and Quinn went "yeah well I'm fucking my professor and also you're an insecure little bitch haha." Like, girl what? Chaotic queen truly. One step forward two steps back with her.
favorite line
I find this one to be quite underrated:
This freshman just gave me a hug and told me to ‘never change.’ Poor thing is too young to realize that change can be so good.
I just wish her all the friends in the world but I'm partial to Quinncedes and the absolute tragedy it was to just ignore them post season 1. They're forever besties in my heart though. I also really like Quartie.
Honestly just any person (cough woman cough) who makes her happy and she can maintain a healthy relationship with. I really don't see Quinn ending up with anyone from the established cast but I like Faberry and Quinntana in fics. My ultimate Quinn OTP is her and therapy though. Oh and Quinntina is a really good crackship.
I do like the themes and idea of them with what Glee was going for but in practice Quick is just... no. No. Nope, they can remain friends and maybe help with each other's issues but Quinn should not be with Puck.
random headcanon
Hmm well I've written before about what kind of mom she'd be and how I think she had a girlfriend at Yale. For this I'd probably say something about her home life, like her sister Frannie reaching out to her around graduation time or later, full of regret for having lost touch for years and wanting to reconnect. It's a strenuous relationship because when Quinn got kicked out Frannie didn't so much as call and that wasn't very sisterly of her but they eventually learn to make something of the bloody mess that is the Fabray family. It takes Quinn years to truly be able to look at Frannie as a big sister she can trust.
unpopular opinion
Once again what is unpopular lol. Let's see, people throwing the phrase pretty privilege around without showing any understanding of how it applies to Quinn is quite exhausting. I dislike when people dismiss or diminish her trauma in any way whatsoever; I don't consider myself someone who goes ultra-hard for her but I won't have that. And, despite the flimsy canon, I do not see how anyone could view her as straight. Sapphic UHT rights in this house.
song i associate with them
Madonna songs, I think Papa Don't Preach is soo underrated. But I also love love how Keep Holding On is like, her song, despite not singing on either version. Brutal also has Skank Quinn vibes.
favorite picture of them
Dianna Agron is like a marble statue of a Greek goddess so you know, any picture but I do like her season 1 Cheerios look and the season 3 short hair. And who could forget Skank Quinn, we hardly knew ya. Let's go with this one:
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11 notes · View notes
btsmosphere · 4 years
Crossfire | KTH
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Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8
Moodboard Masterlist
~summary: The night your life blew up sent you on a collision course with the campus bad boy, Kim Taehyung. Though you were well aware of his reputation, it was his doorstep you ran to when you were bleeding with nowhere to go.
~word count: 5k
~gang!au, mafia!au, college!au, angst, fluff, action, strangers to lovers, friends to lovers
Warnings: swearing, mentions of cheating (warnings apply to each part individually, please read them)
~a/n: this week our gal gets some shit done and comes to a realisation due to Yoongi... also I am once again thanking everyone for supporting this story💜💜love you all,, n for those of you who haven’t heard I’m going to be posting a spooktober story soon so stay tuned...
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“I want to help.”
Tae paused in the doorway, a steaming plate in each hand, staring at you with a dumbfounded expression.
“I want to do something to help, you know, with the plan,” you eagerly pressed on.
“Oh,” Taehyung nodded, but a pout remained on his face as he kicked the door shut gently behind him, “the plan with Shinhyuk?”
Nervously eyeing him as he shifted onto the bed, you waited for him to speak. Instead, he just passed you one of the plates and began to tuck in.
“Mmm,” he hummed indistinctly, looking up at you, cheeks full of food.
“So… can I help?”
For just a moment, his bewildered stare  was all that greeted you and his chewing slowed.
“Mmhmm,” he nodded, as if it was obvious.
“Oh. Okay.”
Admittedly, you hadn’t expected it to be that easy. As you began to eat yourself, Taehyung quickly went back to devouring his own meal without a second thought.
For once, the two of you were inside together during the day as it was the weekend and he wasn’t required for anything except a meeting, which was happening at his place anyway. With him here, you didn’t really need anything else to pass the time, but he had still vowed to bring you some more books soon, given that you had worked your way through the first pile completely now.
After last night, and if you were honest with yourself, even before that, any worry about being around Taehyung had faded away. Not only could you easily pass the time chatting, you very much enjoyed your time with him.
However, once you had both finished your food, it wasn’t long before there was a knock on the door announcing the arrival of the boys and the start of the meeting.
Only four had come as Jimin and Yoongi were out, doing ‘something’. You didn’t ask for details.
Taking the seat furthest from the window, hopefully hidden by Taehyung who sat beside you, you simply stayed quiet for most of the conversation. They didn’t need your input anyway; the plan sounded like it was progressing as well as it could be.
First of all, Jungkook and Namjoon confirmed the first members of Shinhyuk’s group they had managed to pick off, including the leader of a base inside his territory, though the rest were low-level: drivers, informants, dealers, fighters. Not enough to make his gang disappear by any stretch.
Not yet anyway, as Namjoon kept saying in encouragement.
As they resolved to keep digging through rival members, the real challenge was finding an in within Shinhyuk’s immediate circle – the ones who apparently were mainly stationed at what used to be your house.
“All I have is names,” Jungkook sighed, “even though I’m one of them, no one reveals anything about themselves.”
“Even the names might be fake,” Jin reminded him.
“I know,” Jungkook jammed his hands through his hair, “and there’s one – Jintao – he really doesn’t trust me. Makes it difficult for me to do anything. Always has his eyes on me.”
“Y/N can help,” Taehyung cut in then, causing four heads to turn sharply in your direction. You refused to squirm under their glares.
“Tae…” Jin was the first to speak, “it’s dangerous. I’ve been staking out Shin’s clubs and I’ve almost been caught so many times trying to talk to people-“
“She doesn’t have to go out on missions,” Tae reasoned, “a lot of snooping can be done from inside, and since she doesn’t have much else to do…”
“We have access to hackers, Tae,” Namjoon dismissed.
Biting your lip, you looked down. Since Tae had accepted your request to help so easily, you weren’t exactly prepared for this analysis. Perhaps it was stupid to think you would be able to assist these boys.
“She’s just as much a part of this as we are,” Taehyung surprised you with the ferocity in his voice, “she’ll be able to help. And I’ll let her even if you guys don’t.”
Namjoon in particular looked shocked by the younger boy’s unwavering words, but you watched in relief as he gave his assent with a nod, the others raising no further argument.
“What raids are coming up, Jungkook?” Hoseok brought the meeting back on track, prompting Jungkook to relay all the dates Shinhyuk had deals or attacks planned.
You listened as the boys decided which to focus on, though again they were frustrated by their lack of progress. Until Jungkook felt safe again, they weren’t going to counter any attacks, but they could make sure no one would be in the target properties to keep their allies out of danger.
Overall, the meeting left each of you feeling unsatisfied. This war with Shinhyuk was like having an unbearable itch while your hands were tied behind your back. You could only hope their careful preparation would eventually lend them the upper hand when they felt confident enough to retaliate.
With restless minds but nothing to do, Taehyung asked his friends to stay and a movie was agreed upon. As you had observed before, the boys relaxed remarkably quickly, and you were soon laughing with Hobi and Tae as you poured out snacks in the kitchen.
As you collected the packets, Hoseok returned to sit down. You and Tae had barely set foot around the corner when Hoseok let out a yell.
Startled, your head whipped around to find Yoongi standing silently in the doorway, leaning against one side, arms folded and a murderous expression.
“I didn’t see you there,” Hoseok breathed, laughing with a hand over his heart.
Before you could stop it, a snort escaped you, barely choked back, remembering exactly what you had said about Yoongi the night before. Luckily, you weren’t the only one, as you heard Taehyung beside you laughing through his nose, more successful at suppressing the sound.
“I hope there’s good news from the meeting,” Yoongi glared at you two, “I’m going bloody insane dancing around Shinhyuk like this.”
Everyone switched straight back to business mode around you, but you made the mistake of glancing over at Taehyung.
As soon as you made eye contact, neither of you could control yourselves and you had to fight to keep in your mirth. The dark warning glances from the other boys did nothing but fan the flames. Taehyung bit down on his lips as they threatened to break out into laughter; your cheeks ached.
Sinking onto the sofa, Taehyung looked pointedly away from you, shoving his fist into his mouth, shoulders still shaking.
With the tears brimming in your eyes, you didn’t care to listen to Yoongi as he talked about whatever he and Jimin had just come back from. When Jimin came in, a strangled laugh leapt from your mouth before you clamped it shut again, but you had set Tae off again.
The orange-haired boy across the room stared at you both like you were crazy.
“What’s your problem?” Yoongi’s sour face only made it harder to remove him from the ridiculous cartoon stereotype and Taehyung finally broke, guffawing loudly with his head thrown back, before falling against you and clinging to your shoulder, tears running down his face.
Shocked to find Taehyung’s head suddenly pressed into the crook of your neck, your breathless laugh was finally cut off. All you could do was stare down at him with a smile as he pulled himself together, wheezing dramatically the whole time.
At last, he seemed to realise himself and abruptly let go of your shirt. Pulling back, you were face to face for a second, expressions reflecting each other’s surprise, before he closed his mouth and turned back to Yoongi with a flawless poker face.
And then you were laughing again.
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The prospect of Yoongi almost definitely hating you now didn’t bother you anymore. In the days following the meeting, you had begun to work through the list of names Jungkook had scribbled down of the members of Shinhyuk’s current inner members:
-Gi Beomho- has a Gwangju accent?
-Chaewon/known as Seb
-(Lee?) Minho
Taehyung had told you his laptop password and you began trawling through the internet for any traces.
Though you were by no means a hacker, one of your friends at college, Jake, had once showed you a few things he knew how to do from his course in computing. Not to mention you were able to stalk someone very efficiently on social media from investigating the hot guy Lisa had seen on the street, or finding Soo’s mysterious girlfriend she refused to introduce to your group.
Now, though, there were no friends laughing around you as you tried to take apart the gang that was living in your house.
After your first afternoon of searching, nothing fruitful came up. When Taehyung had come back in the evening, you were more than happy to abandon the task and join him in your usual dinner routine, falling asleep soon after when you settled down together to watch a film.
But as the days progressed, you became more determined and frustrated in equal measure as you came across few things. You had worked your way through 3 people, giving up only after you had exhausted every avenue you could think to investigate.
Lee Minho took you even longer than the others to rule out, though you suspected from the beginning it was an alias since he shared the name with the famous actor, meaning there was an immense amount of unrelated material cluttering any path to finding the gang member, no matter what you searched.
Slumping back against the headboard, you set the laptop aside and flipped it shut.
Your attempt at working your way through the newest stack of books Taehyung had brought you was much slower than the first time around. Until he came back home, you barely took in the words.
At your side, a notebook containing the few possible leads consistently stole your attention instead.
You had managed to gain access to a couple of police reports on a Gi Beomho in Gwangju, but you would have to verify with Jungkook whether the photo was of the right person, or if you were barking up the wrong tree entirely.
When Tae finally arrived, you anxiously greeted him. Today Shinhyuk had planned his largest attack yet, on a shop that was a front for gang activity, and you knew all the boys had been on standby.
Taking in the scattered books, paper and laptop on the bed, his shoulders slumped.
“Nothing yet?”
“No, sorry,” you confirmed with a sigh.
“Don’t apologise,” he reached out and rubbed a hand along your upper arm to your shoulder. There it lingered, fingers slowly massaging for a moment.
“Were you hurt today?”
In only the short time since he came in, he had only squeezed out a smile once as he tried to reassure you.
At the shake of his head, you felt a knot in your chest release. But he still wasn’t happy.
“So what happened?”
“We didn’t go in at all. It was a lost cause,” he sat on the bed and kicked his shoes off without energy, “he shut the whole place down. It’s done for.”
With another huff, he fell back to lie on the bed. You did the same.
Weighty silence hovered over you both.
You had no idea how long you merely stared up at the ceiling, paralysed, before Taehyung moved. Slowly, he reached his hand out, fingers finding yours. As he intertwined your hands where they lay between you, you simply let your eyes slide shut, squeezing back.
“I know you’ll find something.”
Though you appreciated his support, he said it to assure himself as much as you.
Whether he could see or not, you nodded.
Just then, Tae’s familiar ringtone chimed in the silence. Pulling his phone from a pocket, he held it above him, checking the caller. Deciding it was worth it, he reluctantly pulled his had from yours to push himself up as he swiped across the screen and held the device to his ear.
Sitting up too, you could hear Jungkook’s voice crackling out from the phone.
“Hyung, I think I-I messed up-“
“Woah, Jungkook, what happened?”
“I was in Shinhyuk’s car, and I saw a file in there, he was looking through it, and it had you guys in it! It was labelled ‘bangtan’ and it’s full of information on everyone- I didn’t know he had that, but I just- I panicked, and I stole it, and now I have it but Shinhyuk’s leaving before me and he’ll notice it’s gone and- fuck-“
You caught Tae’s eye as you both listened in horror to the scared maknae.
“Where are you Kook?” Tae demanded, eyes breaking from yours.
“Um, at Y/N’s,” he replied, “the others are just packing away-“
But before he could finish, you had reached over and pulled the phone right out of Taehyung’s grasp.
“Jungkook,” you hissed into the receiver, “there’s two loose floorboards under my wardrobe at the back, they’re pretty quiet to move, can you hide it in there?”
“Uh, yeah,” the boy responded, “thanks.”
You lowered the phone to return to Tae, but suddenly brought it back to your ear.
“And don’t look at any of the stuff that’s already in there!”
“Oh- okay,” the boy sounded startled, but Tae seemed to find your miniature panic hilarious as he took the phone back and hung up.
Saying nothing, he wiggled his eyebrows and smirked at you.
“Oh, shut it,” you ignored the heat rising in your cheeks and shoved him lightly back onto the bed, where he only laughed louder.
“It’s not even- oh you are ridiculous,” you cried as he pulled you down on top of him, only making you turn redder.
In your embarrassment, you tried to wriggle away from him, pushing on his chest, but he grabbed your wrists, bringing you back down, grin ever-present on his face.
“Hey!” you protested, and then, “Ya! Stop! Tae-“
His hands reached down to tickle your sides, and you squirmed away from him again, only to have him follow, ending up on top of you as he mercilessly continued his attack, enjoying himself far too much.
“Ohmygod, ahh, Tae, please, aaaahahaha…”
Struggling, you writhed around, legs kicking out as you shrieked in protest before you finally reached his sides and exacted your revenge. He curled in on himself, giggling and apologising to get you to stop. You did, eventually, only to throw a pillow right at his face, though he easily caught it in the hands he had held up in surrender.
Both collapsing back onto the bed, you turned your head to one side, but you found he was already looking back at you. His laughter had dissipated into a smile which you returned.
“Thanks for helping out Kook,” he said earnestly, eyes boring into yours, “I told you that you would be helpful.”
This time, your heart soared with his praise.
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You weren’t hopeful about finding ‘Soonjae’, or anything that could bring him away from Shinhyuk. Having gone through half the list already, the remaining two were the people Jungkook had the least information on.
Trudging through the morning, you were reluctant to take to the computer and be met with more inevitable defeat. Today you felt particularly tired, which didn’t help.
It was strange since you had slept for a long time, waking only after Taehyung had gone, leaving you missing his presence, even if you barely touched him while you shared a bed.
Nonetheless, you found yourself sifting through links and articles online, far from the first page of Google filled with celebrities and international news. With the little information you had on the man, you ended up reading through anything and everything containing the name Soonjae. Facebook profiles, comments on newspaper articles, a GoFundMe page…
Taking a sip of water, you scrolled idly to the bottom of the GoFundMe, which was for a child after all, no gang member, and read the ‘recent’ donations (the most recent being over a year old) and comments. Nothing.
Clicking on ‘show more’, you pulled up the full comment list and scanned through. For what, you weren’t sure. Most donations were small bits and pieces, but among the ones from three years ago, one was a little more sizeable. Along with it came an interesting comment: a woman called Sara was apologising for her ‘previous words’ and wishing the boy well.
You frowned as you read it. Though it was almost certainly unrelated, you were undeniably curious as to what she might have said to target an ill child.
Clicking next on the woman’s account, you decided to try and log in. After employing the password tricks Jake had showed you, you made it. The account had been created the same day as the donation was made on little Soonjae’s page, and appeared untouched since. You supposed this tangent had come to nothing, though you were certainly pleased with your skills after getting into the account.
Closing down the tab, you searched next for ‘Soonjae GoFundMe’. There was the campaign you had already seen, followed by a few that proved to be unrelated as well. You selected ‘next page’ with little hope.
Then something caught your eye.
About halfway down, the name Sara.
Quickly selecting the page, you found yourself on Facebook instead of GoFundMe, but what you found was certainly interesting. It was the same woman from the earlier page. This time she had posted a status:
If anyone on here donates to Soonjae’s fucking gofundme get ready to be cut out of my life XD cheaters don’t deserve your pity
That was certainly interesting. No wonder she had apologised to the boy – it also explained her big donation – probably given out of guilt.
But re-reading the status, you realised she couldn’t possibly be talking about the boy. Unless by ‘cheater’ she meant that he had cheated on a test in school, but you suspected that was not the case.
You clicked on her profile.
Her profile picture showed her holding a little boy that must be around ten, standing on a beach. Flipping through her older profile images, they stopped three years ago. Perhaps she had deleted all previous ones?
Only friends can see Sara’s photos
Only friends can see Sara’s timeline
“Not just friends…” you muttered, getting to work.
Unluckily for Sara, she had used the same password as on her GoFundMe, so you logged in easily.
The first thing you saw was that she reportedly lived in your city: a promising start. Scrolling through to three years ago, you saw only one other post close in time to her attack on Soonjae and his fundraising page:
Sara is feeling: heartbroken X(
That lead you nowhere, so you made your way back up her feed, seeing photos of her son and meals with friends. Few stuck out as anything but happy, all possibly related to the mysterious events of three years ago.
That’s right, delete your fucking facebook. I don’t need to worry about blocking you now XD
Sara is feeling: defeated☹: Just got out of court. Nrs
What was the point in all this? Just to prove something? Well you did, you proved I was right all along
Now you really were intrigued. You needed to find out what was going on, she was definitely linked to a Soonjae in your city, so you had reason to investigate further. Still, as you clicked on the messages icon, you felt very much like a trespasser.
Searching for ‘Soonjae’ at the top, two conversations were pulled up, both from three years ago. One with ‘Park Soonjae’ and one with ‘Help Soonjae’.
First choosing ‘Help Soonjae’, recognising the profile picture as the same image used on the GoFundMe, you read the exchange of messages.
Sara: What the fuck is this?
Sara: I can’t believe you’re pulling the pity card after what you’ve done
Help Soonjae: Excuse me?
Sara: You know what I mean
Help Soonjae: Ma’am, I don’t know you but please calm down. I will block you, this page is only trying to raise hospital funds for my son. I’d thank you to explain how this is ‘pulling the pity card’
Sara: Wait… Oh my gosh, I am so sorry!
Sara: I can’t apologise enough, I thought this was my husband’s page, he has the same name as your son! I didn’t check the page before messaging, I didn’t mean to offend you or your son
Sara: I’ll make a donation to your page to make up for this. I wish your son the best
Read 15:47
And that was the end of that. Wincing with second hand embarrassment, you quickly moved on to ‘Park Soonjae’.
Soon, you realised that the message history was long, but it all ended three years ago. You gave up on scrolling your way to the top, seeing that most messages consisted of ‘I love you’s and reminders to buy milk. The final conversation, however, gave you a lot more information.
Sara: What the fuck is this?
Then followed a screenshot of a GoFundMe page: Help Soonjae win Custody
Sara: You cheated. Maybe you should write that in your description.
Soonjae: Sara, I’ve told you I’m sorry
Sara: And I’ve told you that’s not enough. We are over
Soonjae: I can understand that. I just can’t understand why you want to keep my son from me!
Sara: I never want to see you again, and I don’t want kai to either
Soonjae: How can I make it up to you without going to court? I can’t afford the fees and you know it
Sara: You can’t ‘make it up’ to me. And it’s not my problem anymore if you can afford it or not. I’m blocking you
And that was it.
You wasted no time in opening Soonjae’s profile in a new tab, before taking a screenshot of the messages and logging out of Sara’s account.
Soonjae’s account was indeed deleted, confirming him as the target of Sara’s earlier status update. One search for new profiles under the same name showed no one promising. Your ‘breakthrough’ seemed more trivial now you had taken a step back from it. Without a picture of the Soonjae you had found, you couldn’t confirm if you were on the right target.
You had one last option, and searched for the GoFundMe Sara had sent a screenshot of. At last you found it, though it took a while as it had been declared finished and was from so long ago.
But, once you opened it, it turned out Sara’s screenshot hadn’t included the full photo at the top of the campaign. It had only showed a baby cradled in someone’s arms, but on the site, the full photo extended to show the man’s face.
This time, you did not scroll down.
You just stared.
There would be no need for Jungkook to verify if this was the right man. Those eyes had stared at you before from underneath a hoodie in your own bedroom not so long ago. And the hands that held his son had given you the wound in your side.
“Holy shit…” you breathed, taking a screenshot when you recovered from your shock.
Then you proceeded to scroll down. And it seemed like you had hit the jackpot.
The description had been updated, and the last lines read:
Thanks for the generosity. This page will be deactivated as I have now sourced funding from a private benefactor. Will update those who donated on the court result.
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“Tae! Oh my god-“
You froze on the stairs.
On hearing the door opening downstairs, you had presumed Taehyung had returned, but instead, Yoongi stood in the hallway.
“Hi,” he said coolly.
“Sorry,” you murmured, but didn’t retreat back upstairs. Staring back at him, laptop and notebook clutched in your arms, you felt the need to share your breakthrough.
After a few seconds glaring at you, Yoongi moved away down the hallway. Taking a breath, you followed.
“Um, sorry, I thought you were Tae,” you spoke from the door.
“Ok,” came his short reply as he rooted in the fridge.
“Actually, er,” you pushed, making the boy at least turn around and acknowledge your presence, “I wanted to show him something. But… I can show you instead. You know how I was searching up Shinhyuk’s closest members, well, I think I found something.”
His unimpressed face vanished at least a little, and he nodded, taking a swig from the drink he had picked.
“Okay,” you placed the laptop on the island and opened the screenshots you had saved, “so I found this woman’s messages with a Soonjae in the city, they were getting divorced but he couldn’t afford the legal costs to fight for custody of their son.”
Yoongi leaned forwards to read the screen and you stepped aside, worrying your lip. Watching him read, you leaned against the counter to support your tired legs.
“Bastard,” he muttered.
“He cheated on her,” he said simply, gesturing towards the screen, drink in hand.
You hummed in agreement and flipped onto the second image.
“He set up this GoFundMe, but see how it says he then received funding from elsewhere.”
“Could be Shinhyuk, definitely,” Yoongi agreed, “I can send Jungkook this guy’s picture-“
“Actually, you don’t have to,” you cut in, “I, er, I recognise him. He was one of Shinhyuk’s that broke into my place.”
“Shit,” Yoongi breathed, turning to take a look back at the man on the screen, “good catch.”
“Thanks,” you couldn’t help but smile, “so… what now?”
Setting his drink aside, Yoongi bent over the counter and opened a new tab, sending the images to his own email, along with a final one of Sara’s details on Facebook.
“I think we have enough to work with. We can use the details for leverage and approach him.”
“Nice,” you couldn’t keep yourself from smiling. Even if only Yoongi was around to see it, you were just proud to have hopefully helped bangtan get another rival under their belt, and get closer to defeating Shinhyuk.
It seemed Yoongi had finished with the laptop, even though he hadn’t yet left the kitchen or even picked his drink up again. Awkwardly, you stepped closer to shut the laptop and slide it off the counter.
Taking a stride back towards the door, you hesitated.
“Well, erm, thanks, I’ll just- yeah.”
You turned back around, surprised at just how small Yoongi’s voice sounded. Not knowing what to say, you waited as he stood shuffling his feet.
At last he cleared his throat and spoke.
“Listen, I’m sorry for, you know… trying to kill you that time,” he said. His voice was quiet, as if a lower volume would allow him to pretend he never said it.
“Well there’s a sentence I never thought I’d hear,” you chuckled.
“No, I really am,” he spoke stronger this time, actually looking at you, “I know I haven’t been the nicest and-“
“No, it’s okay,” you flashed him another smile, “I know you were just trying to protect Tae.”
He fell silent again for a moment, and you thought that might be it. But something was still on the tip of his tongue and he looked down, one hand coming to scratch his ear.
“I want to tell you I’m happy for you guys. You seem… well, really nice, and I know Tae thinks so too, and I trust him, so… yeah.”
Gulping, he looked up at you, trying to hide his mortification at the barrage of emotion he had just released. You just stared back at him, lost for words.
Maybe he had said something wrong?
“A-and, thank you for doing this work on Shinhyuk’s gang, it’ll really help us. What you did was really impressive-“
“I-I’m sorry,” you finally spluttered out, “what did you mean when you said you- you’re… you’re happy for us?”
Looking back at you, his eyes widened.
“Shit, are you guys not-“
You tried to swallow down any signs of how flustered you were, clutching the laptop tighter in front of your chest. Perhaps he didn’t mean what you thought he might-
“I thought you guys were dating. Shit.”
You couldn’t agree more with that last sentiment.
Just as you opened your mouth, without knowing what you planned on saying, you were saved by the bell. Or rather, the door.
Tae had finally come home. It would be an understatement to say he was surprised to find you and Yoongi together, in conversation too apparently. Hopefully Yoongi had finally quit his tough act and exposed his softness that Tae had insisted you would find eventually.
Yoongi was quick to inform Tae of what you had dug up on Soonjae. Taehyung put his hand on your shoulder, sending you a proud grin that made your heart race as he told you he knew you could do it.
The whole time you were aware of Yoongi watching the interaction, and you excused yourself as soon as you could, leaving the boys to themselves.
Practically running up the stairs, you were left panting as you closed the door to the bedroom. Just one short burst of speed had knocked you out, but that concern barely crossed your mind as you surrendered to the mattress, thinking only of what Yoongi had told you.
He thought you were dating? Ridiculous…
But then why had the suggestion got to you so much? Sure, you shared a bed with the guy, and you enjoyed being with him, and liked it when he held your hand or hugged you…
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k-hiphop-trash · 4 years
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It was founded on June 26th 2019.
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Real name: Kim WonSik (김원식).
Nicknames: Ambidextrous Rapper, Lava, Lucky Boy.
His stage name Ravi means “charming”.
His favoucolours are black and white.
His hobby is body training.
Among the members of VIXX he sleeps the most.
His most valuable belonging is his lyrics notebook.
He is allergic to dust.
He enjoys drinking coffee at night.
Heloves doing graffiti.
Hehas several tattoos including: “YOLO, You Only Live Once” on his chest; an angel on his left side; “Love attracts love to the wearer”.
He was born on February 15th 1993.
He was born on Jamsil Dong.
He is 183 cm.
His bloodtype is O.
Hehas a younger sister.
He founded his own hiphop label GROOVL1n on June 2019.
He won the 2020Brand of the Year Awards: Idol Variety Star.
He is part of the k-pop group VIXX and part of the sub-unit VIXX LR, were he is a rapper and dancer.
He went to Seoul Jamdomg Elementary School, Jamsil Middle School, Jamsil High School and Howon University with a master in Musicology.
He is a very good MC and is a fairly good freestyler.
Ravi’s ideal type is a pretty and self-conscious woman.
His motto is “You Only Live Once”.
His favourite artists are Kanye West, A$AP Rocky, Chris Brown, Drake, Big Sean and August Alsina. He is also a fan of G-Dragon.
He became part of VIXX because he was one of the winners of the show “Mydol”.
He features on Chad Future’s new music video “Rock the World”.
He wrote the song “What U Waiting For” thinking of the members.
Park MyungSoo offered him to work together when he was impressed after his cover of the song “Fire” on his show “Park Myun Soo’s moving TV”.
He participated in SMTM4 but was eliminated.
He wrote VIXX LR’s “Beautiful Liar”.
In June 2018 he produced a song for the girl group ELRIS.
To promote one of his albums he held a guerrilla concert at Gangnam station.
On April 2nd 2017 he uploaded a picture of a French Bulldog to his Instagram officially introducing “Buttie”, VIXX’s new member. His nickname is “BADA$$”.
He debuted as a soloist on 2017 with his mini album “R.EAL1ZE”.
He is part of the group “Parka Friendship”, including Taemin (SHINee), Kai (EXO) and Timoteo and SungWoon (HOTSHOT). His song “Ravi Da Loca” mentions their name to express his gratitude towards them. He says his best friends are Taemin and Kai.
He appears in Brian Joo’s MV “Let This Die”.
If he were a girl he would go out with N among the VIXX members because he is really nice and reliable and he would probably not be a cheater.
He is the 3rd idol with more songs registered to his name.
He won the golden medal in bowling with Ken on the Idol Star Athletic Championship 2018.
Jellyfish anounced on May 24th that he would be leaving the company but will still promote with VIXX.
He cares a lot for the members of GROOVL1n.
He has a YouTube channel with a mini series were he interviews different artists.
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His real name is Jeon WooSung (전우성).
He was born on September 3rd 1999.
He is 178 cm.
He was born in Seoul but lived in Pohang for a long time, which is why he considers Pohang his hometowm.
He started rapping at 18.
He debuted in 2018 with his single “Gang Move”.
He joined GROOVL1n on 19th September 2019.
He is part of NFL crew.
On Februa 1st 2020, he released his first EP album “Saviour from the Hell pt1” with a music video for his title song “WASSUP”.
He rapped for 2 years before applying for SMTM at 20.
He was a contestant on SMTM777, SMTM8 and SMTM9.
He used to play piano when he was young but his fingers didn’t straighten well so he learned to play the piano and the flute.
He got his first tattoo at age 20 on his face which says in kanji “better safe than sorry”; meaning you have nothing to worry about if you are prepared. He also has a chain tattoo on his left arm that has the birthdates of the members if NFL Crew.
In SMTM9 he was a member of team Giriboy&Zion.T with Wonstein, Lilboy and Skyminhyuk.
He made it to the mic slection stage on SMTM9, but decided to drop out due to his panic disorder. Due to this, rapper Skyminhyuk performed a solo stage on his place.
He appeared talking to Ravi, the CEO of his label, about his mental health and Ravi showed lots of interest and preocupationfor his well being.
His career role model is JTONG.
He uses English on his songs because it sounds nice and looks good.
He used to go everywhere, including SMTM recordings using public transportation, but since signing with GROOVL1n he goes on the label’s car. He says this is one of the many benefites of having a label to back you up.
He also said that during the two first times he participated in SMTM he looked rough and grubby, nothing like in SMTM9. He also said that he once asked for new music equipment and the company bought it for him in a short time.
He likes clear weather and dislikes rain and snow.
He loves football and his favouclib is Pohang Steelers from K league and Arsenal from Premier league. He has a friend that play on Pohang FC and his favourite Arsenal player is Hector Bellerin.
In order to learn and understand English he uses the translator and watches translated songs.
He featured on Ravi’s single “ASURA” along with other GROOVL1n members that was released on December 7th 2019.
He’s worked with artists like Mckdaddy, DSEL, Eptend, Wonstein, LilBoi and others.
With his upcoming album he wants to break the strong image that a lot of people get from his rapping.
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His real name is Oh InSeob (오인섭).
Nicknames: Cold Valley, Coldy.
He was born on July 7th 1993.
He was born on Iksan, North Jeolla.
He is 182 cm.
He has 2 older sisters.
His bloodtype is O.
He went to Korea University.
His first music tour was with Ravi.
He debuted on July 22nd 2019 with his single “Ruined”.
He collaborated with Ravi and Xudo on the track “Fashionable (prod. gXXD)”.
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His real name is Park ChiWoong (박치웅).
Hewas born on January 29th 1994.
He debuted on August 14th 2019.
He is from Seoul.
He collaborated with Ravi and Cold Bay onthe track “Fashionable (prod. GXXD)”.
He was an underground R&B artist.
He collaborated with Ravi on his song “Hoodie”.
He says his name is hard to pronounce in English so you can just call him C.W.Park.
He already completed his military service.
His stage name, Xydo, comes from: “Try” in English is “시도하다” in Korean. The pronunciation “Shido” is similar to Xydo and he wanted a name without preconceptions, so he chose Xydo.
He says music is his best friend and that he can share it wether he is happy or sad.
He isn’t sure of how long he’s been pursuing music.
He likes songs made to express himself.
About his music: he does want his music to be tied up in one place and doesn’t want to categorize it into any genre. However, if he were to do this, he would say R&B and Pop.
He says he wants to be different from other artists and says that he wants to show his own colours.
He likes Jamie Foxx, Miguel, Nao and wants to work with Ruel.
He likes watching movies, specially ScyFy, and if the weather is good he likes to play basketball.
To people that wants to pursue music: finding your true self is the most important and he is still doing that himself.
He says having international fans is awesome and that it suddenly feels like his world is wider and brings a new perspective. He also wants to visit any place were there is a fan of his no matter how far.
One song he recommends: “I like many genres rather than just one thing. From what I’ve listened to lately, I would like to recommend “Remember Me” by Umi.
A song of his that he recommends: “Lee Sang”, because everyone tries to do something they want. I think there were times when it felt like something was getting farther and farther away.
When he feels down and feels about to guve up, he tells himself: “Believe in myself”.
A song he’s proud of is: “Drawing”, because there were a lot of difficulties in making the song but he overcame them.
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His real name is Nicholas Choi and his Korean name is Choi SeokBae (최석배).
He was born on February 28th 1992.
He is from Pasadena, California.
He went to University of Southern California.
He was a member of MKIT Rain.
He is a member of 42 crew.
He is 162 cm - 169 cm.
He has an eyebrow piercing.
He likes to die his hair red.
The name Nafla means”Natural Flavour”. A friend of his thouht of this name after drinking something that said “100% Natural Flavor”.
He joined Groovl1n on December 22nd 2020.
He has a tattoo on his left arm.
He has collaborated with artists like Babylon, Dumbfoundead, Dynamic Duo and Woo Taewoon.
He would like to collaborate with Frank Ocean.
He went to Universit with Killagramz. They used to exchange messages through Facebook.
If he wasn’t in MAKIT Rain, he would like to be signed in 1llionaire.
As of 2016 he lived on his studio.
He has been friends with Ravi for a while.
After Show Me The Money he remained good friends with Kid Milli and often jokes around that he is a member of Mkit Rain.
He founded MKIT Rain with Loopy.
Some Mkit Rain members were involved in a marihuana scandal when they were caught smoking it, Nafla was one of them. He later made an Instagram post apologising for his behaviour. However, his charges were dropped since it was the first time he committed an upinfraction regarding this matter.
During his 60 second evalua in SMTM, The Quiett said it was the first time such a good quality rap and performance was shown on national tv.
When he gets dresses, he chooses his hat first and coordinates the outfit to compliment it.
His top favourite rappers (2016) are: #1 Gaeko, #2 Beenzino, #3 E-sens, #4 Lobsta, #5 G-Dragon.
He and Loopy met in a bathroom during a concert in the USA.
The car he won in SMTM777 was given to Loppy as a present to thank him for everything he had done for him.
He won SMTM777 with team Giriboy&Swings.
According to Loopy, Nafla was thinking about leaving MKIT Rain for a while and his leave was officially confirmed through Instagram on early December 2020.
He won Best Mixtape of the Year 2015 with “This & That”.
Nafla has a lot of respect for Just Music, specially Swings and Vasco.
Nafla was involved in a diss with CJamm. Neil, who was in the same crew as him, Young Creation, dissed CJamm and somehow Nafla got involved. It was nothing serious and there weren’t any bad feelings afterwards.
During SMTM777 he was selected as the leader on the group battle and every of his team members said he was really nice and helpful. Regarding this, he said he was happy to have Loopy by his side because he has a lot of experience and helped him a lot.
Source: https://kprofiles.com/chillin-homie-profile-and-facts/; https://kprofiles.com/ravi-vixx-profile-facts/; https://kprofiles.com/cold-bay-profile-facts/; https://kprofiles.com/xydo-profile-facts/; https://kprofiles.com/nafla-profile-facts/
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AnY Chapter 204 Review
It was a good chapter, although politically, it disappointed me.
There have been debates among readers about whether or not Su-Won was in character. The way he compartmentalized everything (but now slowly failing to do so) was, but I don't know about how hastily he jumped to kill Mei-nyan. Honestly a very Su-Won thing to do would rather be to pretend to accept her offer, use her knowledge to win the war, then kill her after. Did the thought of taking her hostage NOT occur to him? What happened to the king who seeks to minimize sacrifices? Who strategizes the most efficient path?
This time, it seems he had no patience for that because she went into a tirade about Hiryuu being great. As Soo-Won believes that blood-relation doesn't just entitle you to anything (as expected, he killed his own uncle), the fact that this applied to Mei may have played into Soo-Won's resentment to think it was better if she was killed, as she seemed no different from Il.
Evil Twins mistranslated this, but Su-Won does NOT say that he got ill after ascending the throne - Mei-Nyan tells him he “should be aware of the existence of King Hiryuu” which triggers the headache and flashback of Il that we’ve seen 5 times now. Phew, does this traumatize him. 
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Now we have actually seen such a similar expression before! On his mother! 
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“The beautiful hair caused Yon-Hi to remember the existence of King Hiryuu”
Does the pain get stronger the more aware the descendants are of King Hiryuu? A legitimate question of what causes the illness to sprout. 
Su-Won’s response in return, “I’m so fed up with it (the pain)” shows he is at his wits end now because this woman triggered yet another headache because she made him think of King Hiryuu.  
He says his thoughts aloud, clearly for the first time, “I wonder why the reincarnation of King Hiryuu and the dragons were born.”
Hearing the outright rejection of King Hiryuu, Yona is petrified. 
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And it’s interesting, because she has never heard this direct attack on who she is until this point. We as readers have seen Su-Won reject God, so, SO many times to count. This is the first time Yona sees it in the present. This is the first time she also sees it directed straight at her. 
Because it’s pretty much Su-Won wishing Yona was never born, right? 
Until the betrayal, they had a genuine friendship, and even then Su-Won clearly still cared about her, so surely Yona had never imagined that Su-Won would ever say something like this, that it would be nice if she were never born. It is quite jarring. Were the years they spent all a lie, then? 
Moving on, we then see Mei-nyan understanding that negotiations have collapsed. She begins to freak out, and when Hyoo-ri appears, she bolts. 
I must say, for supposedly a strategist, Mei-nyan was pretty naive and reckless. It appears that the others were prepared to kill her prior to this meeting, but she comes thinking her talk would succeed. She doesn't even think of a back-up plan in the case the king doesn't agree.
She doesn't even tell Su-Won that she was previously a general. We all know, being a general is 100x more valuable to him then being a descendant or a concubine with false intel, any day.
I can argue that the negotiations might have not failed if she'd not talked about Hiryuu and instead about being a general or how shitty Kai treated her and how she actually is loyal to Kouka. She is reckless, that one! How did she ever become a general with such a personality?!?! People like her certainly don’t live long. 
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Luckily, Jae-ha appears to save the day. And I actually really like this scene, because... Mei-Nyan is clearly affected by how the same dragon who vowed to protect Yona and did not let Mei-Nyan hit her, is NOW protecting her. 
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This is what she always wanted, and she is shooooook. Look at her pained eyebrows. I feel for Mei-nyan here. Also Jae-ha, ouch. 
Yona runs to save the day with her merciful nature, as she always seems to do. Kye-Sook, who finds it a “quaint” quality like her late father, asks her to stand down. (most hilarious line) 
Then Yona asks Su-Won for his opinion, but Su-Won, who was already in annoyed mode, is now directing it towards Yona, who has come running to interfere. He is fed up thinking about it and does not want to deal with her. 
Yona still does not back down. “Turn over here! Even if you don’t need me, even if you’re fed up, look me in the eye and talk!” 
Very strong words. Until this I have never seen Yona be so direct with Su-Won, even if she harbored hatred, even if she was very calm. And this probably is because she felt rather hurt by Su-Won’s words. Understandable.
Next we see Su-Won explode: “I already said, this doesn’t concern you!” 
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OKAY we get it Su-Won, calm the F down. 
Yeeeeeesh, this rude spitting viper is the same guy who was only gentle and kind with his younger cousin?????? 
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let’s be honest if Hak saw Su-Won shouting at Yona he would wreck him 100x harder than he already wanted to
.....Perhaps we should just accept that familial ties don’t matter to this dude, especially if you’re a King Hiryuu reincarnation telepathically blowing his brains out because he doesn’t pay you enough attention. Can you blame him?
His line is rather ambiguous though. Does he mean it like, “stop being a fucking nuisance, I’m the king right now, this concerns me not you” 
OR is it like, “this conflict I have with King Hiryuu doesn’t concern you, you are Yona!” Maybe he doesn’t want Yona to feel bad about being born like his mother did? 
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Maybe he is struggling with both meanings. Who knows.  
Now, after that Yona attempts to make him see past the entire conflict with Mei-nyan’s interest in Hiryuu and the dragons AND the fact that she has knowledge of the secret. 
And I can see Yona's point. Yon-Hi's existential crisis, seeing a red haired girl "steal" what belonged to her clan, is similar to Mei-nyan's. 
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It makes sense. Why should he be so quick to kill her? She has clearly suffered herself. 
It seems like Su-Won wasn't thinking straight and realized later that he isn't just his father's son, but also his mother's, because now, he lightens her fate to imprisonment. Yes, imprisonment. Letting this woman go is obviously not the right idea either, especially after they acted so hostile to her, no guarantee that she still wants to negotiate. 
The big mistake though, is that everyone from Kouka, even Yona, underestimated Mei. None of them know that she could easily break out of jail if she wished. Even while in pain from the Crimson illness, she’s able to wound (possibly kill!) these soldiers. 
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....Except our favorite MC Hak, doing 6000+ sit-ups like it’s nothing, is about to know!!!!!! 
I think Hak will the one to learn this first, and I actually think they could form some alliance based on being ex-generals. This girl will fill Hak in on wtf the Crimson illness is, and we might finally see Hak’s reaction -- OH SHIT, Su-Won actually hates something??? Maybe Hak’s beloved Princess is more involved with that than he’d like. 
I don't think they will go a love triangle of Hak-Mei-Yona route, at least I really hope not, because Hak is loyal af and that does not need to change one bit. At most it'd be funny to see Yona get slightly jealous but honestly I'm not sure if that's necessary either. 
Anyway! I would have preferred Mei-nyan stayed an antagonist rather than yet another talk-no-jutsu ally of Yona’s. But okay. We’ll see where this goes, along with the reasons Hiryuu even came down to Earth to start with. 
(On a side note, Zeno was great this chapter, wasn’t he? I missed hearing his words of wisdom)
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a89x54vs · 3 years
Hi! I hope your doing amazing! Can I request a Taehyung Lee and Jungkook ler fanfic? Taehyung has a belly button fetish which means he loves to have his belly button tickled but he’s stressing out cause he can’t find anybody to do it but when Jungkook finds out he has a tumblr acc about it, He decides to go to him but sees him pacing back and forth in his room stressed so without any idea of what jk was going to do, Jungkook decides to tackle him, tie his arms to the bed, lift his shirt up and start tickling and scratching his belly button. Lol this is bad but Thank you!!!💕
PSA!! Taehyung’s baby belly is soo cute.😖
We all have our secrets.
This is a tickle fic, feedback is accepted as long as it’s done in a respectful way.
Taehyung was lost, really, really lost.
Recently he had find out that he really liked having his belly button tickled, it was something he actually didn’t expect but really came to enjoy.
The issue however, was that no one knew about it and Tae didn’t know how to tell the other members.
The closest thing he was able to do was to create a Tumblr blog about it and at first the interactions with his followers worked but it didn’t take long for the role play to become insufficient.
Tae wanted to actually experiment the tickling but again, he didn’t know how to tell the others, so he thought about asking his followers for advice.
*Just tell them, your friends will be alright with it* One comment said.
“*sigh* It’s not that easy” Tae said to himself before noticing that it was time for him to go to a photo shoot so he left his room, leaving his phone on his bed.
Jungkook was walking through the hallway of the apartment when he suddenly began hearing a lot of beeping coming from Tae’s room.
Curious as to what was causing them, the bunny entered the room to see the phone on the bed constantly beeping.
Even more curious than before, the maknae approached the bed and peeked at the phone, which seemed to be blowing up with notifications from...Tumblr?
*Hyung has a Tumblr account?* Jungkook wondered and decided to press one of the notifications which immediately led him to the app.
Picking the phone up and searching for a bit led Jungkook to Tae’s account, and scrolling through the posts he saw that they talked about...tickling, and the most recent ones seemed to be the tiger saying to his followers that he wanted to be tickled on his belly button but didn’t know how to tell his friends.
After seeing a couple of more posts, the always mischievous Jungkook smirked, if his hyung was so desperate then he will give the tiger just what he wants.
Tae let out a sigh as he entered his room, photo shoots were fun but also really exhausting and besides, he couldn’t stop thinking about how to tell the others about his secret, he passed back and forth for some minutes before laying down on his bed and closing his eyes, having no idea what was going to happen.
Jungkook jumped out of the closet (literally) and before Tae knew it, his hands were tied above his head and Jungkook was straddling his hips.
“W-What? Jungkook what is this?” The tiger asked.
“Hyungie, don’t you have something to tell me?” Jungkook smirked.
“Something...to tell you?” Tae raised an eyebrow.
“Yes, about this” Jungkook showed the tiger his Tumblr posts, the older’s eyes widening as he recognized them.
“K-Kookie that’s not me” He tried to excuse himself but it wasn’t working.
The bunny formed an evil smirk that caused the older to gulp.
“That’s not you? As if I’m going to believe that” Jungkook replied and raised the tiger’s shirt.
“W-What are you going to do?” Tae asked even if he already knew.
“What am I going to do? I don’t know” The maknae acted as if he was thinking, one hand on his chin and the other slowly tracing the rim of the older’s belly button.
“Gahahahahahaha Kohohohohohok” Tae giggled, trying to pull his arms.
“If I’m not wrong, your posts focused on something specifically” Jungkook said to himself, still tracing the tiger’s belly button.
“Ahahahahahahaha nohohohohohohoho” Tae giggled louder, but nowhere near laughter.
“I wonder what it was, don’t remember” Kookie continued but this time he stopped the tickling, which secretly disappointed the tiger.
“Oh hyungie, you remember it don’t you?” The bunny asked.
“Y-Yes” Tae replied, blushing as he knew where the conversation was going.
“Good, then tell me”
Tae hesitated for a bit, it was embarrassing to say it out loud, but he really wanted to be tickled.
“They were about...me wanted to be tickled on my belly button” Tae said after so long of keeping it to himself.
There was silence on the room and Tae was about to speak again when Jungkook dipped his finger into the older’s belly button and began scratching.
“BWAHAHAHAHAHA KOOKIHIHIHIHIHIE NAHAHAHAHAHA” Tae screeched as he was suddenly hit by the ticklish sensations.
“Good to see you admit it hyung” The bunny chuckled, making sure to scratch all the skin possible.
“AHAHAHAHAHAHA NOHOHOHOHO PLEHEHEHEHEHEASE” Tae cackled, pulling on his restraints.
“Please? Please tickle you more? Yeah sure” Kookie replied, making sure his nails tickled the skin.
After a couple of minutes Kookie went towards a wardrobe and pulled a couple of things out, Tae widened his eyes as he realized what they were.
“So hyung, left or right?” The maknae asked, his hands behind his back.
The tiger knew that both options were going to be bad but it’s not like he had many options to begin with.
Jungkook let out a smirk and showed what there was on his right hand, a fluffy feather.
“Nohohohohohohohoho Kookie wahahahahait” Tae broke into a giggle fit.
“Wait? For what?” The bunny asked, curious about what answers the older would come up with.
“Ihihihihihi um wehehehehehehell” Tae couldn’t really find an explanation.
“No answer? That’s just fine” Jungkook shrugged as he dipped the feather into the tiger’s belly button.
“GAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA KOOKIE PLEHEHEHEHEHEASE NAHAHAHAHAHA” Tae screamed, bucking his hips as he felt the feather tickling him.
“Please? You love this, or are you lying to me?” Jungkook said, acting as if he was hurt “You know lying is bad, you have to be punished”
The maknae slowly twirled the feather, making sure it traced all of the skin on the older’s belly button.
“GAHAHAHAHAHA *squeal* NOHOHOHOHO *squeal* I CAHAHAHAHAHAN’T *squeal*” Tae cackled, blushing harder at the sounds he was producing.
“Of course you can hyung, there’s still another tool I want to try” Jungkook announced, taking the toothbrush and applying baby oil on the bristles.
“Kohohohohohohok you’re mehehehehehean” Tae giggled, trying to pull his wrists.
“Oh hyungie, I perfectly know I’m mean” Kookie smirked, quickly dipping the toothbrush and turning it in.
“NAHAHAHAHAHA *squeak* HAHAHAHAHA *squeak* BWAHAHAHAHAHA *squeak*” Tae howled, desperately shaking his torso.
“And now for the great finale” Jungkook announced, using both the feather and the toothbrush.
Tae let out a loud roar and fell into endless waves of cackles.
Jungkook stopped the tickling and untied the older, the tiger just curled and let the remaining giggles out of his lips.
“So hyung, you know you can come to us with this right?” The bunny smiled.
“Yeah, I know, thanks Kook” Tae replied as he returned the smile.
Jungkook just nodded and went out of the room to let the tiger rest.
He noticed a notification on his phone, it was Tae on his blog, ranting about the experience.
Thanks for your request, hope you enjoy it, feel free to ask again.
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simplysummers · 3 years
wait, why'd the Hamilton musical disappoint you?
Hi Anon!
I think it’s about time that I finally addressed this! I don’t want people to think I hate the musical, or I hate anybody associated with it because that could not be further from the truth! I’m actually going to see it in London in a few months time!
A little background info here is that I have been an amrev stan since I was quite young, which is quite a rare thing to say I know. I use to watch shows centred around the war, documentaries with my older brother, we would read books together, and I unironically wrote a full essay on why Lafayette was beneficial to the Rev when I was about ten for an 2000 word writing competition (I’m going to find that lmao it was wild) so I’ve loved the history for well over a decade.
When the Hamilton musical was announced I was so freaking hyped up because finally a musical about something I enjoyed was taking the stage, sure I had Les Mis (I also love the French Rev) but this was something specifically tailored towards something I’ve loved for years, with a very talented and experienced writer behind the wheel. It combined my two favourite things, history and musicals.
My brother and I watched a bootleg (I know I know I’m sorry, I was very very excited for this musical and I just couldn’t help it) and we were both so disappointed. The timeline was all off, the characters (sparing maybe Eliza) were out of character for either comedic timing or for plot purposes, and I didn’t really like Lin-Manuel as Alexander either (and that still stands actually) my brother and I described it as a waste of our three hours.
A little while later I decided to give it another shot by myself, and I somewhat enjoyed it a little more. Once I tried to overlook what I disliked about the history element, I realised I enjoyed it quite a bit. The songs are all bops, very well written, and very solid. Christopher Jackson’s voice is impeccable, Philippa Soo is an angel, and Leslie Odom Jr is a king. I then began listening to the songs repeatedly, and once I could differentiate my two interests ‘Hamilton the musical’ and the ‘American revolution and history as a whole’ I began to enjoy it a lot more.
Now this goes without mentioning the very very awful (stereotyped) fan base Hamilton has. Now, I’ve met so many people who enjoy this musical who are some of the loveliest people I know! My discord friends all really like Hamilton and right now they are the only thing that can make me smile on the daily! So I completely understand this definitely does NOT apply to everybody. But the toxic stans who would rip apart anybody who disagreed with lams or Jamilton and who would bully anybody whose opinion differed to those really really continued to put me off the whole thing too. (Again, this isn’t Miranda’s fault either, it’s just another confounding factor for my dislike towards it)
And although I’ve definitely adapted with time sometimes it still hurts me that something so close to my childhood and still so close to my heart won’t be remembered for what it is. People will no longer remember the shitty things Washington, Jefferson, Hamilton and many more did, instead they are idolised as these sassy bois who did no wrong, even Hamilton’s affair is glorified at this point.
Maybe I’m just being selfish and self indulgent, but it does pain me that Hamilton is widely remembered as this:
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And not this:
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Now, I know that Miranda has done a lot for this guy in a sense of getting his name out there. I’m one of the many few who knew Hamilton before the musical, I’ll be forever grateful this man has gotten so many people into American history, but the fact is the ratios don’t line up.
To conclude:
I’m a since-childhood amrev stan who was greatly looking forward to a musical about a time period greatly ignored in modern media, who became highly disappointed when I looked at it from a history geek’s point of view. While looking at it from a musical interpretation, it’s a masterpiece, but the history nerd in me will always reign triumphantly, history has been apart of my life since I could walk, I want everybody to know just how interesting it is, both the good and bad parts, and to have it remembered in such an inaccurate historical way just makes me sad and a lil disappointed.
But hey! We can’t have everything we want at the end of the day! I’m just grateful I have lots of people in the amrev fandom to talk too about my fascinations now :)
Thank you for the ask! I hope I responded well! Please know if your opinion differs to mine I won’t think you any less of a person! We’re all entitled to what we do and do not like! 💛💛
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kyoonqs · 4 years
iluso amor ; third part.
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↬ summary: Cora has always considered herself elusive, easy to bore and adventurous to the last fiber of her body. One day for no apparent reason, she appears in front of the manager of a globetrotting circus passing through the city where she is temporarily staying to fill her life with magic. Baekhyun, as serious as he is handsome, has no intention of playing a role other than on the main canvas of the circus. He decides to separate Cora from her life of fantasies created by her travels and sets out to show her reality as raw and cruel as he knows it. Or so he believes.
Will time run out too quickly before love and passion devour him and he decides to risk everything for a love that lasts… Forever?
↬ pairing: baekhyun x cora fem!reader.
↬ circus!au ; illusionist!baek x hitchhiker!oc ; strangers to lovers au!
↬ genre: fluff ; romance ; angst ; drama.
↬ length: 9.2 k words.
↬ tag list: @changshapatrol @spacebyuns @fluffyhunnie @soos-goddess @hoho-cham @shadoukiti @sunbyun21​ @mangobaek​ @suhotly​ @pororodks​ @bbhbae​ @blahblahblah-boo @leewalberg​ @byunsbobobu​ @endzii23​ @taeilpathic​
If you’d like to be tagged for future chapters, please let me know!
↬ masterlist.
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When Cora left the trailer in that afternoon, she bumped into a young woman with shiny golden skin, dark hair, and a very pretty, contagious rectangular smile. She recognized her as Talia, she was a member of the group that performed acrobatic skills using various elements from ribbons to hoops and balls. From the moment she saw her, Cora could read how transparent she was and dared to say that she was surely the sweetest young woman in the whole circus.
The girl introduced herself and without losing her smile she brushed her hair behind her shoulders. Cora returned the greeting with a cordial smile of her own, as she caught sight of  another woman approaching. The woman, dressed in black baggy pants and an oversized shirt came up and introduced herself as Ramona. Cora instantly recognized her as one of the women who had entered the arena on the back of one of the horses. Her casual clothes made Cora feel overdressed. She'd wanted to look good on her first day at the box office; for this she had put on an ivory silk blouse with black leggings instead of the jeans and the outlet shirt that Baekhyun had insisted on buying her in a shop window they had passed before settling in Fraga.
“Cora is Baekhyun's girlfriend, she joined us in Monzón.” Said Talia, who seemed increasingly happy with the news.
“I already heard the news. How lucky you are. Man doesn’t have a single particle of waste in his body.” Ramona replied.
Cora opened her mouth to tell them that she was just showing up for work, that she was definitely not his girlfriend but she snapped it shut when Ramona interrupted her with: “Algeria is going to have a fit when she gets back.”
“Actually... I applied for this job because of the vacancy, I didn't know Baekhyun before and I don't think he's interested in me either.” Cora felt embarrassed. She didn't want these girls to get a bad impression of either her or Baekhyun in the first conversation.
“Vacancy? The positions were filled by the time flyers were posted and besides we only needed male performers. Are you sure he has no interest in you?” Talia looked in bewilderment to Ramona, who only shrugged her shoulders with an apology that she had to leave.
Cora was going to investigate a little more, considering the girl's words had given her a lot to think about but she was in a hurry to get to the box office in time.
“I guess I’d better go. It was nice meeting you.” She waved goodbye and headed toward the locker trailer, mentally correcting herself that the place was to be called “The Red Wagon” shortly before. Baekhyun had told her the circus lockers were always called that, no matter the color.
Despite its name, the locker was pale in color. Dotted with a handful of colored stars, it showcased a hanging blackboard with prices according to age and number of family members.
In contrast to the cheerful exterior, the interior was dull and cluttered. A battered steel desk sat in front of a small sofa piled high with stacks of newspapers. There were mismatched chairs, an old filing cabinet, and a radio. Baekhyun was sitting behind the desk, with a calculator in one hand and a clipboard in the other. A single glance at his stormy face told Cora that Baekhyun hadn't had a good day so far.
Baekhyun stood up and gestured for her to follow him, leading her to the window at the side of the trailer to explain the procedure in a soft voice. It was very simple and Cora learned it immediately.
“I'll check every penny and make sure you don't lose sight of the fundraiser for a minute. The circus is on the brink of ruin, we cannot afford to lose money.”
“Of course I won't. I’m not stupid.” She held her breath, feeling that he would deny it, but Baekhyun concentrated on unlocking the hinge on the window. He accompanied her while she dispatched the first clients to make sure she was doing it right, and when he saw that she had no problems, he announced he was leaving.
“Are you going to the caravan?” she asked.
“I'll go when I have to get dressed. Why?”
“I left it somewhat scrambled.” She had to get back to the trailer before he saw the mess. When she started cleaning, she should have saved the cabinets for last, but wanting to scrub thoroughly, she had emptied the shelves to clean them first. The cabinets were clean now, but she hadn't had the time to put everything back and as a result, there wasn't a single surface in the trailer that wasn't occupied by something: clothing, tools, or an alarming pile of whips.
“I swear I’ll pick up everything as soon as I finish here, don’t worry if things are out of place.” Cora said hastily. 
Baekhyun simply nodded, leaving her alone. 
The next few hours passed without incident. Cora liked chatting with people looking to buy tickets and many of the circus employees made excuses to stop by and satisfy their curiosity about her –she guessed they were curious after the information Talia had given her, that they had all assumed she was there for other reasons, very dissociated from work–. 
She recognized some of the men tending the stalls: clowns and several members of a group that performed equestrian numbers. She couldn’t shake the feeling that some of the girls were hiding their jealousy over the rumor floating around that she had managed to “catch” Byun Baekhyun. She appreciated the covert gesture. It gave her a glimmer of hope. Maybe things would work out after all.
Only after the second performance had begun was Cora able to leave the box office to watch Baekhyun perform. She hoped that watching the show again would dilute the shock she'd experienced the night before but she found his performance even more impressive. Where had he learned to do these things?
It wasn’t until the performance ended that Cora recalled the re-ordering she had yet to take care of back at the caravan. She rushed back to the living accommodations and was preparing to open the door when Talia called out to her.
“Come on Cora, I want to show you something.” She closed the trailer door quickly, before Talia could see the mess inside. The young woman took her arm and led her through the line of caravans. To the left she could see the emcee talking to Baekhyun as the workers stacked bleachers.
They rounded the last caravan, and Cora gasped in surprise to see many of the performers, still in performance clothing, around a folding table with a rectangular cake on top. Laia, the girl she had met before, was near the cake, along with Ramona, Fionn –if she remembered her name correctly– and her group of aerialists, various clowns and many other employees she had encountered.
Grinning widely, the emcee pushed Baekhyun forward and Talia raised her hands like a conductor. “Attention everyone, let’s all welcome Cora!” She was speechless.  These people hardly knew her but here they were, extending a friendly hand to her. After spending months away from her family –not to complain of the wonderful travels– she took pleasure in the intimacy of this moment. At this impromptu gathering of future friends, she felt as if her family were welcoming her at the airport, with bright smiles and cheeks numb with happiness. Cora weighed the tears that were beginning to form in her eyes.
“Thank you. The cake looks delicious. I bet everyone wants a slice.” Cora glanced at Baekhyun, who had a lopsided smile on his face, surely trying to hide it. Even if they had only spent the last 24 hours together, she was beginning to grow familiar with his expressions. 
Cheeks burning –somewhat embarrassed– Cora walked up to the folding table, grabbed a knife, and began to slice the cake into neat squares. Someone ordered one of the men to turn the radio dial to a happy station. After all, what was a celebration without dance? 
When Cora had distributed the last of her cake, she watched as a tall boy with dark hair and round, shiny eyes like coins approached Talia. He looked hesitant but still held out his hand and she took it kindly. Guiding her to the center of an improvised dance floor, he then took her by the hips. Both of them mirrored a smile that could only have one explanation and Cora imagined how nice it would be nice to have company like that. In that moment, she thought of how Baekhyun had stroked her cheek the night before and turned to look for him, feeling disappointed when she found no sign of him.
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For the next several hours, while the circus was being dismantled for the next town, Cora set about putting everything back into the cabinets. She was filled with a sense of despair that left her hardly able to stand upright but she kept working nonetheless.
The leggings she was wearing were completely dirty and the blouse was sticking to her skin but she didn't care. The little impromptu party and cake had been a small blessing to her but the fact that Baekhyun left the place sooner than she would have thought possible gave her the impression that all the hope she was gathering would only bring her a headache in the future. And she hoped it was just like that.
When Baekhyun entered the caravan shortly after midnight it still looked as messy as when Cora had first arrived. In the morning he’d found out that the circus was supposed to pay more taxes than expected. Afterwards he’d found out his boss would be back soon and with it the idea of receiving more tasks than he already had didn’t sit well and finally... he hadn't been able to get Cora out of his head. And it frightened him to such an extent that he had transformed the unfamiliar feeling into anger.
Although Cora had cleaned and organized the cupboards, she hadn't had the time or energy to do anything else. He rested his hands on his hips and examined the dirty furniture, the dusty tabletop, and the remnants of the cake the artists had insisted she take.
“I thought you were going to clean this up but I see that it’s still just as dirty.”
“The closets are clean. And I washed everything in the sink.” She said through clenched teeth, indifferently.
“Who cares about closets? Don't you know how to do anything right? You don't know anything about real life, do you, Cora? You're here for work, not to get thrown from one place to another for free. From now on, try to think of others, not just yourself.”
Cora's eyes stung as she tried not to cry. Without thinking, she picked up the cake with one hand and tossed it at him. He spread his hands automatically to stop her from throwing it at him, but it wasn't fast enough. The cake hit him on the shoulder and fell apart into a thousand pieces. She watched as the mess, bits of cake and icing flew everywhere. A sticky white substance splattered on Baekhyun's hair, eyebrows, and even eyelashes. Chunks of chocolate that had stuck to his jaw fell onto the shoulder of his shirt. Cora's nonchalance disappeared when she saw him turn red. He was going to kill her. He tried to wipe his eyes as he moved toward her. Cora got out of his way and, taking advantage of Baekhyun's temporary blindness, ran out the door.
She looked around frantically, searching for a safe place to hide. The circus had been dismantled. The smaller tents were closed and most of the trucks had left. She tripped over a bush and ended up taking refuge in a narrow space between two vans. Her heart beat hard against her ribs. What had she done? Had she completely lost her sanity? What if the emcee's introduction wasn't just about a lack of rationality and psychological logic? Could it be that the man's attractiveness had robbed her of her sanity so much that her heart already belonged to him? Was she going to go crazy because of love?
She hated arguing, irrespective of the person and the reason they might have, Cora had never been one to lose her temper so easily. She knew how to listen carefully. She thought before giving an answer and only if it suited her did she open her mouth. But at that moment she had acted with her heart. 
Cora hugged herself, repeating that she was a fool for having too white a heart, for allowing herself to give so many opportunities to people who had rejected her in the first instance, and above all for believing that she had the ability to make a difference in their lives.
She winced at the sound of a man's voice and slid deeper into the shadows, crashing into something solid and human. An alarm went off in her head. She turned around, unable to bear it any longer. Turning, she found a warm fortress behind her and knew she had found a sanctuary. Then she felt something rough under her cheek. The events, the fear, the exhaustion and all the –distressing– changes in her life over the past two days overwhelmed her and she burst into tears.
Baekhyun's hand was surprisingly soft as he took her chin, forcing her to face him. Cora looked up at him. Still stained with cake and icing sugar, he looked fierce and magnificent. She realized that she feared Baekhyun in another way, one that she did not fully understand, she only knew that it was something that went beyond physical threat. It was more than that. Somehow she felt that he could damage her soul.
Cora had reached the limits of her endurance. There had been too many changes, too many conflicts, and she didn't feel like fighting anymore. 
“I suppose now you want to threaten me with something horrible.”
“Don't you think you deserve it? Only children throw things, not adults.”
“You’re right, of course.” She brushed her hair away from her face with a shaking hand.
“What is this about? Humiliation? I've had enough for tonight. Limits? I've had enough too. Pressure? No, that won’t work, I'm too numb to feel it” she paused, hesitating. “I'm afraid you'll have to resort to something else.”
As he looked at her, she seemed so unhappy that something went soft inside Baekhyun. He brought his lips to hers, brushing against them but then he remembered that he shouldn't, so he turned away again. The sugar that hadn’t been cleaned with his sleeve had mixed with the salty liquid of her tears.
He knew that Cora was afraid of him –he had made sure of it– and yet he still couldn't believe that she had had the courage to throw the cake at him. He felt her tremble under his hands. Cora had shown her claws tonight but her eyes showed only despair. Did she know that her face reflected every one of her feelings? He wondered how many things had happened. Who was responsible for making her want to flee each time. 
As he watched her, he had to restrain the sudden urge to pick her up and carry her back to the trailer, where he would lay her on the bed and find the answers to all the questions he was beginning to ask. What would her hair look like down and spread out on the pillow? He wanted to see her naked on the wrinkled sheets, to see the paleness of her skin against his, he wanted to soak up her essence and feel her touch.
The day before, he had told himself that she wasn’t the type of woman he would sleep with, much less be in a relationship with, but he also knew it was a matter of time. He couldn't touch her until he was sure she understood how things would be between them. And by then, there was a good chance that Cora would grab her suitcase and run away.
He took her by the arm and led her to the trailer. For a moment, she resisted and then she followed resignedly. 
“I'm really starting to hate you,” she said weakly, her words almost inaudible. Baekhyun was surprised to find those very words hurt him, especially when that was what he wanted from her. Cora wasn’t cut out for such a hard life and he had no desire to prolong this indefinitely. It was the best he could do.
“Maybe it's for the best.”
“I've never met anyone so cold and cynical.”  “Cold, Baekhyun. You're so cold.” He'd heard a lot of women say that before her. Kindhearted women. Competent and intelligent women who had deserved more than a man whose feelings were long gone before meeting them. When he was young, he had thought that a family could heal that wounded and lonely part of him. But while seeking a lasting relationship, he had hurt those kind-hearted women and proved to himself that he had no feelings to love any of them, even if he had intended to.
They reached the caravan. He passed Cora at the door and stepped inside.
“I'm going to take a shower. I'll help you clean up when I get out.” She stopped him before he reached the bathroom.
“Couldn't you have been a little more pleasant… Or at least try to enjoy my welcome party for one more hour?”
“I am what I am. I’m not pretending. I never do that. Don't get romantic ideas about me. It would just be a waste of time. I have learned to live by my rules. I try to be as honest and as fair as possible. For this reason I overlooked the fact that you threw cake at me but don’t confuse justice with feelings.”
Baekhyun entered the bathroom and closed the door. Squeezing his eyelids shut, he tried to put the play of emotions he had seen crossing Cora's face out of his mind. He had seen it all: caution, innocence, hope, and love, the last one terrifying, the prospect that he might not be as bad as he seemed.
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↬ author’s note: next chapters will start to get spicier, as always, hope you enjoy it! as you know, any feedback is welcome ♡ and again: thank you and i love you a lots, Oliv.
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argumentl · 4 years
The Freedom of Expression Ep 28 - Risk assessment of restarting events, German experiment.
K: Hi, Lets start this week's episode of The Freedom of Expression. Joe san, Tasai san, welcome....Oh, I forgot to say 'This is Dir en grey's Kaoru'.
J, T: Hahaha.
J: Well, say it now, haha.
K: No, well, Im always saying this, but the preparations to get this show started each time are so slow!
J, T: Hahaha.
K: I got here about 90mins ago!
J: Yeh, honestly for me, sorry about this, but I mistook the time and the day, I only noticed when I saw Tasai's LINE message.
T: I was thinking, 'this is not good'.
J: 'Joe san! We're all already here!' And I thought, 'Eh!?', and I rushed here in a panic. But  they still weren't ready to start recording.
K: Seriously, they havn't ever got it all set up quickly and smoothly.
T: Thats right.
K: We're waiting for so long.
J: Yep, there's been a lot of waiting to get to this point. But we do have time to have a meeting about the theme.
K: Yeh, we do that. But why does it never work out properly? They only have to do the same thing every time. We're talking about this every third episode.
J: Yeh, and we record three at once, so its like every time, haha.
K: Hahaha
J: Yep, we start each recording session with this conversation every time. Its become famous already.
K: We are kinda grumbling a bit.
J: The viewers have no connection to this.
K: Well, anyway, for today...Joe san, could you please?
J: Yes, 1500 at a concert - risk assessment of event restarts in German experiment. With the reopening of music and sports events in mind, which have faced huge restrictions amidsts the spreading of Covid-19, German researchers conducted an experiment on the 22nd, analyzing the risk of infection at a real live concert. On this day, a team of researchers from Martin Luther University in Halle, Germany put on a concert by the singer Tim Bendzko in an indoor venue in Leipzig. 1500 people took part in the experiment. Masks and small size tracking devices were distributed to the audience, and their hands were applied with fluorescent gel before entering. This was to record areas of high contact within the venue, and identify where people are touching the most. Professor Gekle from the same university's medical department said, 'I want to be able to offer some means of making a reasonable decision as the whether or not events can be permitted. We need the means to predict how many people will be infected after events are reopened.' Three scenarios were tested: a pre-pandemic environment, a mid-pandemic/strengthened infection prevention environment, and a limited audience environment. The team will analyze the gathered data, and evaluate the success of  the prevention methods using a mathematical model. They will announce their results within this year. Soo, this has finally gotten started.
T: It was picked up on a 26" Sharp *1
J: Yes, in the end 1500 people took part in the experiment.
K: Didn't they say they wanted 4000 people?
J: Yeh, maybe they couldn't gather that many.
K: Yeh
J: Sounds like it.
T: I think so. It looks like the data is split into three parts. The first group is like at the start of the pandemic with everyone...
J: Everyone crammed in. Doing a live show in a packed space.
T: Yeh. The second group was testing the prevention measures, like using alcohol, with a certain amount of social distancing. And the third group was keeping a strict distance of 1.5 meters between each person, and making it perfectly spaced out. Then they could gather these three sets of data.
J: Yeh, I see. It looks like we could get some good guidelines out of this.
K: But if they say the results will be out within the year, thats still quite a way off, isnt' it?
J: Yeh, we may have to wait a bit, but as for big events in Japan, the government made an announcement on the 21st of this month (*Sep or Oct 2020*). They will continue with their 5000 upper limit of people allowed in indoor or outdoor facilities. As to why they will continue this, a govt. person had this to say in an article for Mainichi Shinbun. 'Experts are saying we have already passed the peak, but that doesn't mean we shouldn't extend the limit on spectator numbers. The rest of the world would never forgive us'. Germany is using this kind of scientific logic, but Japan is saying 'we won't change the 5000 people limit, because the world wouldn't forgive us'!
T: Yeh..
Kami: Can I say something? ..Um, I listened to the report, and I got distracted by the names of that singer and that professor, Tim Bendzko and Professor Gekle, so I didn't really listen to the rest.
T: Well, yeh, those names are pretty interesting  to Japanese people.
Kami: So I wasn't listening much...but you said, 'The rest of the world wouldn't forgive us'..if they were to lift the limit on 5000 people?
J: Yes, yes. Not me, someone connected with the government said that.
Kami: Thats pretty amazing, isn't it? They won't lift the limit because the world would never forgive them?
J: Well, experts are saying we are past the peak, so..ordinarily, this would be a good time to lift the limit.
Kami: Even though experts say we are past the peak, the world would never forgive us, so we won't lift the limit...Japan is really keeping up with the trends, isn't it?
K: Its cute, right?
J: Yeah
Kami: Its great, isn't it?
J: Its like, we know the science, but we don't wanna get bullied!
Kami: Even I didn't think of this. Thank you very much for this.
J: Well, its a new discovery...
Kami: Yes, I started to really love Japan.
T: Its a politician's job to explain this type of thing properly tho.
Kami: I really love Japan now.
J: But this really isn't any kind of scientific logic.
K: But the rest of the world aren't doing live shows as much as Japan is...they can't can they?
J: Ahhh....yeah.
K: In that sense ???*2
J: Japan is always in this kinda grey zone. There's a lot of talk about this request for self-restraint, like what does it mean? Like, Can I? Can't I?
K: Nothing has been forbidden though, has it?
J: Yeh
K: Also, what was it? A kind of bike event that took place in North Carolina..
J: Yes, thousands of people attended. Events like that are happening in America. At the moment, there are no penalties for doing anything.
K: People are just not doing stuff by exercising self-restraint
J: Thats it.
K: So that means Japan hasn't even ???*3
J: Yeah.
K: No, well it depends how you say it! Didn't they have anything clearer to say?
J: It wasn't very scientific.
K: We've only spoken about Japan, but in Taiwan they are holding concerts with over 10, 000 people.
T: Thats amazing, isn't it?
K: Because they have a really low rate of infection right?
J: Yeah, they do.
T: This was on August 8th, right?
Kami: The world has forgiven them right?
J: Well, yeah.
T: Doesn't this photo have quite an impact?
K: Its great, isn't it? Its a packed live show.
J: It is. They are wearing masks, but there is no distance between them.
T: Its just like normal.
K: That means they've returned to daily life then? In Taiwan?
J: Well, I guess so.
K: I spoke about this before, but I wonder if they will do experiments on other areas of life, not just live shows. This German study is only looking at live shows, right? Other things...
T: For example, public transport?
K: Mmm
T: Public spaces, they could do the experiment with public transport and stuff.
Kami: If Japan conducted this kind of experiment, the world wouldn't forgive us, right?
J: Well, you might not even be able to gather participants.
K: Well, conversely it would be seen as raising the infection risk, if Japan did it.
T: Are you slightly envious when you look at this, Kaoru? The Taiwan live show? 10,000 people gathering like this..
K: Well, i mean, at our lives people aren't all sat down like this, so I'm not sure. It doesn't feel like authentically back to normal. Its great that so many people can be allowed in there though.
Kami: Haven't Dir en grey ever played in Taiwan?
K: We have. It was good. How many times did we go? Twice?
Kami: Was the food nice?
K: Emm, yeh, haha.
J: Hahaha. The topic has turned more relaxing towards the end, haha.
T: Kami sometimes says cute stuff.
J: Yeah.
Kami: What did you eat?
K: What did I eat? Hmm
J: He's quite interested in this, isn't he?
K: I don't really remember.
Kami: Did you go out during the night?
K: Eh? Err, I think I did, yeh.
Kami: Did it taste nice?
K: Did it taste nice?? Well, I don't think I ate at night.
T: Did you try that Stinky Tofu?
K: I have never tried it!
J: Ahh, it really stinks doesn't it? That..
K: The smell is too offputting.
J: That knocked me flat...But you could do live shows if you went to Taiwan though?
K: They wouldn't let us in.
J: Ahhh, right. At the moment..
K: Yeh, we wouldn't be allowed in.
J: Now we have this problem.
K: They're not allowing people in, so...huh? *a music box sounding tune starts playing*  Whats that?
J: Is someone's phone ringing? Haha, is this revenge from Kami? Are we ok?
Kami: You're ok.
K: They're not allowing people in, thats why they can do big shows. Probably.
J: Yeh
K: Well, who knows when Japan, or even the rest of the world will be able to do live shows like this, but im interested to see what kind of results this experiment will produce.
T: We can do an episode about it.
K: Yep. Well, the conversation was a bit all over the place today...
J,T: Hahaha
K: But please tune in again next time. Please subscribe.
*1 I don't know what he means by this.
*2, 3 Couldn't catch
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