#also i guess merry is just dead in this one. also all the wounds dont bleed enough
gwasgy · 1 year
Okay well now I'm frustrated. That's not zoro
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trashiewrites · 4 years
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Hello Nurse~
(Russell Adler x F!Reader)
Short debrief: Adler is injured and meets a lovely nurse who he has indeed caught his attention.
Term dictionary:
(Y/n)- your name
(H/c)- hair color
(H/l)- Haigh length
(S/t)- skin tone
Russell held his arm as the chopper lowered into the base. Sims stood next to him with a concerned look for his fighting buddy. "Hey Adler, need help getting to the meds?"
"Don't worry Sims, I'll make it." He hopped out his chopper seat with a bit of a wince. "Its not that bad" Sims frowned his brow as he aswell left the heli.
"You know what? You do you Adler! But you know don't come bitching when you get hurt again." Sims huffed as he grabbed his weapon and began to leave. 
"I am the last person to bitch Sims. You should know that you sour nutbag." He slowly salutes, his face twitches as the stinging in his arm increased.
"Yeah, sure, now go to the meds!" Adler slowly let down his arm and walked casually.  As he walked many soilders greeted him. Either with a verbal 'commander' of even just a salute.  Honestly, especially with his arm the way it was, the greeting were rather exhausting. 
As he moved into the medical tent mainly staying to the back, he looked at all the men who laid on the beds. Some were bloody messes, others looked dead. From a side room a younger nurse came out handing another nurse a serum and a needle. "Don't worry sir, it will all be okay!" Her voice was soft and encouraging. She looked up to see Adler standing there. "Oh my! Pardon me sir, do you need medical?" She walked up to him in a hurry placing a hand upon his good shoulder and his back.
"Yeah, fucked up my arm in the field I need to know what's up." She nodded as she leads him to an empty bed.
"Of course! Do you mind if I can get a hold of your bad arm?" He nodded in response, extended his arm to the nurse. He took the time to notice her features. (H/l) (h/c) hair that complimented her (s/t) skin. "What kind of pain have you've been feeling sir?" He groaned quietly as she pressed the sides of his arm for fractures. "Sorry..." she verbally noted.
"Well since I got back it's been mainly a stinging pain." Adler relaxed again and decided to ask her some questions. "You must be a new nurse down here, I dont remeber ever seeing a pretty face like yours."
"I am recently new, if that counts. Been here for a week now" she giggles softly and she placed his arm back down, "so from how I see it, you grazed the muscle and that may be the stinging pain. You also may have a bone fracture."
"Could be worse in a shithole like this place" Adler shrugged his shoulders, "so miss, what's your name?"
"Oh, did I never say it?" She looked up at him. He shook his head in response, "ah, well excuse my manners. I'm nurse (y/n). Its my honor to help you feel better!" Adler wasn't sure if his mind was also fucked but when she  smiled she seemed to just glow.
"Does anyone tell you how pretty your smile is?" He cracks a small smile. She chuckles, covering her cheeks with her hand.
"O-oh thank you! P-pardon me, I got to grab the supplies Mr.?"
"Mr. Adler" she stood straight turned around and walked to the back. Russell stared at the door she entered for a second or two until he hear the bed next to him creak.  It was a face hes seen around base, only knew his name.
"You know commander, they tell her that everyday.  She hears it a million times but she never reacts like that," the man pulled a pack of cigs from his pocket. Pulled one out for himself then leaned the box towards Adler. As much as he would like one, he politely refused.
"You say so Corporal... Wells, right?" The soilder nods as he swiftly closed the pack of cig. Placing them back at the safety of his pocket and quickly let the flame.
"I ain't no talker but every single guy in base seems to likes her." Wells raised his brows as he took a breath of his cig. "I mean she is cute, but I'm happily married."
"Oh Mr.Wells! You seem to be doing better" the nurse smiles as she walks back with a small bucket of supplies. He moved his cig and exhaled
"Thanks to you nurse." Wells smiled as he took another breath of his cigarette. She placed the supplies upon the side table.
"It's really no problem! But if you are feeling okay now Mr.Wells, I'd have to ask you to leave the med tent" Well silently nodded his head and stood up. Saluted to Adler as well as a wink. Adler only nodded back, and he walked off without another word. "Now let's patch up those wounds Mr.Adler."
"What made you sign up for this hellish war?" Adler extended his arm out again. She held it gently yet she pondered the question. The cruel silence was almost enough to drive him mad. Yet the small just of the outdoor breeze seeped into the tent, slightly blowing the (hc) locks of her hair.
"Well," she grabbed a small rag as well rubbing alcohol, "I was just exiting nurse school by the time the war started. And like any other, I felt like I should use my services to help the soilders some home." Russell was a bit surprised at the notion. Women have the chance to be cozy and stay where it's safe. Alot of nurse happen to be are either here for the pay or were forced into it by their father or even husband. Not to say there isn't anyone else just here to actually be here, yet just a merry few. "This might sting." With that his train of thought ended as he clutched the bed from the stinging pain. 
"Ah, Fuck. That hurt like a bitch
." Adler chuckled. "Mind kissing it better?" The two quietly laugh. (Y/n) actually having to cover her mouth to not laugh too loud. 
"How about if I kiss you on the lips? Would that make it feel better?" Her eyes seemed to narrow as she cheekily smiled. Wrapping the arm wounds up with bandages.
"What's stopping you?" He leaned closer, his voice was deep and quiet. A sly grin stretched upon his face. She looked up to be only inches away from eachother. It was incredibly tempting to her to say the least. He just looked so good, even if she couldnt see his eyes. The glasses only made him seem more mysterious.
"If got a job to do, Mr.Adler." she grinned as she pushed him away from the bridge of his nose.  Turning to her side to get the materials for a splint. It was mainly only small talk from here. Adler barely hid what rejection made him slightly bothered. As she tied up the last bits of it she grinned. "You know maybe we could have that kiss arranged." She reached to her side to grab the wrap she had to put on him. Yet as she leaned in to tie it around the neck. She leaned closely into his ear "meet me after sundown on the side of the med tent" she quickly pecked his cheek and finished tying the wrap, she sat back down.
Adler had his mouth slightly agape. Surely he didnt expect such a intimate invitation but fuck yeah he was more than willing to take it. He held a large grin, ear to ear.  "Invitation accepted."
"Good, now that all I can do with your injuries Mr.Adler. you'll be out for a week at least. you can rest for a bit or leave the tent." She returned to her professional self.
"I'll be off then. Ill see you around nurse."  Adler stood up and began to walk towards the tent exit.
"Of course you will!" She qleefully whispered  as he walked past her. Adler excited out the tent, stood over to the side for a minute to process all that happened. She flooded his mind, that invitation seemed to be the only important thing in his head he could remeber.
"Huh, I'd fucking call her a witch doctor at this point huh." He chuckled to himself. Red rose to his cheeks. "What ever this spell is I guess it feels nice."
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iris-ymir · 5 years
Guilty or Innocent - Iris
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Asked someone to marry you? 
“No. Not mi thin’. The whole... damn idea about marriage and shite? I dunno. Like... spending rest or yer life with the same person? Absolutely! Its just... Dont get mi wrong here! But the whole mess about marriage, and such.. It sounds so damn artificial. Do I wanna live with someone for the rest of mi years? Sure! But I dont need a fockin’ ring to prove it to anyone.. Then again.. If someone was to ask mi to marry her? Yeah, why not? If ya want a damn ring, lets get a damn ring!”
Kissed one of your friends?
“Shite... Well, yeah. About that... I have kissed many of mi friends actually.. And let mi tell ya. It always ends up into a fockin’ mess. One way or another! I... guess I should stop kissin’ mi friends..?”
Danced on a table in a bar / tavern? “You.. happen to know what Im doin’ for livin’? Yeah. Basically that.”
Ever told a lie?
“Just show me a fockin’ person who has not, and I’ll show ya a bastard who’s lying right there, on dat very damn moment! We all lie... Some more than others, but thats not the point, righto?”
Had feelings for someone you can’t have?
“Yeah... Ya remember I just told ya about kissin’ mi friends and shite? Well dat. I messed up real good. Like... the royal mess up! I still have feelin’s for her... Could rip mi damn heart out for her... But I think she just might be lost for mi for good... Im not giving up though! But as thin’s are.. What happened between us... Heck. It might be a lost fockin’ cause.”
Ever kissed someone of the same sex?
“Im... so very much a bean flicker, ya know? Never had interest in opposite sex... Does dat answer yer question?”
Kissed a picture? "No? Seven hells, why would I be suckin’ on some damn piece of paper?”
Slept until 5pm? “Im a night owl.. I wake up sometime durin’ the afternoon. So yeah. I will sleep until 5pm, if you dont come and wake mi up. Which is fockin’ annyin’ by tha way.. Just let mi sleep..”
Worked at a fast food chain / restaurant “Nope.. And dont have a slightest interest in such! ...I would make a fockin’ horrible restaurant worker... Now this.. may sound rather miserable, but my current job is actually mi first real day job ever! ...Or well.. A night job? Anyway.. Yeah.”
Stolen something? “I would say... Try living on streets of fockin’ Limsa Lominsa for good 10 summers, and then... if yer still alive and kickin’, try asking yaself dat question! ...Yes. I have stolen for livin’.”
Been fired from a job? “As I mentioned just a moment ago, this is mi first day job ever... And I have been able to keep it so far! ... And Im about to keep it! I want to see the faces of every poor bastard, who ever said I could not get, let alone keep a job! And well... I actually kinda like mi job, so there’s also dat. And I get a decent money out of it.”
Done something you regret? “... Really? We need to go back to this again? I had.. a really bad week some time ago, ya know. I did.. lot of shite.. The whole thin’ is just.. so foggy in mi head, its annoyin’! But yeah. I think I almost slept with mi friend.. broke lot of stuff.. a damned heirloom notestand.. And in the end, I went and kissed another friend against her will... The... one I fockin’ love.. Damn, I miss her. But it was not mi damn fault!! I had just like the shittiest week ever! ... I dont know... Maybe some of it kinda was.. Can we just go on? I focked up, okai..?”
Laughed until something you were drinking came out of your nose? “Nnno. Cant remember such thin’. Sometimes a drink has gone like... into mi nose for one or another reason... But actually out of it? I dont think so. Then again, who am I to say! One just cant remember everythin’ ya know?”
Caught a snowflake on your tongue? “No, I have not. Tha Shrimp does it, so.. technically I have? But as miself? No. I have not. On purpose at least.”
Sat on a roof top? “Used to do that in Limsa Lominsa. It was.. an awfully calming feeling, ya know? To get away from all the shite, going on down on the streets. Just... sit alone, watch the ships getting loaded.. Watch them sailin’ away. I dont do it anymore though.. The roofs in Ishgard are fockin’ slippery.”
Kissed someone you shouldn’t have? Iris gives the other a long, dead stare. “... Fockin’ really?! Didn’t I just told ya dat. Ya want some heckin’ details?! Right!  So, yes, I was wasted... I shouldn’t have to... And damn yes, it was foolish of mi! Silke. The gal I fancy.. Ya know the type that just... puts damn butterflies into yer tumtum.. rises yer head up to the fockin’ pink clouds faster than anythin’ ya can buy from the streets of Ul’dah.. A damn purdiful fockin’ lass... Damn best thin’ that ever happened to mi... And I focked it up by hecking going and kissing her! So... Ya happy with dis subject now, or are ya gonna poke dat infected wound some more? If so, Im done with dis...”
Sang in the shower?
“Ummm... No.”
Been pushed into a body of water with all your clothes on? “Pushed? I... dont think so! Thrown into water with mi clothes on though... Yes! And I tell ya now! That damn merchant had a heckin’ cart full of those apples! Most of dem would have gone on waste aniway! But nooo.. I get thrown into sea, for one damn apple! One apple!! And it was not even worth it. The apple was dry like Sagolii sand the merchant’s fockin’ muffin-hole was propably full of!”
Shaved your head? "Well, I did not!! Blacksoul did durin’ the time he fockin’ kept mi as his personal damn doll or somethin’.. So yeah! It is growin’ back now, but if it looks like a damn rake-raped crow’s arse to ya, its not my fault!!”
Made a boyfriend / girlfriend cry? “I... dont know, actually! Not during mi time with her, no. We kiinda only had a fleetin’ moment though, so did not ‘ave like... too much time to make the lass cry! ... I guess she still believes mi to be dead though. So its possible she cried for mi presumed death in the hands of her husband’s underlin’s... I hope she did... Yeah.”
Shot a gun? “I did, yeah! Ya know... One of those Ishgardian ones. Loud... lot of smoke... A decent kick. Kinda like a bar night to live for! You know, Im actually even rather decent with guns.. Not my style, though.”
Still loved someone you shouldn’t? “You gotta be kiddin’ me!! ... Oh wait. Someone I shouldn’t? I dont think so... Seven hells, we heckin’ belong together!! ...She has just... yet to understan it... She will! Sooner or later... Hopefully sooner. Fock’s sake, I miss that silly gal and her nice ass...”
Have / had a tattoo? “Yeah, the one around mi eyes. I also have another one on mi thigh... Iris flowers and thorns... Four of dem. For four kinda important people in mi life. From which, I have actually lost... every single one... Fock’s sake, whats wrong with mi?!”
Liked someone, but will never tell who? “Nno. I have... some difficulties in the ��never tell’-thingie. Im more of a... ‘tell too much’-type o’ person. But ‘ey! Kinda honesty is a good thing, right?”
Been too honest? “If bein’ too ‘onest means kiinda colorin’ the truth a little to make it hit on the mark better. Yeah. I guess so. I just may overact a bit time to time! But den again... Makes the truth more interestin’ huh?”
Ruined a surprise? “No, I hardly part-take in suprises in general...”
Been told that you’re beautiful by someone who totally meant what they said? “Actually... No. I dont know!! Well, mi first girlfriend did, but did she totally mean what she said? Damn, I dont know... Considerin’ the fact she... most likely kinda sold mi out not too long after, it makes it heckin’ hard to believe anythin’ that ever crossed those sweet crimson lips of hers! I wonder why no-one has ever said it though... Im smokin’ hot!! ... So tell me. Am I beautiful..? Hm?”
Stalked someone? “If we call people watchin’ stalkin’ here, then Im damn guilty as a plague rat! But like... in the creepy wai? No! Why the heck would I do somethin’ like that. Dats just sick...”
Thought about murder? “If someone has just taken a royal shite on ya, sweet damn, thats reason enough to just shank the bastard, and scatter the innards into the sea! Most people are so fockin’ rotten though, I dunno if even damn fishies care for their foul organs... Could always make dem into a bagpipe and gift it to their family and friends... Maybe then they could actually get a taste of whut kinda shitebag they been hangin’ around with...”
How about mass murder?
“... Well, as dey say... Apple does not drop far from a tree, and sometimes those apples are rotten before dey hit the ground. So yeah. The last question in mind, why not?”
Cheated on someone? “No! Think anythin’ you want of mi, but Im fockin’ devoted!! ... Well, I have only had one relationship, that lasted for like... couple of months... But damn I was devoted... Up until she choose her husband over mi...”
Gotten so angry that you cried? “Happens time to time... Cryin’.. cleans the system, ya know. Just... Get into middle of nowhere, and scream yer lungs out!”
Tried to stay away from someone for their own good? “... Im kinda doin’ that right now. Dey will be better off without me. She’s got her damn hero dere, taking care of her... Where does she even need mi anyway? Heck, we barely even knew eachother... ... I think Im better off without dem too.. Shite.. Dey were awfully nice towards mi though.. Do I really miss dem? ... Maybe. But it all went down in flames and bloody sheets, can we talk about somethin’ else?”
Thoughts about suicide? “Sometimes the road just rises up against you... I kinda understand it on some occasions! But overall? Kinda waste...”
Had a girlfriend / boyfriend? “Yes? That one mess I mentioned earlier? Ya payin’ attention to dis?”
Gotten totally drunk during a holiday? “Used to... Especially in Limsa, it was kinda mi way to get over the holidays. Hated to see bastards walking around all merry and shite. So I drowned mi holidays in a glass. Last Starlight was different though.. Blacksoul kinda forced mi to stay sober over the holidays... Well.. Mostly sober... Dont ya go tellin’ the old goat, but I... I think I kinda liked it. The whole Starlight with Blacksoul and Gramps... I had never really celebrated it with anyone... As miself. Heck, I just wanted mi Silke to be there, heckin’ messin’ around... I wonder if she ever got mi gift...”
Tagged by wonderful @mai-takeda​!! 🌹 This was lot of fun..
Tagging @umbralich​ (Silke) @sharkycatsifoh​ @hangedemperor​ @kyrie-silverwings​ @under-the-blood-moonlight​ @alun-ura​ @isuke-ejinn​ @ishgard​ @torr-sceadu​ @lydha-lran​ @glorysworn​ @lavender-hemlock​ @kazexvoss​ @glorified-thieves​ @captainkurosolaire​ @illia-ast​ @thefreelanceangel​ @sdavi-kitanni​ @kitsune-kirei​ @violet-warder​ @desimirffxiv​ @unatobajhiri​ @gildedandgolden​ @eo-sul​ @robyn-sawyer​ @eitur​ & anyone who wants to do it! Cansider yourself tagged!
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terramythos · 6 years
My commentary on October Daye #10 or "Whodunnit: non-Electric Boogaloo" OR "Golly there sure are a lot of references to book 3 in this one. For some reason. I'm sure it's just a coincidence and theres no reason for that at all".
This is the first one that's just a liveblog, not a reread. And there's 2 more after this one. Which I'm told are just devastating. Woo!
-Holy shit, 10 books in and we got a map!
A map!
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An honest to God fantasy map!
-Quentin/Dean is.. cute. Again, I like that Dean will probably get more development now that he's more relevant to the plot.
-So. Yeah. Last book introduced the goddamn cure for elf shot, which is A Big Deal Gamechanger. So this whole book is dedicated to like.. the political implications of that
-High King Aethlin Sollys: *shows up*
Me: well crap
-Aethlin: how dare you go behind my back and use the elf shot cure after I expressly said no
Toby, dear toby, literal changeling street rat: I mean, this whole situation IS technically your fault
Everyone in the room:
Aethlin: that's fair
-Oh yay The Luidaeg is going to be involved in this one. I missed her last volume. And since this is about the whole elf shot cure thing, Walther will ALSO be involved :>>
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God I love The Luidaeg.
-Interesting backstory re: Quentin's parents. Which explains why they're so cavalier about a changeling training and raising the fucking crown prince 🤔
-Aethlin: I met the most beautiful woman I had ever seen in my life
Maida: I had pox scars on my face and chicken shit in my hair
Aethlin: you hit me with a broom
Maida: I hit you with a broom.
-Lol @ Colorado being called Highmountain
-its interesting to see monarchs and characters from other parts of the US, since we've pretty much only experienced San Francisco and Portland.
-Power move is Arden acknowledging Tybalt as a King and unsettling all the racist fucks in the audience 👀
-think I found some retcon? Cause according to book 5 connor died to elf shot because he was shot in the heart. But this one is saying that elf shot is fatal to all selkies because they're basically human. Whatisthetruth.png
-The Luidaeg just consistently protects and helps children, huh. Here she's super kind and gentle to Karen even though it briefly cracks her badass intimidation facade in front of a bunch of people. She personally carries one of the kidnapped Undersea kids back home. She uhhh literally helps Toby kill her brother Blind Michael, a literal child predator, way back in book 3. And she rescued Toby when she figured out what Amandine was doing to her. I mean. It all makes sense based on her backstory but BOY is that a consistent trait.
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I took this pic on a plane but omg
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-King Antonio: *dies*
Oh no... I uhhh hate when assholes I just met get killed off suddenly
-That being said, getting a glimpse into what it's like to be a Candela with those Merry Dancers as constant, loving companions. Definitely interesting enough that I hope we get more Candela in the series.
-Night haunts night haunts NIGHT HAUNTS their scenes are always cool.
-And Antonio's disoriented "where are my girls?" Talking about the Merry Dancers, when he emerges as a night haunt. That's pretty oof. :(
-OK so night haunts keep the form of the person they eat for as long as that person was alive. So imagine if The Luidaeg had perma died in book 8? The lucky sonofabitch night haunt that got to eat her would have a solid form for tens of thousands of years? That's bonkers. That's bananas.
- That's assuming Firstborn even get eaten @ all. I mean, Blind Michael got killed in book 3 and we haven't seen him with the flock.
- ....... 😳 UH. WAIT. Hold up. Hold the fuck up. No. I'm not exploring that line of thought.
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-Neeeeew MONTH NAME! September, Sylvester's dead sister, just got mentioned. I know she's shown up/been mentioned in some of the short stories, buuuuut...
-month names so far: January, April, May, August, September, October
Not introduced (yet): February, March, June, July, November, December
And we still dont know what is with the FUCKING month names. Only connection is they are all female characters and they all seem to be related in some way to Sylvester slash The Torquills. Some (like May) are a stretch there, but...
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Oh lore?? OH LORE?
- Simon and Patrick were BFFs? 🤔🤔
-That.. had to have been introduced for a reason. Come on.
-Of course Raj likes romantic comedies. Of course he does
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I LOVE the Luidaeg. Have I mentioned. This bit is even funnier knowing she can't lie. Which means she has an actual hierarchy of how much she wants to stab everyone she knows
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This is gonna take some unpacking. Most notable here is IS THIS THE SAME RIDE FROM BOOK 3? You know, Blind Michael's Ride, the Halloween horror show where he kidnaps kids and forcibly turns them into monsters? What is this flashback supposed to imply? The Ride used to be something else? The MONARCHS of ancient Faerie actually did kidnap kids like in the stories and Blind Michael took it over when they disappeared? The Ride maybe CAUSED them to disappear? What the fuck?
(Also my vampire crack theory gains more ground. Just look at that first paragraph. And then a couple pages later Toby sees the room covered in her blood and mentions feeling hungry looking @ it. Come on.)
-Support for my theory that this reminds me of: both the Dochas Sidhe we know of have the smell of blood as a part of their magical signature. Toby is initially "cut grass and copper" but as she gains power it becomes "cut grass and bloody copper". Amandine is "blood and roses" (which, interestingly, is what Toby tastes when she wakes up in this scene?) August and Gillian are the only other two characters we know of that have Dochas Sidhe heritage, and who knows what their magic smells like...
-The Luidaeg calling Shakespeare "a fucking dumbass" in a series full of Shakespeare references and motifs is, in fact, hilarious.
-Tybalt getting (basically) mortally wounded, so Toby tastes some of his blood. And sees herself from his perspective and how much he loves her. BIG OOF.
-Also interesting that the more powerful Toby becomes as the series progresses she's now the one saving Tybalt's ass. Was the polar opposite for the first 6 or so books.
-Colorado rep -- Highmountain are the big bads. Lmfao
-Well Toby is *actually* immortal. Like how else do you explain the shit that happens in this series lmao. (Also, turns out being that hard to kill is the shittiest superpower)
-Aw Toby forgave Sylvester... we will see if he actually redeems himself, I guess.
-You can tell Toby is embracing the "hero" role with that whole rousing and surprisingly coherent speech at the end.
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This is just a real good character development vignette. We've come so far ;-;
-And of course the cure gets greenlit cause.. of course. But The Luidaeg's line "none of those assholes wanted to think about how confused they'd be if they missed a hundred years of internet memes" is, shall I say, Iconique
-multiple people have asked toby and tybalt to get married @ their house. And now the high king and queen fucking asked. Lmfao
-So this book was... interesting. I liked the political drama aspect. It was another whodunnit which we pretty much got a fill of with book 2. The conflict seemed to just kinda be.. there? I'd call it a filler book, but a lot of like.. lore got established, and we got some of what I assume are big hints/setups. Guess we'll see.
-to be fair books 1 and 2 also seemed like filler and turned out to be Super Fucking Important actually. So
-also there is just straight up a 70 page novella starring Arden at the end so I'll see if anything major happens in it.
-it's mostly a character study of Arden, turns out. But we DO learn that Cassandra, Karen's sister, is also a Seer, which... could be relevant (also I mean come on of course she is, did you see her name). Also Walther and The Luidaeg show up so thats fun.
-And it's funny to see what other characters think of October. Mostly she's a train wreck/practical joke that's somehow become extremely relevant to the surprise of literally everyone
-me seeing the total page count is 420: nice
-Anyway. The next two books sound like a gut punch conga line so let's get reading them
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