#also i have have an AU with tron and rwby
diamond-punk0963 · 4 years
Question: Does anyone remember Tron?
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I really liked uprising and this was basically one of my favorite shows to watch, back in the day.
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mythicalartisttm · 5 years
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Ok, so GODDESS PENNY and myself were on discord yesterday and RWBY was brought up and I remembered some old concepts I never drew or posted because I knew if I did, I’d have to make all 9. So i did nothing with the au.
Until recently.
Four’s concept is the oldest, so I’m starting with him.
Also I’m copy pasting from discord with minor edits.
Multi-Dust Action 6-in-1 Disk
Four's weapon (the offensive half) is actually a 6-in-1, serving as a disk, revolver (edit: well, the magazine revolves, but it’s not a revolver, per se), rifle (Red's signature), hammer (Blue's signature), sword (Green's signature), and chain and sickle (Vio's signature). The lines you see on the 6-in-1 store the bullets, and there's nothing in the parts that have been colored grey so that the bullets can actually pass through the weapon. And I think it's important to mention that I might cut down on how much is stored in the magazine. 
Each of the sub weapons are made entirely of dust:  earth and a bit of gravity for Vio, wind and a touch of gravity for Green, fire for Red, and ice/water for Blue. All of them use a hint of Hard Light Dust in them to allow each weapon to retain it's form. So sort of like Velvet's weapon but with element variation.
The storage half of Four’s weapon is just as, if not, more important than the offensive half because, without it, the 6-in-1 would be rendered almost useless. It sits on his back and acts as a place for Four to place his disk (like in Tron), as well as holding all 7 different types of Dust he uses. (I figured he, Wild, and Sky would have the most versatile and expensive Dust range of the group due to their direct relation with royalty (which would probs transfer to a big Dust corperation in the RWBY universe). Those three are the only ones in the group to use Hard Light Dust due to it being the rarest and most costly type out there. To date, anyway.)
The 6 slots you see around where the disk is placed are capsules with 6 extra bullets inside them that are 'injected'  into Four's offensive half of the weapon for refill. And the four standing things there are retractable and keep the disk in place when Four isn't using it.
Four was diagnosed with DID (Dissociative Identity Disorder) at a young age, so he had to deal with 3 other voices in his head for a few years. Until he discovered his semblance, which allowed him to split himself into four different people, giving forms to the voices in his head.
Dust usage and fighting style
Green: As stated before, Green uses Wind Dust, as it is the primary composure of his signature weapon. And since he uses a sword, Green is most comfortable with medium range combat.  The Wind Dust can also be used for slashes, aka sword beams, and he sometimes uses Gravity Dust to power it up for and extra powerful sword beam. If he puts a bit of aura in with the gravity as well, the slash/strike is capable of cutting down a redwood tree.
Blue: Blue specializes in ice dust first, water dust second, as the former has been shown more often in RWBY, so I'm assuming it has more combat potential (which makes sense). He will often slam his hammer on the ground and ice spikes will go in a straight line in the direction of his choosing.  Most comfortable in close range combat but is equally good and comfortable with medium range.
Red: Red actually prefers to use the disk when he fights, being that it's the most stable version of the weapon (he uses Fire Dust which is famous for being highly explosive), is less likely to hurt someone if they get accidentally hit, and like Vio, prefers to not waste bullets. He's also more likely to use the revolver setting than the rifle for the first and second reasons just stated. Red only uses his Dust weapon when fighting off Grimm and typically uses it for the finishing shot. With that in mind, Red prefers long range combat the most out of the Four Who Are One but, like the rest, is very much capable of medium range combat. ALSO Red hops around the battlefield the most of the four.
Vio: Vio uses his chain and sickle in combat with arguably the most grace out of the four and is also probably the most versatile, if not, then after Green or Red. He mainly uses Earth Dust, typically so that when his blade pierces something it'll stay there; combined with Gravity Dust, which can either send things flying or hold things down to a surface of your choosing, whenever Vio's sickle gets stuck in something it won't come out unless he wants it to come out. Also, he can adjust the length of the string to his liking. Vio prefers to fight medium-long range combat and is the most likely to use the revolver after Red.
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